Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Sequence je zábavná strategická hra s miliony fanoušků po celém světě! Umístíte svůj žeton nebo překazíte tah protihráče? Budete první, komu se podaří vytvořit řadu pěti žetonů, tedy Sequenci? Rozměr krabice hry: 267 × 267 × 60 mm
Objev podobné jako Sequence
Sequence - společenská hra
Technické údaje:Obsah balení:Sequence společenská hra v krabici 27x27x6cmPokud není uvedeno jinak, cena se vztahuje na 1 ks produktu.Konkrétní barvu nebo druh výrobku není možné z technických důvodů zvolit, objednávce bude přidělena náhodná varianta dle skladových možností.
Objev podobné jako Sequence - společenská hra
Hra Sequence Harry Potter
Jak doma vykouzlit pohodu? Přivolejte na pomoc Harryho Pottera. S partou známého čaroděje si zahrajete zábavnou hru Sequence. Cílem karetní partie je vytvořit požadovaný počet sekvencí, neboli řad po 5 žetonech od stejné barvy. Vítězí ten, komu se to podaří jako prvnímu. Sekvence mohou být poskládány horizontálně, vertikálně nebo úhlopříčně. Se skládáním sekvencí vám může pomoci profesor Snape nebo zrzek Ron Weasley, nemilé překvapení vám naopak přichystá karta s Nymfadorou Tonksovou nebo profesorkou Trelawneyovou.. Balení obsahuje: 1 herní plán, 104 hracích karet, 135 žetonů (50 antracitových, 50 zlatých, 35 stříbrných), pravidla. Pro 2-12 hráčů. Věk:7+
Objev podobné jako Hra Sequence Harry Potter
Cestovní hra Sequence stacks
Tvořte SEQUENCE pomocí karet z ruky. Hrajte strategicky a používejte speciální karty ve správný čas k poražení protihráčů! Hráč, který nasbírá 5 žetonů za sestavené SEQUENCE vyhrává. Zábavná a chytrá karetní hra pro 2–6 hráčů. Věk 7+
Objev podobné jako Cestovní hra Sequence stacks
Sequence Junior Tlapková patrola
Oblíbená hra Sequence tentokrát pro nejmenší hráče s kamarády z Tlapkové patroly. Zahrajte kartu z ruky a umístěte žeton na odpovídající oblíbenou postavičku Tlapkové patroly na herním plánu. Zahrajte speciální karty a překazte plány soupeřů! Kdo první sestaví 4 žetony v řadě, vyhrává hru. Hra pro 2–4 hráče od 3 let.
Objev podobné jako Sequence Junior Tlapková patrola
Sequence stacks - cestovní hra
Tvořte SEQUENCE pomocí karet z ruky. Hrajte strategicky a používejte speciální karty ve správný čas k poražení protihráčů! Hráč, který nasbírá 5 žetonů za sestavené SEQUENCE vyhrává. Zábavná a chytrá karetní hra pro 2–6 hráčů. Věk 7+
Objev podobné jako Sequence stacks - cestovní hra
Sequence Harry Potter Rodinná hra
Klasická hra Sequence s oblíbenými charaktery z Harryho Pottera v luxusním provedení.
Objev podobné jako Sequence Harry Potter Rodinná hra
Sequence Harry Potter Rodinná hra (8590878631724)
Společenská hra - strategická, logická a rodinná hra, pro 2 až 12 hráčů, lehká obtížnost, v českém jazyce, vhodné od 7 let Objevte v sobě stratéga a natřete to svým soupeřům v rodinné hře Sequence Harry Potter. Jedná se o klasickou strategickou hru Sequence s postavami z kouzelnického světa Harryho Pottera. Zahrajte kartu z ruky a umístěte žeton na odpovídající místo na hrací ploše. Karty jsou kvalitně zhotovené a zobrazují známé postavy ze světa Harryho Pottera. Žetony jsou z onyxu, zlata a stříbra. Rodinná hra Sequence Harry Potter rozvíjí dovednosti jako je strategie a logické uvažování. Cílem hry je umístit 5 žetonů v řadě, tedy Sequenci. Vyhrává první hráč nebo tým, který dosáhne požadovaného počtu Sequencí. Společenská hra Sequence Harry Potter je vhodná pro 2–12 hráčů ve věku od 7 let. Klíčové vlastnosti společenské hry Sequence Harry PotterSpolečenská hra Sequence Harry Potter je vhodná pro 2–12 hráčů ve věku od 7 letRodinná hra...
Objev podobné jako Sequence Harry Potter Rodinná hra (8590878631724)
Dětská hra Sequence junior, Tlapková patrola
Partie karet je rozdána. Umístíte svůj žeton nebo překazíte tah protihráče? Zábavná strategická hra, ve které jde o sestavení Sequence tedy řady 4 žetonů své barvy. Hra pro 2–4 hráče od 3 let.
Objev podobné jako Dětská hra Sequence junior, Tlapková patrola
Fototapeta na stěnu Soul with Sequence / Dan Johannson
Fototapeta na zeď z jednoho nebo více kusů v závislosti na rozměru. Fototapety na zeď, které dodají Vašemu prostoru nový rozměr. Fototopety jsou vyrobeny z kvalitních materiálů. Tapety na stěny do bytu, domu či kanceláře. Díky svým vlastnostem se ideálně přizpůsobí podmínkám v interiéru jako vlhkost, prach a pod .. Moderní tapety pro moderní interiéry. Návod k použití si můžete stáhnout> ZDE V případě pokud fototapeta obsahuje bílý bezpečnostní okraj, je třeba jej před aplikací na stěnu odstřihnout.
Objev podobné jako Fototapeta na stěnu Soul with Sequence / Dan Johannson
YENKEE YKM 2006CS Combo WL Sequence - CZ/SK (YKM 2006CS Combo)
Set klávesnice a myši - bezdrátový, česká a slovenská kancelářská klávesnice, vysokoprofilové klávesy + optická myš, 1600DPI, 3 tlačítka, symetrická Klávesnice i myš jistě nesmí chybět u žádného počítače. Vybraný set YENKEE YKM 2006CS Combo WL Sequence - CZ/SK v sobě ukrývá obě tyto součásti. K počítači či notebooku je připojíte prostřednictvím bezdrátového USB přijímače. Jedná se o optickou myš, která používá červené LED světlo pro snímání pohybu. Výhodou této technologie je přívětivější cena. Klávesnice je předurčena zvláště do kancelářského prostředí. Klávesnice v setu je opatřena vysokoprofilovými tlačítky, jejich verze je česká a slovenská. Hlavní vlastnosti setu klávesnice a myši YENKEE YKM 2006CS Combo WL Sequence - CZ/SK Balení obsahuje klávesnici a myš Yenkee Klávesnici použijete do pracovny Česká a slovenská lokalizace O napájení se starají baterie Klávesnice využívá membránové spínače Její tvar je ideální pro leváky i pro praváky Komponenty se...
Objev podobné jako YENKEE YKM 2006CS Combo WL Sequence - CZ/SK (YKM 2006CS Combo)
Sequence Harry Potter rodinná společenská hra 21 x 26 x 6 cm
Jak doma vykouzlit pohodu? Přivolejte na pomoc Harryho Pottera. S partou známého čaroděje si zahrajete zábavnou hru Sequence. Cílem karetní partie je vytvořit požadovaný počet sekvencí, neboli řad po 5 žetonech od stejné barvy. Vítězí ten, komu se to podaří jako prvnímu. Sekvence mohou být poskládány horizontálně, vertikálně nebo úhlopříčně. Se skládáním sekvencí vám může pomoci profesor Snape nebo zrzek Ron Weasley, nemilé překvapení vám naopak přichystá karta s Nymfadorou Tonksovou nebo profesorkou Trelawneyovou. Balení obsahuje: 1 herní plán, 104 hracích karet, 135 žetonů (50 antracitových, 50 zlatých, 35 stříbrných), pravidla. Technické údaje: vhodné pro děti od 7 let rodinná společenská hra Obsah balení: 1 x společenská hra Harry Potter rozměry balení: 21 x 26 x 6 cm Pokud není uvedeno jinak, cena se vztahuje na 1 ks produktu.
Objev podobné jako Sequence Harry Potter rodinná společenská hra 21 x 26 x 6 cm
Alpinestars Bionic Pro (Sequence) Knee/shin Profi chrániče kolen S/M (P405874_4:36_)
Chrániče na kolo na kolena, na horská kola, pánské, velikost S/M Alpinestars Sequence jsou jedny z nejlepších chráničů na kolena a holeně současnosti. Odolný, ergonomický a odvětraný chránič. Klíčové vlastnosti chrániče na kolo Alpinestars Bionic Pro (Sequence) Knee/shin ProfiKonstruován s použitím inovativní technologie OSG (outer shell grid), která využívá nové materiály a strukturu ochranných prvků vyvinutých pro motosport a aplikovaných do cyklistiky, díky tomu nabízí při extrémně nízké váze výbornou ochranu a odvětrání a zároveň je flexibilníUpínání na nohavičku a 2 pásky je přesné a bezpečně držíTPR prvky umožňují ovládání i v rukavicíchNová extra lehká a odvětraná kolena s vysokou nastavitelností, flexibilností a maximálním odvětránímVícevrstvá konstrukce na tělo z pohodlné a odolné elastické síťoviny, termoformové polstrování, viskoelastické pěny a OSG polymeruZákladní konstrukce z elastanu je pohodlná a drží...
Objev podobné jako Alpinestars Bionic Pro (Sequence) Knee/shin Profi chrániče kolen S/M (P405874_4:36_)
The Lies of Locke Lamora - Scott Lynch
The first of the Gentleman Bastard sequence, this stunning heist fantasy is a must-read for fans of GAME OF THRONES and THE NAME OF THE WIND.
Objev podobné jako The Lies of Locke Lamora - Scott Lynch
Choose Love - Nicola Davies
In this moving sequence of poems Nicola Davies''s text combines with the superbly evocative illustrations of Petr Horácek to provide insight into the real-life experiences of refugees forced to leave their homes and previous lives behind to face an unknown future.
Objev podobné jako Choose Love - Nicola Davies
Gregson Peter: Patina - CD (4860567)
Hudební CD - Gregson Peter a jeho album Patina. Gregson Peter a jeho album Patina. Peter Gregson je violoncellista a skladatel. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop CD Hidden / Patina / Sense / Cluster / Schema / Sequence (Seven) / Over / Don't Wake / Continuum
Objev podobné jako Gregson Peter: Patina - CD (4860567)
The Stanley Kubrick Archives (Bibliotheca Universalis) - Alison Castle, Pavel Ambros
In 1968, when Stanley Kubrick was asked to comment on the metaphysical significance of 2001: A Space Odyssey, he replied: “It’s not a message I ever intended to convey in words. 2001 is a nonverbal experience... I tried to create a visual experience, one that bypasses verbalized pigeonholing and directly penetrates the subconscious with an emotional and philosophic content.”Now available as part of our Bibliotheca Universalis series, The Stanley Kubrick Archives borrows from the director’s philosophy. From the opening sequence of Killer’s Kiss to the final frames of Eyes Wide Shut, it allows the masterful visuals of Kubrick’s complete films to impress through a sequence of compelling, mesmerizing stills. We uncover Kubrick’s creative process through fascinating archival material, including set designs, sketches, correspondence, documents, screenplays, drafts, notes, and shooting schedules.Accompanying the visual material are essays by noted Kubrick scholars, articles written by and about Kubrick, and a selection of Kubrick’s best interviews. The result is a visual, archival, and scholarly journey through masterworks of 20th century cinema and the meticulous mind of the director behind them.
Objev podobné jako The Stanley Kubrick Archives (Bibliotheca Universalis) - Alison Castle, Pavel Ambros
Enslaved: Utgard - CD (0727361532727)
Hudební CD - Enslaved je norská progresivně blackmetalová kapela. Patnácté album z roku 2020. Enslaved je norská progresivně blackmetalová kapela. Patnácté album z roku 2020. Seznam stop Fires in the Dark / Jettegryta / Sequence / Homebound / Utgardr / Urjotun / Flight of Thought and Memory / Storms of Utgard / Distant Seasons
Objev podobné jako Enslaved: Utgard - CD (0727361532727)
Temple Of The Winds : Book 4: The Sword Of Truth - Terry Goodkind
A stunningly inventive breakthrough novel that takes the fantasy genre into a new dimension; this fourth novel in the Sword of Truth sequence takes the series on to much darker ground without losing any of its powerful magic and mystery, any of its gripping storytelling quality.
Objev podobné jako Temple Of The Winds : Book 4: The Sword Of Truth - Terry Goodkind
1923 - Ned Boulting
WINNER OF THE SPORTS BOOK AWARDS 2024 CYCLING BOOK OF THE YEARA WATERSTONES BEST BOOK OF 2023: SPORTNOMINATED FOR THE WILLIAM HILL SPORTS BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023 ''An absorbing mix of historical sleuthing and travel writing'' The Telegraph''[a] fascinating and often touching book… Wonderful'' The TimesIn the autumn of 2020 Ned Boulting (ITV head cycling commentator and Tour de France obsessive) bought a length of Pathé news film from a London auction house. All he knew was it was film from the Tour de France, a long time ago. Once restored it became clear it was a short sequence of shots from stage 4 of the 1923 Tour de France. No longer than 2.5 minutes long, it featured half a dozen sequences, including a lone rider crossing a bridge.Ned set about learning everything he could about the sequence – studying each frame, face and building – until he had squeezed the meaning from it. It sets him off in fascinating directions, encompassing travelogue, history, mystery story – to explain, to go deeper into this moment in time, captured on his little film.Join him as he explores the history of cycling and France just five years after WWI.
Objev podobné jako 1923 - Ned Boulting
Mistborn 1.The Final Empire (0575089911)
Kniha - autor Brandon Sanderson, 672 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná An acclaimed epic commercial fantasy novel, published in the UK for the first time. Overturns the expectations of the reader, as it's set in a world where Satan has triumphed. Sanderson was chosen by the Jordan estate to complete the "Wheel Of Time" sequence.
Objev podobné jako Mistborn 1.The Final Empire (0575089911)
The Republic of Thieves (0575084464)
Kniha - autor Scott Lynch, 880 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The third book in the "Gentleman Bastard" sequence, this is commercial fantasy with literary style and panache. After their adventures on the high seas, Locke and Jean are brought back to earth with a thump. Set in a beautifully realised fantasy world with an original and funny plot. 'Rip-roaring entertainment' "SFX"
Objev podobné jako The Republic of Thieves (0575084464)
Enslaved: Heimdal (CD+Blu-Ray) - CD (4065629661809)
Hudební CD - Enslaved je norská progresivně blackmetalová kapela Enslaved je norská progresivně blackmetalová kapela Heimdal je 16 studiové album z roku 2023 Seznam stop CD Behind the Mirror / Congelia / Forest Dweller / Kingdom / The Eternal Sea / Caravans to the Outer Worlds / Gangandi / Heimdal BRD Ruun II - The Epitaph / Bounded by Allegiance / Sequence / Caravans to the Outer Worlds / Havenless / Slaget I Skogen Bortenfor / What Else Is There? (Röyksopp Cover) / Hiindsight
Objev podobné jako Enslaved: Heimdal (CD+Blu-Ray) - CD (4065629661809)
Antarctica - Claire Keeganová
The stunning debut story collection from the author of Foster and the Booker Prize shortlised Small Things Like These'A beautiful, tender work of great clarity.' Sebastian Barry'Simply put, Claire Keegan is one of the greatest fiction writers in the world.' George Saunders'Among the finest contemporary stories written recently in English.' ObserverA secret one-night tryst in the city. A sister's revenge. A love-struck doctor.A missing girl. In Antarctica, an astonishing sequence of stories, one of our most gifted writers illuminates human longing and fallibility in all its variety.
Objev podobné jako Antarctica - Claire Keeganová
The Dark is Rising: 50th Anniversary Edition - Susan Cooperová
This night will be bad and tomorrow will be beyond imagining.It''s Midwinter''s Eve, the day before Will''s eleventh birthday. But there is an atmosphere of fear in the familiar countryside around him. This will be a birthday like no other. Will discovers that he has the power of the Old Ones, and that he must embark on a quest to vanquish the terrifyingly evil magic of the Dark.The second novel in Susan Cooper''s highly acclaimed Dark is Rising sequence.
Objev podobné jako The Dark is Rising: 50th Anniversary Edition - Susan Cooperová
The Things They Carried - O´Brien Tim
The million-copy bestseller, which is a ground-breaking meditation on war, memory, imagination, and the redemptive power of storytelling.`The Things They Carried' is, on its surface, a sequence of award-winning stories about the madness of the Vietnam War; at the same time it has the cumulative power and unity of a novel, with recurring characters and interwoven strands of plot and theme.But while Vietnam is central to `The Things They Carried', it is not simply a book about war. It is also a book about the human heart - about the terrible weight of those things we carry through our lives.
Objev podobné jako The Things They Carried - O´Brien Tim
The Hotel Avocado - Mortimer Bob
Gary Thorn is struggling with a big decision. Should he stay in London, wallowing in the safety of his legal job in Peckham and eating pies with his next door neighbour, Grace and her dog Lassoo, or should he move to Brighton, where his girlfriend Emily is about to open The Hotel Avocado? Either way, he’d be letting someone down. But sinister forces are gathering in a cloud of launderette scented-vape smoke, and the arrival of the mysterious Mr Sequence puts Gary in an even worse predicament: soon he might be dead. All Gary wants is a happy life. But he also wants to be alive to enjoy it…
Objev podobné jako The Hotel Avocado - Mortimer Bob
The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. Le Guinová
Genly Ai is an ethnologist observing the people of the planet Gethen, a world perpetually in winter. The people there are androgynous, normally neuter, but they can become male ot female at the peak of their sexual cycle. They seem to Genly Ai alien, unsophisticated and confusing. But he is drawn into the complex politics of the planet and, during a long, tortuous journey across the ice with a politician who has fallen from favour and has been outcast, he loses his professional detachment and reaches a painful understanding of the true nature of Gethenians and, in a moving and memorable sequence, even finds love...
Objev podobné jako The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. Le Guinová
This Winter (A Heartstopper novella) - Alice Osemanová
With special bonus content - a "Twelve Days of Nick and Charlie" holiday sequence of illustrations by Alice OsemanA short novella based on the beloved characters from Alice Oseman's acclaimed debut novel Solitaire and graphic novel series Heartstopper - now a major Netflix series.The festive season isn't always happy for Tori Spring and her brother Charlie. And this year's going to be harder than most.I used to think that difficult was better than boring, but I know better now...I'm not going to think about the past few months, about Charlie and me, and all of the sad. I'm going to block it all out Just for today."Happy Christmas," I say.
Objev podobné jako This Winter (A Heartstopper novella) - Alice Osemanová
Trial - Franz Kafka
Written in 1914, The Trial is the terrifying tale of Josef K., a respectable bank officer who is suddenly and inexplicably arrested and must defend himself against a charge about which he can get no information. Whether read as an existential tale, a parable, or a prophecy of the excesses of modern bureaucracy wedded to the madness of totalitarianism, Kafka's nightmare has resonated with chilling truth for generations of readers. This new edition is based upon the work of an international team of experts who have restored the text, the sequence of chapters, and their division to create a version that is as close as possible to the way the author left it.
Objev podobné jako Trial - Franz Kafka
King Lear - William Shakespeare
Edited, introduced and annotated by Cedric Watts, M.A., Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of English, University of Sussex.The Wordsworth Classics’ Shakespeare Series presents a newly-edited sequence of William Shakespeare’s works. The textual editing takes account of recent scholarship while giving the material a careful reappraisal.King Lear has been widely acclaimed as Shakespeare’s most powerful tragedy. Elemental and passionate, it encompasses the horrific and the heart-rending. Love and hate, loyalty and treachery, cruelty and self-sacrifice: all these contend in a tempestuous drama which has become an enduring classic of the world’s literature. In the theatre and on screen King Lear continues to challenge and enthral.This Wordsworth edition of King Lear provides a comprehensive, integrated text of the play.
Objev podobné jako King Lear - William Shakespeare
The Republic of Thieves (Defekt) - Scott Lynch
After their adventures on the high seas, Locke and Jean are brought back to earth with a thump. Jean is mourning the loss of his lover and Locke must live with the fallout of crossing the all-powerful magical assassins, the Bonds Magi.It is a fallout that will pit both men against Locke's own long-lost love. Sabetha is Locke's childhood sweetheart, the love of Locke's life and now it is time for them to meet again. Employed on different sides of a vicious dispute between factions of the Bonds, Sabetha has just one goal - to destroy Locke for ever.The Gentleman Bastard sequence has become a literary sensation in fantasy circles and now, with the third book, Scott Lynch is set to seal that success.
Objev podobné jako The Republic of Thieves (Defekt) - Scott Lynch
A Talent for Murder - Andrew Wilson
`I wouldn't scream if I were you. Unless you want the whole world to learn about your husband and his mistress.' Agatha Christie, in London to visit her literary agent, boards a train, preoccupied and flustered in the knowledge that her husband Archie is having an affair. She feels a light touch on her back, causing her to lose her balance, then a sense of someone pulling her to safety from the rush of the incoming train. So begins a terrifying sequence of events. Her rescuer is no guardian angel; rather, he is a blackmailer of the most insidious, manipulative kind. Agatha must use every ounce of her cleverness and resourcefulness to thwart an adversary determined to exploit her genius for murder to kill on his behalf.
Objev podobné jako A Talent for Murder - Andrew Wilson
Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
Edited, introduced and annotated by Cedric Watts, Research Professor of English Literature, University of Sussex. The Wordsworth Classics' Shakespeare Series presents a newly-edited sequence of William Shakespeare's works. The textual editing takes account of recent scholarship while giving the material a careful reappraisal. Romeo and Juliet is the world's most famous drama of tragic young love. Defying the feud which divides their families, Romeo and Juliet enjoy the fleeting rapture of courtship, marriage and sexual fulfilment; but a combination of old animosities and new coincidences brings them to suicidal deaths. This play offers a rich mixture of romantic lyricism, bawdy comedy, intimate harmony and sudden violence. Long successful in the theatre, it has also generated numerous operas, ballets and films; and these have helped to make Romeo and Juliet perennially topical.
Objev podobné jako Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
Look! We Have Come Through! - David Herbert Lawrence - e-kniha
eBook: Lawrence ... describes the poems [in this first collection of his unrhymed poems] as "intended as an essential story, or history, or confession", the critical experience occurring in the period of, "roughly, the sixth lustre of a man's life"-that is, from the age of 25 to 30. His Argument emphasizes the dramatic nature of the sequence. He speaks of "the protagonist" and of "the conflict of love and hate [that] goes on between the man and the woman, and between these two and the world around them, till it reaches some sort of conclusion, they transcend into some condition of blessedness". Foreword and Argument complement each other: Look! is both a personal confession and a drama. In both respects, it is closely related to the three novels which belong to the same period, 1912-1917. (From Jeremy Hooker's Introduction)
Objev podobné jako Look! We Have Come Through! - David Herbert Lawrence - e-kniha
Sir Philip Sidney (Oxford World´s Classics New Edition) - Sidney Philip
This authoritative edition was originally published in the acclaimed Oxford Authors series under the general editorship of Frank Kermode. It brings together a unique combination of Sidney's poetry and prose - all the major writing, complemented by letters and elegies - to give the essence of his work and thinking. Born in 1554, Sir Philip Sidney was hailed as the perfect Renaissance patron, soldier, lover, and courtier, but it was only after his untimely death at the age of 31 that his literary accomplishments were truly recognized. This collection ranges more widely through Sidney's works than any previous volume and includes substantial parts of both versions of the Arcadia, The Defence of Poesy and the whole of the sonnet sequence Astrophil and Stella. Supplementary texts,such as his letters and the numerous elegies which appeared after his death, help to illustrate the whole spectrum of his achievements, and the admiration he inspired in his contemporaries.
Objev podobné jako Sir Philip Sidney (Oxford World´s Classics New Edition) - Sidney Philip
Pink Floyd: More - LP (2564649317)
LP vinyl - Soundtrack from the Film More (někdy také uváděno jako Music from the Film More nebo pouze More) je třetí album anglické skupiny Pink Floyd. Soundtrack from the Film More (někdy také uváděno jako Music from the Film More nebo pouze More) je třetí album anglické skupiny Pink Floyd. Deska, která je zároveň prvním soundtrackem vytvořeným touto kapelou, byla vydána v červenci 1969 (viz 1969 v hudbě). V britském žebříčku prodejnosti hudebních alb se umístila nejvýše na deváté příčce. Rok vydání : 1969 (3.album) Rok reedice : 2016 Seznam stop LP Cirrus Minor (2011 Remastered Version) / The Nile Song (2011 Remastered Version) / Crying Song (2011 Remastered Version) / Up The Khyber (2011 Remastered Version) / Green Is The Colour (2011 Remastered Version) / Cymbaline (2011 Remastered Version) / Party Sequence (2011 Remastered Version) / Main Theme (2011 Remastered Version) / Ibiza Bar (2011 Remastered Version) / More Blues (2011 Remastered Version) /...
Objev podobné jako Pink Floyd: More - LP (2564649317)
The Tempest - William Shakespeare
The Wordsworth Classics' Shakespeare's Series presents a newly-edited sequence of William Shakespeare's works. The textual editing takes account of recent scholarship while giving the material a careful reappraisal. The Tempest is the most lyrical, profound and fascinating of Shakespeare's late comedies. Prospero, long exiled from Italy with his daughter Miranda, seeks to use his magical powers to defeat his former enemies. Eventually, having proved merciful, he divests himself of that magic, his `art', and prepares to return to the mainland. The Tempest has often been regarded as Shakespeare's `farewell to the stage' before his retirement. In the past, critics emphasised the romantically beautiful features of The Tempest, seeing it as an imaginative fantasia. In recent decades, however, The Tempest has also been treated as a potently political drama which offers controversial insights into colonialism and racism. Frequently staged and diversely filmed, the play has influenced numerous poets and novelists.
Objev podobné jako The Tempest - William Shakespeare
Queen Elizabeth II. A Photographic Portrait - Philip Ziegler, Emma Blau
A revised edition of a compelling photographic history of Queen Elizabeth II's life and reign This book is a photographic portrait of Queen Elizabeth II, from her first official photograph as a baby in 1926 to her Platinum Jubilee in 2022. Each of the book's chapters begins with a text by bestselling historian and biographer Philip Ziegler, covering the key royal and historical events of the period, with some contextual photographs, followed by a sequence of plates in chronological order. With over 200 images of the Queen by internationally distinguished photographers such as Cecil Beaton, Lord Snowdon and Rankin, the Queen is captured in a variety of poses, from formal photographs as a working monarch, to intimate portraits relaxing with her family at Balmoral and Windsor.All the images have been officially approved by the Palace, making this the only illustrated book that anyone will ever need on Queen Elizabeth II.
Objev podobné jako Queen Elizabeth II. A Photographic Portrait - Philip Ziegler, Emma Blau
ADJ 4 Stream DMX Bridge Bezdrátový systém pro ovládání světel
Kompaktní zařízení pro vytvoření bezdrátové sítě a ovládání DMX světelných efektů prostřednictvím aplikace pro iOS zařízení. Podporuje WiFi, Art-Net, sACN a WiFLY (bezdrátové DMX řešení společnosti ADJ). Zařízení vytváří samostatnou WiFi síť s frekvencí 2,4 GHz DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum), která není rušena ostatními bezdrátovými zařízeními. Přináší spolehlivý DMX signál pro kompatibilní zařízení pomocí DMX-512, Art-Net, sACN nebo WiFLY. Obsahuje samostatné antény pro WiFi a WiFLY, 3 x DMX výstupní konektory s 5 piny, mini USB port, ovládací panel se 4 tlačítky, LCD displej, LED indikátor aktivity sítě, vypínač on/off, externí napájení DC 9-12V, držák pro snadnou montáž a magnetickou část pro umístění na kovových površích. Zařízení zajišťuje snadnou konfiguraci se systémem Windows pomocí USB Mini B portu a s iOS zařízeními prostřednictvím Wi-Fi a aplikace. 4 STREAM DMX BRIDGE je vhodný pro menší kluby, bary, zábavní centra. Adaptér součástí: Ano Napájení: 240V Země původu: Čína
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Hamlet (anglicky) - William Shakespeare
Edited, Introduced and Annotated by Cedric Watts, Professor of English Literature, University of Sussex. The Wordsworth Classics' Shakespeare Series presents a newly-edited sequence of William Shakespeare's works. The Textual editing takes account of recent scholarship while giving the material a careful reappraisal. Hamlet is not only one of Shakespeare's greatest plays, but also the most fascinatingly problematical tragedy in world literature. First performed around 1600, this a gripping and exuberant drama of revenge, rich in contrasts and conflicts. Its violence alternates with introspection, its melancholy with humour, and its subtlety with spectacle. The Prince, Hamlet himself, is depicted as a complex, divided, introspective character. His reflections on death, morality and the very status of human beings make him 'the first modern man'. Countless stage productions and numerous adaptations for the cinema and television have demonstrated the continuing cultural relevance of this vivid, enigmatic, profound and engrossing drama.
Objev podobné jako Hamlet (anglicky) - William Shakespeare
Inferno (9780552169592)
Kniha - autor Dan Brown, 624 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Seek and ye shall find.’ With these words echoing in his head, eminent Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon awakes in a hospital bed with no recollection of where he is or how he got there. Nor can he explain the origin of the macabre object that is found hidden in his belongings. A threat to his life will propel him and a young doctor, Sienna Brooks, into a breakneck chase across the city of Florence. Only Langdon’s knowledge of hidden passageways and ancient secrets that lie behind its historic facade can save them from the clutches of their unknown pursuers. With only a few lines from Dante’s dark and epic masterpiece, The Inferno, to guide them, they must decipher a sequence of codes buried deep within some of the most celebrated artefacts of the Renaissance – sculptures, paintings, buildings – to find the answers to a puzzle which may, or may not, help them save the world from a...
Objev podobné jako Inferno (9780552169592)
The Lost Symbol (9780552161237)
Kniha - autor Dan Brown, 688 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Impossible to put down . . . Another mind-blowing Robert Langdon story' New York Times A mysterious invitation brings Robert Langdon to Washington DC. There, he is presented with a sequence of bloody clues which he must unravel if he is to prevent a terrible plan. But all is not as it seems in this dangerous city - an ancient organisation will reassert its power once more. The only man standing in its way - Robert Langdon. Dan Brown is the bestselling author of Digital Fortress, Deception Point, Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code, The Lost Symbol and most recently, Inferno. Three of his Robert Langdon novels have been adapted for the screen by Ron Howard, starring Tom Hanks. They have all been international blockbusters. His new Robert Langdon novel, Origin will be out in Autumn 2017. Dan Brown is a graduate of Amherst College and Phillips Exeter Academy, where he has taught English...
Objev podobné jako The Lost Symbol (9780552161237)
The Bands of Mourning : A Mistborn Novel - Brandon Sanderson
The Mistborn trilogy has become a firm favourite with fantasy fans the world over. The imagination that Sanderson brought to the series and his skill at marshalling epic storylines and dramatic action, his ability to create vivid characters made him a natural choice to complete Robert Jordan's epic wheel of time sequence. But with Mistborn, Sanderson has shown his bountiful talents in his own fiction. Now he returns to the series that made his name with a new story, building on the incredible success of THE ALLOY OF LAW. The new Mistborn books move the series into a richly imagined 19th century analogue world with elements of the wild west mixed with magic and science. It's a wonderful concoction from a master storyteller. Sanderson has the knack of giving the epic fantasy reader exactly what they want. This ability has thrown him to the forefront of the genre and this novel will take him to the next level.
Objev podobné jako The Bands of Mourning : A Mistborn Novel - Brandon Sanderson
ADJ Link Řídící pult na světla
ADJ LINK je 4-universe ovladač navržen k ovládání DMX zařízení pomocí speciální aplikace Airstream LINK pro iOS pro iPad. ADJ LINK vytváří soukromou samostatnou 2,4 nebo 5 GHz DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum) WiFi síť, která koexistuje v rušných RF prostředích spolu s dalšími bezdrátovými technologiemi pro spojení mezi iPAD a ADJ Link Controller. Kabelové připojení je možné přes Apple Camera USB Adapter. ADJ LINK je ideální pro malé produkční akce, noční kluby, bary nebo jakoukoli událost nebo místo, které vyžaduje flexibilitu bezdrátového ovládání iPadu a kteří hledají robustní řešení ovládání osvětlení založené na 4 DMX universe. Ovladač ADJ LINK je kompatibilní se speciální aplikací Airstream LINK pro iOS pro iPad. Kompatibilní pouze s iPadem. Vyžaduje iOS 14.5 nebo novější. Šířka (cm): 32.8 Výška (cm): 9.7 Typ: Light Controller Výstupy: 5-pin female XLR Hloubka (cm): 51.4 Hmotnost netto (kg): 6.8 Balení obsahuje: Adaptér;USB kabel;Manuál;Montáž do racku;LED Light Země původu: Čína Kompatibilní s: iPad Napájení: Adaptér Počet výstupů: 4 USB: Ano DMX: Ano Barva: Černá Možná montáž do racku: Ano
Objev podobné jako ADJ Link Řídící pult na světla
A History of the World in 500 Maps - Christian Grataloup
Trace the history of the world in over 500 easy-to-follow maps, from the dawn of humanity to the present day. Organized chronologically, A History of the World in 500 Maps tells a clear, linear story, bringing together themes as diverse as religion, capitalism, warfare, geopolitics, popular culture and climate change. Meticulously rendered maps chart the sequence of broad historical trends, from the dispersal of our species across the globe to the colonizing efforts of imperial European powers in the 18th century, as well as exploring moments of particular significance in rich detail.* Visualizes 7 million years of human history. * Analyses cities and kingdoms as well as countries and continents. * Features major technical developments, from the invention of farming in the Fertile Crescent to the Industrial Revolution.* Charts the spread of major global religions, including Christianity and Islam. * Explores the increasing interconnectivity of our world through exploration and trade. * Investigates warfare and battles from across the ages, from Alexander the Great's conquests to the D-Day offensive.
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Hubris - Jonathan Haslam
On February 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in an escalation of the Russo-Ukraine conflict that began eight years earlier. But the roots of the conflict began long before that historic date.The roots of the Russo-Ukrainian War can be traced back through a sequence of events to the early 1990s that lead us not to Russia or Ukraine, but to the other side of the Atlantic. In 1994, the White House, under President Clinton, embarked upon the expansion of NATO, urged on by the new governments of Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary, who sought the security NATO could offer against Russia. Even at this early stage, the United States was secretly considering Ukraine for membership. When the likelihood of this emerged, President Putin of Russia made absolutely clear that this was a red line not to be crossed. But few expected the war that eventually came.In Hubris, Jonathan Haslam, one of the world’s greatest experts on Russian foreign policy and espionage, examines one of the most intractable issues of our time.
Objev podobné jako Hubris - Jonathan Haslam
Old Babes in the Wood - Margaret Atwoodová
A dazzling collection of fifteen stories from Margaret Atwood, the internationally acclaimed, award-winning author of The Handmaid's Tale and The TestamentsMargaret Atwood is celebrated as one of the most gifted storytellers in the world.These stories explore the full warp and weft of experience, from two best friends disagreeing about their shared past, to the right way to stop someone from choking; from a daughter determining if her mother really is a witch, to what to do with inherited relics such as World War II parade swords.They feature beloved cats, a confused snail, Martha Gellhorn, George Orwell, philosopher-astronomer-mathematician Hypatia of Alexandria, a cabal of elderly female academics, and an alien tasked with retelling human fairy tales.At the heart of the collection is a stunning sequence that follows a married couple as they travel the road together, the moments big and small that make up a long life of love -- and what comes after.The glorious range of Atwood's creativity and humanity is on full beam in these tales, which by turns delight, illuminate and quietly devastate.
Objev podobné jako Old Babes in the Wood - Margaret Atwoodová
Chinook Crash - Steuart Campbell
The 1994 crash of Chinook with top Northern Ireland intelligence experts on board into the Mull of Kintyre has remained the source of intense speculation ever since. The book is not only a full account of the incident itself and the subsequent and on-going controversy over blame, but also attempts to solve the mystery about this accident. After the accounts of those who witnessed the crash or communicated with the aircraft on its fateful journey, the book analyses the activities of the crew on the day in question, including the maintenance record and the behaviour of the aircraft. It then deals in sequence with the various investigations; that by the AAIB, the RAF and the FAI held in Paisley in 1996\. It then describes the various parliamentary inquiries and their conclusions. Finally, it reviews the evidence for the strength and weaknesses of the various claims about the cause, including allegations that there was something wrong with the aircraft and/or its computer systems. This book will largely justify the claim of the RAF hierarchy that the cause was gross negligence by the crew, but not for the reason they give.
Objev podobné jako Chinook Crash - Steuart Campbell
The Children of Athena - Charles Freeman
A compelling and fascinating portrait of the continuing intellectual tradition of Greek writers and thinkers in the Age of Rome.In 146 BC, Greece yielded to the military might of the Roman Republic; sixty years later, when Athens and other Greek city-states rebelled against Rome, the general Lucius Cornelius Sulla destroyed the city of Socrates and Plato, laying waste to the famous Academy where Aristotle had studied. However, the traditions of Greek cultural life would continue to flourish during the centuries of Roman rule that followed, in the lives and work of a distinguished array of philosophers, doctors, scientists, geographers, travellers and theologians.Charles Freeman''s accounts of such luminaries as the physician Galen, the geographer Ptolemy and the philosopher Plotinus are interwoven with contextual ''interludes'' that showcase a sequence of unjustly neglected and richly influential lives. Like the author''s The Awakening, The Children of Athena is a cultural history on an epic scale: the story of a rich and vibrant tradition of Greek intellectual inquiry across a period of more than five hundred years, from the second century BC to the start of the fifth century AD.
Objev podobné jako The Children of Athena - Charles Freeman
The Worlds of George RR Martin - Tom Huddleston
In the many realms of modern fantasy there is only one true King, and his name is George Raymond Richard Martin. With A Song of Ice and Fire, Martin has created a world on a scale almost unrivalled by any other single writer. Approaching two million words and still evolving, this genuinely epic series of novels, with its deeply interlocking narratives, finely crafted drama and enormous range of characters, is a creation of extraordinary breadth. So how did a writer best known for short stories come to craft such a gigantic sequence of novels, and what is the key to their extraordinary success? What sources – historical, literary and personal – did Martin draw upon in the writing, and what inspiration did they give him? The Worlds of George R.R. Martin is an in-depth bringing together of the enormous range of inspirations behind Martin’s work – from historical borrowings as wide-ranging as the Roman empire, the Wars of the Roses and the Mongol conquests, to diverse literary and mythological texts, and Martin’s own family experience and biography.
Objev podobné jako The Worlds of George RR Martin - Tom Huddleston