Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy, Enhanced - Gerald Corey

Incorporating the thinking, feeling, and behaving dimensions of human experience, the tenth edition of Corey''s best-selling text helps you compare and contrast the therapeutic models expressed in counseling theories. Corey introduces you to the major theories (psychoanalytic, Adlerian, existential, person-centered, Gestalt, reality, behavior, cognitive-behavior, family systems, feminist, postmodern, and integrative approaches) and demonstrates how each theory can be applied to two cases ("Stan" and "Gwen"). He shows you how to apply theories in practice, and helps you learn to integrate the theories into an individualized counseling style. New learning objectives identify key aspects of each theory and focus your study.

Podívejte se také Kniha Shiatsu Teorie a praxe: Shiatsu Theory and Practice (978-80-7370-431-5)

cena 1979.0 Kč

Consumer Lending in Theory and Practice (9788024632551)

Elektronická kniha - autor Petr Teplý, 188 stran, česky This book deals with consumer lending from both theoretical and empirical points of view. In the theoretical section, it book analyses the wider context of financial literacy, household indebtedness and the global consumer credit market including relevant legal, regulatory and risk management issues. In the empirical section, the book uses The Navigator of Responsible Lending as an evaluation tool to assess both bank and non-bank consumer credit providers in the Czech Republic. Although our empirical research is done as a case study on the Czech Republic, its basic ideas might be easily applied to other countries as well. Enclosures to the book include additional texts relevant to consumer lending (including case studies and an unofficial English translation of the Czech Consumer Credit Act) and therefore provide the reader with several perspectives on the topic.

Podívejte se také Taylor Corey: All This and More - LP (7567864697)

cena 180.0 Kč

Theory and Practice - Rob Harrison, Siobhan Maclean

This is the third edition of this popular straightforward guide for social work students. Written by two experienced practice educators, the book is designed to address the anxieties that many social work students have about social work theory and the way it relates to practice. The guide provides a straightforward explanation of the major theories used in social work practice. Prompts for reflection about how each theory relates to practice are provided at the end of each chapter. This edition is fully linked to the revised international definition of social work, HCPC standards and the Professional Capabilities Framework. This new edition retains the content of previous editions bringing it up to date. A new section is included on theories around contexts and organisations. A new chapter on wellbeing theories is also included in this edition - responding to the implementation of the wellbeing principle. "This is an outstanding resource in a series of books for social work students, practitioners and educators. Laid out in an easy to use format, it summarises complex theories simply and concisely. The authors have worked closely with students in order to offer invaluable ideas and tips to link these theories to practice which, in the demanding context of social work placements, provides an up to date and invaluable tool. If there is one book I recommend to students going out on placement, it''s this one. Essential reading. " Jon Old, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, University of Chichester.

Podívejte se také Stories of Mystery and Suspense

cena 561.0 Kč

Consumer Lending in Theory and Practice - Petr Teplý - e-kniha

eBook: This book deals with consumer lending from both theoretical and empirical points of view. In the theoretical section, it book analyses the wider context of financial literacy, household indebtedness and the global consumer credit market including relevant legal, regulatory and risk management issues. In the empirical section, the book uses The Navigator of Responsible Lending as an evaluation tool to assess both bank and non-bank consumer credit providers in the Czech Republic. Although our empirical research is done as a case study on the Czech Republic, its basic ideas might be easily applied to other countries as well. Enclosures to the book include additional texts relevant to consumer lending (including case studies and an unofficial English translation of the Czech Consumer Credit Act) and therefore provide the reader with several perspectives on the topic.

Objev podobné jako Consumer Lending in Theory and Practice - Petr Teplý - e-kniha

cena 180.0 Kč

Sovereign wealth funds in theory and practice - Petr Teplý, Jan Ander - e-kniha

eBook: Suverénní fondy (Sovereign Wealth Funds, SWF) se v posledních letech stávají významnou součástí globálního finančního systému. Tyto instituce spravovaly ke konci roku 2013 více než 6 bilionů USD. SWF jsou státem vlastněné fondy založené za různým makroekonomickým účelem. Obvykle jsou financovány cizoměnovými příjmy států, které jsou následně investovány v zahraničí. Tato monografie se zabývá globální SWF z teoretického i praktického pohledu. Dále je zde diskutována teoretická možnost založení SWF v České republice. Autoři však dospívají k závěru, že po vzniku SWF není v naší zemi dostatečná poptávka ani ze strany politiků, ani ze strany voličů. Kniha je psána srozumitelným jazykem, a tudíž vhodná pro odbornou i širší veřejnost.

Objev podobné jako Sovereign wealth funds in theory and practice - Petr Teplý, Jan Ander - e-kniha

cena 110.0 Kč

Kniha Shiatsu Teorie a praxe: Shiatsu Theory and Practice (978-80-7370-431-5)

Kniha - autor Carola Beresford-Cooke, 424 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Přinášíme vám český překlad třetího, rozšířeného vydání jedné z nejlepších knih o shiatsu vůbec, ve které vás autorka přehledným a srozumitelným způsobem seznámí s teorií zen-shiatsu, teorií pěti elementů a tradiční čínskou medicínou. Tato obsáhlá kniha vám pomůže k pochopení moudrosti staré tisíce let a naučí vás, jak ji při shiatsu prakticky využít. Detailní popis jednotlivých technik a postupů při ošetření meridiánů doplňuje autorka řadou příkladů ze své dlouholeté praxe. Prakticky zaměřená je také obsáhlá příloha s přehledem nejběžnějších onemocnění a jak k nim nejen při shiatsu celostně přistupovat. Ačkoli je kniha určená primárně studentům shiatsu a praktikům, dobře poslouží také klientovi, kterému shiatsu přináší úlevu a který se chce dozvědět více. Tato kniha se vás při čtení dotkne podobně, jako to umí zkušený praktik shiatsu. Carola sepsala odborným i poutavým způsobem...

Objev podobné jako Kniha Shiatsu Teorie a praxe: Shiatsu Theory and Practice (978-80-7370-431-5)

cena 287.0 Kč

Bankovnictví v teorii a praxi / Banking in Theory and Practice - Petr Teplý, Michal Mejstřík, Magda Pečená

Spolu s nastupujícími trendy v oblastech IT, digitalizace a cloud bankingu prochází globální bankovnictví v posledních letech dynamickým vývojem. Předkládaná publikace se snaží zájemce uvést do široké problematiky bankovnictví v teoretické i praktické rovině, a to s důrazem na Českou republiku a Evropskou unii. Jedná se o unikátní bilingvní česko-anglické dílo vycházející z několikaletého výzkumu autorů v oblasti finančních trhů a risk managementu. Publikace je psána srozumitelným jazykem, a tudíž je vhodná jak pro odbornou, tak i pro širší veřejnost.

Objev podobné jako Bankovnictví v teorii a praxi / Banking in Theory and Practice - Petr Teplý, Michal Mejstřík, Magda Pečená

cena 439.0 Kč

English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and Intermediate Book with Answers and Enhanced eBook: Vocabulary Reference and Practice

The words you need to communicate with confidence. Vocabulary explanations and practice for pre-intermediate and intermediate level (B1) learners of English. Perfect for both self-study and classroom activities. Quickly expand your vocabulary with 100 units of easy to understand explanations and practice exercises. Also inside the book is a code for an ebook. This is the same as the printed book, but with audio so that you can listen to new words as well as reading them. The ebook is online for Windows and Mac users, and can also be downloaded to iPads and Android tablets.

Objev podobné jako English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and Intermediate Book with Answers and Enhanced eBook: Vocabulary Reference and Practice

cena 746.0 Kč

Bankovnictví v teorii a praxi / Banking in Theory and Practice - Petr Teplý, Michal Mejstřík, Magda Pečená - e-kniha

eBook: Spolu s nastupujícími trendy v oblastech IT, digitalizace a cloud bankingu prochází globální bankovnictví v posledních letech dynamickým vývojem. Předkládaná publikace se snaží zájemce uvést do široké problematiky bankovnictví v teoretické i praktické rovině, a to s důrazem na Českou republiku a Evropskou unii. Jedná se o unikátní bilingvní česko-anglické dílo vycházející z několikaletého výzkumu autorů v oblasti finančních trhů a risk managementu. Publikace je psána srozumitelným jazykem, a tudíž je vhodná jak pro odbornou, tak i pro širší veřejnost.

Objev podobné jako Bankovnictví v teorii a praxi / Banking in Theory and Practice - Petr Teplý, Michal Mejstřík, Magda Pečená - e-kniha

cena 340.0 Kč

Knowledge and Practice in Mayotte : Local Discourses of Islam, Sorcery and Spirit Possession - Lambek Michael

On the East African island of Mayotte, Islam co-exists with two other systems of understanding and interpreting the world around its inhabitants: cosmology and spirit-mediumship. In a witty, evocative style accessible to both the specialist and non-specialist reader, Michael Lambek provides a significant contribution to writing on African systems of thought, on local forms of religious and therapeutic practice, on social accountability, and on the place of explicit forms of knowledge in the analysis of non-western societies. The "objectified" textual knowledge characteristic of Islam and of cosmology is contrasted with the "embodied" knowledge of spirit possession. Lambek emphasizes the power and authority constituted by each discipline, as well as the challenge that each kind of knowledge presents to the others and their resolution in daily practice. "Disciplines" are defined as an organized body of practitioners or adepts, a concept precise and useful when applied to the contexts of Lambek's own research and equally so in the study of comparable environments elsewhere. Essential reading for those interested in the comparative study of Islamic societies, Lambek's argument directly contributes to the main anthropological arguments of the day concerning the social and cultural basis of systems of knowledge and ethnographic strategies for depicting them.

Objev podobné jako Knowledge and Practice in Mayotte : Local Discourses of Islam, Sorcery and Spirit Possession - Lambek Michael

cena 752.0 Kč

Principles of Good Administration and Guarantees of their Application in Practice in Ukraine and the Czech Republic - Kateřina Frumarová

The publication focuses on a critical analysis of the state of public administration in both countries, as well as on the individual principles of good administration, their legal anchoring, and their practical application. At the same time, attention is also paid to selected guarantees of the realization of good public administration in practice, in particular judicial control and the powers of the ombudsman.*****The main objective is to contribute to a wider awareness of the principles of good public administration, their consistent application in practice and mutual inspiration and improvement of the situation in public administration in both democratic countries.***********************Publikace se zaměřuje jak na kritickou analýzu stavu veřejné správy v obou zemích, tak i na jednotlivé principy dobré správy, na jejich právní zakotvení, ale i na jejich praktické uplatňování. Současně je pozornost věnována i vybraným zárukám realizace dobré veřejné správy v praxi, zejména soudní kontrole a působnosti ombudsmana.*****Hlavním cílem je přispět k širšímu povědomí o principech dobré veřejné správy, jejich důslednému uplatňování v praxi a vzájemné inspiraci a zlepšování situace ve veřejné správě v obou demokratických zemích.

Objev podobné jako Principles of Good Administration and Guarantees of their Application in Practice in Ukraine and the Czech Republic - Kateřina Frumarová

cena 286.0 Kč

Critical Theory of Communication: New Readings of Lukács, Adorno, Marcuse, Honneth and Habermas in the Age of the Internet (1) (Critical Digital and S

This book contributes to the foundations of a critical theory of communication as shaped by the forces of digital capitalism. One of the world's leading theorists of digital media Professor Christian Fuchs explores how the thought of some of the Frankfurt School’s key thinkers can be deployed for critically understanding media in the age of the Internet. Five essays that form the heart of this book review aspects of the works of Georg Lukács, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Axel Honneth and Jürgen Habermas and apply them as elements of a critical theory of communication's foundations. The approach taken starts from Georg Lukács Ontology of Social Being, draws on the work of the Frankfurt School thinkers, and sets them into dialogue with the Cultural Materialism of Raymond Williams. Critical Theory of Communication offers a vital set of new insights on how communication operates in the age of information, digital media and social media, arguing that we need to transcend the communication theory of Habermas by establishing a dialectical and cultural-materialist critical theory of communication.

Objev podobné jako Critical Theory of Communication: New Readings of Lukács, Adorno, Marcuse, Honneth and Habermas in the Age of the Internet (1) (Critical Digital and S

cena 657.0 Kč

My Family and Other Animals - Gerald Durrell

My Family and Other Animals is the bewitching account of a rare and magical childhood on the island of Corfu by treasured British conservationist Gerald Durrell, beautifully repackaged as part of the Penguin Essentials range.'What we all need,' said Larry, 'is sunshine...a country where we can grow.''Yes, dear, that would be nice,' agreed Mother, not really listening.'I had a letter from George this morning - he says Corfu's wonderful. Why don't we pack up and go to Greece?''Very well, dear, if you like,' said Mother unguardedly.Escaping the ills of the British climate, the Durrell family - acne-ridden Margo, gun-toting Leslie, bookworm Lawrence and budding naturalist Gerry, along with their long-suffering mother and Roger the dog - take off for the island of Corfu.But the Durrells find that, reluctantly, they must share their various villas with a menagerie of local fauna - among them scorpions, geckos, toads, bats and butterflies.Recounted with immense humour and charm My Family and Other Animals is a wonderful account of a rare, magical childhood.'Durrell has an uncanny knack of discovering human as well as animal eccentricities' Sunday Telegraph'A bewitching book' Sunday TimesGerald Durrell was born in Jamshedpur, India, in 1925. He returned to England in 1928 before settling on the island of Corfu with his family. In 1945 he joined the staff of Whipsnade Park as a student keeper, and in 1947 he led his first animal-collecting expedition to the Cameroons. He later undertook numerous further expeditions, visiting Paraguay, Argentina, Sierra Leone, Mexico, Mauritius, Assam and Madagascar. His first television programme, Two in the Bush which documented his travels to New Zealand, Australia and Malaya was made in 1962; he went on to make seventy programmes about his trips around the world. In 1959 he founded the Jersey Zoological Park, and in 1964 he founded the Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust. He was awarded the OBE in 1982. Encouraged to write about his life's work by his brother, Durrell published his first book, The Overloaded Ark, in 1953. It soon became a bestseller and he went on to write thirty-six other titles, including My Family and Other Animals, The Bafut Beagles, Encounters with Animals, The Drunken Forest, A Zoo in My Luggage, The Whispering Land, Menagerie Manor, The Amateur Naturalist and The Aye-Aye and I. Gerald Durrell died in 1995.

Objev podobné jako My Family and Other Animals - Gerald Durrell

cena 268.0 Kč

My Family and Other Animals - Gerald Durrell

Ten-year-old Gerald doesn't know why his older brothers and sisterscomplain so much. With snakes in the bath and scorpions on thelunch table, the family home on the Greek island of Corfu is a bitlike a zoo so they should feel right at home... Gerald joyfullypursues his interest in natural history in the midsts of anunconventional and chaotic family life - all brilliantly retold inthis very funny book.

Objev podobné jako My Family and Other Animals - Gerald Durrell

cena 236.0 Kč

Psychoanalysis and Ecology at the Edge of Chaos : Complexity Theory, Deleuze,Guattari and Psychoanalysis for a Climate in Crisis - Dodds Joseph

This book argues that psychoanalysis has a unique role to play in the climate change debate through its placing emphasis on the unconscious dimensions of our mental and social lives. Exploring contributions from Freudian, Kleinian, Object Relations, Self Psychology, Jungian, and Lacanian traditions, the book discusses how psychoanalysis can help to unmask the anxieties, deficits, conflicts, phantasies and defences crucial in understanding the human dimension of the ecological crisis.Yet despite being essential to studying environmentalism and its discontents, psychoanalysis still remains largely a 'psychology without ecology.' The philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari, combined with new developments in the sciences of complexity, help us to build upon the best of these perspectives, providing a framework able to integrate Guattari's 'three ecologies' of mind, nature and society. This book thus constitutes a timely attempt to contribute towards a critical dialogue between psychoanalysis and ecology.

Objev podobné jako Psychoanalysis and Ecology at the Edge of Chaos : Complexity Theory, Deleuze,Guattari and Psychoanalysis for a Climate in Crisis - Dodds Joseph

cena 1037.0 Kč

Taylor Corey: All This and More - LP (7567864697)

LP vinyl - Corey Todd Taylor je americký hudebník známý především jako zpěvák a frontman skupin Slipknot a Stone Sour. Corey Todd Taylor je americký hudebník známý především jako zpěvák a frontman skupin Slipknot a Stone Sour.

Objev podobné jako Taylor Corey: All This and More - LP (7567864697)

cena 609.0 Kč

The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money : with The Economic Consequences of the Peace - John Maynard Keynes

John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) is perhaps the foremost economic thinker of the twentieth century. On economic theory, he ranks with Adam Smith and Karl Marx; and his impact on how economics was practiced, from the Great Depression to the 1970s, was unmatched.The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money was first published in 1936. But its ideas had been forming for decades as a student at Cambridge, Keynes had written to a friend of his love for 'Free Trade and free thought'. Keynes's limpid style, concise prose, and vivid descriptions have helped to keep his ideas alive - as have the novelty and clarity, at times even the ambiguity, of his macroeconomic vision. He was troubled, above all, by high unemployment rates and large disparities in wealth and income. Only by curbing both, he thought, could individualism, `the most powerful instrument to better the future', be safeguarded. The twenty-first century may yet prove him right.In The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919), Keynes elegantly and acutely exposes the folly of imposing austerity on a defeated and struggling nation.

Objev podobné jako The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money : with The Economic Consequences of the Peace - John Maynard Keynes

cena 133.0 Kč

Michael R. Gottfredson and Travish Hirschi's A General Theory of Crime (A Macat Analysis) - William Jenkins

Michael R. Gottfredson and Travish Hirschi’s 1990 A General Theory of Crime is a classic text that helped reshape the discipline of criminology. It is also a testament to the powers of clear reasoning and interpretation. In critical thinking terms, reasoning is all about presenting a solid and persuasive case – and as many people instinctively understand, the most persuasive reasoning is that which bases itself on a single, simple hook. In Gottfredson and Hirschi’s case, this hook was what has come to be known as the “self-control theory of crime” – the idea that the tendency to commit crime is directly related to an individual’s level of self-control. While the dominant schools of thought of the time tended to focus on crime as the product of complex environmental factors, with little attempt to unify different theories, Gottfredson and Hirschi sought to interpret things so as to provide a single overarching concept that explained why crimes of all sorts were committed. Moreover, while other theories of crime concentrated on understanding and explaining specific types of law-breaking, the self-control model could, in Gottfredson and Hirschi’s view, be seen as the basis for understanding the root cause for all crime in all contexts. While such simplicity inevitably attracted as much criticism as agreement, subsequent studies have provided real-world corroboration for the General Theory’s persuasive reasoning.

Objev podobné jako Michael R. Gottfredson and Travish Hirschi's A General Theory of Crime (A Macat Analysis) - William Jenkins

cena 232.0 Kč

Special Relativity and Classical Field Theory (0141985011)

Kniha - 272 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

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cena 280.0 Kč

Revision and Practice: GCSE Maths: Higher Student Book - David Rayner

Whatever specification you teach, GCSE Mathematics: Revision and Practice by David Rayner remains an all-round winner. With the latest edition presented in full colour and completely updated for the new GCSE specifications from 2015, this uniquely effective series continues to increase your students'' chance of success with your chosen exam board. This book is targeted at the Higher tier GCSE, and provides a wealth of practice with careful progression, alongside substantial revision support for the new-style grading and exam questions.With all the new topics included, and a dedicated section on using and applying mathematics, this unique resource can be used either as a course book over two or three years or as a revision text in the run-up to exams. GCSE Mathematics: Revision and Practice provides invaluable support for your GCSE maths programme.

Objev podobné jako Revision and Practice: GCSE Maths: Higher Student Book - David Rayner

cena 1034.0 Kč

Oxford Revise: AQA GCSE Religious Studies A: Christianity and Islam Complete Revision and Practice - Dawn Cox

Oxford Revise Christianity and Islam covers everything that you need to revise for AQA GCSE Religious Studies A. Knowledge Organisers cover beliefs and practices, from sin and salvation in Christianity to The Five Pillars of Islam. Thematic studies help you look at themes through the eyes of both religions. By working through the Knowledge - Retrieval - Practice sections, you will be using proven ways to revise, check and recall so that what you revise sticks in your memory.Knowledge Organisers present you with the beliefs and practices for both Christianity and Islam, as well as the thematic studies which look at themes through the lens of both religions. Key quotes from each religion are given, while charts and tables help memory retention. An online glossary helps you to learn the definitions to key terms. Regular Retrieval questions give you an opportunity to check that you remember what you have learned. Retrieval questions from previous chapters help you to re-remember what you have learned. Finally, exam-style Practice questions give you loads of experience of the type of question you will face in your exam. This will strengthen your ability to recall and apply knowledge in your exams. All the answers to the practice questions as well as a helpful mark scheme are provided online.

Objev podobné jako Oxford Revise: AQA GCSE Religious Studies A: Christianity and Islam Complete Revision and Practice - Dawn Cox

cena 325.0 Kč

Oxford Revise: AQA GCSE Religious Studies A: Christianity and Buddhism Complete Revision and Practice - Steven Humphrys

Oxford Revise Christianity and Buddhism covers everything that you need to revise for AQA GCSE Religious Studies A. You''ll cover all the beliefs and practices, from the nature of God in Christianity to the Buddha''s life in Buddhism. Thematic studies help you look at themes through the eyes of both religions. By working through the Knowledge - Retrieval - Practice sections, you will be using proven ways to revise, check and recall so that what you revise sticks in your memory. Knowledge Organisers present you with the beliefs and practices for both Christianity and Buddhism, as well as the thematic studies which look at themes through the lens of both religions. Key quotes from each religion are given, while charts and tables help memory retention. An online glossary helps you to learn the definitions to key terms. Regular Retrieval questions give you an opportunity to check that you remember what you have learned. Retrieval questions from earlier chapters help you to recall what you have learned previously. Finally, exam-style Practice questions give you loads of experience of the type of question you will face in your exam. This will strengthen your ability to recall and apply knowledge in your exams. All the answers to the practice questions as well as a helpful mark scheme are provided online.

Objev podobné jako Oxford Revise: AQA GCSE Religious Studies A: Christianity and Buddhism Complete Revision and Practice - Steven Humphrys

cena 325.0 Kč

Collins COBUILD Elementary English Grammar and Practice (Reissue) (do vyprodání zásob)

Clearly and attractively presented, this reissue of the second edition of the Collins COBUILD Elementary English Grammar offers preintermediate learners of English a firm foundation in the principles of English Grammar. The second edition of the Collins COBUILD Elementary English Grammar has been written for pre intermediate to intermediate learners of English in order to provide them with a sound understanding of the basics of English Grammar. The reference material is attractively presented on the lefthand pages, with useful and challenging exercises on the righthand pages, serving as reinforcement. Examples from the Bank of English have been used to illustrate the patterns shown, common phrases have been identified and highlighted, and additional help is offered for spelling and pronunciation. Hundreds of speciallydrawn cartoons vividly illustrate the grammatical points being made. Logically organized and attractively presented, the Collins COBUILD Elementary Enlglish Grammar offers learners of English all the help they need when starting to study English Grammar.

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cena 584.0 Kč

English Plus 2 Workbook with Access to Audio and Practice Kit (2nd)

The Workbook contains six pages of additional practice for each of the Student's Book units. The Starter unit has eight pages. This comprises exercises for vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing at three levels of difficulty. A two-page Progress review after every unit with self-assessments and I can ... statements. Four pages of Cumulative review which provide revision of all the language and skills studied up to a particular point in the Student's Book. · A Reference section which includes: a Language focus reference with additional practice exercises for each grammar point; an alphabetical Wordlist with illustrations and a phonetic chart; a Key phrases section with Key phrases from the Student's Book; an Irregular verbs list. A Student access card to the online Practice kit for additional self-study practice.

Objev podobné jako English Plus 2 Workbook with Access to Audio and Practice Kit (2nd)

cena 334.0 Kč

Fashion Design Course: Principles, Practice and Techniques - Steven Faerm

A fully updated, third edition of this essential practical foundation course in fashion design. Becoming a successful fashion designer involves understanding a wide variety of core principles. This foundation course is an ideal introduction for students, dressmakers and anyone interested in the creative side of fashion. Step-by-step tutorials, practical exercises and inspirational interviews with industry professionals teach you how to create your own unique fashion design collections. Design schools around the world are now emphasising design thinking and conceptualisation more than just mere skill building. Packed with scores of new images, this new and fully updated edition provides students with more diverse methods of creating fashion, including digital design iteration and final projects, fabric design development, 3D 'sketching' on the dress form, paper collage design techniques and much more. This book concludes with practical advice for anyone considering a career in fashion, offering ideas on building a portfolio, preparing for interviews and continuing on a path to a professional career.

Objev podobné jako Fashion Design Course: Principles, Practice and Techniques - Steven Faerm

cena 509.0 Kč

Accounting and Taxation Terminology in Practice - Lucie Formanová, Veronika Solilová

Accounting & Taxation Terminology in Practice (Odborná účetní a daňová terminologie pro studenty) je určena jak studentům, tak profesionálům, kteří chtějí rozšířit své porozumění odborné terminologie v oblasti účetnictví a daní v anglickém jazyce. Představuje jedinečný komplexní zdroj k rozvoji slovní zásoby v těchto oblastech. Kniha je strukturována do dvou hlavních částí: kapitoly 1–6 se zabývají daňovou problematikou a poskytují přehled daní používaných v moderních ekonomikách, vysvětlují jejich funkce a metodiku výpočtu daňových povinností u jednotlivých daní, kapitoly 7–13 se věnují účetním tématům, jako je základní definice účetní terminologie a témata související s rozvahovými a výsledkovými položkami. Závěrečné kapitoly se věnují finančním výkazům a procesům spojeným s koncem účetního období. Každá kapitola obsahuje slovníček česko-anglické terminologie, praktické příklady a zejména didaktické materiály: křížovky, kvízy nebo početní příklady, které lze využít jak při výuce, tak při samostudiu k ověření získaných znalostí.

Objev podobné jako Accounting and Taxation Terminology in Practice - Lucie Formanová, Veronika Solilová

cena 299.0 Kč

Music Theory in Practice, Grade 1 - Eric Taylor

The Music Theory in Practice series has helped more than one million musicians worldwide to learn about the notation and theory of music. Now fully revised, this workbook remains the best way to prepare for ABRSM's Grade 1 Theory of Music Exam. Features a clear explanation of music notation, many worked examples and practice exercises, definitions of important words and concepts, specimen exam questions and helpful tips for students. As well as supporting the ABRSMTheory syllabus, this workbook also provides an excellent resource for anyone wishing to develop general music literacy skills.

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cena 222.0 Kč

English Plus (2nd Edition) 2 Workbook with Access to Audio and Practice Kit (9780194202244)

Kniha – 120 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Brighten up your classroom with English Plus Second Edition! With 80% new content, more video, new grammar animations, puzzles, and games, it's never been so easy to capture your students' attention. You'll find the same clear structure and high level of support for mixed-ability classes. With English Plus, every student can practise at the right level for them, and achieve success. You'll find graded Workbook activities, photocopiable worksheets and tests, plus fast finisher exercises to stretch stronger learners. The extra Options lessons allow you to match the course to your students' interests. Choose from Extra Listening and Speaking, Curriculum Extra, Culture, Project, and new Song pages.

Objev podobné jako English Plus (2nd Edition) 2 Workbook with Access to Audio and Practice Kit (9780194202244)

cena 329.0 Kč

English Plus 3 Workbook with Access to Audio and Practice Kit (2nd) - Ben Wetz

Pracovní sešit a přístup k online Practice kit řady English Plus 2. edice úroveň 3. Řada je určená pro výuku angličtiny na víceletých gymnáziích.

Objev podobné jako English Plus 3 Workbook with Access to Audio and Practice Kit (2nd) - Ben Wetz

cena 334.0 Kč

AQA Level 2 Certificate Further Maths Complete Study and Practice (5-9) - Trevor Senior

Exam board: AQALevel: GCSE Level 2Subject: MathsNext exams: June 2025Packed with worked examples, graded practice and exam-style questions for Grades 5-9 this book helps high achievers prepare for the AQA Level 2 Further Maths exams with confidence.Easy to use with all content in one book and clear specification matchConsolidate and model learning with clear worked examples and key pointsAim for the highest grades with practice at Grades 5-9Prepare for assessment with up to date exam-style questions with marks shownMotivate and challenge students with higher level practice for a smoother transition to A Level MathsCheck your answers at the back of the bookThe qualification emphasises higher order technical proficiency, rigorous argument and problem solving skills. It also gives an introduction to calculus and matrices and develops further skills in trigonometry, functions and graphs.

Objev podobné jako AQA Level 2 Certificate Further Maths Complete Study and Practice (5-9) - Trevor Senior

cena 502.0 Kč

English Plus 1 Workbook with Access to Audio and Practice Kit (2nd) - Ben Wetz

The Workbook contains six pages of additional practice for each of the Student's Book units. The Starter unit has eight pages. This comprises exercises for vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing at three levels of difficulty. A two-page Progress review after every unit with self-assessments and I can ... statements. Four pages of Cumulative review which provide revision of all the language and skills studied up to a particular point in the Student's Book. A Reference section which includes: a Language focus reference with additional practice exercises for each grammar point; an alphabetical Wordlist with illustrations and a phonetic chart; a Key phrases section with Key phrases from the Student's Book; an Irregular verbs list. A Student access card to the online Practice kit for additional self-study practice.

Objev podobné jako English Plus 1 Workbook with Access to Audio and Practice Kit (2nd) - Ben Wetz

cena 334.0 Kč

English Language and Literature Writing Skills Revision and Exam Practice: York Notes for GCSE: everything you need to catch up, study and prepare for

The complete and comprehensive way to support your studies and assessments in 2021 and exams in 2022. Quickly get to grips with key writing skills, including planning and writing your own texts in the exam and writing about fiction and non-fiction extracts. Build confidence with key definitions, examples, regular tests and ‘Top tips'' for improvement. Perfect your techniques and write mark-maximising answers with the targeted ‘Aiming high'' tips. Power up your writing skills and feel fully ready and equipped to excel in any test or assessment. For the first time, York Notes bring you a Revision and Exam Practice guide to help you improve your writing skills for the whole of your English Language and English Literature GCSE 9-1 courses. So whether you''re studying at home, online or in the classroom, York Notes is your best bet for the best grades. Packed with more powerful features than any other guide, our Writing Skills: Revision and Exam Practice guide is easy to use, brimming with essential info and will quickly become your go-to buddy as you navigate your GCSE course, build your confidence, stay motivated and get ready to impress in any test, assessment or exam.

Objev podobné jako English Language and Literature Writing Skills Revision and Exam Practice: York Notes for GCSE: everything you need to catch up, study and prepare for

cena 192.0 Kč

The Gods and Goddesses of Greece and Rome

The essential illustrated guide to the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece and Rome, vividly retelling their stories and exploring their origins. Who were the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece and Rome? What did they mean to the people who worshipped them? Although their time of widespread worship has long passed, the Greek and Roman gods have fascinated and inspired writers and artists for millennia. From Aphrodite to Apollo, Poseidon to Zeus, these are some of the most recognizable characters in Western culture, yet there is a much richer past behind famous paintings of the birth of Aphrodite or the bold iconography of Zeus and his thunderbolts.The Greek and Roman gods are enthralling characters in the enduringly powerful Iliad, Odyssey and Metamorphoses. They are immortal and powerful yet also vain, vindictive and vulnerable. Moreover, as manifestations of death, fertility, love and war, the gods are also our key to understanding how the Greeks and Romans saw their world.Philip Matyszak presents this pantheon in all their complexity, guiding us from Mount Olympus to the depths of Hades. Each chapter focuses on an individual god or goddess, beginning with their 'biography' as understood by the Greeks and Romans and exploring the origins of the legends. Matyszak mixes history with vivid retellings of the myths in which the gods have a starring role, from stories of cosmic creation and universal war to disastrous weddings and freak discus accidents.This sumptuously illustrated guide to the gods of Greece and Rome is a must-have for anyone interested in mythology and classical civilization.

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cena 886.0 Kč

GCSE English Language AQA Complete Revision & Practice - includes Online Edition and Videos: for the 2025 and 2026 exams - CGP Books

This Complete Revision & Practice book is a superb all-in-one guide to success in GCSE AQA English Language! It’s perfectly matched to the AQA requirements, with clear study notes and examples that explain every reading and writing skill. There’s also a huge range of practice on offer, including warm-up and exam-style questions for every topic.What’s more, we’ve included plenty of in-depth advice for the exams, including fully worked sample exams (Paper 1 and Paper 2) with graded answers to show students exactly what’s required for each grade. The book is rounded off with a full set of practice exams for students to try for themselves.There are also crystal-clear Knowledge Organiser pages to make revising the essentials as easy as possible. And we''ve included online videos that walk students through how to answer each question in the exam and score top marks!Plus, we’ve thrown in a free Online Edition that lets you read the entire book on a PC, Mac or tablet. When the book arrives, just use the unique code printed inside the cover to gain full access.Don''t miss our Complete Revision & Practice book for GCSE AQA English Literature (9781782944133).

Objev podobné jako GCSE English Language AQA Complete Revision & Practice - includes Online Edition and Videos: for the 2025 and 2026 exams - CGP Books

cena 295.0 Kč

Pip and Posy: Best of Friends - Pip and Posy

A brand-new, fun-filled sticker activity book for fans of Pip and Posy everywhere.Come and meet Pip and Posy, best friends who love to play and laugh, and get stuck into the fun and games that bring these two together.Join Pip and Posy and their friends as you use the stickers to complete the puzzles. With spot the difference, jigsaw puzzles, sticker scenes and much more, this delightful book will keep children entertained for hours.

Objev podobné jako Pip and Posy: Best of Friends - Pip and Posy

cena 178.0 Kč

Oxford Revise: AQA GCSE English Language Complete Revision and Practice - Steve Eddy, Graham Elsdon, Jennifer Webb

Oxford Revise AQA GCSE English Language provides you with all the key information you need to revise and prepare for your English Language exam.Find out the best way to approach exam questions and get plenty of practice for how to compose answers and structure arguments.We understand that you might be concerned about how to revise for your English Language exam, including what to revise and prepare, and how to do it. Oxford Revise helps you build and revise your understanding of the knowledge and key concepts you need for your exam and then utilise this as you work through the Exam Knowledge section. This guide is divided into two parts:Part 1: Concept Knowledge - this section covers the key concepts and devices that you need to revise going into your exams. Part 2: Exam Knowledge - this section gives you an overview of each paper and takes you through all the questions you will encounter in Paper 1 and Paper 2 of your AQA GCSE English Language exam. Knowledge Organisers: clear, easy-to understand, concise summaries of the content that you need to know for your exam. Retrieval: helps you to check how much you can remember in preparation for Practice exam questions. Exam-style Practice questions: offer opportunities to practise every type of question you will encounter in your exam with answers and mark scheme available online. An online glossary is available with key terms definitions.

Objev podobné jako Oxford Revise: AQA GCSE English Language Complete Revision and Practice - Steve Eddy, Graham Elsdon, Jennifer Webb

cena 325.0 Kč

Burlesque and the Art of the Teese / Fetish and the Art of Teese (0060591676)

Kniha - autor Dita von Teese, 256 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Dita von Teese, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The "Queen of the New Burlesque" reinvents the world of pin-ups, stripteases, and sexual role play in this beautifully designed double-sided look at modernAmerican burlesque and fetish. Color photos.

Objev podobné jako Burlesque and the Art of the Teese / Fetish and the Art of Teese (0060591676)

cena 953.0 Kč

Sun of Blood and Ruin (Sun of Blood and Ruin, Book 1) - Mariely Lares

Mexican history and Mesoamerican mythology meet in this thrilling historical fantasy with magic, intrigue, treachery, romance, and adventure. The empire of Moctezuma II has long fallen, a city raised on the bones of Tenochtitlan. None dare whisper the names of their gods- or speak of the magic that once graced the land, of the witches who hunted as jaguars, the warriors who soared as eagles. Until a new name emerges- a curse on the lips of the Spanish, a hero in the hearts of the people. A masked vigilante, a sorceress with a blade. Pantera But that is not her only name. To all who know her, Leonora de las Casas Tlazohtzin is a glittering jewel of court, promised to the heir of the Spanish throne. The respectable Lady Leonora faints at the sight of blood and would sooner be caught dead than wield a sword…even against a dauntless thief with a cutting smile. No one suspects that Leonora and Pantera are one and the same. Leonora has fooled them all, and, with magic of her ancestors running through her veins, she is nearly invincible- until an ancient prophecy of destruction threatens, and she is forced to decide: surrender the mask or her life. But the legendary Pantera is destined for more than an early grave, and once she discovers the truth of her origins, not even death will stop her. Mariely Lares' book 'Sun of Blood and Ruin' was a Sunday Times bestseller w/c 25-09-2023.

Objev podobné jako Sun of Blood and Ruin (Sun of Blood and Ruin, Book 1) - Mariely Lares

cena 384.0 Kč

Persepolis I and II: The Story of a Childhood and The Story of a Return (009952399X)

Kniha - autor Marjane Satrapi, 344 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Wise, often funny, sometimes heartbreaking, "Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood" tells the story of Marjane Satrapi's life in Tehran from the ages of six to fourteen, years that saw the overthrow of the Shah's regime, the triumph of the Islamic Revolution and the devastating effects of war with Iraq. The intelligent and outspoken child of radical Marxists, and the great-grandaughter of Iran's last emperor, Satrapi bears witness to a childhood uniquely entwined with the history of her country. Persepolis paints an unforgettable portrait of daily life in Iran and of the bewildering contradictions between home life and public life. Amidst the tragedy, Marjane's child's eye view adds immediacy and humour, and her story of a childhood at once outrageous and ordinary, beset by the unthinkable and yet buffered by an extraordinary and loving family, is immensely moving. It is also very...

Objev podobné jako Persepolis I and II: The Story of a Childhood and The Story of a Return (009952399X)

cena 299.0 Kč

Personality and Power : Builders and Destroyers of Modern Europe - Ian Kershaw

One of the great historians of our age asks: how far can a single leader alter the course of history?The modern era saw the emergence of individuals who had command over a terrifying array of instruments of control, persuasion and death. Whole societies were re-shaped and wars fought, often with a merciless contempt for the most basic norms. At the summit of these societies were leaders whose personalities had somehow given them the ability to do whatever they wished.Ian Kershaw's new book is a compelling, lucid and challenging attempt to understand these rulers, whether operating on the widest stage (Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini) or with a more national impact (Tito, Franco). What was it about these leaders and the times they lived in that allowed them such untrammelled and murderous power? And what brought that era to an end? In a contrasting group of profiles, from Churchill to de Gaulle, Adenauer to Gorbachev, and Thatcher to Kohl, Kershaw uses his exceptional skills to think through how other, strikingly different figures wielded power.

Objev podobné jako Personality and Power : Builders and Destroyers of Modern Europe - Ian Kershaw

cena 899.0 Kč

Stories of Mystery and Suspense

Audiokniha MP3 Edgar Allan Poe, čte Rodilý mluvčí Audiokniha Stories of Mystery and Suspense namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň B2 pro pokročilé posluchače. In this reader you will find nine of Edgar Allan Poe’s most famous stories of mystery and suspense. They range from Gothic historical stories such as The Pit and the Pendulum, through to detective fiction like The Murders in the Rue Morgue and an early science fiction tale - A Descent into the Maelström. Ghostly mysteries such as Ligeia and The Fall of the House of Usher are also in the collection along with Poe’s masterpiece study of madness The Tell-Tale Heart.

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cena 149.0 Kč

Of Mice and Men (0141185104)

Kniha - autor John Steinbeck, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná New-cover edition with introduction by Susan Shillingshaw.

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cena 253.0 Kč

Portrait of a Judge. Book I; Development of a Model of selection, evaluation and promotion of judges: principles, selected comparative aspects and mod

eBook: Publikace shrnuje nejvýznamnější výstupy z mezinárodního projektu organizovaného Litevskou univerzitou a realizovaného v rámci grantu ,,Norských fondů“, který je sice zjednodušeně označen jako ,,Portrét soudce“, ale s podtitulem „vícerozměrný model kompetencí, který má být měřen během postupu výběru, hodnocení a povyšování soudců". Je tak zřejmé, že je zaměřen na osobu a funkci ,,soudce“, přičemž zde na základě evropské srovnávací studie dochází autoři ke specifikování vhodných kompetencí, které mají být zjišťovány a měřeny v průběhu výběru soudců na první pozici, jejich hodnocení a povyšování, a to jak na vyšší soudy, tak při ustavování do manažerských postů soudů. Ve formě barevné grafické tabulky v druhé části knihy pak autoři přehledně uvádí soubor kompetencí, které se používají v procesu jmenování, hodnocení a povyšování soudců, jakož i kritéria a metody, jak měřit tyto kompetence. Tento model byl konstruován jako flexibilní, přičemž barvy semaforu označují, jaké požadavky, kritéria a metody jsou považovány za ,,dobré mít“ (zelené), až k těm, které, pokud jde o naše odborníky, by součástí postupů výběru, hodnocení a povyšování soudců být neměly (červené). Realizace projektu ,,Portrét soudce“ také v širším kontextu vychází z četných záruk a aspektů nezávislosti soudnictví, zejména ve vztahu k výkonné moci, ale zohledňuje také postupný vliv judikatury na rozhodování soudů členských států Rady Evropy. Nezávislost soudnictví je jednou ze základních evropských hodnot, které vládnou právním státům a jejich ústavním systémům. Proto je tomuto problému věnována neustálá pozornost ve vědecké a pedagogické činnosti vysokých škol a výzkumných ústavů a samozřejmě i špičkových soudních institucí. I z tohoto důvodu je velmi cenná účast zástupců Nejvyššího soudu Litevské republiky, Vrchního soudu v Praze a Nejvyššího soudu Albánie, jakož i zástupců Nejvyšších rad soudnictví Litvy a Albánie.

Objev podobné jako Portrait of a Judge. Book I; Development of a Model of selection, evaluation and promotion of judges: principles, selected comparative aspects and mod

cena 435.0 Kč

Songs of Innocence and of Experience - William Blake

A beautifully and faithfully reissued edition of a rare and wonderful book, its seeming simplicity belying its visionary wisdom. Widely recognised as a masterpiece of English literature, Songs of Innocence and Experience also occupies a key position in the history of Western art. This unique, newly reissued edition of the work allows William Blake to communicate with his readers as he intended, reproducing his own illumination and lettering from the finest existing example of the original work. In this way, readers can experience the mystery and beauty of Blake''s poems as he first created them, discovering for themselves the intricate web of symbol and meaning that connects word and image. Each poem is accompanied by a literal transcription, and the volume is introduced by the renowned historian and critic, Richard Holmes. This beautiful edition of The Songs of Innocence and Experience will be essential for those familiar with Blake''s work, but also offers an ideal way into his world for those encountering him for the first time.

Objev podobné jako Songs of Innocence and of Experience - William Blake

cena 295.0 Kč

Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Other Stories (1847493785)

Kniha - autor Robert Louis Stevenson, 250 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná One of Stevenson's most famous and enduringly popular works, the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde describes the mysterious relationship between a respectable and affable doctor and his brutal associate. Set in the grimy streets of Victorian London, this tale of murder, split personality and obscure science, with its chilling final revelation, became an instant horror classic when it was first published in 1886 and has enthralled and terrified generations of readers ever since.This volume also contains seven other Gothic stories by Stevenson - such as 'The Body Snatchers', 'Markheim' and 'Olalla' - showcasing the author's mastery of the horror genre and his interest in both the otherworldly and the strange ways the human brain can distort reality.

Objev podobné jako Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Other Stories (1847493785)

cena 182.0 Kč

David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants (9780141978956)

Kniha - autor Malcolm Gladwell, 306 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Why do underdogs succeed so much more than they should? How do the weak outsmart the strong? In DAVID AND GOLIATH Malcolm Gladwell takes us on a scintillating and surprising journey to uncover the hidden dynamics that shape the balance of power between the small and the mighty.

Objev podobné jako David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants (9780141978956)

cena 211.0 Kč

History of the Czechoslovak, and the Czech and Slovak orthopaedics - Oldřich Čech

Anglické vydání uceleného přehledu historie naší i slovenské ortopedie za posledních téměř sto let. Obdivuhodný almanach, editorsky připravený prof. MUDr. Oldřichem Čechem, je nejen úctyhodnou procházkou dějinami oboru, ale představuje i významné osobnosti , společnosti i důležitá vědecká setkání. Publikace vychází jako mimořádné číslo periodika Acta Chirurgiae orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae čechoslovaca.

Objev podobné jako History of the Czechoslovak, and the Czech and Slovak orthopaedics - Oldřich Čech

cena 447.0 Kč

Coaching for Performance: The Principles and Practices of Coaching and Leadership (1473658128)

Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná An updated 25th anniversary edition of this leading coaching book, which has sold more than one million copies to date.

Objev podobné jako Coaching for Performance: The Principles and Practices of Coaching and Leadership (1473658128)

cena 506.0 Kč

The Twelve Tasks of Heracles and Arion and the Dolphins - Marcia Williams

The ancient Greek myths as you've never read them before!The classic stories of The Twelve Tasks of Heracles and Arion and the Dolphins are re-told here in master storyteller, Marcia Williams' inimitable comic style. These splendid adaptations have easy-to-read, accessible text and brilliantly witty illustrations, making them a perfect introduction to the classic legends of adventure and endeavour! Ideal for newly-confident readers - the classics have never looked so good!

Objev podobné jako The Twelve Tasks of Heracles and Arion and the Dolphins - Marcia Williams

cena 62.0 Kč

Alfred Wertheimer. Elvis and the Birth of Rock and Roll - Robert Santelli

“Elvis who?” was photographer Alfred Wertheimer’s response when, in early 1956, RCA Victor asked him to photograph an up-and-coming crooner from Memphis. Little did Wertheimer know that this would be the job of his life: just 21 years old, Elvis Presley was—as we now know—about to become a legend. A fly on the wall in Presley's presence, Wertheimer took nearly 3,000 photographs of Elvis that year, creating a penetrating portrait of a man poised on the brink of superstardom.Extraordinary in its intimacy and unparalleled in its scope, Wertheimer's Elvis project immortalized a young man in the very process of making history. Elvis and the Birth of Rock and Roll collects Wertheimer’s most remarkable Elvis shots from that magical year, along with a selection of his historic 1958 pictures of the star being shipped off to an army base in Germany. Each chapter is illustrated with a poster by Hatch Show Print, one of the oldest letterpress print shops in America, which created many early Elvis posters in the 1950s.

Objev podobné jako Alfred Wertheimer. Elvis and the Birth of Rock and Roll - Robert Santelli

cena 1244.0 Kč

Exam Preparation: Initial and Periodic Electrical Inspection and Testing (2391) - The Institution of Engineering and Technology, City & Guilds

This book is an essential practice aid for the examinations required to complete the City & Guilds qualification, Initial and Period Electrical Inspection and Testing (2391), including the three available pathways.It sets out methods of studying; offers advice on exam preparation and provides details of the scope and structure of the exam. Learners will also find guidelines and advice about sitting the exam.The three pathways for this qualification are:Level 3 Award in Initial Verification of Electrical Installations (2391-50)Level 3 Award in Periodic Inspection and Testing of Electrical Installations (2391-51)Level 3 Award in Initial and Periodic Inspection and Testing of Electrical Installations (2391-52)This book is an invaluable tool to help learners successfully complete the qualification, including:Guidelines and advice about sitting the examPractice examinations with ''model'' answersActs as a revision aid to help students prepare for the full examNotes and tips from experienced electrical engineers

Objev podobné jako Exam Preparation: Initial and Periodic Electrical Inspection and Testing (2391) - The Institution of Engineering and Technology, City & Guilds

cena 679.0 Kč

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