Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Red-Haired Woman - Orhan Pamuk
"Many years have now gone by, and jealousy compels me to keep her name a secret, even from my readers. But I must provide a full and truthful account of what happened."It is mid-1980s Istanbul and Master Mahmut and his apprentice use ancient methods to dig wells - they are desperate to find water in a barren land. This is the tale of their struggle, but it is also a deeper investigation - through mesmerising stories and images - into Pamuk's prevailing themes: fathers and sons, the state and individual freedom, reading and seeing. It is also a richly literary work: The Red-Haired Woman borrows from the tradition of the French conte philosophique and asks probing questions of ethics and of the role of art in our lives. It is both a short, realist text investigating a murder which took place thirty years ago near Istanbul - and a fictional inquiry into the literary foundations of civilizations, comparing two fundamental myths of the West and the East respectively: Sophocles's Oedipus Rex (a story of patricide) and Ferdowsi's tale of Rostam and Sohrab (a story of filicide).The Red-Haired Woman is a masterful and mesmerising work which further confirms Orhan Pamuk as one of our greatest novelists.
Podívejte se také The Woman in white (9788853621108)
Istanbul : Memories and the City - Orhan Pamuk
A portrait of Istanbul that guides us across the Bosphorus, through Istanbul's historical monuments and lost paradises, its dilapidated Ottoman villas, back streets and waterways. It also introduces us to the city's writers, artists and murderers.
Podívejte se také NIKE The Perfume Woman EdT 30 ml (8414135863126)
Istanbul - Orhan Pamuk
Istanbul je poutavým a současně nezvyklým pohledem na jednu ze světových metropolí očima autora, který je s ní neodlučně spjat. Kniha je nejen holdem Istanbulu a Bosporské úžině, ale i jakousi osobní kronikou Pamukova uměleckého zrání. Rodinná historie a autorovy vzpomínky se prolínají s esejemi o malířích, spisovatelích a cestovatelích - západních i tureckých - spojených s Istanbulem. Pamukův Istanbul však není radostnou ódou na tisícileté město, nýbrž zachycuje město spíše v jeho pochmurných tónech a s jeho bytostnou melancholií, zdůrazněnou i podmanivými fotografi emi Ary Gülera.
Podívejte se také NIKE The Perfume Intense Woman EdT 30 ml (8414135864871)
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Rusovláska - Orhan Pamuk
Román je příběhem Cema, studnařského učedníka, jenž ve svém mistrovi nalézá otcovskou autoritu, kterou v životě postrádal. Do oidipovského vztahu těch dvou vstupuje tajemná rusovlasá žena, do níž se Cem bezhlavě zamiluje. Pamuk pracuje se vztahem otec-syn v několika dějových liniích, vedle klasického antického příběhu jde pro inspiraci do dávné perské legendy a děj staví do kulis Turecka od osmdesátých let minulého století do současnosti. V desátém románu tureckého nobelisty se objevují již dříve předkládané antagonismy Východ a Západ, minulost a budoucnost, tradice a moderna.
Objev podobné jako Rusovláska - Orhan Pamuk
Tichý dům - Orhan Pamuk
Píše se červenec 1980 a v Turecku se pomalu schyluje k dalšímu vojenskému převratu. Do přímořského letoviska nedaleko Istanbulu přijíždí jako každý rok čtyři sourozenci, aby navštívili svou devadesátiletou babičku. Zatímco venku stále houstne napětí mezi nacionalisty a levicovými bojůvkami, babiččin "tichý dům" vydává potlačovaná rodinná tajemství a rozehrávají se tu osudové životní příběhy. Román, ověnčený domácími i zahraničními cenami, je jak brilantním rodinným dramatem, tak dramatem celé země, v níž děsivě utichá komunikace mezi politickými skupinami, společenskými vrstvami i generacemi.Vydání knihy podpořilo Ministerstvo kultury a turistiky Turecké republiky.
Objev podobné jako Tichý dům - Orhan Pamuk
Černá kniha - Orhan Pamuk
Mistrovský román jedinečným způsobem kombinuje příběhy a vyprávěcí postupy blízkovýchodních literatur s postmoderním stylem psaní. Hlavní hrdina, advokát Galip, pátrá po své záhadně zmizelé ženě Rüye a nevlastním bratru Celâlovi, známém novináři, jehož sloupky o Istanbulu a jeho historii tvoří důležitou část bohaté románové koláže. Galip se při svém pátrání vydává do spletitých ulic Istanbulu, dostává se do podsvětí, bloumá po chudinských předměstích a setkává se s mystiky, blázny i politickými aktivisty, pročítá Celâlovy novinové sloupky a populární detektivní romány a nakonec odhalí šokující pravdu o své ženě i o sobě samém…Vydání knihy podpořilo Ministerstvo kultury a turistiky Turecké republiky.
Objev podobné jako Černá kniha - Orhan Pamuk
Nový život - Orhan Pamuk
V románu Nový život student Osman propadne kouzlu záhadné knihy a zároveň i překrásné dívce Canan, v jejíchž rukou knihu poprvé spatřil. Když Canan zničehonic zmizí, vydává se ji Osman hledat a zároveň odhalovat záhady světa popsaného v knize. Opouští všechny dosavadní jistoty a podniká dalekou cestu, aby unikl moderní civilizaci a znovu objevil tradiční způsob života. V knize nacházíme téma střetu modernity a tradice, Východu a Západu, ale můžeme ji chápat i jako napínavou road-movie s kriminální zápletkou, jako mystickou cestu za poznáním Boha či smyslu života.
Objev podobné jako Nový život - Orhan Pamuk
Bílá pevnost - Orhan Pamuk
Historicko-filozofický román Orhana Pamuka se odehrává v barvitém světě osmanského Istanbulu za vlády sultána Mehmeda IV. na konci 17. století a vypráví alegorický příběh o zvláštním vztahu benátského zajatce a jeho pána, istanbulského hodži, kteří jsou si k nerozeznání podobní. Vedle neotřelého zachycení života v mnohonárodnostní osmanské metropoli se román zamýšlí nad hranicemi poznání cizí kultury, vztahem mezi Evropou a Tureckem a stabilitou lidské identity. Pamukův román se stal v Turecku senzací a zahájil vlnu tzv. nového historického románu.
Objev podobné jako Bílá pevnost - Orhan Pamuk
Jmenuji se Červená - Orhan Pamuk
Jednoho zimního večera roku 1591 je v Istanbulu zavražděn přední iluminátor rukopisů a nyní k nám promlouvá ze studny, kam vrah hodil jeho tělo. Jeho hlas se ale ztrácí v koncertu ostatních hlasů, mezi nimiž figurují mistři sultánovy malířské dílny, knihař Kara a jeho milenka Şeküre, dohazovačka Ester, Strýc Efendi i mince, červená barva, smrt, pes nebo třeba strom. Každý z nich předkládá svůj pohled na svět a snaží se nás přesvědčit o své pravdě a je jen na čtenáři, jaký obrázek si z tohoto napínavého příběhu poskládá. Román je vrcholným dílem tohoto tureckého nositele Nobelovy ceny za literaturu (2006).
Objev podobné jako Jmenuji se Červená - Orhan Pamuk
Nights of Plague - Orhan Pamuk
1901. Night draws in. With the stealth of a spy vessel, the royal ship Azizye approaches the famous vistas of Mingheria. 'An emerald build of pink stone'. The 29th state of the ailing Ottoman Empire. The ship carries Princess Pakize, the daughter of a deposed sultan, her doctor husband, and the Royal Chemist, Bonkowski Pasha. Each of them holds a separate mission. Not all of them will survive the weeks ahead. Because Mingheria is on the cusp of catastrophe. There are rumours of plague - rumours some in power will try to suppress. But plague is not the only killer. Soon, the eyes of the world will turn to this ancient island, where the future of a fragile empire is at stake, in an epic and playful mystery of passion, fear, scandal and murder, from one of history's master storytellers.
Objev podobné jako Nights of Plague - Orhan Pamuk
Cosi divného v mé hlavě - Orhan Pamuk
Cosi podivného v mé hlavě je rozsáhlá románová freska zachycující životní osudy pouličního prodavače Mevlüta, jehož rodina v 70. letech emigrovala ze střední Anatolie do Istanbulu. Na rozdíl od většiny svých předchozích děl Pamuk tentokrát opouští prostředí poevropštěné istanbulské smetánky a vydává se mezi migranty a nádeníky z okrajových částí města. Mevlüt se živí jako prodavač bozy, sladkého nápoje z lehce fermentované pšenice, a sní o tom, že jednoho dne zbohatne. Po tři roky neúnavně píše milostné dopisy dívce, kterou spatřil na jedné svatbě, ale nakonec si po sérii omylů odevzdaně vezme její sestru. Podobně smířen s osudem roky den co den obchází ulice Istanbulu a přemýšlí o oné "podivnosti", kterou cítí ve své hlavě a jež ho odlišuje od ostatních - a nakonec ho další zvrat osudu přivede k poznání, po čem to celý život vlastně tolik toužil… Melancholičnost příběhu je narušována plejádou hlasů dalších, mnohdy bytostně komických postav, z nichž každá poodhaluje část Mevlütovy osobnosti a dodává knize humorný podtón. Cosi podivného v mé hlavě je nezvyklým portrétem Istanbulu kresleným z úhlu, jenž je i pro autora novinkou: z pohledu těch, kdo tvoří samé dno pestré istanbulské společnosti; je to další monumentální encyklopedie města, v níž autor s pečlivostí zapáleného sběratele shromažďuje nepřeberné množství postav, historických událostí, jídel nabízených pouličními prodavači i podivuhodných příhod z chudých istanbulských uliček. "Velkolepý román." The Wall Street Journal "Jeden z Pamukových nejpříjemnějších románů a ideální kniha pro čtenáře, kteří ho chtějí poznat. . . Pamuk dělá pro Istanbul něco, co James Joyce udělal pro Dublin. . . Zachycuje nejen vzhled a dojem města, ale i jeho kulturu, tradice, jeho lidi a jejich hodnoty. . . Milostný dopis modernímu Turecku. " - Adam Kirsch, The Washington Post Vydání knihy podpořilo Ministerstvo kultury a turistiky Turecké republiky.
Objev podobné jako Cosi divného v mé hlavě - Orhan Pamuk
The Woman in the Window (0008288577)
Kniha - 400 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor A. J. Finn, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Woman in the Window (0008288577)
The Woman on the Bridge - Sheila O'Flanaganová
Dublin. The 1920s. As war tears Ireland apart, two young people are caught up in events that will bring love, tragedy - and the hardest of choices.In a country fighting for freedom, it's hard to live a normal life. Winnie O'Leary supports the cause, but she doesn't go looking for trouble. Then rebel Joseph Burke steps into her workplace. Winnie is furious with him about a broken window. She's not interested in romance. But love comes when you least expect it.Joseph's family shelter fugitives and transport weapons. Joseph would never ask Winnie to join the fight; but his mother and sisters demand commitment. Will Winnie choose Joseph, and put her own loved ones in deadly danger? Or wait for a time of peace that may never come?Ireland's tumultuous independence struggle is the backdrop for an unforgettable story of courage and heartbreak, in which heroes are made of ordinary people. Inspired by the story of Sheila O'Flanagan's grandmother, The Woman on the Bridge is the unmissable, compulsive new novel from a bestselling author.
Objev podobné jako The Woman on the Bridge - Sheila O'Flanaganová
The Woman in the Wood - Lesley Pearse
One night in 1960, the twins awake to find their father pulling their screaming mother from the house. She is to be committed to an asylum. It is, so their father insists, for her own good. It's not long before they, too, are removed from their London home and sent to Nightingales - a large house deep in the New Forest countryside - to be watched over by their cold-hearted grandmother, Mrs Mitcham. Though they feel abandoned and unloved, at least here they have something they never had before - freedom. The twins are left to their own devices, to explore, find new friends and first romances. That is until the day that Duncan doesn't come back for dinner. Nor does he return the next day. Or the one after that. When the bodies of other young boys are discovered in the surrounding area the police appear to give up hope of finding Duncan alive. With Mrs Mitcham showing little interest in her grandson's disappearance, it is up to Maisy to discover the truth. And she knows just where to start. The woman who lives alone in the wood about whom so many rumours abound. A woman named Grace Deville. The Woman in the Wood is a powerful, passionate and sinister tale of a young woman's courage, friendship and determination from one of the world's favourite storytellers.
Objev podobné jako The Woman in the Wood - Lesley Pearse
The Woman on the Ledge - Ruth Mancini
Obsession. Intrigue. Revenge. Get ready for one of the most twisty thrillers this year!‘I’ve been yearning for something to give me Girl on the Train vibes. . . this is that book.’ Lisa Jewell''I’m certain this will be one of my favourite thrillers of 2024 already!’ Prima''Utterly gripping from first to last ... I guarantee you’ll be absolutely hooked.'' The Guardian''Totally unpredictable. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough'' Claire Douglas''A thrill-ride of a novel - dark, riveting and twisty'' Lucy Clarke‘I inhaled this. . . Lots of twists and turns. Couldn’t put it down!’ Hayley Morris‘Razor-sharp plotting, great writing ... a pitch-perfect legal thriller’ Harriet Tyce''A deeply satisfying read'' Her Honour Judge Wendy Joseph KC___________A woman falls to her death from a London bank''s twenty-fifth-floor roof terrace.You''re arrested for her murder.You tell the police that you only met the victim the previous night at your office party. She was threatening to jump from the roof, but you talked her down.You''ve got nothing to do with this tragedy.You''re clearly being framed.So why do the police keep picking holes in your story?And why doesn''t your lawyer seem to believe you?It soon becomes obvious that you''re keeping secrets.But who are you trying to protect? And why?Get ready for one of the most gripping psychological thrillers of the year, perfect for fans of Gillian McAllister, Lisa Jewell and Paula Hawkins.___________Readers are loving The Woman on the Ledge . . .***** ''It’s been awhile since I have read a good PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER, and even longer since I read a great one-but this ORIGINAL gem is pretty great!''***** ''ONE OF THE BEST PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLERS I HAVE READ THIS YEAR!!! WHAT A BRILLIANTLY WRITTEN MASTERPIECE!!!''***** ''This has the best dynamics of a book that I have read in awhile. What a talented author!''***** ''I definitely recommend this one to anyone who enjoys an intense, twisted, thought-provoking and engaging Psychological Thriller.''***** ''All I can say is that this is not a book to be missed.''___________More love for The Woman on the Ledge:''A deliciously clever book. Jaw-dropping. Absolutely outstanding'' Andrea Mara''A twist-a-minute thrill ride!'' Lisa Gardner''Had me turning the pages through the night'' Heidi Perks''A gripping thriller with a great premise and a twist I didn’t see coming'' John Marrs''The best thriller I''ve read in ages'' Laura Pearson‘Wonderfully twisty, fabulously unexpected and immensely satisfying’ Alex Marwood''The best kind of plot-twisty story ... I devoured it!'' Sabine Durrant''Breathtaking storytelling ... Stunning!’ Jane Fallon''WOW! I absolutely loved it'' Stu Cummins''A clever idea and an even cleverer plot.'' Belfast Telegraph‘So full of twists and turns it will make your head hurt – in a good way!’ Fabulous, Sun on Sunday‘A tense novel’ Bella‘A twisty tale that will keep you on your toes’ Heat‘A dark and compelling legal thriller.’ Woman & Home
Objev podobné jako The Woman on the Ledge - Ruth Mancini
The Woman in the White Kimono - Ana Johns
Japan, 1957. Seventeen-year-old Naoko Nakamura's prearranged marriage secures her family's status in their traditional Japanese community. However, Naoko has fallen for an American sailor and to marry him would bring great shame upon her entire family. When it's learned Naoko carries the sailor's child, she's cast out in disgrace and forced to make unimaginable choices with consequences that will ripple across generations.America, present day. Tori Kovač, caring for her dying father, finds a letter containing a shocking revelation. Setting out to learn the truth, Tori's journey leads her to a remote seaside village in Japan where she must confront the demons of the past to pave a way for redemption.
Objev podobné jako The Woman in the White Kimono - Ana Johns
Cleopatra: The Woman Behind the Stories - Stewart Alexandra
Discover the true story behind the legendary pharaoh in this captivating look into the life of Cleopatra. Although her name and story might be familiar, much of what we know about Cleopatra is shrouded in mystery. Her life was one of politics, murder, war, marriage and passion – but it was also one of pride, bravery, love and strength.Cleopatra may have lived as a goddess, but, beneath her magnificent exterior, she was just a woman who fought tirelessly for what she felt was rightfully hers. With dynamic illustrations and a gripping, expertly researched and fact-checked text, this is the story of the woman behind the stories. Prepare to be lost in a world of kings and queens, power and strategy, love and war.Meet one of the most misunderstood women in history, demystify the propaganda spread by the men who feared her and find the truth behind it all, the truth of a powerful queen.
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The Woman in white (9788853621108)
Kniha - autor Wilkie Collins, 96 stran, anglicky Táto kniha je prvý brilantný anglický román plný záhad a temných tajomstiev. Keď jednej londýnskej noci stretne Walter Hartright tajomnú ženu, uvedomí si, že je nejakým zvláštnym spôsobom prepojená s jeho novým životom v Limmeridge House a s jeho milovanou Laurou Fairlieovou. Príbeh rozprávajú rôzne postavy, a tak sa čoskoro dozvieme, že Walter, Marian a Laura sú zamotaní do strašidelného sveta zločinu, šialenstva a zámeny identity. Gróf Fosco so sirom Percivalom Glydom urobia čokoľvek, aby sa dostali k Lauriným peniazom a zosnujú hrozný zločin, ktorý jej môže zničiť život. CEFR Level: B1
Objev podobné jako The Woman in white (9788853621108)
The Only Woman - Immy Humes
A compelling gallery of women who made their way into a man's world, shown through group portraits each featuring a lone woman An original approach to gender equality, this striking pictorial statement brings to light the compelling and undeniable phenomenon of 'the only woman': across time and cultures, groups of artists, activists, scientists, servants, movie stars, or metal workers have often included exactly and only one woman. Covering examples from nearly 20 countries, from the advent of photography until the present day, author Immy Humes reveals and reframes how women and men have related socially in surprising and poignant ways. This is a fresh contribution to visual and cultural history full of unheard stories, courage, achievement, outrage, mystery, fun, and extraordinary women. A unique focus on women and men in public life from 1860 to the present day charting the phenomenon of 'the only woman' from countries including the USA and the UK, France, Peru, Mexico, India, China, Japan, and Australia. The book features both unknown and well-known women from a diverse range of backgrounds including writers, conductors, civil-rights leaders, domestic workers, sportswomen, and lawyers as well as princesses, railway workers, boxing promoters, and astronauts.
Objev podobné jako The Only Woman - Immy Humes
The Other Woman - Sandie Jonesová
The Other Woman by debut author Sandie Jones, is a gripping psychological thriller, perfect for fans of Michelle Frances's The Girlfriend and B A Paris's Behind Closed Doors. When Emily meets Adam she knows he is the One. That together they can deal with anything that is thrown at them. But lurking in the shadows is another woman, Pammie. Emily chose Adam, but she didn't choose his mother. There's nothing a mother wouldn't do for her son, and now Emily is about to find out just how far Pammie will go to get what she wants . . .
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The Bookshop Woman - Nanako Hanada
''An irresistible treat for all bibliophiles'' WaterstonesTHE BOOKSHOP WOMAN IS A LOVE STORY, A LOVE STORY ABOUT BOOKSNanako Hanada''s life has not just flatlined, it''s hit rock bottom... Recently separated from her husband, she is living between 4-hour capsule hostels, pokey internet cafes and bookshop floors. Her work is going no better - sales at the eccentric Village Vanguard bookstore in Tokyo, which Nanako manages, are dwindling. As Nanako''s life falls apart, reading books is the only thing keeping her alive.That''s until Nanako joins an online meet-up site which offers 30 minutes with someone you''ll never see again. Describing herself as a sexy bookseller she offers strangers ''the book that will change their life'' in exchange for a meeting. In the year that follows, Nanako meets hundreds of people, some of whom want more than just a book...Acerbic and self-knowing, The Bookshop Woman is a soul-soothing story of a bookseller''s self-discovery and an ode to the joy of reading. Offering a glimpse into bookselling in Japan and the quirky side of Tokyo and its people, this is a story of how books can help us forge connection with others and lead us to ourselves.This is a story about the beauty of climbing into a book, free diving into its pages, and then resurfacing on the last page, ready to breathe a different kind of air...''I''d say this fits the healing "fiction" kind of genre, but it''s even better''Amazon review''It''s such a beautiful ode to the power of books''Amazon review''I found it really hard to put down and could have finished it in one sitting. I was dying to find out who she was going to meet next!''Goodreads review''The Bookshop Woman was totally unexpected and led me to realize certain truths about my own self as I followed Nanako questioning what was most important to her''Goodreads reviewBestseller in Japan in April 2018.
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The Unicorn Woman - Gayl Jones
''A literary giant'' TAYARI JONESA richly imaginative and moving new novel from the Pulitzer finalist and acclaimed author of CorregidoraA cook and tractor repairman, Buddy was known as Budweiser to his army pals because he''s a wise guy. But underneath that surface, he''s a man on a quest: looking for religion, looking for meaning, looking for love.Returning from the Second World War not to a hero''s welcome, but to the discrimination of the Jim Crow laws, Buddy stumbles across the Unicorn Woman, a carnival sideshow with a horn growing from her forehead, whose strange beauty he can''t forget.As he drifts across the South, from Kentucky to Memphis, Buddy encounters a dazzling array of almost mythic characters: circus barkers, topiary trimmers, landladies who provide shelter and plenty of advice for their all-Black clientele, proto feminists and bigots - dreaming all the while of the unforgettable Unicorn Woman herself.With her inimitable eye for beauty, tragedy and humour, Jones offers a rich, intriguing exploration of the Black imagination in a time of frustration and hope.''Her truth-telling, filled with beauty, tragedy, humour, and incisiveness, is unmatched'' IMANI PERRY''Gayl Jones is enjoying a dazzling late-career renaissance'' SUZI FEAY, TLS''Intricate, mesmerising and endlessly inventive'' DEESHA PHILYAW
Objev podobné jako The Unicorn Woman - Gayl Jones
The Bookshop Woman - Nanako Hanada
THIS BOOK IS A LOVE STORY TO BOOKS.A love story to climbing all the way down a book's rope, free diving to its bottom, and then resurfacing at its close, ready to breathe a different kind of air.Nanako Hanada's life is in crisis. Recently separated from her husband, living in youth hostels and internet cafes, her work is going no better.Book sales at the eccentric Village Vanguard bookstore in Tokyo, which Nanako manages, are dwindling. Fallen out of love in all aspects of her life, Nanako realises how narrow her life has become, with no friends outside of her colleagues, and no hobbies apart from reading and arranging books.That's when Nanako, in a bid to inject some excitement into her life, joins a meet-up site where people meet for 30-minute bursts to find romance, build a network, or just share ideas.She describes herself as a sexy bookseller who will give you a personalised book recommendation. In the year that follows, Nanako meets an eclectic range of strangers, some of whom wanted more than just a book, others she became real friends with.Written with a subtle but sharp sense of humour, The Bookshop Woman is a heart-warming book about a bookseller's self-discovery. It offers a glimpse into bookselling in Japan and the quirky side of Tokyo and its people.Books, once again, offer inspiration and serve as channels for human communication.
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Mercedes-Benz Woman In Red - EDP 90 ml
Woman In Red od značky Mercedes-Benz je dámská sladká parfémovaná voda, která zachycuje samotnou podstatu ženskosti. Jedinečný šarm a kouzlo osobnosti ženy Woman In Red je zachyceno díky ovocným akordům mandarinky, hrušky a třešňového květu, který je doplněn o lahodné pistácie. V srdci rozkvétá opojná vůně jasmínu a laskavá gardénie. Základ je potom směsí zemitě-dřevitých tónů v podobě santalového dřeva, pačuli, fazole tonky a benzoinu. Sexy parfémovaná voda Woman In Red je plná životní síly, energie a vášně - podlehnete jejímu kouzlu i Vy? Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 2021 a její tvůrkyní je Honorine Blanc.
Objev podobné jako Mercedes-Benz Woman In Red - EDP 90 ml
Mercedes-Benz Woman In Red - EDP 60 ml
Woman In Red od značky Mercedes-Benz je dámská sladká parfémovaná voda, která zachycuje samotnou podstatu ženskosti. Jedinečný šarm a kouzlo osobnosti ženy Woman In Red je zachyceno díky ovocným akordům mandarinky, hrušky a třešňového květu, který je doplněn o lahodné pistácie. V srdci rozkvétá opojná vůně jasmínu a laskavá gardénie. Základ je potom směsí zemitě-dřevitých tónů v podobě santalového dřeva, pačuli, fazole tonky a benzoinu. Sexy parfémovaná voda Woman In Red je plná životní síly, energie a vášně - podlehnete jejímu kouzlu i Vy? Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 2021 a její tvůrkyní je Honorine Blanc.
Objev podobné jako Mercedes-Benz Woman In Red - EDP 60 ml
The Woman in Me - Britney Spears
The Woman in Me is a brave and astonishingly moving story about freedom, fame, motherhood, survival, faith, and hope. In June 2021, the whole world was listening as Britney Spears spoke in open court. The impact of sharing her voice—her truth—was undeniable, and it changed the course of her life and the lives of countless others. The Woman in Me reveals for the first time her incredible journey—and the strength at the core of one of the greatest performers in pop music history. Written with remarkable candor and humor, Spears’s groundbreaking book illuminates the enduring power of music and love—and the importance of a woman telling her own story, on her own terms, at last.
Objev podobné jako The Woman in Me - Britney Spears
The Other Woman (Defekt) - Sandie Jonesová
The Other Woman by debut author Sandie Jones, is a gripping psychological thriller, perfect for fans of Michelle Frances's The Girlfriend and B A Paris's Behind Closed Doors. When Emily meets Adam she knows he is the One. That together they can deal with anything that is thrown at them. But lurking in the shadows is another woman, Pammie. Emily chose Adam, but she didn't choose his mother. There's nothing a mother wouldn't do for her son, and now Emily is about to find out just how far Pammie will go to get what she wants . . .
Objev podobné jako The Other Woman (Defekt) - Sandie Jonesová
The Woman Who Fell - Matthew Frank
The masterfully-crafted new crime thriller, featuring haunted army veteran and Detective Constable Joseph StarkEXTRAVAGANT WEALTH. HIGH ART. MURDER . . .‘The best book in the Joe Stark series by far. A truly brilliant mystery that builds to a thrilling climax’ - JAMES BENMORE‘Stark is on top form in this twisty tale . . . a deeply satisfying read’ - SARAH HILARY----Lucinda Drummond, art history expert, was beautiful, clever, successful and loved.When she is found at the bottom of her museum''s Tulip Staircase during the pinnacle event of her career, people are as shocked as they are suspicious.Who could have wanted her dead?Detectives Joe Stark and Fran Millhaven are quick on the case, leading them into a world of high art and extravagant wealth that proves far more twisted than they could have imagined.As the bodies begin to mount, and the case grows ever more complex, Stark and Fran must race to discover the perpetrator – before the next victim falls . . .----‘A gripping thriller, packed with dark twists and unexpected turns which kept me guessing until the very end. Perfect for fans of Slow Horses’ - JESSICA BULLPRAISE FOR MATTHEW FRANK:''Tense and twisty . . . completely gripping. I ignored children, a ringing phone, hunger, everything just to devour the last hundred pages'' Karen Perry, Sunday Times bestselling author of Your Closest Friend''A clever compelling spiderweb of a plot '' Jane Corry, bestselling author of My Husband''s Wife''Seriously good . . . a tightly plotted thrilling page turner of a book'' James Oswald, author of the Inspector McLean series
Objev podobné jako The Woman Who Fell - Matthew Frank
The Woman in Me - Britney Spears
The Woman in Me is a brave and astonishingly moving story about freedom, fame, motherhood, survival, faith, and hope. In June 2021, the whole world was listening as Britney Spears spoke in open court. The impact of sharing her voice—her truth—was undeniable, and it changed the course of her life and the lives of countless others.The Woman in Me reveals for the first time her incredible journey—and the strength at the core of one of the greatest performers in pop music history. Written with remarkable candour and humour, Spears’s ground-breaking book illuminates the enduring power of music and love—and the importance of a woman telling her own story, on her own terms, at last.
Objev podobné jako The Woman in Me - Britney Spears
The Last Sane Woman - Hannah Regel
Nicola Long is a few years out of a fine arts degree, listless and unenthusiastically employed in London. She begins to spend her hours at a small underfunded archive dedicated to women’s art. There she discovers one side of a correspondence beginning in 1976 and spanning a dozen years, written from one woman – a ceramics graduate, uncannily like Nicola – to a friend living a contrasting and conventionally moored life. As Nicola reads on, an acute sense of affinity turns into obsession.She abandons one job after another to make time for the archive. The litany of coincidences in the letters becomes uncanny, and Nicola’s feeling of ownership begets a growing dread: should she be afraid of where these letters are leading?
Objev podobné jako The Last Sane Woman - Hannah Regel
The Woman Destroyed - Simone de Beauvoirová
First published in 1967, this book consists of three short novellas on the theme of women's vulnerability – in the first, to the process of ageing, in the second to loneliness, and, in the third, to the growing indifference of a loved one. THE WOMAN DESTROYED is a collection of three stories, each an exquisite and passionate study of a woman trapped by circumstances, trying to rebuild her life. In the first story, ‘The Age of Discretion’, a successful scholar fast approaching middle age faces a double shock – her son’s abandonment of the career she has chosen for him and the harsh critical rejection of her latest academic work.‘The Monologue’ is an extraordinary New Year’s Eve outpouring of invective from a woman consumed with bitterness and loneliness after her son and her husband have left home. Finally, in ‘The Woman Destroyed’, Simone de Beauvoir tells the story of Monique, trying desperately to resurrect her life after her husband confesses to an affair with a younger woman. Compassionate, lucid, full of wit and knowing, Simone de Beauvoir’s rare insight into the inequalities and complexities of women’s lives is unsurpassable.
Objev podobné jako The Woman Destroyed - Simone de Beauvoirová
The Woman in Black - Susan Hillová
''Heartstoppingly chilling'' Daily ExpressArthur Kipps, a junior solicitor, is summoned to attend the funeral of Mrs Alice Drablow, the sole inhabitant of Eel Marsh House.The house stands at the end of a causeway, wreathed in fog and mystery, but it is not until he glimpses a wasted young woman, dressed all in black, at the funeral, that a creeping sense of unease begins to take hold, a feeling deepened by the reluctance of the locals to talk of the woman in black - and her terrible purpose.''No one chills the heart like Susan Hill'' Daily Telegraph**If you love The Woman in Black, try The Various Haunts of Men, the first book in Susan Hill''s Simon Serrailler series**
Objev podobné jako The Woman in Black - Susan Hillová
The Woman In Blue - Elly Griffiths
The murder of women priests in Norfolk''s spooky shrine town of Walsingham draws forensic archaeologist Dr Ruth Galloway into a thrilling new adventure. ''Ever-more ingenious detective stories with a powerful sense of place'' The TimesWhen Ruth''s friend Cathbad sees a vision of the Virgin Mary, in a white gown and blue cloak, in Walsingham''s graveyard, he takes it in his stride. Walsingham has strong connections to Mary, and Cathbad is a druid after all; visions come with the job. But when the body of a woman in a blue dressing-gown is found dead the next day in a nearby ditch, it is clear that a horrible crime has been committed, and DCI Nelson and his team are called in for what is now a murder investigation.Ruth, a devout atheist, has managed to avoid Walsingham during her seventeen years in Norfolk. But then an old university friend asks to meet her in the village, and Ruth is amazed to discover that she is now a priest. She has been receiving vitriolic anonymous letters targeting women priests - letters containing references to local archaeology and a striking phrase about a woman ''clad in blue, weeping for the world''.Then another woman is murdered - a priest. As Walsingham prepares for its annual Easter re-enactment of the Crucifixion, the race is on to unmask the killer before they strike again...
Objev podobné jako The Woman In Blue - Elly Griffiths
The Doors - L.A. Woman (2 LP)
Žánr: Rock;Hard Rock;Blues Subžánr: Rock;Blues Rock;Acid Rock;Blues;Psychedelic Rock Typ: LP deska;Album Datum vydání: 2012-11-14 Dekáda interpreta: 1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969 Interpret / Téma: The Doors Vydavatelství: Elektra;Analogue Productions Rok vydání: 2012.0 Varianta: L.A. Woman (2 LP) Barva: Černá Složení setu: 2 ks Země interpreta: USA Země původu: USA Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 45 RPM Hmotnost: 180 g
Objev podobné jako The Doors - L.A. Woman (2 LP)
Mercedes-Benz Woman In Red dárková sada pro ženy
Mercedes-Benz Woman In Red, Dámské sady pro ženy, Hledáte ideální dárek pro svou drahou polovičku, sestru či maminku? Dámský parfémový set Mercedes-Benz Woman In Red vašim blízkým zaručeně vykouzlí úsměv na tváři. Vlastnosti: vůně vhodná pro každodenní nošení Sada obsahuje: parfémovaná voda 90 ml tělové mléko 100 ml
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The Peer and the Woman - Edward Phillips Oppenheim - e-kniha
eBook: First published in 1895, ‘The Peer and the Woman’ is one of author E. Phillips Oppenheim’s earlier novels. A classic story of revenge, it follows the fortunes of the Alceston family. Head of the family, Lord Alceston has been murdered in his own home the very night he is giving a ball. Learning of the tragic news, his son Bernard immediately returns from the continent to avenge his father’s death. A dramatic story of love, jealousy, and revenge.
Objev podobné jako The Peer and the Woman - Edward Phillips Oppenheim - e-kniha
The Hermit and the Wild Woman - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha
eBook: \'The Hermit and the Wild Woman\' is a collection of short stories through which Wharton explores the themes of choice and morality. A surprising read, the stories feature a wide variety of central protagonists, including a lawyer\'s wife, a struggling artist, a governor, and a monk living in cloisters. Shot through with wry humour, cultural criticism, and psychological observations, this book is perfect for fans of Wharton, who want to get to know the author a little better.
Objev podobné jako The Hermit and the Wild Woman - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha
Pamuk Makreme 250g - 1130 tm.šedá (7089)
Příze Pamuk Makreme 250g - 1130 tm.šedá
Objev podobné jako Pamuk Makreme 250g - 1130 tm.šedá (7089)
Pamuk Makreme 250g - 1184 žlutá (7566)
Příze Pamuk Makreme 250g - 1184 žlutá
Objev podobné jako Pamuk Makreme 250g - 1184 žlutá (7566)
Pamuk Makreme 250g - 1251 červená (7567)
Příze Pamuk Makreme 250g - 1251 červená
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Pamuk Makreme 250g - 1148 tm.modrá (7090)
Příze Pamuk Makreme 250g - 1148 tm.modrá
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The Red Red Dragon - Lynne Reid Banksová
From a multi-million-copy-selling author whose work spans seven decades comes a humorous and warm-hearted story about a family of dragons in a world where humans have always been a myth ... until now.Red is a rare red dragon who lives with his Mag and Dag in a world where dragons and Uprights are sworn enemies. Then Red meets his first Upright, a girl called Lou, who is nothing like he had imagined: she''s smart, and funny ... and kind! As the pair become friends, Red learns that not only can the two species live in harmony – but maybe it''s his destiny to bring them back together.
Objev podobné jako The Red Red Dragon - Lynne Reid Banksová
Funko POP! The Flash - Wonder Woman (889698655934)
Figurka - soška, postavička, sběratelská, motiv The Flash, výška 9 cm, materiál vinyl, nepohyblivá Funko POP! jsou čím dál populárnější malé vinylové figurky s ikonickým roztomilým vzhledem, který je charakterizován velkou hlavou a malým tělem postavičky. Poprvé byly představeny v roce 2010, kombinují tradiční výrobu sošek s moderními prvky a barvami a jsou uznávané i jako sběratelské předměty. Každý si v dnes už tisících figurek najde tu svoji, vyráběny jsou v mnoha různých tématech, jako jsou filmy, televizní seriály, hry, komiksy a další pop-kulturní ikony. I tato figurka, Funko POP! The Flash - Wonder Woman, o výšce 9 cm se stane skvělým kouskem do vaší sbírky, či veselou hračkou pro vaše dítko. Zásadní vlastnosti figurky Funko POP! The Flash - Wonder Woman Figurka Funko potěší každého sběratele Figurka ze série The Flash potěší kvalitním zpracováním Použitým materiálem je vinyl Funko POP! The Flash - Wonder Woman představuje dekorativní sošku V balení...
Objev podobné jako Funko POP! The Flash - Wonder Woman (889698655934)
The Doors Tričko LA Woman Unisex Black S
Subžánr: Psychedelic Rock;Blues Rock;Acid Rock;Blues;Rock Barva: Černá Interpret / Téma: The Doors Pohlaví: Unisex Dodavatel: Rock Off Žánr: Blues;Rock Velikost: S Materiál: Bavlna Barva podle výrobce: Black Dekáda interpreta: 1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969 Délka rukávu: Krátké Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Země původu: Spojené království Věková skupina: Dospělý Země interpreta: USA
Objev podobné jako The Doors Tričko LA Woman Unisex Black S
The Woman in Me (Defekt) - Britney Spears
The Woman in Me is a brave and astonishingly moving story about freedom, fame, motherhood, survival, faith, and hope. In June 2021, the whole world was listening as Britney Spears spoke in open court. The impact of sharing her voice—her truth—was undeniable, and it changed the course of her life and the lives of countless others. The Woman in Me reveals for the first time her incredible journey—and the strength at the core of one of the greatest performers in pop music history. Written with remarkable candor and humor, Spears’s groundbreaking book illuminates the enduring power of music and love—and the importance of a woman telling her own story, on her own terms, at last.
Objev podobné jako The Woman in Me (Defekt) - Britney Spears
The Worst Woman in London - Julia Bennet
A Bridgerton-inspired humorous Victorian romance featuring a defiant heroine who fights to escape a bad marriage, while her love for a forbidden man jeopardizes her chance at freedom. “Romantic, feminist, and shimmers with intelligence. Let's hope Ms. Bennet keeps writing—we need more historical romance just like this!” —All About Romance James Standish knows how to play society’s game. He’ll follow the rules—marry a virginal debutante and inherit a massive fortune. At least, that’s the plan until he meets Francesca Thorne. She’s not the sort of woman a respectable gentleman like James could ever marry—not least because, strictly speaking, she’s married already to James's friend Edward. Francesca is determined to flout convention and divorce her philandering husband. When James sweet-talks his way into her life—tasked with convincing Francesca to abandon her dream of freedom—she’s unprepared for the passion that flares between them. Torn apart by conflicting desires, James and Francesca must choose whether to keep chasing the lives they’ve always wanted or to take a chance on a new and forbidden love. “The Worst Woman in London is the kind of historical novel I’ve been dying to read.”—The New York Times
Objev podobné jako The Worst Woman in London - Julia Bennet
Podložka na gramofon, The Doors - LA Woman
Podložka na gramofon s motivem The Doors – LA Woman s antistatickou úpravou
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Pamuk Makreme 250g - 2036 světle fialová (7568)
Příze Pamuk Makreme 250g - 2036 světle fialová
Objev podobné jako Pamuk Makreme 250g - 2036 světle fialová (7568)
Plavecké brýle Arena The One Woman smoke-violet
Speciální plavecké brýle pro ženy s jednolitým těsněním a polykarbonátovými skly pro periferní vidění! Skvělé do bazénu i na triatlon!. Mít brýle, které sedí, je cíl každé plavkyně! S modelem Arena The One Woman se můžete v klidu soustředit na plavání a neřešit úpravu brýlí po každém kole. Tyto brýle vznikly na základě výzkumu tisíců obličejů a díky speciálnímu těsnění z jednoho kusu materiálu se tak přizpůsobí i tomu vašemu. Zatímco těsnění zaručuje vysoký komfort, tvrdé polykarbonátové čočky se postarají o široké periferní vidění. Silikonový popruh je pak možno přizpůsobit pomocí postranních spon. Tyto brýle jsou vhodné pro každý druh plavání, včetně triatlonu!Technický popis: dámské plavecké brýle menší rozměry pro ženský obličej těsnění z jednoho kusu materiálu široké periferní vidění tvrdá polykarbonátová skla zabarvené čočky vhodné do vnitřních bazénů dvojitý popruh jednoduché utažení vhodné na triatlon materiál: 50 % polykarbonát, 30 % TPR, 20 % silikon
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NIKE The Perfume Woman EdT 30 ml (8414135863126)
Toaletní voda - pro ženy, citrusová hlavní vůně, vonná složka mandarinka, orchidej a pomeranč, španělské výroby, objem 30 ml V případě, že preferujete dámské vůně, potom byste měli vyzkoušet toaletní vodu Nike. Dámská toaletní voda Nike bude společně s vámi připravena čelit všem výzvám. Citrusová vůně je oblíbená díky své lehkosti, její tradice však sahá hluboko do historie. Vonná kompozice vyniká lehkostí a svěžestí, takže vás podpoří i v horkých letních dnech. Dejte šanci toaletní vodě Nike, která bude důležitou součástí vaší osobnosti. Zásadní vlastnosti toaletní vody NIKE The Perfume Woman EdT 30 ml Toaletní voda Nike má v sobě zejména dámské složky vůní Hlavní složce dominuje citrusová příměs Mezi vonné složky náleží i mandarinka, orchidej a pomeranč Potěší vás původ španělské toaletní vody Nike Objem flakonu činí 30 ml Vychutnejte si tu neuvěřitelnou sílu okamžiku s touto vůní Toaletní voda Nike se může pochlubit jedinečnou vůní Začněte nový den s...
Objev podobné jako NIKE The Perfume Woman EdT 30 ml (8414135863126)
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- Pretty Woman - DVD (D00074)
- VERSACE Versace Woman EdP
- Bellatex s.r.o. Příze Pamuk Makreme 250g - 6086 světle zelená (8220)
- Von Hertzen Brothers: Red Alert In The Blue Forest - CD (9029636476)
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- Wonder Woman - Blu-ray (W02094)
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- REWARD WOMAN 81018-4 (2861)
- LIGE WOMAN 10007-2 (3949)
- CARNEO Prime GTR woman (8588007861319)
- LIGE WOMAN 8912-2 (1970)
- REWARD WOMAN RD63075L-B (5537)
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