Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

The Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith

It is symbolic that Adam Smith's masterpiece of economic analysis, The Wealth of Nations, was first published in 1776, the same year as the Declaration of Independence. In his book, Smith fervently extolled the simple yet enlightened notion that individuals are fully capable of setting and regulating prices for their own goods and services. He argued passionately in favor of free trade, yet stood up for the little guy. The Wealth of Nations provided the first--and still the most eloquent--integrated description of the workings of a market economy. The result of Smith's efforts is a witty, highly readable work of genius filled with prescient theories that form the basis of a thriving capitalist system. This unabridged edition offers the modern reader a fresh look at a timeless and seminal work that revolutionized the way governments and individuals view the creation and dispersion of wealth--and that continues to influence our economy right up to the present day.

Podívejte se také Saxon: Rock The Nations - CD (4050538696516)

cena 214.0 Kč

Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith

Adam Smith (1723-1790) was one of the brightest stars of the eighteenth-century Scottish Enlightenment. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations was his most important book. First published in London in March 1776, it had been eagerly anticipated by Smith's contemporaries and became an immediate bestseller.That edition sold out quickly and others followed. Today, Smith's Wealth of Nations rightfully claims a place in the Western intellectual canon. It is the first book of modern political economy, and still provides the foundation for the study of that discipline.But it is much more than that. Along with important discussions of economics and political theory, Smith mixed plain common sense with large measures of history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and much else. Few texts remind us so clearly that the Enlightenment was very much a lived experience, a concern with improving the human condition in practical ways for real people.A masterpiece by any measure, Wealth of Nations remains a classic of world literature to be usefully enjoyed by readers today.

Podívejte se také CMON: Confusing Mix Of Nations - LP (MEX2811)

cena 148.0 Kč

The Inequality of Wealth - Liam Byrne

The super-rich have never had it so good. But millions of us can’t afford a home, an education or a pension. And unless we change course soon, the future will be even worse. Much worse. But things don’t have to be like this.''An invaluable repository of recent ideas put forward by academics and think-tankers.'' – The Financial Times''Byrne is an engaging writer, and his latest book is full of ideas.'' – The TelegraphIn this bold new book, former Treasury Minister Liam Byrne explains why wealth inequality has grown so fast in recent years; warns how it threatens our society, economy and politics; shows where economics has got it wrong – and lays out a path back to common sense, with five practical ways to rebuild an old ideal: the wealth-owning democracy. Liam Byrne draws on conversations and debates with former prime ministers, presidents and policymakers around the world, together with experts at the OECD, World Bank and IMF, to argue that after twenty years of statistics and slogans it’s time for solutions that aren’t just radical but plausible and achievable as well. The future won’t be a land of milk and honey but it could be a place where we live longer, happier, healthier and wealthier lives.

Podívejte se také Smith Sam: Thrill Of It All (2017) - CD (5785578)

cena 325.0 Kč

World Order: Reflections on the Character of Nations and the Course of History (0141979003)

Kniha - autor Henry Kissinger, 420 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The summation of Henry Kissinger's thinking about history, strategy and statecraft, WORLD ORDER examines the great tectonic plates of history to explain the attitudes that states and empires - and in particular his four great 'world orders', the European, Islamic, Chinese and American - have taken to the rest of the world from the formation of Europe to our own times. Henry Kissinger draws upon a lifetime's historical study and unmatched experience as a world statesman.

Objev podobné jako World Order: Reflections on the Character of Nations and the Course of History (0141979003)

cena 313.0 Kč

Foreign Bodies: Pandemics, Vaccines and the Health of Nations - Simon Schama

Cities and countries engulfed by panic and death, desperate for vaccines but fearful of what inoculation may bring. This is what the world has just gone through with Covid-19. But as Simon Schama shows in his epic history of vulnerable humanity caught between the terror of contagion and the ingenuity of science, it has happened before.Characteristically, with Schama the message is delivered through gripping, page-turning stories set in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: smallpox strikes London; cholera hits Paris; plague comes to India. Threading through the scenes of terror, suffering and hope - in hospitals and prisons, palaces and slums - are an unforgettable cast of characters: a philosopher-playwright burning up with smallpox in a country chateau; a vaccinating doctor paying house calls in Halifax; a woman doctor in south India driving her inoculator-carriage through the stricken streets as dead monkeys drop from the trees. But we are also in the labs when great, life-saving breakthroughs happen, in Paris, Hong Kong and Mumbai.At the heart of it all, an unsung hero: Waldemar Haffkine. A gun-toting Jewish student in Odesa turned microbiologist at the Pasteur Institute, hailed in England as 'the saviour of mankind' for vaccinating millions against cholera and bubonic plague in British India while being cold-shouldered by the medical establishment of the Raj. Creator of the world's first mass production line of vaccines in Mumbai he is tragically brought down in an act of shocking injustice.Foreign Bodies crosses borders between east and west, Asia and Europe, the worlds of rich and poor, politics and science. Its thrilling story carries with it the credo of its author on the interconnectedness of humanity and nature; of the powerful and the people. Ultimately, Schama says, as we face the challenges of our times together, 'there are no foreigners, only familiars'.

Objev podobné jako Foreign Bodies: Pandemics, Vaccines and the Health of Nations - Simon Schama

cena 447.0 Kč

Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty (1846684307)

Kniha - autor Daron Acemoglu; James A. Robinson, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The bestselling book which explains why the world is divided into nations with wildly differing levels of prosperity. The authors argue that a nation's failure is not down to climate, geography or culture, but because of institutions, and draw on a range of contemporary and historical examples. Based on 15 years of research, it was shortlisted for the "Financial Times" and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award 2012.

Objev podobné jako Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty (1846684307)

cena 279.0 Kč

Reign: Conflict of Nations (195459)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: strategie, Reign: Conflict of Nations je rozsáhlá historická real-time strategie pokrývající tři století středověké Evropy. Stanete se vládcem a otestuje svoje schopnosti při řízení jednoho z 26 unikátních frakcí. Budete vymýšlet cesty k fungující ekonomice, vymýšlet politické manévry, udržovat promyšlenou diplomacii, starat se o zdroje a vést války. Historická RTSReign: Conflict of Nations je rozsáhlá historická real-time strategie pokrývající tři století středověké Evropy. Stanete se vládcem a otestuje svoje schopnosti při řízení jednoho z 26 unikátních frakcí.Budete vymýšlet cesty k fungující ekonomice, vymýšlet politické manévry, udržovat promyšlenou diplomacii, starat se o zdroje a vést války. Vypnuto

Objev podobné jako Reign: Conflict of Nations (195459)

cena 89.0 Kč

The Psychology of Money : Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness - Morgan Housel

Doing well with money isn't necessarily about what you know. It's about how you behave. And behavior is hard to teach, even to really smart people. Money-investing, personal finance, and business decisions-is typically taught as a math-based field, where data and formulas tell us exactly what to do. But in the real world people don't make financial decisions on a spreadsheet. They make them at the dinner table, or in a meeting room, where personal history, your own unique view of the world, ego, pride, marketing, and odd incentives are scrambled together. In The Psychology of Money, award-winning author Morgan Housel shares 19 short stories exploring the strange ways people think about money and teaches you how to make better sense of one of life's most important topics.

Objev podobné jako The Psychology of Money : Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness - Morgan Housel

cena 473.0 Kč

Bohatství národů - Adam Smith

Kniha Pojednání o podstatě a původu bohatství národů, pro niž se vžil zkrácený název Bohatství národů, je považována za první systematický a konzistentní výklad ekonomie v historii lidstva. Nepochybně se stala trvalým klenotem světové ekonomické literatury a je zaslouženě nazývána biblí ekonomie. Frekvence citací a odkazů v nově publikovaných článcích, studiích, monografiích, učebnicích a encyklopediích 240 let po prvním vydání tohoto díla je výjimečná. Z tohoto intelektuálního zdroje nečerpají pouze ekonomové a historici, ale také filosofové, etikové, sociologové, právníci a zástupci dalších profesí. Myšlenková hloubka a originalita jsou klíčem k trvalému, neutuchajícímu zájmu širokého okruhu čtenářů. Tyto skutečnosti řadí Bohatství národů do kategorie věčných knih.

Objev podobné jako Bohatství národů - Adam Smith

cena 796.0 Kč

The Way of the Hermit - Ken Smith

The International Bestseller 'A love story to the mountains in the mist, the pulsating northern lights and the red deer at dawn. And to independence' – The Washington Post'A Thoreauvian account of solitary life in the Scottish Highlands . . . delightful' – Kirkus Reviews'Ken Smith’s advice for staying alive in inclement conditions could equally be applied to achieving hard-won dreams' – Geographical'Ken Smith comes across as a thoughtful, resourceful and above all humane man . . . inspiring' – BBC Countryfile Magazine*****Could you leave behind the bustle of modern society and spend your days immersed in nature? In The Way of the Hermit, seventy-four-year-old Ken Smith recounts a life he has chosen to spend alone with the wilderness.Ken Smith has spent the past four decades in the Scottish Highlands. He lives alone, with no electricity or running water. His home is a log cabin nestled near Loch Treig, known as 'the lonely loch', where he lives off the land: he fishes for his supper, chops his own wood, and even brews his own tipple. He is, in the truest sense of the word, a hermit.For the first time, Ken shares the story of his life. From his working-class origins in Derbyshire, to the formative years he spent travelling in the Yukon and finally how he came to be the Hermit of Loch Treig. Looking back through decades of diary entries, Ken reflects upon the reasons he turned his back on society, the vulnerability of old age and the awe and wonder of a life lived in nature. The Way of the Hermit is a humorous, transcendent and life-affirming memoir.

Objev podobné jako The Way of the Hermit - Ken Smith

cena 325.0 Kč

Apis Natural Cosmetics Wealth Of Honey dárková sada na tělo a obličej

Apis Natural Cosmetics Wealth Of Honey, 2 ks, Pleťová séra pro ženy, Vše pro krásně vypadající pokožku v jednom balení. Kosmetická sada Apis Natural Cosmetics Wealth Of Honey udělá radost vám nebo jako dárek potěší vaše blízké. Sada obsahuje: výživný regenerační krém s vitamínem A a E 100 ml výživné tělové mléko s mandlovým olejem 200 ml Vlastnosti: hloubkově hydratuje pokožku intenzivně vyživuje a zvláčňuje regeneruje pleť a předchází jejímu podráždění skvěle se hodí jako dárek Jak používat: Každý produkt z kosmetického setu používejte dle jeho návodu.

Objev podobné jako Apis Natural Cosmetics Wealth Of Honey dárková sada na tělo a obličej

cena 278.0 Kč

Teorie mravních citů - Adam Smith

Teorie mravních citů je podkladem, který Adamu Smithovi poskytl etické, filosofické a metodologické základy pro jeho magnum opus Bohatství národů – knihu, která z něj po právu učinila zakladatele ekonomie. Jako jednotlivci máme přirozenou tendenci starat se sami o sebe. Jako společenské bytosti, vysvětluje v této knize Smith, jsme však také obdařeni empatií vůči ostatním. Když vidíme, že se druzí trápí nebo jsou šťastní, cítíme s nimi – i když ne tak silně. Postupně si díky zkušenostem vlastním ale i cizím, které pozorujeme z pohledu nezaujatého diváka, vytváříme systém pravidel chování – morálku.Morálka není něco, co bychom museli vypočítávat. Je přirozená, zabudovaná do nás jako do společenských bytostí. Svoboda a přirozenost, tvrdí Smith, jsou jistějším vodítkem k vytvoření harmonické, fungující společnosti než domnělý rozum filozofů.

Objev podobné jako Teorie mravních citů - Adam Smith

cena 608.0 Kč

CMON: Confusing Mix Of Nations - LP (MEX2811)

LP vinyl - CMON je nový projekt Joshe da Costy a Jamen Whitelocka. Ačkoliv se etablovali jako členové newyorské kapely Regal Degal, měli pocit jisté svázanosti. Tu zcela zahodili na albu Confusing Mix Of Nations. CMON je nový projekt Joshe da Costy a Jamen Whitelocka. Ačkoliv se etablovali jako členové newyorské kapely Regal Degal, měli pocit jisté svázanosti. Tu zcela zahodili na albu Confusing Mix Of Nations. Obsah: Coo Good To Know Dreamfucking Celluloid Mindboggling Peter Pan Sam Letdown

Objev podobné jako CMON: Confusing Mix Of Nations - LP (MEX2811)

cena 479.0 Kč

The Rhythm of the Rain - Grahame Baker-Smith

A breathtaking non-fiction picture book about the water cycle

Objev podobné jako The Rhythm of the Rain - Grahame Baker-Smith

cena 232.0 Kč

The Song of the Tree - Bickford-Smith Coralie

'A masterwork, every page a sumptuous feast of colour and composition' - Financial Times, Summer Books of 2020 The lyrical, heart-warming new tale from the award-winning designer and creator of The Fox and the Star Bird loves to sing in the towering tree at the heart of the jungle. It feels like home.When the season changes she must say goodbye, but she isn't ready to let go.As she listens to the other animals, Bird learns to sing a new song.

Objev podobné jako The Song of the Tree - Bickford-Smith Coralie

cena 357.0 Kč

Call of the Raven - Wilbur Smith

The son of a wealthy plantation owner and a doting mother, Mungo St John is accustomed to the wealth and luxuries his privilege has afforded him. That is until he returns from university to discover his family ruined, his inheritance stolen and his childhood sweetheart, Camilla, taken by the conniving Chester Marion. Fuelled by anger, and love, Mungo swears vengeance and devotes his life to saving Camilla - and destroying Chester. Camilla, trapped in New Orleans, powerless to her position as a kept slave and suffering at the hands of Chester's brutish behaviour, must learn to do whatever it takes to survive. As Mungo battles his own fate and misfortune to achieve the revenge that drives him, and regain his power in the world, he must question what it takes for a man to survive when he has nothing, and what he is willing to do in order to get what he wants.

Objev podobné jako Call of the Raven - Wilbur Smith

cena 536.0 Kč

Year of the Monkey - Patti Smith

Following a run of New Year's concerts at San Francisco's legendary Fillmore, Patti Smith finds herself tramping the coast of Santa Cruz, about to embark on a year of solitary wandering. Unfettered by logic or time, she draws us into her private wonderland, with no design yet heeding signs, including a talking sign that looms above her, prodding and sparring like the Cheshire Cat. In February, a surreal lunar year begins, bringing with it unexpected turns, heightened mischief, and inescapable sorrow. In a stranger's words, "Anything is possible: after all, it's the year of the monkey." For Patti Smith - inveterately curious, always exploring, tracking thoughts, writing the year evolves as one of reckoning with the changes in life's gyre: with loss, aging, and a dramatic shift in the political landscape of America.Smith melds the Western landscape with her own dreamscape. Taking us from Southern California to the Arizona desert; to a Kentucky farm as the amanuensis of a friend in crisis; to the hospital room of a valued mentor; and by turns to remembered and imagined places - this haunting memoir blends fact and fiction with poetic mastery. The unexpected happens; grief and disillusionment. But as Patti Smith heads toward a new decade in her own life, she offers this balm to the reader: her wisdom, wit, gimlet eye, and above all, a rugged hope of a better world.Riveting, elegant, often humorous, illustrated by Smith's signature Polaroids, Year of the Monkey is a moving and original work, a touchstone for our turbulent times.

Objev podobné jako Year of the Monkey - Patti Smith

cena 312.0 Kč

The Anthology of Rap - Bradley Adam

An extraordinary collection of lyrics showcasing rap's poetic depth and diversityFrom the school yards of the South Bronx to the tops of the Billboard charts, rap has emerged as one of the most influential musical and cultural forces of our time. In The Anthology of Rap, editors Adam Bradley and Andrew DuBois explore rap as a literary form, demonstrating that rap is also a wide-reaching and vital poetic tradition born of beats and rhymes.This pioneering anthology brings together more than three hundred rap and hip-hop lyrics written over thirty years, from the "old school" to the "golden age" to the present day. Rather than aim for encyclopedic coverage, Bradley and DuBois render through examples the richness and diversity of rap's poetic tradition. They feature both classic lyrics that helped define the genre, including Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five's "The Message" and Eric B. & Rakim's "Microphone Fiend," as well as lesser-known gems like Blackalicious's "Alphabet Aerobics" and Jean Grae's "Hater's Anthem."Both a fan's guide and a resource for the uninitiated, The Anthology of Rap showcases the inventiveness and vitality of rap's lyrical art. The volume also features an overview of rap poetics and the forces that shaped each period in rap's historical development, as well as a foreword by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and afterwords by Chuck D and Common. Enter the Anthology to experience the full range of rap's artistry and discover a rich poetic tradition hiding in plain sight.

Objev podobné jako The Anthology of Rap - Bradley Adam

cena 626.0 Kč

Children of the Lens - Smith E.E. 'Doc'

It was beginning to look as though no one could prevent the annihilation of the civilized Universe. For a weird intelligence was directing the destruction of all civilization from the icy depths of outer space.Kim Kinnison of the Galactic Patrol was one of the few men who knew how near the end was. And in the last desperate stratagem to save the Universe from total destruction, he knew he had to use his children as bait for the evil powers of the hell-planet Ploor . . .Children of the Lens is the sixth self-contained novel in E. E. 'Doc' Smith's epic Lensman series, one of the all-time classics of adventurous, galaxy-spanning science fiction.

Objev podobné jako Children of the Lens - Smith E.E. 'Doc'

cena 250.0 Kč

The Creatures of Killburn Mine - Dan Smith

A meteorite harbouring an alien lifeform crashes to Earth with horrifying consequences in this gruesome and gripping tale from master of creepy sci-fi Dan Smith.What’s slithering about deep underground …?When a meteorite crashes to Earth near Crooked Oak, Pete, Nancy and Krish are determined to find it. But they’re not the only ones …After spotting one of their teachers up on the moor where the meteorite landed, they start to wonder if his strangely altered behaviour and appearance might be connected to the arrival from outer space. But nothing could prepare them for the horror they uncover deep down in Killburn Mine …

Objev podobné jako The Creatures of Killburn Mine - Dan Smith

cena 236.0 Kč

Teorie mravních citů - Adam Smith - e-kniha

eBook: Teorie mravních citů je podkladem, který Adamu Smithovi poskytl etické, filosofické a metodologické základy pro jeho magnum opus Bohatství národů – knihu, která z něj po právu učinila zakladatele ekonomie. Jako jednotlivci máme přirozenou tendenci starat se sami o sebe. Jako společenské bytosti, vysvětluje v této knize Smith, jsme však také obdařeni empatií vůči ostatním. Když vidíme, že se druzí trápí nebo jsou šťastní, cítíme s nimi – i když ne tak silně. Postupně si díky zkušenostem vlastním ale i cizím, které pozorujeme z pohledu nezaujatého diváka, vytváříme systém pravidel chování – morálku.Morálka není něco, co bychom museli vypočítávat. Je přirozená, zabudovaná do nás jako do společenských bytostí. Svoboda a přirozenost, tvrdí Smith, jsou jistějším vodítkem k vytvoření harmonické, fungující společnosti než domnělý rozum filozofů.

Objev podobné jako Teorie mravních citů - Adam Smith - e-kniha

cena 399.0 Kč

The Worlds of Wes Anderson - Adam Woodward

In each of his films, Wes Anderson builds entire worlds that fans tend to feel somehow really should exist. Discover the rich veins of inspiration that he weaves into this unique magic. Anderson’s colorful and richly structured style is universally admired – but how has he managed to create such an enigmatic visual signature? Like many key creatives, he’s found inspiration in a huge host of varied influences. From Hitchcock and Spielberg, to Truffaut and Varda, there are countless filmic homages and references scattered throughout Anderson’s filmography, while his cultural anchor points also go deep beyond film, and into the worlds of art and literature. Evocations of place and time also underpin his work, from mid-century Paris in The French Dispatch, to grand pre-war Europe in The Grand Budapest Hotel, while cultural institutions – such as Jacques Cousteau and The New Yorker magazine – are other touchstones. For Wes Anderson fans and cinephiles alike, uncover the fascinating creative process of one of the world’s most revered filmmakers.

Objev podobné jako The Worlds of Wes Anderson - Adam Woodward

cena 738.0 Kč

Apis Natural Cosmetics Wealth Of Honey hydratační krém pro citlivou a suchou pleť 100 ml

Apis Natural Cosmetics Wealth Of Honey, 100 ml, Pleťové krémy pro ženy, Pleťový krém Apis Natural Cosmetics Wealth Of Honey poskytne vaší tváři každý den přesně takovou péči, jakou si zaslouží. Vlastnosti: rychle se vstřebává intenzivně hydratuje redukuje vrásky a předchází jejich vzniku dodává pleti svěžest a jas Složení: obsahuje minimálně 94 % složek přírodního původu Jak používat: Naneste na očištěnou pleť a vmasírujte krouživými pohyby. Aplikujte na tvář, krk i dekolt. Používejte každé ráno a/nebo večer.

Objev podobné jako Apis Natural Cosmetics Wealth Of Honey hydratační krém pro citlivou a suchou pleť 100 ml

cena 130.0 Kč

Apis Natural Cosmetics Wealth Of Honey výživný regenerační krém s vitamínem A a E 100 ml

Apis Natural Cosmetics Wealth Of Honey, 100 ml, Pleťové krémy pro ženy, Nechcete podcenit péči o pleť? Používejte každý den pleťový krém – je to základ péče o pleť, bez kterého se neobejde běžná kosmetická rutina, ať už je zaměřená na jakýkoli typ pleti s jakýmikoli potřebami. Pleťový krém Apis Natural Cosmetics Wealth Of Honey podpoří přirozené kožní funkce, pomůže udržet pleť hydratovanou a v rovnováze a přispěje k celkově zdravějšímu vzhledu. Vlastnosti: intenzivně hydratuje regeneruje a vitalizuje dodává pleti svěžest a jas redukuje vrásky a předchází jejich vzniku Složení: obsahuje minimálně 93 % složek přírodního původu Jak používat: Naneste na očištěnou pleť a vmasírujte krouživými pohyby. Aplikujte na tvář, krk i dekolt. Používejte každé ráno a/nebo večer.

Objev podobné jako Apis Natural Cosmetics Wealth Of Honey výživný regenerační krém s vitamínem A a E 100 ml

cena 132.0 Kč

The Private Life of Spies - Alexander McCall Smith

During WW2 there was a rumour that German spies were landing by parachute in Britain, dressed as nuns...Conradin Muller was an unusual spy. He was recruited in Hamburg in June 1943, much against his will, and sent on his first, and only, mission in late September that year. He failed to send a single report back to Germany, and when the War came to an end in May 1945, he fell to his knees and wept with relief.From a highly reluctant German spy who is drawn to an East Anglian nunnery as his only means of escape, to the strange tale of one of the Cambridge spy ring's adventures with a Russian dwarf, these are Alexander McCall Smith's intriguing and typically inventive stories from the world of espionage.

Objev podobné jako The Private Life of Spies - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 402.0 Kč

The Careful Use Of Compliments - Alexander McCall Smith

For philosophically minded Isabel Dalhousie, editor of the Review of Applied Ethics, getting through life with a clear conscience requires careful thought. And with the arrival of baby Charlie, not to mention a passionate relationship with his father Jamie, fourteen years her junior, Isabel enters deeper and rougher waters.Late motherhood is not the only challenge facing Isabel. Even as she negotiates a truce with her furious niece Cat, and struggles for authority over her son with her formidable housekeeper Grace, Isabel finds herself drawn into the story of a painter's mysterious death off the island of Jura. Perhaps most seriously of all, Isabel's professional existence and that of her beloved Review come under attack from the machiavellian and suspiciously handsome Professor Dove.A master storyteller whether debating ethics in Edinburgh or pursuing lady detectives in Africa, here Alexander McCall Smith is as witty and wise as his irresistibly spirited heroine.

Objev podobné jako The Careful Use Of Compliments - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 259.0 Kč

The Private Life of Spies - Alexander McCall Smith

During WW2 there was a rumour that German spies were landing by parachute in Britain, dressed as nuns... Conradin Muller was an unusual spy. He was recruited in Hamburg in June 1943, much against his will, and sent on his first, and only, mission in late September that year.He failed to send a single report back to Germany, and when the War came to an end in May 1945, he fell to his knees and wept with relief. From a highly reluctant German spy who is drawn to an East Anglian nunnery as his only means of escape, to the strange tale of one of the Cambridge spy ring's adventures with a Russian dwarf, these are Alexander McCall Smith's intriguing and typically inventive stories from the world of espionage. 'Spy-masterful storytelling' Sunday Post'Delightfully old-fashioned and prudent of prose, McCall Smith unspools his tales' Daily Mail'[Adds] another treasure to McCall Smith's already glittering library' New York Journal of Books

Objev podobné jako The Private Life of Spies - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 295.0 Kč

The Conditions of Unconditional Love - Alexander McCall Smith

BOOK 15 IN THE MUCH-LOVED ISABEL DALHOUSIE SERIES''You can''t go out of the house without tripping over a philosophical question.'' That is a remark made by Isabel Dalhousie to Jamie, the bassoonist who is her handsome younger husband. Isabel''s own life, of course, points to the truth of this observation: she seems to attract philosophical problems in much the same way as a magnet attracts iron filings.In this latest movement in the symphony of her life, Isabel is faced with novel challenges, each of which tests her resolution to do the right thing. Dawn, a nurse in an infectious diseases ward, is let down by her lover and needs a place to live. Not surprisingly, Isabel offers her a roof over her head. What do you do, though if your house-guest locks herself away and avoids all contact?And then there is the pompous and slippery Professor Robert Lettuce. He is planning a prestigious conference, and involves Isabel in it. But look at the budget: why is there such a large payment for Lettuce himself and for a young female assistant? Isabel is suspicious.Other intriguing problems abound, including Isabel''s involvement in a book group threatened by discord and bickering. Isabel remains calm. Of course she does. She knows the power of love, reason, and a clear head to resolve all of these issues, and more.PRAISE FOR THE ISABEL DALHOUSIE NOVELS:''Isabel Dalhousie''s charm is undeniable'' Sunday Times''The No. 2 Lady Detective . . . anyone who loves Precious cannot fail to be charmed'' Mail on Sunday''Delightful . . . McCall Smith is a writer who celebrates kindness, in short supply in the world today'' Sunday Telegraph''McCall Smith''s greatest gift as a writer - and God knows this is just one of many - is that he can write likeable characters'' New Statesman

Objev podobné jako The Conditions of Unconditional Love - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 561.0 Kč

The Discreet Charm of the Big Bad Wolf - Alexander McCall Smith

In the hilarious new novel in the best-selling Detective Varg series, Ulf Varg will need to resolve both a sensitive crime and his own delicate dilemma in the hopes of preserving the peace.The Department of Sensitive Crimes is downsizing in light of a recent downturn of sensitive crime, and staff members are wondering who among them will be transferred elsewhere. As the bickering between colleagues intensifies, Ulf tries his best to stay above the fray. But when Anna, a longtime friend and coworker, appears to blame him for an old case that went sideways, it seems she may be putting her own job prospects above their friendship.In the midst of all this, Ulf embarks on an important inquiry: a man''s cabin has mysteriously disappeared and Ulf is tasked with finding out what happened. How exactly does one steal a house? And, more to the point, how does one track down a stolen house? Meanwhile, a promising veterinary treatment for deafness in dogs has been announced, and Ulf''s dog, Martin, might be the perfect patient.This latest novel is another masterful, farcical installment in the series that defines the genre that Alexander McCall Smith is singlehandedly championing: Scandi blanc.

Objev podobné jako The Discreet Charm of the Big Bad Wolf - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 295.0 Kč

The 99 Boyfriends of Micah Summers - Adam Sass

Will Boy 100 be the One?Micah is rich, dreamy, and charming. As the “Prince of Chicago,”—the son of local celebrity sports radio host known as the King of Chicago—he has everything going for him. Unfortunately, he’s also the prince of imaginary meet-cutes, since he’s too nervous to actually ask boys out.Instead, Micah draws each crush to share on Instagram with a post about their imaginary dates. Ninety-nine “boyfriends” later, his account is hugely popular, and everyone is eagerly awaiting Boy 100. So is Micah. He’s determined that Boy 100 will be different. This time, Micah will sweep the boy off his feet, for real!So when Micah flirts with a hot boy on the L who’s wearing a vegan leather jacket and lugging a ton of library books, he is sure this is Boy 100. But right before he can make his move and ask for the boy’s number, the guy rushes off the train, leaving behind his pumpkin-embroidered jacket. The jacket holds clues to the boy’s identity, so Micah and his friends set off on a quest to return it. Along the way, Micah will discover that the best relationships aren’t fairy tales. In fact, the perfect fit—and true love—might be closer than he thinks.

Objev podobné jako The 99 Boyfriends of Micah Summers - Adam Sass

cena 268.0 Kč

The 99 Boyfriends of Micah Summers - Adam Sass

A charming YA rom-com perfect for fans of Red, White, and Royal Blue and What If It’s Us. Micah Summers runs a popular Instagram full of drawings of his numerous imaginary boyfriends (ninety-nine so far)—though he's never had a real boyfriend before. But when a meet-cute with Boy 100 goes wrong, Micah embarks on a Prince Charming-like quest throughout Chicago to find true love—for real this time.Will Boy 100 be the One? Micah is rich, dreamy, and charming. As the “Prince of Chicago,”—the son of local celebrity sports radio host known as the King of Chicago—he has everything going for him. Unfortunately, he’s also the prince of imaginary meet-cutes, since he’s too nervous to actually ask boys out. Instead, Micah draws each crush to share on Instagram with a post about their imaginary dates. Ninety-nine “boyfriends” later, his account is hugely popular, and everyone is eagerly awaiting Boy 100. So is Micah. He’s determined that Boy 100 will be different. This time, Micah will sweep the boy off his feet, for real! So when Micah flirts with a hot boy on the L who’s wearing a vegan leather jacket and lugging a ton of library books, he is sure this is Boy 100. But right before he can make his move and ask for the boy’s number, the guy rushes off the train, leaving behind his pumpkin-embroidered jacket. The jacket holds clues to the boy’s identity, so Micah and his friends set off on a quest to return it. Along the way, Micah will discover that the best relationships aren’t fairy tales. In fact, the perfect fit—and true love—might be closer than he thinks.

Objev podobné jako The 99 Boyfriends of Micah Summers - Adam Sass

cena 299.0 Kč

Saxon: Rock The Nations - CD (4050538696516)

Hudební CD - Osmé album „Rock The Nations”, které prvně vyšlo 13. 10. 1986, nyní vychází v reedici rozšířené o řadu bonusů. Osmé album „Rock The Nations”, které prvně vyšlo 13. 10. 1986, nyní vychází v reedici rozšířené o řadu bonusů. Saxon patří k zásadním kapelám heavy metalu. Ovlivnili celou řadu následovníků včetně skupin Metallica nebo Megadeth. V Anglii, kde byl heavy metal v osmdesátých letech velmi populární, se hned čtyřikrát dostali do Top 10 nejprodávanějších desek a stali se jednou z nejúspěšnějších britských rockových kapel všech dob. Rok vydání : 1986 (8.album) Rok reedice : 2022 Seznam stop CD Rock the Nations (2010 - Remaster) / Battle Cry (2010 - Remaster) / Waiting for the Night (2010 - Remaster) / We Came Here to Rock (2010 - Remaster) / You Ain't No Angel (2010 - Remaster) / Running Hot (2010 - Remaster) / Party Til You Puke (2010 - Remaster) / Empty Promises (2010 - Remaster) / Northern Lady (2010 - Remaster) / Chase the Fade...

Objev podobné jako Saxon: Rock The Nations - CD (4050538696516)

cena 209.0 Kč

The Stellar Debut of Galactica MacFee - Alexander McCall Smith

Book 17 in the hugely popular 44 Scotland Street series by worldwide bestselling author Alexander McCall SmithGlasgow for Bertie is the promised land. The city of pies and Irn Bru, far from his controlling mother, Irene - his place of escape. But how will he respond to the news of the proposed merging of Edinburgh and Glasgow? A new member of Bertie''s class at school is causing ripples in his social circle. She is called Galactica MacFee and is going to be a match for Olive and her lieutenant, Pansy. And, an incredible new discovery: a Pictish stone, that is said to have the first-know written poem carved into it is the talk of the town. But, when the poem is eventually translated, it is thought it is best to keep it under wraps. In this new instalment in the perennially popular 44 Scotland Street series, we are back in the world of Angus and Domenico, Bruce, Matthew and Elspeth, and, of course, Bertie and his friend Ranald Braveheart Macpherson.PRAISE FOR THE 44 SCOTLAND STREET SERIES:''Perfect escapist fiction'' The Times''Simple, elegantly written and gently insightful'' Good Book Guide''A joyous, charming portrait of city life and human foibles'' Sunday Express''Does for Edinburgh what Armistead Maupin did for San Francisco... A light-hearted, genial soap opera'' Financial Times

Objev podobné jako The Stellar Debut of Galactica MacFee - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 295.0 Kč

The Stellar Debut of Galactica MacFee - Alexander McCall Smith

Glasgow for Bertie is the promised land. The city of pies and Irn Bru, far from his controlling mother, Irene – his place of escape. But how will he respond to the news of the proposed merging of Edinburgh and Glasgow? A new member of Bertie’s class at school is causing ripples in his social circle. She is called Galactica MacFee and is going to be a match for Olive and her lieutenant, Pansy.And, an incredible new discovery: a Pictish stone, that is said to have the first-know written poem carved into it is the talk of the town. But, when the poem is eventually translated, it is thought it is best to keep it under wraps.In this new instalment in the perennially popular 44 Scotland series, we are back in the world of Angus and Domenico, Bruce, Matthew and Elspeth, and, of course, Bertie and his friend Ranald Braveheart Macpherson. Filled with Alexander McCall Smith’s trademark wit, warmth and humour, this new book is a must-read.

Objev podobné jako The Stellar Debut of Galactica MacFee - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 532.0 Kč

The House of Unexpected Sisters (Defekt) - Alexander McCall Smith

Precious Ramotswe learns valuable lessons about first impressions and forgiveness in this latest installment of the much-loved, best-selling No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series. At Botswana's No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, Precious Ramotswe and Grace Makutsi are intrigued by the troubling dismissal of an employee at a thriving local business. The ladies proceed with investigations as they are inclined to do - with Mma Makutsi's customary vigour, and Mma Ramotswe's rather more subtle caution. Soon enough, interesting discoveries are made... marital subterfuge, undue influence and commercial chicanery! Clearly, there is more to this dismissal than at first imagined. While Mma Makutsi's focus, as self-appointed Principal Investigating Officer, is firmly on the case, Mma Ramotswe's attention is diverted by personal matters. Not only has her disgraced ex-husband reappeared in town, but she has stumbled on an unsettling family secret of her own - one that might threaten what she holds closest to her heart. As Precious contemplates this painful possibility, she must draw on her strength and compassion and confront The House of Unexpected Sisters. And for both Mma Makutsi and Mma Ramotswe, the wise words of their mentor Clovis Andersen - 'the needle swings in confusing ways' - have never been more prescient . . .

Objev podobné jako The House of Unexpected Sisters (Defekt) - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 49.0 Kč

The Stoic Path to Wealth - Darius Foroux

The Stoics understood that if you can control your reactions and manage your emotions, you can achieve success. The same principles apply to our financial lives today. The only way to beat inflation and grow your wealth is by investing. The greatest investors approach the markets with discipline, emotional distance, and self-mastery—lessons that the Stoics have been teaching us for thousands of years. Combining ancient wisdom with practical investment strategies drawn from analysis of the greatest investors of all time, The Stoic Path to Wealth will teach you how to: cultivate an investing edge by managing your emotions and developing your unique skills and talents. develop the discipline to ignore short-term market fluctuations and avoid living in the future. foster a mindset that allows you to enjoy what you have and avoid greed. create a sustainable approach to trading. As financial markets become increasingly unpredictable and chaotic, The Stoic Path to Wealth offers the key to weathering any economic storm while building wealth that will last a lifetime and beyond.

Objev podobné jako The Stoic Path to Wealth - Darius Foroux

cena 447.0 Kč

The Secret Life of John le Carré - Adam Sisman

Secrecy came naturally to John le Carré, and there were some secrets that he fought fiercely to keep. Nowhere was this more so than in his private life. Apparently content in his marriage, the novelist conducted a string of love affairs over four decades.To keep these relationships secret, he made use of tradecraft that he had learned as a spy: code names and cover stories, cut outs, safe houses and dead letter boxes. Such affairs introduced both jeopardy and excitement into what was otherwise a quiet, ordered life. Le Carré seemed to require the stimulus they provided in order to write, though this meant deceiving those closest to him.It is no coincidence that betrayal became a recurrent theme in his work. Adam Sisman's definitive biography, published in 2015, revealed much about the elusive spy-turned-novelist; yet le Carré was adamant that some subjects should remain hidden, at least during his lifetime. The Secret Life of John le Carré is the story of what was left out, and offers reflections on the difficult relationship between biographer and subject.More than that, it adds a necessary coda to the life and work of this complex, driven, restless man. The Secret Life of John le Carré reveals a hitherto-hidden perspective on the life and work of the spy-turned-author and a fascinating meditation on the complex relationship between biographer and subject.

Objev podobné jako The Secret Life of John le Carré - Adam Sisman

cena 312.0 Kč

Other Minds : The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life - Peter Godfrey-Smith

SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2017 ROYAL SOCIETY SCIENCE BOOK PRIZE What if intelligent life on Earth evolved not once, but twice? The octopus is the closest we will come to meeting an intelligent alien. What can we learn from the encounter? In Other Minds, Peter Godfrey-Smith, a distinguished philosopher of science and a skilled scuba diver, tells a bold new story of how nature became aware of itself – a story that largely occurs in the ocean, where animals first appeared. Tracking the mind’s fitful development from unruly clumps of seaborne cells to the first evolved nervous systems in ancient relatives of jellyfish, he explores the incredible evolutionary journey of the cephalopods, which began as inconspicuous molluscs who would later abandon their shells to rise above the ocean floor, searching for prey and acquiring the greater intelligence needed to do so – a journey completely independent from the route that mammals and birds would later take. But what kind of intelligence do cephalopods possess? How did the octopus, a solitary creature with little social life, become so smart? What is it like to have eight tentacles that are so packed with neurons that they virtually ‘think for themselves’? By tracing the question of inner life back to its roots and comparing human beings with our most remarkable animal relatives, Godfrey-Smith casts crucial new light on the octopus mind – and on our own.

Objev podobné jako Other Minds : The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life - Peter Godfrey-Smith

cena 286.0 Kč

Sam Smith - The Thrill Of It All (White Coloured) (LP)

Žánr: Blues;Pop Interpret / Téma: Sam Smith Barva podle výrobce: White Rok vydání: 2017.0 Typ: LP deska;Album;Barevná Datum vydání: 2017-11-03 Vydavatelství: Capitol Records Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Subžánr: Blues;Pop Varianta: The Thrill Of It All (White Coloured Vinyl LP) Balení obsahuje: LP Složení setu: 1 ks Země původu: Evropská unie Hmotnost: 180 g Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země interpreta: Spojené království Barva: Bílá

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cena 842.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: Tears of the Giraffe - Alexander McCall Smith

Contemporary / British EnglishThe second exciting story from The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency series. Precious Ramotswe is now known as Botswanas first and only lady detective and has many cases. Shes looking for a young American who disappeared ten years ago. Will she finally marry Mr JLB Matekoni?

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: Tears of the Giraffe - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 234.0 Kč

Schadenfreude : The Joy of Another´s Misfortune - Tiffany Watt Smith

An entertaining and insightful exploration of schadenfreude: the deliciously dark and complex joy we've all felt, from time to time, at news of others' misfortunes. You might feel schadenfreude when... the boss calls himself "Head of Pubic Services" on an important letter.a cool guy swings back on his chair, and it tips over.a Celebrity Vegan is caught in the cheese aisle. an aggressive driver cuts you off - and then gets pulled over.your co-worker heats up fish in the microwave, then gets food poisoning.an urban unicyclist almost collides with a parked car.someone cuts the line for the ATM - and then it swallows their card.your effortlessly attractive friend gets dumped. We all know the pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune. The Germans named this furtive delight in another's failure schadenfreude (from schaden damage, and freude, joy), and it has perplexed philosophers and psychologists for centuries. Why can it be so satisfying to witness another's distress? And what, if anything, should we do about it? Schadenfreude illuminates this hidden emotion, inviting readers to reflect on its pleasures, and how we use other people's miseries to feel better about ourselves. Written in an exploratory, evocative form, it weaves examples from literature, philosophy, film, and music together with personal observation and historical and cultural analysis. And in today's world of polarized politics, twitter trolls and "sidebars of shame," it couldn't be timelier. Engaging, insightful, and entertaining, Schadenfreude makes the case for thinking afresh about the role this much-maligned emotion plays in our lives -- perhaps even embracing it.

Objev podobné jako Schadenfreude : The Joy of Another´s Misfortune - Tiffany Watt Smith

cena 312.0 Kč

The Cult of We: WeWork, Adam Neumann, and the Great Startup Delusion (059323975X)

Kniha - autor Eliot Brown; Maureen Farrell, 464 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The inside story of WeWork, its audacious founder, and what its epic unraveling says about a financial system drunk on the elixir of Silicon Valley innovation—from the Wall Street Journal correspondents (recently featured in the WeWork Hulu documentary) whose scoop-filled reporting hastened the company’s downfall.

Objev podobné jako The Cult of We: WeWork, Adam Neumann, and the Great Startup Delusion (059323975X)

cena 412.0 Kč

The Hidden Globe: How Wealth Hacks the World - Abrahamian Atossa Araxia

Borders draw one map of the world; money draws another. A journalist’s riveting account exposes a parallel universe exempt from the laws of the land, and how the wealthy and powerful benefit from it.The map of the globe shows the world we think we know: sovereign nations that grant and restrict their citizens’ rights. Beneath, above, and tucked inside its neatly delineated borders, however, a parallel universe has been engineered into existence, consisting of thousands of extraterritorial zones that operate largely autonomously, increasingly for the benefit of the wealthy and powerful.Atossa Abrahamian traces the rise of the hidden globe to thirteenth-century Switzerland, where poor cantons marketed the commodity they had—bodies, in the form of mercenary fighters. Following its evolution around the world, she reveals how prize-winning economists, eccentric theorists, visionary statesmen, and consultants masterminded its export in the form of free trade zones, flags of convenience, offshore detention centers where immigrants languish in limbo, and charter cities controlled by by foreign governments and multinational foreign corporations—and even into outer space, where tiny Luxembourg aspires to mining rights on asteroids.

Objev podobné jako The Hidden Globe: How Wealth Hacks the World - Abrahamian Atossa Araxia

cena 473.0 Kč

Adam Smith : What He Thought, and Why it Matters - Norman Jesse

Adam Smith is now widely regarded as 'the father of modern economics' and the most influential economist who ever lived. But what he really thought, and what the implications of his ideas are, remain fiercely contested. Was he an eloquent advocate of capitalism and the freedom of the individual? Or a prime mover of 'market fundamentalism' and an apologist for inequality and human selfishness? Or something else entirely? Jesse Norman's brilliantly conceived \book gives us not just Smith's economics, but his vastly wider intellectual project. Against the turbulent backdrop of Enlightenment Scotland, it lays out a succinct and highly engaging account of Smith's life and times, reviews his work as a whole and traces his influence over the past two centuries.But this book is not only a biography. It dispels the myths and debunks the caricatures that have grown up around Adam Smith. It explores Smith's ideas in detail, from ethics to law to economics and government, and the impact of those i

Objev podobné jako Adam Smith : What He Thought, and Why it Matters - Norman Jesse

cena 599.0 Kč

Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things - Adam Grant

"This brilliant book will shatter your assumptions about what it takes to improve and succeed. I wish I could go back in time and gift it to my younger self. It would've helped me find a more joyful path to progress."-Serena Williams, 23-time Grand Slam singles tennis championThe #1 New York Times bestselling author of Think Again illuminates how we can elevate ourselves and others to unexpected heights.We live in a world that's obsessed with talent.We celebrate gifted students in school, natural athletes in sports, and child prodigies in music. But admiring people who start out with innate advantages leads us to overlook the distance we ourselves can travel. We underestimate the range of skills that we can learn and how good we can become.We can all improve at improving. And when opportunity doesn't knock, there are ways to build a door.Hidden Potential offers a new framework for raising aspirations and exceeding expectations. Adam Grant weaves together groundbreaking evidence, surprising insights, and vivid storytelling that takes us from the classroom to the boardroom, the playground to the Olympics, and underground to outer space.He shows that progress depends less on how hard you work than how well you learn. Growth is not about the genius you possess-it's about the character you develop. Grant explores how to build the character skills and motivational structures to realize our own potential, and how to design systems that create opportunities for those who have been underrated and overlooked.Many writers have chronicled the habits of superstars who accomplish great things.This book reveals how anyone can rise to achieve greater things. The true measure of your potential is not the height of the peak you've reached, but how far you've climbed to get there.

Objev podobné jako Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things - Adam Grant

cena 447.0 Kč

The Last Tree: A Seed of Hope - Luke Adam Hawker

From the Sunday Times bestselling author of Together, and in the highly successful genre of The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse, Luke Hawker's new book is a superbly illustrated narrative that evokes the fragility and beauty of our natural world.

Objev podobné jako The Last Tree: A Seed of Hope - Luke Adam Hawker

cena 491.0 Kč

Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town - Adam Christopher

Chief Jim Hopper reveals long-awaited secrets to Eleven about his old life as a police detective in New York City, confronting his past before the events of the hit show Stranger Things.Christmas, Hawkins, 1984. All Chief Jim Hopper wants is to enjoy a quiet first Christmas with Eleven, but his adopted daughter has other plans. Over Hopper's protests, she pulls a cardboard box marked "New York" out of the basement-and the tough questions begin. Why did Hopper leave Hawkins all those years ago? What does "Vietnam" mean? And why has he never talked about New York?Although he'd rather face a horde of demogorgons than talk about his own past, Hopper knows that he can't deny the truth any longer. And so begins the story of the incident in New York-the last big case before everything changed...Summer, New York City, 1977. Hopper is starting over after returning home from Vietnam. A young daughter, a caring wife, and a new beat as an NYPD detective make it easy to slip back into life as a civilian. But after shadowy federal agents suddenly show and seize the files about a series of brutal, unsolved murders, Hopper takes matters into his own hands, risking everything to discover the truth.Soon Hopper is undercover among New York's notorious street gangs. But just as he's about to crack the case, a blackout rolls across the boroughs, plunging Hopper into a darkness deeper than any he's faced before.

Objev podobné jako Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town - Adam Christopher

cena 268.0 Kč

Metazoa: Animal Minds and the Birth of Consciousness - Peter Godfrey-Smith

The follow-up to the BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week Other MindsA Times and Sunday Times Book of the YearA Waterstones Best Book of 2020The scuba-diving philosopher explores the origins of animal consciousness.Dip below the ocean's surface and you are soon confronted by forms of life that could not seem more foreign to our own: sea sponges, soft corals and flower-like worms, whose rooted bodies and intricate geometry are more reminiscent of plant life than anything recognisably animal. Yet these creatures are our cousins. As fellow members of the animal kingdom - the Metazoa - they can teach us about the evolutionary origins of not only our bodies, but also our minds.In his acclaimed book, Other Minds, Peter Godfrey-Smith explored the mind of the octopus - the closest thing to an intelligent alien on Earth. In Metazoa, he expands his inquiry to animals at large, investigating the evolution of experience with the assistance of far-flung species. Godfrey-Smith shows that the appearance of the first animal body form well over half a billion years ago was a profound innovation that set life upon a new path. He charts the ways that subsequent evolutionary developments - eyes that track, for example, and bodies that move through and manipulate the environment - shaped the lives of animals. Following the evolutionary paths of a glass sponge, soft coral, banded shrimp, octopus and fish, then moving onto land and the world of insects, birds and primates like ourselves, Metazoa gathers these stories together to bridge the gap between matter and mind and address one of the most important philosophical questions: what is the origin of consciousness?Combining vivid animal encounters with philosophy and biology, Metazoa reveals the impossibility of separating the evolution of our minds from the evolution of animals themselves.

Objev podobné jako Metazoa: Animal Minds and the Birth of Consciousness - Peter Godfrey-Smith

cena 325.0 Kč

The Book of Feeling Blue: Understand and Manage Depression - Gwendoline Smith

Discover how best to manage mental health issues - specifically depression - in bestselling pscyhologist Gwendoline Smith's evidence-based, practical guide. THE BOOK OF FEELING BLUE offers hope to those experiencing depression, explaining the nature of the condition and the many different forms it can take at different life stages, and offering straightforward advice about how to manage it. Written in a chatty, reassuring tone with supplementary illustrations included throughout to demonstrate key points, chapters cover all aspects of the condition, including how to support a family member or friend who may be suffering from it, providing a therapist's evidence-based, practical toolkit for dealing with this widespread and debilitating mental-health problem.'Provides a language to articulate things that can feel hard to express' - Pandora Sykes, Sunday Times on The Book of Overthinking

Objev podobné jako The Book of Feeling Blue: Understand and Manage Depression - Gwendoline Smith

cena 294.0 Kč

Funko POP! Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - Adam Warlock (889698675154)

Figurka - soška, postavička, sběratelská, motiv Strážci galaxie, výška 9 cm, materiál vinyl, nepohyblivá Funko POP! jsou čím dál populárnější malé vinylové figurky s ikonickým roztomilým vzhledem, který je charakterizován velkou hlavou a malým tělem postavičky. Poprvé byly představeny v roce 2010, kombinují tradiční výrobu sošek s moderními prvky a barvami a jsou uznávané i jako sběratelské předměty. Každý si v dnes už tisících figurek najde tu svoji, vyráběny jsou v mnoha různých tématech, jako jsou filmy, televizní seriály, hry, komiksy a další pop-kulturní ikony. I tato figurka, Funko POP! Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - Adam Warlock, o výšce 9 cm se stane skvělým kouskem do vaší sbírky, či veselou hračkou pro vaše dítko. Zásadní vlastnosti figurky Funko POP! Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - Adam Warlock Figurka Funko bude pěkným dárkem pro sběratele Figurka ze série Strážci galaxie je charakteristická kvalitním zpracováním Materiálem využitým při výrobě je...

Objev podobné jako Funko POP! Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - Adam Warlock (889698675154)

cena 389.0 Kč

Diamond Head: Lightning To The Nations 2020 - CD (9029681995)

Hudební CD - Letos uplynulo čtyřicet let od vydání prvního alba a skupiny k této příležitosti připravila jeho speciální verzi. Letos uplynulo čtyřicet let od vydání prvního alba a skupiny k této příležitosti připravila jeho speciální verzi. Všechny skladby znovu nahrála, dala desce nový obal a k sedmi původním skladbám vlastního alba natočila i čtyři bonusy - cover verze skladeb od Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Judas Priest a Metallicy. Britskou heavymetalovou kapelu Diamond Head založili v roce 1976 kytarista Brian Tatler a bubeník Duncan Scott a jako jedni z prvních byli řazeni k takzvané „Nové vlně britského heavy-metalu”. Přes mnohé rozchody a personální změny skupina působí dodnes a jako jeden ze svých hlavních hudebních vlivů ji uvádějí i Metallica nebo Megadeth. Seznam stop CD (digipack) Lightning to the Nations / The Prince / Sucking My Love / Am I Evil? / Sweet and Innocent / Its Electric / Helpless / No Remorse / Immigrant Song / Sinner / Rat Bat Blue

Objev podobné jako Diamond Head: Lightning To The Nations 2020 - CD (9029681995)

cena 359.0 Kč

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