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The Belkin Tales - Alexander Pushkin - e-kniha
eBook: The short story collection \"The Belkin Tales\" consists of five unrelated stories told by various narrators to a landowner who has recently died. Ivan Belkin, the landowner, was a strange and mysterious man, who indulged in the collection of stories. Here, Pushkin has included military figures, rich businessmen and ordinary people, who find themselves in extraordinary situations. The Belkin Prize is also the most prestigious award for short fiction in Russia. The stories included are the autobiographically-themed \"The Shot\", the disastrous \"The Blizzard\", the delusional raving in \"The Undertaker\", the tragic tale of \"The Station Master\", and the deceptive \"The Squire\'s Daughter\".
Podívejte se také Alexander Monty: Monty Alexander: The Montreux Years - CD (4050538767278)
The Stationmaster - Alexander Pushkin - e-kniha
eBook: What seems to be quite an ordinary short story of a seduction and abduction of a young girl, \"The Stationmaster\" proves to be one of Pushkin’s best tales. At first sight an innocent kiss, the parting gift of Dunia to the traveler sends the mundane world of the stationmaster Samson Vyrin into complete disorder. Pushkin’s narrative style and knowledge of the human soul paint a picture of emotional waterfalls and whirlpools that threaten to engulf the characters. A story about how people cope with loss and helplessness.
Podívejte se také Alexander Monty: Monty Alexander: The Montreux Years (2x LP) - LP (4050538767247)
The Undertaker - Alexander Pushkin - e-kniha
eBook: \"The Undertaker\" is a supernatural gothic tale by Pushkin, which features Adrian Prokhorov, an undertaker, who comes to a new place. He is a very straight-forward man, and does not tolerate deviation from the norm. He is then invited to a wedding by his neighbours, where a lot of drinking is spent. The supernatural is just round the corner when a mishandled toast is proposed. The picturesque depiction of the danse macabre/walking-dead midnight party is exceptional, and Pushkin succeeds in portraying the horrifying aspect completely. A chilling story with a surprise ending that is not to be read after dark
Podívejte se také Belkin BSV102 (BSV102ca)
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The Squire’s Daughter - Alexander Pushkin - e-kniha
eBook: Being the last tale from the collection \"The Belkin Tales\", \"The Squire’s Daughter\" is a story about disguises and playing tricks on people. The heroine Lizaveta decides to fool the rich and handsome Alexei, but even she does not know how far the deceit can go. Humorous, innocent, and a little devilish, Pushkin’s story is a merry account of women’s devious behavior, always chasing their own end of the deal. But, as all masquerades come to an end, the finale is inevitable and all things fit their proper place. Deservedly labelled \"the best Russian poet\", Pushkin’s short life did not prevent him from ushering Russian literature into its modern era. A master of the vernacular language and multifarious and vivid writing style, Pushkin’s oeuvre was of great influence to a whole legion of Russian writers and literary styles. Among his best-known works are the narrative poems \"Ruslan and Ludmila\" and \"Eugene Onegin\", the drama \"Boris Godunov\", several novels, short stories, and fairy tales.
Objev podobné jako The Squire’s Daughter - Alexander Pushkin - e-kniha
Alexander Pushkin vodka Alexander Pushkin 40% 1l
Alexander Pushkin 40% 1l O produktu Vodka Alexander Pushkin je prémiová ruská vodka, vyráběná podle tradičních receptur. Je pojmenována po slavném ruském básníkovi a prozaikovi a její výroba je spojena s jeho rodinou. Vodka se pyšní svou vysokou kvalitou a jemnou chutí, která je výsledkem pečlivého výběru surovin a tradičních výrobních postupů. Vůně Vůně vodky Alexander Pushkin je čistá a jemná, s nádechem obilí. Je zcela bez nežádoucích pachů a vyznačuje se svou hladkostí. Chuť Na patře je vodka měkká a hladká, s jemným obilným charakterem. Její chuť je čistá a vyvážená, bez výrazné pálivosti. Dlouhý a příjemný závěr doplňuje celkový dojem. Doporučené servírování Vodka Alexander Pushkin je ideální pro vychutnání čisté, ideálně velmi chlazené. Může být podávána s plátkem citronu nebo okurky pro osvěžení. Je také výborným základem pro přípravu různých koktejlů, jako je například vodka martini nebo bloody mary. Zajímavosti Rodinná tradice: Výroba vodky je spojena s rodinou Puškinů, přímými potomky slavného básníka. Tradiční receptura: Vodka se vyrábí podle tradičních ruských receptur s použitím vysoce kvalitních surovin. Jemná chuť: Vodka se vyznačuje svou jemnou a hladkou chutí, která je oblíbená u znalců. Čistota: Vodka je destilována několikrát, aby byla dosažena maximální čistoty. Vodka Alexander Pushkin je prémiová ruská vodka, která nabízí vynikající chuť a kvalitu. Je ideální pro všechny, kteří hledají čistou a hladkou vodku pro vychutnání samotnou nebo jako základ pro koktejly. Její spojení s ruskou historií a literaturou dodává této vodce další rozměr. O značce Značka Alexander Pushkin je spojena s bohatou historií a tradicí ruské výroby alkoholu. Vodka Alexander Pushkin je vyráběna s respektem k původní receptuře a s použitím nejlepších surovin. Tato vodka je symbolem ruské kvality a elegance.
Objev podobné jako Alexander Pushkin vodka Alexander Pushkin 40% 1l
Alexander Pushkin vodka Alexander Pushkin Black 40% 1l
Alexander Pushkin Black 40% 1l O produktu Vodka Alexander Pushkin Black je jedinečnou variantou klasické ruské vodky Alexander Pushkin. Základním rozdílem je její charakteristická černá barva a mírně nahořklá chuť. Tato unikátní kombinace je výsledkem přidání huminových látek, které jsou známé svými detoxikačními účinky a přispívají k celkově hladšímu chuťovému profilu. Vůně Vůně vodky Alexander Pushkin Black je jemnější než u klasické verze. Dominuje v ní obilný charakter s náznaky sladkého koření a jemnými tóny uhlí. Celkově je vůně velmi příjemná a vyvážená. Chuť Na patře je vodka hladká a sametová. Chuť je mírně nahořklá, s tóny praženého obilí a jemnými náznaky sladkého koření. Huminové látky dodávají vodce jemnou komplexnost a dlouhý, příjemný závěr. Doporučené servírování Vodka Alexander Pushkin Black je ideální pro vychutnání čisté, ideálně velmi chlazené. Její unikátní chuťový profil ji předurčuje k tomu, aby byla podávána samostatně, případně s kouskem ledu. Pro ty, kteří preferují míchané nápoje, je tato vodka skvělým základem pro koktejly typu Old Fashioned nebo Manhattan, kterým dodá zajímavý twist. Zajímavosti Huminové látky: Černá barva a mírně nahořklá chuť jsou způsobeny přítomností huminových látek, které jsou známé svými detoxikačními účinky a přispívají k celkově hladšímu chuťovému profilu. Rodinná tradice: Výroba vodky je spojena s rodinou Puškinů, přímými potomky slavného ruského spisovatele a básníka Alexandra Sergejeviče Puškina. Tradiční receptura: Vodka se vyrábí podle tradičních ruských receptur s použitím vysoce kvalitních surovin. Unikátní chuť: Alexander Pushkin Black nabízí jedinečný chuťový zážitek díky kombinaci tradiční ruské vodky a přírodních huminových látek. Vodka Alexander Pushkin Black je vynikající volbou pro všechny, kteří hledají něco výjimečného. Její unikátní chuťový profil a elegantní vzhled ji předurčují k tomu, aby se stala ozdobou každého baru. Ať už ji budete vychutnávat samotnou nebo jako základ pro koktejly, vždy si užijete nezapomenutelný zážitek. O značce Značka Alexander Pushkin je spojena s bohatou historií a tradicí ruské výroby alkoholu. Vodka Alexander Pushkin je vyráběna s respektem k původní receptuře a s použitím nejlepších surovin. Tato vodka je symbolem ruské kvality a elegance.
Objev podobné jako Alexander Pushkin vodka Alexander Pushkin Black 40% 1l
Alexander Shorokhoff Alexander Pushkin AS.AP-F5-D
Jedinečné dámské hodinky Alexander Shorokhoff Alexander Pushkin AS.AP-F5-D patří do modelové řady Heritage. Básník Alexander Puškin již od dětství miloval pohádky, které mu vyprávěla jeho babička. Vzpomínky z dětství jej v dospělosti inspirovaly k napsání sérií pohádek, které se staly skvostem ruské literatury. Jednou z nejoblíbenějších ruských národních pohádek je Žabka carevna, a proto se tento motiv vyskytl ve tvorbě Alexandra Puškina a oslovil i Alexandra Shorokhova k vytvoření dámského pohádkového…
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Alexander Shorokhoff Alexander Pushkin Butterfly AS.AP.B2-D
Jedinečné dámské hodinky Alexander Shorokhoff Alexander Pushkin Butterfly AS.AP.B2-D patří do modelové řady Heritage. První dámské hodinky od „AS“ byly vyrobeny na počest Alexandra Puškina. Není to náhoda. Puškin byl brilantním mistrem jemných a poetických výrazů, což mu pomohlo stát se oblíbeným u dam a ve společnosti obecně. Pouzdro hodinek Butterfly AS.AP.B2-D je vyrobeno z ušlechtilé oceli. V jeho nitru se skrývá švýcarský mechanický strojek s automatickým nátahem 2000-1 ETA s ručně gravírovaným…
Objev podobné jako Alexander Shorokhoff Alexander Pushkin Butterfly AS.AP.B2-D
Alexander Shorokhoff Alexander Pushkin Butterfly AS.AP-B2
Jedinečné dámské hodinky Alexander Shorokhoff Alexander Pushkin Butterfly AS.AP-B2 patří do modelové řady Heritage. První dámské hodinky od „AS“ byly vyrobeny na počest Alexandra Puškina. Není to náhoda. Puškin byl brilantním mistrem jemných a poetických výrazů, což mu pomohlo stát se oblíbeným u dam a ve společnosti obecně. Pouzdro hodinek Butterfly AS.AP-B2 je vyrobeno z ušlechtilé oceli. V jeho nitru se skrývá švýcarský mechanický strojek s automatickým nátahem 2000-1 ETA s ručně gravírovaným rotorem.…
Objev podobné jako Alexander Shorokhoff Alexander Pushkin Butterfly AS.AP-B2
Alexander Shorokhoff Alexander Pushkin AS.AP-F6-D
Jedinečné dámské hodinky Alexander Shorokhoff Alexander Pushkin AS.AP-F6-D patří do modelové řady Heritage. Básník Alexander Puškin již od dětství miloval pohádky, které mu vyprávěla jeho babička. Vzpomínky z dětství jej v dospělosti inspirovaly k napsání sérií pohádek, které se staly skvostem ruské literatury. Jednou z nejoblíbenějších ruských národních pohádek je Žabka carevna, a proto se tento motiv vyskytl ve tvorbě Alexandra Puškina a oslovil i Alexandra Shorokhova k vytvoření dámského pohádkového…
Objev podobné jako Alexander Shorokhoff Alexander Pushkin AS.AP-F6-D
Alexander Shorokhoff Alexander Pushkin Flower Beauty AS.AP-FB2-W
Jedinečné dámské hodinky Alexander Shorokhoff Alexander Pushkin Flower Beauty AS.AP-FB2-W patří do modelové řady Heritage. Jde o první dámské hodinky, které byly vyrobeny na počest Alexandra Puškina. Není to náhoda. Puškin byl brilantním mistrem jemných a poetických výrazů, což mu pomohlo stát se oblíbeným u dam a ve společnosti obecně. Pouzdro hodinek Flower Beauty AS.AP-FB2-W je vyrobeno z ušlechtilé oceli. V jeho nitru se skrývá švýcarský mechanický strojek s automatickým nátahem 2000-1 ETA s ručně…
Objev podobné jako Alexander Shorokhoff Alexander Pushkin Flower Beauty AS.AP-FB2-W
Alexander Shorokhoff Alexander Pushkin Flower Beauty AS.AP-FB1-W-D
Jedinečné dámské hodinky Alexander Shorokhoff Alexander Pushkin Flower Beauty AS.AP-FB1-W-D patří do modelové řady Heritage. Hodinky byly vyrobeny na počest Alexandra Puškina. Není to náhoda. Puškin byl brilantním mistrem jemných a poetických výrazů, což mu pomohlo stát se oblíbeným u dam a ve společnosti obecně. Pouzdro hodinek Flower Beauty AS.AP-FB1-W-D je vyrobeno z ušlechtilé oceli. V jeho nitru se skrývá švýcarský mechanický strojek s automatickým nátahem 2000-1 ETA s ručně gravírovaným rotorem.…
Objev podobné jako Alexander Shorokhoff Alexander Pushkin Flower Beauty AS.AP-FB1-W-D
Alexander Shorokhoff Alexander Pushkin Flower Beauty AS.AP-FB2-W-D
Jedinečné dámské hodinky Alexander Shorokhoff Alexander Pushkin Flower Beauty AS.AP-FB2-W-D patří do modelové řady Heritage. Hodinky byly vyrobeny na počest Alexandra Puškina. Není to náhoda. Puškin byl brilantním mistrem jemných a poetických výrazů, což mu pomohlo stát se oblíbeným u dam a ve společnosti obecně. Pouzdro hodinek Flower Beauty AS.AP-FB2-W-D je vyrobeno z ušlechtilé oceli. V jeho nitru se skrývá švýcarský mechanický strojek s automatickým nátahem 2000-1 ETA s ručně gravírovaným rotorem.…
Objev podobné jako Alexander Shorokhoff Alexander Pushkin Flower Beauty AS.AP-FB2-W-D
Tales of the Prague Ghetto - Siegfried Kapper - e-kniha
eBook: Trained in philosophy and medicine, the writer, translator, scholar, and political and cultural activist Siegfried Kapper (1821–1879) devoted significant effort to the advancement of Jewish culture in Bohemia, Jewish emancipation, and to the commitment of Jews to contemporary Czech society. The three stories in this collection, which first appeared in the press in the 1840s and were posthumously published as a collection at the end of the century, offer a Romantic and folkloric vision of Jewish culture in Prague. The first story, “Genenda”, displays Kapper’s operatic eye for detail and drama with its account of a dutiful rabbi’s daughter being swept away by a dashing young man, a Christian nobleman disguised as a Jew, a deceit that ends in tragedy. “The Curious Guest” is an intricate tale of a quest for wisdom and power that inevitably leads to the undoing of the arrogant protagonist. The final story, “Glowing Coals”, is a supernatural tale of romantic desire and revenge, displaying Kapper’s skill at deploying the tropes of folklore for dramatic literary effect. The collection not only provides a colorful snapshot of nineteenth-century Czech-Jewish culture but also resonates with universal human themes that transcend a single national experience.
Objev podobné jako Tales of the Prague Ghetto - Siegfried Kapper - e-kniha
Tales of the Jazz Age - F. Scott Fitzgerald - e-kniha
eBook: Short, witty and exciting collection of short stories, “Tales of the Jazz Age” is by Francis Scott Fitzgerald, the author of \'The Great Gatsby\'. Divided into three parts, the tales are grouped into serious stories, non-sensical narratives, and fantasies. Among the most famous stories are the greedy and sinister \'The Diamond as Big as the Ritz\', the utterly amusing and ridiculous \'The Camel’s Back\', and the intriguing \'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button\', which has since been adapted into an award-winning film starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett. It is a great read for anyone having an interest in the Jazz Age, 1920\'s stories or Fitzgerald’s fiction; and perfect for those who need something short and snappy to read on the go. F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) is one of the greatest American novelists of the 20th century and author of the classics ‘Tender is the Night’, ‘The Great Gatsby’ and \'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button\', all of which have been adapted in to successful film adaptations. His writing helped popularise the 1920s Jazz Age that he and wife Zelda Fitzgerald were in the centre of.
Objev podobné jako Tales of the Jazz Age - F. Scott Fitzgerald - e-kniha
The Happy Prince and Other Tales - Oscar Wilde - e-kniha
eBook: The Happy Prince and Other Tales is a collection of stories for children by Oscar Wilde containing five stories, The Happy Prince, The Nightingale and the Rose, The Selfish Giant, The Devoted Friend, and The Remarkable Rocket.
Objev podobné jako The Happy Prince and Other Tales - Oscar Wilde - e-kniha
The Old Nurse's Story and Other Tales - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha
eBook: ‘The Old Nurse’s Story and Other Tales’ is a collection of eleven short stories from the much-loved Victorian author, Elizabeth Gaskell. The title story follows the strange and supernatural happenings which have affected four generations of the Furnivall family, who live in a spooky gothic mansion in the midst of a bleak and deserted moorland. A haunting and atmospheric collection of spooky short stories, which fans of Emily Brontë’s ‘Wuthering Heights’ and Henry James’ ‘The Turn of the Screw’ will also enjoy.
Objev podobné jako The Old Nurse's Story and Other Tales - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha
The Great Keinplatz Experiment and Other Tales of Twilight and the Unseen - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha
eBook: ‘The Great Keinplatz Experiment’ is a collection of short stories by the prolific ‘Sherlock Holmes’ author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Due to Doyle’s fascination with the supernatural, several of the stories have a supernatural element. Stories in the collection include Egyptian archaeology thriller ‘Lot No. 249’ and the dark, atmospheric séance story in ‘Playing with Fire’. Full of humour as well as mystery, this is a fascinating collection of stories from Doyle.
Objev podobné jako The Great Keinplatz Experiment and Other Tales of Twilight and the Unseen - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha
The Devil’s Apple and Other Tales / Ďáblovo jablko a jiné povídky - Alena Kuzmová - e-kniha
eBook: Také se občas rádi bojíte? Přitahují vás příběhy o strašidlech, která se zjevují ve starých hradech, o kostlivcích, kteří o půlnoci vylézají z rakví, o zvířatech či věcech, které mají nadpřirozené schopnosti, o ďáblovi, který zasahuje do lidských životů, nebo o záhadných zjeveních, která varují člověka před neštěstím? Pak vás jistě zaujme nová kniha The Devil‘s Apple and Other Tales / Ďáblovo jablko a jiné povídky. Kniha je určena všem milovníkům tohoto žánru, ale především středně pokročilým studentům anglického jazyka, kteří si rádi doplňují znalosti četbou napínavých příběhů. Anglický text povídek je doplněn českým překladem, což pomůže samoukům porozumět obtížnějším pasážím. Na konci každé povídky je výběr nejzajímavějších výrazů, které je užitečné si zapamatovat, a podrobný rozbor gramatiky s příklady. V závěru učebnice najdete gramatická cvičení a test pro pilné studenty s klíčem, pomocí nichž si ověříte své znalosti gramatiky i slovní zásoby. Nová kniha vám poskytne nejen poutavou četbu, ale po jejím prostudování získáte také cenný pocit osvěžených a rozšířených znalostí anglického jazyka.
Objev podobné jako The Devil’s Apple and Other Tales / Ďáblovo jablko a jiné povídky - Alena Kuzmová - e-kniha
Fairy Tales - Brothers Grimm - e-kniha
eBook: Originally titled Children’s and Household Tales, The Complete Grimm’s Fairy Tales contains the essential bedtime stories for children worldwide for the better part of two centuries. The Brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm, were German linguists and cultural researchers who gathered legendary folklore and aimed to collect the stories exactly as they heard them.
Objev podobné jako Fairy Tales - Brothers Grimm - e-kniha
Tiverton Tales - Alice Brown - e-kniha
eBook: The fictional town of Tiverton is the centre of these short stories by Alice Brown. Tiverton is based in New England, like many of Brown\'s other works, and is home to traditional, American families in the late 19th century. The various tales explore domestic life at this time and the gender balance between men and women. Alice Brown is an American novelist and short-story writer. She is best known for her tales about New England and as a writer of local colour stories. Born in New Hampshire in 1857, Brown\'s stories often portray a female protagonist in a domestic setting. Her first novel, \'Stratford-by-the-Sea\', was published in 1884. It cemented Brown as part of the Boston literary scene, but by the time she died in 1948 (aged 91), many of her stories had been forgotten about and were no longer being published.
Objev podobné jako Tiverton Tales - Alice Brown - e-kniha
The Case of Bizarre Death and Other Tales / Případ bizarní smrti a další příběhy - Alena Kuzmová - e-kniha
eBook: 5 povídek s krimi a hororovým nádechem podle skutečných životních událostí. Povídky pojednávají o různých lidských slabostech a pohnutkách, které dokážou v člověku rozdmýchat temné stránky jeho osobnosti a vedou ho na scestí, aby se dopustil násilí na jiných lidech či sám na sobě, což je příčinou jeho neštěstí. Kromě anglicko-české četby pro středně pokročilé studenty angličtiny učebnice nabízí řadu aktivit na porozumění četbě, dále podněty k ústnímu či písemnému projevu, podrobný výklad gramatiky a řadu cvičení s klíčem. Zvolené aktivity a cvičení jistě upevní a rozšíří vaše znalosti anglického jazyka a podnítí vaši chuť do dalšího studia.
Objev podobné jako The Case of Bizarre Death and Other Tales / Případ bizarní smrti a další příběhy - Alena Kuzmová - e-kniha
Tales of all Countries - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
eBook: Tales of All Countries is a collection of stories in two volumes; the first was published in 1861, the second in 1863. In a variety of settings, the stories bring into consideration the societies and cultures of various countries, the fidelity of human nature, and the existence of universal ethics and values. An Unprotected Female at the Pyramids, The Man Who Kept His Money in a Box, and Mrs. General Talboys are some of the works included in this collection.
Objev podobné jako Tales of all Countries - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
American Fairy Tales - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha
eBook: First published in 1901 'American Fairy Tales' by L. Frank Baum is a collection of twelve short fantasy stories for children by the famous Oz author. Stories in the collection include, 'The Magic Bon-Bons', 'The Box of Robbers' and 'The Glass Dog'. Full of magic, excitement, and adventure, this is a wonderful collection of Baum's quirky and humorous fairy tales.
Objev podobné jako American Fairy Tales - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha
Tales and Fantasies - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha
eBook: 'Tales and Fantasies' is a short story collection by much-loved Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson. Published posthumously in 1905, the collection included the farcical 'The Misadventures of John Nicholson', the supernatural 'The Body Snatcher' and the moralistic 'The Story of a Lie'. A humorous, charming collection from the famous 'Treasure Island' author.
Objev podobné jako Tales and Fantasies - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha
Africké pohádky/African tales - O.D. West - e-kniha
eBook: Nové rozšířené vydání bohatě ilustrované knihy, která představuje pohádky z černého kontinentu. Umožňuje náhled do odlišného světa, jenž se nám otevírá v osmi příhodách. Vyprávění je inspirováno africkým pohádkářem, který své příběhy zpívá širokému publiku od malých dětí až po dospělé, proto způsob psaní připomíná zpěv písně.Tentokrát se poprvé setkáváme s rozšířenou dvojjazyčnou česko-anglickou verzí, jež nám kromě potěšení z hezkého čtení zároveň nabízí i příjemnou formu pro zdokonalování se v cizím jazyce.
Objev podobné jako Africké pohádky/African tales - O.D. West - e-kniha
Tales and Stories - Mary W. Shelley - e-kniha
eBook: Tales and Stories (1891) is a collection of short fiction by Mary Shelley. Despite her reputation as one of the foremost English novelists of the nineteenth century, Shelley also wrote numerous stories for magazines and other publications, earning a reputation as a gifted storyteller in all forms of fiction. In “The Sisters of Albano,” a traveler resting on the banks of an Italian lake strikes up a conversation with a beautiful Countess. Inspired by the history and landscape of the region, the Countess tells the tragic story of a local family. During the French occupation of Italy under Napoleon’s rule, Anina and Maria live vastly different lives. Maria, the older sister, is a nun at the convent of Santa Chiara in Rome, while Anina, the younger, is in love with a mysterious outlaw named Domenico. When the French arrive in Albano, Anina goes searching for Domenico, who has gone into hiding with other members of the local resistance. After the young girl is arrested and sentenced to die for violating an officer’s orders, Maria, dressed in her religious habit, appeals to the French on her sister’s behalf. In “Ferdinando Eboli,” a Neapolitan Count bids farewell to his young fiancée before going off to fight for his king. When he returns, he finds that an impostor has taken over his estate—and married the unsuspecting Adalinda. With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Mary Shelley’s Tales and Stories is a classic of English literature reimagined for modern readers.
Objev podobné jako Tales and Stories - Mary W. Shelley - e-kniha
Tales of Men and Ghosts - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha
eBook: HUBERT GRANICE, pacing the length of his pleasant lamp-lit library, paused to compare his watch with the clock on the chimney-piece. Three minutes to eight. In exactly three minutes Mr. Peter Ascham, of the eminent legal firm of Ascham and Pettilow, would have his punctual hand on the door-bell of the flat. It was a comfort to reflect that Ascham was so punctual - the suspense was beginning to make his host nervous. And the sound of the door-bell would be the beginning of the end - after that there'd be no going back, by God - no going back!
Objev podobné jako Tales of Men and Ghosts - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha
Weird Tales Volume 2 - Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann - e-kniha
eBook: ‘Weird Tales Volume 2’ (1885) was written by famous German Romantic author E.T.A. Hoffmann. Included in this second and final volume of short stories are: ‘The Doge and Dogess’, ‘Master Martin the Cooper,’ ‘Mademoiselle de Scudéri,’ ‘Gambler\'s Luck,’ ‘Master Johannes Wacht,’ and a bibliographic essay from the translator entitled, ‘Biographical Notes.’ These classic short stories are perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman. Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German Romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist. Hoffmann\'s stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.
Objev podobné jako Weird Tales Volume 2 - Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann - e-kniha
Weird Tales Volume 1 - Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann - e-kniha
eBook: ‘Weird Tales Volume 1’ (1885) was written by German Romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816). Included in this first of two volumes are the short stories: The Cremona Violin, The Fermata, Signor Formica, The Sandman, The Entail and Arthur’s Hall. These classic short stories are perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman. Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German Romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist. Hoffmann\'s stories inspired several famous operatic composers including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.
Objev podobné jako Weird Tales Volume 1 - Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann - e-kniha
On Picket Duty, and other tales - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha
eBook: 'On Picket Duty, and other tales' is a collection of four short stories that focus on a range of social issues that were raging in America in the nineteenth century. The tales tackle issues near and dear to Alcott's heart, mainly that of women's rights and Abolition. They are profound reading, representing a much more serious artistic creation from Alcott which is reflective and uplifting, and at times dark and gloomy with the tale of 'The Death of John'. Ultimately it a profound piece of work that charts Alcott's continuing fight to represent social issues in industrial America. Have the tissues ready for this one. Don't say we didn't warn you.
Objev podobné jako On Picket Duty, and other tales - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha
Tales of Terror and Mystery - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha
eBook: ‘Tales of Terror and Mystery’ is a volume of 13 short stories from the prolific ‘Sherlock Holmes’ author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Stories in the collection include the mystery of a disappearing train in ‘The Lost Special’ and the surprising science-fiction story ‘The Horror of the Heights’. Full of classic Doyle mystery, this collection also includes some wonderful terror tales from the much-loved author. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
Objev podobné jako Tales of Terror and Mystery - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha
Classic Christmas Fairy Tales - Hans Christian Andersen, Frères Grimm - e-kniha
eBook: Rediscover the magic of Christmas with this classic collection from internationally renowned fairy-tale authors, Hans Christian Andersen and the Brothers Grimm. Our adventure begins in the world of ice and snow as Gerda embarks upon a courageous feat to rescue Kai from ‘The Snow Queen’. And for those of us who need to relive and relearn the fantastical festive magic of the season once more, we’ll encounter ‘The Fir Trees’; a charming coming-of-age Christmas tale. Stories of selflessness, giving, and moral might are plentiful in ‘A Little Match Girl’, whilst we try to uncover the identity of the secret and silent helpers in ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’. Weaving together a crackling Christmas collection of favourite fairy tales, this anthology is the perfect companion for fans of Disney’s ‘Frozen’ and C.S. Lewis' ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’. Hans Christian Andersen was a Danish author and prolific writer of plays, travelogues, and novels. He is best remembered for his literary fairy tales ‘The Princess and the Pea’, ‘The Little Mermaid’, and ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’. Jacob (1785-1863) and Wilhelm (1786-1859) Grimm, known as the Brothers Grimm, were a duo of German academics, philosophers, and authors. They collectively published folklore and are among the best-known storytellers of folk tales, including ‘Cinderella’, ‘Hansel and Gretel’, and ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.
Objev podobné jako Classic Christmas Fairy Tales - Hans Christian Andersen, Frères Grimm - e-kniha
The Last Bell (Pushkin Collection) - Johannes Urzidil
The first ever English collection of stories by Johannes Urzidil - a friend of Kafka and an unjustly overlooked writerA maid who is unexpectedly bequeathed her employers' worldly possessions when they flee the Nazi occupation; a loyal bank clerk, who falls into troublesome love with a portrait; a middle-aged travel agent, who is perhaps the least well-travelled man in town; a widowed villager, whose 'magnetic' twelve-year-old daughter witnesses a disturbing event; and a tiny village thrown into civil war by the disappearance of a cheesecake. These stories, about the tremendous upheaval which occurs when the ordinary encounters the unexpected, are stunningly told, with both humour and humanity.This is the first ever English publication of these Bohemian tales, by one of the great overlooked writers of the twentieth century.
Objev podobné jako The Last Bell (Pushkin Collection) - Johannes Urzidil
Discover Prague Castle - Tales of Kings, Builders, Artists & Saints - Lubor Matěj - e-kniha
eBook: ———The Captivating Visual Journey Right on Your Smartphone——— Discover Prague Castle Like Never Before with Our Unique Audio-Visual Guide❗️ Embark on an extraordinary journey through the crown jewel of Prague—Prague Castle—with this exclusive audio-visual guide. Unveil the stories of kings, builders, and saints while exploring hidden corners of this magnificent site. Our goal is to transform your visit into an unforgettable experience, showcasing the grandeur of the Czech Republic\'s most prestigious castle in ways you\'ve never seen before❗️ Did you know Prague Castle is the largest inhabited castle complex in Europe❓ Or that Emperor Rudolf II held luxury markets in the grand Vladislav Hall, the largest of its time❓ And did you know artists like Alfons Mucha contributed to the cathedral\'s stunning decorations❓ Dive into these fascinating tales and much more with our unique guide. —————- Highlights: > In-Depth Biographies: Learn about the saints, rulers, builders, and artists connected to Prague Castle. > Stunning Photography: Over 120 high-quality photos, capturing hidden and hard-to-reach treasures. > Immersive Audio: Enjoy audio commentaries for a truly engaging experience. (GOLD and BLUE Edition) > User-Friendly Design: Designed with a sleek, modern aesthetic, our guide is optimized for easy access on your smartphone. —————- Download a sample of MATEO GUIDES and make your Prague walks unlike any before!
Objev podobné jako Discover Prague Castle - Tales of Kings, Builders, Artists & Saints - Lubor Matěj - e-kniha
Discover Prague Castle - Tales of Kings, Builders, Artists & Saints (+ Audio) - Lubor Matěj - e-kniha
eBook: ———The Captivating AUDIO Visual Journey Right on Your Smartphone——— Discover Prague Castle Like Never Before with Our Unique Audio-Visual Guide❗️ Embark on an extraordinary journey through the crown jewel of Prague—Prague Castle—with this exclusive audio-visual guide. Unveil the stories of kings, builders, and saints while exploring hidden corners of this magnificent site. Our goal is to transform your visit into an unforgettable experience, showcasing the grandeur of the Czech Republic\'s most prestigious castle in ways you\'ve never seen before❗️ Did you know Prague Castle is the largest inhabited castle complex in Europe❓ Or that Emperor Rudolf II held luxury markets in the grand Vladislav Hall, the largest of its time❓ And did you know artists like Alfons Mucha contributed to the cathedral\'s stunning decorations❓ Dive into these fascinating tales and much more with our unique guide. —————- Highlights: > In-Depth Biographies: Learn about the saints, rulers, builders, and artists connected to Prague Castle. > Stunning Photography: Over 120 high-quality photos, capturing hidden and hard-to-reach treasures. > Immersive Audio: Enjoy audio commentaries for a truly engaging experience. (GOLD and BLUE Edition) > User-Friendly Design: Designed with a sleek, modern aesthetic, our guide is optimized for easy access on your smartphone. —————- Download a sample of MATEO GUIDES and make your Prague walks unlike any before!
Objev podobné jako Discover Prague Castle - Tales of Kings, Builders, Artists & Saints (+ Audio) - Lubor Matěj - e-kniha
Terrifying Tales by Edgar Allan Poe / Hrůzostrašné povídky Edgara Allana Poa - Alena Kuzmová - e-kniha
eBook: Kniha Terrifying Tales by Edgar Allan Poe / Hrůzostrašné povídky Edgara Allana Poa nabízí výběr pěti povídek z díla mistra amerického hororu. Povídky jsou zpracovány jako anglicko-česká četba pro středně pokročilé studenty angličtiny. Kromě četby kniha obsahuje stručné vysvětlení hlavních gramatických jevů s příklady a obsáhlý souhrnný gramatický test s klíčem, pomocí něhož si ověříte své znalosti gramatiky i slovní zásoby. Knihu lze zařadit do kategorie simplified reading, jakožto doplňkový výukový materiál ke studiu anglického jazyka.
Objev podobné jako Terrifying Tales by Edgar Allan Poe / Hrůzostrašné povídky Edgara Allana Poa - Alena Kuzmová - e-kniha
The Ant and the Grasshopper - Ezop - e-kniha
eBook: \'The Ant and The Grass Hopper\' is a fable that teaches the importance of planning, of self-reliance and hard work. The frolicking grass hopper spends his summer dancing and never working while the ant makes sure to put aside supplies for the coming winter. It is a tale that resonates to this day thanks to its important message of the importance of hard work as well as having fun. It is great reading for all ages on the importance of being able to plan and support yourself.Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.
Objev podobné jako The Ant and the Grasshopper - Ezop - e-kniha
The Fox and the Crow - Ezop - e-kniha
eBook: Sweet words and manipulative compliments can make everyone\'s head spin. The \"Fox and the Crow\" teaches us to keep clear mind in the face of flattery. Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.
Objev podobné jako The Fox and the Crow - Ezop - e-kniha
The Fox and the Grapes - Ezop - e-kniha
eBook: Sometimes no matter how hard we try, we cannot reach our goal. And, of course, it is much easier to claim our goal undesirable than to admit defeat. There is hardly a child who does not know the fox who called the grapes sour but Aesop\'s fables offer so much more...Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.
Objev podobné jako The Fox and the Grapes - Ezop - e-kniha
The Hare and the Tortoise - Ezop - e-kniha
eBook: Is talent more important to success than hard work? Sometimes if we are determined and focused on our goals, we can overcome even the strongest opponents. And vise we should not only rely on talent to win. In his timeless fables, Aesop whispers from the past knowledge which we think we know, but very often forget.Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.
Objev podobné jako The Hare and the Tortoise - Ezop - e-kniha
The Dryad - Cupido - e-kniha
eBook: \"There\'s nothing like the fresh mountain air, waves lapping against the beach, the wind caressing your chest, the water touching your crotch...This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short \"He is laying naked in the forest when he sees a girl approaching. She hids from him – and peep at him. No wonder he is getting excited!\" – The Dryad by Christian, Oslo 1\"The man with a big M swept her off her feet. They were supposed to be at a party, but they headed straight for the forest!\" – A Summer Hike in the Forest by Elisabeth, Stavanger\"I want to take off all your clothes, and then I want you to walk on naked – all the way to the top.\" – Erotics in the Mountains by Torje Sauna, Jølster\"The dream was a hole-in-one – straight into the hole on the first try. But the dream hole seemed completely out of reach.\" – The 19th Hole by Magne L., Hedmark\"He found his place by the sea. He stripped naked, stretched out, and his blood quickly found its way to the right place.\"
Objev podobné jako The Dryad - Cupido - e-kniha
The Temptress - Cupido - e-kniha
eBook: Woman on woman. Man on man. Bisexuality. Queer. Some people have never questioned whether they\'re gay or not. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly their best friend makes their nipples harden or their cock erect.This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short \"She\'d never before experienced such intense emotions for another girl. It both scared and excited her.\" - The Temptress by Angelita\"She secretly loved women, but it was difficult since she had a man and children. That all changed when she met Aina.\"
Objev podobné jako The Temptress - Cupido - e-kniha
Osamělost - The Beastess - e-kniha
eBook: Na světě je více než sedm miliard lidí – vrážíme do sebe v davu, nadáváme si v nekonečných kolonách aut, dokonce i v přírodě je čím dál těžší najít tiché zákoutí, kde bychom mohli být alespoň chvilku sami se sebou. Přesto se řada z nás cítí osamělá. Proč tomu tak je? Proč je stále složitější najít v přelidněném světě spřízněnou duši? V této knize najdete odpovědi na mnohé často kladené otázky. Je na vině moderní doba se svým důrazem na seberealizaci jednotlivců, s rozpadem tradiční rodiny a obrovskou fluktuací obyvatelstva? Anebo jsme to spíš my sami, protože nejsme schopni vytvářet blízké vazby, opakujeme ve vztazích stále tytéž chyby, popřípadě vůbec „nejsme stvořeni“ pro partnerství či život v rodině? Zamyslete se spolu s námi nad vykořeněním ve světě, zdánlivě dokonale propojeném prostřednictvím internetu a moderních technologií, či nad tím, jakou citovou daň platíme v neustálé honbě za osobním úspěchem. Rozebereme si působení rodičů a dětských traumat na naši schopnost utvářet vztahy k lidem a vysvětlíme si také rozdíly mezi extroverty a introverty, protože každý typ osobnosti přistupuje k problému osamělosti jinak. Na příkladu modelové rodiny, jejíž zajímavý a ryze současný příběh se vine celou knihou, se dozvíte, jak se ve své vlastní osamělosti zorientovat a překonat ji. Knihu pro její čtivost ocení široký okruh čtenářů. Zajímavé podněty a inspirace v ní najde i odborná veřejnost z okruhu psychologů, psychiatrů, koučů osobního rozvoje, pedagogů a pracovníků v pomáhajících profesích, včetně studentů těchto oborů.
Objev podobné jako Osamělost - The Beastess - e-kniha
The Clouds - Aristophanes - e-kniha
eBook: Comedies, including The Clouds (423 BC) and Lysistrata (411 BC), of Greek playwright Aristophanes satirize Athenian society, politics, and philosophy.
Objev podobné jako The Clouds - Aristophanes - e-kniha
The Sun, the Moon and the Stars - Ivy Dad - e-kniha
eBook: Take your child on a journey from day to night and teach them English with ‘The Sun, the Moon and the Stars’, an English language learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, children will learn words including sun, moon and star, as well as words that describe them, such as bright, glow, and twinkle. ‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.
Objev podobné jako The Sun, the Moon and the Stars - Ivy Dad - e-kniha
The Voyage of the Beagle - Charles Darwin - e-kniha
eBook: "I hate every wave of the ocean," the seasick Charles Darwin wrote to his family during his five-year voyage on the H.M.S. Beagle. It was this world-wide journey, however, that launched the scientist’s career.The Voyage of the Beagle is Darwin's fascinating account of his trip - of his biological and geological observations and collection activities, of his speculations about the causes and theories behind scientific phenomena, of his interactions with various native peoples, of his beautiful descriptions of the lands he visited, and of his amazing discoveries in the Galapagos archipelago.
Objev podobné jako The Voyage of the Beagle - Charles Darwin - e-kniha
The Law and the Lady - Wilkie Collins - e-kniha
eBook: The Law and the Lady builds on that tradition by introducing one of English literature's earliest women detectives, Valeria Woodville, who investigates the murder of her husband's first wife in the attempt to prove him guiltless.
Objev podobné jako The Law and the Lady - Wilkie Collins - e-kniha
The Mystery of the Sea - Bram Stoker - e-kniha
eBook: Archibald Hunter arrives at Cruden Bay for his yearly seaside vacation, looking for nothing more than peace and quiet. Then all of a sudden his life becomes plagued by intimidating visions and omens of impending disaster. What are these creepy ghosts trying to tell him? And what is the mystery behind the strange cipher that has inexplicably fallen into his lap?A mystery novel at first but transforms into an exciting adventure full of intrigue, romance and treasure hunting. 'The Mystery of The Sea' is a stark but refreshing contrast to Bram Stoker's well-known horror classic 'Dracula', famously portrayed by film star Bela Lugosi. Highly recommended for avid fans of H.P. Lovecraft's supernatural stories, and its HBO adaptation 'Lovecraft Country'. Also a perfect fit for 'Robinson Crusoe' fans seeking a sinister adventure story about a lone man taking on the malignant forces of nature.-
Objev podobné jako The Mystery of the Sea - Bram Stoker - e-kniha
The Birth of the State - Petr Charvát - e-kniha
eBook: This book targets the problems of emergence and stabilization of the earliest state bodies in the pristine statehood foci of the Old World - Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China. Charvát takes his readers through the essential economic, political and intellectual transformations induced in those societies by their transformations into early states. The author also provides a comprehensive view over the entire range of the discussed problems, attempting to perceive the process of establishment of the earliest states of the Old World in its complexity. The book gives the word to ancient statesmen, as well as to men of religion and letters of yore, voicing their alarm in crisis situations of their states, when they feared collapse of what they understood as "civilized society". Addressing their admonitions to kings, managers, generals and, where possible, the widest circles of society, such thinkers urged their contemporaries to defend the ideals on which their civilizations wer e built. The book is addressed to all those interested in the emergence and development of humankind´s earliest states including university students of humanity disciplines.
Objev podobné jako The Birth of the State - Petr Charvát - e-kniha
The Lady of the Shroud - Bram Stoker - e-kniha
eBook: Business magnate Roger Melton has passed on, leaving behind one of the grandest fortunes of his time. To the family's astonishment, Roger has bequeathed his vast estate to the black sheep of the family, his young nephew Rupert Sent Leger. But Rupert's inheritance involves the most extraordinary conditions, including one stating that he must reside in the ancient castle of Vissarion in the Land of the Blue Mountains. Rupert travels to Vissarion with his Aunt Janet, who possesses the occult power of Second Sight. But despite all the precautions Rupert is visited by a mysterious woman veiled in a burial shroud. Beguiled by her otherworldly and ethereal beauty, Rupert ponders whether she is a vampire, a ghost, or another sort of mystic creature altogether. Determined to find out for himself, but has no idea of what dangers he has to face.
Objev podobné jako The Lady of the Shroud - Bram Stoker - e-kniha
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