Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

The Race Against Time: Adventures in Late-Life Running - Richard Askwith

A transformational quest for the secrets of happy, healthy, whole-life running that will change the way you think about growing older.Colourful, informative and inspiring, The Race Against Time is a story of cold science and heart-warming resilience; of champions and also-rans; of sprinting centenarians and forty-something super-athletes barely touched by age. Its heroes are experts and enthusiasts - scientists, coaches, runners - from many countries, each with a different story to tell.This is a book for anyone who has ever felt the healing power of running - or simply wondered about the effects of ageing. It is both a very personal account of one man's journey from despair to hope, and an exhilarating guide, explaining how timely adjustments to lifestyle and training can slow the progress of physiological decay, while sheer human spirit can, if you are lucky, keep you running happily and healthily, all the way into extreme old age.

Podívejte se také Hanson: Against The World - CD (12324)

cena 268.0 Kč

Adventures in Time: The First World War - Dominic Sandbrook

*A Children''s Book of the Year 2021 as chosen by The Times and Daily Mail*Take a journey to a vanished world with the ADVENTURES IN TIME series - stories so exciting you won''t believe they''re all true''The whistles blew, the cheers went up, and thousands of men were scrambling up into the rolling fields of No Man''s Land . . .''Travel back in time to the First World War, as historian Dominic Sandbrook takes us from the soaring heights of an aeroplane cockpit to the desperate depths of the enemy trenches. We are plunged first hand into a conflict like no other as, amid the greatest clash of empires ever known, the future of the world hangs in the balance...The Adventures in Time series brings the past alive for twenty-first century children. These stories are every bit as exciting as those of Harry Potter or Matilda Wormwood. The only difference is they actually happened...

Podívejte se také Hanson: Against The World - LP (12325)

cena 266.0 Kč

Adventures in Time: The Second World War - Dominic Sandbrook

Take a journey to a vanished world with the ADVENTURES IN TIME series - stories so exciting you won''t believe they''re all truePrepare to enter the most dramatic conflict the world has ever seen, as historian Dominic Sandbrook takes us on a spine-tingling, heart-stopping adventure. We witness the Second World War first-hand through the eyes of ordinary people living in extraordinary times, from the women who worked all night in factories to the chess players who cracked unbreakable codes. Because in total war, no life is left untouched...The Adventures in Time series brings the past alive for twenty-first century children. These stories are every bit as exciting as those of Harry Potter or Matilda Wormwood. The only difference is they actually happened...

Podívejte se také Against the Current: Past Lives - CD (7567865501)

cena 266.0 Kč

Adventures in Time: Fury of The Vikings - Dominic Sandbrook

Take a journey to a vanished world with the ADVENTURES IN TIME series - stories so exciting you won''t believe they''re all true Prepare to meet the most terrifying raiders the world has ever known, as historian Dominic Sandbrook plunges us back into the thrilling drama of the Viking Age. We''ll encounter gods and giants, axemen and shield-maidens, from the warlords rampaging through King Alfred''s England to the sea-captains who first glimpsed the mountains of Iceland. For even in the most glittering cities on earth, no one is safe from the Northmen''s fury...The Adventures in Time series brings the past alive for twenty-first century children. These stories are every bit as exciting as those of Harry Potter or Matilda Wormwood. The only difference is they actually happened...

Objev podobné jako Adventures in Time: Fury of The Vikings - Dominic Sandbrook

cena 266.0 Kč

Adventures in Time: Nelson, Hero of the Seas - Dominic Sandbrook

Enter a fearsome battle across the seas with the latest instalment in the hit children’s history series The world is at war, and oceans have become battlefields. Napoleon Bonaparte, tyrant of France, has crushed one country after another. Now his cruel eyes are fixed on Britain. Only one man can stop him – Horatio Nelson. Young Horatio Nelson went to sea when he was just twelve, but he has never shown a trace of fear. His friends are amazed that somebody so small and slight can be so brave. But now he faces the greatest test of all. From the snows of the North to the shores of Egypt, Nelson must lead the fightback against the French war machine. But as Britain’s survival hangs by a thread, what price will he pay to save his country?The Adventures in Time series brings the past alive for twenty-first century children. These stories are every bit as exciting as those of Harry Potter or Matilda Wormwood. The only difference is they actually happened...

Objev podobné jako Adventures in Time: Nelson, Hero of the Seas - Dominic Sandbrook

cena 473.0 Kč

Adventures in Time: The Six Wives of Henry VIII - Dominic Sandbrook

Take a journey to a vanished world with the ADVENTURES IN TIME series - stories so exciting you won''t believe they''re all true''Winter has come; and in a far distant land, a warrior queen is expecting a child...''Step through these pages into the Tudor world: a dangerous place, where one miss-step could cost your life. Through the eyes of Henry VIII''s six very different queens, from a brave Spanish princess to a wise English widow, historian Dominic Sandbrook takes us on a thrilling journey through the twists and turns of a dramatic age. For no one is safe from the wheel of fortune: it can take you from a golden throne to the Tower of London...The Adventures in Time series brings the past alive for twenty-first century children. These stories are every bit as exciting as those of Harry Potter or Matilda Wormwood. The only difference is they actually happened...

Objev podobné jako Adventures in Time: The Six Wives of Henry VIII - Dominic Sandbrook

cena 266.0 Kč

Unbreakable - Richard Askwith

WINNER OF THE 2020 TELEGRAPH SPORTS BOOK AWARDS BIOGRAPHY OF THE YEAR Czechoslovakia, October 1937. Vast crowds have gathered to watch the Grand Pardubice steeplechase, Europe's most blood-curdling sporting test of manhood. With war looming, the race has a brutal political significance. The Nazis have sent the SS's all-conquering paramilitary horsemen to crush - yet again - the 'subhuman Slavs'. But Lata Brandisova, a silver-haired countess on a little golden mare, has other ideas...

Objev podobné jako Unbreakable - Richard Askwith

cena 268.0 Kč

The Garden Against Time - Laing Olivia

In 2020, Olivia Laing began to restore a walled garden in Suffolk, an overgrown Eden of unusual plants. The work drew her into an exhilarating investigation of paradise and its long association with gardens. Moving between real and imagined gardens, from Milton’s Paradise Lost to John Clare’s enclosure elegies, from a wartime sanctuary in Italy to a grotesque aristocratic pleasure ground funded by slavery, Laing interrogates the sometimes shocking cost of making paradise on earth. But the story of the garden doesn’t always enact larger patterns of privilege and exclusion. It’s also a place of rebel outposts and communal dreams. From the improbable queer utopia conjured by Derek Jarman on the beach at Dungeness to the fertile vision of a common Eden propagated by William Morris, new modes of living can and have been attempted amidst the flower beds, experiments that could prove vital in the coming era of climate change. The result is a beautiful and exacting account of the abundant pleasures and possibilities of gardens: not as a place to hide from the world but as a site of encounter and discovery, bee-loud and pollen-laden.

Objev podobné jako The Garden Against Time - Laing Olivia

cena 599.0 Kč

Stopy v oblacích - Richard Askwith

Tato kniha změnila žánr – patří k povinné četbě každého běžce a běžkyně, kteří se alespoň jednou za čas hodlají popasovat s nějakým (nejlépe vyšším) kopcem. Uznávaný autor a běžec se rozhodl, že svět trailrunnerů a skyrunnerů otestuje na vlastní kůži. Potkával se s běžeckými legendami, které absolvovaly nejděsivější závody a běžecké výzvy, účastnil se mnohadenních závodů, v nejzapadlejších koutech Anglie objevoval tvrdé borce, kteří pamatují doby, kdy běh ještě hodně bolel … A vznikl portrét jedné z nejdrsnějších běžeckých disciplín, v níž se střídá extrémní vyčerpání s okamžiky radostného osvícení. Stopy v oblacích jsou kronikou masochistické touhy a obdivuhodné výdrže. Je to lyrická pocta britským horám a lidské vůli. Askwithova kniha Stopy v oblacích získala ocenění za nejlepší literární debut ze sportovního prostředí a Bill Rollinson Prize for Landscape and Tradition.

Objev podobné jako Stopy v oblacích - Richard Askwith

cena 312.0 Kč

Dnes trochu umřeme - Richard Askwith

Pět olympijských medailí, 18 světových rekordů a šest let bez jediné porážky v běhu na 10 000 metrů – to jsou jen ty nejvýraznější sportovní úspěchy, kterých Emil Zátopek dosáhl. V tréninku se dřel jako nikdo jiný, ale v životě si dokázal zachovat nadhled a smysl pro humor. V duchu olympijských ideálů vnímal sport jako prostředek k navazování přátelství mezi lidmi všech národů, a mnozí soupeři vzpomínali na chvíle strávené se Zátopkovými celý život. V Askwithově citlivém a vyváženém životopise Zátopek vystupuje ze slupky mýtů a ukazuje se především jako laskavý, bezprostřední, chytrý a občas také chybující člověk, který si udržel skromnost a zdravý rozum i na samém vrcholu sportovní slávy a nezahořkl, ani když po roce 1968 kvůli svým občanským postojům tvrdě narazil a léta strávil v zapomnění. Kniha se opírá o mimořádně pečlivé studium českých i zahraničních zdrojů (mimo jiné archivů bezpečnostních složek) a četné rozhovory se Zátopkovými přáteli, kolegy, soupeři a rodinnými příslušníky, zejména Emilovou manželkou, olympijskou vítězkou Danou Zátopkovou.

Objev podobné jako Dnes trochu umřeme - Richard Askwith

cena 357.0 Kč

Dnes trochu zomrieme - Richard Askwith

Úškľabky, grimasy, vyplazený jazyk, ruky rozhodené kade-tade. Neustále si z neho uťahovali. Vraj pri behu vyzerá, akoby ho mučili démoni. Alebo akoby zápasil s chobotnicou. On sa však na tom len smial.Emil Zátopek vyhral na olympiáde v Helsinkách 1952 všetky tri vytrvalostné bežecké disciplíny, čo nikto iný neodkázal a sotva už niekto dokáže. Utvoril 18 svetových rekordov a hranice vytrvalostného behu posunul na úroveň, ktorá sa v tých časoch zdala nemysliteľná.Bol aj prominentnou tvárou komunistického režimu. Párkrát zlyhal. A poriadne. Inokedy bol pre ľudí hrdinom. Ako po invázii sovietskych vojsk do Československa v roku 1968, keď chodil od tanku k tanku a presviedčal ruských vojakov, aby sa vrátili domov.Zaplatil za to. Čakalo ho vyhnanstvo – život v maringotke s partiou vŕtačov studní, s ktorou kočoval po odľahlých kútoch krajiny a často popíjal. Napokon ho zlomili. Jeho život zahaľuje množstvo legiend, poloprávd a príbehov, ktoré sa donekonečna opakujú a prikrášľujú. Mnohé z jeho najslávnejších historiek sú však vymyslené. Známy aj neznámy zároveň. Kto teda naozaj bol Emil Zátopek?Oceňovaný britský novinár a spisovateľ Richard Askwith navštívil miesta spojené s jeho životom, hovoril s jeho priateľmi, známymi, súpermi. Viedol dlhé rozhovory s jeho manželkou Danou Zátopkovou, ktorá mu dala oprávnenie preskúmať aj Emilov spis v archívoch ŠtB. Askwith dôsledne sleduje fakty a vyvracia mýty, ktoré o Zátopkovi kolujú desaťročia.Výsledkom je strhujúci príbeh športovca, nekonečného dobráka i chybujúceho človeka s jeho vzostupmi a pádmi, ktoré sa prepletali pomedzi búrlivé udalosti 20. storočia.Kniha bola vo Veľkej Británii nominovaná na cenu pre najlepšiu biografiu a najlepšiu športovú knihu roka.

Objev podobné jako Dnes trochu zomrieme - Richard Askwith

cena 508.0 Kč

Stopy v oblacích - Richard Askwith - e-kniha

eBook: Tato kniha změnila žánr – patří k povinné četbě každého běžce a běžkyně, kteří se alespoň jednou za čas hodlají popasovat s nějakým (nejlépe vyšším) kopcem. Uznávaný autor a běžec se rozhodl, že svět běžců do vrchu zažije na vlastní kůži. Potkával se s běžeckými legendami, které absolvovaly nejděsivější závody a běžecké výzvy, účastnil se mnohadenních závodů, v nejzapadlejších koutech Anglie objevoval tvrdé borce, kteří pamatují doby, kdy běh ještě hodně bolel … A vznikl portrét jedné z nejdrsnějších běžeckých disciplín, v níž se střídá extrémní vyčerpání s okamžiky radostného osvícení. Stopy v oblacích jsou kronikou masochistické touhy a obdivuhodné výdrže. Je to lyrická pocta britským horám a lidské vůle. Askwithova kniha Stopy v oblacích získala ocenění za nejlepší literární debut ze sportovního prostředí a Bill Rollinson Prize for Landscape and Tradition.

Objev podobné jako Stopy v oblacích - Richard Askwith - e-kniha

cena 219.0 Kč

The Conspiracy against the Human Race: A Contrivance of Horror (0143133144)

Kniha - autor Thomas Ligotti, 272 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Conspiracy against the Human Race: A Contrivance of Horror (0143133144)

cena 412.0 Kč

A Waiter in Paris: Adventures in the Dark Heart of the City - Edward Chisholm

A waiter's job is to deceive you. They want you to believe in a luxurious calm because on the other side of that door...is hell.Edward Chisholm's spellbinding memoir of his time as a Parisian waiter is the perfect summer read. It takes you below the surface of one of the most iconic cities in the world and right into its glorious underbelly.He inhabits a world of inhuman hours, snatched sleep and dive bars; scraping by on coffee, bread and cigarettes, often under sadistic managers, with a wage so low you're fighting your colleagues for tips. Colleagues - including thieves, narcissists, ex-Legionnaires, paperless immigrants, wannabe actors and drug dealers - who are the closest thing to family that you've got.It's physically demanding, frequently humiliating and incredibly competitive. But it doesn't matter because you're in Paris, the centre of the universe, and there's nowhere else you'd rather be in the world.

Objev podobné jako A Waiter in Paris: Adventures in the Dark Heart of the City - Edward Chisholm

cena 312.0 Kč

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass (0062936611)

Kniha - autor Lewis Carroll, 336 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Lewis Carroll’s beloved classic stories are reimagined in this deluxe illustrated gift edition from the award-winning design studio behind the graphics for the Harry Potter film franchise, MinaLima—designed with stunning full color artwork and several interactive features. Originally published in 1865, Lewis Carroll’s exquisite Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass have remained revered classics for generations. The story of Alice, an inquisitive heroine who falls through a rabbit hole and into a whimsical world, has captured the hearts of readers of all ages. Perhaps the most popular female character in English literature, Alice is accompanied on her journey of trials and tribulations by the frantic White Rabbit, the demented and terrifying Queen of Hearts, the intriguing Mad Hatter, and many other eccentric characters. Lewis Carroll’s beloved companion stories...

Objev podobné jako Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass (0062936611)

cena 696.0 Kč

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass (0141199687)

Kniha - autor Lewis Carroll, 246 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná And "Through The Looking Glass".

Objev podobné jako Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass (0141199687)

cena 203.0 Kč

Is This A Cookbook? Adventures in the Kitchen - Heston Blumenthal

Is this a cookbook?Well, it's full of Heston's typically brilliant, delicious and inventive recipes, including green gazpacho, beetroot and pea salad, quinoa with vegetables, Moroccan pasties, hemp panna cotta, banana and parsley smoothie, tomato and coffee muffins, parsnip granola, rice ice cream, sherry vinegar posset, cricket ketchup and thyme and orange kombucha, not forgetting popcorn chicken with real popcorn. Every recipe is simple, straightforward and totally do-able. This is Heston at his most accessible.But there's so much more. Each of the 70 recipes is accompanied by Heston's thoughts, stories, insights and hacks, turning each cooking session into a journey that'll excite and inspire and reveal a whole world of culinary possibilities and fresh perspectives. Brought to life by the incredible illustrations by Dave McKean, Heston's long-term collaborator and widely acknowledged as one of the greatest illustrators at work today, it's the next best thing to having Heston as your sous-chef. So why not get in the kitchen and have an adventure?

Objev podobné jako Is This A Cookbook? Adventures in the Kitchen - Heston Blumenthal

cena 790.0 Kč

Adventures in the Stone Age - Leopold Jaroslav Pospíšil - e-kniha

eBook: When Leopold Pospíšil first arrived in New Guinea in 1954 to investigate the legal systems of the local tribes, he was warned about the Kapauku who reputedly had no laws. Dubious that any society could exist without laws, Pospíšil immediately decided to live among and study the Kapauku. Learning the language and living as a participant-observer among the Kapauku, Pospíšil discovers that the supposedly primitive society possesses laws, rules, and social structures that are as sophisticated as they are logical. Having survived the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia and fled the Communist regime, Pospíšil has little patience for the notion that so-called advanced civilizations are superior to the ‘stone age’ society in which he now lives. On the basis of his research and experiences among the Kapauku – he would stay with them five times between 1954 and 1979 – Pospíšil pioneered in the field of legal anthropology, holding a professorship at Yale, serving as the anthropology curator of the Peabody Museum of Natural History, and publishing three books of scholarship on the Kapauku law. As Jaroslav Jiřík and Martin Soukup write in their afterword, however, “His three previously published works are about the Kapauku; this one is about the anthropologist among the Kapauku.” The memoir is filled with charming anecdotes and thrilling stories of trials, travels, and war – told with humor and humility—and accompanied by a wealth of the author’s personal photos from the time.

Objev podobné jako Adventures in the Stone Age - Leopold Jaroslav Pospíšil - e-kniha

cena 390.0 Kč

Alice’S Adventures In Wonderland & Through The Looking Glass - Lewis Carroll

With an Introduction and Notes by Michael Irwin, Professor of English Literature, University of Kent at Canterbury This selection of Carroll's works includes Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel, Through the Looking-Glass, both containing the famous illustrations by Sir John Tenniel. No greater books for children have ever been written. The simple language, dreamlike atmosphere, and fantastical characters are as appealing to young readers today as ever they were. Meanwhile, however, these apparently simple stories have become recognised as adult masterpieces, and extraordinary experiments, years ahead of their time, in Modernism and Surrealism. Through wordplay, parody and logical and philosophical puzzles, Carroll engenders a variety of sub-texts, teasing, ominous or melancholy. For all the surface playfulness there is meaning everywhere. The author reveals himself in glimpses.

Objev podobné jako Alice’S Adventures In Wonderland & Through The Looking Glass - Lewis Carroll

cena 107.0 Kč

So Late in the Day - Claire Keeganová

An exquisite new short story from the Sunday Times bestselling author of Small Things Like These and Foster. 'A genuine once-in-a-generation writer.' The TimesAfter an uneventful Friday at the Dublin office, Cathal faces into the long weekend and takes the bus home. There, his mind agitates over a woman named Sabine with whom he could have spent his life, had he acted differently.All evening, with only the television and a bottle of champagne for company, thoughts of this woman and others intrude - and the true significance of this particular date is revealed. From one of the finest writers working today, Keegan's new story asks if a lack of generosity might ruin what could be between men and women. 'Every word is the right word in the right place, and the effect is resonant and deeply moving.' Hilary Mantel'Claire Keegan makes her moments real - and then she makes them matter.' Colm Toibin

Objev podobné jako So Late in the Day - Claire Keeganová

cena 295.0 Kč

Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass - Lewis Carroll

It's a warm summer's afternoon when young Alice first tumbles down the rabbit hole and into the adventures in Wonderland that have kept readers spellbound for more than 150 years. Collected here are Lewis Carroll's two classics - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass - in which Alice encounters the laconic Cheshire Cat, the anxious White Rabbit and the terrifying Red Queen, as well as a host of other outlandish and charming characters. Brought to life by Sir John Tenniel's legendary illustrations in black and white, and with an afterword by Anna South, this elegant Macmillan Collector's Library edition is perfect for old and new fans alike.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.

Objev podobné jako Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass - Lewis Carroll

cena 299.0 Kč

Lonely City: Adventures in the Art of Being Alone - Laing Olivia

Finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award in Criticism #1 Book of the Year from Brain Pickings Named a best book of the year by NPR, Newsweek, Slate, Pop Sugar, Marie Claire, Elle, Publishers Weekly, and Lit Hub A dazzling work of biography, memoir, and cultural criticism on the subject of loneliness, told through the lives of iconic artists, by the acclaimed author of The Trip to Echo Spring. When Olivia Laing moved to New York City in her midthirties, she found herself inhabiting loneliness on a daily basis. Increasingly fascinated by the most shameful of experiences, she began to explore the lonely city by way of art. Moving from Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks to Andy Warhol’s Time Capsules, from Henry Darger’s hoarding to David Wojnarowicz’s AIDS activism, Laing conducts an electric, dazzling investigation into what it means to be alone, illuminating not only the causes of loneliness but also how it might be resisted and redeemed. Humane, provocative, and moving, The Lonely City is a celebration of a strange and lovely state, adrift from the larger continent of human experience, but intrinsic to the very act of being alive.

Objev podobné jako Lonely City: Adventures in the Art of Being Alone - Laing Olivia

cena 325.0 Kč

Nick Drake: The Life - Jack Richard Morton

''This is the book we''ve been waiting for . . . It is a biography to be treasured'' Joe Boyd''The Drake completist could ask for nothing else'' Daily Telegraph''Illuminating. The definitive word on Drake'' ObserverIn 1968 Nick Drake had everything to live for. The product of a loving, creative family and a privileged background, he was not only a handsome and popular Cambridge undergraduate, but also a new signing to the UK''s hippest record label, Island.Three years later, however - having made three well-reviewed but low-selling albums - Nick had been overwhelmed by a mysterious mental illness. He returned to live in his family home in rural Warwickshire in 1971, and died in obscurity in 1974, aged just 26.In the decades since, Nick has become the subject of ever-growing fascination and speculation. Combined sales of his records now stand in the millions, his songs are frequently heard on TV and in films, and he has become one of the most widely known and admired singer-songwriters of his generation.Nick Drake: The Life is the only biography of Nick to be written with the blessing and involvement of his sister and Estate. Drawing on copious original research and new interviews with his family, friends and musical collaborators, as well as deeply personal archive material unavailable to previous writers - including his father''s diaries, his essays and private correspondence - this is the most comprehensive and authoritative account possible of Nick''s short and enigmatic life.Includes a foreword by Gabrielle Drake and over 75 photos, many rare or previously unseen.

Objev podobné jako Nick Drake: The Life - Jack Richard Morton

cena 502.0 Kč

Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland: Including Through the Looking Glass - Lewis Carroll

This edition contains Alice''s Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking Glass. It is illustrated throughout by Sir John Tenniel, whose drawings for the books add so much to the enjoyment of them.Tweedledum and Tweedledee, the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat, the Red Queen and the White Rabbit all make their appearances, and are now familiar figures in writing, conversation and idiom. So too are Carroll''s delightful verses such as The Walrus and the Carpenter and the inspired jargon of that masterly Wordsworthian parody, The Jabberwocky.

Objev podobné jako Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland: Including Through the Looking Glass - Lewis Carroll

cena 142.0 Kč

Alice\´s Adventures in Wonderland : AND Through the Looking Glass - Lewis Carroll

'I had sent my heroine straight down a rabbit-hole without the least idea what was to happen afterwards', wrote Dodgson, describing how Alice was conjured up one 'golden afternoon' in 1862 to entertain his child-friend Alice Liddell. In the magical world of Wonderland and the back-to-front Looking-Glass kingdom, order is turned upside-down: a baby turns into a pig; time is abandoned at a tea-party; and, a chaotic game of chess makes a 7-year-old a Queen.

Objev podobné jako Alice\´s Adventures in Wonderland : AND Through the Looking Glass - Lewis Carroll

cena 447.0 Kč

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass: And What Alice Found There (1909621579)

Kniha - autor Lewis Carroll, 284 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Lewis Carroll, 284 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá A pocket hardback edition of Lewis Carroll's classic story for children

Objev podobné jako Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass: And What Alice Found There (1909621579)

cena 259.0 Kč

Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass : Colour Illustrations - Lewis Carroll

It's a warm summer's afternoon when young Alice first tumbles down the rabbit hole and into the adventures in Wonderland that have kept readers spellbound for more than 150 years. Collected here are Lewis Carroll's two classics - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass - in which Alice encounters the laconic Cheshire Cat, the anxious White Rabbit and the terrifying Red Queen, as well as a host of other outlandish and charming characters. Brought to life by Sir John Tenniel's legendary illustrations, delightfully coloured by Barbara Frith, and including an afterword by Anna South, this elegant Macmillan Collector's Library edition is perfect for old and new fans alike.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.

Objev podobné jako Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass : Colour Illustrations - Lewis Carroll

cena 303.0 Kč

The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha

eBook: A young baby named Claus is found abandoned in a forest. Claus is taken in by Ak, the Master Woodsman of the World and a wood nymph named Necile and has a happy upbringing away from other humans. When Claus moves away, he gains a reputation for kindness towards children, and starts carving toys to give them. The evil Agwas steal the toys as they are stopping the children from misbehaving, forcing Claus to enter homes through chimneys to deliver his gifts. There are plenty more adventures in store for Claus before he becomes Santa Claus, in this delightful festive children’s story from renowned author L. Frank Baum.

Objev podobné jako The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Surrounded by Vampires: Or, How to Slay the Time, Energy and Soul Suckers in Your Life - Thomas Erikson

From the Sunday Times and international bestselling author of Surrounded by IdiotsDo you often feel exhausted by conversations?Are there people in your life with belittle you through words or actions?Or, do you have colleagues who take up your time and don't actually do much?You could be surrounded by vampires! International bestselling author and behavioural expert Thomas Erikson will help you recognise and deal with the four most common vampires.Be it time, energy, attention or habit vampires, these ubiquitous social villains can leave you feeling drained and depleted. Whether they're lurking in your office, hiding amongst friends and family, or invading your thoughts, vampires can be found all around you.Fortunately, no human or habit Vampire can survive when the sun shines on them. With the help of the behavioural model made famous in Surrounded by Idiots, Thomas Erikson will help you spot the vampires around you and find your light to vanish their influence for good.

Objev podobné jako Surrounded by Vampires: Or, How to Slay the Time, Energy and Soul Suckers in Your Life - Thomas Erikson

cena 312.0 Kč

The Life of Mr. Richard Savage - Daniel Defoe - e-kniha

eBook: ‘The Life of Mr. Richard Savage’ is an incredibly interesting true crime book by Daniel Defoe. The book examines the case of the poet Richard Savage who murdered a man during a brawl in 1727. The salacious trial received great publicity at the time as wild accusations were made about both the criminal and the victim. Defoe provides invaluable insight into the crime and Savage’s attempt to receive a pardon from the Queen during his trial. This account of the murder stands out as Defoe delves deep into Savage’s fascinating childhood and troubled relationship with his adulterous mother that may have affected him in later years. ‘The Life of Mr. Richard Savage’ should be read by all true crime fans as it is a riveting account of one of the first famous true crime stories.

Objev podobné jako The Life of Mr. Richard Savage - Daniel Defoe - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Breakfast Club Adventures: The Ghoul in the School - Marcus Rashford, Alex Falase-Koya

Marcus and the Breakfast Club Investigators are back in The Breakfast Club Adventures: The Ghoul in the School! From #1 bestselling author Marcus Rashford comes another exciting adventure full of fantastic friendships, high-stakes mysteries and strange goings-on! Written with Alex Falase-Koya and packed with tons of illustrations by Marta Kissi, it's the perfect book for children aged 8-11.There’s something strange going on at school . . .The Breakfast Club Investigators haven't managed to solve a mystery in months and Marcus is worried that the group is going to break up! So when Gbenga, the captain of the school basketball team, comes to ask for their help Marcus knows this might just be the Investigator's last chance to prove themselves.The basketball team have had a streak of bad luck, and Marcus and his mates are sure there's more going on than meets the eye. As the mystery deepens and they uncover one surprising clue after another, they discover that someone – or something – has cursed the basketball team! Can Marcus and his friends solve the mystery in time?

Objev podobné jako The Breakfast Club Adventures: The Ghoul in the School - Marcus Rashford, Alex Falase-Koya

cena 214.0 Kč

Screw It, Let´s Do It : Lessons In Life - Richard Branson

Throughout my life I have achieved many remarkable things. In Screw It, Let's Do It, I will share with you my ideas and the secrets of my success, but not simply because I hope they'll help you achieve your individual goals. Today we are increasingly aware of the effects of our actions on the environment, and I strongly believe that we each have a responsibility, as individuals and organisations, to do no harm. I will draw on Gaia Capitalism to explain why we need to take stock of how we may be damaging the environment, and why it is up to big companies like Virgin to lead the way in a more holistic approach to business. In Screw It, Let's Do It I'll be looking forwards to the future. A lot has changed since I founded Virgin in 1968, and I'll explain how I intend to take my business and my ideas to the next level and the new and exciting areas - such as launching Virgin Fuels - into which Virgin is currently moving. But I have also brought together all the important lessons, good advice and inspirational adages that have helped me along the road to success. Ironically, I have never been one to do things by the book, but I have been inspired and influenced by many remarkable people. I hope that you too might find a little inspiration between these pages.

Objev podobné jako Screw It, Let´s Do It : Lessons In Life - Richard Branson

cena 177.0 Kč

A Death in the Parish - Richard Coles

THE NEW NOVEL FROM THE NO.1 BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF MURDER BEFORE EVENSONGCANON DANIEL CLEMENT IS BACK...It''s been a few months since murder tore apart the community of Champton apart. As Canon Daniel Clement tries to steady his flock, the parish is joined with Upper and Lower Badsaddle, bringing a new tide of unwanted change. But church politics soon become the least of Daniel''s problems. His mother - headstrong, fearless Audrey - is obviously up to something, something she is determined to keep from him. And she is not the only one. And then all hell breaks loose when murder returns to Champton in the form of a shocking ritualistic killing...

Objev podobné jako A Death in the Parish - Richard Coles

cena 295.0 Kč

The Adventures of Elizabeth in Rügen - Elizabeth von Arnim - e-kniha

eBook: In 1901, the author – the real Elizabeth – went on a trip to the Baltic island of Rügen with her maid, a chauffeur, a friend, and a carriage piled high with their luggage. From this, she weaves a captivating tale of her encounters in this semi-autobiographical novel. A snobbish bishop’s wife and her handsome son, a dressmaker, and a long-lost cousin Charlotte form the basis of this story, as Charlotte tries to evade the pursuit of her husband. Elizabeth von Arnim\'s humorous novel ‘The Adventures of Elizabeth in Rügen’ will be enjoyed by fans of Thomas Hardy’s ‘Far From the Madding Crowd’. Elizabeth von Arnim was an English novelist – a cousin of the New Zealand-born writer Katherine Mansfield – born as Mary Annette Beauchamp in Australia in 1866. She married a German aristocrat and her earliest written works are set in Germany. Von Arnim launched her career as a writer with her satirical and semi-autobiographical work ‘Elizabeth and Her German Garden’, published anonymously in 1898. Although she was known by the name May in her early life, when she began writing, her success as ‘Elizabeth’ meant that her writings were ascribed to the name Elizabeth von Arnim.

Objev podobné jako The Adventures of Elizabeth in Rügen - Elizabeth von Arnim - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Robert Sabuda

Fall down the rabbit hole again and again with the master of paper engineering. With stunning pop-ups and elaborative interactive details, this is a gift that will be treasured by generations. Robert Sabuda’s dazzling adaptation of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland makes the whimsy and fantastical burst out of the page. With a jaw-dropping number of three-dimensional pop-ups on every page, follow the White Rabbit through the forest, dine with the Mad Hatter, and play croquette against the Queen of Hearts. Featuring printed foil, acetate creatures, and a peep hole down the rabbit hole, this is a book that will be read again and again. Praise for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: A Pop-up Adaptation: 'Breathtaking, three-dimensional images that are incredibly imaginative, intricately detailed, and perfectly executed... a fresh look at the story and offering details that add greatly to the reading experience.' School Library Journal 'This will very likely come to be seen as the definitive pop-up version of Alice, but it will also further establish Sabuda as the foremost visionary of the genre.' Booklist, Starred Review Other pop-up books by Robert Sabuda: The 12 Days of Christmas Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Beauty and the Beast The Little Mermaid The Night Before Christmas Peter Pan Winter’s Tale The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Objev podobné jako Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Robert Sabuda

cena 886.0 Kč

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll''s Alice has been enchanting children for 150 years. Curious Alice, the bossy White Rabbit, the formidable Queen of Hearts and the Mad Hatter are among the best-loved, most iconic literary creations of all time.Macmillan was the original publisher of Alice in 1865 and is proud to remain true to the vision of its creators. Every bit as iconic are Sir John Tenniel''s remarkable black line illustrations, perfectly capturing the combination of the ordinary and the extraordinary at the heart of Wonderland.This beautiful, celebratory, edition of Alice''s Adventures in Wonderland has a gorgeous cover with shiny red foil, and is packed full of fun bonus material, including a quiz, wordsearch and a glossary. Lewis Carroll''s classic children''s book is brought to life like never before!

Objev podobné jako Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll

cena 177.0 Kč

Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass (Barnes & Noble Collectible Classics: Children´s Edition) - Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll's novels Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass (first published in 1865 and 1871, respectively) have entertained readers young and old for more than a century. Their magical worlds, amusing characters, clever dialogue, and playfully logical illogic epitomize the whit and whimsy of Carroll's writing. Both stories feature the coloured classic illustrations of John Tenniel. Alice's Adventures in wonderland and Through the Looking Glass is one of Barnes & Noble's Ieather bound classics for children. It features classic illustrations, an elegant bonded leather binding, a satin-ribbon bookmark, and distinctive gilt edging.

Objev podobné jako Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass (Barnes & Noble Collectible Classics: Children´s Edition) - Lewis Carroll

cena 536.0 Kč

A Head Full of Music: The soundtrack to my life - Cliff Richard

Foreword by Bob StanleyOn a sunny Saturday morning in May 1956, a fifteen-year-old, then called Harry Webb, was mooching down Waltham Cross High Street. He heard some music blaring out of a parked car. It stopped him in his tracks.The song was 'Heartbreak Hotel' by Elvis Presley.It sounded like nothing he had ever heard before. In that instant, the schoolboy who was destined to take the hit parade by storm as Cliff Richard fell in love with rock and roll. It gave him the thrill, the purpose and the mission that has shaped his life ever since.Cliff lives in and for music.And with 65 years as a hitmaker, the music filling his head is a broad category. His soundtrack begins by blasting us all back into that first life-changing explosion of rock and roll, and also includes great soul soul stars such as Aretha Franklin, longtime colleagues like Elton John, and much-missed close friends Cilla Black and Olivia Newton-John.This book is meaningful to Cliff on many levels. The 30 or so songs here that make up the soundtrack to his life have each moved him deeply, but it's also about the legendary artists he met, and often got to know.He shares those stories and memories with you, too.A Head Full of Music is a vibrant personal journey for Cliff, and it's a joy to accompany him on it. Get wired for sound with him and read on.

Objev podobné jako A Head Full of Music: The soundtrack to my life - Cliff Richard

cena 447.0 Kč

A Head Full of Music: The soundtrack to my life - Cliff Richard

Foreword by Bob StanleyOn a sunny Saturday morning in May 1956, a fifteen-year-old, then called Harry Webb, was mooching down Waltham Cross High Street. He heard some music blaring out of a parked car. It stopped him in his tracks.The song was 'Heartbreak Hotel' by Elvis Presley. It sounded like nothing he had ever heard before. In that instant, the schoolboy who was destined to take the hit parade by storm as Cliff Richard fell in love with rock and roll. It gave him the thrill, the purpose and the mission that has shaped his life ever since.Cliff lives in and for music. And with 65 years as a hitmaker, the music filling his head is a broad category. His soundtrack begins by blasting us all back into that first life-changing explosion of rock and also includes great soul soul stars such as Aretha Franklin, longtime colleagues like Elton John, and much-missed close friends Cilla Black and Olivia Newton-John.This book is meaningful to Cliff on many levels. The 30 or so songs here that make up the soundtrack to his life have each moved him deeply, but it's also about the legendary artists he met, and often got to know. He shares those stories and memories with you, too.A Head Full of Music is a vibrant personal journey for Cliff, and it's a joy to accompany him on it. Get wired for sound with him and read on.

Objev podobné jako A Head Full of Music: The soundtrack to my life - Cliff Richard

cena 536.0 Kč

In Search of Us: Twelve Adventures in Anthropology - Lucy Moore

The story of the pioneering anthropologists and their adventures among civilisations that were first thought of as being primitive and savage. What they discovered, however, would change the way we think about ourselves.In the late nineteenth century, when non-European societies were seen as 'living fossils' offering an insight into how Western civilisation had evolved, anthropology was a thrilling new discipline which attracted the brightest minds of the academic world. But, by the middle of the twentieth century, colonialism was recognised as being inextricably linked to exploitation and outdated labels like 'savage' were inconceivable when so-called 'civilised' man had wreaked such devastation across two world wars.Focusing on twelve key European and American anthropologists working in the field, from Franz Boas on Baffin Island in the 1880s to Claude Levi-Strauss in Brazil fifty years later, Lucy Moore explores the brief flowering of anthropology as a quasi-scientific area of study with all its insights and ambivalence. In Search of Us tells the story of the men and women whose observations of the 'other' would transform attitudes about race, gender equality, sexual liberation, parenting and tolerance in ways they had never anticipated.In an enthralling, perceptive narrative, Moore shows how these radical anthropologists were inspired by their time in the furthest-flung reaches of the known world, becoming pioneers of a new way of thinking. In the end, their legacy is less about understanding foreign cultures and more about their attempts to persuade human beings to look at one another with eyes washed free from prejudice. Their intention may have been to explain what they saw as the primitive world to the civilised one but they ended up changing the way people viewed themselves - at least for a time.

Objev podobné jako In Search of Us: Twelve Adventures in Anthropology - Lucy Moore

cena 321.0 Kč

Flower Kings: Back In The World Of Adventures (2022 Remaster) - CD (0194399568125)

Hudební CD - Back in the World of Adventures je první studiové album vydané švédskou progresivní rockovou skupinou The Flower Kings. Back in the World of Adventures je první studiové album vydané švédskou progresivní rockovou skupinou The Flower Kings. Flower Kings je švédská progresivní rocková skupina, kterou v roce 1994 založil kytarista a zpěvák a skladatel Roine Stolt . Rok vydání : 1995 (1.album) Rok reedice : 2022 Seznam stop CD World of Adventures / Atomic Prince / Go West Judas / Train To Nowhere / Oblivion Road / Theme For A Hero / Temple Of The Snakes / My Cosmic Lover / The Wonder Wheel / Big Puzzle

Objev podobné jako Flower Kings: Back In The World Of Adventures (2022 Remaster) - CD (0194399568125)

cena 349.0 Kč

Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll

The Macmillan Alice Colouring Book is a beautifully produced colouring book, with black line illustrations by Sir John Tenniel, taken from the original Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, with added decoration and imagery to stimulate the imagination and soothe the mind, as you lose yourself in Wonderland. This gorgeous colouring book, from the original publisher of Lewis Carroll's beloved masterpiece, features all of Wonderland's favourite characters, the White Rabbit, the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter, the Red Queen and of course Alice herself - just waiting to be brought to life with colour.

Objev podobné jako Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll

cena 249.0 Kč

Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll

HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics.'Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, "and what is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pictures or conversations?"'So begins the tale of Alice, who follows a curious White Rabbit down a hole and falls into Wonderland, a fantastical place where nothing is quite as it seems: animals talk, nonsensical characters confuse, Mad Hatters throw tea parties and the Queen plays croquet. Alice's attempts to find her way home become increasingly bizarre, infuriating and amazing in turn.A beloved classic, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland has continued to delight readers, young and old, for over 150 years.

Objev podobné jako Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll

cena 79.0 Kč

Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll

Published to coincide with Alice in Wonderland's 150th anniversary, this volume includes John Tenniel's iconic engravings, the sequel Through the Looking Glass and a facsimile of Alice's Adventures Under Ground, the early manuscript version of the novel illustrated by Lewis Carroll himself. Originally conceived by its author as an entertaining story for Alice Liddell, the daughter of an Oxford dean, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, the fantastic tale of the young Alice's encounters with the White Rabbit, the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter and the Queen of Hearts, has captured the imaginations of young and old throughout the world since it was first published in 1865. In addition to the vivid and unforgettable characters, it is the book's experimental style, linguistic inventiveness and myriad of jokes and puzzles that account for the timeless fascination it inspires. ABOUT THE SERIES: Alma Junior Classics series of illustrated classics includes some of the greatest books ever written for younger readers and new translations of unjustly neglected international works. Our aim is to give our list an international feel and offer young readers to opportunity to connect with other cultures and literatures this applies not only to the titles we chose but also to the illustrators we commission so that we can bring a bit of novelty into the canon of British children's literature. All children's classics contain extra material for young readers, including a profile of the author, a section on the book, a list of characters, a glossary and a test-yourself quiz.

Objev podobné jako Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll

cena 232.0 Kč

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Accessible Easier Edition

Enjoy Every Cherry’s new adaptation of Easier Classics’ Frankenstein featuring illustrations, sensory features and glossary descriptions to aid in reading comprehension and accessibility.

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cena 207.0 Kč

Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll

This volume includes novels, nonsense verse, miscellaneous poems, short stories, puzzles and acrostics by Lewis Carroll.

Objev podobné jako Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll

cena 1065.0 Kč

Midnight Adventures in Primrose Park - Helen Peters

When wild animals stray into the park and get into difficulties, Hassan and his mum are there to help in two heartwarming tales from animal-story maestro Helen Peters.Dapple the fawn gets carried away exploring the park near the woods where he lives with his mother, Fern. But when Fern comes to find him, she gets tangled in a wire. Can Dapple find someone to help set her free?Olive the otter loves playing in the river near her home. But when she disobeys her mother and strays out after a rainstorm, Olive gets washed far downstream and lands on the bank in a city park. How will she ever find her way home?Luckily for Dapple and Olive, Hassan and his mum, a wildlife ranger, live close to the park and can help both little animals back to safety.

Objev podobné jako Midnight Adventures in Primrose Park - Helen Peters

cena 236.0 Kč

Life orange running

Celá sestava je tvořena z olověnky, osmivlákné návazcové šňůry, závěsného klipu a doplňků. Na montáž stačí připnout vhodné závěsné olovo a je připravena. Tato montáž se výborně hodí pro lov na pelety a boilies při lovu kaprů a amurů. Velikost háčku 4 40cm olověnka (nosnost 45lb) 14cm 8-vlákná návazcová šňůra (nosnost 25lb)

Objev podobné jako Life orange running

cena 47.0 Kč

Poo in the Zoo: The Super Pooper Road Race - Steve Smallman

It''s the super POOPER Road Race, and Bob McGrew and the animals in the zoo are building the perfect poo-powered race cars. It’s going to be a poop-tastic adventure . . .But – oh no! – who’s that dastardly driver sabotaging the race? This race course is becoming more doo-doo dangerous by the minute!Who will zoom to victory and who will be left to finish last? Find out in this laugh out loud vehicle book for children. Kids that enjoy things that go and car books like the Diggersaurus series by Michael Whaite, Goodnight Tractor by Michelle Robinson and Nick East, and You Can’t Let an Elephant Drive a Racing Car by Patricia Cleveland-Peck and David Tazzyman will love Poo in the Zoo: The Super Pooper Road Race.

Objev podobné jako Poo in the Zoo: The Super Pooper Road Race - Steve Smallman

cena 236.0 Kč

Life in the Garden - Penelope Lively

Penelope Lively has always been a keen gardener. This book is partly a memoir of her own life in gardens: the large garden at home in Cairo where she spent most of her childhood, her grandmother's garden in a sloping Somerset field, then two successive Oxfordshire gardens of her own, and the smaller urban garden in the North London home she lives in today. It is also a wise, engaging and far-ranging exploration of gardens in literature, from Paradise Lost to Alice in Wonderland, and of writers and their gardens, from Virginia Woolf to Philip Larkin.

Objev podobné jako Life in the Garden - Penelope Lively

cena 329.0 Kč

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