Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Man´s Search for Meaning: the Classic Tribute to Hope From the Holocaust - Viktor E. Frankl
9 MILLION COPIES SOLD'A book to read, to cherish, to debate, and one that will ultimately keep the memories of the victims alive' John Boyne, author of The Boy in the Striped PyjamasA prominent Viennese psychiatrist before the war, Viktor Frankl was uniquely able to observe the way that both he and others in Auschwitz coped (or didn't) with the experience. He noticed that it was the men who comforted others and who gave away their last piece of bread who survived the longest - and who offered proof that everything can be taken away from us except the ability to choose our attitude in any given set of circumstances. The sort of person the concentration camp prisoner became was the result of an inner decision and not of camp influences alone. Frankl came to believe man's deepest desire is to search for meaning and purpose. This outstanding work offers us all a way to transcend suffering and find significance in the art of living.
Man´s Search For Meaning - Viktor E. Frankl
Over 16 million copies sold worldwide 'Every human being should read this book' Simon Sinek One of the outstanding classics to emerge from the Holocaust, Man's Search for Meaning is Viktor Frankl's story of his struggle for survival in Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps. Today, this remarkable tribute to hope offers us an avenue to finding greater meaning and purpose in our own lives.
Podívejte se také NF: The Search - CD (6724339)
Man's Search For Meaning - Viktor E. Frankl
A prominent Viennese psychiatrist before the war, Viktor Frankl was uniquely able to observe the way that he and other inmates coped with the experience of being in Auschwitz. He noticed that it was the men who comforted others and who gave away their last piece of bread who survived the longest - and who offered proof that everything can be taken away from us except the ability to choose our attitude in any given set of circumstances.The sort of person the prisoner became was the result of an inner decision and not of camp influences alone. Only those who allowed their inner hold on their moral and spiritual selves to subside eventually fell victim to the camp''s degenerating influence - while those who made a victory of those experiences turned them into an inner triumph.Frankl came to believe that man''s deepest desire is to search for meaning and purpose. This outstanding work offers us all a way to transcend suffering and find significance in the art of living.
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Man's Search For Meaning - Viktor E. Frankl
A prominent Viennese psychiatrist before the war, Viktor Frankl was uniquely able to observe the way that both he and others in Auschwitz coped (or didn''t) with the experience. He noticed that it was the men who comforted others and who gave away their last piece of bread who survived the longest - and who offered proof that everything can be taken away from us except the ability to choose our attitude in any given set of circumstances. The sort of person the concentration camp prisoner became was the result of an inner decision and not of camp influences alone. Only those who allowed their inner hold on their moral and spiritual selves to subside eventually fell victim to the camp''s degenerating influence - while those who made a victory of those experiences turned them into an inner triumph. Frankl came to believe man''s deepest desire is to search for meaning and purpose. This outstanding work offers us all a way to transcend suffering and find significance in the art of living.
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Embracing Hope - Viktor E. Frankl
'Viktor Frankl gives us the gift of looking at everything in life as an opportunity' - Edith Eger, bestselling author of The ChoiceAn inspirational new collection on turning tragedy into triumph by Holocaust survivor and multi-million copy bestselling author of Man's Search for Meaning. During his lifetime, world renowned psychiatrist and Auschwitz survivor Viktor Frankl had an unshakably optimistic outlook on life. He believed that regardless of circumstance, we can all find meaning and fulfilment in our lives, even in the face of great adversity.But how much influence do we have on shaping our own lives? How do we seize opportunities and create a meaningful life? And in doing so, can we still respect the dignity of others and tolerate all views?Published in English for the first time, Embracing Hope shows that by exercising our freedoms, we have a duty and responsibility to ourselves, to others and to the world around us. This collection of timeless lessons offers hope and consolation, admonition and warning, and reveals how to turn tragedy into triumph and lead a fulfilled, purposeful life.
Objev podobné jako Embracing Hope - Viktor E. Frankl
Max and Chaffy: Search for the Ice Chaffy (from the million-selling Jamie Smart, Illustrator of the Year) - Jamie Smart
Max and Chaffy - Search for the Ice Chaffy sees snow and new friends arriving on Animal Island. Full of adventure and interactive search-and-find pages to keep any new reader engaged.
Objev podobné jako Max and Chaffy: Search for the Ice Chaffy (from the million-selling Jamie Smart, Illustrator of the Year) - Jamie Smart
Eat, Pray, Love: 'One Woman''s Search for Everything Across Italy, India & Indonesia' (0747589356)
Kniha - autor Elizabeth Gilbert, 350 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná It's 3 a.m. and Elizabeth Gilbert is sobbing on the bathroom floor. She's in her thirties, she has a husband, a house, they're trying for a baby - and she doesn't want any of it. A bitter divorce and a turbulent love affair later, she emerges battered and bewildered and realises it is time to pursue her own journey in search of three things she has been missing: pleasure, devotion and balance. So she travels to Rome, where she learns Italian from handsome, brown-eyed identical twins and gains twenty-five pounds, an ashram in India, where she finds that enlightenment entails getting up in the middle of the night to scrub the temple floor, and Bali where a toothless medicine man of indeterminate age offers her a new path to peace: simply sit still and smile. And slowly happiness begins to creep up on her.
Objev podobné jako Eat, Pray, Love: 'One Woman''s Search for Everything Across Italy, India & Indonesia' (0747589356)
Léčba smyslem - Viktor E. Frankl
Tato kniha je výsledkem série přednášek, kterou měl autor v letním semestru roku 1966 na Jižní metodistické univerzitě v texaském Dallasu. Ústředním pojmem přednášek je logoterapie – psychoterapie zaměřená na hledání smyslu lidského života. Frankl zde zdůrazňuje systematickou povahu logoterapie, která předpokládá svobodu vůle, vůli ke smyslu a smysl života. Zaměřuje se na konkrétní logoterapeutické techniky a také na aplikační oblasti logoterapie, jež léčí různé typy neuróz. Logoterapie je kladena do kontextu jiných psychoterapeutických škol a závěrečná kapitola knihy se věnuje i jejímu vztahu k teologii. Viktor E. Frankl (1905–1997) byl profesorem neurologie a psychiatrie na Vídeňské univerzitě a profesorem logoterapie na United States International University v Kalifornii a dalších amerických univerzitách. Je tvůrcem tzv. logoterapie a existenciální analýzy jakožto „třetího vídeňského směru psychoterapie“, který se zaměřuje na hledání smyslu v lidském životě. Ve svých knihách Frankl mj. využil své zkušenosti vězně nacistických koncentračních táborů. V Portále vyšly jeho knihy Utrpení z nesmyslnosti života a Teorie a terapie neuróz.
Objev podobné jako Léčba smyslem - Viktor E. Frankl
Neuvědomovaný Bůh - Viktor E. Frankl
Knížka je skromný, ale účinný průvodce duševními a duchovními obtížemi našich životů. Ukazuje nám např. jak se dívat na nespavost, stárnutí a podobně.
Objev podobné jako Neuvědomovaný Bůh - Viktor E. Frankl
Psychoterapie pro laiky - Viktor E. Frankl
Knížka je skromný, ale účinný průvodce duševními a duchovními obtížemi našich životů. Ukazuje nám např. jak se dívat na nespavost, stárnutí, apod.
Objev podobné jako Psychoterapie pro laiky - Viktor E. Frankl
O smyslu života - Viktor E. Frankl
Držíte v rukou nové vydání tří přednášek Viktora Frankla z roku 1946, které mají obrovskou sílu a jsou překvapivě aktuální a které shrnují celé myšlení tohoto velkého lékaře a psychoterapeuta. Jejich smyslem je ukázat, že život má navzdory všemu smysl – navzdory bídě, smrti, utrpení, nemoci, osudu – a je možné mu říci Ano.Mnoho lidí po celém světě skličuje poznání, že materiální blahobyt sám o sobě není tím, co by jejich životu dávalo smysl. Viktor Frankl říká, že je to sám život, kdo nám klade otázky, na něž máme odpovídat. A jedině když na ně odpovídáme, máme možnost naplnit smysl života.Frankl rozvíjí své základní přesvědčení, že být člověkem znamená být schopen zvolit si, jak budeme v různých situacích reagovat, jak k nim budeme přistupovat. Důkazem toho jsou jeho vlastní bolestivé zkušenosti se ztrátou, hladem a strachem ze smrti, ve kterých přese všechno dokázal nalézt i naději, přátelství a smysluplné zkušenosti.V každé krizi se skrývá také příležitost – a to prokázat svou vlastní lidskost.
Objev podobné jako O smyslu života - Viktor E. Frankl
Vůle ke smyslu - Viktor E. Frankl
Vůle ke smyslu představuje autorský výbor z Franklových přednášek, které měl mezi lety 1946 a 1980. Jejich základní téma je následující: Člověk je tvor hledající smysl (logos) a poskytnout člověku pomoc v jeho hledání je jedním z úkolů psychoterapie – a to především Franklem koncipované logoterapie. Výbor doplňuje příspěvek Franklovy žačky Elisabeth S. Lukasové o validizaci účinků logoterapie a Logo-test k měření životní smysluplnosti a jejího opaku – existenciální frustrace. Jedná se o jednu z nejznámějších Fraklových knih, která byla v tomto vydání obohacena o stať „Alpinismus a patologie ducha doby“. Viktor E. Frankl (1905–1997) byl profesorem neurologie a psychiatrie na Vídeňské univerzitě a profesorem logoterapie na United States International University v Kalifornii a dalších amerických univerzitách. Je tvůrcem tzv. logoterapie a existenciální analýzy jakožto „třetího vídeňského směru psychoterapie“, který se zaměřuje na hledání smyslu v lidském životě. Ve svých knihách Frankl mj. využil své zkušenosti vězně nacistických koncentračních táborů.
Objev podobné jako Vůle ke smyslu - Viktor E. Frankl
Hľadanie zmyslu života - Viktor E. Frankl
Len málo kníh zanechá v čitateľovi taký silný dojem ako táto. Autor, svetoznámy neurológ a psychiater, ju napísal po prepustení z koncentračného tábora, no nejde o vyratúvanie krutostí, ale o originálnu psychoanalýzu vychádzajúcu z autorovho prístupu k hľadaniu zmyslu vlastnej existencie a života. Doteraz sa z nej predalo viac ako 10 miliónov výtlačkov a bola preložená do vyše 30 jazykov. Toto vydanie navyše obsahuje: predslov autora bestsellera Chlapec v pásikavom pyžame, doslov psychoanalytika, list, ktorý Frankl napísal bezprostredne po návrate z koncentračného tábora v roku 1945, spomienkový príhovor pri príležitosti 40. výročia oslobodenia koncentračného tábora v Türkheime, spomienkový príhovor pri príležitosti 50. výročia invázie Hitlera do Rakúska, slovník pojmov a chronológiu života autora a holokaustu.
Objev podobné jako Hľadanie zmyslu života - Viktor E. Frankl
The Search for the Giant Arctic Jellyfish - Savage Chloe
A moving tale of grit, endurance and self-belief to inspire young explorers and dreamers from a stunningly talented debut.Dr Morley is about to embark on a quest to the northernmost tip of the world, to discover a creature that everyone talks about but nobody has ever seen: The Giant Arctic Jellyfish. After years of research and hard graft, she gathers together a highly trained crew and a boat full of specialist equipment, and sets sail for the vast icy scapes of the Arctic. Will she find what she is searching for? Or will it find her?From debut author-illustrator Chloe Savage comes a beautifully detailed adventure into the unknown, sure to captivate the imagination of young explorers.
Objev podobné jako The Search for the Giant Arctic Jellyfish - Savage Chloe
Utrpení z nesmyslnosti života - Viktor E. Frankl
Kniha obsahuje přednášky z let 1957–1975, v nichž se jako červená nit táhne otázka člověka po smyslu života. Viktor Frankl je přesvědčen, že utrpení z pocitu hluboké nesmyslnosti a ochromující prázdnoty života je specifickou nemocí naší doby. Vytvořil proto terapeutickou koncepci, s jejíž pomocí toto existenciální vakuum úspěšně léčil. V této knize dává nahlédnout do svého myšlení i praxe a na mnoha příkladech ukazuje, jak se dá utrpení z nesmyslnosti života léčit. „Názory, které profesor Frankl zastává v této a dalších svých knihách, znamenají nejdůležitější přínos pro obor psychoterapie od časů Freuda, Adlera a Junga. A jeho styl je mnohem čtivější.“ (Sir Cyril Burt, předseda British Psychological Society). „Tento svazek je tak zhuštěný, tak prodchnutý žhoucím humanismem, tak bohatý na dokumentaci a jeho kritické postoje jsou tak uvážlivé, že zasluhuje podrobnou četbu stránka co stránka.“ (Annales Médico-psychologiques). Viktor E. Frankl (1905–1997) byl profesorem neurologie a psychiatrie na vídeňské univerzitě a profesorem logoterapie na United States International University v Kalifornii a dalších amerických univerzitách. Je tvůrcem specifického druhu terapie, již nazval „logoterapie“, a směru tzv. existenciální analýzy, v nichž využil mj. své zkušenosti vězně nacistických koncentračních táborů.
Objev podobné jako Utrpení z nesmyslnosti života - Viktor E. Frankl
Teorie a terapie neuróz - Viktor E. Frankl
Po obecném výkladu neuróz autor dělí duševní poruchy na endogenní psychózy, psychosomatická onemocnění, funkční onemocnění a neurózy reaktivní, iatrogenní, psychogenní, noogenní a kolektivní. Výraz „noogenní neurózy“ odráží Franklovo přesvědčení, že i problémy duchovního rázu či existenciální krize se mohou zdát zdrojem neurotických obtíží. Kolektivní neurózy zase znamenají neurotické poruchy typické pro ducha doby, v níž daný člověk žije. V druhé části knihy autor představuje dvě hlavní metody léčby noogenních neuróz – logoterapii jakožto terapii vycházející z duchovních zdrojů a existenciální analýzu coby terapii zaměřenou na duchovní oblast a na osobní duchovní existenci. Kniha je doprovázena mnoha kazuistikami.Viktor E. Frankl (1905–1997) byl profesorem neurologie a psychiatrie. Je tvůrcem tzv. logoterapie a existenciální analýzy jakožto „třetího vídeňského směru psychoterapie“, který se zaměřuje na hledání smyslu v lidském životě. Ve svých knihách Frankl mj. využil své zkušenosti vězně nacistických koncentračních táborů. V Portále vyšla jeho kniha Utrpení z nesmyslnosti života.
Objev podobné jako Teorie a terapie neuróz - Viktor E. Frankl
Lékařská péče o duši - Viktor E. Frankl
Kniha je základním dílem tzv. logoterapie, což je léčba smyslem. Logoterapie jako moderní psychoterapeutická metoda je v tomto díle také nejsystematičtěji a nejinstruktivněji vyložena v obecném i specifickém plánu, a kniha je nejlepším pracovním úvodem do logoterapie. Kniha je kultovním dílem tzv. logoterapie - léčbou smyslem. Moderní psychoteraupetická metoda je v publikaci vyložena nejsystematičtěji a nejinstruktivněji v obecném i specifickém plánu.
Objev podobné jako Lékařská péče o duši - Viktor E. Frankl
Smysl, svoboda a odpovědnost - Viktor E. Frankl
Texty knihy jsou jedinečné a fascinující. Zahrnují čtyřicetileté údobí a skýtají celistvý pohled na Franklovo dílo a zároveň bezprostředně vypovídají o jeho osobitém myšlení, povaze a způsobu přetavení vlastního prožitku ve smysl. Je pozoruhodné, jak brzy byly jeho teze jasně a srozumitelně zformulovány, takže jejich převážná část zůstala po celá desetiletí až do dnešních dnů nezměněna.
Objev podobné jako Smysl, svoboda a odpovědnost - Viktor E. Frankl
O smyslu života - Viktor E. Frankl - e-kniha
eBook: Držíte v rukou nové vydání tří přednášek Viktora Frankla z roku 1946, které mají obrovskou sílu a jsou překvapivě aktuální a které shrnují celé myšlení tohoto velkého lékaře a psychoterapeuta. Jejich smyslem je ukázat, že život má navzdory všemu smysl – navzdory bídě, smrti, utrpení, nemoci, osudu – a je možné mu říci Ano. Mnoho lidí po celém světě skličuje poznání, že materiální blahobyt sám o sobě není tím, co by jejich životu dávalo smysl. Viktor Frankl říká, že je to sám život, kdo nám klade otázky, na něž máme odpovídat. A jedině když na ně odpovídáme, máme možnost naplnit smysl života. Frankl rozvíjí své základní přesvědčení, že být člověkem znamená být schopen zvolit si, jak budeme v různých situacích reagovat, jak k nim budeme přistupovat. Důkazem toho jsou jeho vlastní bolestivé zkušenosti se ztrátou, hladem a strachem ze smrti, ve kterých přese všechno dokázal nalézt i naději, přátelství a smysluplné zkušenosti. V každé krizi se skrývá také příležitost – a to prokázat svou vlastní lidskost.
Objev podobné jako O smyslu života - Viktor E. Frankl - e-kniha
Miles Davis and the Search for the Sound - Dave Chisholm
Miles Davis and the Search for the Sound is a synesthesia-inducing graphic novel that follows the many lives of music legend Miles Davis. With narration adapted from Davis’ own words and an innovative visual style that shifts to reflect Davis’ constant musical changes, this 150-page graphic novel follows Davis through four decades of musical innovation, all centered around his quest to find a mysterious sound he heard on a moonlit country road as a child. Meticulously researched and expertly crafted by writer/artist Dave Chisholm—a doctorate holder in jazz trumpet from the Eastman School of Music—Miles Davis and the Search for the Sound deftly explores the often volatile journey of Miles Davis and his world-renowned music.Miles Davis and the Search for the Sound is a graphic novel you’ll have to hear to believe–it’ll make you SEE music in a whole new light.
Objev podobné jako Miles Davis and the Search for the Sound - Dave Chisholm
Napriek všetkému povedať životu áno - Viktor E. Frankl
Jedenásť mesiacov po oslobodení z nacistických koncentračných táborovuskutočnil psychiater a neurológ Viktor E. Frankl vo Viedni sériuverejných prednášok. Profesor Frankl, ktorý sa krátko nato stal známymna celom svete, v nich vysvetlil svoje ústredné myšlienky o zmysle,odolnosti a dôležitosti prijatia života – aj napriek veľmi nepriaznivýmudalostiam. Franklove slová silno rezonujú aj v súčasnosti, keď svet čelíčoraz vážnejším klimatickým a ekologickým hrozbám, prehlbujúcej sasociálnej aj názorovej nerovnosti a veľkej ekonomickej neistote.Autor ponúka zaujímavý pohľad na odporúčanie „žite tak, akobyste dostali druhú šancu“ a odhaľuje svoje základné presvedčenie, žekaždá kríza v sebe zahŕňa príležitosť. Napriek nevýslovným hrôzamkoncentračných táborov Frankl pozorovaním sily svojich spoluväzňovzistil, že vždy je možné „povedať životu áno“. Toto poznanie je hlbokáa nadčasová lekcia pre nás všetkých.
Objev podobné jako Napriek všetkému povedať životu áno - Viktor E. Frankl
Prožitek hor a zkušenost smyslu - Viktor E. Frankl
Strach z lezení působil na známého neurologa a psychiatra jako koření života. Copak si člověk musí od sebe nechat všechno líbit? Nemůže být silnější než strach? V horách dostávají myšlenky volný průběh a vlastně není žádné větší podstatné rozhodnutí v mém životě, které bych tam neučinil. Veškeré zážitky, za které jsme horám a stěnám a horským hřbetům vděčni, se podle Frankla svážejí a ukládají jako životní úroda do stodol, kde jsou chráněny před pomíjivostí. Hluboké myšlenky k horolezectví jsou doplněny působivými snímky Jana Zahradníčka.
Objev podobné jako Prožitek hor a zkušenost smyslu - Viktor E. Frankl
Croaky: Search for the Sasquatch - Matty Long
LEAP INTO THIS NEW ADVENTURE-PACKED CHAPTER BOOK SERIES FROM SUPER HAPPY MAGIC FOREST CREATOR MATTY LONG! Croaky Hopper isn''t like other little frogs. His head is filled with thoughts of wild adventures. He dreams of hopping across crocodile-infested waters, or being chased by a giant boulder, just like the famous TV explorer Tennessee Toad. But where can an energetic amphibian like Croaky find real-life adventure? When his Aunt Lilly signs him up for the Woggle Scouts, he expects to spend his time crafting with pinecones and selling cookies, but he soon discovers there''s much more in store, as scout leader, Winston the Puffin, takes the scouts on a dangerous expedition to search for a sasquatch.
Objev podobné jako Croaky: Search for the Sasquatch - Matty Long
Pierre the Maze Detective: The Search for the Stolen Maze Stone - Hiro Kamigaki, IC4DESIGN
Pierre the Maze Detective has a new case. Mr X has stolen the Maze Stone, which has the power to turn the whole of Opera City into a maze. Can you help Pierre and his friend Carmen find their way through the mazes - and stop Mr X before it's too late?This beautifully illustrated book features 15 full-spread illustrations of intricate, magical mazes. Take a trip through a fantastic world of underground cities, hot-air balloons, tree-top towns and haunted houses. Trace your way through each maze, spot the clues and solve the extra mystery challenges along the way.Hours of puzzle fun, for all maze detectives aged 8+. A page of answers with the routes through the mazes and other solutions is included at the end of the book.
Objev podobné jako Pierre the Maze Detective: The Search for the Stolen Maze Stone - Hiro Kamigaki, IC4DESIGN
Lee Morgan - Search For The New Land (LP)
Typ: LP deska;Stereo;Nové vydání;Album Hmotnost: 180 g Složení setu: 2 ks Barva: Černá Žánr: Jazz Subžánr: Jazz;Hard Bop Barva podle výrobce: Black Interpret / Téma: Lee Morgan Datum vydání: 2024-02-16 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Varianta: Search For The New Land (LP) Rok vydání: 2024.0 Vydavatelství: Blue Note Balení obsahuje: LP
Objev podobné jako Lee Morgan - Search For The New Land (LP)
The Man from Archangel - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha
eBook: First published in 1895 'The Man from Archangel' is a collection of short stories by the famous Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The collection is split into two sections – one of adventurous tales and the other focussing on stories of Victorian medicine. Stories include 'The Sealed Room', 'His First Operation' and 'The Curse of Eve'. No doubt drawing on his own experience as a physician, this is a fascinating selection of lesser-known stories from the popular author. -
Objev podobné jako The Man from Archangel - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha
Bůh a člověk hledající smysl - Lapide Pinchas, Viktor E. Frankl
Psychiatr a neurolog V. E. Frankl a židovský teolog P. Lapide vedli v roce 1984 ve Vídni mezioborový dialog o spáse a uzdravení člověka. Výsledky jejich diskuze doposud nebyly publikovány. Zvláštností tohoto svazku je především snaha obou autorů zcela se otevřít perspektivě té druhé disciplíny a její vědění využít ve službách hledání pravdy. Oba diskutující se přitom neustále potkávají ve svých osobních náboženských zkušenostech a rozhodujících životních dějinných událostech, jako je např. otázka holocaustu. Podstatnou roli zde hrají základní, existenciální otázky - utrpení a vina, ale i láska a smysl života.
Objev podobné jako Bůh a člověk hledající smysl - Lapide Pinchas, Viktor E. Frankl
Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements: The Search for the Company with a Dur (1849833192)
Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Accessible guide to deciphering corporate financial statements, with anecdotes and quotes from the man himself.
Objev podobné jako Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements: The Search for the Company with a Dur (1849833192)
A přesto říci životu ano - Psycholog prožívá koncentrační tábor - Viktor E. Frankl
Kniha spojuje dva slavné texty Viktora E. Frankla (1905–1997), psychiatra s českými kořeny a zakladatele logoterapie. Spis Psycholog prožívá koncentrační tábor vznikl během necelých dvou týdnů v prosinci 1945. Autor v něm popisuje, jakými fázemi odlidštění museli vězni procházet a jakou oporou jim byl duchovní rozměr života. Hra Synchronizace v Birkenwaldu z roku 1948, napsaná působivým skicovitým způsobem, je myšlenkovým i literárně-dramatickým experimentem. Propojují se v něm Franklovy osobní zážitky z vyhlazovacího tábora s pomyslnou reflexí a živým dialogem tří filozofů, kteří mu byli blízcí – Sokrata, Spinozy a Kanta. Podle Frankla vždycky zůstává v člověku prostor svobody a odpovědnosti, kterého se nesmí za žádnou cenu vzdát, a to i v extrémní situaci: „Nic nemůže udolat člověka, který si vědomě přeje mít životní cíl.“
Objev podobné jako A přesto říci životu ano - Psycholog prožívá koncentrační tábor - Viktor E. Frankl
The Man with the Compound Eyes: A novel from the Vintage Earth collection - Wu Ming-yi
On the island of Wayo Wayo, every second son must leave on the day he turns fifteen as a sacrifice to the Sea God. Atile'i however is determined to defy destiny and become the first to survive. Across the sea, Alice Shih's life is interrupted when a vast trash vortex comes crashing onto the shore of Taiwan, bringing Atile'i with it.In the aftermath of the catastrophe, Atile'i and Alice retrace her late husband's footsteps into the mountains, hoping to solve the mystery of her son's disappearance. On their journey, memories will be challenged, an unusual bond formed, and a dark secret uncovered that will force Alice to question everything she thought she knew.'A haunting and evocative tale, beautifully told. I wept at the description of the dying whales and the approaching tsunami... I think this work will be a classic' Hugh Howey, author of WoolVINTAGE EARTH is a series of books that reveals our ever-changing relationship with the environment. These are stories old and young, set in worlds real or imagined, that allow us to explore our connection to the natural world. Transformative, wild, surprising and essential, these novels take on the most urgent story of our times. From the Back Cover On the island of Wayo Wayo, every second son must leave on the day he turns fifteen as a sacrifice to the Sea God. Atile'i however is determined to defy destiny and become the first to survive. Across the sea, Alice Shih's life is interrupted when a vast trash vortex comes crashing onto the shore of Taiwan, bringing Atile'i with it. In the aftermath of the catastrophe, Atile'i and Alice retrace her late husband's footsteps into the mountains, hoping to solve the mystery of her son's disappearance. On their journey, memories will be challenged, an unusual bond formed, and a dark secret uncovered that will force Alice to question everything she thought she knew.
Objev podobné jako The Man with the Compound Eyes: A novel from the Vintage Earth collection - Wu Ming-yi
Lee Morgan - Search For The New Land (Reissue) (Remastered) (LP)
Typ: LP deska;Remastered;Remastered;LP deska;Nové vydání;Nové vydání;Album;Album Varianta: Search For The New Land (Reissue) (Remastered) (LP);Search For The New Land (Reissue) (Remastered) (LP) Interpret / Téma: Lee Morgan;Lee Morgan Subžánr: Hard Bop;Hard Bop Datum vydání: 2015-05-26;2015-05-26 Rok vydání: 2015.0;2015.0 Vydavatelství: Blue Note;Blue Note Barva: Černá;Černá Složení setu: 1 ks;1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM;33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black;Black Žánr: Jazz;Jazz Balení obsahuje: LP;LP Země původu: Německo;Německo
Objev podobné jako Lee Morgan - Search For The New Land (Reissue) (Remastered) (LP)
The Lost Café Schindler: One Family, Two Wars, and the Search for Truth - Schindler Meriel
Kurt Schindler was an impossible man. His daughter Meriel spent her adult life trying to keep him at bay. Kurt had made extravagant claims about their family history. Were they really related to Franz Kafka and Oscar Schindler, of Schindler's List fame? Or Hitler's Jewish doctor - Dr Bloch? What really happened on Kristallnacht, the night that Nazis beat Kurt's father half to death and ransacked the family home? When Kurt died in 2017, Meriel felt compelled to resolve her mixed feelings about him, and to solve the mysteries he had left behind. Starting with photos and papers found in Kurt's isolated cottage, Meriel embarked on a journey of discovery taking her to Austria, Italy and the USA. She reconnected family members scattered by feuding and war. She pieced together an extraordinary story taking in two centuries, two world wars and a family business: the famous Café Schindler. Launched in 1922 as an antidote to the horrors of the First World War, this grand café became the whirling social centre of Innsbruck. And then the Nazis arrived. Through the story of the Café Schindler and the threads that spool out from it, this moving book weaves together memoir, family history and an untold story of the Jews of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It explores the restorative power of writing, and offers readers a profound reflection on memory, truth, trauma and the importance of cake.
Objev podobné jako The Lost Café Schindler: One Family, Two Wars, and the Search for Truth - Schindler Meriel
The Man Who Planted Trees: A novel from the Vintage Earth collection - Jean Giono
''And so, with great care, he planted his hundred acorns''While hiking through the wild lavender in a wind-swept, desolate valley in Provence, a man comes across a solitary shepherd called Elzéard Bouffier. Staying with him, he watches Elzéard sorting and then planting hundreds of acorns as he walks through the wilderness.Ten years later, after surviving the First World War, he visits the shepherd again. A young forest is slowly spreading over the valley - Elzéard has continued his work. Year after year the narrator returns to see the miracle being created: a verdant, green landscape that is testament to one man''s creative instinct. miracle he is gradually creating: a verdant, green landscape that is a testament to one man''s creative instinct.''I love the humanity of this story and how one man''s efforts can change the future for so many'' Michael Morpurgo, IndependentVINTAGE EARTH is a series of books that reveals our ever-changing relationship with the environment. These are stories old and young, set in worlds real or imagined, that allow us to explore our connection to the natural world. Transformative, wild, surprising and essential, these novels take on the most urgent story of our times.
Objev podobné jako The Man Who Planted Trees: A novel from the Vintage Earth collection - Jean Giono
Courage to Dream: Tales of Hope in the Holocaust - Neal Shusterman, Andrés Vera Martínez
National Book Award winner Neal Shusterman presents a graphic novel exploring the Holocaust through surreal visions and a textured canvas of heroism and hope. Courage to Dream plunges readers into the darkest time of human history - the Holocaust. This graphic novel explores one of the greatest atrocities in modern memory, delving into the core of what it means to face the extinction of everything and everyone you hold dear.This gripping, multifaceted tapestry is woven from Jewish folklore and cultural history Five interlocking narratives explore one common story - the tradition of resistance and uplift Internationally renowned author Neal Shusterman and illustrator Andres Vera Martinez have created a masterwork that encourages the compassionate, bold reaching for a dream
Objev podobné jako Courage to Dream: Tales of Hope in the Holocaust - Neal Shusterman, Andrés Vera Martínez
The Meaning of the War - Henri Bergson - e-kniha
eBook: For those interested in a more philosphical aspect of war, \'The Meaning of the War\' by Henri Bergson is a short non-fiction work that explores \'Life & Matter in Conflict\', as the subtitle of the book tells us. A renowned French philosopher, Bergson delves into the history and politics of war, specifically examining Germany during World War I. This book criticizes the ideology that might is right. A policy that has been fatal for regions that neighbour Germany.To further get insight into the philosophical aspect of war, Sigmund Freud\'s essay ´Reflections on War and Death´ provides a great perspective on the modern mental state of people during WWI.
Objev podobné jako The Meaning of the War - Henri Bergson - e-kniha
Simply Lies: from the number one bestselling author of the 6:20 Man - David Baldacci
'This is Baldacci at his formidable best, teasing the reader with hints and suggestions while pushing the story forward at breakneck pace. Do not miss it.' - Sunday Times NO TRUTHFormer Jersey City detective and single mother of two, Mickey Gibson, now works for global investigation company, ProEye, to track down assets of the wealthy who have tried to avoid their creditors. One day she gets a call from a colleague, Arlene Robinson, asking her to visit the home of a notorious arms dealer who has cheated some of ProEye's clients in the past.Mickey arrives at the mansion to discover the body of a man hidden in a secret room. NO LIMITSIt turns out that nothing is at it seems. The arms dealer did not exist, and nobody at ProEye knew of Arlene Robinson.Mickey had been tricked and now the cops were involved. The body was that of Harry Langhorne, who'd been in Witness Protection having had links with the mob. NO FEARNow begins a cat-and-mouse showdown between hardened ex-cop, Mickey, and a woman with sociopathic tendencies who has no name and a mysterious past.She intends to get what she wants and people who get in her way will die. For Mickey to stop her, she must first discover her true identity and what damaged her all those years ago. And the truth behind why she selected Micky to become her nemesis .. . Simply Lies is an intense thriller featuring Mickey Gibson, a former New Jersey detective, from the number one bestselling author David Baldacci.*****KILLER TWISTS. HEROES TO BELIEVE IN. TRUST BALDACCI.'One of the world's thriller masters' Daily Mail'Baldacci is still peerless' Sunday Times'One of the all-time best thriller authors' Lisa Gardner'Baldacci delivers, every time!' Lisa Scottoline'A master storyteller.' Associated Press'Baldacci cuts everyone's grass - Grisham's, Ludlum's, even Patricia Cornwell's - and more than gets away with it' People
Objev podobné jako Simply Lies: from the number one bestselling author of the 6:20 Man - David Baldacci
Interstellar: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life and Our Future Beyond Earth - Avi Loeb
Loeb has a joy in conjecture and an omnivorous spirit of inquiry that are more reminiscent of 20th-century thinkers such as Freeman Dyson or Carl Sagan than most of his peers' The TimesCould we build space craft that could travel to distant stars? Could we augment human biology for spaceflight? Could the search for extraterrestrials be brought into the mainstream of scientific research?Avi Loeb tells us that in each case, the real question is not could we, but will we choose to? With an approach that is firmly grounded in cutting-edge science, he explores the potential for non-rocket space launch, deep space probes, and the technological preservation of human civilisation. He examines the evidence for UFOs and UAPs, and argues that the search for further evidence, using existing scientific technologies, is long overdue.Urgent and important, Noah's Spaceship is a mission statement and a blueprint for the future of humanity. Loeb explains why becoming interstellar is imperative for our civilization to survive - and how we can accomplish it.'One of the more imaginative and articulate scientists around' New York Times
Objev podobné jako Interstellar: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life and Our Future Beyond Earth - Avi Loeb
Hope for the Best (Defekt) - Jodi Taylor
The tenth book in the bestselling Chronicles of St Mary's series which follows a group of tea-soaked disaster magnets as they hurtle their way around History. If you love Jasper Fforde, Ben Aaronovitch or Doctor Who, you won't be able to resist Jodi Taylor. 'Jodi Taylor does it again. A brilliant yomp through history' - Reader Review You can't change History. History doesn't like it. There are always consequences. Max is no stranger to taking matters into her own hands. Especially when she's had A Brilliant Idea. Yes, it will mean breaking a few rules, but - as Max always says - they're not her rules. Seconded to the Time Police to join in the hunt for the renegade Clive Ronan, Max is a long way from St Mary's. But life in the future does have its plus points - although not for long. A problem with the Time Map reveals chaos in the 16th century and the wrong Tudor queen on the throne. History has gone rogue, there's a St Mary's team right in the firing line and Max must step up. You know what they say. Hope for the best. But plan for the worst.
Objev podobné jako Hope for the Best (Defekt) - Jodi Taylor
The Sellout: Longlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2016 (1786070170)
Kniha - autor Paul Beatty, 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Sellout: Longlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2016 (1786070170)
The Overstory: Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2018 (1784708240)
Kniha - 436 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Overstory: Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2018 (1784708240)
Searching for Novak: The man behind the enigma - Mark Hodgkinson
'A fantastic and fascinating exploration of the life of a great champion... Full of compelling insight.' - Tom Hiddleston'This book captures the deep complexities in Novak's mind and his life and how he's dealt with them in a thoughtful, soul-searching way.' - Chris Evert'A fascinating insight into the greatest tennis player of all time.' - Evening Standard tennis correspondent, Matt Majendie'An absorbing insight into the story behind the greatest player of all time.' - The Times tennis correspondent, Stuart Fraser'Mark Hodgkinson goes memorably deep on Novak Djokovic - from his hard-luck beginnings to his gluten-free diet to his unorthodox mind - helping us better understand one of the most fascinating figures in sports.' - Christopher Clarey, author of The Master'Meticulously-researched, this is a go-to book for anyone who wants to get a real insight into what has made Novak Djokovic such a champion.' - Simon Cambers, author of The Federer EffectNo man or woman has won more Grand Slam singles titles than Novak Djokovic, who took his 24th major at the 2023 US Open. Based on fresh interviews with people close to Djokovic - including his friends and mentors, along with his former coaches and his rivals - this is an in-depth exploration of the psyche of one of the most fascinating and controversial sporting characters ever.From a bomb shelter in Belgrade to an immigration detention centre in Melbourne, and everywhere in between, this book uncovers his relentless pursuit of perfection and the unconventional beliefs that have propelled him to greatness. Rage. Forgiveness.Shame. Pride. Love.Searching for Novak examines the psychological and emotional side of rewriting tennis history.
Objev podobné jako Searching for Novak: The man behind the enigma - Mark Hodgkinson
The Meaning of Liff: The Original Dictionary Of Things There Should Be Words For - Douglas Adams
The Meaning of Liff has sold hundreds of thousands of copies since it was first published in 1983, and remains a much-loved humour classic. This edition has been revised and updated, and includes The Deeper Meaning of Liff, giving fresh appeal to Douglas Adams and John Lloyd's entertaining and witty dictionary. In life, there are hundreds of familiar experiences, feelings and objects for which no words exist, yet hundreds of strange words are idly loafing around on signposts, pointing at places. The Meaning of Liff connects the two.
Objev podobné jako The Meaning of Liff: The Original Dictionary Of Things There Should Be Words For - Douglas Adams
From the Earth to the Moon - Jules Verne - e-kniha
eBook: The American Civil War has already ended. A Gun Club plays with the idea of building a weapon which can shoot a projectile to the Moon. Calculations and funding are only a part of the obstacles in the way. The original plan does not include people on board. Despite this not only one but three inventors take part of the trip. Will they survive the incredible acceleration caused by the explosion? Will they manage to get to the Moon? Jules Verne takes us on a scientific and imaginative journey to the Moon in the science-fiction novel "From the Earth to the Moon". The story is not only impressing due to the formidable telling skills of Jules Verne but also due to the fact that it is written almost 100 years before man finally stepped foot on the moon.
Objev podobné jako From the Earth to the Moon - Jules Verne - e-kniha
Cat Kid Comic Club 5: Influencers: from the creator of Dog Man - Dav Pilkey
The newest graphic novel in the #1 bestselling series by Dav Pilkey, the author and illustrator of Dog Man!The Cat Kid Comic Club is in crisis! After learning that one of their comics will be published, the baby frogs are filled with anxiety and doubt. How will they get their creative groove back? Will Naomi or Melvin emerge as a leader? Will Flippy convince them to finally straighten up and fly right?The story is hysterical, thought-provoking, and full of action-packed mini-comics: "Frogzilla vs. Mechafrogzilla," "I Am Dr. Fredric Wertham," "Two Birds," and "RoboChubbs." Bestselling author-illustrator Dav Pilkey shows the reader that the best way to influence people is to be open, gentle, and kind. The variety of art styles, paired with Pilkey''s trademark storytelling and humor, inspires imagination and innovation for readers of all ages.For more hilarity and heart, dive into the newest graphic novel in the Dog Man series: Dog Man: Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea. And don''t forget the series that started it all: Captain Underpants! A new edition of The Adventures of Captain Underpants includes a brand new Dog Man comic!
Objev podobné jako Cat Kid Comic Club 5: Influencers: from the creator of Dog Man - Dav Pilkey
Cat Kid Comic Club 4: Collaborations: from the Creator of Dog Man - Dav Pilkey
The perfect present for Dog Man fans - starring some of your favourite characters from the series! The Cat Kid Comic Club learns to collaborate in this creative, funny, and insightful graphic novel by Dav Pilkey. Excitement and imagination run wild as Naomi, Melvin, Poppy, Gilbert, Curly, and their siblings get back to making comics with originality and laughter. But wait - have they cleaned their rooms yet?! After their chores, the rambunctious group presents even more amazing mini-comics: a thrilling ride in "Chubbs McSpiderbutt", an action-packed romp in "Frogzilla", reflective haikus in "In the Autumn Pond", a candy-coated mystery in "Mallo Cop", and much, much, more.By working together, the baby frogs discover that small things can have a huge impact. In this innovative graphic novel series, award-winning author and illustrator Dav Pilkey employs a variety of techniques - including origami, acrylic paints, colored pencils, photography, collage, gouache, watercolors, and more - to capture the creative and joyful spirit of collaboration. The variety of art styles, paired with Pilkey's trademark storytelling and humour, inspires imagination and innovation for readers of all ages.Readers of all ages will be inspired to dream up their own stories and unleash their own creativity as they dive into this pioneering graphic novel adventure from Dav Pilkey Full colour pages throughout make it a fun and bright read!
Objev podobné jako Cat Kid Comic Club 4: Collaborations: from the Creator of Dog Man - Dav Pilkey
The Worst Best Man: a hilarious and spicy romantic comedy from the author of Things We Never got Over - Lucy Score
The bride is a doll. The groom is the perfect gentleman. But the rest of the wedding party are the stuff of nightmares.Rich? YesVapid? YesEntitled? YesAnd the Best Man? More like the Worst Man. But Maid of Honor Franchesca takes her duties seriously. There's no way she's going to let that pretentious, judgmental jackhole ruin her best friend's wedding. No matter how sexy he is . . .
Objev podobné jako The Worst Best Man: a hilarious and spicy romantic comedy from the author of Things We Never got Over - Lucy Score
A Swim in a Pond in the Rain: From the Man Booker Prize-winning, New York Times-bestselling author of Lincoln in the Bardo - George Saunders
THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERPICKED BY THE SUNDAY TIMES, GUARDIAN, INDEPENDENT, IRISH TIMES, SPECTATOR, TLS, NEW STATESMAN, MAIL ON SUNDAY, I PAPER, PROSPECT, REVEW31 AND EVENING STANDARD AS A BOOK OF 2021''A masterclass from a warm and engagingly enthusiastic companion'' Guardian Summer Reading Picks 2021‘This book is a delight, and it’s about delight too. How necessary, at our particular moment’ Tessa Hadley________________From the New York Times-bestselling, Booker Prize-winning author of Lincoln in the Bardo and Tenth of December comes a literary master class on what makes great stories work and what they can tell us about ourselves - and our world today.For the last twenty years, George Saunders has been teaching a class on the Russian short story to his MFA students at Syracuse University. In A Swim in a Pond in the Rain, he shares a version of that class with us, offering some of what he and his students have discovered together over the years. Paired with iconic short stories by Chekhov, Turgenev, Tolstoy, and Gogol, the seven essays in this book are intended for anyone interested in how fiction works and why it’s more relevant than ever in these turbulent times.In his introduction, Saunders writes, “We’re going to enter seven fastidiously constructed scale models of the world, made for a specific purpose that our time maybe doesn’t fully endorse but that these writers accepted implicitly as the aim of art—namely, to ask the big questions, questions like, How are we supposed to be living down here? What were we put here to accomplish? What should we value? What is truth, anyway, and how might we recognize it?” He approaches the stories technically yet accessibly, and through them explains how narrative functions; why we stay immersed in a story and why we resist it; and the bedrock virtues a writer must foster. The process of writing, Saunders reminds us, is a technical craft, but also a way of training oneself to see the world with new openness and curiosity.A Swim in a Pond in the Rain is a deep exploration not just of how great writing works but of how the mind itself works while reading, and of how the reading and writing of stories make genuine connection possible.
Objev podobné jako A Swim in a Pond in the Rain: From the Man Booker Prize-winning, New York Times-bestselling author of Lincoln in the Bardo - George Saunders
Best of Friends: from the winner of the Women´s Prize for Fiction - Kamila Shamsieová
Maryam and Zahra.In 1988 Karachi, two fourteen-year-old girls are a decade into their friendship, sharing in-jokes, secrets and a love for George Michael. As Pakistan's dictatorship falls and a woman comes to power, the world suddenly seems full of possibilities. Elated by the change in the air, they make a snap decision at a party. That night, everything goes wrong, and the two girls are powerless to change the outcome.Zahra and Maryam.In present-day London, two influential women remain bound together by loyalties, disloyalties, and the memory of that night, which echoes through the present in unexpected ways. Now both have power; and both have very different ideas of how to wield it. Their friendship has always felt unbreakable; can it be undone by one decision?'An epic story that explores the ties of childhood friendship, the possibility of escape, the way the political world intrudes into the personal, all through the lens of two sharply drawn protagonists' Observer
Objev podobné jako Best of Friends: from the winner of the Women´s Prize for Fiction - Kamila Shamsieová
PER | Level 6: Man from the South and Other Stories Bk/MP3 Pack - Roald Dahl
Contemporary / British English Roald Dahl is the master of the unexpected. Things are not always what they seem and nobody should be trusted. In this collection of his short stories we learn some strange lessons about the dangerous world we live in. But you will have to wait until the final pages of each story to discover the last, terrible twist! This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 6: Man from the South and Other Stories Bk/MP3 Pack - Roald Dahl
Dog Man 9: Grime and Punishment: from the bestselling creator of Captain Underpants - Dav Pilkey
The brand new bestselling Dog Man book from Dav Pilkey - you'll howlwith laughter!
Objev podobné jako Dog Man 9: Grime and Punishment: from the bestselling creator of Captain Underpants - Dav Pilkey
A New Hope for the Cornish Girls - Betty Walker
The brand new heartwarming instalment in the Cornish Girls series perfect for fans of Ginny Bell and Elaine EverestRecently widowed, Sheila is determined to run the Porthcurno shop on her own, despite family opposition. Seeing villagers facing hard times, she’s desperate to help but not sure where to even start.When her soldier beau breaks off their engagement to marry someone else, Land Girl Selina is devastated. Will going to the aid of her struggling sister restore her faith in human nature?Fellow Land Girl Joan has always preferred books over boys. Yet when she meets Arthur, recently back from France and a damaged soul, she feels a connection. But Joan’s friends warn her off him. Can she ignore the promptings of her heart?The fighting has stopped, but the Cornish Girls still face heartbreaking decisions – will they make the right choices?
Objev podobné jako A New Hope for the Cornish Girls - Betty Walker
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