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The Tarot of A. E. Waite and P. Colman Smith - Johannes Fiebig, Rachel Pollack

Arthur E. Waite, a modern mystic, created together with Pamela Colman Smith the most influential Tarot deck. With a selection of more than 800 images and texts, the pioneer of Tarot history, Johannes Fiebig contextualizes this unique deck. The kit includ

Podívejte se také Tarot Rider-Waite – Základy (978-80-8100-511-4)

cena 2676.0 Kč

Tarot Rider-Waite - Základy - Evelin Bürgerová, Johannes Fiebig

Toto je asi nejpodrobnější kniha o tarotových kartách, jaká se dá najít! Podrobně popisuje, rozebírá a vysvětluje každou jednu ze 78 karet celého Tarotu: všechny symboly, postavy, předměty, výjevy dokonce použité barvy které jsou na ní zobrazeny. Dále následuje výklad dané karty v těchto kategoriích: základní význam, duchovní zkušenost, denní karta, prognóza / tendence, láska a vztahy, úspěch a štěstí v životě. Kromě toho se ty vysvětluje obecný význam různých skupin karet: Velká a Malá arkána, mince, hole, meče, poháry, dvorní karty. Aby se výše uvedené vůbec dalo zužitkovat, najdete zde návod na deset možností výkladu (s různým počtem karet), deset možností, jak si vyložit pouze jednu kartu, a deset obecných pravidel pro výklad. Pokud vás zajímá Tarot, tato kniha vám nesmí chybět!

Podívejte se také Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard (9781529149425)

cena 267.0 Kč

Dalí Tarot - Johannes Fiebig

*Deck of 78 tarot cards with booklet in box Dalí poses as the Magician, his wife Gala becomes the Empress, and the death of Julius Caesar is reinterpreted as the Ten of Swords in the artist’s extraordinary custom tarot deck. First published in a 1984 limited edition that has since long sold out, this lush box set brings back all 78 cards, each dazzling in color, along with a companion book on the making-of and practical instructions. Legend has it that when preparing props for the James Bond film Live and Let Die, producer Albert Broccoli commissioned Surrealist maestro Salvador Dalí to create a custom deck of tarot cards. Inspired by his wife Gala, who nurtured his interest in mysticism, Dalí eagerly got to work, and continued the project of his own accord when the contractual deal fell through. The work was published in a limited art edition in 1984 that has since long sold out, making Dalí the first renowned painter to create a completely new set of cards. Drawing on Western masterpieces from antiquity to modernity (including some of his own), Dalí seamlessly combined his knowledge of the arcane with his unmistakable wit. The result is a surreal kaleidoscope of European art history. TASCHEN resurrects all 78 cards in a fresh celebration of Dalí’s inimitable custom set, complete with a booklet by renowned German tarot author Johannes Fiebig offering: an introduction to Dalí’s life and the project’s making-of a comprehensive explanation of each card’s composition, its meaning, and practical advice step-by-step instructions on how to perform readings a jargon-free approach simplifying tarot for the newcomer

Podívejte se také A-ha: Headlines And Deadlines: The Hits Of A-Ha- LP (0349786017)

cena 1386.0 Kč

Tarot - Základy a výklady - Evelin Bürgerová, Johannes Fiebig

Velmi podrobná příručka pro výklad tarotu. Je unikátní tím, že přináší až 122 různých způsobů, jak karty vykládat. Každý tento návod je uveden v podobě náčrtu, ze kterého je jasné, kolik karet třeba vytáhnout a jak je rozložit; pozice jsou očíslovány a ke každé je uvedeno, což znamená, jak ji chápat a interpretovat. Názvy jednotlivých výkladů jsou dostatečně výmluvné, takže si z nich můžete snadno vybírat podle tématu, kterou chcete s pomocí karet řešit. Několik stran před samotnými vykládacími metodami je nejprve věnováno obecným otázkám při vykládání karet. Úvodní část knihy vysvětluje celkově, co je to tarot, jaká je jeho struktura atd. Druhá část přináší podrobný popis významu každé karty tarotové sady, přičemž na závěr se vždy uvádí, jak poselství karty chápat a jak se jím nechat inspirovat (jinými slovy, což vám karta radí). Dozvíte se také, co je to karta osobnosti nebo karta dne, kvintesence apod.

Objev podobné jako Tarot - Základy a výklady - Evelin Bürgerová, Johannes Fiebig

cena 347.0 Kč

Library of Esoterica - Johannes Fiebig, Jessica Hundley, Thunderwing, Marcella Kroll

To explore the Tarot is to explore ourselves, to be reminded of the universality of our longing for meaning, for purpose and for a connection to the divine. This 600-year-old tradition reflects not only a history of seekers, but our journey of artistic expression and the ways we communicate our collective human story.For many in the West, Tarot exists in the shadow place of our cultural consciousness, a metaphysical tradition assigned to the dusty glass cabinets of the arcane. Its history, long and obscure, has been passed down through secret writing, oral tradition, and the scholarly tomes of philosophers and sages. Hundreds of years and hundreds of creative hands-mystics and artists often working in collaboration-have transformed what was essentially a parlor game into a source of divination and system of self-exploration, as each new generation has sought to evolve the form and reinterpret the medium.Author Jessica Hundley traces this fascinating history in Tarot, the debut volume in TASCHEN's Library of Esoterica series. The book explores the symbolic meaning behind more than 500 cards and works of original art, two thirds of which have never been published outside of the decks themselves. It's the first ever visual compendium of its kind, spanning from Medieval to modern, and artfully arranged according to the sequencing of the 78 cards of the Major and Minor Arcana. It explores the powerful influence of Tarot as muse to artists like Salvador Dali and Niki de Saint Phalle and includes the decks of nearly 100 diverse contemporary artists from around the world, all of whom have embraced the medium for its capacity to push cultural identity forward. Rounding out the volume are excerpts from thinkers such as Eliphas Levi, Carl Jung, and Joseph Campbell; a foreword by artist Penny Slinger; a guide to reading the cards by Johannes Fiebig; and an essay on oracle decks by Marcella Kroll.

Objev podobné jako Library of Esoterica - Johannes Fiebig, Jessica Hundley, Thunderwing, Marcella Kroll

cena 841.0 Kč

Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom - Rachel Pollack

This classic book is a complete but concise guide to the origins, meaning and psychological applications of the Tarot. Its aim is to demystify and to make Tarot symbolism an effective and accessible means of self-enlightenment.Volumes 1 and 2 have now been combined and completely updated into one volume.

Objev podobné jako Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom - Rachel Pollack

cena 443.0 Kč

Rider Waite Tarot - Renata Petříčková, Arthur Edward Waite

Univerzální symboly a archetypy nabízející zdroj inspirace a poznání vás osloví svou jednoduchou řečí. Tyto karty můžete použít jako moudrého rádce k lepšímu pochopení minulosti a přítomnosti a na základě toho také k předpovědi, volbě nebo změně budoucnosti. Od prvního vydání v roce 1909 se prodalo více než sto milionů výtisků a obliba tohoto dnes již klasického díla stále roste - jedná se o nejprodávanější karty na světě. Balíček obsahuje 78 karet a návod k vykládání od oblíbené české autorky Renaty Petříčkové.

Objev podobné jako Rider Waite Tarot - Renata Petříčková, Arthur Edward Waite

cena 437.0 Kč

Maureen Fry and the Angel of the North - Rachel Joyceová

The final novel in the Harold Fry trilogy, this is a heart-stopping story told from the view point of his wife Maureen as she takes her own journey and discovers how to reconnect with the world.Ten years ago, Harold Fry set off on his epic journey on foot to save a friend. But the story doesn't end there.Now his wife, Maureen, has her own pilgrimage to make.Maureen Fry has settled into the quiet life she now shares with her husband Harold after his iconic walk across England. Now, ten years later, an unexpected message from the North disturbs her equilibrium again, and this time it is Maureen's turn to make her own journey.But Maureen is not like Harold. She struggles to bond with strangers, and the landscape she crosses has changed radically. She has little sense of what she'll find at the end of the road. All she knows is that she must get there.Maureen Fry and the Angel of the North is a deeply felt, lyrical novel, full of warmth and kindness. Short, exquisite, powerful- it is about love, loss, and how we come to terms with the past in order to understand ourselves and our lives a little better.

Objev podobné jako Maureen Fry and the Angel of the North - Rachel Joyceová

cena 259.0 Kč

Rider Waite Tarot - 78 karet a návod

Nejznámější druh tarotových karet na světě. Z jeho symboliky vychází většina ostatních výtvarných zpracování tarotu. Na rozdíl od druhé nejznámější sady - Crowley tarotu je Rider-Waite mnohem více "vypravěčský". V podobě pestrých figurálních výjevů je totiž zobrazena nejen Velká, ale i Malá arkána (v Crowley tarotu jsou karty Malé arkány znázorněno pouze abstraktním uspořádáním daného počtu holí, mečů, Mincí a Sklenic). Všech 78 jednotlivých karát proto dá velmi snadno interpretovat v souladu s vlastními pocity a představami. Rider-Waite tarot je proto ideální zejména pro toho, kdo žádné vykládací karty zatím ještě nevlastní.Ke kartám je přiložena brožura se stručným návodem na to, jak karty používat a co znamenají.

Objev podobné jako Rider Waite Tarot - 78 karet a návod

cena 294.0 Kč

Tarot bez karet Rider-Waite - Hajo Banzhaf

Skvělá věštecká příručka, k níž nepotřebujete žádné karty. Jedná se o velmi jednoduchou metodu: Na začátku knihy se nachází stránka s kruhem zaplněným čísly. Stačí zavřít oči, soustředit se na otázku a položit přitom prst na libovolné místo v kruhu. Určené číslo zodpovídá určité tarotové kartě a oznamuje vám odpověď, rozdělenou do těchto sekcí: podnět k meditaci, vztahy, budoucnost, rada v krizi, námět k činnosti, afirmace.

Objev podobné jako Tarot bez karet Rider-Waite - Hajo Banzhaf

cena 240.0 Kč

Rider - Waite tarot v praxi - Peter Schöber-Paweska

Tato příručka je úvodem do praxe. Vykladači karet dostávají s vynikajícím způsobem zpracovanou částí výkladu jedinečnou gramatiku pro nejrůznější významové roviny výkladu.

Objev podobné jako Rider - Waite tarot v praxi - Peter Schöber-Paweska

cena 267.0 Kč

Tarot Rider-Waite – Základy (978-80-8100-511-4)

Kniha - autor Johannes Fiebag; Evelin Bürgerová, 192 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Toto je asi nejpodrobnější kniha o tarotových kartách, jaká se dá najít! Podrobně popisuje, rozebírá a vysvětluje každou jednu ze 78 karet celého Tarotu: všechny symboly, postavy, předměty, výjevy dokonce použité barvy které jsou na ní zobrazeny. Dále následuje výklad dané karty v těchto kategoriích: základní význam, duchovní zkušenost, denní karta, prognóza / tendence, láska a vztahy, úspěch a štěstí v životě. Kromě toho se ty vysvětluje obecný význam různých skupin karet: Velká a Malá arkána, mince, hole, meče, poháry, dvorní karty. Aby se výše uvedené vůbec dalo zužitkovat, najdete zde návod na deset možností výkladu (s různým počtem karet), deset možností, jak si vyložit pouze jednu kartu, a deset obecných pravidel pro výklad. Pokud vás zajímá Tarot, tato kniha vám nesmí chybět!

Objev podobné jako Tarot Rider-Waite – Základy (978-80-8100-511-4)

cena 219.0 Kč

Tarot Rider - Waite: Základní návod na výklad + sada karet (9781038001702)

Kniha - 48 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Nejznámější druh tarotových karet na světě. Z jeho symboliky vychází většina ostatních výtvarných zpracování tarotu. Na rozdíl od druhé nejznámější sady - Crowley tarotu je Rider-Waite mnohem více "vypravěčský". V podobě pestrých figurálních výjevů je totiž zobrazena nejen Velká, ale i Malá arkána (v Crowley tarotu jsou karty Malé arkány znázorněno pouze abstraktním uspořádáním daného počtu holí, mečů, Mincí a Sklenic). Všech 78 jednotlivých karát proto dá velmi snadno interpretovat v souladu s vlastními pocity a představami. Rider-Waite tarot je proto ideální zejména pro toho, kdo žádné vykládací karty zatím ještě nevlastní.

Objev podobné jako Tarot Rider - Waite: Základní návod na výklad + sada karet (9781038001702)

cena 239.0 Kč

Rider-Waite Tarot v praxi (978-80-7336-213-3)

Kniha - autor Peter Schöber-Paweska, 196 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Tato kniha v prvé řadě slouží jako praktická příručka obsahující důležité podněty pro všechny zájemce o tarot. Autor chápe tarot jako intuitivní hru se zcela individuálními pravidly; proto jsou jeho navrhované výklady i hry v závěru knihy zamýšleny především jako podnět či východisko. Každý směr, jímž pak člověk vykročí – ať je to cesta hlubinné psychologie, kabala, číselná mystika či cesta jarmareční vykladačky – je to cesta správná, je-li to jeho vlastní cesta. Jak vlastně tarot „funguje“? Logicky uvažující člověk jej obyčejně považuje za kratochvíli či zálibu rozumově slabších jedinců; pokud bychom však tarot z těchto důvodů odmítli, bylo by to jako vylít dítě i s vaničkou. Stejně jako u čínského I-ťingu se k tarotu obracíme především proto, že cítíme, že naše podvědomí má s náhodou společného mnohem víc, než se na povrchu může zdát. Jako by znalo věci, které zůstávají na...

Objev podobné jako Rider-Waite Tarot v praxi (978-80-7336-213-3)

cena 225.0 Kč

Bismarck´s War: The Franco-Prussian War and the Making of Modern Europe - Chrastil Rachel

Less than a month after it marched into France in summer 1870, the Prussian army had devastated its opponents, captured Napoleon III and wrecked all assumptions about Europe's pecking order. Other countries looked on in helpless amazement. Pushing aside further French resistance, a new German Empire was proclaimed (as a deliberate humiliation) in the Palace of Versailles, leaving the French to face civil war in Paris, reparations and the loss of Alsace and Lorraine.Bismarck's War tells the story of one of the most shocking reversals of fortune in modern European history. The culmination of a globally violent decade, the Franco-Prussian War was deliberately engineered by Bismarck, both to destroy French power and to unite Germany. It could not have worked better, but it also had lurking inside it the poisonous seeds of all the disasters that would ravage the twentieth century.Drawing on a remarkable variety of sources, Chrastil's book explores the military, technological, political and social events of the war, its human cost and the way that the sheer ferocity of war, however successful, has profound consequences for both victors and victims.

Objev podobné jako Bismarck´s War: The Franco-Prussian War and the Making of Modern Europe - Chrastil Rachel

cena 357.0 Kč

Other Minds : The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life - Peter Godfrey-Smith

SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2017 ROYAL SOCIETY SCIENCE BOOK PRIZE What if intelligent life on Earth evolved not once, but twice? The octopus is the closest we will come to meeting an intelligent alien. What can we learn from the encounter? In Other Minds, Peter Godfrey-Smith, a distinguished philosopher of science and a skilled scuba diver, tells a bold new story of how nature became aware of itself – a story that largely occurs in the ocean, where animals first appeared. Tracking the mind’s fitful development from unruly clumps of seaborne cells to the first evolved nervous systems in ancient relatives of jellyfish, he explores the incredible evolutionary journey of the cephalopods, which began as inconspicuous molluscs who would later abandon their shells to rise above the ocean floor, searching for prey and acquiring the greater intelligence needed to do so – a journey completely independent from the route that mammals and birds would later take. But what kind of intelligence do cephalopods possess? How did the octopus, a solitary creature with little social life, become so smart? What is it like to have eight tentacles that are so packed with neurons that they virtually ‘think for themselves’? By tracing the question of inner life back to its roots and comparing human beings with our most remarkable animal relatives, Godfrey-Smith casts crucial new light on the octopus mind – and on our own.

Objev podobné jako Other Minds : The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life - Peter Godfrey-Smith

cena 286.0 Kč

Metazoa: Animal Minds and the Birth of Consciousness - Peter Godfrey-Smith

The follow-up to the BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week Other MindsA Times and Sunday Times Book of the YearA Waterstones Best Book of 2020The scuba-diving philosopher explores the origins of animal consciousness.Dip below the ocean's surface and you are soon confronted by forms of life that could not seem more foreign to our own: sea sponges, soft corals and flower-like worms, whose rooted bodies and intricate geometry are more reminiscent of plant life than anything recognisably animal. Yet these creatures are our cousins. As fellow members of the animal kingdom - the Metazoa - they can teach us about the evolutionary origins of not only our bodies, but also our minds.In his acclaimed book, Other Minds, Peter Godfrey-Smith explored the mind of the octopus - the closest thing to an intelligent alien on Earth. In Metazoa, he expands his inquiry to animals at large, investigating the evolution of experience with the assistance of far-flung species. Godfrey-Smith shows that the appearance of the first animal body form well over half a billion years ago was a profound innovation that set life upon a new path. He charts the ways that subsequent evolutionary developments - eyes that track, for example, and bodies that move through and manipulate the environment - shaped the lives of animals. Following the evolutionary paths of a glass sponge, soft coral, banded shrimp, octopus and fish, then moving onto land and the world of insects, birds and primates like ourselves, Metazoa gathers these stories together to bridge the gap between matter and mind and address one of the most important philosophical questions: what is the origin of consciousness?Combining vivid animal encounters with philosophy and biology, Metazoa reveals the impossibility of separating the evolution of our minds from the evolution of animals themselves.

Objev podobné jako Metazoa: Animal Minds and the Birth of Consciousness - Peter Godfrey-Smith

cena 325.0 Kč

The Book of Feeling Blue: Understand and Manage Depression - Gwendoline Smith

Discover how best to manage mental health issues - specifically depression - in bestselling pscyhologist Gwendoline Smith's evidence-based, practical guide. THE BOOK OF FEELING BLUE offers hope to those experiencing depression, explaining the nature of the condition and the many different forms it can take at different life stages, and offering straightforward advice about how to manage it. Written in a chatty, reassuring tone with supplementary illustrations included throughout to demonstrate key points, chapters cover all aspects of the condition, including how to support a family member or friend who may be suffering from it, providing a therapist's evidence-based, practical toolkit for dealing with this widespread and debilitating mental-health problem.'Provides a language to articulate things that can feel hard to express' - Pandora Sykes, Sunday Times on The Book of Overthinking

Objev podobné jako The Book of Feeling Blue: Understand and Manage Depression - Gwendoline Smith

cena 294.0 Kč

The Stranger at the Wedding - A. E. Gauntlett

The beautiful bride Annie never believed in true love. Not until she caught sight of Mark on a crowded commuter train. It wasn t until months later that they finally had their picture-perfect first date and after a whirlwind romance, they are now about to tie the knot.The handsome groom Both Annie and Mark have suffered tragedy their shared experience of sorrow has brought them together, but at times the pressure of those losses has also threatened their happiness. Today they will leave all of that in the past, and forge a new life. But not everyone gathered here has come to toast the new couple.The stranger And Annie quickly realises that her new life isn t going to be the happily ever after she had planned. A completely unputdownable, brilliantly sharp, dark and twisty story of love, lies and obsession that is set to be one of 2024's most talked about debuts. Whose side are you on?

Objev podobné jako The Stranger at the Wedding - A. E. Gauntlett

cena 402.0 Kč

The Story of a Heart - Rachel Clarke

FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER DEAR LIFE AND BREATHTAKING, A MAJOR TV DRAMA''Profoundly moving and at the same time wildly inspiring'' Rob Delaney''The best narrative non-fiction I''ve read in years. Rachel Clarke has written a profound piece of investigative journalism and wrapped it up in poetry'' Christie WatsonThe first of our organs to form, the last to die, the heart is both a simple pump and the symbol of all that makes us human: as long as it continues to beat, we hope. One summer day, nine-year-old Keira suffered catastrophic injuries in a car accident. Though her brain and the rest of her body began to shut down, her heart continued to beat. In an act of extraordinary generosity, Keira''s parents and siblings agreed that she would have wanted to be an organ donor. Meanwhile nine-year-old Max had been hospitalised for nearly a year with a virus that was causing his young heart to fail. When Max''s parents received the call they had been hoping for, they knew it came at a terrible cost to another family. This is the unforgettable story of how one family''s grief transformed into a lifesaving gift. With tremendous compassion and clarity, Dr Rachel Clarke relates the urgent journey of Keira''s heart and explores the history of the remarkable medical innovations that made it possible, stretching back over a century and involving the knowledge and dedication not just of surgeons but of countless physicians, immunologists, nurses and scientists.The Story of a Heart is a testament to compassion for the dying, the many ways we honour our loved ones, and the tenacity of love.

Objev podobné jako The Story of a Heart - Rachel Clarke

cena 650.0 Kč

The Gecko and the Echo - Rachel Bright

A flamboyantly fun tropical tale of love, fame, friendship from the creators of the international bestseller The Lion Inside.Goldy wants one thing, and one thing only - to be a STAR. On the sunny island this gecko calls home, it''s always THE GOLDY SHOW, morning ''til night.But when you''re dazzled by the limelight, it''s easy to lose sight of the world around you. And when Goldy''s performance starts to go wrong, the little gecko discovers that friendship means so much more than fame. Because when you treat the world with love, then love will come echoing back.This funny and touching rhyming story is perfect for sharing, reminding us all that treating others with kindness makes the whole world a better and happier place.Shortlisted for the Laugh Out Loud Book Awards 2024!

Objev podobné jako The Gecko and the Echo - Rachel Bright

cena 236.0 Kč

Wisdom of the Woods - Piercey Rachel

Discover 40 nature poems to read and treasure in this unmissable sequel to bestselling hit If You Go Down to the Woods Today.The time has come, my little cub, to pass into your paws The Wisdom of the Woods - a book of Nature''s ancient laws. Open this sumptuous treasury which has been in Bear''s family for generations. Discover 40 poems which conjure the everyday magic of Brown Bear Wood, from the beauty of a butterfly''s life cycle to the hidden communications of tree roots in the soil.This pocket-sized poetry book is perfect for children aged 4+· Features 40 poems, written to be read aloud from acclaimed poet Rachel Piercey· Promotes a sense of wonder in the natural world as they bear witness to nature''s power to amaze, console and bring joy· Gorgeous illustrations from bestselling artist Freya Hartas· Stunning pocket-sized case with gold foil on the coverPraise for If You Go Down to the Woods Today: ''A simple introduction to poetry, perfectly aimed at young children, that will be loved and enjoyed for a long time'', The Independent''s Best Kids'' Poetry Book 2021 ''A tour de force of interactive two-dimensional nature'', Kirkus starred review ''A simple yet magical first book of poetry'', The Telegraph

Objev podobné jako Wisdom of the Woods - Piercey Rachel

cena 384.0 Kč

Fruit of the Dead - Rachel Lyon

An electric contemporary reimagining of the myth of Persephone and Demeter set over the course of one summer on a lush private island, exploring who holds the power in a modern underworld. Camp counsellor Cory Ansel, eighteen and aimless, afraid to face her high-strung single mother in New York, is no longer sure where home is when the father of one of her campers offers an alternative. The CEO of a Fortune 500 pharmaceutical company, Rolo Picazo is middle-aged, divorced, magnetic.He is also intoxicated by Cory. When Rolo proffers a childcare job (and an NDA), Cory quiets an internal warning and allows herself to be ferried to his private island off the coast of Maine. Plied with luxury and opiates manufactured by his company, she continues to tell herself she's in charge.Her mother, Emer, head of a teetering agricultural NGO, senses otherwise. When her daughter seemingly disappears, Emer crosses land and sea to heed a cry for help she alone is convinced she hears. Alternating between the two women's perspectives, Fruit of the Dead incorporates its mythic inspiration with a light touch and devastating precision.The result is a lush and haunting story that explores love, attraction, control, obliteration and America's own late capitalist mythos. Advance praise for Fruit of the Dead 'Irresistible and devastating. Lyon has spun an utterly absorbing, lush and terror-laced retelling of an ancient, archetypal tale - a young woman tempted and taken, a mother's feral grief - that is both timeless and crisply contemporary' Melissa Febos 'Opulent and unsettling, Fruit of the Dead explores the island where ancient myth meets the contemporary body' Julia Phillips

Objev podobné jako Fruit of the Dead - Rachel Lyon

cena 357.0 Kč

Leonardo. The Complete Paintings and Drawings - Frank Zöllner, Johannes Nathan

For the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci, this updated edition of our XL title provides the most comprehensive survey of the life and work of the master painter, sculptor, architect, and inventor. The catalogue raisonné of paintings covers both surviving and lost works, while full-bleed detailsallow us to inspect even the subtlest brushstrokes that came to revolutionize art history. Da Vinci in Detail The life and work of the ultimate Renaissance artist Unmatched in his ingenuity, technical prowess, and curiosity, Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) epitomizes the humanistic ideal of the Renaissance man: a peerless master of painting, sculpture, cartography, anatomy, architecture—and more. Simultaneously captivating art historians, collectors, and the millions who flock yearly to admire his works, Leonardo’s appeal is as diffuse as were his preoccupations. His images permeate nearly every facet of Western culture—The Vitruvian Man is engraved into millions of Euro coins, The Last Supper is considered the single most reproduced religious painting in history, and the Mona Lisa has entranced countless artists and observers for centuries. On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of his death, this updated edition of our XL title is an unrivaled survey of Leonardo’s life and work, including a catalogue raisonné encompassing both his surviving and lost paintings. Through stunning full-bleed details, we experience every measured brushstroke, each a testament to Leonardo’s masterful ability. An expansive catalog of nearly 700 of Leonardo’s drawings further illuminates the breadth of his pursuits. From diagrams of intricately engineered machines to portraits of plump infants, they stand reflective of his boundless and visionary technical imagination, balanced with a subtle and perceptive hand, capable of rendering quotidian moments with moving emotional timbre. Also included is a new foreword by Frank Zöllner, expanded exclusively for this special edition, which dissects the latest scientific developments on Leonardo’s work and the story behind the haunting Salvator Mundi, which recently fetched a record-breaking $ 450 million at auction.

Objev podobné jako Leonardo. The Complete Paintings and Drawings - Frank Zöllner, Johannes Nathan

cena 1590.0 Kč

Základní Tarot - Kniha Svět tarotu + 78 karet A.E.Waite + váček - Renata Petříčková, Arthur Edward Waite

Přepracované vydání s ještě věrnějšími reprodukcemi původních ilustrací, velkými kartami (70 x 120 mm) a obsáhlou příručkou Renaty Petříčkové. V tomto cenově zvýhodněném dárkovém kompletu najdete vše, co potřebujete, abyste mohli začít vykládat tarotové karty sobě i ostatním. Základní tarot obsahuje 78 karet tarotu Arthura Edwarda Waiteho ve standardní velikosti, váček na karty a podrobnou příručku Renaty Petříčkové Svět Tarotu (304 stran). V knížce se poutavou formou seznámíte s kartami, jejich symbolikou a významem, a navíc jsou v ní dosud nejsrozumitelnější formou popsané nejrůznější souvislosti a význam kombinací karet. A nechybí ani cenná inspirace v podobě ilustrací a porovnání karet z dalších tarotových sad.

Objev podobné jako Základní Tarot - Kniha Svět tarotu + 78 karet A.E.Waite + váček - Renata Petříčková, Arthur Edward Waite

cena 447.0 Kč

The Gecko and the Echo Board Book - Rachel Bright

An adorable board book edition of this flamboyantly funny tale about the love we give to the world - and the love that comes echoing back. From the creators of the multi-award-winning, bestselling The Lion Inside.Goldy wants one thing, and one thing only - to be a STAR. On the sunny island this gecko calls home, it''s always THE GOLDY SHOW, morning ''til night.But when you''re dazzled by the limelight, it''s easy to lose sight of the world around you. And when Goldy''s performance starts to go wrong, the little gecko discovers that friendship means so much more than fame. Because when you treat the world with love, then love will come echoing back.This funny and touching rhyming story is perfect for sharing, reminding us all that treating others with kindness makes the whole world a better and happier place.

Objev podobné jako The Gecko and the Echo Board Book - Rachel Bright

cena 236.0 Kč

The Reappearance of Rachel Price - Holly Jacksonová

A stunning new YA thriller from the bestselling, award-winning author of A Good Girl's Guide to Murder!18-year-old Bel has lived her whole life in the shadow of her mom's mysterious disappearance. Sixteen years ago, Rachel Price vanished and young Bel was the only witness. Rachel is gone, presumed dead.The case is dragged up from the past when the Price family agree to a true crime documentary. Bel can't wait for filming to end, for life to go back to normal. But then Rachel Price reappears, and life will never be normal again . . .

Objev podobné jako The Reappearance of Rachel Price - Holly Jacksonová

cena 357.0 Kč

The Reappearance of Rachel Price - Holly Jacksonová

''The queen of YA crime Holly Jackson returns with a blisteringly good standalone thriller'' – Observer''An instantly gripping, corkscrew-twisty thriller’ – The Guardian''Holly Jackson has smashed it again.’ – The Nerd DailyA stunning new thriller from the bestselling author of A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder!18-year-old Bel has lived her whole life in the shadow of her mom’s mysterious disappearance. Sixteen years ago, Rachel Price vanished and young Bel was the only witness. Rachel is gone, presumed dead.The case is dragged up from the past when the Price family agree to a true crime documentary. Bel can’t wait for filming to end, for life to go back to normal. But then Rachel Price reappears, and life will never be normal again …Holly Jackson was ''BookTok Author of the Year'' at the 2023 TikTok Book Awards.The Reappearance of Rachel Price was No 1 in the Sunday Times Children’s bestseller listings on Sunday 14/4/2024 and in the New York Times Young Adult Hardcover listings on Wednesday 10/4/2024

Objev podobné jako The Reappearance of Rachel Price - Holly Jacksonová

cena 443.0 Kč

The Story of the Duchess of Cicogne and of Monsieur de Boulingrin - Anatole France - e-kniha

eBook: In ‘The Story of the Duchess of Cicogne and of Monsieur de Boulingrin’ (1920), Anatole France presents a fantastic reimagining of the classic fairy-tale ‘Sleeping Beauty’. However, rather than concerning himself with Sleeping Beauty herself, France focuses on the turmoil of her parents as they wait for their daughter to wake. France’s short story, ‘The Story of the Duchess of Cicogne and of Monsieur de Boulingrin’, offers a nuanced take on the classic tale and presents a sophisticated account that will enthral all. A must-read for anyone familiar with ‘Sleeping Beauty’ or a fan of any of Anatole France’s works, this imaginative reinterpretation is a fresh take on an already incredible story.

Objev podobné jako The Story of the Duchess of Cicogne and of Monsieur de Boulingrin - Anatole France - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Way of the Hermit - Ken Smith

The International Bestseller 'A love story to the mountains in the mist, the pulsating northern lights and the red deer at dawn. And to independence' – The Washington Post'A Thoreauvian account of solitary life in the Scottish Highlands . . . delightful' – Kirkus Reviews'Ken Smith’s advice for staying alive in inclement conditions could equally be applied to achieving hard-won dreams' – Geographical'Ken Smith comes across as a thoughtful, resourceful and above all humane man . . . inspiring' – BBC Countryfile Magazine*****Could you leave behind the bustle of modern society and spend your days immersed in nature? In The Way of the Hermit, seventy-four-year-old Ken Smith recounts a life he has chosen to spend alone with the wilderness.Ken Smith has spent the past four decades in the Scottish Highlands. He lives alone, with no electricity or running water. His home is a log cabin nestled near Loch Treig, known as 'the lonely loch', where he lives off the land: he fishes for his supper, chops his own wood, and even brews his own tipple. He is, in the truest sense of the word, a hermit.For the first time, Ken shares the story of his life. From his working-class origins in Derbyshire, to the formative years he spent travelling in the Yukon and finally how he came to be the Hermit of Loch Treig. Looking back through decades of diary entries, Ken reflects upon the reasons he turned his back on society, the vulnerability of old age and the awe and wonder of a life lived in nature. The Way of the Hermit is a humorous, transcendent and life-affirming memoir.

Objev podobné jako The Way of the Hermit - Ken Smith

cena 325.0 Kč

The Awesome Adventures of Will and Randolph: Battle of the Blockheads - Jeffrey Archer - e-kniha

eBook: Dive into a world of magic, mystery, and square-shaped trees, and join brave boy Will, his talking teddy bear Randolph, and their quirky Upside-Down Bird friend! Transported by an ancient medallion to Whispering Woods - where blobs talk and trees are cube-like - our heroes find themselves caught in a sticky situation. How will they get home? Why is their bird friend upside-down? And can they stop the block-headed war between Big Whoosh\'s forest folk and Quagmire’s swampy Bloblins? Get ready for a tale filled with thrilling escapes, laugh-out-loud moments, clever disguises (some not so successful)...and above all else – the value of friendship! When Will receives a mystical amulet, it brings his toy bear Randolph to life! This triggers a cascade of adventures where every book catapults them into peculiar new worlds. With Toy Story-like charm and Mr Benn\'s magical touch, this series follows their journey as they tackle moral dilemmas with courage and humour. Jeffrey Archer (1940-) is a bestselling British author and former politician, renowned for his captivating novels, short stories, and children\'s books published in over 97 countries and over 37 languages. His best-known works include ‘First Among Equals’, ‘Kane and Abel’ and ‘Only Time Will Tell’.

Objev podobné jako The Awesome Adventures of Will and Randolph: Battle of the Blockheads - Jeffrey Archer - e-kniha

cena 150.0 Kč

The Awesome Adventures of Will and Randolph: Battle of the Blockheads - Jeffrey Archer - e-kniha

eBook: Dive into a world of magic, mystery, and square-shaped trees, and join brave boy Will, his talking teddy bear Randolph, and their quirky Upside-Down Bird friend! Transported by an ancient medallion to Whispering Woods - where blobs talk and trees are cube-like - our heroes find themselves caught in a sticky situation. How will they get home? Why is their bird friend upside-down? And can they stop the block-headed war between Big Whoosh\'s forest folk and Quagmire’s swampy Bloblins? Get ready for a tale filled with thrilling escapes, laugh-out-loud moments, clever disguises (some not so successful)...and above all else – the value of friendship! When Will receives a mystical amulet, it brings his toy bear Randolph to life! This triggers a cascade of adventures where every book catapults them into peculiar new worlds. With Toy Story-like charm and Mr Benn\'s magical touch, this series follows their journey as they tackle moral dilemmas with courage and humour. Jeffrey Archer (1940-) is a bestselling British author and former politician, renowned for his captivating novels, short stories, and children\'s books published in over 97 countries and over 37 languages. His best-known works include ‘First Among Equals’, ‘Kane and Abel’ and ‘Only Time Will Tell’.

Objev podobné jako The Awesome Adventures of Will and Randolph: Battle of the Blockheads - Jeffrey Archer - e-kniha

cena 150.0 Kč

Priest-King of the Warriors and Witch-Queen of the Others - Michal Cigán - e-kniha

eBook: Kniha přináší interpretaci dvojice indoevropských mytologických témat s důrazem na jejich komplexní historický a sociálně-kognitivní kontext. Zvolený přístup umožňuje jak přehodnotit tradiční interpretaci všeobecně známého mytologického cyklu, tak i zároveň uvést mytologické téma dosud neuchopené. V první časti knihy je diskutována látka indoevropského stvořitelského mýtu. Závěrem je tvrzení, že protoindoevropský kulturní prostor pravděpodobně vznikl jako důsledek předhistorického kargo kultu. Předprotoindoevropští lovci-sběrači reagovali na příchod afroasijských farmářů způsobem připomínajícím chování moderních domorodých populací, náhle konfrontovaných s přítomností západního industriálního světa. Z toho důvodu jsou stěžejní témata a motivy indoevropského stvořitelského mýtu interpretovány jako možné relikty ideologie předprotoindoevropského kargo kultu. _x000D_Druhá část knihy je věnována vymezení nové indoevropské mytologické struktury, takzvaného mýtu o honu na čarodějnice. Prostřednictvím analýzy rozličných lokálních podob příběhu o konfliktu elity s démonickým vojskem vedeným čarodějnicí je identifikován základní vzorec tohoto narativu. Jeho sémantika je následně interpretována jako produkt sociálních a rodových nastavení archaických indoevropských společností.

Objev podobné jako Priest-King of the Warriors and Witch-Queen of the Others - Michal Cigán - e-kniha

cena 298.0 Kč

The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha

eBook: The chilling classic that inspired the new Netflix horror drama, \"The Fall of the House of Usher\". Venture, if you dare, into the House of Usher...The narrator visits his friend, Roderick Usher in his decaying mansion, only to witness the harrowing unravellings of Usher\'s mind and the dark family secrets lurking beneath the crumbling ancestral home. A classic tale of gothic horror that has haunted readers for generations. This collection includes \"The Raven\", \"The Tell-Tale Heart\", “The Cask of Amontillado”, \"The Masque of the Red Death\", \"The Purloined Letter\", \"The Pit and the Pendulum\", \"Berenice\", \"The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether\", \"The Fall of the House of Usher\", and \"MS. found in a Bottle\". Edgar Allan Poe (1809–1849) was an American writer renowned for his macabre and horror-themed tales. His poetic and mysterious style explored themes of death, love, and madness, leaving a lasting impact on gothic literature. Poe\'s notable works include \'The Raven,\' \'The Tell-Tale Heart,\' and \'The Fall of the House of Usher.

Objev podobné jako The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha

cena 200.0 Kč

The Reappearance of Rachel Price (Defekt) - Holly Jacksonová

A stunning new YA thriller from the bestselling, award-winning author of A Good Girl's Guide to Murder!18-year-old Bel has lived her whole life in the shadow of her mom's mysterious disappearance. Sixteen years ago, Rachel Price vanished and young Bel was the only witness. Rachel is gone, presumed dead.The case is dragged up from the past when the Price family agree to a true crime documentary. Bel can't wait for filming to end, for life to go back to normal. But then Rachel Price reappears, and life will never be normal again . . .

Objev podobné jako The Reappearance of Rachel Price (Defekt) - Holly Jacksonová

cena 139.0 Kč

The Woodsmoke Women's Book of Spells - Rachel Greenlaw

A beautifully written, atmospheric tale of homecoming, dark magic and love.There is an old tale that weaves through the mountain town of Woodsmoke.It whispers of a stranger who appears as the snow falls, only to disappear in spring. Leaving behind a broken heart... Carrie Morgan expects trouble when she returns to Woodsmoke after ten years. What she does not predict is the beautiful stranger who walks into her life with the first frost and with whom Carrie begins to fall in love.Bound to her family's book of spells and a deep magic that flows from the mountains, Carrie's family warn that her new love is a curse who will disappear when the frost thaws. If Carrie is to embrace the power a Morgan woman carries, she must trade something in return. But is lifting a curse worth any price?

Objev podobné jako The Woodsmoke Women's Book of Spells - Rachel Greenlaw

cena 402.0 Kč

The Woodsmoke Women’s Book of Spells - Rachel Greenlaw

For fans of Practical Magic and The Unmaking of June Farrow There is an old tale that weaves through the mountain town of Woodsmoke.It whispers of a stranger who appears as the snow falls, only to disappear in spring.Leaving behind a broken heart…Carrie Morgan expects trouble when she returns to Woodsmoke after ten years.What she does not predict is the beautiful stranger who walks into her life with the first frost and with whom Carrie begins to fall in love.Bound to her family’s book of spells and a deep magic that flows from the mountains, Carrie’s family warn that her new love is a curse who will disappear when the frost thaws.If Carrie is to embrace the power a Morgan woman carries, she must trade something in return.But is lifting a curse worth any price?READERS LOVE THIS MAGICAL BOOK‘It was beautiful, it was evocative, it was fascinating’ NetGalley reviewer,⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''This book was so masterfully done'' NetGalley reviewer,⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Spooky and melancholy to start with, and then full of tension as you find out more about why Carrie originally left Woodsmoke… I''d definitely recommend’ NetGalley reviewer,⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Objev podobné jako The Woodsmoke Women’s Book of Spells - Rachel Greenlaw

cena 502.0 Kč

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry - Rachel Joyceová

When Harold Fry nips out one morning to post a letter, leaving his wife hoovering upstairs, he has no idea that he is about to walk from one end of the country to the other. He has no hiking boots or map, let alone a compass, waterproof or mobile phone. All he knows is that he must keep walking. To save someone else's life.

Objev podobné jako The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry - Rachel Joyceová

cena 53.0 Kč

The Rhythm of the Rain - Grahame Baker-Smith

A breathtaking non-fiction picture book about the water cycle

Objev podobné jako The Rhythm of the Rain - Grahame Baker-Smith

cena 232.0 Kč

The Song of the Tree - Bickford-Smith Coralie

'A masterwork, every page a sumptuous feast of colour and composition' - Financial Times, Summer Books of 2020 The lyrical, heart-warming new tale from the award-winning designer and creator of The Fox and the Star Bird loves to sing in the towering tree at the heart of the jungle. It feels like home.When the season changes she must say goodbye, but she isn't ready to let go.As she listens to the other animals, Bird learns to sing a new song.

Objev podobné jako The Song of the Tree - Bickford-Smith Coralie

cena 357.0 Kč

Americký císař - Martin Pollack - e-kniha

eBook: Halič, nejchudší a nejzanedbanější region rakousko-uherské monarchie, zubožení Haličané sní o lepším životě za velkou louží. Začíná masový exodus do Nového světa, během nějž se stovky tisíc emigrantů stanou výhodným obchodním artiklem.Nevzdělaným a zoufalým lidem mohou podvodníci namluvit téměř cokoli, třeba i to, že newyorská socha Svobody představuje Panenku Marii a americký císař pán čeká na chudé s otevřenou náručí. Převaděči, agenti a bezohlední kuplíři pohádkově vydělávají na neštěstí a nevědomosti svých bližních. Kniha Americký císař ukazuje nejtemnější stránky vystěhovalectví z Haliče na přelomu 19. a 20. století.Martin Pollack v ní pečlivě až puntičkářsky shrnuje historická fakta, avšak fascinující jsou především příběhy skutečných lidí. Před čtenářem zároveň vyvstane smutná paralela se situací mnoha uprchlíků v dnešní době.

Objev podobné jako Americký císař - Martin Pollack - e-kniha

cena 99.0 Kč

Call of the Raven - Wilbur Smith

The son of a wealthy plantation owner and a doting mother, Mungo St John is accustomed to the wealth and luxuries his privilege has afforded him. That is until he returns from university to discover his family ruined, his inheritance stolen and his childhood sweetheart, Camilla, taken by the conniving Chester Marion. Fuelled by anger, and love, Mungo swears vengeance and devotes his life to saving Camilla - and destroying Chester. Camilla, trapped in New Orleans, powerless to her position as a kept slave and suffering at the hands of Chester's brutish behaviour, must learn to do whatever it takes to survive. As Mungo battles his own fate and misfortune to achieve the revenge that drives him, and regain his power in the world, he must question what it takes for a man to survive when he has nothing, and what he is willing to do in order to get what he wants.

Objev podobné jako Call of the Raven - Wilbur Smith

cena 536.0 Kč

Year of the Monkey - Patti Smith

Following a run of New Year's concerts at San Francisco's legendary Fillmore, Patti Smith finds herself tramping the coast of Santa Cruz, about to embark on a year of solitary wandering. Unfettered by logic or time, she draws us into her private wonderland, with no design yet heeding signs, including a talking sign that looms above her, prodding and sparring like the Cheshire Cat. In February, a surreal lunar year begins, bringing with it unexpected turns, heightened mischief, and inescapable sorrow. In a stranger's words, "Anything is possible: after all, it's the year of the monkey." For Patti Smith - inveterately curious, always exploring, tracking thoughts, writing the year evolves as one of reckoning with the changes in life's gyre: with loss, aging, and a dramatic shift in the political landscape of America.Smith melds the Western landscape with her own dreamscape. Taking us from Southern California to the Arizona desert; to a Kentucky farm as the amanuensis of a friend in crisis; to the hospital room of a valued mentor; and by turns to remembered and imagined places - this haunting memoir blends fact and fiction with poetic mastery. The unexpected happens; grief and disillusionment. But as Patti Smith heads toward a new decade in her own life, she offers this balm to the reader: her wisdom, wit, gimlet eye, and above all, a rugged hope of a better world.Riveting, elegant, often humorous, illustrated by Smith's signature Polaroids, Year of the Monkey is a moving and original work, a touchstone for our turbulent times.

Objev podobné jako Year of the Monkey - Patti Smith

cena 312.0 Kč

The Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith

It is symbolic that Adam Smith's masterpiece of economic analysis, The Wealth of Nations, was first published in 1776, the same year as the Declaration of Independence. In his book, Smith fervently extolled the simple yet enlightened notion that individuals are fully capable of setting and regulating prices for their own goods and services. He argued passionately in favor of free trade, yet stood up for the little guy. The Wealth of Nations provided the first--and still the most eloquent--integrated description of the workings of a market economy. The result of Smith's efforts is a witty, highly readable work of genius filled with prescient theories that form the basis of a thriving capitalist system. This unabridged edition offers the modern reader a fresh look at a timeless and seminal work that revolutionized the way governments and individuals view the creation and dispersion of wealth--and that continues to influence our economy right up to the present day.

Objev podobné jako The Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith

cena 214.0 Kč

The Book of Tarot: A Spiritual Key to Understanding the Cards - Sahar Huneidi-Palmer

This beautiful hardback with gilded page edges will reveal the secrets of tarot and tarot reading in detail. From how to take care of your tarot cards to how to unlock your intuition when reading, this enthralling guide will appeal to anyone wanting to learn to read the cards or improve their readings. With plenty of information on the history of the tarot, the different types of card deck available, traditional and modern spreads to use, and methods of interpretation, this is an empowering look at the world of tarot, dispelling myths and developing the reader's skill in reading. This will become an essential reference tool for anyone interested in tarot.Includes: A section on selecting and taking care of tarot cards Practices to improve readings Different spreads to use for different queries This informative book provides a wonderful introduction to tarot and makes a perfect gift. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Mystic Archives are beautiful hardcover guides which reveal the hidden mysteries of esoteric arts, presented with foil-embossing, Wibalin binding and gilded page edges.

Objev podobné jako The Book of Tarot: A Spiritual Key to Understanding the Cards - Sahar Huneidi-Palmer

cena 536.0 Kč

The Squirrel and the Lost Treasure - Bickford-Smith Coralie

SHORTLISTED FOR THE QUEEN''S KNICKERS AWARD''The most beautiful book of the year... it’s like a poem… a work of art'' - Chris PackhamAn enchanting clothbound fable about growth, new life and finding hope in unexpected places, from the award-winning designer and creator of The Fox and the Star.One autumn evening, a young squirrel spots an acorn glinting on the forest floor.Eager to protect her treasure from watchful eyes and hungry mouths, she buries it deep in the heart of the forest.But when she returns after the icy winter, her acorn is nowhere to be found. Where could it be?''Exquisite, moving and hopeful on so many different levels. I love the bright green of the spring, I really feel that incandescence when I turn the page. I will be buying it for many.'' - Lucy Jones, author of Losing Eden

Objev podobné jako The Squirrel and the Lost Treasure - Bickford-Smith Coralie

cena 502.0 Kč

Radio and the Performance of Government - Erica Harrison - e-kniha

eBook: Throughout the Second World War, the Czechoslovak Government-in-Exile broadcast over the BBC from London, hoping to reach out to their former compatriots living in a divided and occupied Europe. As the only way of projecting their authority, President Beneš and his colleagues relied on the radio as a stage on which to perform as the government they wished to be, representing a Czechoslovak state they hoped to recreate after the war. Despite a ban on listening to foreign broadcasts in the German-occupied Protectorate and Slovakia, many tuned in to hear ‘London calling’ and the broadcasts provided the strongest connection between the London Czechoslovaks and the audience at home. This work examines this government programme for the first time, making use of previously unstudied archival sources to examine how the exiles understood their mission and how their propaganda work was shaped by both British and Soviet influences. This study assesses the strengths, weaknesses, and limitations of the government’s radio propaganda as they navigated the complexities of exile, with chapters examining how they used the radio to establish their own authority, how they understood the past and future of a Czechoslovak nation, and how they struggled to include Slovakia and Subcarpathian Ruthenia within it.

Objev podobné jako Radio and the Performance of Government - Erica Harrison - e-kniha

cena 700.0 Kč

The Hero of the People: A Historical Romance of Love, Liberty and Loyalty - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

eBook: Part of an eight-volume cycle about Marie Antoinette \'The Hero of the People\' focuses on the conflict between King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette as to how France should be ruled. It is a novel focused on royal love, distinct from the previous entry \'The Storming of the Bastille\' which was rife with revolutionary fighting spirit, this entry brings a humanity to the historically disliked royals. It is a fascinating read offering a brand new perspective on some of history\'s most infamous figures.

Objev podobné jako The Hero of the People: A Historical Romance of Love, Liberty and Loyalty - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

A Case of Mice and Murder - Sally Smith

‘A delight from start to finish’ SUNDAY TIMES‘A triumph of ingenuity’ DAILY MAIL ‘I loved it! ... A whiff of Shardlake and a pinch of Rumpole ... a joy’ S.J. BENNETT, author of THE WINDSOR KNOTWhen barrister Gabriel Ward steps out of his rooms at exactly two minutes to seven on a sunny May morning in 1901, his mind is so full of his latest case – the disputed authorship of bestselling children’s book Millie the Temple Church Mouse – that he scarcely registers the body of the Lord Chief Justice of England on his doorstep.But even he cannot fail to notice the judge’s dusty bare feet, in shocking contrast to his flawless evening dress, nor the silver carving knife sticking out of his chest. In the shaded courtyards and ancient buildings of the Inner Temple, the hidden heart of London’s legal world, murder has spent centuries confined firmly to the casebooks. Until now…The police can enter the Temple only by consent, so who better to investigate this tragic breach of law and order than a man who prizes both above all things? But murder doesn’t answer to logic or reasoned argument, and Gabriel soon discovers that the Temple’s heavy oak doors are hiding more surprising secrets than he’d ever imagined...Gabriel Ward will return in A CASE OF LIFE AND LIMB - available to pre-order now!‘A cunning and delightful mystery with rich, wonderful characters and period detail so vivid, you can touch it’ IAN MOORE, author of DEATH AND CROISSANTS‘Sir Gabriel Ward KC is endearingly eccentric. Intriguing, engaging, and thoroughly satisfying’ T.E. KINSEY, author of A QUIET LIFE IN THE COUNTRY‘A total delight! ... Intelligent, insightful mystery ... all skilfully woven together with a poignant, human story. I devoured it in one sitting!’ SARAH YARWOOD-LOVETT, author of A MURDER OF CROWS

Objev podobné jako A Case of Mice and Murder - Sally Smith

cena 443.0 Kč

The Fortunes and Misfortunes of The Famous Moll Flanders - Daniel Defoe - e-kniha

eBook: ‘The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders’ is one of Daniel Defoe’s most celebrated novels. It tells the story of Moll Flanders, a charming con woman, from an autobiographical perspective. The reader follows Moll in her travels between London and Virginia as she attempts to marry or steal her way out of destitution. This novel is both hilarious and tragic as Defoe’s acclaimed writing portrays the hardship of 17th-century life in a wholly entertaining manner. This story remains influential as the titular Moll is an early example of a feminist anti-hero in English novels. ‘Moll Flanders’ is teeming with adventure, romance, and shocking twists and it was adapted into a movie starring Morgan Freeman and a television series starring Daniel Craig in 1996. This captivating family saga should be read by fans of Charles Dickens.

Objev podobné jako The Fortunes and Misfortunes of The Famous Moll Flanders - Daniel Defoe - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

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