Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz


Morocco, situated between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, is culturally, culinarily, and architecturally influenced by Berbers, Arabs, and Europeans. The country's diversity is reflected in the landscape of Mediterranean coastal regions in the north and west, the high mountains in the interior, and the Sahara. In over 500 photographs, this volume shows the multi-faceted landscape and oriental culture of Morocco.

Objev podobné jako Morocco

cena 357.0 Kč

odenwälder Nicky bag morocco

Podrobnosti o produktu: Praktický nákupní košík pro maminky Příjemná měkká velurová tkanina Stylová nákupní taška pro maminky Ať už jako taška na koupání, nákupní taška, víkendovka nebo přebalovací taška - taška nabízí mnoho možností využití. S další přihrádkou na vnější straně Také s odnímatelnou malou kapsou na mobilní telefon, peníze nebo drobnosti Materiál a péče: Vnější materiál přední strany: 69 % bavlna, 29 % polyester, 2 % elastan Vnitřní materiál: 100% bavlna Lze prát při teplotě do 40 °C Nevhodné pro sušení v sušičce Rozměry: Délka: 60 cm Šířka: 16 cm Výška: 42 cm Součástí dodávky je: Součástí balení je 1x taška Nicky Upozornění : Dekorace a další textilie nejsou součástí balení!

Objev podobné jako odenwälder Nicky bag morocco

cena 1744.0 Kč

In Morocco - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha

eBook: While she might be better known for taking aim at American high society, Wharton was also a prolific travel writer. \'In Morocco\' chronicles her visit to North Africa, at the tail-end of the First World War. Written at a time when the country was relatively unexplored, her writing perfectly captures the Moroccan architecture, towns, deserts, culture, tradition, and people. A fascinating read for anyone who enjoys other travel writers like Michael Palin and for those who want to explore Morocco before the advent of international tourism.

Objev podobné jako In Morocco - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Living in Morocco. 40th Anniversary Edition - Angelika Taschen, Barbara Stoeltie, René Stoeltie

From fragrant, labyrinthine souks and delectable cuisine to breathtaking landscapes and welcoming people: Morocco might be a stone’s throw from Spain, but it continues to inspire visions of an exotic haven. This edition brings together an eclectic selection of homes to showcase the best of Moroccan wonders, complete with exclusive, inspiring photographs. Arabian Nights in contemporary Morocco Though it lies just across the Mediterranean from Europe, barely a stone’s throw from Spain’s southernmost tip, Morocco couldn’t possibly be farther away. With its mountainous and desert landscapes, labyrinthine souks, delectable cuisine, exquisite rugs and textiles, vibrant mosaics, fragrant odors, mesmerizing music, and welcoming people, Morocco is a most alluring and tantalizingly exotic destination. Digging a little deeper into the myth of Morocco, Barbara and René Stoeltie bring us this eclectic selection of homes to demonstrate all that is most wonderful about the Moroccan style: from tiled, turquoise swimming pools and lavish gardens to carved wooden furniture and jade-colored marble fountains. With more than 500 pages featuring stunning, inspiring photographs, flipping through these fairy tale-like visions of exotic havens (ideally while sipping a steaming cup of sweet, fragrant mint tea) will instantly whisk you away.

Objev podobné jako Living in Morocco. 40th Anniversary Edition - Angelika Taschen, Barbara Stoeltie, René Stoeltie

cena 670.0 Kč

OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco ochranný sprej pro urychlení foukané 177 ml

OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco, 177 ml, Ochrana vlasů před teplem pro ženy, Při fénování, žehlení či kulmování, zvláště pak opakovaném a častém, jsou vlasy namáhány, a může tak dojít k výraznému narušení jejich struktury. Přípravek pro tepelnou úpravu vlasů OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco tomu pomáhá předcházet. Vytváří na vlasech ochranný film, který účinně zabraňuje jejich poškození vlivem tepla při použití stylingových nástrojů. Obsažené výživné látky pak vlasům dodávají sílu a zvyšují jejich odolnost vůči škodlivým vnějším vlivům. Vlastnosti: představuje účinnou ochranu při tepelné úpravě vlasů zanechává vlasy zářivé a hydratované zajišťuje lehkou fixaci Složení: neobsahuje sulfáty Jak používat: Nastříkejte přiměřené množství na vlasy před jejich fénováním, kulmováním či žehlením.

Objev podobné jako OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco ochranný sprej pro urychlení foukané 177 ml

cena 259.0 Kč

OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco luxusní suchý olej na vlasy 118 ml

OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco, 118 ml, Suché oleje na vlasy pro ženy, Dopřejte svým vlasům luxusní péči. Suchý olej OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco dodá vlasům hebkost, jemnost a lesk. Vlastnosti: viditelně vlasy zkrášluje poskytuje vlasům pevnost a pružnost předchází třepení konečků dodává vlasům lesk krásně voní Složení: bez sulfátů Jak používat: Aplikujte na vlhké vlasy, zejména do délek a konečků. Neoplachujte.

Objev podobné jako OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco luxusní suchý olej na vlasy 118 ml

cena 277.0 Kč

La'dor Premium Morocco Argan Oil hydratační a vyživující olej na vlasy 100 ml

La'dor Premium Morocco Argan Oil, 100 ml, Ochrana vlasů před teplem pro ženy, Máte pocit, že vaše vlasy potřebují něco víc, než jen péči poskytnutou šamponem, kondicionérem či třeba maskou? Klasický vlasový olej La'dor Premium Morocco Argan Oil skvěle obohatí vaši pečující rutinu – dodá vlasům extra dávku výživy, pomůže obnovit jejich pružnost, ohebnost a celkovou flexibilitu, podpoří jejich regeneraci a v neposlední řadě se postará o vyhlazení jejich povrchu. Výsledkem tak budou hebčí, jemnější a zdravě lesklé vlasy s menší tendencí ke krepatění. Vlastnosti: vyživuje a zlepšuje strukturu vlasů zanechává vlasy hebké a jemné na dotek zanechává vlasy zářivé a hydratované krásně voní předchází třepení konečků Složení: veganský produkt Jak používat: Aplikujte na vlhké vlasy, zejména do délek a konečků. Můžete používat každý den. Upravte vlasy obvyklým způsobem.

Objev podobné jako La'dor Premium Morocco Argan Oil hydratační a vyživující olej na vlasy 100 ml

cena 433.0 Kč

OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco vyživující olej pro suché a nepoddajné vlasy 100 ml

OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco, 100 ml, Klasické vlasové oleje pro ženy, Máte pocit, že vaše vlasy potřebují něco víc, než jen péči poskytnutou šamponem, kondicionérem či třeba maskou? Klasický vlasový olej OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco skvěle obohatí vaši pečující rutinu – dodá vlasům extra dávku výživy, pomůže obnovit jejich pružnost, ohebnost a celkovou flexibilitu, podpoří jejich regeneraci a v neposlední řadě se postará o vyhlazení jejich povrchu. Výsledkem tak budou hebčí, jemnější a zdravě lesklé vlasy s menší tendencí ke krepatění. Vlastnosti: hloubkově vlasy vyživuje napravuje poškozenou strukturu vlasů působí proti lámavosti vlasů výrazně vlasy regeneruje a chrání dodává vlasům sametovou hebkost krásně voní Složení: bez sulfátů Jak používat: Aplikujte na vlhké vlasy, zejména do délek a konečků. Neoplachujte.

Objev podobné jako OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco vyživující olej pro suché a nepoddajné vlasy 100 ml

cena 205.0 Kč

OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco vyživující olej pro lesk a hebkost vlasů 100 ml

OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco, 100 ml, Klasické vlasové oleje pro ženy, Máte pocit, že vaše vlasy potřebují něco víc, než jen péči poskytnutou šamponem, kondicionérem či třeba maskou? Klasický vlasový olej OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco skvěle obohatí vaši pečující rutinu – dodá vlasům extra dávku výživy, pomůže obnovit jejich pružnost, ohebnost a celkovou flexibilitu, podpoří jejich regeneraci a v neposlední řadě se postará o vyhlazení jejich povrchu. Výsledkem tak budou hebčí, jemnější a zdravě lesklé vlasy s menší tendencí ke krepatění. Vlastnosti: dodává vlasům lesk předchází třepení konečků viditelně vlasy zkrášluje výrazně vlasy regeneruje a chrání Složení: bez sulfátů Jak používat: Aplikujte na vlhké vlasy, zejména do délek a konečků. Neoplachujte.

Objev podobné jako OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco vyživující olej pro lesk a hebkost vlasů 100 ml

cena 262.0 Kč

OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco uhlazující krém pro lesk a hebkost vlasů 177 ml

OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco, 177 ml, Krémy a gely na vlasy pro ženy, Bezoplachová péče OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco dodá vašim vlasům po umytí vše, co právě potřebují. Vlastnosti: zabraňuje třepení konečků zanechává vlasy krásně lesklé a vitální dodává přitažlivý lesk působí proti krepatění vlasů příjemně provoní vlasy Jak používat: Aplikujte na vlhké vlasy, zejména do délek a konečků.

Objev podobné jako OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco uhlazující krém pro lesk a hebkost vlasů 177 ml

cena 227.0 Kč

OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco Extra Strenght obnovující kondicionér pro poškozené vlasy 385 ml

OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco Extra Strenght, 385 ml, Kondicionéry na vlasy pro ženy, Kondicionér OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco zajistí vašim vlasům snadné rozčesání a potřebnou výživu, bez čehož se krásné a zdravé vlasy neobejdou. Vlastnosti: zlepšuje strukturu vlasů opravuje jak mechanické, tak chemické poškození zajišťuje vlasům oslnivý lesk poskytuje potřebnou hydrataci usnadňuje rozčesávání a následnou úpravu Složení: bez sulfátů Jak používat: Aplikujte na šamponem umyté vlasy. Nechte chvíli působit a poté důkladně opláchněte.

Objev podobné jako OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco Extra Strenght obnovující kondicionér pro poškozené vlasy 385 ml

cena 174.0 Kč

OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco posilující kondicionér pro lesk a hebkost vlasů 385 ml

OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco, 385 ml, Kondicionéry na vlasy pro ženy, Kondicionér OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco zajistí vašim vlasům snadné rozčesání a potřebnou výživu, bez čehož se krásné a zdravé vlasy neobejdou. Vlastnosti: chrání vlasy před poškozením zabraňuje lámání vlasů usnadňuje rozčesávání a následnou úpravu zlepšuje strukturu vlasů zajišťuje vlasům oslnivý lesk Složení: bez sulfátů Jak používat: Aplikujte na šamponem umyté vlasy. Nechte chvíli působit a poté důkladně opláchněte.

Objev podobné jako OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco posilující kondicionér pro lesk a hebkost vlasů 385 ml

cena 157.0 Kč

OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco obnovující šampon pro lesk a hebkost vlasů 385 ml

OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco, 385 ml, Šampony pro ženy, Abyste dokázali udržet své vlasy zdravé, lesklé a vitální, je důležité jim věnovat správnou péči. A ta začíná pravidelným mytím vlasů. Šampon OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco pomůže efektivně odstranit z vlasů i pokožky hlavy veškeré nečistoty, mastnotu i zbytky stylingových a jiných kosmetických produktů. Vám dodá pocit svěžesti a čistoty, vaše vlasy a pokožku hlavy navíc ideálním způsobem připraví na další péči a podpoří účinky obsažených aktivních látek. Vlastnosti: myje vlasy a čistí pokožku hlavy regeneruje a vyživuje vlasy posiluje vlasová vlákna snižuje lámavost vlasů zanechává vlasy hebké Složení: bez sulfátů Jak používat: Naneste přiměřené množství šamponu na mokré vlasy. Napěňte a důkladně opláchněte. Pro optimální výsledný efekt, pokračujte vlasovou péčí ze stejné řady.

Objev podobné jako OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco obnovující šampon pro lesk a hebkost vlasů 385 ml

cena 131.0 Kč

OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco Extra Strenght intenzivní obnovující maska pro poškozené vlasy 300 ml

OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco Extra Strenght, 300 ml, Masky na vlasy pro ženy, Máte pocit, že vaše vlasy potřebují intenzivnější péči než tu, kterou jim jsou schopné poskytnout kondicionéry či balzámy? Maska na vlasy OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco Extra Strenght skvěle obohatí vaši pečující rutinu. Díky obsahu vysoké koncentrace vyživujících látek zaměřených na řešení konkrétních problémů navrátí vlasům vitalitu a krásu. Prostoupí hluboko do vlasových vláken, tam je posílí, intenzivně vyživí, podpoří jejich regeneraci a uhladí jejich povrch, takže zůstanou nádherně hebké na dotek, zářivě lesklé, ale i odolnější vůči poškození. Vlastnosti: intenzivně hydratuje regeneruje vlasy po celé jejich délce posiluje vlasová vlákna navrací vlasům přirozený, zdravý vzhled dodává vlasům krásnou vůni Jak používat: Aplikujte na vlhké, šamponem umyté vlasy. Nechte chvíli působit dle doby uvedené na obalu a poté důkladně opláchněte.

Objev podobné jako OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco Extra Strenght intenzivní obnovující maska pro poškozené vlasy 300 ml

cena 195.0 Kč

Lonely Planet Morocco - Lonely Planet, Helen Ranger, Tara Stevens, Sarah Gilbert, Sally Kirby, Mandy Sinclair

Lonely Planet''s Morocco is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Explore the Marrakesh medina, wander the blue alleyways of Chefchaouen, and chill on a Mediterranean beach; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Morocco and begin your journey now!Inside Lonely Planet''s MoroccoTravel Guide: Lonely Planet''s Top Picks - a visually inspiring collection of the destination''s best experiences and where to have themItineraries help you build the ultimate trip based on your personal needs and interestsLocal insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - whether it''s history, people, music, landscapes, wildlife, politicsEating and drinking - get the most out of your gastronomic experience as we reveal the regional dishes and drinks you have to tryToolkit - all of the planning tools for solo travellers, LGBTQIA+ travellers, family travellers and accessible travelColour maps and images throughoutLanguage - essential phrases and language tipsInsider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spotsCovers Marrakesh, Central Morocco, Northern Atlantic Coast, Casablanca, Mediterranean Coast and the Rip Mountains, Tangier, Fez, Meknes and the Middle Atlas, Southern Morocco and Western SaharaAbout Lonely Planet:Lonely Planet, a Red Ventures Company, is the world''s number one travel guidebook brand. Providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973, Lonely Planet reaches hundreds of millions of travellers each year online and in print and helps them unlock amazing experiences. Visit us at lonelyplanet.com and join our community of followers on Facebook (facebook.com/lonelyplanet), Twitter (@lonelyplanet), Instagram (instagram.com/lonelyplanet), and TikTok (@lonelyplanet).''Lonely Planet. It''s on everyone''s bookshelves; it''s in every traveller''s hands. It''s on mobile phones. It''s on the Internet. It''s everywhere, and it''s telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.'' Fairfax Media (Australia)

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet Morocco - Lonely Planet, Helen Ranger, Tara Stevens, Sarah Gilbert, Sally Kirby, Mandy Sinclair

cena 532.0 Kč

OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco Extra Strenght obnovující šampon pro velmi poškozené křehké vlasy 385 ml

OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco Extra Strenght, 385 ml, Šampony pro ženy, Abyste dokázali udržet své vlasy zdravé, lesklé a vitální, je důležité jim věnovat správnou péči. A ta začíná pravidelným mytím vlasů. Šampon OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco Extra Strenght pomůže efektivně odstranit z vlasů i pokožky hlavy veškeré nečistoty, mastnotu i zbytky stylingových a jiných kosmetických produktů. Vám dodá pocit svěžesti a čistoty, vaše vlasy a pokožku hlavy navíc ideálním způsobem připraví na další péči a podpoří účinky obsažených aktivních látek. Vlastnosti: myje vlasy a čistí pokožku hlavy regeneruje a vyživuje vlasy intenzivně hydratuje posiluje vlasová vlákna Složení: bez sulfátů Jak používat: Naneste přiměřené množství šamponu na mokré vlasy. Napěňte a důkladně opláchněte.

Objev podobné jako OGX Argan Oil Of Morocco Extra Strenght obnovující šampon pro velmi poškozené křehké vlasy 385 ml

cena 182.0 Kč

Islamic Design - Daud Sutton

Across the Islamic world, illuminating Korans from Morocco to Malaysia, are hidden some of the most exquisite geometrical devices ever conceived by man. In this excellent little book, geometer Daud Sutton unravels the mystery of Islamic patterns, explaining where they come from, how to draw them, and hinting at the Divine messages they encode.

Objev podobné jako Islamic Design - Daud Sutton

cena 205.0 Kč

Turning The Tide - Thomas McKelvey Cleaver

Packed with personal accounts of the action, this is a vivid narrative history of the often-overlooked USAAF campaign in North Africa and Sicily in World War II. In 1942, the Western Allies needed to take the offensive against the Axis to relieve pressure on the Soviet Union. With planning for a cross-Channel invasion beset by logistical and operational difficulties, in May 1942 President Roosevelt ordered his military leaders to prepare to support the British in the Mediterranean. This led to the first USAAF units arriving in the Middle East in July, firstly as reinforcements for the British and later as part of the Operation Torch landings in French Morocco and Algeria in November. In little over ten months from the summer of 1942, the USAAF in North Africa grew from nothing to a senior partner, providing aircraft and crews the other Allies were unable to match. The Axis forces that had controlled almost the entire southern shore of the Mediterranean had been swept from the African continent – thanks in no small part to the efforts of the USAAF.Using first-hand accounts from pilots and other aircrew, Tom Cleaver describes how the USAAF units that landed in Morocco were forced to learn their own lessons in combat with veteran Luftwaffe units, and how the experience gained in the skies over North Africa and Sicily was invaluable in developing the air forces that would dominate the skies over Europe in the latter years of the war.

Objev podobné jako Turning The Tide - Thomas McKelvey Cleaver

cena 738.0 Kč

Di Meola Al: Kiss My Axe - CD (4029759153221)

Hudební CD - Kiss My Axe je album jazzového kytaristy Al Di Meoly, které vyšlo v roce 1991. Kiss My Axe je album jazzového kytaristy Al Di Meoly, které vyšlo v roce 1991. Rok vydání : 1991 Rok reedice : 2022 Seznam stop CD South Bound Traveller / The Embrace / Kiss My Axe / Morocco / Gigi's Playtime Rhyme / One Night Last June / Phantom / Erotic Interlude / Global Safari / Interlude 3 / Purple Orchids / The Prophet / Oriana (September 24, 1988)

Objev podobné jako Di Meola Al: Kiss My Axe - CD (4029759153221)

cena 369.0 Kč

Czech Trail - Martin Úbl - e-kniha

eBook: How come anyone can do a long-distance trail around the Czech Republic? How does a trip made by a group of friends become an official trail that makes it into Forbes magazine alongside Serena Williams and into the world’s long-distance routes? Why is it better not to bring a sleeping bag that has a thermal quality suitable for beach sleeping in Morocco? And why have many animals already taken to the trail, but not yet a kangaroo? This combination of lyrical, if sometimes scary, chapters on each section, comically dramatical stories of people who have hiked the trail, and backyard-science tips on how to get started, offers everything you wanted to know about the Czech Trail but were afraid to ask!

Objev podobné jako Czech Trail - Martin Úbl - e-kniha

cena 448.0 Kč

Burial of Ghosts - Ann Cleeves

Burial of Ghosts is a page-turning standalone crime novel from Ann Cleeves, author and creator of the three astounding TV series Shetland, Vera and The Long Call.Abandoned as a baby, twenty-five-year-old Lizzie Bartholomew spent her childhood moving between foster homes and has had more than her fair share of troubles.Now a holiday in Morocco seems to be the perfect escape. Especially when she meets Philip, a fellow tourist. After a brief affair, Lizzie returns to England, only to find a solicitor's letter waiting for her.Philip Samson has died and has left Lizzie a gift of £15,000 in his will. But there are conditions attached to this unexpected legacy that will soon force Lizzie to confront terrifying secrets from her past life . . .

Objev podobné jako Burial of Ghosts - Ann Cleeves

cena 295.0 Kč

Czech Trail - Martin Úbl

The first official trail around the borders of the Czech Republic. How come anyone can do a long-distance trail around the Czech Republic? How does a trip made by a group of friends become an official trail that makes it into Forbes magazine alongside Serena Williams and into the world's long-distance routes? Why is it better not to bring a sleeping bag that has a thermal quality suitable for beach sleeping in Morocco? And why have many animals already taken to the trail, but not yet a kangaroo? This combination of lyrical, if sometimes scary, chapters on each section, comically dramatical stories of people who have hiked the trail, and backyard-science tips on how to get started, offers everything you wanted to know about the Czech Trail but were afraid to ask!

Objev podobné jako Czech Trail - Martin Úbl

cena 598.0 Kč

100 Interiors Around the World - Angelika Taschen, Brian Cole Miller

Making stops in North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, this edition rounds up some of today’s most exceptional and inspiring interiors across six continents. From rustic minimalism to urbane eclecticism, the selection celebrates a global spectrum of styles, united by authenticity, a love of detail, and a zest for individual expression that will never go out of fashion. Includes interiors in Argentina, Brasil, China, Cuba, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Morocco, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the UK, the USA, and many more countries. With pictures by leading interior photographers including: Xavier Béjot, Pieter Estersohn, Marina Faust, Reto Guntli, François Halard, HieplerBrunier, Ditte Isager, Nikolas Koenig, Ricardo Labougle, Eric Laignel, Ake Lindman, Thomas Loof, Jason Schmidt, Mark Seelen, René Stoeltie, Tim Street-Porter, Vincent Thibert, Simon Upton, Paul Warchol.

Objev podobné jako 100 Interiors Around the World - Angelika Taschen, Brian Cole Miller

cena 536.0 Kč

Vertus Discovery set sada unisex 21x2 ml

Vertus Discovery set, 21x2 ml, Unisex sady unisex, Poznejte blíže ikonické beauty značky i luxusní vůně. Sada Vertus Discovery set obsahuje miniatury kosmetických produktů a parfémové vzorky, které jste možná chtěli už dlouho vyzkoušet. Potěšte tímto setem sebe nebo jiného milovníka krásy ve svém okolí. Vlastnosti: unisex – pro muže i pro ženy ideální pro objevení nových vůní Sada obsahuje: Auramber 2 ml Paradox 2 ml Silhouette 2 ml Eau De Cyan 2 ml Rose Morocco 2 ml Rose Prive 2 ml Bois Et Cuir 2 ml Oriental Rose 2 ml Ombre 2 ml XXIV Carat Gold 2 ml Monarch 2 ml Night Dose 2 ml Majeste 2 ml Royal Orris 2 ml Chaos 2 ml Oud Noir 2 ml Fresh Orient 2 ml 1001 2 ml Amber Elixir 2 ml Narcos'is 2 ml Sole Patchouli 2 ml

Objev podobné jako Vertus Discovery set sada unisex 21x2 ml

cena 4839.0 Kč

Taylor Wessing Photo Portrait Prize 2023 Catalogue - Sabina Jaskot-Gill, Clare Freestone

The Taylor Wessing Photo Portrait Prize showcases a wide range of portraits from inspiring contemporary photographers. The Taylor Wessing Photo Portrait Prize is one of the most prestigious global photography awards, celebrating the very best in contemporary portraiture. Exhibited annually at the National Portrait Gallery, London, it showcases talented professional and amateur photographers from around the world, and this year features new work from the 2023 In Focus Photographer Hassan Hajjaj, as well as the newly introduced Commission Prize.Fully illustrated in colour throughout, it includes interviews with all prize-winning photographers, alongside extended captions for each exhibited work and insights from the judges. This book provides a unique opportunity to see an inspiring range of portraits from contemporary photographers selected from thousands of submissions. An in-depth interview with this year's celebrated In Focus Photographer, Hassan Hajjaj, showcases his vibrant, expressive portraits, which embrace diverse cultural influences and reflect on his life between Britain and Morocco.

Objev podobné jako Taylor Wessing Photo Portrait Prize 2023 Catalogue - Sabina Jaskot-Gill, Clare Freestone

cena 509.0 Kč

Reeds Nautical Almanac 2025 - Simon Jollands, Perrin Towler

Reeds Nautical Almanac is the indispensable trusted annual compendium of navigational data for yachtsmen and motorboaters. Known as the Yachtsman''s Bible, Reeds provides all the information required to navigate Atlantic coastal waters around the whole of the UK, Ireland, Channel Islands and the entire European coastline from the tip of Denmark right down to Gibraltar, Northern Morocco, the Azores and Madeira.The 2025 Almanac continues the tradition of year on year improvement and meticulous presentation of all the data required for safe navigation. Now with an improved layout for easier reference and with over 45,000 annual changes, it is regarded as the bible of almanacs for anyone going to sea.The 2025 edition is updated throughout and includes: 700 harbour chartlets; tide tables and tidal streams; buoyage and lights; 7,500 waypoints; invaluable passage notes; distance tables; radio, weather and safety information; first aid section. Also: a free Marina Guide.Also available: free supplements of up-to-date navigation changes from January to June at: www.reedsnauticalalmanac.co.uk

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cena 1624.0 Kč

Botanic Gardens of the World

Discover the lavish beauty and fascinating history of the 40 most important and inspiring botanic gardens from across the globe. From the Renaissance gardens of Italy to the futuristic botanic gardens of Singapore, this gorgeous book tells the story of these unique institutions. It is a history of science and learning, of politics and national interests, of societal concerns and conservation.But, most of all, it is a compelling exploration of the power and possibility of the natural world, that we are still merely scratching the surface of. Expert garden historian Deborah Trentham has selected the world's most important gardens and delves deep into the history of these horticultural institutions - sharing stories of exploration, extraordinary plants and the scientific breakthroughs which have shaped these stunning gardens. Filled with rare and beautiful plants and incredible locations from around the globe - from Norway to Morocco, Kyoto to Kew, Brooklyn to Buenos Aires, and Madrid to Malaysia - this book will transport you to far-flung places and bygone eras, and consider the future of our botanical havens and the natural wonders they protect.

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cena 890.0 Kč

Night Train to Marrakech (Defekt) - Dinah Jefferies

'The desert hides dark secrets...' MARRAKECH 1966 Vicky Baudin steps onto a train winding through Morocco, looking for the grandmother she has never met. It's an epic journey that'll take her to the edge of Atlas Mountains - and closer to the answers she's been craving all her life. But dark secrets whisper amongst the dunes.And in unlocking the mystery of Clemence's past, Vicky will unearth great danger too . . .Five-star reader reviews for Night Train to Marrakech 'A love story and a thriller all in one' 'Epic storytelling' 'Utterly spellbinding' 'A book to lose yourself in' 'Fabulous, heart-stopping read, absolutely unputdownable in places' 'Full of mystery and drama' 'Political tensions, murders and love, this book has them all....' 'Full of twists and turns' 'A historical novel, this is also a suspenseful thriller' 'Atmospheric, drew me into the souks of Marrakech' 'This is a story of family, friendships, love and war' 'An utterly atmospheric, gripping read that transports you to Marrakech . . .a real page-turner' SUSAN LEWIS 'A world of stunning beauty and extreme danger . . .Dinah Jefferies is at the top of her game' GILL PAUL 'A mouthwatering read, intense and emotional. I loved it. Its characters hooked me irresistibly and stole my heart .. . a wonderful, heart-wrenching tale of love, danger and bone-chilling secrets' KATE FURNIVALL ''The seductive colours, sights, sounds and aromas of Marrakech, with a hidden, darker side, are so powerfully evoked that you are instantly transported there' LIZ TRENOW Available to pre-order now!

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cena 49.0 Kč

Night Train to Marrakech (Defekt) - Dinah Jefferies

'The desert hides dark secrets...' MARRAKECH 1966 Vicky Baudin steps onto a train winding through Morocco, looking for the grandmother she has never met. It's an epic journey that'll take her to the edge of Atlas Mountains - and closer to the answers she's been craving all her life. But dark secrets whisper amongst the dunes.And in unlocking the mystery of Clemence's past, Vicky will unearth great danger too . . .Five-star reader reviews for Night Train to Marrakech 'A love story and a thriller all in one' 'Epic storytelling' 'Utterly spellbinding' 'A book to lose yourself in' 'Fabulous, heart-stopping read, absolutely unputdownable in places' 'Full of mystery and drama' 'Political tensions, murders and love, this book has them all....' 'Full of twists and turns' 'A historical novel, this is also a suspenseful thriller' 'Atmospheric, drew me into the souks of Marrakech' 'This is a story of family, friendships, love and war' 'An utterly atmospheric, gripping read that transports you to Marrakech . . .a real page-turner' SUSAN LEWIS 'A world of stunning beauty and extreme danger . . .Dinah Jefferies is at the top of her game' GILL PAUL 'A mouthwatering read, intense and emotional. I loved it. Its characters hooked me irresistibly and stole my heart .. . a wonderful, heart-wrenching tale of love, danger and bone-chilling secrets' KATE FURNIVALL ''The seductive colours, sights, sounds and aromas of Marrakech, with a hidden, darker side, are so powerfully evoked that you are instantly transported there' LIZ TRENOW Available to pre-order now!

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cena 49.0 Kč

Girl. Boy. Sea. - Chris Vick

Shortlisted for the CILIP Carnegie Prize 2020. ''A thrilling and a magical book'' Sally Gardner. Storm, shipwreck, survival. Chris Vick''s novel delves deep into the might and majesty of the unpredictable ocean, the strength of an unlikely friendship between a British boy and a Berber girl and their will to survive against all the odds. A British boy narrowly survives the sinking of his yacht in a huge storm off the coast of Morocco. After days alone at sea in a tiny rowing boat Bill rescues a girl clinging for her life to a barrel. Aya, from the nomadic Berber tribe, was escaping to Europe when her migrant ship was destroyed in the same storm. Through endless days and star-spangled nights, they drift – mere specks on the vast, empty ocean – weakened by fear, hunger, and burned by the unforgiving sun. Aya tells Bill about The Arabian Nights, and Shahrazad, who told 1001 stories to save her life. As hope of rescue begins to fade, they find strength in these tales of magic, brave heroes, wily thieves, greedy sultans, and courageous girls. When they land on a desert island, they''re surprised to be confronted by a stranger who is not what he seems... and back out on the waves once more in the dark deep, a shadow follows... ''Perfect for your 14-year-old, taking them on a sea voyage that transports them to a world of near death and the discovery of an unlikely friendship'' Jasbinder Bilan, author of Asha and the Spirit Bird.

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cena 236.0 Kč

The Atlas Maneuver - Steve Berry

From celebrated New York Times bestselling author Steve Berry comes the latest Cotton Malone adventure, in which Cotton unravels a mystery from World War II involving a legendary lost treasure, Yamashita''s Gold, worth billions.1945. In the waning months of World War II, Japan hid vast quantities of gold and other stolen valuables in boobytrapped underground caches all across the Philippines. By 1947 some of that loot was recovered, not by treasure hunters, but by the United States government, which told no one about the find. Instead, those assets were stamped classified, shipped to Europe, and secretly assimilated into something called the Black Eagle Trust.Present day. Retired Justice Department operative, Cotton Malone, is in Switzerland doing a favor for a friend. But what was supposed to be a simple operation turns violent and Cotton is thrust into a war between the world''s oldest bank and the CIA, a battle that directly involves the Black Eagle Trust. He quickly discovers that everything hinges on a woman from his past, who suddenly reappears harboring a host of explosive secrets centering around bitcoin. The cryptocurrency is being quietly weaponized, readied for an assault on the world''s financial systems, a calculated move that will have devastating consequences. Cotton has no choice. He has to act. But at what cost?From the stolid banking halls of Luxembourg, to the secret vaults of Switzerland, and finally up into the treacherous mountains of southern Morocco, Cotton Malone is stymied at every turn. Each move he makes seems wrong, and nothing works, until he finally comes face-to-face with the Atlas Maneuver.

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cena 650.0 Kč

Lost Gardens of the World - Lawrence Sandra

A romantic illustrated journey through forty captivating gardens lost to time. All over the world, once-flourishing horticultural spaces have been abandoned and forgotten. From the once-crumbling grandeur of the Villa d’Este and the magic of the Lost Gardens of Heligan, to the sculptural surrealism of Las Pozas and the colourful rebirth of Le Jardin Majorelle, there are countless gardens around the world with fascinating stories to tell. Author and journalist Sandra Lawrence takes readers on a tour of 40 horticultural gems from around the world that have been lost either through neglect, abandonment or destruction. Many have been consigned to history, never to be seen again, while others have been revived and restored by the care and dedication of new owners and communities. These marvels of horticulture take many forms: stately homes, floating allotments, roof gardens and more. But all of them have one thing in common: the romance of paradise lost. Featuring commissioned illustrations of each garden by renowned artist Lucille Clerc, this book is a celebration of our love of nature, and the importance of keeping these oases of green alive and well – if not in reality, then at least on the page. These charming gardens are brought back to life, including: The Lost Gardens of Heligan, England Las Pozas, Mexico Le Jardin Majorelle, Morocco The Garden of Dreams, Nepal Villa d’Este, Italy Paleis Het Loo, Netherlands Crowninshield Garden, USA Discover the remarkable stories behind the creation, decline and occasional rebirth of these astonishing spaces, and meet the people and societies that first created and enjoyed them. The perfect gift for garden lovers, armchair travellers and cultural enthusiasts.

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cena 591.0 Kč

Night Train to Marrakech - Dinah Jefferies

‘The desert hides dark secrets…’MARRAKECH 1966Vicky Baudin steps onto a train winding through Morocco, looking for the grandmother she has never met.It’s an epic journey that’ll take her to the edge of Atlas Mountains – and closer to the answers she’s been craving all her life.But dark secrets whisper amongst the dunes. And in unlocking the mystery of Clemence’s past, Vicky will unearth great danger too . . .Five-star reader reviews for Night Train to Marrakech‘A love story and a thriller all in one’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Epic storytelling’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Utterly spellbinding’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘A book to lose yourself in’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Fabulous, heart-stopping read, absolutely unputdownable in places’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Full of mystery and drama’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Political tensions, murders and love, this book has them all….’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Full of twists and turns’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘A historical novel, this is also a suspenseful thriller'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Atmospheric, drew me into the souks of Marrakech’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘This is a story of family, friendships, love and war’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐A ‘gripping story of love, betrayal and danger’Woman’s Weekly ‘An enthralling story’ Woman‘An utterly atmospheric, gripping read that transports you to Marrakech . . . a real page-turner’ SUSAN LEWIS‘A world of stunning beauty and extreme danger . . . Dinah Jefferies is at the top of her game’ GILL PAUL‘A mouthwatering read, intense and emotional. I loved it. Its characters hooked me irresistibly and stole my heart . . . a wonderful, heart-wrenching tale of love, danger and bone-chilling secrets’ KATE FURNIVALL‘’The seductive colours, sights, sounds and aromas of Marrakech, with a hidden, darker side, are so powerfully evoked that you are instantly transported there’ LIZ TRENOW’A tense, thrilling story full of murders and mysteries . . . this atmospheric story will transport you to the heart of Morocco’Daily Record

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cena 241.0 Kč

A World of Flavour: A Celebration of Food and Recipes from Around the Globe - Langholtz Gabrielle

nspire children to read, learn, and cook their way around the world with this vibrant collection of authentic recipes and fascinating food facts In this innovative cookbook, children are invited to explore more than forty countries through the universal language of food. Through fun facts and fascinating information, unique ingredients, and culinary customs from across all five continents are celebrated. Also featured are over 40 authentic, kid-friendly recipes inspired by country cuisines around the world, from Vietnamese pho and Mexican salsa verde cruda to Italian focaccia and Nigerian jollof rice.Each entry includes a recipe with simple, step-by-step instructions and lively illustrations of the finished dish. Accessible to all skill levels, the book includes a beginner-friendly section teaching key kitchen vocabulary and skills. There are plenty of recipes made in under thirty minutes, as well as more hands-on projects to excite ambitious young chefs.Peppered throughout are pages dedicated to widely beloved foods such as dumplings, rice, and frozen desserts, revealing ingredients and dishes we share around the world and the unique ways they are enjoyed by children everywhere. Through delicious recipes, fascinating facts, and irresistible illustrations, A World of Flavour is so much more than a cookbook: it’s a mouth-watering road trip for the mind and the taste buds, teaching curious kids about the many ways cultures and cuisines are unique – and how much they have in common. Countries and recipes featured: Afghanistan (plov); Algeria (sandwich aux merguez); Argentina (chimichurri); Australia (pavlova); Bangladesh (shondesh); Brazil (feijoada); China (dumplings); Democratic Republic of the Congo (poulet moambe); Ethiopia (nit’ir qibe); France (truffettes); Germany (cabbage and bratwurst); India (masoor dal); Indonesia (gado gado); Iran (borani ghogondar); Italy (focaccia); Japan (onigiri); Mexico (salsa verde cruda); Middle East (pita bread); Middle East and North Africa (baba ganoush); Morocco (harira); Myanmar (mohinga); New Zealand (lamb chops); Nigeria (jollof rice); North Africa (shakshuka); Pakistan (halwa); Peru (ceviche); Philippines (adobo); Poland (zupa ogórkowa); Russia (blini); Senegal (bissap); South Africa (potele); South Korea (haemul pajeon); Spain (tortilla de patatas); Sudan (salata tomatim bel daqua); Syria and Lebanon (tabbouleh); Tanzania (ndizi kanga); Thailand (pad thai); The Caribbean (pastelillos de guayaba); Uganda (mandazi); Ukraine (borshch); United Kingdom (scones); United States of America (chili con carne); Vietnam (pho).

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cena 737.0 Kč

Lonely Planet's Best in Travel 2024 - Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet''s annual bestseller returns to mark our 50th anniversary. This special edition sets the travel agenda for the year to come, with an inspirational list of 50 incredible destinations to experience over the forthcoming year. Expect a mix of emerging travel hotspots, underappreciated places and fresh-takes on well-known locations. Inside Lonely Planet''s Best in Travel 2024:An expert panel judge and select 5 ranked lists of 10 destinations, covering the themes of: Top 10 Countries, Top 10 Regions, Top 10 Cities, Top 10 Best Value Destinations and Top 10 Sustainable Travel DestinationsVoted on by Lonely Planet''s writers, staff and communityEach destination profile features timely reasons to visit in 2024, expertly curated itineraries and practical advice to have the best travel experience when visiting Featured Top 10 Lists:Top 10 Countries: Mongolia; India; Morocco; Chile; Benin; Mexico; Uzbekistan; Pakistan; Croatia; St LuciaTop 10 Regions: Western Balkans'' Trans Dinarica Cycling Route; Kangaroo Island, South Australia; Tuscany, Italy; Donegal, Ireland; País Vasco, Spain; Southern Thailand; Swahili Coast, Tanzania; Montana, USA; Saafelden Leogang, Austria; Far North ScotlandTop 10 Cities: Nairobi, Kenya; Paris, France; Montreal, Canada; Mostar, Bosnia; Philadelphia, USA; Manaus, Brazil; Jakarta, Indonesia; Prague, The Czech Republic; Izmir, Turkey; Kansas City, MissouriTop 10 Sustainable Travel Spots: Spain; Patagonia, Argentina & Chile; Greenland; Wales'' Trails; The Portuguese Way / Caminho Português de Santiago; Palau; Hokkaido, Japan; Ecuador; Baltic Trails of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania; Eco-lodges in South AfricaTop 10 Best Value Destinations: The Midwest, USA; Poland; Nicaragua; Danube Limes, Romania; Normandy, France; Egypt; Ikaria, Greece; Algeria; Southern Lakes & Central Otago, New Zealand; Night trains, Europe About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet, a Red Ventures Company, is the world''s number one travel guidebook brand. Providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973, Lonely Planet reaches hundreds of millions of travellers each year online and in print and helps them unlock amazing experiences. Visit us at lonelyplanet.com and join our community of followers on Facebook (facebook.com/lonelyplanet), Twitter (@lonelyplanet), Instagram (instagram.com/lonelyplanet), and TikTok (@lonelyplanet).''Lonely Planet. It''s on everyone''s bookshelves; it''s in every traveller''s hands. It''s on mobile phones. It''s on the Internet. It''s everywhere, and it''s telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.'' – Fairfax Media (Australia)

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cena 354.0 Kč

Lonely Planet Flight-Free Europe - Lonely Planet

Discover how to explore Europe sustainably with this ultimate collection of 80 no-fly itineraries. Featuring trips that range from a weekend to a month, we show you how to avoid chaotic airports and reduce the carbon footprint of your travel with detailed route maps and transport connection information for trains, buses, ferries and more.Embark on a Norwegian rail odyssey; island-hop across Croatia by ferry; hike into the wild heartland of Scotland; or combine wine, surf and easy-going cycling along France’s Atlantic Coast. Each itinerary is plotted step-by-step on a map with the transport logistics of how to get to the next destination along with details of the duration between each stop. Whether you’re looking for a city escape, to explore natural wonders or indulge in delicious eating and drinking experiences, there’s expert recommendations for all interests about day trips to take along the way.Inside Flight-Free Europe: - 80 no-fly itineraries each of which features suggested ways to get to the start of the route, comprehensive transport connection guidance, vibrant photography, a map and fact box which details the trip’s carbon count, suggested duration and transport budget - Recommended forms of transport include train, bus, ferry, bicycle and electric/hybrid car- Activity themes for each trip are indicated by icons and encompass food and drink; wellness and relaxation; sights and history; adventure; arts and culture; and nature- Covers Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Morocco, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, WalesIf you’re motivated to travel more sustainably while still enjoying the best experiences that Europe has to offer, this book will show you how to discover Europe’s edges and everywhere in between via more climate-friendly forms of travel.About Lonely PlanetLonely Planet, a Red Ventures Company, is the world''s number one travel guidebook brand. Providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973, Lonely Planet reaches hundreds of millions of travellers each year online and in print and helps them unlock amazing experiences. Visit us at lonelyplanet.com and join our community of followers on Facebook (facebook.com/lonelyplanet), Twitter (@lonelyplanet), Instagram (instagram.com/lonelyplanet), and TikTok (@lonelyplanet).''Lonely Planet. It''s on everyone''s bookshelves; it''s in every traveller''s hands. It''s on mobile phones. It''s on the Internet. It''s everywhere, and it''s telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.'' – Fairfax Media (Australia)

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cena 591.0 Kč

Stone Houses

A collection of 50 stone houses from around the world that make the most of this extraordinary, tactile material Stone has an enduring appeal and has been used to build homes for centuries. Remarkably diverse and versatile, it is available in a multitude of colours and textures, ranging from the refined elegance of sleek white marble and polished granite to the rustic charm of grey slate and beige travertine. This carefully curated selection of 50 stunning houses from all over the world – from imposing mansions to tiny cottages – shows, through interior and exterior images, how leading architects from around the world have harnessed the beauty of stone to create exquisite houses in an inspiring array of styles.Featured architects and buildings: Además Arquitectura (CM House, Canning, Buenos Aires, Argentina); Ap Valletta (The Coach House, Balzan, Malta); B. E. Architecture (Armadale Residence, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia); Bard (Cruachan Beag, Isle of Eriskay, UK); Beef Architekti (Casa Fly, Palma De Mallorca, Mallorca, Spain); block722 (Viglostasi Residence, Syros, Cyclades, Greece); Carl Fredrik Svenstedt Architects (Casa Ward, Sarnano, Le Marche, Italy); Charged Voids (Residence 145, Chandigarh, India); Cubo Design Architect (C4L, Tokyo, Japan); Daniel Joseph Chenin (Fort 137, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA); DDM Architectuur (House B, Antwerp, Belgium); Ensamble Studio (The Truffle, Costa Da Morte, Galicia, Spain); Frank Lloyd Wright (Fallingwater, Mill Run, Pennsylvania, USA); Giordano Hadamik Architects (Villa Nemes, Liguria, Italy); Hw Studio (Enso II, San Miguel De Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico); Kengo Kuma (Jeju Ball, Jeju Island, Jeju, South Korea); Kropka Studio / Klub Architekci (House in the Landscape, Zawiercie, Poland); Leonel Marques Rodrigues (Casa Do Penedo, Moreira Do Rei, Fafe, Portugal); Lorenzo Guzzini (Villa Molli, Sala Comacina, Lombardy, Italy); Malik Architecture (House of Solid Stone, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India); Mar Plus Ask (The Olive Houses, Tramuntana Mountains, Mallorca, Spain); MASASTUDIO (Stone Court Villa, Paradise Valley, Arizona, USA); Matías Zegers Arquitectos / Catalina Pacheco (Casa Tapihue, Casablanca, Valparaíso, Chile); Mold Architects – Iliana Kerestetzi (Ncaved, Serifos, Cyclades, Greece); Nathanael Dorent Architecture and Lily Jencks Studio (Ruins Studio, Dumfries, Dumfries & Galloway); Neil Logan / Norman Jaffe (Heller Lane, Long Island, New York, USA); Nomo Studio (Stone House, Menorca, Spain); OBBA (The Layer, Ganghwa, South Korea); Olson Kundig (The Pierre, San Juan Islands, Washington, USA); Paritzki & Liani Architects (I/S House, Savyon, Israel); Pepa Díaz (Casa Pastrana, Mazarrón, Murcia, Spain); PPAA (Echegaray House, Naucalpan De Juárez, State of Mexico, Mexico); Room 11 (D’entrecasteaux House, Bruny Island, Tasmania, Australia); Sami-Arquitectos (E/C House, Ilha Do Pico, Azores, Portugal); Sinas Architects (Xerolithi, Serifos, Cyclades, Greece); Skene Catling de la Peña (Flint House, Waddesdon, Buckinghamshire, UK); Studio Archaos (Rogac House, Vis, Croatia); Studio KO (Villa DL, Ghazoua, Marrakesh-Safi, Morocco); Studio Rick Joy (Sun Valley House, Sun Valley, Idaho, USA); Taller Gabriela Carrillo (Casa Piedra, Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico); Ted’a Arquitectes (Jordi and África’s Home, Montuïri, Mallorca); Tiago Sousa (Box House, Romarigães, Paredes de Coura, Portugal); Tomoaki Uno Architects (Takamine House, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan); Tony Fretton Architects (The Red House, London, UK); Tuñón y Albornoz Arquitectos (Stone House, Cáceres, Extremadura, Spain); Type (Redhill Barn, Devon, UK); UNStudio (Fairyland Guorui Villas, Beijing, China); Vicens+Ramos (Single-Family Home in Las Encinas, Las Encinas, Madrid, Spain); Wespi de Meuron Romeo Architects (Brione House, Locarno, Ticino, Switzerland); Will Gamble Architects (The Parchment Works, Northamptonshire, UK).

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cena 1020.0 Kč