Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Matched (0141334789)
Kniha - autor Ally Condie, 366 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The biggest YA debut of the year - NEVER LET ME GO meets THE HANDMAID's taöe for the 21st century. On her seventeenth birthday, Cassia meets her Match. Society dictates he is her perfect partner for life, except he is not.
Objev podobné jako Matched (0141334789)
RODE M5 Matched Pair (M5 Matched Pair)
Mikrofon - do ruky (do objímky), připojení skrze XLR, kondenzátorový, směrové snímání, frekvence od 20 do 20000 Hz, impedance 200 Ohm, nutnost fantomového napájení (+48 V), ochrana proti větru (vindšus) a stojánek v balení Potřebujete nahrávat kvalitní zvuk a sháníte správného parťáka? Kondenzátorový/Elektretový mikrofon RODE vám pomůže s jakýmkoli úkolem. K zajištění toho, že výstup bude vždy dobrý, je třeba dbát na výběr správné směrové charakteristiky. Jeho vlastnosti slouží pro nahrávání zvuku z namířeného směru. Dokáže také potlačit zvuk ve směru držení. Jedná se o produkt, který řadíme mezi tzv. handky, neboli mikrofony do ruky. Univerzální tvar je zárukou snadného upevnění do objímky stojánku. Hodnota citlivosti se pohybuje u -34 dB, zde platí to, že vyšší číslo se rovná vyšší citlivost. Po instalaci mikrofonu na správné místo ho stačí připojit pomocí kabelu s koncovkou XLR. Z upevnění nemusíte mít strach balení totiž obsahuje i kvalitní stojánek. Díky...
Objev podobné jako RODE M5 Matched Pair (M5 Matched Pair)
Rode NT5 - Matched Pair
Kondenzátorový mikrofon - stereo pár NT5 je malo-membránový kondenzátorový mikrofon pro záznam akustických nástrojů, bicích, činelů, živých produkcí a dalších zvukových zdrojů, kde je potřeba stereofonní záznam. Tento kompaktní mikrofon je dodáván v sesazených párech a vyroben z vysoce kvalitních komponentů. Mikrofon je k dispozici jako pečlivě vybraný pár (NT5-MP). Jako příslušenství lze k mikrofonu dokoupit mikrofonní vložku NT45-O se všesměrovou charakteristikou a rozšířit uplatnění mikrofonu o další aplikace.
Objev podobné jako Rode NT5 - Matched Pair
AKG C314 matched pair
Kondenzátorový mikrofon - stereo pár AKG C314 je velkomembránový, kondenzátorový mikrofon s proměnnou charakteristikou, který navazuje na úspěch kapsle XLS známé z velmi oblíbené řady mikrofonů C414. Mikrofon je velmi precizně zpracovaný, ať už jde o odolné šasi a mřížku nebo elektroniku, která zaručuje mimořádně nízký šum. K dispozici je přepínač pro útlum -20 dB, který je navíc opatřen indikační diodou signalizující přebuzení signálu přímo na mikrofonu. Pro záznam zvuku jsou k dispozici hned čtyři zvukové charakteristiky – kardioda, superkardioda, všesměrová a osmička. Díky tomu mikrofon přesně přizpůsobíte zdroji zvuku nebo ho můžete využít pro sofistikované nahrávací techniky.
Objev podobné jako AKG C314 matched pair
AKG C314 matched pair
sada 2 ks párovaných kondenzátorových mikrofonů C314, 4 směrové charakteristiky, volitelný útlum -20 dB, LED indikátor přebuzení, filtr spodních frekvencí (12dB/oct @ 100 Hz), frekvenční rozsah 20Hz - 20 kHz, délka 160 mm, v ceně kovový kufřík, 2x odpružený držák H85, 2x držák na stojan SA60, 2x windscreen W214 a stereo tyč H50
Objev podobné jako AKG C314 matched pair
Rode M5 Matched Pair stereo
Kondenzátorový mikrofon - stereo pár RODE M5 je kompaktní 0,5" kardioidní kondenzátorový mikrofon s nízkým šumem a plnou frekvenční odezvou. Díky letitým zkušenostem při vývoji mnohokrát oceněného mikrofonu NT5, se RODE podařilo vyrobit vysoce kvalitní kondenzátorovou "tužku" s pevnou polarizací, která ohromí i ty nejnáročnější umělce a techniky. M5 je ideální jak pro studiové nahrávání, tak při ozvučení na pódiu. Lze ho použít na řadu akustických nástrojů, sborů, nebo všude tam, kde situace vyžaduje nasazení malomembránových kondenzátorových mikrofonů, a to buď jednotlivě, nebo v stereo páru. Každá dvojice mikrofonů byla pečlivě vybrána tak, aby rozdíl v citlivosti mezi mikrofony nebyl větší než 1 dB. S mikrofony a příslušenstvím je dodáván i certifikát ověření pravosti páru. Keramický nástřik dává mikrofonu M5 elegantně matný černý povrch a zároveň ho dobře chrání proti oděrkům a škrábancům. M5-MP je dodáván současně s protivětrnou ochranou WS5 a držákem RM5 pro každý mikrofon.
Objev podobné jako Rode M5 Matched Pair stereo
JJ Electronic EL844 Matched Quad Elektronka
EL844 je verze EL84 s nižším výkonem. Snižuje headroom o přibližně 25 %, což umožňuje dosáhnout overdrive při nižších úrovních hlasitosti. Typ: Power Tube;Elektronka Počet v balení (ks): 4 Země původu: Slovensko
Objev podobné jako JJ Electronic EL844 Matched Quad Elektronka
JJ Electronic 5881 Matched Pair Elektronka
5881 je "beam power" pentoda s maximálním deskovým rozptylem 23W v klasické krátké žárovce. Je velmi podobná zvuku 6L6, ale s menším výkonem. Může být použita v jakémkoli zesilovači 6L6. Počet v balení (ks): 2 Typ: Elektronka;Power Tube Země původu: Slovensko
Objev podobné jako JJ Electronic 5881 Matched Pair Elektronka
JJ Electronic EL844 Matched Pair Elektronka
EL844 je verze EL84 s nižším výkonem. Snižuje headroom o přibližně 25 %, což umožňuje dosáhnout overdrive při nižších úrovních hlasitosti. Typ: Elektronka;Power Tube Země původu: Slovensko Počet v balení (ks): 2
Objev podobné jako JJ Electronic EL844 Matched Pair Elektronka
JJ Electronic E34L Matched Pair Elektronka
E34L je výkonnější EL34 s větším headroomem a hlubšími basy. Je o něco agresivnější než EL34. Typ: Power Tube;Elektronka Země původu: Slovensko Počet v balení (ks): 2
Objev podobné jako JJ Electronic E34L Matched Pair Elektronka
JJ Electronic E34L Matched Quad Elektronka
E34L je výkonnější EL34 s větším headroomem a hlubšími basy. Je o něco agresivnější než EL34. Země původu: Slovensko Počet v balení (ks): 4 Typ: Elektronka;Power Tube
Objev podobné jako JJ Electronic E34L Matched Quad Elektronka
Well Matched: Well Met 3 - Jen DeLuca
Single mother April is soon to be an empty nester. For twelve years she's lived in Willow Creek with a wall around her heart. Now it's time to move on, and she asks friend Mitch to help get her house ready for sale.Buff Mitch Malone is best known for the kilt (and not much else) that he wears to the town's Renaissance Faire. He agrees to help April, in return for a favour: will she pretend to be his girlfriend at a family dinner, to silence all the talk? But when dinner turns into a weekend trip, April wonders if she can fake a relationship for so long.As summer comes round, Faire returns to Willow Creek, and April volunteers for the first time. Then Mitch's family show up unexpectedly, and he needs her to be his fake girlfriend again.Only this time, April wonders just how fake she and Mitch are becoming . . .
Objev podobné jako Well Matched: Well Met 3 - Jen DeLuca
Meinl Matched Pair Stick Bag Obal na paličky
Speciální uspořádání kapes vám umožní rychle vytáhnout shodné páry paliček z tašky vždy, když je potřebujete. Uvnitř je osm kapes na paličky - každá je šita tak, aby se do něj vešel jeden pár paliček jakékoli velikosti. Naplňte tyto kapsy páry o stejné hmotnosti a rozměrech nebo oddělte páry různých průměrů, pokud používáte více modelů paliček. K dispozici je šest dalších kapes různých velikostí, celkem čtrnáct vnitřních kapes. Hluboká vnější kapsa umožňuje rychlý přístup k dílům a příslušenství. Taška je vybavena dvěma možnostmi nošení: délkově nastavitelným ramenním popruhem a pevnými držadly. Obsahuje háčky a popruhy pro zavěšení tašky v otevřené poloze vedle vás na vaší soupravě. Skvělé pro bubeníky na turné, perkusionisty, bubenické nadšence a studenty. Vyrobeno z odolného polyesteru 600D a PVC, PP rukojetí/popruhů a dvojitého stahovacího zipu. Popruh: Ano Barva: Černá Materiál: 600D Polyester Rukojeť: Ano Typ: Stick Bag
Objev podobné jako Meinl Matched Pair Stick Bag Obal na paličky
Meinl HCS Super Matched Pack 10/14/16/16/18/20 Činelová sada
kompletní sada činel série HCS, sada obsahuje: 10 "Splash, Hi-hat s průměrem 14", 16"Crash, Chinu s průměrem 16", 18 "Crash, 20" Ride. Činely jsou vyhotoveny v tradičním provedení. Vynikající se da pro začátečníky a mírně pokročilé. Varianta: Super Set Matched Cymbal Pack Série: HCS Složení setu: Splash;Ride;Hi-Hat;China;Crash Typ: Sada činelů Slitina: MS63 Země původu: Německo Set: Ano Průměr: 16";14";10";20";18" Povrchová úprava: Tradiční
Objev podobné jako Meinl HCS Super Matched Pack 10/14/16/16/18/20 Činelová sada
Zildjian 13" K Hi hat
Činely hi-hat ZILDJIAN 13" K MATCHED HI HAT Charakterizované temnými podtóny, zvukové dědictví řady K odkazuje na staletou historii firmy. Zvuk činelů z řady je hluboký, teplý a expresivní, ale přes svůj temný charakter se prosadí v mnoha žánrech, od jazzu po rock. K Matched Hi Hat je kombinací vrchu střední váhy a středně těžkým spodkem s povrchovou úpravou Traditional, temným až středně jasným hlubokým až středovým zvukem a krátkým sustainem. Vyznačuje se temným, solidním zvukem a rychlou reakcí. Technické údaje • Typ: Hi hat • Rozměr: 13“ • Hmotnost: Medium/Extra Heavy • Povrch: Traditional
Objev podobné jako Zildjian 13" K Hi hat
Meinl Byzance Dual Crash Pack Činelová sada
Byzance Dual Matched Crash Pack kombinuje dva crash činely standardní velikosti pro jakoukoli soupravu. Ideální pro inovaci stávajícího setupu o nové zvuky. Jejich široký dynamický rozsah se hodí do většiny stylů. Ideální pro živé hraní nebo do studia. Povrchová úprava: Regulérní velikost;Třpytivý (Brilliant) Typ: Sada činelů Způsob výroby: Ručně tepaný Průměr: 16";18" Tloušťka: Medium Slitina: B20
Objev podobné jako Meinl Byzance Dual Crash Pack Činelová sada
Meinl Byzance Traditional Crash Pack Činelová sada
Byzance Traditional Extra Thin Hammered Matched Crash Pack kombinuje dva crash činely standardní velikosti pro jakoukoli soupravu. Ideální pro inovaci stávajícího setupu o nové zvuky. Jejich široký dynamický rozsah se hodí do většiny stylů. Ideální pro živé hraní nebo do studia. Způsob výroby: Ručně tepaný Povrchová úprava: Natural Tloušťka: Tenký Typ: Sada činelů Slitina: B20 Varianta: Thin Průměr: 18";20"
Objev podobné jako Meinl Byzance Traditional Crash Pack Činelová sada
Meinl Byzance Traditional Crash Pack Činelová sada
Byzance Traditional Extra Thin Hammered Matched Crash Pack kombinuje dva crash činely standardní velikosti pro jakoukoli soupravu. Ideální pro inovaci stávajícího setupu o nové zvuky. Jejich široký dynamický rozsah se hodí do většiny stylů. Ideální pro živé hraní nebo do studia. Varianta: Medium Tloušťka: Medium Průměr: 18";20" Slitina: B20 Způsob výroby: Ručně tepaný Typ: Sada činelů Povrchová úprava: Natural
Objev podobné jako Meinl Byzance Traditional Crash Pack Činelová sada
Meinl SB301 Bubenické metličky
Metličky na bicí ze série Meinl Brush. Metličky jsou plně zasouvány do rukojeti bez použití táhla, což je vhodné pro bubeníky hrajících technikou matched grip. Vyrobené jsou z oceli s pryžovými rukojeťmi. Metličky jsou vhodné pro všechny hudební žánry a přinášejí nové zvukové možnosti. Model: Compact Wire Brush. Materiál: ocel. Průměr: 1,45 cm. Délka: 30,80 cm. Materiál: Guma;Ocel Země původu: USA Typ: Metličky Délka (cm): 30.8 Průměr (mm): 14.5
Objev podobné jako Meinl SB301 Bubenické metličky
Reception Maths Workout - CGP Books
This brilliant Maths Workout Book has stacks of quick and simple practice questions matched to the Early Years curriculum - perfect for Reception (ages 4-5). It''s presented in a fun and friendly style and is a great way to help make sure children have really got to grips with all the important skills.What’s more, the answers are included at the back of the book, so it’s super easy to find out how well they’re progressing.
Objev podobné jako Reception Maths Workout - CGP Books
An Eye on the Hebrides - Mairi Hedderwick
Mairi Hedderwick embarks on a six-month-long journey to 40 islands from Arran to Lewis, recounting her pilgrimage around the archipelago of the Western Isles with which she has had a lifelong love affair.Filled with wit and wisdom that is matched by her spell-binding illustrations, Mairi Hedderwick portrays the islands in all their diversity, with swift and perceptive cameos of everyday life drawn with humour and affection alongside gorgeous landscapes which capture the truly magical beauty of the Hebrides.
Objev podobné jako An Eye on the Hebrides - Mairi Hedderwick
Emma - Jane Austenová
With an Introduction and Notes by Dr Nicola Bradbury, University of Reading. Jane Austen teased readers with the idea of a 'heroine whom no one but myself will much like', but Emma is irresistible. 'Handsome, clever, and rich', Emma is also an 'imaginist', 'on fire with speculation and foresight'. She sees the signs of romance all around her, but thinks she will never be married. Her matchmaking maps out relationships that Jane Austen ironically tweaks into a clearer perspective. Judgement and imagination are matched in games the reader too can enjoy, and the end is a triumph of understanding.
Objev podobné jako Emma - Jane Austenová
Read Write Inc. Phonics: Fun run (Red Ditty Book Bag Book 5) - Gill Munton
Read Write Inc. Phonics Book Bag Books are engaging texts to support children with additional reading practice outside the classroom. They have been specifically designed for children to take home after school, in order to share their reading journey and celebrate their achievements with parents and carers. The books are closely matched to the existing Read Write Inc. Phonics Storybooks to reinforce children''s classroom learning of phonics at the appropriate level, helping them to make even faster progress in reading.
Objev podobné jako Read Write Inc. Phonics: Fun run (Red Ditty Book Bag Book 5) - Gill Munton
Read Write Inc. Phonics: The big net (Red Ditty Book Bag Book 4) - Gill Munton
Read Write Inc. Phonics Book Bag Books are engaging texts to support children with additional reading practice outside the classroom. They have been specifically designed for children to take home after school, in order to share their reading journey and celebrate their achievements with parents and carers. The books are closely matched to the existing Read Write Inc. Phonics Storybooks to reinforce children''s classroom learning of phonics at the appropriate level, helping them to make even faster progress in reading.
Objev podobné jako Read Write Inc. Phonics: The big net (Red Ditty Book Bag Book 4) - Gill Munton
KS2 History Discover & Learn: Vikings Activity Book (Years 5 & 6) - CGP Books
This Discover & Learn Activity Book is perfectly matched to CGP’s Vikings Study Book for Years 5 & 6 (see 9781782942016 - pupils will need the Study Book to answer the questions in this Activity Book). It contains a range of thought-provoking practice questions for each topic - ideal for helping children think in depth about what life was like for the Vikings. Each page includes Learning Objective tick-boxes, so they can keep track of how confident they feel about each topic. Complete Answers are available in the matching Teacher Book (9781782949770).
Objev podobné jako KS2 History Discover & Learn: Vikings Activity Book (Years 5 & 6) - CGP Books
Intellinet Patch kabel Cat5e UTP 15m modrý
Intellinet Patch kabel Cat5e UTP 15m modrý EAN: 766623319980 Specifikace Impedance Matched pro optimální výkon Gold Plated Contacts pro spolehlivý přenos dat Snag Free Boots pro snadnou manipulaci Strain Relief pro dlouhou životnost kabelu Standardy a certifikace Standards Tested pro maximální kompatibilitu UTP, Cat5e compatible, CCA pro široké využití UL Listed pro bezpečné použití Certified to 350 MHz pro rychlé přenosy dat EIA/TIA Approved pro mezinárodní standardy Konektory 4 Pairs pro vysokou kapacitu přenosu RJ-45 Connectors pro univerzální kompatibilitu
Objev podobné jako Intellinet Patch kabel Cat5e UTP 15m modrý
Life Doesn't Frighten Me (Twenty-fifth Anniversary Edition) - Maya Angelou, Sara Jane Boyers, Jean-Michel Basquiat
The glorious picture book Life Doesn’t Frighten Me features the work of two legendary artists—poet Maya Angelou and artist Jean Michel Basquiat—“a powerful exploration of emotion and its expression through the careful blend of words and art” (School Library Journal). Dr. Maya Angelou’s unforgettable poem is matched with the daring art of Jean-Michel Basquiat in this powerful ode to courage.Shadows on the wallNoises down the hallLife doesn’t frighten me at all Angelou’s brave, defiant poem celebrates the courage within each of us, young and old. From the scary thought of panthers in the park to the unsettling scene of a new classroom, fearsome images are summoned and dispelled by the power of faith in ourselves. Angelou’s strong words are matched by the bold vision of artist Jean-Michel Basquiat, whose style reveals the powerful emotions and fanciful imaginings of childhood. Together, Angelou’s words and Basquiat’s paintings create a place where every child, indeed every person, may experience their own fearlessness. This brilliant introduction to poetry and contemporary art features brief biographies of Angelou and Basquiat and an afterword from the editor, Sara Jane Boyers. A selected bibliography of Angelou’s books and a selected museum listing of Basquiat’s works open the door to further inspiration through the fine arts. Presented as an impassioned ode to courage, the late poet Dr. Maya Angelou’s 1993 poem in this handsome anniversary edition will inspire a new generation of brave readers, no matter the challenge. Young readers will be inspired by poetry, by art, and by the tremendous talent of these two legendary creators in one beautiful picture book.
Objev podobné jako Life Doesn't Frighten Me (Twenty-fifth Anniversary Edition) - Maya Angelou, Sara Jane Boyers, Jean-Michel Basquiat
Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: Floppy´s Phonics Fiction: Pack of 6 - Aleš Brychta, Roderick Hunt, Alex Brychta, David Hunt
Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: Floppy's Phonics Fiction: Pack of 6 contains:Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: Floppy's Phonics Fiction: The ZipOxford Reading Tree: Level 2: Floppy's Phonics Fiction: Posh ShopsOxford Reading Tree: Level 2: Floppy's Phonics Fiction: Bang the GongOxford Reading Tree: Level 2: Floppy's Phonics Fiction: JackOxford Reading Tree: Level 2: Floppy's Phonics Fiction: QuizOxford Reading Tree: Level 2: Floppy's Phonics Fiction: A Robin's EggsEngaging decodable Biff, Chip and Kipper stories 100% matched to Letters and Sounds enable your pupils to practise phonic skills with their favourite characters.
Objev podobné jako Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: Floppy´s Phonics Fiction: Pack of 6 - Aleš Brychta, Roderick Hunt, Alex Brychta, David Hunt
AQA Activate for KS3: Student Book 2 - Reynolds Helen, Philippa Gardom Hulme, Jo Locke
Please note this title is suitable for any student studying: Exam Board: AQA Level: KS3 Subject: Science AQA Activate Student Book 2 picks up and continues to explore the 10 Big Ideas established within Book 1. There is a strong emphasis on encouraging students to use their natural curiosity within a supportive place of learning. Enquiry processes are supported with an introductory chapter and activities, making sure that students receive maximum support to expand these skills. As well as being matched to the AQA KS3 syllabus, this student book makes progression to GCSE smooth and consistent.
Objev podobné jako AQA Activate for KS3: Student Book 2 - Reynolds Helen, Philippa Gardom Hulme, Jo Locke
The Highwayman - Alfred Noyes
The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor,And the highwayman came riding-Riding-riding-The highwayman came riding, up to the old inn-door. In Alfred Noyes''s thrilling poem, charged with drama and tension, we ride with the highwayman and recoil from the terrible fate that befalls him and his sweetheart Bess, the landlord''s daughter. The vivid imagery of the writing is matched by Charles Keeping''s haunting illustrations which won him the Kate Greenaway Medal. This new edition features rescanned artwork to capture the breath-taking detail of Keeping''s illustrations and a striking new cover.
Objev podobné jako The Highwayman - Alfred Noyes
Lea - Pascal Mercier
It all starts with the death of Martijn van Vliet's wife. His grief-stricken young daughter, Lea, cuts herself off from the world, right up until the day that she hears a snatch of Bach being played on a violin by a busker. Transfixed by the sweet melody, she emerges from her mourning, vowing to learn the instrument. Lea's all-consuming passion is matched by talent, and she becomes one of the finest players in the country - but as her fame blossoms, her relationship with her father only withers. Desperate to hold on to Lea, Martijn is driven to commit an act that threatens to destroy both him and his daughter.
Objev podobné jako Lea - Pascal Mercier
Since it was first published in 1818, Mary Shelley''s seminal novel has generated countless print, stage and screen adaptations, but none has ever matched the power and philosophical resonance of the original. Composed as part of a challenge with Byron and Shelley to conjure up the most terrifying ghost story, Frankenstein narrates the chilling tale of a being created by a bright young scientist and the catastrophic consequences that ensue. Considered by many to be the first science-fiction novel, the tragic tale of Victor Frankenstein and the tortured creation he rejects is a classic fable about the pursuit of knowledge, the nature of beauty and the monstrosity inherent to man.
Objev podobné jako Frankenstein
AQA GCSE French Higher: AQA Approved GCSE French Higher Student Book - Amandine Moores, Severine Capjon, Paul Shannon
This AQA GCSE French Higher Student Book is matched to the 2024 AQA GCSE French Higher specification. Written by a team of experienced teachers and experts, this book includes comprehensive vocabulary, grammar, topic and skills coverage. Engaging, culturally rich content helps nurture a love of the French language. This Student Book, and accompanying Kerboodle resources, provide plenty of opportunities for students to practise the skills needed for the new assessments, including transcription and reading aloud. The Higher Student Book can be used for co-teaching alongside the Foundation Student Book, with shared and differentiated spreads in each topic.
Objev podobné jako AQA GCSE French Higher: AQA Approved GCSE French Higher Student Book - Amandine Moores, Severine Capjon, Paul Shannon
Pickwick Papers : Annotated Edition - Charles Dickens
A rich and varied array of stories and vignettes, The Pickwick Papers is based around the investigations of the Corresponding Society of the Pickwick Club, consisting of its founder Mr Samuel Pickwick and Messrs Tracy Tupman, Augustus Snodgrass and Nathaniel Winkle, who travel around the country and then report back to the club concerning their extraordinary adventures and experiences.Dickens's first novel, The Pickwick Papers was an immediate success and caught the public imagination in a manner that few debuts have ever matched. Replete with colourful characters, fantastical anecdotes and a farcical plot, it catapulted its twenty-four-year-old author to literary stardom, and is widely considered to be one of the great comic masterpieces of nineteenth-century literature.
Objev podobné jako Pickwick Papers : Annotated Edition - Charles Dickens
Ozma of Oz - Lyman Frank Baum
This is only fair and just, and is the risk you declared you were willing to take" The Royal Family of Ev have been taken prisoner by the evil Nome King, a monarch whose magical power is matched only by his wickedness and cruelty. With Princess Ozma at their side, Dorothy and her friends bravely risk their freedom to challenge the mighty King - but will they ever see the fair Land of Oz again? Part of the Wizard of Oz Collection - Journey through the magical world of Oz with Dorothy and friends in this 15 book collection by L. Frank Baum, redesigned and anglicised. These beloved children's classics will make the perfect gift; timeless and loved by all.
Objev podobné jako Ozma of Oz - Lyman Frank Baum
Cort L200F ATV Elektroakustická kytara Jumbo
Nový přírůstek snímačů Fishman® EQ na modely L200F ATV je završením už téměř dokonalé kytary. Vrchní deska z Solid Sitka Spruce, zadní deska a luby z palisandru a Ebony hmatník jsou pečlivě postaveny spolu produkovat vynikající tóny za velmi rozumnou cenu. Šířka nultého pražce (mm): 45.0 Kobylka/tremolo: Ebony w/ Ebony Bridge Pins Ladící mechanika: Grover vintage machine heads Menzura (mm): 643.0 Povrchová úprava krku: Semi Gloss Color Matched Struny: D’Addario EXP16 Zadní deska a luby: Palisandr Integrovaná ladička: Ne Výřez (cutaway): Ne Preferovaná ruka: Pravá ruka Povrchová úprava: Semi Gloss Barva: Natural Počet pražců: 20 Počet strun: 6 Elektronika: Fishman Sonitone Konstrukce: Dovetail Neck Joint Ovládání: Volume/Tone Hmatník: Eben Krk: Mahogany Přední deska: Solid Sitka Spruce Typ: Dreadnought Země původu: Čína
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Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Skills Pupil Book 5 (Treasure House) - Abigail Steel
Treasure House Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Skills Pupil Books are aimed at ages 5-11, offering complete coverage of the demanding 2014 National Curriculum, and ideal practice of the skills in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling test. Treasure House Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Skills Pupil Book 5:– has 20 units– is matched directly to the 2014 National Curriculum– explains each concept clearly and simply, followed by a set of carefully tailored questions– ensures pupils will master all appropriate language skills– provides regular progress checks with 3 review units. This pupil book can be used with Treasure House Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Skills Teacher’s Guide 5 and activities on the Collins Hub for a complete programme to enhance children’s vocabularies and use of grammar and punctuation.
Objev podobné jako Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Skills Pupil Book 5 (Treasure House) - Abigail Steel
Telling the Time Activity Book for Ages 5-7 - CGP Books
Fun and engaging practice for supporting your child''s learning at home. Perfectly matched to the National Curriculum – from CGP, the Primary experts!A fun, colourful Activity Book packed with charming characters and engaging activities. It's ideal for introducing your child to telling the time, and learning about the days, weeks and months of the year! We've explained everything in easy-to-understand language with loads of colourful diagrams - your child will be time-wiz before you know it! Each topic is covered by a range of activities - all designed to help that time-telling knowledge really stick. We’ve also thrown in a selection of exciting puzzles so your child can apply their Maths skills in a different context. Answers can be found at the back of the book.
Objev podobné jako Telling the Time Activity Book for Ages 5-7 - CGP Books
The Beating Heart - Robin Choudhury
In The Beating Heart, Robin Choudhury explores how the heart has been represented over time and across cultures. He investigates the interplay between the heart depictions of successive eras and the prevailing cultural discourse – religious, social, philosophical – of each. In parallel, he considers how the ‘scientific’ understanding of the function of the heart has unfolded over 2,500 years, from the observations of Aristotle, through detailed anatomical descriptions beginning in the Renaissance, to the emergence of experimental physiology in the seventeenth century, culminating in the twentieth in full understanding of the molecular and cellular processes by which the heart beats autonomously.The Beating Heart is a beautifully illustrated journey of discovery across four millennia of human history, in the company of an author whose medical knowledge of the heart is matched by his fascination with the visual arts.
Objev podobné jako The Beating Heart - Robin Choudhury
Berserk Volume 13 - Kentaro Miura
The Band of the Hawk may have been the most formidable band of fighters around, but when matched up against an army of abyssal monstrosities, earthly fighting skills don't amount to a hill of beans. The Hawks' tortured and mutilated former leader, Griffith, has used the accursed Crimson Behelit to open the gates to a shadowy realm of unspeakable horrors, the realm of the demon lords of the Godhand, who are willing to transform Griffith into a being of terrible power and majesty as long as Griffith is willing to give up his former command as sacrifices in the Invocation of Doom. But nobody takes down the Hawks without a fight, and their berserker champion, Guts, will take on anything Hell can throw at him in order to save his lover, Casca, from the sordid violations that only Hell can offer.
Objev podobné jako Berserk Volume 13 - Kentaro Miura
English in Mind 2: Student´s Book - Herbert Puchta
Written for teenagers, English in Mind creates an inspiring learning experience for secondary students. Everything, from the choice of imaginative topics, texts and exercises to the attractive design is perfectly matched to students' interests, age and ability. It provides a solid basis for effective language learning through a strong focus on grammar and vocabulary.Flexibility and support are offered in the form of photocopiable activities and tests in the Teacher's Resource Pack, 'EiMTV' DVDs, Workbook CD-ROMs and the extensive free worksheets, tests, wordlists and resources on the website.Each level of the course provides 80-90 hours of work with the possibility of extension. It can be used with mixed-ability classes. The Starter level is for complete beginners and Level 1 is for elementary students and contains a 16-page starter section to revise key language. Levels 2 to 5 take students from pre-intermediate to advanced level.
Objev podobné jako English in Mind 2: Student´s Book - Herbert Puchta
GCSE 9-1 Geography AQA: Revision Guide Second Edition - Catherine Hurst, Tim Bayliss, Rebecca Tudor
The most student-friendly revision resource for the AQA GCSE Geography specification - this thoroughly updated second edition includes new graphs and maps and updated geographical data and helps students to consolidate key knowledge for every topic.The Revision Guide is fully matched to Oxford''s AQA-approved Student Book with the same student-friendly look and feel, with easy to digest content that recaps and summarises essential knowledge into manageable chunks.New Skills Focus pages hone students'' ability to approach skills-based questions with confidence, while Over to you activities and six-second summaries encourage students to check in on their knowledge.Revision checklists help monitor students'' progress and there is well-presented, targeted guidance for approaching Issue Evaluation and Fieldwork.Perfect for use with the Student Book or as a standalone resource for independent revisionAlso available: Student Book, Exam Practice, Fieldwork, Kerboodle, Kerboodle Book (student access)Also available as ebook: 9781382029117
Objev podobné jako GCSE 9-1 Geography AQA: Revision Guide Second Edition - Catherine Hurst, Tim Bayliss, Rebecca Tudor
Spelling Activity Book for Ages 6-7 (Year 2) - CGP Books
Fun and engaging Spelling practice for supporting your child''s learning at home. Perfectly matched to the National Curriculum – from CGP, the Primary experts!A bright, colourful English Activity Book brimming with charming characters, fun Spelling activities and crystal-clear explanations. It’s ideal for helping pupils aged 6-7 (Year 2) learn and practice spelling different words and sounds, plus loads of helpful spelling rules! Each topic is explained in easy-to-understand language, followed by fun-packed activities and challenges designed to boost your child's confidence and make sure all that knowledge really sticks! We’ve also thrown in exciting puzzles so your child can apply their English skills in a different context. Self-assessment boxes at the end of each topic can be used to keep track of their progress. Answers can be found at the back of the book.
Objev podobné jako Spelling Activity Book for Ages 6-7 (Year 2) - CGP Books
Warm Audio WA-14SP Kondenzátorový studiový mikrofon
Pár vybíraných velkomembránových kondenzátorových mikrofonů, klonů klasického mikrofonu ze 70. let, který byl použit na mnoha legendárních nahrávkách. WA-14 používá klasickou, plně diskrétní topologii, včetně 1" duální kapsle typu CK12, kondenzátorů Lens a prémiového transformátoru CineMag.Dvojice velkomembránových kondenzátorových mikrofonůVariabilní nastavení PAD: 0, -10 dB, -20 dBTři směrové charakteristiky: cardioid, omnidirectional, figure 8Kapsle LK-12-B-60v, věrná reprodukce klasické CK12CineMag transformátor vyrobený v USAFrekvenční rozsah: 20 Hz - 20kHzImpedance 150 ohmůBarva: černáPár mikrofonů je ideální pro precizní záznam stereoobrazu akustickcýh nástrojů a těles:Balení obsahuje2x mikrofon WA-142x protiotřesový držák2x pevný držák1x cejchované raménko pro instalaci mikrofonů na jeden stojan2x koženkový obal se zipem - pro každý mikrofon jedenpolstrovaný hliníkový kufr Barva: Černá Pady: Ano Balení obsahuje: Ochranný obal;Upevnění na stojan;Držák mikrofonu;Shockmount;Ochranné pouzdro;Mikrofon Směrová charakteristika: Všesměrová;Cardioid;Osma Pouzdro/kufr v ceně: Ano Typ kapsle: Kondenzátorový Rozhraní: XLR Výstupy: XLR Frekvenční rozsah: 20 Hz - 20 kHz Napájení: 48V Phantom Citlivost: 9 mV/Pa @ 1 kHz Impedance: 150 Ohm Varianta: Matched Pair Maximální akustický tlak (SPL): 165 dB
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Oxford AQA History for A Level: The Tudors: England 1485-1603 - Michael Tillbrook
This title is suitable for any student studying: Exam Board: AQA Level: A Level Subject: History First teaching: September 2015 First exams: June 2017 The Tudors has been approved by AQA and matched to the 2015 specifications. With a strong focus on skills building and exam practice, this book covers in breadth issues of change, continuity, and cause and consequence in this period of English history through key questions such as how effectively did the Tudors develop the powers of the monarchy, and how did English society and economy change. Its aim is to enable students to understand and make connections between the six key themes covered in the specification. Students can further develop vital skills such as historical interpretations and source analyses via specially selected sources and extracts. Practice questions and study tips provide additional support to help familiarize students with the new exam style questions, and help them achieve their best in the exam.
Objev podobné jako Oxford AQA History for A Level: The Tudors: England 1485-1603 - Michael Tillbrook
Affirmations & Crystals - Claire Titmus
Discover what crystal wisdom awaits every day of the year in Affirmations & Crystals. In this beautiful book, Claire Titmus, owner of The Crystal Bar, delivers 365 undated messages and affirmations to support you every day of the year. Each daily entry is matched to a crystal to raise your vibrations, empowering you to incorporate more crystals into your everyday life. Work through the pages one-by-one, using the book as a crystal calendar, or flick through its pages, using your intuition as a guide, and land on the affirmation the Universe wants to reveal each day. How you use Affirmations & Crystals is unique to you – whether you're looking to make crystals a part of your morning ritual, build more self-care into your routine via empowering affirmations, or simply to refer to the messages for guidance, as and when you need them. Let this book support you on your spiritual journey. Unlock the power of your intuition and discover what the Universe has in store for you with Affirmations & Crystals. Your daily message is waiting...
Objev podobné jako Affirmations & Crystals - Claire Titmus
The Wedding of the Year - Jill Mansellová
Love, friendship and secrets revealed as the sun beats down on dazzling blue Cornish seas . . . It's set to be the perfect wedding - till the chauffeur is asked to keep driving the bride round the church. This wedding is not going as planned.Lottie is a guest at the wedding when she sees Max for the first time in fifteen years. No kiss since has matched their last kiss together. They were on the brink of a beautiful love story.Then something shocking happened that tore them apart. Now here he is, handsome as ever, teasing Lottie in the old way - and that tingling electric attraction is back. But Max is out of bounds.Ruby has been the perfect vicar's wife. But when she finds out the truth about her husband Peter, outrage and disbelief drive her to act impulsively, without a thought for the consequences. And nothing will ever be the same again.There will be a wedding of the year - but maybe not yet. When love is in the air, anything can happen . . .
Objev podobné jako The Wedding of the Year - Jill Mansellová
KS1 Mental Maths Year 1 Daily Practice Book: Autumn Term - CGP Books
Daily practice is the best way to improve children''s Mental Maths skills - that''s why we''ve written this fantastic Daily Practice workbook for the Year 1 Autumn Term! Packed with colourful characters and engaging activities, there''s a page of Mental Maths practice for every school day of the term. It''s all matched to the National Curriculum and perfect for use in class or at home!For each day, there''s a short explanation of what to do, followed by a selection of Mental Maths questions. New topics are introduced gradually, then revisited throughout the book - the questions increase in difficulty through each week, and also through the term. Score boxes at the end of each page make it easy to track children''s progress and there are answers to every question at the back.For complete coverage of Year 1, check out our books for the Spring (9781789087635) and Summer (9781789087659) terms too!
Objev podobné jako KS1 Mental Maths Year 1 Daily Practice Book: Autumn Term - CGP Books
Why Your Dog Thinks You're a Hero - Sam Hart
This hilarious and heartfelt gift book is the perfect guide to the many reasons why your dog thinks you are a hero Owning a dog is to have a four-legged best friend who worships your every move. Each time you walk through the door, you become the centre of their universe, and their love for you is only matched by their love of scoffing sausages and chasing cats. As their amazing owner, you know what it takes to care for them, but allow this book to show how much it means to your furry friend.Filled with witty original illustrations, this book explains the curious reasons behind all your dog's goofy looks and behaviours. Discover what your dog is saying through their barks and tail wags, and why they think you're the best. Whether you're leaving enough room for them on the sofa, taking them for walkies or always bringing them treats, you really are the hero in their big puppy-dog eyes.
Objev podobné jako Why Your Dog Thinks You're a Hero - Sam Hart
The Match - Sarah Adamsová
Sometimes, love finds you when you least expect it . .. Evie Jones has dedicated her life to Southern Service Paws, the company that matched her with the love of her life: Charlie, a service dog trained to assist with her epilepsy. But, as the company struggles to make ends meet, it's up to her and her longtime mentor and boss to keep the doors open with the fundraiser of the century.When Evie meets Jacob Broaden at a client consultation for his daughter, Sam, there are instant sparks - but not the good kind. Still, it doesn't take long for Jacob to be convinced that a service dog, and possibly Evie, might just be the best thing for his family. As Evie spends more time with Jacob and helps Sam find her perfect match, she starts longing for the loving family she's never had.For Jacob, falling in love with Evie is the last thing he should be doing, but love has a way of finding those who need it most . . .
Objev podobné jako The Match - Sarah Adamsová
Jackson X Series Soloist, SLX DX Checkered Past Elektrická kytara
Výrazné a cenově dostupné modely Jackson's X Series Soloist jsou vyrobeny pro rychlost a pohodlí! Jackson X Series Soloist SLX DX je úctyhodný model s dvojitým výřezem, který nabízí mnoho skvělých funkcí požadovaných dnešními metalovými drtiči. Počet pražců: 24 Úchyt na pás: Standard Konfigurace snímačů: HH Nultý pražec: Floyd Rose Special Locking Přepínač: 3 - polohový Barva: Grafika Struny: Poniklovaná ocel Země původu: Indonésie Ovládání: Hlasitost;Tónová clona Kobylka/tremolo: Floyd Rose Special Double-Locking Tremolo (Recessed) Hardware: Černá Tloušťka: 009" / 042" Tělo: Nyatoh Povrchová úprava: Satin Typ: Superstrat Krk: Javor Hmatník: Vavřín (Laurel) Vykládání hmatníku: Pearloid Sharkfin Pouzdro/kufr v ceně: Ne Snímač u krku: Jackson High-Output Humbucking Výztuha krku: Dual Action Kobylkový snímač: Jackson High-Output Humbucking Ladící mechanika: Jackson Sealed Die-Cast Velikost pražců: Jumbo Konstrukce: Průběžný Ovládací knoflíky: Dome-Style Rádius hmatníku: 12"-16" Šířka nultého pražce (mm): 42.86 Klíč na seřízení krku: Ano Počet strun: 6 Barva podle výrobce: Checkered Past Menzura (mm): 647.7 Preferovaná ruka: Pravá ruka Série: X Series Povrchová úprava krku: Satin Color Matched
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