Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

The Year of Magical Thinking - Joan Didionová

Introducing the Collins Modern Classics, a series featuring some of the most significant books of recent times, books that shed light on the human experience – classics which will endure for generations to come. A single person is missing for you, and the whole world is empty John Gregory Dunne and Joan Didion saw their daughter fall ill. At first they thought it was flu, then she was placed on life support.Days later, the Dunnes were sitting down to dinner when John suffered a massive and fatal coronary. This powerful book is Didion’s ‘attempt to make sense of the weeks and then months that cut loose any fixed idea I ever had about death, about illness’. The result is a personal yet universal portrait of marriage and life, in good times and bad, from one of the defining voices of American literature.

Podívejte se také White Buffalo: Year Of The Dark Horse - LP (4567079)

cena 295.0 Kč

The Year of Magical Thinking (0007216858)

Kniha - autor Joan Didion, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Joan Didion, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Just before Christmas 2003, John Gregory Dunne's and Joan Didion's only daughter, Quintana, fell ill. At first they thought it was flu, then pneumonia, then complete sceptic shock. She was put into a coma and placed on life support. Days later - the night before New Year's Eve - the Dunnes were just sitting down to dinner after visiting the hospital when John suffered a massive and fatal heart attack. In a second, this close, symbiotic partnership of 40 years was over. Four weeks later, their daughter pulled through. Two months after that, she collapsed and underwent six hours of brain surgery. This powerful book is Didion's attempt to make sense of this time of tragedy. The result is an exploration of an intensely personal yet universal experience: a portrait of a marriage, and a life, in good times and bad.

Podívejte se také The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of The Year DIGITAL (G3Q-00196)

cena 245.0 Kč

The White Album - Joan Didionová

Joan Didion’s hugely influential collection of essays which defines, for many, the America which rose from the ashes of the Sixties. We tell ourselves stories in order to live. The princess is caged in the consulate.The man with the candy will lead the children into the sea. In this now legendary journey into the hinterland of the American psyche, Didion searches for stories as the Sixties implode. She waits for Jim Morrison to show up, visits the Black Panthers in prison, parties with Janis Joplin and buys dresses with Charles Manson’s girls.She and her reader emerge, cauterized, from this devastating tour of that age of self discovery into the harsh light of the morning after.

Podívejte se také Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition - Xbox Digital (G3Q-00702)

cena 295.0 Kč

The Last Thing He Wanted (Defekt) - Joan Didionová

A thrilling and exhilarating exploration of U.S. politics in Central America from Joan Didion, the hugely acclaimed author of The Year of Magical Thinking.It is 1984. Journalist Elena McMahon, watching her evasive, gruff father's life ebbing away before her, clutches at understanding him to grasp little more than air. But harder, keener forces impel her to do his bidding, to go naked into a 'situation' in Central America, because 'things were hotting up again'.

Objev podobné jako The Last Thing He Wanted (Defekt) - Joan Didionová

cena 49.0 Kč

Demokracie - Joan Didionová

V románu Demokracie se v rychlých střizích střídají výjevy z New Yorku a Havaje, Jakarty a Kuala Lumpuru, vojenských základen a luxusních hotelů. Spojené státy prožívají definitivní debakl války ve Vietnamu a protagonistka knihy Inez Victorová kolísá mezi dvěma mocnými muži, senátorem Harrym Victorem a agentem Jackem Lovettem. Důležitou postavou v jejím příběhu je i jeho vypravěčka - Joan Didionová. Ta v románu vystupuje pod vlastním jménem a projevuje se jako nesmiřitelná pozorovatelka života privilegovaných Američanů. V pořadí čtvrtý román proslulé americké spisovatelky a reportérky je považován za jeden z jejích tvůrčích vrcholů. Zvláště působivě se zde spojuje její nenapodobitelná prozaická břitkost a reportérská pronikavost.

Objev podobné jako Demokracie - Joan Didionová

cena 268.0 Kč

Blue Nights - Joan Didionová

A New York Times Notable Book and National Bestseller From one of our most powerful writers, a work of stunning frankness about losing a daughter. Richly textured with memories from her own childhood and married life with her husband, John Gregory Dunne, and daughter, Quintana Roo, this new book by Joan Didion is an intensely personal and moving account of her thoughts, fears, and doubts regarding having children, illness and growing old. As she reflects on her daughter s life and on her role as a parent, Didion grapples with the candid questions that all parents face, and contemplates her age, something she finds hard to acknowledge, much less accept. Blue Nights the long, light evening hours that signal the summer solstice, the opposite of the dying of the brightness, but also its warning like The Year of Magical Thinking before it, is an iconic book of incisive and electric honesty, haunting and profound. "Incantory....A beautiful condolance note to humanity about some of the painful realities of the human condition." --The Washington Post "

Objev podobné jako Blue Nights - Joan Didionová

cena 268.0 Kč

Kniha denních modliteb - Joan Didionová

Román Kniha denních modliteb zasadila americká prozaička a reportérka Joan Didionová do fiktivní, politicky nestabilní středoamerické země jménem Boca Grande. Zde se protínají životní dráhy vypravěčky a vystudované antropoložky Grace Strasser-Mendanové a zdánlivě bezelstné Charlotte Douglasové, po jejíž dceři pátrá FBI. I v tomto románu se legendární spisovatelka představuje jako nesmiřitelná, břitká a nadmíru přesná pozorovatelka geopolitických událostí i privátních dramat s citem pro dialog a zkratku. Schopnost podmanivě načrtnout lidský osud a v ostře nasvícených situacích nahlodat představy o smyslu jedincova života i o možnosti jeho poznání jsou důvodem, proč knihy Joan Didionové dodnes nabízejí strhující a zneklidňující čtenářský zážitek.

Objev podobné jako Kniha denních modliteb - Joan Didionová

cena 294.0 Kč

Slouching Towards Bethlehem - Joan Didionová

Joan Didion’s savage masterpiece, which, since first publication in 1968, has been acknowledged as an unparalleled report on the state of America during the upheaval of the Sixties Revolution. We forget all too soon the things we thought we could never forget. We forget the loves and the betrayals alike, forget what we whispered and what we screamed, forget who we were In her non-fiction work, Joan Didion not only describes the subject at hand – her younger self loving and leaving New York, the murderous housewife, the little girl trailing the rock group, the millionaire bunkered in his mansion – but also offers a broader vision of the world, one that is both terrifying and tender, ominous and uniquely her own.

Objev podobné jako Slouching Towards Bethlehem - Joan Didionová

cena 266.0 Kč

Demokracie - Joan Didionová - e-kniha

eBook: V románu Demokracie se v rychlých střizích střídají výjevy z New Yorku a Havaje, Jakarty a Kuala Lumpuru, vojenských základen a luxusních hotelů. Spojené státy prožívají definitivní debakl války ve Vietnamu a protagonistka knihy Inez Victorová kolísá mezi dvěma mocnými muži, senátorem Harrym Victorem a agentem Jackem Lovettem. Důležitou postavou v jejím příběhu je i jeho vypravěčka – Joan Didionová. Ta v románu vystupuje pod vlastním jménem a projevuje se jako nesmiřitelná pozorovatelka života privilegovaných Američanů. V pořadí čtvrtý román proslulé americké spisovatelky a reportérky je považován za jeden z jejích tvůrčích vrcholů. Zvláště působivě se zde spojuje její nenapodobitelná prozaická břitkost a reportérská pronikavost.

Objev podobné jako Demokracie - Joan Didionová - e-kniha

cena 209.0 Kč

Kniha denních modliteb - Joan Didionová - e-kniha

eBook: Román Kniha denních modliteb zasadila americká prozaička a reportérka Joan Didionová do fiktivní, politicky nestabilní středoamerické země jménem Boca Grande. Zde se protínají životní dráhy vypravěčky a vystudované antropoložky Grace Strasser-Mendanové a zdánlivě bezelstné Charlotte Douglasové, po jejíž dceři pátrá FBI. I v tomto románu se legendární spisovatelka představuje jako nesmiřitelná, břitká a nadmíru přesná pozorovatelka geopolitických událostí i privátních dramat s citem pro dialog a zkratku. Schopnost podmanivě načrtnout lidský osud a v ostře nasvícených situacích nahlodat představy o smyslu jedincova života i o možnosti jeho poznání jsou důvodem, proč knihy Joan Didionové dodnes nabízejí strhující a zneklidňující čtenářský zážitek.

Objev podobné jako Kniha denních modliteb - Joan Didionová - e-kniha

cena 230.0 Kč

Play It As It Lays - Joan Didionová

A profoundly disturbing novel that ruthlessly dissects American life in the late 1960s, from the author of The White Album and The Year of Magical Thinking. One thing in my defence, not that it matters: I know what ‘nothing’ means, and keep on playing Somewhere out beyond Hollywood, hollowed-out actress Maria Wyeth’s life plays out in a numbing routine of perpetual freeway driving. In her early thirties, divorced from her husband, dislocated from friends, anesthetized to pain and pleasure, Wheth is a woman who has run out of both desires and motives – the epitome of a generation made ill by too much freedom.More than five decades after its original publication, Play it as it Lays remains a profoundly disturbing novel that ruthlessly dissects American life in the late 1960s, from the author of The White Album and The Year of Magical Thinking.

Objev podobné jako Play It As It Lays - Joan Didionová

cena 295.0 Kč

Harry Potter – A Magical Year: The Illustrations of Jim Kay

Kniha - 240 stran, anglicky, pevná s přebalem matná A unique and beautiful gift book celebrating the astonishing art of Jim Kay – 366 magical moments from J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter novels evoked in spellbinding brushstrokes, characterful ink work and intimate pencil sketches. A Magical Year takes readers on an unforgettable journey through the seasons at Hogwarts. Jim Kay’s incredible illustrations, paired with much loved quotations from J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter novels, bring to life all of the magic, beauty and wonder of the wizarding world.

Objev podobné jako Harry Potter – A Magical Year: The Illustrations of Jim Kay

cena 633.0 Kč

Lízni si a hrej - Joan Didionová - e-kniha

eBook: Jedenatřicetiletá Maria Wyethová se celé dny bezcílně projíždí po kalifornských dálnicích a pokouší se uniknout letitým traumatům, krachujícímu manželství i upadající herecké kariéře. Jazykově suverénní vyprávění přechází v rychlých střizích mezi minulostí a přítomností, bujarými večírky a pouštními motely, chvilkovými záblesky naděje a pohlcující prázdnotou. Časopis Time zařadil knihu Lízni si a hrej mezi 100 nejlepších anglicky psaných románů publikovaných mezi roky 1923 a 2005 a režisér Frank Perry ji v roce 1972 převedl do ceněného celovečerního filmu.

Objev podobné jako Lízni si a hrej - Joan Didionová - e-kniha

cena 175.0 Kč

The Year of the Flood (0349004072)

Kniha - 528 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The sun brightens in the east, reddening the blue-grey haze that marks the distant ocean. The vultures roosting on the hydro poles fan out their wings to dry them. the air smells faintly of burning. The waterless flood - a manmade plague - has ended the world.But two young women have survived: Ren, a young dancer trapped where she worked, in an upmarket sex club (the cleanest dirty girls in town), and Toby, who watches and waits from her rooftop garden. Is anyone else out there? Atwood knows how to show us ourselves, but the mirror she holds up to life does more than reflect . . . The Year of the Flood isn t prophecy, but it is eerily possible Jeanette Winterson Margaret Atwood has outdone - and outsung - herself this time. The Year of the Flood is at once a solemn praise song to human hope and a dead-serious poke at our capacity for self-destruction . . . Shows Atwood at the pinnacle of her prodigious...

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cena 299.0 Kč

The Year of the Locust - Terry Hayes

This Is The Amazing New Thriller From Terry Hayes. If You Thought I Am Pilgrim Was Good...

Objev podobné jako The Year of the Locust - Terry Hayes

cena 357.0 Kč

The Year of the Locust - Terry Hayes

A Financial Times Best Thriller of the Year 2023If, like Kane, you're a Denied Access Area spy for the CIA, then boundaries have no meaning. Your function is to go in, do whatever is required, and get out again - by whatever means necessary. You know when to run, when to hide - and when to shoot.But some places don't play by the rules. Some places are too dangerous, even for a man of Kane's experience. The badlands where the borders of Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan meet are such a place - a place where violence is the only way to survive.Kane travels there to exfiltrate a man with vital information for the safety of the West - but instead he meets an adversary who will take the world to the brink of extinction. A frightening, clever, vicious man with blood on his hands and vengeance in his heart...

Objev podobné jako The Year of the Locust - Terry Hayes

cena 268.0 Kč

The Year Of Voting Dangerously - Dowd Maureen

2016 is shaping up to be a Back to the Future election in so many weird ways--with Bush and Clinton both running alongside a wack pack of ancillary pols, and not to mention, The Donald--well, get your popcorn ready. Who will everyone be looking to in this action-packed election year? Maureen Dowd. She can put her finger on the psychologies and pathologies of the political silly season like no other. Like her bestselling Bushworld, this book will feature all of Dowd's greatest hits for 2016, offering insight, analysis, and humor at the front lines of the insanity of American politics.

Objev podobné jako The Year Of Voting Dangerously - Dowd Maureen

cena 626.0 Kč

The Year of Sitting Dangerously - Simon Barnes

From the acclaimed author of Rewild Yourself comes a brilliant book that reveals the natural joys to be discovered on your doorstep. In the autumn of 2020, Simon Barnes should have been leading a safari in Zambia, but Covid restrictions meant his plans had to be put on hold. Instead, he embarked on the only voyage of discovery that was still open to him. He walked to a folding chair at the bottom of his garden, and sat down. His itinerary: to sit in that very same spot every day for a year and to see - and hear - what happened all around him. It would be a stationary garden safari; his year of sitting dangerously had begun. For the next twelve months, he would watch as the world around him changed day by day. Gradually, he began to see his surroundings in a new way; by restricting himself, he opened up new horizons, growing even closer to a world he thought he already knew so well.The Year of Sitting Dangerously is a wonderfully evocative read; it inspires the reader to pay closer attention to the marvels that surround us all, and is packed with handy tips to help bring nature even closer to us.

Objev podobné jako The Year of Sitting Dangerously - Simon Barnes

cena 325.0 Kč

The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes

This Is The Amazing New Thriller From Terry Hayes. If You Thought I Am Pilgrim Was Good...

Objev podobné jako The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes

cena 99.0 Kč

The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes

This Is The Amazing New Thriller From Terry Hayes. If You Thought I Am Pilgrim Was Good...

Objev podobné jako The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes

cena 79.0 Kč

Year of the Reaper - Lucier Makiia

Three years ago, Lord Cassia disappeared in the midst of war, on a mission entrusted to him by the king. Since then, a devastating plague has swept the land, leaving countless dead and the kingdom forever altered.Having survived a rotting prison cell and a merciless illness, Cas, now eighteen, wants only to return to his home in the mountains and forget past horrors. But home is not what he remembers. His castle has become a refuge for the royal court. And they have brought their enemies with them.When an assassin targets those closest to the queen, Cas is drawn into a search for a killer... one that leads him to form an unexpected bond with a brilliant young historian named Lena. Cas and Lena soon realize that who is behind the attacks is far less important than why. They must look to the past, following the trail of a terrible secret - one that could threaten the kingdom's newfound peace and plunge it back into war.'A beautifully crafted novel containing everything I love in an epic fantasy: complex characters and relationships, excellent worldbuilding, and a compelling story full of twists and turns. The central characters, with their strengths and flaws, feel entirely real' Juliet Marillier, author of the Blackthorn & Grim and Warrior Bards series

Objev podobné jako Year of the Reaper - Lucier Makiia

cena 402.0 Kč

Year of the Monkey - Patti Smith

Following a run of New Year's concerts at San Francisco's legendary Fillmore, Patti Smith finds herself tramping the coast of Santa Cruz, about to embark on a year of solitary wandering. Unfettered by logic or time, she draws us into her private wonderland, with no design yet heeding signs, including a talking sign that looms above her, prodding and sparring like the Cheshire Cat. In February, a surreal lunar year begins, bringing with it unexpected turns, heightened mischief, and inescapable sorrow. In a stranger's words, "Anything is possible: after all, it's the year of the monkey." For Patti Smith - inveterately curious, always exploring, tracking thoughts, writing the year evolves as one of reckoning with the changes in life's gyre: with loss, aging, and a dramatic shift in the political landscape of America.Smith melds the Western landscape with her own dreamscape. Taking us from Southern California to the Arizona desert; to a Kentucky farm as the amanuensis of a friend in crisis; to the hospital room of a valued mentor; and by turns to remembered and imagined places - this haunting memoir blends fact and fiction with poetic mastery. The unexpected happens; grief and disillusionment. But as Patti Smith heads toward a new decade in her own life, she offers this balm to the reader: her wisdom, wit, gimlet eye, and above all, a rugged hope of a better world.Riveting, elegant, often humorous, illustrated by Smith's signature Polaroids, Year of the Monkey is a moving and original work, a touchstone for our turbulent times.

Objev podobné jako Year of the Monkey - Patti Smith

cena 312.0 Kč

The White Buffalo - Year Of The Dark Horse (LP)

Barva podle výrobce: Black Typ: Album;LP deska Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009 Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Žánr: Rock;Blues;Country Země interpreta: USA Složení setu: 1 ks Subžánr: Alternative Country;Country;Roots Rock;Blues Barva: Černá Interpret / Téma: The White Buffalo Vydavatelství: Universal Music Datum vydání: 2022-11-11 Varianta: Year Of The Dark Horse (LP) Rok vydání: 2022.0

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cena 920.0 Kč

Night Demon - Year Of The Demon (LP)

Barva: Černá Rok vydání: 2022.0 Interpret / Téma: Night Demon Vydavatelství: Century Media Varianta: Year Of The Demon (LP) Žánr: Heavy Metal Datum vydání: 2022-03-25 Subžánr: Heavy Metal Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Typ: LP deska;Kompilace Složení setu: 1 ks Země interpreta: USA Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Německo Hmotnost: 180 g Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM

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cena 594.15 Kč

Death Grips - Year Of The Snitch (LP)

Subžánr: Hip Hop;Rap Vydavatelství: Harvest Interpret / Téma: Death Grips Varianta: Year Of The Snitch (LP) Datum vydání: 2018-09-21 Typ: LP deska;Album Rok vydání: 2018.0 Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Barva podle výrobce: Black Barva: Černá Žánr: Rock

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cena 905.0 Kč

The Wedding of the Year - Jill Mansellová

THE TOP 10 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER''Vintage Jill Mansell, this is a real ray of sunshine'' FabulousLove, friendship and secrets revealed as the sun beats down on dazzling blue Cornish seas . . .It''s set to be a perfect day - until the chauffeur is asked to keep driving the bride around the church. This wedding definitely isn''t going as planned.Lottie is a guest at the wedding when she sees Max. No kiss has ever matched the last one they shared fifteen years ago. They were on the brink of a beautiful love story, until a shocking event tore them apart. Now here he is, still ridiculously good-looking, teasing Lottie in the old way - and that overwhelming electric attraction is back. But Max is way out of bounds.Freya owes Cameron everything. But she doesn''t love him. Which is a shame, because they''re about to be married.Ruby has been the perfect wife. When she discovers the truth about her husband, her response is reckless and delicious. But after that, nothing will ever be the same again.Readers love The Wedding of the Year: ''This truly is another remarkable book by one of my firm favourite authors. I couldn''t put it down'' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐''The perfect book to read on a cold winter''s night!'' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐''You always know that you will get an unputdownable showstopper of a read when you pick up one of her books and this was no exception'' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐''A heartwarming and uplifting story . . . another triumph'' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐''I''ve just found my new favourite author!'' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Objev podobné jako The Wedding of the Year - Jill Mansellová

cena 502.0 Kč

The Wedding of the Year - Jill Mansellová

Love, friendship and secrets revealed as the sun beats down on dazzling blue Cornish seas . . . It's set to be the perfect wedding - till the chauffeur is asked to keep driving the bride round the church. This wedding is not going as planned.Lottie is a guest at the wedding when she sees Max for the first time in fifteen years. No kiss since has matched their last kiss together. They were on the brink of a beautiful love story.Then something shocking happened that tore them apart. Now here he is, handsome as ever, teasing Lottie in the old way - and that tingling electric attraction is back. But Max is out of bounds.Ruby has been the perfect vicar's wife. But when she finds out the truth about her husband Peter, outrage and disbelief drive her to act impulsively, without a thought for the consequences. And nothing will ever be the same again.There will be a wedding of the year - but maybe not yet. When love is in the air, anything can happen . . .

Objev podobné jako The Wedding of the Year - Jill Mansellová

cena 295.0 Kč

The Wolves of Willoughby Chase - Joan Aiken

Can you go a little faster? Can you run?Long ago, at a time in history that never happened, England was overrun with wolves. But as Bonnie and her cousin Sylvia discover, real danger often lies closer to home. Their new governess, Miss Slighcarp, doesn''t seem at all nice. She shuts Bonnie in a cupboard, fires the faithful servants and sends the cousins far away from Willoughby Chase to a place they will never be found. Can Bonnie and Sylvia outwit the wicked Miss Slighcarp and her network of criminals, forgers and snitches?BACKSTORY: Find out a few things you didn''t know about wolves and learn all about the wonderful world of the author.

Objev podobné jako The Wolves of Willoughby Chase - Joan Aiken

cena 236.0 Kč

Poetry of Love for Every Day of the Year

Celebrate love with this daily anthology of poetry with one entry for every day of the year. From well-known classics to modern fresh takes, Poetry of Love for Every Day of the Year explores love in all its forms.Love is such a uniquely human feeling which has made it an inexhaustible subject for writers across the ages. There are so many meanings for this one word - it can evoke friends, family, romance or a sense of home. Everyone has their own attachments and associations, which is what makes this collection so fascinating.Among the 366 poems are Shakespeare''s classic sonnets, Ocean Vuong''s experiences of young queer love, Elizabeth Barrett Browning''s ode to her dog, Charlotte Mew dealing with loss, and much, much more. With a wide range of voices spanning across the world through many centuries, this anthology explores how love can mean so many things and how it connects us all. This is the newest title in Batsford''s highly popular Poetry Anthology series, and is the perfect bedside companion for late night reading or morning meditation.

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cena 738.0 Kč

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition (93383)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: akční a RPG, Užijte si definitivní verzi Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, která obsahuje příběhové mise The Lord of the Hunt a The Bright Lord, sérii výzev Trials of War a ještě mise Warband Missions, runy a dovednosti. Jedná se o vítěze více než 50 ocenění "Best of 2014", včetně Hra roku, Nejlepší akční hra a Nejinovativnější hra.VypnutoUžijte si definitivní verzi Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, která obsahuje příběhové mise The Lord of the Hunt a The Bright Lord, sérii výzev Trials of War a ještě mise Warband Missions, runy a dovednosti. Jedná se o vítěze více než 50 ocenění "Best of 2014", včetně Hra roku, Nejlepší akční hra a Nejinovativnější hra.Úchvatná grafika a prostředíDíky vysoce modifikovanému enginu LithTech vypadají všechna prostředí naprosto realisticky, včetně detailů typu zbrázdění země. Díky pokročilé metodě motion capture navíc animace vypadají přirozeně a jelikož s...

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cena 383.0 Kč

Blink : The Power of Thinking Without Thinking - Malcolm Gladwell

An art expert sees a ten-million-dollar sculpture and instantly spots it's a fake. A marriage analyst knows within minutes whether a couple will stay together. A fire-fighter suddenly senses he has to get out of a blazing building. A speed dater clicks with the right person ...This book is all about those moments when we 'know' something without knowing why. Here Malcolm Gladwell explores the phenomenon of 'blink', showing how a snap judgement can be far more effective than a cautious decision. By trusting your instincts, he reveals, you'll never think about thinking in the same way again.

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cena 239.0 Kč

Worms Reloaded Game of the Year Edition (88200)

Herní doplněk - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: Strategie a Závodní Pořiďte si unikátní balíček plný skvělé zábavy. Worms Reloaded Game of the Year Edition obsahuje kromě základní hry všechny vydané přídavky, díky nimž si zajistíte perfektní zábavu na dlouhé hodiny. VypnutoPořiďte si unikátní balíček plný skvělé zábavy. Worms Reloaded Game of the Year Edition obsahuje kromě základní hry všechny vydané přídavky, díky nimž si zajistíte perfektní zábavu na dlouhé hodiny. Obsah ediceWorms ReloadedWorms Reloaded: Forts PackWorms Reloaded: Puzzle PackWorms Reloaded: Retro PackWorms Reloaded: The "Pre-order Forts and Hats" DLC PackWorms Reloaded: Time Attack Pack.

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cena 489.0 Kč

HITMAN: Game of The Year - PC DIGITAL (414636)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: akční, Zcestovalý Agent 47 v kompletním baleníStaňte se dokonalým profesionálním zabijákem v kompletní první sezóně Hitmana, napínavé hře o infiltraci, tajnosti a úkladných vraždách. The International Contract Agency si schovává své nejnáročnější úkoly pro nejschopnější pracovníky. Jako chladný a amorální agent 47 si vyberte své cíle v šesti napínavých kapitolách a cestujte po celém světě – z Paříže do Bangkoku a dále. Smrticí zbraní se může stát cokoliVšechny místa jsou plné příležitostí proměnit každodenní předměty ve smrtící zbraně. Úrovně jsou důmyslně navrženy tak, aby otestovaly vaši schopnost improvizovat, když plníte nebezpečné mise a zároveň se snažíte zůstat inkognito. Hitman: Game of the Year Edition obsahuje:Všechny mise a lokace z cenami ověnčené první...

Objev podobné jako HITMAN: Game of The Year - PC DIGITAL (414636)

cena 182.0 Kč

Floraïku First dream of the year sada unisex

Floraïku First dream of the year, Unisex sady unisex, Nic nepotěší milovníka parfémů tak, jako miniatura jeho oblíbené vůně, kterou může mít stále při sobě. Unisex parfémový set Floraïku First dream of the year je proto zárukou radosti, ať už vaší nebo vašich nejbližších. Plná verze vůně se bude vyjímat na toaletním stolku a miniatura s vámi bude na cestách. Vlastnosti: unisex – pro muže i pro ženy Sada obsahuje: First dream of the year parfémovaná voda 50 ml First dream of the year parfémovaná voda 10 ml  obal na parfém 2 x víčko

Objev podobné jako Floraïku First dream of the year sada unisex

cena 5278.0 Kč

Faith No More - Album Of The Year (LP)

Typ: LP deska;Album Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Vydavatelství: Slash Records;Rhino Records Rok vydání: 2016.0 Subžánr: Funk Metal;Post Punk;Hard Rock;Alternative Rock;Alternative Metal;Experimental Rock Datum vydání: 2016-09-09 Varianta: Album Of The Year Žánr: Alternative Metal;Hard Rock;Funk;Punk;Rock;Metal Interpret / Téma: Faith No More Barva podle výrobce: Black Barva: Černá Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g Země původu: Evropská unie Složení setu: 2 ks Země interpreta: USA

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cena 932.4 Kč

Best Crime Stories of the Year Volume 4

Internationally bestselling author and acclaimed screenwriter Anthony Horowitz, creator of Magpie Murders, together with founder of Mysterious Press, Otto Penzler, selects the very best of the year''s crime and mystery tales in this latest collection perfect for crime fiction lovers. Featuring stories from Jeffery Deaver and L. Frank Baum among many others!These twenty tales represent the best of short form crime and mystery fiction from over the past twelve months. With a variety of fiendishly twisty plots, and featuring murder and mischief in evilly evocative settings, this collection is perfect for crime fiction lovers. Also includes a bonus short mystery story from the Golden Age of Crime Fiction, by the fabled L. Frank Baum.Featuring stories by:Ace AtkinsMichael BrackenFleur BradleyShelley CostaDoug CrandellJeffery DeaverJohn FloydNils GilbertsonPeter HayesShells LegoullonVictor MethosLeonardo PaduraDan PopeAnnie ReedCameron SandersAnna ScottiArcher SullivanAndrew Welsh-HugginsStacy Woodson

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cena 591.0 Kč

The Glorious Race of Magical Beasts - Alex Bell

'A daring adventure . . .will engage even the most reluctant readers.' Kirkus'Absolutely spellbinding.' Books for Topics'A feast for every imagination and an unputdownable adventure.' Armadillo Magazine'Full of magic.' Erika, Aged 12, Books up North'A glorious adventure!' Books for Keeps'A must-read.' The BookbagAn out of this world magical adventure with talking animals, risk-taking and friendship aplenty! A new standalone magical story from the best-selling author of the Explorers' Club series. Twelve-year-old Eli is an apprentice librarian at the largest library in the world. But when his grandmother falls ill, he enters the Glorious Race of Magical Beasts to raise money for her treatment.This annual race is always held in the most perilous places and is full of spiky dangers. Most participants seek out unicorns and dragons to help them on their conquest. But not Eli.He embarks on this journey with his trusted pet and friend, Humphrey, his moon tortoise. Moon tortoises aren't suited to racing and Eli is no natural adventurer. But he soon finds himself in an unlikely partnership with Raven, a rule-breaker and skilled archer, and her ice hare - one of the fastest animals in the world.If the two children put aside their differences and work together, they might just reach the finish line!

Objev podobné jako The Glorious Race of Magical Beasts - Alex Bell

cena 236.0 Kč

Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition (86059)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: akční, Batman: Arkham Asylum je akční hra s jedinečně temným dobrodružstvím, kterému nechybí pravá atmosféra a které vás zavede do nitra gothamské psychiatrické léčebny pro šílené zločince. Budete se pohybovat ve stínech, zasévat strach do srdcí nepřátel a čelit Jokerovi a dalším nechvalně proslulým darebákům z Gothamu, kteří se útulku zmocnili. S využitím celé řady Batmanových technických vymožeností a díky jeho schopnostem se z Vás stane neviditelný dravec, který se snaží zmařit Jokerovy zvrhlé plány. Speciální edice "Game of the Year" vám nabídne navíc 6 nových map, takže si celou Batmanovu pouť budete moci prožít pěkně pohromadě. Tato fotografie je vypnuta z colorboxu a nebude se v něm tedy zobrazovat. Batman: Arkham Asylum je akční...

Objev podobné jako Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition (86059)

cena 389.0 Kč

V.A.: Super Hits Of The Year 1960 - LP (4260494435870)

LP vinyl - Super hity roku 1960 Super hity roku 1960

Objev podobné jako V.A.: Super Hits Of The Year 1960 - LP (4260494435870)

cena 579.0 Kč

Batman: Arkham City Game of the Year Edition (86065)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: akční a RPG, Batman: Arkham City v edici Game Of The Year vám nabídne základní hru i všechen vydaný stažitelný obsah v jenom cenově výhodném balení. Samotná hra je pokračováním skvěle hratelného a výborně graficky zpracovaného prvního dílu s podtitulem Arkham Asylum. Tentokrát vás hra zavede do Arkham City, nového maximálně zabezpečeného domova pro všechny nebezpečné zločince, gangstery a šílence z Gotham City. Odehrávající se uvnitř těžkých zdí v srdci Gotham City tento druhý díl uvádí zcela nový příběh, který představí nové hvězdy i klasické postavy ze světa Batmana. Tato fotografie je vypnuta z colorboxu a nebude se v něm tedy zobrazovat. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Batman: Arkham City v edici Game Of The Year vám nabídne základní hru i...

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cena 383.0 Kč

Various: Super Hits Of The Year 1961 - LP (4260494436273)

LP vinyl - Modré LP s největšími hity roku 1961. Modré LP s největšími hity roku 1961. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop LP 1 Strana A Blue Moon - The Marcels / Runaround Sue - Dion / Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow - The Shirelles / Take Good Care of My Baby - Bobby Vee / Walk Right Back - The Everly Brothers / Runaway - Del Shannon / Hello Mary Lou - Ricky Nelson / Wooden Heart - Elvis Presley / Reach For The Stars - Shirley Bassey LP 1 Strana B Michael (Row The Boat) - Lonnie Donegan / Big Bad John - Jimmy Dean / Hit The Road Jack - Ray Charles / Baby Sittin' Boogie - Buzz Clifford / You Don't Know - Helen Shapiro / Running Scared - Roy Orbison / Well I Ask You - Eden Kane / Tower of Strength - Frankie Vaughan / Moon River - Henri Mancini

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cena 579.0 Kč

ZOOT.Fan Darth Vader Father Of The Year Triko Černá

Darth Vader Father Of The Year Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Černá.

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cena 549.0 Kč

ZOOT.Fan Darth Vader Father Of The Year Triko Černá

Darth Vader Father Of The Year Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Černá.

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cena 549.0 Kč

ZOOT.Fan Darth Vader Father Of The Year Triko Černá

Darth Vader Father Of The Year Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Černá.

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cena 579.0 Kč

ZOOT.Fan Darth Vader Father Of The Year Triko Černá

Darth Vader Father Of The Year Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Černá.

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cena 549.0 Kč

ZOOT.Fan Darth Vader Father Of The Year Triko Černá

Darth Vader Father Of The Year Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Černá.

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cena 579.0 Kč

ZOOT.Fan Darth Vader Father Of The Year Triko Černá

Darth Vader Father Of The Year Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Černá.

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cena 579.0 Kč

ZOOT.Fan Darth Vader Father Of The Year Triko Černá

Darth Vader Father Of The Year Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Černá.

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cena 579.0 Kč

ZOOT.Fan Darth Vader Father Of The Year Triko Černá

Darth Vader Father Of The Year Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Černá.

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cena 549.0 Kč

ZOOT.Fan Darth Vader Father Of The Year Triko Černá

Darth Vader Father Of The Year Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Černá.

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cena 549.0 Kč

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