Filled to the brim with images, this scrapbook of the 1930s overflows with nostalgia, for those who remember that extraordinary era. For those who do not, this wealth of imagery provides a vivid insight into a time when sliced bread had just reached the table and Butlin's holiday camps had recently opened.Life in the 1930s for many was not easy; for others, who had known Victorian times, the pace of change was frightening, and 'modern' life led to 'nerve tension'. Yet change brought a better standard of living and numerous new products helped the daily routine. Electrical appliances were a boon to housewives without servants, affordable motor cars made access to the countryside easier, new fun included Dinky Toys, Monopoly and a stream of delectable confectionery (Mars bars, KitKat, Black Magic, Cadbury's Roses). The aluminium milk bottle top made its appearance. Design was memorable for the red telephone kiosk, the Anglepoise lamp and the Underground map - all still in evidence today.The Royal Family went through a turbulent year following the death of George V, when Edward VIII decided he had to abdicate. The speeding motorist was hampered by 30 mph restrictions, and pedestrian crossings were guarded by Belisha beacons. By the end of the 1930s, television held exciting promise for the future, but a growing tension focused on impending war.The 1930s Scrapbook has drawn together the best from the Robert Opie Collection. The images are as bright today as when they were purchased in the shops. Coronation souvenirs, film and fashion magazines, fireworks, comics and Christmas crackers - all survived to tell a remarkable story. (
Podobné produkty ako 1930s Scrapbook , Scrapbook - fotoalba a dárky (978-80-741-3106-6)Kreativní sada - obsahuje 20 témat (např. móda, přátelé, cestování) lze vyzdobit pomocí fotografie, výstřižků, výroků a náčrtů, obsahuje tápisník - scrapbook se šablonou pro 20 motivů, 18 archů samolepek, foto samolepky a 2 záložky (
Podobné produkty ako Lena Scrapbook (42332)Může být v tomto oficiálně licencovaném puzzle Friends ještě více dílků?! Složte tuto úžasnou montáž plnou vzpomínek z jednoho z nejoblíbenějších sitcomů v historii televize. Je to dokonalá aktivita, kterou můžete dokončit, ať už jste s přáteli nebo si dáváte pauzu. Friends běžela 236 epizod v průběhu 10 úžasných sezón a zůstává jedním z nejikoničtějších a nekonečně citovatelných komedií, které kdy byly vysílány. A nyní si můžete vlastnit kousek televizní historie. Jakmile je hotovo, toto puzzle bude vypadat nádherně na zdi každého fanouška nebo sběratele. Ve skutečnosti bychom vám nemohli zazlívat, kdybyste si chtěli po sestavení začít Friends znovu sledovat. Stejně jako samotný seriál je toto puzzle vysoké kvality, oficiální produkt, který je vytvořen tak, aby obstál v čase. Tak ho vystavte a hosté budou křičet "OH. MY. GOD!" dříve, než se nadějete. Hlavní rysy: Ponořte se do světa Central Perk s tímto půvabným retro puzzle Friends Chandler, Rachel, Ross, Monica, Joey a Phoebe v ikonickém záběru ze seriálu Seberte své vlastní přátele a rodinu, aby vám pomohli složit tento kousek televizní historie Toto puzzle s 1000 dílky vás bude bavit hodiny, když se tato "unagi" scéna začne skládat dohromady Dodatečné informace: Rozměry výrobku: 230 mm x 330 mm x 40 mm Vhodné pro věk: 10+ Počet hráčů: 2+ (
Podobné produkty ako Puzzle Přátelé 1000 dílků - ScrapbookInside this book you'll read all about the day I was born and what it was like growing up with my family in Brighton. Read stories from my childhood and teen years, right up until present day, and, of course, all about how my crazy YouTube journey began and my thoughts on what the future holds. I've had some amazing adventures and met some awesome people along the way, and like everything I do I wanted to share it all with you. Oh and how could I forget to tell you that you can also join in and create your own scrapbook next to mine? Just fill in the blank sections by writing down your memories, or any fun facts that you don't want to forget. You can also stick your favourite photos or souvenirs to the pages, so that in many years to come you can look back on your own life! The Scrapbook of My Life also includes a free app with exclusive digital content. (
Podobné produkty ako The Scrapbook of My Life - Alfie DeyesDíky těmto úžasným puzzlím se ocitnete přímo uprostřed několika ikonických scén z oblíbeného seriálu Přátelé. Složení všech 1000 dílků do jednoho obrázku je skutečná výzva pro každého fanouška! (
Podobné produkty ako Winning Moves Přátelé Scrapbook puzzle 1000 dílkůeBook:,Podrobná kniha na českém trhu o scrapbooku, který si u nás získává stále větší popularitu. Co je to Scrapbook? To je v prvé řadě spousta času stráveného nad fotkami, papíry, ozdobami, památkami z výletů a opět fotkami. Výsledkem jsou pak jedinečná fotoalba, která se vždy stávají předmětem nadšeného obdivu všude, kde je ukážete. Je to možnost, jak si vlastníma rukama poskládat rodinná alba i se všemi vzpomínkami a rodinnými historkami, které chcete zachovat. Takovéto cestovní deníky a alba z dovolené odrážejí náladu blízkých či dalekých krajů nejen fotkami, ale i laděním a zdobením stránek. Scrapbook vám také dává dobré důvody procházet si staré fotografie a vzpomínky a častěji se vracet i k těm již zpracovaným. Scrapbookové fotoalbum totiž obsahuje vzpomínky dvoje – nejen na samotné snímky a popisované události, ale i na proces tvoření – jak vám u téhle stránky děti málem lezly po hlavě a tam na té máte papírem zakryté flíčky od drobků chleba, když se manžel přišel podívat, na čem právě pracujete. Scrapbook je také dobrý pocit, že tvoříte něco, co zůstává. Mezi denními starostmi, prací, úklidem apod. je úžasné odreagování tvořit něco trvalejšího, než je nedělní oběd. V neposlední řadě scrapbook přináší i možnost poznat nové a stejně „postižené“ lidi, povídat si s nimi, probrat a obdivovat jejich i vaše stránky, účastnit se soutěží, jezdit na srazy, bavit se. Hlavní ale vždy zůstávají fotky a tvorba fotoalb. Pro praktickou představu to funguje nějak takhle: vyberete si pár fotografií k určitému tématu, rozložíte je na čtvrtku papíru, doplníte dalšími vzorovanými papíry, na kartičku napíšete datum a popisek k fotografiím, vymyslíte a z písmen vytvoříte výrazný nadpis, doladíte vhodnými ozdobami a celé slepíte a zařadíte do alba. Se scrapbookovým materiálem nemusíte tvořit jen fotoalba, ale i originální ručně dělaná přáníčka, která jsou mnohem hezčí a osobnější než kupovaná. Také obrázky, diplomy, kalendáře, rámečky na fotografie, krabičky a jiné zdobené předměty – takovéto dokonalé dárky ke všem příležitostem značně zvýší vaši popularitu v rámci rodiny. Baví vás tvořit? Pojďte spolu s knihou objevovat kouzlo originálních fotoalb, přáníček a dalších dárků z papíru zvané scrapbook. Není to tak složité, jak se na první pohled zdá. V této knize najdete mnoho rad a zkušeností autorek pro nákupy, uskladnění materiálu i samotnou tvorbu a také velký výkladový slovník pojmů. S postupy „krok za krokem“ snadno zvládnete své první stránky a pro ty další se můžete inspirovat v ukázkové galerii. Dozvíte se tu vše, co budete pro své scrapbookové začátky potřebovat. (
Podobné produkty ako Scrapbook - fotoalba a dárky - Blanka Dudašková - e-knihaElektronická kniha - autor Blanka Dudašková, 156 stran Podrobná kniha na českém trhu o scrapbooku, který si u nás získává stále větší popularitu. Co je to Scrapbook? To je v prvé řadě spousta času stráveného nad fotkami, papíry, ozdobami, památkami z výletů a opět fotkami. Výsledkem jsou pak jedinečná fotoalba, která se vždy stávají předmětem nadšeného obdivu všude, kde je ukážete. Je to možnost, jak si vlastníma rukama poskládat rodinná alba i se všemi vzpomínkami a rodinnými historkami, které chcete zachovat. Takovéto cestovní deníky a alba z dovolené odrážejí náladu blízkých či dalekých krajů nejen fotkami, ale i laděním a zdobením stránek. Scrapbook vám také dává dobré důvody procházet si staré fotografie a vzpomínky a častěji se vracet i k těm již zpracovaným. Scrapbookové fotoalbum totiž obsahuje vzpomínky dvoje – nejen na samotné snímky a popisované události, ale i na proces tvoření – jak vám u téhle stránky děti málem lezly po hlavě a tam na té máte... (
Podobné produkty ako Scrapbook - fotoalba a dárky (978-80-741-3106-6)Inspirativní šablona na zdobení. Flexibilní šablona z pružného plastu sloužící k decentnímu a přitom rychlému zdobení moučníků. Používá se jak královská glazura, pudrová barva nebo i perleťové barvy. Při dekoraci na potažené moučníky modelovací hmotou musíme aplikovat na zaschlý povrch aby nedocházelo ke sjíždění vzoru nebo deformaci moučníku.Šablona se napne pomocí pružné gumy (není součástí šablon) a v tenké vrstvě nanesete hmotu. Kvalitní odolná, potravinářská, plastová šablona pro opakované použití a airbrushing Potřete královskou polevou pro vyvýšený vzhled Pro rychlé a snadné zdobení poprašte práškovými nebo potravinářskými barvami. Ideální také pro malování a scrapbookingové projekty Dekor horní plochy - čtverec 18,5x18,5cm (
Podobné produkty ako Šablona na dorty a scrapbook - Stencil Hawaiian Palms Top - Designer StencilsA major study of Ukrainian art from 1900 to the mid-1930s – with loans from major museums in Ukraine, elsewhere in Europe, the United States (including MoMA) and Israel. How does artistic life flourish during revolution and conflict? Ukraine in the early 1900s endured unimaginable political upheaval, yet this became a period of true renaissance in Ukrainian art, literature, theatre and cinema. In the Eye of the Storm: Modernism in Ukraine, 1900–1930s presents the ground-breaking art produced in Ukraine in the early 20th century, focusing on the three key cultural centres of Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odesa. Against a complicated socio-political backdrop of collapsing empires, World War I, the revolutions of 1917 with the ensuing Ukrainian War of Independence, and the eventual creation of Soviet Ukraine, several strands of distinctly Ukrainian art emerged. While émigrés such as Sonia Delaunay and Alexander Archipenko found fame outside their homeland, the followers of Mykhailo Boichuk focused on Byzantine revivalism, and the artists of the Kultur Lige sought to promote the development of contemporary Yiddish culture. The first avant-garde exhibitions in Ukraine featured the radical art of Davyd Burliuk and Alexandra Exter, and the dynamic canvases of the Kyiv-based Cubo-Futurist Oleksandr Bohomazov. In Kharkiv, Vasyl Yermilov championed the industrial art of Constructivism, while Vadym Meller, Anatol Petrytskyi, Oleksandr Khvostenko-Khvostov and Borys Kosarev revolutionized theatre design. The attempt to build a national identity in Ukraine resulted in a polyphony of styles and artistic developments across a full range of media – from oil paintings, sketches and sculpture to collages, cinema posters and theatre designs. Twelve internationally renowned scholars, including curators from the National Art Museum of Ukraine, bring to life this astonishing period of creativity in Ukraine and all the movements it encompassed. (
Podobné produkty ako In the Eye of the Storm: Modernism in Ukraine, 1900–1930s - Konstantin Akinsha, Katia Denysova, Olena Kashuba-VolvachVytvoř si vlastní zápisník ze šablony, který bude odrážet tvé zájmy a zážitky. Na výběr máš z 20 témat (např. móda, přátelé, cestování), které můžeš vyšperkovat pomocí fotografií, výstřižků, výroků a náčrtů. (
Podobné produkty ako LENA ScrapbookFotoalbum , pro fotografie o rozměrech 9 × 13 cm, 10 × 15 cm, 13 × 18 cm a 10 × 18 cm, formát na růžky, 40 stran, 30 cm × 30 cm (V׊), modrá barva Preferejute mít své fotografie vytisklé a chcete si je uchovávat pohromadě jako vzpomínku? Pak by se vám hodilo fotoalbum KPH s rozměry 30 × 30 cm. Je dělané pro fotky ve formátu 9 × 13 cm, 10 × 15 cm, 13 × 18 cm a 10 × 18 cm. Disponuje růžky předpřipravenými pro fotky, do kterých je zkrátka vložíte. Fotoalbum KPH Spirálové na růžky 30 x 30 / 40s. CANVAS jeansové obsahuje 40 stran. Scrapbook udělá radost kreativním jedincům, kteří si fotoalbum rádi vyzdobí podle svých představ. Každý scrapbook tak vypadá originálně a osobitě. Rozhodující přednosti fotoalba KPH Spirálové na růžky 30 x 30 / 40s. CANVAS jeansové Vzhled scrapbook fotoalba si můžete přizpůsobit svým představám Rozměry fotoalba KPH Spirálové na růžky 30 x 30 / 40s. CANVAS jeansové odpovídají 30 × 30 cm Pojme fotografie o rozměru 9 × 13 cm, 10 × 15 cm, 13 ×... (
Podobné produkty ako KPH Spirálové na růžky 30 x 30 / 40s. CANVAS jeansové (SP-766 jeans 17)Murder stalks a touring stage production of A Christmas Carol in this 1930s-set festive mystery. Murder stalks a touring stage production of A Christmas Carol in this 1930s-set festive mystery. December 1935. Director Monty Harrison's production of A Christmas Carol has had a troubled run on its tour of regional theatres. With tensions amongst the cast running high, the company reach their final stop - London's Theatre Royale. Catastrophe, however, strikes on opening night- Scrooge dies on stage, the result (it is presumed) of a heart attack. But the show must go on. Until, that is, a leading theatre critic - and old rival of Monty's - is killed backstage. Are those associated with the production being picked off one by one? Budding journalist Daphne King takes up the case... (
Podobné produkty ako Christmas Mystery 2 : The perfect murder mystery for Christmas 2021 - Moncrieff AdaFirst new monograph in English on the legendary avant-garde photographer Aenne Biermann since the 1930s Features some 100 of Biermann’s works in best color and duotone reproduction, several of which published in this book for the first time ever New essays on Aenne Bierman’s photography in art-historical context and on selected aspects of her oeuvre An exhibition featuring the work of Aenne Biermann is taking place at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art from 5 August 2021 Text in English and Hebrew Aenne Biermann (1898–1933) was one of the leading figures of photography in the 1920s and 1930s. Today, she is considered one of the most important avant-garde photographers of the 20th century. In just a few years of practice, the self-taught artist became a well-known representative of German photography, participating in almost all the important exhibitions of her time. She captured plants, objects, people, and everyday situations in pictures that have to this day lost none of their allure and poignancy. By means of clear structures, precise compositions of light and contrast, as well as narrow framing, she drew a special kind of poetry out of the motifs of her personal environment and developed her own, distinctly modern pictorial style. This is the first substantial new book in English on this exceptional artist since the 1930s, published to coincide with a major exhibition at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art in fall 2021. The large-format volume features some 100 of Aenne Biermann’s photographs in colour and duotone reproduction, several of them published here for the first time ever. This impressive selection is complemented by essays on Biremann’s photography in art-historical context and on selected aspects of her oeuvre. Text in English and Hebrew. (
Podobné produkty ako Aenne Biermann: Up Close and Personal - Raz Samira1930s. Two men who care a great deal about chess happen to be travelling on the same ship from New York to Buenos Aires. Doctor B. is a kind man who’s been through a few difficult months, while Mirko Czentovic, world chess champion, is cold and inscrutable. They play against each other, but winning isn’t everything… (
Podobné produkty ako SchachnovelleKniha - autor Christopher Isherwood, 352 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Isherwood's classic memoir of his life in 1930s Berlin, a seminal book of gay liberation. Recently adapted into a BBCTV drama starring Matt Smith. *Also appeared in May Buyer's Notes* (
Podobné produkty ako Christopher and His Kind (0099561077)If you enjoyed Templar's extraordinary Dragonology (New York Times Bestseller & Sunday Times Children's Book of the Week), then just wait until you see Egyptology. With a stunning gold foiled and embossed cover featuring three 'jewels', and with its creation overseen by TGH James, ex keeper of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum, Egyptology is Emily Sands' lavish 1926 scrapbook journal of a lost expedition. Full of novelties and recreations, such as a piece of mummy cloth, a booklet on hieroglyphs and a working board game , the book brims with beautiful art and fascinating facts about Ancient Egypt, and a has a final magnificent novelty in the back case. (
Podobné produkty ako Egyptology - Dugald A. Steer, Nick Harris, Ian Andrew, Helen WardA tale of broken trust and infidelity based on Zelda Fitzgerald's own dalliance with a French pilot, 'Image on the Heart' is here presented with other lesser-known stories written by Fitzgerald in the late 1920s and early 1930s, which develop many of the themes found in his novels and his more famous works of short fiction. (
Podobné produkty ako Image In the Heart - Francis Scott FitzgeraldM.R. James is probably the finest ghost-story writer England has ever produced. These tales are not only classics of their genre, but are also superb examples of beautifully-paced understatement, convincing background and chilling terror.As well as the preface, there is a fascinating tail-piece by M.R. James, 'Stories I Have Tried To Write', which accompanies these thirty tales. Among them are 'Casting the Runes', 'Oh, Whistle and I'll come to you, My Lad', 'The Tractate Middoth', 'The Ash Tree' and 'Canon Alberic's Scrapbook'.'There are some authors one wishes one had never read in order to have the joy of reading them for the first time. For me, M.R. James is one of these'.Ruth Rendell (
Podobné produkty ako Collected Ghost Stories - M.R.JamesKniha - autor Maya Angelou, 290 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Maya Angelou, 290 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Superbly told, with the poet's gift for language and observation, Angelou's autobiography of her childhood in racially charged Arkansas in the 1930s brings to vivid life a world which most Americans had no idea existed. (
Podobné produkty ako I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (0345514408)Celebrate your love of Taylor Swift with guided journal prompts, trivia, and more-perfect for Swifties of all ages. Whether you've been a fan since "Our Song" or discovered her recently, I Love Taylor Swift is for you! This book lets you obsess over your favorite songs, appearances, and looks of the amazing, iconic Taylor Swift in your own way with personalized guided journal prompts, trivia, and scrapbook pages. Every page is filled with fun prompts that will help you relive the moment when you discovered Taylor's music, reflect on which songs are the most meaningful to you or the music video you can't stop watching, and imagine what it'd be like to hang out with Taylor yourself.It's the ultimate Swiftie experience. (
Podobné produkty ako I Love Taylor Swift: An Unofficial Fan Journal (Defekt) - Princess GabbaraKniha - 352 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Josef is a Jewish boy living in 1930s Nazi Germany. Isabel is Cuban girl in 1994 with plagues of riots and unrest. Mahmoud is a Syrain boy in 2015 facing violence and destruction. Although all 3 children are separated by continents and decades, shocking connections will tie all their stories together. A stunning and timely novel from an applauded author. (
Podobné produkty ako Refugee (1407184326)Fanoušci televizní show Queer tým od Netflixu zbystřete! Připravte se být sami sebou a ponořte se do obohacujícího stavitelského projektu s LEGO® stavebnicí Queer tým – byt „Úžo Pětky“ (10291). Užijte si stavění detailně propracovaného interiéru kultovního bytu z americké Atlanty a objevujte nejrůznější známé prvky vyjadřující jedinečné dovednosti každého ze členů týmu. Můžete se těšit na Antoniho kuchyňský ostrůvek, Tanův věšák s oblečením, Jonathanovo otočné kadeřnické křeslo a Karamovu pohovku i jeho scrapbook. Celý prostor tohoto speciálního LEGO modelu má pak samozřejmě na svědomí samotný Bobby. Dopřejte si chvilku sami pro sebe Co by to bylo za epizodu pořadu Queer tým bez pořádné proměny. Proto sada kromě minifigurek pětice hlavních hrdinů (a figurky psa Bruleyho) zahrnuje také 2 minifigurky Kathi Dooleyové (velice speciálního hosta z velice speciálního dílu). Model tak umožňuje vychutnat si pořádnou dávku emocí spojených s Kathinou proměnou. (
Podobné produkty ako LEGO® Creator 10291 Queer tým – byt „Úžo Pětky“Intimidated by her father, the rector of Knype Hill, Dorothy performs her submissive roles of dutiful daughter and bullied housekeeper. Her thoughts are taken up with the costumes she is making for the church school play, by the hopelessness of preaching to the poor and by debts she cannot pay in 1930s Depression England. Suddenly her routine shatters and Dorothy finds herself down and out in London. She is wearing silk stockings, has money in her pocket and cannot remember her name. Orwell leads us through a landscape of unemployment, poverty and hunger, where Dorothy's faith is challenged by a social reality that changes her life. (
Podobné produkty ako A Clergyman's DaughterAt the terrible heart of the modern age lies Auschwitz. In a total inversion of earlier hopes about the use of science and technology to improve, extend and protect human life, Auschwitz manipulated the same systems to quite different ends. In Sybille Steinbacher's terse, powerful new book, the reader is led through the process by which something unthinkable to any European in the 1930s had become a sprawling, industrial reality during the course of the world war. How Auschwitz grew and mutated into an entire dreadful city, how both those who managed it and those who were killed by it came to be in Poland in the 1940s, and how it was allowed to happen, is something everyone needs to understand. (
Podobné produkty ako Auschwitz: A History - Steinbacher SybilleSoon to be an AppleTV+ series, Enzo uncovers a wealth of new facts about the origins, ambitions, and private life of Enzo Ferrari. Drawing on years of original research conducted in Italy and abroad, this book lays bare the hidden aspects of Ferrari's career. From his earliest failed business ventures, to his political dealings with Italy's fascist government, Allied occupiers, and even Communist leaders.Revisit all the highlights of Ferrari's rise to greatness. Including his driving career in the 1920s, his management of racing teams for Alfa Romeo in the 1930s and the launch of his own company and team in the late 1940s. A must have for Ferrari and Formula 1 fans, this definitive biography makes previous accounts obsolete. (
Podobné produkty ako Enzo Ferrari: The definitive biography of Enzo Ferrari - Luca Dal MonteOver seventy years since his premature death, George Orwell (1903-50) has become one of the most significant figures in western literature. His two dystopian masterpieces, Animal Farm (1945) and Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) have together sold over 40 million copies. Even now, he continues to exert a decisive influence on our understanding of international power-politics.D.J. Taylor's new biography, the first full-length study for 20 years, draws on a wide range of previously unseen material - newly-discovered letters to old girlfriends and professional colleagues, the recollections of the dwindling band of people who remember him, new information about his life in the early 1930s - to produce a definitive portrait of this complex, driven and self-mythologising man. (
Podobné produkty ako Orwell: The New Life - Allan J. D. TaylorDebuting in Milan, Fontana settled in Paris in the mid 1930s, where he joined the Abstraction-Creation group and created expressionist sculptures in ceramic and bronze. He later moved to Argentina, where he developed his highly influential Technical Manifesto of Spatialism, a modernist marvel, characteristic of post-war innovation and fuelled by a forward-looking synthesis of art, technology, and science. With Spatialism, the artist sought to project color and form into spaces, most famously in his minimally ripped, or slashed canvases, such as his extensive Spatial Concept Waiting series.This dependable artist introduction follows Fontana on his personal and artistic journey to explore the evolution of his pioneering ideas as well as their remarkable legacy on conceptual and performance art which flourished in his wake. (
Podobné produkty ako Fontana - Barbara HessA captivating graphic edition of Timothy Snyder's bestselling book of lessons for surviving and resisting the arc toward authoritarianism. Timothy Snyder's On Tyranny is one of the essential books of recent years, using the darkest moments in twentieth-century history to teach twenty lessons on resisting modern-day authoritarianism. These include a warning to be aware of how symbols used today could affect tomorrow, an urgent reminder to research everything for yourself and to the fullest extent, and an encouragement to use personalised and individualised speech rather than clichéd phrases when arguing a point In this graphic edition, Nora Krug draws from her highly inventive style in Heimat - at once a graphic memoir, collage-style scrapbook, historical narrative and trove of memories - to breathe new life, colour and power into Snyder's modern classic, turning a quick-read pocket guide of lessons into a visually striking rumination and call for action. 'On Tyranny is a must read, a clear-eyed guidebook' Ken Burns History does not repeat, but it does instruct. In a time of great uncertainty and instability, this edition of On Tyranny emphasises the importance of being active, conscious, and deliberate participants in resistance. (
Podobné produkty ako On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century (Graphic Edition) - Timothy SnyderSet in fictional Maycomb, Alabama during the 1930s at a time of unrest – the town is divided by race and class – the narrative is told through the eyes of Scout, a young girl whose father, Atticus, has been employed to defend a black man convicted of the rape of a young white woman. It’s a case that shocks and divides the town – many are appalled that Atticus would concede to defend him. But he represents bravery and measured consideration – Atticus stands as the moral compass at the centre of the prose – and he feels no compromise in his decision. It’s a trial fraught with emotion, propelled along by rage: it becomes clear that the man is innocent, but despite the evidence that’s put forward, a jury convicts him. He loses his life during an attempt to escape. (
Podobné produkty ako To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper LeeováTHE TOP TEN SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERAmory Clay's first memory is of her father doing a handstand – but it is his absences that she chiefly remembers. Her Uncle Greville, a photographer, gives her both the affection she needs and a camera, which unleashes a passion that irrevocably shapes her future. She begins an apprenticeship with him in London, photographing socialites for magazines. But Amory is hungry for more and her search for life, love and artistic expression will take her to the demi-monde of 1920s Berlin, New York in the 1930s, the Blackshirt riots in London, and France during the Second World War, where she becomes one of the first women war photographers.In this enthralling story of a life fully lived, William Boyd has created a sweeping panorama of the twentieth century, told through the camera lens of one unforgettable woman. (
Podobné produkty ako Sweet Caress - The Many Lives of Amory Clay - William BoydThis is a seductive and evocative epic on an intimate scale, which tells the extraordinary story of a geisha girl. Summoning up more than twenty years of Japan's most dramatic history, it uncovers a hidden world of eroticism and enchantment, exploitation and degredation. From a small fishing village in 1929, the tale moves to the glamorous and decadent heart of Kyoto in the 1930s, where a young peasant girl is sold as servant and apprentice to a renowned geisha house. She tells her story many years later from the Waldorf Astoria in New York; it exquisitely evokes another culture, a different time and the details of an extraordinary way of life. It conjures up the perfection and the ugliness of life behind rice-paper screens, where young girls learn the arts of the geisha - dancing and singing, how to wind the kimonok, how to walk and pour tea, and how to beguile the most powerful men. (
Podobné produkty ako Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur GoldeneBook: The end of the 1930s. The last months of the free Czechoslovak Republic are being written. Rose, a Czech student of French language, is not yet concerned with political events. She enjoys youthful fun, including primarily athletics and adrenaline sports of all kinds.She prefers to dedicate herself to a recently emerged sport, which urban youth jokingly call \"running\" - with a certain amount of exaggeration. Runners penetrate guarded urban objects and \"run through\" them. The winner is the one who covers the agreed route the fastest, without being spotted by security. However, Rose\'s carefree youth days soon come to an end. Hitler breaks up Czechoslovakia, occupies the border regions, and eventually his troops march into Prague. In the newly created Protectorate, the Czech population becomes a defeated people without a future.That\'s when Rose decides to fight. As she soon discovers, her \"running\" experiences are highly sought after in the anti-Nazi resistance. (
Podobné produkty ako The Runner - Martin Koláček - e-knihaWith her red hair flowing, her yellow eyes glinting like embers, and her face streaked with blood, Jirel is strong, fearless, and driven by honor. The fierce, proud, and relentless commander of warriors, standing tall above her enemies and simmering with rage, Jirel bids farewell to the world of treacherous men and walks through a forbidden door into Hell itself in pursuit of freedom, justice, and revenge.These are the classic tales of blood and honor that catapulted C.L. Moore into the legendary ranks of such acclaimed writers as Robert E. Howard and Edgar Rice Burroughs in the golden age of sword and sorcery. First published in the magazine Weird Tales in the 1930s, Moore's fantastic medieval adventures are heightened by a savage, romantic vision that helped define the genre, earning her recognition as a Grand Master for lifetime achievement by the World Fantasy Convention. (
Podobné produkty ako Jirel of Joiry - Moore C. L.The unforgettable new novel from the National Book Award-winning, Oprah Book Club-picked, Barack Obama pick, James McBride. In 1972, when workers in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, were digging the foundations for a new development, the last thing they expected to find was a skeleton at the bottom of a well. Who the skeleton was and how it got there were two of the long-held secrets kept by the residents of Chicken Hill, the dilapidated neighbourhood where immigrant Jews and African Americans lived side by side and shared ambitions and sorrows. As the story moves back in time to the 1930s and the characters' stories overlap and deepen, it becomes clear how much the people who live on the margins struggle and what they must do to survive. When the truth is finally revealed about what happened on Chicken Hill, McBride shows us that even in dark times, it is love and community - heaven and earth - that sustain us. (
Podobné produkty ako The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store - James McBrideAn inspiring collection of 50 spectacular houses built almost entirely from glass Glass Houses presents 50 stunning architect designed homes that utilize glass to maximum effect. The international selection includes early modernist houses from the 1930s, such as Philip Johnson’s Glass House and Mies van der Rohe’s Farnsworth House, and glamorous mid-century LA villas like Pierre Koenig’s Case Study #22, alongside outstanding contemporary examples, where new innovations have made even more daring glass structures possible. Each house is celebrated with awe-inspiring photographs that showcase the dynamic, light-filled living spaces that only glass can deliver. Features homes in: Australia, Brazil, Chile, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, UK, USA, and Vietnam Features architects including: Tatiana Bilbao, Lina Bo Bardi, Ofis Arhitekti, Herzog & de Meuron, Hiroshi Nakamura, Kazuyo Sejima, Philip Johnson, Mecanoo, John Lautner, Richard Rogers, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (
Podobné produkty ako Glass Houses - Andrew HeidFrom the author of the no. 1 bestseller Travelling to Infinity: The True Story Behind The Theory of Everything. In 1930s Greater London, Shirley is a talented ballerina who dreams of becoming a principal dancer at the Sadler's Wells Ballet Company. Yet one summer, on the way back from staying with her grandparents in France, she meets a handsome young man, Alan, for a fleeting moment and her life changes for ever. Finding him becomes an obsession for Shirley, who now longs to fulfil her dreams in the ballet simply so that he might see her name in lights and know where to find her. With the outbreak of the Second World War, and those she loves in danger, Shirley's priority becomes to help in the war effort, but with Alan appearing once more in her life, and the war threatening to part them for a second time, she knows that she cannot cope if she were to lose him again. The second in the Immortal Souls series. The First is Silent Music (Immortal Souls). (
Podobné produkty ako Cry to Dream Again - Jane HawkingováAgatha Christie meets Julie Caplin in this exciting new cosy crime series that captures the glamour of the 1930s with the gorgeous escapist destinations!An escape to TuscanyAn unexpected invitationA murder at midnight...When novice detective Atalanta Ashford is whisked away to Italy by her friend, race car driver Raoul Lemont, she anticipates a happy holiday under the Tuscan sun. But a chance meeting on the Orient Express with Italian heiress Catharina Lanetti leads to a party invitation...and front row seats for a mysterious murder!With their new friend under suspicion Atalanta and Raoul set to work trying to discover who really murdered Catharina's father. But with more than half a dozen suspects - all with compelling motive - Atalanta may just be facing her toughest case yet!Look out for more Miss Ashford mysteries and get your passports ready as you travel with her to some of the most sought-after destinations on the continent... (
Podobné produkty ako A Fatal Encounter in Tuscany (Miss Ashford Investigates, Book 3) - Vivian ConroyA haunting portrait of race and class, innocence and injustice, hypocrisy and heroism, tradition and transformation in the Deep South of the 1930s, Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird remains as important today as it was upon its initial publication in 1960, during the turbulent years of the Civil Rights movement. Now, this most beloved and acclaimed novel is reborn for a new age as a gorgeous graphic novel. Scout, Jem, Boo Radley, Atticus Finch, and the small town of Maycomb, Alabama, are all captured in vivid and moving illustrations by artist Fred Fordham. Enduring in vision, Harper Lee’s timeless novel illuminates the complexities of human nature and the depths of the human heart with humor, unwavering honesty, and a tender, nostalgic beauty. Lifetime admirers and new readers alike will be touched by this special visual edition that joins the ranks of the graphic novel adaptations of A Wrinkle in Time and The Alchemist. (
Podobné produkty ako To Kill a Mockingbird: A Graphic Novel - Harper Leeová, Fred FordhamKniha - anglicky Harper Lee’s novel, published in 1960, has been the centre of controversy again of late, with the question of its appearance on UK schools’ reading lists. For me, it’s no surprise that it’s one of the most studied books in the canon - it’s a classic of American literature, a powerful meditation on prejudice and intolerance which is also a complex and highly skilled exploration of character, social standing and class. At its centre, it’s a novel about tolerance and acceptance. Set in fictional Maycomb, Alabama during the 1930s at a time of unrest – the town is divided by race and class – the narrative is told through the eyes of Scout, a young girl whose father, Atticus, has been employed to defend a black man convicted of the rape of a young white woman. It’s a case that shocks and divides the town – many are appalled that Atticus would concede to defend him. But he represents bravery and measured consideration – Atticus stands as the moral... (
Podobné produkty ako To Kill a Mockingbird (978-0-994667-3-4)In this gorgeous and haunting fantasy set in 1930s Chicago, a talented ballerina finds herself torn between her dreams and her desires when she's pursued by a secretive patron who may be more than he seems. Grace has always wanted to be a ballerina, ever since she first peered through the windows of the Near North Ballet company. The elegance of the dance seemed transcendent to an immigrant child of the working poor, and so, when she is orphaned, it is to the ballet that she flees.Years later, Grace is on the verge of becoming the company's new prima ballerina - though she is beginning to realise that achieving her long-held dream may not be the triumph she once envisioned. Then Grace attracts the attention of the enigmatic Master La Rosa, and realises that the world may not be as small or constricted as she had come to fear. But who is her mysterious patron, and what does he want from her? As Grace begins to unlock the Master's secrets, she discovers that there may be another way entirely to achieve the transcendence she has always sought. (
Podobné produkty ako Nocturne - Alyssa WeesThe first large-scale monograph on this internationally renowned photographer. Jaromír Funke (1896-1945) was a innovator of modern photography, just like Jaroslav Rössler, Man Ray, László Moholy-Nagy, Albert Renger-Patzsch, Aleksander Rodchenko, Paul Strand, and Edward Weston, to name but a few. Like them, Funke set out (in 1922) on the road towards abstraction, which would eventually lead him to his own particular "ism” - photogenism. Funke also responded to Cubism and created exemplary works of the New Objectivity and Constructivism, but he stood closest to Bauhaus. During the 1920s, he was one of the first to adopt irrational approaches such as Poetism and Surrealism. In the second half of the 1930s, Funke established his "emotional photography” on the basis of Breton's notion of the magic encounter. He was a typical universally educated intellectual of his era. This book focuses primarily on the ideas that shaped and transformed Funke's work, while placing it within the context of European avant-garde photography and culture, of which he was a pioneer. The book was prepared in cooperation with Jaromír Funke's daughter Miloslava Rupešová. (
Podobné produkty ako Jaromír Funke - Between Construction and Emotion - Antonín DufekKniha - anglicky 'Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.' A lawyer's advice to his children as he defends the real mockingbird of Harper Lee's classic novel - a black man charged with the rape of a white girl. Through the young eyes of Scout and Jem Finch, Harper Lee explores with exuberant humour the irrationality of adult attitudes to race and class in the Deep South of the 1930s. The conscience of a town steeped in prejudice, violence and hypocrisy is pricked by the stamina of one man's struggle for justice. But the weight of history will only tolerate so much. To Kill a Mockingbird is a coming-of-age story, an anti-racist novel, a historical drama of the Great Depression and a sublime example of the Southern writing tradition.The perennially beloved and treacly account of growing up in a small Southern town during the Depression....To read the novel is, for most, an exercise in wish-fulfillment... (
Podobné produkty ako To Kill a Mockingbird (9780099549482)WEST WITH THE NIGHT appeared on 13 bestseller lists on first publication in 1942. It tells the spellbinding story of Beryl Markham -- aviator, racehorse trainer, fascinating beauty -and her life in the Kenya of the 1920s and 30s.Markham was taken to Kenya at the age of four. As an adult she was befriended by Denys Finch-Hatton, the big-game hunter of OUT OF AFRICA fame, who took her flying in his airplane. Thrilled by the experience, Markham went on to become the first woman in Kenya to receive a commercial pilot's license.In 1936 she determined to fly solo across the Atlantic -- without stopping. When Charles Lindbergh did the same, he had the wind behind him. Markham, by contrast, had a strong headwind against her and a plane that only flew up to 163 mph. On 4 September, she took off ... Several days later, she crash-landed in Nova Scotia and became an instant celebrity.Biographical Notes Born in England in 1902, Markham grew up in East Africa. She apprenticed as a trainer and breeder of racehorses and in the 1930s became an African bush pilot. In 1936 she became the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic from east to west. Markham died suddenly in 1986. (
Podobné produkty ako West with the Night - Markham Beryl'Be original or die would be a good motto for photographers to adopt...let them put life and colour into their work.' - Yevonde. Yevonde (1893-1975) was a businesswoman and tireless creator, as an innovator committed to colour photography when it was not considered a serious medium, her work is significant in the history of British portrait photography. Yevonde championed photography during a time where there were few women photographers working professionally, and this book tells the story of her life, works, and 60-year career.Yevonde: Life and Colour brings the photographer's works together again for the first time in 20 years and features previously unpublished works. This book showcases her experimentation with a range of techniques and genres including colour photography, portraiture, still-lifes, solarisation, and the Vivex colour process, and repositions her as a modern artist of the twentieth century. This highly illustrated publication provides in-depth context to Yevonde's images, considering their aesthetic and mythic references.Yevonde's portraits embody glorified tradition countered with a desire for the new. Her most renowned body of work is a series of women dressed as goddesses posed in surreal tableaux from the 1930s. (
Podobné produkty ako Yevonde: Life and Colour - Susanna Brown, Pamela Roberts, Clare FreestoneSemiakustická kytara Řada Excel Series Tour Collection představuje nástroje profesionální úrovně se strohým designem a výbornými herními vlastnostmi, které jistě oceníte na koncertech nebo na turné. TOUR COLLECTION SS Solid Black je pololubová kytara v single-cut designu s patnáct palcům širokým tělem zhotoveným z laminovaného javoru. Ke krku ze tří kusů javoru a ořechu je přilepen ebenový hmatník osazený dvaadvaceti pražci velikosti Medium Jumbo (Blacksmith DHP-27H). Úzký C profil krku zaručuje plynulý pohyb prstů po hmatníku a pohodlný dohmat, orientaci po ploše hmatníku usnadňují polohové značky z imitace perleti. Dva PAF style humbuckery Supro Bolt Buckers s Alnico 2 s 5 magnety nabízí širokou škálu vřelých a krystalicky čistých zvuků. Charakter tónu lze tvarovat pomocí potenciometru hlasitosti, tónové clony a třípolohového přepínače snímačů. Stabilní ladění a dobrý sustain zaručuje uchycení strun přes nultý pražec z kosti v mechanikách Grover Vintage Deluxe s převodovým poměrem 15:1 a přes kobylku TOM ve struníku. Stylové zpracování podtrhuje perleťový inlay Excel Series a firemní logo (Mother-of-Pearl) na hlavici kytary, lemovka těla, hmatníku a hlavy a 1930s designem inspirované F výřezy. Kytara je dodávána v obalu (gig bag). (
Podobné produkty ako D'Angelico Tour Collection SS Single Cutaway Stop-Bar Tailpie CE SolidSemiakustická kytara Řada Excel Series Tour Collection představuje nástroje profesionální úrovně se strohým designem a výbornými herními vlastnostmi, které jistě oceníte na koncertech nebo na turné. TOUR COLLECTION MINI DC Solid Black je pololubová kytara v double-cut designu se zmenšeným čtrnáctipalcovým tělem zhotoveným z laminovaného javoru. Ke krku ze tří kusů javoru a ořechu je přilepen ebenový hmatník osazený dvaadvaceti pražci velikosti Medium Jumbo (Blacksmith DHP-27H). Úzký C profil krku zaručuje plynulý pohyb prstů po hmatníku a pohodlný dohmat, orientaci po ploše hmatníku usnadňují polohové značky z imitace perleti. Dva PAF style humbuckery Supro Bolt Buckers s Alnico 2 s 5 magnety nabízí širokou škálu vřelých a krystalicky čistých zvuků. Charakter tónu lze tvarovat pomocí potenciometru hlasitosti, tónové clony a třípolohového přepínače snímačů. Stabilní ladění a dobrý sustain zaručuje uchycení strun přes nultý pražec z kosti v mechanikách Grover Vintage Deluxe s převodovým poměrem 15:1 a přes kobylku TOM ve struníku. Stylové zpracování podtrhuje perleťový inlay Excel Series a firemní logo (Mother-of-Pearl) na hlavici kytary, lemovka těla, hmatníku a hlavy a 1930s designem inspirované F výřezy. Kytara je dodávána v obalu (gig bag). (
Podobné produkty ako D'Angelico Tour Collection Mini DC Double Cutaway Stop-Bar Tailpie CESemiakustická kytara Řada Excel Series Tour Collection představuje nástroje profesionální úrovně se strohým designem a výbornými herními vlastnostmi, které jistě oceníte na koncertech nebo na turné. TOUR COLLECTION MINI DC Solid Wine je pololubová kytara v double-cut designu se zmenšeným čtrnáctipalcovým tělem zhotoveným z laminovaného javoru. Ke krku ze tří kusů javoru a ořechu je přilepen ebenový hmatník osazený dvaadvaceti pražci velikosti Medium Jumbo (Blacksmith DHP-27H). Úzký C profil krku zaručuje plynulý pohyb prstů po hmatníku a pohodlný dohmat, orientaci po ploše hmatníku usnadňují polohové značky z imitace perleti. Dva PAF style humbuckery Supro Bolt Buckers s Alnico 2 s 5 magnety nabízí širokou škálu vřelých a krystalicky čistých zvuků. Charakter tónu lze tvarovat pomocí potenciometru hlasitosti, tónové clony a třípolohového přepínače snímačů. Stabilní ladění a dobrý sustain zaručuje uchycení strun přes nultý pražec z kosti v mechanikách Grover Vintage Deluxe s převodovým poměrem 15:1 a přes kobylku TOM ve struníku. Stylové zpracování podtrhuje perleťový inlay Excel Series a firemní logo (Mother-of-Pearl) na hlavici kytary, lemovka těla, hmatníku a hlavy a 1930s designem inspirované F výřezy. Kytara je dodávána v obalu (gig bag). (
Podobné produkty ako D'Angelico Tour Collection Mini DC Double Cutaway Stop-Bar Tailpie CESemiakustická kytara Řada Excel Series Tour Collection představuje nástroje profesionální úrovně se strohým designem a výbornými herními vlastnostmi, které jistě oceníte na koncertech nebo na turné. TOUR COLLECTION SS Solid Wine je pololubová kytara v single-cut designu s patnáct palcům širokým tělem zhotoveným z laminovaného javoru. Ke krku ze tří kusů javoru a ořechu je přilepen ebenový hmatník osazený dvaadvaceti pražci velikosti Medium Jumbo (Blacksmith DHP-27H). Úzký C profil krku zaručuje plynulý pohyb prstů po hmatníku a pohodlný dohmat, orientaci po ploše hmatníku usnadňují polohové značky z imitace perleti. Dva PAF style humbuckery Supro Bolt Buckers s Alnico 2 s 5 magnety nabízí širokou škálu vřelých a krystalicky čistých zvuků. Charakter tónu lze tvarovat pomocí potenciometru hlasitosti, tónové clony a třípolohového přepínače snímačů. Stabilní ladění a dobrý sustain zaručuje uchycení strun přes nultý pražec z kosti v mechanikách Grover Vintage Deluxe s převodovým poměrem 15:1 a přes kobylku TOM ve struníku. Stylové zpracování podtrhuje perleťový inlay Excel Series a firemní logo (Mother-of-Pearl) na hlavici kytary, lemovka těla, hmatníku a hlavy a 1930s designem inspirované F výřezy. Kytara je dodávána v obalu (gig bag). (
Podobné produkty ako D'Angelico Tour Collection SS Single Cutaway Stop-Bar Tailpie CE SolidSemiakustická kytara Řada Excel Series Tour Collection představuje nástroje profesionální úrovně se strohým designem a výbornými herními vlastnostmi, které jistě oceníte na koncertech nebo na turné. TOUR COLLECTION MINI DC Slate Blue je pololubová kytara v double-cut designu se zmenšeným čtrnáctipalcovým tělem zhotoveným z laminovaného javoru. Ke krku ze tří kusů javoru a ořechu je přilepen ebenový hmatník osazený dvaadvaceti pražci velikosti Medium Jumbo (Blacksmith DHP-27H). Úzký C profil krku zaručuje plynulý pohyb prstů po hmatníku a pohodlný dohmat, orientaci po ploše hmatníku usnadňují polohové značky z imitace perleti. Dva PAF style humbuckery Supro Bolt Buckers s Alnico 2 s 5 magnety nabízí širokou škálu vřelých a krystalicky čistých zvuků. Charakter tónu lze tvarovat pomocí potenciometru hlasitosti, tónové clony a třípolohového přepínače snímačů. Stabilní ladění a dobrý sustain zaručuje uchycení strun přes nultý pražec z kosti v mechanikách Grover Vintage Deluxe s převodovým poměrem 15:1 a přes kobylku TOM ve struníku. Stylové zpracování podtrhuje perleťový inlay Excel Series a firemní logo (Mother-of-Pearl) na hlavici kytary, lemovka těla, hmatníku a hlavy a 1930s designem inspirované F výřezy. Kytara je dodávána v obalu (gig bag). (
Podobné produkty ako D'Angelico Tour Collection Mini DC Double Cutaway Stop-Bar Tailpie CEThis groundbreaking international bestseller lays to rest many myths about the Holocaust: that Germans were ignorant of the mass destruction of Jews, that the killers were all SS men, and that those who slaughtered Jews did so reluctantly. Hitler's Willing Executioners provides conclusive evidence that the extermination of European Jewry engaged the energies and enthusiasm of tens of thousands of ordinary Germans. Goldhagen reconstructs the climate of "eliminationist anti-Semitism" that made Hitler's pursuit of his genocidal goals possible and the radical persecution of the Jews during the 1930s popular. Drawing on a wealth of unused archival materials, principally the testimony of the killers themselves, Goldhagen takes us into the killing fields where Germans voluntarily hunted Jews like animals, tortured them wantonly, and then posed cheerfully for snapshots with their victims. From mobile killing units, to the camps, to the death marches, Goldhagen shows how ordinary Germans, nurtured in a society where Jews were seen as unalterable evil and dangerous, willingly followed their beliefs to their logical conclusion. "Hitler's Willing Executioner's is an original, indeed brilliant contribution to the...literature on the Holocaust."--New York Review of Books "The most important book ever published about the Holocaust...Eloquently written, meticulously documented, impassioned...A model of moral and scholarly integrity."--Philadelphia Inquirer (
Podobné produkty ako Hitler´s Willing Executioners - Daniel Jonah Goldhagen