Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Woman Destroyed - Simone de Beauvoirová
First published in 1967, this book consists of three short novellas on the theme of women's vulnerability – in the first, to the process of ageing, in the second to loneliness, and, in the third, to the growing indifference of a loved one. THE WOMAN DESTROYED is a collection of three stories, each an exquisite and passionate study of a woman trapped by circumstances, trying to rebuild her life. In the first story, ‘The Age of Discretion’, a successful scholar fast approaching middle age faces a double shock – her son’s abandonment of the career she has chosen for him and the harsh critical rejection of her latest academic work.‘The Monologue’ is an extraordinary New Year’s Eve outpouring of invective from a woman consumed with bitterness and loneliness after her son and her husband have left home. Finally, in ‘The Woman Destroyed’, Simone de Beauvoir tells the story of Monique, trying desperately to resurrect her life after her husband confesses to an affair with a younger woman. Compassionate, lucid, full of wit and knowing, Simone de Beauvoir’s rare insight into the inequalities and complexities of women’s lives is unsurpassable.
Podívejte se také The Woman in white (9788853621108)
The Second Sex - Simone de Beauvoirová
'Everyone who cares about freedom and justice for women should read The Second Sex' GuardianSimone de Beauvoir famously wrote, 'One is not born, but rather becomes, woman'. In this groundbreaking work of feminism she examines the limits of female freedom and explodes our deeply ingrained beliefs about femininity. Liberation, she argues, entails challenging traditional perceptions of the social relationship between the sexes and, crucially, in achieving economic independence.Drawing on sociology, anthropology and biology, The Second Sex is as important and relevant today as when it was first published in 1949.
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Nerozlučné - Simone de Beauvoirová
Teprve po 66 letech od svého napsání se dočkala vydání autobiografická novela z pera slavné představitelky existencialismu a feminismu ve francouzské literatuře, Simone de Beauvoir. Autorka svůj příběh považovala za příliš „intimní“, než aby jej publikovala. Vypráví v něm o hlubokém přátelství dvou dívek, které sdílejí dramata svých prvních milostných vzplanutí, ale spojuje je i odpor ke společenským konvencím a tradiční ženské roli v životě. Kniha přichází ke čtenářům s předmluvou adoptivní dcery autorky Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir a rovněž s množstvím autentických fotografií.
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The Second Sex (Vintage Feminism Short Edition) - Simone de Beauvoirová
Vintage Feminism: classic feminist texts in short formWITH AN INTRODUCTION BY NATALIE HAYNESWhen this book was first published in 1949 it was to outrage and scandal. Never before had the case for female liberty been so forcefully and successfully argued. De Beauvoir’s belief that ‘One is not born, but rather becomes, woman’ switched on light bulbs in the heads of a generation of women and began a fight for greater equality and economic independence. These pages contain the key passages of the book that changed perceptions of women forever.TRANSLATED BY CONSTANCE BORDE AND SHEILA MALOVANY-CHEVALLIERANNOTATED AND INTRODUCED BY MARTINE REID
Objev podobné jako The Second Sex (Vintage Feminism Short Edition) - Simone de Beauvoirová
Nerozlučné - Simone de Beauvoirová - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Teprve po 66 letech od svého napsání se dočkala vydání autobiografická novela z pera slavné představitelky existencialismu a feminismu ve francouzské literatuře, Simone de Beauvoir. Autorka svůj příběh považovala za příliš „intimní“, než aby jej publikovala. Vypráví v něm o hlubokém přátelství dvou dívek, které sdílejí dramata svých prvních milostných vzplanutí, ale spojuje je i odpor ke společenským konvencím a tradiční ženské roli v životě. Kniha přichází ke čtenářům s předmluvou adoptivní dcery autorky Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir a rovněž s množstvím autentických fotografií.
Objev podobné jako Nerozlučné - Simone de Beauvoirová - audiokniha
Nerozlučné - Simone de Beauvoirová - e-kniha
eBook: Teprve po 66 letech od svého napsání se dočkala vydání autobiografická novela z pera slavné představitelky existencialismu a feminismu ve francouzské literatuře, Simone de Beauvoir. Autorka svůj příběh považovala za příliš „intimní“, než aby jej publikovala. Vypráví v něm o hlubokém přátelství dvou dívek, které sdílejí dramata svých prvních milostných vzplanutí, ale spojuje je i odpor ke společenským konvencím a tradiční ženské roli v životě. Kniha přichází ke čtenářům s předmluvou adoptivní dcery autorky Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir a rovněž s množstvím autentických fotografií.
Objev podobné jako Nerozlučné - Simone de Beauvoirová - e-kniha
Velice lehká smrt - Simone de Beauvoirová
Novela z roku 1964, která vyšla česky jedinkrát v roce 1967, v mnohém překročila svou dobu. Autorka v ní líčí posledních několik týdnů života své matky. Téměř reportážní až naturalistické líčení fyzického a mentálního chátrání člověka je spojeno s bilancováním vztahu mezi matkou a dcerou. Péče, kterou se Simone snaží v posledních týdnech poskytnout své matce, je svědectvím o její lidskosti, touze přenést se přes všechno špatné, připravit jí skutečně snesitelný odchod, ale zároveň je to velké duchovní cvičení. Autorka je ledově upřímná, jako by chápala, že jen pravdivost ve vztahu k matce jí umožní vymanit se z nánosů stereotypů, rodinných falší, toxických vztahů. Vystupuje tak za všechny dcery, které řeší svou široce chápanou emancipaci, jež vykračují zpoza Stínu, které na ně matky vrhají. Zachovává si nicméně pořád něhu, láskyplnost, soucit, trpělivost, umocňované tím, jak pokračuje matčino fyzické chátrání.Pozoruhodná novela Velice lehká smrt Simone de Beauvoir promlouvá po téměř šedesáti letech možná víc než v době svého vzniku. Je nejen reportáží o posledních dnech života, zajímavou i co se technických a medicínských aspektů celého procesu týče a vývoje, k němuž v této oblasti došlo. Popisuje řadu jevů, s nimiž se ve vztazích uvnitř rodiny setkal skoro každý, bez sentimentu a falešné úcty obnažuje patologické rysy, manipulace, zákeřné stereotypy, čímž ilustruje mnohé z toho, co už dnes přece jen vešlo do širšího povědomí. To vše v literárně výjimečné, sevřené a pronikavé formě. Cílem autorky nicméně není jen bořit, neboť v centru jejího zájmu je koneckonců celou dobu člověk a jeho důstojnost. Nesmířenost se smrtí a až živočišný boj za život, vyplývající z autorčina filozofického přesvědčení, je zároveň inspirujícím bojem za svobodu v životě, nespoutanou patologiemi, které rodí společnost a mezilidské vztahy, i vztahy mezi rodiči a dětmi. Simone de Beauvoir (1908–1986) byla významná francouzská spisovatelka a filozofka, autorka řady klasických děl evropské literatury a myšlení.
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Mémoires d´une jeune fille rangée - Simone de Beauvoirová
Je revais d'etre ma propre cause et ma propre fin ; je pensais a présent que la littérature me permettrait de réaliser ce vou. Elle m'assurerait une immortalité qui compenserait l'éternité perdue ; il n'y avait plus de Dieu pour m'aimer, mais je brulerais dans des millions de cours. En écrivant une ouvre nourrrie de mon histoire, je me créerais moi-meme a neuf et je justifierais mon existence. En meme temps, je servirais l'humanité : quel plus beau cadeau lui faire que des livres ? Je m'intéressais a la fois a moi et aux autres ; j'acceptais mon "incarnation" mais je ne voulais pas renoncer a l'universel : ce projet conciliait tout ; il flattait toutes les aspirations qui s'étaient développées en moi au cours de ces quinze années.
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The Inseparables: The newly discovered novel from Simone de Beauvoir (1784877182)
Kniha - autor Simone de Beauvoir, 160 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The lost novel from the author of The Second Sex published in English for the first time. The compulsive story of two friends growing up and falling apart. INTRODUCED BY DEBORAH LEVY When Andrée joins her school, Sylvie is immediately fascinated. Andrée is small for her age, but walks with the confidence of an adult. Under her red coat, she hides terrible burn scars. And when she imagines beautiful things, she gets goosebumps... Secretly Sylvie believes that Andrée is a prodigy about whom books will be written. The girls become close. They talk for hours about equality, justice, war and religion; they lose respect for their teachers; they build a world of their own. But they can't stay like this forever. Written in 1954, five years after The Second Sex, the novel was never published in Simone de Beauvoir's lifetime. This first English edition includes an afterword by her...
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The Deserted Woman - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha
eBook: Once bitten, twice shy sometimes rings true. Madame de Beauseant must have been bitten very hard, for she became a hermit in her Normandy castle due to humiliation after being cast aside by her aristocratic lover. However, when Baron Gaston de Nueil, a far younger and very persistent man, comes to town, he cannot resist seeking out this mysterious and notorious woman. He falls for her but she, being \"twice shy\", first rejects his advances and then runs away to Geneva. The lovesick Baron follows her, melts her heart and they live happily....for a few years.The age gap spooks the Baron\'s fearsome mother, who lines up a younger woman for him to marry. Mme de Beauseant fears a second humiliation, while the Baron contends with the call of his heart and the fear of his mother. What will he decide to do? Fans of Jane Austen\'s \'Mansfield Park\' and \'Emma\' will love this exquisite story of lost love and social propriety.
Objev podobné jako The Deserted Woman - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha
The Summer I Destroyed You - Elizabeth O'Roark
Elliott Springs has small-town values, cobblestone streets, perfect scenery. These are things I don't care about.What I do care about is . . .Revenge. And no matter how compelling I find Liam Doherty-the guy focused on saving Elliott Springs-I'm going to get it. LIAMWhat do you call a woman who wants to destroy everything you love, yet the sight of her sets you on fire?Nemesis or future wife .. . and since she can't wait to leave California, I guess I know which one she is.Emerson Hughes wants to be the villain in our town's history, and the more I learn about her past here, the more I understand it. I wanted to save Elliott Springs. I think I want to save her even more.
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The Woman in the Window (0008288577)
Kniha - 400 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor A. J. Finn, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
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The Woman in white (9788853621108)
Kniha - autor Wilkie Collins, 96 stran, anglicky Táto kniha je prvý brilantný anglický román plný záhad a temných tajomstiev. Keď jednej londýnskej noci stretne Walter Hartright tajomnú ženu, uvedomí si, že je nejakým zvláštnym spôsobom prepojená s jeho novým životom v Limmeridge House a s jeho milovanou Laurou Fairlieovou. Príbeh rozprávajú rôzne postavy, a tak sa čoskoro dozvieme, že Walter, Marian a Laura sú zamotaní do strašidelného sveta zločinu, šialenstva a zámeny identity. Gróf Fosco so sirom Percivalom Glydom urobia čokoľvek, aby sa dostali k Lauriným peniazom a zosnujú hrozný zločin, ktorý jej môže zničiť život. CEFR Level: B1
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The Woman on the Bridge - Sheila O'Flanaganová
Dublin. The 1920s. As war tears Ireland apart, two young people are caught up in events that will bring love, tragedy - and the hardest of choices.In a country fighting for freedom, it's hard to live a normal life. Winnie O'Leary supports the cause, but she doesn't go looking for trouble. Then rebel Joseph Burke steps into her workplace. Winnie is furious with him about a broken window. She's not interested in romance. But love comes when you least expect it.Joseph's family shelter fugitives and transport weapons. Joseph would never ask Winnie to join the fight; but his mother and sisters demand commitment. Will Winnie choose Joseph, and put her own loved ones in deadly danger? Or wait for a time of peace that may never come?Ireland's tumultuous independence struggle is the backdrop for an unforgettable story of courage and heartbreak, in which heroes are made of ordinary people. Inspired by the story of Sheila O'Flanagan's grandmother, The Woman on the Bridge is the unmissable, compulsive new novel from a bestselling author.
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The Woman in the Wood - Lesley Pearse
One night in 1960, the twins awake to find their father pulling their screaming mother from the house. She is to be committed to an asylum. It is, so their father insists, for her own good. It's not long before they, too, are removed from their London home and sent to Nightingales - a large house deep in the New Forest countryside - to be watched over by their cold-hearted grandmother, Mrs Mitcham. Though they feel abandoned and unloved, at least here they have something they never had before - freedom. The twins are left to their own devices, to explore, find new friends and first romances. That is until the day that Duncan doesn't come back for dinner. Nor does he return the next day. Or the one after that. When the bodies of other young boys are discovered in the surrounding area the police appear to give up hope of finding Duncan alive. With Mrs Mitcham showing little interest in her grandson's disappearance, it is up to Maisy to discover the truth. And she knows just where to start. The woman who lives alone in the wood about whom so many rumours abound. A woman named Grace Deville. The Woman in the Wood is a powerful, passionate and sinister tale of a young woman's courage, friendship and determination from one of the world's favourite storytellers.
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The Woman on the Ledge - Ruth Mancini
Obsession. Intrigue. Revenge. Get ready for one of the most twisty thrillers this year!‘I’ve been yearning for something to give me Girl on the Train vibes. . . this is that book.’ Lisa Jewell''I’m certain this will be one of my favourite thrillers of 2024 already!’ Prima''Utterly gripping from first to last ... I guarantee you’ll be absolutely hooked.'' The Guardian''Totally unpredictable. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough'' Claire Douglas''A thrill-ride of a novel - dark, riveting and twisty'' Lucy Clarke‘I inhaled this. . . Lots of twists and turns. Couldn’t put it down!’ Hayley Morris‘Razor-sharp plotting, great writing ... a pitch-perfect legal thriller’ Harriet Tyce''A deeply satisfying read'' Her Honour Judge Wendy Joseph KC___________A woman falls to her death from a London bank''s twenty-fifth-floor roof terrace.You''re arrested for her murder.You tell the police that you only met the victim the previous night at your office party. She was threatening to jump from the roof, but you talked her down.You''ve got nothing to do with this tragedy.You''re clearly being framed.So why do the police keep picking holes in your story?And why doesn''t your lawyer seem to believe you?It soon becomes obvious that you''re keeping secrets.But who are you trying to protect? And why?Get ready for one of the most gripping psychological thrillers of the year, perfect for fans of Gillian McAllister, Lisa Jewell and Paula Hawkins.___________Readers are loving The Woman on the Ledge . . .***** ''It’s been awhile since I have read a good PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER, and even longer since I read a great one-but this ORIGINAL gem is pretty great!''***** ''ONE OF THE BEST PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLERS I HAVE READ THIS YEAR!!! WHAT A BRILLIANTLY WRITTEN MASTERPIECE!!!''***** ''This has the best dynamics of a book that I have read in awhile. What a talented author!''***** ''I definitely recommend this one to anyone who enjoys an intense, twisted, thought-provoking and engaging Psychological Thriller.''***** ''All I can say is that this is not a book to be missed.''___________More love for The Woman on the Ledge:''A deliciously clever book. Jaw-dropping. Absolutely outstanding'' Andrea Mara''A twist-a-minute thrill ride!'' Lisa Gardner''Had me turning the pages through the night'' Heidi Perks''A gripping thriller with a great premise and a twist I didn’t see coming'' John Marrs''The best thriller I''ve read in ages'' Laura Pearson‘Wonderfully twisty, fabulously unexpected and immensely satisfying’ Alex Marwood''The best kind of plot-twisty story ... I devoured it!'' Sabine Durrant''Breathtaking storytelling ... Stunning!’ Jane Fallon''WOW! I absolutely loved it'' Stu Cummins''A clever idea and an even cleverer plot.'' Belfast Telegraph‘So full of twists and turns it will make your head hurt – in a good way!’ Fabulous, Sun on Sunday‘A tense novel’ Bella‘A twisty tale that will keep you on your toes’ Heat‘A dark and compelling legal thriller.’ Woman & Home
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The Woman in Me - Britney Spears
The Woman in Me is a brave and astonishingly moving story about freedom, fame, motherhood, survival, faith, and hope. In June 2021, the whole world was listening as Britney Spears spoke in open court. The impact of sharing her voice—her truth—was undeniable, and it changed the course of her life and the lives of countless others. The Woman in Me reveals for the first time her incredible journey—and the strength at the core of one of the greatest performers in pop music history. Written with remarkable candor and humor, Spears’s groundbreaking book illuminates the enduring power of music and love—and the importance of a woman telling her own story, on her own terms, at last.
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The Woman Who Fell - Matthew Frank
The masterfully-crafted new crime thriller, featuring haunted army veteran and Detective Constable Joseph StarkEXTRAVAGANT WEALTH. HIGH ART. MURDER . . .‘The best book in the Joe Stark series by far. A truly brilliant mystery that builds to a thrilling climax’ - JAMES BENMORE‘Stark is on top form in this twisty tale . . . a deeply satisfying read’ - SARAH HILARY----Lucinda Drummond, art history expert, was beautiful, clever, successful and loved.When she is found at the bottom of her museum''s Tulip Staircase during the pinnacle event of her career, people are as shocked as they are suspicious.Who could have wanted her dead?Detectives Joe Stark and Fran Millhaven are quick on the case, leading them into a world of high art and extravagant wealth that proves far more twisted than they could have imagined.As the bodies begin to mount, and the case grows ever more complex, Stark and Fran must race to discover the perpetrator – before the next victim falls . . .----‘A gripping thriller, packed with dark twists and unexpected turns which kept me guessing until the very end. Perfect for fans of Slow Horses’ - JESSICA BULLPRAISE FOR MATTHEW FRANK:''Tense and twisty . . . completely gripping. I ignored children, a ringing phone, hunger, everything just to devour the last hundred pages'' Karen Perry, Sunday Times bestselling author of Your Closest Friend''A clever compelling spiderweb of a plot '' Jane Corry, bestselling author of My Husband''s Wife''Seriously good . . . a tightly plotted thrilling page turner of a book'' James Oswald, author of the Inspector McLean series
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The Woman in Me - Britney Spears
The Woman in Me is a brave and astonishingly moving story about freedom, fame, motherhood, survival, faith, and hope. In June 2021, the whole world was listening as Britney Spears spoke in open court. The impact of sharing her voice—her truth—was undeniable, and it changed the course of her life and the lives of countless others.The Woman in Me reveals for the first time her incredible journey—and the strength at the core of one of the greatest performers in pop music history. Written with remarkable candour and humour, Spears’s ground-breaking book illuminates the enduring power of music and love—and the importance of a woman telling her own story, on her own terms, at last.
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The Woman in Black - Susan Hillová
''Heartstoppingly chilling'' Daily ExpressArthur Kipps, a junior solicitor, is summoned to attend the funeral of Mrs Alice Drablow, the sole inhabitant of Eel Marsh House.The house stands at the end of a causeway, wreathed in fog and mystery, but it is not until he glimpses a wasted young woman, dressed all in black, at the funeral, that a creeping sense of unease begins to take hold, a feeling deepened by the reluctance of the locals to talk of the woman in black - and her terrible purpose.''No one chills the heart like Susan Hill'' Daily Telegraph**If you love The Woman in Black, try The Various Haunts of Men, the first book in Susan Hill''s Simon Serrailler series**
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The Woman In Blue - Elly Griffiths
The murder of women priests in Norfolk''s spooky shrine town of Walsingham draws forensic archaeologist Dr Ruth Galloway into a thrilling new adventure. ''Ever-more ingenious detective stories with a powerful sense of place'' The TimesWhen Ruth''s friend Cathbad sees a vision of the Virgin Mary, in a white gown and blue cloak, in Walsingham''s graveyard, he takes it in his stride. Walsingham has strong connections to Mary, and Cathbad is a druid after all; visions come with the job. But when the body of a woman in a blue dressing-gown is found dead the next day in a nearby ditch, it is clear that a horrible crime has been committed, and DCI Nelson and his team are called in for what is now a murder investigation.Ruth, a devout atheist, has managed to avoid Walsingham during her seventeen years in Norfolk. But then an old university friend asks to meet her in the village, and Ruth is amazed to discover that she is now a priest. She has been receiving vitriolic anonymous letters targeting women priests - letters containing references to local archaeology and a striking phrase about a woman ''clad in blue, weeping for the world''.Then another woman is murdered - a priest. As Walsingham prepares for its annual Easter re-enactment of the Crucifixion, the race is on to unmask the killer before they strike again...
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THOVT - projekt lidstvo - Kerstin Simoné
Thovt, egyptský bůh moudrosti, praotec magie, astrologie a univerzálních umění, je opředen mnoha tajemstvími. Kerstin Simoné tlumočí ve svých knihách jeho jasná poselství. Thovt mluví o mimozemských aktivitách ve vesmíru, o jeho složení a o změnách, které se nyní odehrávají. Láskyplně a důrazně se věnuje i našemu každodennímu životu a odhaluje pravdy a moudrost, které byly v minulosti výsadou jen přísně tajných učení. Naší úlohou je převzít zodpovědnost za sebe, za svůj život i za život našich dětí. Síla myšlenky je nejmocnější energií v Universu - a tento potenciál nosí každá lidská bytost ve svém nitru. Našeho božského dědictví však nevyužíváme, neboť jsme "zajati" v labyrintu falešných pravd, názorů a realit, které cíleně vytvářejí "opravdově mocní" na Zemi proto, aby nás zde udrželi v nevědomém a otrockém stavu. Skutečná změna a duchovní vývoj se mohou rozvinout pouze z jediného místa - z našich srdcí. Smrt, jíž se většina lidí tolik obává, je rovněž iluzorní. Informace o smrti je uložena v našich buňkách jen od jistých dob, kdy došlo k manipulaci a následné degeneraci lidské DNA. Člověk je nesmrtelný tvor; jeho tělesná schránka je schopna žít stovky let. Stárnutí a očekávání smrti těla je pouze manipulovaná informace vložená do našich buněk. Toto "naprogramování" však můžeme změnit. Kniha zprostředkovává dávné okultní učení přenesené jedním z největších učitelů lidstva do dnešních dob a oděno do nového šatu - je to kvantová fyzika s návodem, jak odkrýt své dřímající schopnosti a božskost imanentní všem lidem.
Objev podobné jako THOVT - projekt lidstvo - Kerstin Simoné
THOVT - brány Atlantidy - Kerstin Simoné
Bájná Atlantida - země, již většina z nás nosí v hlubinách svého nitra a která čeká na to, aby ji lidstvo probudilo. Ve druhém díle svých poselství Thovt připomíná, že většina z nás jsou někdejšími obyvateli Atlantidy. Podle něj jsme zde v této době proto, abychom společně se Zemí dokončili dílo vzestupu. Prostřednictvím Kerstin Simoné předává Thovt dnešním zájemcům o dávná tajná učení metody, jak se vysvobodit ze zažitých vzorců společenského chování a jak si vytvořit opravdový vztah k sobě i ke svému okolí. Nezanedbatelnou součástí tohoto procesu je vyvážení vlastních vnitřních disharmonií a vyléčení fyzického těla. Thovt seznamuje čtenáře s atlantským Chrámem uzdravení, jehož léčivé frekvence si na sobě může každý vyzkoušet, a díky nimž může rovněž uvést v soulad své tělesné funkce. Při čtení tohoto textu se před vámi odemknou iniciační chrámy minulých dob. Spatříte a procítíte průběh zasvěcení tehdejších adeptů tajných nauk. Dozvíte se, co jsou doopravdy Síně Amenti; kdy a jak je do nich možné vstoupit; jak s vesmírnými zákony zacházejí vědomí lidé, ba jakým způsobem je ve svůj prospěch můžete využívat i vy. Tato kniha "se dostane" mnohým čtenářům pod kůži; vzbuzuje pozitivní, ale v prvních okamžicích možná i nepříjemné pocity z hlubokého poznání. Pro čtenáře je nenucenou výzvou, aby ve svém srdci a duchu opětovně i radostně rozžehli plamen Atlantidy a prošli branami do dalších dimenzí.
Objev podobné jako THOVT - brány Atlantidy - Kerstin Simoné
THOVT - Odhalení 2 - Kerstin Simoné
Již podtitul druhého dílu Odhalení II. - Probuzení z iluze - dává tušit přímost a intenzitu, s níž nás Thovt v této knize uvádí do nové éry lidských dějin. Důrazně nás podněcuje k tomu, abychom si uvědomili propojenost s naší domovskou planetou a se vším živoucím v universu jako bezpodmínečné východisko pro rozvoj našeho pravého bytí. Jedná se o sebe-zmocnění k využití gigantického vnitřního potenciálu člověka. Opakovaně mluví o nutnosti nehodnotit, nesoudit - a v důsledku toho o nebojování, neboť stavy, které člověk těmito postoji vyvolává, se podobají zdem, proti nimž se neustále rozbíháme a narážíme na ně. Více nežli v předchozích knihách zde vstupuje do hloubky psychologických procesů a na názorných příkladech ukazuje, jak je jednoduché - v případě, že jsme okolnost pochopili - ji mistrovským způsobem transformovat. Není třeba se neustále vracet k blokům a bolestem minulosti. Vzorce chování a pečetě, které jsme získali výchovou, stačí energeticky rozpustit právě v okamžicích, kdy se v našem uvědomění objevují. Tato práce vede k postupnému rozšiřování vědomí a upevňuje krok za krokem naše nové nasměrování a přizpůsobování se novým frekvencím. Je to transformace, jejíž podstatou a hlavním jmenovatelem je všeobjímající láska ke všemu živému.
Objev podobné jako THOVT - Odhalení 2 - Kerstin Simoné
Thovt - Transformační klíč - Kerstin Simoné
Tato kniha je opravdovou symfonií vzestupu. Ještě nikdy se Thovt neobracel na lidstvo s takovou nalé havostí. Aktivovat transformační klíč ve vlastním srdci znamená pro většinu lidí úplnou změnu pohledu a postoje k životu. V okamžiku, kdy otevřeme své smysly a svá srdce pro tuto nádhernou planetu, na níž jsme hos¬ty, nastane obrat, a uvědomíme si spojitost se vším živým. V té chvíli jsme schopni procitnout do stavu "MY" a začít jednat nikoliv jako oddělené subjekty, nýbrž jako Jednota v srdcích spojených individuí. Tento moment samovolně spouští proces regenerace, i toho, co nazýváme "vzestup". Stav "MY" je souhra a interakce nás všech ve velkém plánu s názvem Projekt lidstvo. Thovt a bůh Slunce Ra hovoří o tom, jak můžeme natrvalo vnést do každého okamžiku našeho každodenního života lásku, svobodu a mír. S vyléčeným a otevřeným srdcem se docela snadno a samy rozpustí všechny blokády a vnější "problémy" brzdící naše tvůrčí síly. Díky tomu v sobě oživíme a aktivujeme transformační klíč; odpoutáme se od temné formy vědomí, jež po tisíciletí s naším souhlasem a za naší spolupráce svazovala naše bytí, živila se a živí se z našich strachů. Čas se krátí. Chceme-li se Zemí vstoupit společně do nové éry a úspěšně završit Projekt lidstvo, je ne¬zbytné jednat - TEĎ.
Objev podobné jako Thovt - Transformační klíč - Kerstin Simoné
The Woman in the White Kimono - Ana Johns
Japan, 1957. Seventeen-year-old Naoko Nakamura's prearranged marriage secures her family's status in their traditional Japanese community. However, Naoko has fallen for an American sailor and to marry him would bring great shame upon her entire family. When it's learned Naoko carries the sailor's child, she's cast out in disgrace and forced to make unimaginable choices with consequences that will ripple across generations.America, present day. Tori Kovač, caring for her dying father, finds a letter containing a shocking revelation. Setting out to learn the truth, Tori's journey leads her to a remote seaside village in Japan where she must confront the demons of the past to pave a way for redemption.
Objev podobné jako The Woman in the White Kimono - Ana Johns
Cleopatra: The Woman Behind the Stories - Stewart Alexandra
Discover the true story behind the legendary pharaoh in this captivating look into the life of Cleopatra. Although her name and story might be familiar, much of what we know about Cleopatra is shrouded in mystery. Her life was one of politics, murder, war, marriage and passion – but it was also one of pride, bravery, love and strength.Cleopatra may have lived as a goddess, but, beneath her magnificent exterior, she was just a woman who fought tirelessly for what she felt was rightfully hers. With dynamic illustrations and a gripping, expertly researched and fact-checked text, this is the story of the woman behind the stories. Prepare to be lost in a world of kings and queens, power and strategy, love and war.Meet one of the most misunderstood women in history, demystify the propaganda spread by the men who feared her and find the truth behind it all, the truth of a powerful queen.
Objev podobné jako Cleopatra: The Woman Behind the Stories - Stewart Alexandra
The Woman in Me (Defekt) - Britney Spears
The Woman in Me is a brave and astonishingly moving story about freedom, fame, motherhood, survival, faith, and hope. In June 2021, the whole world was listening as Britney Spears spoke in open court. The impact of sharing her voice—her truth—was undeniable, and it changed the course of her life and the lives of countless others. The Woman in Me reveals for the first time her incredible journey—and the strength at the core of one of the greatest performers in pop music history. Written with remarkable candor and humor, Spears’s groundbreaking book illuminates the enduring power of music and love—and the importance of a woman telling her own story, on her own terms, at last.
Objev podobné jako The Woman in Me (Defekt) - Britney Spears
Corine de farme Eau de Toilette toaletní voda pro děti Wonder Woman 30 ml
Corine de farme Eau de Toilette, 30 ml, Parfémy pro děti pro děti, Dovolte svým dětem ponořit se do světa fantazie ještě o něco hlouběji. Toaletní voda Corine de farme Eau de Toilette všechny děti zaručeně potěší a vykouzlí jim na tváři široký úsměv. ovocná vůně tip na dárek, který zaručeně potěší na motivy známého dětského pohádkového filmu hravý design zapadne do interiéru dětského pokojíčku
Objev podobné jako Corine de farme Eau de Toilette toaletní voda pro děti Wonder Woman 30 ml
Thovt na každý den - Kerstin Simoné
V této knize předává Thovt opravdové klenoty žitého poznání a moudrosti. Jsou přizpůsobeny dynamickým procesům odehrávající se nyní na Zemi. Podmanivým způsobem plným lásky, jednoduchosti a srozumitelnosti zde učí efektivním cvičením, která zvyšují vibrace a umožňují stát se opravdovým mistrem materie. Objasňuje rovněž energetické centrum v člověku - centrální nebo krystalickou čakru -, a poskytuje i návod, jak jej může každý v sobě okamžitě aktivovat a procítit. Tato praktická kniha je symfonií tvořivých možností a potenciálu člověka. S lehkostí a jednoduše vám ukáže, jak se otevřít novým úhlům pohledů, jak se mentálně přesměrovat nebo jak přizpůsobit vibrace svého těla novým frekvencím Země.
Objev podobné jako Thovt na každý den - Kerstin Simoné
Armaf Club de Nuit Woman parfémová voda 105 ml
Armaf Club de Nuit Woman je elegantní a sofistikovaná vůně, která vyzařuje ženskost a luxus. Tato parfémová kompozice je navržena tak, aby byla výrazná a nezapomenutelná, s bohatou kombinací květinových, ovocných a orientálních prvků.
Objev podobné jako Armaf Club de Nuit Woman parfémová voda 105 ml
A Woman of Thirty - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha
eBook: Our heroine Julie is attending with her ailing father one of Napoleon’s reviews of his troops. It is after the debacle in Russia, but the Old Guard still knows how to put on a show. The lovely young girl is dazzled by Colonel Victor d’Aiglemont, a dashing young adjutant who gallops by. The father notices Julie’s fascination and shakes his head anxiously, knowing that the young man is unworthy of her.
Objev podobné jako A Woman of Thirty - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha
Study of a Woman - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha
eBook: You know that feeling when you have just sent a text or an email to the wrong person? Well, in the 19th century the equivalent was a wrongly-directed letter - and there is no \'delete\' button for pen and paper.The faux pas happens after Eugene de Rastignac briefly meets married society woman Madame de Listomere at a soiree. The following day, Rastignac writes a love letter to his sweetheart - but accidentally sends it to Mme Listomere!Beneath the surface, souls are searched. Was it really an accident or was it subconscious desire? Was Mme Listomere actually pleased to receive the letter?Balzac skillfully shows the strong emotional currents that pull beneath the calm surface of society.Fans of Jane Austen\'s novels, including \'Pride and Prejudice\' and \'Sense and Sensibility\' will love this.
Objev podobné jako Study of a Woman - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha
The Woman Who Stole My Life - Marian Keyes
International bestselling author Marian Keyes is bringing you another masterfully told story full of wit and charm.'Name: Stella Sweeney.Height: average.Recent life events: dramatic.'One day, sitting in traffic, married Dublin mum Stella Sweeney attempts a good deed. The resulting car crash changes her life.For she meets a man who wants her telephone number (for the insurance, it turns out). That's okay. She doesn't really like him much anyway (his Range Rover totally banjaxed her car).But in this meeting is born the seed of something which will take Stella thousands of miles from her old life, turning an ordinary woman into a superstar, and, along the way, wrenching her whole family apart.Is this all because of one ill-advised act of goodwill? Was meeting Mr Range Rover destiny or karma? Should she be grateful or hopping mad?For the first time real, honest-to-goodness happiness is just within her reach. But is Stella Sweeney, Dublin housewife, ready to grasp it?
Objev podobné jako The Woman Who Stole My Life - Marian Keyes
The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins - e-kniha
eBook: Who is the "solitary figure of a woman, dressed from head to foot in white garments," whose appearance shattered forever the outward peace of life at Limmeridge House? Is she an apparition...a madwoman...perhaps a player in some bizarre scheme? From the moment "the Woman" first appears to Walter Hartright on a moonlit London road, Wilkie Collins' melodrama casts its spell.
Objev podobné jako The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins - e-kniha
The Peer and the Woman - Edward Phillips Oppenheim - e-kniha
eBook: First published in 1895, ‘The Peer and the Woman’ is one of author E. Phillips Oppenheim’s earlier novels. A classic story of revenge, it follows the fortunes of the Alceston family. Head of the family, Lord Alceston has been murdered in his own home the very night he is giving a ball. Learning of the tragic news, his son Bernard immediately returns from the continent to avenge his father’s death. A dramatic story of love, jealousy, and revenge.
Objev podobné jako The Peer and the Woman - Edward Phillips Oppenheim - e-kniha
The Only Woman - Immy Humes
A compelling gallery of women who made their way into a man's world, shown through group portraits each featuring a lone woman An original approach to gender equality, this striking pictorial statement brings to light the compelling and undeniable phenomenon of 'the only woman': across time and cultures, groups of artists, activists, scientists, servants, movie stars, or metal workers have often included exactly and only one woman. Covering examples from nearly 20 countries, from the advent of photography until the present day, author Immy Humes reveals and reframes how women and men have related socially in surprising and poignant ways. This is a fresh contribution to visual and cultural history full of unheard stories, courage, achievement, outrage, mystery, fun, and extraordinary women. A unique focus on women and men in public life from 1860 to the present day charting the phenomenon of 'the only woman' from countries including the USA and the UK, France, Peru, Mexico, India, China, Japan, and Australia. The book features both unknown and well-known women from a diverse range of backgrounds including writers, conductors, civil-rights leaders, domestic workers, sportswomen, and lawyers as well as princesses, railway workers, boxing promoters, and astronauts.
Objev podobné jako The Only Woman - Immy Humes
The Other Woman - Sandie Jonesová
The Other Woman by debut author Sandie Jones, is a gripping psychological thriller, perfect for fans of Michelle Frances's The Girlfriend and B A Paris's Behind Closed Doors. When Emily meets Adam she knows he is the One. That together they can deal with anything that is thrown at them. But lurking in the shadows is another woman, Pammie. Emily chose Adam, but she didn't choose his mother. There's nothing a mother wouldn't do for her son, and now Emily is about to find out just how far Pammie will go to get what she wants . . .
Objev podobné jako The Other Woman - Sandie Jonesová
The Bookshop Woman - Nanako Hanada
''An irresistible treat for all bibliophiles'' WaterstonesTHE BOOKSHOP WOMAN IS A LOVE STORY, A LOVE STORY ABOUT BOOKSNanako Hanada''s life has not just flatlined, it''s hit rock bottom... Recently separated from her husband, she is living between 4-hour capsule hostels, pokey internet cafes and bookshop floors. Her work is going no better - sales at the eccentric Village Vanguard bookstore in Tokyo, which Nanako manages, are dwindling. As Nanako''s life falls apart, reading books is the only thing keeping her alive.That''s until Nanako joins an online meet-up site which offers 30 minutes with someone you''ll never see again. Describing herself as a sexy bookseller she offers strangers ''the book that will change their life'' in exchange for a meeting. In the year that follows, Nanako meets hundreds of people, some of whom want more than just a book...Acerbic and self-knowing, The Bookshop Woman is a soul-soothing story of a bookseller''s self-discovery and an ode to the joy of reading. Offering a glimpse into bookselling in Japan and the quirky side of Tokyo and its people, this is a story of how books can help us forge connection with others and lead us to ourselves.This is a story about the beauty of climbing into a book, free diving into its pages, and then resurfacing on the last page, ready to breathe a different kind of air...''I''d say this fits the healing "fiction" kind of genre, but it''s even better''Amazon review''It''s such a beautiful ode to the power of books''Amazon review''I found it really hard to put down and could have finished it in one sitting. I was dying to find out who she was going to meet next!''Goodreads review''The Bookshop Woman was totally unexpected and led me to realize certain truths about my own self as I followed Nanako questioning what was most important to her''Goodreads reviewBestseller in Japan in April 2018.
Objev podobné jako The Bookshop Woman - Nanako Hanada
The Unicorn Woman - Gayl Jones
''A literary giant'' TAYARI JONESA richly imaginative and moving new novel from the Pulitzer finalist and acclaimed author of CorregidoraA cook and tractor repairman, Buddy was known as Budweiser to his army pals because he''s a wise guy. But underneath that surface, he''s a man on a quest: looking for religion, looking for meaning, looking for love.Returning from the Second World War not to a hero''s welcome, but to the discrimination of the Jim Crow laws, Buddy stumbles across the Unicorn Woman, a carnival sideshow with a horn growing from her forehead, whose strange beauty he can''t forget.As he drifts across the South, from Kentucky to Memphis, Buddy encounters a dazzling array of almost mythic characters: circus barkers, topiary trimmers, landladies who provide shelter and plenty of advice for their all-Black clientele, proto feminists and bigots - dreaming all the while of the unforgettable Unicorn Woman herself.With her inimitable eye for beauty, tragedy and humour, Jones offers a rich, intriguing exploration of the Black imagination in a time of frustration and hope.''Her truth-telling, filled with beauty, tragedy, humour, and incisiveness, is unmatched'' IMANI PERRY''Gayl Jones is enjoying a dazzling late-career renaissance'' SUZI FEAY, TLS''Intricate, mesmerising and endlessly inventive'' DEESHA PHILYAW
Objev podobné jako The Unicorn Woman - Gayl Jones
The Bookshop Woman - Nanako Hanada
THIS BOOK IS A LOVE STORY TO BOOKS.A love story to climbing all the way down a book's rope, free diving to its bottom, and then resurfacing at its close, ready to breathe a different kind of air.Nanako Hanada's life is in crisis. Recently separated from her husband, living in youth hostels and internet cafes, her work is going no better.Book sales at the eccentric Village Vanguard bookstore in Tokyo, which Nanako manages, are dwindling. Fallen out of love in all aspects of her life, Nanako realises how narrow her life has become, with no friends outside of her colleagues, and no hobbies apart from reading and arranging books.That's when Nanako, in a bid to inject some excitement into her life, joins a meet-up site where people meet for 30-minute bursts to find romance, build a network, or just share ideas.She describes herself as a sexy bookseller who will give you a personalised book recommendation. In the year that follows, Nanako meets an eclectic range of strangers, some of whom wanted more than just a book, others she became real friends with.Written with a subtle but sharp sense of humour, The Bookshop Woman is a heart-warming book about a bookseller's self-discovery. It offers a glimpse into bookselling in Japan and the quirky side of Tokyo and its people.Books, once again, offer inspiration and serve as channels for human communication.
Objev podobné jako The Bookshop Woman - Nanako Hanada
Armaf Club de Nuit Women, Milestone, Intense Woman dárková sada
Armaf Club de Nuit Women, Milestone, Intense Woman, Unisex sady unisex, Luxusní vůně bude vždy tou pravou volbou, pokud chcete opravdu potěšit. Dámský parfémový set Armaf Club de Nuit Women, Milestone, Intense Woman v krásném balení radost obdarované ještě znásobí. Vsaďte na kouzlo dokonale sladěné sady, do které se zamiluje na první pohled každá žena. Vlastnosti: obsahuje miniverze produktů skvěle se hodí jako dárek vůně vhodná pro každodenní nošení Sada obsahuje: Armaf Club de Nuit Women parfémovaná voda pro ženy 30 ml Armaf Club de Nuit Milestone parfémovaná voda unisex 30 ml Armaf Club de Nuit Intense Woman parfémovaná voda pro ženy 30 ml
Objev podobné jako Armaf Club de Nuit Women, Milestone, Intense Woman dárková sada
The Woman Who Ran Away from Everything - Gibson Fiona
A hilarious and heart-warming tale of a woman who has had enough, perfect for fans of Sophie Kinsella and Jill Mansell.Being married to a comedian is no joke.Kate is sick of it. Sick of being a wife, cook, dog walker and flat-pack assembler, while still being treated like a doormat. Her husband all but ignores her – unless he needs a clean shirt – and she’s constantly compelled to keep up with the (very smug) Joneses in their neighbourhood.What happened to the fun-loving woman she used to be? At almost 50, Kate feels lost, overlooked and stuck. That is, until she comes home to one of her husband''s impromptu parties – and is expected to feed their hungry guests.And that’s it. Breaking point. The final straw.Scrambling out of the bathroom window, Kate leaves. She has no money, no clean pants, and no plan – but a chance encounter sees her following her heart for once. And now there’s no going back…Readers love The Woman Who Ran Away From Everything:‘Another fantastic, funny, totally relatable read! I love the writing style, characters and the way you are drawn in! A brilliant read totally relatable to woman of a certain age’ NetGalley Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘I can’t wait for readers to get their hands on Kate’s story. I know it will inspire many’ NetGalley Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Wow what a book! I could not put it down. Would definitely recommend’ NetGalley Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘This was so, so lovely. A beautiful tale of taking chances, just going for it and trusting your gut … A real winner of a book’ NetGalley Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘This is a five-star read that will captivate you. Fiona Gibson always brings funny to her stories. Something special’ NetGalley Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Fiona Gibson never fails to entertain. Another gem’ NetGalley Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Objev podobné jako The Woman Who Ran Away from Everything - Gibson Fiona
The Woman Who Turned Children into Birds - David Almond
A powerful and uplifting tale about freeing the imagination from master storyteller David Almond.She made her marks.She whispered her words.Then she said,“Go on. Be happy. Up you go."When Nanty Solo comes to town, she says she can turn children into birds. The parents are sceptical, but the children want to fly. And before very long, everyone does. A celebratory, lyrical story that will make your heart and imagination soar. Written by internationally acclaimed author David Almond and brought to life in glorious uplifting paintings by award-winning illustrator Laura Carlin.
Objev podobné jako The Woman Who Turned Children into Birds - David Almond
The Woman Who Rides Like A Man - Tamora Pierce
With brilliant new livery to celebrate the 40th anniversary of this ground-breaking fantasy series, Alanna the Lioness – the first woman knight – rides again.Now a knight of Tortall, with her gender no longer a secret, Alanna embarks on her next adventure to the edge of the realm. Captured for the crime of trespassing, Alanna is sentenced to a duel to the death. But the Woman Who Rides Like a Man is not so easy to kill.Though the duel is won, the battle is just beginning. When Alanna is named the Bazhir people’s first female shaman, she is tasked with training her successors. But first, she must overcome their fears of magic, for the sake of all Tortall.Forty years on from first publication, The Song of the Lioness Quartet retains its warmth, adventure, and steel, affirming this coming-of-age tale as a timeless masterpiece.
Objev podobné jako The Woman Who Rides Like A Man - Tamora Pierce
Samantha on the Woman Question - Marietta Holley - e-kniha
eBook: \'Samantha on the Woman Question\' (1913) was written by best-selling American writer and humourist Marietta Holley and tells the story of Samantha and her husband Josiah as they attend a reunion of the Allen family in Washington.Holley\'s hugely successful series of Samantha books focus on the character of the sage, small-town woman, Samantha Allen, and her satirical escapades across America with her half-witted husband, Josiah Allen.Famously filled with simple, opinionated, comic characters that pointed out the absurdities of American society at the time, her works shine a light on topical issues such as women\'s suffrage, racism, class divisions, temperance, and the treatment of women.-
Objev podobné jako Samantha on the Woman Question - Marietta Holley - e-kniha
The Other Woman (Defekt) - Sandie Jonesová
The Other Woman by debut author Sandie Jones, is a gripping psychological thriller, perfect for fans of Michelle Frances's The Girlfriend and B A Paris's Behind Closed Doors. When Emily meets Adam she knows he is the One. That together they can deal with anything that is thrown at them. But lurking in the shadows is another woman, Pammie. Emily chose Adam, but she didn't choose his mother. There's nothing a mother wouldn't do for her son, and now Emily is about to find out just how far Pammie will go to get what she wants . . .
Objev podobné jako The Other Woman (Defekt) - Sandie Jonesová
The Red-Haired Woman - Orhan Pamuk
"Many years have now gone by, and jealousy compels me to keep her name a secret, even from my readers. But I must provide a full and truthful account of what happened."It is mid-1980s Istanbul and Master Mahmut and his apprentice use ancient methods to dig wells - they are desperate to find water in a barren land. This is the tale of their struggle, but it is also a deeper investigation - through mesmerising stories and images - into Pamuk's prevailing themes: fathers and sons, the state and individual freedom, reading and seeing. It is also a richly literary work: The Red-Haired Woman borrows from the tradition of the French conte philosophique and asks probing questions of ethics and of the role of art in our lives. It is both a short, realist text investigating a murder which took place thirty years ago near Istanbul - and a fictional inquiry into the literary foundations of civilizations, comparing two fundamental myths of the West and the East respectively: Sophocles's Oedipus Rex (a story of patricide) and Ferdowsi's tale of Rostam and Sohrab (a story of filicide).The Red-Haired Woman is a masterful and mesmerising work which further confirms Orhan Pamuk as one of our greatest novelists.
Objev podobné jako The Red-Haired Woman - Orhan Pamuk
The Last Sane Woman - Hannah Regel
Nicola Long is a few years out of a fine arts degree, listless and unenthusiastically employed in London. She begins to spend her hours at a small underfunded archive dedicated to women’s art. There she discovers one side of a correspondence beginning in 1976 and spanning a dozen years, written from one woman – a ceramics graduate, uncannily like Nicola – to a friend living a contrasting and conventionally moored life. As Nicola reads on, an acute sense of affinity turns into obsession.She abandons one job after another to make time for the archive. The litany of coincidences in the letters becomes uncanny, and Nicola’s feeling of ownership begets a growing dread: should she be afraid of where these letters are leading?
Objev podobné jako The Last Sane Woman - Hannah Regel
The Doors - L.A. Woman (2 LP)
Žánr: Rock;Hard Rock;Blues Subžánr: Rock;Blues Rock;Acid Rock;Blues;Psychedelic Rock Typ: LP deska;Album Datum vydání: 2012-11-14 Dekáda interpreta: 1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969 Interpret / Téma: The Doors Vydavatelství: Elektra;Analogue Productions Rok vydání: 2012.0 Varianta: L.A. Woman (2 LP) Barva: Černá Složení setu: 2 ks Země interpreta: USA Země původu: USA Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 45 RPM Hmotnost: 180 g
Objev podobné jako The Doors - L.A. Woman (2 LP)
Dreams of a Great Small Nation : The Mutinous Army that Threatened a Revolution, Destroyed an Empire, Founded a Republic, and Remade the Map of Europe
The pages of history recall scarcely any parallel episode at once so romantic in character and so extensive in scale." ,Winston S. ChurchillIn 1917, two empires that had dominated much of Europe and Asia teetered on the edge of the abyss, exhausted by the ruinous cost in blood and treasure of the First World War. As Imperial Russia and Habsburg-ruled Austria-Hungary began to succumb, a small group of Czech and Slovak combat veterans stranded in Siberia saw an opportunity to realize their long-held dream of independence.While their plan was audacious and complex, and involved moving their 50,000-strong army by land and sea across three-quarters of the earth's expanse, their commitment to fight for the Allies on the Western Front riveted the attention of Allied London, Paris, and Washington.On their journey across Siberia, a brawl erupted at a remote Trans-Siberian rail station that sparked a wholesale rebellion. The marauding Czecho-Slovak Legion seized control of the Trans-Siberian Railroad, and with it Siberia. In the end, this small band of POWs and deserters, whose strength was seen by Leon Trotsky as the chief threat to Soviet rule, helped destroy the Austro-Hungarian Empire and found Czecho-Slovakia.British prime minister David Lloyd George called their adventure one of the greatest epics of history," and former US president Teddy Roosevelt declared that their accomplishments were unparalleled, so far as I know, in ancient or modern warfare."
Objev podobné jako Dreams of a Great Small Nation : The Mutinous Army that Threatened a Revolution, Destroyed an Empire, Founded a Republic, and Remade the Map of Europe
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