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When We Cease to Understand the World - Benjamín Labatut

A Guardian and New Statesman book of the year, now in paperback - the fast-paced,mind-expanding literary work about scientific discovery and the unsettled distinctionbetween genius and madness. Shortlisted for the 2021 International Booker Prize.

Podívejte se také How We Understand the Beats (978-80-210-9048-4)

cena 295.0 Kč

The MANIAC - Benjamín Labatut

The author of When We Cease to Understand the World: a dazzling, kaleidoscopic book about the destructive chaos lurking in the history of computing and AI.

Podívejte se také How We Understand the Beats: The Reception of the Beat Generation in the United States and the Czech (978-80-210-9048-4)

cena 295.0 Kč

The MANIAC - Benjamín Labatut

From the author of When We Cease to Understand the World: a dazzling, kaleidoscopic book about the destructive chaos lurking in the history of computing and AI'Monstrously good... Reads like a dark foundation myth about modern technology but told with the pace of a thriller' Mark HaddonJohn von Neumann was a titan of science. A Hungarian wunderkind who revolutionized every field he touched, his mathematical powers were so exceptional that Hans Bethe - a Nobel Prize-winning physicist - thought he might represent the next step in human evolution.After seeking the foundations of mathematics during his youth in Germany, von Neumann emigrated to the United States, where he became entangled in the power games of the Cold War; he designed the world's first programmable computer, invented game theory, pioneered AI and digital life, and helped create the atomic bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He was the darling of the military industrial complex, but when illness unmoored his mind, his work pushed further into areas beyond human comprehension and control.The MANIAC places von Neumann at the center of a literary triptych about the dark foundations of our modern world and the nascent era of AI. It begins with Paul Ehrenfest, an Austrian physicist and close friend of Einstein, who fell into despair when he saw science and technology become tyrannical forces; it ends a hundred years later, in the showdown between the South Korean Go Master, Lee Sedol, and the AI program AlphaGo.Braiding fact with fiction, Benjamín Labatut takes us on a journey to the frontiers of rational thought, where invention outpaces human understanding and offers godlike power, but takes us to the brink of Armageddon.

Podívejte se také Dekker Desmond: From Jamaica To The World - LP (4260494435658)

cena 591.0 Kč

How We Understand the Beats - Antonín Zita

Jak rozumíme beatníkům. Recepce Beat Generation ve Spojených státech a v Česku. Kniha se zabývá srovnáním recepce autorů Beat Generation v USA a v Česku, a to ve dvou časových obdobích - v 50. a 60. letech 20. století a poté od 90. let až do současnosti. Zatímco samotné publikace Beat Generation autorů zůstaly nezměněné, kontexty těchto publikací byly zásadně odlišné: v USA byla díla autorů Beat Generation často redukována senzacechtivými kritiky na nevyzrálé vychvalování drog, sexu i násilí, v Československu naopak tito autoři získali přízeň čtenářů díky neobvyklosti svého literárního jazyka, kterou jejich próza a poezie představovaly na literárním trhu značně pokřiveném tezemi socialistického realismu. Tato studie tedy dokládá, jak mohou odlišné kontexty ovlivnit přístup čtenářů k literárnímu textu a jejich autorům, což ve výsledku pomáhá přeměnit daný text na odlišné umělecké dílo.

Objev podobné jako How We Understand the Beats - Antonín Zita

cena 318.0 Kč

How We Understand the Beats (978-80-210-9048-4)

Elektronická kniha - ze série Spisy Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, autor Antonín Zita, 202 stran, anglicky Kniha se zabývá srovnáním recepce autorů Beat Generation v USA a v Česku, a to ve dvou časových obdobích – v 50. a 60. letech 20. století a poté od 90. let až do současnosti. Zatímco samotné publikace Beat Generation autorů zůstaly nezměněné, kontexty těchto publikací byly zásadně odlišné: v USA byla díla autorů Beat Generation často redukována senzacechtivými kritiky na nevyzrálé vychvalování drog, sexu i násilí, v Československu naopak tito autoři získali přízeň čtenářů díky neobvyklosti svého literárního jazyka, kterou jejich próza a poezie představovaly na literárním trhu značně pokřiveném tezemi socialistického realismu. Tato studie tedy dokládá, jak mohou odlišné kontexty ovlivnit přístup čtenářů k literárnímu textu a jejich autorům, což ve výsledku pomáhá přeměnit daný text na odlišné umělecké dílo.

Objev podobné jako How We Understand the Beats (978-80-210-9048-4)

cena 332.0 Kč

MANIAC - Benjamín Labatut - e-kniha

eBook: Nejnebezpečnějším vědeckým vynálezem 20. století byla atomová bomba, nyní jí šlape na paty umělá inteligence. Když sledujeme příběhy těchto dvou objevů dostatečně daleko do minulosti, zjistíme, že se protínají v osobě Johna von Neumanna, který bývá označován za nejchytřejšího člověka, jaký kdy žil. Maďar von Neumann byl zázračné dítě, jehož nadání lidem nahánělo strach. Jeho objevy přispěly k rozvoji kvantové mechaniky i genetiky. Založil teorii her, sestrojil první programovatelný počítač, který dostal jméno MANIAC, a přes účast na Oppenheimerově projektu Manhattan se dostal až k základům umělé inteligence. Labatut nás podobně jako ve své prvotině Strašlivá závrať nechává nahlédnout do mysli člověka, jehož vědecké objevy posouvají lidstvo kupředu, ale zároveň s sebou nesou hrozivé následky, jež nelze dohlédnout. Strhující příběh kombinující fakta a fikci konfrontuje čtenáře s nejhlubšími otázkami, kterým jako živočišný druh čelíme.

Objev podobné jako MANIAC - Benjamín Labatut - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Strašlivá závrať - Benjamín Labatut - e-kniha

eBook: Bůh nehraje se světem kostky, prohlásil Albert Einstein. Na což by mu Benjamín Labatut odpověděl, že Bůh možná ne, ale ďábel ano. Strašlivá závrať je románem faktu o vědcích, kteří ve svých oborech učinili převratné objevy - Bohrovi, Heisenbergovi, Schrödingerovi a dalších -, došli však na hranice lidského chápání a poprvé v dějinách dali lidstvu moc zničit sebe sama. Třeba německý chemik Fritz Heber objevil umělá hnojiva, která zachránila lidstvo před hladomory. Vynalezl ale také bojový plyn yperit, který zabil tisíce vojáků v zákopech první světové války, což jeho manželku dohnalo k sebevraždě, již spáchala před jeho očima. Podobně atomy, které roztrhaly Hirošimu a Nagasaki na kusy, nerozštěopily šikovné ruce generálů, ale skupiny fyziků vyzbrojených hrstí rovnic. Dramatický příběh Benjamína Labatuta o určujících momentech dějin vědy nás vrhá do vzrušujícího území mezi fakty a fikcí, pokrokem a zkázou, genialitou a šílenstvím a staví nás před otázku, jestli díky vědě lépa rozumíme světu, nebo ho naopak ztrácíme. Za svou knihu byl v roce 2021 nominován do finále Mezinárodní Bookerovy ceny.

Objev podobné jako Strašlivá závrať - Benjamín Labatut - e-kniha

cena 209.0 Kč

How We Understand the Beats: The Reception of the Beat Generation in the United States and the Czech (978-80-210-9048-4)

Kniha - autor Antonín Zita, 202 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Kniha se zabývá srovnáním recepce autorů Beat Generation v USA a v Česku, a to ve dvou časových obdobích - v 50. a 60. letech 20. století a poté od 90. let až do současnosti. Zatímco samotné publikace Beat Generation autorů zůstaly nezměněné, kontexty těchto publikací byly zásadně odlišné: v USA byla díla autorů Beat Generation často redukována senzacechtivými kritiky na nevyzrálé vychvalování drog, sexu i násilí, v Československu naopak tito autoři získali přízeň čtenářů díky neobvyklosti svého literárního jazyka, kterou jejich próza a poezie představovaly na literárním trhu značně pokřiveném tezemi socialistického realismu. Tato studie tedy dokládá, jak mohou odlišné kontexty ovlivnit přístup čtenářů k literárnímu textu a jejich autorům, což ve výsledku pomáhá přeměnit daný text na odlišné umělecké dílo.

Objev podobné jako How We Understand the Beats: The Reception of the Beat Generation in the United States and the Czech (978-80-210-9048-4)

cena 306.0 Kč

Surrounded by Idiots : The Four Types of Human Behaviour (or, How to Understand Those Who Cannot Be Understood) - Thomas Erikson

Do you ever think you're the only one making any sense? Or tried to reason with your partner with disastrous results? Do long, rambling answers drive you crazy? Or does your colleague's abrasive manner get your back up?You are not alone. After a disastrous meeting with a highly successful entrepreneur, who was genuinely convinced he was 'surrounded by idiots', communication expert and bestselling author, Thomas Erikson dedicated himself to understanding how people function and why we often struggle to connect with certain types of people.Originally published in Swedish in 2014 as Omgiven Av Idioter, Erikon's Surrounded by Idiots is already an international phenomenon, selling over 1.5 million copies worldwide, of which over 750,000 copies have been sold in Sweden alone. It offers a simple, yet ground-breaking method for assessing the personalities of people we communicate with - in and out of the office - based on four personality types (Red, Blue, Green and Yellow), and provides insights into how we can adjust the way(s) we speak and share information.Erikson will help you understand yourself better, hone communication and social skills, handle conflict with confidence, improve dynamics with your boss and team, and get the best out of the people you deal with and manage. He also shares simple tricks on body language, improving written communication and advice on when to back away or when to push on, and when to speak up or indeed shut up. Packed with 'aha!' and 'oh no!' moments, Surrounded by Idiots will help you understand and influence those around you, even people you currently think are beyond all comprehension.And with a bit of luck you can also be confident that the idiot out there isn't you!

Objev podobné jako Surrounded by Idiots : The Four Types of Human Behaviour (or, How to Understand Those Who Cannot Be Understood) - Thomas Erikson

cena 309.0 Kč

The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge With Computers - Ray Kurzweil

Since it was first published in 2005, Ray Kurzweil's The Singularity Is Near (Duckworth) and its vision of the future have been influential in spawning a worldwide movement with millions of followers, hundreds of books, and major films (Her, Lucy, Ex Machina). During the succeeding decade many of his predictions about tech advancements have been borne out. In this entirely new book Kurzweil takes a fresh perspective on advances in the singularity - assessing many of his predictions and examining the novel advancements to a revolution in knowledge and an expansion of human potential.

Objev podobné jako The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge With Computers - Ray Kurzweil

cena 447.0 Kč

When the World Tips Over - Jandy Nelsonová

An explosive new novel brimming with love, secrets, and enchantment by Jandy Nelson, the New York Times bestselling author of I’ll Give You the Sun. "I am fervently in love with this brave, funny, tender, exuberant beating heart of a book." – Becky Albertalli, New York Times bestselling author of Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens AgendaWelcome to Paradise Springs, Northern California – a hot, dusty, half-magical, wine-country town where there are so many grapes fermenting at one time, you get drunk from breathing the air; where devil winds blow so hard they whip your sense away.A town where every fairy tale you've ever read could be set ... and "home" to the family Falls. When a strange, enigmatic, rainbow-haired girl shows up in their fantastical hometown, it sends the lives of Fall brothers Wynton and Miles and their sister Dizzy into tumult.With road trips, rivalries, family curses, love stories within love stories within love stories, and sorrows and joys passed from generation to generation, this is the intricate, luminous tale of a family’s complicated past and present. And only in telling their stories can they hope to rewrite their futures.

Objev podobné jako When the World Tips Over - Jandy Nelsonová

cena 268.0 Kč

When The World Was Ours - Liz Kesslerová

ONE MOMENT CAN CHANGE A LIFE FOREVER. ‘An exceptional read’ The Sunday Times ‘Vital glimmers of hope enlighten this profoundly poignant book’ Guardian A powerful and heart-breaking novel about three childhood friends living during the Second World War whose fates are closely intertwined, even when their lives take very different courses. Inspired by a true story, this is the perfect read for fans of The Book Thief and Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl.Vienna, 1936.Elsa, Leo and Max have always been best friends, a special team of three. Then the Nazis come. As a growing darkness descends around them, Leo and Elsa run for their lives, taking two very different paths across Europe. And Max, once their closest friend, now becomes the enemy as he is drawn into the Hitler Youth. Will the friends ever find their way back to each other? Will they want to? Inspired by a true story, WHEN THE WORLD WAS OURS is an extraordinary novel that is as powerful as it is heartbreaking, and shows how the bonds of love, family and friendship allow glimmers of hope to flourish, even in the most hopeless of times. Three friends. Two sides. One memory.

Objev podobné jako When The World Was Ours - Liz Kesslerová

cena 266.0 Kč

Aristotle and Dante Dive Into the Waters of the World - Benjamin Alire Sáenz

The highly anticipated sequel to the beloved cult classic about family, friendship and first love, from award-winning author Benjamin Alire Saenz. This lyrical novel will enrapture readers of Adam Silvera (They Both Die at the End), The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Call me by your Name.A love story like no other.In Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, two boys fell in love. Now they must discover what it means to stay in love and build a relationship in a world that seems to challenge their very existence.Ari has spent all of high school hiding who he really is, staying silent and invisible. He expected his senior year to be the same. But something in him cracked open when he fell in love with Dante, and he can't go back. Suddenly he finds himself reaching out to new friends, standing up to bullies and making his voice heard. And, always, there is Dante - dreamy, witty Dante - who can get on Ari's nerves and fill him with desire all at once.The boys are determined to forge a path for themselves in a world that doesn't understand them. But when Ari is faced with a shocking loss, he'll have to fight like never before to create a life that is truthfully, joyfully his own.

Objev podobné jako Aristotle and Dante Dive Into the Waters of the World - Benjamin Alire Sáenz

cena 232.0 Kč

When We Were Birds

Mesmerising, mythic and timeless - the most unmissable debut novel of 2022 - for fans of Arundhati Roy, Toni Morrison and Monique Roffey'Exceptional' Jacob Ross'Exquisite' Avni Doshi'Combining the richness of myth with razor-sharp observation of contemporary life, When We Were Birds marks the emergence of a distinctive and powerful voice' Pat Barker'It's a knockout, and Ayanna Lloyd Banwo is a star. I want to read everything she writes' Niven GovindenDarwin is a down-on-his-luck gravedigger, newly arrived in the Trinidadian city of Port Angeles to seek his fortune, young and beautiful and lost. Estranged from his mother and the Rastafari faith she taught him, he is convinced that the father he never met may be waiting for him somewhere amid these bustling streets.Meanwhile in an old house on a hill, where the city meets the rainforest, Yejide's mother is dying. And she is leaving behind a legacy that now passes to Yejide: the power to talk to the dead. The women of Yejide's family are human but also not - descended from corbeau, the black birds that fly east at sunset, taking with them the souls of the dead.Darwin and Yejide both have something that the other needs. Their destinies are intertwined, and they will find one another in the sprawling, ancient cemetery at the heart of the island, where trouble is brewing...Rich with magic and wisdom, When We Were Birds is an exuberant masterpiece that conjures and mesmerises on every line. Ayanna Lloyd Banwo weaves an unforgettable story of loss and renewal, darkness and light; a triumphant reckoning with a grief that runs back generations and a defiant, joyful affirmation of hope.

Objev podobné jako When We Were Birds

cena 399.0 Kč

The World We Make - N.K. Jemisinová

Three-time Hugo Award-winning and New York Times bestselling author N.K. Jemisin crafts "a glorious fantasy" (Neil Gaiman) - a story of culture, identity, magic, and myths in contemporary New York City, in the final book of the Great Cities Duology.Every great city has a soul. A human avatar that embodies their city's heart and wields its magic. New York? She's got six.But all is not well in the city that never sleeps. Though Brooklyn, Manny, Bronca, Venezia, Padmini, and Neek have temporarily managed to stop the Woman in White from invading--and destroying the entire universe in the process--the mysterious capital "E" Enemy has more subtle powers at her disposal. A new candidate for mayor wielding the populist rhetoric of gentrification, xenophobia, and "law and order" may have what it takes to change the very nature of New York itself and take it down from the inside. In order to defeat him, and the Enemy who holds his purse strings, the avatars will have to join together with the other Great Cities of the world in order to bring her down for good and protect their world from complete destruction.The Great Cities DuologyThe City We BecameThe World We Make

Objev podobné jako The World We Make - N.K. Jemisinová

cena 469.0 Kč

Centenary Facsimile Edition: When We Were Very Young (Winnie-the-Pooh - Classic Editions) - Alan Alexander Milne

Gorgeous gold-foiled hardback facsimile edition of When We Were Very Young presented in a gold-foiled slipcaseCurl up with this special facsimile edition of A.A.Milne’s classic book of poetry for children, When We Were Very Young. This gold-foiled hardback edition has been reproduced with all the printer marks and irregularities that were present in the edition first printed in 1924. It is presented in a stylish gold-foiled slipcase with a beautiful paper bellyband wrapped around it.When We Were Very Young is Milne’s first volume of rhymes written especially for children. It’s as popular now as when it was first written. This collection offers the same sense of humour, imagination and whimsy that we’ve come to expect from Milne''s books about Winnie-the-Pooh, that Bear of Very Little Brain.This facsimile edition is all the more special due to E.H.Shepard’s decorations, which are shown in their original black line glory. They are truly iconic and contributed to him being known as ‘the man who drew Pooh’.Do you own all the classic Pooh titles?Winnie-the-PoohThe House at Pooh CornerWhen We Were Very YoungNow We Are SixReturn to the Hundred Acre WoodThe Best Bear in All the WorldOnce There Was a BearTales from the ForestThe nation’s favourite teddy bear has been delighting generations of children for over 95 years. Milne’s classic children’s stories – featuring Piglet, Eeyore, Christopher Robin and, of course, Pooh himself – are gently humorous while teaching lessons about friendship and kindness.Pooh ranks alongside other beloved character such as Paddington Bear, and Peter Rabbit as an essential part of our literary heritage. Whether you’re 5 or 55, Pooh is the bear for all ages.

Objev podobné jako Centenary Facsimile Edition: When We Were Very Young (Winnie-the-Pooh - Classic Editions) - Alan Alexander Milne

cena 738.0 Kč

When We Were Young - Richard Roper

A tender and funny story about wanting to go back - when you know it's time to move on.---------Theo has been living in his parents' shed, nursing a broken heart and a wounded ego, convinced life can't get any worse. Then he gets evicted on his 30th birthday. Theo thinks he's done with the real world - until it shows up on his doorstep...Joel is a successful TV scriptwriter, still in love with his teenage sweetheart. A proper grown-up - and yet he's falling apart at the seams. He's headed home to reconnect with best friend Theo - except they haven't spoken since the summer they turned 16.One of them is keeping a secret, and the other is living a lie. But can the promise they once made to walk all 184 miles of the Thames Path help them find their way back to the truth - and to their friendship?

Objev podobné jako When We Were Young - Richard Roper

cena 279.0 Kč

Billie Eilish - When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? (LP)

Varianta: When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? (Vinyl LP) Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Hmotnost: 180 g Subžánr: Elektronický;Electropop;Trap;Indie Pop;Pop;Alternative Pop Typ: Album;LP deska Země původu: Evropská unie Země interpreta: USA Vydavatelství: Darkroom;Interscope Records;Polydor Žánr: Indie;Pop Rok nahrávky: 2019.0 Datum vydání: 2019-03-29 Rok vydání: 2019.0 Interpret / Téma: Billie Eilish Barva podle výrobce: Black Barva: Černá

Objev podobné jako Billie Eilish - When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? (LP)

cena 904.0 Kč

Eilish Billie: When We Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? (2019) - LP (7742766)

LP vinyl - Americká zpěvačka a skladatelka Billie Eilish vydává album When We Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?"Když jsem složila skladbu bury a friend, celé album do sebe najednou v mé hlavě zapadlo," přibližuje novou muziku Billie. Americká zpěvačka a skladatelka Billie Eilish vydává album When We Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?"Když jsem složila skladbu bury a friend, celé album do sebe najednou v mé hlavě zapadlo," přibližuje novou muziku Billie. "Okamžitě jsem věděla, o čem bude, jak bude vypadat a jak bych chtěla, aby ho posluchači chápali. Z názvu titulního singlu mě napadl motiv: bury a friend je psané z perspektivy monstra, které sídlí pod mojí postelí - co bych jako tohle stvoření dělala, co bych cítila? Já sama se přiznávám, že jsem monstrum a že jsem svým největším nepřítelem. Možná jsem i monstrem pod tvojí postelí." Billie Eilish patří mezi aktuálně nejplodnější a nejzajímavější interprety, kam jí katapultoval debut Ocean Eyes. Přední popovou linii...

Objev podobné jako Eilish Billie: When We Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? (2019) - LP (7742766)

cena 839.0 Kč

We Are Free to Change the World - Lyndsey Stonebridge

This bold new take on the life and ideas of political philosopher Hannah Arendt explores her lessons for living in an age of uncertainty'Compelling and original' OBSERVER'An absorbing new biography... Admirable' ECONOMIST'Invigorating and insightful' FINANCIAL TIMESThe violent unease of today's world would have been all too familiar to Hannah Arendt. Tyranny, occupation, disenchantment, post-truth politics, conspiracy theories, racism, mass migration, the banality of evil: she had lived through them all.Born in the first decade of the last century, Arendt escaped fascist Europe to make a new life for herself in America, where she became one of the world's most influential - and controversial - public intellectuals. She wrote about power and terror, exile and love, and above all about freedom. Questioning - thinking - was her first defence against tyranny.In place of the forces of darkness and insanity, she pitched a politics of plurality, spontaneity and defiance. Loving the world, Arendt taught, meant finding the courage to protect it. Written with passion and authority, Lyndsey Stonebridge's We Are Free to Change the World illuminates Arendt's life and work and its urgent dialogue with our troubled present.It calls on each of us to think our way, as Hannah Arendt did - unflinchingly, lovingly and defiantly - through our own unpredictable times.

Objev podobné jako We Are Free to Change the World - Lyndsey Stonebridge

cena 650.0 Kč

Lawrence Arms - We Are The Champions Of The World (2 LP)

Typ: LP deska;Kompilace;Album Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019 Země původu: Evropská unie Žánr: Rock;Punk Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva: Černá Varianta: We Are The Champions Of The World (2 LP) Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: LP Rok vydání: 2018.0 Datum vydání: 2018-03-30 Země interpreta: USA Rok nahrávky: 2018.0 Složení setu: 2 ks Subžánr: Punk Rock Vydavatelství: Fat Wreck Chords Interpret / Téma: Lawrence Arms Barva podle výrobce: Black

Objev podobné jako Lawrence Arms - We Are The Champions Of The World (2 LP)

cena 499.2 Kč

The Edge of the World: How the North Sea Made Us Who We Are (0241963834)

Kniha - autor Michael Pye, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Bestselling historian Michael Pye tells how the North Sea transformed Northern Europe from a barbaric outpost to the centre of everything, building the world as we know it. Brimming with rollicking adventures, vivid characters and witty observations. Now in paperback.

Objev podobné jako The Edge of the World: How the North Sea Made Us Who We Are (0241963834)

cena 409.0 Kč

This Is Planet Earth : Your Ultimate Guide to the World We Call Home

The Earth as you've never seen it before.The ancient Greeks called it Gaia; the Romans Terra. We know it simply as Earth, the planet we call home. And what a planet it is.Formed around 4.6 billion years ago from the debris of the big bang and long-dead stars, at first it was nothing special, but somehow it evolved to become the most amazing place in the known Universe. The only living planet we know of, it also has a very unusual moon, a remarkably dynamic surface, a complex atmosphere and a deeply mysterious interior.This is Planet Earth is dedicated to the wonders of planet Earth. Its past is long and dramatic and its future shrouded in mystery. Yet despite centuries of research, only now are we starting to understand Earth's complexity.

Objev podobné jako This Is Planet Earth : Your Ultimate Guide to the World We Call Home

cena 312.0 Kč

We are Artists: Women who made their mark on the world - Kari Herbert

Celebrating the life and work of 15 female artists from around the world. We Are Artists celebrates the life and work of 15 female artists from around the globe and the distinctive mark they made on the art world and beyond. Presented as a collection of engaging biographical narratives, We Are Artists reveals how each artist’s unique approach and perspective provided the art world and society at large with a new way of seeing things. It places the spotlight on women painters, sculptors, printmakers, illustrators, designers and craftswomen, who all too often are left out of history and art history books for children. Through their personal stories, readers will come to know the circles and art movements each artist worked in, and the influence they exerted on both the art world and society as a whole. Following in the wake of the Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls phenomenon, We Are Artists is aimed at inspiring young readers and aspiring artists, no matter what their gender, to find their own unique way of making a contribution to the world. 'Gorgeously illustrated' Culture Whisper

Objev podobné jako We are Artists: Women who made their mark on the world - Kari Herbert

cena 499.0 Kč

This Is Planet Earth : Your Ultimate Guide to the World We Call Home (Defekt)

The Earth as you've never seen it before.The ancient Greeks called it Gaia; the Romans Terra. We know it simply as Earth, the planet we call home. And what a planet it is.Formed around 4.6 billion years ago from the debris of the big bang and long-dead stars, at first it was nothing special, but somehow it evolved to become the most amazing place in the known Universe. The only living planet we know of, it also has a very unusual moon, a remarkably dynamic surface, a complex atmosphere and a deeply mysterious interior.This is Planet Earth is dedicated to the wonders of planet Earth. Its past is long and dramatic and its future shrouded in mystery. Yet despite centuries of research, only now are we starting to understand Earth's complexity.

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cena 149.0 Kč

We Are Displaced : My Journey and Stories from Refugee Girls Around the World - Malala Yousafzai

In this powerful and emotional New York Times bestseller, Nobel Peace Prize winner and activist Malala Yousafzai shares various stories of displacement, including her own. Part memoir, part communal storytelling, We Are Displaced introduces readers to some of the incredible girls Malala has met on her many journeys and lets each tell her story - girls who have lost their community, relatives and often the only world they've ever known, but have not lost hope. Longing for home and fear of an uncertain future binds all of these young women, but each is unique. In a time of immigration crises, war and border conflicts, We Are Displaced is an important reminder that every single one of the 79.5 million currently displaced is a person - often a young person - with dreams for a better, safer world. Includes a new Afterword by the author

Objev podobné jako We Are Displaced : My Journey and Stories from Refugee Girls Around the World - Malala Yousafzai

cena 268.0 Kč

Life Is Tough (But So Are You): How to rise to the challenge when things go pear-shaped - Briony Benjamin

Perfect for fans of life-changing personal development manuals like The Resilience Project, The Happiness Project and When Life Is Not Peachy.'This is the book everyone needs to read when life takes an unexpected turn.' - Mia Freedman, MamaMiaNot all storms come to disrupt your life. Some come to clear your path.Viral video producer Briony Benjamin was a few months into a new job when she started feeling crappy... All. The. Time. Doctors told her she was just stressed and should rest more and learn to meditate. But it turns out she had cancer all through her body.Turning the camera on herself, Briony started documenting her journey in the short video 'You Only Get One Life'. Its raw portrayal of her experience went viral, touching millions.Here Briony shares some of the important lessons learnt through her illness and recovery - everything from how to assemble your A Team in times of crisis and learning to make friends with the pain, to happy hacks for cutting yourself some slack and some great tips on being a kick-arse support human when a friend is going through the rough stuff.If you want to live the richest version of your life, bring some more joy into your day-to-day existence and have some tools up your sleeve for when things get tricksy, this book is for you. Because - spoiler alert - we all have to deal with our fair share of tough times sooner or later. It's how we handle them and bounce back afterwards that really matters.

Objev podobné jako Life Is Tough (But So Are You): How to rise to the challenge when things go pear-shaped - Briony Benjamin

cena 402.0 Kč

Band Of Horses - Cease To Begin (LP)

Složení setu: 1 ks Typ: LP deska;Album Varianta: Cease To Begin (LP) Země původu: Německo Interpret / Téma: Band Of Horses Datum vydání: 2007-10-11 Barva podle výrobce: Black Vydavatelství: Sub Pop Subžánr: Southern Rock;Indie Rock Rok vydání: 2007.0 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Žánr: Rock Barva: Černá

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cena 662.0 Kč

World of Warcraft Šaman - Paul Benjamin

BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENT hrdě představuje další zemí otřásající svazek ze série o povoláních ve World of Warcraft: Šaman! Zemětřesení. Ohně. Záplavy. Vichřice. Mezi azerothskými duchy elementů panuje chaos. Jedinou naději, jak jim zabránit, aby rozervali svět na kusy, představují šamani jako Muln Earthfury a ostatní členové utajovaného Zeměkruhu. Avšak když Mulnovy pokusy o ukonejšení elementů selže, chaotičtí duchové dál bez zábran pokračují ve svém řádění. Zeměkruhem se šíří pochybnosti a vyvstane znepokojující otázka: ztratili šamani svou schopnost rozmlouvat s elementy? Odpověď přichází v podobě příchodu Šotoy, tajuplného taurena, který ovládá elementy nikoli skrze uctivé prosby, nýbrž důraznými rozkazy. Jeho mocný druh šamanismu se selhávajícímu Zeměkruhu na první pohled jeví jako dar z nebes, avšak přijetí Šotoových způsobů by znamenalo vzdát se přesvědčení, která organizaci dlouhou dobu řídila. Zatímco se svět kolem nich hroutí, musí se Muln a Zeměkruh rozhodnout, zda je Šotoa hrdina… nebo kacíř. World of Warcraft: Šaman napsal Paul Benjamin (StarCraft: Frontline) a nakreslila Rocio Zucchiová (World of Warcraft: Rytíř smrti). Dílo prozkoumává bohatou tradici Zeměkruhu a stoické úsilí šamanů zklidnit vzpurné azerothské elementály – stejné pravěké síly, které sehrály zásadní roli v herním datadisku World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.

Objev podobné jako World of Warcraft Šaman - Paul Benjamin

cena 205.0 Kč

The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: How to be Calm in a Busy World - Haemin Sunim

The Times Top 10 BestsellerTHE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER, WITH OVER THREE MILLION COPIES SOLD AROUND THE WORLD'Is it the world that's busy, or my mind?'The world moves fast, but that doesn't mean we have to. In this timely guide to mindfulness, Haemin Sunim, a Buddhist monk born in Korea and educated in the United States, offers advice on everything from handling setbacks to dealing with rest and relationships, in a beautiful book combining his teachings with calming full-colour illustrations. Haemin Sunim's simple messages - which he first wrote when he responded to requests for advice on social media - speak directly to the anxieties that have become part of modern life and remind us of the strength and joy that come from slowing down.Hugely popular in Korea, Haemin Sunim is a Zen meditation teacher whose teachings transcend religion, borders and ages. With insight and compassion drawn from a life full of change, the bestselling monk succeeds at encouraging all of us to notice that when you slow down, the world slows down with you.

Objev podobné jako The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: How to be Calm in a Busy World - Haemin Sunim

cena 312.0 Kč

The Life and Rhymes of Benjamin Zephaniah : The Autobiography - Benjamin Zephaniah

Benjamin Zephaniah, who has travelled the world for his art and his humanitarianism, now tells the one story that encompasses it all: the story of his life. In the early 1980s when punks and Rastas were on the streets protesting about unemployment, homelessness and the National Front, Benjamin's poetry could be heard at demonstrations, outside police stations and on the dance floor. His mission was to take poetry everywhere, and to popularise it by reaching people who didn't read books. His poetry was political, musical, radical and relevant. By the early 1990s, Benjamin had performed on every continent in the world (a feat which he achieved in only one year) and he hasn't stopped performing and touring since. Nelson Mandela, after hearing Benjamin's tribute to him while he was in prison, requested an introduction to the poet that grew into a lifelong relationship, inspiring Benjamin's work with children in South Africa. Benjamin would also go on to be the first artist to record with The Wailers after the death of Bob Marley in a musical tribute to Nelson Mandela. The Life and Rhymes of Benjamin Zephaniah is a truly extraordinary life story which celebrates the power of poetry and the importance of pushing boundaries with the arts.

Objev podobné jako The Life and Rhymes of Benjamin Zephaniah : The Autobiography - Benjamin Zephaniah

cena 325.0 Kč

STFU: The Power of Keeping Your Mouth Shut in a World That Won’t Stop Talking - Dan Lyons

Would our lives, relationships and careers be better if we just STFU for a while? We live in a world that doesn’t just encourage overtalking, but practically demands it. When success is measured by how much attention we can attract, how long we can hold on to the mic, it’s no wonder that we feel compelled to spout endlessly on Twitter, to document every detail of our lives on Instagram, start that podcast, or lead that conference. And yet, oddly enough, the most powerful and accomplished people in the world aren’t part of that chorus―they’re reserved, they listen, and when they do speak they’re considered. Tim Cook, President Obama, the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg all have seemed to understand the secret golden rule: talk less, get more. There are entire industries designed to help us amplify our voices, experts who are just dying to coach us on how to talk better, but nobody is teaching us how to STFU for a while. Former Forbes journalist Dan Lyons takes us on a sharp, funny, fascinating deep dive through our incessant noise-making – talking to communications experts, neuroscientists, psychiatrists and Silicon Valley executive coaches the world over to understand the science and culture behind why we can’t stop talking, and how ultimately we can learn to speak less – and with more intention – to improve our lives.

Objev podobné jako STFU: The Power of Keeping Your Mouth Shut in a World That Won’t Stop Talking - Dan Lyons

cena 402.0 Kč

The Book of Feeling Blue: Understand and Manage Depression - Gwendoline Smith

Discover how best to manage mental health issues - specifically depression - in bestselling pscyhologist Gwendoline Smith's evidence-based, practical guide. THE BOOK OF FEELING BLUE offers hope to those experiencing depression, explaining the nature of the condition and the many different forms it can take at different life stages, and offering straightforward advice about how to manage it. Written in a chatty, reassuring tone with supplementary illustrations included throughout to demonstrate key points, chapters cover all aspects of the condition, including how to support a family member or friend who may be suffering from it, providing a therapist's evidence-based, practical toolkit for dealing with this widespread and debilitating mental-health problem.'Provides a language to articulate things that can feel hard to express' - Pandora Sykes, Sunday Times on The Book of Overthinking

Objev podobné jako The Book of Feeling Blue: Understand and Manage Depression - Gwendoline Smith

cena 294.0 Kč

The Great When - Alan Moore

A propulsive tour through a fantastical London, where history and myth collide, murder stalks the streets and the mundane becomes very magical indeed...The year is 1949, the city London. Amidst the smog of the capital is Dennis Knuckleyard, a hapless eighteen-year-old employed by a second-hand bookshop. One day, on an errand to acquire books for sale, Dennis discovers a novel that simply does not exist.It is a fictitious book, a figment from another novel. Yet it is physically there in his hands. How?Dennis has stumbled on a book from the Great When, a magical version of London beyond time and space, where reality blurs with fiction and concepts such as Crime and Poetry are incarnated as wondrous, terrible beings.But this other, magical London must remain a secret: if Dennis cannot find a way to return this book to where it belongs, he risks bizarre and disastrous repercussions, such as his body being turned inside out (or worse).So begins a journey delving deep into the city's occult underbelly and tarrying with an eccentric cast of sorcerers, gangsters, and murderers - some from legend, some all too real, and all with plans of their own. Soon Dennis finds himself at the centre of an explosive series of events that may alter and endanger both Londons forever.Thrilling, lyrical and sparkling with dark humour, The Great When is the first book in a new series by Sunday Times-bestseller and icon, Alan Moore.

Objev podobné jako The Great When - Alan Moore

cena 402.0 Kč

The Great When - Alan Moore

A propulsive tour through a fantastical London, where history and myth collide, murder stalks the streets and the mundane becomes very magical indeed…The year is 1949, the city London. Amidst the smog of the capital is Dennis Knuckleyard, a hapless eighteen-year-old employed by a second-hand bookshop. One day, on an errand to acquire books for sale, Dennis discovers a novel that simply does not exist.It is a fictitious book, a figment from another novel. Yet it is physically there in his hands. How?Dennis has stumbled on a book from the Great When, a magical version of London beyond time and space, where reality blurs with fiction and concepts such as Crime and Poetry are incarnated as wondrous, terrible beings.But this other, magical London must remain a secret: if Dennis cannot find a way to return this book to where it belongs, he risks bizarre and disastrous repercussions, such as his body being turned inside out (or worse). So begins a journey delving deep into the city’s occult underbelly and tarrying with an eccentric cast of sorcerers, gangsters, and murderers – some from legend, some all too real, and all with plans of their own. Soon Dennis finds himself at the centre of an explosive series of events that may alter and endanger both Londons forever.

Objev podobné jako The Great When - Alan Moore

cena 591.0 Kč

The Offing - Benjamin Myers

**SOON TO BE A MAJOR FILM STARRING HELENA BONHAM-CARTER**FROM THE WALTER SCOTT PRIZE-WINNING AUTHOR OF THE GALLOWS POLE COMES A POWERFUL NEW NOVELA TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR_______________________‘What a radical thing, these days, to have written a book so full of warmth and kindness ... Gorgeous’ - Max Porter, author of Lanny‘Glorious ... Leaves an indelible impression ... A moving and subtle novel in many ways, infused with a love of the minute pleasures in life, and the lasting regrets’ – Scotland on Sunday_______________________One summer following the Second World War, Robert Appleyard sets out on foot from his Durham village. Sixteen and the son of a coal miner, he makes his way across the northern countryside until he reaches the former smuggling village of Robin Hood’s Bay. There he meets Dulcie, an eccentric, worldly, older woman who lives in a ramshackle cottage facing out to sea.Staying with Dulcie, Robert’s life opens into one of rich food, sea-swimming, sunburn and poetry. The two come from different worlds, yet as the summer months pass, they form an unlikely friendship that will profoundly alter their futures._______________________An i Book of the YearA Reading Agency Book of the YearA BBC Radio 2 Book Club PickA BBC Radio 4 ''Book at Bedtime''An Observer Pick for 2019

Objev podobné jako The Offing - Benjamin Myers

cena 295.0 Kč

Fiona Apple - When The Pawn (LP)

Subžánr: Indie Pop;Pop;Vocal Varianta: When The Pawn (LP) Interpret / Téma: Fiona Apple Datum vydání: 2023-12-08 Rok vydání: 2023.0 Žánr: Pop Vydavatelství: Epic Balení obsahuje: LP Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;1990 - 1999 Složení setu: 1 ks Barva: Černá Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Německo Barva podle výrobce: Black Typ: LP deska

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cena 546.0 Kč

When the Sky Falls - Phil Earle

An extraordinary story with historical and family truth at its heart, that tells us as much about the present as the past. Deeply felt, movingly written, a remarkable achievement' Michael Morpurgo 1941. War is raging. And one angry boy has been sent to the city, where bombers rule the skies. There, Joseph will live with Mrs F, a gruff woman with no fondness for children. Her only loves are the rundown zoo she owns and its mighty silverback gorilla, Adonis. As the weeks pass, bonds deepen and secrets are revealed, but if the bombers set Adonis rampaging free, will either of them be able to end the life of the one thing they truly love? Inspired by a true story.

Objev podobné jako When the Sky Falls - Phil Earle

cena 241.0 Kč

When the Wind Blows - Raymond Briggs

Raymond Briggs'' world-famous graphic account of one ordinary couple''s attempt to stand firm in the face of nuclear annihilation remains as powerful today as it was when it was first published in 1982.Following Jim and Hilda Blogg in the days before and after a nuclear attack on Britain, When the Wind Blows is alternately funny, shocking, heartbreaking and devastating. Few can read it and not be deeply moved.Despite writing some of the most beloved and enduring children''s books of all time - The Snowman, Father Christmas and Fungus the Bogeyman - When the Wind Blows is very much a story for adults. Not only does it articulate the fears of the generations who grew up in the shadow of the Cold War, but it also speaks today of our own fears, living as we do in a nuclear age.Written and illustrated by Briggs, When the Wind Blows has never been out of print.

Objev podobné jako When the Wind Blows - Raymond Briggs

cena 325.0 Kč

When the Mountains Roared - Jess Butterworth

A vivid, warm and atmospheric adventure set in the mountains of India, about a girl who is determined to protect the wild leopards of the mountain from poachers, perfect for fans of Katherine Rundell.I thought we''d live here forever ... but then, I thought Mum would be here forever too.When Ruby''s dad uproots her from Australia to set up a hotel in the mountains of India, Ruby is devastated. Not only are they living in a run-down building in the middle of the wilderness surrounded by scorpions, bears and leopards, but Ruby is sure that India will never truly feel like home - not without her mum there.Ever since her mum died, Ruby has been afraid. Of cars. Of the dark. Of going to sleep and never waking up. But then the last remaining leopards of the mountain are threatened and everything changes. Ruby vows to do all she can to protect them - if she can only overcome her fears...

Objev podobné jako When the Mountains Roared - Jess Butterworth

cena 236.0 Kč

Where to Go When The Americas

When's the best time to visit New York City? When are the Canadian Rockies at their most beautiful? When is the perfect time to go wildlife-spotting in Patagonia? Turn the pages of this beautiful book and you'll find the answers to all these questions - and more.With chapters covering every month of the year, Where to Go When The Americas highlights the perfect time to visit 100 of the Americas' favourite places - from the frosty fringes of Canada to idyllic Caribbean isles, the vibrant cities of Central America to the epic landscapes of South America. Inside, you'll find ideas for every traveller, whether you want to celebrate national festivals, go surfing along wild coastlines or witness spectacular desert blooms. We've included bucket-list trips for new explorers and lesser-known experiences for seasoned travellers, tooExtensively revised and completely redesigned, this new edition features beautiful photography, helpful practical tips and alternative times to visit, in case you can't make it that month. So, whether you're looking for travel ideas for a particular season or you're not sure when the best time to visit your destination is, Where to Go When has you covered.Ready to explore the Americas? We'll see you there.

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cena 573.0 Kč

The Gallows Pole - Benjamin Myers

____________________The inspiration for the BBC TV series, directed by Shane Meadows and starring Tom Burke, George MacKay and Thomas TurgooseWINNER OF THE 2018 WALTER SCOTT PRIZE____________________‘Powerful, visceral writing, historical fiction at its best. Benjamin Myers is one to watch’ - Pat Barker‘Phenomenal’ - Sebastian Barry‘Superb’ - The Times____________________From his remote moorland home, David Hartley assembles a gang of weavers and land-workers to embark upon a criminal enterprise that will capsize the economy and become the biggest fraud in British history. They are the Cragg Vale Coiners and their business is ‘clipping’ – the forging of coins, a treasonous offence punishable by death. When an excise officer vows to bring them down and with the industrial age set to change the face of England forever, Hartley’s empire begins to crumble. Forensically assembled, The Gallows Pole is a true story of resistance and a rarely told alternative history of the North.____________________''One of my books of the year … It’s the best thing Myers has done'' - Robert Macfarlane, Big Issue Books of the Year

Objev podobné jako The Gallows Pole - Benjamin Myers

cena 295.0 Kč

Traffic: When the Eagle Flies - LP (7751259)

LP vinyl - When the Eagle Flies je sedmé studiové album vydané anglickou rockovou kapelou Traffic v roce 1974. Na albu se představili Jim Capaldi, Steve Winwood a Chris Wood s Rosko Gee na basovou kytaru. When the Eagle Flies je sedmé studiové album vydané anglickou rockovou kapelou Traffic v roce 1974. Na albu se představili Jim Capaldi, Steve Winwood a Chris Wood s Rosko Gee na basovou kytaru. Rok vydání : 1974 (7.album) Rok reedice : 2021 Seznam stop LP Something New / Dream Gerrard / Graveyard People / Walking In The Wind / Memories Of A Rock N 'Rolla / Love / When The Eagle Flies

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cena 689.0 Kč

When Gracie Met The Grump - Mariana Zapata

Of all the things that could have landed in her yard . . . it had to be him.For most people, finding a half-naked superbeing in their yard might be a dream come true.Unfortunately for Gracie Castro, it's the exact opposite.Especially when he's grouchy, rude, and shows no signs of leaving anytime soon.But when a hero of mankind needs you, you do what you have to.Even if it compromises everything you know.And totally changes your life.

Objev podobné jako When Gracie Met The Grump - Mariana Zapata

cena 268.0 Kč

When You Get The Chance - Emma Lordová

When You Get The Chance is a heartwarming read from Emma Lord, the New York Times bestselling author of the Reese Witherspoon YA Book Club pick You Have a Match.Nothing will get in the way of Millie Price's dream of becoming a Broadway star. Not her lovable but super introverted dad, who raised Millie alone since she was a baby or her drama club rival, Oliver, who is the very definition of Simmering Romantic Tension. Millie needs an ally. And when an accidentally left-open browser brings Millie to her dad's embarrassingly moody LiveJournal from 2003, Millie knows just what to do - find her mum.But how can you find a new part of your life and expect it to fit into your old one without leaving any marks? And why is it that when you go looking for the past, it somehow keeps bringing you back to what you've had all along?

Objev podobné jako When You Get The Chance - Emma Lordová

cena 241.0 Kč

When the Moon Hatched - Sarah A. Parker

He's fire and brimstone.I'm shattered ice ...I'll gladly burn beneath him until the world comes crumbling down.As an assassin for the rebellion, Raeve's job is to complete orders and never get caught. When a rival bounty hunter shatters her world, Raeve finds herself captured by the Guild of Nobles - a group of powerful fae.Crushed by the loss of his great love, dragon rider Kaan Vaegor took the head of a king and donned his melted crown.Now on a tireless quest to quell the never-ebbing ache in his chest, a clue lures him into the capital's high-security prison where he stumbles upon the imprisoned Raeve ...Together, they seek truths that threaten to unravel everything they knew about their world - and each other.Bestselling sensation When the Moon Hatched will transport you into a world filled with magic, dragons and a love that blazes through the ages...

Objev podobné jako When the Moon Hatched - Sarah A. Parker

cena 402.0 Kč

The Boy Who Fell From the Sky - Benjamin Dean

Combining the warmth and heart of Ross Welford’s The 1,000 Year Old Boy with the epic adventure and inseparable friendship of Frank Cottrell Boyce’s Cosmic comes an otherworldly new middle grade adventure from the award-winning Benjamin Dean. Twelve-year-old Zed has always been fascinated by the Demons that fall from the sky. His whole life his dad has worked as a Hunter, tasked with eliminating Demons once and for all, and Zed hopes to one day follow in his footsteps. But then one night Spark appears and disrupts everything Zed thought he knew. Because this Demon is nothing like the myths – he’s a frightened boy, no older than Zed, who wants to go back home. Can Zed stand up for what’s right, even if it means going against his own family?Praise for Benjamin Dean: ‘Warm-hearted and cheering, with a dash of sparkle’ – Guardian 'A life-affirming, must-read' – The Independent 'The novel wears its heart on its sleeve, and it is a very big heart' – Financial Times 'Funny, fresh and full of heart' – Katie Tsang, co-author of DRAGON MOUNTAIN ‘Vibrant, funny and wise – a book to savour’ – Kiran Millwood Hargrave, author of THE GIRL OF INK AND STARS 'A joyful and thoughtful celebration of family, identity and inclusivity' – Anna James, author of the PAGES & CO. series

Objev podobné jako The Boy Who Fell From the Sky - Benjamin Dean

cena 236.0 Kč

The Perfect Golden Circle - Benjamin Myers

England, 1989. Over the course of a burning hot summer, two very different men - traumatized Falklands veteran Calvert, and affable, chaotic Redbone - set out nightly in a clapped-out camper van to undertake an extraordinary project.Under cover of darkness, the two men traverse the fields of rural England in secret, forming crop circles in elaborate and mysterious patterns. As the summer wears on, and their designs grow ever more ambitious, the two men find that their work has become a cult international sensation - and that an unlikely and beautiful friendship has taken root as the wheat ripens from green to gold.

Objev podobné jako The Perfect Golden Circle - Benjamin Myers

cena 250.0 Kč

The Tao of Pooh - Hoff Benjamin

“What’s this you’re writing?… asked Pooh, climbing onto the writing table.“The Tao of Pooh,… I replied.“The how of Pooh?… asked Pooh, smudging one of the words I had just written.“The Tao of Pooh,… I replied, poking his paw away with my pencil.“It seems more like ow! of Pooh,… said Pooh, rubbing his paw.“Well, it’s not,… I replied huffily.“What’s it about?… asked Pooh, leaning forward and smearing another word.“It’s about how to stay happy and calm under all circumstances!… I yelled.“Have you read it?… asked Pooh……Winnie-the-Pooh has a certain way about him, a way of doing things that has made him the world''s most beloved bear, and Pooh''s Way, as Benjamin Hoff brilliantly demonstrates, seems strangely close to the ancient Chinese principles of Taoism.Follow the Pooh Way in this humorous and enlightening introduction to Taoism, with classic decorations by E.H.Shepard throughout. Over a million copies sold.

Objev podobné jako The Tao of Pooh - Hoff Benjamin

cena 266.0 Kč

When I Fell From The Sky - Juliane Koepcke

**Soon to be a major film starring Game of Thrones'' Sophie Turner - Girl Who Fell From the Sky**On December 24th 1971, the teenage Juliane boarded the packed flight in Peru to meet her father for Christmas. She and her mother fought to get some of the last seats available and felt thankful to have made the flight. The LANSA airplane flew into a heavy thunderstorm and went down in dense Amazon jungle hundreds of miles from civilization.She fell two miles from the sky, still strapped to her plane seat, into the jungle. She was the sole survivor among the 92 passengers, which included her mother. Juliane''s unexplainable survival has been called a modern-day miracle.With incredible courage, instinct and ingenuity, she crawled and walked alone for 11 days in the green hell of the Amazon. She survived using the skills she''d learned in assisting her parents on their research trips into the jungle before coming across a loggers hut, and, with it, safety. Now she tells her fascinating story for the first time and shares not only the private moments of her survival and rescue but her inspiring life in the wake of the disaster.

Objev podobné jako When I Fell From The Sky - Juliane Koepcke

cena 384.0 Kč

When the Adults Change, Everything Changes - Paul Dix

You can buy in the best behaviour tracking software, introduce 24/7 detentions or scream ''NO EXCUSES'' as often as you want - but ultimately the solution lies with the behaviour of the adults. It is the only behaviour over which we have absolute control. Drawing on anecdotal case studies, scripted interventions and approaches which have been tried and tested in a range of contexts, from the most challenging urban comprehensives to the most privileged international schools, behaviour training expert and Pivotal Education director Paul Dix advocates an inclusive approach that is practical, transformative and rippling with respect for staff and learners. An approach in which behavioural expectations and boundaries are exemplified by people, not by a thousand rules that nobody can recall. When the Adults Change, Everything Changes illustrates how, with their traditional sanction- and exclusion-led methods, the ''punishment brigade'' are losing the argument. It outlines how each school can build authentic practice on a stable platform, resulting in shifts in daily rules and routines, in how we deal with the angriest learners, in restorative practice and in how we appreciate positive behaviour. Each chapter is themed and concludes with three helpful checklists Testing, Watch out for and Nuggets designed to help you form your own behaviour blueprint. Throughout the book both class teachers and school leaders will find indispensable advice about how to involve all staff in developing a whole school ethos built on kindness, empathy and understanding. Suitable for all head teachers, school leaders, teachers, NQTs and classroom assistants in any phase or context, including SEND and alternative provision settings who are looking to upgrade their own classroom management or school behaviour plan.

Objev podobné jako When the Adults Change, Everything Changes - Paul Dix

cena 532.0 Kč

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