Annihilation : the thrilling book behind the most anticipated film of 2018 - jeff vandermeer

Produkt Annihilation : the thrilling book behind the most anticipated film of 2018 - jeff vandermeer sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Annihilation : the thrilling book behind the most anticipated film of 2018 - jeff vandermeer upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

Annihilation : The Thrilling Book Behind the Most Anticipated Film of 2018 - Jeff VanderMeer

Annihilation : The Thrilling Book Behind the Most Anticipated Film of 2018 - Jeff VanderMeer

'A contemporary masterpiece' Guardian THE FIRST VOLUME OF THE EXTRAORDINARY SOUTHERN REACH TRILOGY - NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY ALEX GARLAND (EX MACHINA) AND STARRING NATALIE PORTMAN AND OSCAR ISAAC For thirty years, Area X has remained mysterious and remote behind its intangible border - an environmental disaster zone, though to all appearances an abundant wilderness. The Southern Reach, a secretive government agency, has sent eleven expeditions to investigate Area X. One has ended in mass suicide, another in a hail of gunfire, the eleventh in a fatal cancer epidemic. Now four women embark on the twelfth expedition into the unknown. (

Podobné produkty ako Annihilation : The Thrilling Book Behind the Most Anticipated Film of 2018 - Jeff VanderMeer , The book: a cover-to-cover exploration of the most powerful object of our time (0393244792)

For the Culture: The Power Behind the World's Most Successful Brands, from Apple to Beyoncé - Marcus Collins


We all try to influence others in our daily lives. We are all marketers, whether you are a manager motivating your team, an employee making a big presentation, an activist staging a protest or a company executive selling the next big thing. In For the Culture, Marcus Collins argues that the most powerful vehicle for influencing behaviour is true cultural engagement. To inspire communities, we first need to think hard about how we appeal to their values and what we will contribute to their culture.With a deep perspective based on a century’s worth of data, Collins breaks down the many ways in which culture influences behaviour. Using captivating stories from his own life as a top marketer – including spearheading digital strategy for Beyoncé, working with iTunes and Nike+ on their collaboration, and designing ads for McDonalds – he shows readers how they can do the same. Full of memorable examples, from 1960s hippy culture to the enduring success of Patagonia, For the Culture offers the essential tools for creating lasting engagement and influence. (

Podobné produkty ako For the Culture: The Power Behind the World's Most Successful Brands, from Apple to Beyoncé - Marcus Collins , The lost book of the grail (1846884217)

The Book: A Cover-to-Cover Exploration of the Most Powerful Object of Our Time (0393244792)

The Book: A Cover-to-Cover Exploration of the Most Powerful Object of Our Time (0393244792)

Kniha - autor Keith Houston, anglicky, jiný materiál potahu Houston reveals that the paper, ink, thread, glue and board from which a book is made tell as rich a story as the words on its pages in this fascinating, surprising and momentous history behind humanity's most important - and universal - information technology. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book: A Cover-to-Cover Exploration of the Most Powerful Object of Our Time (0393244792) , The little book of feminism (1849538441)

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Meltdown (book 13) - Jeff Kinney

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Meltdown (book 13) - Jeff Kinney

When a wintry blast closes Greg Heffley's middle school, it turns his neighbourhood into a battleground, complete with snow forts, alliances, betrayals, and epic snowball fights. (

Podobné produkty ako Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Meltdown (book 13) - Jeff Kinney , The sense of an ending. film tie-in (1784705632)

Man Behind the Curtain : Inside the Secret Network of George Soros - Palumbo Matt


No one else in modern politics has anywhere near the power and influence of George Soros, both domestically and internationally. Backed by the tens of billions of dollars he's accumulated throughout his career, Soros has his hand in influencing the media, activist groups, colleges, presidential elections, global elections, local U.S. politics, and much more. Soros has earned himself a reputation as a "boogeyman" character on the right, and nowhere else will you read such an extensive documentation of his influence as in this book. (

Podobné produkty ako Man Behind the Curtain : Inside the Secret Network of George Soros - Palumbo Matt , Tiamat's wrath: book 8 of the expanse (0356510360)

Guardians of the Galaxy - Annihilation: Conquest - Brendan Deneen


Witness the iconic Marvel heroes come together for the first time in this action-packed adventure to protect the galaxy from the all-consuming threat of the Phalanx.The Kree Empire is knocked back on its heels when the Phalanx, a cybernetic race that converts hosts using a techno-organic virus, seizes control of Hala, the Kree homeworld. The person who accidentally brought the Phalanx right to the heart of the Kree Empire? Peter Quill, otherwise known as Star-Lord.The remnants of the Kree are in utter disarray, their massive technologically advanced fleets totally susceptible to Phalanx control. Eager to make up for his genuine mistake (and without much choice), Star-Lord and a rag-tag team (Rocket, Groot, Gamora, Drax, and Mantis) are drafted into service to help turn the tide. Can a small group of poorly equipped mercenaries and misfits defeat the Phalanx before they consume the known universe?Outgunned and outmatched, the Guardians of the Galaxy race to find anything or anyone who could hold the secret to stopping the Phalanx, a quest that will take them to the fringes of intergalactic civilization, and a shocking foe at the heart of the threat. (

Podobné produkty ako Guardians of the Galaxy - Annihilation: Conquest - Brendan Deneen , The hound of the baskervilles

Wrath of the Damned: The highly anticipated sequel to Nectar of the Wicked! A HOT enemies-to-lovers and marriage of convenience dark fantasy romance!


Vengeance is divine. The heart-wrenching conclusion to the Deadly Divine Duet. (

Podobné produkty ako Wrath of the Damned: The highly anticipated sequel to Nectar of the Wicked! A HOT enemies-to-lovers and marriage of convenience dark fantasy romance! , The turn of the screw

Adaptace - Jeff VanderMeer

Adaptace - Jeff VanderMeer

V Oblasti X, záhadné divočině, která se třicet let brání vydat svá tajemství a odráží marné snahy jedné expedice za druhou, vládne zima. Agentura pověřená jejím zkoumáním a kontrolou nad ní - Jižní Zóna - v chaosu po jejím rozšíření zkolabuje. Teprve nyní se poslední, zoufalý tým vydává přes hranici, aby se pokusil dosáhnout odlehlého ostrova, jenž by snad mohl skrývat odpovědi na otázky, které jeho členové hledají. Pokud neuspějí, okolní svět bude ohrožen.Adaptace proniká čím dál hlouběji k okolnostem, které obklopovaly vznik Oblasti X. Co bylo příčinou této nepřirozené proměny? Komu z těch mnoha, kteří se o to pokusili, se podařilo přiblížit k pochopení Oblasti X - a na kom zanechala nezvratné následky?V závěrečné části románové trilogie Jižní Zóna možná budou záhady Oblasti X vyřešeny, ale důsledky dosavadních událostí nebudou přesto o nic méně závažné - a o nic méně děsivé. (

Podobné produkty ako Adaptace - Jeff VanderMeer , The heart of the matter (0099478420)

Borne - Jeff VanderMeer

Borne - Jeff VanderMeer

Strhující román z blízké budoucnosti od autora oceňované trilogie Jižní Zóna se odehrává v nebezpečných rozvalinách někdejšího města, v nichž obezřetně shání obživu mladá Rachel. Ruiny se jen hemží výsledky biotechnologických experimentů, kterých se před svým pádem zbavila tajuplná Společnost, avšak nejhorší hrozbu představují zuřivé a nepředvídatelné útoky gigantického medvěda jménem Mord. Do vylidněného obytného komplexu, kde žije spolu se svým partnerem Wickem, si Rachel z jedné ze svých výprav přinese malou zelenou hrudku, o které ani neví, zda je zárodkem rostliny, nebo živočicha. Přesto k ní od první chvíle cítí zvláštní náklonnost. Svého nového chráněnce pojmenuje Borne, postupně si k němu začne vytvářet stále silnější pouto a nechtěně tak uvede do pohybu události, které naruší - nebo spíše rozmetají - jemnou rovnováhu sil v celém nemilosrdném městě. Rachel tuší, kam události směřují, přesto se Borna nehodlá vzdát… a ten se zatím mění a roste. "Trilogie Jižní Zóna Jeffa Vandermeera je lezavým zobrazením apokalypsy; románem Borne autor pokračuje ve svém zkoumání zlovolné podstaty světa a vede si naprosto úžasně." Colson Whitehead "Jsem bytost, nebo zbraň?" ptá se Borne v zoufalství Rachel. "Jsi bytost. Ale protože jsi bytost, můžeš být také zbraň." (

Podobné produkty ako Borne - Jeff VanderMeer , Iron maiden: the book of souls (2x cd) - cd (9029556758)

Finch - Jeff VanderMeer


John Finch je detektivem v Ambře, městě okupovaném a terorizovaném tajemnými bytostmi z podzemí, zvanými „šeďáci“. Prastaré město se propadá do anarchie, šeďácké houby a plísně bují na domech i v lidech, povstalecké síly jsou demoralizovány a rozprášeny, a parciálové – lidští zrádci, přetvoření šeďáky v cosi jiného – kráčejí ulicemi a trýzní obyvatele. Finch má na příkaz šeďáckého nadřízeného vyřešit nepochopitelnou dvojnásobnou vraždu. V průběhu vyšetřování narazí na krajně podivné události, je nucen připomenout si svou vlastní, pečlivě utajovanou minulost, a kromě toho se dostane na stopu klíčovému tajemství historie Ambry. Jak se zdá, osud celého města bude nakonec záviset na jeho rozhodnutí… (

Podobné produkty ako Finch - Jeff VanderMeer , Clapton eric: behind the sun (2x lp) - lp (9362496882)

Autorita - Jeff VanderMeer


Autorita, druhá část románové trilogie Jižní Zóna od Jeffa VanderMeera přináší řadu odpovědí na nejznepokojivější otázky týkající se Oblasti X… ale rozhodně nejde o odpovědi, které by snad přinášely klid. Oblast X, krajina, která jako by byla až zlomyslná, obklopená neviditelnou bariérou a záhadně zbavená téměř všech známek civilizace, existuje již třicet let. Jediný kontakt s ní zprostředkovává v podobě expedic vládní agentura, která je tak tajná, že se na ni téměř zapomnělo: Jižní Zóna. Po bouřlivých událostech zdokumentovaných v Anihilaci vládne v agentuře chaos. Vedením Jižní Zóny je nově pověřen John Rodriguez, zvaný též „Šéf“. Tým, s nímž musí pracovat, je nedůvěřivý a zoufalý, ale po ubíjejících výsleších, objevu ukrytých poznámek a hodinách znepokojivých videonahrávek Šéf začíná do tajemství Oblasti X přece jen pomalu pronikat. Jenže každé nové odhalení přináší zneklidňující skutečnosti nejen o agentuře, které se zavázal sloužit, ale i o něm samotném. (

Podobné produkty ako Autorita - Jeff VanderMeer , The ocean at the end of the lane (1472283368)

New weird - Trochu divná fantastika - Jeff VanderMeer, Ann Vandermeer


Nechte se unést do měst plných stínů, zažijte groteskní rituály, chaotické oslavy a poznejte kulty přinášející utrpení a smrt. Navštivte strach nahánějící místa, kde jsou těla živých tvorů přetvářena do surreálních monstrózních podob a kde se lidé marně bouří proti neměnným silám světa. Vše podléhá smrti a rozkladu a nikdo není bez viny. Odkryjte pravou podstatu New Weirdu.Břitká městská fantasy plná niterní bezprostřednosti – New Weird. Povstal z klasické fantasy a šestákových pulpových románů, z hororu i detektivky, z thrilleru a noiru. Vše si osvojil, vstřebal a přetvořil po svém, aby se nakonec vynořil ze zaprášené kukly nostalgie jako svěže literární, šokující a bezvýhradně inovativní subžánr fantastiky.V této knize najdete to nejlepší z New Weirdu od nejznámějších autorů této odnože scifi. Po všech stránkách pozoruhodná antologie obsahuje původní internetovou diskuzi, která vůbec poprvé definovala New Weird, názory předních evropských žánrových editorů a jako vrchol společnou práci nejznámějších spisovatelů New Weirdu. (

Podobné produkty ako New weird - Trochu divná fantastika - Jeff VanderMeer, Ann Vandermeer , Tweedy jeff: love is the king - lp (5149721847)

Annihilation: The Southern Reach Trilogy 1 (0008139105)

Annihilation: The Southern Reach Trilogy 1 (0008139105)

Kniha - autor Jeff VanderMeer, 196 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako Annihilation: The Southern Reach Trilogy 1 (0008139105) , Tweedy jeff: love is the king - cd (5149721846)

Behind the Scenes at the Museum


Take an exclusive tour of the world's most exciting museums and discover their hidden treasures.This behind-the-scenes guide showcases a huge range of incredible artefacts from history and reveals the hard work, care, and effort that goes into collecting, preserving, and storing them. Ever wondered what happens to an astronaut's space suit after it's been worn on the Moon? Or how the world's most valuable diamond is looked after? Find out all about how museums work and the people that make it happen - from how historians care for Anne Frank's diary to what it takes to excavate and exhibit a wooly mammoth skeleton. Behind the Scenes at the Museum gives you exclusive access to hidden objects that aren't normally on public display. It lets you into a world of animal specimens pickled in jars, priceless jewellery too valuable to be on display, and fragile papers that must be kept in carefully controlled conditions. Filled with incredible images, step-by-step explanations of exciting techniques, and job profiles of the people that make it happen, Behind the Scenes at the Museum offers unique, behind-the-curtain access to the secret delights of the world's most interesting museums. (

Podobné produkty ako Behind the Scenes at the Museum , The wisdom of crowds: the riotous conclusion to the age of madness (0575095989)

The Most Important Comic Book on Earth: Stories to Save the World


The Most Important Comic Book On Earth is a global collaboration for planetary change, bringing together a diverse team of 300 leading environmentalists, artists, authors, actors, filmmakers, musicians, and more to present over 120 stories to save the world. Whether it's inspirational tales from celebrity names such as Cara Delevingne and Andy Serkis, hilarious webcomics from War and Peas and Ricky Gervais, artworks by leading illustrators David Mack and Tula Lotay, calls to action from activists George Monbiot and Jane Goodall, or powerful stories by Brian Azzarello and Amy Chu, each of the comics in this anthology will support projects and organizations fighting to save the planet and Rewrite Extinction. (

Podobné produkty ako The Most Important Comic Book on Earth: Stories to Save the World , The pointless book 3 (191127483x)

Shadowplay: Behind the Lines and Under Fire : The Inside Story of Europe´s Last War (Defekt) - Tim Marshall


The last of the devastating series of conflicts resulting from the breakup of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s, the Kosovo War saw more than 13,500 fatalities, with reports of atrocities, amid controversial intervention and bombing by NATO. Twenty years have passed since the war’s end on 11 June 1999, yet Kosovo’s status remains uncertain and questions remain about the possibility of future conflict on European soil. Tim Marshall, then diplomatic editor at Sky News, was on the ground covering the war. This is his captivating account of how events unfolded, exploring the inside story of the way MI6 and the CIA helped the Serbian people to overthrow Slobodan Milosevic, the president of Yugoslavia. It is also a thrilling journalistic memoir, revealing key strategic insights that went on to shape the ideas behind the million-copy international and no.1 Sunday Times bestseller Prisoners of Geography. Drawing on personal experience, eyewitness accounts, and interviews with intelligence officials from five countries, this is the definitive account of one of the major events in recent geopolitical history, the repercussions of which continue to be felt today. (

Podobné produkty ako Shadowplay: Behind the Lines and Under Fire : The Inside Story of Europe´s Last War (Defekt) - Tim Marshall , Empire of the vampire: empire of the vampire (1) (0008350442)

Kniha divů - Jeff VanderMeer

Kniha divů - Jeff VanderMeer

Kniha divů by se také dala nazvat biblí začínajících i pokročilejších spisovatelů. Nabízí komplexní pohled a rady týkající se stylu, struktury a metodologie tvůrčího psaní, doplněné komentáři od slavných a úspěšných autorů ze světa fantastiky i mimo něj. Získáte cenné rady, jak strukturovat příběh, mistrně vystavět zápletku či rozvinout děj. Naučíte se budovat charakteristiku postav a tvořit svoje nové, zcela originální literární světy. (

Podobné produkty ako Kniha divů - Jeff VanderMeer , Funko pop! star wars the book of boba fett - majordomo (889698686532)

Anihilace - Jeff VanderMeer - audiokniha

Anihilace - Jeff VanderMeer - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,Předloha strhujícího sci-fi s Natalií Portmanovou. Oblast X byla desítky let odříznutá od zbytku kontinentu. Rozlehlé pozůstatky lidské civilizace znovu opanovala příroda. První expedice se vrátila se zprávami o nedotčené, rajské krajině. Všichni členové druhé expedice spáchali sebevraždu. Třetí expedice zanikla při přestřelce, když se její členové obrátili proti sobě. Účastníci jedenácté expedice se vrátili jako stíny svých dřívějších já a během několika měsíců po návratu zemřeli na agresivní rakovinu. Nyní se chystá dvanáctá… Na místo dorazí s tím, že očekávají neočekávané, a Oblast X skutečně dostojí své pověsti – brzy objeví obrovskou topografickou anomálii a formy života, které se vymykají veškerému chápání. Avšak tím, co všechno změní, jsou především tajemství, která si do Oblasti X přinesli sami účastníci expedice. Jeff VanderMeer (1968) Americký autor žánru sci-fi, který je dnes pokládán za jednoho z nejvýraznějších žánrových spisovatelů. Prvním významnějším úspěchem se stala sbírka City of Saints and Madmen (Město svatých a šílených, 2001), která spadá do cyklu příběhů ze surrealistického města Ambry. Pozornost si získal rovněž románem Veniss Underground (2006, česky Veniss Underground). V poslední době sestavuje také antologie – spolu s manželkou Ann vytvořili kupříkladu soubory The New Weird (2008, česky New Weird) či monumentální The Weird: A Compendium of Strange and Dark Stories (2011). Jeho dosud nejúspěšnějším dílem je trilogie Jižní Zóna (Southern Reach), započatá románem Anihilace (2014), který se dočkal také filmového zpracování. Pavla Beretová (1983) Pochází z Ostravy, kde se v dětství objevila v několika pohádkách tamějšího studia ČT. Absolvovala herectví na DAMU v Praze a již během studia hostovala v Divadle v Celetné či na letní scéně v Pekařově. Od roku 2008 je členkou Činohry Národního divadla. Televizní a filmoví diváci ji mohou znát také z rolí v seriálech Ulice, Soukromé pasti, Nevinné lži, Terapie II či Život a doba soudce A. K. i ze snímků jako Okresní přebor – Poslední zápas Pepika Hnátka, Jako nikdy nebo Teorie tygra. Nahrávka vznikla podle knihy Jeffa VanderMeera Anihilace vydané nakladatelstvím Argo v roce 2015. Copyright © 2014 by Jeff VanderMeer. Z anglického originálu Annihilation, vydaného nakladatelstvím Farrar, Straus and Giroux v New Yorku roku 2014, přeložil Petr Kotrle. Translation © Petr Kotrle, 2015. Čte Pavla Beretová. Hudba Jakub König. Režie Zuzana Pitterová. Zvuk Jan Bláha. Natočeno ve studiu Wariete. Cover art © 2014 by Pablo Delcan. Úprava obalu pro CD Martin Urbánek. Odpovědná redaktorka Karolina Srncová. Vydalo Tympanum, s. r. o., v květnu 2018. (

Podobné produkty ako Anihilace - Jeff VanderMeer - audiokniha , Funko pop! star wars the book of boba fett - krrsantan (889698686518)

Hummingbird Salamander - Jeff VanderMeer


'Frankly superb. This pummelling eco-thriller camouflages the true 'understory' of societal collapse, and glows in the dark with original thinking' David Mitchell, author of Utopia Avenue A speculative thriller about the end of all things, set in the Pacific Northwest. A harrowing descent into a secret world. Security consultant and former wrestler 'Jane Smith' receives an envelope with a key to a storage unit that holds a taxidermied hummingbird and clues leading her to a taxidermied salamander. Silvina, the dead woman who left the note, is a reputed ecoterrorist and the daughter of an Argentine industrialist. By taking the hummingbird from the storage unit, Jane sets in motion a series of events that quickly spin beyond her control. Soon, Jane and her family are in danger, with few allies to help her make sense of the true scope of the peril. Is the only way to safety to follow in Silvina's footsteps? Is it too late to stop? As she desperately seeks answers about why Silvina contacted her, time is running out-for her and possibly for the world. Hummingbird Salamander is Jeff VanderMeer at his brilliant, cinematic best, wrapping profound questions about climate change, identity, and the world we live in into a tightly plotted thriller full of unexpected twists and elaborate conspiracy. (

Podobné produkty ako Hummingbird Salamander - Jeff VanderMeer , Harry potter: the monster book of monsters: it roams and chomps!

The Storm We Made: The spellbinding WW2 sweeping book club novel ´One of the most powerful debuts I´ve ever read´ Tracy Chevalier - Vanessa Chan


Destined to become a modern-day classic, The Storm We Made is a dazzling saga about the power of familial love in the face of the horrors of war, for fans of Pachinko and All the Light We Cannot See.'Brave, funny and immensely moving. One of the most powerful and confident debuts I've ever read. A storytelling star is born' TRACY CHEVALIER'The Storm We Made offers the hidden history that only fiction can reveal: the everyday yearnings of people surviving a brutal occupation, children trying to make sense of the unspeakable, and the search for love. I'll never forget this book' JESSAMINE CHAN, bestselling author of The School for Good Mothers____________________Japanese-occupied Malaya, 1945.Cecily Alcantara's children are in terrible danger.Her eldest child Jujube, who works at a tea house frequented by drunk Japanese soldiers, becomes angrier by the day.Jasmin, the youngest, lives confined in a basement for her own safety.And her son, Abel, has disappeared without a trace.Cecily knows two things: that this is all her fault; and that her family must never learn the truth. (

Podobné produkty ako The Storm We Made: The spellbinding WW2 sweeping book club novel ´One of the most powerful debuts I´ve ever read´ Tracy Chevalier - Vanessa Chan , Nevermoor 02: wundersmith: the calling of morrigan crow book 2 (1510103848)

The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings, Book 1)


Begin your journey into Middle-earth. A New Legend Begins on Prime Video, in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. The first part of J. R. R. Tolkien’s epic adventure THE LORD OF THE RINGS. In a quiet village in the Shire, young Frodo is about to receive a gift that will change his life forever. Thought lost centuries ago, it is the One Ring, an object of terrifying power once used by the Dark Lord to enslave Middle-earth. Now darkness is rising, and Frodo must travel deep into the Dark Lord’s realm, to the one place the Ring can be destroyed: Mount Doom. The journey will test Frodo’s courage, his friendships and his heart. Because the ring corrupts all who bear it – can Frodo destroy it, or will it destroy him? (

Podobné produkty ako The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings, Book 1) , The legend of zelda: breath of the wild - nintendo switch (045496420055)

Courtiers. The Hidden Power Behind the Crown


The gripping account of how the Royal family really operates from the man who has spent years studying them in his role as Royal correspondent for The Times. Valentine Low asks the important questions: who really runs the show and, as Charles III begins his reign, what will happen next?Throughout history, the British monarchy has relied on its courtiers - the trusted advisers in the King or Queen's inner circle - to ensure its survival as a family, an ancient institution, and a pillar of the constitution. Today, as ever, a vast team of people hidden from view steers the royal family's path between public duty and private life. Queen Elizabeth II, after a remarkable 70 years of service, saw the final seasons of her reign without her husband Philip to guide her. Meanwhile, newly ascended Charles seeks to define what his future as King, and that of his court, will be.The question of who is entrusted to guide the royals has never been more vital, and yet the task those courtiers face has never been more challenging. With a cloud hanging over Prince Andrew as well as Harry and Meghan's departure from royal life, the complex relationship between modern courtiers and royal principals has been exposed to global scrutiny. As the new Prince and Princess of Wales, William and Kate - equipped with a very 21st century approach to press and public relations - now hold the responsibility of making an ancient institution relevant for the decades to come.Courtiers reveals an ever-changing system of complex characters, shifting values and ideas over what the future of the institution should be. This is the story of how the monarchy really works, at a pivotal moment in its history. (

Podobné produkty ako Courtiers. The Hidden Power Behind the Crown , Empire of pain: the secret history of the sackler dynasty (1529063078)

Science and the City: The Mechanics Behind the Metropolis (147291323X)

Science and the City: The Mechanics Behind the Metropolis (147291323X)

Kniha - 298 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 298 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Cities are a big deal. More people now live in them than don't, and with a growing world population, the urban jungle is only going to get busier in the coming decades. But how often do we stop to think about what makes our cities work? Cities are built using some of the most creative and revolutionary science and engineering ideas - from steel structures that scrape the sky to glass cables that help us communicate at the speed of light - but most of us are too busy to notice. Science and the City is your guidebook to that hidden world, helping you to uncover some of the remarkable technologies that keep the world's great metropolises moving. Laurie Winkless takes us around cities in six continents to find out how they're dealing with the challenges of feeding, housing, powering and connecting more people than ever before. In this book, you'll meet urban... (

Podobné produkty ako Science and the City: The Mechanics Behind the Metropolis (147291323X) , Morning of the earth , soundtrack: morning of the earth - lp (5054197111921)

The Missus: a passionate and thrilling love story by the global bestselling author of the Fifty Shades trilogy - E.L. James


The follow-up to the No. 1 Sunday Times bestseller The Mister, a passionate and thrilling love story from E L James, author of the phenomenal bestselling Fifty Shades Trilogies.Alessia regards her husband through heavy-lidded eyes.You'll have to fight for him. Her mother's words from their call this morning ring through her head. And fight, she will. Using every available weapon she has.She loves him. She knows this. She wants him.And she wants him to want her.What happens once the glass slipper fits...?Maxim Trevelyan, reluctant Earl of Trevethick, has pursued the woman he loves to the wilds of Albania. Having fought for and won her, he now has to wed her, at the sharp end of a shotgun.But can a reformed rake like Maxim ever make a good husband - or will his own notorious reputation and the scandalous secrets of his aristocratic family destroy his new-found happiness?Alessia Demachi has defied and outwitted kidnappers and traffickers, and won the heart of the man she loves, but can she make this marriage work? Confronted by Maxim's lurid past, his forbidding family, and the looks and whispers of London's elite, will she ever be seen as Maxim's countess - or will she always be his former cleaner?From the majestic mountains of Albania, through the rural idyll of the English countryside, to the shady glamour of contemporary London, The Missus is a spellbinding journey of love, longing, acceptance and redemption. (

Podobné produkty ako The Missus: a passionate and thrilling love story by the global bestselling author of the Fifty Shades trilogy - E.L. James , Yardbirds: the best of the yardbirds - cd (charly604cd)

MS Great Piano Solos - The Film Book

MS Great Piano Solos - The Film Book

Noty pro klavír GREAT PIANO SOLOS – THE FILM BOOK Tato kniha obsahuje notový záznam děl určených pro klavír. Zařazena jsou nejznámnější díla klasické, popové jazzové, bluesové nebo filmové hudby. Seznam skladeb: A Time For Us (Romeo And Juliet) [Rota, Nino] After Midnight (Chicago) [Elfman, Danny] Alfie (Alfie) [Bacharach, Burt] American Beauty/Angela Undress (American Beauty) [Newman, Thomas] Anthem (Cold Mountain) [Yared, Gabriel] As Time Goes By (Casablanca) [Hupfield, Herman] Autumn In Connecticut (Far From Heaven) [Bernstein, Elmer] Born Free (Born Free) [Barry, John] Come What May (Moulin Rouge) [Baerwald, David] Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon / Eternal Vow (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) [Tan Dun] E.T. The Extra Terrestial [Williams, John] Feather Theme (Forrest Gump) [Silvestri, Alan] From Here To Eternity (From Here To Eternity) [Kargar, Fred] I Wanna Be Loved By You (Some Like It Hot) [Ruby, Harry] [Stothart, Herbert] Il Postino/The Bicycle (Il Postino) [Bacalov, Luis] Into The West (The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King) [Lennox, Annie] It's A Life (The Truman Show) [Dallwitz, Burkhard] Jean De Florette [Petit, Jean-claude] Lawrence Of Arabia [Jarre, Maurice] Le Banquet (Amelie) [Tiersen, Yann] Liquid Spear Waltz (Donnie Darko) [Andrews, Michael] Live And Let Die (Live And Let Die) [Wings] Love Theme (The Godfather) [Rota, Nino] Mission: Impossible [Schifrin, Lalo] My Heart Will Go On (Titanic) [Horner, James] Passage Of Time (Chocolat) [Portman, Rachel] PM's Love Theme (Love Actually) [Armstrong, Craig] Raiders March (Raiders Of The Lost Ark) [Williams (Composer), John] Schindler's List [Williams (Composer), John] Silence Of The Lambs [Shore, Howard] Song For The Unification Of Europe (Three Colours: Blue) [Preisner, Zbigniew] The Artifact And Living (Donnie Darko) [Andrews, Michael] The Beginning Of The Partnership (Shakespeare In Love) [Warbeck, Stephen] The English Patient/A Retreat/Rupert Bear (English Patient) [Yared, Gabriel] The Heart Asks Pleasure First (The Piano) [Nyman, Michael] The Last Of The Mohicas [Jones, Trevor] The Mandolin (Captain Corelli's Mandolin) [Warbeck, Stephen] The Music Of Goodbye (Out Of Africa) [Barry, John] The Poet Acts (The Hours) [Glass, Philip] Theme (Jurassic Park) [Williams (Composer), John] Theme (Somewhere In Time) [Barry, John] Theme (Star Trek: The Motion Picture) [Goldsmith, John] Unchained Melody (Ghost) [North, Alex] [Zaret, Hy] Up Where We Belong (An Officer And A Gentleman) [Jennings, Will] [Nitzsche, Jack] [Sainte-marie, Buffy] Where Do I Begin (Love Story) [Lai, Francis] (

Podobné produkty ako MS Great Piano Solos - The Film Book , The story of the trapp family singers (0060005777)

Greenwild: The World Behind The Door - Pari Thomson


The thrilling first book in the most extraordinary new fantasy series of 2023.Open the door to a spellbinding world where the wilderness is alive and a deep magic rises from the earth itself . . .Daisy Thistledown has recently escaped from boarding school, and has a mystery to solve. The trail will lead her through a hidden doorway to the Greenwild, a rich and verdant land bursting with magic. There, Daisy finds herself confronting a dangerous presence that threatens green magic on both sides of the door.Daisy must band together with a botanical prodigy, a boy who can talk to animals, and a cat with an attitude, to channel the power that can save the Greenwild - and her own world too. (

Podobné produkty ako Greenwild: The World Behind The Door - Pari Thomson , The lord of the rings - elven - hrnek (3665361048251)

The Hunger of the Gods: Book Two of the Bloodsworn Saga (0356514250)

The Hunger of the Gods: Book Two of the Bloodsworn Saga (0356514250)

Kniha - 656 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako The Hunger of the Gods: Book Two of the Bloodsworn Saga (0356514250) , The witcher - signs of the witcher - tričko (thewitchsgnnad)

The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217)

The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217)

Kniha - autor Charlie Lovett, 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Academic and bibliophile Arthur Prescott finds respite from the drudgery of his professorship in the Barchester Cathedral Library, where he devotes himself to researching the Holy Grail and writing his long-delayed guide to the history of the medieval cathedral. His peaceful existence is shattered by the arrival of a young American academic named Bethany Davis, who has come to digitize the library's ancient books. Arthur's initial hostility towards Bethany turns to affection as he discovers a kindred spirit who shares his interest in the Holy Grail and his devotion to literature. Together, they mount a search for the Book of Ewolda, an esoteric tome that could reveal long-forgotten secrets about the Cathedral, the Grail and their connections to King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. As Arthur and Bethany delve further into the past, the secret history of England - from the... (

Podobné produkty ako The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217) , House of the dragon - to the throne - tričko

Blood of The Fold : Book 3 The Sword of Truth

Blood of The Fold : Book 3 The Sword of Truth

The envious and evil denizens of the Old World once more launch an attack on the sovreignty of the New World, threatening the security of humanity and all that Richard Cypher, Wielder of the Sword of Truth, holds dear. (

Podobné produkty ako Blood of The Fold : Book 3 The Sword of Truth , The stranger in the woods: the extraordinary story of the last true hermit (1524711098)

The Pariah: Book One of the Covenant of Steel (0356514560)

The Pariah: Book One of the Covenant of Steel (0356514560)

Kniha - autor Anthony Ryan, 576 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako The Pariah: Book One of the Covenant of Steel (0356514560) , Funko pop! star wars the book of boba fett - cad bane (889698686495)

The Martyr: Book Two of the Covenant of Steel (0356514609)

The Martyr: Book Two of the Covenant of Steel (0356514609)

Kniha - 544 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako The Martyr: Book Two of the Covenant of Steel (0356514609)

Courtiers : The Hidden Power Behind the Crown - Low Valentine


The gripping account of how the Royal family really operates from the man who has spent years studying them in his role as Royal correspondent for The Times. Valentine Low asks the important questions: who really runs the show and, as Charles III begins his reign, what will happen next?Throughout history, the British monarchy has relied on its courtiers - the trusted advisers in the King or Queen's inner circle - to ensure its survival as a family, an ancient institution, and a pillar of the constitution. Today, as ever, a vast team of people hidden from view steers the royal family's path between public duty and private life. Queen Elizabeth II, after a remarkable 70 years of service, saw the final seasons of her reign without her husband Philip to guide her. Meanwhile, newly ascended Charles seeks to define what his future as King, and that of his court, will be.The question of who is entrusted to guide the royals has never been more vital, and yet the task those courtiers face has never been more challenging. With a cloud hanging over Prince Andrew as well as Harry and Meghan's departure from royal life, the complex relationship between modern courtiers and royal principals has been exposed to global scrutiny. As the new Prince and Princess of Wales, William and Kate - equipped with a very 21st century approach to press and public relations - now hold the responsibility of making an ancient institution relevant for the decades to come.Courtiers reveals an ever-changing system of complex characters, shifting values and ideas over what the future of the institution should be. This is the story of how the monarchy really works, at a pivotal moment in its history. (

Podobné produkty ako Courtiers : The Hidden Power Behind the Crown - Low Valentine

The Hunger of the Gods : Book Two of the Bloodsworn Saga - John Gwynne


The Hunger of the Gods continues John Gwynne's acclaimed Norse-inspired epic fantasy series, packed with myth, magic and bloody vengeanceLik-Rifa, the dragon god of legend, has been freed from her eternal prison. Now she plots a new age of blood and conquest. As Orka continues the hunt for her missing son, the Bloodsworn sweep south in a desperate race to save one of their own - and Varg takes the first steps on the path of vengeance. Elvar has sworn to fulfil her blood oath and rescue a prisoner from the clutches of Lik-Rifa and her dragonborn followers, but first she must persuade the Battle-Grim to follow her. Yet even the might of the Bloodsworn and Battle-Grim cannot stand alone against a dragon god. Their hope lies within the mad writings of a chained god. A book of forbidden magic with the power to raise the wolf god Ulfrir from the dead . . . and bring about a battle that will shake the foundations of the earth. (

Podobné produkty ako The Hunger of the Gods : Book Two of the Bloodsworn Saga - John Gwynne

Prapodivné potíže I: Kuňkadlení - Jeff VanderMeer


Čerstvě osiřelý šestnáctiletý mladík zdědí panské sídlo po svém podivínském dědečkovi. Spolu s domem však musí přijmout i povinnost, že pořídí soupis nepřeberných kuriózních sbírek, jež jeho předek nashromáždil v rozlehlých sklepeních. Jonathan si přizve na pomoc dva spolužáky a srdnatě se pustí do díla. Záhy však zjistí, že šlo jen o záminku, jež ho má dovést k jeho pravému poslání – a tím není nic menšího než ochránit náš svět před vpádem černé magie. Ta se totiž zhoubně šíří alternativním univerzem, do nějž vedou jedny ze dveří ukrytých v podzemí. Ve světě jménem Aurora je všechno vzhůru nohama, historické události i postavy se v něm bláznivě pomíchaly, Alt-Evropu drancuje okultistický diktátor Aleister Crowley a jeho moc stále sílí… (

Podobné produkty ako Prapodivné potíže I: Kuňkadlení - Jeff VanderMeer

The Book of Symbols


The Book of Symbols combines original and incisive essays about particular symbols with representative images from all parts of the world and all eras of history. The highly readable texts and over 800 beautiful full-color images come together in a unique way to convey hidden dimensions of meaning. Each of the c. 350 essays examines a given symbol’s psychic background, and how it evokes psychic processes and dynamics. Etymological roots, the play of opposites, paradox and shadow, the ways in which diverse cultures have engaged a symbolic image—all these factors are taken into consideration.Authored by writers from the fields of psychology, religion, art, literature, and comparative myth, the essays flow into each other in ways that mirror the psyche’s unexpected convergences. There are no pat definitions of the kind that tend to collapse a symbol; a still vital symbol remains partially unknown, compels our attention and unfolds in new meanings and manifestations over time. Rather than merely categorize, The Book of Symbols illuminates how to move from the visual experience of a symbolic image in art, religion, life, or dreams, to directly experiencing its personal and psychological resonance. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Symbols

Adaptace - VanderMeer Jeff

Adaptace - VanderMeer Jeff

V Oblasti X, záhadné divočině, která se třicet let brání vydat svá tajemství a odráží marné snahy jedné expedice za druhou, vládne zima. Agentura pověřená jejím zkoumáním a kontrolou nad ní – Jižní Zóna – v chaosu po jejím rozšíření zkolabuje. Teprve nyní se poslední, zoufalý tým vydává přes hranici, aby se pokusil dosáhnout odlehlého ostrova, jenž by snad mohl skrývat odpovědi na otázky, které jeho členové hledají. Pokud neuspějí, okolní svět bude ohrožen. Adaptace proniká čím dál hlouběji k okolnostem, které obklopovaly vznik Oblasti X. Co bylo příčinou této nepřirozené proměny? Komu z těch mnoha, kteří se o to pokusili, se podařilo přiblížit k pochopení Oblasti X – a na kom zanechala nezvratné následky? V závěrečné části románové trilogie Jižní Zóna možná budou záhady Oblasti X vyřešeny, ale důsledky dosavadních událostí nebudou přesto o nic méně závažné – a o nic méně děsivé. (

Podobné produkty ako Adaptace - VanderMeer Jeff

Autorita - VanderMeer Jeff

Autorita - VanderMeer Jeff

Autorita, druhá část románové trilogie Jižní Zóna od Jeffa VanderMeera přináší řadu odpovědí na nejznepokojivější otázky týkající se Oblasti X… ale rozhodně nejde o odpovědi, které by snad přinášely klid. Oblast X, krajina, která jako by byla až zlomyslná, obklopená neviditelnou bariérou a záhadně zbavená téměř všech známek civilizace, existuje již třicet let. Jediný kontakt s ní zprostředkovává v podobě expedic vládní agentura, která je tak tajná, že se na ni téměř zapomnělo: Jižní Zóna. Po bouřlivých událostech zdokumentovaných v Anihilaci vládne v agentuře chaos. Vedením Jižní Zóny je nově pověřen John Rodriguez, zvaný též „Šéf“. Tým, s nímž musí pracovat, je nedůvěřivý a zoufalý, ale po ubíjejících výsleších, objevu ukrytých poznámek a hodinách znepokojivých videonahrávek Šéf začíná do tajemství Oblasti X přece jen pomalu pronikat. Jenže každé nové odhalení přináší zneklidňující skutečnosti nejen o agentuře, které se zavázal sloužit, ale i o něm samotném. (

Podobné produkty ako Autorita - VanderMeer Jeff

Borne - VanderMeer Jeff

Borne - VanderMeer Jeff

Strhující román z blízké budoucnosti od autora oceňované trilogie Jižní Zóna se odehrává v nebezpečných rozvalinách někdejšího města, v nichž obezřetně shání obživu mladá Rachel. Ruiny se jen hemží výsledky biotechnologických experimentů, kterých se před svým pádem zbavila tajuplná Společnost, avšak nejhorší hrozbu představují zuřivé a nepředvídatelné útoky gigantického medvěda jménem Mord. Do vylidněného obytného komplexu, kde žije spolu se svým partnerem Wickem, si Rachel z jedné ze svých výprav přinese malou zelenou hrudku, o které ani neví, zda je zárodkem rostliny, nebo živočicha. Přesto k ní od první chvíle cítí zvláštní náklonnost. Svého nového chráněnce pojmenuje Borne, postupně si k němu začne vytvářet stále silnější pouto a nechtěně tak uvede do pohybu události, které naruší – nebo spíše rozmetají – jemnou rovnováhu sil v celém nemilosrdném městě. Rachel tuší, kam události směřují, přesto se Borna nehodlá vzdát… a ten se zatím mění a roste. (

Podobné produkty ako Borne - VanderMeer Jeff

Finch - VanderMeer Jeff

Finch - VanderMeer Jeff

John Finch je detektivem v Ambře, městě okupovaném a terorizovaném tajemnými bytostmi z podzemí, zvanými „šeďáci“. Prastaré město se propadá do anarchie, šeďácké houby a plísně bují na domech i v lidech, povstalecké síly jsou demoralizovány a rozprášeny, a parciálové – lidští zrádci, přetvoření šeďáky v cosi jiného – kráčejí ulicemi a trýzní obyvatele. Finch má na příkaz šeďáckého nadřízeného vyřešit nepochopitelnou dvojnásobnou vraždu. V průběhu vyšetřování narazí na krajně podivné události, je nucen připomenout si svou vlastní, pečlivě utajovanou minulost, a kromě toho se dostane na stopu klíčovému tajemství historie Ambry. Jak se zdá, osud celého města bude nakonec záviset na jeho rozhodnutí… (

Podobné produkty ako Finch - VanderMeer Jeff

The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon (0316377554)

The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon (0316377554)

Kniha - autor Brad Stone, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The definitive story of, one of the most successful companies in the world, and of its driven, brilliant founder, Jeff Bezos. started off delivering books through the mail. But its visionary founder, Jeff Bezos, wasn't content with being a bookseller. He wanted Amazon to become the everything store, offering limitless selection and seductive convenience at disruptively low prices. To do so, he developed a corporate culture of relentless ambition and secrecy that's never been cracked. Until now. Brad Stone enjoyed unprecedented access to current and former Amazon employees and Bezos family members, giving readers the first in-depth, fly-on-the-wall account of life at Amazon. Compared to tech's other elite innovators--Jobs, Gates, Zuckerberg--Bezos is a private man. But he stands out for his restless pursuit of new markets, leading Amazon into risky new ventures like the Kindle... (

Podobné produkty ako The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon (0316377554)

The Ladybird Book Of The Hipster - Jason Hazeley

The Ladybird Book Of The Hipster - Jason Hazeley

From bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris - a nugget of wisdom in the phenomenal Ladybirds for Grown Ups series. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Also available: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipster (

Podobné produkty ako The Ladybird Book Of The Hipster - Jason Hazeley

The Ladybird Book Of The Shed - Jason Hazeley

The Ladybird Book Of The Shed - Jason Hazeley

From bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris - a nugget of wisdom in the phenomenal Ladybirds for Grown Ups series. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Also available: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipster (

Podobné produkty ako The Ladybird Book Of The Shed - Jason Hazeley

The Usborne Book of the Moon - Laura Cowan

The Usborne Book of the Moon - Laura Cowan

Welcome to the story of our Moon - a story of Moon dust and Moon rabbits, cheese and astronauts, deep thoughts and bold plans. Read, dream and wonder as you discover ancient legends about the Moon's creation, meet the very first astronomers and learn about the Space Race. Published to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing. (

Podobné produkty ako The Usborne Book of the Moon - Laura Cowan

The Ladybird Book Of The Sickie - Jason Hazeley

The Ladybird Book Of The Sickie - Jason Hazeley

A HILARIOUS, BRAND NEW BOOK IN THE PHENOMENAL LADYBIRDS FOR GROWN UPS SERIES, FOR AUTUMN 2016* The Ladybird Book of the Sickie - a nugget of wisdom from bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Other new titles for Autumn 2016: How it Works: The Student How it Works: The Cat How it Works: The Dog How it Works: The Grandparent The Ladybird Book of the Meeting The Ladybird Book of Red Tape The Ladybird Book of the People Next Door The Ladybird Book of the Zombie Apocalypse Previous titles in the Ladybirds for Grown Ups series: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum How it Works: The Dad The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipster (

Podobné produkty ako The Ladybird Book Of The Sickie - Jason Hazeley

The Big Book of the Dark - Helena Haraštová


Do you think that the streets of your town and the countryside around it are completely silent and deserted at night? This book will open your eyes! You will find out that there are nocturnal animals that are active while you sleep, plants that glow in the dark, and even people who work at night and go to sleep when you get up! The highly-detailed gatefold illustrations and informative descriptions on the pull-out flaps will give readers the opportunity to see what happens at nighttime in a forest, in a town, in a village, at an airport, and also deep in the oceans and underground where some creatures live in permanent darkness. In printed laminated case format. (

Podobné produkty ako The Big Book of the Dark - Helena Haraštová

The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings, Book 3) - J. R. R. Tolkien


Begin your journey into Middle-earth. A New Legend Begins on Prime Video, in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. The third part of J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic adventure THE LORD OF THE RINGS. The Dark Lord has risen, and as he unleashes hordes of Orcs to conquer all Middle-earth, Frodo and Sam struggle deep into his realm in Mordor. To defeat Sauron, the One Ring must be destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom. But the way is impossibly hard, and Frodo is weakening. The Ring corrupts all who bear it and Frodo’s time is running out. Will Sam and Frodo succeed, or will the Dark Lord rule Middle-earth once more? (

Podobné produkty ako The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings, Book 3) - J. R. R. Tolkien

Searching for Novak: The man behind the enigma - Mark Hodgkinson


'A fantastic and fascinating exploration of the life of a great champion... Full of compelling insight.' - Tom Hiddleston'This book captures the deep complexities in Novak's mind and his life and how he's dealt with them in a thoughtful, soul-searching way.' - Chris Evert'A fascinating insight into the greatest tennis player of all time.' - Evening Standard tennis correspondent, Matt Majendie'An absorbing insight into the story behind the greatest player of all time.' - The Times tennis correspondent, Stuart Fraser'Mark Hodgkinson goes memorably deep on Novak Djokovic - from his hard-luck beginnings to his gluten-free diet to his unorthodox mind - helping us better understand one of the most fascinating figures in sports.' - Christopher Clarey, author of The Master'Meticulously-researched, this is a go-to book for anyone who wants to get a real insight into what has made Novak Djokovic such a champion.' - Simon Cambers, author of The Federer EffectNo man or woman has won more Grand Slam singles titles than Novak Djokovic, who took his 24th major at the 2023 US Open. Based on fresh interviews with people close to Djokovic - including his friends and mentors, along with his former coaches and his rivals - this is an in-depth exploration of the psyche of one of the most fascinating and controversial sporting characters ever.From a bomb shelter in Belgrade to an immigration detention centre in Melbourne, and everywhere in between, this book uncovers his relentless pursuit of perfection and the unconventional beliefs that have propelled him to greatness. Rage. Forgiveness.Shame. Pride. Love.Searching for Novak examines the psychological and emotional side of rewriting tennis history. (

Podobné produkty ako Searching for Novak: The man behind the enigma - Mark Hodgkinson

The Little Book of Hermes: The story of the iconic fashion house - Karen Homerová


The iconic bags, the instantly recognizable packaging, the celebrity fans – Hèrmes is the last word in luxurious accessories. Through the generations, Hermès have created innovative and exquisite accessories for the most glamorous customers. From their nineteenth-century saddlery workshop to 1960s Paris and beyond, Hermès has graced the arms and wardrobes of style icons from Grace Kelly and Jane Birkin to Victoria Beckham and Kim Kardashian. Little Book of Hermès tells the story of the evolution of the House of Hermès, through beautiful illustrations of the most coveted items and authoritative text by fashion historian Karen Homer. (

Podobné produkty ako The Little Book of Hermes: The story of the iconic fashion house - Karen Homerová

Harry Potter - A History of Magic: The Book of the Exhibition

Harry Potter - A History of Magic: The Book of the Exhibition

Harry Potter: A History of Magic is the official book of the exhibition, a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration between Bloomsbury, J.K. Rowling and the brilliant curators of the British Library. It promises to take readers on a fascinating journey through the subjects studied at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry – from Alchemy and Potions classes through to Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures. Each chapter showcases a treasure trove of artefacts from the British Library and other collections around the world, beside exclusive manuscripts, sketches and illustrations from the Harry Potter archive. There's also a specially commissioned essay for each subject area by an expert, writer or cultural commentator, inspired by the contents of the exhibition – absorbing, insightful and unexpected contributions from Steve Backshall, the Reverend Richard Coles, Owen Davies, Julia Eccleshare, Roger Highfield, Steve Kloves, Lucy Mangan, Anna Pavord and Tim Peake, who offer a personal perspective on their magical theme. Readers will be able to pore over ancient spell books, amazing illuminated scrolls that reveal the secret of the Elixir of Life, vials of dragon's blood, mandrake roots, painted centaurs and a genuine witch's broomstick, in a book that shows J.K. Rowling's magical inventions alongside their cultural and historical forebears. This is the ultimate gift for Harry Potter fans, curious minds, big imaginations, bibliophiles and readers around the world who missed out on the chance to see the exhibition in person. (

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The Traitor: Book Three of the Covenant of Steel - Anthony Ryan


The Traitor concludes the ruthless and gripping epic fantasy series from New York Times bestseller Anthony Ryan, whose books have sold more than a million copies worldwide. It's been a long journey for Alwyn Scribe. Born a bastard and raised an outlaw, he's now a knight and the most trusted advisor to Lady Evadine Courlain.Together they've won countless battles and helped to bring order to a fractured kingdom. Yet Evadine is not the woman Alwyn once knew. As puritanical fury increasingly replaces her benevolent faith, Alwyn begins to question what her true motives really are.As the kingdom braces itself for one final battle, Alwyn's conscience fights its own war with his heart. Now, more than ever, he must decide whose side he's really on. Praise for the series'A gritty, heart-pounding tale of betrayal and bloody vengeance' John Gwynne 'The Pariah is Anthony Ryan at his best.A fast-paced, brutal fantasy novel with larger-than-life characters and a plot full of intrigue and suspense' Grimdark Magazine'This is Anthony Ryan's best book yet' Michael Fletcher'Fantastic writing, an amazing world, a plot that won't quit, and an unforgettable character . . .Anthony Ryan is one of the best epic fantasy authors out there' Bookworm Blues'Gritty and well-drawn, this makes a rich treat for George R. R. Martin fans' Publishers Weekly (starred review) (

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