Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Surrounded by Liars - Thomas Erikson
From the Sunday Times bestselling author of the international phenomenon Surrounded by Idiots. Studies suggest two people who have never met before will tell three lies within the first five minutes. Astounding.But why?Why do we choose to lie even when we know it's wrong? To protect the people we love? To paint ourselves in a better light? To win short-lived praise? Or, are there simply far more obscure reasons behind why we lie?In Surrounded by Liars, international bestselling author and behavioural expert Thomas Erikson unpacks the psychological reasons behind why we lie, and reveals the impact lying has on our relationships. With the help of the behavioural model made famous in Surrounded by Idiots, discover how to detect the liars in your life and shatter their deception for good!
Podívejte se také Jones Tom: Surrounded By Time - CD (3506631)
Surrounded by Bad Bosses and Lazy Employees - Thomas Erikson
Surrounded by idiots at work? Fed up with a bad boss or lazy colleagues? Thomas Erikson, author of the runaway international bestseller Surrounded by Idiots, will help you handle them and get things done, the right way Why is good leadership so rare? Everyone has to manage up to some extent but frankly some bosses are worse than others. If you're being driven crazy by a micro-manager, frequently drown under your boss's unreasonable expectations or struggle with being handed out responsibilities but no authority international behavioural expert Thomas Erikson is here to help. Drawing on the simple four-colour system that made Surrounded by Idiots a global bestseller, Erikson shows how understanding your boss's behavioural tendencies as well as your own will lead to a more harmonious and productive workplace. He also sets out what characterises an exemplary leader type and how you can adapt your behaviour to model it. Because there are two sides to every coin, Erikson also looks at employees themselves and why some colleagues frequently underachieve and what you can do to change this. Written with Erikson's signature humour and warmth, Surrounded by Bad Bosses (and Lazy Employees) will help you deal with the most hopeless managers and employees you can imagine - and keep you entertained along the way.
Podívejte se také Jones Tom: Surrounded By Time (2x CD) - CD (3896863)
Surrounded by Psychopaths : or, How to Stop Being Exploited by Others - Thomas Erikson
From the Sunday Times bestselling author of Surrounded by Idiots.Some people are exceptionally manipulative. They can convince anyone about anything and lure them with their charm. They enjoy controlling others and will do anything to get what they want.Sound familiar?The bad news is that you can't really escape them. But here comes the good news: you can beat them at their own game.After going through the highs and lows of different personality types (Red, Blue, Green and Yellow) in his international bestseller Surrounded by Idiots, Swedish behavioural expert Thomas Erikson will now show you how your weaknesses and personality traits can be exploited by other people and how you can stop them in their tracks.By learning more about your personality type and how you work, you'll be able to see through any psychopath's manipulative behaviours and fend off their attempts to wreak havoc into your life.Witty, engaging and informative, this book will give you everything you need to handle life's most skilled manipulators and identify the psychopaths in your life... before it's too late!
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Surrounded by Setbacks : Or, How to Succeed When Everything´s Gone Bad - Thomas Erikson
How to handle everything (and everyone) around you when all hell breaks loose, from the international bestselling author of Surrounded by Idiots. Not everything goes the way we want it to - the world or people around us sometimes just spin out of control. Just consider the Covid pandemic for starters. Or how about that mad neighbour you have living next-door to you? Or when work seems to be going down the toilet when the competition keep outsmarting you? So how do you handle everything life throws your way when you'd really prefer to tell everyone to get stuffed? Thomas Erikson will help you turn adversity into success with the help of the behavioural model made famous in Surrounded by Idiots. Starting by reminding us that life is as it is, Erikson helps you see that it is in fact useless to try to control everything happening around you. Instead of protesting when life throws you curveballs, focus instead on how to handle them. Just as you keep the weeds away from the garden to provide space and amazing flowers, you need to find an approach to adversity that works for you and will give you the chance to turn everything into success. Surrounded by Setbacks will help you pinpoint the approach that works for you and will entertain and empower you in equal measure.
Objev podobné jako Surrounded by Setbacks : Or, How to Succeed When Everything´s Gone Bad - Thomas Erikson
Surrounded by Narcissists : Or, How to Stop Other People's Egos Ruining Your Life - Thomas Erikson
From the Sunday Times bestselling author of Surrounded by Idiots Are you overshadowed by the narcissists in your life? Are you worn out by their constant demands for attention, their absolute belief they are right (even when clearly they are not), their determination to do what they want (regardless of impact), and their baffling need to control everyone and everything around them? In this thought-provoking, sanity-saving book, Thomas Erikson helps you understand what makes narcissists tick and, crucially, how to handle them without wearing yourself out in the process. With the help of the behavioural model made famous in Surrounded by Idiots, Erikson provides all the tools you need to manage not just the narcissists around you but everyday narcissism as well - itself becoming more widespread in this age of social media. Engaging and practical, Surrounded by Narcissists will help you free yourself from narcissistic agendas so you can pursue a happier, more fulfilling and successful life.
Objev podobné jako Surrounded by Narcissists : Or, How to Stop Other People's Egos Ruining Your Life - Thomas Erikson
Surrounded by Vampires: Or, How to Slay the Time, Energy and Soul Suckers in Your Life - Thomas Erikson
From the Sunday Times and international bestselling author of Surrounded by IdiotsDo you often feel exhausted by conversations?Are there people in your life with belittle you through words or actions?Or, do you have colleagues who take up your time and don't actually do much?You could be surrounded by vampires! International bestselling author and behavioural expert Thomas Erikson will help you recognise and deal with the four most common vampires.Be it time, energy, attention or habit vampires, these ubiquitous social villains can leave you feeling drained and depleted. Whether they're lurking in your office, hiding amongst friends and family, or invading your thoughts, vampires can be found all around you.Fortunately, no human or habit Vampire can survive when the sun shines on them. With the help of the behavioural model made famous in Surrounded by Idiots, Thomas Erikson will help you spot the vampires around you and find your light to vanish their influence for good.
Objev podobné jako Surrounded by Vampires: Or, How to Slay the Time, Energy and Soul Suckers in Your Life - Thomas Erikson
Surrounded by Idiots : The Four Types of Human Behaviour (or, How to Understand Those Who Cannot Be Understood) - Thomas Erikson
Do you ever think you're the only one making any sense? Or tried to reason with your partner with disastrous results? Do long, rambling answers drive you crazy? Or does your colleague's abrasive manner get your back up?You are not alone. After a disastrous meeting with a highly successful entrepreneur, who was genuinely convinced he was 'surrounded by idiots', communication expert and bestselling author, Thomas Erikson dedicated himself to understanding how people function and why we often struggle to connect with certain types of people.Originally published in Swedish in 2014 as Omgiven Av Idioter, Erikon's Surrounded by Idiots is already an international phenomenon, selling over 1.5 million copies worldwide, of which over 750,000 copies have been sold in Sweden alone. It offers a simple, yet ground-breaking method for assessing the personalities of people we communicate with - in and out of the office - based on four personality types (Red, Blue, Green and Yellow), and provides insights into how we can adjust the way(s) we speak and share information.Erikson will help you understand yourself better, hone communication and social skills, handle conflict with confidence, improve dynamics with your boss and team, and get the best out of the people you deal with and manage. He also shares simple tricks on body language, improving written communication and advice on when to back away or when to push on, and when to speak up or indeed shut up. Packed with 'aha!' and 'oh no!' moments, Surrounded by Idiots will help you understand and influence those around you, even people you currently think are beyond all comprehension.And with a bit of luck you can also be confident that the idiot out there isn't you!
Objev podobné jako Surrounded by Idiots : The Four Types of Human Behaviour (or, How to Understand Those Who Cannot Be Understood) - Thomas Erikson
Obklopený psychopatmi - Thomas Erikson
Stretli ste už milého, nápomocného a najmä mimoriadne charizmatického človeka, ktorý na vás okamžite zapôsobil? A viete, že to možno bol psychopat? Určite to poznáte - niekto vás ohúri svojím šarmom, a skôr než sa nazdáte, zistíte, že si s vami robí, čo chce. Veríte jeho slovám, pretože znejú dobre, hoci sú to často lži. Ťahá za vaše nitky až do posledného dychu.Pravdepodobne máte jedného z nich vo svojom okolí - či už ide o šéfa, kolegu, priateľa alebo príbuzného. Psychopatov je v spoločnosti viac, než si myslíte.Ich manipulatívne správanie však môžete odhaliť vďaka pokračovaniu úspešného titulu Obklopený idiotmi od Thomasa Eriksona, švédskeho experta na komunikáciu. Prostredníctvom konkrétnych príbehov reálnych ľudí vám Erikson vo svojej novinke ukáže, ako spoľahlivo rozoznať prejavy psychopatie v bežnom živote, odhalí vám techniky skúsených manipulátorov a naučí vás, ako sa im brániť.Začítajte sa a prekuknite potenciálnych psychopatov, kým nie je neskoro!
Objev podobné jako Obklopený psychopatmi - Thomas Erikson
Obklopený narcistami - Thomas Erikson
Ako sa z človeka stane narcista?Dá sa vôbec s takým človekom žiť?Alebo ste jedným z nich?Kniha Obklopený narcistami vám pomôže vyslobodiť sa z toxického kruhu narcistov a byť šťastnejšími a úspešnejšími.Thomas Erikson, autor úspešnej série kníh o komunikácii, sa vo svojej piatej knihe zameriava na aktuálny fenomén – narcizmus. Znepríjemňujú vám narcisti život? Ste unavení z ich neustálej potreby byť v centre pozornosti? Ako si na základe svojho profilu správania môžete poradiť s narcistom, keď sa vám zjaví v živote? Zoznámte sa s opismi narcistického správania a jeho následkov – pre každého z nás aj všeobecne pre spoločnosť. Zdá sa, že narcizmus sa postupne rozširuje. Jestvuje vôbec hranica, pokiaľ je egoizmus relatívne v poriadku a odkiaľ je to už niečo zlé? Smerujú súčasné osobnostné štandardy k deštruktívnemu egoizmu?Táto kniha nadväzuje na celosvetovo úspešnú sériu kníh Obklopený idiotmi, Obklopený psychopatmi, Obklopený idiotmi v zamestnaní a Obklopený neúspechmi. Autorove zábavné a dokonale výstižné opisy ľudského správania priniesli jeho dielam obrovský úspech a spravili z nich doslova fenomén.Získajte vďaka tejto knihe informácie o tom, ako egoizmus a posadnutosť narcistov vplýva na náš život.
Objev podobné jako Obklopený narcistami - Thomas Erikson
Obklopený idiotmi - Thomas Erikson
Máte pocit, že všade stretávate samých idiotov? Vytáčajú vás ľudia a zdá sa vám, že ich reakciám a správaniu vôbec nerozumiete?Prečo je komunikácia s určitými ľuďmi bezproblémová a iní sú ako chmuľovia?Škandinávsky bestseller, z ktorého sa po celom svete predalo už milión kópií, vysvetľuje štyri základné typy ľudského správania, ktoré definujú spôsob komunikácie a vnímania ľudí okolo nás. Červení sú dominantní a panovační. Žltí sú sociálnejší a majú v sebe viac optimizmu.Zelení sú zasa uvoľnení a kamarátski. No a modrí oplývajú analytickým myslením a presnosťou. Autor Thomas Erikson vám vtipným spôsobom vysvetlí, ako komunikovať s každým z nich.Okrem toho sa veľa dozviete sami o sebe, z nadhľadu spoznáte svoje silné aj slabé stránky. Táto nadčasová metóda navždy zmení váš pohľad na ľudí okolo vás. Ak teda chcete pochopiť medziľudské vzťahy a komunikáciu, neváhajte a pustite sa do čítania.Kniha Obklopený idiotmi patrí medzi svetové bestsellery v oblasti literatúry faktu a doteraz vyšla v 33 krajinách. Len vo Švédsku sa predalo viac ako 250 000 kópií a titul práve čaká na slovenských čitateľov.
Objev podobné jako Obklopený idiotmi - Thomas Erikson
Obklopený klamármi - Thomas Erikson
Máte niekedy pocit, že vám blízky človek nehovorí celú pravdu? Nesedí niečo na kolegovej odpovedi? Stretávate sa s podobnými situáciami až príliš často?Rozlišovanie klamstiev od pravdy je únavné v osobnom, spoločenskom či v pracovnom živote, ale aj pri správach a v televízii.V ďalšom pokračovaní série Obklopený Thomas Erikson ukazuje, ako identifikovať klamárov a poradiť si s nimi. Pomocou štvorfarebného modelu správania, ktorý preslávila prvá kniha Obklopený idiotmi, sa čitatelia naučia chrániť pred podvodmi a neúprimnosťou.Začítajte sa do sofistikovaných múdrostí a Eriksonovho typického humoru, ktorý čitateľom ponúka praktické znalosti potrebné na to, aby si verili a rozoznali pravdu od lží, a tak mohli žiť pokojnejší život.
Objev podobné jako Obklopený klamármi - Thomas Erikson
Obklopený neúspechmi - Thomas Erikson
Keď prídu prekážky či neúspechy, treba vedieť, ako ich zvládať. Tak ako v záhrade trháme burinu, aby mali miesto krásne kvety, musíme si poradiť aj s nepriazňami osudu. A zmeniť ich na úspech. V tejto knihe sa dozviete, ako na to. Autor medzinárodných bestsellerov Thomas Erikson sa v tejto knihe venuje tentoraz všeobecnému problému - čo robiť, keď niečo nevyjde. Veľmi často mávame pocit, že sny a ambície nám maria prekážky.Ako sa teda dá naučiť, ako zvládať neúspechy, nedať sa nimi zraziť na kolená a aj napriek nim dosiahnuť svoje méty? Erikson zodpovedá presne túto otázku. Pomocou jednoduchých a zvládnuteľných krokov pomôže čitateľovi identifikovať ciele, vytvoriť si konkrétny plán, a predovšetkým vyhnúť sa nástrahám, ktoré na nás zvyčajne číhajú, keď sa pustíme do niečoho nového.Prevratný model správania z knihy Obklopený idiotmi rozdelený do štyroch farieb dnes pomáha ľuďom po celom svete spoznať seba a pochopiť, ako reagujú na nevyhnutné prekážky v živote, aby ich zdolávali čo najlepšie.
Objev podobné jako Obklopený neúspechmi - Thomas Erikson
Obklopený idiotmi - Thomas Erikson - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Nie každý, komu nerozumiete, je nevyhnutne idiot. Prelomová metóda vám pomôže konečne porozumieť svojmu šéfovi, kolegom či životnému partnerovi, ba dokonca vlastným deťom. Máte pocit, že všade stretávate samých idiotov? Vytáčajú vás ľudia a máte pocit, že ich reakciám a správaniu vôbec nerozumiete? Prečo je komunikácia s určitými ľuďmi bezproblémová a iní sú ako chmuľovia? Škandinávsky bestseller, z ktorého sa po celom svete predalo už milión kópií, vysvetľuje štyri základné typy ľudského správania, ktoré definujú spôsob komunikácie a vnímania ľudí okolo nás. Červení sú dominantní a panovační. Žltí sú sociálnejší a majú v sebe viac optimizmu. Zelení sú zasa uvoľnení a kamarátski. No a modrí oplývajú analytickým myslením a presnosťou. Autor Thomas Erikson vám naozaj vtipným spôsobom vysvetlí, ako komunikovať s každým z nich.
Objev podobné jako Obklopený idiotmi - Thomas Erikson - audiokniha
Obklopený psychopatmi - Thomas Erikson - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Určite to poznáte – niekto vás ohúri svojím šarmom, a skôr než sa nazdáte, zistíte, že si s vami robí, čo chce. Veríte jeho slovám, pretože znejú dobre, hoci sú to často lži. Ťahá za vaše nitky až do posledného dychu. Pravdepodobne máte jedného z nich vo svojom okolí – či už ide o šéfa, kolegu, priateľa alebo príbuzného. Psychopatov je v spoločnosti viac, než si myslíte. Ich manipulatívne správanie však môžete odhaliť vďaka pokračovaniu úspešného titulu Obklopený idiotmi od Thomasa Eriksona, švédskeho experta na komunikáciu. Prostredníctvom konkrétnych príbehov reálnych ľudí vám Erikson vo svojej novinke ukáže, ako spoľahlivo rozoznať prejavy psychopatie v bežnom živote, odhalí vám techniky skúsených manipulátorov a naučí vás, ako sa im brániť. Začítajte sa a prekuknite potenciálnych psychopatov, kým nie je neskoro! "Vysvetlím vám, ako identifikovať psychopata a ako rozoznať človeka s psychopatickými črtami. Zároveň si ukážeme, ako s ním naložiť."
Objev podobné jako Obklopený psychopatmi - Thomas Erikson - audiokniha
Obklopený idiotmi v zamestnaní - Thomas Erikson
Ak sa vaše deti nesprávajú podľa očakávaní, ešte stále môžete zmeniť stratégiu pri ich výchove. Ak sa z vašej polovičky vykľuje tá nesprávna osoba, vzťah sa dá ukončiť. Lenže pri neférovom či prehnane náročnom šéfovi nie je až také jednoduché zistiť, čo s tým. Zažili sme to už všetci. Akoby ste boli každý z inej planéty. A aj keď ste doteraz nemali až takú smolu na nadriadeného, určite máte za sebou aspoň zopár nepríjemných prekvapení. Možno vám pristála na pleciach veľká zodpovednosť, no bez skutočných právomocí.Prípadne máte s nadriadeným odlišné osobnosti aj odlišné pracovné postupy. Alebo svojho šéfa považujete za stratený prípad. Dá sa to však riešiť. Thomas Erikson, autor bestsellerov Obklopený idiotmi a Obklopený psychopatmi, sa vo svojej ďalšej knihe zameral na rozdiely v komunikácii na pracovisku. Znovu sa opiera o známu farebnú typológiu ľudského správania, ibaže tentoraz z pohľadu nadriadených a podriadených. Do rovnice vzájomného pochopenia zároveň prináša aj iné prvky, ktoré ovplyvňujú spoločné fungovanie okrem farieb. Dozviete sa, ako spolu prestať bojovať, začať zbierať úspechy a porozumieť kolegom, šéfom aj zamestnancom.
Objev podobné jako Obklopený idiotmi v zamestnaní - Thomas Erikson
V obklíčení idiotů - Thomas Erikson - e-kniha
eBook: To, že těm okolo nerozumíte, neznamená, že jsou idioti! Máte někdy pocit, že vůbec nechápete chování a reakce lidí kolem vás? Jak je možné, že s některými se dá snadno dohodnout, zatímco jiní jsou už od pohledu potížisti? Švédský bestseller, jehož se ve světě prodalo již přes 1 milion výtisků, popisuje čtyři základní typy chování, které ovlivňují způsob komunikace a vnímání lidí navzájem. Červení, Žlutí, Zelení a Modří. Autor vám s humorem a nadhledem vysvětlí, jak jednotlivé typy rozpoznat a díky tomu pak s nimi i bezproblémově komunikovat.
Objev podobné jako V obklíčení idiotů - Thomas Erikson - e-kniha
V obklíčení blbých šéfů (i blbých podřízených) - Thomas Erikson
Thomas Erikson, autor bestselleru V obklíčení idiotů se tentokrát zaměřil na místo, kde trávíme třetinu dne. Málokde je taková příležitost ke konfliktům, nedorozuměním, podrazům a intrikám, ale taky k přátelství, vzájemné pomoci a solidaritě. Erikson opět pracuje se čtyřmi typy lidského chování, které rozlišuje podle barev - červené, modré, zelené a žluté. Dozvíte se, které kombinace fungují, které jsou problematické a jak správně jednat s představiteli každého barevného typu.
Objev podobné jako V obklíčení blbých šéfů (i blbých podřízených) - Thomas Erikson
V obklíčení blbých šéfů (i blbých podřízených) - Thomas Erikson - e-kniha
eBook: Jak porozumět kolegům, šéfům i podřízeným Thomas Erikson, autor bestselleru V obklíčení idiotů se tentokrát zaměřil na místo, kde trávíme třetinu dne. Málokde je taková příležitost ke konfliktům, nedorozuměním, podrazům a intrikám, ale taky k přátelství, vzájemné pomoci a solidaritě. Erikson opět pracuje se čtyřmi typy lidského chování, které rozlišuje podle barev - červené, modré, zelené a žluté. Dozvíte se, které kombinace fungují, které jsou problematické a jak správně jednat s představiteli každého barevného typu.
Objev podobné jako V obklíčení blbých šéfů (i blbých podřízených) - Thomas Erikson - e-kniha
Surrounded by Idiots (1785042181)
Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Surrounded by Idiots (1785042181)
Jones Tom: Surrounded By Time - CD (3506631)
Hudební CD - Surrounded By Time je 42. studiové album vydané velšským zpěvákem Tomem Jonesem v roce 2021. Surrounded By Time je 42. studiové album vydané velšským zpěvákem Tomem Jonesem v roce 2021. Rok vydání . 2021 (42.album) Seznam stop I Won't Crumble With You If You Fall (Bernice Johnson Reagon) / The Windmills Of Your Mind (Michel Legrand/Alan & Marilyn Bergman) / Popstar (Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam) / No Hole In My Head (Malvina Reynolds) / Talking Reality Television Blues (Todd Snider) / I Won't Lie (Michael Kiwanuka & Paul Butler) / This is the Sea (Michael Scott) / One More Cup Of Coffee (Bob Dylan) / Samson And Delilah (Tom Jones, Ethan Johns, Mark Woodward) / Mother Earth (Tony Jo White) / I'm Growing Old (Bobby Cole) / Lazurus Man (Terry Callier)
Objev podobné jako Jones Tom: Surrounded By Time - CD (3506631)
King Tubby - Surrounded By The Dreads (LP)
Subžánr: Reggae;Dub Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2014.0 Interpret / Téma: King Tubby Varianta: Surrounded By The Dreads (LP) Žánr: Reggae Vydavatelství: Greensleeves Records Balení obsahuje: LP Typ: Album;Nové vydání;LP deska Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země interpreta: Jamajka Barva: Černá Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969 Složení setu: 1 ks
Objev podobné jako King Tubby - Surrounded By The Dreads (LP)
Jones Tom: Surrounded By Time (2x CD) - CD (3896863)
Hudební CD - Surrounded By Time je 42. studiové album vydané velšským zpěvákem Tomem Jonesem v roce 2021. Surrounded By Time je 42. studiové album vydané velšským zpěvákem Tomem Jonesem v roce 2021. Rok vydání : 2021 (42.album) Seznam stop CD 1 I Won't Crumble With You If You Fall (Bernice Johnson Reagon) / The Windmills Of Your Mind (Michel Legrand/Alan & Marilyn Bergman) / Popstar (Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam) / No Hole In My Head (Malvina Reynolds) / Talking Reality Television Blues (Todd Snider) / I Won't Lie (Michael Kiwanuka & Paul Butler) / This is the Sea (Michael Scott) / One More Cup Of Coffee (Bob Dylan) / Samson And Delilah (Tom Jones, Ethan Johns, Mark Woodward) / Mother Earth (Tony Jo White) / I'm Growing Old (Bobby Cole) / Lazurus Man (Terry Callier) CD 2 Bonus Tracks Not Dark Yet / One Hell Of A Life / I Won't Crumble With You If You Fall (Live from Shepherd's Bush Empire) / Samson And Delilah (Live from...
Objev podobné jako Jones Tom: Surrounded By Time (2x CD) - CD (3896863)
Jones Tom: Surrounded By Time (2x LP) - LP (3506625)
LP vinyl - Surrounded By Time je 42. studiové album vydané velšským zpěvákem Tomem Jonesem v roce 2021. Surrounded By Time je 42. studiové album vydané velšským zpěvákem Tomem Jonesem v roce 2021. Rok vydání . 2021 (42.album) Seznam stop I Won't Crumble With You If You Fall (Bernice Johnson Reagon) / The Windmills Of Your Mind (Michel Legrand/Alan & Marilyn Bergman) / Popstar (Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam) / No Hole In My Head (Malvina Reynolds) / Talking Reality Television Blues (Todd Snider) / I Won't Lie (Michael Kiwanuka & Paul Butler) / This is the Sea (Michael Scott) / One More Cup Of Coffee (Bob Dylan) / Samson And Delilah (Tom Jones, Ethan Johns, Mark Woodward) / Mother Earth (Tony Jo White) / I'm Growing Old (Bobby Cole) / Lazurus Man (Terry Callier)
Objev podobné jako Jones Tom: Surrounded By Time (2x LP) - LP (3506625)
Family of Liars: The Prequel to We Were Liars (1471412350)
Kniha - autor E. Lockhart, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Family of Liars: The Prequel to We Were Liars (1471412350)
ZOOT.Fan Disney Scar I am surrounded by Idiots Triko Černá
Disney Scar I am surrounded by Idiots Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Černá.
Objev podobné jako ZOOT.Fan Disney Scar I am surrounded by Idiots Triko Černá
ZOOT.Fan Disney Scar I am surrounded by Idiots Triko Černá
Disney Scar I am surrounded by Idiots Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Černá.
Objev podobné jako ZOOT.Fan Disney Scar I am surrounded by Idiots Triko Černá
ZOOT.Fan Disney Scar I am surrounded by Idiots Triko Černá
Disney Scar I am surrounded by Idiots Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Černá.
Objev podobné jako ZOOT.Fan Disney Scar I am surrounded by Idiots Triko Černá
ZOOT.Fan Disney Scar I am surrounded by Idiots Triko Černá
Disney Scar I am surrounded by Idiots Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Černá.
Objev podobné jako ZOOT.Fan Disney Scar I am surrounded by Idiots Triko Černá
ZOOT.Fan Disney Scar I am surrounded by Idiots Triko Černá
Disney Scar I am surrounded by Idiots Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Černá.
Objev podobné jako ZOOT.Fan Disney Scar I am surrounded by Idiots Triko Černá
ZOOT.Fan Disney Scar I am surrounded by Idiots Triko Černá
Disney Scar I am surrounded by Idiots Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Černá.
Objev podobné jako ZOOT.Fan Disney Scar I am surrounded by Idiots Triko Černá
We Were Liars (0385741278)
Kniha - 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako We Were Liars (0385741278)
We Were Liars (147140398X)
Kniha - autor E. Lockhart, 228 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná We are the Liars. We are beautiful, privileged and live a life of carefree luxury. We are cracked and broken...
Objev podobné jako We Were Liars (147140398X)
Pretty Little Liars 01 (1907410716)
Kniha - autor Sara Shepard, 244 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Aria, Emily, Spencer, Hanna and Alison have been best friends since the third grade. They go everywhere together, thinking no-one can come between them. If anyone is the ringleader of the group it is Alison, and the other girls cannot help but confide all their secrets to her.One night, during a sleepover, Alison goes missing. Her body is never found. The girls mourn her death but move apart after time, assuming their secrets have disappeared with Alison too.Three years later and Aria is having an affair with her teacher; Emily is questioning her sexuality; Hanna is a thief; and Spencer is flirting with her sister's fiance. They all think their secrets are safe, until they starting receiving messages from the mysterious A - who knows exactly what they are all up to, and is threatening to spill the beans . . .
Objev podobné jako Pretty Little Liars 01 (1907410716)
We were liars - E. Lockhartová
We are the Liars. We are beautiful, privileged and live a life of carefree luxury.We are cracked and broken. A story of love and romance.A tale of tragedy. Which are lies? Which is truth?
Objev podobné jako We were liars - E. Lockhartová
Such Charming Liars - Karen McManus
The internationally bestselling YA thriller author Karen M. McManus is back with a brand-new mystery thriller – you won’t be able to resist Such Charming Liars. 'The queen of mystery is back' – COSMOPOLITAN on Such Charming Liars‘Hairpin twists and exploding bombshells catapult the tale to an electrifying close’ – KIRKUS REVIEWS on Such Charming Liars‘An unputdownable, deliciously twisty mystery’ – PUBLISHERS WEEKLY on Such Charming LiarsWhen mother-daughter scam artists set out on their final heist, the job gets dangerously personal and deadly. . . For all of Kat’s life, it’s been her and her mother, Jamie - except for 12 years ago, when Jamie was married for two days and Kat had a stepbrother, Liam. But all that ended in a swift divorce. Now Jamie is a jewel thief trying to go straight, but she has one last job, at a billionaire's 80th birthday party. Neither Kat nor her mother know about two surprise guests: Liam and his father, a serial scammer with his own sights set on Ross Sutherland’s family. Kat and Liam are on a collision course to disaster, and when someone dies, the two teens realize they might be in the killer’s crosshairs. They can’t trust anyone except each other. Or can they? If there’s one thing both of them know, it’s how to be such charming liars. . . 'An exciting single-sitting thrillerish treat' – GUARDIAN on One of Us Is Lying'Utterly irresistible' - HEAT on One of Us Is Lying'Easily the YA thriller of the year' – ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY on One of Us Is LyingKaren M. McManus, Sunday Times Bestseller, August 2023.
Objev podobné jako Such Charming Liars - Karen McManus
The Good Liars - Frank Anita
The Sunday Times bestselling new historical fiction novel: an atmospheric tale of crime, deceit, and murder, set in the early 1920s…
Objev podobné jako The Good Liars - Frank Anita
Such Charming Liars - Karen McManus
For all of Kat's life, it's been her and her mother, Jamie - except for 12 years ago, when Jamie was married for two days and Kat had a stepbrother, Liam.But all that ended in a swift divorce.Now Jamie is a jewel thief trying to go straight, but she has one last job, at a billionaire's 80th birthday party. Neither Kat nor her mother know about two surprise guests: Liam and his father, a serial scammer with his own sights set on Ross Sutherland's family.Kat and Liam are on a collision course to disaster, and when someone dies, the two teens realize they might be in the killer's crosshairs. They can't trust anyone except each other.Or can they? Because if there's one thing both of them know, it's how to lie...
Objev podobné jako Such Charming Liars - Karen McManus
Family of Liars - E. Lockhartová
The instant New York Times bestseller and prequel to the TikTok phenomenon We Were Liars. Return to the story of another summer, another generation, and the secrets that will haunt them for decades to come.A windswept private island off the coast of Massachusetts.A hungry ocean, churning with secrets and sorrow.A fiery, addicted heiress. An irresistible, unpredictable boy.A summer of unforgivable betrayal and terrible mistakes.Welcome back to the Sinclair family.They were always liars.
Objev podobné jako Family of Liars - E. Lockhartová
Surrounded by Idiots: The Four Types of Human Behavior and How to Effectively Communicate with Each (1250255171)
Kniha - 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Surrounded by Idiots: The Four Types of Human Behavior and How to Effectively Communicate with Each (1250255171)
Měsíční zahrady - Steven Erikson
Malazská říše povstala z malého ostrovního království a vybudovala impérium, jakému není rovno, na ostří mečů a magii. Nekonečné války, vnitřní rozbroje i krvavé střety s obdivuhodným Anomanderem a jeho Tiste Andii, prastarými a nesmiřitelnými kouzelníky, jsou vyčerpávající a říše vře nespokojeností. Dokonce i armáda, dávno uvyklá na krveprolití, touží po chvilce oddechu. Císařovna Laseen však dál vládne pevnou rukou a poslušnost si vynucuje skrze své děsivé spárské asasíny. Nyní upřela svůj nenasytný zrak na Darúdžistán, starodávnou citadelu a poslední ze Svobodných měst v Genabakis. Poslední bašta nezávislosti dosud vzdoruje síle malazské armády. Nad městem se vznáší nebeská pevnost Měsíční kámen a sami obyvatelé Darúdžistánu si kladou otázku, kdo je vlastně jejich záhadný spojenec. Zdá se však, že říše v této velké hře není sama. Ze stínu vystupují zlověstné síly a sami bohové se připravují vložit do hry…
Objev podobné jako Měsíční zahrady - Steven Erikson
Radujme se - Steven Erikson
Na Zemi se náhle objeví silová pole, vytvoří zóny, do kterých nemají lidé přístup, a současně zabraňují lidem v násilí a ničení přírody. Zbraně od atomových až po nože a pěsti jsou náhle k ničemu, světová ekonomika se začne hroutit a vlády celého světa ztratí svou moc. Současně cosi začne terraformovat Mars a Venuši, aby se staly obyvatelné. To je však jen začátek a mocní tohoto světa se rozhodně nechtějí „vzdát" bez boje... Spisovatelka science fiction Samanta se ocitne na mimozemské lodi a umělá inteligence aliance mimozemských supercivilizací jí sdělí, že si ji vybrala jako svou mluvčí pro kontakt s lidstvem, kterému už nedovolí dál ničit Zemi ani samo sebe. A jejich plán na „výchovu" lidstva přechází do dalších, ještě bizarnějších fází. Strhující vědeckofantastický román o prvním kontaktu z pera autora známého hlavně díky ságám z Malazské říše je nejen plný napětí a akce, ale také vznáší filozofické otázky po smyslu lidstva, jeho vztahu k vlastní planetě a stavu současné civilizace. Díky nadšenému čtenářskému ohlasu se stal bestsellerem a současně je vysoce hodnocen kritiky jako nová klasika žánru.
Objev podobné jako Radujme se - Steven Erikson
Deadhouse Gates - Steven Erikson
In the vast dominion of Seven Cities, in the Holy Desert Raraku, the seer Sha’ik and her followers prepare for the long-prophesied uprising known as the Whirlwind. Unprecedented in size and savagery, this maelstrom of fanaticism and bloodlust will embroil the Malazan Empire in one of the bloodiest conflicts it has ever known, shaping destinies and giving birth to legends.....Set in a brilliantly realized world ravaged by dark, uncontrollable magic, this thrilling novel of war, intrigue, and betrayal confirms Steven Erikson as a storyteller of breathtaking skill, imagination, and originality - a new master of epic fantasy.
Objev podobné jako Deadhouse Gates - Steven Erikson
The Bonehunters - Steven Erikson
The Seven Cities Rebellion is over, Sha'ik is dead, but a last rebel force remains, holed up in the city of Y'Ghatan under the fanatical command of Leoman of the Flails. The prospect of laying siege to this ancient fortress makes the battle-weary Malaz 14th Army uneasy - for it was here that the Empire's greatest champion Dassem Ultor was slain and a tide of Malazan blood spilled... But agents of a far greater conflict have made their opening moves. The Crippled God has been granted a place in the pantheon, a schism threatens, sides must be chosen but whatever each god decides, the rules have changed - and the first blood spilled will be in the mortal world: a world in which a host of characters, familiar and new, search for a fate that they might fashion by their own will. If only the gods would leave them alone. But gods are disinclined to be kind. There shall be war, war in the heavens. And the prize? Nothing less than existence itself...
Objev podobné jako The Bonehunters - Steven Erikson
Midnight Tides - Steven Erikson
After decades of warfare, the tribes of the Tiste Edur have at last united under the rule of the Warlock King. But peace has been exacted at a terrible price - a pact made with a hidden power whose motives are at best suspect, at worst deadly. To the south, the expansionist kingdom of Lether has devoured all of its less-civilised neighbours with rapacious hunger.All save one - the Tiste Edur. But Lether is approaching a long-prophesied renaissance that it will take it from a kingdom and lost colony to an empire reborn - and has fixed its gaze on the rich lands of the Tiste Edur. It would seem inevitable that the tribes will surrender, succumbing to the suffocating weight of gold, or to slaughter at the edge of a sword.Or so Destiny has decreed. A pivotal treaty between the two sides nears, but unknown ancient forces are awakening. For the impending struggle between these two peoples is but a pale reflection of an altogether more profound, primal battle - a confrontation driven by a still-raw betrayal and a craving for vengeance.War and confrontation, magic and myth collide in this, the stunning fifth chapter in Steven Erikson's magnificent The Malazan Book of the Fallen - a series hailed as an epic of the imagination and a classic work of high fantasy.
Objev podobné jako Midnight Tides - Steven Erikson
The Kingdom of Liars - Nick Martell
Michael Kingman has been an outsider for as long as he remembers. The court which executed his father also exiled him and his family. They branded him a traitor, and the nobles who had been his friends turned their backs, prepared to let the legendary Kingman family die on Hollow's city streets.Only they survived. And it should come as no surprise to Hollow Court, or the King, that they've been searching for the truth ever since. History is written by the winners, truth buried beneath lies until it's Forgotten.Justice seems impossible in a city where the price of magic is a memory. But Michael Kingman is determined to make everyone remember . .
Objev podobné jako The Kingdom of Liars - Nick Martell
All the Little Liars - Victoria Selman
Three best friends. One too many.California, 2003A thirteen-year-old girl disappears from a party at Carlsbad''s Turtle Lake. Discovered on the trunk of a nearby cottonwood tree is the word ''LIAR'' graffitied in blood.What you know . . . Three teenagers went to the lake that night but only two came back. Later, they confess to murdering their friend.. . . is only part of the storyBut did they really kill her? And if not, why say they did?Told across two timelines and tapping into a horrific crime, All the Little Liars is a novel about sisterly love and toxic friendship that asks: how much would you sacrifice to belong?PRAISE FOR ALL THE LITTLE LIARS:''A jaw-dropping twist'' ABIGAIL DEAN''Heathers meets Charles Manson in this tale of good girls gone bad. I loved it'' IAN RANKIN''A tour-de-force . . . what a read!'' CARA HUNTER''I couldn''t put it down'' SHARI LAPENA''Incredible characters, amazing story and a twist that blew my mind'' 5* READER REVIEW''A hands down five-star triumph'' JANICE HALLETT''What a read!'' 5* READER REVIEW ''Fantastically addictive'' JOHN MARRS''A proper page turner!'' 5* READER REVIEW''Heady and haunting'' LIZZY BARBER
Objev podobné jako All the Little Liars - Victoria Selman
An Academy for Liars - Hendersonová Alexis
Lennon Carter's life is falling apart. Until she gets a mysterious phone call inviting her to sit the entrance exam for somewhere very few have heard of - Drayton College, a school of magic hidden in a secret pocket of Savannah. Lennon has been chosen because - like everyone else at the school - she is special. She possesses the innate gift of persuasion: the ability to wield her will like a weapon and to use it to control others and, in rare cases, matter itself. After passing the gruelling exam, Lennon must now learn how to master this devastating power. While persuasion takes a heavy toll on her body and her mind, she is captivated by all that surrounds her - her studies, Drayton's lush, moss-draped campus, her brilliant classmates and, most of all, by Dante, the charismatic adviser who both intimidates and enamours her. But as Lennon becomes more adept at wielding her uncanny abilities, she uncovers more about the unsettling history of Drayton and Dante's tragic and violent past, and is increasingly disturbed by what she finds. For it seems that the ultimate test is to embrace absolute power without succumbing to corruption and darkness . . . and it's a test she's terrified she is going to fail.
Objev podobné jako An Academy for Liars - Hendersonová Alexis
An Academy for Liars - Alexis Henderson
‘Saturated with violence, desire, and power. It''s a book with blood on its lips, and I loved it completely.’ ALIX E. HARROW''Alexis Henderson is one of the best Gothic writers out there.'' HANNAH WHITTEN‘Dark academia stunner infused with Henderson''s signature style – it''s lush, atmospheric, imaginative and impossible to put down.’ RACHEL HARRISON''A modern-day Anne Rice, Henderson has a gift for creating a world engorged with desire and death.'' THE NEW YORK TIMESLennon Carter’s life is falling apart.Until she gets a mysterious phone call inviting her to sit the entrance exam for somewhere very few have heard of - Drayton College, a school of magic hidden in a secret pocket of Savannah.Lennon has been chosen because - like everyone else at the school - she is special. She possesses the innate gift of persuasion: the ability to wield her will like a weapon and to use it to control others and, in rare cases, matter itself.After passing the gruelling exam, Lennon must now learn how to master this devastating power.While persuasion takes a heavy toll on her body and her mind, she is captivated by all that surrounds her - her studies, Drayton’s lush, moss-draped campus, her brilliant classmates and, most of all, by Dante, the charismatic adviser who both intimidates and enamours her.But as Lennon becomes more adept at wielding her uncanny abilities, she uncovers more about the unsettling history of Drayton and Dante’s tragic and violent past, and is increasingly disturbed by what she finds.For it seems that the ultimate test is to embrace absolute power without succumbing to corruption and darkness . . . and it''s a test she''s terrified she is going to fail.
Objev podobné jako An Academy for Liars - Alexis Henderson
House of Chains - Steven Erikson
In Northern Genabackis, just before the events recounted in Gardens of the Moon, a raiding party of tribal warriors descends from the mountains into the southern flat lands. Their intention is to wreak havoc among the despised lowlanders but for one amongst their number, it is the beginning of an extraordinary destiny. His name is Karsa Orlong.Some years later, it is the aftermath of the Chain of Dogs. Coltaine, revered commander of the Malazan 7th Army, is dead. And now Tavore, sister of Ganoes Paran and Adjunct to the Empress, recently arrived at the last remaining Malazan stronghold of the Seven Cities, must take charge. Untested and new to command, she must hone a small army of twelve thousand soldiers, mostly raw recruits, into a viable fighting force and lead them against the masses of Sha'ik's Whirlwind. Her only hope of success rests with the few remaining survivors from Coltaine's legendary march.In distant Raraku, in the heart of the Holy Desert, the seer Sha'ik waits with her increasingly restless rebel army. And waiting is never easy, especially when a disparate collection of warlords - tribal chiefs, High Mages, a renegade Malazan Fist and his sorceror - is locked in a vicious power struggle that threatens to tear the rebellion apart from within. And Sha'ik herself suffers, haunted by the private knowledge of the one she knows is her nemesis . . .So begins this epic novel of war, intrigue, betrayal and magic - the awesome fourth chapter in one of the landmark works of epic fantasy, Steven Erikson's The Malazan Book of the Fallen.
Objev podobné jako House of Chains - Steven Erikson
Memories of Ice - Steven Erikson
The ravaged continent of Genabackis has given birth to a terrifying new empire: the Pannion Domin. Like a fanatical tide of corrupted blood, it seethes across the land, devouring all who fail to heed the Word of its elusive prophet, the Pannion Seer. In its path stands an uneasy alliance: Dujek Onearm's Host and the Bridgeburners - each now outlawed by the Empress - alongside some enemies of old that include the grim forces of Warlord Caladan Brood, Anomander Rake, Son of Darkness, and his Tiste Andii, and the Rhivi people of the Plains.But more ancient clans are also gathering. As if in answer to some primal summons, the massed ranks of the undead T'lan Imass have risen. It would seem that something altogether darker and more malign threatens the very substance of this world.The Warrens are poisoned, and rumours abound that the Crippled God is now unchained and intent on a terrible revenge . . .Marking the return of many favourite characters from Garden of the Moon and introducing a host of remarkable new players, Memories of Ice is the thrilling third chapter in Steven Erikson's magnificent, genre defining epic fantasy.
Objev podobné jako Memories of Ice - Steven Erikson
Dům mrtvých - Steven Erikson - e-kniha
eBook: Na svaté poušti Raraku shromažďuje věštkyně ša’ik vojsko vyznavačů Knihy Apokalypsy. Hodlá rozpoutat Smršť a postavit se do čela povstání, které zatáhne Malazskou říši do jednoho z nejkrvavějších konfliktů, jaké kdy poznala. Strašlivý vír náboženského fanatismu i krvežíznivosti brzy smete celá města a dá vzniknout legendám. Paliči mostů jsou zničeni a jejich zbytky postaveny mimo zákon. Šumař a asasín Kalam hodlají úder vrátit i s úroky a tvrdohlavě se probíjejí k mytickému cíli: tajemnému Domu mrtvých. Jenže uprostřed vražedné války nejde nic podle plánu – zvláště když zpovzdálí tahá za nitky sám bůh stínu, nevypočitatelný Stínupán. Mezitím Coltain, charismatický velitel malazské Sedmé armády, vede své vojáky do poslední bitvy za záchranu životů třiceti tisíc uprchlíků. Jeho Psí řetěz svádí zápas s pouští, přesilou nepřátel i intrikami ve vlastních řadách. Jak daleko je možné zajít ve snaze o nemožné? Na konci cesty plné krve a slz čeká přístavní město Aren, ale slibuje záchranu, nebo zkázu? Svatá poušť zvolna vydává svá tajemství. Z Domu mrtvých vede mnoho cest, k němu však pouze jediná. Ti, kdo se po ní vydají, už nikdy nebudou jako dřív.
Objev podobné jako Dům mrtvých - Steven Erikson - e-kniha
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