The projects presented in this book are magnificent recent examples of how architecture can create attractive residential buildings aware of their social function, promoting interaction between users and the harmonious relationship of the community with its natural and urban environment. Likewise, all of them transmit a great sensitivity towards issues such as sustainability, eco-efficiency or the integration and conservation of historical and industrial heritage, using construction methods ranging from traditional techniques to the most modern parametric design systems. (
Podobné produkty ako Apartment Buildings , Cloudberries puzzle buildings 500 dílků (5060602330375)From S. L. Grey comes this suspenseful psychological thriller. Mark and Steph are struggling to move on with their lives after armed robbers broke into their home and brutalized them. Shaken, they decide to get away and leave their troubles behind. A house swap in Paris with a couple they meet online, the Petits, seems to provide the perfect escape. But upon arriving for a week's luxurious break, they find themselves in a festering, run-down apartment. And when Steph attempts to contact the Petits, she gets no answer. Mark and Steph try to make the most of the trip, but they are unable to relax. After a series of increasingly unsettling events, they decide to return home. Yet when they arrive, neither of them can shake the feeling that there's now something sinister about their own house. As time passes, Mark is terrorized by a series of unsettling visions. But is it all in his imagination or is there a far more worrying explanation . . . ? (
Podobné produkty ako The Apartment - Grey S.L. , Talking heads: more songs about buildings and food - lp (8122796358)They come together by chance in the heart of New York City, four young women at turning points in their lives. Claire finds the spacious loft apartment. But the aspiring shoe designer needs at least one roommate to manage the rent. She meets Abby, a writer trying to make it on her own, far from her successful family in L.A. Then Morgan joins them. She's ambitious, with a serious finance job on Wall Street. Finally Sasha, a medical student. And so the sprawling space, with its exposed brick and rich natural light, becomes a home to friends about to embark on new exhilarating adventures. Their shared life in the apartment turns them into a family of beloved friends. But as unexpected opportunities and challenges alter the course of each of their lives, they face the bittersweet reality that in time, they will inevitably move away from the place where their dreams began...Danielle Steel is famous for her inspirational stories about family, love and life. Her novels will be enjoyed by readers of Penny Vincenzi, Jodi Picoult and Diane Chamberlain. (
Podobné produkty ako The Apartment - Danielle Steel , Talking heads: more songs about buildings and food (colored) - lp (0349784615)Architekt Fránek, autor a vydavatel v jedné osobě v této knize shrnuje své realizace a studie z let 1989-2007. Většinu z osmi prezentovaných staveb již česká kulturní veřejnost dobře zná ze stránek odborných revue i časopisů o bytové kultuře, interiérech či o stavění všeobecně. Brněnský rodinný Dům na Červeném kopci nebo žižkovský polyfunkční objekt Eucon jsou dnes ostatně synonymy pro českou moderní architekturu, která se také ve Fránkové podání dočkala mnohých ocenění na domácí architektonické scéně: a to nejenom v soutěžích architektonických, Fránkova citu pro novostavbu v historickém prostředí si všiml i Klub za Starou Prahu…V publikaci, která zaznamenává ve svém výběru mj. i nejdůležitější mediální ohlasy, včetně odborných recenzí, najde čtenář díky zařazení několika studií rovněž ukázky aktuálního Fránkova architektonického myšlení i názor na současný design. Mapování vývoje životní filosofie i tvorby dnes již uznávaného pedagoga na fakultách architektury v Liberci a Brně obohacují poprvé publikované autorovy skicy i rozhovory s klienty a dodavateli, které reflektují, jak jejich vliv na výslednou architekturu, tak zkušenost z procesu stavění, je spolu s Fránkovou uměleckou osobností samotné ovlivnily .Knížka, rozdělená editorem Jiřím Horským do tří kapitol - realizace, studie a ohlasy, představuje Fránkovo stavební umění na špičkových snímcích předních českých fotografů architektury Ester Havlové a Filipa Šlapala. Obrazovou kvalitu korunuje grafika Milana Jaroše svým vhledem, pokorou a přehledností. Knížka patří do knihovny každého domácího milovníka stavebního umění - a díky anglickým překladům si jistě najde cestu i do zahraničí. (
Podobné produkty ako Stavby / Buildings - Zdeněk FránekFrom S. L. Grey comes this suspenseful psychological thriller. Mark and Steph are struggling to move on with their lives after armed robbers broke into their home and brutalized them. Shaken, they decide to get away and leave their troubles behind. A house swap in Paris with a couple they meet online, the Petits, seems to provide the perfect escape. But upon arriving for a week's luxurious break, they find themselves in a festering, run-down apartment. And when Steph attempts to contact the Petits, she gets no answer. Mark and Steph try to make the most of the trip, but they are unable to relax. After a series of increasingly unsettling events, they decide to return home. Yet when they arrive, neither of them can shake the feeling that there's now something sinister about their own house. As time passes, Mark is terrorized by a series of unsettling visions. But is it all in his imagination or is there a far more worrying explanation . . . ? (
Podobné produkty ako The Apartment (Defekt) - Grey S.L.Může být v tomto oficiálně licencovaném puzzle Friends ještě více dílků?! Složte tuto úžasnou montáž plnou vzpomínek z jednoho z nejoblíbenějších sitcomů v historii televize. Je to dokonalá aktivita, kterou můžete dokončit, ať už jste s přáteli nebo si dáváte pauzu. Friends běžela 236 epizod v průběhu 10 úžasných sezón a zůstává jedním z nejikoničtějších a nekonečně citovatelných komedií, které kdy byly vysílány. A nyní si můžete vlastnit kousek televizní historie. Jakmile je hotovo, toto puzzle bude vypadat nádherně na zdi každého fanouška nebo sběratele. Ve skutečnosti bychom vám nemohli zazlívat, kdybyste si chtěli po sestavení začít Friends znovu sledovat. Stejně jako samotný seriál je toto puzzle vysoké kvality, oficiální produkt, který je vytvořen tak, aby obstál v čase. Tak ho vystavte a hosté budou křičet "OH. MY. GOD!" dříve, než se nadějete. Hlavní rysy: Ponořte se do světa Central Perk s tímto půvabným retro puzzle Friends Chandler, Rachel, Ross, Monica, Joey a Phoebe v ikonickém záběru ze seriálu Seberte své vlastní přátele a rodinu, aby vám pomohli složit tento kousek televizní historie Toto puzzle s 1000 dílky vás bude bavit hodiny, když se tato "unagi" scéna začne skládat dohromady Dodatečné informace: Rozměry výrobku: 230 mm x 330 mm x 40 mm Vhodné pro věk: 10+ Počet hráčů: 2+ (
Podobné produkty ako Puzzle Přátelé Apartment 1000 dílkůKniha - autor Lucy Foley, 320 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá From the New York Times bestselling author of The Guest List comes a new locked room mystery, set in a Paris apartment building in which every resident has something to hide… Jess needs a fresh start. She’s broke and alone, and she’s just left her job under less than ideal circumstances. Her half-brother Ben didn’t sound thrilled when she asked if she could crash with him for a bit, but he didn’t say no, and surely everything will look better from Paris. Only when she shows up – to find a very nice apartment, could Ben really have afforded this? – he’s not there. The longer Ben stays missing, the more Jess starts to dig into her brother’s situation, and the more questions she has. Ben’s neighbors are an eclectic bunch, and not particularly friendly. Jess may have come to Paris to escape her past, but it’s starting to look like it’s Ben’s future that’s in question. The socialite – The... (
Podobné produkty ako The Paris Apartment: A Novel (0063227924)Puzzle - 500 dílků v balení, vhodné od 14 let Skládání puzzle zkrátí dlouhé zimní večery a zároveň přispívá k rozvoji logického myšlení. Díky jednoduchému principu dokáže dlouho zabavit jak děti, tak dospělé. Kvalitní puzzle CLOUDBERRIES je určeno od 14 let. V balení se nachází 500 dílků, jejichž složení už vyžaduje větší trpělivosti. Nabízené puzzle vám každým komponentem odkrývá kousek svého vzoru. Hlavní přednosti puzzle Cloudberries Puzzle Buildings 500 dílků Puzzle se skvěle hodí pro rozvíjení jemné motoriky, představivosti a koncentrace Jeho skládání uklidňuje a je dobrým prostředkem k relaxaci Zajímavé puzzle CLOUDBERRIES je vhodné pro děti od 14 let Obsahuje celkem 500 dílků Řadí se mezi klasické puzzle, které všichni dobře známe (
Podobné produkty ako Cloudberries Puzzle Buildings 500 dílků (5060602330375)Karetní hra z kolekce Printworks. Model vyroben z papíru. (
Podobné produkty ako Karetní hra Printworks Memory Famous BuildingsHlavní výhody: dlouhodobá zábava - obsahuje 1000 dílků vzdělávací prvek - zobrazuje ikonické budovy z celého světa podporuje relaxaci a snižuje stres zlepšuje paměť a schopnosti řešení problémů ideální pro sdílené aktivity s rodinou a přáteli vhodné pro všechny věkové kategorie estetický design, který může být vystaven jako dekorace po dokončení Dodatečné informace: rozměry puzzle: 70 x 50 cm rozměry krabice: 29,5 x 3,7 x 20,5 cm materiál: 30% papír FSC bez obsahu kyselin, 70% šedá lepenka (
Podobné produkty ako Puzzle ICONIC BUILDINGS, 1000 dílků, PrintworksHlavní výhody: dlouhodobá zábava - obsahuje 1000 dílků vzdělávací prvek - zobrazuje ikonické budovy z celého světa podporuje relaxaci a snižuje stres zlepšuje paměť a schopnosti řešení problémů ideální pro sdílené aktivity s rodinou a přáteli vhodné pro všechny věkové kategorie estetický design, který může být vystaven jako dekorace po dokončení Dodatečné informace: rozměry puzzle: 70 x 50 cm rozměry krabice: 29,5 x 3,7 x 20,5 cm materiál: 30% papír FSC bez obsahu kyselin, 70% šedá lepenka (chefshop.cz_ine)
Podobné produkty ako Puzzle ICONIC BUILDINGS, 1000 dílků, PrintworksŠatna se stala námětem pro jednu z dalších stavenic Sluban, tématicky zaměřenou na vytváření obytných a užitkových místností pro figurky. Ze stavebnice si mohou holčičky sestavit místnosti jako je kuchyň, obývák, ložnice nebo koupelna. Místnosti mají vždy své vybavení. Přednosti: kvalitní plast, dílky k sobě dobře přiléhají kombinovatelné s ostatními stavebnicemi Obsah balení: figurka, doplňky celkem 111 dílků Kupte dětem stavebnici Sluban! Vhodné pro děti od 6 let Materiál: plast Počet dílků: 111 Rozměry balení: 15 x 20 x 5 cm (
Podobné produkty ako Sluban Stavebnice Postav si vlastní apartment šatnaKuchyň se stala námětem pro jednu z dalších stavenic Sluban, tématicky zaměřenou na vytváření obytných a užitkových místností pro figurky. Ze stavebnice si mohou holčičky sestavit místnosti jako je kuchyň, obývák, ložnice nebo koupelna. Místnosti mají vždy své vybavení. Přednosti: kvalitní plast, dílky k sobě dobře přiléhají kombinovatelné s ostatními stavebnicemi Obsah balení: figurka, doplňky celkem 108 dílků Kupte dětem stavebnici Sluban! Vhodné pro děti od 6 let Materiál: plast Počet dílků: 108 Rozměry balení: 15 x 20 x 5 cm (
Podobné produkty ako Sluban Stavebnice Postav si vlastní apartment kuchyňLožnice se stal námětem pro jednu z dalších stavenic Sluban, tématicky zaměřenou na vytváření obytných a užitkových místností pro figurky. Ze stavebnice si mohou holčičky sestavit místnosti jako je kuchyň, obývák, ložnice nebo koupelna. Místnosti mají vždy své vybavení. Přednosti: kvalitní plast, dílky k sobě dobře přiléhají kombinovatelné s ostatními stavebnicemi Obsah balení: figurka, doplňky celkem 109 dílků Kupte dětem stavebnici Sluban! Vhodné pro děti od 6 let Materiál: plast Počet dílků: 109 Rozměry balení: 15 x 20 x 5 cm (
Podobné produkty ako Sluban Stavebnice Postav si vlastní apartment ložniceApartmán s klavírem se stal námětem pro jednu z dalších stavenic Sluban, tématicky zaměřenou na vytváření obytných a užitkových místností pro figurky. Ze stavebnice si mohou holčičky sestavit místnosti jako je kuchyň, obývák, ložnice nebo koupelna. Místnosti mají vždy své vybavení. Přednosti: kvalitní plast, dílky k sobě dobře přiléhají kombinovatelné s ostatními stavebnicemi Obsah balení: figurka, doplňky celkem 111 dílků Kupte dětem stavebnici Sluban! Vhodné pro děti od 6 let Materiál: plast Počet dílků: 111 Rozměry balení: 15 x 20 x 5 cm (
Podobné produkty ako Sluban Stavebnice Postav si vlastní apartment klavírKoupelna se stala námětem pro jednu z dalších stavenic Sluban, tématicky zaměřenou na vytváření obytných a užitkových místností pro figurky. Ze stavebnice si mohou holčičky sestavit místnosti jako je kuchyň, obývák, ložnice nebo koupelna. Místnosti mají vždy své vybavení. Přednosti: kvalitní plast, dílky k sobě dobře přiléhají kombinovatelné s ostatními stavebnicemi Obsah balení: figurka, doplňky celkem 106 dílků Kupte dětem stavebnici Sluban! Vhodné pro děti od 6 let Materiál: plast Počet dílků: 105 Rozměry balení: 15 x 20 x 5 cm (
Podobné produkty ako Sluban Stavebnice Postav si vlastní apartment koupelnaObývací pokoj se stal námětem pro jednu z dalších stavenic Sluban, tématicky zaměřenou na vytváření obytných a užitkových místností pro figurky. Ze stavebnice si mohou holčičky sestavit místnosti jako je kuchyň, obývák, ložnice nebo koupelna. Místnosti mají vždy své vybavení. Přednosti: kvalitní plast, dílky k sobě dobře přiléhají kombinovatelné s ostatními stavebnicemi Obsah balení: figurka, doplňky celkem 116 dílků Kupte dětem stavebnici Sluban! Vhodné pro děti od 6 let Materiál: plast Počet dílků: 116 Rozměry balení: 15 x 20 x 5 cm (
Podobné produkty ako Sluban Stavebnice Postav si vlastní apartment obývací pokojBuildings from all over the world using the latest developments, innovations and achievements of eco-friendly architecture. Climate change and environmental pollution, rising energy prices and dwindling resources pose major challenges for the world of construction today. If sustainability is to become a global reality, it must also be designed and expressed with trend-setting aesthetics: The carefully selected sample projects of contemporary architecture show how this can be implemented in compelling ways. They offer an informative overview of current, very different concepts, approaches and techniques. Sustainable building also means that ecological parameters involve not only all aspects of the actual building, but also the construction process and the afterlife in the sense of deconstruction and conversion, all of which must be considered by the planner as early as the design process. It is becoming increasingly important not to focus on short-term goals, but above all, on long-term ones. (
Podobné produkty ako Sustainable Buildings: Environmental Awareness in Architecture - Dorian LucasHome Upgrade se dívá za hranice velkých rozpočtových projektů a prozkoumává domácnosti, kde bylo dosaženo zdánlivě nemožného. Pro architekty, kteří se prosazují sami, nabízejí takové projekty příležitost protáhnout svaly a poprvé vést projekt. Dům v Brooklynu, který je v knize uveden, byl zrekonstruován poté, co hurikán Sandy zpustošil východní pobřeží v roce 2012. Obytný prostor byl vyzdvižen nad hranici vysoké hladiny vody, což je odpověď na chmurnou skutečnost, že případy, které se jednou za generaci vyskytují, jsou nová realita. (
Podobné produkty ako The Home Upgrade – New Homes in Remodeled BuildingsNejnovější kniha z velmi úspěšné edice představuje okolo 150 nejvýznamnějších staveb v dějinách architektury - od pyramid a Parthenonu až po nejnovější díla současných architektů. Budovy jsou v knize řazeny do kapitol podle jejich typu, každá kapitola začíná informativním úvodním textem, který mapuje celou historii daného typu budov. U každé představované stavby najdeme kvalitní a přesné výkresy v půdorysu i řezu, jež byly profesionálně překresleny speciálně pro tuto knihu. Kniha je neocenitelný zdroj informací pro studenty architektury, ale zaujme i všechny ostatní milovníky architektury a její historie. (
Podobné produkty ako Key Buildings from Prehistory to the Present - Andrew BallantyneTransforming existing architecture and assigning to it a new use for which it was not originally conceived entails an exhaustive process of historical, technical and functional exploration. The crucial component of such interventions, often on disused buildings, is sustainability and can be summed up in this clear and concise maxim: ""the greenest building is the one that is already built"". Through projects of various scales, often surprising but always sensitive to the historical context in which they are situated, this book illustrates the fascinating process of reconversion of built architecture. (
Podobné produkty ako A Second Life For Buildings (Defekt) - Cayetano Cardelús VidalBrick by Brick The world's most innovative brick buildings Of all building materials in the world, brick is one of the most enduring and ubiquitous. Traces of brickmaking date back to 7500 BC and fired brick first made its appearance in about 3500 BC. Since then, the trusty brick has shown amazing resilience and remains one of the mainstays of contemporary architecture. Rooted in tradition in countries as different as China and the Netherlands, it is inexpensive, flexible in use, and can also be ecologically fabricated. This comprehensive two-volume set tours the world to cover the most exciting and innovative brick buildings of the past 15 years, from Argentina to New Zealand. True to all TASCHEN architecture tomes, it includes new talents like Argentina' Diego Arraigada and Vietnam's Nguyen Hai Long as well as established starchitects such as Tadao Ando and Peter Zumthor. Featured buildings showcase the variety of brick applications across cultural, domestic, infrastructure, and leisure spaces, including Tate Modern Switch House by Herzog & De Meuron, Tidy Architects' Amorio Restaurant in Santiago, and Mass Design Group's Maternity Waiting Village in Kasungu, Malawi. Text in English, French, and German. (
Podobné produkty ako 100 Contemporary Brick Buildings - Philip Jodidio, S. Peter DanceLP vinyl - More Songs About Buildings and Food je druhé studiové album americké rockové skupiny Talking Heads, vydané 14. července 1978. More Songs About Buildings and Food je druhé studiové album americké rockové skupiny Talking Heads, vydané 14. července 1978. Americká rocková skupina Talking Heads vznikla v New Yorku v roce 1975. Jedním ze zakladatelů byl i David Byrne. Skupina pomohla definovat základy nové vlny, využívala přitom punkové elementy, funk, art rock a další avantgardní žánry. Podle časopisu Rolling Stone patří mezi stovku nejdůležitějších hudebních těles historie. Mezi její nejznámější nahrávky patří singly Psycho Killer nebo Once In A Lifetime. Rok vydání : 1978 (2.album) Rok reedice : 2013 Seznam stop LP Thank You For Sending Me An Angel / With Our Love / The Good Thing / Warning Sign / The Girls Want To Be With The Girls / Found A Job / Artists Only / I'm Not In Love / Stay Hungry / Take Me To The River / The Big Country (
Podobné produkty ako Talking Heads: More Songs About Buildings And Food - LP (8122796358)An architectural journey through the cityscapes and buildings of Andrew Bromberg's career to date Andrew Bromberg, of global architecture and design practice Aedas, was born and raised in the Rocky Mountains of the United States and now lives and works in Asia. A leading light in the design of cutting-edge skyscrapers and large-scale development projects, he views cities not just as collections of buildings but as human-made landscapes shaped by social and economic forces as gradual or as abrupt as the erosions, accretions, uplifts and explosions that shape the natural world. Now inhabiting the craggy mixture of natural and human-made structures that define Hong Kong, Bromberg has long modelled his work on his knowledge of nature and his understanding of tectonic forces, natural and human. Drawing on a series of conversations and exploratory walks in major Asian cities – including Singapore and Ghuangzou – architecture critic Aaron Betsky reveals how Bromberg visualizes his settings and locates his designs within the complex and dynamic contexts in which they appear. Interspersed amid these urban reflections is a largely visual presentation of over twenty of Bromberg’s most exciting recent projects across Asia and the Middle East. Together these comprise a monograph–manifesto that offers a singular vision for the cities that will shape our future world. Contents List Introduction • 1. Hong Kong: Density • 2. Guangzhou/Tension • 3. Singapore/Shelter • 4. Dubai/Object • 5. Colorado/Journey (
Podobné produkty ako Andrew Bromberg at Aedas: Buildings, Nature, Cities - Aaron Betsky, Andrew BrombergLP vinyl - LP reedice druhého alba skupiny, které původně vyšlo v roce 1978. K dispozici na červeném vinylu! Americká rocková skupina Talking Heads vznikla v New Yorku v roce 1975. Jedním ze zakladatelů byl i David Byrne. LP reedice druhého alba skupiny, které původně vyšlo v roce 1978. K dispozici na červeném vinylu! Americká rocková skupina Talking Heads vznikla v New Yorku v roce 1975. Jedním ze zakladatelů byl i David Byrne. Skupina pomohla definovat základy nové vlny, využívala přitom punkové elementy, funk, art rock a další avantgardní žánry. Podle časopisu Rolling Stone patří mezi stovku nejdůležitějších hudebních těles historie. Mezi její nejznámější nahrávky patří singly Psycho Killer nebo Once In A Lifetime. Rok vydání : 1978 (2.album) Rok reedice : 2020 Seznam stop LP Thank You for Sending Me an Angel / With Our Love / The Good Thing / Warning Sign / The Girl Wants to Be with the Girls / Found a Job / Artists Only / I'm Not in Love / Stay... (
Podobné produkty ako Talking Heads: More Songs About Buildings And Food (colored) - LP (0349784615)Kniha je milým pozváním na procházku architektonickým bohatstvím šesté pražské městské části, od nejvýznamnější památky středověku - románského kostela sv. Máří Magdalény v Přední Kopanině přes raně barokní stavby a výrazné stopy pozdního baroka, řadu pozdně klasicistních rozlehlých domů, velkorysých staveb moderní architektury až po řadu slavných vil a to nejen vil na Babě nebo vily Müllerovy. Kniha je průvodcem po architektonických půvabech a skvostech Bubenče, Břevnova, Dejvic, Hradčan, Liboce, Ruzyně, Střešovic, Veleslavína a Vokovic až po architektonickou přítomnost Prahy 6, která je dynamická, nasycená velkými plány. (
Podobné produkty ako Great Buildings of Prague 6 - Radomíra Sedláková, Pavel Vlček, Petr Vorlík, Lenka Popelová, Pavel ŠkrancThis atlas of architectural wonders eschews the classic children's book fare of the Pyramids and the Taj Mahal, and instead takes a broader view of what constitutes amazing architecture. Buildings include: the Jameh mosque of Isfahan? in Iran, Native American plank houses in New Mexico, Stave Churches in Norway, The Djinguereber mosque in Mali, and extraordinary 18th century wooden churches on Kizhi Island, Russia.Over 50 buildings span all the continents equally throughout history. Each of these buildings is visually striking and architecturally noteworthy; they introduce new engineering technologies or define a movement or capture the essence of a moment in human history. They epitomise the ambition and vison of an architect or a patron. But although most of them have been recognized by UNESCO or other agencies, they are not part of the main Western architectural canon. This book seeks out a more diverse, inclusive approach to what constitutes amazing architecture, and presents it with fresh illustration and clear, punchy text. (
Podobné produkty ako Atlas of Amazing Architecture : The most incredible buildings you´ve (probably) never heard of - Allen PeterA major overview of Skylab’s built works, from show-stopping residences to high-profile cultural projects, presented via a covetable book design that takes its inspiration from an album or LP. Skylab: The Nature of Buildings is the first monograph of the Portland, Oregon-based architecture and design studio. Founded by Jeff Kovel in 1999, Skylab has emerged as a leading creative force in the Pacific Northwest and North America. At the vanguard of innovative and sustainable design, the practice is known for a range of spectacular residences designed for leading creatives, as well as distinctive music venues, resorts, and other high-profile projects, including the N M Bodecker Foundation, Nike’s Serena Williams Building, and the Columbia Building. Presenting more than two decades of work, the story of Skylab is told by several influential contributors through reflective essays, interviews, conversations and anecdotes, as well as extensive project photography and illustrations that detail the firm’s design process. A uniquely crafted object, the book’s design is based on the concept of a double vinyl album, with four 'sides' (A, B, C, D), ten projects 'tracks', inside front- and back-cover gatefolds, and nine project 'interlude' foldout posters in the book. 'Our work balances on three themes: narrative, strategy, and regeneration', Kovel writes in the book’s Preface. 'Narrative is the "what" ― a design process based on telling compelling stories. Strategy is the "how" ― innovating best practices through construction and market intelligence. Regeneration is the "why" ― our north star and the legacy of our work, defined by designing with nature as a partner, seeking to rebalance the relationship with land, time and people. This was the bedrock meaning behind our practice when we started in 1999, and it continues to this day.' (
Podobné produkty ako Skylab: The Nature of Buildings - John Hoke, Mimi Zeiger, Benjamin Halpern, Randy Gragg, Jeff Kovel, Mauricio VillarrealLadislav Lábus patří k nejlepším českým architektům současnosti a jeho práce již několik desetiletí získávají velký respekt i značnou oblibu nejen u odborné veřejnosti. Výpravná publikace nyní přináší shrnutí jeho dosavadního díla, a to jak oceňovaných novostaveb, např. nejnovější bytové domy v pražských Modřanech a na Smíchově, pozoruhodný domov sociálních služeb v Českém Krumlově, tak zcela výjimečných rekonstrukcí: pražského paláce Langhans, za niž získal Grand Prix Obce architektů, Edisonových transformačních stanic v Praze či Jízdárny Pražského hradu. Bohatá fotografická dokumentace jeho projektů se prolíná s texty jeho spolupracovníků a přátel, kteří čtivě a s erudicí mapují jednotlivé oblasti Lábusovy rozsáhlé tvorby, věnují se však také jeho dlouholetému pedagogickému působení a proměně Fakulty architektury ČVUT pod jeho vedením na pozici děkana. (
Podobné produkty ako Buildings in Free Verse Architect Ladislav Lábus - Petr Kratochvíl, Josef Pleskot, Matúš Dulla, kolektiv autorů, Ladislav Lábus, Václav GirsaKniha - anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá - anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá In The LEGO Neighborhood Book, you ll create buildings with real-world details like cornices and facades, and try your hand at interior design by filling your buildings with furniture and light fixtures. Then add the finishing touches to your models with plants, traffic lights, scaffolding, and park benches. Snap together a few houses, shops, and apartment buildings to create your own neighborhood!Inside you ll find:- Complete, step-by-step instructions for four multistory buildings- Dozens of inspiring ideas to use in your own models- Mini builds for a recliner, old-time lamp post, traffic light, and more- A gallery of the authors designs (
Podobné produkty ako The LEGO® Neighborhood Book: Build your own Town! (1593275714)Born Charles-Edouard Jeanneret, Le Corbusier (1887-1965) adopted his famous pseudonym after publishing his ideas in the review L'Esprit Nouveau in 1920. The few buildings he was able to design during the 1920s, when he also spent much of his time painting and writing, brought him to the forefront of modern architecture. But it was not until after World War II that his epoch-making buildings were constructed, such as the Unite d'Habitation apartment complex in Marseilles, and the chapel of Notre Dame du Haut in Ronchamp. (
Podobné produkty ako Le Corbusier - Jean-Louis CoheneBook: Real estate agent Danielle stands outside an apartment in Paris. The apartment will soon be a young couple's secret room, a room to be used only when they are away from it all. Alternately, we hear the woman's and the man's side of the story. We find out about their past and present affairs. About emails from the estate agent that contain more than professional proposals. And about how the new apartment becomes a place where a torrid love triangle develops. (
Podobné produkty ako 8. arrondissement - erotic short story - Lotte Garbers - e-knihaCharles Holland challenges us to look beyond the day-to-day familiarity of buildings to rediscover the pleasure of experiencing architecture Architecture is bound up with our daily lives but, for most of us, it is experienced as a blur of habit. Our reactions towards the buildings that surround us are often culturally generated, and we experience them in ways that are immediate but often mundane. How to Enjoy Architecture: A Guide for Everyone encourages us to move beyond this and, instead, really look at buildings. Renowned architect Charles Holland talks about the buildings and architects that excite and inspire him, and the ideas and principles through which we can engage with architecture. By breaking buildings down into categories such as materials, structure, space, and use, Holland guides us through drastically different styles and building types—from the satisfying symmetry of a Queen Anne house to the thrill of a high-tech tower, or the social ideals that lie behind a housing estate. In doing so, he demonstrates how looking at, experiencing, and using architecture can bring joy in itself. (
Podobné produkty ako How to Enjoy Architecture - Charles HollandA spectacular global survey of the new buildings merging architecture and nature to transform our cities for a sustainable future.Concrete horizons, urban sprawl, high-density living: never have our cities and their buildings been in greater need of greening. Yet what's required is more than an occasional vertical garden or living roof. Featuring seventy projects from around the world - some built, some ongoing, some from the future - Garden City looks at the increasingly inventive ways in which architects and designers are incorporating nature into the built environment, transforming the city for the benefit of all.From office buildings that incorporate urban farms and exchange the CO2 produced by humans for food and oxygen produced by plants, to lightweight systems for growing gardens on vertical surfaces; from 'tree houses' the size of city blocks to civic buildings that are 'plugged into' existing water-management systems - there are rich and often unexpected ideas for every inquiring designer.The future of our urban architecture is biologically alert, naturally self-sustaining and alive. Garden City is this future's first manifesto. (
Podobné produkty ako Garden City - Anna YudinaThe book presents buildings which illustrate evolution and trend of architecture in Visegrad group countries from 1990 to 2008.It is a collection of eighteen buildings from each country in eighteen years. Kniha představuje stavby, které reprezentují vývoj a tendence architektury v zemích višegrádské čtyřky po roce 1990. (
Podobné produkty ako Architecture V4 1990-2008 - Ján StempelThe ultimate book of concrete architecture, featuring 300 buildings of every type and style from the past 100 years A singularly impressive volume featuring 300 examples of the most incredible and inspiring concrete architecture from the early twentieth century to the present day. Organised visually, with one building per page, Concrete Architecture celebrates the might, majesty, and sculptural beauty of concrete buildings from all over the globe and is grounded with a contextualising essay on the long history of concrete architecture, reaching back more than a thousand years to the classical civilisations of Greece and Rome. Including buildings from the pioneering Modern masters of concrete Marcel Breuer, Le Corbusier, Louis Kahn, I.M. Pei, John Lautner, and Frank Lloyd Wright as well as work by some of the most revered architects of the late twentieth century including Tadao Ando, Steven Holl, Herzog and de Meuron, and Zaha Hadid, Concrete Architecture also brings to light the contemporary stars using concrete in spectacular ways, including Grafton Architects, Elemental, and Pezo von Elrichshausen. This awe-inspiring collection of concrete buildings from around the globe is a visual feast for lovers of Brutalism, one of the hottest topics in popular architecture. (
Podobné produkty ako Concrete Architecture - Sam LubellFrédéric Chaubin’s Cosmic Communist Constructions Photographed features 90 Soviet buildings throughout the former USSR, each built between 1970 and 1990. It is a journey through time. With local exoticism, outlandish ideas, and a puzzle of styles, these weird and wonderful buildings are unearthly reminders of a fallen ideology. Architectural remnants of the USSR Elected the architectural book of the year by the International Artbook and Film Festival in Perpignan, France, Frédéric Chaubin’s Cosmic Communist Constructions Photographed explores 90 buildings in 14 former Soviet Republics. Each of these structures expresses what Chaubin considers the fourth age of Soviet architecture, an unknown burgeoning that took place from 1970 until 1990. Contrary to the 1920s and 1950s, no “school” or main trend emerges here. These buildings represent a chaotic impulse brought about by a decaying system. Taking advantage of the collapsing monolithic structure, architects went far beyond modernism, going back to the roots or freely innovating. Some of the daring ones completed projects that the Constructivists would have dreamt of (Druzhba Sanatorium, Yalta), others expressed their imagination in an expressionist way (Palace of Weddings, Tbilisi). A summer camp, inspired by sketches of a prototype lunar base, lays claim to Suprematist influence (Prometheus youth camp, Bogatyr). Then comes the “speaking architecture” widespread in the last years of the USSR: a crematorium adorned with concrete flames (Crematorium, Kiev), a technological institute with a flying saucer crashed on the roof (Institute of Scientific Research, Kiev), a political center watching you like Big Brother (House of Soviets, Kaliningrad). In their puzzle of styles, their outlandish strategies, these buildings are extraordinary remnants of a collapsing system.In their diversity and local exoticism, they testify both to the vast geography of the USSR and its encroaching end of the Soviet Union, the holes in a widening net. At the same time, they immortalize many of the ideological dreams of the country and its time, from an obsession with the cosmos to the rebirth of identity. (
Podobné produkty ako Frédéric Chaubin. CCCP. 40th Anniversary Edition - Frédéric ChaubinLearn about key concepts behind the world's most incredible buildings in The Architecture Book.Part of the fascinating Big Ideas series, this book tackles tricky topics and themes in a simple and easy to follow format. Learn about Architecture in this overview guide to the subject, brilliant for novices looking to find out more and experts wishing to refresh their knowledge alike! The Architecture Book brings a fresh and vibrant take on the topic through eye-catching graphics and diagrams to immerse yourself in. This captivating book will broaden your understanding of Architecture, with:- A global scope, covering architecture from all over the world- Packed with facts, charts, timelines and graphs to help explain core concepts- A visual approach to big subjects with striking illustrations and graphics throughout- Easy to follow text makes topics accessible for people at any level of understandingThe Architecture Book is a captivating introduction to buildings and the ideas, and principles that make them key to the history and evolution of our built environment - aimed at adults with an interest in the subject and students wanting to gain more of an overview. Here you'll discover the most important ideas, technologies, and movements in the history of architecture and structural engineering, through exciting text and bold graphics.Your Architecture Questions, Simply ExplainedLearn about the evolution of construction, from ancient and classical architecture through Medieval, Gothic, and Renaissance buildings, Baroque and Rococo, to 19th-century emerging modernism and postmodernism and glittering skyscrapers. If you thought it was difficult to learn about buildings and the ideas behind them, The Architecture Book presents key information in a clear layout. Explore architectural movements, styles and celebrated buildings from all over the world, and stunning religious structures from mosques to churches, stupas to pagodas and temples.The Big Ideas SeriesWith millions of copies sold worldwide, The Architecture Book is part of the award-winning Big Ideas series from DK. The series uses striking graphics along with engaging writing, making big topics easy to understand. (
Podobné produkty ako The Architecture Book : Big Ideas Simply ExplainedDiscover the master of Modernist simplicity in this overview of Tadao Ando’s entire career. Following the architect from his beginnings in 1975 to today, this updated XXL-sized tribute profiles each structure through stunning photographs and drawings, and includes such new projects as the He Art Museum in Foshan, China, and the Bourse de Commerce in Paris.Also available in an Art Edition limited to 100 copies, with an original sketch signed by Tadao Ando and a box designed by the architect. Tadao Ando’s complete works from 1975 until today Discover the completely unique aesthetic of Tadao Ando, the only architect ever to have won the discipline’s four most prestigious prizes: the Pritzker, Carlsberg, Praemium Imperiale, and Kyoto Prize.Philippe Starck defines him as a “mystic in a country which is no longer mystic.” Philip Drew calls his buildings “land art” as they “struggle to emerge from the earth.” His designs have been described as haiku crafted from concrete, water, light, and space. But to Ando, true architecture is not expressed in metaphysics or beauty, but rather through space that embodies physical wisdom.This thoroughly updated edition spans the breadth of his entire career, including such stunning new projects as the Bourse de Commerce in Paris and the Nakanoshima Children’s Book Forest in Osaka. Each project is profiled through photographs and architectural drawings to explore Ando’s unprecedented use of concrete, wood, water, light, space, and natural forms.Featuring designs from award-winning private homes, churches, museums, and apartment complexes to cultural spaces throughout Japan, South Korea, France, Italy, Germany, Mexico, and the USA, this XXL-edition brings you up close and personal with a Modernist master. Also available in an Art Edition limited to 100 copies, with an original sketch signed by Tadao Ando and a box designed by the architect. The artist Tadao Ando (born in 1941) is one of the world’s most renowned contemporary architects. At first a boxer, he decided to pursue architecture two years after graduating from high school. He is the only one to have won the discipline’s four most prestigious prizes: the Pritzker, Carlsberg, Praemium Imperiale, and Kyoto Prize. Ando currently works from his native Osaka. (
Podobné produkty ako Ando. Complete Works 1975–Today - Philip Jodidio, Tadao AndoIn Curved: Bending Architecture, the author seeks out the most sensational contemporary buildings from around the world that incorporate wave-like, rounded forms into their design. Curved forms in architecture are found throughout history (like the Colosseum in Rome) but today's constructions explore the curve to its utmost fluid and freeform potential. From Zaha Hadid to Bosjes Chapel and from Brussels to China, this is a selection of amazing buildings by world class architects who think outside the box and have redefined the built world around us. (
Podobné produkty ako Curved: Bending Architecture - Agata ToromanoffThis revised edition of Grospierre’s celebrated tour of modernist architecture has been expanded beyond Europe and North America to a truly global reach, featuring buildings in Southeast Asia, Australia, Africa and South America. Featuring new and revised texts from Barbican, MoMA and independent curators, this book offers intriguing insights into the history of modernist design, the origins of architectural photography and the reasons why architectural forms repeat in otherwise dissimilar countries. Is form still function? How “modern” is modernist architecture? And what has happened to the style’s foundational utopian ideals? Nicolas Grospierre’s masterful photographic survey catalogues both famous and little-known buildings, challenging the viewer to consider modernist architecture’s complicated legacy. Drawn from Grospierre’s ever-expanding archive documenting his travels, these large-format photographs of almost 250 buildings are arranged purely by their shapes, prioritizing form over function and location to give a unique perspective of global structures. Uniform in perspective, and presented without comment, Grospierre’s photographs allow viewers to discover details and colors that a more narrative-focused presentation would prohibit. The work of nearly a quarter of a century, this ever-expanding collection reflects a labor of love, a photographer’s deep obsession, and a celebration of buildings both iconic and mundane all over the world. About the Author Nicolas Grospierre’s awards include the Golden Lion at the 2008 Venice Architecture Biennale, the Polityka Passport Award in 2011, the Prize of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Poland in 2009, and grants from the Graham Foundation of Chicago in 2014 and 2020. He is the author of Modern Forms and Modern Spaces (Prestel). (
Podobné produkty ako Modern Forms: An Expanded Subjective Atlas of 20th Century Architecture - Nicolas GrospierreTwo strangers. One apartment. Will it be love at first .. . bite?Cassie Greenberg needs a new place to live, and fast.When she finds an affordable apartment in a beautiful neighbourhood, she knows there must be a catch. Of course, her new roommate Frederick J. Fitzwilliam is far from normal.He sleeps all day, is out at night on business, and talks like he walked out of a regency romance novel. He is also leaves Cassie heart-melting notes around the apartment, always asks about her day, and doesn't look half bad shirtless on the rare occasions they're both home and awake. There's no denying there's a spark between them - but there's also a secret.. . With true love at stake, will Frederick come clean?AUTHORS ARE OBSESSED WITH MY ROOMMATE IS A VAMPIRE:'Bloody delightful!' Ashley Poston, New York Times bestselling author of The Dead Romantics'Wonderfully weird and sexy as hell ' Alicia Thompson'A kooky, sparkly piece of happiness' India Holton'This one is good to the last drop' Publishers Weekly'Whimsical, magical, and hilarious' Sarah Hawley'Will leave you laughing so loud you could wake the undead' Elizabeth Davis'Wildly entertaining, delightfully steamy, laugh-out-loud hilarious, wrenchingly romantic' Thea Guanzon'A fresh, charming romp full of heart and some of the best kissing scenes I've ever read' Isabel Canas (
Podobné produkty ako My Roommate is a Vampire - Jenna LevineeBook: A paranoid thriller of life under surveillance in Communist Czechoslovakia. A deputy minister in the Communist Party, Ludvík enjoys all the luxuries that political success affords him, but he must be careful since he knows the secret police have bugged his apartment. Penned under the oppressive watch of Soviet authorities in 1960s Czechoslovakia—but touching on still-current themes of surveillance and paranoia—this darkly comic, cinematic thriller is as tense and timely as ever. Author Jan Procházka knew firsthand the gnawing terror of life in a surveillance state. A promising Party member who became persona non grata after the Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia, his own apartment was discovered to contain no less than twelve hidden microphones. (
Podobné produkty ako Ear - Jan Procházka - e-knihaA paranoid thriller of life under surveillance in Communist Czechoslovakia. A deputy minister in the Communist Party, Ludvík enjoys all the luxuries that political success affords him, but he must be careful since he knows the secret police have bugged his apartment. Penned under the oppressive watch of Soviet authorities in 1960s Czechoslovakia-but touching on still-current themes of surveillance and paranoia-this darkly comic, cinematic thriller is as tense and timely as ever. Author Jan Procházka knew firsthand the gnawing terror of life in a surveillance state. A promising Party member who became persona non grata after the Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia, his own apartment was discovered to contain no less than twelve hidden microphones. (
Podobné produkty ako Ear - Jan ProcházkaThis book contains practical ideas that make the most of every room in your apartment or house. (
Podobné produkty ako New Ideas for the Home - Simone SchleiferFrom the author of the Goodreads Choice Award winner The Spanish Love Deception, the eagerly anticipated follow-up featuring Rosie Graham and Lucas Martín, who are forced to share a New York apartment. Rosie Graham has a problem. A few, actually. She just quit her well paid job to focus on her secret career as a romance writer. She hasn't told her family and now has terrible writer's block. Then, the ceiling of her New York apartment literally crumbles on her. Luckily she has her best friend Lina's spare key while she's out of town. But Rosie doesn't know that Lina has already lent her apartment to her cousin Lucas, who Rosie has been stalking-for lack of a better word-on Instagram for the last few months. Lucas seems intent on coming to her rescue like a Spanish knight in shining armour. Only this one strolls around the place in a towel, has a distracting grin, and an irresistible accent. Oh, and he cooks. Lucas offers to let Rosie stay with him, at least until she can find some affordable temporary housing. And then he proposes an outrageous experiment to bring back her literary muse and meet her deadline: He'll take her on a series of experimental dates meant to jump-start her romantic inspiration. Rosie has nothing to lose. Her silly, online crush is totally under control-but Lucas's time in New York has an expiration date, and six weeks may not be enough, for either her or her deadline. (
Podobné produkty ako The American Roommate Experiment - Elena ArmasIn the form of sketches, material proposals, and design examples for interior and exterior use, Ecological Inspirations shows exciting buildings that propose sustainable ecological solutions. (
Podobné produkty ako Ecological Inspirations - Simone SchleiferThis book offers a broad and comprehensive catalog of contemporary uses of natural stone in private homes, public buildings, and public spaces, with particular emphasis on both traditional and modern applications. (
Podobné produkty ako Living with Stone - Claudia Martinez AlonsoThe first-ever walking tour guide of New York City's stunning contemporary architecture showcases the most intriguing new buildings in the city. It can be hard to keep up with New York City's surge of cutting-edge architecture since the turn of the millennium. This portable, easy-to-use guide directs readers to the city's newest architectural gems, all completed in the 21st century with some still under construction. Divided into ten 1- to 3-mile walks that extend from Columbia University through lower Manhattan and across to Brooklyn and Queens, this guidebook highlights over 150 buildings, popular destinations like the High Line and Lincoln Center, and trendy locations such as Williamsburg and the Bowery. Led by author John Hill, these tours are highly informative, engaging, and filled with fascinating insights and details. Maps and numerous photographs make this guide the perfect companion for anyone visiting New York City, architecture buffs, and those wishing to better know the city they call home. (
Podobné produkty ako NYC Walks: Guide to New Architecture - John HillBored with his job as a copywriter at a major hotel chain and living in a noisy apartment in Hollywood teeming with would-be actors and unsavory characters, aspiring novelist Rupert is laid off and seizes the opportunity to move to a serene dwelling in order to live in the peace and quiet he needs to go on a Bukowski-like writing bender. Instead, he ends up at The Dryden Arms in Glendale, California, where he takes the job as Resident Manager and encounters, in an absurdist reality, tenants who make him think he has become the warden of an asylum. We trail behind him, laughing all the way, as he deals with tenant-on-tenant attempted murder, race relations, a ghost, an uneasy romance with a bitchy lit agent, a smug cat, Eastern philosophies, invisible roommates, a porn star, a foul-mouthed solipsist with undiagnosed allergies, and a lawn-obsessed polymath. Then there’s the elderly Don, whom Rupert alternately fantasizes about offing to get his fabulous apartment or rescuing from the impending oblivion of old age. Follow the imaginative POV of Rupert as he navigates The Dryden Arms, bringing out both his suspicious and compassionate nature in a riotous non-stop ride. (
Podobné produkty ako The Dryden Arms - Allina Johnny