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The Democracy of Species - Robin Kimmererová Wall

In twenty short books, Penguin brings you the classics of the environmental movement.In The Democracy of Species Robin Wall Kimmerer guides us towards a more reciprocal, grateful and joyful relationship with our animate earth, from the wild leeks in the field to the deer in the woods.Over the past 75 years, a new canon has emerged. As life on Earth has become irrevocably altered by humans, visionary thinkers around the world have raised their voices to defend the planet, and affirm our place at the heart of its restoration. Their words have endured through the decades, becoming the classics of a movement. Together, these books show the richness of environmental thought, and point the way to a fairer, saner, greener world.

Podívejte se také The Hand on the Wall (0062338110)

cena 236.0 Kč

Braiding Sweetgrass : Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants - Robin Kimmererová Wall

''A hymn of love to the world ... A journey that is every bit as mythic as it is scientific, as sacred as it is historical, as clever as it is wise'' Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, LoveAs a botanist, Robin Wall Kimmerer has been trained to ask questions of nature with the tools of science. As a member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, she embraces the notion that plants and animals are our oldest teachers. In Braiding Sweetgrass, Kimmerer brings these two ways of knowledge together. Drawing on her life as an indigenous scientist, a mother, and a woman, Kimmerer shows how other living beings - asters and goldenrod, strawberries and squash, salamanders, algae, and sweetgrass - offer us gifts and lessons, even if we''ve forgotten how to hear their voices. In a rich braid of reflections that range from the creation of Turtle Island to the forces that threaten its flourishing today, she circles toward a central argument: that the awakening of a wider ecological consciousness requires the acknowledgment and celebration of our reciprocal relationship with the rest of the living world. For only when we can hear the languages of other beings will we be capable of understanding the generosity of the earth, and learn to give our own gifts in return.

Podívejte se také Writing on the Wall (8595637002906)

cena 294.0 Kč

Gathering Moss - Robin Kimmererová Wall

''Kimmerer blends, with deep attentiveness and musicality, science and personal insights to tell the overlooked story of the planet''s oldest plants'' Guardian''Bewitching ... a masterwork ... a glittering read in its entirety'' Maria Popova, BrainpickingsLiving at the limits of our ordinary perception, mosses are a common but largely unnoticed element of the natural world. Gathering Moss is a beautifully written mix of science and personal reflection that invites readers to explore and learn from the elegantly simple lives of mosses. In these interwoven essays, Robin Wall Kimmerer leads general readers and scientists alike to an understanding of how mosses live and how their lives are intertwined with the lives of countless other beings. Kimmerer explains the biology of mosses clearly and artfully, while at the same time reflecting on what these fascinating organisms have to teach us. Drawing on her experiences as a scientist, a mother, and a Native American, Kimmerer explains the stories of mosses in scientific terms as well as within the framework of indigenous ways of knowing. In her book, the natural history and cultural relationships of mosses become a powerful metaphor for ways of living in the world.

Podívejte se také Brainstorm: Wall Of Skulls - CD (0884860382922)

cena 325.0 Kč

Naslouchání mechu - Robin Kimmererová Wall

Robin Wall Kimmererová vypráví příběhy mechů z pohledu vědy i tradiční moudrosti domorodých národů. Mezinárodně uznávaná autorka poutavě spojuje vědecké poznatky s osobními postřehy a dává možnost nahlédnout do elegantně jednoduchého života mechorostů, od nichž se můžeme mnohé naučit. Ve vzájemně provázaných esejích srozumitelně vysvětluje biologii mechů a přemítá nad tím, co všechno nám tyto fascinující organismy mohou předat. Čerpá přitom ze svých rozmanitých zkušeností vědkyně, matky, učitelky i spisovatelky s indiánskými kořeny. V meších autorka objevila vstupní bránu k důvěrnému sepětí s krajinou - jakousi tajnou znalost lesa, která je metaforou toho, jak lze žít ve světě. Putujte s ní a stejně jako ona se kolem sebe dívejte přes mechové brýle. "Díky sledování mechů poznáme les důvěrněji a do větší hloubky."

Objev podobné jako Naslouchání mechu - Robin Kimmererová Wall

cena 231.0 Kč

Naslouchání mechu - Robin Kimmererová Wall - e-kniha

eBook: Robin Wall Kimmererová vypráví příběhy mechů z pohledu vědy i tradiční moudrosti domorodých národů. Mezinárodně uznávaná autorka poutavě spojuje vědecké poznatky s osobními postřehy a dává možnost nahlédnout do elegantně jednoduchého života mechorostů, od nichž se můžeme mnohé naučit. Ve vzájemně provázaných esejích srozumitelně vysvětluje biologii mechů a přemítá nad tím, co všechno nám tyto fascinující organismy mohou předat. Čerpá přitom ze svých rozmanitých zkušeností vědkyně, matky, učitelky i spisovatelky s indiánskými kořeny. V meších autorka objevila vstupní bránu k důvěrnému sepětí s krajinou – jakousi tajnou znalost lesa, která je metaforou toho, jak lze žít ve světě. Putujte s ní a stejně jako ona se kolem sebe dívejte přes mechové brýle.

Objev podobné jako Naslouchání mechu - Robin Kimmererová Wall - e-kniha

cena 295.0 Kč

Robin Wall Kimmererová Naslouchání mechu Provedení: E-kniha

Robin Wall Kimmererová vypráví příběhy mechů z pohledu vědy i tradiční moudrosti domorodých národů. Mezinárodně uznávaná autorka poutavě spojuje vědecké poznatky s osobními postřehy a dává možnost nahlédnout do elegantně jednoduchého života mechorostů, od nichž se můžeme mnohé naučit. Ve vzájemně provázaných esejích srozumitelně vysvětluje biologii mechů a přemítá nad tím, co všechno nám tyto fascinující organismy mohou předat. Čerpá přitom ze svých rozmanitých zkušeností vědkyně, matky, učitelky i spisovatelky s indiánskými kořeny. V meších autorka objevila vstupní bránu k důvěrnému sepětí s krajinou – jakousi tajnou znalost lesa, která je metaforou toho, jak lze žít ve světě. Putujte s ní a stejně jako ona se kolem sebe dívejte přes mechové brýle. „Napsat celou knihu o meších si žádá určitou odvahu a zapálení pro věc […] Kimmererová se ve svém debutu Naslouchání mechu zhostila úkolu obdivuhodným způsobem a čtenářům zpřístupnila svět plný překvapení. To, co se o meších dovídáme, jednoduše bere dech.“ – environmentální časopis Orion „Poutavé osobní i vědecké líčení oblasti rostlinné říše, kterou až příliš často přecházím bez povšimnutí […] zapáleně klade důraz na něco, čemu se nejčastěji dostává zaslouženého obdivu pod mikroskopem.“ – Jamaica Kincaidová, The New York Times Book Review Autorka Robin Wall Kimmererová (1953) je matka, vědkyně, univerzitní profesorka a oficiální příslušnice státem uznávaného indiánského kmene Citizen Potawatomi Nation. Je autorkou knihy Braiding Sweetgrass (Copánky z trávy), která jí přinesla celosvětové uznání. Její knižní debut Naslouchání mechu získal ocenění John Burroughs Medal za vynikající literární počin o přírodě, její další texty vyšly v řadě odborných a environmentálních časopisů. Honosí se titulem čestné profesorky na Fakultě environmentální a lesní biologie Newyorské státní univerzity a založila a dodnes řídí Centrum původních národů a životního prostředí. Coby spisovatelka a vědkyně se neomezuje jen na obnovu ekosystémů, ale usiluje i o obnovu vztahu člověka s krajinou. Má bakalářský titul z botaniky na Newyorské státní univerzitě, magisterský i doktorský titul z téhož oboru na Wisconsinské univerzitě a publikovala množství vědeckých článků o rostlinné ekologii, ekologii mechů, moudrosti původních národů a restorativní ekologii. Žije na starém statku na severu státu New York a pečuje o upravené i divoké zahrady.

Objev podobné jako Robin Wall Kimmererová Naslouchání mechu Provedení: E-kniha

cena 181.0 Kč

Robin Wall Kimmererová Naslouchání mechu Provedení: Tištěná kniha

Robin Wall Kimmererová vypráví příběhy mechů z pohledu vědy i tradiční moudrosti domorodých národů. Mezinárodně uznávaná autorka poutavě spojuje vědecké poznatky s osobními postřehy a dává možnost nahlédnout do elegantně jednoduchého života mechorostů, od nichž se můžeme mnohé naučit. Ve vzájemně provázaných esejích srozumitelně vysvětluje biologii mechů a přemítá nad tím, co všechno nám tyto fascinující organismy mohou předat. Čerpá přitom ze svých rozmanitých zkušeností vědkyně, matky, učitelky i spisovatelky s indiánskými kořeny. V meších autorka objevila vstupní bránu k důvěrnému sepětí s krajinou – jakousi tajnou znalost lesa, která je metaforou toho, jak lze žít ve světě. Putujte s ní a stejně jako ona se kolem sebe dívejte přes mechové brýle. „Napsat celou knihu o meších si žádá určitou odvahu a zapálení pro věc […] Kimmererová se ve svém debutu Naslouchání mechu zhostila úkolu obdivuhodným způsobem a čtenářům zpřístupnila svět plný překvapení. To, co se o meších dovídáme, jednoduše bere dech.“ – environmentální časopis Orion „Poutavé osobní i vědecké líčení oblasti rostlinné říše, kterou až příliš často přecházím bez povšimnutí […] zapáleně klade důraz na něco, čemu se nejčastěji dostává zaslouženého obdivu pod mikroskopem.“ – Jamaica Kincaidová, The New York Times Book Review Autorka Robin Wall Kimmererová (1953) je matka, vědkyně, univerzitní profesorka a oficiální příslušnice státem uznávaného indiánského kmene Citizen Potawatomi Nation. Je autorkou knihy Braiding Sweetgrass (Copánky z trávy), která jí přinesla celosvětové uznání. Její knižní debut Naslouchání mechu získal ocenění John Burroughs Medal za vynikající literární počin o přírodě, její další texty vyšly v řadě odborných a environmentálních časopisů. Honosí se titulem čestné profesorky na Fakultě environmentální a lesní biologie Newyorské státní univerzity a založila a dodnes řídí Centrum původních národů a životního prostředí. Coby spisovatelka a vědkyně se neomezuje jen na obnovu ekosystémů, ale usiluje i o obnovu vztahu člověka s krajinou. Má bakalářský titul z botaniky na Newyorské státní univerzitě, magisterský i doktorský titul z téhož oboru na Wisconsinské univerzitě a publikovala množství vědeckých článků o rostlinné ekologii, ekologii mechů, moudrosti původních národů a restorativní ekologii. Žije na starém statku na severu státu New York a pečuje o upravené i divoké zahrady.

Objev podobné jako Robin Wall Kimmererová Naslouchání mechu Provedení: Tištěná kniha

cena 206.0 Kč

On the Origin of Species

When Darwin set sail at the end of 1831, it was only with a vague notion that all life forms, both present and extinct, were more strongly related than the Christian version of the world's creation purported them to be. During his five-year voyage of research and discovery on board HMS Beagle, and later from his home in Kent, he painstakingly collected a mass of evidence from across the planet - from Paraguay and the Galapagos Islands to Staffordshire and Scotland - building a compelling case for a theory that would change the world we live in - and the way we look at it - for ever.The foundation of evolutionary biology and natural selection - which prompted as huge a revolution in the fields of science and religion as Copernicus's heliocentric model of the universe and Newton's law of gravity, Darwin's On the Origin of Species is perhaps the most important book of scientific observation ever written.

Objev podobné jako On the Origin of Species

cena 169.0 Kč

The Origin of Species - Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin's classic that exploded into public controversy, revolutionized the course of science, and continues to transform our views of the world. Few other books have created such a lasting storm of controversy as The Origin of Species. Darwin's theory that species derive from other species by a gradual evolutionary process and that the average level of each species is heightened by the "survival of the fittest" stirred up popular debate to fever pitch. Its acceptance revolutionized the course of science. As Sir Julian Huxley, the noted biologist, points out in his illuminating introduction, the importance of Darwin's contribution to modern scientific knowledge is almost impossible to evaluate: "a truly great book, one which can still be read with profit by professional biologist." Includes an Introduction by Sir Julian Huxley

Objev podobné jako The Origin of Species - Charles Darwin

cena 89.0 Kč

On the Origin of Species (Defekt)

When Darwin set sail at the end of 1831, it was only with a vague notion that all life forms, both present and extinct, were more strongly related than the Christian version of the world's creation purported them to be. During his five-year voyage of research and discovery on board HMS Beagle, and later from his home in Kent, he painstakingly collected a mass of evidence from across the planet - from Paraguay and the Galapagos Islands to Staffordshire and Scotland - building a compelling case for a theory that would change the world we live in - and the way we look at it - for ever.The foundation of evolutionary biology and natural selection - which prompted as huge a revolution in the fields of science and religion as Copernicus's heliocentric model of the universe and Newton's law of gravity, Darwin's On the Origin of Species is perhaps the most important book of scientific observation ever written.

Objev podobné jako On the Origin of Species (Defekt)

cena 49.0 Kč

The Origin of Species - Charles Darwin

With an Introduction by Jeff Wallace. 'A grain in the balance will determine which individual shall live and which shall die...'. Darwin's theory of natural selection issued a profound challenge to orthodox thought and belief: no being or species has been specifically created; all are locked into a pitiless struggle for existence, with extinction looming for those not fitted for the task.Yet The Origin of Species (1859) is also a humane and inspirational vision of ecological interrelatedness, revealing the complex mutual interdependencies between animal and plant life, climate and physical environment, and - by implication - within the human world. Written for the general reader, in a style which combines the rigour of science with the subtlety of literature, The Origin of Species remains one of the founding documents of the modern age.

Objev podobné jako The Origin of Species - Charles Darwin

cena 178.0 Kč

On the Origin of Species - Charles Darwin

On the Origin of Species outlines Charles Darwin's world-changing theory that life on Earth had not been brought into being by a creator, but had arisen from a single common ancestor and had evolved over time through the process of natural selection. Received with both enthusiasm and hostility on its publication, it triggered a seismic shift in our understanding of humanity's place in the natural world. It is not only a brilliant work of science but also a clear, vivid, sometimes moving piece of popular writing that reflects both Darwin's genius and his boundless enthusiasm for our planet and its species.This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition of On the Origin of Species is complete and unabridged, and features an afterword by Oliver Francis.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.

Objev podobné jako On the Origin of Species - Charles Darwin

cena 329.0 Kč

On the Origin of Species - Charles Darwin

''can we doubt ... that individuals having any advantage, however slight, over others, would have the best chance of surviving and of procreating their kind?''In the Origin of Species (1859) Darwin challenged many of the most deeply held beliefs of the Western world. His insistence on the immense length of the past and on the abundance of life-forms, present and extinct, dislodged man from his central position in creation and called into question the role of the Creator. He showed that new species are achieved by natural selection, and that absence of plan is an inherent part of the evolutionary process.Darwin''s prodigious reading, experimentation, and observations on his travels fed into his great work, which draws on material from the Galapagos Islands to rural Staffordshire, from English back gardens to colonial encounters. The present edition provides a detailed and accessible discussion of his theories and adds an account of the immediate responses to the book on publication. The resistances as well as the enthusiasms of the first readers cast light on recent controversies, particularly concerning questions of design and descent. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World''s Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford''s commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.

Objev podobné jako On the Origin of Species - Charles Darwin

cena 297.0 Kč

The Story of Scandinavia: From the Vikings to Social Democracy (Defekt) - Stein Ringen

In The Story of Scandinavia, political scholar Stein Ringen chronicles more than 1,200 years of drama, economic rise and fall, crises, kings and queens, war, peace, language and culture.Scandinavian history has been one of dramatic discontinuities of collapse and restarts, from the Viking Age to the Age of Perpetual War to the modern age today. For a thousand years, the Scandinavian countries were kingdoms of repression where monarchs played at the game of being European powers, at the expense of their own populations.The brand we now know as "Scandinavia" is a recent invention.During most of its history, Denmark and Sweden, and to some degree Norway, were bloody enemies. These sentiments of enmity have not been fully settled. Under the surface of collaboration remain undercurrents of hatred, envy, contempt and pity.What does it mean today to be Scandinavian? For the author, whose identity is Scandinavian but his life European, this masterly history is a personal exploration as well as a narrative of compelling scope.

Objev podobné jako The Story of Scandinavia: From the Vikings to Social Democracy (Defekt) - Stein Ringen

cena 219.0 Kč

The Unnatural Selection of Our Species - Torill Kornfeldt - e-kniha

eBook: In 2018, the first genetically modified children were born.Now we have the tools to reshape the future of our species.With a pair of genetic scissors known as CRISPR, we can select the traits of our children, avoid ageing, or cure disease. With that ability comes new risks, forcing us to face hard ethical questions.Torill Kornfeldt has travelled the world to meet the people driving this research forward. She has visited fertility clinics in South Korea, oncologists in China who are experimenting on sick patients, and biohackers in the US who want to make the new technology available to everyone. In The Unnatural Selection of Our Species, she How can we handle these new tools that could change our genetic material?

Objev podobné jako The Unnatural Selection of Our Species - Torill Kornfeldt - e-kniha

cena 265.0 Kč

At The Top of the World - Robin Jacobs

The summit is what drives us, but the climb itself is what matters. This is a gorgeous atlas of eight of the world’s greatest mountains on all its continents: Everest, Fuji, Matterhorn, Kilimanjaro, Denali, Pucak Jaya, Chimborazo and Vinson Massif. Clear, accessible texts by Robin Jacobs break down the geography of each mountain, its flora and fauna, the history of its conquest, tales of local populations and indigenous mythologies, and finally, how best to climb it.The routes to the summit are explained as are the individual climbing challenges posed by each mountain. Further chapters provide information on how mountains are formed, climbing terms, how to tie knots and what to do in case of an avalanche. A must have for any young explorer or climbing enthusiast!

Objev podobné jako At The Top of the World - Robin Jacobs

cena 491.0 Kč

The Wolf of Wall Street (0553384775)

Kniha - autor Jordan Belfort, 520 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Belfort--who founded one of the first and largest brokerage firms in 1987, was banned from the securities business for life by 1994, and later went to jail for fraud and money-laundering--delivers a memoir that reads like fiction.

Objev podobné jako The Wolf of Wall Street (0553384775)

cena 433.0 Kč

Last Of the Giants - Mick Wall

INCLUDES BRAND NEW CHAPTER COVERING GUNS N' ROSES EPIC WORLD TOURMany millions of words have already been written about Guns N' Roses, the old line-up, the new line-up. But none of them have ever really gotten to the truth. Which is this: Guns N' Roses has always been a band out of time, the Last of the Giants. They are what every rock band since the Rolling Stones has tried and nearly always failed to be: dangerous. At a time when smiling, MTV-friendly, safe-sex, just-say-no Bon Jovi was the biggest band in the world, here was a band that seemed to have leapt straight out of the coke-smothered pages of the original, golden-age, late-sixties rock scene.'Live like a suicide', the band used to say when they all lived together in the Hell House, their notorious LA home. And this is where Mick Wall first met them, and became part of their inner circle, before famously being denounced by name by Axl Rose in the song 'Get in the Ring'.But this book isn't about settling old scores. Written with the clear head that 25 years later brings you, this is a celebration of Guns N' Roses the band, and of Axl Rose the frontman who really is that thing we so desperately want him to be: the last of the truly extraordinary, all-time great, no apologies, no explanations, no giving-a-shit rock stars. The last of his kind.

Objev podobné jako Last Of the Giants - Mick Wall

cena 179.0 Kč

The Ministry of Unladylike Activity - Robin Stevensová

The start of a thrilling new World War Two mystery series from the number-one-bestselling and multi-award-winning author of Murder Most Unladylike.''Robin Stevens is Agatha Christie for children'' - Katherine Rundell on the Murder Most Unladylike series''Superb'' - Observer''Absolutely thrilling'' - Louie Stowell1940. The world is at war, and a secret arm of the British government called the Ministry of Unladylike Activity is training up spies.Enter May Wong: courageous, stubborn, and desperate to help end the war so that she can go home to Hong Kong (and leave her annoying school, Deepdean, behind forever). May knows that she would make the perfect spy. After all, grown-ups always underestimate children like her.When May and her friend Eric are turned away by the Ministry, they take matters into their own hands. Masquerading as evacuees, they travel to Elysium Hall, home to the wealthy Verey family - including snobby, dramatic Nuala. They suspect that one of the Vereys is passing information to Germany. If they can prove it, the Ministry will have to take them on.But there are more secrets at Elysium Hall than May or Eric could ever have imagined.And then, someone is murdered . . .Join May, Eric and Nuala in the first unputdownable book in a fast-paced, mysterious and adventurous new series from million-copy-bestseller, Robin Stevens.

Objev podobné jako The Ministry of Unladylike Activity - Robin Stevensová

cena 236.0 Kč

Paraván Mix of Species Dekorhome 225x172 cm (5-dílný)

Dekorativní paraván je jedinečnou ozdobou pro moderní interiéry.Paraván je oboustranně potištěný.Díky perfektnímu zpracování a originálním motivem tištěným v kvalitě Full HD dodává paraván jedinečné kouzlo každému interiéru.Dekorativních paraván do bytu je originální nápad na výzdobu interiéru. Za zmínku stojí jejich praktické využití - pokojový paraván lze využít např. za účelem uschování sušáku. Je to velmi originální ozdoba místností, které může využít nejen doma ale i v obchodních prostorách jako např.: v kadeřnictví, v ordinaci. Paraván se ideálně hodí do: pokoje jako dekorační nábytek oddělující velkou obývací místnost od jídelny či kuchyně garsonky pro oddělení denní části od ložnice ložnice např. na oddělení otevřeného šatníku butiků a kosmetických salónů - jako originální doplněk a šatna v jednom společných dětských pokojů jako diskrétní rozdělení prostoru velkých bytů a loftů Rozměr 3-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 135 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cmRozměr 5-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 225 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cm Technické údaje:

Objev podobné jako Paraván Mix of Species Dekorhome 225x172 cm (5-dílný)

cena 5480.0 Kč

Paraván Mix of Species Dekorhome 135x172 cm (3-dílný)

Dekorativní paraván je jedinečnou ozdobou pro moderní interiéry.Paraván je oboustranně potištěný.Díky perfektnímu zpracování a originálním motivem tištěným v kvalitě Full HD dodává paraván jedinečné kouzlo každému interiéru.Dekorativních paraván do bytu je originální nápad na výzdobu interiéru. Za zmínku stojí jejich praktické využití - pokojový paraván lze využít např. za účelem uschování sušáku. Je to velmi originální ozdoba místností, které může využít nejen doma ale i v obchodních prostorách jako např.: v kadeřnictví, v ordinaci. Paraván se ideálně hodí do: pokoje jako dekorační nábytek oddělující velkou obývací místnost od jídelny či kuchyně garsonky pro oddělení denní části od ložnice ložnice např. na oddělení otevřeného šatníku butiků a kosmetických salónů - jako originální doplněk a šatna v jednom společných dětských pokojů jako diskrétní rozdělení prostoru velkých bytů a loftů Rozměr 3-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 135 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cmRozměr 5-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 225 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cm Technické údaje:

Objev podobné jako Paraván Mix of Species Dekorhome 135x172 cm (3-dílný)

cena 3790.0 Kč

Paraván Mix of Species Dekorhome 135x172 cm (3-dílný)

Dekorativní paraván je jedinečnou ozdobou pro moderní interiéry.Paraván je oboustranně potištěný.Díky perfektnímu zpracování a originálním motivem tištěným v kvalitě Full HD dodává paraván jedinečné kouzlo každému interiéru.Dekorativních paraván do bytu je originální nápad na výzdobu interiéru. Za zmínku stojí jejich praktické využití - pokojový paraván lze využít např. za účelem uschování sušáku. Je to velmi originální ozdoba místností, které může využít nejen doma ale i v obchodních prostorách jako např.: v kadeřnictví, v ordinaci. Paraván se ideálně hodí do: pokoje jako dekorační nábytek oddělující velkou obývací místnost od jídelny či kuchyně garsonky pro oddělení denní části od ložnice ložnice např. na oddělení otevřeného šatníku butiků a kosmetických salónů - jako originální doplněk a šatna v jednom společných dětských pokojů jako diskrétní rozdělení prostoru velkých bytů a loftů Rozměr 3-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 135 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cmRozměr 5-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 225 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cm Technické údaje:

Objev podobné jako Paraván Mix of Species Dekorhome 135x172 cm (3-dílný)

cena 3790.0 Kč

Paraván Mix of Species Dekorhome 225x172 cm (5-dílný)

Dekorativní paraván je jedinečnou ozdobou pro moderní interiéry.Paraván je oboustranně potištěný.Díky perfektnímu zpracování a originálním motivem tištěným v kvalitě Full HD dodává paraván jedinečné kouzlo každému interiéru.Dekorativních paraván do bytu je originální nápad na výzdobu interiéru. Za zmínku stojí jejich praktické využití - pokojový paraván lze využít např. za účelem uschování sušáku. Je to velmi originální ozdoba místností, které může využít nejen doma ale i v obchodních prostorách jako např.: v kadeřnictví, v ordinaci. Paraván se ideálně hodí do: pokoje jako dekorační nábytek oddělující velkou obývací místnost od jídelny či kuchyně garsonky pro oddělení denní části od ložnice ložnice např. na oddělení otevřeného šatníku butiků a kosmetických salónů - jako originální doplněk a šatna v jednom společných dětských pokojů jako diskrétní rozdělení prostoru velkých bytů a loftů Rozměr 3-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 135 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cmRozměr 5-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 225 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cm Technické údaje:

Objev podobné jako Paraván Mix of Species Dekorhome 225x172 cm (5-dílný)

cena 5480.0 Kč

The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood - Howard Pyle

The legendary adventure of a medieval outlaw is now available in an unabridged paperback edition for today’s young readers. He stole from the rich and gave to the poor, and in so doing became a lasting symbol of virtue. The thrilling adventures of Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men will keep young readers turning the pages. Who can resist the arrows flying, danger lurking, and medieval intrigue? This unabridged edition of Howard Pyle’s celebrated text, based on an English folktale, is perfect for young readers’ libraries.

Objev podobné jako The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood - Howard Pyle

cena 207.0 Kč

An Atlas of Endangered Species - Megan McCubbin

The diversity of life on earth is astounding, with each species perfectly adapted to its environment. Sharks can navigate the ocean using electromagnetic fields; sloths use algae as camouflage; albatross can fly for hours without beating their wings; and orca pods each have unique cultures and languages. But every hour, three species disappear.Our incredible world is at risk. Megan McCubbin reveals the stories of the scientists, rangers and conservationists who are fighting to save these extraordinary creatures from extinction. An Atlas of Endangered Species shows us that the battle is on for their survival - and we all have a part to play.

Objev podobné jako An Atlas of Endangered Species - Megan McCubbin

cena 536.0 Kč

The Tale of a Wall - Nasser Abu Srour

A Palestinian prisoner’s memoir of thirty years’ captivity, and a love letter to the wall that encircles and comforts him This is the story of a wall that somehow chose me as the witness of what it said and didNasser Abu Srour grew up in a refugee camp in the West Bank, on the outskirts of Bethlehem. As a child, he played in its shadow and explored the little world within the camp. As he grew older, he began questioning the boundaries that limited his existence.Later, sentenced to life in prison, with no hope of parole, he found himself surrounded by a physical wall. This is the story of how, over thirty years in captivity, he crafted a new definition of freedom. Turning to writings by philosophers as varied as Derrida, Kirkegaard and Freud, he begins to let go of freedom as a question that demanded an answer, in order to preserve it as a dream.The wall becomes his stable point of reference, his anchor, both physically and psychologically. As each year brings with it new waves of releases of prisoners, he dares to hope, and seeks refuge in the wall when these hopes are dashed. And, in a small miracle, he finds love with a lawyer from the outside – while in her absence, the wall is his solace and his curse.A testimony of how the most difficult of circumstances can build a person up instead of tearing them down, The Tale of a Wall is an extraordinary record of the vast confinement and power of the mind.

Objev podobné jako The Tale of a Wall - Nasser Abu Srour

cena 599.0 Kč

The Ministry of Unladylike Activity 2: The Body in the Blitz - Robin Stevensová

The second thrilling and unputdownable mystery starring a new generation of the Detective Society, from the million-copy-bestselling author of Murder Most Unladylike: Robin Stevens.March 1941. Britain is at war, and a secret agency called the Ministry of Unladylike Activity is training up children as spies - because grown-ups always underestimate them. Enter May, Eric and Nuala: courageous, smart, and the Ministry''s newest recruits.May''s big sister Hazel has arranged for them to stay on a quiet street close to the Ministry, home to an unlikely collection of people thrown together by the war. And it is in the basement of the bombed-out house at the end of that street that they discover something mysterious. Something that was not there when the Blitz wreckage was first combed through. Something that has been placed there recently. A body...Could this be the missing Ministry spy that Daisy Wells is on a dangerous mission in France to find? Or could it be someone else - someone a resident of the street wanted silenced . . . ?

Objev podobné jako The Ministry of Unladylike Activity 2: The Body in the Blitz - Robin Stevensová

cena 236.0 Kč

Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood (PC) DIGITAL (195997)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: akční a strategie, 95% Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood je parádní klon titulu Commandos, kterému chybí jen více módů a delší herní doba. Vydejte se do středověké Anglie a vžijte se do kůže slavného Robina Hooda. Užijte si na 40 různých úkolových misí, přičemž každá je z úplně jiného soudku. Různorodá prostředí Celá hra vás provede spoustou různých prostředí - od slavného lesa Sherwood až po detailně propracované anglické hrady. ...

Objev podobné jako Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood (PC) DIGITAL (195997)

cena 159.0 Kč

The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood - Howard Pyle - e-kniha

eBook: What would you do if you accidentally killed someone at the age of 18 and had to become an outlaw? In the classic \'The Merry Adventures of Robinhood\' by Howard Pyle, young Robin finds himself in this exact predicament and forms a group of other outlaws as they trek through the medieval English forest fighting their way out of trouble and conflicts with the law. Join Robin and his hood along in their great adventures as they discover what it means to be an outlaw, and how they can fight for the poor and their world\'s many injustices.

Objev podobné jako The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood - Howard Pyle - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Tyranny of the Minority: How to Reverse an Authoritarian Turn, and Forge a Democracy for All - Steven Levitsky, Daniel Ziblatt

How has democracy become so threatened – and what can we do to save it?With the clarity and brilliance that made their first book, How Democracies Die, a global bestseller, leading Harvard professors Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt offer a coherent new framework for understanding the dangerous times we live in. They draw on a wealth of examples – from the Capitol riots to Edwardian Britain, from 1930s France to present-day Thailand – to explore right-wing efforts to undermine the very foundations of the American political system, and to explain why and how political parties turn against democracy. With its attention on factors from election losses to demographic change and voting rights, its urgent call for a reform of our politics to balance the need for majority rule with the need for minority protections, and a citizens’ movement to put enough pressure on lawmakers to act before it’s too late, Tyranny of the Minority is a must-read for everyone keen to see more vibrant democracy – and to understand where future threats may come from.

Objev podobné jako Tyranny of the Minority: How to Reverse an Authoritarian Turn, and Forge a Democracy for All - Steven Levitsky, Daniel Ziblatt

cena 312.0 Kč

A crisis of Democracy and Representation - Jan Bíba, Milan Znoj

Demokratické společnosti (ať nové či etablované) v současnosti procházejí hlubokou krizí. Je téměř nemožné přehlédnout její symptomy od poklesu volební účasti, vzestupu pravicového populismu a plebiscitarismu, občanské nespokojenosti až po úpadek tradičního stranictví. Původ této krize bývá často spatřován v krizi či rozpadu tradičních reprezentativních institucí. Zatímco někteří z tohoto vývoje usuzují na zánik reprezentativní demokracie a oslavují příchod demokracie post-reprezentativní, významná část současné demokratické teorie se naopak (zdánlivě paradoxně) obrací k reprezentaci jako nástroji demokratizace demokracie. Tento pohyb se může zdát překvapivý nejenom pro faktickou krizi reprezentativních institucí, ale i proto, že řada proudů současné demokratické teorie (participační, deliberativní a radikální teorie demokracie) se formovala jako kritika inherentně nedemokratické a elitářské či oligarchické povahy reprezentativní demokracie a jako snaha o její překonání. Příspěvky shromážděné v tomto svazku se snaží zachytit tento intelektuální pohyb a nabídnout nové promyšlení vztahu demokracie a reprezentace jako nástroje jak pro porozumění krize demokracie, tak pro její léčbu.

Objev podobné jako A crisis of Democracy and Representation - Jan Bíba, Milan Znoj

cena 107.0 Kč

Izrael mezi třemi kontinenty / Israel on the Crossroads of Three Continents - Robin Böhnisch

Kniha vede čtenáře Izraelem po jiných cestách, než průvodci - ať už tištění, nebo ti živí. Publikace sama konečně nemá ambici být bedekrem, je ale lákavou pozvánkou tam, kde si podávají ruku biblické dějiny s moderním světem. Do vskutku fascinující země na křižovatce tří kontinentů.

Objev podobné jako Izrael mezi třemi kontinenty / Israel on the Crossroads of Three Continents - Robin Böhnisch

cena 393.0 Kč

Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy (0553418831)

Kniha - anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Data Scientist Cathy O'Neil exposes the black box models that score teachers and students, sort resumes, grant loans and more. These systems reinforce discrimination by propping up the lucky and punishing the downtrodden. WEAPONS OF MATH DESTRUCTION empowers us to ask the tough questions, uncover the truth about the dark side of Big Data and demand change.

Objev podobné jako Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy (0553418831)

cena 312.0 Kč

Young ELI Readers 2/A1: The Legend Of Robin Hood + Downloadable Multimedia - Jane Cadwallader

The Legend of Robin Hood + downloadable mp3About the series:The series Young ELI Readers is divided into four levels according to the language level of the readers. It's in line with the indications of the Common European Framework of Reference for Language and comprise useful language certification exercises. This ensures that learners will meet language and structures they have already studied or which are commensurate with their level, making reading an achievable, enjoyable and stimulating experience.Stages:Stage 1 (100 headwords) Below A1 StartersStage 2 (200 headwords) A1 Starters/MoversStage 3 (300 headwords) A1.1 MoversStage 4 (400 headwords) A2 FlyersAbout The Legend of Robin Hood + mp3:Stage 2: A1This adventure story tells the beginnings of the legend of Robin Hood, a legend that has fascinated generations of children. It starts when Robin Hood comes home to England after fighting for King Richard the Lionheart. He finds that his house has been taken over by the bad Prince John and his servant the Sheriff of Nottingham. Robin goes into Sherwood Forest where, along with Maid Marion, he forms a band to fight back against the bad Prince and the Sheriff and to defend the poor.The book contains five pages of exercises for revision at the end. An illustrated dictionary, placed on the inside of the cover, keeps the vocabulary the student needs within sight at all times. Reading, speaking, writing and listening skills are fully practised and developed through exercises specifically designed for each skill. The text, either whole or partial, is narrated by native speakers. The illustrations have been carried out by the most interesting of illustrators, with the conviction that visual ‘comments’ in the text aid the comprehension of a foreign language text. The Young ELI Readers compel the reader to fall in love with both the stories and illustrations. It's elegant book made up of fine details which surprise the reader: from the type of paper to the font chosen. This particularly clear and captivating design was created to guide the readers in the comprehension of the text and the execution of the activities.Syllabus:Vocabulary areas:phsycial descriptions, food and meals, everyday activities, action verbsGrammar and structuresPresent simple, Present continuous, Adverbs, Comparative and superlative adjectives, Verb + Infinitive, Can / Can’t for ability, Prepositions of place, Relative clausesIn this Reader you will find:- Games and language activities- Downoadable audio mp3 and free app ELI Link for instant access to the audio material- A picture dictionary

Objev podobné jako Young ELI Readers 2/A1: The Legend Of Robin Hood + Downloadable Multimedia - Jane Cadwallader

cena 230.0 Kč

The Wall (0571298729)

Kniha - 276 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Wall (0571298729)

cena 363.0 Kč

Ship of Magic - Robin Hobb

From the author of the classic Farseer trilogy, SHIP OF MAGIC is the first part of the Liveship Traders. Set in a land bordering the Six Duchies, Robin Hobb begins her epic tale of pirates, talking ships, magic, sea serpents, slave revolts, dashing heroes and bloody battles.Wizardwood, the most precious commodity in the world, comes only from the Rain Wilds. But only a liveship can negotiate the perilous waters of the Rain Wild River, and liveships are hard to come by. They quicken only when three family members from successive generations have died upon their deck.The liveship Vivacia is about to undergo her quickening: Althea Vestrit waits for the ship that she loves more than anything in the world to awaken. But her dream of taking her father's place at Vivacia's helm is not to be, for her family have other plans. . .And the dark, charming pirate Kennit also lusts after such a ship: he well knows the power of wizardwood and has plans of his own . . .

Objev podobné jako Ship of Magic - Robin Hobb

cena 268.0 Kč

City of Dragons - Robin Hobb

Return to the world of the Liveship Traders and journey along the Rain Wild River in the third instalment of high adventure from the author of the internationally acclaimed Farseer trilogy.The secret is out...The Tarman expedition has at last found Kelsingra, a city filled with ancient treasures. Rumours of the city have floated down the Rain Wild River. Adventurers, pirates and fortune hunters will soon be coming to pillage what they can. Among them, Hest Finbok, determined to claim back his errant wife, Alise.Meanwhile, Selden Vestrit finds himself a prisoner of the ailing Duke of Chalced, who believes the 'dragon man's' flesh and blood may cure him.Where is Tintaglia, greatest of dragons, when there is need of her? She holds the memories that will unlock the mysteries of Kelsingra, and the power to defend it, and dragonkind. Without her, all may be lost.

Objev podobné jako City of Dragons - Robin Hobb

cena 295.0 Kč

Ship of Destiny - Robin Hobb

The triumphant conclusion to the magnificent Liveship Traders series.The dragon, Tintaglia, released from her wizardwood coffin, flies high over the Rain Wild River. Below her, Reyn and Selden have been left to drown, while Malta and the Satrap attempt to navigate the acid flow of the river in a decomposing boat.Althea and Brashen are sailing the liveship Paragon into pirate waters in a last-ditch attempt to rescue the Vestrit family liveship, Vivacia, who was stolen by the pirate king, Kennit; but there is mutiny brewing amongst their ragtag crew, and in the mind of the mad ship itself.And all the while the waters around the Vivacia are seething with giant serpents, following the liveship as she sails to her destiny . . .

Objev podobné jako Ship of Destiny - Robin Hobb

cena 325.0 Kč

Blood of Dragons - Robin Hobb

The final instalment of Robin Hobb's Sunday Times bestselling series The Rain Wild Chronicles.Dragons will fly over Kelsingra once more...Attacked by hunters, Tintaglia is dying of her wounds. If she perishes, her ancestral memories will die with her and the dragons in the ancient city of Kelsingra will lose the secret knowledge they need to survive.The dragon keepers immerse themselves in the dangerously addictive memory-stone records of the city in the hope of recovering the lost Elderling magic that once allowed humans and dragons to co-exist.But war is coming: war between dragons and those who would destroy them...

Objev podobné jako Blood of Dragons - Robin Hobb

cena 325.0 Kč

The Hand on the Wall (0062338110)

Kniha - 384 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá

Objev podobné jako The Hand on the Wall (0062338110)

cena 399.0 Kč

The Wall - Ant Middleton

The No.1 bestselling author reveals life-changing strategies to help you demolish fear, seize control, and reach your full potential The wall. Sooner or later we all hit it. The wall can be anything.It could be your lack of motivation, it could be your fear of leaving your comfort zone, it could be the aimlessness that comes from not having set yourself the right goals, it could be that you spend too much time with people who undermine you. What all these things have in common is that they're holding you back. They're the things that are stopping you from reaching your true potential, from getting the most you can out of your life.In this straight-talking inspirational book, Ant Middleton identifies twenty obstacles that are standing in our way, and offers common-sense, practical solutions to each of them. He shows the reader how they too can break through that wall and start becoming the best version of themselves.

Objev podobné jako The Wall - Ant Middleton

cena 299.0 Kč

The Wall - Marlen Haushofer

When her cousin and wife fail to return from a walk, this story takes a sinister turn to a quest of survival A woman takes a holiday in the Austrian mountains, spending a few days with her cousin and his wife in their hunting lodge. When the couple fails to return from a walk, the woman sets off to look for them. But her journey reaches a sinister and inexplicable dead end. She discovers only a transparent wall behind which there seems to be no life. Trapped alone behind the mysterious wall she begins the arduous work of survival.This is at once a simple account of potatoes and beans, of hoping for a calf, of counting matches, of forgetting the taste of sugar and the use of one''s name, and simultaneously a disturbing dissection of the place of human beings in the natural world.**PERFECT FOR FANS OF THE YELLOW WALLPAPER, STATION ELEVEN AND THE MARTIAN**VINTAGE EARTH is a collection of novels to transform our relationship with the natural world. Each one is a work of creative activism, a blast of fresh air, a seed from which change can grow. The books in this series reconnect us to the planet we inhabit - and must protect. Discover great writing on the most urgent story of our times.

Objev podobné jako The Wall - Marlen Haushofer

cena 295.0 Kč

A Spoonful of Murder - Robin Stevensová

Shortlisted in the Children''s Category in the National Book Awards 2018! It''s the sixth murder mystery for The Detective Society! This time, though, one of them is the suspect... ''Carries the Murder Most Unladylike mysteries into new heights . . . meticulously plotted and consistently delightful, and I can''t recommend it enough'' New Statesman''Superb'' Telegraph-----When Hazel Wong''s beloved grandfather passes away, Daisy Wells is all too happy to accompany her friend (and Detective Society Vice-President) to Hazel''s family estate in beautiful, bustling Hong Kong. But when they arrive they discover something they didn''t expect: there''s a new member of the Wong family. Daisy and Hazel think baby Teddy is enough to deal with, but as always the girls are never far from a mystery.Tragedy strikes very close to home, and this time Hazel isn''t just the detective. She''s been framed for murder. The girls must work together like never before, confronting dangerous gangs, mysterious suspects and sinister private detectives to solve the murder and clear Hazel''s name - before it''s too late . . .

Objev podobné jako A Spoonful of Murder - Robin Stevensová

cena 236.0 Kč

The Hand on the Wall - Maureen Johnsonová

Ellingham Academy must be cursed. Three people are now dead. One, a victim of either a prank gone wrong or a murder. Another, dead by misadventure. And now, an accident in Burlington has claimed another life. All three in the wrong place at the wrong time. All at the exact moment of Stevie’s greatest triumph . . . She knows who Truly Devious is. She’s solved it. The greatest case of the century. At least, she thinks she has. With this latest tragedy, it’s hard to concentrate on the past. Not only has someone died in town, but David disappeared of his own free will and is up to something. Stevie is sure that somehow—somehow—all these things connect. The three deaths in the present. The deaths in the past. The missing Alice Ellingham and the missing David Eastman. Somewhere in this place of riddles and puzzles there must be answers. Then another accident occurs as a massive storm heads toward Vermont. This is too much for the parents and administrators. Ellingham Academy is evacuated. Obviously, it’s time for Stevie to do something stupid. It’s time to stay on the mountain and face the storm—and a murderer. In the tantalizing finale to the Truly Devious trilogy, New York Times bestselling author Maureen Johnson expertly tangles her dual narrative threads and ignites an explosive end for all who’ve walked through Ellingham Academy.

Objev podobné jako The Hand on the Wall - Maureen Johnsonová

cena 289.0 Kč

Brainstorm: Wall Of Skulls - CD (0884860382922)

Hudební CD - Třinácté album power metalové skupiny Brainstorm z roku 2021. Třinácté album power metalové skupiny Brainstorm z roku 2021. Rok vydání : 2021 (13.album) Seznam stop CD Chamber Thirteen / Where Ravens Fly / Solitude / Escape The Silence (feat. Peavy) / Turn Off The Lights (feat. Seeb Levermann) / Glory Disappears / My Dystopia / End Of My Innocence / Stigmatized (Shadows Fall) / Holding On / I, Deceiver

Objev podobné jako Brainstorm: Wall Of Skulls - CD (0884860382922)

cena 459.0 Kč

The Golden Fool - Robin Hobb

The second book in Robin Hobb's thrilling fantasy series returns readers to the Six Duchies and the magical world of the Fitz and the Fool.Fitz has been persuaded back to court, posing as a servant to the decadent Lord Golden (who is the Fool in disguise). In secret, he will train Prince Dutiful in the magic known as the Skill.The peace remains fragile, so the diplomatic wedding between Dutiful and the Outislander princess is a crucial alliance. But when Elliania arrives she challenges the prince to undertake an impossible quest before she will accept him.He must kill Icefyre, one of the last true dragons. And Fitz and the Fool must go with him...

Objev podobné jako The Golden Fool - Robin Hobb

cena 325.0 Kč

The Mad Ship - Robin Hobb

‘Hobb is a remarkable storyteller’ GUARDIANThe second volume in this superb trilogy from the author of The Farseer trilogy continues the dramatic tale of piracy, serpents, love and magic.The Vestrit family’s liveship, Vivacia, has been taken by the pirate king, Kennit. Held captive on board, Wintrow Vestrit finds himself competing with Kennit for Vivacia’s love as the ship slowly acquires her own bloodlust.Leagues away, Althea Vestrit has found a new home aboard the liveship Ophelia, but she lives only to reclaim the Vivacia and with her friend, Brashen, she plans a dangerous rescue.Meanwhile in Bingtown, the fading fortunes of the Vestrit family lead Malta deeper into the magical secrets of the Rain Wild Traders. And just outside Bingtown, Amber dreams of relaunching Paragon, the mad liveship . . .

Objev podobné jako The Mad Ship - Robin Hobb

cena 325.0 Kč

The Beating Heart - Robin Choudhury

In The Beating Heart, Robin Choudhury explores how the heart has been represented over time and across cultures. He investigates the interplay between the heart depictions of successive eras and the prevailing cultural discourse – religious, social, philosophical – of each. In parallel, he considers how the ‘scientific’ understanding of the function of the heart has unfolded over 2,500 years, from the observations of Aristotle, through detailed anatomical descriptions beginning in the Renaissance, to the emergence of experimental physiology in the seventeenth century, culminating in the twentieth in full understanding of the molecular and cellular processes by which the heart beats autonomously.The Beating Heart is a beautifully illustrated journey of discovery across four millennia of human history, in the company of an author whose medical knowledge of the heart is matched by his fascination with the visual arts.

Objev podobné jako The Beating Heart - Robin Choudhury

cena 1034.0 Kč

MS Pink Floyd - The Wall

Zpěvník PINK FLOYD – THE WALL Tato kniha obsahuje skladby z alba The Wall od kapely Pink Floyd. U každého díla je zaznamenán kytarový part v tabulatuře i notách, melodická linka, text a akordové značky. Seznam skladeb: Another Brick Inn The Wall (Parts 1/2/3) Bring The Boys Back Home Comfortably Numb Don't Leave Me Now Empty Spaces / What Shall We Do Now? Goodbye Blue Sky Goodbye Cruel World Hey You In The Flesh Is There Anybody Out There? Mother Nobody Home One Of My Turns Outside The Wall Run Like Hell Stop The Happiest Days Of Our Lives The Show Must Go On The Thin Ice The Trial Vera Waiting For The Worms Young Lust

Objev podobné jako MS Pink Floyd - The Wall

cena 860.0 Kč

Beyond the Wall - Katja Hoyer

Socialist solidarity, secret police, central planning, barbed wire: this was a Germany forged on the fault lines of ideology and geopolitics. In Beyond the Wall, acclaimed historian Katja Hoyer offers a kaleidoscopic new vision of this vanished country. Beginning with the bitter experience of German Marxists exiled by Hitler, she traces the arc of the state they would go on to create, first under the watchful eye of Stalin, and then in an increasingly distinctive German fashion.

Objev podobné jako Beyond the Wall - Katja Hoyer

cena 384.0 Kč

Roger Waters The Wall (DVD)

DVD film Roger Waters The Wall [2014]. České titulky. Dolby Digital. Zážitková road movie, která zachycuje světové koncertní turné zakládajícího člena legendární britské skupiny Pink Floyd v letech 2010 až 2013. Roger Waters The Wall je hudebně-zážitková road movie, která zachycuje světové koncertní turné zakládajícího člena legendární britské skupiny Pink Floyd v letech 2010 až 2013. Záběry, pořízené ve třech městech na dvou kontinentech, putují mezi 150 metrů dlouhým jevištěm a zákulisím, ze kterého vše exkluzivně komentuje sám Waters. Divákům se naskytne pohled na úchvatnou hudební a vizuální show, ve které nechybí pyrotechnika, bohaté projekce a před zraky rostoucí monumentální zeď. Waters při tvorbě ohromující rock'n'rollové show doslova zhmotnil vlastní imaginaci a protiválečné vize – stejně jako původní dvojalbum rockové opery z roku 1979 nese i film silné pacifistické poselství a stopuje Watersovu osobní minulost, kterou tvrdě zatížila otcova a dědečkova smrt ve světových válkách.Bonusy:ČASOSBĚRNÉ VIDEOSedm dní natáčení v řeckých Aténách a osm dní velkolepých příprav v argentinském Buenos Aires na rekordních devět vyprodaných koncertů v řaděNÁVŠTĚVA U FRANKA THOMPSONAKrátký film natočený během tour. Návštěva památníku padlého vojáka, jehož názory zůstávají aktuální a blízké srdci

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cena 139.0 Kč

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