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Ulysses (0141182806)

Kniha - autor James Joyce, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Written over a seven-year period, from 1914 to 1921, this novel deals with the events of one day in Dublin, 16th June 1904, known as "Bloomsday". It features characters such a

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cena 289.0 Kč

Ulysses - James Joyce

Controversial, scandalous, erudite and funny, Ulysses is undisputedly a landmark of twentieth-century modernism. It charts one day – 16th June 1904 – in the lives of three inhabitants of Dublin: the advertising salesman Leopold Bloom, the artist Stephen Dedalus and Bloom’s wife Molly. Their peregrinations, thoughts and encounters form the basis of the narrative, which becomes a celebration of all human experience through the lives of specific individuals in a specific place at a specific time. Ulysses is both an experimental novel and a book intimately concerned with the events of modern life. A lively repository of literary allusion and colloquial realism, this dazzlingly innovative, ambitious novel is here presented in its 1939 Odyssey Press version, which is regarded as the most accurate text published in Joyce’s lifetime. This edition also includes over 9,000 notes by Joyce scholars Sam Slote, Marc A. Mamigonian and John Turner. James Joyce Born in Dublin, James Joyce (1882–1941) spent most of his life abroad, living in Trieste, Paris and Zurich. His writings, however, mainly centre on Dublin – most famously Ulysses, Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. He pioneered and perfected avant-garde prose techniques that saw him rise to the rank of one of Europe’s foremost Modernists.

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cena 196.0 Kč

Ulysses - James Joyce

Tells of the diverse events which befall Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus in Dublin on 16 June 1904, during which Bloom's wife, Molly, commits adultery. Initially deemed obscene in England and the USA, this novel, revolutionary in its Modernistic experimentalism, was hailed as a work of genius by W B Yeats, T S Eliot and Ernest Hemingway.

Objev podobné jako Ulysses - James Joyce

cena 89.0 Kč

Ulysses - James Joyce - e-kniha

eBook: On 16 June 1904 Leopold Bloom wanders the streets of Dublin aimlessly as his wife Molly stays at home sleeping with other men.Having been made an involuntary cuckold, Leopold Bloom lets the soles of his shoes wear out on the pavements between the taverns in which his humiliation is acute, and hides in one memory after another as they haunt him in Dublin\'s wet fog.Leopold Bloom is the Odyssey of the 20th century, but unlike Homer\'s ancient warrior hero, Bloom is a modern anti-hero that you can\'t help feeling for.Ulysses has been turned into a film called The Ulysses Project which was filmed entirely during the Covid-19 lockdown. Stars include Aidan Gillen, John Turturro and Patrick Bergin.

Objev podobné jako Ulysses - James Joyce - e-kniha

cena 528.0 Kč

Ulysses (Collector´s Edition) - James Joyce

James Joyce’s astonishing masterpiece, Ulysses, tells of the diverse events which befall Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus in Dublin on 16 June 1904, during which Bloom’s voluptuous wife, Molly, commits adultery.Initially deemed obscene in England and the USA, this richly-allusive novel, revolutionary in its Modernistic experimentalism, was hailed as a work of genius by W. B. Yeats, T. S. Eliot and Ernest Hemingway.Scandalously frank, wittily erudite, mercurially eloquent, resourcefully comic and generously humane, Ulysses offers the reader a life-changing experience.

Objev podobné jako Ulysses (Collector´s Edition) - James Joyce

cena 266.0 Kč

Generálové občanské války: Robert E. Lee a Ulysses S. Grant (DVD)

Dva generálové, pětiletá válka a jedna uzavřená historická kapitola. Obsáhlý dokument o mužích, které osud postavil proti sobě v době, kdy se rozhodovalo o budoucnosti národa a státu, kdy neslučitelné ideály dvou světů vyústily v americkou občanskou válku. Dokument provází diváka celým životem obou mužů, s patřičným důrazem na jejich role v době krvavého konfliktu mezi Severem a Jihem přes období poválečné až do jejich smrti. Bohaté archiválie, filmové dotáčky, výpovědi potomků i nejprestižnějších odborníků ilustrují průběh občanské války a životní cesty generálů, jejichž finální střet rozhodl o podobě dnešních Spojených států.

Objev podobné jako Generálové občanské války: Robert E. Lee a Ulysses S. Grant (DVD)

cena 99.0 Kč

ACI zrcátko pro FIAT Ulysses 94-11/02 zp. zrc. el. ovl. L (1759817)

Zpětné zrcátko - elektricky ovládané, Vyhřívané, Levé ACI zrcátko pro FIAT Ulysses 94-11/02 zp. zrc. el. ovl. L nabízí stoprocentní přehled o pohybu kolem jedoucích vozidel. U tohoto modelu jde o elektricky polohovatelné zpětné zrcátko Korekce náklonu probíhá za naprostého pohodlí řidiče. Přísluší na levou stranu vozidla. Proti zamlžení, typickému pro chladnější počasí, působí velmi účinné vyhřívání. ACI zrcátko pro FIAT Ulysses 94-11/02 zp. zrc. el. ovl. L bude tím nejpraktičtějším doplňkem vašeho vozu a usnadní vám cestu za maximálním bezpečím na cestách. Významné parametry zpětného zrcátka ACI Zpětné zrcátko určené na levou stranu vozu Elektronické ovládání pro větší pohodlí Zrcátko ACI je vyhřívané proti zamlžení

Objev podobné jako ACI zrcátko pro FIAT Ulysses 94-11/02 zp. zrc. el. ovl. L (1759817)

cena 1627.0 Kč

ACI FIAT Ulysses 94-11/02 gumové koberečky černé s vyšším okrajem (sada 2 ks) (1759X10)

Autokoberce - gumové, 3D profil, sada obsahuje 2 ks Rádi byste udrželi podlahu vašeho auta čistou? Zvolte pro svůj vůz kvalitní koberce ACI. Vhod přijdou zejména v nevlídném počasí, kdy je všude plno bláta a nečistot. Zároveň chrání interiér proti působení agresivní zimní soli, která se do auta dostane na podrážce obuvi. Tyto gumové autokoberce nevyžadují téměř žádnou údržbu a velmi snadno je vyčistíte. Pomocí praktického 3D provedení zachytí bláto, kamínky, vodu a další nečistoty. Balení tvoří 2 ks autokoberců. Barva koberečků je černá. Klíčové vlastnosti produktu ACI FIAT Ulysses 94-11/02 gumové koberečky černé s vyšším okrajem (sada 2 ks) Gumové autokoberce ACI není třeba vysávat Spolehlivě ochrání podlahu vašeho auta před nečistotami, vodou, sněhem i blátem Nabízené koberečky do auta se vyznačují 3D provedením pro snadné zachytávání bláta Balení obsahuje 2 ks autokoberečků Černá barva

Objev podobné jako ACI FIAT Ulysses 94-11/02 gumové koberečky černé s vyšším okrajem (sada 2 ks) (1759X10)

cena 1705.0 Kč

ACI zrcátko pro FIAT Ulysses 94-11/02 zp. zrc. el. ovl. vyhř. s tepl. čidlem P (1759818)

Zpětné zrcátko - elektricky ovládané, Vyhřívané, Pravé ACI zrcátko pro FIAT Ulysses 94-11/02 zp. zrc. el. ovl. vyhř. s tepl. čidlem P udává naprostý přehled o stavu přibližujících se vozidel. Co se tohoto modelu týče, jedná se o elektricky polohovatelné zpětné zrcátko. Veškerá obsluha tak zabere mnohem míň času a není nutné žádat spolujezdcovu pomoc. Hodí se na pravou stranu. Proti zamlžení, běžně způsobenému nižšími teplotami, funguje velmi účinné vyhřívání. ACI zrcátko pro FIAT Ulysses 94-11/02 zp. zrc. el. ovl. vyhř. s tepl. čidlem P bude k vašemu vozu perfektně pasovat a pomůže vám cestovat bezpečně. Nejdůležitější přednosti zpětného zrcátka ACI Zpětné zrcátko pro připevnění na pravou stranu vozidla Elektricky řízené polohování Zrcátko ACI je vyhřívané proti zamlžení

Objev podobné jako ACI zrcátko pro FIAT Ulysses 94-11/02 zp. zrc. el. ovl. vyhř. s tepl. čidlem P (1759818)

cena 1688.0 Kč

Xena 2/20 (DVD) (papírový obal)

DVD film Xena 2. série DISK 20 [1999]. Český dabing. Dolby Digital. Za časů bohů a králů zrodila neklidná zem hrdinku - Xenu, mocnou princeznu bojovnici, zocelonou žárem bitev. Epizody:19. Odyseus (Ulysses)20. Cena (The Price)

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cena 49.0 Kč

The Book of Disquiet - Fernando Pessoa

With its astounding hardcover reviews Richard Zenith''s new complete translation of THE BOOK OF DISQUIET has now taken on a similar iconic status to ULYSSES, THE TRIAL or IN SEARCH OF LOST TIME as one of the greatest but also strangest modernist texts. An assembly of sometimes linked fragments, it is a mesmerising, haunting ''novel'' without parallel in any other culture.

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cena 384.0 Kč

The Concise 33 Strategies of War - Robert Greene

From bestselling author Robert Greene comes a new guide to the strategies of war that can help us gain mastery in the modern world. Spanning world civilisations, and synthesising dozens of political, philosophical, and religious texts, The Concise 33 Strategies of War is a guide to the subtle social game of everyday life. Based on profound and timeless lessons, it is abundantly illustrated with examples of the genius and folly of everyone from Napoleon to Margaret Thatcher and Hannibal to Ulysses S. Grant, as well as diplomats, captains of industry and Samurai swordsmen.

Objev podobné jako The Concise 33 Strategies of War - Robert Greene

cena 268.0 Kč

Franz Ferdinand: Hits To The Heads - CD (0887828047321)

Hudební CD - Kompilační album od skupiny Franz Ferdinand z roku 2022. Kompilační album od skupiny Franz Ferdinand z roku 2022. Franz Ferdinand je skotská rocková kapela, která vznikla v Glasgow v roce 2002. Rok vydání : 2022 (kompilace) Seznam stop CD Darts Of Pleasure / Take Me Out / The Dark Of The Matinée / Michael / This Fire / Do You Want To / Walk Away / The Fallen / Outsiders / Lucid Dreams / Ulysses / No You Girls / Right Action / Evil Eye / Love Illumination / Stand On The Horizon / Always Ascending / Glimpse Of Love / Curious / Billy Goodbye

Objev podobné jako Franz Ferdinand: Hits To The Heads - CD (0887828047321)

cena 389.0 Kč

Sixes and Sevens - O. Henry - e-kniha

eBook: Published posthumously, William Sidney Porter's 'Sixes and Sevens' is a collection of 25 short stories from the popular author. Some of the most famous works included are 'Ulysses and the Dogman', where a dog walker meets an old acquaintance; 'The Church with an Overshot-Wheel' about a bereaved miller who turns his mill into a church, and classic detective story 'The Sleuths'. With a focus on the harshness but also the humour of everyday life, and tales stretching from New York to the Wild West, this is a remarkable collection of some of O. Henry's timeless tales.

Objev podobné jako Sixes and Sevens - O. Henry - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč


Olejový filtr - pro motocykly výrobce BUELL Pro správnou funkci motoru je zapotřebí mít také kvalitní olejový filtr. Doporučíme vám olejový filtr HIFLOFILTRO, který je svým provedením určen pro motocykly. Zamezí znečištění motoru prachem, sazemi nebo kovovými částicemi, které vznikají v procesu práce motoru. Sníží tak hlučnost a prodlouží životnost motoru. Hlavní vlastnosti olejového filtru HIFLOFILTRO HF177 Olejový filtr HIFLOFILTRO zajistí bezproblémový chod motoru Můžete jej použít pro motocykly Zabraňuje zanešení motoru sazemi, prachem i kovovými částicemi Oceníte sníženou hlučnost motoru Pro vozidla výrobce: BUELL Model vozidla: XB9R 1000 Firebolt, XB9S 1000 Lightning, XB9SX 1000 Lightning City, XB12R 1200 Firebolt, XB12S 1200 Lightning, XB12Ss 1200 Lightning Long a XB12X 1200 Ulysses

Objev podobné jako HIFLOFILTRO HF177 (HF177)

cena 219.0 Kč

The Lives and Deeds of our Self-made Men - Harriet Elisabeth Beecher-Stoweová - e-kniha

eBook: First published in 1872, Harriet Beecher Stowe's 'The Lives and Deeds of our Self-Made Men' is a collection of sketches and biographies which focuses on well-known American figures who went on to become leaders, generals, and even Presidents. Famous names in the collection include Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, the editor Horace Greely and the lawyer and politician Edwin Stanton. Stowe stresses the importance of their Christian upbringings and the role that the land and American traditions have played in shaping these men, enabling them to reach their full potential. A fascinating insight into the lives of these American leaders from the famous writer and abolitionist.

Objev podobné jako The Lives and Deeds of our Self-made Men - Harriet Elisabeth Beecher-Stoweová - e-kniha

cena 528.0 Kč

Zátišie - Sarah Winmannová

Je vojna, na vzdialené talianske kopce dopadajú nemecké bomby a anglická učiteľka umenia EvelynSkinnerová pomáha miestnym pamiatkarom lokalizovať majstrovské diela z kostolov a múzeí. Pritejto misii sa zoznámi s mladým britským vojakom Ulyssesom Temperom. Napriekštyridsaťročnému vekovému rozdielu je to pre oboch nezabudnuteľné stretnutie, naplnenérozhovormi o úlohe umenia v živote a o kráse ako protipóle ľudského utrpenia.Príbeh odvíjajúci sa až do roku 1979 je príbehom ich priateľstva, no zároveň aj príbehom skupinkykumpánov z londýnskeho pubu, ktorá sa presťahuje do Florencie: patrí sem predovšetkým Ulysses,ktorý kurióznym spôsobom zdedil dom vo Florencii a prerobil ho na úspešný penzión, jeho starnúcipriateľ Cressy, dievčatko Alys a bystrý papagáj Claude recitujúci Shakespeara. Neskôr sa k nimpripojí aj klavirista Pete, majiteľ pubu Col a amatérska speváčka Peg.

Objev podobné jako Zátišie - Sarah Winmannová

cena 778.0 Kč

The Avant-Postman - David Vichnar - e-kniha

eBook: The Avant-Postman explores a broad range of innovative postwar writing in France, Britain, and the United States. Taking James Joyce’s \"revolution of the word\" in Ulysses and Finnegans Wake as a joint starting point, David Vichnar draws genealogical lines through the work of more than fifty writers up to the present, including Alain Robbe-Grillet, B. S. Johnson, William Burroughs, Christine Brooke-Rose, Georges Perec, Kathy Acker, Iain Sinclair, Hélène Cixous, Alan Moore, David Foster Wallace, and many others. Centering the exploration around five writing strategies employed by Joyce—narrative parallax, stylistic metempsychosis, concrete writing, forgery, and neologising the logos—the book reveals the striking continuities and developments from Joyce’s day to our own.

Objev podobné jako The Avant-Postman - David Vichnar - e-kniha

cena 400.0 Kč

Saxon: More Inspirations - CD (9029613588)

Hudební CD - Po cover albu „Inspiration” z roku 2021 navazují SAXON s „More Inspiraiton” 2023 a znovu vzdávají hold svým hudebním vlivům. Saxon patří k zásadním kapelám heavy metalu. Ovlivnili celou řadu následovníků včetně skupin Metallica nebo Megadeth. V Anglii, kde byl heavy metal v osmdesátých letech velmi populární, se hned čtyřikrát dostali do Top 10 nejprodávanějších desek a stali se jednou z nejúspěšnějších britských rockových kapel všech dob. Po cover albu „Inspiration” z roku 2021 navazují SAXON s „More Inspiraiton” 2023 a znovu vzdávají hold svým hudebním vlivům. Rok vydání 2023 Seznam stop We've Gotta Get Out of This Place / The Faith Healer / From the Inside / Chevrolet / Substitute / Gypsy / Man On the Silver Mountain / Detroit Rock City / Razamanaz / Tales of Brave Ulysses

Objev podobné jako Saxon: More Inspirations - CD (9029613588)

cena 359.0 Kč

Saxon: More Inspirations - LP (9029613586)

LP vinyl - Po cover albu „Inspiration” z roku 2021 navazují SAXON s „More Inspiraiton” 2023 a znovu vzdávají hold svým hudebním vlivům. Saxon patří k zásadním kapelám heavy metalu. Ovlivnili celou řadu následovníků včetně skupin Metallica nebo Megadeth. V Anglii, kde byl heavy metal v osmdesátých letech velmi populární, se hned čtyřikrát dostali do Top 10 nejprodávanějších desek a stali se jednou z nejúspěšnějších britských rockových kapel všech dob. Po cover albu „Inspiration” z roku 2021 navazují SAXON s „More Inspiraiton” 2023 a znovu vzdávají hold svým hudebním vlivům. Rok vydání 2023 Seznam stop We've Gotta Get Out of This Place / The Faith Healer / From the Inside / Chevrolet / Substitute / Gypsy / Man On the Silver Mountain / Detroit Rock City / Razamanaz / Tales of Brave Ulysses

Objev podobné jako Saxon: More Inspirations - LP (9029613586)

cena 669.0 Kč

Right Thing, Right Now - Ryan Holiday

If we do what is right, everything else will follow: happiness, success, meaning, reputation, love. This is central to Stoic wisdom. The path isn't always easy, but it is essential, and the alternative - taking the easy route - leads only to cowardice and folly.In the third book in his bestselling Stoic Virtues series, Ryan Holiday explores the crucial role that integrity plays in every good life. From pillars of upright living like Ulysses S. Grant and Marcus Aurelius, to the cautionary tales of Napoleon and F.Scott Fitzgerald, this book shows us the power of owning our convictions and acting in accordance with our beliefs - and the perils of an ill-formed conscience. Our conscience, our sense of justice, is our first and our last strength: we can train it, hone it and fortify it, but above all, we must never lose it. This book shows us how.

Objev podobné jako Right Thing, Right Now - Ryan Holiday

cena 447.0 Kč

Leeva at Last - Sara Pennypackerová, Mathew Cordell

A hilarious and heart-warming new adventure from Sara Pennypacker, the best-selling author of Pax, with illustrations by Caldecott Medal-winner Matthew Cordell Leeva Thornblossom loves to learn: her local newspaper teaches her a new word every day, and soap operas show her the many shades of human expression. And when she comes across the announcement that all children are required to go to school, Leeva sees an opportunity to do something that newspapers and television alone can't provide: the chance to meet people. But Leeva's parents, the insufferable mayor and selfish tax collector of their small town, don't want to send her to school, and they certainly don't want her to meet other people. And so, with the help of the town's librarian and her son, Leeva sets out to finds answers: what have her parents been hiding from her? With hilarious writing and an unforgettable hero, Leeva at Last is perfect for fans of Matilda, Flora and Ulysses, and A Series of Unfortunate Events. Book Description Heartwarming and funny, a new illustrated children's adventure novel from the author of Pax .

Objev podobné jako Leeva at Last - Sara Pennypackerová, Mathew Cordell

cena 223.0 Kč

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (YA) - James Joyce - e-kniha

eBook: What if all that you knew was a lie? A version of the truth prescribed and injected to you without consultation, conversation or countability? When Stephen Dedalus finds fault with religion and reality in 19th-century Ireland, he quickly decides to forge his own fate. But society is less than kind to those who reject their rightful futures. And Stephen will soon learn the price he has to pay if he is to reclaim a sense of soul and conscience. Weaving a powerful and poignant tale of passion and perseverance, ‘A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’ is perfect for fans of Michelle Gallen, Niall Williams, and Frances Macken. Born in Ireland, James Joyce (1882-1941) was a trailblazing and experimental novelist and poet. He is celebrated as one of the most influential and important writers of the 20th century with his landmark novel ‘Ulysses’, which parallels Homer’s ‘Odyssey’, whilst his other works include ‘Dubliners’, ‘A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’, and ‘Finnegans Wake’.

Objev podobné jako A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (YA) - James Joyce - e-kniha

cena 255.0 Kč

Still Life - Sarah Winmannová

THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLEROver 500,000 copies sold internationallyA BBC Between the Covers Book Club PickA BBC Radio 4 Book at BedtimeWinner of Dymocks Book of the Year‘Sheer joy'' GRAHAM NORTON‘Utterly beautiful … filled with hope’ JOANNA CANNON‘A gorgeous, generous story of kind hearts and kindred spirits’ DAILY MIRRORFrom the author of When God was a Rabbit and Tin Man, Still Life is a big-hearted story of the families we forge and the friendships that make us.1944, Italy. As bombs fall around them, two strangers meet in the ruined wine cellar of a Tuscan villa and share an extraordinary evening.Ulysses Temper is a young British soldier, Evelyn Skinner a 64-year-old art historian living life on her own terms. She has come to salvage paintings from the wreckage of war and relive memories of her youth when her heart was stolen by an Italian maid in a particular room with a view. Ulysses’ chance encounter with Evelyn will transform his life – and all those who love him back home in London – forever.Uplifting, sweeping and full of unforgettable characters, Still Life is a novel about beauty, love, family and friendship.‘THE most beautiful book … it will stay with me a long time’ SARA COX, BBC TWO’S BETWEEN THE COVERS‘Extraordinary . . . my book of the year’ LIZ NUGENT‘Moving, wise, poetic and funny’ DAILY MAIL‘Winman’s pages teem with boisterous, exuberant life’ SUNDAY TIMES

Objev podobné jako Still Life - Sarah Winmannová

cena 268.0 Kč

Suttree - Cormac McCarthy

In this semi-autobiographical work, a man abandons his life of privilege to live among eccentrics, criminals and the impoverished of Knoxville. Suttree is a humorous, compelling tapestry of life on the edge from Cormac McCarthy, author of The Road and Blood Meridian. 'Suttree contains a humour that is Faulknerian in its gentle wryness, and a freakish imaginative flair' - Times Literary Supplement1951.Cornelius Suttree lives alone, exiled on a disintegrating houseboat on the wrong side of the Tennessee River. As we meet him, Suttree watches the police haul the body of a suicidal man from the water. Amongst the living, the river is home to hermits, sex workers, alcoholics - and a witch.Conjuring James Joyce's Ulysses, Suttree wanders the river with a detachment and wry humour, encountering a broad cast of humanity as he does - even as dereliction and destitution threaten the last of his remaining dignity. 'Suttree is like a good, long scream in the ear' - New York TimesPraise for Cormac McCarthy:'McCarthy worked close to some religious impulse, his books were terrifying and absolute' - Anne Enright, author of The Green Road and The Wren, The Wren'His prose takes on an almost biblical quality, hallucinatory in its effect and evangelical in its power' - Stephen King, author of The Shining and the Dark Tower series'[I]n presenting the darker human impulses in his rich prose, [McCarthy] showed readers the necessity of facing up to existence' - Annie Proulx, author of Brokeback Mountain

Objev podobné jako Suttree - Cormac McCarthy

cena 299.0 Kč

Deirdre - James Stephens - e-kniha

eBook: The story of a young girl raised in isolation in preparation to marry the King of Ulster sounds at first a little outdated. That is until you call it what it is - an arranged marriage and child abuse. These are themes that continue to exist and they give 'Deirdre' a resonance in the 21st century. The girl at the heart of the story eventually falls in love with a young man and they run away to Scotland - cue much relief. There is a nasty twist in the tale, however, when she is lured back to Ireland many years later. The story, which is based on Irish myth and legend, has echoes of the 1993 movie 'The Piano', starring Holly Hunter and Harvey Keitel, in which a mute Scottish woman was sold into marriage by her father to a frontiersman in New Zealand. James Stephens (1880-1950) was an Irish novelist and poet who based many of his works of myth and legend from Ireland's past. Life imitated art when he created his own myth - claiming to have been born on the same day as literary legend James Joyce ('Ulysses', 'Finnegans Wake'). His father died when he was two and his mother remarried, leading to his being committed to a boys' school when caught begging on the streets. During time as a solicitor and a registrar at the National Gallery of Ireland, Stephens took up writing. He is best known for 'Irish Fairy Tales' and 'The Crock of Gold', while he also wrote an influential account of the 1916 Easter Rising, describing the death of his friend Thomas MacDonagh.

Objev podobné jako Deirdre - James Stephens - e-kniha

cena 145.0 Kč

MS The Little Black Songbook: Eric Clapton

Zpěvník THE LITTLE BLACK BOOK: ERIC CLAPTON Knihy z edice The Little Black Book jsou zpěvníky, které obsahují text a akordové značky, a nejvíc je tak ocení kytaristé. Tento díl je věnován skladbám Erica Claptona a jeho kapel. Seznam skladeb: (I) Get Lost After Midnight Alberta All Your Love Another Ticket Anyday Back Home Bad Love Badge Before You Accuse Me Behind The Mask Believe In Life Bell Bottom Blues Better Make It Through Today Blue Eyes Blue Blues Power Change The World Cocaine Crossroads Forever Man Have You Ever Loved A Woman Hello Old Friend Holy Mother I Am Yours I Can't Stand It I Feel Free I Looked Away I Shot The Sheriff It Hurts Me Too It's In The Way That You Use It It's Too Late I've Got A Rock 'N' Roll Heart Keep On Growing Key To Love Knockin' On Heaven's Door Lay Down Sally Layla Layla (Unplugged) Let It Grow Let It Rain Lonely Stranger Lonesome And A Long Way From Home Mainline Florida Mean Old Frisco Miss You Motherless Child Motherless Children My Father's Eyes Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out Old Love Presence Of The Lord Pretending Pretty Girl Promises Ride The River Riding With The King River Of Tears Rollin' And Tumblin' Running On Faith San Francisco Bay Blues She's Waiting Sign Language Signe Spoonful Strange Brew Sunshine Of Your Love Superman Inside Sweet Home Alabama Swing Low Sweet Chariot Tales Of Brave Ulysses Tearing Us Apart Tears In Heaven Tell The Truth The Core The Shape You're In Walk Out In The Rain Walkin' Blues White Room Who Am I Telling You? Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad? Willie And The Hand Jive Wonderful Tonight

Objev podobné jako MS The Little Black Songbook: Eric Clapton

cena 368.0 Kč