A letter to the luminous deep - sylvie cathrall

Produkt A letter to the luminous deep - sylvie cathrall sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu A letter to the luminous deep - sylvie cathrall upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

A Letter to the Luminous Deep - Sylvie Cathrall


A charming fantasy set in an underwater world with magical academia and a heartwarming pen pal romance, perfect for fans of A Marvellous Light and Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries.A beautiful discovery outside the window of her underwater home prompts the reclusive E. to begin a correspondence with renowned scholar Henerey Clel. The letters they share are filled with passion, at first for their mutual interests, and then, inevitably, for each other.Together, they uncover a mystery from the unknown depths, destined to transform the underwater world they both equally fear and love.But by no mere coincidence, a seaquake destroys E.'s home, and she and Henerey vanish.A year later, E.'s sister Sophy, and Henerey's brother Vyerin, are left to solve the mystery of their siblings' disappearances with the letters, sketches and field notes left behind. As they uncover the wondrous love their siblings shared, Sophy and Vyerin learn the key to their disappearance - and what it could mean for life as they know it. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako A Letter to the Luminous Deep - Sylvie Cathrall , Springsteen bruce: letter to you (2x lp) - lp (0194398038018)

A Letter to a Hindu - Leo Tolstoy - e-kniha


eBook: How many letters can be claimed to have been as influential as this? Leo Tolstoy's 'Letter to a Hindu' was originally sent to the Indian revolutionary and scholar Tarak Nath Das. Its circulation saw it spotted by a young Mahatma Gandhi, who was living in South Africa and printed it in his newspaper, Indian Opinion.In the letter, Tolstoy argues that only love would enable the Indian people to gain independence from Britain. It helped Gandhi form his revolutionary ideas around non-violence, which eventually saw India freed from colonial rule. 'A Letter to a Hindu' actually includes a foreword from Gandhi, who became firm friends with the Russian author.- (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako A Letter to a Hindu - Leo Tolstoy - e-kniha , The fates divide: a sequel to 'carve the mark' (0062819860)

Letter to the Father - Franz Kafka


Franz Kafka wrote this letter to his father, Hermann Kafka, in November 1919. Max Brod, Kafka’s literary executor, relates that Kafka actually gave the letter to his mother to hand to his father, hoping it might renew a relationship that had lost itself in tension and frustration on both sides. But Kafka’s probing of the deep flaw in their relationship spared neither his father nor himself. He could not help seeing the failure of communication between father and son as another moment in the larger existential predicament depicted in so much of his work. Probably realizing the futility of her son’s gesture, Julie Kafka did not deliver the letter but instead returned it to its author. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Letter to the Father - Franz Kafka , Universal: a guide to the cosmos (1846144361)

Zápisník Paperblanks - Cervantes, Letter to the King - Midi linkovaný

Zápisník Paperblanks - Cervantes, Letter to the King - Midi linkovaný

Luxusní zápisník Paperblanks z kolekce Embellished Manuscripts. Originální design inspirovaný světovými vzory a uměleckými díly. Hedvábná záložka pro nalezení správné strany. Sešívaná vazba. Zadní kapsa pro poznámky. Zesílené listy, kterými neprosvítá inkoust. Zavírání pomocí bočního překlápěcího klipu s magnetem. Velikost midi - 130 x 180 mm. 144 stran. Linkovaný. Unikátní kolekce Embellished Manuscripts je inspirovaná nejznámějšími tvůrčími osobnostmi a snaží se vylíčit práci největších myslitelů, spisovatelů a umělců všech dob. Tyto reprodukce úryvků z původních rukopisů, dopisů, kreseb, partitur a náčrtků poskytují náhled do tvůrčích procesů postav jako je Shakespeare, Chopin, Wilde, Rembrandt, Freud, Rodin, Twain, Dickens, Frida, Poe, Fitzgerald, Van Gogh, Schiller, Goethe, Brontë, Balzac, Darwin, Rousseau, Mozart, Beethoven či Byron. Nebojujte s větrnými mlýny Originální dílo: ručně psaný dopis od Cervantese Éra: počátek 16. století Region: Španělsko Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra (1547 - 1616) je obecně považován za největšího spisovatele ve španělském jazyce a je obdivován jako jeden z nejvýznamnějších světových romanopisců. Jeho nejznámější román Don Quijote byl přeložen do více než 140 jazyků a dialektů, což z něj činí po Bibli nejpřeloženější knihou na světě. Cervantes, který se narodil ve Španělsku, byl v roce 1569 nucen odejít do exilu a přesídlil do Říma, kde pracoval jako komorní asistent katolického kardinála. Zde se obklopil renesančním uměním, architekturou a poezií - všemi vlivy, které můžeme vidět v jeho pozdější tvorbě. V Římě nastoupil jako voják do španělského námořnictva a pokračoval ve svých povinnostech, dokud nebyl v roce 1575 zajat piráty Barbary. Po pěti letech v zajetí byl za výkupné propuštěn a vrátil se ke své rodině v Madridu. Není pochyb o tom, že Cervantesovy vlastní zážitky jej při psaní románu Důmyslný rytíř don Quijote de la Mancha, zkráceně Don Quijote, velmi inspirovala. Dvoudílný román vypráví o dobrodružstvích šlechtice Alonsa Quijota, který po přečtení příliš mnoha rytířských románků ztrácí zdravý rozum a zavazuje se oživit ve své zemi pocit rytířství. Román dává původní význam pojmu "quixotic" - hledání Dona Quijota je možná nereálné a nepraktické, ale obdivuhodně idealistické. Dobrodružství ve skutečnosti pro Dona Quijota s koncem příběhu neskončilo. Cervantes, možná dychtivý vyhnout se překážkám ve vydávání svého velkéhé díla, napsal králi a požádal ho o svolení ke zveřejnění. Přesto byl tento proces pro Cervantese stejně těžkou zkouškou, jako psaní původního díla. Don Quijote, část I., vyšel v Evropě knihkupcem Franciscem de Roblesem počátkem roku 1605, přičemž 400 výtisků prvního vydání bylo odesláno do Ameriky v naději, že bude zajištěna vydavatelská smlouva v Novém světě. Výlet přežilo jen málo knih, protože mnoho z lodí bylo potopeno nedaleko Havany a ostatní se dostaly do rukou pirátů, kteří vydávali vlastní odvozená vydání, aniž by platili autorské honoráře Cervantesovi. Klasika západní literatury Don Quijote je považována za první moderní román a pro mnohé platí za největší beletristické dílo, které kdy bylo napsáno. Cervantesův vliv byl pro obyvatele Španělska a španělsky hovořící lidi po celém světě tak velký, že samotný jazyk se často nazývá "la lengue de Cervantes". Mnoho - ne-li všechny - původních rukopisů bylo ztraceno, proto je nám ctí, že můžeme vzorek rukopisu z dopisu adresovanému samotnému králi sdílet na této vazbě z kolekce Embellished Manusripts. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Zápisník Paperblanks - Cervantes, Letter to the King - Midi linkovaný , The secret lives of the planets: a user's guide to the solar system (1529319412)

An Immigrant´s Love Letter to the West - Konstantin Kisin


For all the West's failings - terrible food, cold weather, and questionable politicians with funny hair to name a few - it has its upsides. Konstantin would know. Growing up in the Soviet Union, he experienced first-hand the horrors of a socialist paradise gone wrong, having lived in extreme poverty with little access to even the most basic of necessities. It wasn't until he moved to the UK that Kisin found himself thriving in an open and tolerant society, receiving countless opportunities he would never have had otherwise.Funny, provocative and unswervingly perceptive, An Immigrant's Love letter to the West interrogates the developing sense of self-loathing the Western sphere has adopted and offers an alternative perspective. Exploring race politics, free speech, immigration and more, Kisin argues that wrongdoing and guilt need not pervade how we feel about the West - and Britain - today, and that despite all its ups and downs, it remains one of the best places to live in the world.After all, if an immigrant can't publicly profess their appreciation for this country, who can? (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako An Immigrant´s Love Letter to the West - Konstantin Kisin , Courvoisier sylvie: time gone out - cd (7640120193263)

Father Damien - An Open Letter to the Reverend Dr. Hyde of Honolulu - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha


eBook: Father Damien was a Belgian, Roman Catholic Missionary who devoted his life to helping at a leper sanctuary in Hawaii. Eventually Father Damien would die of the illness more than twenty years after arriving at the sanctuary. This letter by Stevenson is in fact a response to the Reverend of Hawaii, who following Damien’s death began attacking his character, something Stevenson took huge problem with. This letter is a beautiful example of the kind of soul Stevenson was, in this letter he refutes the reverend’s gross statements point by point. Stevenson targets the hypocrisy of the reverend, his lack of moral character and his failure in his spiritual duties. This letter is a potent moral statement stemming from a desire to be good and to do better. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Father Damien - An Open Letter to the Reverend Dr. Hyde of Honolulu - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha , Deep purple: turning to crime (2x lp) - lp (4029759171300)

The Narrow Road to the Deep North - Richard Flanagan

The Narrow Road to the Deep North - Richard Flanagan

In the despair of a Japanese POW camp on the Burma Death Railway, surgeon Dorrigo Evans is haunted by his love affair with his uncle's young wife two years earlier. Struggling to save the men under his command from starvation, from cholera, from beatings, he receives a letter that will change his life forever. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Narrow Road to the Deep North - Richard Flanagan , My.organics the organic restructuring deep conditioner 250 ml (8388765441378)

Rules for a Knight : A letter from a father - Ethan Hawke


'A guide for living an upright and noble life' The New Yorker 'An easy and endearing read' Publishers Weekly 'Never announce you are a Knight, simply behave as one. You are better than no one, and no one is better than you.' On the eve of a battle from which he fears he may not return, Sir Thomas Lemuel Hawke writes a letter to his children so that he may pass on his-hard won lessons on knighthood. Drawing on philosophy and the great writings of our time, the letter provides instructions on living a life full of adventure, inspiration and, most importantly, love. Rules for a Knight is a beautiful fable by Ethan Hawke. 'Philosophy lovers will enjoy the Eastern and Western philosophical musings, but everyone will enjoy the touching storyline' Metro (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Rules for a Knight : A letter from a father - Ethan Hawke , My.organics the organic restructuring deep conditioner 50 ml (8388765441835)

A Doggie and a Pussycat How They Wrote a Letter - Čapek Josef

A Doggie and a Pussycat How They Wrote a Letter - Čapek Josef

Dear children, as you well know we both like you a lot and that is why we are writing you a letter today; it’s not long but it is important. You see, both of us, the doggie and the pussycat, we think that you like us a lot, and so we are writing to you because we want you to like all the doggies and pussycats in the whole wide world. That is why this book about us is called How They Wrote a Letter, because it is important that you not only find out what is written in this letter, but also what has been happening about that letter and in fact how all of this have happened. Writing such a letter is a hard work even for children, let alone for doggies and pussycats. However, you will find out all about it in a greater detail in this book, so we better not tell you too much about it beforehand. We will only remind you that any pain hurts doggies and pussycats just as much as it hurts you, the children. So remember it well and if you forget it sometimes, quickly go and read this book again and everything will be all right. Yours DOGGIE AND PUSSYCAT (patro.cz)

Podobné produkty ako A Doggie and a Pussycat How They Wrote a Letter - Čapek Josef , House of the dragon - to the throne - tričko

Rules for a Knight : A letter from a father (Defekt) - Ethan Hawke


'A guide for living an upright and noble life' The New Yorker 'An easy and endearing read' Publishers Weekly 'Never announce you are a Knight, simply behave as one. You are better than no one, and no one is better than you.' On the eve of a battle from which he fears he may not return, Sir Thomas Lemuel Hawke writes a letter to his children so that he may pass on his-hard won lessons on knighthood. Drawing on philosophy and the great writings of our time, the letter provides instructions on living a life full of adventure, inspiration and, most importantly, love. Rules for a Knight is a beautiful fable by Ethan Hawke. 'Philosophy lovers will enjoy the Eastern and Western philosophical musings, but everyone will enjoy the touching storyline' Metro (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Rules for a Knight : A letter from a father (Defekt) - Ethan Hawke , Rocketbook matrix letter a4 (233)

A Doggie and a Pussycat - How They Wrote a Letter - Josef Čapek, Eduard Hofman

A Doggie and a Pussycat - How They Wrote a Letter - Josef Čapek, Eduard Hofman

Dear children, as you well know we both like you a lot and that is why we are writing you a letter today; it’s not long but it is important. You see, both of us, the doggie and the pussycat, we think that you like us a lot, and so we are writing to you because we want you to like all the doggies and pussycats in the whole wide world. That is why this book about us is called How They Wrote a Letter, because it is important that you not only find out what is written in this letter, but also what has been happening about that letter and in fact how all of this have happened. Writing such a letter is a hard work even for children, let alone for doggies and pussycats. However, you will find out all about it in a greater detail in this book, so we better not tell you too much about it beforehand. We will only remind you that any pain hurts doggies and pussycats just as much as it hurts you, the children. So remember it well and if you forget it sometimes, quickly go and read this book again and everything will be all right. Yours DOGGIE AND PUSSYCAT (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako A Doggie and a Pussycat - How They Wrote a Letter - Josef Čapek, Eduard Hofman , Hledání sylvie lee (978-80-275-0578-4)

The Narrow Road to the Deep North and Other Travel Sketches - Matsuo Basho


In his perfectly crafted haiku poems, Basho described the natural world with great simplicity and delicacy of feeling. When he composed The Narrow Road to the Deep North he was a serious student of Zen Buddhism setting off on a series of travels designed to strip away the trappings of the material world and bring spiritual enlightenment. He wrote of the seasons changing, of the smell of the rain, the brightness of the moon and the beauty of the waterfall, through which he sensed the mysteries of the universe. These travel writings not only chronicle Basho's perilous journeys through Japan, but also capture his vision of eternity in the transient world around him. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Narrow Road to the Deep North and Other Travel Sketches - Matsuo Basho , Deep purple: turning to crime (2x lp) (coloured) - lp (4029759171317)

Catrice Holiday Skin Luminous Bronzer 8 g bronzer pro ženy 020 Off To The Island

Catrice Holiday Skin Luminous Bronzer 8 g bronzer pro ženy 020 Off To The Island

Catrice Holiday Skin Luminous Bronzer Bronzer pro ženy 8 g Odstín 020 Off To The Island (parfemy-elnino.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Catrice Holiday Skin Luminous Bronzer 8 g bronzer pro ženy 020 Off To The Island , Comet is coming: trust in the lifeforce of the deep mystery (2019) - lp (7734537)

A Doggie and a Pussycat How They Wrote a Letter (978-80-7340-007-1)

A Doggie and a Pussycat How They Wrote a Letter (978-80-7340-007-1)

Kniha - autor Josef Čapek, 48 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako A Doggie and a Pussycat How They Wrote a Letter (978-80-7340-007-1) , Comet is coming: trust in the lifeforce of the deep mystery (2019) - cd (7737755)

Youth To The People Adaptogen Deep Moisture Cream hydratační krém 59 ml

Youth To The People Adaptogen Deep Moisture Cream hydratační krém 59 ml

Youth To The People Adaptogen Deep Moisture Cream, 59 ml, Péče o pleť unisex, Nechcete podcenit péči o pleť? Používejte každý den hydratační krém – je to základ péče o pleť, bez kterého se běžná kosmetická rutina neobejde. Pleťový krém Youth To The People Adaptogen Deep Moisture Cream dodá pleti potřebnou dávku hydratace, přinese úlevu od pocitu suchosti a zabrání tvorbě šupinek. Zanechá pleť v rovnováze, zvláčněnou, vyživenou a hebkou. Jeho hydratační účinky navíc pomůžou i v boji proti známkám stárnutí pleti. Vlastnosti: rychle se vstřebává hloubkově vyživuje redukuje vrásky a předchází jejich vzniku intenzivně hydratuje (notino.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Youth To The People Adaptogen Deep Moisture Cream hydratační krém 59 ml , Sparks: exotic creatures of the deep (deluxe edition) - cd (4050538697056)

Kšiltovka BACK TO THE FUTURE Black Back To The Future logo

Kšiltovka BACK TO THE FUTURE Black Back To The Future logo

pro fanoušky Návratu do budoucnosti nastavitelný pásek 100% bavlna oficiálně licencovaný produkt Slušivá černá kšiltovka Back to the Future pro všechny fanoušky série sci-fi komediálních filmů! (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Kšiltovka BACK TO THE FUTURE Black Back To The Future logo , Amewi crazy truck king of the deep forest rtr (4260631426730)

The Love Letter - Lucinda Riley

The Love Letter - Lucinda Riley

1995, London.When Sir James Harrison, one the greatest actors of his generation, passes away at the age of ninety-five he leaves behind not just a heartbroken family but also a secret so shocking, so devastating that it could rock the English establishment to its core . . .Joanna Haslam is an ambitious young journalist, assigned to cover the legendary actor?s funeral. The great and the good of the celebrity world are there. But Joanna stumbles on something dark beneath the glamour: the mention of a letter James Harrison has left behind, the contents of which others have been desperate to conceal for over seventy years. As she peels back the veil of lies that has shrouded the secret, she realizes that there are other forces attempting to prevent her from discovering the truth. And they?ll stop at nothing to reach the letter before she does. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Love Letter - Lucinda Riley , Memoriam: to the end - cd (0840588141555)

The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne

The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne

In seventeenth-century Boston, Hester Prynne shoulders the scorn of her fellow Puritan townsfolk for bearing a child out of wedlock. For her refusal to name the father of her daughter Pearl, Hester is made to wear a scarlet "A" stitched conspicuously upon her dress. But though she bears the stigma of the shame her peers would confer upon her, others feel the guilt for her transgression more acutely—notably the pious Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, the confessor with whom Hester and Pearl's destinies are intimately bound up. First published in 1850, Nathaniel Hawthorne's historical study of guilt and sin has since been lauded as the most important work of fiction by its distinguished author, and a landmark of American literature. This volume is one of Barnes & Noble's Collectible Editions classics. Each volume features authoritative texts by the world's greatest authors in an exquisitely designed foil-stamped binding, with distinctive colored edging and an attractive ribbon bookmark. Decorative, durable, and collectible, these books offer hours of pleasure to readers young and old and are an indispensable cornerstone for any home library. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne , The 15:17 to paris (9780008292294)

The Last Letter - Rebecca Yarros


One final letter. His last wish. Go and be with her...Beckett,If you're reading this, well, you know the last-letter drill. You made it. I didn't. Get off the guilt train, because I know if there was any chance you could have saved me, you would have.I need one thing from you: get out of the army and get to Telluride. My little sister Ella's raising the twins alone. She's too independent and won't accept help easily, but she has lost our grandmother, our parents, and now me. It's too much for anyone to endure. It's not fair.So if I'm gone, that means I can't be there for Ella. I can't help them through this. But you can. So I'm begging you, as my best friend, go take care of my sister, my family. Please don't make her go through it alone.Ryan (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Last Letter - Rebecca Yarros , Exhumed: to the dead - lp (rr48151)

The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne


Having been found guilty of adultery, Hester Prynne is forced to wear an embroidered scarlet letter A as a punishment for her sin. While her vengeful husband embarks on a quest to discover the identity of her lover, she is left to face the consequences of her infidelity and find a place for herself and her illegitimate child in the hostile environment of seventeenth-century Puritan Boston.Nathaniel Hawthorne's tense narrative astonished readers with its unparalleled psychological depth when it first appeared, and the novel now stands as one of America's literary landmarks. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne , Frankie goes to hollywood: welcome to the pleasuredome - cd (0824219)

Off to the beach s

Off to the beach s

Modelka měří 162 cm, váží 49 kg a má na sobě velikost M. (d-sport.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Off to the beach s , The book: a cover-to-cover exploration of the most powerful object of our time (0393244792)

To the Lighthouse (1847496571)

To the Lighthouse (1847496571)

Kniha - 226 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Brand-new edition of major work by Virginia Woolf. Includes pictures and an extensive section on Virginia Woolf s life and works. (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako To the Lighthouse (1847496571) , The wisdom of crowds: the riotous conclusion to the age of madness (0575095989)

To the Lighthouse (024134168X)

To the Lighthouse (024134168X)

Kniha - autor Virginia Woolf, 208 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. Every summer, the Ramsays visit their summer home on the beautiful Isle of Skye, surrounded by the excitement and chatter of family and friends, mirroring Virginia Woolf’s own joyful holidays of her youth. But as time passes, and in its wake the First World War, the transience of life becomes ever more apparent through the vignette of the thoughts and observations of the novel’s disparate cast. A landmark of high modernism and the most autobiographical of Virginia Woolf’s novels, To the Lighthouse explores themes of loss, class structure and the question of perception, in a hauntingly beautiful memorial to the lost but not forgotten. Chosen by TIME magazine as one of the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to the present. (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako To the Lighthouse (024134168X) , Deep purple: deep purple - lp (2564603395)

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (0345391802)

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (0345391802)

Kniha - autor Douglas Adams, 224 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Originally published: New York: Harmony Books, 1980. (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (0345391802) , Ticket to the moon lightest tarp (763)

The Scarlet Letter (Defekt) - Nathaniel Hawthorne


Having been found guilty of adultery, Hester Prynne is forced to wear an embroidered scarlet letter A as a punishment for her sin. While her vengeful husband embarks on a quest to discover the identity of her lover, she is left to face the consequences of her infidelity and find a place for herself and her illegitimate child in the hostile environment of seventeenth-century Puritan Boston.Nathaniel Hawthorne's tense narrative astonished readers with its unparalleled psychological depth when it first appeared, and the novel now stands as one of America's literary landmarks. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Scarlet Letter (Defekt) - Nathaniel Hawthorne , Hitchhiking to the sea (stopem k moři) ()

The Lyrics: 1956 to the Present - Paul McCartney


Finally in paperback and featuring seven new song commentaries, the #1 New York Times bestseller celebrates the creative life and unparalleled musical genius of Paul McCartney.Spanning sixty-four years―from his early days in Liverpool, through the historic decade of The Beatles, to Wings and his solo career―Paul McCartney’s The Lyrics revolutionized the way artists write about music. An unprecedented “triumph” (Times UK), this handsomely designed volume pairs the definitive texts of over 160 songs with first-person commentaries on McCartney’s life, revealing the diverse circumstances in which songs were written; how they ultimately came to be; and the remarkable, yet often delightfully ordinary, people and places that inspired them. The Lyrics also includes:· A personal foreword by McCartney· An unprecedented range of songs, from beloved standards like “Band on the Run” to new additions “Day Tripper” and “Magical Mystery Tour”· Over 160 images from McCartney’s own archivesEdited and introduced by Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Paul Muldoon, The Lyrics is the definitive literary and visual record of one of the greatest songwriters of all time. 165 images (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Lyrics: 1956 to the Present - Paul McCartney , Rocketbook everlast letter a4 tyrkysový (97/tyr)

The Skeptics' Guide to the Future - Steven Novella


From the bestselling authors and hosts of 'The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe' a high-tech roadmap of the future in their beloved voice, cracking open both the follies of futurists past and how technology will profoundly change our world moving forward. Our predictions of the future are a wild fantasy, inextricably linked to our present hopes and fears, biases and ignorance. Whether they be the outlandish leaps predicted in the 1920s, like multi-purpose utility belts with climate control capabilities and planes the size of luxury cruise ships, or the forecasts of the '60s, which didn't anticipate the sexual revolution or women's liberation, the path to the present is littered with failed predictions and incorrect estimations.The best we can do is try to absorb from futurism's checkered past, perhaps learning to do a little better.In The Skeptics' Guide To The Future, Steven Novella and his co-authors build upon the work of futurists of the past by examining what they got right, what they got wrong, and how they came to those conclusions. By exploring the pitfalls of each era, they give their own speculations about the distant future, transformed by unbelievable technology ranging from genetic manipulation to artificial intelligence and quantum computing. Applying their trademark skepticism, they carefully extrapolate upon each scientific development, leaving no stone unturned as they lay out a vision for the future of tomorrow. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Skeptics' Guide to the Future - Steven Novella , Rocketbook everlast letter a4 červený (97/cer2)

The Unofficial Guide to the Ancient Egyptian Afterlife


"Hello my newly dead friends. Gather round. My name is Bastet and I'm going to be your tour guide to the afterlife. Please make sure your bandages don't trail as we walk along."Bastet is a mummified cat who is here to take you on a journey through the mystical death rituals of Ancient Egypt. Starting with some routine disembowelment and mummification, she explains about the role of the coffins, the separation of your soul, the importance of amulets and the various types of Egyptian tombs. Together, you will cross the river Styx and face the gods in one final judgement - the weighing of the heart. Bastet will make sure you have everything you need in the afterlife, because, it turns out, you can take it with you after all!This is a light-hearted, but nonetheless informative insight into the fascinating beliefs and traditions of Ancient Egypt. Bright, textural illustrations by Laura Winstone bring a freshness of tone to a subject matter that might be ancient, but never grows old. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Unofficial Guide to the Ancient Egyptian Afterlife , Nivea cellular luminous serum 30 ml (4005900783257)

The Skeptics' Guide to the Future - Steven Novella


From the bestselling authors and hosts of 'The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe' a high-tech roadmap of the future in their beloved voice, cracking open both the follies of futurists past and how technology will profoundly change our world moving forward. Our predictions of the future are a wild fantasy, inextricably linked to our present hopes and fears, biases and ignorance. Whether they be the outlandish leaps predicted in the 1920s, like multi-purpose utility belts with climate control capabilities and planes the size of luxury cruise ships, or the forecasts of the '60s, which didn't anticipate the sexual revolution or women's liberation, the path to the present is littered with failed predictions and incorrect estimations.The best we can do is try to absorb from futurism's checkered past, perhaps learning to do a little better.In The Skeptics' Guide To The Future, Steven Novella and his co-authors build upon the work of futurists of the past by examining what they got right, what they got wrong, and how they came to those conclusions. By exploring the pitfalls of each era, they give their own speculations about the distant future, transformed by unbelievable technology ranging from genetic manipulation to artificial intelligence and quantum computing. Applying their trademark skepticism, they carefully extrapolate upon each scientific development, leaving no stone unturned as they lay out a vision for the future of tomorrow. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Skeptics' Guide to the Future - Steven Novella , Harry potter - hogwarts letter - hrnek proměňovací (3665361058557)

House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko

House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko

Tričko -, krátké rukávy a kulatý výstřih, bavlna Pak by se vám mohlo hodit tričko PCMerch. (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko , Rocketbook flip letter a4 šedý (200/sed)

The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (0345453743)

The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (0345453743)

Kniha - autor Douglas Adams, 832 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Douglas Adams, 832 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Now in paperback in one complete volume, this ultimate guide collects the five classic novels from Adams's beloved Hitchhiker series. (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (0345453743)

Off to the beach xl

Off to the beach xl

Modelka měří 162 cm, váží 49 kg a má na sobě velikost M. (d-sport.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Off to the beach xl

Off to the beach l

Off to the beach l

Modelka měří 162 cm, váží 49 kg a má na sobě velikost M. (d-sport.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Off to the beach l

Off to the beach xs

Off to the beach xs

Modelka měří 162 cm, váží 49 kg a má na sobě velikost M. (d-sport.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Off to the beach xs

Off to the beach m

Off to the beach m

Modelka měří 162 cm, váží 49 kg a má na sobě velikost M. (d-sport.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Off to the beach m

Off to the beach xl

Off to the beach xl

Modelka měří 162 cm, váží 49 kg a má na sobě velikost M. (d-sport.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Off to the beach xl

Off to the beach xs

Off to the beach xs

Modelka měří 162 cm, váží 49 kg a má na sobě velikost M. (d-sport.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Off to the beach xs

Welcome to the New World


THE GROUNDBREAKING GRAPHIC NOVELA story about ordinary people navigating a strange land, in even stranger times.On the eve of the US elections, a Syrian family leave their world behind for a chance at the American dream. But as the first day of their new life dawns, they are greeted by the news of Donald Trump's victory. It's as if they arrived in one country, and woke up in another. What does that mean for their past, their future... their home?Welcome to the New World began as a ground-breaking comic strip in the New York Times. Every week, the Aldabaan family's experiences would be retold as a cartoon strip - keeping step as events unfolded in real life. One Pulitzer Prize later, this stunning graphic novel fills in the gaps, gradually revealing an America which is full of contradictions: foreign yet familiar, ignorant but kind, cruel yet generous. It's also an intimate portrait of family dynamics and everyday fortitude, from the first day at a new school to getting a new job (any job!) against the clock. It seems that if you can't turn back, the only way to go is onwards. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Welcome to the New World

To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolfová


Every summer, the Ramsays visit their summer home on the beautiful Isle of Skye, surrounded by the excitement and chatter of family and friends, mirroring Virginia Woolf’s own joyful holidays of her youth. But as time passes, and in its wake the First World War, the transience of life becomes ever more apparent through the vignette of the thoughts and observations of the novel’s disparate cast. A landmark of high modernism and the most autobiographical of Virginia Woolf’s novels, To the Lighthouse explores themes of loss, class structure and the question of perception, in a hauntingly beautiful memorial to the lost but not forgotten. Chosen by TIME magazine as one of the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to the present. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolfová

To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolfová


To the Lighthouse, considered by many to be Virginia Woolf's finest novel, is a remarkably original work, showing the thoughts and actions of the members of a family and their guests on two separate occasions, ten years apart. The setting is Mr and Mrs Ramsay's house on a Scottish island, where they traditionally take their summer holidays, overlooking a bay with a lighthouse. An experimental work that pushes the limits of what we know about the world and ourselves, Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse is one of the most beautifully crafted of all novels written in the English language.This Macmillan Collector's Library edition features an afterword by Sam Gilpin.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolfová

Cults - To The Ghosts (LP)

Cults - To The Ghosts (LP)

Vydavatelství: Virgin Records Typ: LP deska;Album Varianta: To The Ghosts (LP) Balení obsahuje: LP Žánr: Pop;Rock;Indie Rok vydání: 2024.0 Barva: Černá Datum vydání: 2024-07-26 Subžánr: Indie Pop;Indie Rock Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Barva podle výrobce: Black Interpret / Téma: Cults (muziker.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Cults - To The Ghosts (LP)

The Testaments: The Sequel to The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood

The Testaments: The Sequel to The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood's dystopian masterpiece, The Handmaid's Tale, has become a modern classic-and now she brings the iconic story to a dramatic conclusion in this riveting sequel. More than fifteen years after the events of The Handmaid's Tale, the theocratic regime of the Republic of Gilead maintains its grip on power, but there are signs it is beginning to rot from within. At this crucial moment, the lives of three radically different women converge, with potentially explosive results. Two have grown up as part of the first generation to come of age in the new order. The testimonies of these two young women are joined by a third voice: a woman who wields power through the ruthless accumulation and deployment of secrets. As Atwood unfolds The Testaments, she opens up the innermost workings of Gilead as each woman is forced to come to terms with who she is, and how far she will go for what she believes. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Testaments: The Sequel to The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood

The Scarlet Letter: a Romance - Nathaniel Hawthorne

The Scarlet Letter: a Romance - Nathaniel Hawthorne

This is a dramatic, moving depiction of social defiance and social deference, of passion and human frailty. Set in the harsh Puritan community of seventeenth-century Boston, this tale of an adulterous entanglement that results in an illegitimate birth reveals Nathaniel Hawthorne's concerns with the tension between the public and the private selves. Publicly disgraced and ostracized, Hester Prynne draws on her inner strength and certainty of spirit to emerge as the first true heroine of American fiction. Arthur Dimmesdale stands as a classic study of a self divided; trapped by the rules of society, he suppresses his passion and disavows his lover, Hester, and their daughter, Pearl. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Scarlet Letter: a Romance - Nathaniel Hawthorne

The Lost Letter - Nikolai Gogol - e-kniha


eBook: \"The Lost Letter\" is a short story by Gogol published in his 1831 collection \"Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka\". In it, an exuberant narrator, the old sexton Foma, humorously recounts the story about his grandfather\'s adventures. Assigned with the task of delivering an important letter to the Russian Czarina, the old man sets to a journey in which he encounters a Cossack man who claims to have sold his soul to the devil. That night, a demon steals the old man\'s hat with the letter tucked inside. Determined to fulfill his duty, the old man has to go through different obstacles that stand on his way. But will his determination make him enter the Hell itself?The story has numerous adaptations, among which an animated film of the same name (1945) directed by Brumberg sisters, which is considered the first Soviet cel-animated feature film, and the Soviet musical-tragicomedy film Propala Hramota (1972) which is praised as the pearl of Ukrainian cinema. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Lost Letter - Nikolai Gogol - e-kniha

To the Bright Edge of the World - Eowyn Iveyová

To the Bright Edge of the World - Eowyn Iveyová

From the internationally bestselling author of THE SNOW CHILD comes an extraordinary story of discovery, adventure, and a husband and wife tested by the different paths their society expects them to tread. Set in the Alaskan landscape that she brought to stunningly vivid life in THE SNOW CHILD (a Sunday Times bestseller, Richard and Judy pick and finalist for the Pulitzer Prize), Eowyn Ivey's TO THE BRIGHT EDGE OF THE WORLD is a breathtaking story of discovery set at the end of the nineteenth century, sure to appeal to fans of A PLACE CALLED WINTER. Lieutenant Colonel Allen Forrester receives the commission of a lifetime when he is charged to navigate Alaska's hitherto impassable Wolverine River, with only a small group of men. The Wolverine is the key to opening up Alaska and its rich natural resources to the outside world, but previous attempts have ended in tragedy. Forrester leaves behind his young wife, Sophie, newly pregnant with the child he had never expected to have. Adventurous in spirit, Sophie does not relish the prospect of a year in a military barracks while her husband carves a path through the wilderness. What she does not anticipate is that their year apart will demand every ounce of courage and fortitude of her that it does of her husband. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako To the Bright Edge of the World - Eowyn Iveyová

The Boy Who Belonged to the Sea - Denis Theriault

The Boy Who Belonged to the Sea - Denis Theriault

A moving story of friendship and the power of imagination, from the award-winning author of The Peculiar Life of a Lonely Postman Set on the rugged north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada, The Boy Who Belonged to the Sea tells the touching story of an extraordinary friendship between two young boys who have both suffered the loss of a parent. Although they have little else in common, the boys come together in their grief and take refuge in a world of their own creation, a magical undersea realm inhabited by fantastical beings. Their imaginations take them on a wild adventure, but as the lines between reality and fantasy begin to blur, their search for belonging takes them on a perilous journey that threatens to end in tragedy. Infused with his characteristic charm, Denis Thériault's debut novel is a powerful story of grief and friendship that has touched readers' hearts all over the world. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Boy Who Belonged to the Sea - Denis Theriault

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Omnibus - Douglas Adams


A phenomenon across all formats, this 42nd anniversary paperback omnibus contains the complete Hitchhiker's Guide trilogy in five parts, charting the whole of Arthur Dent's odyssey through space and time. Share and enjoy.Collected together in this omnibus are the five titles that comprise Douglas Adams' wildly popular and wholly remarkable comedy science fiction 'trilogy', introductions to each book, expanded material from the Douglas Adams archives plus a bonus short story, Young Zaphod Plays It Safe, and a special undeleted scene . . . (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Omnibus - Douglas Adams

Journey to the Centre of the Earth - Jules Verne


Journey to the Centre of the Earth has been consistently praised for its style and its vision of the world. It explores the prehistory of the globe, but can also be read as a psychological quest, for the journey itself is as important as arrival or discovery. Professor Lidenbrock and his nephew Axel travel across Iceland, and then down through an extinct crater towards a sunless sea where they enter a living past and are confronted with the origins of man. A classic of nineteenth-century French literature, the novel's distinctive combination of realism and Romanticism has marked figures as diverse as Sartre and Tournier, Mark Twain and Conan Doyle. This new translation of the complete text is faithful to the lyricism, verve, and humour of the original. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Journey to the Centre of the Earth - Jules Verne

The Road to the Open - Arthur Schnitzler - e-kniha


eBook: A coming-of-age novel, \'The Road to the Open\' follows the complicated liaisons of composer, Baron Georg von Wergenthin. While a talented man, Wergenthin lacks motivation and, instead of working, prefers to socialise with members of the Viennese bourgeoisie. A committed Christian, his life becomes even more complex when he finds himself falling for a Jewish girl, Anna Rosner. Through this story, Schnitzer documents the collapse of the freethinking Austrian society, as antisemitism and patriotism start to take its place. A classic novel from one of Vienna\'s most noteworthy authors, this is ideal for those new to Schnitzler\'s body of work. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Road to the Open - Arthur Schnitzler - e-kniha

Bridgerton - On the Way to the Wedding - Julia Quinnová

Bridgerton - On the Way to the Wedding - Julia Quinnová

Unlike most men of his acquaintance, Gregory Bridgerton is a firm believer in true love. He'd have to be an idiot not to be: all seven of his siblings are happily married. Gregory figures he is just biding his time until the right woman comes along. And so when he sees Hermione Watson, he knows with every fibre of his being, that she is meant to be his.But through Hermione's closest - and slightly less beautiful - friend, Lucy Abernathy, he finds out that Hermione is desperately in love with another man. Sadly, by the time Gregory figures out the right girl is actually the wrong girl, and the right girl was Lucy all along, it's too late. Lucy is to marry another!Now - on the way to the wedding - Gregory must figure out how to thwart the nuptials and convince Lucy that she was always meant to be his... (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Bridgerton - On the Way to the Wedding - Julia Quinnová
Springsteen Bruce: Letter To You (2x LP) - LP (0194398038018), The Fates Divide: A Sequel to 'Carve the Mark' (0062819860), Universal: A guide to the Cosmos (1846144361), The Secret Lives of the Planets: A User's Guide to the Solar System (1529319412), Courvoisier Sylvie: Time Gone Out - CD (7640120193263), Deep Purple: Turning To Crime (2x LP) - LP (4029759171300), MY.ORGANICS The Organic Restructuring Deep Conditioner 250 ml (8388765441378), MY.ORGANICS The Organic Restructuring Deep Conditioner 50 ml (8388765441835), House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko, ROCKETBOOK Matrix Letter A4 (233), Hledání Sylvie Lee (978-80-275-0578-4), Deep Purple: Turning To Crime (2x LP) (Coloured) - LP (4029759171317), Comet Is Coming: Trust In The Lifeforce Of The Deep Mystery (2019) - LP (7734537), Comet Is Coming: Trust In The Lifeforce Of The Deep Mystery (2019) - CD (7737755), Sparks: Exotic Creatures Of The Deep (Deluxe Edition) - CD (4050538697056), Amewi Crazy Truck King of the Deep Forest RTR (4260631426730), Memoriam: To The End - CD (0840588141555), The 15:17 to Paris (9780008292294), Exhumed: To The Dead - LP (RR48151), Frankie Goes To Hollywood: Welcome To The Pleasuredome - CD (0824219), The Book: A Cover-to-Cover Exploration of the Most Powerful Object of Our Time (0393244792), The Wisdom of Crowds: The Riotous Conclusion to The Age of Madness (0575095989), Deep Purple: Deep Purple - LP (2564603395), Ticket to the moon Lightest Tarp (763), Hitchhiking to the sea (Stopem k moři) (), ROCKETBOOK Everlast Letter A4 tyrkysový (97/TYR), ROCKETBOOK Everlast Letter A4 červený (97/CER2), NIVEA Cellular Luminous Serum 30 ml (4005900783257), Harry Potter - Hogwarts Letter - hrnek proměňovací (3665361058557), ROCKETBOOK Flip Letter A4 šedý (200/SED)