Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Journey to the Centre of the Earth - Jules Verne

Journey to the Centre of the Earth has been consistently praised for its style and its vision of the world. It explores the prehistory of the globe, but can also be read as a psychological quest, for the journey itself is as important as arrival or discovery. Professor Lidenbrock and his nephew Axel travel across Iceland, and then down through an extinct crater towards a sunless sea where they enter a living past and are confronted with the origins of man. A classic of nineteenth-century French literature, the novel's distinctive combination of realism and Romanticism has marked figures as diverse as Sartre and Tournier, Mark Twain and Conan Doyle. This new translation of the complete text is faithful to the lyricism, verve, and humour of the original.

Podívejte se také Cesta pravého muže: The Way of the Superior Man (978-80-7370-520-6)

cena 259.0 Kč

Bridgerton - On the Way to the Wedding - Julia Quinnová

Unlike most men of his acquaintance, Gregory Bridgerton is a firm believer in true love. He'd have to be an idiot not to be: all seven of his siblings are happily married. Gregory figures he is just biding his time until the right woman comes along. And so when he sees Hermione Watson, he knows with every fibre of his being, that she is meant to be his.But through Hermione's closest - and slightly less beautiful - friend, Lucy Abernathy, he finds out that Hermione is desperately in love with another man. Sadly, by the time Gregory figures out the right girl is actually the wrong girl, and the right girl was Lucy all along, it's too late. Lucy is to marry another!Now - on the way to the wedding - Gregory must figure out how to thwart the nuptials and convince Lucy that she was always meant to be his...

Podívejte se také House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko

cena 294.0 Kč

Cesta pravého muže: The Way of the Superior Man (978-80-7370-520-6)

Kniha - česky Má můj život smysl a cíl? Jaké je moje životní poslání? Co vlastně ženy doopravdy chtějí? A jak je milovat a zůstat při tom volný? Těmito a podobnými otázkami se již někdy zaobíral každý muž. Nebylo na ně ale snadné nalézt odpověď. Nyní před sebou máte knihu, která vám v tom může pomoci. Cesta pravého muže by měla být „povinnou“ četbou. David Deida, jeden z nejpřevratnejších a nejprovokativnějších duchovních učitelů současnosti, učí muže, jak být muži, a ženy, jak být ženami, jak mužům porozumět a jak je v jejich mužství podpořit. Nejde přitom jen o psychologické poučky, neboť Deida vysvětluje, jak se liší a doplňují naše mužské a ženské energie, což je v dnešní „zrovnoprávněné“ společnosti zcela klíčové. Tato kniha zásadním způsobem podporuje životní směrování mužů, jejich sílu a celistvost a zároveň lehkost bytí, hluboké uvolnění a zářící radost jejich partnerek.

Podívejte se také The Wisdom of Crowds: The Riotous Conclusion to The Age of Madness (0575095989)

cena 209.0 Kč

Cesta do středu Země - Jules Verne

Komiksové zpracování známého románu Julese Verna je určeno čtenářům od 9 let. Krásné ilustrace a jednoduchý text jistě nadchnou všechny kluky a holky, kteří milují záhady a dobrodružství. Když profesor Lidenbrock spolu se svým synovcem Axelem najdou starodávný pergamen, nemají nejmenší tušení, nakolik tento objev ovlivní jejich životy. Po mnoha týdnech Axel konečně přijde na to, jak záhadu pergamenu rozluštit. Šifra pochází z 16. století a jejím autorem je islandský vědec, který v ní popsal svou cestu do nitra Země! Je to nepovedený žert? Nebo se jedná o jeden z největších vědeckých objevů všech dob? Jedinou možností, jak to zjistit, je výpravu zopakovat... Putování obou dobrodruhů a jejich průvodce, Hanse Bjelkeho, vede nejprve na vrchol islandské sopky Sneffels. Musejí sestoupit do jejího kráteru, kde by měla být cesta vedoucí do nitra planety. Vidina nového, dosud neprobádaného světa hluboko pod zemským povrchem žene skupinu dál. Dorazí opravdu až do středu Země, nebo se ukáže, že to všechno byl jen výmysl?

Objev podobné jako Cesta do středu Země - Jules Verne

cena 142.0 Kč

Cesta do středu Země - Jules Verne

Profesor Otto Lidenbrock objeví starou knihu, která skrývá zašifrovaný rukopis psaný runami . Jedná se o popis cesty vedoucí do středu Země. Profesor se na tuto cestu vydává se svým synovcem Axelem a průvodcem Hansem. Do hlubin Země sestupují po jícnu sopky, objevují podzemní moře, prochází geologickými obdobími a sledují vývoj života v oblastech, o jejichž existenci mnoho vědců pochybuje. Pozorují boj nebezpečných pravěkých oblud a jejich zkušenost se střetává s mnoha vědeckými teoriemi o nemožnosti života pod zemí. Nachází vzácné prehistorické pohřebiště, které skrývá mnoho přelomových objevů. Několikrát se ocitají v nebezpečí života, díky hrůzné bouři, nedostatku vody a nebezpečným živočichům. Zpět na zem se dostávají díky výbuchu sopky, která je dopravila zpátky s valící se lávou. Středu Země nedosáhli, ale jejich cesta přesvědčila skeptické vědce o možnosti života pod povrchem Země.

Objev podobné jako Cesta do středu Země - Jules Verne

cena 199.0 Kč

Cesta do středu Země - Jules Verne - e-kniha

eBook: Cesta do středu Země nebo také jen Do středu Země (1864, Le voyage au centre de la Terre) je dobrodružný vědeckofantastický román francouzského spisovatele Julesa Verna. Profesor Otto Lidenbrock objeví starou knihu, která skrývá zašifrovaný rukopis psaný runami . Jedná se o popis cesty vedoucí do středu Země. Profesor se na tuto cestu vydává se svým synovcem Axelem a průvodcem Hansem. Do hlubin Země sestupují po jícnu sopky, objevují podzemní moře, prochází geologickými obdobími a sledují vývoj života v oblastech, o jejichž existenci mnoho vědců pochybuje. Pozorují boj nebezpečných pravěkých oblud a jejich zkušenost se střetává s mnoha vědeckými teoriemi o nemožnosti života pod zemí. Nachází vzácné prehistorické pohřebiště, které skrývá mnoho přelomových objevů. Několikrát se ocitají v nebezpečí života, díky hrůzné bouři, nedostatku vody a nebezpečným živočichům. Zpět na zem se dostávají díky výbuchu sopky, která je dopravila zpátky s valící se lávou...

Objev podobné jako Cesta do středu Země - Jules Verne - e-kniha

cena 149.0 Kč

Cesta do středu země - Jules Verne, Francesca Rossi

Zvídavost, odvaha a jistá bezohlednost - to jsou vlastnosti skutečného průzkumníka! Ale přesto se Axel, hlavní hrdina tohoto jedinečného díla Julese Verna, necítil být skutečným hrdinou, když se rozhodl zúčastnit šíleného plánu, který vymyslel jeho strýček, profesor Otto Liddenbrock, jenž chtěl zjistit, co se ukrývá ve středu Země. Zkoumali společně záznamy ze staré knihy, které je dovedly až do hlubin naší planety; tam učinili neuvěřitelné objevy a setkali se s prazvláštními tvory a podstoupili mnohá nebezpečí. Vydejme se s nimi na tuto jedinečnou a nezapomenutelnou výpravu!

Objev podobné jako Cesta do středu země - Jules Verne, Francesca Rossi

cena 268.0 Kč

The Island at the Centre of the World: The Epic Story of Dutch Manhattan and the Forgotten Colony Th (0349140200)

Kniha - autor Russell Shorto, 416 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Russell Shorto, 416 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A new edition of Shorto's history of Dutch Manhattan, New York (formerly New Amsterdam). Reissued to tie in with the paperback edition of "Amsterdam".

Objev podobné jako The Island at the Centre of the World: The Epic Story of Dutch Manhattan and the Forgotten Colony Th (0349140200)

cena 318.0 Kč

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (0345391802)

Kniha - autor Douglas Adams, 224 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Originally published: New York: Harmony Books, 1980.

Objev podobné jako The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (0345391802)

cena 224.0 Kč

The Road to the Country - Chigozie Obioma

THE TWICE BOOKER-SHORTLISTED AUTHOR''Obioma is truly the heir to Chinua Achebe'' New York Times''Incredibly moving and hopeful'' Nadifa Mohamed''Remarkable'' Alice Walker ''A major voice'' Salman Rushdie''A wondrous novel’ Nana Kwame Adjei-BrenyahAt first the vision is grainy but slowly it clears, and there appears the figure of a man.When a country is plunged into civil war, two brothers on either side of it are divided. They will try to find their way back to each other. Kunle''s search for his sibling Tunde becomes a journey of atonement which sees him conscripted into the army to fight a war he hardly understands. Once there, he will forge friendships to last a lifetime, and he will meet a woman who will change his world forever. But will he find his brother?The story of a young man seeking redemption in a nation on fire, Chigozie Obioma''s novel is an odyssey of brotherhood, love and unimaginable courage set during the Biafran War. Intertwining myth and realism into a thrilling, inspired and emotionally powerful novel, The Road to the Country is a masterpiece.***MORE PRAISE FOR THE ROAD TO THE COUNTRY AND CHIGOZIE OBIOMA***''Chigozie Obioma brings the Biafran War to life in a visceral yet mystical way. Loss, pain and grief are etched onto a canvas that seems timeless and endless. I grieve for those lost in that doomed declaration of independence but celebrate those, such as Chigozie, who carry their torches’ Nadifa Mohamed‘This powerfully evocative and intimate book is unarguably Obioma’s finest. Through subtle, piercing, and gripping language, he renders those seemingly simple but unforgettable moments when our lives intertwine with history, anchoring you to the pages until the end. The Road to the Country will remind you that our existence is the histories of past, present, and the future—and the importance of understanding that. This is among the best books I’ve read in a while and is certainly destined to be a classic’ Ishmael Beah‘A spectacular blend of realism and mysticism, The Road to the Country is Chigozie Obioma at his finest. He is a novelist in a league of his own’ Imbolo Mbue''A remarkable talent'' Independent‘Chigozie Obioma is a gifted and original storyteller’ Jennifer Clement''Few contemporary novels achieve the seductive panache of Obioma''s heightened language’ Guardian‘One of the most exciting voices of modern African literature’ Financial Times‘A truly gifted writer, Obioma has proven yet again that he''s a literary treasure’ Nicole Dennis-Benn

Objev podobné jako The Road to the Country - Chigozie Obioma

cena 502.0 Kč

One more cast šála the centre half thermal scarf

Šála je v barevné kombinaci Forest Green a Custom Splash Camo. Snadno použitelná šála, která chrání krk od studeného větru a udržuje tepelný komfort každého rybáře. Ať už se jedná o procházku se psem nebo seriózní rybaření, snadné použití poskytne tepelný komfort a pohodlí. tepelná izolace snadné použití 100 % polyester lze prát v pračce

Objev podobné jako One more cast šála the centre half thermal scarf

cena 600.0 Kč

The Testaments: The Sequel to The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwoodová

Margaret Atwood's dystopian masterpiece, The Handmaid's Tale, has become a modern classic-and now she brings the iconic story to a dramatic conclusion in this riveting sequel. More than fifteen years after the events of The Handmaid's Tale, the theocratic regime of the Republic of Gilead maintains its grip on power, but there are signs it is beginning to rot from within. At this crucial moment, the lives of three radically different women converge, with potentially explosive results. Two have grown up as part of the first generation to come of age in the new order. The testimonies of these two young women are joined by a third voice: a woman who wields power through the ruthless accumulation and deployment of secrets. As Atwood unfolds The Testaments, she opens up the innermost workings of Gilead as each woman is forced to come to terms with who she is, and how far she will go for what she believes.

Objev podobné jako The Testaments: The Sequel to The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwoodová

cena 447.0 Kč

The Testaments: The Sequel to The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwoodová

THE NUMBER 1 BESTSELLER AND WINNER OF THE BOOKER PRIZE 'The Testaments is Atwood at her best . . . To read this book is to feel the world turning' Anne Enright The Republic of Gilead is beginning to rot from within. At this crucial moment, two girls with radically different experiences of the regime come face to face with the legendary, ruthless Aunt Lydia. But how far will each go for what she believes? Now with additional material: book club discussion points and an interview with Margaret Atwood about the real-life events that inspired The Testaments and The Handmaid's Tale. House

Objev podobné jako The Testaments: The Sequel to The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwoodová

cena 241.0 Kč

Cesta do středu Země (978-80-247-3389-0)

Kniha - autor Jules Verne, 72 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Komiksové zpracování známého románu Julese Verna je určeno čtenářům od 9 let. Krásné ilustrace a jednoduchý text jistě nadchnou všechny kluky a holky, kteří milují záhady a dobrodružství.Když profesor Lidenbrock spolu se svým synovcem Axelem najdou starodávný pergamen, nemají nejmenší tušení, nakolik tento objev ovlivní jejich životy. Po mnoha týdnech Axel konečně přijde na to, jak záhadu pergamenu rozluštit. Šifra pochází z 16. století a jejím autorem je islandský vědec, který v ní popsal svou cestu do nitra Země! Je to nepovedený žert? Nebo se jedná o jeden z největších vědeckých objevů všech dob? Jedinou možností, jak to zjistit, je výpravu zopakovat...Putování obou dobrodruhů a jejich průvodce, Hanse Bjelkeho, vede nejprve na vrchol islandské sopky Sneffels. Musejí sestoupit do jejího kráteru, kde by měla být cesta vedoucí do nitra planety. Vidina nového, dosud neprobádaného světa...

Objev podobné jako Cesta do středu Země (978-80-247-3389-0)

cena 129.0 Kč

Cesta do středu Země (999-00-036-6171-5)

Elektronická kniha - autor Jules Verne, 149 stran, česky Cesta do středu Země nebo také jen Do středu Země (1864, Le voyage au centre de la Terre) je dobrodružný vědeckofantastický román francouzského spisovatele Julesa Verna. Profesor Otto Lidenbrock objeví starou knihu, která skrývá zašifrovaný rukopis psaný runami . Jedná se o popis cesty vedoucí do středu Země. Profesor se na tuto cestu vydává se svým synovcem Axelem a průvodcem Hansem. Do hlubin Země sestupují po jícnu sopky, objevují podzemní moře, prochází geologickými obdobími a sledují vývoj života v oblastech, o jejichž existenci mnoho vědců pochybuje. Pozorují boj nebezpečných pravěkých oblud a jejich zkušenost se střetává s mnoha vědeckými teoriemi o nemožnosti života pod zemí. Nachází vzácné prehistorické pohřebiště, které skrývá mnoho přelomových objevů. Několikrát se ocitají v nebezpečí života, díky hrůzné bouři, nedostatku vody a nebezpečným živočichům. Zpět na zem se dostávají díky...

Objev podobné jako Cesta do středu Země (999-00-036-6171-5)

cena 149.0 Kč

Emoční inteligence - Cesta do středu sebe sama - Jane Wharamová

Staňte se odborníky na to nejdůležitější na světě – na sebe samotné! I nepatrné změny Ve vašem myšlení a chování promění váš život k nepoznání. V této knize se dozvíte, co je emoční inteligence, ale především se naučíte znát sami sebe: Jaké emoce ve vás doutnají či běsní? A jak s nimi naložit, když vyvřou na povrch? Jane Wharamová používá širokou škálu příkladů z běžného života a píše svižným srozumitelným stylem. Uvnitř najdete testy emočního kvocientu (EQ) i celou řadu cvičení, včetně vizualizací. Naučíte se s vlastními emocemi správně zacházet a díky tomu žít šťastnějším, autentičtějším a vyváženějším životem.Naučíte se, jak:- poznat lépe sami sebe,- určit, co vás dokáže zklidnit a co naopak rozrušit,- zlepšit své vztahy s ostatními lidmi,- ovládat své emoce a účinně se vypořádat s emocemi druhých,- efektivně a pozitivně komunikovat, abyste zapůsobili na ostatní,- se lépe přizpůsobit a úspěšně si poradit s konflikty a změnami,- poslouchat své instinkty,- zkrotit impulzivní chování a zmenšit riziko „emočního přestřelení“.

Objev podobné jako Emoční inteligence - Cesta do středu sebe sama - Jane Wharamová

cena 312.0 Kč

Cesta do středu Země, Děti kapitána Granta, Hvězda jihu

Audiokniha MP3 Jules Verne, čte Radovan Lukavský,Miroslav Saic,Artur Šviha,Václav Knop,Vladimír Krška,Jiří Míka Dramatizace románů Julese Verna, klasika vědeckofantastické literatury Klasik dobrodružné a vědeckofantastické literatury, slavný francouzský spisovatel Jules Verne, psal své romány ve druhé polovině 19. století, dodnes jsou však čtenářským lákadlem pro ty, kteří milují vzrušující děj a objevy napínající fantazii k prasknutí. Tři skvělé "verneovky" byly předlohou k dramatizacím tohoto kompletu, bohatým na napětí, dramatický spád, proměny prostředí a především dokonalou hereckou interpretaci. Cesta do středu Země je vědeckofantastickým dílem o dalším světě, který existuje pod námi. Děti kapitána Granta pak napínavým vyprávěním o dobrodružstvích, která prožijí dvě statečné děti při hledání svého ztraceného otce na třech kontinentech. Hvězda jihu líčí vzrušující situace na diamantových polích Jižní Afriky. Převod literatury do zvukové podoby je ve...

Objev podobné jako Cesta do středu Země, Děti kapitána Granta, Hvězda jihu

cena 199.0 Kč

The Lyrics: 1956 to the Present - Paul McCartney

Finally in paperback and featuring seven new song commentaries, the #1 New York Times bestseller celebrates the creative life and unparalleled musical genius of Paul McCartney.Spanning sixty-four years―from his early days in Liverpool, through the historic decade of The Beatles, to Wings and his solo career―Paul McCartney’s The Lyrics revolutionized the way artists write about music. An unprecedented “triumph” (Times UK), this handsomely designed volume pairs the definitive texts of over 160 songs with first-person commentaries on McCartney’s life, revealing the diverse circumstances in which songs were written; how they ultimately came to be; and the remarkable, yet often delightfully ordinary, people and places that inspired them. The Lyrics also includes:· A personal foreword by McCartney· An unprecedented range of songs, from beloved standards like “Band on the Run” to new additions “Day Tripper” and “Magical Mystery Tour”· Over 160 images from McCartney’s own archivesEdited and introduced by Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Paul Muldoon, The Lyrics is the definitive literary and visual record of one of the greatest songwriters of all time. 165 images

Objev podobné jako The Lyrics: 1956 to the Present - Paul McCartney

cena 509.0 Kč

The Unofficial Guide to the Ancient Egyptian Afterlife

"Hello my newly dead friends. Gather round. My name is Bastet and I'm going to be your tour guide to the afterlife. Please make sure your bandages don't trail as we walk along."Bastet is a mummified cat who is here to take you on a journey through the mystical death rituals of Ancient Egypt. Starting with some routine disembowelment and mummification, she explains about the role of the coffins, the separation of your soul, the importance of amulets and the various types of Egyptian tombs. Together, you will cross the river Styx and face the gods in one final judgement - the weighing of the heart. Bastet will make sure you have everything you need in the afterlife, because, it turns out, you can take it with you after all!This is a light-hearted, but nonetheless informative insight into the fascinating beliefs and traditions of Ancient Egypt. Bright, textural illustrations by Laura Winstone bring a freshness of tone to a subject matter that might be ancient, but never grows old.

Objev podobné jako The Unofficial Guide to the Ancient Egyptian Afterlife

cena 429.0 Kč

The Skeptics' Guide to the Future - Steven Novella

From the bestselling authors and hosts of 'The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe' a high-tech roadmap of the future in their beloved voice, cracking open both the follies of futurists past and how technology will profoundly change our world moving forward. Our predictions of the future are a wild fantasy, inextricably linked to our present hopes and fears, biases and ignorance. Whether they be the outlandish leaps predicted in the 1920s, like multi-purpose utility belts with climate control capabilities and planes the size of luxury cruise ships, or the forecasts of the '60s, which didn't anticipate the sexual revolution or women's liberation, the path to the present is littered with failed predictions and incorrect estimations.The best we can do is try to absorb from futurism's checkered past, perhaps learning to do a little better.In The Skeptics' Guide To The Future, Steven Novella and his co-authors build upon the work of futurists of the past by examining what they got right, what they got wrong, and how they came to those conclusions. By exploring the pitfalls of each era, they give their own speculations about the distant future, transformed by unbelievable technology ranging from genetic manipulation to artificial intelligence and quantum computing. Applying their trademark skepticism, they carefully extrapolate upon each scientific development, leaving no stone unturned as they lay out a vision for the future of tomorrow.

Objev podobné jako The Skeptics' Guide to the Future - Steven Novella

cena 449.0 Kč

The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (0345453743)

Kniha - autor Douglas Adams, 832 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Douglas Adams, 832 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Now in paperback in one complete volume, this ultimate guide collects the five classic novels from Adams's beloved Hitchhiker series.

Objev podobné jako The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (0345453743)

cena 454.0 Kč

House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko

Tričko - s krátkými rukávy, s kulatým výstřihem, materiál bavlna Klíčové vlastnosti trička PCMerch Tričko PCMerch je vyrobené tak, aby bylo pohodlné jak pro běžné nošení, tak pro sportovní aktivity Jeho výrobním materiálem je bavlna Pohodlné bavlněné tričko dokáže dobře odvádět vlhkost Krátké rukávy přinesou komfort pro teplé období roku Klasický model s kulatým výstřihem

Objev podobné jako House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko

cena 499.0 Kč

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams

'One of the greatest achievements in comedy. A work of staggering genius' - David WalliamsAn international phenomenon and pop-culture classic, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has been a radio show, TV series, novel, stage play, comic book and film. Following the galactic (mis)adventures of Arthur Dent, Hitchhiker’s in its various incarnations has captured the imaginations of curious minds around the world . . .It's an ordinary Thursday lunchtime for Arthur Dent until his house gets demolished. The Earth follows shortly afterwards to make way for a new hyperspace express route, and his best friend has just announced that he's an alien. At this moment, they're hurtling through space with nothing but their towels and an innocuous-looking book inscribed, in large friendly letters, with the words: DON'T PANIC. The weekend has only just begun . . .This 42nd Anniversary Edition includes exclusive bonus material from the Douglas Adams archives, and an introduction by former Doctor Who showrunner, Russell T Davies.Continue Arthur Dent's intergalactic adventures in the rest of the trilogy with five parts: The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, Life, the Universe and Everything, So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish, and Mostly Harmless.

Objev podobné jako The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams

cena 268.0 Kč

Listen to the Music: The Instruments - Mary Richards

Press the buttons to hear the music in this time-travelling journey around the world, as young readers embark on a magical adventure through classical music!Covering 10 different, beloved orchestral instruments, from different pieces from around the world, readers hear music composed and can press them to hear clips of musical masterpieces!From Elgar''s Cello Concerto to a violin sonata by Beethoven, this book will teach children about cultural history, famous musicians and musical genres, all while wanting to press the buttons and hear the music again and again.Each of the ten composers throughout the story tells children about their favourite instrument, how it makes them feel, and what animals or moods they thought of as they were writing the piece of music.This is a beautiful first introduction to the history of music as told to the tune of the key instruments in the orchestra. Perfectly pitched to inspire and instill a love of music from a young age, this book will strike a chord with curious children who might be thinking about choosing a first instrument to learn.

Objev podobné jako Listen to the Music: The Instruments - Mary Richards

cena 502.0 Kč

The Race to the Future - Kassia St Clair

10 June 1907, Peking. Five cars set off in a desperate race across two continents on the verge of revolution. An Italian prince and his chauffeur, a French racing driver, a conman and various journalists battle over steep mountain ranges and across the arid vastness of the Gobi Desert. The contestants need teams of helpers to drag their primitive cars up narrow gorges, lift them over rough terrain and float them across rivers. Petrol is almost impossible to find, there are barely any roads, armed bandits and wolves lurk in the forests. Updates on their progress, sent by telegram, are eagerly devoured by millions in one of the first ever global news stories. Their destination: Paris. More than its many adventures, the Peking-to-Paris provided the impetus for profound change. The world of 1907 is poised between the old and the new: communist regimes will replace imperial ones in China and Russia; the telegraph is transforming modern communication and the car will soon displace the horse. In this book bestselling author Kassia St Clair traces the fascinating stories of two interlocking races - setting the derring-do (and sometimes cheating) of one of the world's first car races against the backdrop of a larger geopolitical and technological rush to the future, as the rivalry grows between countries and empires, building up to the cataclysmic event that changed everything - the First World War. The Race to the Future is the incredible true story of the quest against the odds that shaped the world we live in today.

Objev podobné jako The Race to the Future - Kassia St Clair

cena 325.0 Kč

Listen to the Music from Around the World

An internationally bestselling series of board books with amazing real-life sounds! This brand new edition includes replaceable AAA batteries and an exciting 'Look and Find' game on the final page.

Objev podobné jako Listen to the Music from Around the World

cena 325.0 Kč

The Skeptics' Guide to the Future - Steven Novella

From the bestselling authors and hosts of 'The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe' a high-tech roadmap of the future in their beloved voice, cracking open both the follies of futurists past and how technology will profoundly change our world moving forward. Our predictions of the future are a wild fantasy, inextricably linked to our present hopes and fears, biases and ignorance. Whether they be the outlandish leaps predicted in the 1920s, like multi-purpose utility belts with climate control capabilities and planes the size of luxury cruise ships, or the forecasts of the '60s, which didn't anticipate the sexual revolution or women's liberation, the path to the present is littered with failed predictions and incorrect estimations.The best we can do is try to absorb from futurism's checkered past, perhaps learning to do a little better.In The Skeptics' Guide To The Future, Steven Novella and his co-authors build upon the work of futurists of the past by examining what they got right, what they got wrong, and how they came to those conclusions. By exploring the pitfalls of each era, they give their own speculations about the distant future, transformed by unbelievable technology ranging from genetic manipulation to artificial intelligence and quantum computing. Applying their trademark skepticism, they carefully extrapolate upon each scientific development, leaving no stone unturned as they lay out a vision for the future of tomorrow.

Objev podobné jako The Skeptics' Guide to the Future - Steven Novella

cena 312.0 Kč

The Testaments: The Sequel to The Handmaid's Tale (Defekt) - Margaret Atwoodová

Margaret Atwood's dystopian masterpiece, The Handmaid's Tale, has become a modern classic-and now she brings the iconic story to a dramatic conclusion in this riveting sequel. More than fifteen years after the events of The Handmaid's Tale, the theocratic regime of the Republic of Gilead maintains its grip on power, but there are signs it is beginning to rot from within. At this crucial moment, the lives of three radically different women converge, with potentially explosive results. Two have grown up as part of the first generation to come of age in the new order. The testimonies of these two young women are joined by a third voice: a woman who wields power through the ruthless accumulation and deployment of secrets. As Atwood unfolds The Testaments, she opens up the innermost workings of Gilead as each woman is forced to come to terms with who she is, and how far she will go for what she believes.

Objev podobné jako The Testaments: The Sequel to The Handmaid's Tale (Defekt) - Margaret Atwoodová

cena 219.0 Kč

To the Lighthouse (1847496571)

Kniha - 226 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Brand-new edition of major work by Virginia Woolf. Includes pictures and an extensive section on Virginia Woolf s life and works.

Objev podobné jako To the Lighthouse (1847496571)

cena 213.0 Kč

To the Lighthouse (024134168X)

Kniha - autor Virginia Woolf, 208 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. Every summer, the Ramsays visit their summer home on the beautiful Isle of Skye, surrounded by the excitement and chatter of family and friends, mirroring Virginia Woolf’s own joyful holidays of her youth. But as time passes, and in its wake the First World War, the transience of life becomes ever more apparent through the vignette of the thoughts and observations of the novel’s disparate cast. A landmark of high modernism and the most autobiographical of Virginia Woolf’s novels, To the Lighthouse explores themes of loss, class structure and the question of perception, in a hauntingly beautiful memorial to the lost but not forgotten. Chosen by TIME magazine as one of the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to the present.

Objev podobné jako To the Lighthouse (024134168X)

cena 199.0 Kč

Listen to the Nutcracker

An internationally bestselling series of board books with amazing real-life sounds!This brand new edition includes replaceable AAA batteries and an exciting 'Look and Find' game on the final page.

Objev podobné jako Listen to the Nutcracker

cena 325.0 Kč

The Way of the Hermit - Ken Smith

The International Bestseller 'A love story to the mountains in the mist, the pulsating northern lights and the red deer at dawn. And to independence' – The Washington Post'A Thoreauvian account of solitary life in the Scottish Highlands . . . delightful' – Kirkus Reviews'Ken Smith’s advice for staying alive in inclement conditions could equally be applied to achieving hard-won dreams' – Geographical'Ken Smith comes across as a thoughtful, resourceful and above all humane man . . . inspiring' – BBC Countryfile Magazine*****Could you leave behind the bustle of modern society and spend your days immersed in nature? In The Way of the Hermit, seventy-four-year-old Ken Smith recounts a life he has chosen to spend alone with the wilderness.Ken Smith has spent the past four decades in the Scottish Highlands. He lives alone, with no electricity or running water. His home is a log cabin nestled near Loch Treig, known as 'the lonely loch', where he lives off the land: he fishes for his supper, chops his own wood, and even brews his own tipple. He is, in the truest sense of the word, a hermit.For the first time, Ken shares the story of his life. From his working-class origins in Derbyshire, to the formative years he spent travelling in the Yukon and finally how he came to be the Hermit of Loch Treig. Looking back through decades of diary entries, Ken reflects upon the reasons he turned his back on society, the vulnerability of old age and the awe and wonder of a life lived in nature. The Way of the Hermit is a humorous, transcendent and life-affirming memoir.

Objev podobné jako The Way of the Hermit - Ken Smith

cena 325.0 Kč

The Way of the Champion - Paul Rabil

Long before Paul Rabil had become lacrosses''s most acclaimed player, the sport''s first million-dollar man, and the cofounder of the Premier Lacrosse League, he always strove for greatness. The problem was he lacked a manual for how to achieve it - so, he set out to create one himself. He talked to Bill Belichick about how to prepare, Steph Curry about how to practice, Sue Bird about how to develop resilience, and Mark Cuban about how to build a career with longevity. From the wisdom of these and other legends, and through his own - often painful - trial and error, he forged himself into a true champion. And in doing so, he wrote the manual he always wanted. The Way of The Champion is the synthesis of everything Rabil learned on his path to becoming one of the greatest lacrosse players of all time. But this is not merely a sports book. It is a guide to embodying a champion''s mindset - in sports, in business, and in relationships. According to Paul Rabil, ''No one is born to be a champion. It can only be earned -through equal parts philosophy, execution, and sheer determination. I''ve won and lost championships, business deals, and relationships. I''ve learned that our best moments come after we''ve faced our most devastating defeats - when we choose to rise with unwavering resolve. That''s the way of the champion.''

Objev podobné jako The Way of the Champion - Paul Rabil

cena 768.0 Kč

Lost Prague - The City’s Historic Centre - Kateřina Bečková

Anglický průvodce po zmizelých památkách centra Prahy.

Objev podobné jako Lost Prague - The City’s Historic Centre - Kateřina Bečková

cena 330.0 Kč

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Illustrated Edition (1529046130)

Kniha - 320 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Illustrated Edition (1529046130)

cena 349.0 Kč

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Omnibus - Douglas Adams

A phenomenon across all formats, this 42nd anniversary paperback omnibus contains the complete Hitchhiker's Guide trilogy in five parts, charting the whole of Arthur Dent's odyssey through space and time. Share and enjoy.Collected together in this omnibus are the five titles that comprise Douglas Adams' wildly popular and wholly remarkable comedy science fiction 'trilogy', introductions to each book, expanded material from the Douglas Adams archives plus a bonus short story, Young Zaphod Plays It Safe, and a special undeleted scene . . .

Objev podobné jako The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Omnibus - Douglas Adams

cena 499.0 Kč

The Hitchhiker´s Guide To The Galaxy - Douglas Adams

One Thursday lunchtime Earth is unexpectedly demolished to make way for a new hyperspace bypass. For Arthur Dent, who has only just had his house demolished that morning, this is already more than he can cope with. Sadly, however, the weekend has only just begun. And the Galaxy is a very, very large and startling place indeed ...The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy became a massive cult success when it was first published and continues to sell all over the world. It introduced such memorable characters as Arthur Dent, Marvin the Paranoid Android, Zaphod Beeblebrox and, of course, the Vogons, and remains one of the funniest, most irreverent and entertaining novels ever.

Objev podobné jako The Hitchhiker´s Guide To The Galaxy - Douglas Adams

cena 399.0 Kč

The House of Fortune: Sequel to The Miniaturist (1509886095)

Kniha - autor Jessie Burton, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The sequel to the million-copy bestseller The Miniaturist, The House of Fortune returns us to the mysterious Brandt family in Amsterdam in 1705 for a story of fate and ambition, secrets and dreams, and one young woman's determination to rule her own destiny. Thea Brandt is turning eighteen, and is ready to welcome adulthood with open arms. At the theatre, Walter, the love of her life, awaits her, but at home in the house on the Herengracht, winter has set in – her father Otto and Aunt Nella argue endlessly, and the Brandt family are selling their furniture in order to eat. On Thea’s birthday, also the day that her mother Marin died, the secrets from the past begin to overwhelm the present. Nella is desperate to save the family and maintain appearances, to find Thea a husband who will guarantee her future, and when they receive an invitation to Amsterdam’s most exclusive ball, she is overjoyed...

Objev podobné jako The House of Fortune: Sequel to The Miniaturist (1509886095)

cena 411.0 Kč

The Cautious Traveller's Guide to The Wastelands - Sarah Brooks

The breathtaking historical fantasy set onboard the Great Trans-Siberian Express - available now! ''Imagine a crossover between Murder on the Orient Express, Game of Thrones and Paradise Lost . . . Brooks has serious talent'' SUNDAY TIMES ''I was completely transported by this book . . . I urge everybody to pick up a copy'' STUART TURTON ''Breathtaking . . . Abounding with mysteries and marvels'' SAMANTHA SHANNON ''Exceptional. Strange, addictive, immersive, it''s a steampunk Piranesi meets His Dark Materials'' JENNIE GODFREY ''Mysterious and clever and brilliant'' NATASHA PULLEYIt is said there is a price that every passenger must pay. A price beyond the cost of a ticket.It is the end of the nineteenth century and the world is awash with marvels. But there is nothing so marvellous as the Wastelands: a terrain of terrible miracles that lies between Beijing and Moscow.Nothing touches the Wastelands except the Great Trans-Siberian Express: an impenetrable train built to carry cargo across continents, but which now transports anyone who dares.Onto the platform steps a curious cast of characters: Marya, a grieving woman with a borrowed name; Weiwei, a famous child born on the train; and Henry Grey, a disgraced naturalist.But there are whispers that the train isn''t safe. As secrets and stories begin to unravel, the passengers and crew must survive their journey together, even as something uncontrollable seems to be breaking in . . .

Objev podobné jako The Cautious Traveller's Guide to The Wastelands - Sarah Brooks

cena 502.0 Kč

The Narrow Road to the Deep North - Richard Flanagan

This is a story about the many forms of love and death, of war and truth, as one man comes of age, prospers, only to discover all that he has lost. In the despair of a Japanese POW camp on the Burma Death Railway, surgeon Dorrigo Evans is haunted by his love affair with his uncle’s young wife two years earlier. Struggling to save the men under his command from starvation, from cholera, from beatings, he receives a letter that will change his life forever.*WINNER OF THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2014*'An unforgettable story of men at war' The TimesThis series of war novels from Vintage Classics presents eight powerful stories about the horror and waste of war - each a passionate plea to prevent its repetition.

Objev podobné jako The Narrow Road to the Deep North - Richard Flanagan

cena 268.0 Kč

The Road to the Open - Arthur Schnitzler - e-kniha

eBook: A coming-of-age novel, \'The Road to the Open\' follows the complicated liaisons of composer, Baron Georg von Wergenthin. While a talented man, Wergenthin lacks motivation and, instead of working, prefers to socialise with members of the Viennese bourgeoisie. A committed Christian, his life becomes even more complex when he finds himself falling for a Jewish girl, Anna Rosner. Through this story, Schnitzer documents the collapse of the freethinking Austrian society, as antisemitism and patriotism start to take its place. A classic novel from one of Vienna\'s most noteworthy authors, this is ideal for those new to Schnitzler\'s body of work.

Objev podobné jako The Road to the Open - Arthur Schnitzler - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Boy Who Belonged to the Sea - Denis Theriault

A moving story of friendship and the power of imagination, from the award-winning author of The Peculiar Life of a Lonely Postman Set on the rugged north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada, The Boy Who Belonged to the Sea tells the touching story of an extraordinary friendship between two young boys who have both suffered the loss of a parent. Although they have little else in common, the boys come together in their grief and take refuge in a world of their own creation, a magical undersea realm inhabited by fantastical beings. Their imaginations take them on a wild adventure, but as the lines between reality and fantasy begin to blur, their search for belonging takes them on a perilous journey that threatens to end in tragedy. Infused with his characteristic charm, Denis Thériault's debut novel is a powerful story of grief and friendship that has touched readers' hearts all over the world.

Objev podobné jako The Boy Who Belonged to the Sea - Denis Theriault

cena 259.0 Kč

The Streets - The Hardest Way To Make An Easy Living (2 LP)

Datum vydání: 2019-03-08 Žánr: Pop;Hip Hop Vydavatelství: Locked On;679 Interpret / Téma: The Streets Subžánr: Hip Hop;Experimental;Pop;Elektronický Rok vydání: 2019.0 Typ: Nové vydání;LP deska;Album Varianta: The Hardest Way To Make An Easy Living (2 LP) Země interpreta: Spojené království Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999 Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Evropská unie Barva: Černá Složení setu: 2 ks

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cena 824.0 Kč

Cesta do středu Země /komiks/ - Jules Verne, Curd Ridel, Frédéric Garcia

Profesor Lidenbrock a jeho synovec Axel rozluští starobylý runový rukopis, který vypráví o učenci a alchymistovi, který v dávných dobách podnikl výpravu do středu Země. Rozhodnou se vydat na Island a s pomocí Hanse, svérázného místního průvodce, najdou na dně sopky průchod do útrob Země. Čeká tam na ně doposud neprobádaný svět plný podivných tvorů, překvapivých poznatků - ale hlavně nejednoho nebezpečí! Jenže tím jejich dobrodružství teprve začíná…

Objev podobné jako Cesta do středu Země /komiks/ - Jules Verne, Curd Ridel, Frédéric Garcia

cena 268.0 Kč

Willy Fog: Cesta do středu Země - kolekce (4 DVD) (papírový obal)

Známý dobrodruh Willy Fog se svými přáteli odjíždí na Island, odkud se chce vydat do středu Země. Jeho výprava se v tajemných hlubinách stane svědkem souboje prehistorických příšer, čeká ji nebezpečná plavba podzemním rozbouřeným... Známý dobrodruh Willy Fog se svými přáteli odjíždí na Island, odkud se chce vydat do středu Země. Jeho výprava se v tajemných hlubinách stane svědkem souboje prehistorických příšer, čeká ji nebezpečná plavba podzemním rozbouřeným mořem a řada dalších dobrodružství.

Objev podobné jako Willy Fog: Cesta do středu Země - kolekce (4 DVD) (papírový obal)

cena 179.0 Kč

The Way of the Househusband 5 - Kósuke Óno

It's a day in the life of your average househusband-if your average househusband is the legendary yakuza "the Immortal Dragon"!A former yakuza legend leaves it all behind to become your everyday househusband. But it's not easy to walk away from the gangster life, and what should be mundane household tasks are anything but!Tatsu is ambushed by a yakuza with a beef, and there's only one way to settle things-an epic rap battle! But this throwdown is only a warm-up for the buffet battle yet to come, because when you're the Immortal Dragon, you don't choose the househusband life, it chooses you!

Objev podobné jako The Way of the Househusband 5 - Kósuke Óno

cena 299.0 Kč

The Way of the Househusband 7 - Kousuke Oono

It's a day in the life of your average househusband-if your average househusband is the legendary yakuza "the Immortal Dragon"! A former yakuza legend leaves it all behind to become your everyday househusband. But it's not easy to walk away from the gangster life, and what should be mundane household tasks are anything but! Tatsu is tasked with squeezing the locals for money owed to the association-the neighborhood association, that is. But when the former gangster tries to collect, what should be a quick and easy job ends up anything but! All your faves are back in action as the cozy yakuza comedy continues!

Objev podobné jako The Way of the Househusband 7 - Kousuke Oono

cena 299.0 Kč

The Way of the Househusband 6 - Kósuke Óno

It's a day in the life of your average househusband-if your average househusband is the legendary yakuza "the Immortal Dragon"!A former yakuza legend leaves it all behind to become your everyday househusband. But it's not easy to walk away from the gangster life, and what should be mundane household tasks are anything but!All of Tatsu's hustling and networking since leaving the yakuza has earned him an offer he can't refuse-an invitation to run with the women's association, the movers and shakers of his neighborhood. But before he can be initiated, the Immortal Dragon must prove to the board's heavyweights that he truly can hack it as a homemaker. It will be the greatest test of this househusband's skills yet!

Objev podobné jako The Way of the Househusband 6 - Kósuke Óno

cena 299.0 Kč

The Way of the Househusband 2 - Kósuke Óno

It's a day in the life of your average househusband-if your average househusband is the legendary yakuza "the Immortal Dragon"! A former yakuza legend leaves it all behind to become your everyday househusband. But it's not easy to walk away from the gangster life, and what should be mundane household tasks are anything but! The legendary yakuza the Immortal Dragon has washed his hands of the gangster life for something far more dangerous-becoming a househusband! Cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, cooking... These days he's doing everything he can to succeed as man of the house, if it doesn't kill him first! The cozy yakuza comedy continues!

Objev podobné jako The Way of the Househusband 2 - Kósuke Óno

cena 299.0 Kč

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