Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Great When - Alan Moore
A propulsive tour through a fantastical London, where history and myth collide, murder stalks the streets and the mundane becomes very magical indeed...The year is 1949, the city London. Amidst the smog of the capital is Dennis Knuckleyard, a hapless eighteen-year-old employed by a second-hand bookshop. One day, on an errand to acquire books for sale, Dennis discovers a novel that simply does not exist.It is a fictitious book, a figment from another novel. Yet it is physically there in his hands. How?Dennis has stumbled on a book from the Great When, a magical version of London beyond time and space, where reality blurs with fiction and concepts such as Crime and Poetry are incarnated as wondrous, terrible beings.But this other, magical London must remain a secret: if Dennis cannot find a way to return this book to where it belongs, he risks bizarre and disastrous repercussions, such as his body being turned inside out (or worse).So begins a journey delving deep into the city's occult underbelly and tarrying with an eccentric cast of sorcerers, gangsters, and murderers - some from legend, some all too real, and all with plans of their own. Soon Dennis finds himself at the centre of an explosive series of events that may alter and endanger both Londons forever.Thrilling, lyrical and sparkling with dark humour, The Great When is the first book in a new series by Sunday Times-bestseller and icon, Alan Moore.
Podívejte se také The Great Gatsby
The Great When - Alan Moore
A propulsive tour through a fantastical London, where history and myth collide, murder stalks the streets and the mundane becomes very magical indeed…The year is 1949, the city London. Amidst the smog of the capital is Dennis Knuckleyard, a hapless eighteen-year-old employed by a second-hand bookshop. One day, on an errand to acquire books for sale, Dennis discovers a novel that simply does not exist.It is a fictitious book, a figment from another novel. Yet it is physically there in his hands. How?Dennis has stumbled on a book from the Great When, a magical version of London beyond time and space, where reality blurs with fiction and concepts such as Crime and Poetry are incarnated as wondrous, terrible beings.But this other, magical London must remain a secret: if Dennis cannot find a way to return this book to where it belongs, he risks bizarre and disastrous repercussions, such as his body being turned inside out (or worse). So begins a journey delving deep into the city’s occult underbelly and tarrying with an eccentric cast of sorcerers, gangsters, and murderers – some from legend, some all too real, and all with plans of their own. Soon Dennis finds himself at the centre of an explosive series of events that may alter and endanger both Londons forever.
Podívejte se také Sherlock: The Great Game (1785859161)
Batman: The Killing Joke: DC Black Label Edition - Alan Moore
Batman: The Killing Joke is Alan Moore's unforgettable meditation on the razor-thin line between sanity and insanity, heroism and villainy, comedy and tragedy. One bad day is all it takes according to the grinning engine of madness and mayhem known as the Joker, that's all that separates the sane from the psychotic. Freed once again from the confines of Arkham Asylum, he's out to prove his deranged point. And he's going to use Gotham City's top cop, Commissioner Jim Gordon, and the Commissioner's brilliant and beautiful daughter Barbara to do it. DC Black Label, a new publishing imprint from DC Entertainment, gives premier talent the opportunity to expand upon the canon of DC's iconic Super Hero comic book characters with unique, standalone stories that are outside of the current DC Universe continuity. An all star line-up of creative teams will craft their own personal definitive DC stories in the tradition of compelling literary works like Batman: The Dark Knight Returns DC: The New Frontier and Kingdom Come.
Podívejte se také Traffic: When the Eagle Flies - LP (7751259)
Podívejte se také
- Nothing: The Great Dismal - LP (RR44351)
- Moore Christy: Christy Moore Collection - LP (9029667018)
- The Great Return (978-1-78808-068-2)
- A Dying Planet: When the Skies Are Grey - CD (LFR2052)
- Parsons Alan: From The New World (Coloured) - LP (8024391124055)
- King Ben E.: When The Night Has Come (Coloured) - LP (4260494436280)
- The Great Gatsby/Velký Gatsby (978-80-7240-943-3)
- OneConcept The Great Gatsby, servírovací vozík, 3 patra, nerezová ocel
- Soundtrack: It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (Coloured) - LP (7225583)
- Hagar Sammy: This is Sammy Hagar: When The Party Started - CD (MBD7536)
- Parsons Alan: From The New World (CD + DVD) - CD-DVD (8024391124048)
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- Great Expectations (0241352142)
- Great friends! (9788853620118)
- OneConcept The Great Gatsby, servírovací vozík, 2 patra, ušlechtilá ocel, gumová kolečka
- Botník Alan černý (8591957788490)
- Moore Mandy: In Real Life - LP (4557126)
Promethea: The Deluxe Edition Book Two - Alan Moore, J.H. Williams III
Alan Moore's entrancing fantasy masterpiece continues in an all-new Deluxe Edition hardcover format featuring the spectacular art of J.H. Williams III. A cosmic road trip, this volume finds Promethea and Barbara traveling an unlikely path. Their wanderings take them through the many realms of Heaven and Hell, visiting manifestations of great visions and visionaries. Meanwhile, back on Earth, Stacia is the acting Promethea--protecting and serving the people of New York while Promethea is away. Is she up to the task? Complete with character sketches, variant covers and other bonus material, this new hardcover collection is perfect for any fan of this incredible series. Collects issues #13-24.
Objev podobné jako Promethea: The Deluxe Edition Book Two - Alan Moore, J.H. Williams III
Iluminace - Alan Moore
Ve své vůbec první sbírce povídek zahrnující čtyřicet let tvorby představuje Alan Moore, legendární autor celé řady kultovních děl jako Strážci, Z pekla, Liga výjimečných, V jako vendeta, devět příběhů plných zázraků a podivností, z nichž každý nás zavede hlouběji do fantastických zákoutí reality. Čeká vás devět brilantních textů přeložených devíti skvělými překladateli, kteří patří mezi ty nejlepší ve svém oboru. "Sbírka úžasných, geniálních a zároveň dojemných povídek. Je pevně zakořeněná v naší městské realitě, ale zároveň je kosmická a rozšiřuje vědomí." Neil Gaiman
Objev podobné jako Iluminace - Alan Moore
From Hell - Alan Moore
Two of the greatest creators in the history of comics. Eleven unsolved murders. One sprawling conspiracy, one metropolis on the brink of the twentieth century, and one bloody-minded Ripper ushering London into the modern age of terror. From Hell, often ranked among the greatest graphic novels of all time, is now available in a handsome hardcover edition, with a brand new cover.
Objev podobné jako From Hell - Alan Moore
Neonomicon - Alan Moore, Jacen Burrows
Komiksová legenda Alan Moore (STRÁŽCI, Z PEKLA) a geniální umělec Jacen Burrows představují mrazivý příběh lovecraftovského hororu! Brearsová a Lamper, dva mladí a nafoukaní agenti FBI vyšetřují sérii čerstvých rituálních vražd nějak spojenou s posledním tajným posláním Aldo Saxe - kdysi zlatým hochem FBI, nyní odsouzeným vrahem a chovancem ve věznici s maximální ostrahou. Podle Saxova výslechu (kdy mluví výlučně nelidským jazykem) a podle informací z razie související s drogami v pochybném klubu pomalovaném kouzelnými symboly a s hudbou z jiného světa, očekávají, že jsou na stopě něčeho hrůzostrašného… ale nic je nedokáže připravit na příšerné šílenství a nevyslovitelné hrůzy, kterým budou čelit v malém přístavním městě Salem. NEONOMIKON obsahuje komiksovou sérii Alana Moora z roku 2010, včetně původní povídky, VNITROBLOK, která popisuje tragické setkání Aldo Saxe s (poněkud) smrtelnými agenty Starých Bohů!
Objev podobné jako Neonomicon - Alan Moore, Jacen Burrows
Watchmen - Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons
A title that begins as a murder-mystery, but soon unfolds into a planet-altering conspiracy. As the resolution comes to a head, the unlikely group of reunited heroes - Rorschach, Nite Owl, Silk Spectre, Dr Manhattan and Ozymandias - have to test the limits of their convictions and ask themselves where the true line is between good and evil.
Objev podobné jako Watchmen - Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons
V for Vendetta - Alan Moore
In the near future, England has become a corrupt, totalitarian state, opposed only by V, the mystery man wearing a white porcelain mask who intends to free the masses through absurd acts of terrorism.
Objev podobné jako V for Vendetta - Alan Moore
Z pekla - Alan Moore, Eddie Campbell
Troufnete si pohlédnout na viktoriánskou Anglii… očima Jacka Rozparovače? Milovníkům teorií spiknutí nabízíme mistrně propracovanou lahůdku kombinující historický román s literaturou faktu a mystikou. Film režisérské dvojice bratří Hughesových, který podle tohoto monumentálního díla vznikl, jen klouže po zamrzlé hladině Moorova děsivého příběhu. Velekněz komiksového žánru Alan Moore, tvůrce kultovních komiksů Strážci, Ztracené dívky a tří svazků Ligy výjimečných, se tentokrát pustil do rozboru nejzáhadnější série vražd v historii. Hrdinou příběhu je lékař William Withey Gull, jenž poslední dobou tráví svůj volný čas trochu zvláštním způsobem, s Listonovým nožem v ruce. Ale co by člověk neudělal pro vlast…
Objev podobné jako Z pekla - Alan Moore, Eddie Campbell
V jako vendeta - Alan Moore, David Lloyd
Dnes už klasický komiks z dílny mistra scenáristy, Alana Moora. Jedno z jeho lety prověřených mistrovských děl. Děsivý a působivý příběh o ztrátě svobody a identity v totalitní společnosti. V JAKO VENDETA, to je obraz světa, kde vládne zoufalství a nic nepromíjející tyranie. V JAKO VENDETA, to je břitký pohled na svět a lidi, inteligence, vtip, hořkost i cit: všechno, čím komiks údajně nikdy neměl být. Anglie vládne.
Objev podobné jako V jako vendeta - Alan Moore, David Lloyd
Swamp Thing - Bažináč 6 - Shledání - Alan Moore
Po neočekávaném útoku v Gothamu se Bažináč zachránil jen tím, že vrhl své vědomí přes celou galaxii. Probudil se na vzdálené modré planetě plné života, ovšem bez inteligentních tvorů. V naprosté izolaci Bažináč skoro zešílel, nakonec se však znovu vrhl do vesmíru v naději, že se nakonec dostane domů.Když nyní skáče ohromnou prázdnotou (včetně zastávky na Rannu, adoptivním světě Adama Strange), Bažináč zjišťuje, že život dokáže být zvláštnější a fantastičtější, než si kdy představoval. Nic ovšem nemůže být báječnější než jeho konečný cíl – návrat domů a shledání s milovanou Abby.V posledním dílu pod taktovkou Alana Moora se dokončí i Bažináčova proměna: z nelidského monstra se stane jeden z nejsilnějších elementálů v dějinách Země.
Objev podobné jako Swamp Thing - Bažináč 6 - Shledání - Alan Moore
Nemo: Srdce z ledu - Alan Moore, Kevin O'Neill
Máte rádi viktoriánskou žánrovou literaturu? Máte rádi komiks? Pokud jste si na obě otázky odpověděli ANO, pak vám nesmí uniknout poslední dílko Alana Moora a jeho dvorního malíře Kevina O'Neilla, pokračování Ligy výjimečných, trilogie NEMO. Píše se rok 1925 a patnáct let po smrti kapitána Nema plánuje jeho dcera Janni Dakkarová v Ledovém srdci nebezpečnou expedici do Antarktidy, která končí konfrontací pod Horami šílenství, v neprobádané mezeře v mapě, kde se realita naší hrdinky zbortí. V Berlínských růžích se zase utká s mechanickými metropolitními monstrozitami a v Řece duchů bojuje se zvrhlými tropickými tyrany. České vydání jako první na světě vychází v jednom svazku.
Objev podobné jako Nemo: Srdce z ledu - Alan Moore, Kevin O'Neill
Batman - Kameňák a další příběhy - Alan Moore, Ed Brubaker
Dva klasické batmanovské příběhy, jejichž společným jmenovatelem (kromě hvězdného autorského obsazení) je jedna z největších Nemesis temného rytíře: věčně usmívavý Joker.Muž, který se smál – Ed Brubaker (Criminal) a Doug Mahnke (Maska) stvořili příběh prvního Batmanova setkání s Jokerem, přímo navazující na komiks Batman: Rok jedna. V městě Gotham se začínají objevovat mrtvá těla s démonickým úsměvem. Na scénu vstupuje muž s bílou tváří, zelenými vlasy a širokým úsměvem a začne určovat, kdo a kdy zemře. A pokud ho Batman nezastaví, bude jeho další obětí.Kameňák – Co všechno člověk snese, než zešílí? Jak málo stačí, aby se z vás stalo monstrum? To řeší ten nejslavnější příběh s Batmanem v hlavní roli, temné dílo kultovního Alana Moora (Strážci, V jako vendeta) a perfektního kreslíře Briana Bollanda. Kameňák je příběh, který změnil celý batmanovský svět a který se sám stal kánonem – a teď u nás poprvé vychází v barvě!
Objev podobné jako Batman - Kameňák a další příběhy - Alan Moore, Ed Brubaker
When Black Girls Dream Big - Tanisia Moore
You have within you infinite promise. How big will YOU dream? This striking companion to I Am My Ancestors'' Wildest Dreams celebrates Black female achievement and is perfect for fans of I Am Enough, Little Leaders, and She Persisted."Magnificently compelling....Lets Black girls know each time they turn the page that all of their dreams are possible." —Angela Bassett, Award-winning Actress and ProducerI AM dope!My crown shines brightin all its glory.When I dream big,I can do anything!In this inspiring tribute to Black girl pride and excellence, a young child discovers her place in a radiant heritage. As she meets twelve extraordinary Black women—historic and contemporary heroines who have blazed a trail for her own future success—she internalizes their strength and sets out to change the world in her own way.Just like them, she can reach her dreams. And readers will discover that they can reach theirs too.
Objev podobné jako When Black Girls Dream Big - Tanisia Moore
Swamp Thing - Bažináč 4 - Hejno vran - Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette
Probudit zlo mimo lidské chápání„Muž, jenž mne vyslal na tuto temnou výpravu, mi slíbil odpovědi… ale tyto odpovědi jsou černé a nesnesitelné.“ Bažináčova cesta za sebepoznáním, na níž ho provází čaroděj John Constantine, dospěla ke konečnému okamžiku pravdy. Na svět se dostal zvěstovatel neštěstí a ten má jediný úkol: probudit zlo mimo lidské chápání. Bažináč, John Constantine, Deadman, Cizinec, Etrigan, Spectre a další bytosti s magickými schopnostmi se musí spojit proti temné síle, která hrozí zničit světlo nebes.
Objev podobné jako Swamp Thing - Bažináč 4 - Hejno vran - Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette
Swamp Thing - Bažináč 1 - Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette, John Totleben
V letech 1983-1987 mladý britský scenárista jménem Alan Moore zmodernizoval americký komiks. Jeho přelomové pojetí Bažináče nastavilo nové standardy pro grafické vyprávění a vyvolalo v komiksovém médiu malou revoluci. Navázal na rámec gotického hororu svých předchůdců a umocnil jej intuitivním stylem vyprávění a bezprecedentní hloubkou postav. Moorovu vizi pak realizovali znepokojivě krásnou kresbou takoví spolupracovníci jako Stephen Bissette, John Totleben, Dan Day a Rick Veitch. Výsledkem je mistrovské dílo odolávající zubu času. V tomto prvním ze šesti dílů Moorovy Ságy o Bažináčovi jsou sebrány sešity 20-28. Svazek obsahuje rovněž předmluvu známého hororového autora Ramseyho Campbella a úvod od spolutvůrce a redaktora původní série Lena Weina.
Objev podobné jako Swamp Thing - Bažináč 1 - Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette, John Totleben
Centenary Facsimile Edition: When We Were Very Young (Winnie-the-Pooh - Classic Editions) - Alan Alexander Milne
Gorgeous gold-foiled hardback facsimile edition of When We Were Very Young presented in a gold-foiled slipcaseCurl up with this special facsimile edition of A.A.Milne’s classic book of poetry for children, When We Were Very Young. This gold-foiled hardback edition has been reproduced with all the printer marks and irregularities that were present in the edition first printed in 1924. It is presented in a stylish gold-foiled slipcase with a beautiful paper bellyband wrapped around it.When We Were Very Young is Milne’s first volume of rhymes written especially for children. It’s as popular now as when it was first written. This collection offers the same sense of humour, imagination and whimsy that we’ve come to expect from Milne''s books about Winnie-the-Pooh, that Bear of Very Little Brain.This facsimile edition is all the more special due to E.H.Shepard’s decorations, which are shown in their original black line glory. They are truly iconic and contributed to him being known as ‘the man who drew Pooh’.Do you own all the classic Pooh titles?Winnie-the-PoohThe House at Pooh CornerWhen We Were Very YoungNow We Are SixReturn to the Hundred Acre WoodThe Best Bear in All the WorldOnce There Was a BearTales from the ForestThe nation’s favourite teddy bear has been delighting generations of children for over 95 years. Milne’s classic children’s stories – featuring Piglet, Eeyore, Christopher Robin and, of course, Pooh himself – are gently humorous while teaching lessons about friendship and kindness.Pooh ranks alongside other beloved character such as Paddington Bear, and Peter Rabbit as an essential part of our literary heritage. Whether you’re 5 or 55, Pooh is the bear for all ages.
Objev podobné jako Centenary Facsimile Edition: When We Were Very Young (Winnie-the-Pooh - Classic Editions) - Alan Alexander Milne
Where to Go When, Great Britain and Ireland
When's the best time to visit London? When are the Scottish islands at their most beautiful? When do the crowds leave Snowdonia? Turn the pages of this beautiful book and you'll find the answers to all these questions - and more. With chapters covering every month of the year, Where to Go When highlights the perfect time to visit 100 of Great Britain and Ireland's favourite places - from the highlands of Scotland to the wild coast of Wales, the ancient heart of England to the rugged isle of Ireland. Inside, you'll find ideas for every traveller, whether you want to hike through beautiful landscapes, immerse yourself in arts festivals or witness spectacular spring blooms.We've included bucket-list trips for new explorers and lesser-known experiences for seasoned travellers, too. Extensively revised and completely redesigned, this new edition features beautiful photography, helpful practical tips and alternative times to visit, in case you can't make it that month. So, whether you're looking for travel ideas for a particular season or you're not sure when the best time to visit your destination is, Where to Go When has you covered.Ready to explore Great Britain and Ireland? We'll see you there.
Objev podobné jako Where to Go When, Great Britain and Ireland
Swamp Thing - Bažináč 5 - V prach se obrátíš - Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette, John Totleben
Zahrada pozemských slastíJe dobojováno. Bažináč se vrací z Pekla a chce jen spočinout v Abbyině náruči. Právě to mu je ale odepřeno – v jeho nepřítomnosti fotograf Howard Fleck zveřejnil fotografie Bažináče a Abby a vyvolal tím skandál. Abby byla obviněna ze zoofilie a nakonec utekla do Gothamu. A právě tam se za ní Bažináč vydá, vstříc konfliktu s Batmanem, Lexem Luthorem i gothamskou policií…Tato klasická sága od legendárního tvůrčího týmu v čele s Alanem Moorem líčí přerod Bažináče z netvora z bažiny v mocného elementála, jehož moc by mohla přesáhnout samotnou Zemi.
Objev podobné jako Swamp Thing - Bažináč 5 - V prach se obrátíš - Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette, John Totleben
The Other Wes Moore - Wes Moore
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the governor-elect of Maryland, the “compassionate” (People), “startling” (Baltimore Sun), “moving” (Chicago Tribune) true story of two kids with the same name from the city: One went on to be a Rhodes Scholar, decorated combat veteran, White House Fellow, and business leader. The other is serving a life sentence in prison. Selected by Stephen Curry as his “Underrated” Book Club Pick with LiteratiThe chilling truth is that his story could have been mine. The tragedy is that my story could have been his.In December 2000, the Baltimore Sun ran a small piece about Wes Moore, a local student who had just received a Rhodes Scholarship. The same paper also ran a series of articles about four young men who had allegedly killed a police officer in a spectacularly botched armed robbery. The police were still hunting for two of the suspects who had gone on the lam, a pair of brothers. One was named Wes Moore. Wes just couldn’t shake off the unsettling coincidence, or the inkling that the two shared much more than space in the same newspaper. After following the story of the robbery, the manhunt, and the trial to its conclusion, he wrote a letter to the other Wes, now a convicted murderer serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole. His letter tentatively asked the questions that had been haunting him: Who are you? How did this happen?That letter led to a correspondence and relationship that have lasted for several years. Over dozens of letters and prison visits, Wes discovered that the other Wes had had a life not unlike his own: Both had had difficult childhoods, both were fatherless; they’d hung out on similar corners with similar crews, and both had run into trouble with the police. At each stage of their young lives they had come across similar moments of decision, yet their choices would lead them to astonishingly different destinies.Told in alternating dramatic narratives that take readers from heart-wrenching losses to moments of surprising redemption, The Other Wes Moore tells the story of a generation of boys trying to find their way in a hostile world.
Objev podobné jako The Other Wes Moore - Wes Moore
The Great British Sewing Bee: Made to Measure - The Great British Sewing Bee
Take a fitting masterclass from the team behind The Great British Sewing Bee. From adjusting patterns to altering ready-made garments, learn how to personalise your makes to suit your style with this go-to guide. Starting with the basics, learn how to measure yourself and grade between sizes before moving onto pattern adjustments including darts, bust, bum, back, bicep and mobility adjustments. Discover the art of preparing and fitting a toile to create a custom fit for your body, with expert tips from the world of couture and costume making. Featuring a section with advice on altering clothes you already own, you'll also be able to inject a new lease of life into ready-made garments that don't fit quite right. This book is an indispensable reference for skilled sewers that will show you how to get a perfect fit to create that professional finish.
Objev podobné jako The Great British Sewing Bee: Made to Measure - The Great British Sewing Bee
The Great Gatsby
Audiokniha MP3 Francis Scott Fitzgerald, čte Rodilý mluvčí Audiokniha The Great Gatsby namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň C1 pro velmi pokročilé posluchače. “Gatsby?” asked Daisy urgently. “What Gatsby?” Could it be the same young army lieutenant whom Daisy Fay met five years ago – and who owns a sumptuous house on Long Island, where New York society enjoys the best parties on offer? Is it just coincidence that Gatsby lives across the bay from Daisy – now married to wealthy polo-player Tom Buchanan? As one man’s mysterious dream moves towards its ultimately tragic conclusion, Midwesterner Nick Carraway is drawn into the dark world of Gatsby’s past and present – a world of hidden frustrations and superficial relationships which perfectly illustrates the “careless and confused” nature of America’s Jazz Age.
Objev podobné jako The Great Gatsby
The Great Builders
The Great Builders surveys the careers of forty great architects whose engineering skills were crucial to their success. Sixteen nationalities and seven centuries of architectural innovation make for a survey of spectacular scope and depth: from churches and fortresses to bridges and high-tech skyscrapers, it includes masterpieces from all over the world and covers 700 years of architectural history. Here is Brunelleschi, who built the ‘unbuildable’ dome of Florence Cathedral; Sinan, a Christian engineer who became chief architect to the Ottoman court; Joseph Paxton, scribbling down a design for the Crystal Palace, London, on a piece of blotting paper; and James Bogardus, an early American evangelist of the opportunities offered by cast-iron architecture. Rapid advances in industrial production inspired experiments with new materials and techniques, gradually allowing a whole new architecture to emerge: reinforced concrete, plate glass and steel were central to the creations of Le Corbusier, Auguste Perret and Mies van der Rohe, for instance; and, in the High-Tech architecture of the present day – represented by Norman Foster, Frank Gehry and Santiago Calatrava, among others – computer-aided design has seemingly tested the boundaries of the possible.
Objev podobné jako The Great Builders
The Great Gatsby (0241341469)
Kniha - 240 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Great Gatsby (0241341469)
Madly, Deeply: The Alan Rickman Diaries - Alan Rickman
ALAN RICKMAN was one of the world-class actors of his generation, as well as a tireless political activist, an avid traveller and a devoted confidant and friend. Through his never-before-seen diaries - a twenty-five-year passion project - Rickman invites readers backstage and into his life. Alan Rickman remains one of the most beloved actors of all time across almost every genre, from his breakout role as Die Hard's villainous Hans Gruber to his heart-wrenching run as Professor Severus Snape, and beyond. His air of dignity, his sonorous voice and the knowing wit he brought to each role continue to captivate new audiences today. But Rickman's artistry wasn't confined to just his performances. Rickman's writing details the extraordinary and the ordinary in a way that is anecdotal, indiscreet, witty, gossipy and utterly candid. He takes us behind the scenes on films and plays ranging from Sense & Sensibility, the Harry Potter series, Private Lives, My Name is Rachel Corrie and many more.The diaries run from 1993 to his death in 2016 and offer insight into both a public and private life. Here is Rickman the consummate professional actor, but also the friend, the traveller, the fan, the director, the enthusiast: in short, the real Alan Rickman. Here is a life fully lived, all detailed in intimate and characteristically plain-spoken prose. Reading the diaries is like listening to Rickman chatting to a close friend. Madly, Deeply also includes a foreword by Emma Thompson and a selection of Rickman's early diaries, dating from 1974 to 1982, when his acting life first began.
Objev podobné jako Madly, Deeply: The Alan Rickman Diaries - Alan Rickman
The Great Hunt - Robert Jordan
NOW A MAJOR TV SERIES ON PRIME VIDEOThe second novel in the Wheel of Time series - one of the most influential and popular fantasy epics ever published.The Forsaken are loose, the Horn of Valere has been found and the Dead are rising from their dreamless sleep. The Prophecies are being fulfilled - but Rand al''Thor, the shepherd the Aes Sedai have proclaimed as the Dragon Reborn, desperately seeks to escape his destiny. Rand cannot run for ever. With every passing day the Dark One grows in strength and strives to shatter his ancient prison, to break the Wheel, to bring an end to Time and sunder the weave of the Pattern.And the Pattern demands the Dragon.''Epic in every sense'' Sunday Times''With the Wheel of Time, Jordan has come to dominate the world that Tolkien began to reveal'' New York Times''[The] huge ambitious Wheel of Time series helped redefine the genre'' George R. R. Martin''A fantasy phenomenon'' SFXThe Wheel of Time series:Book 1: The Eye of the WorldBook 2: The Great HuntBook 3: The Dragon RebornBook 4: The Shadow RisingBook 5: The Fires of HeavenBook 6: Lord of ChaosBook 7: A Crown of SwordsBook 8: The Path of DaggersBook 9: Winter''s HeartBook 10: Crossroads of TwilightBook 11: Knife of DreamsBook 12: The Gathering StormBook 13: Towers of MidnightBook 14: A Memory of LightPrequel: New Spring Look out for the companion book: The World of Robert Jordan''s The Wheel of TimeAlso look out for The Complete Wheel of Time Box Set, a box set containing all fifteen novels in this monumental series, presented in a sturdy box with a wood-finish effect.
Objev podobné jako The Great Hunt - Robert Jordan
Sherlock: The Great Game (1785859161)
Kniha - autor Mark Gatiss, 224 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Sherlock: The Great Game (1785859161)
The Great Defiance - David Veevers
The story of the British Empire is a familiar one: Britain came, it saw, it conquered, forging a glorious world empire upon which the sun never set. In fact, far from being the tale of a single nation imposing its will upon the world, the British Empire found itself reshaped by the tenacious resistance of the powerful Indigenous and non-European people it encountered. From ill-advised ventures in Ireland to the failure to curtail North African Corsair states all the way to the collapse of commercial operations in East Asia, British attempts to create an imperial enterprise often ended in embarrassment and even disaster.In this book, David Veevers looks beyond the myths of triumph and into the realities of British misadventures in the early days of Empire, meeting the extraordinary people across the world who were the real forces to be reckoned with. From the Emperors who determined the expansion of the English East India Company, to the West African kings who resisted English entreaties and set the terms of the lucrative slave trade, to the Paramount Chiefs in America who fought to expunge European forces from their homelands, The Great Defiance retells the story of early Empire from the perspective of the Indigenous and non-European people who held the fate of the British in their hands.
Objev podobné jako The Great Defiance - David Veevers
Napoleon the Great - Andrew Roberts
Presents the biography of Napoleon who lived one of the extraordinary of all human lives. This book shows how after seizing power in a coup d'etat he ended the corruption and incompetence into which the Revolution had descended.
Objev podobné jako Napoleon the Great - Andrew Roberts
Bohemian Glass: The Great Masters
Tracing the work of six modern Czech glassmakers from the Cold War to the present day Realized in collaboration with the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, Bohemian Glass highlights the work of six major Czech glass artists born in the 1920s and ’30s. These great masters nurtured a new mode of artistic glass, while drawing upon Bohemia’s historical relationship with other European glassmaking centers.
Objev podobné jako Bohemian Glass: The Great Masters
The Great Transformation - Karl Polanyi
Karl Polanyi's landmark 1944 work is one of the earliest and most powerful critiques of unregulated markets.Tracing the history of capitalism from the great transformation of the industrial revolution onwards, he shows that there has been nothing 'natural' about the market state. Instead of reducing human relations and our environment to mere commodities, the economy must always be embedded in civil society. Describing the 'avalanche of social dislocation' of his time, Polanyi’s hugely influential work is a passionate call to protect our common humanity.
Objev podobné jako The Great Transformation - Karl Polanyi
The Great Wave - Michiko Kakutani
In the twenty-first century, a wave of political, cultural and technological change has capsized our old certainties and assumptions, creating both opportunity and danger. As people lose their faith in old institutions and elites, radical voices at the margins and the grassroots are disrupting the status quo. This is the time of the outsider – the protester, the populist, the hacker. Some of these outsiders have sown chaos, like Donald Trump, and others have provided inspirational leadership, like Volodymyr Zelensky. But all have grasped this precarious moment to make something new. Writing with a critic’s incisive understanding of cultural trends, Michiko Kakutani outlines the consequences of these new asymmetries of power, and looks back to similar hinge moments in history, from the waning of the Middle Ages to the aftermath of the Second World War, to find a way forward. For there is, Kakutani argues, always the promise of transformation in times of turmoil. We can surrender to the waters, give in to the gathering chaos, or we can use the wave’s momentum to propel us into a more stable and sustainable future.
Objev podobné jako The Great Wave - Michiko Kakutani
The Great Return - Zuzana Palovic
In the beginning of the 21st century, Europe opened its borders to the countries from behind the Iron Curtain. Since then, over 100 million citizens, including Slovaks gained the freedom to move West without a visa. Now, a decade after the East-West exodus, our pioneers are returning home.Telling the stories of international Slovaks who left, learned and returned, 58 voices including government, business and society share their views on the transformation of a nation. The 59th voice is that of the author, who reveals a personal tale of loss, lessons and reconnection through a rite of passage shared by millions of people across the planet.Time-travellers to culture-shifters, Slovakia's lost daughters and sons come home, proving that return is not just a possibility, but an opportunity.
Objev podobné jako The Great Return - Zuzana Palovic
The Great Believers - Rebecca Makkai
1985, Yale Tishman, the development director for an art gallery in Chicago, is about to pull off an amazing coup: bringing an extraordinary collection of 1920s paintings as a gift to the gallery. Yet as his career begins to flourish, the carnage of the AIDs epidemic grows around him. One by one, his friends are dying and after his friend Nico's funeral, he finds his partner is infected, and that he might even have the virus himself.The only person he has left is Fiona, Nico's little sister. Thirty years later, Fiona is in Paris tracking down her estranged daughter who disappeared into a cult. While staying with an old friend, a famous photographer who documented the Chicago epidemic, she finds herself finally grappling with the devastating ways the AIDS crisis affected her life and her relationship with her daughter.Yale and Fiona's stories unfold in incredibly moving and sometimes surprising ways, as both struggle to find goodness in the face of disaster.
Objev podobné jako The Great Believers - Rebecca Makkai
The Great Hunt - Robert Jordan
The second novel in the Wheel of Time series - one of the most influential and popular fantasy epics ever published. The Forsaken are loose, the Horn of Valere has been found and the Dead are rising from their dreamless sleep. The Prophecies are being fulfilled - but Rand al'Thor, the shepherd the Aes Sedai have proclaimed as the Dragon Reborn, desperately seeks to escape his destiny.Rand cannot run for ever. With every passing day the Dark One grows in strength and strives to shatter his ancient prison, to break the Wheel, to bring an end to Time and sunder the weave of the Pattern. And the Pattern demands the Dragon.
Objev podobné jako The Great Hunt - Robert Jordan
Madly, Deeply: The Alan Rickman Diaries (Defekt) - Alan Rickman
Alan Rickman remains one of the most beloved actors of all time across almost every genre, from his breakout role as Die Hard's villainous Hans Gruber to his heart-wrenching run as Professor Severus Snape, and beyond. His air of dignity, his sonorous voice and the knowing wit he brought to each role continue to captivate new audiences today.But Rickman's artistry wasn't confined to just his performances. Rickman's writing details the extraordinary and the ordinary in a way that is anecdotal, indiscreet, witty, gossipy and utterly candid. He takes us behind the scenes on films and plays ranging from Sense & Sensibility, the Harry Potter series, Private Lives, My Name Is Rachel Corrie and many more.The diaries run from 1993 to his death in 2016 and offer insight into both a public and private life. Here is Rickman the consummate professional actor, but also the friend, the traveller, the fan, the director, the enthusiast: in short, the real Alan Rickman. Here is a life fully lived, all detailed in intimate and characteristically plain-spoken prose. Reading the diaries is like listening to Rickman chatting to a close friend.Madly, Deeply also includes a foreword by Emma Thompson and a selection of Rickman's early diaries, dating from 1974 to 1982, when his acting life first began.
Objev podobné jako Madly, Deeply: The Alan Rickman Diaries (Defekt) - Alan Rickman
Madly, Deeply: The Alan Rickman Diaries (Defekt) - Alan Rickman
ALAN RICKMAN was one of the world-class actors of his generation, as well as a tireless political activist, an avid traveller and a devoted confidant and friend. Through his never-before-seen diaries - a twenty-five-year passion project - Rickman invites readers backstage and into his life. Alan Rickman remains one of the most beloved actors of all time across almost every genre, from his breakout role as Die Hard's villainous Hans Gruber to his heart-wrenching run as Professor Severus Snape, and beyond. His air of dignity, his sonorous voice and the knowing wit he brought to each role continue to captivate new audiences today. But Rickman's artistry wasn't confined to just his performances. Rickman's writing details the extraordinary and the ordinary in a way that is anecdotal, indiscreet, witty, gossipy and utterly candid. He takes us behind the scenes on films and plays ranging from Sense & Sensibility, the Harry Potter series, Private Lives, My Name is Rachel Corrie and many more.The diaries run from 1993 to his death in 2016 and offer insight into both a public and private life. Here is Rickman the consummate professional actor, but also the friend, the traveller, the fan, the director, the enthusiast: in short, the real Alan Rickman. Here is a life fully lived, all detailed in intimate and characteristically plain-spoken prose. Reading the diaries is like listening to Rickman chatting to a close friend. Madly, Deeply also includes a foreword by Emma Thompson and a selection of Rickman's early diaries, dating from 1974 to 1982, when his acting life first began.
Objev podobné jako Madly, Deeply: The Alan Rickman Diaries (Defekt) - Alan Rickman
The Great Gatsby - Francis Scott Fitzgerald
In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald captures the flamboyance, the carelessness and the cruelty of the wealthy during America's Jazz Age.The Great Gatsby lives mysteriously in a luxurious Long Island mansion, playing lavish host to hundreds of people. And yet no one seems to know him or how he became so rich. He is rumoured to be everything from a German spy to a war hero. People clamour for invitations to his wild parties. But Jay Gatsby doesn't heed them. He cares for one person alone - Daisy Buchanan, the woman he has waited for all his life. Little does he know that his infatuation will lead to tragedy and end in murder.This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition of The Great Gatsby features an afterword by David Stuart Davies.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
Objev podobné jako The Great Gatsby - Francis Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Offshore Grounds - Veselka Vanessa
On the day of their estranged father's wedding, half-sisters Cheyenne and Livy set off to claim their inheritance. It's been years since the two have seen each other - Cheyenne is newly back in Seattle after a failed marriage, Livy works refinishing boats - but the promise of a shot at financial security brings the two together to claim what's theirs.Except: instead of money, their father gives them information - a name - that reveals a stunning family secret. In the face of their new reality, the sisters each set out on journeys that will test their faith in each other, as well as their definitions of freedom.Moving from Seattle's underground to the docks of the Far North, from the hideaways of the southern swamps to the storied reaches of the Great Offshore Grounds, this is an epic tale told with boundless verve, linguistic vitality and undeniable tenderness - a book that fearlessly reimagines what the 'great American novel' can do.A deeply moving picaresque... Veselka is a remarkable writer, able to break through the surfaces of her narrative to reveal the animal chaos underneath' Los Angeles Times
Objev podobné jako The Great Offshore Grounds - Veselka Vanessa
Nothing: The Great Dismal - LP (RR44351)
LP vinyl - Great Dismal je čtvrtým albem skupiny Nothing z roku 2021. Great Dismal je čtvrtým albem skupiny Nothing z roku 2021. Album The Great Dismal, zkoumá existencialistická témata izolace, vyhynutí a lidské chování tváří v tvář obrovské pustině roku 2020. Seznam stop LP 1 Strana A / A Fabricated Life / Say Less / April Ha Ha / Catch A Fade / Famine Asylum / LP 1 Strana B / Bernie Sanders / In Blueberry Memories / Blue Mecca / Just A Story / Ask The Rust
Objev podobné jako Nothing: The Great Dismal - LP (RR44351)
The Great Gatsby - Francis Scott Fitzgerald
A summary of the "roaring twenties", and a expose of the "Jazz Age", this book, through the narration of Nick Carraway, takes the reader into the world of the mansions which lined the Long Island shore in the 1920s, to encounter Nick's cousin Daisy, her brash but wealthy husband Tom Buchanan, Jay Gatsby and the mystery that surrounds him.
Objev podobné jako The Great Gatsby - Francis Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby - Francis Scott Fitzgerald
During one hot summer on Long Island, Jay Gatsby throws an amazing party every weekend. He is an extremely wealthy man, although no one knows where he or his money have come from. But Gatsby has a purpose: he is following a dream of love. Will his dream come true?
Objev podobné jako The Great Gatsby - Francis Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Dune Trilogy - Frank Herbert
Herbert's evocative, epic tales are set on the desert planet Arrakis, the focus for a complex political and military struggle with galaxy-wide repercussions. Arrakis is the source of spice, a mind-enhancing drug which makes interstellar travel possible; it is the most valuable substance in the galaxy. When Duke Atreides and his family take up court there, they fall into a trap set by the Duke's bitter rival, Baron Harkonnen. The Duke is poisoned, but his wife and her son Paul escape to the vast and arid deserts of Arrakis, which have given the planet its nickname of Dune. Paul and his mother join the Fremen, the Arrakis natives, who have learnt to live in this harsh and complex ecosystem. But learning to survive is not enough - Paul's destiny was mapped out long ago and his mother is committed to seeing it fulfilled.
Objev podobné jako The Great Dune Trilogy - Frank Herbert
The Great Fox Revealed - Justyn Edwards
The thrilling conclusion to the Great Fox series. Can Flick and Charlie finally uncover the Bell System, the greatest – and most dangerous – magic trick of all?Flick is a magician out of tricks. Every attempt to find her father has so far failed. Now the police have accused him of stealing the Crown Jewels – and they want Flick’s help to work out how he did it.Flick and her best friend, Charlie, travel to Cornwall, where they believe her father may be hiding in an abandoned museum of magic. There they find master illusionist the Great Fox, also hot on the trail. But something else is hidden at the heart of the museum – the Bell System, the most dangerous magic trick the world has ever seen.
Objev podobné jako The Great Fox Revealed - Justyn Edwards
The Great Gatsby - Francis Scott Fitzgerald
'It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life' Jay Gatsby is the man who has everything. But one thing will always be out of his reach ... Everybody who is anybody is seen at his glittering parties.Day and night his Long Island mansion buzzes with bright young things drinking, dancing and debating his mysterious character. For Gatsby - young, handsome, fabulously rich - always seems alone in the crowd, watching and waiting, though no one knows what for. Beneath the shimmering surface of his life he is hiding a secret: a silent longing that can never be fulfilled.And soon this destructive obsession will force his world to unravel.
Objev podobné jako The Great Gatsby - Francis Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Cookie Kerfuffle - Jessica Shaw
A Mathical Book Prize Honor Book! A friendly little farm breaks into chaos as increasing numbers of farm animals fight over a dropped cookie, until there's trouble overhead! United against a common enemy, the animals learn that friendship and taking care of each other is more important than winning a fight. Written by debut picture book author Jessica Shaw and illustrated by Pauline Gregory, this book counts groups of animals from 1 to 10 and back down again and makes a great read-aloud for friendship-themed story times. Named a Mathical Book Prize Honor Book for PreK in 2024, this title inspires a love of math by connecting with young children's interests.
Objev podobné jako The Great Cookie Kerfuffle - Jessica Shaw
The Great Storm Whale - Benji Davies
The story of a girl, a whale and a friendship that will echo down the generations, from best-selling, award-winning picture book creator, Benji Davies, author of The Storm Whale 'It's a world fans won't want to leave' - The Observer As a fearsome storm blows around Noi’s house, his grandma tells of an unforgettable friendship between a little girl and a whale, many storms ago. But as she finishes her tale of perseverance and new beginnings, Noi soon realises it’s part of their own story, too. This glorious addition to the bestselling Storm Whale series celebrates the stories and the love that are passed down through generations. Praise for books from the World of the The Storm Whale: “A simple but powerful story about loneliness and the love between a parent and child” – New York Times “heartwarming story of family and friendship with striking artwork that perfectly captures the seaside world." – The Big Issue ‘At the heart of this emotionally charged story is the joy of a lasting friendship, tender and true’ – The Bookseller “Intensely atmospheric, full of biting cold, tender detail and warm light, this is a book to cuddle up with” – The Guardian “Benji Davies is fast establishing himself as a leading light in children’s picture books” – Huffington Post Other books from the World of the Storm Whale: The Storm Whale The Storm Whale in Winter Grandma BirdAlso by Benji Davies: Grandad's Island On Sudden Hill, written by Linda Sarah When the Dragons Came, written by Naomi Kefford and Lynne Moore Jump on Board the Animal Train, written by Naomi Kefford and Lynne Moore
Objev podobné jako The Great Storm Whale - Benji Davies
Katatonia - The Great Cold Distance (LP)
Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Země interpreta: Švédsko Složení setu: 1 ks Typ: LP deska;Mástrované poloviční rychlostí;Album;Remastered;Nové vydání Subžánr: Alternative Metal Barva podle výrobce: Black Datum vydání: 2022-10-13 Rok vydání: 2022.0 Varianta: The Great Cold Distance (LP) Vydavatelství: Peaceville Interpret / Téma: Katatonia Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Žánr: Metal Barva: Černá
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The Great Reindeer Rescue - Mangan Stephen
From the talented brother-sister duo of Stephen and Anita Mangancomes this exciting fully illustrated festive adventure.
Objev podobné jako The Great Reindeer Rescue - Mangan Stephen
The Great Reindeer Rescue - Mangan Stephen
From the talented brother-sister duo of Stephen and Anita Mangancomes this exciting fully illustrated festive adventure.
Objev podobné jako The Great Reindeer Rescue - Mangan Stephen
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