Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

The Golden Threshold - Sarojini Naidu - e-kniha

eBook: She was the \'Nightingale of India\', and her voice was first heard in 1905 when \'The Golden Threshold\' was published.This collection of Sarojini Naidu\'s early work is already infused with the rich imagery and lush descriptions of India that she was known for. Borrowing from the tradition of British Romanticism, the works are largely lyric poetry. But never mind the style, it is the substance that counts.A rich range of content includes songs for music, folk songs and poems, all opening a window and allowing the scents and sounds of early-20th century India to blow in.Evocative, educational, imaginative, charming...this is ideal for fans of Arundhati Roy\'s \'The God of Small Things\' and the poetry of Daljit Nagra.-

Podívejte se také GOLDEN CUP JH 024 E (JH024E)

cena 138.0 Kč

The Golden Web - Edward Phillips Oppenheim - e-kniha

eBook: Stirling Deane is a rich man, thanks to his discovery and eventual sale of the Little Anna gold mine in South Africa. Many years later an unwelcome visitor from Deane’s past shows up with the deeds to the mine however, insisting that he is the true owner. Who is telling the truth? And will honour or vengeance win out? A thrilling mystery, full of twists and turns by popular author E. Phillips Oppenheim

Podívejte se také GOLDEN CUP JH 1020 E (JH1020E)

cena 333.0 Kč

The Golden Dream - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

eBook: Gold fever is sweeping America, and young Englishman Ned Sinton is keen to reach America, join the gold rush, and seek his fortune. Ned faces plenty of obstacles along the way, including a perilous sea journey and the wilderness of the American West before he reaches the promised land of California. Written just a few years after gold was first discovered in America, this is a thrilling children’s adventure novel by author R.M. Ballantyne which truly captures the excitement and frenzy of the period.

Podívejte se také The Golden House: A Novel (0399592806)

cena 333.0 Kč

The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs - Ezop - e-kniha

eBook: A touch of fortune can sometimes be enough to unlock endless greed in a person. And greed is rarely a good advisor as it could lead us to a short-sighted destruction of a valuable resource...Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.

Objev podobné jako The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs - Ezop - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Golden Lion of Granpere - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha

eBook: One of three novels Anthony Trollope published anonymously at the height of his career, ‘The Golden Lion of Granpere’ is a tale of forbidden love. Set in the Alsace region of France, The Lion D’or Inn is the setting for the story. The owners, Michael Voss, his wife, and son George all live there along with Michael Voss’s niece, Marie. George and Marie fall in love, with inevitable consequences and complications. A sweet yet dramatic romance from Victorian author Anthony Trollope.

Objev podobné jako The Golden Lion of Granpere - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Girl with the Golden Eyes - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha

eBook: Henri is a shameless and spoiled heir. When he falls in love with the beautiful Paquita, he simply must seduce her. But Paquita already has a lover. Brimming with anger and revenge upon this realisation, his disillusioned heart sets out to murder. Who will meet their end? And more importantly, what secrets will the entangled web of love uncover? Crafted with spellbinding extravagance, 'The Girl with the Golden Eyes' captures the underside of Parisian society. Bursting with passionate emotion and uncontrollable wrath, the intoxicating tale is perfect for fans of Netflix's 'Bridgerton'.

Objev podobné jako The Girl with the Golden Eyes - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Durotan - Christie Golden - e-kniha

eBook: Když tajemný cizinec Gul‘dan, zlověstný černokněžník se zelenou kůží, přišel poprvé za Garadem, náčelníkem klanu Frostwolf, nabídl mu místo v Hordě a přizval ho na výpravu do vzdálené zaslíbené země, která se měla stát novým domovem orků. Durotanův otec ho však rázně odmítl, protože věřil, že jeho klan se o sebe i v těžkých časech dokáže postarat sám. Nyní je náčelníkem Durotan, přičemž stojí před stejnou volbou jako otec. Doba, ve které žije, je však mnohem krutější, než když se musel rozhodovat Garad. Zimy jsou stále delší a nemilosrdnější, zvěře ubývá, krajem táhnou krvelační Rudí chodci a samotní duchové živlů se pomalu obracejí proti orkům, kteří je po dlouhá staletí uctívali. Gul‘danem přislíbená země nikdy nebyla lákavější, ale opravdu stojí za obětování prastarých tradic, domova… a svobody?

Objev podobné jako Durotan - Christie Golden - e-kniha

cena 149.0 Kč

Gejša - Arthur Golden - e-kniha

eBook: Slavná gejša Sajuri, již jako stará dáma žijící v Americe, otevírá okno do tajemného, skrytého světa japonských gejš. Chudá dívenka z rybářské vesnice musí na cestě za kariérou profesionální gejši překonat mnoho překážek, ale nakonec ji zradí vlastní srdce…

Objev podobné jako Gejša - Arthur Golden - e-kniha

cena 439.0 Kč

Take a Financial Leap: The 3 Golden Rules for Financial Life Success - Pete Wargent - e-kniha

eBook: Uncover the psychology of success and break down the building blocks of limitless results with \'Take a Financial Leap\'. Becoming a millionaire by the age of 33, Pete Wargent shares his 3 golden rules in one motivating and inspiring guide. A Financial commentator, investor and author, Wargent provides practical case studies and personal stories to show you how to set ambitious yet attainable results. From market investing, real estate to building a career or passion, accelerate financial success and freedom with this book. Financial commentator, investor and author, Pete Wargent became a millionaire at the age of 33 from shares, index funds and investment property. Having quit fulltime work, he is now the author of successful financial guides, uncovering the psychology behind financial growth. Helping millions of others now reach financial freedom and success, Wargent believes everyone can have a sustainable and flexible life.

Objev podobné jako Take a Financial Leap: The 3 Golden Rules for Financial Life Success - Pete Wargent - e-kniha

cena 528.0 Kč

Assassin's Creed - Christie Golden - e-kniha

eBook: Oficiální knižní adaptace filmu. Díky revoluční technologii, která odemkne jeho genetické vzpomínky, prožije Callum Lynch dobrodružství svého předka, Aguilara, v patnáctém století ve Španělsku. Callum odhalí, že patří k tajemné tajné společnosti, k asasínům, a získá neuvěřitelné znalosti a dovednosti, aby se v současnosti mohl postavit mocné, tyranské organizaci templářů.

Objev podobné jako Assassin's Creed - Christie Golden - e-kniha

cena 189.0 Kč

Před bouří - Christie Golden - e-kniha

eBook: Azeroth umírá. Horda a Aliance sice porazily démonickou Plamennou legii, ale pod zemským povrchem bublá blížící se katastrofa. Srdce Azerothu dostalo smrtelnou ránu, když do něj padlý Titán Sargeras v posledním aktu krutosti vrazil svůj meč. Král Anduin Wrynn ani Sylvanas Windrunner, nejvyšší náčelnice Hordy, si nemohou dovolit plýtvat čas truchlením. Strašlivá rána odhalila záhadný materiál – azerit. Ve správných rukou může tato zlatavá esence konat neuvěřitelné zázraky; v těch špatných by ale mohla přivést naprostou zkázu!

Objev podobné jako Před bouří - Christie Golden - e-kniha

cena 199.0 Kč

První střet - Christie Golden - e-kniha

eBook: „JEDEN SVĚT UMÍRÁ A NA DRUHÝ PŘICHÁZÍ SMRT…“ Románová adaptace filmu Warcraft: První střet je skvělá epická fantasy! Po událostech popsaných v románu Durotan se renomovaná autorka (nejen) herních a filmových adaptací Christie Golden vrací na Azeroth, aby dovyprávěla velký příběh o odvaze, nenávisti a hrdinství. Přichází totiž První střet… Všichni, kteří viděli „warcraftovský“ velkofilm stejného jména, jímž režisér Duncan Jones (syn nedávno zesnulého hudebníka Davida Bowieho) potěšil všechny fanoušky fantasy fenoménu jménem Warcraft, mohou mít dojem, že tenhle příběh už znají. A částečně mají i pravdu, protože První střet je oficiální románovou adaptací výše zmíněného snímku. Nebyla by to ale Christie Golden, aby citlivě nedoplnila to, co ve filmu chybělo, nebo bylo pouze naznačeno. Román dává tvůrci přeci jenom trochu jiné možnosti, jak naložit s kvalitním příběhem a autorka, která je ve sdílených světech typu Warcraft jako doma, jich využila bezezbytku a s velkým přehledem. Je radost sledovat, jak zdánlivě jednoduchý příběh o nucené invazi nabývá takřka epických rozměrů. Christie Golden totiž vzala všechny ingedience, které budou na fanouška žánru fantasy fungovat vždy: přátelství a nenávist mezi různými rasami (orky, lidmi, trpaslíky), roztodivné netvory, sebeobětování, zlovolnou magii, zradu a hlavně hrdinství, a přetavila je do svébytného příběhu, který navíc obsahuje vše, co dělá Warcraft Warcraftem. Pokud se vám po Azerothu a jeho hrdinech stýskalo, neměl by vám fantasy román První střet, který u nás vydává – jak je jeho dobrým zvykem – ostravské nakladatelství FANTOM Print (www.fantomprint.cz), rozhodně chybět v knihovničce…

Objev podobné jako První střet - Christie Golden - e-kniha

cena 149.0 Kč

Úsvit Onyxu - Kate Golden - e-kniha

eBook: Arwen Valondaleová by nikdy neřekla, že bude natolik statečná, aby nabídla svůj život za ten bratrův. Proto je teď zajatkyní obávaného Onyxského krále, jehož vojáky má pomocí svých magických schopností uzdravovat. Jedinou cestou ke svobodě je pro ni spolupráce s prohnaným spoluvězněm, kterému však dělá zvrácené potěšení hrát si s jejími obavami a city. Co když jsou však tajemství Onyxu daleko děsivější, než si je dokázala představit?

Objev podobné jako Úsvit Onyxu - Kate Golden - e-kniha

cena 329.0 Kč

Assassin's Creed: Kacířství - Christie Golden - e-kniha

eBook: „NAHLÉDNĚTE NA VĚČNÝ KONFLIKT OČIMA JEDNOHO Z TEMPLÁŘŮ... ... a spolu s Johankou z Arku odkryjte pravdu ukrytou za legendami!“ Je jednadvacáté století, avšak v Abstergo Industries vědí, jak přelstít čas. Důvodem pro to je jeden z Kousků ráje, artefaktů, jež zde zanechala dávná civilizace Předchůdců. Zázračný meč, momentálně v držení templářů, ale nefunguje tak, jak by měl. Kdy ztratil své kouzlo a jak jej opravit? Bude možné znovu nalézt dávno ztracené teorie a vynálezy – a jednou provždy vyřešit záhady staré několik staletí? Odpověď má najít Simon, čerstvě přijatý do templářské Vnitřní svatyně, který se co nevidět ponoří do hlubin času. V kůži svého dávného předka si vyzkouší život v době rytířských ctností a válečných tažení, aby ochraňoval a doprovázel pannu nejctnostnější – odvážnou Johanku z Arku, neboť právě ona měla meč po určitou dobu v rukou. Simon tak získá jedinečnou příležitost nejen nahlédnout do časů, kdy boj mezi templáři a asasíny prohoříval až do nejvyšších vrstev francouzské i anglické společnosti, ale také jej na vlastní kůži prožít. A pak je tu ještě jeho šéf a Simonova spolupracovnice, psychiatrička, která by mohla do duše nejen Simona, ale i jeho středověkého avatára proniknout více, než je zdrávo. Nesledují oba nějaké vlastní cíle, o nichž se Simonovi opomněli zmínit? Nakladatelství FANTOM Print (www.fantomprint.cz) přináší v románu Kacířství českým čtenářům další střípek z odvěkého konfliktu mezi dobrem a zlem. Otevřou se pravdy ukryté za starými mýty, přetvořené folklórem a upravené oficiálním jazykem historiků? Meče budou řinčet, brány měst budou padat a asasíni i templáři budou promlouvat do dějin ústy nejsvětějších…

Objev podobné jako Assassin's Creed: Kacířství - Christie Golden - e-kniha

cena 149.0 Kč

Uncharted - Čtvrtý labyrint - Christopher Golden - e-kniha

eBook: Ve starověkém světě existoval mýtus o králi, pokladu a pekelném labyrintu. Brána těchto pekel se nyní znovu otevírá. Lovec pokladů Nathan Drake je povolán do New Yorku mužem, který ho zasvětil do hledání starožitností. Victor Sullivan potřebuje Drakeovu pomoc. Sullyho starý přítel, světově proslulý archeolog, byl právě nalezen zavražděný na Manhattanu. Drake, Sully a Jada Hzujaková – dcera zavražděného – unikají z New Yorku před zabijáky a vydávají se na podzemní archeologická naleziště v Egyptě a Řecku. Jejich cílem je rozplést starověký mýtus o alchymii, vypátrat tři dávno zapomenuté labyrinty a dojít k úžasnému objevu, kvůli němuž byl Jadin otec zabit. Ukáže se, že čtvrtý labyrint byl postavený v jiné zemi a jiné kultuře – a skrývá v sobě klíč k pohádkovému bohatství a moci. Podzemní bludiště je však střeženo armádou děsivých, tajuplných bojovníků. A také netvorem. Pokud se Drakeovi podaří přežít, v dálce na něj čeká poklad i zkáza, ráj i peklo.

Objev podobné jako Uncharted - Čtvrtý labyrint - Christopher Golden - e-kniha

cena 129.0 Kč

Kai Lung's Golden Hours - Ernest Bramah - e-kniha

eBook: Thrown in jail for treason, Kai Lung must face the court of the Mandarin Shan Tien to prove his innocence. But time is running out, and with every tick of the clock, Kai Lung is one step closer to his death. Will his mastery of words and storytelling be enough to save him? Weaving carefully interlaced folk tales, \'Kai Lung\'s Golden Hours\' crafts a charmingly witty and suspenseful court drama. Transporting readers to the enchanting world of ancient China, Ernest Bramah\'s classic novel is ideal for fans of Chloe Gong\'s \'These Violent Delights\'.

Objev podobné jako Kai Lung's Golden Hours - Ernest Bramah - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Případ zabijáka z Golden State - William Thorp - e-kniha

eBook: Kalifornie: 13 vražd, přes 50 útoků, 42 let trvající vyšetřování. Příběh pátrání po „skutečném Hannibalu Lecterovi“.V roce 2018 oznámila americká policie zatčení „zabijáka z Golden State“ – pachatele více než 200 vloupání, 50 znásilnění a nejméně 13 vražd, který v 70. a 80. letech terorizoval Kalifornii. Skončilo tak více než čtyřicetileté vyšetřování, jehož průběh popisuje ve své knize zkušený novinář William Thorp.V idylickém kalifornském prostředí se do popředí dostává celá jedna éra – období hippies, předměstí, a především zdánlivě nesouvisející kriminality. Vyšetřovatelům trvalo roky, než se jim podařilo na první pohled různorodé případy propojit. A ještě delší dobu trvalo, než se je podařilo spojit se sérií krvavých vražd.Zabiják z Golden State byl nakonec dopaden právě díky neúnavnému úsilí policie – zejména výjimečně talentované Carol Dalyové, Richarda Shelbyho a jejich následovníků, jejichž pátrání výrazně napomohl vědecký pokrok v oblasti zkoumání DNA. Thorp ve své knize přináší portrét výjimečného zločince a jeho doby. Příběh vyšetřování čtenáři pomáhá pochopit, jak mohl jeden člověk tak dlouho a beztrestně páchat ty nejodpornější zločinyPřivlastněním si pojmu „genocida“ se některé státy a organizace prohlašují za součást „globálního Jihu“ bojujícího proti „Severu“, který je popisovaný jako kolonialistický a „islamofobní“. Kepel ve své knize odhaluje hlavní aspekty tohoto novodobého střetu civilizací.

Objev podobné jako Případ zabijáka z Golden State - William Thorp - e-kniha

cena 239.0 Kč

The Ant and the Grasshopper - Ezop - e-kniha

eBook: \'The Ant and The Grass Hopper\' is a fable that teaches the importance of planning, of self-reliance and hard work. The frolicking grass hopper spends his summer dancing and never working while the ant makes sure to put aside supplies for the coming winter. It is a tale that resonates to this day thanks to its important message of the importance of hard work as well as having fun. It is great reading for all ages on the importance of being able to plan and support yourself.Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.

Objev podobné jako The Ant and the Grasshopper - Ezop - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Fox and the Crow - Ezop - e-kniha

eBook: Sweet words and manipulative compliments can make everyone\'s head spin. The \"Fox and the Crow\" teaches us to keep clear mind in the face of flattery. Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.

Objev podobné jako The Fox and the Crow - Ezop - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Fox and the Grapes - Ezop - e-kniha

eBook: Sometimes no matter how hard we try, we cannot reach our goal. And, of course, it is much easier to claim our goal undesirable than to admit defeat. There is hardly a child who does not know the fox who called the grapes sour but Aesop\'s fables offer so much more...Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.

Objev podobné jako The Fox and the Grapes - Ezop - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Hare and the Tortoise - Ezop - e-kniha

eBook: Is talent more important to success than hard work? Sometimes if we are determined and focused on our goals, we can overcome even the strongest opponents. And vise we should not only rely on talent to win. In his timeless fables, Aesop whispers from the past knowledge which we think we know, but very often forget.Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.

Objev podobné jako The Hare and the Tortoise - Ezop - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Dryad - Cupido - e-kniha

eBook: \"There\'s nothing like the fresh mountain air, waves lapping against the beach, the wind caressing your chest, the water touching your crotch...This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short \"He is laying naked in the forest when he sees a girl approaching. She hids from him – and peep at him. No wonder he is getting excited!\" – The Dryad by Christian, Oslo 1\"The man with a big M swept her off her feet. They were supposed to be at a party, but they headed straight for the forest!\" – A Summer Hike in the Forest by Elisabeth, Stavanger\"I want to take off all your clothes, and then I want you to walk on naked – all the way to the top.\" – Erotics in the Mountains by Torje Sauna, Jølster\"The dream was a hole-in-one – straight into the hole on the first try. But the dream hole seemed completely out of reach.\" – The 19th Hole by Magne L., Hedmark\"He found his place by the sea. He stripped naked, stretched out, and his blood quickly found its way to the right place.\"

Objev podobné jako The Dryad - Cupido - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Temptress - Cupido - e-kniha

eBook: Woman on woman. Man on man. Bisexuality. Queer. Some people have never questioned whether they\'re gay or not. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly their best friend makes their nipples harden or their cock erect.This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short \"She\'d never before experienced such intense emotions for another girl. It both scared and excited her.\" - The Temptress by Angelita\"She secretly loved women, but it was difficult since she had a man and children. That all changed when she met Aina.\"

Objev podobné jako The Temptress - Cupido - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Osamělost - The Beastess - e-kniha

eBook: Na světě je více než sedm miliard lidí – vrážíme do sebe v davu, nadáváme si v nekonečných kolonách aut, dokonce i v přírodě je čím dál těžší najít tiché zákoutí, kde bychom mohli být alespoň chvilku sami se sebou. Přesto se řada z nás cítí osamělá. Proč tomu tak je? Proč je stále složitější najít v přelidněném světě spřízněnou duši? V této knize najdete odpovědi na mnohé často kladené otázky. Je na vině moderní doba se svým důrazem na seberealizaci jednotlivců, s rozpadem tradiční rodiny a obrovskou fluktuací obyvatelstva? Anebo jsme to spíš my sami, protože nejsme schopni vytvářet blízké vazby, opakujeme ve vztazích stále tytéž chyby, popřípadě vůbec „nejsme stvořeni“ pro partnerství či život v rodině? Zamyslete se spolu s námi nad vykořeněním ve světě, zdánlivě dokonale propojeném prostřednictvím internetu a moderních technologií, či nad tím, jakou citovou daň platíme v neustálé honbě za osobním úspěchem. Rozebereme si působení rodičů a dětských traumat na naši schopnost utvářet vztahy k lidem a vysvětlíme si také rozdíly mezi extroverty a introverty, protože každý typ osobnosti přistupuje k problému osamělosti jinak. Na příkladu modelové rodiny, jejíž zajímavý a ryze současný příběh se vine celou knihou, se dozvíte, jak se ve své vlastní osamělosti zorientovat a překonat ji. Knihu pro její čtivost ocení široký okruh čtenářů. Zajímavé podněty a inspirace v ní najde i odborná veřejnost z okruhu psychologů, psychiatrů, koučů osobního rozvoje, pedagogů a pracovníků v pomáhajících profesích, včetně studentů těchto oborů.

Objev podobné jako Osamělost - The Beastess - e-kniha

cena 195.0 Kč

The Clouds - Aristophanes - e-kniha

eBook: Comedies, including The Clouds (423 BC) and Lysistrata (411 BC), of Greek playwright Aristophanes satirize Athenian society, politics, and philosophy.

Objev podobné jako The Clouds - Aristophanes - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Sun, the Moon and the Stars - Ivy Dad - e-kniha

eBook: Take your child on a journey from day to night and teach them English with ‘The Sun, the Moon and the Stars’, an English language learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, children will learn words including sun, moon and star, as well as words that describe them, such as bright, glow, and twinkle. ‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

Objev podobné jako The Sun, the Moon and the Stars - Ivy Dad - e-kniha

cena 135.0 Kč

The Voyage of the Beagle - Charles Darwin - e-kniha

eBook: "I hate every wave of the ocean," the seasick Charles Darwin wrote to his family during his five-year voyage on the H.M.S. Beagle. It was this world-wide journey, however, that launched the scientist’s career.The Voyage of the Beagle is Darwin's fascinating account of his trip - of his biological and geological observations and collection activities, of his speculations about the causes and theories behind scientific phenomena, of his interactions with various native peoples, of his beautiful descriptions of the lands he visited, and of his amazing discoveries in the Galapagos archipelago.

Objev podobné jako The Voyage of the Beagle - Charles Darwin - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

The Law and the Lady - Wilkie Collins - e-kniha

eBook: The Law and the Lady builds on that tradition by introducing one of English literature's earliest women detectives, Valeria Woodville, who investigates the murder of her husband's first wife in the attempt to prove him guiltless.

Objev podobné jako The Law and the Lady - Wilkie Collins - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

The Mystery of the Sea - Bram Stoker - e-kniha

eBook: Archibald Hunter arrives at Cruden Bay for his yearly seaside vacation, looking for nothing more than peace and quiet. Then all of a sudden his life becomes plagued by intimidating visions and omens of impending disaster. What are these creepy ghosts trying to tell him? And what is the mystery behind the strange cipher that has inexplicably fallen into his lap?A mystery novel at first but transforms into an exciting adventure full of intrigue, romance and treasure hunting. 'The Mystery of The Sea' is a stark but refreshing contrast to Bram Stoker's well-known horror classic 'Dracula', famously portrayed by film star Bela Lugosi. Highly recommended for avid fans of H.P. Lovecraft's supernatural stories, and its HBO adaptation 'Lovecraft Country'. Also a perfect fit for 'Robinson Crusoe' fans seeking a sinister adventure story about a lone man taking on the malignant forces of nature.-

Objev podobné jako The Mystery of the Sea - Bram Stoker - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

The Birth of the State - Petr Charvát - e-kniha

eBook: This book targets the problems of emergence and stabilization of the earliest state bodies in the pristine statehood foci of the Old World - Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China. Charvát takes his readers through the essential economic, political and intellectual transformations induced in those societies by their transformations into early states. The author also provides a comprehensive view over the entire range of the discussed problems, attempting to perceive the process of establishment of the earliest states of the Old World in its complexity. The book gives the word to ancient statesmen, as well as to men of religion and letters of yore, voicing their alarm in crisis situations of their states, when they feared collapse of what they understood as "civilized society". Addressing their admonitions to kings, managers, generals and, where possible, the widest circles of society, such thinkers urged their contemporaries to defend the ideals on which their civilizations wer e built. The book is addressed to all those interested in the emergence and development of humankind´s earliest states including university students of humanity disciplines.

Objev podobné jako The Birth of the State - Petr Charvát - e-kniha

cena 240.0 Kč

The Lady of the Shroud - Bram Stoker - e-kniha

eBook: Business magnate Roger Melton has passed on, leaving behind one of the grandest fortunes of his time. To the family's astonishment, Roger has bequeathed his vast estate to the black sheep of the family, his young nephew Rupert Sent Leger. But Rupert's inheritance involves the most extraordinary conditions, including one stating that he must reside in the ancient castle of Vissarion in the Land of the Blue Mountains. Rupert travels to Vissarion with his Aunt Janet, who possesses the occult power of Second Sight. But despite all the precautions Rupert is visited by a mysterious woman veiled in a burial shroud. Beguiled by her otherworldly and ethereal beauty, Rupert ponders whether she is a vampire, a ghost, or another sort of mystic creature altogether. Determined to find out for himself, but has no idea of what dangers he has to face.

Objev podobné jako The Lady of the Shroud - Bram Stoker - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

The Day the Mountain Moved - Rennie McOwan - e-kniha

eBook: Are you ready for another action-packed adventure with Gavin, Clare, Michael, and Mot? From fighting a gang of crazy criminals to building their den out of a ruined castle, the daring kids are off on a new quest in the rugged Scottish countryside.In this third adventure story, Gavin, Clare, Michael and Mot find themselves running around the mountainous countryside of remote Scotland. But things are not as they seem... Are those wolves lurking in the shadows?"The Day the Mountains Moved" is the perfect read for fans of "The Famous Five" and the 2020 animated movie "Scoob!"-

Objev podobné jako The Day the Mountain Moved - Rennie McOwan - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The Voice of the City - O. Henry - e-kniha

eBook: Another poignant short story collection from the famed writer, formed as an ode to O. Henry's favourite place, New York City. Seeking to find the genuine voice of this megapolis, O. Henry portrays a variety of characters in their own peculiarity and uniqueness . In the first short of the same name, we are brought to the cacophonous chanting of a New York class room where students eagerly recite their lessons, before we are brought on a sweeping journey throughout the city. We meet policemen, poets and newsboys who each eagerly accounts for the true voice of their famed city. It is an excellent read, that constitutes essential reading for any fan of O. Henry, or those of you with a big love for the Big Apple who want to see just exactly how this wondrous city came to captivate the world.

Objev podobné jako The Voice of the City - O. Henry - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The House of the Dead - Fyodor Dostoevsky - e-kniha

eBook: Close your eyes and imagine the horrors of being sentenced to hard labour at an isolated Siberian prison camp. The torturous conditions, the brutality of the guards and the suffering of your everyday life!"The House of the Dead" is a semi-autobiographical novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky. The author uses autofiction to be able to use facts, fiction and to discuss topics that have happened to him while he was imprisoned. The primitive conditions and horrifying episodes in the prison camp mirror the author's own exile in such a camp for four years in 1849. The novel focuses on the exploration of the Russian character, mostly depicted in times of trouble and hardship. The themes of crime, punishment and isolation run potent in this haunting novel where the reader has to suffer and endure the arduous path through the house of the dead in order to be born again into freedom. A five-star reading recommendation.

Objev podobné jako The House of the Dead - Fyodor Dostoevsky - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Taming of the Shrew - William Shakespeare - e-kniha

eBook: We all know what it's like to be in love, but when love is placed within the context of anxieties, desires and beliefs, will it survive?The sisters Bianca and Katherine might be as opposite as chalk and cheese, yet marriage finds its way into both their lives. Prompted by the notion of a love free of idealism, Petruchio is ready to marry Katherine with or without her will. Can she learn to love him? Or will marriage without love always be filled with terror and deception?Although believed to be written in the late 1500s, this classic romance is still very relevant today. Whether you will perceive Katherina and Petruchio's relationship as romantic and energetic or violent and oppressive, this play unmistakably offers us a perpetual take on the major theme: the battle of the sexes. But unlike most modern day romances emotional desires are put second in this play's exploration of love, marriage and courtship.If you saw and loved director Gil Junger's "10 Things I Hate About You", this is the best-seller behind the film.

Objev podobné jako The Taming of the Shrew - William Shakespeare - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The North Wind and the Sun - Ezop - e-kniha

eBook: Who do you think is stronger – the Sun or the North Wind? They both found themselves in a dispute because they both thought that they were strongest. They saw a traveler who was just passing by and they decided that whoever made the man remove his cloak would be proclaimed the strongest. A winner is declared. Who will it be and what is the moral of the story? Find out in Aesop\'s fable \"The North Wind and the Sun\".Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.

Objev podobné jako The North Wind and the Sun - Ezop - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Whites and the Blues - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

eBook: Although written after \'The Companions of Jehu,\' \'The Whites and the Blues\' details events leading up to the first book.It follows the fortunes of young Charles Nodier, who arrives in Strasbourg to study Greek under the tutelage of Euloge Schneider. However, when he gets there, he discovers that Schneider has become the town\'s Public Prosecutor and is feared for his indiscriminate use of Madame Guillotine. All the while, the shadow of Napoleon lies heavy on the narrative. A page-turning read, full of political intrigue, betrayal, and romance, this is a must for fans of the \'Sainte-Hermine\' trilogy.

Objev podobné jako The Whites and the Blues - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

The Road to the Open - Arthur Schnitzler - e-kniha

eBook: A coming-of-age novel, \'The Road to the Open\' follows the complicated liaisons of composer, Baron Georg von Wergenthin. While a talented man, Wergenthin lacks motivation and, instead of working, prefers to socialise with members of the Viennese bourgeoisie. A committed Christian, his life becomes even more complex when he finds himself falling for a Jewish girl, Anna Rosner. Through this story, Schnitzer documents the collapse of the freethinking Austrian society, as antisemitism and patriotism start to take its place. A classic novel from one of Vienna\'s most noteworthy authors, this is ideal for those new to Schnitzler\'s body of work.

Objev podobné jako The Road to the Open - Arthur Schnitzler - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Meaning of the War - Henri Bergson - e-kniha

eBook: For those interested in a more philosphical aspect of war, \'The Meaning of the War\' by Henri Bergson is a short non-fiction work that explores \'Life & Matter in Conflict\', as the subtitle of the book tells us. A renowned French philosopher, Bergson delves into the history and politics of war, specifically examining Germany during World War I. This book criticizes the ideology that might is right. A policy that has been fatal for regions that neighbour Germany.To further get insight into the philosophical aspect of war, Sigmund Freud\'s essay ´Reflections on War and Death´ provides a great perspective on the modern mental state of people during WWI.

Objev podobné jako The Meaning of the War - Henri Bergson - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Castaways of the Flag - Jules Verne - e-kniha

eBook: ‘The Castaways of the Flag’ is the sequel to ‘Their Island Home’ and the 47th book of the ‘Extraordinary Voyages’ series. A huge fan of ‘The Swiss Family Robinson,’ by Johann David Wyss, Verne decided to pick up the thread and, with the addition of ‘Their Island Home,’ turn one story into an unofficial trilogy. This, the final instalment, follows the fortunes of the family, as they finally leave the island and head for home. However, will its shores prove too difficult to escape from forever? A fitting finale to Wyss’ original tale, this book is for lovers of Verne and Wyss, alike. Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist who became known as the ‘Father of Science Fiction.’ He wrote more than 60 novels, including ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth’ (1864), ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea’ (1870) which was also released as a film, starring James Mason, and ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ (1873), which has been released as a TV drama, featuring former Dr Who star, David Tennant.

Objev podobné jako The Castaways of the Flag - Jules Verne - e-kniha

cena 145.0 Kč

The People of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (April 1, 1875 – February 10, 1932) was an English crime writer, journalist, novelist, screenwriter, and playwright, who wrote 175 novels, 24 plays, and numerous articles in newspapers and journals. Over 160 films have been made of his novels. In the 1920s, one of Wallace\'s publishers claimed that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. He is most famous today as the co-creator of King Kong, writing the early screenplay and story for the movie, as well as a short story \"King Kong\" (1933) credited to him and Draycott Dell. He was known for the J. G. Reeder detective stories, The Four Just Men, The Ringer, and for creating the Green Archer character during his lifetime. (wikipedia.org) THE PEOPLE OF THE RIVER is set in Colonial Africa, British colonial official Sanders fights for British power and to protect his colonial charges set against the backdrop of mostly-unexplored Africa.

Objev podobné jako The People of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Fat and the Thin - Émile Zola - e-kniha

eBook: "Respectable people...What bastards!"Rake-thin and exhausted prisoner Florent, wrongly convicted during the 1848 Revolution, escapes and seeks refuge with his half-brother in Paris. Florent finds a job at the local central market Les Halles. Initially he is met with a baffled but friendly warmth. But this warmth soon erodes into a poisonous animosity in an atmosphere shot with insidious political intrigue, petty rivalries and perfidious gossip from the "respectable people", that impinge upon the Florent's safety and wellbeing. 'The Fat and the Thin' is the third installment of the 'Les Rougon-Macquart' series packed with powerful social commentary comparing those in power (the fat) to those in the lower classes (the thin). The allegories of the burgeoning Parisian market stalls are so poignant that the reader would be forgiven for thinking this is a story of anthropomorphism, where the characters have turned into the food they buy and sell. Yet, simultaneously rebuffed with depictions of abject poverty, this is an unforgettable novel reminiscent of 'The Ladies' Paradise' and 'Nana'. It comes as little surprise that literary icons Charles Dickens and Anthony Bourdain cited Zola among their favourite authors.

Objev podobné jako The Fat and the Thin - Émile Zola - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The Lady with the Dog - Chekhov Anton - e-kniha

eBook: "The Lady with the Dog" is one of Chekhov's most popular short stories, following the adulterous relationship between two married people. Dmitri is unhappy in his marriage and curses the monotony of his life. Anna's marriage does not offer her the happiness she seeks, and the two form a strange pair, held together by their misfortune. After the vacation, things go back to normal. Or do they really? A story of suppressed desires, hidden love, and anger, "The Lady with the Dog" is a bittersweet tale of charming adventures, unbearable life, and the pursuit of happiness. It is definitely well worth reading.

Objev podobné jako The Lady with the Dog - Chekhov Anton - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Brother of the Other - Radka Klvaňová - e-kniha

eBook: Kniha se věnuje kulturním procesům vyjednávání symbolických hranic přináležení v českém imigračním kontextu. Na základě kvalitativní analýzy biografických rozhovorů s přistěhovalci z Běloruska, Ukrajiny a Ruska žijících v České republice autorka zjišťuje, jak se utvářejí symbolické hranice přináležení skrze stigma v každodenních interakcích v sociálním a kulturním kontextu imigrace. Kniha si všímá rozporuplné kulturní reprezentace této skupiny migrantů v českém prostoru etnizovaných vztahů – zvláštního napětí mezi pozicí ‚Druhého‘ (‚Other) a ‚Bratra‘ (‚Brother‘) ve vztahu k Čechům. Toto napětí odráží minulé i současné procesy vytváření národa ve střední a východní Evropě, historické politické vztahy mezi socialistickým Československem a Sovětským svazem a migrační procesy v období po roce 1989. Kniha nabízí nový vhled do kulturního repertoáru českého imigračního kontextu a vyjednávání hranic češství.

Objev podobné jako The Brother of the Other - Radka Klvaňová - e-kniha

cena 353.0 Kč

The Man on the Beach - Anna Ihrén - e-kniha

eBook: Trying to process a life crisis Gothenburg policeman, Dennis Wilhelmson, decides to take a trip to his quiet childhood island, Smögen. Dennis is looking forward to enjoying some peaceful days at the small town island, where nothing really ever happens... or so he thought. Everything changes when the body of a young man is found in the habour basin and an old friend of his is missing without a trace. Dennis is now involuntarily thrown in to the biggest murder investigation the area has ever seen.Enter Sandra Haraldsson, a young ambitious and very straight forward police aspirant. This was definitely not the calm and harmonious summer Dennis had been planning for himself to recover. But can Sandra heal his heart while they take on the investigation?The Man on the Beach is the first part in the series "The Smögen Murders".-

Objev podobné jako The Man on the Beach - Anna Ihrén - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Romance of the Forest - Ann Radcliffe - e-kniha

eBook: This novel, although not as well-known as Radcliffe's later works, is thought to represent her work at its best. More than just a work of suspense and mystery, it is a work of ideas--a discussion of the contrasts between hedonistic doctrines and a system of education and values.

Objev podobné jako The Romance of the Forest - Ann Radcliffe - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Fortune of the Rougons - Émile Zola - e-kniha

eBook: La Fortune des Rougon (The Fortune of the Rougons), originally published in 1871, is the first novel in Émile Zola's monumental twenty-volume series Les Rougon-Macquart. The novel is partly an origin story, with a large cast of characters - many of whom become the central figures of later novels in the series - and partly an account of the December 1851 coup d´etat that created the French Second Empire under Napoleon III. The events are experienced through the eyes of a large provincial town in southern France. The title refers not only to the "fortune" chased by protagonists Pierre and Felicité Rougon, but also to the fortunes of the various disparate family members Zola introduces, whose lives are of central importance to later books in the series.

Objev podobné jako The Fortune of the Rougons - Émile Zola - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The Doom of the Griffiths - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha

eBook: 'The Doom of the Griffiths' is a haunting short story by the acclaimed Victorian author Elizabeth Gaskell. A long-forgotten curse was placed upon the Griffiths family by the last native Prince of Wales, Owain Glyndŵr, following a betrayal by a member of the Griffiths family. The curse foretells that the Griffiths family line will end 'with the murder of the eighth generation Griffiths by the ninth'. Many years later, will the ominous prophecy upon the condemned family come true? A dark tale of revenge, jealousy, and treachery.

Objev podobné jako The Doom of the Griffiths - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Girl in the pink - Irina Klomp - e-kniha

eBook: This little girl likes pink. She likes it so much that you would not find other colour around her room. This could be the reason why everyone calls her " The Girl in Pink".

Objev podobné jako The Girl in the pink - Irina Klomp - e-kniha

cena 99.0 Kč

The Exile and the Mapmaker - Emma Musty - e-kniha

eBook: An important novel that is as compassionate as it is eye-opening, The Exile and the Mapmaker is a testament to the triumph of the human spirit.Theo, an aging Parisian cartographer, is desperately searching for the woman he once loved before Alzheimer\'s takes his memories of her.Elise, his estranged daughter, moves in to take care of him. She still blames him for the tragic loss of her mother and is struggling with this new forced intimacy.Nebay, an Eritrean refugee, becomes Theo\'s carer and friend. Unbeknownst to Elise, Nebay does not have a visa for France and is working illegally in order to support his sister.Each one is living a life of questions and secrets in a world where Nebay\'s very presence in the France of Theo\'s maps is steeped in uncertainty.

Objev podobné jako The Exile and the Mapmaker - Emma Musty - e-kniha

cena 265.0 Kč

The Fruit of the Tree - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha

eBook: Considered wildly controversial at the time of its release, \'The Fruit of the Tree\' is a departure from the norm for Edith Wharton. While her trademark eye for social detail and psychological insights are present and correct, this novel deals with more melancholic themes, such as divorce, addiction, euthanasia, poor working conditions, and extravagance. It follows the story of George Amhurst, the assistant manager of a textile mill in New England. While his heart might be in the right place, when he marries the widow of a mill owner, he might be forced to compromise in his ideals. A striking book from the pen that wrote \'The Age of Innocence,\' which became a film, starring Michelle Pfeiffer and Daniel Day-Lewis.

Objev podobné jako The Fruit of the Tree - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

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