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HPE Aruba Networking CX 6000 24G Class4 PoE 4SFP 370W Switch RENEW R8N87A

Aruba 6000 24G Class4 PoE 4SFP 370W Switch RENEW R8N87A EAN: 726316 Specifikace Porty: 24x 10/100/1000BASE-T Ports SFP porty: 4x 1G/10G PoE: Podporuje IEEE 802.3af, 802.3at USB porty: 1x USB-C Console Port, 1x USB Type-A Host port Zdroj energie a fyzické vlastnosti Zdroj energie: Pevný, až 370W třídy 4 PoE Ventilátory: Pevné Rozměry: 4.39 cm (V) x 44.2 cm (Š) x 26.82 cm (H) Hmotnost: 4.19 kg Technické parametry Procesor: Dual Core ARM Cortex A9 @ 1016 Mhz Paměť: 4 GB DDR3, 16 GB eMMC Packet Buffer: 12.38MB Kapacita přepínání: 56 Gbps Průchodová kapacita: 41.6 Mpps Prostředí Provozní teplota: 0°C do 45°C Relativní vlhkost při provozu: 15% až 95% při 40°C Maximální provozní výška: 3000 metrů Elektrické vlastnosti Frekvence: 50 / 60 Hz AC napětí: 100-127 VAC / 200-240 VAC Proud: 4.6 A / 2.3 A Bezpečnost a certifikace Bezpečnost: UL 60950-1; IEC 60950-1; EN 60950-1 Emise: VCCI-CISPR 32, Class A Montáž a skříň Montuje se do standardního 19-palcového telco racku nebo skříně pro zařízení (k dispozici montážní sada); montáž na vodorovnou plochu; montáž na stěnu.

Podívejte se také Aruba Instant On AP12 (R2X01A)

cena 18408.0 Kč

HPE Aruba Networking CX 6000 48G Class4 PoE 4SFP 370W Switch

Aruba 6000 48G Class4 PoE 4SFP 370W Switch EAN: 190017559742 Popis produktu Aruba 6000 48G 4SFP Switch je vybaven 48x porty 10/100/1000BASE-T a 4x 1G/10G SFP porty. Vlastnosti CPU: Dual Core ARM Cortex A9 @ 1016 Mhz Paměť a Flash: 4 GB DDR3 16 GB eMMC Packet Buffer: 12.38MB (4.5MB Ingress/7.875MB Egress) Výkon Aruba 6000 48G 4SFP Switch nabízí přepínací kapacitu 104 Gbps a propustnost 77.3 Mpps. Prostředí Při provozní teplotě 32°F to 113°F (0°C to 45°C) lze tento switch použít až do výšky 5000 ft (1.5 km). Elektrické charakteristiky Frekvence: 50 / 60 Hz AC Napětí: 100-127 VAC / 200-240 VAC Spotřeba energie (230 VAC): Idle: 30.6W Max Power (w/o PoE): 45W Max Power (w/ PoE): 480W Bezpečnost Aruba 6000 48G 4SFP Switch je certifikován dle UL 60950-1; IEC 60950-1; EN 60950-1; CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1; EN 60825-1 UL 62368-1 Ed. 2; IEC 62368-1 Ed. 2; EN 62368-1:2014. Montáž a skříň Aruba 6000 48G 4SFP Switch lze namontovat do standardního 19-palcového telco racku nebo do skříně pro zařízení.

Podívejte se také Aruba Instant On AP11 (R2W96A)

cena 24194.0 Kč

20 x Aruba Instant On 1930 48G Class4 PoE 4SFP/SFP+ 370W Switch

Aruba Instant On 1930 48G Class4 PoE 4SFP/SFP+ 370W Switch Aruba Instant On 1930 je vysoce výkonný switch ideální pro malé a střední podniky. Nabízí 48 portů RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 Class 4 PoE a 4 SFP+ 1/10GbE porty. Fyzické charakteristiky Switch má rozměry 17.42(w) x 12.7(d) x 1.73(h) in (44.25 x 32.26 x 4.39 cm) a váží 10.12 lb (4.59 kg). Výkon a kapacita Switch je vybavený procesorem ARM Cortex-A9 @ 800 MHz, 512 MB SDRAM a 256 MB flash. Poskytuje průchodnost až 130.95 Mpps a kapacitu 176 Gbps. Latence 100 Mb: < 4.5 uSec 1000 Mb: <2.2 uSec 10000 Mb: <1.2 uSec Prostředí Switch je navržen pro provoz v teplotách od 32°F do 104°F (0°C do 40°C) a relativní vlhkosti od 15% do 95% při 104°F (40°C). Elektrické charakteristiky Switch je napájen napětím 100 - 127 / 200 - 240 VAC s frekvencí 50-60 Hz. Maximální výkon je 465.6W a idle power je 38.3W. PoE výkon je 370 W Class 4 PoE. Správa zařízení Switch lze spravovat prostřednictvím Aruba Instant On Cloud, webového prohlížeče nebo SNMP Manager. Montáž Switch lze montovat do standardního 19" racku, na stůl, na zeď nebo pod stůl. Transceivery Switch podporuje různé typy transceiverů, včetně Aruba Instant On 1G SFP LC SX 500m OM2 MMF Transceiver (R9D16A) a Aruba Instant On 10G SFP+ LC SR 300m OM3 MMF Transceiver (R9D18A).

Podívejte se také CUDY 24-Port Gigabit PoE+ Switch with 2 SFP ports 300W (GS1028PS2)

cena 136783.0 Kč

20 x Aruba Instant On 1930 24G 4SFP/SFP+ Switch

Aruba Instant On 1930 24G 4SFP/SFP+ Switch Aruba Instant On 1930 24G 4SFP/SFP+ Switch je vysokovýkonný, chytrě spravovaný switch navržený s ohledem na malé podniky. Snadno se implementuje a je cenově dostupný. Je navržen tak, aby zvládal dnešní náročné aplikace, jako je hlasová a video konference, a zajišťoval tak konzistentní připojení pro zlepšení výkonu. Specifikace Porty: 24 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 ports, 4 SFP+ 1/10GbE ports Rozměry: 17.42(w) x 8.72(d) x 1.73(h) in (44.25 x 22.15 x 4.39 cm) Hmotnost: 5.32 lb (2.41 kg) Procesor a paměť: ARM Cortex-A9 @ 800 MHz, 512 MB SDRAM, 256 MB flash Výkon: Průchodnost 95.23 Mpps, kapacita 128 Gbps Prostředí: Provozní teplota 32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C), vlhkost 15% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C) Elektrické vlastnosti: Frekvence 50-60 Hz, napětí 100-240V, proud 0.5/0.3 A, maximální výkon 22.6 W Vlastnosti Snadná instalace a správa: Aplikace Aruba Instant On umožňuje nastavit, spravovat a monitorovat switche a přístupové body přímo z vašeho telefonu. Bezpečnost: Vstavané bezpečnostní funkce chrání vaši síť před neoprávněným přístupem. Vysoký výkon: Série se skládá ze čtyř (4) třídních 4 PoE (PoE+) switchů a tří (3) non-POE switchů včetně 8- 24- a 48-portových Gigabit Ethernet switchů. Optimalizovaný uživatelský zážitek: Aplikace Aruba Instant On poskytuje běžné postupy pro switche a přístupové body Instant On, což usnadňuje konfiguraci, monitorování a správu vaší sítě na dálku. Žádné skryté poplatky: Všechny funkce jsou zahrnuty v ceně hardwaru - nejsou zde žádné opakující se poplatky za předplatné nebo licence. Bezpečnostní funkce TPM-based security: Zahrnuje Trusted Platform Module (TPM) pro bezpečné generování a ukládání kryptografických klíčů. Automatická ochrana proti DoS: Monitoruje a chrání síť před škodlivými útoky. ARP Attack prevention: Dynamická ARP ochrana blokuje ARP vysílání od neautorizovaných hostitelů. Port security: Porty v izolační skupině portů jsou omezeny na přeposílání vrstvy 2 mezi porty v této skupině. Výkon a efektivita Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE): Splňuje požadavky standardu IEEE 802.3az pro úsporu energie během období nízké datové aktivity. Auto-port shut down: Switch šetří energii automatickým vypnutím napájení na neaktivních portech. Energy-efficient cooling: Zahrnuje proměnné rychlosti ventilátorů, které pracují pouze na rychlosti nutné k udržení provozní teploty. Switching Features IEEE 802.3x Flow control: Poskytuje mechanismus pro regulaci toku šířený sítí, aby se zabránilo ztrátě paketů na přeplněném uzlu. Spanning Tree Protocol (STP): Podporuje standardní IEEE 802.1D STP, IEEE 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) pro rychlejší konvergenci. Jumbo frame support: Podporuje až 9216 bajtů velikosti rámců pro zlepšení výkonu při přenosu velkých dat. Záruka, servis a podpora Aruba Instant On Limited Lifetime Support poskytuje 24X7 telefonickou podporu po dobu prvních 90 dnů a podporu chatu po dobu záruky. Komunitní podpora je zahrnuta po dobu života produktu.

Objev podobné jako 20 x Aruba Instant On 1930 24G 4SFP/SFP+ Switch

cena 50888.0 Kč

Aruba 6100 24G Class4 PoE 4SFP+ 370W Switch

Řada přepínačů Aruba CX 6100 je moderní rodina přístupových přepínačů základní úrovně ideální pro pobočky, střední podniky a sítě SMB. Přepínače Aruba CX 6100, navržené pro spolehlivý, jednoduchý a bezpečný přístup, poskytují pohodlné řešení kabelového přístupu pro podnikové sítě podporující IoT, mobilní a cloudové aplikace. Technické parametry 24x 10/100/1000Base-T porty 4x 1/10G SFP porty 1x USB-C Console Port, 1x USB Type-A Host port Interní (pevný) napájecí zdroj (500 W), pevné ventilátory Maximální výkon: 32,7 W bez PoE, 455 W s PoE Vstupní napětí: 100-127 VAC / 200-240 VAC Přepínací kapacita: 128 Gb/s Propustnost: 95,2 Mpps Procesor: Dual Core ARM Cortex A9 @ 1016 Mhz Paměť a Flash: 4 GB DDR3, 16 GB eMMC Možnost PoE: Až 370W Class 4 PoE Rozměry: 4,39 x 44,2 x 26,82 cm Hmotnost: 4,2 kg Specifications Aruba 6100 24G Class4 PoE 4SFP+ 370W Switch (JL677A) Description 24x ports 10/100/1000BASE-T Ports 4x 1G/10G SFP ports Supports PoE Standards IEEE 802.3af, 802.3at 1x USB-C Console Port 1x USB Type-A Host port Power supplies Fixed power supply (500W) Up to 370W of Class 4 PoE Power Fans Fixed fans Physical characteristics Dimensions (H) 4.39 cm (W) 44.2 cm (D) 26.82 cm (1.73" x 17.4" x 10.56") Configuration Weight 4.19kg (9.24 lbs) Additional Specifications CPU Dual Core ARM Cortex A9 @ 1016 Mhz Memory and Flash 4 GB DDR3 16 GB eMMC Packet Buffer 12.38MB (4.5MB Ingress/7.875MB Egress) Performance Model Switching Capacity 128 Gbps Model Throughput Capacity 95.2 Mpps Average Latency (LIFO-64- bytes packets) 1 Gbps: 1.5 µSec , 10 Gbps: 1.8 µSec Switched Virtual Interfaces (dual stack) 16 IPv4 Host Table (ARP) 1,024 IPv6 Host Table (ND) 512 IPv4 Unicast Routes 512 IPv6 Unicast Routes 512 MAC Table Capacity 8,192 IGMP Groups 512 MLD Groups 512 IPv4/IPv6/MAC ACL Entries (ingress) 256 / 128 / 256 Aruba 6100 24G Class4 PoE 4SFP+ 370W Switch (JL677A) Environment Operating Temperature 32°F to 113°F (0°C to 45°C) up to 5000 ft (1.5 km) derate -1°C for every 1000 ft (305 m) from 5000 ft (1.5 km) to 10000 ft (3.0 km) Operating Relative Humidity 15% to 95% at 104°F (40°C) non-condensing Non-Operating -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) up to 15000 ft (4.6 km) Non-Operating Storage Relative Humidity 15% to 90% @ 149°F (65°C) non-condensing Max Operating Altitude 10000 feet (3 km) Max Max Non-Operating Altitude 15000 feet (4.6 km) Max Acoustic Sound Power, LWAd = 3.9 Bel Sound Pressure, LpAm (Bystander)= 24.3 dB Primary Airflow Side-to-side Electrical Characteristics Frequency 50 / 60 Hz AC Voltage 100-127 VAC / 200-240 VAC Current 4.6 A / 2.3 A Power Consumption (230 VAC) Idle: 22.9W Max Power (w/o PoE): 32.7W Max Power (w/ PoE): 455W Safety UL 60950-1; IEC 60950-1; EN 60950-1; CAN/ CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1; EN 60825-1 UL 62368-1 Ed. 2; IEC 62368-1 Ed. 2; EN 62368-1:2014 Emissions VCCI-CISPR 32, Class A; CNS 13438; ICES-003 Issue 6 Class A; FCC CFR 47 Part 15, Class A; EN 55032: 2015 +AC:2016 / CISPR-32, Class A Aruba 6100 24G Class4 PoE 4SFP+ 370W Switch (JL677A) Lasers EN 60825-1:2007 / IEC 60825- 1:2007 Class 1 Class 1 Laser Products / Laser Klasse 1 (Applicable for accessories - Optical Transceivers only) Immunity Generic CISPR 24 / CISPR 35 EN EN 55024:2010 / EN 55035:2017 ESD IEC 61000-4-2 Radiated IEC 61000-4-3 EFT/Burst IEC 61000-4-4 Surge IEC 61000-4-5 Conducted IEC 61000-4-6 Power frequency magnetic field IEC 61000-4-8 Voltage dips and interruptions IEC 61000-4-11 Harmonics EN 61000-3-2, IEC 61000-3-2 Flicker EN 61000-3-3, IEC 61000-3-3 Mounting and Enclosure Mounts in an EIA-standard 19-inch telco rack or equipment cabinet (rack-mounting kit available); horizontal surface mounting; wall mounting

Objev podobné jako Aruba 6100 24G Class4 PoE 4SFP+ 370W Switch

cena 30141.0 Kč

Aruba IOn 1930 48G 4SFP+ Switch (JL685A)

Switch 48 portový, 1 Gbit, 4× SFP, QoS, VLAN, spravovatelný, rack Switch je aktivní síťový komponent propojující jednotlivá zařízení případně jiné prvky sítě. Slouží ke správě síťového provozu. Aruba IOn 1930 48G 4SFP+ Switch je určen k instalaci do rozvaděče. Nabízený model vás zaujme přepínací kapacitou 176 Gb/s a paketovou kapacitou 130,95 ks. Switch disponuje 48 ks RJ-45 portů, které jsou určeny k propojení se síťovými prvky. Celkem 4 konektory typu SFP využijete k přenosu dat přes optická vlákna. Technologie 10/100/1000Base-T dokáže šířit data až při rychlosti 1000 Mbit/s. Využívá Dual Personality porty, které vynikají tím, že je jejich součástí konektor RJ-45 i SFP, v konkrétním okamžiku lze však použít jen jeden z nich. Rozměry switche odpovídají hodnotám 442,5 × 282,4 × 43,9 mm. Díky technologii QoS neboli Quality of Service nedojde k zahlcení switche, dokonce si můžete seřídit přednost koncových zařízení. Tento switch navíc nabízí schopnost...

Objev podobné jako Aruba IOn 1930 48G 4SFP+ Switch (JL685A)

cena 11390.0 Kč

20 x Aruba Instant On 1930 48G 4SFP/SFP+ Switch

Aruba Instant On 1930 48G 4SFP/SFP+ Switch Switch s vysokou kapacitou a výkonem Aruba Instant On 1930 48G 4SFP/SFP+ Switch je vybaven 48 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 porty a 4 SFP+ 1/10GbE porty. Fyzické charakteristiky Switch má rozměry 17.42(w) x 11.12(d) x 1.73(h) in a váží 6.91 lb. Výkonný procesor a dostatek paměti Procesor ARM Cortex-A9 pracuje na frekvenci 800 MHz. Switch je vybaven 512 MB SDRAM a 256 MB flash paměti. Vysoký výkon 100 Mb latency: Provozní podmínky Switch je navržen pro provoz v teplotách 32°F do 104°F s relativní vlhkostí 15% až 95%. Elektrické charakteristiky Switch pracuje na frekvenci 50-60 Hz s napětím 100 - 127 / 200 - 240 VAC. Maximální výkon je 36.9 W. Bezpečnost a imunita Switch je certifikován dle UL 60950-1, IEC 60950-1,EN 60950-1, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1, EN 60825-1 a dalších. Správa zařízení Zařízení lze spravovat přes Aruba Instant On Cloud, webový prohlížeč nebo SNMP Manager. Montáž Switch lze montovat do 19" racku, na stůl, na zeď nebo pod stůl. Transceivery Switch podporuje řadu transceiverů, včetně Aruba Instant On 1G SFP LC SX 500m OM2 MMF Transceiver a dalších.

Objev podobné jako 20 x Aruba Instant On 1930 48G 4SFP/SFP+ Switch

cena 76231.0 Kč

HPE Networking Instant On Switch 24p Gigabit 4p SFP+ 1930 (JL682A)

Aruba Instant On 1930 24G 4SFP/SFP+ Switch EAN: 190017355450 Aruba Instant On 1930 24G 4SFP/SFP+ Switch je výkonný switch navržený pro malé podniky. Fyzické vlastnosti Switch má rozměry 17.42(w) x 8.72(d) x 1.73(h) palce a váží 2.41 kg. Výkon S ARM Cortex-A9 @ 800 MHz, 512 MB SDRAM a 256 MB flash dosahuje propustnost 95.23 Mpps a kapacitu 128 Gbps. Spolehlivost MTBF je 158 let. Prostředí Pracuje v teplotách od 0°C do 40°C a vlhkosti 15% až 95% při 40°C. Elektrické vlastnosti Frekvence: 50-60 Hz, napětí: 100-240V, proud: 0.5/0.3 A, maximální výkon: 22.6 W, klidový výkon: 9.3 W. Bezpečnost Switch je certifikovaný dle standardů UL 60950-1, IEC 60950-1,EN 60950-1, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1, EN 60825-1 a dalších. Správa zařízení Aruba Instant On Cloud; Web browser; SNMP Manager Montáž Montuje se do standardu EIA 19 in. telco rack nebo do skříně. Podporuje také stolní, stěnovou a podstolní montáž. Klíčové vlastnosti Chytrý spravovaný switch s vrstvou 2+ PoE pro napájení AP a IoT zařízení Bezpečnostní ovládání pro definování přístupu v síti Pohodlná mobilní aplikace a webové rozhraní pro nastavení a správu Standardní funkce Plug-and-play switchy, které fungují s AP Instant On hned po vybalení Mobilní aplikace pro snadné nastavení, sledování a správu sítě Automatická ochrana před DoS útoky Bez dodatečných licenčních nebo předplatných poplatků Průmyslově nejlepší omezená doživotní záruka a podpora Management Cloudové řízení celé sítě, jednoduché lokální webové GUI řízení, podpora až pěti (5) HTTP a HTTP Secure (HTTPS) relací. Kvalita služby (QoS) Prioritizace provozu, IEEE 802.1p/Q VLAN značení, třída služby (CoS), pokročilý klasifikátor na základě QoS. Bezpečnost sítě TPM-based security, IEEE 802.1Q VLAN support, IEEE 802.1X access control, automatická ochrana před DoS útoky, ochrana před bouří paketů, RADIUS, RADIUS účetnictví, Management VLAN ID, prevence proti Link Flap. Výkon a efektivita Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE), automatické vypnutí portu, stav úspory energie, energeticky účinné chlazení, bezventilátorový provoz. Switchingové funkce IEEE 802.3x Flow control, Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), ochrana proti smyčkám, BPDU filtrování, podpora Jumbo frame, IGMP snooping v1/v2, Link agregace, LLDP/LLDP-MED (Media Endpoint Discovery), Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). Záruka, servis a podpora Aruba Instant On Limited Lifetime Support poskytuje 24X7 telefonickou podporu po prvních 90 dnech a chatovou podporu po celou dobu záruky. Komunitní podpora je zahrnuta po dobu života produktu.

Objev podobné jako HPE Networking Instant On Switch 24p Gigabit 4p SFP+ 1930 (JL682A)

cena 5454.0 Kč

Aruba Instant On 1830 48G 4SFP 370W Switch (24x RJ45 10/100/1000 24x Class4 PoE)

Aruba Instant On 1830 48G 4SFP 370W Switch (24x RJ45 10/100/1000 24x Class4 PoE) Aruba Instant On 1830 8G Switch (JL810A) Aruba Instant On 1830 8G 4p Class4 PoE 65W Switch (JL811A) Aruba Instant On 1830 24G 2SFP Switch (JL812A) Aruba Instant On 1830 24G 12p Class4 PoE 2SFP 195W Switch (JL813A) Aruba Instant On 1830 48G 4SFP Switch (JL814A) Aruba Instant On 1830 48G 24p Class4 PoE 4SFP 370W Switch (JL815A) I/O ports and slots 8 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 ports IEEE 802.3af Class 3 PD (port 1) (IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE-TX, IEEE 802.3ab Type 1000BASE-T); Duplex: 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: half or full; 1000BASE-T: full only 8 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 ports IEEE 802.3at Class 4 PoE (ports 1-4) (IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE-TX, IEEE 802.3ab Type 1000BASE-T); Duplex: 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: half or full; 1000BASE-T: full only 24 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 ports (IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE-TX, IEEE 802.3ab Type 1000BASE-T); Duplex: 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: half or full; 1000BASE-T: full only 2 SFP 1GbE ports 24 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 ports IEEE 802.3at Class 4 PoE (ports 1-12) (IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE-TX, IEEE 802.3ab Type 1000BASE-T); Duplex: 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: half or full; 1000BASE-T: full only 2 SFP 1GbE ports 48 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 ports (IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE-TX, IEEE 802.3ab Type 1000BASE-T); Duplex: 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: half or full; 1000BASE-T: full only 4 SFP 1GbE ports 48 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 ports IEEE 802.3at Class 4 PoE (ports 1-24) (IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE-TX, IEEE 802.3ab Type 1000BASE-T); Duplex: 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: half or full; 1000BASE-T: full only 4 SFP 1GbE ports Physical Characteristics Dimensions 157.0(d) x 173.0(w) x 39.1(h) mm 195.1(d) x 245.1(w) x 43.9(h) mm 215.9(d) x 443.0(w) x 43.9(h) mm 253.0(d) x 443.0(w) x 43.9(h) mm 253.0(d) x 443.0(w) x 43.9(h) mm 351.0(d) x 443.0(w) x 43.9(h) mm Weight 1.70 lb (0.77 kg) 3.40 lb (1.54 kg) 5.50 lb (2.49 kg) 7.65 lb (3.47 kg) 7.80 lb (3.54 kg) 10.90 lb (4.94 kg) Processor and Memory ARM Cortex-A9 @ 800MHz, 512 MB SDRAM, 256 MB flash; packet buffer: 1.5MB ARM Cortex-A9 @ 800MHz, 512 MB SDRAM, 256 MB flash; packet buffer: 1.5MB ARM Cortex-A9 @ 800MHz, 512 MB SDRAM, 256 MB flash; packet buffer: 1.5MB ARM Cortex-A9 @ 800MHz, 512 MB SDRAM, 256 MB flash; packet buffer: 1.5MB "RM Cortex-A9 @ 800MHz, 512 MB SDRAM, 256 MB flash; packet buffer: 1.5MB ARM Cortex-A9 @ 800MHz, 512 MB SDRAM, 256 MB flash; packet buffer: 1.5MB Aruba Instant On 1830 8G Switch (JL810A) Aruba Instant On 1830 8G 4p Class4 PoE 65W Switch (JL811A) Aruba Instant On 1830 24G 2SFP Switch (JL812A) Aruba Instant On 1830 24G 12p Class4 PoE 2SFP 195W Switch (JL813A) Aruba Instant On 1830 48G 4SFP Switch (JL814A) Aruba Instant On 1830 48G 24p Class4 PoE 4SFP 370W Switch (JL815A) Performance 100 Mb latency < 5.2 uSec < 5.2 uSec < 5.2 uSec < 5.2 uSec < 5.2 uSec < 5.2 uSec 1000 Mb latency < 2.8 uSec < 2.8 uSec < 2.8 uSec < 2.8 uSec < 2.8 uSec < 2.8 uSec 10000 Mb latency n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Throughput (Mpps) 11.90 Mpps 11.90 Mpps 38.68 Mpps 38.68 Mpps 77.37 Mpps 77.37 Mpps Capacity 16 Gbps 16 Gbps 52 Gbps 52 Gbps 104 Gbps 104 Gbps MAC address table size (# of entries) 8,000 entries 8,000 entries 16,000 entries 16,000 entries 16,000 entries 16,000 entries Reliability MTBF (years) 188.2 105.9 203.6 96.6 114.4 83.5 Environment Operating temperature 32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C) 32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C) 32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C) 32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C) 32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C) 32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C) Operating relative humidity 15% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C) 15% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C) 15% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C) 15% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C) 15% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C) 15% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C) Nonoperating/ storage temperature -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) Nonoperating/ storage relative humidity 15% to 95% @ 140°F (60°C) 15% to 95% @ 140°F (60°C) 15% to 95% @ 140°F (60°C) 15% to 95% @ 140°F (60°C) 15% to 95% @ 140°F (60°C) 15% to 95% @ 140°F (60°C) Altitude up to 10,000 ft (3 km) up to 10,000 ft (3 km) up to 10,000 ft (3 km) up to 10,000 ft (3 km) up to 10,000 ft (3 km) up to 10,000 ft (3 km) Acoustics1 Fanless Fanless Fanless LWAd = 3.1 Bel LpAm (Bystander) = 17 dB LWAd = 3.4 Bel LpAm (Bystander) = 19 dB LWAd = 4.0 Bel LpAm (Bystander) = 25 dB Notes: 1Acoustics measured in 23°C semi-anechoic chamber with a loading of 100% traffic and (for JL813A and JL815A) 50% PoE on all ports. Measured in accordance with ISO 7779. Declared in accordance with ECMA-109:2010. Values presented are the Declared A-Weighted Sound Power Level (LWAd) and the mean Bystander A-Weighted Sound Pressure Level (LpAm) 100% traffic Fanless Fanless Fanless LWAd = 3.1 Bel LpAm (Bystander) = 17 dB LWAd = 3.4 Bel LpAm (Bystander) = 19 dB LWAd = 3.5 Bel LpAm (Bystander) = 20 dB 100% traffic / 0% PoE Fanless Fanless Fanless LWAd = 3.1 Bel LpAm (Bystander) = 17 dB - LWAd = 3.5 Bel LpAm (Bystander) = 20 dB 100% traffic / 50% PoE Fanless Fanless Fanless LWAd = 3.1 Bel LpAm (Bystander) = 17 dB - LWAd = 4.0 Bel LpAm (Bystander) = 25 dB 100% traffic / 100% PoE Fanless Fanless Fanless LWAd = 5.1 Bel LpAm (Bystander) = 35 dB - LWAd = 5.7 Bel LpAm (Bystander) = 41 dB Aruba Instant On 1830 8G Switch (JL810A) Aruba Instant On 1830 8G 4p Class4 PoE 65W Switch (JL811A) Aruba Instant On 1830 24G 2SFP Switch (JL812A) Aruba Instant On 1830 24G 12p Class4 PoE 2SFP 195W Switch (JL813A) Aruba Instant On 1830 48G 4SFP Switch (JL814A) Aruba Instant On 1830 48G 24p Class4 PoE 4SFP 370W Switch (JL815A) Electrical Characteristics Frequency 50Hz/60Hz 50Hz/60Hz 50Hz/60Hz 50Hz/60Hz 50Hz/60Hz 50Hz/60Hz AC voltage 100-127VAC / 200- 240VAC 100-127VAC / 200- 240VAC 100-127VAC / 200- 240VAC 100-127VAC / 200- 240VAC 100-127VAC / 200- 240VAC 100-127VAC / 200- 240VAC Current 12V -- 1.0A 1.0A/0.5A 0.4A/0.3A 2.7A/1.4A 0.9A/0.6A 5.2A/2.6A Maximum power rating 100-127V: 8.09W 200-220V: 8.05W 100-127V: 86.07W 200-220V: 83.67W 100-127V: 19.1W 200-220V: 19W 100-127V: 244.6W 200-220V: 237.2W 100-127V: 40.2W 200-220V: 40W 100-127V: 462.5W 200-220V: 452.5W Idle power 100-127V: 5.8W 200-220V: 5.9W 100-127V: 8.3W 200-220V: 8.2W 100-127V: 7.6W 200-220V: 7.8W 100-127V: 14.5W 200-220V: 13.4W 100-127V: 17.7W 200-220V: 17.7W 100-127V: 25.8W 200-220V: 25.4W PoE power 13W max Class 3 PD 65 W Class 4 PoE - 195 W Class 4 PoE - 370 W Class 4 PoE Power supply External power adapter (included) Internal power supply Internal power supply Internal power supply Internal power supply Internal power supply Safety EN/IEC 60950-1:2006 + A11:2009 + A1:2010 + A12:2011 + A2:2013 EN/IEC 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. UL 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. EN/IEC 60825-1:2014 Class 1 EN/IEC 60950-1:2006 + A11:2009 + A1:2010 + A12:2011 + A2:2013 EN/IEC 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. UL 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. EN/IEC 60825-1:2014 Class 1 EN/IEC 60950-1:2006 + A11:2009 + A1:2010 + A12:2011 + A2:2013 EN/IEC 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. L 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. EN/IEC 60825-1:2014 Class 1 EN/IEC 60950-1:2006 + A11:2009 + A1:2010 + A12:2011 + A2:2013 EN/IEC 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. UL 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. EN/IEC 60825-1:2014 Class 1 EN/IEC 60950-1:2006 + A11:2009 + A1:2010 + A12:2011 + A2:2013 EN/IEC 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. UL 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. EN/IEC 60825-1:2014 Class 1 EN/IEC 60950-1:2006 + A11:2009 + A1:2010 + A12:2011 + A2:2013 EN/IEC 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. UL 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. EN/IEC 60825-1:2014 Class 1 Emissions EN 55032:2015/CISPR 32, Class A FCC CFR 47 Part 15: 2018 Class A ICES-003 Class A VCCI Class A CNS 13438 Class A KN 32 Class A AS/NZS CISPR 32 Class A EN 55032:2015/CISPR 32, Class A FCC CFR 47 Part 15: 2018 Class A ICES-003 Class A VCCI Class A CNS 13438 Class A KN 32 Class A AS/NZS CISPR 32 Class A EN 55032:2015/CISPR 32, Class A FCC CFR 47 Part 15: 2018 Class A ICES-003 Class A VCCI Class A CNS 13438 Class A KN 32 Class A AS/NZS CISPR 32 Class A EN 55032:2015/CISPR 32, Class A FCC CFR 47 Part 15: 2018 Class A ICES-003 Class A VCCI Class A CNS 13438 Class A KN 32 Class A AS/NZS CISPR 32 Class A EN 55032:2015/CISPR 32, Class A FCC CFR 47 Part 15: 2018 Class A ICES-003 Class A VCCI Class A CNS 13438 Class A KN 32 Class A AS/NZS CISPR 32 Class A EN 55032:2015/CISPR 32, Class A FCC CFR 47 Part 15: 2018 Class A ICES-003 Class A VCCI Class A CNS 13438 Class A KN 32 Class A AS/NZS CISPR 32 Class A Aruba Instant On 1830 8G Switch (JL810A) Aruba Instant On 1830 8G 4p Class4 PoE 65W Switch (JL811A) Aruba Instant On 1830 24G 2SFP Switch (JL812A) Aruba Instant On 1830 24G 12p Class4 PoE 2SFP 195W Switch (JL813A) Aruba Instant On 1830 48G 4SFP Switch (JL814A) Aruba Instant On 1830 48G 24p Class4 PoE 4SFP 370W Switch (JL815A) Immunity Generic EN 55035, CISPR 35, KN35 EN 55035, CISPR 35, KN35 EN 55035, CISPR 35, KN35 EN 55035, CISPR 35, KN35 EN 55035, CISPR 35, KN35 EN 55035, CISPR 35, KN35 EN EN 55035, CISPR 35 EN 55035, CISPR 35 EN 55035, CISPR 35 EN 55035, CISPR 35 EN 55035, CISPR 35 EN 55035, CISPR 35 ESD EN/IEC 61000-4-2 EN/IEC 61000-4-2 EN/IEC 61000-4-2 EN/IEC 61000-4-2 EN/IEC 61000-4-2 EN/IEC 61000-4-2 Radiated EN/IEC 61000-4-3 EN/IEC 61000-4-3 EN/IEC 61000-4-3 EN/IEC 61000-4-3 EN/IEC 61000-4-3 EN/IEC 61000-4-3 EFT/Burst EN/IEC 61000-4-4 EN/IEC 61000-4-4 EN/IEC 61000-4-4 EN/IEC 61000-4-4 EN/IEC 61000-4-4 EN/IEC 61000-4-4 Surge EN/IEC 61000-4-5 EN/IEC 61000-4-5 EN/IEC 61000-4-5 EN/IEC 61000-4-5 EN/IEC 61000-4-5 EN/IEC 61000-4-5 Conducted EN/IEC 61000-4-6 EN/IEC 61000-4-6 EN/IEC 61000-4-6 EN/IEC 61000-4-6 EN/IEC 61000-4-6 EN/IEC 61000-4-6 Power frequency magnetic field EN/IEC 61000-4-8 EN/IEC 61000-4-8 EN/IEC 61000-4-8 EN/IEC 61000-4-8 EN/IEC 61000-4-8 EN/IEC 61000-4-8 Voltage dips and interruptions EN/IEC 61000-4-11 EN/IEC 61000-4-11 EN/IEC 61000-4-11 EN/IEC 61000-4-11 EN/IEC 61000-4-11 EN/IEC 61000-4-11 Harmonics EN/IEC 61000-3-2 EN/IEC 61000-3-2 EN/IEC 61000-3-2 EN/IEC 61000-3-2 EN/IEC 61000-3-2 EN/IEC 61000-3-2 Flicker EN /IEC 61000-3-3 EN /IEC 61000-3-3 EN /IEC 61000-3-3 EN /IEC 61000-3-3 EN /IEC 61000-3-3 EN /IEC 61000-3-3 Device Management Aruba Instant On Cloud; Web browser; SNMP Manager Aruba Instant On Cloud; Web browser; SNMP Manager Aruba Instant On Cloud; Web browser; SNMP Manager Aruba Instant On Cloud; Web browser; SNMP Manager Aruba Instant On Cloud; Web browser; SNMP Manager Aruba Instant On Cloud; Web browser; SNMP Manager Mounting Mounting positions and supported racking Supports table-top mounting Supports wall-mounting with ports facing either up or down Supports under-table mounting using base surface mounting holes Mounts in an EIAstandard 19 in. telco rack or equipment cabinet. 2-post rack kit included Supports table-top mounting Supports rack-mounting Supports wall-mounting with ports facing either up or down Supports under-table mounting using the brackets provided Must be mounted top surface up. To prevent possible impact to longterm reliability, product should not be mounted upside-down Mounts in an EIAstandard 19 in. telco rack or equipment cabinet. 2-post rack kit included Supports table-top mounting Supports rack-mounting Supports wall-mounting with ports facing either up or down Supports under-table mounting using the brackets provided Must be mounted top surface up. To prevent possible impact to longterm reliability, product should not be mounted upside-down Mounts in an EIAstandard 19 in. telco rack or equipment cabinet. 2-post rack kit included Supports table-top mounting Supports rack-mounting Supports wall-mounting with ports facing either up or down Supports under-table mounting using the brackets provided Mounts in an EIAstandard 19 in. telco rack or equipment cabinet. 2-post rack kit included Supports table-top mounting Supports rack-mounting Supports wall-mounting with ports facing either up or down Supports under-table mounting using the brackets provided Mounts in an EIAstandard 19 in. telco rack or equipment cabinet. 2-post rack kit included Supports table-top mounting Supports rack-mounting Supports wall-mounting with ports facing either up or down Suports under-table mounting using the brackets provided Aruba Instant On 1830 8G Switch (JL810A) Aruba Instant On 1830 8G 4p Class4 PoE 65W Switch (JL811A) Aruba Instant On 1830 24G 2SFP Switch (JL812A) Aruba Instant On 1830 24G 12p Class4 PoE 2SFP 195W Switch (JL813A) Aruba Instant On 1830 48G 4SFP Switch (JL814A) Aruba Instant On 1830 48G 24p Class4 PoE 4SFP 370W Switch (JL815A) Transceivers Aruba Instant On 1G SFP LC SX 500m OM2 MMF Transceiver (R9D16A) Aruba Instant On 1G SFP LC SX 500m OM2 MMF Transceiver (R9D16A) Aruba Instant On 1G SFP LC SX 500m OM2 MMF Transceiver (R9D16A) Aruba Instant On 1G SFP LC SX 500m OM2 MMF Transceiver (R9D16A) Aruba 1G SFP LC LX 10km SMF Transceiver (J4859D) Aruba 1G SFP LC LX 10km SMF Transceiver (J4859D) Aruba 1G SFP LC LX 10km SMF Transceiver (J4859D) Aruba 1G SFP LC LX 10km SMF Transceiver (J4859D) Aruba 1G SFP RJ45 T 100m Cat5e Transceiver (J8177D) Aruba 1G SFP RJ45 T 100m Cat5e Transceiver (J8177D) Aruba 1G SFP RJ45 T 100m Cat5e Transceiver (J8177D) Aruba 1G SFP RJ45 T 100m Cat5e Transceiver (J8177D)

Objev podobné jako Aruba Instant On 1830 48G 4SFP 370W Switch (24x RJ45 10/100/1000 24x Class4 PoE)

cena 11012.0 Kč

HPE Aruba Networking CX 6100 48G Class4 PoE 4SFP+ 370W Switch JL675A

Klíčové vlastnosti Konektivita na vrstvě 2 s podporou pro ACL, robustní QoS a statické směrování. Integrované uplinky 1/10GbE a až 370 W PoE třídy 4 pro podporu zařízení IoT. Kompaktní 12portový model bez ventilátoru pro tichý chod. Flexibilita správy s podporou Aruba Central, snadno použitelné webové grafické rozhraní, rozhraní CLI a Aruba NetEdit. Jednoduché nasazení s funkcí Zero Touch Provisioning. Připravenost na softwarovou definici s rozhraními REST API. Zjednodušení přidávání, přesunů a změn pomocí bezbarvého systému portů. Bezpečnost Podpora seznamu řízení přístupu (ACL) pro IPv4 i IPv6; umožňuje filtrovat provoz a zabránit tak neoprávněným uživatelům přístup k síti nebo k řízení sítě. Filtrování zdrojových portů umožňuje pouze zadaným portům komunikovat mezi sebou. Zabezpečený FTP umožňuje bezpečný přenos souborů do switche a z něj a chrání před nežádoucím stahováním souborů nebo jejich přenosem. Secure shell šifruje všechna přenášená data, aby byla bezpečná pro vzdálený přístup k CLI přes IP sítě. Zablokování adresy MAC zabraňuje tomu, aby se konkrétní adresa MAC nemohla připojit k síti. Specifications Aruba 6100 48G Class4 PoE 4SFP+ 370W Switch (JL675A) Description 48x ports 10/100/1000BASE-T Ports 4x 1G/10G SFP ports Supports PoE Standards IEEE 802.3af, 802.3at 1x USB-C Console Port 1x USB Type-A Host port Power supplies Fixed power supply (500W) Up to 370W of Class 4 PoE Power Fans Fixed fans Physical characteristics Dimensions (H) 4.39 cm (W) 44.2 cm (D) 30.48 cm (1.73" x 17.4" x 12.0") Configuration Weight 5.02 kg (11.07 lbs) Additional Specifications CPU Dual Core ARM Cortex A9 @ 1016 Mhz Memory and Flash 4 GB DDR3 16 GB eMMC Packet Buffer 12.38MB (4.5MB Ingress/7.875MB Egress) Performance Model Switching Capacity 176 Gbps Model Throughput Capacity 98.6 Mpps Average Latency (LIFO-64- bytes packets) 1 Gbps: 1.9 µSec , 10 Gbps: 1.8 µSec Switched Virtual Interfaces (dual stack) 16 IPv4 Host Table (ARP) 1,024 IPv6 Host Table (ND) 512 IPv4 Unicast Routes 512 IPv6 Unicast Routes 512 MAC Table Capacity 8,192 IGMP Groups 512 MLD Groups 512 IPv4/IPv6/MAC ACL Entries (ingress) 256 / 128 / 256 Aruba 6100 48G Class4 PoE 4SFP+ 370W Switch (JL675A)) Environment Operating Temperature 32°F to 113°F (0°C to 45°C) up to 5000 ft (1.5 km) derate -1°C for every 1000 ft (305 m) from 5000 ft (1.5 km) to 10000 ft (3.0 km) Operating Relative Humidity 15% to 95% at 104°F (40°C) non-condensing Non-Operating -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) up to 15000 ft (4.6 km) Non-Operating Storage Relative Humidity 15% to 90% @ 149°F (65°C) non-condensing Max Operating Altitude 10000 feet (3 km) Max Max Non-Operating Altitude 15000 feet (4.6 km) Max Acoustic Sound Power, LWAd = 4.3 Bel Sound Pressure, LpAm (Bystander) = 29.8 dB Primary Airflow Side-to-side Electrical Characteristics Frequency 50 / 60 Hz AC Voltage 100-127 VAC / 200-240 VAC Current 4.9 A / 2.4 A Power Consumption (230 VAC) Idle: 30.6W Max Power (w/o PoE): 45W Max Power (w/ PoE): 480W Safety UL 60950-1; IEC 60950-1; EN 60950-1; CAN/ CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1; EN 60825-1 UL 62368-1 Ed. 2; IEC 62368-1 Ed. 2; EN 62368-1:2014 Emissions VCCI-CISPR 32, Class A; CNS 13438; ICES-003 Issue 6 Class A; FCC CFR 47 Part 15, Class A; EN 55032: 2015 +AC:2016 / CISPR-32, Class A Aruba 6100 48G Class4 PoE 4SFP+ 370W Switch (JL675A)) Lasers EN 60825-1:2007 / IEC 60825- 1:2007 Class 1 Class 1 Laser Products / Laser Klasse 1 (Applicable for accessories - Optical Transceivers only) Immunity Generic CISPR 24 / CISPR 35 EN EN 55024:2010 / EN 55035:2017 ESD IEC 61000-4-2 Radiated IEC 61000-4-3 EFT/Burst IEC 61000-4-4 Surge IEC 61000-4-5 Conducted IEC 61000-4-6 Power frequency magnetic field IEC 61000-4-8 Voltage dips and interruptions IEC 61000-4-11 Harmonics EN 61000-3-2, IEC 61000-3-2 Flicker EN 61000-3-3, IEC 61000-3-3 Mounting and Enclosure Mounts in an EIA-standard 19-inch telco rack or equipment cabinet (rack-mounting kit available); horizontal surface mounting; wall mounting

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cena 38821.0 Kč

HPE Aruba Networking CX 6100 48G Class4 PoE 4SFP+ 370W Switch RENEW JL675A

HPE Aruba Networking CX 6100 48G Class4 PoE 4SFP+ 370W Switch RENEW JL675A Klíčové vlastnosti Konektivita na vrstvě 2 s podporou pro ACL, robustní QoS a statické směrování. Integrované uplinky 1/10GbE a až 370 W PoE třídy 4 pro podporu zařízení IoT. Kompaktní 12portový model bez ventilátoru pro tichý chod. Flexibilita správy s podporou Aruba Central, snadno použitelné webové grafické rozhraní, rozhraní CLI a Aruba NetEdit. Jednoduché nasazení s funkcí Zero Touch Provisioning. Připravenost na softwarovou definici s rozhraními REST API. Zjednodušení přidávání, přesunů a změn pomocí bezbarvého systému portů. Bezpečnost Podpora seznamu řízení přístupu (ACL) pro IPv4 i IPv6; umožňuje filtrovat provoz a zabránit tak neoprávněným uživatelům přístup k síti nebo k řízení sítě. Filtrování zdrojových portů umožňuje pouze zadaným portům komunikovat mezi sebou. Zabezpečený FTP umožňuje bezpečný přenos souborů do switche a z něj a chrání před nežádoucím stahováním souborů nebo jejich přenosem. Secure shell šifruje všechna přenášená data, aby byla bezpečná pro vzdálený přístup k CLI přes IP sítě. Zablokování adresy MAC zabraňuje tomu, aby se konkrétní adresa MAC nemohla připojit k síti. Specifications Aruba 6100 48G Class4 PoE 4SFP+ 370W Switch (JL675A) Description 48x ports 10/100/1000BASE-T Ports 4x 1G/10G SFP ports Supports PoE Standards IEEE 802.3af, 802.3at 1x USB-C Console Port 1x USB Type-A Host port Power supplies Fixed power supply (500W) Up to 370W of Class 4 PoE Power Fans Fixed fans Physical characteristics Dimensions (H) 4.39 cm (W) 44.2 cm (D) 30.48 cm (1.73" x 17.4" x 12.0") Configuration Weight 5.02 kg (11.07 lbs) Additional Specifications CPU Dual Core ARM Cortex A9 @ 1016 Mhz Memory and Flash 4 GB DDR3 16 GB eMMC Packet Buffer 12.38MB (4.5MB Ingress/7.875MB Egress) Performance Model Switching Capacity 176 Gbps Model Throughput Capacity 98.6 Mpps Average Latency (LIFO-64- bytes packets) 1 Gbps: 1.9 µSec , 10 Gbps: 1.8 µSec Switched Virtual Interfaces (dual stack) 16 IPv4 Host Table (ARP) 1,024 IPv6 Host Table (ND) 512 IPv4 Unicast Routes 512 IPv6 Unicast Routes 512 MAC Table Capacity 8,192 IGMP Groups 512 MLD Groups 512 IPv4/IPv6/MAC ACL Entries (ingress) 256 / 128 / 256 Aruba 6100 48G Class4 PoE 4SFP+ 370W Switch (JL675A)) Environment Operating Temperature 32°F to 113°F (0°C to 45°C) up to 5000 ft (1.5 km) derate -1°C for every 1000 ft (305 m) from 5000 ft (1.5 km) to 10000 ft (3.0 km) Operating Relative Humidity 15% to 95% at 104°F (40°C) non-condensing Non-Operating -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) up to 15000 ft (4.6 km) Non-Operating Storage Relative Humidity 15% to 90% @ 149°F (65°C) non-condensing Max Operating Altitude 10000 feet (3 km) Max Max Non-Operating Altitude 15000 feet (4.6 km) Max Acoustic Sound Power, LWAd = 4.3 Bel Sound Pressure, LpAm (Bystander) = 29.8 dB Primary Airflow Side-to-side Electrical Characteristics Frequency 50 / 60 Hz AC Voltage 100-127 VAC / 200-240 VAC Current 4.9 A / 2.4 A Power Consumption (230 VAC) Idle: 30.6W Max Power (w/o PoE): 45W Max Power (w/ PoE): 480W Safety UL 60950-1; IEC 60950-1; EN 60950-1; CAN/ CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1; EN 60825-1 UL 62368-1 Ed. 2; IEC 62368-1 Ed. 2; EN 62368-1:2014 Emissions VCCI-CISPR 32, Class A; CNS 13438; ICES-003 Issue 6 Class A; FCC CFR 47 Part 15, Class A; EN 55032: 2015 +AC:2016 / CISPR-32, Class A Aruba 6100 48G Class4 PoE 4SFP+ 370W Switch (JL675A)) Lasers EN 60825-1:2007 / IEC 60825- 1:2007 Class 1 Class 1 Laser Products / Laser Klasse 1 (Applicable for accessories - Optical Transceivers only) Immunity Generic CISPR 24 / CISPR 35 EN EN 55024:2010 / EN 55035:2017 ESD IEC 61000-4-2 Radiated IEC 61000-4-3 EFT/Burst IEC 61000-4-4 Surge IEC 61000-4-5 Conducted IEC 61000-4-6 Power frequency magnetic field IEC 61000-4-8 Voltage dips and interruptions IEC 61000-4-11 Harmonics EN 61000-3-2, IEC 61000-3-2 Flicker EN 61000-3-3, IEC 61000-3-3 Mounting and Enclosure Mounts in an EIA-standard 19-inch telco rack or equipment cabinet (rack-mounting kit available); horizontal surface mounting; wall mounting

Objev podobné jako HPE Aruba Networking CX 6100 48G Class4 PoE 4SFP+ 370W Switch RENEW JL675A

cena 31153.0 Kč

VÝPRODEJ Aruba Instant On 1430 26G 2SFP Switch

Aruba Instant On 1430 26G 2SFP Switch Pracujte efektivněji s technologií, kterou nabízí Aruba Instant On 1430 26G 2SFP Switch. Snadná konfigurace a údržba Aruba Instant On 1430 je ideální pro malé podniky, které postrádají IT podporu. Spolehlivé a rychlé připojení Tento přepínač nabízí rychlé a spolehlivé síťové připojení bez složité konfigurace. Široká škála modelů Aruba Instant On 1430 je k dispozici v sedmi konfiguracích s PoE a bez PoE. Podpora PoE PoE modely poskytují až 30W napájení PoE na port pro zařízení PoE třídy 4. Bezpečné a tiché provozování Všechny přepínače jsou bez ventilátoru, což je činí ideálními pro akusticky citlivé oblasti. Specifikace 26x RJ-45 2x SFP Kapacita přepínání: 56 Gbit/s Napájení: Interní adaptér Rozměry: 388 x 44 x 225 mm Hmotnost: 2,27 kg Záruka Aruba Instant On 1430 je dodáván s doživotní zárukou.

Objev podobné jako VÝPRODEJ Aruba Instant On 1430 26G 2SFP Switch

cena 3999.0 Kč

HPE FlexNetwork 5130 24G SFP 4SFP+ EI Switch (Must select min 1 power supply) RENEW JG933AR

I/O ports and slots 16 SFP 100/1000 Mbps ports8 SFP dual-personality ports; 100/1000BaseX or 100/1000BASET RJ-45 Combo Ports4 SFP+ fixed 1000/10000 SFP+ ports Additional ports and slots 1 RJ-45 serial console port Power supplies 2 power supply slots1 minimum power supply required (ordered separately) Physical characteristics Dimensions17.32(w) x 14.17(d) x 1.72(h) in (44 x 36 x 4.36 cm) (1U height)Weight17.64 lb (8 kg) Memory and processor 1 GB SDRAM, 128 MB flash; packet buffer size: 1.5 MB Mounting and enclosure Mounts in an EIA standard 19-inch telco rack or equipment cabinet (hardware included) Performance 1000 Mb Latency < 5 µs10 Gbps Latency < 1.5 µsThroughput 96 MppsRouting/Switching capacity 128 GbpsRouting table size 512 entries (IPv4), 256 entries (IPv6)MAC address table size 16384 entries Reliability MTBF (years) 52.79 Environment Operating temperature 32°F to 113°F (0°C to 45°C)Operating relative humidity 10% to 90%, noncondensingNonoperating/Storage temperature -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C)Nonoperating/Storage relative humidity 5% to 95%, noncondensingAcoustic Low-speed fan: 47.1 dB, High-speed fan: 50.7 dB; ISO 7779 Electrical characteristics Frequency 50/60 HzMaximum heat dissipation 102/204 BTU/hr (107.61/215.22 kJ/hr), for AC Powered units. For DC powered units heat dissipation is 130BTU/hr min, 232BTU/hr max.AC voltage 100 - 240 VACDC voltage -48 to -60 VDCCurrent 5 AMaximum power rating 60 WIdle power 30 W Notes Idle power is the actual power consumption of the device with no ports connected.Maximum power rating and maximum heat dissipation are the worst-case theoretical maximum numbers provided for planning the infrastructure with fully loaded PoE (if equipped), 100% traffic, all ports plugged in, and all modules populated.Power Ratings for AC Power Suppply indicated above.For DC input power, Idle Power is 38W and Max is 68W.DC Max input current is 8A. Units are supplied without a power supply. Customer must buy 1 or 2 JD362A(AC) or JD366A (DC) power supply. Safety UL 60950-1; EN 60825-1 Safety of Laser Products-Part 1; EN 60825-2 Safety of Laser Products-Part 2; IEC 60950-1; CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1; Anatel; ULAR; GOST; EN 60950-1/A11; FDA 21 CFR Subchapter J; NOM; ROHS Compliance Emissions EMC Directive 2004/108/EC; FCC (CFR 47, Part 15) Class A; EN 61000-4-11:2004; ANSI C63.4-2009; EN 61000-3-3:2008; VCCI V-4/2012.04; EN 6100-3-2:2006+A1:2009 + A2:2009; EN 61000-3-2:2006+A1:2009+A2:2009 ; EN 61000-4-3:2006; EN 61000-4-4:2012; EN 61000-4-5:2006; EN 61000-4-6:2009; AS/NZS CISPR 22:2009 Class A; CISPR 22:2008 Class A; EN 55022:2010 Class A; EN 61000-4-29: 2000; CISPR 24:2010; EN 300 386 V1.6.1; VCCI V-3/2013.04 Class A Immunity Generic EN 55024ESD EN300 386 Management IMC - Intelligent Management Center; command-line interface; Web browser; SNMP Manager Services Refer to the HP website at: www.hp.com/networking/services for details on the service-level descriptions and product numbers. For details about services and response times in your area, please contact your local HP sales office.

Objev podobné jako HPE FlexNetwork 5130 24G SFP 4SFP+ EI Switch (Must select min 1 power supply) RENEW JG933AR

cena 31074.0 Kč

5 x Aruba Instant On 1960 48G 2XGT 2SFP+ Switch (5 pack)

Aruba Instant On 1960 48G 2XGT 2SFP+ Switch (5 pack) Aruba Instant On 1960 je výkonný switch, který nabízí 48 portů RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 Mbps. Dva porty jsou SFP+ 10GbE a dva jsou 10GBASE-T. Technické specifikace Dimenze: 350.5(d) x 442.5(w) x 43.95(h) mm Hmotnost: 4.4 kg CPU: Single-Core ARM v7 Cortex-A9 @800MHz Latence: 100 Mb -

Objev podobné jako 5 x Aruba Instant On 1960 48G 2XGT 2SFP+ Switch (5 pack)

cena 80449.0 Kč

Tenda TEG1126P-24-410W 24x PoE AF/AT Gigabit Switch + 2x SFP, PoE celkem 370W, VLAN, ochrana proti p (TEG1126P-24-410W)

Switch 24 portový, 1 Gbit, 2× SFP, QoS, PoE, VLAN, rack Přepínač neboli switch je aktivní síťové zařízení, který propojuje zařízení a také jiné síťové prvky. Slouží k zapojení síťového provozu. Tenda TEG1126P-24-410W 24x PoE AF/AT Gigabit Switch + 2x SFP, PoE celkem 370W, VLAN, ochrana proti p je navržený k umístění do racku. Tento typ vás upoutá svou přepínací kapacitou 48 Gb/s a paketovou kapacitou 35,7 ks. Switch disponuje 24 ks RJ-45 portů, které jsou určeny k propojení se síťovými prvky. Celkem 2 konektory typu SFP užijete k přenosu dat skrz optická vlákna. Přepínač pracuje s technologiemi dovolující přenos dat až do rychlosti 1000 Mbit/s. Pracuje s Dual Personality porty, které jsou nevšední díky tomu, že mají k dispozici konektor RJ-45 i SFP, v jednom okamžiku se dá použít pouze jeden z nich. Rozměry switche odpovídají hodnotám 440 × 284 × 44 mm. Díky technologii QoS neboli Quality of Service je znemožněno přetížení switche, je také možné nastavit...

Objev podobné jako Tenda TEG1126P-24-410W 24x PoE AF/AT Gigabit Switch + 2x SFP, PoE celkem 370W, VLAN, ochrana proti p (TEG1126P-24-410W)

cena 6399.0 Kč

Výprodej Aruba Instant On 1960 24G PoE (20pClass4 + 4pClass6) 2XGT 2SFP+ 370W Switch

Aruba Instant On 1960 24G PoE Switch Aruba Instant On 1960 24G PoE je výkonný switch s 24 porty RJ-45, které podporují rychlosti až 1000 Mbps. Mezi těmito porty najdeme 4 porty CL4 a 20 portů CL6 PoE. Technické specifikace Switch disponuje 2 porty SFP+ 10GbE a 2 porty 10GBASE-T. Rozměry přístroje jsou 350.5(d) x 442.5(w) x 43.95(h) mm a váha 4.7 kg. Procesor a latence CPU: Single-Core ARM v7 Cortex-A9 @800MHz 100 Mb Latency: Elektrické charakteristiky Switch pracuje na frekvenci 50Hz/60Hz a napětí 100-127VAC / 200-240VAC. Maximální výkon zařízení je 500W při 100-127V a 480W při 200-220V. PoE výkon je celkem 370 W. Bezpečnost a emise Přístroj splňuje bezpečnostní normy EN/IEC 60950-1 a EN/IEC 62368-1. Emise jsou v souladu s normou EN 55032:2015/CISPR 32, Class A. Správa zařízení a montáž Zařízení lze spravovat prostřednictvím Aruba Instant On Cloud, webového prohlížeče nebo SNMP Managera. Přístroj lze montovat do standardního 19" racku, na stůl, na zeď nebo pod stůl.

Objev podobné jako Výprodej Aruba Instant On 1960 24G PoE (20pClass4 + 4pClass6) 2XGT 2SFP+ 370W Switch

cena 15933.0 Kč

5 x Aruba Instant On 1960 24G PoE (20pClass4 + 4pClass6) 2XGT 2SFP+ 370W Switch (5 pack)

5 x Aruba Instant On 1960 24G PoE (20pClass4 + 4pClass6) 2XGT 2SFP+ 370W Switch ( 5 pack ) I/O ports and slots 24 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 Mbps ports including 4 CL4 and 20 CL6 PoE ports IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE-TX, IEEE 802.3ab Type 1000BASE-T, IEEE 802.3at Class 4, IEEE 802.3bt Class 6); Duplex: 10BASE-T/100BASE TX: half or full; 1000BASE-T: full only 2 SFP+ 10GbE ports 2 10GBASE-T ports Dimensions 350.5(d) x 442.5(w) x 43.95(h) mm Weight 10.4 lb (4.7 kg) CPU Single-Core ARM v7 Cortex-A9 @800MHz 100 Mb Latency < 4.4 uSec 1000 Mb Latency < 2.2 uSec 10000 Mb Latency < 1.1 uSec Throughput (Mpps) 95 Mpps Capacity 128 Gbps Routing Table size (# of static entries) 32 IPv4/IPv6 MAC Address table size (# of entries) 16,000 entries Reliability MTBF (years) 65.3 Operating temperature 0-40°C, 0-10,000 ft Operating relative humidity 15% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C) non-condensing Nonoperating/Storage temperature -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) up to 15000 ft Nonoperating/Storage relative humidity 15% to 90% @ 149°F (65°C) non-condensing Altitude up to 10,000 ft (3 km) Acoustics1 LWAd = 3.5 Bel Notes1: 1 Acoustics measured in 23°C semi-anechoic chamber with a loading of 100% traffic and (for JL807A and JL809A) 50% PoE on all ports. Measured in accordance with ISO 7779. Declared in accordance with ECMA-109:2010. Values presented are the Declared A-Weighted Sound Power Level (LWAd) and the mean Bystander A-Weighted Sound Pressure Level (LpAm) Electrical Characteristics Frequency 50Hz/60Hz AC voltage 100-127VAC / 200-240VAC Current 5.0A/0.4A Maximum power rating 100-127V: 500W 200-220V: 480W Idle power 100-127V: 40W 200-220V: 80W PoE power Total 370 W PoE Power (Up to 240 W of Class 6 or 370 W of Class 4 PoE) Power Supply Internal power supply Safety EN/IEC 60950-1:2006 + A11:2009 + A1:2010 + A12:2011 + A2:2013 EN/IEC 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. UL 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. EN/IEC 60825-1:2014 Class 3 Emissions EN 55032:2015/CISPR 32, Class A FCC CFR 47 Part 15: 2018 Class A ICES-003 Class A VCCI Class A CNS 13438 Class A KN 32 Class A AS/NZS CISPR 32 Class A Generic EN 55035, CISPR 35, KN35 EN EN 55035, CISPR 35 ESD EN/IEC 61000-4-2 Radiated EN/IEC 61000-4-3 EFT/Burst EN/IEC 61000-4-4 Surge EN/IEC 61000-4-5 Conducted EN/IEC 61000-4-6 Power frequency magnetic field EN/IEC 61000-4-8 Voltage dips and interruptions EN/IEC 61000-4-11 Harmonics EN/IEC 61000-3-2 Flicker EN /IEC 61000-3-3 Device Management Aruba Instant On Cloud; Web browser; SNMP Manager Mounting Positions and Supported Racking Mounts in an EIA-standard 19 in. telco rack or equipment cabinet. 2-post rack kit includedSupports table-top mountingSupports rack-mountingSupports wall-mounting with ports facing either up or downSupports under-table mounting using the brackets provided Aruba Instant On 1G SFP LC SX 500m OM2 MMF Transceiver (R9D16A)Aruba 1G SFP LC LX 10km SMF Transceiver (J4859D)Aruba 1G SFP RJ45 T 100m Cat5e Transceiver (J8177D)Aruba Instant On 10G SFP+ LC SR 300m OM3 MMF Transceiver (R9D18A)Aruba 10G SFP+ LC LR 10km SMF Transceiver (J9151E)Aruba 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 1m DAC (J9281D)Aruba 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 3m DAC (J9283D)

Objev podobné jako 5 x Aruba Instant On 1960 24G PoE (20pClass4 + 4pClass6) 2XGT 2SFP+ 370W Switch (5 pack)

cena 75678.0 Kč

HPE Aruba Networking CX 6000 48G 4SFP Switch R8N86AR RENEW

Aruba 6000 48G 4SFP Switch R8N86AR RENEW EAN: 726354 Zvyšte výkon sítě s Aruba 6000 48G 4SFP Switch. Tento přepínač je ideální pro náročné sítě. Specifikace portů Přepínač Aruba 6000 48G 4SFP je vybaven 48x porty 10/100/1000BASE-T a 4x 1G/1G SFP porty. Dále obsahuje 1x USB-C Console Port a 1x USB Type-A Host port pro snadné připojení a správu. Dimenze a hmotnost Aruba 6000 48G 4SFP má rozměry 4.39 cm x 44.2 cm x 24.74 cm a váží 3.42 kg. Je kompaktní a lehký pro snadnou instalaci a přenos. Výkon a kapacita Přepínač má dvojjádrový procesor ARM Cortex A9 s frekvencí 1016 Mhz, 4 GB DDR3 paměť a 16 GB eMMC flash paměť. Jeho přepínací kapacita je 104 Gbps a propustnost 77.3 Mpps. Bezpečnost a regulace Aruba 6000 48G 4SFP splňuje bezpečnostní standardy UL 60950-1, IEC 60950-1, EN 60950-1, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1, EN 60825-1, UL 62368-1 Ed. 2, IEC 62368-1 Ed. 2, EN 62368-1:2014. Provozní podmínky Aruba 6000 48G 4SFP může pracovat v teplotách od 0°C do 45°C a relativní vlhkosti od 15% do 95% při teplotě 40°C. Elektrické charakteristiky Přepínač pracuje na frekvenci 50/60 Hz, napětí 100-127 VAC / 200-240 VAC a proud 0.8 A / 0.5 A. Spotřeba energie v klidu je 20.6W a maximální spotřeba (bez PoE) je 44.2W. Klíčové vlastnosti 48x porty 10/100/1000BASE-T 4x 1G/1G SFP porty USB-C Console Port a USB Type-A Host port Dvojjádrový procesor ARM Cortex A9 s frekvencí 1016 Mhz 4 GB DDR3 paměť a 16 GB eMMC flash paměť Přepínací kapacita 104 Gbps a propustnost 77.3 Mpps Dodáváme s pevnými napájecími zdroji a pevnými ventilátory pro bezproblémový provoz. Aruba 6000 48G 4SFP je ideální pro náročné sítě vyžadující vysoký výkon a spolehlivost.

Objev podobné jako HPE Aruba Networking CX 6000 48G 4SFP Switch R8N86AR RENEW

cena 10609.0 Kč

Výprodej Aruba Instant On 1430 8G Class4 PoE 64W Switch

Aruba Instant On 1430 8G Class4 PoE 64W Switch Obecný popis Aruba Instant On 1430 8G Class4 PoE 64W Switch je vysokovýkonný síťový switch. Nabízí 8 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 Class 4 PoE portů. Technické specifikace Rozměry: 150(d) x 177(w) x 37(h) mm Hmotnost: 0.77 kg Procesor a paměť: 128Kb EEPROM; Velikost packet bufferu: 2.0 Mb Výkon 100 Mb latency: Bezpečnost a certifikace Tento switch je certifikován následujícími standardy: EN/IEC 60950- 1:2006 + A11:2009 + A1:2010 + A12:2011 + A2:2013, EN/IEC 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed., UL 62368-1, 3rd. Ed., CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 62368-1, 3rd. Ed., EN/IEC 60825- 1:2014 Class 1. Montáž Switch podporuje montáž na stůl, na stěnu i do racku. K montáži jsou v balení přiloženy příslušné sady. EAN: 190017601762

Objev podobné jako Výprodej Aruba Instant On 1430 8G Class4 PoE 64W Switch

cena 2770.0 Kč

Výprodej Aruba Instant On 1430 16G Class4 PoE 124W Switch

Aruba Instant On 1430 16G Class4 PoE 124W Switch EAN: 190017602202 Aruba Instant On 1430 16G Class4 PoE 124W Switch je výkonný a spolehlivý switch, který je ideální pro malé a střední podniky. Hlavní specifikace Porty: 16 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 Class 4 PoE ports Rozměry: 260(d) x 275(w) x 44(h) mm Hmotnost: 4.60 lb (2.09 kg) Procesor a paměť: 128Kb EEPROM; Packet buffer size: 2.0 Mb Kapacita: 32 Gbps MAC adresa: 8192 entries Výkon a spolehlivost Aruba Instant On 1430 16G Class4 PoE 124W Switch nabízí výkon až 32 Gbps a má tabulku MAC adres o velikosti 8192 záznamů. S latencí menší než 2,7 µSec pro 100 Mb a menší než 1,80 µSec pro 1000 Mb, tento switch zajišťuje rychlý a plynulý přenos dat. Bezpečnost Aruba Instant On 1430 16G Class4 PoE 124W Switch splňuje bezpečnostní normy EN/IEC 60950- 1:2006 + A11:2009 + A1:2010 + A12:2011 + A2:2013 a EN/IEC 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. Montáž Switch je možné umístit na stůl, do racku nebo na zeď. Pro montáž je součástí balení 2-post rack kit. Provozní podmínky Provozní teplota: 32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C) Provozní vlhkost: 15% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C) non-condensing Skrytá teplota: -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) up to 15000 ft Skrytá vlhkost: 15% to 90% @ 149°F (65°C) non-condensing Objednejte si Aruba Instant On 1430 16G Class4 PoE 124W Switch ještě dnes! Nechejte se přesvědčit vysokou kvalitou a výkonem tohoto switchu. Objednejte si jej ještě dnes!

Objev podobné jako Výprodej Aruba Instant On 1430 16G Class4 PoE 124W Switch

cena 5262.0 Kč

HPE Networking Instant On Switch 24p Gigabit CL4 PoE 4p SFP+ 370W 1930 (JL684B)

High-Performance, Smart-Managed Switches Designed with Small Businesses in Mind Whether you own a cafe, a design firm or a tech startup, a reliable and secure network plays a critical role in the success of your business. And you need a network solution that gives you peace of mind, allowing you to focus on growing your business instead of managing problems with your network. Aruba Instant On makes it easy to keep network users happy, mobile and IoT devices connected, and your network secure. The Aruba Instant On 1930 switches features advanced, smart-managed, fixed- configuration Gigabit switches designed for small businesses that are easy-to-deploy and affordable. They're made to handle today's bandwidth-heavy applications like voice and video conferencing, enabling consistent connectivity to enhance performance. Using either the Instant On mobile app or the cloud-based web portal, you can quickly set up, monitor and manage the 1930 switch series from anywhere at any time. What's more, up to 30 W PoE power delivery is available out-of-the-box for your class 4 PoE devices, like access points, surveillance cameras and VoIP phones, all easily managed from the same platform. Built-in security features protect your network from unauthorized access by allowing you to segment traffic and define access to each area of the network. And all of this is included in the price of the hardware - there are no hidden subscription or licensing fees. Key Features Smart-managed layer 2+ Ethernet switch series ready to deploy in 8-, 24-and 48-port for non-PoE and Class 4 PoE models PoE to power APs and IoT devices like IP phones, surveillance cameras and door locks Two (2) dedicated 1G SFP fiber ports on 8-port models, and four (4) dedicated 1G/10G SFP+ fiber ports on 24-/48-port models to eliminate traffic bottlenecks across your network Security controls let you define access in each area of your network, keeping your business data safe Convenient mobile app and web- based GUI for set up, management and troubleshooting. Standards and Protocols (applies to all products in series) IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T IEEE 802.3z 1000BASE-X IEEE 802.2af PoE 1 (PoE models only) IEEE 802.3at PoE 1 (PoE models only) IEEE 802.3x Flow control IEEE 802.1Q VLANS IEEE 802.1p Priority IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) IEEE 802.1X Port Access Authentication IEEE 802.3az Energy Efficient Ethernet IEEE 802.1D: Spanning Tree Protocol IEEE 802.1W: Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol IEEE 802.1S: Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol IEEE 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery Protocol Denial of service protection CPU DoS protection Aruba Instant On 1930 24G Class4 PoE 4SFP/SFP+ 370W Switch (JL684B) I/O Ports and Slots 24 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 Class 4 PoE ports (IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE- TX, IEEE 802.3ab Type 1000BASE-T); Duplex: 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: half or full; 1000BASE-T: full only 4 SFP+ 1/10GbE ports Physical Characteristics Dimensions 17.42(w) x 10.42(d) x 1.73(h) in (44.25 x 26.47 x 4.39 cm) (1U height) Weight 8.23 lb (3.73 kg) Processor and Memory ARM Cortex-A9 @ 800 MHz, 512 MB SDRAM, 256 MB flash; packet buffer: 1.5 MB Memory And Flash 512 MB SDRAM 256 MB flash Packet Buffer 1.5 MB Performance 100 Mb latency < 4.7 uSec 1000 Mb latency 10000 Mb latency Throughput (Mpps) 95.23 Mpps Capacity 128 Gbps Routing table size (# of static entries) 32 MAC address table size (# of entries) 16,000 Reliability MTBF (years) 71 Environment Operating temperature 32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C) Operating relative humidity 15% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C) Non-operating temperature -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) Non-operating relative humidity 15% to 95% @ 140°F (60°C) Altitude Up to 10,000ft (3.048 Km) Acoustic1 LWAd = 4.0 Bel LpAm (Bystander) = 24 dB Notes: 1Acoustics measured in 23°C semi-anechoic chamber with a loading of 100% traffic and 50% PoE on all ports. Measured in accordance with ISO 7779. Declared in accordance with ECMA-109:2010. Values presented are the Declared A-Weighted Sound Power Level (LWAd) and the mean Bystander A-Weighted Sound Pressure Level (LpAm) Electrical Characteristics Frequency 50-60 Hz AC voltage 100 - 127 / 200 - 240 VAC Current 4.9 A/2.4 A Maximum power rating 440.4W Idle power 20.3W PoE power 370 W Class 4 PoE Power supply Internal power supply Safety UL 60950-1; IEC 60950-1;EN 60950-1; CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1; EN 60825-1 UL 62368-1 Ed. 2; IEC 62368-1 Ed. 2; EN 62368-1:2014 Emissions VCCI-CISPR 32, Class A; CNS 13438; ICES-003 Issue 6 Class A; FCC CFR 47 Part 15, Class A; EN 55032: 2015 +AC:2016 / CISPR-32, Class A Immunity Generic CISPR 24 / CISPR 35 EN EN 55024:2010 / EN 55035:2017 ESD IEC 61000-4-2 Radiated IEC 61000-4-3 EFT/Burst IEC 61000-4-4 Surge IEC 61000-4-5 Conducted IEC 61000-4-6 Power frequency magnetic field IEC 61000-4-8 Voltage dips and interruptions IEC 61000-4-11 Harmonics IEC 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-2 Flicker IEC 61000-3-3, EN 61000-3-3 Device Management Aruba Instant On Cloud; Web browser; SNMP Manager Mounting Mounts in an EIAstandard 19 in. telco rack or equipment cabinet. 2-post rack kit included Supports table-top mounting Supports rackmounting Supports wall-mounting with ports facing either up or down Supports under-table mounting using the brackets provided Transceivers Aruba Instant On 1G SFP LC SX 500m OM2 MMF Transceiver (R9D16A) Aruba 1G SFP LC LX 10km SMF Transceiver (J4859D) Aruba Instant On 1G SFP RJ45 T 100m Cat5e Transceiver (R9D17A) Aruba Instant On 10G SFP+ LC SR 300m OM3 MMF Transceiver (R9D18A) Aruba 10G SFP+ LC LR 10km SMF Transceiver (J9151E) Standard Features Simplicity at Its Best Plug-and-play switches that work together with Instant On APs right out of the box Mobile app to easily setup, monitor and manage your network Security You Can Count On Protect your network from unauthorized access with IEEE 802.1X and VLANs Automatic denial-of-service (DOS) monitors and protects the network against malicious attacks We've Got You Covered No extra licensing or subscription fees Industry-leading limited lifetime warranty and support. The Instant On Differentiators Easy Setup and Management The Aruba Instant On mobile app allows you to set up, manage, and monitor Instant On switches and access points directly from your phone. Within the app, you get guided step-by-step instructions to install Instant On devices to get your network up and running quickly - no technical expertise required. And cloud-based access allows you to access the network from anywhere, at any time. Non-intrusive, Aesthetic Design Aruba Instant On switches are designed to complement the sleek and clean look of the Instant On access points, and to blend discreetly into your site's environment. The 8-port models, as well as the 24- and 48-port non PoE models, are fan-less, making them ideal for quiet office deployments. High Performance with Flexible Options The series consists of four (4) Class 4 PoE switches, and three (3) non-PoE switches including 8- 24- and 48-port Gigabit Ethernet switches. The two (2) dedicated 1G SFP fiber ports on 8-port models, and four (4) dedicated 1G/10G SFP+ fiber ports on 24-/48-port models, ensure high performance and eliminate traffic bottlenecks across the network. Customizable features include basic Layer 2 features like VLANs and link aggregation, as well as advanced features such as Layer 3 IPv4 static routing, ACLs, and Spanning Tree Protocols, and IPv6 Host mode. Optimized User Experience The Aruba Instant On mobile app provides common workflows for Instant On switches and access points making it easier to configure, monitor and manage your network remotely without the need for additional hardware like cloud keys or VPN. You can also update firmware on your Instant On devices directly from the cloud whenever you want, from wherever you are. Site inventory The site inventory feature on the Instant On mobile app shows you all switches and AP's on a single screen, allowing you to quickly identify non-functioning devices and troubleshoot accordingly. Multi-Site Management The cloud-hosted web interface and mobile app make it easy to manage multiple sites, multiple networks, distributed deployments and multi-tenant deployments. Each site is logically separated and has its own configuration, statistics, guest portal, and admin read/write privileges. Built-In Security Built-in security features protect your network from external threats by blocking malware attacks and keeping unauthorized users off the network. Network traffic can be filtered and access restricted based on MAC and IP address. No Hidden Fees All features are included in the price of the hardware - there are no recurring subscription or licensing fees. Expert-level support and industry leading limited lifetime warranty are also included, along with chat support for the life of the product. Management Cloud-Based Management for Entire Network The cloud-hosted web interface and mobile app make it easy to manage networks with Instant On APs and Switches. Simple Local Web GUI Management For management of individual switches, the intuitive Web GUI makes management simple, even for non-technical users. Supports up to five (5) HTTP and HTTP Secure (HTTPS) sessions. Firmware Update Provides notification of the latest firmware with the ability to schedule update at a preferred time through Instant On mobile app and cloud-based web portal. Default DHCP Client Mode Allows the switch to be directly connected to a network, enabling plug-and-play operation. In the absence of a DHCP server on the network, the switch falls back to the static address Port Mirroring Enables traffic on a port or VLAN to be simultaneously sent to a network analyzer for monitoring. Event Logging and Alerts Provides detailed information for problem identification and resolution. Account Management Allows administrators to add, modify, delete and transfer management accounts and passwords for secure access to Instant cloud management solution. Locator LED Allows users to set the locator LED on a specific switch to either turn on, blink, or turn off; simplifies troubleshooting by making it easy to locate a particular switch within a rack of similar switches. Schedule Configuration Global Schedule feature can be applied to time-based ACLs, port or interface shutdown, or PoE power delivery; up to 3 schedules can be configured. PoE scheduling allows user to configure a specific day/time of the week (e.g. business hours) for Instant On switches to supply power to connected devices (e.g. surveillance cameras, access points etc.). Quality of Service (QoS) Traffic Prioritization Provides time-sensitive packets (like VoIP and video) with priority over other traffic based on DSCP or IEEE 802.1p classification. IEEE 802.1p/Q VLAN Tagging Delivers data to devices based on the priority and type of traffic; supports IEEE 802.1Q. Class of Service (CoS) Sets the IEEE 802.1p/DSCP priority to queue mapping (4 queues). Supports strict priority queuing (SP) or weighted round robin (WRR) queuing. SP and WRR queuing can be configured on individual switch ports. Advanced Classifier Based QoS Classifies traffic using multiple match criteria based on Layer 2, 3, and 4 information. Access Switching SFP/SFP+ Fiber Connectivity Provides fiber connections for uplinks and other connections across longer distances than copper cabling can support. SFP ports are in addition to available copper Ethernet ports, providing a higher total number of available ports. Two (2) SFP 1G ports available on 8-port models and four (4) SFP+ 1G/10G ports on 24-/48 port models. Ethernet Alliance Certified Class 4 PoE (IEEE 802.3at) Provides up to 30 W per port, which allows support of the class 4 PoE capable devices such as video IP phones, wireless access points, and advanced pan/tilt/zoom security cameras, as well as any 15.4 W IEEE 802.3af-compliant end device; mitigates the cost of additional electrical cabling and circuits that would otherwise be necessary in IP phone and WLAN deployments. Auto-PoE Power Configuration The switch automatically assigns the required power to a port for a PD device based on Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP). PoE Power Allocation Support multiple methods (LLDP-MED automatic, class of PoE, or usage-based) to allocate PoE power for more efficient energy savings. Auto MDI/MDI-X Adjusts automatically for straight-through or crossover cables on all 10/100/1000 ports. Network Security TPM-Based Security Includes a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) for secure hardware- based generation and storage of cryptographic keys used for secure connection to the Instant On cloud portal. IEEE 802.1Q VLAN Support Support for up to 256 VLANs with a VLAN ID range of 2-4093. IEEE 802.1X Access Control Authentication of network users on a per port basis prior to permitting network access. Port authentication includes RADIUS assigned VLAN, dynamic VLAN creation, guest VLAN or into an unauthenticated VLAN. Automatic Denial-of-Service Protection Monitors for malicious attacks and protects the network by blocking the attacks. Packet Storm Protection Protects against unknown unicast, broadcast and multicast storms with user-defined thresholds. RADIUS The switch supports RADIUS authentication with primary and backup server configuration. Automatic VLAN Assignment - RADIUS Assigned VLANs Automatically assigns users to the appropriate VLAN based on their identity and location. RADIUS Accounting A robust set of attributes and statistics are available for collecting information from the switch. Management VLAN ID Provides secure management access to administrators in the specified VLAN. Link Flap Prevention Minimizes the network disruption by automatically detecting and disabling ports that experience link flap events. Performance and Efficiency Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) Compliant with IEEE 802.3az standard requirements to save energy during periods of low data activity. Auto-Port Shut Down The switch saves power by automatically shutting down power to inactive ports. Power is restored on a port upon link detection. Energy Savings Status The switch provides an estimated cumulative energy savings due to green Ethernet features being enabled. Energy-Efficient Cooling Includes variable speed fans operating only at the speed necessary to maintain operating temperature to reduce excess noise and power consumption. Fan-Less Operation Fan-less design for 8-port models, 24- and 48-port non-PoE models, making the switches ideal for office deployments. Switching Features IEEE 802.3x Flow Control Provides a flow-throttling mechanism propagated through the network to prevent packet loss at a congested node. Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) Supports standard IEEE 802.1D STP, IEEE 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) for faster convergence, and IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP on local web). Loop Protection If the switch detects a loop, it disables the source port from forwarding data packets originating from the switch to avoid broadcast storms. BPDU Filtering Drops BPDU packets when STP is enabled globally but disabled on a specific port. Jumbo Frame Support Supports up to 9216 bytes frame size to improve the performance of large data transfers. IGMP Snooping v1/v2 Improves network performance through multicast filtering, instead of flooding traffic on all ports. Link Aggregation Groups together multiple ports up to a maximum of eight (8) ports per trunk automatically using Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP), or manually, to form a high-bandwidth connection to the network backbone that helps prevent traffic bottlenecks. The 8-port models support 4 trunks, 24-port models support 8 trunks, and 48-port models support 16 trunks. LLDP/LLDP-MED (Media Endpoint Discovery) Defines a standard extension of LLDP that stores values for parameters such as QoS and VLAN for automatic configuration of network devices such as IP phones. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) The ARP table displays all of the IP addresses that have been resolved to MAC addresses, either dynamically or through static entry configuration. Additional Features Accessed Through Local Web-Management Interface Top Event Dashboard Provides notifications for critical events and a quick access to the latest log events. Quick Start-Up and VLAN Wizard Enables automatic configuring of the initial settings such IP address, device information, and system time. VLAN wizard can be used for setting up initial VLAN IDs and port membership. Access Control Lists (ACLs) Enables network traffic filtering by creating an ACL, adds rules and matches criteria to an ACL, and applies the ACL to permit or deny on one or more interfaces or a VLAN. Supports for 50 inbound IPv4 and MAC ACLs with up to 480 ACEs. IPv6 Host Enables switches to be managed and deployed at the IPv6 network's edge. Rate Limiting Sets and enforces per-port ingress traffic limits based on percentages or packets per second. Protected Ports Ports in a port isolation group are restricted from forwarding Layer 2 traffic between ports in that group, providing data privacy and security. SCP and TFTP File Transfer Provides different mechanisms for secure file transfer through SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) or TFTP. Dual Image Support Provide independent primary and secondary software images for backup while upgrading. User Account Management Password strength checking and aging feature provides enhanced security to user account administration to the local web management interface. Additionally, user account authentication can now be done via RADIUS to access the web-interface.' Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Encrypts all HTTP traffic, secures access to the local browser-based management of the switch. SNMPv1, v2c, and v3 Facilitates remote management with SNMP management station that discovers and monitors the switch. Remote Monitoring (RMON) Provides advanced monitoring and reporting capabilities for statistics, history, alarms and events. RMON data is retrieved from the switch through a network management platform over SNMP. Cable Diagnostic Tool Provides the mechanism to detect and report potential cabling issues, such as cable opens or cable shorts on copper links, in addition to providing distance to the fault and total length of cable. Warranty, Service and Support Aruba Instant On Limited Lifetime Support provides 24X7 phone support for the first 90 days and chat support for the entire warranty period. Community support is included for the life of the product. Refer to the Hewlett Packard Enterprise website at hpe.com/networking/services for details on the service-level descriptions and product numbers. For details about services and response times in your area, please contact your local Hewlett Packard Enterprise sales office.

Objev podobné jako HPE Networking Instant On Switch 24p Gigabit CL4 PoE 4p SFP+ 370W 1930 (JL684B)

cena 10554.0 Kč

HPE Networking Instant On Switch 48p Gigabit CL4 PoE 4p SFP+ 370W 1930 (JL686B)

Aruba Instant On 1930 48G Class4 PoE 4SFP/SFP+ 370W Switch Produktový kód: JL686B Porty a sloty 48 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 Class 4 PoE ports 4 SFP+ 1/10GbE ports Physické charakteristiky Dimensions: 17.42(w) x 12.7(d) x 1.73(h) in Weight: 10.12 lb (4.59 kg) Procesor ARM Cortex-A9 @ 800 MHz Paměť a Flash 512 MB SDRAM 256 MB flash Performance 100 Mb latency:

Objev podobné jako HPE Networking Instant On Switch 48p Gigabit CL4 PoE 4p SFP+ 370W 1930 (JL686B)

cena 14526.0 Kč

Aruba Instant On AP11D (R2X16A)

WiFi Access Point s WiFi 5, 802.11/n/ac, až 864 Mb/s, Dual-band, 2 × GLAN, WPA2, WPA2-PSK, WPA2-Enterprise a WPA3, Gigabit LAN, PoE (Power over Ethernet), IPv6 Ready, Guest Zone, MU-MIMO a Wi-Fi Mesh Aruba Instant On AP11D – WiFi pro malé a střední firmy WiFi platforma Instant On od společnosti Aruba nabízí širokou škálu bezdrátových řešení pro malé a rostoucí podniky s malou nebo žádnou IT podporou, které hledají jednoduše nastavitelnou WiFi za přijatelnou cenu. Aruba Instant On vyniká nejnovějšími technologickými řešeními, nejlepší možnou nabídkou poprodejního zákaznického servisu a zabudovanými bezpečnostními funkcemi. Důležitou součástí je též podpora 8× SSID, možnost oddělení sítí pro hosty/zaměstnance nebo podpora VLAN a 802.1x. 1 167 MbpsMaximální přenosová rychlostPoE 802.3afAktivní napájení datovou linkou50Doporučený počet připojených zařízení Přenosové rychlostiAruba...

Objev podobné jako Aruba Instant On AP11D (R2X16A)

cena 4479.0 Kč

Aruba Instant On AP11 (R2W96A)

WiFi Access Point s WiFi 5, 802.11/n/ac, až 864 Mb/s, Dual-band, 1 × GLAN, WPA2, WPA2-PSK, WPA2-Enterprise a WPA3, Gigabit LAN, PoE (Power over Ethernet), IPv6 Ready, Guest Zone, MU-MIMO a Wi-Fi Mesh Aruba Instant On AP11– WiFi pro malé a střední firmy WiFi platforma Instant On od společnosti Aruba nabízí širokou škálu bezdrátových řešení pro malé a rostoucí podniky s malou nebo žádnou IT podporou, které hledají jednoduše nastavitelnou WiFi za přijatelnou cenu. Aruba Instant On vyniká nejnovějšími technologickými řešeními, nejlepší možnou nabídkou poprodejního zákaznického servisu a zabudovanými bezpečnostními funkcemi. 1 167 MbpsMaximální přenosová rychlostPoE 802.3afAktivní napájení datovou linkouMobilní aplikacePro snadné nastavení a správu Přenosové rychlostiAruba Instant On AP11 samozřejmě podporuje duální přenosové pásmo 802.11ac Wave 2 včetně technologie MU-MIMO. V 5GHz pásmu...

Objev podobné jako Aruba Instant On AP11 (R2W96A)

cena 3289.0 Kč

Aruba Instant On AP22 Access Point (R4W02A)

WiFi Access Point s WiFi 6, 802.11s/b/g/n/ac/ax až 1200 Mb/s, Dual-band, WPA2 a WPA3, PoE (Power over Ethernet) a MU-MIMO Přidáním kvalitního přístupového bodu docílíte jednoduše rozšíření bezdrátové sítě, i na vzdálenější místa tak dostanete silní a stabilní signál. Aruba Instant On AP22 Access Point je pokročilejší Dual-Band zařízení, které pracuje v rozsahu pásem 2,4 a 5 Ghz, hodí se tak i do míst, kde by mohly přenos rušit okolní sítě. WiFi přenos může probíhat rychlostí až 1200 Mb/s. Velký důraz je přikládán bezpečnosti dat, v případě modelu HPE je šifrování zabezpečeno díky funkcionalitám WPA2 a WPA3. Zajímavé parametry WiFi access pointu Aruba Instant On AP22 Access Point Dvoupásmový WiFi Access Point pro zvětšení dosahu signálu bezdrátové sítě Rychlost přenosu WiFi signálu činí 1200 Mb/s WiFi Access Point HPE zvládá fungovat se standardy v rámci WiFi 6 Šifrování dat prostřednictvím WPA2 a WPA3 Množství interních antén: 2 Sílu antény ukazuje její zisk...

Objev podobné jako Aruba Instant On AP22 Access Point (R4W02A)

cena 4599.0 Kč

HP 5130-24G-PoE+-4SFP+ (370W) EI Switch HP RENEW JG936A

Záruka na dobu životnosti (99 let) + NBD po celou dobu životnosti + 3-letá 24x7 Softwarová podpora v ceně Rozsáhlá síť servisních středisek HP v ČR a na Slovensku JG936AR Před objednáním si vždy vyžádejte dostupnost (Pokud nejsou skladem u ATC). Podmínky na remarket trhu se mění velmi rychle. Pokud zboží není skladem, negarantujeme dostupnost ani cenu. Přehled - Management: Fully Managed - Layer 3 Dynamic: L2 switching / L3 Static routing / RIP routing - 24x 10/100/1000 RJ45 portů + 4x 1000/10000 SFP+ porty - Budget: 370W PoE+, (IEEE 802.3at) - IRF stacking (až 9 switchů do stohu) - Montáž do 19“ racku. Úchytky jsou součástí balení. I/O ports and slots 24 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 ports (IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE-TX, IEEE 802.3ab Type 1000BASE-T); Duplex: 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: half or full; 1000BASE-T: full only4 SFP+ fixed 1000/10000 SFP+ ports Additional ports and slots 1 RJ-45 serial console port Physical characteristics Dimensions17.32(w) x 11.81(d) x 1.72(h) in (44 x 30 x 4.37 cm) (1U height)Weight17.64 lb (8 kg) Memory and processor 1 GB SDRAM, 128 MB flash; packet buffer size: 1.5 MB Mounting and enclosure Mounts in an EIA standard 19-inch telco rack or equipment cabinet (hardware included) Performance 1000 Mb Latency < 5 µs10 Gbps Latency < 1.5 µsThroughput 96 MppsRouting/Switching capacity 128 GbpsRouting table size 512 entries (IPv4), 256 entries (IPv6)MAC address table size 16384 entries Reliability MTBF (years) 48.3 Environment Operating temperature 32°F to 113°F (0°C to 45°C)Operating relative humidity 10% to 90%, noncondensingNonoperating/Storage temperature -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C)Nonoperating/Storage relative humidity 5% to 95%, noncondensingAcoustic Low-speed fan: 49.8 dB, High-speed fan: 52.9 dB; ISO 7779 Electrical characteristics Frequency 50/60 HzMaximum heat dissipation 102/1569 BTU/hr (107.61/1655.29 kJ/hr), for AC Power. For DC Power min heat dissipation is 85BTU/hr and max heat dissipation is 2559 BTU/hrAC voltage 100 - 240 VACCurrent 10 AMaximum power rating 460 WIdle power N/APoE power 370 W PoE+ Notes Maximum power rating and maximum heat dissipation are the worst-case theoretical maximum numbers provided for planning the infrastructure with fully loaded PoE (if equipped), 100% traffic, all ports plugged in, and all modules populated. PoE Power is the power supplied by the internal power supply. When supplemented with the use of an HP RPS1600 Redundant Power System, up to 740 W of PoE+ can be supplied.Max current rating for DC power is 25A. AC Input power is 30W typical, and 460W max(including 370W PoE+ consumption. DC Input voltage range is -54 to -57VDC. Total DC input power is 25W Typical and 790W with 740W PoE+ Power consumption. DC Input voltage range is -54VDC to -57VDC. DC Input Source is the HP RPS1600.SafetyUL 60950-1; EN 60825-1 Safety of Laser Products-Part 1; EN 60825-2 Safety of Laser Products-Part 2; IEC 60950-1; CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1; Anatel; ULAR; GOST; EN 60950-1/A11; FDA 21 CFR Subchapter J; NOM; ROHS Compliance Emissions EMC Directive 2004/108/EC; FCC (CFR 47, Part 15) Class A; EN 61000-4-11:2004; ANSI C63.4-2009; EN 61000-3-3:2008; VCCI V-4/2012.04; EN 6100-3-2:2006+A1:2009 + A2:2009; EN 61000-3-2:2006+A1:2009+A2:2009 ; EN 61000-4-3:2006; EN 61000-4-4:2012; EN 61000-4-5:2006; EN 61000-4-6:2009; AS/NZS CISPR 22:2009 Class A; CISPR 22:2008 Class A; EN 55022:2010 Class A; EN 61000-4-29: 2000; CISPR 24:2010; EN 300 386 V1.6.1; VCCI V-3/2013.04 Class A Immunity Generic EN 55024ESD EN300 386 Management IMC - Intelligent Management Center; command-line interface; Web browser; SNMP Manager Services Refer to the HP website at: www.hp.com/networking/services for details on the service-level descriptions and product numbers. For details about services and response times in your area, please contact your local HP sales office.

Objev podobné jako HP 5130-24G-PoE+-4SFP+ (370W) EI Switch HP RENEW JG936A

cena 33681.0 Kč

Zyxel GS1100-10HP v2 10-port Desktop Gigabit PoE Switch, 8x gigabit PoE RJ45, 2x SFP, 120W PoE budget

Zyxel GS1100-10HP v2 10-port Desktop Gigabit PoE Switch Produktové číslo: 4718937621187 Popis produktu 10-portový stolový prepínač Gigabit Ethernet s 8x Gigabit metal + 2x SFP. Přepínač je vybaven technologií 802.3az (zelená) a PoE 802.3at (vysoký výkon, 30 W). Maximální rozpočet výkonu je 120 W. Technické detaily Přepínač nabízí neblokující přenos maximální rychlostí přenosového média (wire speed). Podporuje automatické rozpoznání MDI/MDI-X a je v souladu se standardem IEEE 802.3az. Konstrukce bez ventilátoru pro tichý provoz. Podporuje řízení toku podle standardu IEEE 802.3x a třídu služeb (CoS) podle standardu IEEE 802.1p. Možnosti instalace a použití Napájení PoE Plus dle standardu IEEE 802.3at s 30 W na port. Dva SFP porty pro snadné nasazení na velkou vzdálenost. Cenově dostupné řešení pro gigabitové připojení pracovní stanice. Zelená síť Řada ZyXEL GS1100 je ideální pro okamžitou gigabitovou konektivitu v kancelářském prostředí. Poskytuje tichý a ekologicky šetrnější provoz díky funkcím pro úsporu energie a konstrukci bez ventilátoru. Gigabitové rychlosti pro pracovní stanice Řada switchů GS1100 nabízí 8/10/16/24portovou gigabitovou konektivitu za příznivou cenu. Modely GS1100-24 a GS1100-10HP jsou navíc vybaveny 2 dodatečnými SFP sloty a podporují duální rychlost (100 M a GbE). Optimální pro aplikace s vysokými nároky na šířku pásma. Bohatá nabídka funkcí Switche řady 1100 nabízí neblokující přepínanou architekturu a podporu jumbo rámce o velikosti až 9 kilobajtů. Učení adres a stárnutí adres či řízení toku podle standardu 802.3x. Snadná instalace Řada switchů 1100 nabízí možnost připojení na bázi plug-and-play a snadnou instalaci. Funkce automatického rozpoznání MDI/MDI-X a autonegociace pro dosažení kompatibility a optimálního výkonu. Rozsáhlé možnosti instalace díky PoE Modely GS1100-8HP/10HP podporují napájení PoE Plus podle standardu IEEE 802.3at. Kapacita až 30 Wattů na každý port umožňuje napájení WLAN přístupových bodů, VoIP telefonů a IP bezpečnostních kamer. Model GS1100-10HP disponuje osmi plnými porty PoE Plus s celkovou kapacitou PoE napájení až 130 Wattů.

Objev podobné jako Zyxel GS1100-10HP v2 10-port Desktop Gigabit PoE Switch, 8x gigabit PoE RJ45, 2x SFP, 120W PoE budget

cena 2722.0 Kč

D-Link DGS-1210-08P 10-port Gigabit Smart PoE Switch, 8x GbE PoE+, 2x SFP, PoE 65W, fanless

D-Link DGS-1210-08P 10-port Gigabit Smart PoE Switch Produktový kód: DGS-1210-08P EAN: 790069467691 Klíčové vlastnosti 8x 10/100/1000Mb/s porty s automatickým vyjednávaním 2x 1000Mb/s porty SFP Pokročilé funkce úspory energie Časově řízené PoE - 802.3af a 802.3at Maximální rozpočet PoE 65 W Výhody produktu Switch D-Link DGS-1210-08P je ideální pro rozšíření jakékoliv sítě díky svým pokročilým funkcím a výkonným vlastnostem. Nabízí vyšší výkon přes Ethernet (PoE), více typů fyzických rozhraní a pokročilé funkce L2. Pokročilé funkce Switch je vybaven pokročilou správou sítě s přístupem přes webové rozhraní. Nabízí funkce, jako jsou virtuální sítě VLAN, řízení kvality služeb (QoS), Spanning Tree protokoly (STP, RSTP), agregace linek (LACP) a duální konfigurační soubory. Bezpečnostní funkce Řada DGS-1210 Smart poskytuje výkonné bezpečnostní funkce, jako je IGMP snooping, řízení přístupu do sítě (ACL, 802.1x) a zabezpečení portů, což z ní činí univerzální řešení pro přístupové sítě. Optický uplink Switch umožňuje propojit vzdálenější zařízení a lokality, jako jsou výrobní linky nebo univerzitní kampusy, pomocí optických vláken. Kabeláž z optických vláken je lehká, bezpečná a odolná vůči rušení. PoE a PoE+ Série Smart přepínačů DGS-1210 zahrnuje přepínače s podporou PoE. Jsou vhodné pro firmy, které chtějí napájet VoIP telefony, bezdrátové Wi-Fi přístupové body nebo IP síťové kamery. Bezplatný software pro správu sítě Bezplatný nástroj D-Link Network Assistant (DNA) zobrazuje všechna připojená zařízení a urychluje prvotní konfiguraci. SNMP management systém D-View 7 je k dispozici zdarma s licencí pro 25 zařízení a pro 2 sondy. Technická specifikace Počet portů: 8 x 10/100/1000BASE-T PoE porty, 2 x SFP porty Síťové kabely: UTP Cat. 5, Cat. 5e (100 m max.); EIA/TIA-568 100-ohm STP (100 m max.) Full/Half Duplex: Full/half duplex pro rychlosti 10/100 Mbps; Full duplex pro Gigabit rychlost Switching Capacity: 20 Gbps PoE Standard: IEEE 802.3af a IEEE 802.3at PoE Power Budget: Max. 65 W AC Input: 100 až 240 VAC 50/60 Hz vnitřní univerzální napájecí zdroj Maximální spotřeba energie PoE Enable: 80.6 W, PoE Disable: 7.5 W Rozměry: 280 x 126 x 44 mm

Objev podobné jako D-Link DGS-1210-08P 10-port Gigabit Smart PoE Switch, 8x GbE PoE+, 2x SFP, PoE 65W, fanless

cena 2739.0 Kč

D-Link DGS-1210-10P 10-port Gigabit Smart+ PoE Switch, 8x GbE PoE+, 2x SFP, PoE 65W, fanless

D-Link DGS-1210-10P 10-port Gigabit Smart+ PoE Switch Produktový kód: DGS-1210-10P EAN: 790069467721 Popis produktu 10-portový gigabitový PoE inteligentní přepínač včetně 2 SFP. Funkce a specifikace 8 x 10/100/1000Mb/s automatický negociační port 2 x 100/1000Mb/s SFP port Pokročilé funkce úspory energie Časově řízený PoE 802.3az Energeticky efektivní ethernetový port 802.3af a 802.3at, max. rozpočet PoE 65 W Vlastnosti Bezventilátorová konstrukce Half-/Full-Duplex, automatické vyjednávání, Auto MDI/MDIX IEEE 802.3x Flow Control 802.3ad Link Aggregation 802.1D/802.1w/802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Asymetrická VLAN, Auto Voice/Surveillance VLAN Další informace Podpora D-View Kompaktní 13" stolní kryt, instalace do 19" stojanu Firmware Release 6 není zpětně kompatibilní s verzí hardware C1.

Objev podobné jako D-Link DGS-1210-10P 10-port Gigabit Smart+ PoE Switch, 8x GbE PoE+, 2x SFP, PoE 65W, fanless

cena 2725.0 Kč

Tenda TEF1126P-24-410W PoE Rackmount Switch 135W + SFP (TEF1126P-24-410W)

Switch 26 portový, 1 Gbit, 1× SFP, QoS, PoE, VLAN, rack Switch je funkční síťové zařízení propojující zařízení popřípadě jiné prvky sítě. Je dělaný ke správě síťového provozu. Tenda TEF1126P-24-410W PoE Rackmount Switch 135W + SFP byl navržen k instalaci do rozvaděče. Switch je opatřen 26 ks RJ-45 portů, které jsou určeny k propojení se síťovými prvky. Jeden konektor typu SFP užijete k přenosu dat skrz optická vlákna. Switch disponuje technologiemi dovolující převádět data až do rychlosti 1000 Mbit/s. Pracuje s Dual Personality porty, jejichž mimořádnost spočívá v tom, že poskytují konektor RJ-45 i SFP, v konkrétní chvíli se dá použít jen jeden z nich. Rozměry přepínače jsou 284 × 440 × 44 mm. Díky technologii QoS alias Quality of Service se předchází přetížení switche, navíc lze seřídit přednost koncových zařízení. Zařízení Tenda také disponuje technologií PoE, jejíž zásluhou lze napájet i přivádět signál ke koncovým zařízením jen pomocí jediného LAN kabelu....

Objev podobné jako Tenda TEF1126P-24-410W PoE Rackmount Switch 135W + SFP (TEF1126P-24-410W)

cena 5799.0 Kč

CUDY 24-Port Gigabit PoE+ Switch with 2 SFP ports 300W (GS1028PS2)

Switch 24 portový, 1 Gbit, 2× SFP, PoE, desktop Switch CUDY Získejte až 24 portů, které vám umožní využívat PoE napájení (vyhovuje standardu IEEE 802.3af / 802.3at). Budete moci ve vašem okolí provozovat například přístupový bod, VoIP telefony, tiskárny nebo IP kamery. Switch CUDY umožňuje až 30W napájení na každém portu, přičemž celkový napájecí výkon na všech portech nesmí přesáhnout 300 W. Switch CUDY s perfektním odvětráváním Switch je vyroben z kvalitního...

Objev podobné jako CUDY 24-Port Gigabit PoE+ Switch with 2 SFP ports 300W (GS1028PS2)

cena 5590.0 Kč

TP-Link LS1210GP Switch 1x GLAN, 8x GLAN s PoE+, 1x SFP, 61W

TP-Link PoE Switch LS1210GP je nemanagovatelný gigabitový PoE Switch s 9x 10/100/1000Mbps LAN porty a 1x SFP portem. Na 8 ethernetových portech podporuje PoE 802.3af/at až 30W/port. Celkový PoE budget switche je 61W. Switch umožňuje i PoE na vzdálenost 250m při přepnutí speciálního přepínače, který způsobí ponížení linkové rychlosti na PoE portech na 10Mbps, což je dostačující pro přenos obrazu z kamer. Další funkcí je PoE auto recovery, která automaticky restartuje nereagující zařízení napájená pomocí PoE nebo port isolation. Klíčové vlastnosti 8x PoE-out 802.3af/at 1x SFP port Celkový PoE budget 61W Extended mód na vzdálenost až 250m Port isolation PoE auto recovery automaticky restartuje nereagující zařízení Obsah balení Switch Napájecí adaptér 53,5V/1,31A Instalační manuál Technické parametry Konektory a rozhraní Rychlost LAN:(9) 10/100/1000Mbps Optické rozhraní:(1) 1000Mbps Napájení Typ napájení:DC konektor Typy PoE:PoE-Out (pouze) Podporované PoE-Out standardy:802.3af, 802.3at Počet PoE Out portů:8 PoE budget [W]:61 PoE na vzdálenost až 250m:Ano Max. spotřeba energie [W]:7,3 Napájení přes konektor/svorkovnici:53V DC Fyzické charakteristiky Provedení:Desktop Ventilátory:Bez ventilátoru Šasi:Kovové Provozní teplota [°C]:0 až 40 Šířka [mm]:209 Výška [mm]:26 Hloubka [mm]:126 Obecné Rychlost přepínání [Gbps]:20 Tabulka MAC adres:4000 Jumbo rámec [Bytes]:16000 Rychlost předávání paketů [Mpps]:14,9

Objev podobné jako TP-Link LS1210GP Switch 1x GLAN, 8x GLAN s PoE+, 1x SFP, 61W

cena 1751.0 Kč

Zyxel GS2220-28HP 28-port L2 Managed Gigabit PoE Switch, 24x gigabit RJ45, 4x gigabit RJ45/SFP, PoE 375 W

Zyxel GS2220-28HP 28-port L2 Managed Gigabit PoE Switch EAN: 760559126766 Popis produktu Zyxel GS2220-28HP je pokročilý L2 Managed Gigabit PoE Switch s 28 porty. Tento switch je ideální pro VoIP, videokonferencie a internetovou televizi, díky svým vyspělým funkcím pro řízení provozu. Pokročilé funkce Switch GS2220-28HP nabízí širokou škálu funkcí 2. vrstvy, které zlepšují výkon hotelových, podnikových a kampusových sítí. L2 multicast IGMP Snooping Multicast VLAN Registration (MVR) Tyto funkce umožňují efektivnější řízení konvergovaného provozu. Technické specifikace 24x gigabit RJ45 4x gigabit RJ45/SFP PoE 375 W Shrnutí Zyxel GS2220-28HP je ideální pro všechny, kteří hledají vysoký výkon a pokročilé funkce pro řízení provozu. Tento switch je navržen tak, aby zvládl náročné podnikové aplikace a poskytoval stabilní a spolehlivé připojení.

Objev podobné jako Zyxel GS2220-28HP 28-port L2 Managed Gigabit PoE Switch, 24x gigabit RJ45, 4x gigabit RJ45/SFP, PoE 375 W

cena 14803.0 Kč

Aruba Instant On 1430 24G Switch

Aruba Instant On 1430 24G Switch EAN: 190017602424 Klíčové vlastnosti 24 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 portů Duplex: 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: poloviční nebo plný; 1000BASE-T: pouze plný Rozměry: 225(d) x 340(w) x 44(h) mm Hmotnost: 4.20 lb (1.91 kg) 128Kb EEPROM; Velikost paketového bufferu: 2.0 Mb Výkon 100 Mb latency: Provozní podmínky Provozní teplota: 32°F do 104°F (0°C do 40°C) Provozní relativní vlhkost: 15% do 95% @ 104°F (40°C) nekondenzující Teplota při skladování: -40°F do 158°F (-40°C do 70°C) až do 15000 ft Relativní vlhkost při skladování: 15% do 90% @ 149°F (65°C) nekondenzující Nadmořská výška: až 10,000 ft (3 km) Elektrické charakteristiky Frekvence: 50Hz/60Hz AC napětí: 100-127VAC / 200- 240VAC Proud: 0.3A / 0.2A Maximální výkon: 11.7W Idle výkon: 3.2W Bezpečnost a emise Produkt splňuje následující bezpečnostní a emisní normy: EN/IEC 60950- 1:2006 + A11:2009 + A1:2010 + A12:2011 + A2:2013 EN/IEC 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. UL 62368-1, 3rd. Ed. CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 62368-1, 3rd. Ed. EN 55032:2015/ CISPR 32, Class A FCC CFR 47 Part 15: 2018, Class A Montáž a správa zařízení Zařízení je bez správy a nabízí následující možnosti montáže: Montáž do standardního 19" telekomunikačního racku nebo skříně Podpora montáže na stůl Podpora rackové montáže pomocí dodaných držáků Podpora montáže na zeď s porty směřujícími nahoru nebo dolů Podpora montáže pod stůl pomocí dodaných držáků

Objev podobné jako Aruba Instant On 1430 24G Switch

cena 3083.0 Kč

Aruba 6100 24G 4SFP+ Switch.

Aruba 6100 24G 4SFP+ Switch (JL678A) Electrical Characteristics Frequency 50 / 60 Hz AC Voltage 100-127 VAC / 200-240 VAC Current 0.6 A / 0.4 A Power Consumption (230 VAC) Idle: 15.4W Max Power (w/o PoE): 33W Safety UL 60950-1; IEC 60950-1; EN 60950-1; CAN/ CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1; EN 60825-1 UL 62368-1 Ed. 2; IEC 62368-1 Ed. 2; EN 62368- 1:2014 Emissions VCCI-CISPR 32, Class A; CNS 13438; ICES-003 Issue 6 Class A; FCC CFR 47 Part 15, Class A; EN 55032: 2015 +AC:2016 / CISPR-32, Class A Lasers EN 60825-1:2007 / IEC 60825- 1:2007 Class 1 Class 1 Laser Products / Laser Klasse 1 (Applicable for accessories - Optical Transceivers only) Immunity Generic CISPR 24 / CISPR 35 EN EN 55024:2010 / EN 55035:2017 ESD IEC 61000-4-2 Radiated IEC 61000-4-3 EFT/Burst IEC 61000-4-4 Surge IEC 61000-4-5 Conducted IEC 61000-4-6 Power frequency magnetic field IEC 61000-4-8 Voltage dips and interruptions IEC 61000-4-11 Harmonics EN 61000-3-2, IEC 61000-3-2 Flicker EN 61000-3-3, IEC 61000-3-3 Mounting and Enclosure Mounts in an EIA-standard 19-inch telco rack or equipment cabinet (rack-mounting kit available); horizontal surface mounting; wall mounting Standards And Protocols (Applies to all products in series) RFC 1591 DNS (client) SSHv1/SSHv2 Secure Shell IEEE 802.1D MAC Bridges IEEE 802.1p Priority IEEE 802.1Q VLANs IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Trees IEEE 802.1w Rapid Reconfiguration of Spanning Tree IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) IEEE 802.3at Power over Ethernet IEEE 802.3az Energy Efficient Ethernet IEEE 802.3x Flow Control RFC 768 UDP RFC 783 TFTP Protocol (revision 2) RFC 792 ICMP RFC 793 TCP RFC 826 ARP RFC 1350 TFTP Protocol (revision 2) RFC 2131 DHCP client RFC 4330 Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) v4 RFC 951 BOOTP (VLAN 1 Only) RFC 1542 BOOTP Extensions (VLAN 1 only) IGMPv2/IGMPv3 IGMP/MLD Snooping RFC 1981 IPv6 Path MTU Discovery RFC 2460 IPv6 Specification RFC 2925 Remote Operations MIB (Ping only) RFC 3315 DHCPv6 (client only) RFC 3513 IPv6 Addressing Architecture RFC 3596 DNS Extension for IPv6 RFC 3176 sFlow RFC 4022 MIB for TCP RFC 4113 MIB for UDP (Partially) RFC 4251 SSHv6 Architecture RFC 4252 SSHv6 Authentication RFC 4253 SSHv6 Transport Layer RFC 4254 SSHv6 Connection RFC 4293 MIB for IP RFC 4419 Key Exchange for SSH RFC 4443 ICMPv6 RFC 4861 IPv6 Neighbor Discovery RFC 4862 IPv6 Stateless Address Auto-configuration RFC 1213 MIB RFC 1493 Bridge MIB RFC 2674 802.1p and IEEE 802.1Q Bridge MIB (Partial support. MIB objects supported: ieee8021BridgeBasePort, ieee8021BridgeBasePort, ieee8021BridgePortMrpJoinTime, ieee8021BridgePortMrpLeaveTime, ieee8021BridgePortMrpLeaveAllTime) RFC 2737 Entity MIB RFC 2863 The Interfaces Group MIB IEEE 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) RFC 1098 A Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) ANSI/TIA-1057 LLDP Media Endpoint Discovery (LLDP-MED) SNMPv1/v2c/v3 RFC 2819 Four groups of RMON: 1 (statistics), 2 (history), 3 (alarm) and 9 (events) RFC 1098 A Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) RFC 2474 DiffServ precedence, with 2/4/8 queues per port RFC 2475 DiffServ Architecture RFC 2597 DiffServ Assured Forwarding (AF) RFC 2598 DiffServ Expedited Forwarding (EF) IEEE 802.1X Port Based Network Access Control RFC 1492 TACACS+ RFC 2138 RADIUS Authentication RFC 2866 RADIUS Accounting Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

Objev podobné jako Aruba 6100 24G 4SFP+ Switch.

cena 21120.0 Kč

Aruba 6000 24G 4SFP Switch.

Aruba 6000 24x ports 10/100/1000BASE-T Ports 4SFP Switch. Aruba 6000 24G 4SFP Switch Model Aruba 6000 24G 4SFP Switch (R8N88A) Description 24x ports 10/100/1000BASE-T Ports 4x 1G SFP ports 1x USB-C Console Port 1x USB Type-A Host port Power supplies Fixed power supply Fans Fixed fans Dimensions (H) 4.39 cm (W) 44.2 cm (D) 20.12 cm (1.73" x 17.4" x 7.92") Configuration Weight 2.62 kg (5.78 lbs) CPU Dual Core ARM Cortex A9 @ 1016 Mhz Memory and Flash 4 GB DDR3 16 GB eMMC Packet Buffer 12.38MB (4.5MB Ingress/7.875MB Egress) Model Switching Capacity 56 Gbps Model Throughput Capacity 41.6 Mpps Average Latency (LIFO-64-bytes packets) 1 Gbps: 1.5 µSec Switched Virtual Interfaces (dual stack) 16 IPv4 Host Table (ARP) 1,024 IPv6 Host Table (ND) 512 IPv4 Unicast Routes 512 IPv6 Unicast Routes 512 MAC Table Capacity 8,192 IGMP Groups 512 MLD Groups 512 IPv4/IPv6/MAC ACL Entries (ingress) 256 / 128 / 256 Environment Operating Temperature 32°F to 113°F (0°C to 45°C) up to 5000 ft (1.5 km) derate -1°C for every 1000 ft (305 m) from 5000 ft (1.5 km) to 10000 ft (3.0 km) Operating Relative Humidity 15% to 95% at 104°F (40°C) non-condensing Non-Operating -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) up to 15000 ft (4.6 km) Non-Operating Storage Relative Humidity 15% to 90% @ 149°F (65°C) non-condensing Max Operating Altitude 10000 feet (3 km) Max Max Non-Operating Altitude 15000 feet (4.6 km) Max Acoustic Sound Power, LWAd = 3.9 Bel Sound Pressure, LpAm (Bystander) = 20.9 dB Primary Airflow Side-to-side Aruba 6000 24G 4SFP Switch (R8N88A) Electrical Characteristics Frequency 50 / 60 Hz AC Voltage 100-127 VAC / 200-240 VAC Current 0.6 A / 0.4 A Power Consumption (230 VAC) Idle: 15.4W Max Power (w/o PoE): 33W Safety UL 60950-1; IEC 60950-1; EN 60950-1; CAN/ CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1; EN 60825-1 UL 62368-1 Ed. 2; IEC 62368-1 Ed. 2; EN 62368- 1:2014 Emissions VCCI-CISPR 32, Class A; CNS 13438; ICES-003 Issue 6 Class A; FCC CFR 47 Part 15, Class A; EN 55032: 2015 +AC:2016 / CISPR-32, Class A Lasers EN 60825-1:2007 / IEC 60825- 1:2007 Class 1 Class 1 Laser Products / Laser Klasse 1 (Applicable for accessories - Optical Transceivers only) Immunity Generic CISPR 24 / CISPR 35 EN EN 55024:2010 / EN 55035:2017 ESD IEC 61000-4-2 Radiated IEC 61000-4-3 EFT/Burst IEC 61000-4-4 Surge IEC 61000-4-5 Conducted IEC 61000-4-6 Power frequency magnetic field IEC 61000-4-8 Voltage dips and interruptions IEC 61000-4-11 Harmonics EN 61000-3-2, IEC 61000-3-2 Flicker EN 61000-3-3, IEC 61000-3-3 Mounting and Enclosure Mounts in an EIA-standard 19-inch telco rack or equipment cabinet (rack-mounting kit available); horizontal surface mounting; wall mounting

Objev podobné jako Aruba 6000 24G 4SFP Switch.

cena 8751.0 Kč

HPE Networking Instant On Switch 8p Gigabit CL4 PoE 2p SFP 124W 1930

Aruba Instant On 1930 8G Class4 PoE 2SFP 124W Switch EAN: 190017355238 Obecný popis Aruba Instant On 1930 switch je vysoce výkonný, inteligentně spravovaný switch navržený s ohledem na malé podniky. Nabízí snadnou implementaci a cenovou dostupnost. Zvládá dnešní aplikace s velkým objemem dat, jako je hlasová a video konference. Porty a sloty 8 portů RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 Class 4 PoE 2 porty SFP 1GbE Tělesné charakteristiky Rozměry: 25.4 x 15.95 x 4.39 cm Váha: 1.16 kg Procesor a paměť ARM Cortex-A9 @ 800 MHz, 512 MB SDRAM, 256 MB flash; packet buffer: 1.5 MB Výkon Průchodnost: 14.88 Mpps Kapacita: 20 Gbps Prostředí Provozní teplota: 0°C to 40°C Relativní vlhkost při provozu: 15% to 95% @ 40°C Elektrické charakteristiky Frekvence: 50-60 Hz AC napětí: 100 - 127 / 200 - 240 VAC PoE výkon: 124 W Class 4 PoE Bezpečnost Dodržuje bezpečnostní normy jako UL 60950-1, IEC 60950-1, EN 60950-1, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1, EN 60825-1. Správa zařízení Správa přes Aruba Instant On Cloud, webový prohlížeč, SNMP Manager. Montáž Podporuje montáž v racku, na stůl, na zeď, pod stůl pomocí dodaných držáků. Transceivery Aruba Instant On 1G SFP LC SX 500m OM2 MMF Transceiver (R9D16A) Aruba 1G SFP LC LX 10km SMF XCVR (J4859D) Aruba 1G SFP RJ45 T 100m Cat5e XCVR (J8177D) Klíčové vlastnosti Smart-managed layer 2+ Ethernet switch series PoE k napájení AP a IoT zařízení Bezpečnostní kontroly pro ochranu dat Snadná mobilní aplikace a webové GUI pro nastavení, správu a řešení problémů. Standardní funkce Jednoduchost na prvním místě Bezpečnost, na kterou se můžete spolehnout Podpora, na kterou se můžete spolehnout Diferenciátory Instant On Snadné nastavení a správa Neagresivní, estetický design Vysoký výkon s flexibilními možnostmi Optimalizovaný uživatelský zážitek Inventář místa Správa více míst Integrovaná bezpečnost Žádné skryté poplatky Správa Cloudová správa pro celou síť Jednoduché lokální webové GUI správa Aktualizace firmwaru Výchozí režim klienta DHCP Mirroring portů Protokolování událostí a upozornění Správa účtů LED lokalizátor Kvalita služeb (QoS) Prioritizace provozu IEEE 802.1p/Q VLAN tagging Třída služby (CoS) Pokročilý klasifikátor na základě QoS Přepínání přístupu SFP/SFP+ vláknová konektivita Class 4 PoE (PoE+; IEEE 802.3at) Automatické konfigurace PoE výkonu Přidělení výkonu PoE Auto MDI/MDI-X Síťová bezpečnost Zabezpečení na základě TPM Podpora IEEE 802.1Q VLAN Ověřování přístupu IEEE 802.1X Automatická ochrana proti DoS Ochrana proti bouři paketů RADIUS RADIUS účtování ID správní VLAN Ochrana před fluktuací linky Výkon a účinnost Energeticky účinný Ethernet (EEE) Automatické vypnutí portu Status úspor energie Energeticky účinné chlazení Bez ventilátoru Přepínací funkce IEEE 802.3x Flow control Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) Ochrana proti smyčkám Filtrování BPDU Podpora jumbo rámů IGMP snooping v1/v2 Linková agregace LLDP/LLDP-MED (Media Endpoint Discovery) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Záruka, servis a podpora Aruba Instant On Limited Lifetime Support poskytuje 24x7 telefonickou podporu po dobu prvních 90 dnů a chatovou podporu po celou dobu záruky. Komunitní podpora je zahrnuta po celou dobu životnosti produktu.

Objev podobné jako HPE Networking Instant On Switch 8p Gigabit CL4 PoE 2p SFP 124W 1930

cena 5587.0 Kč

TP-Link CCTV switch TL-SG1210MP (8xGbE, 1xGbE uplink, 1xGbE/SFP combo uplink, 8x PoE+, 123W, fanless)

TP-Link switch TL-SG1210MP 10portový gigabitový stolní switch s 8 porty PoE+ 9 gigabitových portů RJ45 a 1 kombinovaný gigabitový port SFP/RJ45. 8 portů PoE+ přenáší data i napájení přes jediný kabel a disponují celkovým rozpočtem napájení 123 W. Switch vyhovuje standardu IEEE 802.3af/at PoE+ a podporuje napájení PoE s výkonem až 30 W na každém portu PoE. Přenos dat a napájení na vzdálenost až 250 m v rozšířeném režimu. Prioritní režim poskytuje vysokou prioritu portům 1–2, aby byl zajištěn kvalitní provoz citlivých aplikací. Režim izolace umožňuje jedním kliknutím oddělit přenos dat klientů k zajištění vyššího zabezpečení a výkonu. S funkcí automatického obnovení PoE automaticky restartuje vypadlá nebo nereagující zařízení napájená přes PoE. Zapojení „Plug and Play“ bez nutnosti konfigurace Konstrukce bez ventilátoru snižuje spotřebu energie a zajišťuje tichý provoz v místě instalace. Stránky produktu: https://www.tp-link.com/cz/business-networking/unmanaged-switch/tl-sg1210mp/ Technické specifikace Více informací o TP-Link PoE technologii > HARDWARE FEATURES Interface • 9× 10/100/1000 Mbps RJ45 Ports • 1× 1000 Mbps Combo SFP/RJ45 Port • AUTO Negotiation • AUTO MDI/MDIX Network Media • 10BASE-T: UTP category 3, 4, 5 cable (maximum 100m) • EIA/TIA-568 100? STP (maximum 100m) • 100BASE-TX: UTP category 5, 5e cable (maximum 100m) • EIA/TIA-568 100? STP (maximum 100m) Fan Quantity Fanless Physical Security Lock Yes External Power Supply External Power Adapter (Output: 53.5VDC / 2.43A) Packet Forwarding Rate 14.88 Mpps PoE Ports (RJ45) • Standard: 802.3 af/at compliant • PoE Ports: Ports 1–8 • Power Supply: 123 W Mac Address Table 4K Jumbo Frame 16 KB Switching Capacity 20 Gbps Dimensions ( W x D x H ) 8.2 × 4.9 × 1.0 in (209 × 126 × 26 mm) Max Power Consumption • 7.93 W (220V / 50Hz with no PD connected) • 141.40 W (220V / 50Hz with 123 W PD connected) Max Heat Dissipation • 27.04 BTU/h (220V / 50Hz with no PD connected) • 482.17 BTU/h (220V / 50Hz with 123 W PD connected) SOFTWARE FEATURES Transmission Method Store-And-Forward Advanced Functions • Compatible With IEEE 802.3af/at Compliant PDs • Extend Mode Button (Ports 1–4, Up to 250 m PoE power supply and data transmission) • Priority Mode Button (Ports 1–2) • Isolation Mode Button (Ports 1–4 / 5-8) • PoE Auto Recovery (Ports 1-8) • Mac Address Auto-Learning and Auto-Aging • IEEE802.3x Flow Control For Full-Duplex Mode And Backpressure for Half-Duplex Mode OTHERS Certification FCC, CE, RoHS Package Contents • TL-SG1210MP • Power Adapter • Installation Guide Environment • Operating Temperature: 0–40 °C (32–104 °F) • Storage Temperature: -40–70 °C (-40–158 °F) • Operating Humidity: 10–90% RH non-condensing • Storage Humidity: 5–90% RH non-condensing

Objev podobné jako TP-Link CCTV switch TL-SG1210MP (8xGbE, 1xGbE uplink, 1xGbE/SFP combo uplink, 8x PoE+, 123W, fanless)

cena 2745.0 Kč

Aruba Instant On 1960 24G 2XGT 2SFP+ Switch.

Aruba Instant On 1960 24G 2XGT 2SFP+ Switch. I/O ports and slots 12 RJ-45 autosensing 100/1000/10GBASE-T ports (IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE-TX, IEEE 802.3ab Type 1000BASE-T, IEEE 802.an 10GBASE-T); Duplex: 100BASE-TX: half or full; 1000BASE-T: full only 10GBASE-T: full only 4 SFP+ 10GbE ports Dimensions 350.5(d) x 442.5(w) x 43.95(h) mm Weight 9.6 lb (4.3 kg) CPU Single Core ARMv7 Cortex-A9 @2Ghz 100 Mb Latency < 7.4 uSec 1000 Mb Latency < 4.2 uSec 10000 Mb Latency < 1.1 uSec Throughput (Mpps) 238 Mpps Capacity 320 Gbps Routing Table size (# of static entries) 512 IPv4/IPv6 MAC Address table size (# of entries) 16,000 entries Reliability MTBF (years) 88.8 Operating temperature 0-40°C, 0-10,000 ft Operating relative humidity 15% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C) non-condensing Nonoperating/Storage temperature -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) up to 15000 ft Nonoperating/Storage relative humidity 15% to 90% @ 149°F (65°C) non-condensing Altitude up to 10,000 ft (3 km) Acoustics1 LWAd = 4.0 Bel Notes1: 1 Acoustics measured in 23°C semi-anechoic chamber with a loading of 100% traffic and (for JL807A and JL809A) 50% PoE on all ports. Measured in accordance with ISO 7779. Declared in accordance with ECMA-109:2010. Values presented are the Declared A-Weighted Sound Power Level (LWAd) and the mean Bystander A-Weighted Sound Pressure Level (LpAm) Electrical Characteristics Frequency 50Hz/60Hz AC voltage 100-127VAC / 200-240VAC Current 1.3A/0.4A Maximum power rating 100-127V: 130W 200-220V: 160W Idle power 100-127V: 60W 200-220V: 80W PoE power - Power Supply Internal power supply Safety EN/IEC 60950-1:2006 + A11:2009 + A1:2010 + A12:2011 + A2:2013 EN/IEC 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. UL 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. EN/IEC 60825-1:2014 Class 1 Emissions EN 55032:2015/CISPR 32, Class A FCC CFR 47 Part 15: 2018 Class A ICES-003 Class A VCCI Class A CNS 13438 Class A KN 32 Class A AS/NZS CISPR 32 Class A Generic EN 55035, CISPR 35, KN35 EN EN 55035, CISPR 35 ESD EN/IEC 61000-4-2 Radiated EN/IEC 61000-4-3 EFT/Burst EN/IEC 61000-4-4 Surge EN/IEC 61000-4-5 Conducted EN/IEC 61000-4-6 Power frequency magnetic field EN/IEC 61000-4-8 Voltage dips and interruptions EN/IEC 61000-4-11 Harmonics EN/IEC 61000-3-2 Flicker EN /IEC 61000-3-3 Device Management Aruba Instant On Cloud; Web browser; SNMP Manager Mounting Positions and Supported Racking Mounts in an EIA-standard 19 in. telco rack or equipment cabinet. 2-post rack kit included Supports table-top mounting Supports rack-mounting Supports wall-mounting with ports facing either up or down Supports under-table mounting using the brackets provided Transceivers Aruba Instant On 1G SFP LC SX 500m OM2 MMF Transceiver (R9D16A) Aruba 1G SFP LC LX 10km SMF Transceiver (J4859D) Aruba Instant On 1G SFP RJ45 T 100m Cat5e Transceiver (R9D17A) Aruba Instant On 10G SFP+ LC SR 300m OM3 MMF Transceiver (R9D18A) Aruba 10G SFP+ LC LR 10km SMF Transceiver (J9151E) Aruba 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 1m DAC (J9281D) Aruba 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 3m DAC (J9283D) Aruba Instant On 1960 24G 2XGT 2SFP+ Switch (JL806A) Specifications I/O ports and slots 24 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 Mbps ports (IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE-TX, IEEE 802.3ab Type 1000BASE-T); Duplex: 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: half or full; 1000BASE-T: full only 2 SFP+ 10GbE ports 2 10GBASE-T ports Dimensions 350.5(d) x 442.5(w) x 43.95(h) mm Weight 8.7 lb (3.9 kg) CPU Single-Core ARM v7 Cortex-A9 @800MHz 100 Mb Latency < 4.4 uSec 1000 Mb Latency < 2.2 uSec 10000 Mb Latency < 1.1 uSec Throughput (Mpps) 95 Mpps Capacity 128 Gbps Routing Table size (# of static entries) 32 IPv4/IPv6 MAC Address table size (# of entries) 16,000 entries Reliability MTBF (years) 123.0 Operating temperature 0-40°C, 0-10,000 ft Operating relative humidity 15% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C) non-condensing Nonoperating/Storage temperature -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) up to 15000 ft Nonoperating/Storage relative humidity 15% to 90% @ 149°F (65°C) non-condensing Altitude up to 10,000 ft (3 km) Acoustics1 Fanless Notes1: 1 Acoustics measured in 23°C semi-anechoic chamber with a loading of 100% traffic and (for JL807A and JL809A) 50% PoE on all ports. Measured in accordance with ISO 7779. Declared in accordance with ECMA-109:2010. Values presented are the Declared A-Weighted Sound Power Level (LWAd) and the mean Bystander A-Weighted Sound Pressure Level (LpAm) Electrical Characteristics Frequency 50Hz/60Hz AC voltage 100-127VAC / 200-240VAC Current 0.6A/0.2A Maximum power rating 100-127V: 60W 200-220V: 80W Idle power 100-127V: 30W 200-220V: 40W PoE power - Power Supply Internal power supply Safety EN/IEC 60950-1:2006 + A11:2009 + A1:2010 + A12:2011 + A2:2013 EN/IEC 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. UL 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. EN/IEC 60825-1:2014 Class 2 Emissions EN 55032:2015/CISPR 32, Class A FCC CFR 47 Part 15: 2018 Class A ICES-003 Class A VCCI Class A CNS 13438 Class A KN 32 Class A AS/NZS CISPR 32 Class A Generic EN 55035, CISPR 35, KN35 EN EN 55035, CISPR 35 ESD EN/IEC 61000-4-2 Radiated EN/IEC 61000-4-3 EFT/Burst EN/IEC 61000-4-4 Surge EN/IEC 61000-4-5 Conducted EN/IEC 61000-4-6 Power frequency magnetic field EN/IEC 61000-4-8 Voltage dips and interruptions EN/IEC 61000-4-11 Harmonics EN/IEC 61000-3-2 Flicker EN /IEC 61000-3-3 Device Management Aruba Instant On Cloud; Web browser; SNMP Manager Mounting Positions and Supported Racking Mounts in an EIA-standard 19 in. telco rack or equipment cabinet. 2-post rack kit included Supports table-top mounting Supports rack-mounting Supports wall-mounting with ports facing either up or down Supports under-table mounting using the brackets provided Must be mounted top surface up. To prevent possible impact to long-term reliability, product should not be mounted upside-down Transceivers Aruba Instant On 1G SFP LC SX 500m OM2 MMF Transceiver (R9D16A) Aruba 1G SFP LC LX 10km SMF Transceiver (J4859D) Aruba Instant On 1G SFP RJ45 T 100m Cat5e Transceiver (R9D17A) Aruba Instant On 10G SFP+ LC SR 300m OM3 MMF Transceiver (R9D18A) Aruba 10G SFP+ LC LR 10km SMF Transceiver (J9151E) Aruba 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 1m DAC (J9281D) Aruba 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 3m DAC (J9283D)

Objev podobné jako Aruba Instant On 1960 24G 2XGT 2SFP+ Switch.

cena 11248.0 Kč

HPE Networking Instant On Switch 24p Gigabit CL4 PoE 4p SFP+ 195W 1930 JL683B

Aruba Instant On 1930 24G Class4 PoE 4SFP/SFP+ 195W Switch (JL683B) I/O Ports and Slots 24 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 Class 4 PoE ports (IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE- TX, IEEE 802.3ab Type 1000BASE-T); Duplex: 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: half or full; 1000BASE-T: full only 4 SFP+ 1/10GbE ports Physical Characteristics Dimensions 17.42(w) x 10.42(d) x 1.73(h) in (44.25 x 26.47 x 4.39 cm)(1U height) Weight 7.69lb (3.49kg) Processor and Memory ARM Cortex-A9 @ 800 MHz, 512 MB SDRAM, 256 MB flash; packet buffer: 1.5 MB Packet Buffer 1.5 MB Performance 100 Mb latency < 4.7 uSec 1000 Mb latency 10000 Mb latency Throughput (Mpps) 95.23 Mpps Capacity 128 Gbps Routing table size (# of static entries) 32 MAC address table size (# of entries) 16,000 Reliability MTBF (years) 76 Environment Operating temperature 32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C) Operating relative humidity 15% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C) Non-operating temperature -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) Non-operating relative humidity 15% to 95% @ 140°F (60°C) Altitude Up to 10,000ft (3.048 Km) Acoustic1 LWAd = 3.9 Bel LpAm (Bystander) = 25 dB Notes: 1Acoustics measured in 23°C semi-anechoic chamber with a loading of 100% traffic and 50% PoE on all ports. Measured in accordance with ISO 7779. Declared in accordance with ECMA-109:2010. Values presented are the Declared A-Weighted Sound Power Level (LWAd) and the mean Bystander A-Weighted Sound Pressure Level (LpAm) Electrical Characteristics Frequency 50-60 Hz AC voltage 100 - 127 / 200 - 240 VAC Current 2.8 A/1.4 A Maximum power rating 248.7W Idle power 19.7W PoE power 195 W Class 4 PoE Power supply Internal power supply Safety UL 60950-1; IEC 60950-1;EN 60950-1; CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1; EN 60825-1 UL 62368-1 Ed. 2; IEC 62368-1 Ed. 2; EN 62368-1:2014 Emissions VCCI-CISPR 32, Class A; CNS 13438; ICES-003 Issue 6 Class A; FCC CFR 47 Part 15, Class A; EN 55032: 2015 +AC:2016 / CISPR-32, Class A Immunity Generic CISPR 24 / CISPR 35 EN EN 55024:2010 / EN 55035:2017 ESD IEC 61000-4-2 Radiated IEC 61000-4-3 EFT/Burst IEC 61000-4-4 Surge IEC 61000-4-5 Conducted IEC 61000-4-6 Power frequency magnetic field IEC 61000-4-8 Voltage dips and interruptions IEC 61000-4-11 Harmonics IEC 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-2 Flicker IEC 61000-3-3, EN 61000-3-3 Device Management Aruba Instant On Cloud; Web browser; SNMP Manager Mounting Mounts in an EIAstandard 19 in. telco rack or equipment cabinet. 2-post rack kit included Supports table-top mounting Supports rackmounting Supports wall-mounting with ports facing either up or down Supports under-table mounting using the brackets provided Transceivers Aruba Instant On 1G SFP LC SX 500m OM2 MMF Transceiver (R9D16A) Aruba 1G SFP LC LX 10km SMF Transceiver (J4859D) Aruba Instant On 1G SFP RJ45 T 100m Cat5e Transceiver (R9D17A) Aruba Instant On 10G SFP+ LC SR 300m OM3 MMF Transceiver (R9D18A) Aruba 10G SFP+ LC LR 10km SMF Transceiver (J9151E) Aruba Instant On 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 1m DAC (R9D19A) Aruba Instant On 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 3m DAC (R9D20A) Aruba Instant On 1930 Switch Series High-Performance, Smart-Managed Switches Designed with Small Businesses in Mind Whether you own a cafe, a design firm or a tech startup, a reliable and secure network plays a critical role in the success of your business. And you need a network solution that gives you peace of mind, allowing you to focus on growing your business instead of managing problems with your network. Aruba Instant On makes it easy to keep network users happy, mobile and IoT devices connected, and your network secure. The Aruba Instant On 1930 switches features advanced, smart-managed, fixed- configuration Gigabit switches designed for small businesses that are easy-to-deploy and affordable. They're made to handle today's bandwidth-heavy applications like voice and video conferencing, enabling consistent connectivity to enhance performance. Using either the Instant On mobile app or the cloud-based web portal, you can quickly set up, monitor and manage the 1930 switch series from anywhere at any time. What's more, up to 30 W PoE power delivery is available out-of-the-box for your class 4 PoE devices, like access points, surveillance cameras and VoIP phones, all easily managed from the same platform. Built-in security features protect your network from unauthorized access by allowing you to segment traffic and define access to each area of the network. And all of this is included in the price of the hardware - there are no hidden subscription or licensing fees. Key Features Smart-managed layer 2+ Ethernet switch series ready to deploy in 8-, 24-and 48-port for non-PoE and Class 4 PoE models PoE to power APs and IoT devices like IP phones, surveillance cameras and door locks Two (2) dedicated 1G SFP fiber ports on 8-port models, and four (4) dedicated 1G/10G SFP+ fiber ports on 24-/48-port models to eliminate traffic bottlenecks across your network Security controls let you define access in each area of your network, keeping your business data safe Convenient mobile app and web- based GUI for set up, management and troubleshooting. Standard Features Simplicity at Its Best Plug-and-play switches that work together with Instant On APs right out of the box Mobile app to easily setup, monitor and manage your network Security You Can Count On Protect your network from unauthorized access with IEEE 802.1X and VLANs Automatic denial-of-service (DOS) monitors and protects the network against malicious attacks We've Got You Covered No extra licensing or subscription fees Industry-leading limited lifetime warranty and support. The Instant On Differentiators Easy Setup and Management The Aruba Instant On mobile app allows you to set up, manage, and monitor Instant On switches and access points directly from your phone. Within the app, you get guided step-by-step instructions to install Instant On devices to get your network up and running quickly - no technical expertise required. And cloud-based access allows you to access the network from anywhere, at any time. Non-intrusive, Aesthetic Design Aruba Instant On switches are designed to complement the sleek and clean look of the Instant On access points, and to blend discreetly into your site's environment. The 8-port models, as well as the 24- and 48-port non PoE models, are fan-less, making them ideal for quiet office deployments. High Performance with Flexible Options The series consists of four (4) Class 4 PoE switches, and three (3) non-PoE switches including 8- 24- and 48-port Gigabit Ethernet switches. The two (2) dedicated 1G SFP fiber ports on 8-port models, and four (4) dedicated 1G/10G SFP+ fiber ports on 24-/48-port models, ensure high performance and eliminate traffic bottlenecks across the network. Customizable features include basic Layer 2 features like VLANs and link aggregation, as well as advanced features such as Layer 3 IPv4 static routing, ACLs, and Spanning Tree Protocols, and IPv6 Host mode. Optimized User Experience The Aruba Instant On mobile app provides common workflows for Instant On switches and access points making it easier to configure, monitor and manage your network remotely without the need for additional hardware like cloud keys or VPN. You can also update firmware on your Instant On devices directly from the cloud whenever you want, from wherever you are. Site inventory The site inventory feature on the Instant On mobile app shows you all switches and AP's on a single screen, allowing you to quickly identify non-functioning devices and troubleshoot accordingly. Multi-Site Management The cloud-hosted web interface and mobile app make it easy to manage multiple sites, multiple networks, distributed deployments and multi-tenant deployments. Each site is logically separated and has its own configuration, statistics, guest portal, and admin read/write privileges. Built-In Security Built-in security features protect your network from external threats by blocking malware attacks and keeping unauthorized users off the network. Network traffic can be filtered and access restricted based on MAC and IP address. No Hidden Fees All features are included in the price of the hardware - there are no recurring subscription or licensing fees. Expert-level support and industry leading limited lifetime warranty are also included, along with chat support for the life of the product. Management Cloud-Based Management for Entire Network The cloud-hosted web interface and mobile app make it easy to manage networks with Instant On APs and Switches. Simple Local Web GUI Management For management of individual switches, the intuitive Web GUI makes management simple, even for non-technical users. Supports up to five (5) HTTP and HTTP Secure (HTTPS) sessions. Firmware Update Provides notification of the latest firmware with the ability to schedule update at a preferred time through Instant On mobile app and cloud-based web portal. Default DHCP Client Mode Allows the switch to be directly connected to a network, enabling plug-and-play operation. In the absence of a DHCP server on the network, the switch falls back to the static address Port Mirroring Enables traffic on a port or VLAN to be simultaneously sent to a network analyzer for monitoring. Event Logging and Alerts Provides detailed information for problem identification and resolution. Account Management Allows administrators to add, modify, delete and transfer management accounts and passwords for secure access to Instant cloud management solution. Locator LED Allows users to set the locator LED on a specific switch to either turn on, blink, or turn off; simplifies troubleshooting by making it easy to locate a particular switch within a rack of similar switches. Schedule Configuration Global Schedule feature can be applied to time-based ACLs, port or interface shutdown, or PoE power delivery; up to 3 schedules can be configured. PoE scheduling allows user to configure a specific day/time of the week (e.g. business hours) for Instant On switches to supply power to connected devices (e.g. surveillance cameras, access points etc.). Quality of Service (QoS) Traffic Prioritization Provides time-sensitive packets (like VoIP and video) with priority over other traffic based on DSCP or IEEE 802.1p classification. IEEE 802.1p/Q VLAN Tagging Delivers data to devices based on the priority and type of traffic; supports IEEE 802.1Q. Class of Service (CoS) Sets the IEEE 802.1p/DSCP priority to queue mapping (4 queues). Supports strict priority queuing (SP) or weighted round robin (WRR) queuing. SP and WRR queuing can be configured on individual switch ports. Advanced Classifier Based QoS Classifies traffic using multiple match criteria based on Layer 2, 3, and 4 information. Access Switching SFP/SFP+ Fiber Connectivity Provides fiber connections for uplinks and other connections across longer distances than copper cabling can support. SFP ports are in addition to available copper Ethernet ports, providing a higher total number of available ports. Two (2) SFP 1G ports available on 8-port models and four (4) SFP+ 1G/10G ports on 24-/48 port models. Ethernet Alliance Certified Class 4 PoE (IEEE 802.3at) Provides up to 30 W per port, which allows support of the class 4 PoE capable devices such as video IP phones, wireless access points, and advanced pan/tilt/zoom security cameras, as well as any 15.4 W IEEE 802.3af-compliant end device; mitigates the cost of additional electrical cabling and circuits that would otherwise be necessary in IP phone and WLAN deployments. Auto-PoE Power Configuration The switch automatically assigns the required power to a port for a PD device based on Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP). PoE Power Allocation Support multiple methods (LLDP-MED automatic, class of PoE, or usage-based) to allocate PoE power for more efficient energy savings. Auto MDI/MDI-X Adjusts automatically for straight-through or crossover cables on all 10/100/1000 ports. Network Security TPM-Based Security Includes a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) for secure hardware- based generation and storage of cryptographic keys used for secure connection to the Instant On cloud portal. IEEE 802.1Q VLAN Support Support for up to 256 VLANs with a VLAN ID range of 2-4093. IEEE 802.1X Access Control Authentication of network users on a per port basis prior to permitting network access. Port authentication includes RADIUS assigned VLAN, dynamic VLAN creation, guest VLAN or into an unauthenticated VLAN. Automatic Denial-of-Service Protection Monitors for malicious attacks and protects the network by blocking the attacks. Packet Storm Protection Protects against unknown unicast, broadcast and multicast storms with user-defined thresholds. RADIUS The switch supports RADIUS authentication with primary and backup server configuration. Automatic VLAN Assignment - RADIUS Assigned VLANs Automatically assigns users to the appropriate VLAN based on their identity and location. RADIUS Accounting A robust set of attributes and statistics are available for collecting information from the switch. Management VLAN ID Provides secure management access to administrators in the specified VLAN. Link Flap Prevention Minimizes the network disruption by automatically detecting and disabling ports that experience link flap events. Performance and Efficiency Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) Compliant with IEEE 802.3az standard requirements to save energy during periods of low data activity. Auto-Port Shut Down The switch saves power by automatically shutting down power to inactive ports. Power is restored on a port upon link detection. Energy Savings Status The switch provides an estimated cumulative energy savings due to green Ethernet features being enabled. Energy-Efficient Cooling Includes variable speed fans operating only at the speed necessary to maintain operating temperature to reduce excess noise and power consumption. Fan-Less Operation Fan-less design for 8-port models, 24- and 48-port non-PoE models, making the switches ideal for office deployments. Switching Features IEEE 802.3x Flow Control Provides a flow-throttling mechanism propagated through the network to prevent packet loss at a congested node. Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) Supports standard IEEE 802.1D STP, IEEE 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) for faster convergence, and IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP on local web). Loop Protection If the switch detects a loop, it disables the source port from forwarding data packets originating from the switch to avoid broadcast storms. BPDU Filtering Drops BPDU packets when STP is enabled globally but disabled on a specific port. Jumbo Frame Support Supports up to 9216 bytes frame size to improve the performance of large data transfers. IGMP Snooping v1/v2 Improves network performance through multicast filtering, instead of flooding traffic on all ports. Link Aggregation Groups together multiple ports up to a maximum of eight (8) ports per trunk automatically using Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP), or manually, to form a high-bandwidth connection to the network backbone that helps prevent traffic bottlenecks. The 8-port models support 4 trunks, 24-port models support 8 trunks, and 48-port models support 16 trunks. LLDP/LLDP-MED (Media Endpoint Discovery) Defines a standard extension of LLDP that stores values for parameters such as QoS and VLAN for automatic configuration of network devices such as IP phones. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) The ARP table displays all of the IP addresses that have been resolved to MAC addresses, either dynamically or through static entry configuration. Additional Features Accessed Through Local Web-Management Interface Top Event Dashboard Provides notifications for critical events and a quick access to the latest log events. Quick Start-Up and VLAN Wizard Enables automatic configuring of the initial settings such IP address, device information, and system time. VLAN wizard can be used for setting up initial VLAN IDs and port membership. Access Control Lists (ACLs) Enables network traffic filtering by creating an ACL, adds rules and matches criteria to an ACL, and applies the ACL to permit or deny on one or more interfaces or a VLAN. Supports for 50 inbound IPv4 and MAC ACLs with up to 480 ACEs. IPv6 Host Enables switches to be managed and deployed at the IPv6 network's edge. Rate Limiting Sets and enforces per-port ingress traffic limits based on percentages or packets per second. Protected Ports Ports in a port isolation group are restricted from forwarding Layer 2 traffic between ports in that group, providing data privacy and security. SCP and TFTP File Transfer Provides different mechanisms for secure file transfer through SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) or TFTP. Dual Image Support Provide independent primary and secondary software images for backup while upgrading. User Account Management Password strength checking and aging feature provides enhanced security to user account administration to the local web management interface. Additionally, user account authentication can now be done via RADIUS to access the web-interface.' Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Encrypts all HTTP traffic, secures access to the local browser-based management of the switch. SNMPv1, v2c, and v3 Facilitates remote management with SNMP management station that discovers and monitors the switch. Remote Monitoring (RMON) Provides advanced monitoring and reporting capabilities for statistics, history, alarms and events. RMON data is retrieved from the switch through a network management platform over SNMP. Cable Diagnostic Tool Provides the mechanism to detect and report potential cabling issues, such as cable opens or cable shorts on copper links, in addition to providing distance to the fault and total length of cable. Warranty, Service and Support Aruba Instant On Limited Lifetime Support provides 24X7 phone support for the first 90 days and chat support for the entire warranty period. Community support is included for the life of the product. Refer to the Hewlett Packard Enterprise website at hpe.com/networking/services for details on the service-level descriptions and product numbers. For details about services and response times in your area, please contact your local Hewlett Packard Enterprise sales office. Standards and Protocols (applies to all products in series) IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T IEEE 802.3z 1000BASE-X IEEE 802.2af PoE 1 (PoE models only) IEEE 802.3at PoE 1 (PoE models only) IEEE 802.3x Flow control IEEE 802.1Q VLANS IEEE 802.1p Priority IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) IEEE 802.1X Port Access Authentication IEEE 802.3az Energy Efficient Ethernet IEEE 802.1D: Spanning Tree Protocol IEEE 802.1W: Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol IEEE 802.1S: Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol IEEE 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery Protocol Denial of service protection CPU DoS protection

Objev podobné jako HPE Networking Instant On Switch 24p Gigabit CL4 PoE 4p SFP+ 195W 1930 JL683B

cena 7543.0 Kč

CUDY 16-Port 10/100M PoE+ Switch with 1Gigabit Uplink and 1 Gigabit Combo SFP Port 200W (FS1018PS1 )

Switch 18 portový, 100 Mbit, PoE, desktop Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Switch CUDY Získejte až 16 portů, které vám umožní využívat PoE napájení (vyhovuje standardu IEEE 802.3at / IEEE 802.3af). Budete moci ve vašem okolí provozovat například přístupový bod, VoIP telefony, tiskárny nebo IP kamery. Switch CUDY umožňuje až 30W napájení na každém portu, přičemž celkový napájecí výkon na všech portech nesmí přesáhnout 200 W. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii!...

Objev podobné jako CUDY 16-Port 10/100M PoE+ Switch with 1Gigabit Uplink and 1 Gigabit Combo SFP Port 200W (FS1018PS1 )

cena 2999.0 Kč

Tenda TEG5328P-24-410W Gigabit L3 PoE af/at switch, 24x 10/100/1000 Mb/s PoE 802.3af/at + 4x SFP 100 (TEG5328P-24-410W)

Smart Switch - 24 ks portový gigabitový switch se 4 ks gigabitovými SFP sloty, přenosová rychlost LAN portů - 1 Gbit, DHCP snooping, DoS (Auto “denial-of-service” prevence), IGMP Snooping, L2, L3 (směrovač), PoE (Power over Ethernet), Port mirroring pro monitoring sítě, QoS (Quality of Service) a VLAN (virtual local area network), rack Smart switch Tenda TEG5328P-24-410W nabízí kromě precizního přepínání také možnost napájení přes PoE, což vám umožní výrazně snížit množství kabeláže v síti a napájet přímo přes Ethernetový port. K dispozici máte navíc i velmi pokročilé síťové funkce kontroly, ochrany, omezení a další… Switch podporuje statické směrovací protokoly vrstvy L3 a L3 forwarding pro více než 400 terminálů. Dokáže izolovat vrstvy L2/L3, a oproti směrovačům L2 nevyžaduje pro přenos dat průchod routerem. Switch podporuje hned tři režimy plánování QoS (SP, SWRR, WRR) k efektivnímu řízení provozu. Po aktivaci QoS budou preferovány důležité datové...

Objev podobné jako Tenda TEG5328P-24-410W Gigabit L3 PoE af/at switch, 24x 10/100/1000 Mb/s PoE 802.3af/at + 4x SFP 100 (TEG5328P-24-410W)

cena 8839.0 Kč

10 x HPE Networking Instant On Switch 24p Gigabit CL4 PoE 4p SFP+ 195W 1930 (JL683B)

Aruba Instant On 1930 24G Class4 PoE 4SFP/SFP+ 195W Switch (JL683B) I/O Ports and Slots 24 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 Class 4 PoE ports (IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE- TX, IEEE 802.3ab Type 1000BASE-T); Duplex: 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: half or full; 1000BASE-T: full only 4 SFP+ 1/10GbE ports Physical Characteristics Dimensions 17.42(w) x 10.42(d) x 1.73(h) in (44.25 x 26.47 x 4.39 cm)(1U height) Weight 7.69lb (3.49kg) Processor and Memory ARM Cortex-A9 @ 800 MHz, 512 MB SDRAM, 256 MB flash; packet buffer: 1.5 MB Packet Buffer 1.5 MB Performance 100 Mb latency < 4.7 uSec 1000 Mb latency <2.4 uSec 10000 Mb latency <1.3 uSec Throughput (Mpps) 95.23 Mpps Capacity 128 Gbps Routing table size (# of static entries) 32 MAC address table size (# of entries) 16,000 Reliability MTBF (years) 76 Environment Operating temperature 32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C) Operating relative humidity 15% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C) Non-operating temperature -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) Non-operating relative humidity 15% to 95% @ 140°F (60°C) Altitude Up to 10,000ft (3.048 Km) Acoustic1 LWAd = 3.9 Bel LpAm (Bystander) = 25 dB Notes: 1Acoustics measured in 23°C semi-anechoic chamber with a loading of 100% traffic and 50% PoE on all ports. Measured in accordance with ISO 7779. Declared in accordance with ECMA-109:2010. Values presented are the Declared A-Weighted Sound Power Level (LWAd) and the mean Bystander A-Weighted Sound Pressure Level (LpAm) Electrical Characteristics Frequency 50-60 Hz AC voltage 100 - 127 / 200 - 240 VAC Current 2.8 A/1.4 A Maximum power rating 248.7W Idle power 19.7W PoE power 195 W Class 4 PoE Power supply Internal power supply Safety UL 60950-1; IEC 60950-1;EN 60950-1; CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1; EN 60825-1 UL 62368-1 Ed. 2; IEC 62368-1 Ed. 2; EN 62368-1:2014 Emissions VCCI-CISPR 32, Class A; CNS 13438; ICES-003 Issue 6 Class A; FCC CFR 47 Part 15, Class A; EN 55032: 2015 +AC:2016 / CISPR-32, Class A Immunity Generic CISPR 24 / CISPR 35 EN EN 55024:2010 / EN 55035:2017 ESD IEC 61000-4-2 Radiated IEC 61000-4-3 EFT/Burst IEC 61000-4-4 Surge IEC 61000-4-5 Conducted IEC 61000-4-6 Power frequency magnetic field IEC 61000-4-8 Voltage dips and interruptions IEC 61000-4-11 Harmonics IEC 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-2 Flicker IEC 61000-3-3, EN 61000-3-3 Device Management Aruba Instant On Cloud; Web browser; SNMP Manager Mounting Mounts in an EIAstandard 19 in. telco rack or equipment cabinet. 2-post rack kit included Supports table-top mounting Supports rackmounting Supports wall-mounting with ports facing either up or down Supports under-table mounting using the brackets provided Transceivers Aruba Instant On 1G SFP LC SX 500m OM2 MMF Transceiver (R9D16A) Aruba 1G SFP LC LX 10km SMF Transceiver (J4859D) Aruba Instant On 1G SFP RJ45 T 100m Cat5e Transceiver (R9D17A) Aruba Instant On 10G SFP+ LC SR 300m OM3 MMF Transceiver (R9D18A) Aruba 10G SFP+ LC LR 10km SMF Transceiver (J9151E) Aruba Instant On 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 1m DAC (R9D19A) Aruba Instant On 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 3m DAC (R9D20A)

Objev podobné jako 10 x HPE Networking Instant On Switch 24p Gigabit CL4 PoE 4p SFP+ 195W 1930 (JL683B)

cena 70376.0 Kč

Aruba 6200F 24G 4SFP+ Switch JL724A RENEW

Aruba 6200F 24G 4SFP+ Switch JL724A RENEW Klíčové vlastnosti Konektivita na vrstvě 2 s podporou pro ACL, robustní QoS a statické směrování. Integrované uplinky 1/10GbE a až 370 W PoE třídy 4 pro podporu zařízení IoT. Inteligentní monitorování, přehled a řešení problémů s nástrojem Aruba Network Analytics Engine. Jednoduché nasazení jedním dotykem pomocí Aruba CX mobilní aplikací. Zabezpečený a jednoduchý přístup pro uživatele a IoT s technologií Aruba Dynamic Segmentation. Bezpečnost Podpora seznamu řízení přístupu (ACL) pro IPv4 i IPv6; umožňuje filtrovat provoz a zabránit tak neoprávněným uživatelům přístup k síti nebo k řízení sítě. Filtrování zdrojových portů umožňuje pouze zadaným portům komunikovat mezi sebou. Zabezpečený FTP umožňuje bezpečný přenos souborů do switche a z něj a chrání před nežádoucím stahováním souborů nebo jejich přenosem. Secure shell šifruje všechna přenášená data, aby byla bezpečná pro vzdálený přístup k CLI přes IP sítě. Zablokování adresy MAC zabraňuje tomu, aby se konkrétní adresa MAC nemohla připojit k síti.

Objev podobné jako Aruba 6200F 24G 4SFP+ Switch JL724A RENEW

cena 18145.0 Kč

Huawei S310-48P4X Switch (48*10/100/1000BASE-T ports(380W PoE+), 4*10GE SFP+ ports, built-in AC power)

S310-48T4X (48*10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4*10GE SFP+ ports, built-in AC power) Tento switch je vybaven 48 gigabitovými ethernetovými porty, které spolu se 4 ethernetovými SFP porty poskytují vysokorychlostní konektivitu a rychlý přenos dat. Inteligentní řízení rychlosti ventilátorů upravuje rychlost ventilátoru podle zatížení switche, čímž snižuje hlučnost a šetří energii. Switche řady S310 podporují jak režim správy v cloudu, tak režim správy v místě instalace. Tyto dva režimy správy lze flexibilně přepínat podle potřeby. - manažovatelný L2 switch - statický routing - IPV6 - funkce hibernace portů - inteligentní řízení rychlosti ventilátorů - vestavěný zdroj - režim správy z cloudu i v místě instalace - PoE Switching capacity 176 Gbps Packet forwarding 131 Mpps Fixed port 48 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports (PoE+), 4 x 10GE SFP+ ports Chassis dimensions (H x W x D) 43.6 mm x 442 mm x 220 mm Chassis height 1 U Weight in full configuration (including packaging materials) 4,29 kg Power module type Built-in AC power module Rated voltage 100 V to 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz Maximum power consumption Without PoE: 64.7 W ƒWith PoE: 462.8 W (PoE: 380 W) Input voltage range [V] ƒ AC input: 90 V AC to 290 V AC, 45 Hz to 65 Hz Noise Sound power at normal temperature: 49.3 dB (A) ƒSound power at high temperature: 63 dB (A) ƒSound pressure at normal temperature: 37.3 dB (A) First supported version V600R023C00 Integrated fixed device Y Dimensions without packaging (H x W x D) [mm(in.)] Basic dimensions (excluding the parts protruding from the body): 43.6 mm x 442.0 mm x 220.0 mm (1.72 in. x 17.4 in. x 8.66 in.) Maximum dimensions (the depth is the distance from ports on the front panel to the parts protruding from the rear panel): 43.6 mm x 442.0 mm x 227.0 mm (1.72 in. x 17.4 in. x 8.94 in.) Dimensions with packaging (H x W x D) [mm(in.)] 90.0 mm x 550.0 mm x 360.0 mm (3.54 in. x 21.65 in. x 14.17 in.) Chassis height [U] 1 Installation type Rack mounting,Desk mounting,Wall mounting Chassis material Metal Weight without packaging [kg(lb)] 3.24 (7.14) Weight with packaging [kg(lb)] 4.29 (9.46) Typical power consumption [W] 49.44 Typical heat dissipation [BTU/hour] 168.69 Maximum power consumption [W] - Without PoE: 64.7 W - Full PoE load: 462.80 W (PoE: 380 W) Maximum heat dissipation [BTU/hour] - Without PoE: 220.76 - Full PoE load: 1579.12 Static power consumption [W] 34.04 100% power consumption [W] 49.44 MTBF [year] 48.14 MTTR [hour] 2 Availability > 0.99999 Noise at normal temperature (acoustic power) [dB(A)] 49.3 Noise at high temperature (acoustic power) [dB(A)] 63 Noise at normal temperature (acoustic pressure) [dB(A)] 37.3 Number of card slots 0 Number of power slots 0 Number of fans modules 2 Maximum number of physical ports on the entire device 52 Maximum number of 100GE ports 0 Maximum number of 40GE ports 0 Maximum number of 25GE ports 0 Maximum number of 10GE ports 4 Maximum number of 5GE ports 0 Maximum number of 2.5GE ports 0 Maximum number of GE ports 52 Maximum number of FE ports 48 Uplink ports 4 x 10GE SFP+ ports Downlink ports 48 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports (380 W, PoE+) Dedicated stack port Not supported Redundant power supply Not supported Long-term operating temperature [°C(°F)] -5°C to +50°C (23°F to 122°F) at an altitude of 0-1800 m (0-5905.44 ft.) Restriction on the operating temperature variation rate [°C(°F)] When the altitude is 1800–5000 m (5906–16404 ft.), the highest operating temperature reduces by 1°C (1.8°F) every time the altitude increases by 220 m (722 ft.). Devices cannot start when the temperature is lower than 0°C (32°F). The operating temperature ranges from –5°C (23°F) to +45°C (113°F) when optical modules with transmission distances greater than or equal to 60 km are used. Storage temperature [°C(°F)] –40°C to +70°C (–40°F to +158°F) Long-term operating relative humidity [RH] 5% RH to 95% RH (non-condensing) Long-term operating altitude [m(ft.)] 0–5000 m (0–16404 ft.) Storage altitude [m(ft.)] 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.) Power supply mode AC built-in Rated input voltage [V] - AC input: 100 V AC to 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz - High-voltage DC input: 240 V DC Input voltage range [V] - AC input: 90 V AC to 290 V AC; 45 Hz to 65 Hz - High-voltage DC input: 190 V DC to 290 V DC Maximum input current [A] 6 A CPU 1.1 GHz, 2 cores Memory 2 GB Flash memory Physical space: 1 GB Console port RJ45 Eth Management port Not supported USB Not supported Hardware real-time power detection Not supported Dying gasp Supported RTC Not supported RPS input Not supported Complete device sleeping Not supported Service port surge protection [kV] Common mode: ±7 kV Power supply surge protection [kV] Differential mode: ±6 kV; common mode: ±6 kV Ingress protection level (dustproof/waterproof) IP20 Types of fans Built-in Heat dissipation mode Air cooling for heat dissipation, intelligent fan speed adjustment Airflow direction Air intake from left and air exhaust from right PoE Supported Maximum PoE power consumption [W] 380 PoE+ power interfaces 48 Full load PoE power consumption 15.4W (802.3af) 24 Full load PoE power consumption 30W (802.3at) 12 Certification EMC certification Safety certification Manufacturing certification

Objev podobné jako Huawei S310-48P4X Switch (48*10/100/1000BASE-T ports(380W PoE+), 4*10GE SFP+ ports, built-in AC power)

cena 12749.0 Kč

Aruba 6100 12G Class4 PoE 2G/2SFP+ 139W Switch JL679A#ABB

Aruba 6100 12G Class4 PoE 2G/2SFP+ 139W Switch (JL679A#ABB) EAN produktu: 190017348964 Popis Moderní přepínač ideální pro pobočky, střední podniky a sítě SMB. Navržen pro spolehlivý, jednoduchý a bezpečný přístup. Poskytuje pohodlné řešení kabelového přístupu pro podnikové sítě podporující IoT, mobilní a cloudové aplikace. Specifikace 12x 10/100/1000Base-T porty 2x 1GbE porty 2x 1/10G SFP porty 1x USB-C Console Port 1x USB Type-A Host port Napájení Interní (pevný) napájecí zdroj (165W) Až 139W Class 4 PoE Power Tělesné vlastnosti Bez ventilátorů Rozměry: 4.39 cm (V) x 25.4 cm (Š) x 25.5 cm (H) Váha: 2.78 kg Výkon Model Switching Capacity: 68 Gbps Model Throughput Capacity: 45.1 Mpps Průměrná latence (LIFO-64-bytes packets): 1 Gbps: 2.3 µSec , 10 Gbps: 2.6 µSec Prostředí Provozní teplota: 0°C do 45°C Relativní vlhkost při provozu: 15% až 95% při 40°C, nekondenzující Nepracovní teplota: -40°C do 70°C Relativní vlhkost při skladování: 15% až 90% při 65°C, nekondenzující Maximální provozní nadmořská výška: 3000 m Maximální nepracovní nadmořská výška: 4600 m

Objev podobné jako Aruba 6100 12G Class4 PoE 2G/2SFP+ 139W Switch JL679A#ABB

cena 20778.0 Kč

Aruba 6100 12G Class4 PoE 2G/2SFP+ 139W Switch JL679A RENEW

Aruba 6100 12G Class4 PoE 2G/2SFP+ 139W Switch JL679A RENEW

Objev podobné jako Aruba 6100 12G Class4 PoE 2G/2SFP+ 139W Switch JL679A RENEW

cena 12205.0 Kč

5 x Aruba Instant On 1960 24G 2XGT 2SFP+ Switch (5 pack)

5 x Aruba Instant On 1960 24G 2XGT 2SFP+ Switch (5 pack ) Specifications I/O ports and slots 24 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 Mbps ports (IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE-TX, IEEE 802.3ab Type 1000BASE-T); Duplex: 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: half or full; 1000BASE-T: full only 2 SFP+ 10GbE ports 2 10GBASE-T ports Dimensions 350.5(d) x 442.5(w) x 43.95(h) mm Weight 8.7 lb (3.9 kg) CPU Single-Core ARM v7 Cortex-A9 @800MHz 100 Mb Latency < 4.4 uSec 1000 Mb Latency < 2.2 uSec 10000 Mb Latency < 1.1 uSec Throughput (Mpps) 95 Mpps Capacity 128 Gbps Routing Table size (# of static entries) 32 IPv4/IPv6 MAC Address table size (# of entries) 16,000 entries Reliability MTBF (years) 123.0 Operating temperature 0-40°C, 0-10,000 ft Operating relative humidity 15% to 95% @ 104°F (40°C) non-condensing Nonoperating/Storage temperature -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) up to 15000 ft Nonoperating/Storage relative humidity 15% to 90% @ 149°F (65°C) non-condensing Altitude up to 10,000 ft (3 km) Acoustics1 Fanless Notes1: 1 Acoustics measured in 23°C semi-anechoic chamber with a loading of 100% traffic and (for JL807A and JL809A) 50% PoE on all ports. Measured in accordance with ISO 7779. Declared in accordance with ECMA-109:2010. Values presented are the Declared A-Weighted Sound Power Level (LWAd) and the mean Bystander A-Weighted Sound Pressure Level (LpAm) Electrical Characteristics Frequency 50Hz/60Hz AC voltage 100-127VAC / 200-240VAC Current 0.6A/0.2A Maximum power rating 100-127V: 60W 200-220V: 80W Idle power 100-127V: 30W 200-220V: 40W PoE power - Power Supply Internal power supply Safety EN/IEC 60950-1:2006 + A11:2009 + A1:2010 + A12:2011 + A2:2013 EN/IEC 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. UL 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 62368-1, 2nd. & 3rd. Ed. EN/IEC 60825-1:2014 Class 2 Emissions EN 55032:2015/CISPR 32, Class A FCC CFR 47 Part 15: 2018 Class A ICES-003 Class A VCCI Class A CNS 13438 Class A KN 32 Class A AS/NZS CISPR 32 Class A Generic EN 55035, CISPR 35, KN35 EN EN 55035, CISPR 35 ESD EN/IEC 61000-4-2 Radiated EN/IEC 61000-4-3 EFT/Burst EN/IEC 61000-4-4 Surge EN/IEC 61000-4-5 Conducted EN/IEC 61000-4-6 Power frequency magnetic field EN/IEC 61000-4-8 Voltage dips and interruptions EN/IEC 61000-4-11 Harmonics EN/IEC 61000-3-2 Flicker EN /IEC 61000-3-3 Device Management Aruba Instant On Cloud; Web browser; SNMP Manager Mounting Positions and Supported Racking Mounts in an EIA-standard 19 in. telco rack or equipment cabinet. 2-post rack kit included Supports table-top mounting Supports rack-mounting Supports wall-mounting with ports facing either up or down Supports under-table mounting using the brackets provided Must be mounted top surface up. To prevent possible impact to long-term reliability, product should not be mounted upside-down Transceivers Aruba Instant On 1G SFP LC SX 500m OM2 MMF Transceiver (R9D16A) Aruba 1G SFP LC LX 10km SMF Transceiver (J4859D) Aruba Instant On 1G SFP RJ45 T 100m Cat5e Transceiver (R9D17A) Aruba Instant On 10G SFP+ LC SR 300m OM3 MMF Transceiver (R9D18A) Aruba 10G SFP+ LC LR 10km SMF Transceiver (J9151E) Aruba 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 1m DAC (J9281D) Aruba 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 3m DAC (J9283D) Aruba Instant On 1960 Switch Series In today's digital-first environment, small businesses face many challenges to stay afloat and competitive. With tight budgets and limited technical expertise, they're struggling to keep up with the explosion of devices and bandwidth-heavy applications running on the network. To optimize both performance and investment, small businesses need cost-effective, next-gen networking solutions. The Aruba Instant On 1960 Switch Series is an easy-to-use and affordable wired solution for networks supporting IT, mobile and cloud applications. Aruba Instant On 1960 Switches are advanced, smart-managed, fixed configuration Gigabit stackable switches designed for small and growing businesses that are easy to deploy and affordable. These switches are designed to scale as business grows, making adding more employees, devices and applications simple. Aruba Instant On 1960 switches are made to handle today's bandwidth-heavy applications like voice and video conferencing, enabling consistent connectivity to improve user experience and application performance. The access switches each have two (2) 10GBASE-T and two (2) 10G SFP+ uplink ports for high bandwidth connectivity. The 1960 switches provide stacking capabilities: up to (four) 4 switches (access and aggregation can be mixed and matched in a stack) can be stacked together and managed through one single management IP address, simplifying network operations. This means up to 208 ports, including 16 10G uplink ports, operate as one switch. The 1960 switches support stacking through local and cloud-managed stacking modes. Local stacking provides True Stacking to easily configure, manage and troubleshoot physical switches as a single entity, while cloud-managed stacking provides ease-of-setup via the Instant On mobile app. Using either the Instant On mobile app or the cloud-based web portal, you can quickly set up, monitor and manage the 1960 switch series from anywhere at any time. Aruba Instant On 1960 Switch Series In today's digital-first environment, small businesses face many challenges to stay afloat and competitive. With tight budgets and limited technical expertise, they're struggling to keep up with the explosion of devices and bandwidth-heavy applications running on the network. To optimize both performance and investment, small businesses need cost-effective, next-gen networking solutions. The Aruba Instant On 1960 Switch Series is an easy-to-use and affordable wired solution for networks supporting IT, mobile and cloud applications. Aruba Instant On 1960 Switches are advanced, smart-managed, fixed configuration Gigabit stackable switches designed for small and growing businesses that are easy to deploy and affordable. These switches are designed to scale as business grows, making adding more employees, devices and applications simple. Aruba Instant On 1960 switches are made to handle today's bandwidth-heavy applications like voice and video conferencing, enabling consistent connectivity to improve user experience and application performance. The Aruba Instant On 1960 Switch Series includes five switches: two (2) 24-port and two (2) 48-port models in PoE and non-PoE configurations, and a 12 port 10-Gigabit aggregation switch. The access switches each have two (2) 10GBASE-T and two (2) 10G SFP+ uplink ports for high bandwidth connectivity. The 1960 aggregation switch comes with twelve (12) 10G Base-T and four (4) SFP+ ports, providing 10G connectivity to servers, network storage devices and access switches alike. With PoE models, up to 30 W PoE power delivery is available for Class 4 PoE devices like access points, surveillance cameras and VoIP phones, and up to 60 W PoE power delivery is available for Class 6 PoE devices like pan-tilt zoom cameras and video-enabled IP-phones. The 24-port and 48-port PoE models come with a power budget of 370W and 600W respectively to support the latest IoT devices. The 1960 switches provide stacking capabilities: up to (four) 4 switches (access and aggregation can be mixed and matched in a stack) can be stacked together and managed through one single management IP address, simplifying network operations. This means up to 208 ports, including 16 10G uplink ports, operate as one switch. The 1960 switches support stacking through local and cloud-managed stacking modes. Local stacking provides True Stacking to easily configure, manage and troubleshoot physical switches as a single entity, while cloud-managed stacking provides ease-of-setup via the Instant On mobile app. Using either the Instant On mobile app or the cloud-based web portal, you can quickly set up, monitor and manage the 1960 switch series from anywhere at any time. Aruba Instant On 1960 Switches Family Key Features Smart-managed layer 2+ Ethernet switch series ready to deploy in 24- and 48-port for non-PoE and PoE (supports Class 4 and Class 6 PoE) models Up to 600W of PoE to power APs, IP Phones, surveillance cameras, door locks and other IoT devices 2 dedicated 10G SFP+ fiber and 2 10GBase-T uplink ports on 24-/48-port models for faster network speeds, and to eliminate traffic bottlenecks 12-port 10G aggregation switch with 4 SFP+ uplink ports that forms the foundation of a small business network True Stacking allows for redundancy while making it simple to configure, manage, and troubleshoot multiple switches as a single entity Luggage tag for easy cloud onboarding Convenient mobile app and web-based GUI for set up, management and troubleshooting Compact and fan-less 24-port non-PoE model for quiet deployment Standard Features Simplicity at its best Plug-and-play switches that work together with Instant On APs right out of the box Cloud-Managed stacking to configure and manage multiple switches through the Instant On mobile app Security you can count on Protect your network from unauthorized access with Access Control List, IEEE 802.1x and VLANs Automatic denial-of-service (DOS) monitors and protects the network against malicious attacks We've got you covered No extra licensing or subscription fees Industry-leading limited lifetime warranty and support. The Instant On Differentiators The Aruba Instant On mobile app allows you to set up, manage, and monitor Instant On switches and access points directly from your phone. Within the app, you get guided step-by-step instructions to install Instant On devices to get your network up and running quickly - no technical expertise required. And cloud-based access allows you to access the network from anywhere, at any time. Cloud-Managed Stacking The Aruba Instant On mobile app and cloud-based web portal make cloud-managed stacking easy - just follow the recommendations to stack up to four (4) 1960 switches and manage as a single entity. The Instant On mobile app automatically detects members, making multiple stack members easy to setup and manage remotely. Automated configurations and streamlined workflows allow users to manage all stack members through one single dashboard without the need for device reboot. Luggage Tag Each switch has a pull-out tag, known as a luggage tag, on the front panel of the switch. The tag includes a QR code that includes switch ID information (SKU number, SKU name, serial number, and MAC address) for easy switch onboarding through Instant On mobile app. Non-Intrusive, Aesthetic Design Aruba Instant On switches are designed to complement the sleek and clean look of the Instant On access points, and to blend discreetly into your site's environment. The 8-port models, as well as the 24- and 48-port non PoE+ models, are fan-less, making them ideal for quiet office deployments. High Performance With Flexible Options The series consists of two (2) PoE switches, and two (2) non-PoE switches including 24- and 48-port Gigabit Ethernet switches with two (2) dedicated 10G SFP+ ports and two (2) 10GBASE-T uplink ports on 24-/48- port models. The series also includes a 12-port 10Gbps aggregation switch with four (4) 10G SFP+ ports to meet the bandwidth requirements of small businesses. Optimized User Experience The Aruba Instant On mobile app provides common workflows for Instant On switches and access points making it easier to configure, monitor and manage your network remotely without the need for additional hardware like cloud keys. You can also update firmware on your Instant On devices directly from the cloud whenever you want, from wherever you are. Site Inventory And Topology View The site inventory view shows all Instant On switches and access points on a single interface, and the topology view provides an intuitive structure of all Instant On devices deployed on the network - allowing you to quickly identify non-functioning devices and troubleshoot accordingly. Network issues can be easily diagnosed with connectivity tests like Ping and Traceroute. Multi-Site Remote Management The cloud-hosted web interface and mobile app make it easy to remotely manage multiple sites, multiple networks, distributed deployments and multi-tenant deployments. Each site is logically separated and has its own configuration, statistics, guest portal, and admin read/write privileges. Instant On allows you to create three admin accounts per site, offering the option to lock accounts from accidental deletion or to allow your account to be managed by a trusted partner. Built-In Security Built-in security features protect your network from external threats by blocking malware attacks and keeping unauthorized users off the network. Network traffic can be filtered and access restricted based on MAC and IP address. No Hidden Fees All features are included in the price of the hardware - there are no recurring subscription or licensing fees. Expert-level support and industry leading limited lifetime warranty are also included, along with chat support for the life of the product. Management Cloud-Based Management For Entire Network The cloud-hosted web interface and mobile app make it easy to manage networks with Instant On APs and Switches. Simple Local Web GUI Management For management of individual switches, the intuitive Web GUI makes management simple, even for non-technical users. Supports up to five (5) HTTP and HTTP Secure (HTTPS) sessions. True Stacking Simplifies administration of multiple devices through creation of a single logical managed unit with up to four Aruba Instant On 1960 switches in a ring or chain topology, using affordable Cat 6A, or long-distance fiber, or localized DAC cables. The switches in the stack can either be access or aggregator switches or a combination of both. The entire stack behaves as a single switch regardless of whether the stack is in a closet or spread over multiple kilometers. Hybrid Stacking Allows both access and aggregator switches to be connected in a single stack. Hybrid stacking helps in right-sizing the deployment by allowing a combination of aggregation and access switches to meet the needs of the deployment. Cloud Managed Stacking Enables automatic configuration and formation of stack based on recommendations from the cloud portal. It allows autodetection of potential stack members and stack links, making the independent switches turn into a stack with just a few taps. In the case of a link or switch failure, the stack handles the scenario even without the connection to the Internet Firmware Update Provides notification of the latest firmware with the ability to schedule update at a preferred time through Instant On mobile app and cloud-based web portal. Default DHCP Client Mode Allows the switch to be directly connected to a network, enabling plug-and-play operation. In the absence of a DHCP server on the network, the switch falls back to the static address Port Mirroring Enables traffic on a port or VLAN to be simultaneously sent to a network analyzer for monitoring. Event Logging And Alerts Provides detailed information for problem identification and resolution. Account Management Allows administrators to add, modify, delete and transfer management accounts and passwords for secure access to Instant cloud management solution. Locator LED Allows users to set the locator LED on a specific switch to either turn on, blink, or turn off; simplifies troubleshooting by making it easy to locate a particular switch within a rack of similar switches. This feature can also be used to locate units in a stack. SNMPv1, v2c, and v3 Facilitates remote management of the switch, as the device can be discovered and monitored from an SNMP management station. Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Allows automatic synchronization of the switch date and time for accurate tracking of system events and various schedules set by the administrator. Management VLAN ID Provides secure management access to the switch for administrators from within the specified VLAN. Quality of Service (QoS) Traffic prioritization Provides time-sensitive packets (like VoIP and video) with priority over other traffic based on DSCP or IEEE 802.1p classification. IEEE 802.1p/Q VLAN tagging Delivers data to devices based on the priority and type of traffic; supports IEEE 802.1Q. Class of Service (CoS) Sets the 802.1p/DSCP priority to queue mapping (8 queues). Supports strict priority queuing (SP) or weighted round robin (WRR) queuing.. Access Control Lists (ACLs) Enables network traffic filtering by creating an ACL, adds rules and matches criteria to an ACL, and applies the ACL to permit or deny on one or more interfaces or a VLAN. Supports for 100 inbound IPv4 and MAC ACLs with up to 960 ACEs on access switches and up to 1024 ACEs on aggregation switch. Global Trust Mode Enables the user to define the type of trust to apply to traffic received on port or LAG interface, with 802.1p, DSCP or 802.1p-DSCP being the configurable options. Traffic shaping Allows smoothing out temporary traffic bursts over time and sets the limit on how much traffic can leave a port, given that the switch can limit the transmission rate of egress frames on a per-port basis. Connectivity Auto MDI/MDI-X Adjusts automatically for straight-through or crossover cables on all 10/100/1000 ports. Auto-Negotiating Capability Supports half/full-duplex auto-negotiating capability on every port doubles the throughput of every port. 10G Fiber and Copper Connectivity Provides high speed connectivity with dedicated two (2) 10G SFP+ fiber ports and two (2) 10GBase-T ports on 24- and 48-port models, where fiber connections are used for uplinks and other connections across longer distances and copper ports are a cost-effective solution that uses readily available Cat6 cables. 10G fiber and copper ports are in addition to 1G copper ethernet ports, providing a higher total number of available ports. Aggregation Capability 12-port 10-Gigabit aggregator model with 12 10G Base-T and 4 four (4) SFP+ ports providing 10G connectivity, ideal for servers and network storage devices while offering uplink connectivity to access switches. Ethernet Alliance Poe Class 6 and Class 4 Certification Provides dedicated ports with up to 60 W per port, which allows support of Class 6 PoE or 802.3bt capable devices such as digital signage, sensors and other IoT devices. Models also support Class 4 PoE or 802.3at capable devices, which provide up to 30 W per port for devices such as video IP phones, wireless access points, and advanced pan/tilt/zoom security cameras, as well as any 15.4 W 802.3af compliant end device; mitigates the cost of additional electrical cabling and circuits that would otherwise be necessary in IP phone and WLAN deployments. Auto-PoE Power Configuration The switch automatically assigns the required power to a port for a PD device based on Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP). PoE Power Allocation Support multiple methods (LLDP-MED automatic, class of PoE, or usage-based) to allocate PoE power for more efficient energy savings. PoE Scheduling Allows user to configure a specific day/time of the week (e.g., business hours) for Instant On switches to supply power to connected devices (e.g., surveillance cameras, access points etc.). Switching Flow Control Provides a flow-throttling mechanism propagated through the network to prevent packet loss at a congested node. Link Flap Prevention Minimizes the network disruption by automatically detecting and disabling ports that experience link flap events. Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) Supports 802.1D STP, 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) for faster convergence, and 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP supported on local web only). BPDU Filtering Drops BPDU packets when STP is enabled globally but disabled on a specific port. Loop Protection Allows loop detection in the network for switches that do not run spanning tree, or on which STP feature is disabled. IGMP v1, v2, v3 /MLDv1, v2 Snooping IGMP/MLD snooping allows the switch to forward IPv4 or IPv6 multicast traffic intelligently. With IGMP snooping enabled, the switch forwards traffic only to ports that request the multicast traffic. This prevents the switch from broadcasting traffic to all ports and possibly affecting network performance (MLD snooping/IPv6 supported on local web only). Link Aggregation Groups together multiple ports up to 16 trunks with a maximum of eight (8) ports per trunk automatically using Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP), or manually, to form a high-bandwidth connection to the network backbone that helps prevent traffic bottlenecks. Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Advertises and receives management information from adjacent devices on a network, facilitating easy mapping by network management applications. LLDP-MED (Media Endpoint Discovery) Defines a standard extension of LLDP that stores values for parameters such as QoS and VLAN for automatic configuration of network devices such as IP phones. VLAN Support Offers some of the benefits of both bridging and routing. VLANs partition the network into logical segments, which provide better administration, security, and multicast traffic management. Auto Voice VLAN Automatically recognizes IP phones and assigns voice traffic to dedicated VLAN for voice traffic. Port Mirroring Enables traffic on a port or VLAN to be simultaneously sent to a network analyzer for troubleshooting in case of issues. Auto Recovery Allows ports to be placed in a suspended state when defined error conditions are met. Features supported by Auto Recovery are BPDU Guard, Storm Control, Port Security, Loop Protection and Link Flap Prevention. Network Security TPM-based security Includes a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) for secure hardware-based generation and storage of cryptographic keys used for secure connection to the Instant On cloud portal. RADIUS The switch supports RADIUS authentication with primary and backup server configuration. Automatic VLAN assignment - RADIUS assigned VLANs Assigns users automatically to the appropriate VLAN based on their identity and location. RADIUS accounting A robust set of attributes and statistics are available for collecting information from the switch. Port access control Authentication of network users on a per port basis prior to permitting network access. Port authentication includes RADIUS assigned VLAN or dynamic VLAN creation. Port security Limits the number of MAC addresses that can be learned on a port. If the configured limit is reached, any other addresses beyond that limit are not learned, and the frames are discarded. It helps secure the network by preventing unknown devices from forwarding packets into the network. DHCP snooping and IP Source Guard DHCP snooping provides network security by filtering DHCP messages between untrusted hosts and DHCP servers. IP Source guard utilizes the DHCP snooping database to deny network access from untrusted sources (IP Source Guard supported on local web only). ARP attack prevention ARP attack protection intercepts, logs, and discards ARP packets with invalid IP-to-MAC address bindings, protecting the network from common man-in-the-middle attacks. Automatic denial-of-service protection Manages high-volume traffic and prevents denial-of-service (DoS) attacks against the network. Global Storm Control Protects against conditions where incoming packets flood the LAN, causing network performance degradation for unicast traffic with an unknown destination, and for broadcast and multicast traffic. Performance and Efficiency Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) Compliant with 802.3az standard requirements to save energy during periods of low data activity. Auto-port shut down The switch saves power by automatically shutting down power to inactive ports. Power is restored on a port upon link detection. Energy-efficient cooling Includes variable speed fans operating only at the speed necessary to maintain operating temperature to reduce excess noise and power consumption. Fan-less operation Fan-less design for 24-port non-PoE model, making the switches ideal for silent operations or usage. Routing Features Static IPv4 routing Supports IPv4 static routing for up to 32 static routes and 8 VLAN routing interfaces on the access switch models and up to 512 static routes and 32 VLAN routing interfaces on aggregation model. Manual or DHCP IP address assignments can be configured to an individual port or VLAN. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Table The ARP table displays all the IP addresses that have been resolved to MAC addresses, either dynamically or through static entry configuration. DHCP relay Enables packets to be forwarded between a DHCP client and server that reside different subnets. Features Accessed Through Local Web-Management Interface Top Event Dashboard Provides notifications for critical events and a quick access to the latest log events. Quick Start-Up And VLAN Wizard Includes a basic start-up wizard which enable automatic configuring of the initial settings such IP address, device information and system time. VLAN wizard may be used for setting up initial VLAN IDs and port membership. Fully IPv6 Capable IPv6 host: Enables switches to be managed and deployed at the IPv6 network's edge IPv6 routing: Supports up to 32 IPv6 static routes on access models and up to 512 static routes on the aggregator model. MLD snooping: Forwards IPv6 multicast traffic to the appropriate interface, preventing traffic flooding IPv6 ACL/QoS: Supports ACL and QoS for IPv6 network traffic IPv6 DHCP relay Configuration of IPv6 features on local web GUI only HCP Server (IPv4, IPv6) Centralizes control and automatic assignment of IP addresses to attached hosts. In addition to IP address allocation, it also provides information such as the address of the DNS server, default router, WINS server, and domain name (IPv6 support available on local web only). Ingress Rate Limiting Sets and enforces per-port ingress traffic limits based on percentages or packets per second. If limits are exceeded the switch may disable the port or send a SNMP trap to a management station. DNS Client Provides a method for which host names can be mapped to IP addresses. When configured on a switch, a host name can be substituted for the IP address when executing commands from the web interface. Jumbo Frame Support Supports up to 9216 bytes frame size to improve the performance of large data transfers. Protected Ports Protected Ports, also known as port isolation, provides isolation between interfaces (Ethernet ports and LAGs) that share the same broadcast domain (VLAN). Protected ports can send traffic only to unprotected ports. Energy Savings Status The switch provides estimated cumulative energy savings due to green Ethernet features being enabled. User Account Management Password strength checking and aging feature provides enhanced security to user account administration on the local web management interface. Password management further enhances the security so that only authorized access to the switch's web interface. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Encrypts all HTTP traffic, secures access to the local browser-based management of the switch. SCP and TFTP file transfer Provides different mechanisms for secure file transfer through SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) or TFTP. Dual image support Provide independent primary and secondary software images for backup while upgrading. Diagnostics Event Logs Provides detailed information for problem identification and resolution. Session Logging Displays the active users connected to the switch such as client IP address, duration of the individual session. Remote Syslog Provides support for a single syslog server allowing the user to redirect and store events to a remote syslog server (supported on local web only). Remote Monitoring (RMON) Provides advanced monitoring and reporting capabilities for RMON group statistics, history, alarms and events. RMON data can be viewed from the local web interface or retrieved from the switch through a network management platform over SNMP (supported on local web only). Cable Diagnostic Tool Provides the mechanism to detect and report potential cabling issues, such as cable opens or cable shorts on copper links, in addition to providing distance to the fault and total length of cable (supported on local web only). Ping IPv4/IPv6 The switch supports both ICMP for sending ping requests to IPv4 addresses and ICMPv6 for sending ping requests to IPv6 addresses (IPv6 supported on local web only). Traceroute IPv4/IPv6 Provides information about the route a packet takes from the switch to a specific IPv4 or IPv6 address as well as the amount of time it takes for the packet to reach its destination (IPv6 supported on local web only). Support File Includes summary information for the switch including the current switch configuration, statistics and buffered log messages (supported on local web only). MAC Address Table Also known as the bridge table or the forwarding database, this table enables the switch to forward traffic through the appropriate port and supports up to 16K MAC address entries. Warranty, Service And Support Aruba Instant On Limited Lifetime Support provides 24X7 phone support for the first 90 days and chat support for the entire warranty period. Community support is included for the life of the product. Refer to the Hewlett Packard Enterprise website at hpe.com/ networking/services for details on the service-level descriptions and product numbers. For details about services and response times in your area, please contact your local Hewlett Packard Enterprise sales office. Aruba Instant On 1G SFP LC SX 500m OM2 MMF Transceiver R9D16A Aruba Instant On 1G SFP RJ45 T 100m Cat5e Transceiver R9D17A Aruba 1G SFP LC LX 10km SMF Transceiver J4859D Aruba Instant On 10G SFP+ LC SR 300m OM3 MMF Transceiver R9D18A Aruba 10G SFP+ LC LR 10km SMF Transceiver J9151E Aruba Instant On 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 1m Direct Attach Copper Cable R9D19A Aruba Instant On 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 3m Direct Attach Copper Cable R9D20A

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HPE Aruba Networking CX 6000 12G Class4 PoE 2G/2SFP 139W Switch

Výprodej Aruba 6000 12G PoE Class4 + 2x1GbE 2x1GSFP 139W Switch Obecný popis Aruba 6000 je výkonný switch s podporou PoE. Nabízí 12x 10/100/1000BASE-T portů, 2x 1G SFP porty a 2x 1GbE porty. Specifikace Switch je vybaven dual core ARM Cortex A9 procesorem s frekvencí 1016 Mhz a 4 GB DDR3 pamětí. Zajišťuje 32 Gbps přepínací kapacitu a 23.8 Mpps propustnost. Porty a napájení Switch má 1x USB-C Console Port a 1x USB Type-A Host port. Poskytuje až 139W Class 4 PoE napájení. Rozměry a hmotnost Rozměry switchu jsou 4.39 cm (výška) x 25.4 cm (šířka) x 25.5 cm (hloubka) a váží 2.78 kg. Podrobné technické parametry IPv4 Host Table (ARP): 1,024 IPv6 Host Table (ND): 512 IPv4 Unicast Routes: 512 IPv6 Unicast Routes: 512 MAC Table Capacity: 8,192 IGMP Groups: 512 MLD Groups: 512 IPv4/IPv6/MAC ACL Entries (ingress): 256 / 128 / 256 Provozní podmínky Provozní teplota: 32°F to 113°F (0°C to 45°C) do 5000 ft (1.5 km) Relativní vlhkost: 15% to 95% při 104°F (40°C) bez kondenzace Maximální provozní výška: 10000 feet (3 km) Maximální neoperační výška: 15000 feet (4.6 km) Energetické údaje Frekvence: 50 / 60 Hz Napětí: 100-127 VAC / 200-240 VAC Proud: 1.8 A / 0.9 A Spotřeba (230 VAC): idle: 16W, Max Power (w/o PoE): 21.9W, Max Power (w/ PoE): 170W Bezpečnost a certifikace Splňuje normy UL 60950-1; IEC 60950-1; EN 60950-1 a další. Emituje 0 dB akustického tlaku.

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HPE FlexNetwork 5140 24G PoE+ 4SFP+ EI Switch JL827A RENEW

HPE FlexNetwork 5140 24G PoE+ 4SFP+ EI Switch JL827A RENEWThe HPE FlexNetwork 5140 EI Switch Series comprises Gigabit Ethernet switches that support static, OSPF and RIP Layer 3 routing, convenient fixed 10GbE uplink ports, PoE+, ACLs, IPv6 and delivers energy savings with Energy Efficient Ethernet. Unique Intelligent Resilient Fabric (IRF) technology creates a virtual fabric by managing several switches as one logical device, which increases network resilience, performance, and availability, while reducing operational complexity. These switches provide Gigabit Ethernet access and can be used at the edge of a network or to connect server clusters in small data centers. High availability, simplified management, and comprehensive security control policies are among the key features that distinguish this series. HPE FlexNetwork 5140 48G 4SFP+ EI Switch (JL829A) I/O ports and slots 48 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 ports (IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE-TX, IEEE 802.3ab Type 1000BASE-T); Duplex: 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: half or full; 1000BASE-T: full only 4 SFP+ fixed 1000/10000 SFP+ ports Additional ports and slots 1 RJ-45 serial console port Physical characteristics Dimensions 17.32(w) x 9.04(d) x 1.72(h) in (44 x 23 x 4.36 cm) (1U height) Weight 7.72 lb (3.5 kg) Memory and processor 512 MB SDRAM, 256 MB flash Mounting and enclosure Mounts in an EIA standard 19-inch telco rack or equipment cabinet (Rack Mount Kit R8M91A sold separately) Performance IPv6 Ready Certified 1000 Mb Latency < 5 µs 10 Gbps Latency < 3 µs Throughput 131 Mpps Routing/Switching capacity 176 Gbps Routing table size 1024 entries MAC address table size 16384 entries Environment Operating temperature 23°F to 113°F (-5°C to 45°C) Operating relative humidity 10% to 90%, noncondensing Non-operating/Storage temperature -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) Non-operating/Storage relative humidity 5% to 95%, noncondensing Acoustic Low-speed fan: 42.2 dB, High-speed fan: 49.3 dB; ISO 7779 Electrical characteristics Frequency 50/60 Hz Maximum heat dissipation 130/153 BTU/hr (137.15/161.42 kJ/hr), For AC powered units. For DC powered units heat dissipation is 130 BTU/hr min, 171 BTU/hr max Voltage 100 - 240 VAC -48 to -60 VDC Current 10 A Maximum power rating 44 W Idle power 38 W Notes: - Idle power is the actual power consumption of the device with no ports connected. - Maximum power rating and maximum heat dissipation are the worst-case theoretical maximum numbers provided for planning the infrastructure with fully loaded PoE (if equipped), 100% traffic, all ports plugged in, and all modules populated. - Power ratings for AC power indicated above. Current used is 5A Max when DC Power used. For DC input power, idle power is 38W, maximum DC power used is 50W. Safety UL 60950-1; EN 60825-1 Safety of Laser Products-Part 1; EN 60825-2 Safety of Laser Products-Part 2; IEC 60950-1; IEC 62368-1; CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1; EN 62368-1/A11; FDA 21 CFR Subchapter J; ROHS Compliance Emissions FCC Part 15 Subpart B CLASS A; ICES-003 CLASS A; VCCI-CISPR 32 CLASS A; EN 55032 CLASS; AS/NZS CISPR32 CLASS A; CISPR 24; EN 55024; EN 61000-3-2; EN 61000-3-3; ETSI EN 300 386; GB/T 9254; YD/T 993 Immunity Generic EN 55024 ESD EN300 386 Management IMC - Intelligent Management Center; SmartMC; command-line interface; Web browser; SNMP Manager Services Refer to the Hewlett Packard Enterprise website at http://www.hpe.com/networking/services for details on the service-level descriptions and product numbers. For details about services and response times in your area, please contact your local Hewlett Packard Enterprise sales office. HPE FlexNetwork 5140 24G PoE+ 4SFP+ (370W) EI Switch (JL827A ) I/O ports and slots 24 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 ports (IEEE 802.3 Type 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u Type 100BASE-TX, IEEE 802.3ab Type 1000BASE-T) with 4 combo ports (RJ-45 or SFP); Duplex: 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX: half or full; 1000BASE-T: full only Additional ports and slots 1 RJ-45 serial console port Physical characteristics Dimensions 17.32(w) x 10.24(d) x 1.72(h) in (44 x 26 x 4.36 cm) (1U height) Weight 17.64 lb (8 kg) Memory and processor 512 MB SDRAM, 256 MB flash Mounting and enclosure Mounts in an EIA standard 19-inch telco rack or equipment cabinet (Rack Mount Kit R8M91A sold separately) Performance IPv6 Ready Certified 1000 Mb Latency < 5 µs 10 Gbps Latency < 3 µs Throughput 95 Mpps Routing/Switching capacity 128 Gbps Routing table size 1024 entries MAC address table size 16384 entries Environment Operating temperature 23°F to 113°F (-5°C to 45°C) Operating relative humidity 10% to 90%, noncondensing Non-operating/Storage temperature -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) Non-operating/Storage relative humidity 5% to 95%, noncondensing Acoustic Low-speed fan: 44.4 dB, High-speed fan: 53.6 dB; ISO 7779 Electrical characteristics Frequency 50/60 Hz Maximum heat dissipation 102/1569 BTU/hr (107.61/1655.29 kJ/hr), for AC Power. For DC Power min heat dissipation is 85 BTU/hr and max heat dissipation is 2695 BTU/hr Voltage 100 - 240 VAC, -54 to -57 VDC Current 10 A Maximum power rating 451 W Idle power 30 W PoE power 370 W PoE+ Notes: - Maximum power rating and maximum heat dissipation are the worst-case theoretical maximum numbers provided for planning the infrastructure with fully loaded PoE (if equipped), 100% traffic, all ports plugged in, and all modules populated. PoE Power is the power supplied by the internal power supply. When supplemented with the use of an HPE RPS1600 Redundant Power System, up to 740 W of PoE+ can be supplied. - Max current rating for DC power is 25A. AC Input power is 30W typical, and 460W max(including 370W PoE+ consumption. DC Input voltage range is -54 to -57VDC. Total DC input power is 25W Typical and 790W with 740W PoE+ Power consumption. DC Input voltage range is -54VDC to -57VDC. DC Input Source is the HPE RPS1600. Safety UL 60950-1; EN 60825-1 Safety of Laser Products-Part 1; EN 60825-2 Safety of Laser Products-Part 2; IEC 60950-1; IEC 62368-1; CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1; EN 62368-1/A11; FDA 21 CFR Subchapter J; ROHS Compliance Emissions FCC Part 15 Subpart CLASS A; ICES-003 CLASS A; VCCI-CISPR 32 CLASS A; EN 55032 CLASS; AS/NZS CISPR32 CLASS A; CISPR 24; EN 55024; EN 61000-3-2; EN 61000-3-3; ETSI EN 300 386; GB/T 9254; YD/T 993 Immunity Generic EN 55024 ESD EN300 386 Management IMC - Intelligent Management Center; SmartMC; command-line interface; Web browser; SNMP Manager. Services Refer to the Hewlett Packard Enterprise website at http://www.hpe.com/networking/services for details on the service-level descriptions and product numbers. For details about services and response times in your area, please contact your local Hewlett Packard Enterprise sales office. Models HPE FlexNetwork 5140 24G POE+2SFP+2XGT EI Switch JL823A HPE FlexNetwork 5140 48G PoE+ 4SFP+ EI Switch JL824A HPE FlexNetwork 5140 48G POE+ 2SFP+ 2XGT EI Switch JL825A HPE FlexNetwork 5140 24G SFP w/8G Combo 4SFP+ EI Switch JL826A HPE FlexNetwork 5140 24G PoE+ 4SFP+ EI Switch JL827A HPE FlexNetwork 5140 24G 4SFP+ EI Switch JL828A HPE FlexNetwork 5140 48G 4SFP+ EI Switch JL829A HPE FlexNetwork 5140 24G 2SFP+ 2XGT EI Switch R8J41A HPE FlexNetwork 5140 8G 2SFP 2GT Combo EI Switch R8J42A Key features Gigabit Ethernet access switch with static layer 3 routing, RIP, high density 10GbE uplinks and POE+ models for voice, video and wireless IRF technology that enables plug-and-play device aggregation and link aggregation across multiple devices Embedded network management capabilities at no additional cost with Smart Management Centre (SmartMC) Energy-saving green design features such as automatic switching of idle ports to energy-saving mode and powering down unused ports Standard Features Software-defined networking OpenFlow Supports OpenFlow 1.3 specification to enable SDN by allowing separation of the data (packet forwarding) and control (routing decision) paths Quality of Service (QoS) Broadcast control Allows limitation of broadcast traffic rate to cut down on unwanted network broadcast traffic Advanced classifier-based QoS Classifies traffic using multiple match criteria based on Layer 2, 3, and 4 information; applies QoS policies such as setting priority level and rate limit to selected traffic on a port, VLAN, or whole switch Powerful QoS feature Supports the following congestion actions: strict priority (SP) queuing, weighted round robin (WRR), and SP+WRR Traffic policing Supports Committed Access Rate (CAR) and line rate Connectivity Auto-MDIX Automatically adjusts for straight-through or crossover cables on all 10/100/1000 ports Flow control Provides back pressure using standard IEEE 802.3x, reducing congestion in heavy traffic situations High-density connectivity Provides up to 48 fixed 10/100/1000BASE-T ports in a Layer 2/Layer 3 switch IEEE 802.3at Power over Ethernet (PoE+) support Simplifies deployment and dramatically reduces installation costs by helping to eliminate the time and cost involved in supplying local power at each access point location Ethernet operations, administration and maintenance (OAM) Detects data link layer problems that occurred in the "last mile" using the IEEE 802.3ah OAM standard; monitors the status of the link between two devices Resiliency and high availability Separate data and control paths Separate control from services and keeps service processing isolated; increases security and performance External redundant power supply Provides high reliability Smart link Allows 100 ms failover between links Spanning Tree/MSTP, RSTP, PVST+, RPVST+ Link redundancy with support for protocols such as Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP), Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP), Per-VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST+), Rapid Per-VLAN Spanning Tree (RPVST+), Equal-Cost Multipath (ECMP), and Smart Link provides high availability Intelligent Resilient Fabric (IRF) Creates virtual resilient switching fabrics, where two or more switches perform as a single L2 switch and L3 router; switches do not have to be co-located and can be part of a disaster-recovery system; servers or switches can be attached using standard LACP for automatic load balancing and high availability; can eliminate the need for complex protocols like Spanning Tree Protocol, (), or VRRP, thereby simplifying network operation Layer 3 routing Static IP routing Provides manually configured routing for both IPv4 and IPv6 networks Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) An Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) that uses a link state routing algorithm; supports OSPFv1/v2 and OSPFv3 Routing Information Protocol (RIP) Uses a distance vector algorithm with UDP packets for route determination; supports RIPv1 and RIPv2 routing; includes loop protection Management Remote configuration and management Enables configuration and management through a secure Web browser or a CLI located on a remote device Manager and operator privilege levels Provides read-only (operator) and read/write (manager) access on CLI and Web browser management interfaces Command authorization Leverages HWTACACS to link a custom list of CLI commands to an individual network administrator's login; also provides an audit trail Secure Web GUI Provides a secure, easy-to-use graphical interface for configuring the module via HTTPS Multiple configuration files Stores easily to the flash image Complete session logging Provides detailed information for problem identification and resolution Remote monitoring (RMON) Uses standard SNMP to monitor essential network functions; supports events, alarm, history, and statistics group plus a private alarm extension group IEEE 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Advertises and receives management information from adjacent devices on a network, facilitating easy mapping by network management applications sFlow (RFC 3176) Provides scalable ASIC-based wirespeed network monitoring and accounting with no impact on network performance; this allows network operators to gather a variety of sophisticated network statistics and information for capacity planning and real-time network monitoring purposes Management VLAN Segments traffic to and from management interfaces, includingCLI/telnet, a Web browser interface, and SNMP Remote intelligent mirroring Mirrors ingress ACL-selected traffic from a switch port or VLAN to a local or remote switch port anywhere on the network Device Link Detection Protocol (DLDP) Monitors a cable between two compatible switches and shuts down the ports on both ends if the cable is broken, which prevents network problems such as loops IPv6 management Provides future-proof networking because the switch is capable of being managed whether the attached network is running IPv4 or IPv6; supports pingv6, tracertv6, Telnetv6, TFTPv6, DNSv6, syslogv6, FTPv6, SNMPv6, DHCPv6, and RADIUS for IPv6 Troubleshooting Ingress and egress port monitoring enables network problem-solving; virtual cable tests provide visibility into cable problems Smart Management Center (SmartMC) Embedded network management tool with a web-based GUI to simplify operations and facilitate centralized management. It is made available at no additional cost and offers centralized configuration backup, software version management and seamless switch replacement. HPE Intelligent Management Center (IMC) Integrates fault management, element configuration, and network monitoring from a central vantage point; built-in support for third-party devices enables network administrators to centrally manage all network elements with a variety of automated tasks, including discovery, categorization, baseline configurations, and software images; the software also provides configuration comparison tools, version tracking, change alerts, and more Network Management SNMP v1/v2c/v3, MIB-II with Traps, and RADIUS Authentication Client MIB (RFC 2618); embedded HTML management tool with secure access Security Access control lists (ACLs) Provides IP Layer 2 to Layer 4 traffic filtering; supports global ACL, VLAN ACL, port ACL, and IPv6 ACL IEEE 802.1X Industry-standard method of user authentication using an IEEE 802.1X supplicant on the client in conjunction with a RADIUS server MAC-based authentication Client is authenticated with the RADIUS server based on the client's MAC address Identity-driven security and access control - Per-user ACLs Permits or denies user access to specific network resources based on user identity and time of day, allowing multiple types of users on the same network to access specific network services without risking network security or providing unauthorized access to sensitive data - Automatic VLAN assignment Automatically assigns users to the appropriate VLAN based on their identities Secure management access Delivers secure encryption of all access methods (CLI, GUI, or MIB) through SSHv2, SSL, HTTPS and/or SNMPv3 Secure FTP/ SCP Allows secure file transfer to and from the switch; protects against unwanted file downloads or unauthorized copying of a switch configuration file Guest VLAN Provides a browser-based environment to authenticated clients that is similar to IEEE 802.1X Port security Allows access only to specified MAC addresses, which can be learned or specified by the administrator Port isolation Secures and adds privacy, and prevents malicious attackers from obtaining user information STP BPDU port protection Blocks Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs) on ports that do not require BPDUs, preventing forged BPDU attacks STP root guard Protects the root bridge from malicious attacks or configuration mistakes DHCP protection Blocks DHCP packets from unauthorized DHCP servers, preventing denial-of-service attacks IP source guard Helps prevent IP spoofing attacks Dynamic ARP protection Blocks ARP broadcasts from unauthorized hosts, preventing eavesdropping or theft of network data RADIUS/HWTACACS Eases switch management security administration by using a password authentication server Performance Nonblocking architecture Up to 176 Gb/s nonblocking switching fabric provides wirespeed switching with up to 130.9 Mpps throughput Hardware-based wirespeed access control lists (ACLs) Help provide high levels of security and ease of administration without impacting network performance with a feature-rich TCAM-based ACL implementation Device support Prestandard PoE Support Detects and provides power to prestandard PoE devices such as wireless LAN access points and IP phones Convergence IEEE 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Facilitates easy mapping using network management applications with LLDP automated device discovery protocol LLDP-MED Is a standard extension that automatically configures network devices, including LLDP-capable IP phones LLDP-CDP compatibility Receives and recognizes CDP packets from Cisco's IP phones for seamless interoperation IEEE 802.3at Power over Ethernet (PoE+) Provides up to 30 W per port that allows support of the latest PoE+-capable devices such as IP phones, wireless access points, and security cameras, as well as any IEEE 802.3af-compliant end device; eliminates the cost of additional electrical cabling and circuits that would otherwise be necessary in IP phone and WLAN deployments PoE allocations Supports multiple methods (automatic, IEEE 802.3af class, LLDP-MED, or user-specified) to allocate PoE power for more efficient energy savings Voice VLAN Automatically assigns VLAN and priority for IP phones, simplifying network configuration and maintenance IP multicast snooping (data-driven IGMP) Prevents flooding of IP multicast traffic Additional information Green IT and power Improves energy efficiency through the use of the latest advances in silicon development; shuts off unused ports and utilizes variable-speed fans, reducing energy costs Green initiative support Provides support for RoHS and WEEE regulations Unified Hewlett Packard Enterprise Comware operating system with modular architecture Provides an easy-to-enhance-and-extend feature set, which doesn't require whole-scale changes; all switching, routing, and security platforms leverage the Comware OS, a common unified modular operating system Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) Support Reduces power consumption in accordance with IEEE 802.3az Layer 2 switching 16K MAC address table Provides access to many Layer 2 devices VLAN support and tagging Supports IEEE 802.1Q with 4,094 simultaneous VLAN IDs IEEE 802.1ad QinQ and selective QinQ Increase the scalability of an Ethernet network by providing a hierarchical structure; connect multiple LANs on a high-speed campus or metro network 10GbE port aggregation Allows grouping of ports to increase overall data throughput to a remote device Device Link Detection Protocol (DLDP) Monitors link connectivity and shuts down ports at both ends if unidirectional traffic is detected, preventing loops in STP-based networks Jumbo Frame Support Improves the performance of large data transfers; supports frame size of up to 9K-bytes Layer 3 services Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Determines the MAC address of another IP host in the same subnet; supports static ARPs; gratuitous ARP allows detection of duplicate IP addresses; proxy ARP allows normal ARP operation between subnets or when subnets are separated by a Layer 2 network Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Simplifies the management of large IP networks; supports client; DHCP Relay enables DHCP operation across subnets Loopback interface address Defines an address that can always be reachable, improving diagnostic capability User Datagram Protocol (UDP) helper function Allows UDP broadcasts to be directed across router interfaces to specific IP unicast or subnet broadcast addresses and prevents server spoofing for UDP services such as DHCP Route maps Provide more control during route redistribution; allow filtering and altering of route metrics DHCP server Centralizes and reduces the cost of IPv4 address management Warranty and support Limited Lifetime Warranty See Warranty check for warranty and support information included with your product purchase. Software releases To find software for your product, refer to http://www.hpe.com/networking/support; for details on the software releases available with your product purchase, refer to Warranty check

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