Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behaviour - David R. Hawkins
An internationally bestselling must-read for those on a personal development path from world-renowned author, psychiatrist, clinician, spiritual teacher, and researcher of consciousness, David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. Dive deep into the realms of consciousness with Dr. David Hawkins' groundbreaking masterpiece, Power vs.Force, a roadmap to understanding human behavior and emotions. "[A] beautiful gift of writing . .. [Dr. David Hawkins] spreads joy, love, and compassion through what he writes.The fruit of these three is peace, as you know . . ."- Mother Teresa"Imagine-what if you had access to a simple yes-or-no answer to any question you wished to ask? A demonstrably true answer.Any question . . .think about it."- from the Foreword "We think we live by forces we control, but in fact we are governed by power from unrevealed sources, power over which we have no control."- from the author's Preface "The universe holds its breath as we choose, instant by instant, which pathway to follow; for the universe, the very essence of life itself, is highly conscious. Every act, thought, and choice adds to a permanent mosaic; our decisions ripple through the universe of consciousness to affect the lives of all."- from Power vs. Force ".. . particularly timely .. . a significant contribution to understanding and dealing with the problems we face today."- Lee Iacocca "Overwhelming! A masterpiece! A lifetime work!"- Sheldon Deal, President, International College of Applied Kinesiology"Love is more powerful than hatred; truth sets us free; forgiveness liberates both sides; unconditional love heals; courage empowers; and the essence of Divinity/Reality is peace."- David R.Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. In this life-changing motivational book you'll learn how to:* Tap into the genius consciousness that lies within us all. * Master your emotions and harness your inner power.* Make better decisions and have more peace. * Understand the energy dynamics that influence your life. Power vs.Force stands tall among motivational books, self-development books, and spiritual books, offering inspiration and guidance to all who seek it. Its profound insights and practical wisdom make it an encouraging book to cultivate a more conscious and fulfilling life. Unleash your potential, rise above your limitations, embrace the genius within, and begin your journey toward success and emotional mastery today.
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Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment - David R. Hawkins
Discover how to transcend the limitations of the ego, relieve suffering, and advance your consciousness in this masterpiece from world-renowned author, psychiatrist, clinician, and spiritual teacher, David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.The now widely known Map of calibrated levels of Consciousness was presented in Power vs. Force in 1995 and has been translated into all the world’s major languages. This was followed by The Eye of the I (2001), I: Reality and Subjectivity (2003), and Truth vs. Falsehood (2005), which explored the levels of Truth reflected throughout society.Transcending the Levels of Consciousness expands on this work and returns to the exploration of the ego’s expressions and limitations, giving detailed explanations and instructions on how to transcend them.“I consider myself a student of David Hawkins and return to his books and work time and time again. His wisdom deeply resonates with my lived experiences; he is often able to beautifully articulate what I cannot put into words.” – Vex KingAs with the reading of Dr. Hawkins’ previous books, your level of consciousness will advance from exposure to the information itself. This opens up avenues to the relief of suffering, which fulfills the purpose of the work and the intention to facilitate your own Enlightenment.This transformative personal growth book combines elements of psychology, spirituality, and philosophy, and invites you to explore the profound depths of your own consciousness, Hawkins'' genius consciousness concept will inspire you to reach new heights of spiritual and personal development. Transcending The Levels of Consciousness is a monumental testament to the boundless potential of the human spirit. It is an empowering book that offers inspiration and motivation on your journey of self-discovery.Experience the profound wisdom of Dr. David Hawkins, as he elegantly blends spirituality, psychology, and philosophy to create a comprehensive roadmap to unlock the divine potential within you so that you can step into a higher consciousness.
Podívejte se také Soundtrack: Willis Christopher - The Personal History Of David - CD (9029686087)
Surrounded by Idiots : The Four Types of Human Behaviour (or, How to Understand Those Who Cannot Be Understood) - Thomas Erikson
Do you ever think you're the only one making any sense? Or tried to reason with your partner with disastrous results? Do long, rambling answers drive you crazy? Or does your colleague's abrasive manner get your back up?You are not alone. After a disastrous meeting with a highly successful entrepreneur, who was genuinely convinced he was 'surrounded by idiots', communication expert and bestselling author, Thomas Erikson dedicated himself to understanding how people function and why we often struggle to connect with certain types of people.Originally published in Swedish in 2014 as Omgiven Av Idioter, Erikon's Surrounded by Idiots is already an international phenomenon, selling over 1.5 million copies worldwide, of which over 750,000 copies have been sold in Sweden alone. It offers a simple, yet ground-breaking method for assessing the personalities of people we communicate with - in and out of the office - based on four personality types (Red, Blue, Green and Yellow), and provides insights into how we can adjust the way(s) we speak and share information.Erikson will help you understand yourself better, hone communication and social skills, handle conflict with confidence, improve dynamics with your boss and team, and get the best out of the people you deal with and manage. He also shares simple tricks on body language, improving written communication and advice on when to back away or when to push on, and when to speak up or indeed shut up. Packed with 'aha!' and 'oh no!' moments, Surrounded by Idiots will help you understand and influence those around you, even people you currently think are beyond all comprehension.And with a bit of luck you can also be confident that the idiot out there isn't you!
Podívejte se také Dragonland: Power Of The Nightstar - CD (0884860443920)
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Letting Go - David R. Hawkins
This groundbreaking bestseller describes a simple and effective way to let go of challenges from world-renowned author, psychiatrist, clinician, spiritual teacher, and researcher of consciousness, David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.“Letting Go” is a guide to helping to remove the obstacles we all have that keep us from living a more conscious life, it is truly a life-changing book. Many of us have trouble Letting Go in our lives even though it can have profound impact on our life.” —Wayne DyerDuring the many decades of Dr. David Hawkins’, clinical psychiatric practice, the primary aim was to seek the most effective ways to relieve human suffering in all of its many forms. In Letting Go, he shares from his clinical and personal experience that surrender is the surest route to total fulfillment.This motivational book provides a mechanism for letting go of blocks to happiness, love, joy, success, health, and ultimately Enlightenment. The mechanism of surrender that Dr. Hawkins describes can be done in the midst of everyday life. The book is equally useful for all dimensions of human life: physical health, creativity, financial success, emotional healing, vocational fulfillment, relationships, sexuality and spiritual growth.It is an invaluable resource for all professionals who work in the areas of mental health, psychology, medicine, self-help, addiction recovery and spiritual development."Letting go is one of the most efficacious tools by which to reach spiritual goals." - David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. This profound self-development book offers a roadmap to release emotional burdens, unlock inner peace, and embrace a life of fulfillment.It is a classic that will help you break free from limitations and unlock your true potential. Learn how to navigate challenges with grace and emerge as a stronger, more resilient version of yourself. By incorporating the principles of surrender, "Letting Go" provides practical tools for personal growth and transformation.This consciousness-expanding book will help you:· Release past traumas, negative beliefs, and self-imposed limitations. · Experience a newfound sense of freedom, joy, and authenticity.· Recover from addiction· Enhance your personal relationships· Achieve success in your careerJoin millions who have experienced profound transformations through the principles outlined in "Letting Go." "Letting Go" is a must-read for anyone on a quest for personal growth, spirituality, and self-improvement. Whether you''re new to the realm of self-help books or a seasoned seeker, Dr. David Hawkins'' insights will inspire you to embrace a life of conscious living, emotional well-being, positive thinking, and unlimited possibilities. Experience the transformative power of letting go and unlock a life of healing, success, and spiritual growth.
Objev podobné jako Letting Go - David R. Hawkins
Blood Incantation Hidden History of the Human Race (LP)
Žánr: Metal;Death Metal Subžánr: Metal;Progressive Death Metal;Psychedelic Rock;Death Metal Barva: Černá Barva podle výrobce: Black Datum vydání: 2019-11-22 Složení setu: 2 ks Interpret / Téma: Blood Incantation Země interpreta: USA Varianta: Hidden History Of The Human Race Rok vydání: 2019.0 Vydavatelství: Century Media Rok nahrávky: 2019.0 Typ: LP deska;Limitovaná edice;Album Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Evropská unie Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Balení obsahuje: LP;CD Hmotnost: 180 g
Objev podobné jako Blood Incantation Hidden History of the Human Race (LP)
Moc versus síla - David R. Hawkins
Představte si, že máte přístup k jednoduché odpovědi ano, nebo ne na jakoukoli otázku, kterou si přejete položit. Skutečně pravdivou odpověď na jakoukoli otázku. Člověk si myslí, že žije díky silám, které má pod kontrolou, ale ve skutečnosti je ovládán mocí z netušených zdrojů, mocí, nad níž nemá žádnou kontrolu. Během dvaceti let Hawkins dokázal analyzovat celé spektrum úrovní lidského vědomí a vytvořil fascinující mapu geografie lidských zkušeností. Tato "anatomie vědomí" vytváří profil celého lidského druhu, umožňující provést úplnou analýzu emocionálního a duchovního vývoje jedinců, společnosti a rasy. Tak důkladný a rozsáhlý pohled přináší novou úroveň porozumění člověka při objevování vesmíru.
Objev podobné jako Moc versus síla - David R. Hawkins
Moc verzus sila - David R. Hawkins
Skryté faktory ovplyvňujúce ľudské správanieDoktor Hawkins sa viac ako dvadsať rokov zaoberal metódou založenou na princípochkineziológie a analyzoval celé spektrum úrovní ľudského vedomia.Vytvoril tzv. Mapu vedomia, na základe ktorej môže každý z nás lepšie pochopiťstav vedomia, v ktorom sa nachádza. Už samotné toto poznanie dokáže človekavýznamne posunúť na ceste osobného rastu. Kniha však poskytuje oveľa viac.Ukazuje, ako úroveň vedomia, na ktorej sa nachádzame, ovplyvňuje naše mysleniea správanie, čo priťahuje určité energetické vzorce – atraktorové polia,a tie následne vytvárajú našu realitu a určujú náš osud. Negatívne atraktorovépolia, charakteristické použitím sily, majú negatívne dôsledky: rôzne druhyproblémov, násilie, choroby. Pozitívne atraktorové polia, ktoré sú zdrojomskutočnej moci, naopak vedú k fyzickému aj duševnému zdraviu, spokojnémuživotu a na svojej najvyššej úrovni k dosiahnutiu čistého stavu vedomia známehoaj ako osvietenie.
Objev podobné jako Moc verzus sila - David R. Hawkins
The Hidden Science of Lost Civilisations - David Wilcock
The Hidden Science of Lost Civilisations is a guided tour through the most incredible scientific mysteries in the modern world, and a rediscovery of an ancient system of physics and spirituality that has since crumbled almost entirely into ruin. David Wilcock''s extensive knowledge of contemporary science has led him to rewrite the Mayan myth; 2012 will not be the end of the world, but will be the start of mankind''s golden period.A hidden intelligence, a living energy field that the universe is built from, which David Wilcock calls the Source Field, guides mankind''s destiny. David Wilcock has studied this intelligence for over thirty years and has come to understand that the Source Field is the key to unlocking the mysteries mankind have always struggled to answer: who are we, how did we get here and where are we going?Drawing upon alternative science, as well as cutting-edge quantum physics and consciousness research, Wilcock connects the scientific with lost traditions of ancient wisdom to predict what lies in mankind''s future.
Objev podobné jako The Hidden Science of Lost Civilisations - David Wilcock
Vševidoucí Já, Dr. David R. Hawkins (98776)
Kniha vysvětluje pokročilé stavy vědomí a cestu duchovního Osvícení, obsahuje také rozhovory, které vedl s duchovními žáky z celého světa, výborně popisuje nástrahy lidského ega a roli karmy, nelinearitu a „nedualitu“ tedy oblasti, kde se pokročilé stavy vědomí odehrávají
Objev podobné jako Vševidoucí Já, Dr. David R. Hawkins (98776)
The Reveal: The next stage of human awareness - David Icke
The Reveal sees Icke dig deeper than ever before and the book can truly be described as 'the next stage of human awareness' across a great swathe of interlocking subjects from who controls the world to the nature of the 'afterlife' and everything in between. The Reveal is the third book in his 'Reality Trilogy' along with The Trap and The Dream which have already moved the cutting edge many times. Now, in its dot-connected totality, David Icke's The Reveal takes us where no one has gone before.
Objev podobné jako The Reveal: The next stage of human awareness - David Icke
Krátká zamyšlení o osvícení, Dr. David R. Hawkins (34719)
Kniha je nejen knížkou, může být vaším deníkem, kalendářem, zápisníkem nebo poznámkovým blokem, zkuste si najít každý den několik minut jen pro sebe, v klidu a pokoji se začtěte, zamyslete, poznamenejte si, co vás napadne, je to jenom váš prostor, ať vám každý den přinese něco krásného, nového a osvobozujícího
Objev podobné jako Krátká zamyšlení o osvícení, Dr. David R. Hawkins (34719)
Ego nie je vaše skutočné JA - David R. Hawkins
Ako prekonať myseľ a uvedomiť si svoje pravé Ja Táto kniha je síce útla, ale môže mať obrovský vplyv na váš život. Prevedie vás procesom úplnej transformácie vedomia – ak sa rozhodnete učenie z nej v sebe aplikovať do hĺbky. Pomôže vám oslobodiť sa od ilúzií ega a objaviť svoje skutočné Ja pomocou zbierky inšpirujúcich úryvkov o egu, mysli a duchovnom osvietení z kníh experta na ľudské vedomie, Dr. Davida R. Hawkinsa.Ste ochotní vzdať sa vnímania seba samých podľa toho, čomu verí vaše ego? Ste ochotní zájsť ešte ďalej a spoznať, že ego samotné je iba ilúzia?V tejto knihe vás výber učenia z rozsiahleho Hawkinsovho diela prevedie procesom uvedomenia, odovzdania sa a transformácie. Keď sa zbavíme starých spôsobov myslenia, svojich pripútaností a falošných prísľubov ega, objavíme pravdu, že sme v jednote so Všetkým.
Objev podobné jako Ego nie je vaše skutočné JA - David R. Hawkins
Já: realita a subjektivita, Dr. David R. Hawkins (98777)
Kniha je vyvrcholením trilogie, v ní vysvětluje a popisuje podstatu a povahu vědomí, o vysokých stavech, které sám realizoval, hovoří s neobyčejnou jasností, která čtenáři umožňuje lépe jim porozumět a snáze k nim na duchovní stezce postupovat
Objev podobné jako Já: realita a subjektivita, Dr. David R. Hawkins (98777)
Průvodce úrovněmi vědomí, audiokniha na CD, Dr. David R. Hawkins (99961)
Audiokniha na CD Audioverze knihy Vzestup po úrovních vědomí - Dr. David R. Hawkins, Celková délka: 10:51 hod., čte: Jaroslav Dušek
Objev podobné jako Průvodce úrovněmi vědomí, audiokniha na CD, Dr. David R. Hawkins (99961)
Courtiers. The Hidden Power Behind the Crown
The gripping account of how the Royal family really operates from the man who has spent years studying them in his role as Royal correspondent for The Times. Valentine Low asks the important questions: who really runs the show and, as Charles III begins his reign, what will happen next?Throughout history, the British monarchy has relied on its courtiers - the trusted advisers in the King or Queen's inner circle - to ensure its survival as a family, an ancient institution, and a pillar of the constitution. Today, as ever, a vast team of people hidden from view steers the royal family's path between public duty and private life. Queen Elizabeth II, after a remarkable 70 years of service, saw the final seasons of her reign without her husband Philip to guide her. Meanwhile, newly ascended Charles seeks to define what his future as King, and that of his court, will be.The question of who is entrusted to guide the royals has never been more vital, and yet the task those courtiers face has never been more challenging. With a cloud hanging over Prince Andrew as well as Harry and Meghan's departure from royal life, the complex relationship between modern courtiers and royal principals has been exposed to global scrutiny. As the new Prince and Princess of Wales, William and Kate - equipped with a very 21st century approach to press and public relations - now hold the responsibility of making an ancient institution relevant for the decades to come.Courtiers reveals an ever-changing system of complex characters, shifting values and ideas over what the future of the institution should be. This is the story of how the monarchy really works, at a pivotal moment in its history.
Objev podobné jako Courtiers. The Hidden Power Behind the Crown
A Treatise of Human Nature - David Hume - e-kniha
eBook: This unedited first edition of David Hume\'s \"Treatise of Human Nature\", with text reproduced actual size, allows scholars worldwide to read the exact same text as its earliest readers who included Alexander Pope, Bishop Butler, Adam Smith and Francis Hutcheson. Hume scholar, David Raynor has written an introduction which sets the \"Treatise\" in its intellectual and historical context and details its early reception. It stands out from the crowd of editions of this work as being the only one that Hume saw printed in his lifetime, and its original scarcity should makes this a valuable reference for college and research libraries.
Objev podobné jako A Treatise of Human Nature - David Hume - e-kniha
The Force - Saul David
December 1943. A German fort sits impregnable atop a mountain. Standing between the Allied forces and their path to Rome is a steep climb up a 200-foot cliff, in the snow, in the middle of the night.As the future of civilisation hangs in the balance, with Axis forces sprawled around the world, a group of highly trained US and Canadian soldiers from humble backgrounds is asked to do the impossible: capture this crucial Nazi stronghold. After completing state-of-the-art training – including skiing, rock climbing and parachuting – they advance upwards, through savage conditions and vicious fighting, into the darkness and towards almost certain defeat‘Every chapter is filled with harrowing adventure, life and death struggle… The amount of new cutting-edge research is impressive. A monumental achievement!’ Douglas Brinkley‘Saul David has both a knack with the pen and a nose for a thrilling tale….Masterly [in] style…Readers should exult in The Force, whose heroic subjects deserve to be forever remembered’ Wall Street Journal
Objev podobné jako The Force - Saul David
Bunny vs Monkey and the Human Invasion (a Phoenix Comic Book, from the million-selling Jamie Smart, Illustrator of the Year) - Jamie Smart
Join bestselling comics sensation Jamie Smart for this hilarious collection of stories, available in a new chunky format! This brand new remastered book collects together Bunny vs Monkey 3: The Stench and Bunny vs Monkey 4: The Wobbles for the first time.
Objev podobné jako Bunny vs Monkey and the Human Invasion (a Phoenix Comic Book, from the million-selling Jamie Smart, Illustrator of the Year) - Jamie Smart
Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence (1408845881)
Kniha - autor Daniel Goleman, 312 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Daniel Goleman, 312 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Bestselling author Goleman delves into the science of attention in all its varieties, presenting a long-overdue discussion of this little noticed and under-rated mental asset. New in paperback.
Objev podobné jako Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence (1408845881)
Courtiers : The Hidden Power Behind the Crown - Low Valentine
The gripping account of how the Royal family really operates from the man who has spent years studying them in his role as Royal correspondent for The Times. Valentine Low asks the important questions: who really runs the show and, as Charles III begins his reign, what will happen next?Throughout history, the British monarchy has relied on its courtiers - the trusted advisers in the King or Queen's inner circle - to ensure its survival as a family, an ancient institution, and a pillar of the constitution. Today, as ever, a vast team of people hidden from view steers the royal family's path between public duty and private life. Queen Elizabeth II, after a remarkable 70 years of service, saw the final seasons of her reign without her husband Philip to guide her. Meanwhile, newly ascended Charles seeks to define what his future as King, and that of his court, will be.The question of who is entrusted to guide the royals has never been more vital, and yet the task those courtiers face has never been more challenging. With a cloud hanging over Prince Andrew as well as Harry and Meghan's departure from royal life, the complex relationship between modern courtiers and royal principals has been exposed to global scrutiny. As the new Prince and Princess of Wales, William and Kate - equipped with a very 21st century approach to press and public relations - now hold the responsibility of making an ancient institution relevant for the decades to come.Courtiers reveals an ever-changing system of complex characters, shifting values and ideas over what the future of the institution should be. This is the story of how the monarchy really works, at a pivotal moment in its history.
Objev podobné jako Courtiers : The Hidden Power Behind the Crown - Low Valentine
Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich (76074)
Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: strategie, Minute Man a jeho hrdinská Freedom Force musí zase zachránit svět!VypnutoFreedom Force Hodnocení metacritic.com:86%Recenze:"Když se vám podaří prokousat se prapodivným prvním dojmem, čeká na vás propracovaná kombinace real-strategie a RPG, která klade velký důraz na smysl pro detail. Podobně jako v případě Silent Storm rozhodně nejde o záležitost pro víkendové hráče." - games.cz Minute Man a jeho hrdinská Freedom Force musí zase zachránit svět! Dynamické vyprávění příběhu, rychlé taktické RPG i postavy z komiksů v nadživotní velikosti - to vše naleznete v Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich.Cestujte se svými hrdiny zpátky v čase o porazte záludného Blitzkriega, ochránce Říše i s jeho jeho vražednými poskoky. Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich dává ve formě akcí...
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Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour 8th Edition - Richard Gross
Build a solid foundation for students to develop the skills and knowledge they need to progress with the updated edition of Richard Gross's best-selling introduction to Psychology. This 8th edition of Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour is the essential guide to studying Psychology, helping over half a million students during its 30 years of publication. - Easily access psychological theories and research with user-friendly content and useful features including summaries, critical discussion and research updates.- Develop evaluative skills, with new evaluation boxes, encouraging students to put classic and contemporary studies into context. - Consolidate understanding by identifying common misconceptions. - Stay up to date with revised content and the latest psychological research.- Understand the research process with updated contributions from leading Psychologists including Elizabeth Loftus, Alex Haslam and David Canter.
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Trials of Apollo 01. The hidden Oracle (9780141363929)
Kniha - autor Rick Riordan, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako Trials of Apollo 01. The hidden Oracle (9780141363929)
The Hidden World of Mythical Folk - Maz Evans
Discover a world of mythical folk, of fairies, goblins, elves, and all kinds of magical beings that dance in our dreams and spark our imagination. Take a walk through the woods at twilight or the hills under a starlit night and delight in a hidden world of magical folk from around the world, from Scottish sprites and Irish leprechauns to fearsome Nordic trolls and Alpine Barbegazi. This beautifully illustrated guide will help you find their secret hiding places, show you the best times to spot them, and how to keep your distance.Beautifully written by bestselling author Maz Evans and sumptuously illustrated by Hans Christian Andersen Award-winning artist Robert Inpgen, this is the perfect book for fans of mythical folk and magic.
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The Laws of Human Nature - Robert Greene
Robert Greene is a master guide for millions of readers, distilling ancient wisdom and philosophy into essential texts for seekers of power, understanding and mastery. Now he turns to the most important subject of all - understanding people's drives and motivations, even when they are unconscious of them themselves. We are social animals. Our very lives depend on our relationships with people. Knowing why people do what they do is the most important tool we can possess, without which our other talents can only take us so far. Drawing from the ideas and examples of Pericles, Queen Elizabeth I, Martin Luther King Jr, and many others, Greene teaches us how to detach ourselves from our own emotions and master self-control, how to develop the empathy that leads to insight, how to look behind people's masks, and how to resist conformity to develop your singular sense of purpose. Whether at work, in relationships, or in shaping the world around you, The Laws of Human Nature offers brilliant tactics for success, self-improvement, and self-defence.
Objev podobné jako The Laws of Human Nature - Robert Greene
The Hidden Oracle (The Trials of Apollo 1) - Rick Riordan
How do you punish an immortal?By making him human.After angering his father Zeus, the god Apollo is cast down from Olympus. Weak and disorientated, he lands in New York City as a regular teenage boy. Now, without his godly powers, the four-thousand-year-old deity must learn to survive in the modern world until he can somehow find a way to regain Zeus's favour.But Apollo has many enemies - gods, monsters and mortals who would love to see the former Olympian permanently destroyed. Apollo needs help, and he can think of only one place to go . . . an enclave of modern demigods known as Camp Half-Blood.
Objev podobné jako The Hidden Oracle (The Trials of Apollo 1) - Rick Riordan
The Hidden Story of Estie Noor - Nadine Aisha Jassat
''I just devoured this spectacular story in one sitting... a future classic if I''ve ever read one'' - Laura Noakes, author of Cosima Unfortunate Steals a StarNo one wanted to hear Estie''s side of the story. Now she''s on a mission to make sure the truth is heard . . . A page-turning mystery novel in verse about identity, friendship and learning to use your voice, with accessible text and beautiful illustrations throughout, perfect for fans of Matt Goodfellow. When twelve-year-old Estie is expelled from school, she''s sent to stay with her aunt in Scotland over the summer. Even though nobody, not even her mum, asked to hear her side of the story. Estie''s determined to keep her barriers up and stick to herself until the holidays are over. But when she comes across an intricately folded paper castle with a secret message written inside - a message from someone desperate to tell their own unbelieved story - a chord is struck, and Estie can''t help but follow the clues to the next piece of artwork. Who are these messages from? And what will their secret reveal about the town? In helping to uncover the anonymous artist''s truth, Estie just might find the words to tell her own. . .
Objev podobné jako The Hidden Story of Estie Noor - Nadine Aisha Jassat
Like A Thief In Broad Daylight: Power in the Era of Post-Human Capitalism - Slavoj Žižek
In recent years, techno-scientific progress has started to utterly transform our world - changing it almost beyond recognition. In this extraordinary new book, renowned philosopher Slavoj Zizek turns to look at the brave new world of Big Tech, revealing how, with each new wave of innovation, we find ourselves moving closer and closer to a bizarrely literal realisation of Marx's prediction that 'all that is solid melts into air.' With the automation of work, the virtualisation of money, the dissipation of class communities and the rise of immaterial, intellectual labour, the global capitalist edifice is beginning to crumble, more quickly than ever before-and it is now on the verge of vanishing entirely. But what will come next? Against a backdrop of constant socio-technological upheaval, how could any kind of authentic change take place? In such a context, Zizek argues, there can be no great social triumph--because lasting revolution has already come into the scene, like a thief in broad daylight, stealing into sight right before our ever eyes. What we must do now is wake up and see it. Urgent as ever, Like a Thief in Broad Daylight illuminates the new dangers as well as the radical possibilities thrown up by today's technological and scientific advances, and their electrifying implications for us all.
Objev podobné jako Like A Thief In Broad Daylight: Power in the Era of Post-Human Capitalism - Slavoj Žižek
The Concise Laws of Human Nature - Robert Greene
From the million-copy bestselling author of The 48 Laws of PowerRobert Greene is a master guide for millions of readers, distilling ancient wisdom and philosophy into essential texts for seekers of power, understanding and mastery. Now he turns to the most important subject of all - understanding people's drives and motivations, even when they are unconscious of them themselves.We are social animals. Our very lives depend on our relationships with people. Knowing why people do what they do is the most important tool we can possess, without which our other talents can only take us so far. Drawing from the ideas and examples of Pericles, Queen Elizabeth I, Martin Luther King Jr, and many others, Greene teaches us how to detach ourselves from our own emotions and master self-control, how to develop the empathy that leads to insight, how to look behind people's masks, and how to resist conformity to develop your singular sense of purpose.Whether at work, in relationships, or in shaping the world around you, The Concise Laws of Human Nature offers brilliant tactics for success, self-improvement, and self-defence.
Objev podobné jako The Concise Laws of Human Nature - Robert Greene
The Hidden Kingdom (Wings of Fire 3) - Tui T. Sutherlandová
The WINGS OF FIRE saga continues!Deep in the rain forest, danger awaits...Glory knows the dragon world is wrong about her tribe. After all, she isn''t "as lazy as a RainWing" -- she isn''t lazy at all! Maybe she wasn''t meant to be one of the dragonets of destiny, as the older dragons constantly remind her, but Glory is sharp and her venom is deadly... except, of course, no one knows it.When the dragonets seek shelter in the rain forest, Glory is devastated to find that the treetops are full of RainWings that no dragon could ever call dangerous. They nap all day and know nothing of the rest of Pyrrhia. Worst of all, they don''t realize -- or care -- that RainWings are going missing from their beautiful forest. But Glory and the dragonets are determined to find the missing dragons, even if it drags the peaceful RainWing kingdom where they never wanted to be -- in the middle of the war.
Objev podobné jako The Hidden Kingdom (Wings of Fire 3) - Tui T. Sutherlandová
Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships (0241257476)
Kniha - autor Eric Berne, 164 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Reissue of this classic about the dynamics of relationships.
Objev podobné jako Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships (0241257476)
The House of Hidden Meanings: A Memoir - RuPaul
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERFrom international drag superstar and pop culture icon RuPaul, comes his most revealing to date—a brutally honest and deeply intimate memoir of growing up Black, poor, and queer in a broken home to discovering the power of performance and self-acceptance.A profound introspection of his life, relationships, and identity, The House of Hidden Meanings is a self-portrait of the legendary icon on the road to global fame and changing the way the world thinks about drag.Central to RuPaul’s success has been his chameleonic adaptability. From drag icon to powerhouse producer of one of the world’s largest television franchises, RuPaul’s ever-shifting nature has always been part of his brand as both supermodel and super mogul.Yet that adaptability has made him enigmatic to the public. In this memoir, his most intimate and detailed book yet, RuPaul makes himself truly known.Stripping away all artifice, RuPaul recounts the story of his life with breath taking clarity and tenderness, bringing his signature wisdom and wit to his own biography. From his early years growing up as a queer Black kid in San Diego navigating complex relationships with his absent father and temperamental mother, to forging an identity in the punk and drag scenes of Atlanta and New York, to finding enduring love with his husband Georges LeBar and self-acceptance in sobriety, RuPaul excavates his own biography, uncovering new truths and insights in his personal history.Here in RuPaul’s singular and extraordinary story is a manual for living—a personal philosophy that testifies to the value of chosen family, the importance of harnessing what makes you different, and the transformational power of facing yourself fearlessly.If we’re all born naked and the rest is drag, then this is RuPaul totally out of drag. This is RuPaul stripped bare.
Objev podobné jako The House of Hidden Meanings: A Memoir - RuPaul
Střelec - David Hidden
Třetí kniha kanadského autora Davida Hiddena opět přivádí na scénu bývalého agenta francouzské tajné služby, jemuž všichni říkají Pé jako Personne (nikdo). Tentokrát ho budeme sledovat ze Španělska přes Marseille a Teherán až do Paříže, kde jeho boj vrcholí střetem s islámskými teroristy chystajícími útok na kabaret Bataclan, k němuž skutečně došlo 13. listopadu 2015.
Objev podobné jako Střelec - David Hidden
The Pattern Seekers: A New Theory of Human Invention (014198239X)
Kniha - autor Simon Baron-Cohen, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Why can humans alone invent? In this book, psychologist and world renowned autism expert Simon Baron-Cohen puts forward a bold new theory: because we can identify patterns, specifically if-and-then patterns. And he argues that the genes for this unique ability overlap with the genes for autism. From the first musical instrument to the agricultural, industrial and digital revolutions, Baron-Cohen shows how this unique ability has driven human progress for 70,000 years. By linking one of our greatest human strengths with a condition that is so often misunderstood, The Pattern Seekers challenges us to think differently about those who think differently.
Objev podobné jako The Pattern Seekers: A New Theory of Human Invention (014198239X)
The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human - Siddhartha Mukherjee
The Song of the Cell is the vivid, thrilling and suspenseful story of the fundamental unit of life. It describes how scientists discovered cells, began to understand them, and are now using that knowledge to create new humans. Both panoramic and intimate, it is Siddhartha Mukherjee's most spectacular book yet.In the late 1600s, a distinguished English polymath, Robert Hooke, and an eccentric Dutch cloth-merchant, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, look down their hand-made microscopes.What they see introduces a radical concept that alters both biology and medicine forever. It is the fact that complex living organisms are assemblages of tiny, self-contained, self-regulating units. Our organs, our physiology, our selves, are built from these compartments.Hooke christens them 'cells'.The discovery of cells announced the birth of a new kind of medicine. A hip fracture, a cardiac arrest, Alzheimer's, AIDS, lung cancer - all could be re-conceived as the results of cells, or a cellular ecosystem, functioning abnormally. And all could be treated by therapeutic manipulations of cells.This revolution in cell biology is still in progress: it represents one of the most significant advances in science and medicine.Rich with stories of scientists, doctors, and the patients whose lives may be saved by their work, The Song of the Cell is the third book in this extraordinary writer's exploration of what it means to be human.
Objev podobné jako The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human - Siddhartha Mukherjee
The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate (0008218439)
Kniha - autor Peter Wohlleben, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Drawing on new groundbreaking scientific discoveries, Wohlleben translates them into a universal language and explains the amazing processes of life, death and regeneration.
Objev podobné jako The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate (0008218439)
When the Body Says No : The Cost of Hidden Stress - Gábor Maté
Can a person literally die of loneliness? Is there a connection between the ability to express emotions and Alzheimer''s disease? Is there such a thing as a ''cancer personality''?With compassion, warmth and empathy, Dr Gabor Maté draws on deep scientific research and his acclaimed clinical work to provide the answers to critical questions about the mind-body link - and illuminates the role that stress and our emotional makeup play in an array of common diseases.When the Body Says No:- Explores the role of the mind-body link in conditions and diseases such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome and multiple sclerosis.- Shares dozens of enlightening case studies and personal and moving stories, including those of people such as Lou Gehrig (ALS), Betty Ford (breast cancer), Ronald Reagan (Alzheimer''s), Gilda Radner (ovarian cancer) and Lance Armstrong (testicular cancer)- Reveals ''The Seven A''s of Healing'': principles in healing and the prevention of illness from hidden stress
Objev podobné jako When the Body Says No : The Cost of Hidden Stress - Gábor Maté
Děs - David Hidden - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Pé jako Personne, Pé jako Nikdo. Chandlerovský hrdina, vysloužilý francouzský legionář, který nad svým životem zlomil hůl a utápí se v alkoholu. Vrátí ho k životu zmizení jeho dcery, kterou už několik let neviděl? Co objeví v temných zákoutích Paříže a kam ho dovede pátrání po chladnokrevném zabijákovi? Co vede patnáctileté holky k tomu, aby natáčely porno? Ani v té nejzoufalejší situaci Pé neopouští cynický humor, ze kterého mrazí.
Objev podobné jako Děs - David Hidden - audiokniha
Děti boží - David Hidden
Pé jako Personne, Nikdo. Anglicky Nobody. Ale všichni mu tu říkají Frantíku. Nebo Newyorčane. Hlavní hrdina románu Děti boží se ocitá na mexicko-americké hranici, která je tichým svědkem únosů malých chlapců. Nesnesitelné lepkavé horko, smrad mexického vězení, pachuť strachu a hrůza vás sevřou a pustí až na poslední stránce knihy. David Hidden pokračuje v nastoupené cestě. S minimem odboček, uvěřitelně vykreslenými charaktery, v chandlerovském stylu a s lehkou ironií dokáže strhnout, i když sloveso „strhnout“ je v jeho případě jen velmi slabým odvarem skutečnosti.
Objev podobné jako Děti boží - David Hidden
Děs - David Hidden - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Pé jako Personne, Pé jako Nikdo. Chandlerovský hrdina, vysloužilý francouzský legionář, který nad svým životem zlomil hůl a utápí se v alkoholu. Vrátí ho k životu zmizení jeho dcery, kterou už několik let neviděl? Co objeví v temných zákoutích Paříže a kam ho dovede pátrání po chladnokrevném zabijákovi? Co vede patnáctileté holky k tomu, aby natáčely porno? Ani v té nejzoufalejší situaci Pé neopouští cynický humor, ze kterého mrazí.
Objev podobné jako Děs - David Hidden - audiokniha
Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions (0007547994)
Kniha - autor Brian Christian; Tom Griffiths, 364 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná An exploration of how computer algorithms can be applied to our everyday lives, from the acclaimed author of "The Most Human Human" and a cognitive scientist.
Objev podobné jako Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions (0007547994)
Annelies : A Novel of Anne Frank (Defekt) - David R. Gillham
Having survived the concentration camps but lost her mother and sister along the way, a sixteen-year-old Anne Frank reunites with her father, Pim, in newly liberated Amsterdam. But it's not as easy to fit the pieces of their life back together. Anne is adrift, haunted by the ghosts of the horrors they experienced, while Pim is fixated on returning to normalcy. Her beloved diary has been lost, and her dreams of becoming a writer seem distant and pointless now. As Anne struggles to overcome the brutality of memory and build a new life for herself, she grapples with heartbreak, grief, and ultimately the freedom of forgiveness. A story of trauma and redemption, Annelies honors Anne Frank's legacy as not only a symbol of hope and perseverance but also a complex young woman of great ambition and heart.
Objev podobné jako Annelies : A Novel of Anne Frank (Defekt) - David R. Gillham
Star vs. the Forces of Evil: The Magic Book of Spells (136802050X)
Kniha - autor Daron Nefcy, Dominic Bisignano, Amber Benson, 256 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako Star vs. the Forces of Evil: The Magic Book of Spells (136802050X)
The Conspiracy against the Human Race: A Contrivance of Horror (0143133144)
Kniha - autor Thomas Ligotti, 272 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Conspiracy against the Human Race: A Contrivance of Horror (0143133144)
Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things - Adam Grant
"This brilliant book will shatter your assumptions about what it takes to improve and succeed. I wish I could go back in time and gift it to my younger self. It would've helped me find a more joyful path to progress."-Serena Williams, 23-time Grand Slam singles tennis championThe #1 New York Times bestselling author of Think Again illuminates how we can elevate ourselves and others to unexpected heights.We live in a world that's obsessed with talent.We celebrate gifted students in school, natural athletes in sports, and child prodigies in music. But admiring people who start out with innate advantages leads us to overlook the distance we ourselves can travel. We underestimate the range of skills that we can learn and how good we can become.We can all improve at improving. And when opportunity doesn't knock, there are ways to build a door.Hidden Potential offers a new framework for raising aspirations and exceeding expectations. Adam Grant weaves together groundbreaking evidence, surprising insights, and vivid storytelling that takes us from the classroom to the boardroom, the playground to the Olympics, and underground to outer space.He shows that progress depends less on how hard you work than how well you learn. Growth is not about the genius you possess-it's about the character you develop. Grant explores how to build the character skills and motivational structures to realize our own potential, and how to design systems that create opportunities for those who have been underrated and overlooked.Many writers have chronicled the habits of superstars who accomplish great things.This book reveals how anyone can rise to achieve greater things. The true measure of your potential is not the height of the peak you've reached, but how far you've climbed to get there.
Objev podobné jako Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things - Adam Grant
Empire of Ants: The hidden worlds and extraordinary lives of Earth's tiny conquerors - Olaf Fritsche, Susanne Foitzik
Ants have been walking the Earth since the age of the dinosaurs. Today there are one million ants for every one of us. The closer you get to ants, the more human they look: they build megacities, grow crops, raise livestock, tend their young and infirm, and even make vaccines. They also have a darker side: they wage war, enslave rivals and rebel against their oppressors. From fearsome army ants, who stage twelve-hour hunting raids where they devour thousands, to gentle leaf-cutters gardening in their peaceful underground kingdoms, every ant is engineered by nature to fulfil their particular role.Acclaimed biologist Susanne Foitzik has travelled the globe to study these master architects of Earth. Joined by journalist Olaf Fritsche, Foitzik invites readers deep into her world - in the field and in the lab - and will inspire new respect for ants as a global superpower.Fascinating and action-packed, Empire of Ants will open your eyes to the secret societies thriving right beneath your feet.
Objev podobné jako Empire of Ants: The hidden worlds and extraordinary lives of Earth's tiny conquerors - Olaf Fritsche, Susanne Foitzik
The Big Picture Story Bible (Redesign) - David R. Helm
Designed for kids ages 2--7, this children's Bible presents the remarkable true story of God's love for the world from both the Old and New Testaments with simple words and striking illustrations.
Objev podobné jako The Big Picture Story Bible (Redesign) - David R. Helm
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring - J. R. R. Tolkien
Special unjacketed hardback edition of the first part of J.R.R. Tolkien's epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings. This edition features the complete story with a unique cover design embellished with gold foil and the iconic maps of Middle-earth appearing in red and black as endpapers. Sauron, the Dark Lord, has gathered to him all the Rings of Power - the means by which he intends to rule Middle-earth. All he lacks in his plans for dominion is the One Ring - the ring that rules them all - which has fallen into the hands of the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. In a sleepy village in the Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds himself faced with an immense task, as his elderly cousin Bilbo entrusts the Ring to his care. Frodo must leave his home and make a perilous journey across Middle-earth to the Cracks of Doom, there to destroy the Ring and foil the Dark Lord in his evil purpose.
Objev podobné jako The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring - J. R. R. Tolkien
Endure: Mind, Body and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance (0008308187)
Kniha - 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Endure: Mind, Body and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance (0008308187)
The Book of Human Emotions: An Encyclopaedia of Feeling from Anger to Wanderlust (1781251304)
Kniha - autor Tiffany Watt-Smith, 308 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Tiffany Watt-Smith, 308 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A gleeful, thoughtful collection of 156 feelings, both rare and familiar. Each has its own story, and reveals the strange forces which shape our rich and varied internal worlds. Now in paperback.
Objev podobné jako The Book of Human Emotions: An Encyclopaedia of Feeling from Anger to Wanderlust (1781251304)
London's Hidden Rivers - David Fathers
A fantastic guide to exploring the hidden rivers of London.London has many rivers, but they are often hidden under centuries of development. Rivers like the Walbrook, the Fleet or the Effra have left their mark on the city, and still form an important part of our subterranean world.- From the former watering hole, by the Earl’s Sluice, where Canterbury pilgrims rested, David Bowie rehearsed and Henry Cooper trained, to the Gardens by the Westbourne where a young Mozart performed.- From Counter’s Creek and its burial grounds of Kensal Green and Brompton to the River Effra and the West Norwood cemetery.- From the pipe carrying the River Tyburn over Baker Street Underground station to the grate in Farringdon through which the River Fleet can be heard (and seen).David Fathers shows the course of London''s hidden rivers in a series of detailed guided walks, illustrating the traces they have left and showing the ways they have shaped the city. Each walk starts at the tube or rail station nearest to the source of the river, and then follows it down to the Thames through parkland, suburbia, historic neighbourhoods and the vestiges of our industrial past. London''s Hidden Rivers contains over 120km of walks, both north and south of the Thames. Winding through the hills, valleys and marshes that underlie the city, every page is a revelation.
Objev podobné jako London's Hidden Rivers - David Fathers
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