Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Láska poté - Marceline Loridan-Ivens

Ve volném pokračování bestselleru A ty ses nevrátil… přináší Marceline Loridan-Ivens ojedinělé svědectví, jak obtížné bylo pro ty, kteří prošli peklem koncentračních táborů, najít lásku. Do někoho se zamilovat, otevřít se mu, odevzdat, věřit. Protože to, co zažili v táboře, je navždy poznamenalo. Přišli tam o důvěru v lidi, o city, o empatii. Jejich jedinou touhou bylo přežít. A je možné přežít, když někoho vpustíte do svého života? "Lásku jsem začala hledat mezi těmi, kdo přežili. To nebyla volba, jen otázka kruhů; Židé mezi sebou. Židovské rodiny snily o tom, že své děti ožení nebo vdají mezi sebou. Jak jsem se potkala s Freddiem? Už nevím. Možná přes kamarádku. Líbil se mi - tmavý, se zelenýma očima, ne moc vysoký, ale dost pro mě. Všechno v něm ale znovu obkreslovalo kontury koncentračního tábora: jeho otec tam zemřel jako ten můj, jeho matka se vrátila, ale poblázněná, a dala se dohromady se židovským lékařem z Polska, tichým, truchlícím. Freddie pracoval, byl krejčím a ušil mi šedé sako lemované černým sametem, které jsem milovala. Začali jsme spolu chodit, objímali jsme se, líbali se, nechala jsem ho, čím dál více naléhal, věděla jsem, kam to spěje, nebo spíš kam to má spět, nezajímalo mě to, nahánělo mi to strach. Ale daleko větší strach, než když je to poprvé nebo z otěhotnění, jsem měla ze svého těla, utíkala jsem před ním. Před svou nahotou, navždy pro mě spojenou s příkazem jednoho nacisty, před jeho ponižujícím pohledem, když nám holili hlavu a pohlaví, před jeho verdiktem: smrt, nebo odklad. Před koncentračním táborem jsem se nikdy před nikým nesvlékla, nikdy předtím jsem neviděla nahé tělo ženy, ani své matky, ani svých sester. To své jsem objevila ve stejnou chvíli, kdy jsem pochopila, že je odsouzeno." Pokračování bestselleru "A ty ses nevrátil…"

Podívejte se také Harlow Jack: Come Home The Kids Miss You - LP (7567863586)

cena 223.0 Kč

Why Did You Come Back Every Summer - Belen Lopez Peiro

A fractured account of family abuse, secrets, and the cost of pursuing the truth. In the most private spaces, the most intimate betrayals occur. Belén López Peiró places us squarely in the tenderest of times—young teenagehood, in a home about to be ruptured by sexual assault. In this home, for this young woman, your assailant is your uncle, and also a police commissioner. The people who shelter you will reject you: your mother is his sister-in-law, your beloved aunt his wife and your cousin and friend his daughter. And the truth of what happened will depend entirely on you. Why Did You Come Back Every Summer is a document of uncertainty, self-doubt, and the appearance of progress when there is none. A chorus of voices interrupt and overtake each other; interviews and reports are filed. The truth will be heard but how and by whom? Loyalties will shift and slip. And certain questions have no easy answers. What do you owe to your family? What do they owe you? How far will you go to get yourself back?

Podívejte se také LOTR You Shall Not Pass - rohožka (5050293850719)

cena 354.0 Kč

What You Did Not Tell : A Russian Past and the Journey Home - Mark Mazower

Uncovering his family's remarkable and moving stories, Mark Mazower recounts the sacrifices and silences that marked a generation and their descendants. It was a family that fate drove into the siege of Stalingrad, the Vilna ghetto, occupied Paris, and even into the ranks of the Wehrmacht. His British father was the lucky one, the son of Russian Jewish emigrants who settled in London after escaping the civil war and revolution. Max, the grandfather, had started out as a socialist and manned the barricades against tsarist troops, but never spoke of it. His wife, Frouma, came from a family ravaged by the Great Terror yet somehow making their way in Soviet society. In the centenary of the Russian Revolution, What You Did Not Tell recounts a brand of socialism erased from memory - humanistic, impassioned, and broad-ranging in its sympathies. But it also explores the unexpected happiness that may await history's losers, the power of friendship, and the love of place that allowed Max and Fro

Podívejte se také Harlow Jack: Come Home The Kids Miss You (Coloured) - LP (7567863585)

cena 299.0 Kč

One Peter: Come Back To Me - LP (4584166)

LP vinyl - Sólové album country legendy na vinylu Sólové album country legendy na vinylu Seznam stop Cherie Vico / Kavudu / Ejie / Staring Into The Blues / Sweet Rainbow / On My Own / La Petite / Je E Moi Le Piano / Bonne Annee / Birds Go Die Out Of Sight

Objev podobné jako One Peter: Come Back To Me - LP (4584166)

cena 1109.0 Kč

I Know You Did It - Wallman Sue

On her first day at a new school, Ruby finds a note in her lockersaying I Know You Did It. She's terrified that someone has foundout she was responsible for the death of a girl called Hannah ina playground when they were both toddlers - a secret she has beenkeeping guiltily for ten years.

Objev podobné jako I Know You Did It - Wallman Sue

cena 266.0 Kč

IT Chapter 2 - Come Back And Play - tričko (GMERCHd400nad)

Tričko - s krátkými rukávy, s kulatým výstřihem, materiál bavlna Hlavní vlastnosti trička Heroes Tričko Heroes je skvělou volbou pro každodenní nošení i sportovní aktivity K jeho výrobě posloužil kvalitní materiál, jakým je bavlna Tričko z bavlny je pohodlné a dokáže efektivně absorbovat vlhkost S krátkými rukávy S charakteristickým kulatým výstřihem

Objev podobné jako IT Chapter 2 - Come Back And Play - tričko (GMERCHd400nad)

cena 399.0 Kč

Top Roxy Please Come Back dámský, bílá barva, ERJKT04126

Lehký top z kolekce Roxy. Model vyroben ze žebrovaného úpletu. Materiál s optimální elasticitou zaručuje plnou volnost pohybu.

Objev podobné jako Top Roxy Please Come Back dámský, bílá barva, ERJKT04126

cena 409.0 Kč

What Did You Do? - Jeneane O'Riley

Love that won't dieVengeance to be wroughtThree families forever changedFinally reunited with her family in the Seelie Realm, Caly struggles to come to terms with all she had to give up to get there. Though she eagerly awaits the ceremony to receive the second half of her heart and become whole, it comes at an unsettling cost: She must marry her longtime friend Prince Aurelius to solidify her place within the Seelie Court.But as the event draws nearer, she's haunted by the memory of Malum Mendax, the Unseelie Prince-the bond they shared in his realm, and the sinful sparks between them. She still feels his eyes on her, finds him in her bed in her dreams...and soon, she realizes it's more than just his memory that haunts her.Mendax survived Caly's assassination attempt, and he has returned to punish his pet and the ones that took her from him.With his return, Caly's place in Seelie is at risk.Her future plans are at risk.Her very life is at risk.But the way Mendax makes her feel tempts her to forget it all just for the chance to touch him once again.

Objev podobné jako What Did You Do? - Jeneane O'Riley

cena 241.0 Kč

Not Forever, But For Now - Chuck Palahniuk

From the bestselling author of Fight Club comes a hilarious horror satire “equal parts saccharine caricature and startling raunch” (Kirkus Reviews) about a family of professional killers responsible for the most atrocious events in history and the young brothers that are destined to take over.Meet Otto and Cecil. Two brothers who grew up privileged in the Welsh countryside. They enjoyed watching nature shows, playing with their pet pony, impersonating their Grandfather…and killing the help. Murder is the family business after all. Downton Abbey, this is not. However, it’s not so easy to continue the family legacy with the constant stream of threats and distractions seemingly leaping from the hedgerow. First, there is the matter of the veritable cavalcade of escaped convicts that keep showing up at their door. Not to mention the debaucherous new tutor who has a penchant for speaking Greek and dismembering sex dolls. Then there’s Mummy’s burgeoning opioid addiction. And who knows where Daddy is. He just vanished one day after he and Mummy took a walk in the so-called “Ghost Forest.” With Grandfather putting pressure on Otto to step up, it becomes clear that this will all end in only two ways: a nuclear apocalypse or just another day among the creeping thistle and tree peonies. And in a novel written by Chuck Palahniuk, either are equally possible.

Objev podobné jako Not Forever, But For Now - Chuck Palahniuk

cena 295.0 Kč

Láska poté (978-80-87973-47-9)

Kniha - autor Marceline Loridan-Ivens, 192 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Ve volném pokračování bestselleru A ty ses nevrátil… přináší Marceline Loridan-Ivens ojedinělé svědectví, jak obtížné bylo pro ty, kteří prošli peklem koncentračních táborů, najít lásku. Do někoho se zamilovat, otevřít se mu, odevzdat, věřit. Protože to, co zažili v táboře, je navždy poznamenalo. Přišli tam o důvěru v lidi, o city, o empatii. Jejich jedinou touhou bylo přežít. A je možné přežít, když někoho vpustíte do svého života? „Lásku jsem začala hledat mezi těmi, kdo přežili. To nebyla volba, jen otázka kruhů; Židé mezi sebou. Židovské rodiny snily o tom, že své děti ožení nebo vdají mezi sebou. Jak jsem se potkala s Freddiem? Už nevím. Možná přes kamarádku. Líbil se mi – tmavý, se zelenýma očima, ne moc vysoký, ale dost pro mě. Všechno v něm ale znovu obkreslovalo kontury koncentračního tábora: jeho otec tam zemřel jako ten můj, jeho matka se vrátila, ale poblázněná, a...

Objev podobné jako Láska poté (978-80-87973-47-9)

cena 206.0 Kč

ZOOT.Fan Marvel Did You Get Them All Triko Černá

Marvel Did You Get Them All Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Černá.

Objev podobné jako ZOOT.Fan Marvel Did You Get Them All Triko Černá

cena 579.0 Kč

ZOOT.Fan Marvel Did You Get Them All Triko Černá

Marvel Did You Get Them All Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Černá.

Objev podobné jako ZOOT.Fan Marvel Did You Get Them All Triko Černá

cena 579.0 Kč

ZOOT.Fan Marvel Did You Get Them All Triko Černá

Marvel Did You Get Them All Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Černá.

Objev podobné jako ZOOT.Fan Marvel Did You Get Them All Triko Černá

cena 579.0 Kč

ZOOT.Fan Marvel Did You Get Them All Triko Černá

Marvel Did You Get Them All Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Černá.

Objev podobné jako ZOOT.Fan Marvel Did You Get Them All Triko Černá

cena 579.0 Kč

ZOOT.Fan Marvel Did You Get Them All Triko Černá

Marvel Did You Get Them All Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Černá.

Objev podobné jako ZOOT.Fan Marvel Did You Get Them All Triko Černá

cena 579.0 Kč

ZOOT.Fan Marvel Did You Get Them All Triko Černá

Marvel Did You Get Them All Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Černá.

Objev podobné jako ZOOT.Fan Marvel Did You Get Them All Triko Černá

cena 579.0 Kč

Wrecked but not Ruined - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

eBook: Cliff Fort is a smallholding off of the Gulf of St. Lawrence in the Canadian outback. Drawing upon his extensive personal experience, Ballantyne paints a vivid picture of life at the fort and in the wilderness. 'Wrecked but not Ruined' was one of Ballantyne's last attempts to appeal to young people, and encourage them to lead good, honest lives, such as the ones led by those at Cliff Fort.

Objev podobné jako Wrecked but not Ruined - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Come as You Are - Dr Emily Nagoski

Researchers have spent years trying to develop a "pink pill" for women to function like Viagra does for men. So where is it? This book makes crystal clear, that pill will never exist - but as a result of the research that's gone into it, scientists have learned more about how women's sexuality works than we ever thought possible.

Objev podobné jako Come as You Are - Dr Emily Nagoski

cena 502.0 Kč

The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read (and Your Children Will Be Glad That You Did) - Philippa Perryová

Every parent wants their child to be happy and every parent wants to avoid screwing them up. But how do you achieve that?In this absorbing, clever and funny book, renowned psychotherapist Philippa Perry tells us what really matters and what behaviour it is important to avoid - the vital dos and don'ts of parenting.Instead of mapping out the 'perfect' plan, Perry offers a big-picture look at the elements that lead to good parent-child relationships. This refreshing, judgement-free book will help you to:* Understand how your own upbringing may affect your parenting* Accept that you will make mistakes and learn what you can do about them* Break negative cycles and patterns* Handle your own and your child's feelings* Understand what different behaviours communicateFull of sage and sane advice, this is the book that every parent will want to read and every child will wish their parents had.

Objev podobné jako The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read (and Your Children Will Be Glad That You Did) - Philippa Perryová

cena 294.0 Kč

Local Natives - But I'll Wait For You (LP)

Žánr: Rock;Indie Barva: Černá Typ: LP deska;Album Subžánr: Indie Rock Datum vydání: 2024-06-28 Rok vydání: 2024.0 Vydavatelství: Virgin Records Varianta: But I'll Wait For You (LP) Interpret / Téma: Local Natives Barva podle výrobce: Black Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks

Objev podobné jako Local Natives - But I'll Wait For You (LP)

cena 812.0 Kč

Sister's Aroma Like Cannabis But Not parfémovaná voda unisex 50 ml

Sister's Aroma Like Cannabis But Not, 50 ml, Parfémované vody unisex, Kouzlo této vůně tkví v tom, že se skvěle hodí pro ženy i muže. Každý si v ní najde to své, na každém se rozvoní jinak. Unisex parfémovaná voda Sister's Aroma Like Cannabis But Not se na vašem toaletním stolku rozhodně neztratí, a navíc ji můžete sdílet i se svou drahou polovičkou. pro všechny, kteří se nebojí vystoupit z davu unisex vůně

Objev podobné jako Sister's Aroma Like Cannabis But Not parfémovaná voda unisex 50 ml

cena 1188.0 Kč

Sister's Aroma Like Cannabis But Not parfémovaná voda unisex 10 ml

Sister's Aroma Like Cannabis But Not, 10 ml, Parfémované vody unisex, Kouzlo této vůně tkví v tom, že se skvěle hodí pro ženy i muže. Každý si v ní najde to své, na každém se rozvoní jinak. Unisex parfémovaná voda Sister's Aroma Like Cannabis But Not se na vašem toaletním stolku rozhodně neztratí, a navíc ji můžete sdílet i se svou drahou polovičkou. pro všechny, kteří se nebojí vystoupit z davu unisex vůně

Objev podobné jako Sister's Aroma Like Cannabis But Not parfémovaná voda unisex 10 ml

cena 381.0 Kč

Eveline Cosmetics Look Up But Why Not? paletka očních stínů 10,8 g

Eveline Cosmetics Look Up But Why Not?, 10,8 g, Paletky pro ženy, Chcete zvýraznit svůj pohled, dotvarovat oči a podtrhnout jejich přednosti? Paletka pro líčení očí Eveline Cosmetics Look Up But Why Not? otevírá možnosti vytváření těch nejúžasnějších variací očního make-upu. Obsahuje ne jeden, ale hned několik lisovaných očních stínů, které se vzájemně ideálně barevně doplňují a lze je tedy skvěle kombinovat pro vytvoření líčení různých typů – od jemného denního až po výrazné večerní. Každý stín zajistí rovnoměrné barevné krytí, bude se vám dobře nanášet, ale i roztírat do ztracena, případně míchat s dalšími stíny, aniž by vznikaly nežádoucí ostré přechody. Vlastnosti: přirozené barvy pro denní i večerní líčení třpytivý i matný efekt dobře kombinovatelné barvy Složení: veganský produkt Jak používat: Nanášejte stíny na oční víčka štětečkem, pěnovým aplikátorem nebo bříšky prstů.

Objev podobné jako Eveline Cosmetics Look Up But Why Not? paletka očních stínů 10,8 g

cena 162.0 Kč

Harlow Jack: Come Home The Kids Miss You - LP (7567863586)

LP vinyl - Vinylová verze druhého alba rapového génia z Kentucky. Jde o jednu z nejočekávanějších desek roku 2022 na hiphopové scéně. Vinylová verze druhého alba rapového génia z Kentucky. Jde o jednu z nejočekávanějších desek roku 2022 na hiphopové scéně. Jack Harlow si do studia pozval hned několik velkých jmen, někteří z hostů už nejsou příliš aktivní a jde tedy o hodně exkluzivní účast (Justin Timberlake, Pharrell, dále Drake a Lil Wayne). Hudebně je kolekce kombinací moderního trapového zvuku a old-school vlivů. Hudebník z Louisville v Kentucky se rapu věnuje od roku 2011, ale skutečného věhlasu se dočkal až v roce 2020, kdy bouchnul jeho track Whats Poppin. Následovaly další velmi úspěšné singly a albový debut Thats What They All Say, který startoval na pátém místě amerického žebříčku. Výsledkem bylo několik hvězdných kolaborací, z nichž nejvýraznější je spolupráce s Lil Nas X na skladbě Industry Baby (číslo 1 v US hitparádě). Méně se ví, že Jack Harlow...

Objev podobné jako Harlow Jack: Come Home The Kids Miss You - LP (7567863586)

cena 669.0 Kč

Harlow Jack: Come Home The Kids Miss You (Coloured) - LP (7567863585)

LP vinyl - Vinylová verze druhého alba rapového génia z Kentucky. Jde o jednu z nejočekávanějších desek roku 2022 na hiphopové scéně. Vinylová verze druhého alba rapového génia z Kentucky. Jde o jednu z nejočekávanějších desek roku 2022 na hiphopové scéně. Jack Harlow si do studia pozval hned několik velkých jmen, někteří z hostů už nejsou příliš aktivní a jde tedy o hodně exkluzivní účast (Justin Timberlake, Pharrell, dále Drake a Lil Wayne). Hudebně je kolekce kombinací moderního trapového zvuku a old-school vlivů. Hudebník z Louisville v Kentucky se rapu věnuje od roku 2011, ale skutečného věhlasu se dočkal až v roce 2020, kdy bouchnul jeho track Whats Poppin. Následovaly další velmi úspěšné singly a albový debut Thats What They All Say, který startoval na pátém místě amerického žebříčku. Výsledkem bylo několik hvězdných kolaborací, z nichž nejvýraznější je spolupráce s Lil Nas X na skladbě Industry Baby (číslo 1 v US hitparádě). Méně se ví, že Jack Harlow...

Objev podobné jako Harlow Jack: Come Home The Kids Miss You (Coloured) - LP (7567863585)

cena 669.0 Kč

It's Not You - Ramani Durvasula

INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES AND SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER“A compassionate road map and survival guide for people in narcissistic relationships...” —Jay ShettyFrom clinical psychologist and expert in narcissistic relationships Dr Ramani Durvasula, a guide to protecting and healing yourself from the daily harms of narcissismREDISCOVER WHO YOU ARE AFTER YEARS OF INVALIDATIONDealing with a narcissist is hard. One day their confidence and charisma pull you in, the next day they gaslight, wreck your self-confidence, and leave you wondering what you could have done differently. Clinical Psychologist and narcissism expert Dr Ramani is here to help. Drawing on more than 20 years of studying, teaching and helping people navigate the challenging landscape of narcissism, you’ll learn how to:Spot the tell-tale signs of a narcissistConfront toxic cyclesProtect your energyCreate realistic boundariesReclaim and embrace your true selfPacked with expert tips and detailed advice, this book will equip you with the tools to stop blaming yourself, regain your power, heal, and take back your life.

Objev podobné jako It's Not You - Ramani Durvasula

cena 502.0 Kč

Lana Del Rey - Did You Know That There's a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd (2 LP)

Datum vydání: 2023-03-24 Subžánr: Dream Pop;Pop;Rock Barva: Černá Varianta: Did You Know That There's a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd (2 LP) Vydavatelství: Interscope Records Rok vydání: 2023.0 Interpret / Téma: Lana Del Rey Žánr: Pop Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země interpreta: USA Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019 Typ: LP deska Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Německo Složení setu: 2 ks

Objev podobné jako Lana Del Rey - Did You Know That There's a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd (2 LP)

cena 1015.0 Kč

Forget Me Not (Defekt) - Alyson Derricková

This tender solo debut by Alyson Derrick, co-author of New York Times bestseller She Gets the Girl, is perfect for fans of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Five Feet Apart.What would you do if you forgot the love of your life existed?Stevie and Nora had a love. A secret, epic, once-in-a-lifetime kind of love. They also had a plan: to leave their small, ultra-conservative town and families behind after graduation and move to California, where they could finally stop hiding that love.But then Stevie has a terrible fall and the last two years of her life are erased overnight. Suddenly Stevie finds herself in a life she doesn't quite understand - she's estranged from her parents, drifting away from her friends and dating a boy she can't remember crushing on. She's headed towards a future that isn't at all what her fifteen-year-old self would have envisioned.And Nora finds herself ... forgotten.Can the two find their way back together through a lost memory?A romantic ode to the strength of love and the power of choosing each other, against odds and obstacles, again and again.

Objev podobné jako Forget Me Not (Defekt) - Alyson Derricková

cena 129.0 Kč

Jack Harlow - Come Home The Kids Miss You (Limited Edition) (140g) (LP)

Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Balení obsahuje: LP Země interpreta: USA Země původu: Německo Složení setu: 1 ks Hmotnost: 140 g Typ: LP deska;Barevná Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: White Rok vydání: 2022.0 Žánr: Hip Hop;Rap Subžánr: Hip Hop;Rap Varianta: Come Home The Kids Miss You (Limited Edition) (140g) (LP) Interpret / Téma: Jack Harlow Barva: Bílá Vydavatelství: Atlantic Datum vydání: 2022-10-28

Objev podobné jako Jack Harlow - Come Home The Kids Miss You (Limited Edition) (140g) (LP)

cena 818.0 Kč

You Are Not Alone - Cariad Lloyd

NEW STATESMAN, THE TIMES AND EXPRESS BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023‘Full of sense, heart and hope . . . the friend you need when you’re grieving’ PHILIPPA PERRY‘This book is a game-changer. Read it before you need to’ DR KATHRYN MANNIX‘It’s honest and warm and funny (in all the right places)’ JULIA SAMUELWhen Cariad Lloyd was just fifteen, she became the person-whose-dad-had-died; a mess of emotions and questions. She turned to the Five Stages of Grief model for guidance, but found its framework of loss was hard to reconcile with her messy and non-linear experience of grief.In this wise and witty book, Cariad shares her grief road map – a collection of years of profound insights from experts and guests featured on her podcast, Griefcast – to remind us that you cannot do grief wrong. The flexibility of the map acknowledges that no two experiences of grief are the same and assists us in building a life around our grief.So, welcome to the club. We know you didn’t ask to be here. But you will be okay. Because you are not alone.‘A blackly funny, honest, thought-provoking and compassionate book’ THE TIMES ‘Feels like a warm bath . . . Lloyd''s chatty writing style is familiar and funny’ NEW STATESMAN ‘A moving and funny meditation on loss’ OBSERVER

Objev podobné jako You Are Not Alone - Cariad Lloyd

cena 325.0 Kč

Not a Happy Family (Defekt) - Shari Lapena

In this family, everyone is keeping secrets - even the dead.In the quiet, wealthy enclave of Brecken Hill, an older couple is brutally murdered hours after a tense Easter dinner with their three adult children. Who, of course, are devastated.Or are they? They each stand to inherit millions. They were never a happy family, thanks to their vindictive father and neglectful mother, but perhaps one of them is more disturbed than anyone knew. Did someone snap after that dreadful evening? Or did another person appear later that night with the worst of intentions? That must be what happened. After all, if one of the family were capable of something as gruesome as this, you'd know.Wouldn't you?

Objev podobné jako Not a Happy Family (Defekt) - Shari Lapena

cena 159.0 Kč

Charli XCX - Brat And It's The Same But There's Three More Songs So It's Not (CD)

Datum vydání: 2024-10-11 Žánr: Pop;Dance Rok vydání: 2024.0 Subžánr: Dance Pop;Electropop Vydavatelství: Warner Music Varianta: Brat And It's The Same But There's Three More Songs So It's Not (CD) Interpret / Téma: Charli XCX Země interpreta: Spojené království Složení setu: 1 ks Země původu: Německo Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019 Typ: CD Balení obsahuje: CD

Objev podobné jako Charli XCX - Brat And It's The Same But There's Three More Songs So It's Not (CD)

cena 524.0 Kč

Circling Back to You - Tieu Julie

Julie Tieu, an exciting new and diverse voice in contemporary romance, returns with a hilarious and sexy new novel about colleagues who decide to take their relationship outside the office.Cadence Lim has transformed from behind-the-scenes number cruncher to an integral part of the sales team at Prism Realty. But despite moving up the corporate ladder, her complicated relationship with her estranged elderly father weighs heavily and she can't seem to shake the desire for a new beginning.At least Cadence can always lean on her favorite co-worker and co-conspirator, Matt Escanilla. A top broker with an unsuccessful love life, the forever single Matt is constantly being nagged by his loving Filipino family to settle down.Their relationship takes a turn when a business trip lands them both in their hometown and Matt enlists Cadence as a pretend girlfriend for a family gathering. The new after-hours setting forces the two friends to see each other in a new light, and their previously buried feelings rise quickly to the surface. When competing promotions threaten to separate Cadence and Matt, these office besties must work together to round up their ambitions and families to pursue their overdue romance.

Objev podobné jako Circling Back to You - Tieu Julie

cena 268.0 Kč

It's Not Summer Without You - Han Jenny

Book 2 in the bestselling The Summer I Turned Pretty series - now a major new TV show on Amazon Prime! From the author of To All The Boys I've Loved Before (now a smash-hit Netflix movie), perfect for fans of The Kissing Booth, Rainbow Rowell and Holly Bourne. When something is perfect, you hope it never ends. Belly's long hot summers at the Fisher boys' beach house are over. Conrad, the only boy she's ever loved, has left for college, taking her heart with him. And Jeremiah, his younger brother, is still Belly's best friend - but maybe friendship isn't enough for him anymore. But when Jeremiah calls and says that Conrad has disappeared, all roads seem to lead back to the summer house. Will Belly spend another summer chasing after Conrad, or will she finally let him go? From the Back Cover Book 2 in the bestselling The Summer I Turned Pretty series - now a major new TV show on Amazon Prime! From the author of To All The Boys I've Loved Before (now a smash-hit Netflix movie), perfect for fans of The Kissing Booth, Rainbow Rowell and Holly Bourne. When something is perfect, you hope it never ends. Belly's long hot summers at the Fisher boys' beach house are over. Conrad, the only boy she's ever loved, has left for college, taking her heart with him. And Jeremiah, his younger brother, is still Belly's best friend - but maybe friendship isn't enough for him anymore. But when Jeremiah calls and says that Conrad has disappeared, all roads seem to lead back to the summer house. Will Belly spend another summer chasing after Conrad, or will she finally let him go? About the Author Jenny Han is the New York Times Bestselling author of The Summer I Turned Pretty series. A former children's bookseller and school librarian, she earned her master's degree in creative writing for children at the New School. She lives in Brooklyn.

Objev podobné jako It's Not Summer Without You - Han Jenny

cena 259.0 Kč

Paris Ford - Boogie Down / You Ask For It (Come & Freak With Me) (7" Vinyl)

Žánr: Funk;Soul Datum vydání: 2020-11-16 Interpret / Téma: Paris Ford Subžánr: Soul;Funk Vydavatelství: Epsilon Record Co. Rok vydání: 2020.0 Varianta: Boogie Down / You Ask For It (Come & Freak With Me) (7" Vinyl) Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;1980 - 1989;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Německo Barva: Černá Barva podle výrobce: Black Balení obsahuje: 7" Vinyl Typ: 7" vinylová deska Země interpreta: USA

Objev podobné jako Paris Ford - Boogie Down / You Ask For It (Come & Freak With Me) (7" Vinyl)

cena 419.3 Kč

Bouncing Back from Rejection : Build the Resilience You Need to Get Back Up When Life Knocks You Down - Becker-Phelps Leslie

Go beyond your fear of rejection to develop confidence, compassionate self-awareness, and resilience!Do you have a fear of rejection? If so, you aren't alone. But if you have difficulty bouncing back after rejection, experience intense pain as a result, or if the fear of rejection is so crippling that it interferes with your everyday life, it's time to make a change. This groundbreaking guide can help.With this book, you'll learn why you fear rejection by gaining an understanding of your unique attachment style. Secure attachment is defined as a feeling of being protected and well-cared for. People who experience secure attachment as young children are more likely to be happy, healthy, and resilient adults. On the other hand, insecurely attached people are less likely to cope well with rejection, and may have trouble "bouncing back" after difficult experiences. Once you understand how your attachment style has informed your fears, you can begin the work needed to overcome them!Using the theory of attachment, and the five domains of awareness: Sensations, Thoughts, Emotions, Actions, and Mentalizing (STEAM), you'll learn to relate to yourself and to others in more positive ways, even when difficult situations arise. So, whether you experience rejection in a romantic relationship, at work, or with friends, you'll have the resilience needed to recover quickly and focus on what makes you special and unique.This isn't a book that promises to protect you from future rejection. Unfortunately, rejection happens to everyone and is a normal part of life. But you will learn skills to handle this rejection and come to see it as less scary. With this view, you'll gain confidence, self-awareness, and the resilience needed to bounce back, even when life throws you a curveball.

Objev podobné jako Bouncing Back from Rejection : Build the Resilience You Need to Get Back Up When Life Knocks You Down - Becker-Phelps Leslie

cena 399.0 Kč

Never Ever Getting Back Together (Defekt) - Sophie Gonzales

Romance, revenge, and reality TV. The new queer YA rom-com from Sophie Gonzales, bestselling author of Only Mostly Devastated. Eighteen-year-old Maya dumped her cheating ex-boyfriend Jordy two years ago. So, when she receives a call to participate in Second Chance Romance - a reality show in which the now-famous Jordy re-dates his ex-girlfriends - she isn't interested . . . until she realizes she can use this opportunity to exact her revenge. If she can make it to the final spot on the show, she can reject Jordy in front of the nation, and publicly break his heart. Maya's fellow contestants include Skye, the beautiful, charismatic girl Jordy cheated on Maya with. Skye charms the socks off everyone she meets, except for Maya, who knows that underneath all the sparkle, she's the girl who dated her boyfriend while he was still her boyfriend. The reality show is a challenging environment. Amidst backstabbing, bickering, and having to see Jordy again, Maya finds herself becoming friends with Skye. Together, they come up with a plan for the ultimate revenge on Jordy. But as she spends more time with Jordy and Skye, Maya is torn. Is Jordy a good guy who made a mistake? Is there more than friendship between her and Skye? As the season finale approaches, can Maya execute her plan, or will she go off-script? About the Author Sophie Gonzales is a YA contemporary author. She graduated from the University of Adelaide and lives in Adelaide, Australia. When she isn't writing, she can be found ice skating, performing in musical theatre, and practicing the piano.

Objev podobné jako Never Ever Getting Back Together (Defekt) - Sophie Gonzales

cena 119.0 Kč

I´m So (not) Over You - Kosoko Jackson

A chance to rewrite their ending is worth the risk in this swoony romantic comedy from Kosoko Jackson.It's been months since aspiring journalist Kian Andrews has heard from his ex-boyfriend, Hudson Rivers, but an urgent text has them meeting at a café. Maybe Hudson wants to profusely apologize for the breakup. Or confess his undying love. . . But no, Hudson has a favor to ask--he wants Kian to pretend to be his boyfriend while his parents are in town, and Kian reluctantly agrees.The dinner doesn't go exactly as planned, and suddenly Kian is Hudson's plus one to Georgia's wedding of the season. Hudson comes from a wealthy family where reputation is everything, and he really can't afford another mistake. If Kian goes, he'll help Hudson preserve appearances and get the opportunity to rub shoulders with some of the biggest names in media. This could be the big career break Kian needs.But their fake relationship is starting to feel like it might be more than a means to an end, and it's time for both men to fact-check their feelings.

Objev podobné jako I´m So (not) Over You - Kosoko Jackson

cena 357.0 Kč

It´s Not Summer Without You - Han Jenny

From the author of To All The Boys I've Loved Before (now a smash-hit Netflix movie), dive into the second instalment of The Summer I Turned Pretty series. Perfect for fans of The Kissing Booth, Rainbow Rowell and Holly Bourne. One girl. Two boys. An impossible decision to make . . . When something is perfect, you hope it lasts forever. But Isabel's lazy, long hot summers at her family friends' beach house are over. Conrad is the only boy she's ever loved. But he's left for college, taking her heart with him. Jeremiah, his gorgeous younger brother, is still Isabel's best friend - but maybe friendship isn't enough for him anymore . . . Isabel just wants everything to stay the same, because change means moving on. But if she stops looking back, could she find a future she never knew she wanted?

Objev podobné jako It´s Not Summer Without You - Han Jenny

cena 241.0 Kč

Charli XCX - Brat And It's The Same But There's Three More Songs So It's Not (White Coloured) (2 LP)

Barva podle výrobce: White Země interpreta: Spojené království Typ: LP deska Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 2 ks Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019 Země původu: Německo Subžánr: Electropop;Dance Pop Rok vydání: 2024.0 Barva: Bílá Varianta: Brat And It's The Same But There's Three More Songs So It's Not (White Coloured) (2 LP) Interpret / Téma: Charli XCX Žánr: Pop;Dance Datum vydání: 2024-10-11 Vydavatelství: Warner Music

Objev podobné jako Charli XCX - Brat And It's The Same But There's Three More Songs So It's Not (White Coloured) (2 LP)

cena 1091.0 Kč

Mad About You (Defekt) - Moriarty Sinéad

Emma and James Hamilton have weathered lots of storms in their ten-year marriage. From the heartbreak of infertility, to the craziness of then becoming parents to two babies in one year, to coping with James losing his job, somehow they have always worked as a team.

Objev podobné jako Mad About You (Defekt) - Moriarty Sinéad

cena 159.0 Kč

Three Times You (Defekt) - Federico Moccia

From the internationally bestselling author Federico Moccia comes the powerful and poignant final book in his Rome Novels trilogy, following two soul mates whose lives will be intertwined forever-perfect for fans of Reminders of Him and In Five Years.Step and Ginevra have travelled a long road to get to their happily ever after. A rebel at heart, Step used to run with the wrong crowd and has been in trouble with the law. While Gin is young but loves him with all her heart. Both feel ready to take a big leap and get married.But fate is about to set Step on a collision course with his first love, Babi. And Babi is about to reveal a secret that will upend all three of their lives. Now finding himself at a crossroads, Step must choose between not only two loves but two important obligations.At times estranged from his mother, Step will have to decide what a family looks like to him. And how to make a future that is right for all of them when tragedy strikes.

Objev podobné jako Three Times You (Defekt) - Federico Moccia

cena 109.0 Kč

Everything You Need to Know About the Menopause (but were too afraid to ask) - Kate Muir

Muir draws on interviews with the leading medical experts in the field, interlaced with her own tumultuous journey through the menopause and the personal stories of women from all walks of life, sharing their varied experiences and hard-earned wisdom.Muir also questions why the current medical establishment is getting the menopause so wrong, as she debunks the myths that surround hormone replacement therapy and exposes the sloppy science and hysterical headlines that have had a negative impact on women's health for the last twenty years.It's essential that we understand the biology of our own bodies during this critical period that will define the latter half of our lives. With the help of a panel of doctors, scientists and health experts, Muir unpacks the science behind hormones and ageing, and takes a close look at the different options available for treating both body and mind during the profound changes that take us into midlife and beyond.What she discovers is that both symptoms and treatment are far more extensive and diverse than we might expect. The menopause is the whole package, and the treatment needs to be too, with impacts as wide ranging as preventing Alzheimer's, boosting sex drive and protecting mental health.This ground-breaking guide is a social, cultural and scientific exploration into a criminally overlooked and under-discussed phenomenon that will affect one billion of us by 2025. And it is a manifesto for change, calling for equality in healthcare and an entirely new approach to women's health.

Objev podobné jako Everything You Need to Know About the Menopause (but were too afraid to ask) - Kate Muir

cena 268.0 Kč

Newton-John Olivia: If Not For You - LP (5590343)

LP vinyl - Debutové album oblíbené zpěvačky na vinylu Debutové album oblíbené zpěvačky na vinylu Rok reedice vydání 2023 Seznam stop A Me and Bobby McGee / If / Banks of the Ohio / In a Station / Love Song / Help Me Make It Through the Night B If Not for You / Where Are You Going to My Love? / Lullaby / If You Could Read My Mind / If I Gotta Leave / No Regrets

Objev podobné jako Newton-John Olivia: If Not For You - LP (5590343)

cena 919.0 Kč

Tubbz kachnička Pán Prstenu Gandalf (You shall not pass)

Neprojdeš dál... aniž bys nepřidal tohoto fantastického Gandalfa do své sbírky Pána prstenů. Jeho střet s mocným Balrogem je ikonická scéna ve Společenstvu prstenu, když konfrontuje monstrum se svou kouzelnou holí a mečem v ruce. Gandalf si osvojil tento vzhled kachní dokonalosti jako oficiálně licencovaný sběratelský předmět TUBBZ v krabici. Prozradím však tajemství - ani jako kachnička, nesmím se koupat. Neber mě do vany! Oficiální zboží Pána prstenů. Navrženo a vyrobeno společností Numskull Designs  TUBBZ - vaše oblíbené postavy z videoher, filmů, seriálů a komiksů ožívají jako cosplayingové kachničky. Krabicová edice TUBBZ. Prémiové sběratelské předměty - vysoce detailní prvky a vyrobeno z vysoce kvalitního PVC. Přibližně 9 cm (3,54") vysoké.

Objev podobné jako Tubbz kachnička Pán Prstenu Gandalf (You shall not pass)

cena 536.0 Kč

You Like Me, Not My Daughter?! 1 - Kota Nozomi

When Ayako's sister died, leaving her young daughter all alone, Ayako stepped up and took the child into her life. Now that her niece/adopted daughter is a teenager, a 30-something Ayako can sense first love in the air. Ayako teases her daughter about Takumi, their handsome and college-aged neighbor, who's been tutoring her since she was young--could they be a blossoming couple, since he's always beaming when he comes to their house? To Ayako's surprise, Takumi isn't interested in daughter dearest: he's long had a crush on Ayako herself! In this age gap romantic comedy, one young man is ready to bring a little sugar to the sexy mom next door.

Objev podobné jako You Like Me, Not My Daughter?! 1 - Kota Nozomi

cena 330.0 Kč

Im Not Done With You Yet - Jesse Q. Sutantová

The new must-read psychological thriller from the bestselling author of Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice For Murderers ‘A gripping psychological thriller tapping into the world of dark academia' Female First Jane is unhappy. She's a struggling writer trapped in an underwhelming marriage with husband Ted, scraping by to pay for a mortgage for a house and a life that she's never really wanted. There's only ever been one person she cared about, one person who truly understood her: Thalia. Jane's best and only friend nearly a decade ago during their time together at Oxford. But then the night of the formal which should have bound them together for good, drove them apart. Until now. Because after years of searching, Thalia is everywhere as she tops the New York Times bestseller list. And now Jane has found Thalia after all these years, she won't let her go…

Objev podobné jako Im Not Done With You Yet - Jesse Q. Sutantová

cena 268.0 Kč

Taking Back Sunday Where You Want to Be (LP)

Typ: Album;Dotisk;LP deska Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země interpreta: USA Žánr: Rock Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Barva podle výrobce: Black Země původu: Německo Varianta: Where You Want to Be (LP) Rok vydání: 2012.0 Subžánr: Alternative Rock;Emo;Pop Punk Barva: Černá Vydavatelství: Victory Records Datum vydání: 2012-07-31 Interpret / Téma: Taking Back Sunday

Objev podobné jako Taking Back Sunday Where You Want to Be (LP)

cena 870.0 Kč

You Can Trust Me (Defekt) - Blaxill Gina

When Alana's best friend is found drowned in a pool, the forensicreports discover date-rape drug GHB in her blood. GHB from adrink Alana knows was meant for her.Despite the swirling rumours, the suspected group of boys seemuntouchable. To investigate, Alana allows herself to be pulled intotheir glittering orbit.But among shifting alliances, changing alibis and buried secrets,can she pinpoint which of the boys is responsible before shebecomes their next target?Perfect for fans of Holly Jackson, Karen McManus and ChelseaPitcher. From the Carnegie nominated author, Gina Blaxill.A bold feminist read with a pacy thriller plot that YA fans willlove.Carnegie-nominated author Gina Blaxill looks head on at privilege,bias and sexual assault in a way that will resonate with YoungAdults today.Perfect for fans of Holly Jackson, Karen McManus and ChelseaPitcher.

Objev podobné jako You Can Trust Me (Defekt) - Blaxill Gina

cena 99.0 Kč

The Image of You (Defekt) - Adele Parks

The Image of You is the utterly gripping new novel from Adele Parks, author of the No. 1 bestselling ebook, The Stranger In My Home. This story of families, love, deception and secrets is perfect for fans of TV's Doctor Foster, Liar, The Replacement, Liane Moriarty's Big Little Lies and Shari Lapena. 'Brilliant storyline, great characters, very clever, loved it!' B A Paris'Addictive and perceptive' Lucy Atkins'A compelling and gripping story of secrets and lies' Daily ExpressCan you ever trust someone you meet online?Anna and Zoe are twins. Identical in appearance, utterly different in personality, they share a bond so close that nothing - or no one - can rip them apart.Until Anna meets charismatic Nick.Anna is trusting, romantic and hopeful; she thinks Nick is perfect.Zoe is daring, dangerous and extreme; she thinks Nick is a liar.Zoe has seen Anna betrayed by men before. She'll stop at nothing to discover if Nick is as good as he seems.Lies may hurt. But honesty can kill.

Objev podobné jako The Image of You (Defekt) - Adele Parks

cena 99.0 Kč

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