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The World According to Anna (Defekt) - Jostein Gaarder

On the 20th anniversary of SOPHIE'S WORLD, Jostein Gaarder returns with a spell-binding fable about a girl who begins to receive messages from another time... STATION ELEVEN meets THE LITTLE PRINCE.

Podívejte se také Astrosex: Scorpio: How to have the best sex according to your star sign (9781398702080)

cena 89.0 Kč

An Unreliable Man (Defekt) - Jostein Gaarder

From the creative genius of Jostein Gaarder, author of modern classic Sophie's World, comes a novel about loneliness and the power of words Jakop is a lonely man. Divorced from his wife, with no friends apart from his constant companion Pelle, he spends his life attending the funerals of people he doesn't know, obscuring his identity in a web of improbable lies. As his addiction spirals out of control, he is forced to reconcile his love of language and stories with the ever more urgent need for human connection. An Unreliable Man is a moving and thought-provoking novel about loneliness and truth, about seeking a place in the world, and about how storytelling gives our lives meaning. Decades after his global bestseller Sophie's World, Jostein Gaarder has written a poignant and funny book for our times - full of life and hope.

Podívejte se také Dekker Desmond: From Jamaica To The World - LP (4260494435658)

cena 159.0 Kč

Sophie´s World - Jostein Gaarder

The international bestseller about life, the universe and everything. When 14-year-old Sophie encounters a mysterious mentor who introduces her to philosophy, mysteries deepen in her own life. Why does she keep getting postcards addressed to another girl? Who is the other girl? And who, for that matter, is Sophie herself? To solve the riddle, she uses her new knowledge of philosophy, but the truth is far stranger than she could have imagined. An addictive blend of mystery, philosophy and fantasy, Sophie's World is an international phenomenon which has been translated into 60 languages and sold more than 40 million copies.

Podívejte se také SKROSS WORLD TO EUROPE PA30 (PA30)

cena 268.0 Kč

The World According to Cunk - Philomena Cunk

Romans! Madrigals! The Dark Ages! Revolutions! Trumpets! The Oranges of The First World War! All of this (except trumpets) and more, is covered in this definitive, easy-clean history of all world history so far, written by the 21st Century''s leading historian, philosopher and thinkerer Philomena Cunk.Focussing on the inventions, art and brainboxes that made the modern world the unbearable place it is today, The World According To Cunk is the history book to end all history books: more unputdownable than Andrew Marr''s History Of The World, less unpickupable than Yuval Noah Harari''s Sapiens, and noticeably less in ancient greek than Herodotus'' Histories.Philomena Cunk says: "About the world, written on the world, and available at all the world''s remaining bookshops, The World According To Cunk is the definitive history of the world. There will never need be another history book. Unless something major happens. Even then they''ll probably just put something up on TikTok about it. A word of warning: please don''t buy it if you''re expecting anything about trumpets in it. You will only be disappointed."

Objev podobné jako The World According to Cunk - Philomena Cunk

cena 502.0 Kč

The World According To Garp - John Irving

A masterpiece from one of the great contemporary American writers.'A wonderful novel, full of energy and art, at once funny and heartbreaking...terrific' WASHINGTON POSTAnniversary edition with a new afterword from the author.A worldwide bestseller since its publication, Irving's classic is filled with stories inside stories about the life and times of T. S. Garp, struggling writer and illegitimate son of Jenny Fields - an unlikely feminist heroine ahead of her time.Beautifully written, THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP is a powerfully compelling and compassionate coming-of-age novel that established John Irving as one of the most imaginative writers of his generation.'A diamond sleeping in the dark, chipped out at last for our enrichment and delight...As approachable as it is brilliant' COSMOPOLITAN

Objev podobné jako The World According To Garp - John Irving

cena 268.0 Kč

Loutkář - Jostein Gaarder

Akademik a lingvista Jakop je natolik osamělý, že navštěvuje pohřby cizích lidí. Na smutečních hostinách se dává do řeči s pozůstalými. Díky své sečtělosti a jazykové pohotovosti si pokaždé vymyslí příběh, který jej k nebožtíkovi váže, a baví jím ostatní hosty. Přestože je znalcem vztahů a jazyků, sám je z pletiva skutečných lidských vztahů vytržen a má jen jednoho přítele, jejž s oblibou cituje. Ovšem ani Pelle není člověk z masa a kostí…

Objev podobné jako Loutkář - Jostein Gaarder

cena 223.0 Kč

The World According to David Hockney - David Hockney, Martin Gayford

A collection of legendary British artist David Hockney’s insights into art, life, nature, creativity and much more. ‘I’ve always been a looker ... that’s what artists do’ This anthology of quotations by David Hockney follows in the successful format of ‘The World According to’ series.Ranging across topics including drawing, photography, nature, creativity, the internet and much more, The World According to David Hockney offers a delightful and engaging overview of the artist’s inimitable spirit, personality and opinions. From everyday observations – ‘The eye is always moving; if it isn’t moving you are dead’ – to artistic insights such as ‘painted colour always will be better than printed colour, because it is the pigment itself’, as well as musings on other image makers, including Caravaggio, Cézanne and Hokusai, Hockney has a knack for capturing profound truths in pithy statements. Born in Bradford, England, in 1937, Hockney attended art school in London before moving to Los Angeles in the 1960s.There, he painted his famous swimming pool paintings, and since then has embraced a range of media including photocollage, video and digital technologies. In a 2011 poll of more than 1,000 British artists, Hockney was voted the most influential British artist of all time. Presented as a beautifully designed and attractive package, illustrated with works of art from throughout Hockney's career, this is the perfect gift for art lovers everywhere.

Objev podobné jako The World According to David Hockney - David Hockney, Martin Gayford

cena 443.0 Kč

The World According to Colour: A Cultural History - James Fox

The world comes to us in colour. But colour lives as much in our imaginations as it does in our surroundings, as this scintillating book reveals.Each chapter immerses the reader in a single colour, drawing together stories from the histories of art and humanity to illuminate the meanings it has been given over the eras and around the globe. Showing how artists, scientists, writers, philosophers, explorers and inventors have both shaped and been shaped by these wonderfully myriad meanings, James Fox reveals how, through colour, we can better understand their cultures, as well as our own. Each colour offers a fresh perspective on a different epoch, and together they form a vivid, exhilarating history of the world.

Objev podobné jako The World According to Colour: A Cultural History - James Fox

cena 384.0 Kč

Penhaligon´s The World According To Arthur - EDP 75 ml

The World According To Arthur je ambrová parfémová voda pro muže. Vůně, která přináší svěžest, energii a spontánnost, jako byste procházeli lesem plného mladého života. Je to vůně, která zrcadlí ducha dobrodružství a svobody. Originální vůně pro muže, kteří milují přírodu a touží dobrodružství. Nebojte se vydat na neznámé cesty a prozkoumat svět kolem sebe. Je to vůně, která vyjadřuje touhu po životě a radost z každodenních zážitků. Vůně se otevírá lahodnými akordy vanilky a svěžího grapefruitu, zatímco kadidlo evokuje mystickou kouřovou stopu. Balzamikové tóny muškátové šalvěje se doplňují s pižmovými sladkými semínky ambrette. Kadidlo je v základu vůně umocněno nasládlou vůní fazole tonky. Penhaligon's London je britský parfumérský dům založený v roce 1870 Williamem Penhaligonem. Dům Penhaligon's, který vznikl původně jako holičství, nabídl svou první vůni v roce 1872, Hammam Bouquet. Vůně byly pravidelně vydávány z původního obchodu na Jermyn Street, dokud nebyl zničen v roce 1941. Obchod zmizel, ale vůně společnosti vydržely a v roce 1956 byla Penhaligon's udělena cena Royal Warrant od vévody z Edinburghu. Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 2021.

Objev podobné jako Penhaligon´s The World According To Arthur - EDP 75 ml

cena 5799.0 Kč

A Short History of the World According to Sheep - Sally Coulthard

''This book deserves a place in your bookcase next to Harari''s Sapiens. It''s every bit as fascinating and is surely destined to be just as successful'' Julian Norton From the plains of ancient Mesopotamia to the vast sheep farms of modern-day Australia, sheep have been central to the human story. Since our our Neolithic ancestors'' first forays into sheep-rearing nearly 11,000 years ago, these remarkable animals have fed us, clothed us, changed our diet and language and financed the conquest of large swathes of the earth.Sally Coulthard weaves this fascinating story into a vivid and colourful tapestry of engaging anecdotes and extraordinary ovine facts, whose multiple strands celebrate just how pivotal these woolly animals are to almost every aspect of human society and culture.This title was published also in the United States under the title Follow the Flock.''A snappy, stimulating book, and certainly not just for shepherds'' Mail on Sunday''Full of fascinating social history'' Independent''You won''t look at a sheep in the same way again'' Country Living

Objev podobné jako A Short History of the World According to Sheep - Sally Coulthard

cena 295.0 Kč

Unreliable Man - Jostein Gaarder

From the creative genius of Jostein Gaarder, author of modern classic Sophie's World, comes a novel about loneliness and the power of words Jakop is a lonely man. Divorced from his wife, with no friends apart from his constant companion Pelle, he spends his life attending the funerals of people he doesn't know, obscuring his identity in a web of improbable lies. As his addiction spirals out of control, he is forced to reconcile his love of language and stories with the ever more urgent need for human connection. An Unreliable Man is a moving and thought-provoking novel about loneliness and truth, about seeking a place in the world, and about how storytelling gives our lives meaning. Decades after his global bestseller Sophie's World, Jostein Gaarder has written a poignant and funny book for our times - full of life and hope.

Objev podobné jako Unreliable Man - Jostein Gaarder

cena 241.0 Kč

Tak akorát - Jostein Gaarder

První den na univerzitě potkává Albert u automatu na kávu dívku Eirin. Po třiceti sedmi letech spokojeného společného života obdrží Albert neblahou zprávu, se kterou se musí vyrovnat. Eirin zrovna není doma, a tak Albert impulzivně odjede na chatu u jezírka, kde se během 24 hodin pokusí sepsat příběh svého života. Je spousta věcí, které musí pochopit. A je jedno důležité rozhodnutí, které během toho jednoho dne musí učinit.

Objev podobné jako Tak akorát - Jostein Gaarder

cena 205.0 Kč

Knížka Thames & Hudson Ltd The World According to Lee McQueen, Louise Rytter

Kniha z kolekce Thames & Hudson Ltd. Tato atraktivní kniha v přístupném formátu je perfektním dárkem pro módní fanoušky a Alexandera McQueena, ukazuje vtip a ducha skutečného vizionáře.

Objev podobné jako Knížka Thames & Hudson Ltd The World According to Lee McQueen, Louise Rytter

cena 569.0 Kč

Kouzelný kalendář - Jostein Gaarder - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Další kniha norského autora Josteina Gaardera, známého u nás i po celém světě titulem Sofiin svět. Hlavní hrdina Kouzelného kalendáře – Jáchym – se snaží objasnit záhadu kolem zmizení dívky Elisabet, která se vydává díky kouzelnému adventními kalendáři napříč prostorem i časem ze současnosti do Betléma, kde se právě narodil malý Ježíš.

Objev podobné jako Kouzelný kalendář - Jostein Gaarder - audiokniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Dívka s pomeranči - Jostein Gaarder

Oduševněle napsaný zamilovaný příběh, který osloví čtenáře všech věkových kategorií. V průběhu jednoho večera, během něhož 15letý hrdina Georg čte dopis od svého otce, probíhá před jeho očima celý příběh. Georgův otec zemřel před jedenácti lety, ale jeho dopis byl nalezen teprve nyní. Vedle líčení prostého příběhu lásky pokládá otec synovi nejednoduché otázky, které se dotýkají samotné podstaty lidské existence.

Objev podobné jako Dívka s pomeranči - Jostein Gaarder

cena 223.0 Kč

Sofiin svět - Jostein Gaarder - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Norský učitel Jostein Gaarder spojil ve své knize Sofiin svět zdánlivě neatraktivní témata: dějiny filosofie a příběh dospívání patnáctileté dívky. Román, který byl publikován v roce 1991, ovšem slaví neuvěřitelný úspěch; vzápětí po svém norském vydání vyšel v desítkách zemí a v roce 1995 se stal nejprodávanější knihou na světě. Režie Jiří Knot.

Objev podobné jako Sofiin svět - Jostein Gaarder - audiokniha

cena 299.0 Kč

Knížka Thousand The World According to Yves Saint Laurent by Jean-Christophe Napias, English

Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Krásně vázaná kniha v přístupném formátu představuje svět podle Yvese Saint Laurenta - dokonalý dárek pro fanoušky módy, který zachycuje podstatu skutečného vizionáře.

Objev podobné jako Knížka Thousand The World According to Yves Saint Laurent by Jean-Christophe Napias, English

cena 519.0 Kč

Sofiin svět - Jostein Gaarder - e-kniha

eBook: Román o dějinách filosofie. Norský učitel kombinací zdánlivě neatraktivních témat, jako jsou dějiny filosofie a příběh dospívání patnáctileté dívky, vytvořil knížku, která slaví mezi čtenáři neuvěřitelný úspěch. V roce 1995 se stala nejprodávanější knihou na světě.

Objev podobné jako Sofiin svět - Jostein Gaarder - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Tajemství karet - Renáta Fučíková, Jostein Gaarder

Kultovní román Tajemství karet přichází v novém vydání s ilustracemi oceňované výtvarnice Renáty Fučíkové. Populární norský spisovatel Jostein Gaarder vypráví příběh plný fantazie, dobrodružství a napětí, ale – jak je jeho dobrým zvykem – také poučení a úžasu nad světem. Hlavním hrdinou je dvanáctiletý Hans Thomas, který se se svým otcem vydává na road trip napříč Evropou. Brzy poté, co nastoupí do auta a vydají se na cestu, zkříží chlapci cestu kolibří knížka...

Objev podobné jako Tajemství karet - Renáta Fučíková, Jostein Gaarder

cena 312.0 Kč

Teď je to na nás - Jostein Gaarder

Život ve všech svých podobách fascinoval Josteina Gaardera odmala. A protože se na tom ani po několika desetiletích nic nezměnilo, rozhodl se předat svůj údiv dál. Ve sbírce úvah koncipovaných jako dopis vnoučatům přemítá nad životem, smrtí, náboženstvím, časem, láskou, přírodou nebo budoucností. A v záplavě složitých i podnětných otázek hledá odpověď na tu nejdůležitější: Jak můžeme zachovat planetu pro generace, jež přijdou po nás?

Objev podobné jako Teď je to na nás - Jostein Gaarder

cena 312.0 Kč

Sofiin svět - Jostein Gaarder, František jr. Skála

Román o dějinách filosofie. Norský učitel kombinací zdánlivě neatraktivních témat, jako jsou dějiny filosofie a příběh dospívání patnáctileté dívky, vytvořil knížku, která slaví mezi čtenáři neuvěřitelný úspěch. V roce 1995 se stala nejprodávanější knihou na světě.

Objev podobné jako Sofiin svět - Jostein Gaarder, František jr. Skála

cena 312.0 Kč

Dívka s pomeranči - Jostein Gaarder - e-kniha

eBook: Oduševněle napsaný zamilovaný příběh, který osloví čtenáře všech věkových kategorií. V průběhu jednoho večera, během něhož 15letý hrdina Georg čte dopis od svého otce, probíhá před jeho očima celý příběh. Georgův otec zemřel před jedenácti lety, ale jeho dopis byl nalezen teprve nyní. Vedle líčení prostého příběhu lásky, pokládá otec synovi nejednoduché otázky, které se dotýkají samotné podstaty lidské existence.

Objev podobné jako Dívka s pomeranči - Jostein Gaarder - e-kniha

cena 179.0 Kč

Teď je to na nás - Jostein Gaarder - e-kniha

eBook: Život ve všech svých podobách fascinoval Josteina Gaardera odmala. A protože se na tom ani po několika desetiletích nic nezměnilo, rozhodl se předat svůj údiv dál. Ve sbírce úvah koncipovaných jako dopis vnoučatům přemítá nad životem, smrtí, náboženstvím, časem, láskou, přírodou nebo budoucností. A v záplavě složitých i podnětných otázek hledá odpověď na tu nejdůležitější: Jak můžeme zachovat planetu pro generace, jež přijdou po nás? „Svět je takový, jak ho prožíváme.“ Jostein Gaarder (* 1952) je norský spisovatel. Napsal řadu knížek pro děti a mládež, nejznámější je ale díky románu Sofiin svět, v němž ve formě poutavého příběhu pro děti zpracoval dějiny filozofie. Gaarder pochází z učitelské rodiny, vystudoval skandinávské jazyky a teologii na univerzitě v Oslu a v letech 1981–1991 vyučoval filozofii a literaturu na vysoké škole v Bergenu. Po obrovském úspěchu Sofiina světa z roku 1981 (česky poprvé 1995) se mohl začít naplno věnovat psaní. Ve svém prvním románu pro dospělé Loutkář (Dukkeforeren, 2016, česky 2017) o lingvistovi Jakopovi, který těžko hledá cestu k jiným lidem, autor zužitkoval svou vášeň po etymologii. V novele Tak akorát (Akkurat passe, 2018, česky 2019) se zamýšlí na životními prioritami a klade si otázku, jak se vyrovnat s konečností lidské existence. Jeho knihy jsou přeloženy do více než padesáti jazyků.

Objev podobné jako Teď je to na nás - Jostein Gaarder - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Truth According to Us (Defekt) - Annie Barrowsová

The No. 1 New York Times bestselling author. "Utterly enthralling". (Daily Express). Miss Layla Beck despises small-town life. After refusing to marry the man her rich father has picked for her, Layla is banished to the remote town of Macedonia, West Virginia, a place where, she is convinced, nothing important has ever happened. Tasked to write down the history of the town, Layla meets the seductive Romeyn family. As she peels back the layers of family feuds, lies, even murder, Layla discovers to her cost, The smallest towns have the biggest secrets.

Objev podobné jako The Truth According to Us (Defekt) - Annie Barrowsová

cena 79.0 Kč

World According to Alexander McQueen - Louise Rytter

A stylish collection of the legendary designer’s maxims on fashion, craft, beauty and nature 'When times are hard, fantasy and escapism are crucial' Alexander McQueen Having grown up in London’s East End, Alexander McQueen left school at 15 to become a tailor’s apprentice on Mayfair’s Savile Row. At 22, he joined the prestigious MA course at Central Saint Martins and, after presenting his 1992 graduate collection (bought on the spot by influential fashion stylist Isabella Blow), went on to change the course of fashion. McQueen was defiant in his opinions on creativity (‘Give me time and I’ll give you a revolution’), women (‘I design clothes because I don’t want women to look all innocent and naïve … I want people to be afraid of the women I dress’) and craft (‘You’ve got to know the rules to break them. That’s what I’m here for, to demolish the rules but to keep the tradition’). He drew much of his inspiration from the natural world (‘I have always loved the mechanics of nature and to a greater or lesser extent my work is always informed by that’) and consistently challenged perceptions of beauty (‘People find my things sometimes aggressive. But I don’t see it as aggressive. I see it as romantic, dealing with a dark side of personality’). This attractive book in an accessible format is the perfect gift for fans of fashion and Alexander McQueen, capturing the wit and spirit of a true visionary.

Objev podobné jako World According to Alexander McQueen - Louise Rytter

cena 384.0 Kč

Vygoogli si to! - Anna Crowley Reddingová

Larry Page a Sergej Brin začali svou kariéru jako dva studenti univerzity Stanford s odvážným nápadem: dát řád všem informacím na světě. Z tohoto zdánlivě snadného cíle brzy vznikla myšlenka na stvoření jedné z nejvlivnějších a nejinovativnějších firem v dějinách. V knize Vygoogli si to! najdete vše – od skromných začátků v podobě diplomové práce, přes revoluci ve vnímání moderních technologií, až po letmý pohled od budoucnosti technologií.

Objev podobné jako Vygoogli si to! - Anna Crowley Reddingová

cena 268.0 Kč

Truth According To Us (Defekt) - Annie Barrowsová

In the summer of 1938, Layla Beck’s father, a United States senator, cuts off her allowance and demands that she find employment on the Federal Writers’ Project, a New Deal jobs program. Within days, Layla finds herself far from her accustomed social whirl, assigned to cover the history of the remote mill town of Macedonia, West Virginia, and destined, in her opinion, to go completely mad with boredom. But once she secures a room in the home of the unconventional Romeyn family, she is drawn into their complex world and soon discovers that the truth of the town is entangled in the thorny past of the Romeyn dynasty.At the Romeyn house, twelve-year-old Willa is desperate to learn everything in her quest to acquire her favorite virtues of ferocity and devotion—a search that leads her into a thicket of mysteries, including the questionable business that occupies her charismatic father and the reason her adored aunt Jottie remains unmarried. Layla’s arrival strikes a match to the family veneer, bringing to light buried secrets that will tell a new tale about the Romeyns. As Willa peels back the layers of her family’s past, and Layla delves deeper into town legend, everyone involved is transformed—and their personal histories completely rewritten.

Objev podobné jako Truth According To Us (Defekt) - Annie Barrowsová

cena 49.0 Kč

The Burning (Defekt) - Anna Todd

A new love story from Anna Todd continues with THE BURNING, the second novel in a new trilogy (Brightest Stars) from the No.1 internationally best-selling author of the AFTER series.Anna Todd's Brightest Stars trilogy continues with THE INFINITE LIGHT OF DUST, coming soon.

Objev podobné jako The Burning (Defekt) - Anna Todd

cena 119.0 Kč

The Fairy Atlas. Fairy Folk of the World - Anna Claybourneová

Magical, mysterious and sometimes mischievous, the fairy folk of the world are notoriously elusive, but this charming compendium will reveal their secrets.

Objev podobné jako The Fairy Atlas. Fairy Folk of the World - Anna Claybourneová

cena 489.0 Kč

The World of Poo (Defekt) - Terry Pratchett

From Snuff: 'Vimes' prompt arrival got a nod of approval from Sybil, who gingerly handed him a new book to read to Young Sam. Vimes looked at the cover. The title was The World of Poo. When his wife was out of eyeshot he carefully leafed through it. Well, okay, you had to accept that the world had moved on and these days fairy stories were probably not going to be about twinkly little things with wings. As he turned page after page, it dawned on him that whoever had written this book, they certainly knew what would make kids like Young Sam laugh until they were nearly sick. The bit about sailing down the river almost made him smile. But interspersed with the scatology was actually quite interesting stuff about septic tanks and dunnakin divers and gongfermors and how dog muck helped make the very best leather, and other things that you never thought you would need to know, but once heard somehow lodged in your mind.'

Objev podobné jako The World of Poo (Defekt) - Terry Pratchett

cena 89.0 Kč

The Mushroom at the End of the World - Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing

"A poetic and remarkably fertile exploration of the relationship between human beings and the natural environment."—Pankaj Mishra, The Guardian"I'm very grateful to have this book."—Ursula K. Le GuinThe acclaimed and award-winning book about what a rare mushroom can teach us about sustaining life on a fragile planetA Flavorwire and Times Higher Education Book of the YearMatsutake is the most valuable mushroom in the world—and a weed that grows in human-disturbed forests across the northern hemisphere. Through its ability to nurture trees, matsutake helps forests to grow in daunting places. It is also an edible delicacy in Japan, where it sometimes commands astronomical prices. In all its contradictions, matsutake offers insights into areas far beyond just mushrooms and addresses a crucial question: what manages to live in the ruins we have made? A tale of diversity within our damaged landscapes, The Mushroom at the End of the World follows one of the strangest commodity chains of our times to explore the unexpected corners of capitalism. Here, we witness the varied and peculiar worlds of matsutake commerce: the worlds of Japanese gourmets, capitalist traders, Hmong jungle fighters, industrial forests, Yi Chinese goat herders, Finnish nature guides, and more. These companions also lead us into fungal ecologies and forest histories to better understand the promise of cohabitation in a time of massive human destruction. By investigating one of the world's most sought-after fungi, The Mushroom at the End of the World presents an original examination into the relation between capitalist destruction and collaborative survival within multispecies landscapes, the prerequisite for continuing life on earth.

Objev podobné jako The Mushroom at the End of the World - Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing

cena 473.0 Kč

The World´s Worst Parents (Defekt) - David Walliams

Are you ready to meet the worst parents ever?Sure, some parents are embarrassing – but they’re NOTHING on this lot. These ten tales of the world’s most spectacularly silly mums and deliriously daft dads will leave you rocking with laughter.Pinch your nose for Peter Pong, the man with the stinkiest feet in the world… jump out of the way of Harriet Hurry, the fastest mum on two wheels… watch out for Monty Monopolize, the dad who takes all his kids’ toys… and oh no, it’s Supermum! Brandishing a toilet brush, a mop and a very bad homemade outfit…

Objev podobné jako The World´s Worst Parents (Defekt) - David Walliams

cena 169.0 Kč

The Free World (Defekt) - Bezmozgis David

In the summer of 1978 the Krasnansky family - bickering, tired and confused - arrive in Rome. Alongside thousands of other Soviet Jewish refugees they await passage to a new home in the West. But escaping Communism is not so easy, especially when some of the Krasnanskys insist on bringing it with them.

Objev podobné jako The Free World (Defekt) - Bezmozgis David

cena 139.0 Kč

The Visible World (Defekt) - Mark Slouka

'My mother knew a man during the war. Theirs was a love story, and like any good love story, it left blood on the floor and wreckage in its wake'. As a boy growing up in New York, his parents' memories of their Czech homeland seem to belong to another world, as distant and unreal as the fairy tales his father tells him. It is only as an adult, when he makes his own journey to Prague, that he is finally able to piece together the truth of his parents' past: what they did, who his mother loved, and why they were never able to forget.

Objev podobné jako The Visible World (Defekt) - Mark Slouka

cena 119.0 Kč

The Cabin at the End of the World (Defekt) - Paul Tremblay

The Stoker Award-winning, taut and propulsive twist on home invasion horror, packed psychological suspense. Soon to be a major film, Knock At the Cabin, directed by M. Night Shyamalan.Seven-year-old Wen and her parents, Eric and Andrew, are vacationing at a remote cabin on a quiet New Hampshire lake, with their closest neighbours more than two miles in either direction.As Wen catches grasshoppers in the front yard, a stranger unexpectedly appears in the driveway. Leonard is the largest man Wen has ever seen but he is young and friendly. Leonard and Wen talk and play until Leonard abruptly apologises and tells Wen, "None of what's going to happen is your fault". Three more strangers arrive at the cabin carrying unidentifiable, menacing objects. As Wen sprints inside to warn her parents, Leonard calls out, "Your dads won't want to let us in, Wen. But they have to. We need your help to save the world."So begins an unbearably tense, gripping tale of paranoia, sacrifice, apocalypse, and survival that escalates to a shattering conclusion, one in which the fate of a loving family and quite possibly all of humanity are intertwined.

Objev podobné jako The Cabin at the End of the World (Defekt) - Paul Tremblay

cena 99.0 Kč

Fashion and the Floating World - Anna Jackson, Masami Yamada

An exclusive insight into glamour of Edo–period society through the medium of 170 exquisite ukiyo-e This sumptuous book explores the important world that woodblock prints played in the fashionable world of Edo–period Japan (1603–1868). One hundred and seventy ukiyo-e (“pictures of the floating world”) offer us a vivid view of the culture of entertainment, style, and glamour that developed in bustling urban centers. Expert curators bring to life the scenes and figures depicted, and highlight the fashions, dress accessories, and hairstyles shown in these colorful and compelling images by artists such as Utagawa Kunisada and Utagawa Hiroshige. Benefitting from the V&A’s world-leading collection and including many rarely seen prints, this is a fascinating glimpse into an exciting world of celebrity actors, courtesans, kimono retailers, fabric workshops, makeup brands, theatre managers, brothel keepers, and restaurant owners.

Objev podobné jako Fashion and the Floating World - Anna Jackson, Masami Yamada

cena 1034.0 Kč

The Life Scientific: Virus Hunters (Defekt) - Buckley Anna

The inspiring life stories of leading scientists as heard on BBC Radio 4 BBC Radio 4's celebrated THE LIFE SCIENTIFIC has featured some of the world's most renowned experts in the field of deadly viruses. The interviews make sobering reading, a reminder of all the deadly viruses that have threatened global health, and why for the scientists working on the front line in the war against viruses, the arrival of Covid-19 came as no surprise. Among the contributors to this all-too-timely book are:Jeremy Farrar, before he became Director of the Wellcome Trust, worked in an Infectious Diseases Hospital in Vietnam. He was on the frontline tackling SARS and nine months later a highly pathogenic strain of bird flu, H5N1. Peter Piot was at the forefront of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. He was the first to identify HIV in Africa. It took him fifteen years to persuade the world that it was also a heterosexual disease. Later as Executive Director of UN AIDS he fought for years to get the UN to take the threat of HIV seriously.Jonathan Ball studies how viruses operate at the molecular level, hoping to find their Achilles' heel and so develop effective vaccines. During the West Africa Ebola epidemic, he studied how the genome of the Ebola virus evolved as it spread from Guinea to Liberia and Sierra Leone. He has shown that as this virus (which more happily lives in bats) infects more humans, it becomes ever more infectious.Wendy Barclay seeks to understand how viruses are able to jump from animals to humans and why some viruses are so much more dangerous to humans than others. Most Londoners had no idea they were infected during the Swine Flu pandemic of 2009. The Bird Flu epidemic in Asia claimed thousands of livesKate Jones is a bat specialist who works on how ecological changes and human behaviour accelerate the spread of animal viruses into humans. Bats have been infected with coronaviruses for more than 10,000 years.

Objev podobné jako The Life Scientific: Virus Hunters (Defekt) - Buckley Anna

cena 139.0 Kč

The Planet Remade : How Geoengineering Could Change the World (Defekt) - Oliver Morton

The risks of global warming are real, and potentially vast. The difficulty of doing without fossil fuels is daunting, and possibly insurmountable. So there is an urgent need for new thinking on climate change. To meet that need, a small but increasingly influential group of scientists is exploring proposals for planned human intervention in the climate system. A stratospheric veil against the sun; the cultivation of photosynthetic plankton; a fleet of unmanned ships seeding clouds: these are the radical technologies of climate geoengineering. It is chilling to think of such power, and such scope for misadventure or malice, in humans hands. And yet we are now at the point where we have no choice but to take them very seriously indeed. The Planet Remade explores the science, history and politics behind these strategies. It looks at who might want to see geoengineering put to use - and why others would be dead set against it. In the last two centuries, changes to the planet - to the clouds and soils, to the winds and the seas, to the great cycles of nitrogen and carbon - have been far more profound than most of us realize.Appreciating the scale of that change compels us to rethink not just our responses to global warming, but our relationship to nature. With sensitivity, insight and expert science, Oliver Morton unpicks the moral implications of climate change, our fear that people have become a force of nature, and what it might mean to try and use that force for good. The Planet Remade is about imagining a world where people take care instead of taking control.

Objev podobné jako The Planet Remade : How Geoengineering Could Change the World (Defekt) - Oliver Morton

cena 139.0 Kč

The Falling : A Brightest Stars Novel (Defekt) - Anna Todd

A new love story from Anna Todd begins with THE FALLING, the first novel in a new trilogy (Brightest Stars) from the #1 internationally best-selling author of the AFTER series. Twenty-year old Karina is proud of the independent life she is trying to create for herself in Ft. Benning, Georgia.A dutiful officer's daughter, supportive sister to a troubled twin brother, and caring friend to her roommate, Elodie, she always puts the needs of others ahead of her own, and prides herself on being a fixer of broken things-whether it's the house she's just bought or the fragmented family she works hard to keep intact. Like anyone who has grown up around an army base, Karina also knows the background noise that follows men and women home from war. And when she meets Kael, a handsome soldier on the cusp of discharge, she's immediately intrigued by his brooding presence and enigmatic silence.As their uncertain and unexpected friendship starts to turn into something more, Karina tries to piece together Kael's story: he is emotionally closed off, recovering from wounds and other trauma in the aftermath of two tours in Afghanistan. In her practice as a physical therapist, Karina has a strong desire to help him heal, and though it challenges her many insecurities and anxieties, she has an equally strong desire to trust him. But that trust is fragile, like the preciousness of a soldier's life.It can be gone in an instant. Ultimately facing a crossroads, their relationship will be tested by the one thing that Karina cannot accept, forgive, or understand. Anna Todd's Brightest Stars trilogy continues with THE BURNING and THE INFINITE LIGHT OF DUST, coming soon.

Objev podobné jako The Falling : A Brightest Stars Novel (Defekt) - Anna Todd

cena 99.0 Kč

Doctor Proctor´s Fart Powder: The End of the World, Maybe (Defekt) - Jo Nesbø

The third laugh-out loud adventure in the Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder series from Jo Nesbo, the most successful Norwegian author of all time. Everyone is hooked on the hottest singing competition on TV, The NoroVision Choral Throwdown! Everyone, that is, except for Doctor Proctor, Nilly and Lisa, who are far too busy having fun to watch TV. But when people start acting oddly, the three friends begin to suspect that there's more to the show than meets the eye... Can it really be hypnotising everyone in Norway? With crazy inventions, disappearing socks, half-men half-frogs, a moon chameleon invasion and, of course, plenty of super-sonic bottom burps, this is going to be the gang's most explosive adventure yet! Can they stop an alien invasion in its tracks, or is this actually the end of the world? In the spirit of Roald Dahl and Lemony Snicket, Doctor Proctor offers a winning combination of humour, adventure, and absurdity that kids (of all ages) will love!PRAISE for the Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder series: 'This terrific book will make you laugh, and cherish your friends' - James Patterson 'plenty of toilet humour, and general silliness that kids love' - The Bookseller 'wickedly entertaining' - The Big Issue 'Lashings of silliness, quirkiness, self-deprecating humour, and a rollicking plot...' - TheBookbag.co.uk 'Fuelled by farts, this is fast-paced and a delightfully ridiculous adventure' - Julia Eccleshare review on lovereading4kids.co.uk 'A superb mix of bizarre and wacky with a little bit of off-beat thrown in. Reminiscent of Roald Dahl it has all the elements to keep children hooked...' - Waterstones

Objev podobné jako Doctor Proctor´s Fart Powder: The End of the World, Maybe (Defekt) - Jo Nesbø

cena 99.0 Kč

This Is Planet Earth : Your Ultimate Guide to the World We Call Home (Defekt)

The Earth as you've never seen it before.The ancient Greeks called it Gaia; the Romans Terra. We know it simply as Earth, the planet we call home. And what a planet it is.Formed around 4.6 billion years ago from the debris of the big bang and long-dead stars, at first it was nothing special, but somehow it evolved to become the most amazing place in the known Universe. The only living planet we know of, it also has a very unusual moon, a remarkably dynamic surface, a complex atmosphere and a deeply mysterious interior.This is Planet Earth is dedicated to the wonders of planet Earth. Its past is long and dramatic and its future shrouded in mystery. Yet despite centuries of research, only now are we starting to understand Earth's complexity.

Objev podobné jako This Is Planet Earth : Your Ultimate Guide to the World We Call Home (Defekt)

cena 149.0 Kč

The Little Frog´s Guide to Self-Care: Affirmations, Self-Love and Life Lessons According to the Internet´s Beloved Mushroom Frog - Maybell Eequay

Hop into this uplifting little book, filled with positive affirmations on self-love and empowerment, as told by the internet's beloved mushroom frog "Don't forget about the subtle magic that is happening all around you every day" Meet the little frog! With its mushroom cap and endless collection of fabulous footwear, this adorable amphibian is here to be your new best friend. Whether you need an emotional boost, some friendly encouragement or an honest view on the world, the little frog will be your guide. Created by the California-based artist Maybell Eequay, this book is a perfect compassionate gift for yourself or others.Inside you will find:- Over 40 hand-drawn illustrations of the little frog- Beautiful life lessons and empowering reminders that it's okay to be gentle with yourself and to feel your feelings- A humorous, no-nonsense approach to positivityThese illustrations will fill your heart with love for yourself and others, and remind you that it's brave and wonderful of you to exist!

Objev podobné jako The Little Frog´s Guide to Self-Care: Affirmations, Self-Love and Life Lessons According to the Internet´s Beloved Mushroom Frog - Maybell Eequay

cena 268.0 Kč

World of Warcraft: Vol´jin: Shadows of the Horde (Defekt) - Michael A. Stackpole

Vol'jin, courageous leader of the Darkspear tribe. His strength and cunning are unmatched even among the Horde's most exalted champions. Now, on the legendary continent of Pandaria, the troll chieftain faces his greatest trial yet, one that may redefine his purpose in the...WORLD OF WARCRAFTWarchief Garrosh's assassins strike at Vol'jin, leaving him at death's door. But fate smiles on the wounded Darkspear leader when renowned brewmaster Chen Stormstout transports him to the safety of an isolated mountain monastery. There, Vol'jin wrestles with old hatreds smoldering between the Alliance and the Horde as he struggles to recover alongside a mysterious human soldier.Yet this is only the beginning of Vol'jin's worries. Soon, he becomes embroiled in an invasion of Pandaria launched by the Zandalari, revered trolls driven by dreams of conquest and power. This ancient tribe offers Vol'jin a chance to seize the glory that is the birthright of all trolls...an offer made even more tempting after Garrosh's brazen treachery.Amid these troubling events, Vol'jin is rocked by intense visions depicting his race's grand history. As he questions where his loyalties lie, he knows he must make a choice about his own destiny that could save his people or damn them to languish under Garrosh's heel in...SHADOWS OF THE HORDE

Objev podobné jako World of Warcraft: Vol´jin: Shadows of the Horde (Defekt) - Michael A. Stackpole

cena 99.0 Kč

Malvína (Defekt) - Anna Szafrańska

Někdy se ten pocit vsákne pod kůži jako inkoust a vytvoří na ní jedinečný vzor.Malvína ovládla hru vzhledů. Každý den nosí masku, kterou si sundává pouze v noci. Tehdy se jí vrací vzpomínky a noční můry. Pouze v noci je nahá a zranitelná.Arek má na zádech vzory, ale nejedná se o tetování. Jsou to vzpomínky, které mu kdosi vryl do kůže. Míval ve svém životě ženu, která mu nabídla to, po čem nejvíc toužil – zapomnění. Tato žena už s ním není.Malvína a Arek mají jedno společné – nehledají lásku a raději se do žádných vztahů nepletou, protože v hloubi duše vědí, že je na konci čeká jen bolest. Ne vždy se nám však stane to, co si přejeme.

Objev podobné jako Malvína (Defekt) - Anna Szafrańska

cena 99.0 Kč

Liliana (Defekt) - Anna Szafrańska

Tetování není jen ozdoba. Často je jako otevřená kniha, do které jsou zaznamenány osudové okamžiky lidského života. Lilianě je osmnáct, když se rozhodne začít samostatný, dospělý život. Proti vůli rodičů opustí rodný dům a odejde s Matějem, klukem, kterého oni odmítají přijmout. Čekají spolu dítě a Liliana věří, že budou šťastná, milující rodina. Opak je pravdou – nemocné dítě, snoubencova závislost a sklony k násilnému chování zničí Lilianin sen. Když pak jedné osudné noci uprchne se synem v náručí před Matějovými kumpány, kteří ji chtějí znásilnit, najde útočiště u Malvíny, mladé ženy, u které už nějakou dobu načerno uklízí, aby si přivydělala. Dívky, od pohledu absolutně odlišné, najdou společnou řeč. Díky Malvíně se Liliana seznámí s talentovaným tatérem Matem. Jejich setkání způsobí, že Liliana, jako motýl vytetovaný na jejích zádech, konečně může roztáhnout křídla. Strhující, emocemi nabitý román o boji za sebe a své nejbližší, o lásce a sebeúctě, o rodině, kterou ne vždy určují jen pokrevní pouta, a o lidech, kteří přes tíhu svých životních osudů dokáží nabídnout nezištnou pomoc a podporu. Liliana je první z románů z cyklu „Pink Tattoo“. Příběhy tří žen, Liliany, Malvíny a Jasmíny, kterým osud uštědřil nejednu ránu, se protínají v tetovacím salónu. Každá z nich bojuje s temnými démony ze své minulosti a snaží se dál žít a hledat smysluplný, naplňující, i když ne vždy jednoduchý vztah.

Objev podobné jako Liliana (Defekt) - Anna Szafrańska

cena 139.0 Kč

Malvína (Defekt) - Anna Szafrańska

Někdy se ten pocit vsákne pod kůži jako inkoust a vytvoří na ní jedinečný vzor.Malvína ovládla hru vzhledů. Každý den nosí masku, kterou si sundává pouze v noci. Tehdy se jí vrací vzpomínky a noční můry. Pouze v noci je nahá a zranitelná.Arek má na zádech vzory, ale nejedná se o tetování. Jsou to vzpomínky, které mu kdosi vryl do kůže. Míval ve svém životě ženu, která mu nabídla to, po čem nejvíc toužil – zapomnění. Tato žena už s ním není.Malvína a Arek mají jedno společné – nehledají lásku a raději se do žádných vztahů nepletou, protože v hloubi duše vědí, že je na konci čeká jen bolest. Ne vždy se nám však stane to, co si přejeme.

Objev podobné jako Malvína (Defekt) - Anna Szafrańska

cena 99.0 Kč

According to Jeeves - Pelham Grenville Wodehouse

**With an introduction by Alan Titchmarsh**''The funniest writer ever to put words to paper'' HUGH LAURIE''Sunlit perfection'' STEPHEN FRY''Paper has rarely been put to better use'' CAITLIN MORAN***A collection of wit and wisdom from the world of WodehouseFeaturing the most iconic quotes from P.G. Wodehouse’s best-loved duo, Jeeves and Wooster, ACCORDING TO JEEVES is the perfect treat for fans old and new!This collection showcases Jeeves'' enlightening views on everything from romance (‘the female of the species is more deadly than the male, sir’) to the best way to avoid an unwanted conversation (‘a trip abroad might prove enjoyable’). The unfaltering valet even offers up his approach to breaking and entering (‘the recognized method in vogue in the burgling industry’).From family life to travel, sports to fashion, and even philosophy – the ingenious Jeeves has always got the answer. And now readers can benefit from his boundless wit and wisdom in one neat package.ACCORDING TO JEEVES is the ultimate stocking filler, and a little slice of joy to satisfy even the most learned Wodehouse fan.*****''Ingenious. Worth reading again and again'' SPECTATOR''Incomparable and timeless genius'' KATE MOSSE

Objev podobné jako According to Jeeves - Pelham Grenville Wodehouse

cena 443.0 Kč

Truth According To Us - Annie Barrowsová

In the summer of 1938, Layla Beck’s father, a United States senator, cuts off her allowance and demands that she find employment on the Federal Writers’ Project, a New Deal jobs program. Within days, Layla finds herself far from her accustomed social whirl, assigned to cover the history of the remote mill town of Macedonia, West Virginia, and destined, in her opinion, to go completely mad with boredom. But once she secures a room in the home of the unconventional Romeyn family, she is drawn into their complex world and soon discovers that the truth of the town is entangled in the thorny past of the Romeyn dynasty.At the Romeyn house, twelve-year-old Willa is desperate to learn everything in her quest to acquire her favorite virtues of ferocity and devotion—a search that leads her into a thicket of mysteries, including the questionable business that occupies her charismatic father and the reason her adored aunt Jottie remains unmarried. Layla’s arrival strikes a match to the family veneer, bringing to light buried secrets that will tell a new tale about the Romeyns. As Willa peels back the layers of her family’s past, and Layla delves deeper into town legend, everyone involved is transformed—and their personal histories completely rewritten.

Objev podobné jako Truth According To Us - Annie Barrowsová

cena 214.0 Kč

Hello Bicycle (Defekt) - Anna Bronesová

An inspirational and encouraging illustrated guide to the world of bicycles and cycling, with practical information on bike buying, riding, repairs, and maintenance as well as countless suggestions on how to better enjoy your wheels, from packing a bike picnic to crafting art projects using spare parts. Believe or not, anyone can be great at cycling. Let Hello, Bicycle empower you. Riding a bike is one of life's simple joys--it's fun, freeing, and good for the planet and our health. Hello, Bicycle is a practical guide to the bike life with real-world advice, covering everything you need to know to up your bicycling game and ride with confidence and style. Filled with everything you need to know about: - Buying new, used, and custom bikes - Making the switch to bike commuting - Riding, locking, and storing your bike - Maintaining your bike at home (and what your mechanic should handle) - Picnicking, traveling, camping, and touring by bicycle - Creating DIY bike projects - And much more! Adorable illustrations and friendly tips will make even the most daunting cycling endeavors seem doable! This inspiring, giftable, informative, and fun handbook offers something for cyclists of all types, whether you're new to biking, looking to get back into it, or a seasoned rider who wants to take it to the next level.

Objev podobné jako Hello Bicycle (Defekt) - Anna Bronesová

cena 59.0 Kč

Guinness World Records 2024 (Defekt)

V nejnovějším vydání Guinness World Records opět přinášíme nejednu kuriozitu. Seznamte se s nejtalentovanějšími domácími mazlíčky, žasněte nad dechberoucími výkony ve sportu, obdivujte umělou inteligenci a virtuální realitu, omrkněte to ve vesmíru, prokoukněte sdělovací média... Čekají vás nejnadanější rekordmani ze všech koutů světa. A víc než tisícovka rekordů ze všech oborů lidské činnosti!

Objev podobné jako Guinness World Records 2024 (Defekt)

cena 289.0 Kč

Velký průšvih (Defekt) - Anna Beatrix Bártová

Vždycky, když Honza s Pavlou přišli někam do společnosti a někdo se jich ptal, kdy si pořídí ještě jedno společné dítě, Honza hlásil, že tohle úplně stačí. Dohromady mají čtyři děti, které jim dokážou dát pořádně zabrat. Byl pevně rozhodnutý, stejně jako Pavla. Další dítě mít prostě nebudou. Nikdy. Ani náhodou! A teď je najednou tady. Těhotenský test. Pozitivní. Velký, VELKÝ průšvih!

Objev podobné jako Velký průšvih (Defekt) - Anna Beatrix Bártová

cena 159.0 Kč

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