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The Hidden Storyteller - Mandy Robotham
International bestselling author Mandy Robotham returns with a brand new tale set in war-torn Germany.The war is over. But there are still secrets to be found amidst the ashes …Hamburg, 1946The war is over, and Germany is in ruins. Posted to an Allied-run Hamburg, reporter Georgie Young returns to the country she fled seven years prior – at the onset of the conflict – to find it unrecognisable.Amongst the stark horrors of a bombed-out city crumbling under the weight of millions of displaced souls, she discovers pockets of warmth: a violinist playing amidst the wreckage, couples dancing in the streets, and a nation trying to make amends.Joining forces with local detective Harri Schroder to catch a killer targeting women on the city’s streets, curiosity draws Georgie deep into the dark underbelly, and she soon discovers that some secrets of war did not die with Hitler…The next gripping and heart-wrenching historical fiction novel from international bestseller, Mandy Robotham.Readers love Mandy Robotham:‘Evocative and emotive, a real must-read. Both harrowing and very moving. I couldn’t put it down’ Real Reader Review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘I really liked the crime element in the story. This book will stay with me. Great writing – very poignant and heart-wrenching’ Real Reader Review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘This is a really great book, full of interesting characters that you want to survive’ Real Reader Review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘A thoroughly entertaining read. Strongly recommended’ Real Reader Review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Another excellent novel by Mandy Robotham! A thriller with a dash of historical fiction. It was very well written, and she had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through’ Real Reader Review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘An informative, compassionate read of historical fiction. Highly recommended’ Real Reader Review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Podívejte se také Mandy - Kult pomsty - DVD (D008303)
The Secret Messenger - Mandy Robotham
Venice, 1943The world is at war, and Stella Jilani is leading a double life. By day she works in the lion's den as a typist for the Reich; by night, she risks her life as a messenger for the Italian resistance. Against all odds, Stella must impart Nazi secrets, smuggle essential supplies and produce an underground newspaper on her beloved typewriter.But when German commander General Breugal becomes suspicious, it seems he will stop at nothing to find the mole, and Stella knows her future could be in jeopardy.London, 2017Years later, Luisa Belmont finds a mysterious old typewriter in her attic. Determined to find out who it belonged to, Luisa delves into the past and uncovers a story of fierce love, unimaginable sacrifice and, ultimately, the worst kind of betrayal...Set between German-occupied 1940s Venice and modern-day London, this is a fascinating tale of the bravery of everyday women in the darkest corners of WWII, for readers of The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris.
Podívejte se také Patinkin Mandy: Children And Art - CD (7559792428)
Berlínčanka - Mandy Robotham
Berlín (1938):Leto je v plnom prúde a v Nemecku sa neodvrátiteľne schyľuje k vojne. Keď začínajúcu novinárku Georgie Youngovú prevelia do Berlína spolu s jej kolegom z Londýna, Maxom Spenderom, uvedomuje si, že situácia v krajine sa dramaticky mení. Po príchode do mesta zahaleného do červených vlajok s hákovými krížmi, v ktorom sa to hemží nacistami, Georgie bezmocne sleduje, ako sú mnohí ľudia prenasledovaní a miznú zo dňa na deň. So stupňujúcim sa napätím si uvedomí, že s Maxom sa nemôžu len tak prizerať a musia konať, aj keby tým mali riskovať svoj život. Postupne Georgie preniká do tajov ríše a začína odkrývať neopísateľné zverstvá Hitlerovho Nemecka. Táto dvojica sa stáva bytostnou súčasťou tohto temného sveta. Nezabudnuteľný príbeh o svete na začiatku vojny a silnej žene, ktorá sa začne stretávať s nebezpečným dôstojníkom koncentračného tábora, aby sa postupne infiltrovala až do najužších kruhov nacistov. No čo ak dôstojník zistí, kto Georgie v skutočnosti je a prečo sa s ním stretáva?
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Válce navzdory - Mandy Robotham
Norsko, 1942: Kvůli nacistům přišla o všechno. Teď se však brání… Za okny zuří válka a Rumi Orlstadová spolu se svými spolupracovníky pod příkrovem tmy pašuje z odboje britské agenty a vojenský materiál přes Severní moře na nacisty okupované území. Při jedné z takových nočních misí přijde Rumin snoubenec v nebezpečných vodách o život. Se zlomeným srdcem opouští mladá žena ilegální skupinu a přísahá, že nedovolí, aby se její milovaní ještě někdy ocitli v palebné linii. O několik měsíců později ale Rumi narazí na nacistické tajemství, které odhalí plány, jež má s Norskem Hitler. Je jasné, že není na vybranou – Rumi musí znovu riskovat svůj život pro vlast.
Objev podobné jako Válce navzdory - Mandy Robotham
Dívka z Berlína - Mandy Robotham
Berlín, 1938: Vrcholí léto a Německo je na prahu války. Reportérka Georgie, která do Berlína právě dorazila společně s kolegou Maxem, dobře ví, že musí na každém kroku dávat zatracený pozor. Její příjezd do Berlína totiž působí na místní nacisty jako rudý hadr na býka. A sama Georgie propadá čím dál větší beznaději, když jí dochází, že přes všechnu snahu nemůže pomoct nevinným trpícím lidem. Napětí roste na obou stranách a Georgie je jasné, že musí spolu s Maxem přejít od slov k činům. Jenže pak odhalí krutou pravdu o hitlerovském Německu a celý její svět pohltí temnota, jakou si nedovedla představit ani v nejdivočejších snech…
Objev podobné jako Dívka z Berlína - Mandy Robotham
Dítě třetí říše - Mandy Robotham
Anke je vězeňkyní v lágru, a aby přežila, dělá to, co umí nejlépe – pomáhá svým spoluvězenkyním porodit a starat se o novorozence. Jenže pak si její činnosti všimne kdosi důležitý a Anke čelí zdrcující volbě. Eva Braunová totiž čeká děťátko. Poslouží Anke budoucnosti říše, kterou nenávidí? Nebo obětuje život nevinného dítěte pro lepší zítřky celého světa? V luxusním sídle v Berghofu se bude hrát o víc než jen o život jednoho dítěte.
Objev podobné jako Dítě třetí říše - Mandy Robotham
Válce navzdory - Mandy Robotham - e-kniha
eBook: Norsko, 1942: Kvůli nacistům přišla o všechno. Teď se však brání… Za okny zuří válka a Rumi Orlstadová spolu se svými spolupracovníky z odboje pod příkrovem tmy pašuje britské agenty a vojenský materiál přes Severní moře na nacisty okupované území a uprchlíky naopak z něj do bezpečí. Při jedné z takových nočních misí přijde Rumin snoubenec v nebezpečných vodách o život. Se zlomeným srdcem opouští mladá žena ilegální skupinu a přísahá, že nedovolí, aby se její milovaní ještě někdy ocitli v palebné linii. O několik měsíců později ale Rumi narazí na nacistické tajemství, které odhalí plány, jež má s Norskem Hitler. Je jasné, že nemá na vybranou – Rumi musí znovu riskovat svůj život pro vlast.
Objev podobné jako Válce navzdory - Mandy Robotham - e-kniha
Dívka z Berlína - Mandy Robotham - e-kniha
eBook: Berlín, 1938: Vrcholí léto a Německo je na prahu války. Reportérka Georgie, která do Berlína právě dorazila společně s kolegou Maxem, dobře ví, že musí na každém kroku dávat zatracený pozor. Její příjezd do Berlína totiž působí na místní nacisty jako rudý hadr na býka. A sama Georgie propadá čím dál větší beznaději, když jí dochází, že přes všechnu snahu nemůže pomoct nevinným trpícím lidem. Napětí roste na obou stranách a Georgie je jasné, že musí spolu s Maxem přejít od slov k činům. Jenže pak odhalí krutou pravdu o hitlerovském Německu a celý její svět pohltí temnota, jakou si nedovedla představit ani v nejdivočejších snech...
Objev podobné jako Dívka z Berlína - Mandy Robotham - e-kniha
Dítě třetí říše - Mandy Robotham - e-kniha
eBook: Anke je vězeňkyní v lágru, a aby přežila, dělá to, co umí nejlépe – pomáhá svým spoluvězenkyním porodit a starat se o novorozence. Jenže pak si její činnosti všimne kdosi důležitý a Anke čelí zdrcující volbě. Eva Braunová totiž čeká děťátko. Poslouží Anke budoucnosti říše, kterou nenávidí? Nebo obětuje život nevinného dítěte pro lepší zítřky celého světa? V luxusním sídle v Berghofu se bude hrát o víc než jen o život jednoho dítěte.
Objev podobné jako Dítě třetí říše - Mandy Robotham - e-kniha
Bella the Storyteller - Naylor-Ballesteros Chris
What makes a great story? How are stories made? This clever and unique look at storytelling can help us to understand that great stories need more than exciting and imaginative settings... Meet Bella – she’s not that rabbit, nor the squirrel, she’s the hills, and the trees, and everything in the background. But today, she’s taking control and creating her own story. Today, she’s Bella the Storyteller, and she wants her story to have dragons and dinosaurs and pirates and unicorns and aliens in space! This is going to be the best story ever...but Rabbit and Squirrel might not agree.
Objev podobné jako Bella the Storyteller - Naylor-Ballesteros Chris
The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music (139850372X)
Kniha - 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The long-awaited autobiography of the legendary Nirvana and Foo Fighters rock star, Dave Grohl
Objev podobné jako The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music (139850372X)
The Storyteller : Tales of Life and Music - Dave Grohl
So, I've written a book. Having entertained the idea for years, and even offered a few questionable opportunities ('It's a piece of cake! Just do four hours of interviews, find someone else to write it, put your face on the cover, and voila!'), I have decided to write these stories just as I have always done, in my own hand. The joy that I have felt from chronicling these tales is not unlike listening back to a song that I've recorded and can't wait to share with the world, or reading a primitive journal entry from a stained notebook, or even hearing my voice bounce between the Kiss posters on my wall as a child. This certainly doesn't mean that I'm quitting my day job, but it does give me a place to shed a little light on what it's like to be a kid from Springfield, Virginia, walking through life while living out the crazy dreams I had as young musician. From hitting the road with Scream at 18 years old, to my time in Nirvana and the Foo Fighters, jamming with Iggy Pop or playing at the Academy Awards or dancing with AC/DC and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band, drumming for Tom Petty or meeting Sir Paul McCartney at Royal Albert Hall, bedtime stories with Joan Jett or a chance meeting with Little Richard, to flying halfway around the world for one epic night with my daughters...the list goes on. I look forward to focusing the lens through which I see these memories a little sharper for you with much excitement.
Objev podobné jako The Storyteller : Tales of Life and Music - Dave Grohl
The Storyteller : Tales of Life and Music (Defekt) - Dave Grohl
So, I've written a book. Having entertained the idea for years, and even offered a few questionable opportunities ('It's a piece of cake! Just do four hours of interviews, find someone else to write it, put your face on the cover, and voila!'), I have decided to write these stories just as I have always done, in my own hand. The joy that I have felt from chronicling these tales is not unlike listening back to a song that I've recorded and can't wait to share with the world, or reading a primitive journal entry from a stained notebook, or even hearing my voice bounce between the Kiss posters on my wall as a child. This certainly doesn't mean that I'm quitting my day job, but it does give me a place to shed a little light on what it's like to be a kid from Springfield, Virginia, walking through life while living out the crazy dreams I had as young musician. From hitting the road with Scream at 18 years old, to my time in Nirvana and the Foo Fighters, jamming with Iggy Pop or playing at the Academy Awards or dancing with AC/DC and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band, drumming for Tom Petty or meeting Sir Paul McCartney at Royal Albert Hall, bedtime stories with Joan Jett or a chance meeting with Little Richard, to flying halfway around the world for one epic night with my daughters...the list goes on. I look forward to focusing the lens through which I see these memories a little sharper for you with much excitement.
Objev podobné jako The Storyteller : Tales of Life and Music (Defekt) - Dave Grohl
The Michaelmas Murders - Mandy Morton
As the Town's annual flower and produce show approaches, it's all doom and bloom up on the allotments. Prize vegetables are going missing and a dead body is found fertilizing Bonny Grub's onion patch.
Objev podobné jako The Michaelmas Murders - Mandy Morton
The Hidden Years - Rachel Hore
'A dramatic, warm-hearted, wonderfully written read.' DAILY MAIL 'Gorgeous' GOOD HOUSEKEEPING'A gripping read' HELLO!Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Hore’s captivating new novel of secrets, loss and betrayal - set on the beautiful Cornish coast during World War Two and the heady days of the 1960s. When talented musician Gray Robinson persuades Belle to abandon her university studies and follow him to Silverwood, home to an artistic community on the Cornish coast, Belle happily agrees even though they’ve only just met. She knows she is falling in love, and the thought of spending a carefree summer with Gray is all she can think about. But being with Gray isn’t the only reason Belle agrees to accompany him to Silverwood. Why does the name Silverwood sound so familiar? What is its connection to a photo of her as a baby, taken on a nearby beach? And who is Imogen Lockhart, a wartime nurse who lived at Silverwood many years ago? As the summer months unfold, Belle begins to learn the truth – about secrets from the past that have been kept hidden, but also about the person she wants to be. 'A glorious story, The Hidden Years steals your heart. I loved it!' LIZ FENWICK 'Gripping and beautifully written' KATE FURNIVALL 'An intriguing dual timeline story set in beautiful Cornwall and brimming with sense of place. A gorgeous tale, I raced through the pages!' TRACY REESSecrets from the past, unravelling in the present… Uncovering secrets that span generations, Rachel delivers intriguing, involving and emotive narrative reading group fiction like few other writers can.
Objev podobné jako The Hidden Years - Rachel Hore
The Hidden Sea - Liz Flanagan
The third book in The Wildsmith series. Rowan has been working as a wildsmith, rescuing magical animals. But when she finds herself alone and far from home, this time Rowan is the one who needs to be rescued! She travels deep into enemy territory and makes some surprising discoveries, coming face to face with great danger. With the help of new friends – and old ones – will she ever make it home again?Illustrated by Joe Todd-Stanton.
Objev podobné jako The Hidden Sea - Liz Flanagan
The Hidden Girl - Lucinda Rileyová
You can't alter destiny...Born and raised in a small village on the Yorkshire moors, Leah Thompson grows more beautiful with each passing day. When she catches the attention of the influential, troubled Delancey family, she knows her life will never be the same again.Years later, Leah has taken the modelling world by storm, travelling from Milan to London and New York and living life in the lap of luxury. But her past follows her like a dark shadow, mysteriously intertwined with the tragic tale of two young siblings in Poland during World War II.As two generations of secrets threaten to explode, Leah is haunted by a fatal, forgotten prophecy from her past, and must fight to challenge the destiny that has been mapped out for her in the stars.Sweeping and evocative, The Hidden Girl is a lost treasure from global bestseller Lucinda Riley, reworked and given new life by Harry Whittaker, Lucinda's son and co-author of the record-breaking, international phenomenon Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt.
Objev podobné jako The Hidden Girl - Lucinda Rileyová
Courtiers. The Hidden Power Behind the Crown
The gripping account of how the Royal family really operates from the man who has spent years studying them in his role as Royal correspondent for The Times. Valentine Low asks the important questions: who really runs the show and, as Charles III begins his reign, what will happen next?Throughout history, the British monarchy has relied on its courtiers - the trusted advisers in the King or Queen's inner circle - to ensure its survival as a family, an ancient institution, and a pillar of the constitution. Today, as ever, a vast team of people hidden from view steers the royal family's path between public duty and private life. Queen Elizabeth II, after a remarkable 70 years of service, saw the final seasons of her reign without her husband Philip to guide her. Meanwhile, newly ascended Charles seeks to define what his future as King, and that of his court, will be.The question of who is entrusted to guide the royals has never been more vital, and yet the task those courtiers face has never been more challenging. With a cloud hanging over Prince Andrew as well as Harry and Meghan's departure from royal life, the complex relationship between modern courtiers and royal principals has been exposed to global scrutiny. As the new Prince and Princess of Wales, William and Kate - equipped with a very 21st century approach to press and public relations - now hold the responsibility of making an ancient institution relevant for the decades to come.Courtiers reveals an ever-changing system of complex characters, shifting values and ideas over what the future of the institution should be. This is the story of how the monarchy really works, at a pivotal moment in its history.
Objev podobné jako Courtiers. The Hidden Power Behind the Crown
Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence (1408845881)
Kniha - autor Daniel Goleman, 312 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Daniel Goleman, 312 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Bestselling author Goleman delves into the science of attention in all its varieties, presenting a long-overdue discussion of this little noticed and under-rated mental asset. New in paperback.
Objev podobné jako Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence (1408845881)
The Hidden Messages in Water - Masaru Emoto
In this New York Times bestseller, internationally renowned Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto shows how the influence of our thoughts, words and feelings on molecules of water can positively impact the earth and our personal health.
Objev podobné jako The Hidden Messages in Water - Masaru Emoto
The Hidden Girl - Lucinda Rileyová, Harry Whittaker
Sweeping and evocative, The Hidden Girl is a lost treasure from the global number one bestselling author Lucinda Riley. You can’t alter destiny . . . Born and raised in a small village on the Yorkshire moors, Leah Thompson grows more beautiful with each passing day. When she catches the attention of the influential, troubled Delancey family, she knows her life will never be the same again.Years later, Leah takes the modelling world by storm, travelling from Milan to London and New York and living life in the lap of luxury. But her past follows her like a dark shadow, mysteriously intertwined with the tragic tale of two young siblings in Poland during the Second World War. As two generations of secrets threaten to explode, Leah is haunted by a fatal, forgotten prophecy from her past, and must fight to challenge the destiny that has been mapped out for her in the stars . . . Long before she became the bestselling author of The Seven Sisters series, Lucinda Riley wrote Hidden Beauty as Lucinda Edmonds.This standalone novel has been reworked and given new life as The Hidden Girl by Harry Whittaker, Lucinda’s son and co-author of Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt.
Objev podobné jako The Hidden Girl - Lucinda Rileyová, Harry Whittaker
Courtiers : The Hidden Power Behind the Crown - Low Valentine
The gripping account of how the Royal family really operates from the man who has spent years studying them in his role as Royal correspondent for The Times. Valentine Low asks the important questions: who really runs the show and, as Charles III begins his reign, what will happen next?Throughout history, the British monarchy has relied on its courtiers - the trusted advisers in the King or Queen's inner circle - to ensure its survival as a family, an ancient institution, and a pillar of the constitution. Today, as ever, a vast team of people hidden from view steers the royal family's path between public duty and private life. Queen Elizabeth II, after a remarkable 70 years of service, saw the final seasons of her reign without her husband Philip to guide her. Meanwhile, newly ascended Charles seeks to define what his future as King, and that of his court, will be.The question of who is entrusted to guide the royals has never been more vital, and yet the task those courtiers face has never been more challenging. With a cloud hanging over Prince Andrew as well as Harry and Meghan's departure from royal life, the complex relationship between modern courtiers and royal principals has been exposed to global scrutiny. As the new Prince and Princess of Wales, William and Kate - equipped with a very 21st century approach to press and public relations - now hold the responsibility of making an ancient institution relevant for the decades to come.Courtiers reveals an ever-changing system of complex characters, shifting values and ideas over what the future of the institution should be. This is the story of how the monarchy really works, at a pivotal moment in its history.
Objev podobné jako Courtiers : The Hidden Power Behind the Crown - Low Valentine
Assassins Creed - Amunet The Hidden One - figurka (713929403233)
Figurka - soška, postavička, sběratelská, výška 25 cm, materiál plast, nepohyblivá Klíčové vlastnosti figurky Assassins Creed - Amunet The Hidden One - figurka Figurka Pure Arts nadchne každého sběratele Figurka ze série Assassin's Creed potěší kvalitním zpracováním Použitým materiálem je plast Assassins Creed - Amunet The Hidden One - figurka je dekorativní soška V balení naleznete jednu figurku Figurka Pure Arts měří 25 cm
Objev podobné jako Assassins Creed - Amunet The Hidden One - figurka (713929403233)
Trials of Apollo 01. The hidden Oracle (9780141363929)
Kniha - autor Rick Riordan, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako Trials of Apollo 01. The hidden Oracle (9780141363929)
The Hidden World of Mythical Folk - Maz Evans
Discover a world of mythical folk, of fairies, goblins, elves, and all kinds of magical beings that dance in our dreams and spark our imagination. Take a walk through the woods at twilight or the hills under a starlit night and delight in a hidden world of magical folk from around the world, from Scottish sprites and Irish leprechauns to fearsome Nordic trolls and Alpine Barbegazi. This beautifully illustrated guide will help you find their secret hiding places, show you the best times to spot them, and how to keep your distance.Beautifully written by bestselling author Maz Evans and sumptuously illustrated by Hans Christian Andersen Award-winning artist Robert Inpgen, this is the perfect book for fans of mythical folk and magic.
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The Hidden Science of Lost Civilisations - David Wilcock
The Hidden Science of Lost Civilisations is a guided tour through the most incredible scientific mysteries in the modern world, and a rediscovery of an ancient system of physics and spirituality that has since crumbled almost entirely into ruin. David Wilcock''s extensive knowledge of contemporary science has led him to rewrite the Mayan myth; 2012 will not be the end of the world, but will be the start of mankind''s golden period.A hidden intelligence, a living energy field that the universe is built from, which David Wilcock calls the Source Field, guides mankind''s destiny. David Wilcock has studied this intelligence for over thirty years and has come to understand that the Source Field is the key to unlocking the mysteries mankind have always struggled to answer: who are we, how did we get here and where are we going?Drawing upon alternative science, as well as cutting-edge quantum physics and consciousness research, Wilcock connects the scientific with lost traditions of ancient wisdom to predict what lies in mankind''s future.
Objev podobné jako The Hidden Science of Lost Civilisations - David Wilcock
The Hidden Oracle (The Trials of Apollo 1) - Rick Riordan
How do you punish an immortal?By making him human.After angering his father Zeus, the god Apollo is cast down from Olympus. Weak and disorientated, he lands in New York City as a regular teenage boy. Now, without his godly powers, the four-thousand-year-old deity must learn to survive in the modern world until he can somehow find a way to regain Zeus's favour.But Apollo has many enemies - gods, monsters and mortals who would love to see the former Olympian permanently destroyed. Apollo needs help, and he can think of only one place to go . . . an enclave of modern demigods known as Camp Half-Blood.
Objev podobné jako The Hidden Oracle (The Trials of Apollo 1) - Rick Riordan
Paper Dragons: The Fight for the Hidden Realm - Siobhan McDermott
An extraordinary destiny unfolds . . . Twelve-year-old Zhi Ging has always been an outcast.Until she receives an invitation to Hok Woh, an underwater school that offers her the chance to become immortal, and to finally belong. There, she battles in hair-raising boat races, meets ageshifting tutors and competes in thrilling trials. But there are rumours of a growing dark force . . . and students who fail the trials are disappearing.Can Zhi Ging uncover the truth before it's too late?The first in the unmissable magical fantasy series of 2024, set to take the world by storm. Perfect for fans of Nevermoor and Dragon Mountain.
Objev podobné jako Paper Dragons: The Fight for the Hidden Realm - Siobhan McDermott
Muse: Uncovering the hidden figures behind art history's masterpieces
Meet the unexpected, overlooked and forgotten models of art history.Who was Picasso's 'Weeping Woman'? Why was Grace Jones covered in graffiti?How did Francis Bacon meet the burglar who became his muse?The perception of the muse is that of a passive, powerless model, at the mercy of an influential and older artist. But is this trope a romanticised myth? Far from posing silently, muses have brought emotional support, intellectual energy, career-changing creativity and practical help to artists.Muse tells the true stories of the incredible muses who have inspired art history's masterpieces. From Leonardo da Vinci's studio to the covers of Vogue, art historian, critic and writer Ruth Millington uncovers the remarkable role of muses in some of art history's most well-known and significant works. Delving into the real-life relationships that models have held with the artists who immortalised them, it will expose the influential and active part they have played and deconstruct reductive stereotypes, reframing the muse as a momentous and empowered agent of art history.
Objev podobné jako Muse: Uncovering the hidden figures behind art history's masterpieces
The Hidden Story of Estie Noor - Nadine Aisha Jassat
''I just devoured this spectacular story in one sitting... a future classic if I''ve ever read one'' - Laura Noakes, author of Cosima Unfortunate Steals a StarNo one wanted to hear Estie''s side of the story. Now she''s on a mission to make sure the truth is heard . . . A page-turning mystery novel in verse about identity, friendship and learning to use your voice, with accessible text and beautiful illustrations throughout, perfect for fans of Matt Goodfellow. When twelve-year-old Estie is expelled from school, she''s sent to stay with her aunt in Scotland over the summer. Even though nobody, not even her mum, asked to hear her side of the story. Estie''s determined to keep her barriers up and stick to herself until the holidays are over. But when she comes across an intricately folded paper castle with a secret message written inside - a message from someone desperate to tell their own unbelieved story - a chord is struck, and Estie can''t help but follow the clues to the next piece of artwork. Who are these messages from? And what will their secret reveal about the town? In helping to uncover the anonymous artist''s truth, Estie just might find the words to tell her own. . .
Objev podobné jako The Hidden Story of Estie Noor - Nadine Aisha Jassat
The Hidden Globe: How Wealth Hacks the World - Abrahamian Atossa Araxia
Borders draw one map of the world; money draws another. A journalist’s riveting account exposes a parallel universe exempt from the laws of the land, and how the wealthy and powerful benefit from it.The map of the globe shows the world we think we know: sovereign nations that grant and restrict their citizens’ rights. Beneath, above, and tucked inside its neatly delineated borders, however, a parallel universe has been engineered into existence, consisting of thousands of extraterritorial zones that operate largely autonomously, increasingly for the benefit of the wealthy and powerful.Atossa Abrahamian traces the rise of the hidden globe to thirteenth-century Switzerland, where poor cantons marketed the commodity they had—bodies, in the form of mercenary fighters. Following its evolution around the world, she reveals how prize-winning economists, eccentric theorists, visionary statesmen, and consultants masterminded its export in the form of free trade zones, flags of convenience, offshore detention centers where immigrants languish in limbo, and charter cities controlled by by foreign governments and multinational foreign corporations—and even into outer space, where tiny Luxembourg aspires to mining rights on asteroids.
Objev podobné jako The Hidden Globe: How Wealth Hacks the World - Abrahamian Atossa Araxia
Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions (0062018205)
Kniha - autor Dan Ariely, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A marvelous book... thought provoking and highly entertaining." -Jerome Groopman, New York Times bestselling author of How Doctors Think"Ariely not only gives us a great read; he also makes us much wiser." -George Akerlof, 2001 Nobel Laureate in Economics"Revolutionary." -New York Times Book ReviewBehavioral economist and New York Times bestselling author Dan Ariely offers a much-needed take on the irrational decisions that led to our current economic crisis.
Objev podobné jako Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions (0062018205)
The Hidden Kingdom (Wings of Fire 3) - Tui T. Sutherlandová
The WINGS OF FIRE saga continues!Deep in the rain forest, danger awaits...Glory knows the dragon world is wrong about her tribe. After all, she isn''t "as lazy as a RainWing" -- she isn''t lazy at all! Maybe she wasn''t meant to be one of the dragonets of destiny, as the older dragons constantly remind her, but Glory is sharp and her venom is deadly... except, of course, no one knows it.When the dragonets seek shelter in the rain forest, Glory is devastated to find that the treetops are full of RainWings that no dragon could ever call dangerous. They nap all day and know nothing of the rest of Pyrrhia. Worst of all, they don''t realize -- or care -- that RainWings are going missing from their beautiful forest. But Glory and the dragonets are determined to find the missing dragons, even if it drags the peaceful RainWing kingdom where they never wanted to be -- in the middle of the war.
Objev podobné jako The Hidden Kingdom (Wings of Fire 3) - Tui T. Sutherlandová
The Museum of Scent: Exploring the Curious and Wondrous World of Fragrance - Aftel Mandy
"Now Aftel has created this beautiful book, illustrated with treasures from her museum's collection, so that readers at home can immerse themselves in the world of scent." - 7 x 7"Aftel, ... explores the natural and cultural history of scent in her newest book, The Museum of Scent."- Veranda"A beautiful book about beautiful things, with a fascinating narrative told by an author who loves her subject."- Kirkus Reviews"It is so rich in story, information, and images, you don't just read it, you fall into it and don't want it to end!" - Ivy Ross, co-author of New York Times bestseller Your Brain on Art and VP of Hardware Design at GoogleBreathe in the natural and cultural history of scent with this richly illustrated book inspired by the Aftel Archive of Curious Scents."This work . . . is a true original a rarest of rare legacy volume. This book was created by a beautiful elder who is a polymath: meaning, a highly unique person of multiple modern and old ways of knowing. . . . Mandy Aftel's dons and talents are now resting in your hands in this magical tome that, I deeply sense and hope, will bless you time and again." From the foreword by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes Reyes, author of Women Who Run with the Wolves and the forthcoming La Curandera, Walking in Two WorldsMandy Aftel is one of the world's preeminent natural perfumers, with a clientele ranging from the singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen to Ivy Ross, head of hardware design at Google. Eschewing the synthetic molecules that dominate commercial perfumes, Aftel creates her complex and subtle fragrances using only natural essences. For her, each of these essences is a gateway to a lost world of scent, stretching back to the beginnings of human civilization and intertwined with the history of medicine, cuisine, adornment, sexuality, and spirituality. In 2017, Aftel opened a one-room museum the Aftel Archive of Curious Scents in her backyard in Berkeley, California, to help a modern audience rediscover the enchantment of this lost world. Her museum has attracted thousands of enthusiastic visitors and has been featured in the New York Times, Vogue, Goop, O: The Oprah Magazine, and numerous other media outlets.Now Aftel has created this beautiful book, illustrated with treasures from her museum's collection, so that readers at home can immerse themselves in the world of scent. She guides us through the different families of botanical fragrances (including flowers, woods, leaves and grasses, and resins), depicting each plant with a hand-colored antique woodcut and revealing its olfactory notes and lore. Special chapters are devoted to the most rare and precious fragrances such as ambergris, formed of a rare secretion of the sperm whale and to antique essential oil bottles, handwritten recipe books, and other evocative artifacts. The Museum of Scent, which includes a bookmark subtly scented with a natural essence, invites us on a sensuous, imaginative journey.
Objev podobné jako The Museum of Scent: Exploring the Curious and Wondrous World of Fragrance - Aftel Mandy
The House of Hidden Meanings: A Memoir - RuPaul
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERFrom international drag superstar and pop culture icon RuPaul, comes his most revealing to date—a brutally honest and deeply intimate memoir of growing up Black, poor, and queer in a broken home to discovering the power of performance and self-acceptance.A profound introspection of his life, relationships, and identity, The House of Hidden Meanings is a self-portrait of the legendary icon on the road to global fame and changing the way the world thinks about drag.Central to RuPaul’s success has been his chameleonic adaptability. From drag icon to powerhouse producer of one of the world’s largest television franchises, RuPaul’s ever-shifting nature has always been part of his brand as both supermodel and super mogul.Yet that adaptability has made him enigmatic to the public. In this memoir, his most intimate and detailed book yet, RuPaul makes himself truly known.Stripping away all artifice, RuPaul recounts the story of his life with breath taking clarity and tenderness, bringing his signature wisdom and wit to his own biography. From his early years growing up as a queer Black kid in San Diego navigating complex relationships with his absent father and temperamental mother, to forging an identity in the punk and drag scenes of Atlanta and New York, to finding enduring love with his husband Georges LeBar and self-acceptance in sobriety, RuPaul excavates his own biography, uncovering new truths and insights in his personal history.Here in RuPaul’s singular and extraordinary story is a manual for living—a personal philosophy that testifies to the value of chosen family, the importance of harnessing what makes you different, and the transformational power of facing yourself fearlessly.If we’re all born naked and the rest is drag, then this is RuPaul totally out of drag. This is RuPaul stripped bare.
Objev podobné jako The House of Hidden Meanings: A Memoir - RuPaul
The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate (0008218439)
Kniha - autor Peter Wohlleben, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Drawing on new groundbreaking scientific discoveries, Wohlleben translates them into a universal language and explains the amazing processes of life, death and regeneration.
Objev podobné jako The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate (0008218439)
Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behaviour - David R. Hawkins
An internationally bestselling must-read for those on a personal development path from world-renowned author, psychiatrist, clinician, spiritual teacher, and researcher of consciousness, David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. Dive deep into the realms of consciousness with Dr. David Hawkins' groundbreaking masterpiece, Power vs.Force, a roadmap to understanding human behavior and emotions. "[A] beautiful gift of writing . .. [Dr. David Hawkins] spreads joy, love, and compassion through what he writes.The fruit of these three is peace, as you know . . ."- Mother Teresa"Imagine-what if you had access to a simple yes-or-no answer to any question you wished to ask? A demonstrably true answer.Any question . . .think about it."- from the Foreword "We think we live by forces we control, but in fact we are governed by power from unrevealed sources, power over which we have no control."- from the author's Preface "The universe holds its breath as we choose, instant by instant, which pathway to follow; for the universe, the very essence of life itself, is highly conscious. Every act, thought, and choice adds to a permanent mosaic; our decisions ripple through the universe of consciousness to affect the lives of all."- from Power vs. Force ".. . particularly timely .. . a significant contribution to understanding and dealing with the problems we face today."- Lee Iacocca "Overwhelming! A masterpiece! A lifetime work!"- Sheldon Deal, President, International College of Applied Kinesiology"Love is more powerful than hatred; truth sets us free; forgiveness liberates both sides; unconditional love heals; courage empowers; and the essence of Divinity/Reality is peace."- David R.Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. In this life-changing motivational book you'll learn how to:* Tap into the genius consciousness that lies within us all. * Master your emotions and harness your inner power.* Make better decisions and have more peace. * Understand the energy dynamics that influence your life. Power vs.Force stands tall among motivational books, self-development books, and spiritual books, offering inspiration and guidance to all who seek it. Its profound insights and practical wisdom make it an encouraging book to cultivate a more conscious and fulfilling life. Unleash your potential, rise above your limitations, embrace the genius within, and begin your journey toward success and emotional mastery today.
Objev podobné jako Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behaviour - David R. Hawkins
When the Body Says No : The Cost of Hidden Stress - Gábor Maté
Can a person literally die of loneliness? Is there a connection between the ability to express emotions and Alzheimer''s disease? Is there such a thing as a ''cancer personality''?With compassion, warmth and empathy, Dr Gabor Maté draws on deep scientific research and his acclaimed clinical work to provide the answers to critical questions about the mind-body link - and illuminates the role that stress and our emotional makeup play in an array of common diseases.When the Body Says No:- Explores the role of the mind-body link in conditions and diseases such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome and multiple sclerosis.- Shares dozens of enlightening case studies and personal and moving stories, including those of people such as Lou Gehrig (ALS), Betty Ford (breast cancer), Ronald Reagan (Alzheimer''s), Gilda Radner (ovarian cancer) and Lance Armstrong (testicular cancer)- Reveals ''The Seven A''s of Healing'': principles in healing and the prevention of illness from hidden stress
Objev podobné jako When the Body Says No : The Cost of Hidden Stress - Gábor Maté
Blood Incantation Hidden History of the Human Race (LP)
Žánr: Metal;Death Metal Subžánr: Metal;Progressive Death Metal;Psychedelic Rock;Death Metal Barva: Černá Barva podle výrobce: Black Datum vydání: 2019-11-22 Složení setu: 2 ks Interpret / Téma: Blood Incantation Země interpreta: USA Varianta: Hidden History Of The Human Race Rok vydání: 2019.0 Vydavatelství: Century Media Rok nahrávky: 2019.0 Typ: LP deska;Limitovaná edice;Album Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Evropská unie Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Balení obsahuje: LP;CD Hmotnost: 180 g
Objev podobné jako Blood Incantation Hidden History of the Human Race (LP)
Firmament: The Hidden Science of Weather, Climate Change and the Air That Surrounds Us - Simon Clark
A thin, invisible layer of air surrounds the Earth, sustaining all known life on the planet and creating the unique climates and weather patterns that make each part of the world different. In Firmament, atmospheric scientist and science communicator Simon Clark offers a rare and accessible tour of the ins and outs of the atmosphere and how we know what we know about it. From the workings of its different layers to why carbon dioxide is special, from pioneers like Pascal to the unsung heroes working in the field to help us understand climate change, Firmament introduces us to an oft-overlooked area of science and not only lays the ground work for us to better understand the debates surrounding the climate today, but also provides a glimpse of the future that is possible with this knowledge in hand.__________
Objev podobné jako Firmament: The Hidden Science of Weather, Climate Change and the Air That Surrounds Us - Simon Clark
Born to Run: The Hidden Tribe, the Ultra-Runners, and the Greatest Race the World Has Ever Se (9781861978776)
Kniha - autor Christopher McDougall, 288 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Christopher McDougall, 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The Tarahumara are a remote, mysterious tribe of Mexican Indians, who came to the attention of the sport world in 1993, when one of them, aged 57, came first in a prestigious 100-mile race, wearing a toga and sandals. A small group of runners - as well as the author - make the treacherous journey into the canyons to learn the secrets of incredible running. 'A fascinating and inspiring true adventure story... destined to become a classic' Ranulph Fiennes
Objev podobné jako Born to Run: The Hidden Tribe, the Ultra-Runners, and the Greatest Race the World Has Ever Se (9781861978776)
Rule by Secrecy : The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids - Jim Marrs
What secrets connect Egypt's Great Pyramids, the Freemasons, and the Council on Foreign Relations? In this astonishing book, celebrated journalist Jim Marrs examines the world's most closely guarded secrets, tracing the history of clandestine societies and the power they have wielded - from the ancient mysteries to modern-day conspiracy theories. Searching for truth, he uncovers disturbing evidence that the real movers and shakers of the world collude covertly to start and stop wars, manipulate stock markets, maintain class distinctions, and even censor the news. Provocative and utterly compelling, Rule by Secrecy offers a singular worldview that may explain who we are, where we came from, and where we are going.
Objev podobné jako Rule by Secrecy : The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids - Jim Marrs
Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life (0425284646)
Kniha - autor Nassim Nicholas Taleb, 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - A bold work from the author of The Black Swan that challenges many of our long-held beliefs about risk and reward, politics and religion, finance and personal responsibility In his most provocative and practical book yet, one of the foremost thinkers of our time redefines what it means to understand the world, succeed in a profession, contribute to a fair and just society, detect nonsense, and influence others. Citing examples ranging from Hammurabi to Seneca, Antaeus the Giant to Donald Trump, Nassim Nicholas Taleb shows how the willingness to accept one's own risks is an essential attribute of heroes, saints, and flourishing people in all walks of life. As always both accessible and iconoclastic, Taleb challenges long-held beliefs about the values of those who spearhead military interventions, make financial investments, and propagate religious...
Objev podobné jako Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life (0425284646)
Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things - Adam Grant
"This brilliant book will shatter your assumptions about what it takes to improve and succeed. I wish I could go back in time and gift it to my younger self. It would've helped me find a more joyful path to progress."-Serena Williams, 23-time Grand Slam singles tennis championThe #1 New York Times bestselling author of Think Again illuminates how we can elevate ourselves and others to unexpected heights.We live in a world that's obsessed with talent.We celebrate gifted students in school, natural athletes in sports, and child prodigies in music. But admiring people who start out with innate advantages leads us to overlook the distance we ourselves can travel. We underestimate the range of skills that we can learn and how good we can become.We can all improve at improving. And when opportunity doesn't knock, there are ways to build a door.Hidden Potential offers a new framework for raising aspirations and exceeding expectations. Adam Grant weaves together groundbreaking evidence, surprising insights, and vivid storytelling that takes us from the classroom to the boardroom, the playground to the Olympics, and underground to outer space.He shows that progress depends less on how hard you work than how well you learn. Growth is not about the genius you possess-it's about the character you develop. Grant explores how to build the character skills and motivational structures to realize our own potential, and how to design systems that create opportunities for those who have been underrated and overlooked.Many writers have chronicled the habits of superstars who accomplish great things.This book reveals how anyone can rise to achieve greater things. The true measure of your potential is not the height of the peak you've reached, but how far you've climbed to get there.
Objev podobné jako Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things - Adam Grant
Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life (0141982659)
Kniha - 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life (0141982659)
Born To Run: The Hidden Tribe, The Ultra-Runners, And The Greatest Race The World Has Never Seen - Christopher McDougall
At the heart of Born to Run lies a mysterious tribe of Mexican Indians, the Tarahumara, who live quietly in canyons and are reputed to be the best distance runners in the world; in 1993, one of them, aged 57, came first in a prestigious 100-mile race wearing a toga and sandals. A small group of the world's top ultra-runners (and the awe-inspiring author) make the treacherous journey into the canyons to try to learn the tribe's secrets and then take them on over a course 50 miles long. With incredible energy and smart observation, McDougall tells this story while asking what the secrets are to being an incredible runner. Travelling to labs at Harvard, Nike, and elsewhere, he comes across an incredible cast of characters, including the woman who recently broke the world record for 100 miles and for her encore ran a 2:50 marathon in a bikini, pausing to down a beer at the 20 mile mark.
Objev podobné jako Born To Run: The Hidden Tribe, The Ultra-Runners, And The Greatest Race The World Has Never Seen - Christopher McDougall
Hidden Figures: The Untold Story of the African-American Women Who Helped Win the Space Race (0008201323)
Kniha - autor Margot Lee Shetterly, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Margot Lee Shetterly, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Tying in with a new film adaptation which is due to be released in early 2017, this tells the untold story of the African-American female mathematicians who played a crucial role in America's space programme. The film will star Taraji P. Henson, Kirsten Dunst and Kevin Costner. *Also appeared in Nov/Dec Buyer's Notes*
Objev podobné jako Hidden Figures: The Untold Story of the African-American Women Who Helped Win the Space Race (0008201323)
Vraky - Michael Robotham
Z irácké banky zmizelo několik miliard dolarů. Novinář Luca Terracini je ochotný riskovat cokoliv, aby přišel na to, kde všechny ty peníze skončily. Jeho irácko-americký původ mu navíc umožňuje snadněji pronikat do temných zákoutí války. Pak ho ale silně zasáhne smrt jeho milované Nicoly, která zahyne při bombovém útoku. Od té chvíle už nemá co ztratit. Při pátrání po ztracených penězích se Luca setká se zástupkyní OSN Danielou Garnerovou. Zdá se, že Daniela ví o velké loupeži víc než kdokoliv jiný. Navíc je opravdu cenným kontaktem, zvláště v Bagdádu, kde nebezpečí exploze číhá na každém kontrolním stanovišti. Stejně nebezpečné je i Lucovo vyšetřování. A jeho aktivity vyvolávají ozvěnu po celém světě...
Objev podobné jako Vraky - Michael Robotham
The 99% Invisible City: A Field Guide to the Hidden World of Everyday Design - Roman Mars, Kurt Kohlstedt
This is 99% Invisible.__________A beautifully designed guidebook to the unnoticed yet essential elements of our cities, from the creators of the wildly popular 99% Invisible podcastHave you ever wondered what those bright, squiggly graffiti marks on the sidewalk mean?Or stopped to ponder who gets to name the streets we walk along?Or what the story is behind those dancing inflatable figures in car dealerships?99% Invisible is a big-ideas podcast about small-seeming things, revealing stories baked into the buildings we inhabit, the streets we drive, and the sidewalks we traverse. The show celebrates design and architecture in all of its functional glory and accidental absurdity, with intriguing tales of both designers and the people impacted by their designs.Now, in The 99% Invisible City: A Field Guide to Hidden World of Everyday Design, host Roman Mars and coauthor Kurt Kohlstedt zoom in on the various elements that make our cities work, exploring the origins and other fascinating stories behind everything from power grids and fire escapes to drinking fountains and street signs. With deeply researched entries and beautiful line drawings throughout, The 99% Invisible City will captivate devoted fans of the show and anyone curious about design, urban environments, and the unsung marvels of the world around them.
Objev podobné jako The 99% Invisible City: A Field Guide to the Hidden World of Everyday Design - Roman Mars, Kurt Kohlstedt
Skin in the Game : Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
From the bestselling author of The Black Swan, a bold book that challenges many of our long-held beliefs about risk and reward, politics and religion, finance and personal responsibility Why should we never listen to people who explain rather than do? Why do companies go bust? How is it that we have more slaves today than in Roman times? Why does imposing democracy on other countries never work? The answer: too many people running the world don't have skin in the game. In his inimitable, pugnacious style, Nassim Nicholas Taleb shows that skin in the game applies to all aspects of our lives. It's about having something to lose and taking a risk. Citizens, lab experimenters, artisans, political activists and hedge fund traders all have skin in the game. Policy wonks, corporate executives, theoreticians, bankers and most journalists don't. As Taleb says, "The symmetry of skin in the game is a simple rule that's necessary for fairness and justice, and the ultimate BS-buster," and "Never trust anyone who doesn't have skin in the game. Without it, fools and crooks will benefit, and their mistakes will never come back to haunt them".
Objev podobné jako Skin in the Game : Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Druhá žena - Michael Robotham
William a Mary jsou svoji už šedesát let. William je uznávaný chirurg, Mary oddaná manželka. Oba mají pevné morální zásady. Alespoň to si jejich syn, Joe O‘Loughlin, myslí. Jenže když je Joe přivolán do nemocnice poté, co byl jeho otec brutálně napaden, jeho svět se otočí vzhůru nohama. Kdo je ta cizí žena plačící u Wiliamovy postele, celá od krve? Kamarádka, milenka, blázen, nebo vrah? Navzdory radám policie se Joe pouští do vlastního vyšetřování a rozkrývá případ, který se ho osobně dotýká. Čím víc informací objevuje, tím víc se mu odhaluje druhá tvář jeho otce, kterou nikdy nepoznal. Jisté je jen to, že nic není takové, jak se to na první pohled jeví. A Joe si je bolestně vědom toho, že pravda něco stojí.
Objev podobné jako Druhá žena - Michael Robotham
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