Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Courage to Dream: Tales of Hope in the Holocaust - Neal Shusterman, Andrés Vera Martínez

National Book Award winner Neal Shusterman presents a graphic novel exploring the Holocaust through surreal visions and a textured canvas of heroism and hope. Courage to Dream plunges readers into the darkest time of human history - the Holocaust. This graphic novel explores one of the greatest atrocities in modern memory, delving into the core of what it means to face the extinction of everything and everyone you hold dear.This gripping, multifaceted tapestry is woven from Jewish folklore and cultural history Five interlocking narratives explore one common story - the tradition of resistance and uplift Internationally renowned author Neal Shusterman and illustrator Andres Vera Martinez have created a masterwork that encourages the compassionate, bold reaching for a dream

Podívejte se také The Kaiser's Holocaust: Germany's Forgotten Genocide and the Colonial Roots of Nazism (057123142X)

cena 473.0 Kč

The Toll - Neal Shusterman

The explosive conclusion to the New York Times bestselling Arc of a Scythe series. It's been three years since Rowan and Citra disappeared; since Scythe Goddard came into power; since the Thunderhead closed itself off to everyone but Grayson Tolliver. In this pulse-pounding finale to Neal Shusterman's internationally bestselling trilogy, constitutions are tested and old friends are brought back from the dead.

Podívejte se také House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko

cena 268.0 Kč

Arc of a Scythe Boxed Set - Neal Shusterman

All three titles in the internationally bestselling Arc of a Scythe series: Scythe, Thunderhead and The Toll.Collect each title in the explosive Arc of a Scythe series by New York Times bestseller Neal Shusterman.

Podívejte se také The Wisdom of Crowds: The Riotous Conclusion to The Age of Madness (0575095989)

cena 715.0 Kč

Roxy - Neal Shusterman, Jarrod Shusterman

From the team that brought you the New York Times bestselling Dry comes a riveting new thriller that explores the opioid crisis.? The freeway is coming. It will cut the neighborhood in two. Construction has already started, pushing toward this corridor of condemned houses and cracked concrete with the momentum of the inevitable. Yet there you are, in the fifth house on the left, fighting for your life. Ramey, I. The victim of the bet between two manufactured gods, Roxy and Addison--Roxicodone and Adderall, the low-level cronies of more illustrious bosses, who more than anything else want to prove their own lethality. The wager--a contest to see who can induce overdose first--is a race to the bottom of a party that has raged since the beginning of time. And you are only human, seduced by the release they bring. Tempted by the control they offer. They are beautiful, and they will give you the world--as long as you promise them forever. But there are two I. Rameys--Isaac, a soccer player thrown into Roxy's orbit by a bad fall and a bad doctor and Ivy, his older sister, whose increasing frustration with her untreated ADHD leads her to renew her acquaintance with Addy. Which one are you?

Objev podobné jako Roxy - Neal Shusterman, Jarrod Shusterman

cena 268.0 Kč

Dry - Neal Shusterman, Jarrod Shusterman

When the California drought escalates to catastrophic proportions, one teen is forced to make life and death decisions in this harrowing story of survival from New York Times bestselling author Neal Shusterman and Jarrod Shusterman. The drought - or the Tap-Out, as everyone calls it - has been going on for a while now. Everyone's lives have become an endless list of don'ts: don't water the lawn, don't fill up your pool, don't take long showers. Until the taps run dry. Suddenly, Alyssa's quiet suburban street spirals into a warzone of desperation; neighbours and families turned against each other on the hunt for water. And when her parents don't return and her life - and the life of her brother - is threatened, Alyssa has to make impossible choices if she's going to survive.

Objev podobné jako Dry - Neal Shusterman, Jarrod Shusterman

cena 268.0 Kč

Scythe - Neal Shusterman

In a perfect world, what is there left to fear? A chilling and thought-provoking sci-fi novel from New York Times bestselling author Neal Shusterman. A dark, gripping and witty thriller in which the only thing humanity has control over is death. In a world where disease, war and crime have been eliminated, the only way to die is to be randomly killed ("gleaned") by professional scythes. Citra and Rowan are teenagers who have been selected to be scythes' apprentices, and despite wanting nothing to do with the vocation, they must learn the art of killing and understand the necessity of what they do. Only one of them will be chosen as a scythe's apprentice and as Citra and Rowan come up against a terrifyingly corrupt Scythedom, it becomes clear that the winning apprentice's first task will be to glean the loser.

Objev podobné jako Scythe - Neal Shusterman

cena 268.0 Kč

Smrtka - Neal Shusterman

První část strhující nové knižní série od Neala Shustermana, autora čtenářského hitu Bez šance. Ve světě budoucnosti lidstvo zvítězilo nad nemoci, stárnutím a nakonec i nad smrtí. Nikdo neumírá a Zemi hrozí přelidnění. Jedinými, kdo může ukončit život, jsou tak „smrtky“. Dva mladí lidé, Citra a Rowan, jsou vybráni, aby se stali učedníky tohoto řemesla – což je role, po níž ani jeden z nich netouží. Musí si osvojit „umění“ brát život, a přitom mít na paměti, že když se jim to nepodaří, mohou vlastní život ztratit. Okolnosti je postaví proti sobě a brzy je jasné, že pokud jeden z nich vyhraje, druhý musí zemřít… Za dokonalý svět je třeba zaplatit vysokou cenu.

Objev podobné jako Smrtka - Neal Shusterman

cena 357.0 Kč

Nimbus - Neal Shusterman

Rowan se rozhodl, že na vlastní pěst napraví cech smrtek a podrobí jej zkoušce ohněm – a to doslova. Po zimním konkláve zmizel v ústraní a od té doby podniká útoky na zkažené smrtky — nejen ve StředoMerice, ale na celém kontinentu. Stal se z něj lidový hrdina – smrtka Lucifer – který v černé róbě odevzdává zkorumpované smrtky plamenům. Citra, z níž se pod dohledem smrtky Curieové stala mladší smrtka, zkaženost vidí a chce ji změnit zevnitř, ale na každém kroku nachází překážky, a dokonce se ocitá v ohrožení života. Rozkol mezi „starou gardou“ a „novým řádem“ se vyostřuje a vzájemné soupeření přechází od slov k činům. Nad tím vším bdí vševědoucí Nimbus – jediný, kdo má moc řešit závažné problémy dokonalého světa. Ale vloží se do toho, nebo bude jen přihlížet, jak se dokonalost mění v úpadek?

Objev podobné jako Nimbus - Neal Shusterman

cena 402.0 Kč

Thunderhead - Neal Shusterman

The dark and thrilling sequel to Scythe, the New York Times sci-fi bestseller. The stakes are high in this chilling sci-fi thriller, in which professional scythes control who dies. Everything else is out of human control, managed by the Thunderhead. It's a perfect system – until it isn't. It’s been a year since Rowan went off-grid. Hunted by the Scythedom, he has become an urban legend, a vigilante snuffing out corrupt scythes in a trial by fire. Citra, meanwhile, is forging her path as Scythe Anastasia, gleaning with compassion. However, conflict within the Scythedom is growing by the day, and when Citra’s life is threatened, it becomes clear that there is a truly terrifying plot afoot. The Thunderhead observes everything, and it does not like what it sees. Will it intervene? Or will it simply watch as this perfect world begins to unravel?

Objev podobné jako Thunderhead - Neal Shusterman

cena 268.0 Kč

Scythe - Neal Shusterman

In a perfect world, what is there left to fear? A stunning new Collector's Edition of the New York Times bestseller, with a new piece from the author. A Time Best YA Book of All Time (2021)Collector's Edition with a new author's note. Two teens must learn the "art of killing" in this, the chilling first book in the award-winning Arc of a Scythe series.In a world where disease, war and crime have been eliminated, the only way to die is to be randomly killed ("gleaned") by professional scythes. Citra and Rowan have been selected to be scythes' apprentices, and despite wanting nothing to do with the vocation, they must master the art of taking life, knowing that the consequence of failure could mean losing their own. Scythe is the first novel in a thrilling series by Neal Shusterman in which Citra and Rowan learn that a perfect world comes with a heavy price.

Objev podobné jako Scythe - Neal Shusterman

cena 447.0 Kč

Kosení - Neal Shusterman

Příběhy Smrtek pokračují!Neal Shusterman se společně s autory a autorkami Davidem Yoonem, Jarrodem Shustermanem, Sofíou Lapuente, Michaelem H. Paynem, Michelle Knowlden a Joelle Shusterman vrací do populárního světa své nejslavnější série, aby společně navázali tam, kde Zvon skončil, ale ukázali i mnohem víc. Čekají na vás noví hrdinové i nepřátelé, ale i staří známí. Zbývá ještě mnoho příběhů, které je potřeba odvyprávět...

Objev podobné jako Kosení - Neal Shusterman

cena 369.0 Kč

Zvon - Neal Shusterman

Ve světě smrtek je všechno jinak. Citra a Rowan zmizeli. Plovoucí město Trvalka je pryč. Zdá se, že už nezbývá nic, co by mohlo smrtkovi Goddardovi zabránit, aby uchvátil absolutní moc. Když se teď Nimbus odmlčel, zůstává otázka: Může ho ještě někdo zastavit? Odpověď mohou dát Tón, Zvon a Hrom.

Objev podobné jako Zvon - Neal Shusterman

cena 419.0 Kč

Gleanings - Neal Shusterman

The New York Times bestselling Arc of a Scythe series continues with thrilling stories that span the timeline. Storylines continue. Origin stories are revealed. And new Scythes emerge...There are still countless tales of the Scythedom to tell. Centuries passed between the Thunderhead cradling humanity and Scythe Goddard trying to turn it upside down. For years humans lived in a world without hunger, disease, or death with Scythes as the living instruments of population control.Neal Shusterman - along with collaborators David Yoon, Jarrod Shusterman, Sofia Lapuente, Michael H. Payne, Michelle Knowlden, and Joelle Shusterman - returns to the world throughout the timeline of the Arc of a Scythe series. Discover secrets and histories of characters you've followed for three volumes and meet new heroes, new foes, and some figures in between.Gleanings shows just how expansive, terrifying, and thrilling the world that began with the Printz Honor-winning Scythe truly is.

Objev podobné jako Gleanings - Neal Shusterman

cena 299.0 Kč

Disney Princess: Tales of Courage and Kindness - Walt Disney

A stunning new Disney Princess title featuring 14 original stories and illustrations. All 14 stories have been written and illustrated by a wide range of talent to create something truly unique that is sure to be loved and shared for years to come.

Objev podobné jako Disney Princess: Tales of Courage and Kindness - Walt Disney

cena 443.0 Kč

Bez šance - Neal Shusterman

Fascinují a temná dystopie ze světa, kde společnost zavedla nový zákon: Každé dítě má právo na život od chvíle početí až do věku třinácti let. Mezi třinácti a osmnácti je ale na rodičích, jestli ho vychovají až do dospělosti, anebo ho pošlou rozpojit. Tohle nenápadné slovo znamená, že problémové děti, sirotci, anebo prostě ty, které v sobě mají příliš vzdoru, jsou odeslány do sklizňových táborů, kde jsou jejich těla rozebrána a orgány předány těm, co je potřebují. Tři z nich, Connora, Risu a Leva, k sobě na útěku svede náhoda a pohromadě udržuje zoufalství. Vědí, že pokud přežijí do svých osmnáctých narozenin, nemůže se jim nic stát. Jenže když šílený svět prahne po každém jejich kousku, počínaje rukama a srdci konče, osmnáctiny se zdají být velmi vzdálený cíl.

Objev podobné jako Bez šance - Neal Shusterman

cena 321.0 Kč

Gleanings (Defekt) - Neal Shusterman

The New York Times bestselling Arc of a Scythe series continues with thrilling stories that span the timeline. Storylines continue. Origin stories are revealed. And new Scythes emerge...There are still countless tales of the Scythedom to tell. Centuries passed between the Thunderhead cradling humanity and Scythe Goddard trying to turn it upside down. For years humans lived in a world without hunger, disease, or death with Scythes as the living instruments of population control.Neal Shusterman - along with collaborators David Yoon, Jarrod Shusterman, Sofia Lapuente, Michael H. Payne, Michelle Knowlden, and Joelle Shusterman - returns to the world throughout the timeline of the Arc of a Scythe series. Discover secrets and histories of characters you've followed for three volumes and meet new heroes, new foes, and some figures in between.Gleanings shows just how expansive, terrifying, and thrilling the world that began with the Printz Honor-winning Scythe truly is.

Objev podobné jako Gleanings (Defekt) - Neal Shusterman

cena 119.0 Kč

Zvon - Neal Shusterman - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Ve světě smrtek je všechno jinak. Citra a Rowan zmizeli. Plovoucí město Trvalka je pryč. Zdá se, že už nezbývá nic, co by mohlo smrtkovi Goddardovi zabránit, aby uchvátil absolutní moc. Když se teď Nimbus odmlčel, zůstává otázka: Může ho ještě někdo zastavit? Odpověď mohou dát Tón, Zvon a Hrom. V dlouho očekávaném závěru bestsellerové trilogie New York Times povstávají diktátoři i proroci a vzrůstá napětí. Bude ve světě, jenž si podmanil smrt, lidstvo nakonec zničeno bytostmi, které samo stvořilo?

Objev podobné jako Zvon - Neal Shusterman - audiokniha

cena 379.0 Kč

Nimbus - Neal Shusterman - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Rowan se rozhodl, že na vlastní pěst napraví cech smrtek a podrobí jej zkoušce ohněm – a to doslova. Po zimním konkláve zmizel v ústraní a od té doby podniká útoky na zkažené smrtky — nejen ve StředoMerice, ale na celém kontinentu. Stal se z něj lidový hrdina – smrtka Lucifer – který v černé róbě odevzdává zkorumpované smrtky plamenům. Citra, z níž se pod dohledem smrtky Curieové stala mladší smrtka, zkaženost vidí a chce ji změnit zevnitř, ale na každém kroku nachází překážky, a dokonce se ocitá v ohrožení života. Rozkol mezi „starou gardou“ a „novým řádem“ se vyostřuje a vzájemné soupeření přechází od slov k činům. Nad tím vším bdí vševědoucí Nimbus – jediný, kdo má moc řešit závažné problémy dokonalého světa. Ale vloží se do toho, nebo bude jen přihlížet, jak se dokonalost mění v úpadek?

Objev podobné jako Nimbus - Neal Shusterman - audiokniha

cena 379.0 Kč

Kosec - Neal Shusterman - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Dvaja tínedžeri sa budú musieť naučiť „umeniu zabíjať" v mrazivej trilógii o cene za nesmrteľnosť. Vo svete budúcnosti už neexistujú vojny, choroby ani hlad – ľuďom sa podarilo zbaviť všetkého utrpenia a dokonca zvíťaziť aj nad smrťou. Jediní, kto má právo ukončiť niečí život, sú „kosci" – ich úlohou je zaistiť, že nedôjde k preľudneniu. Žatva, alebo pravidelné prerieďovanie populácie, so sebou nesie veľkú moc, no aj zodpovednosť, osamelosť a odriekanie. Citra a Rowan ešte ani nedosiahli plnoletosť, no boli vybraní, aby sa stali učňami poslov smrti – pritom ani jeden by si dobrovoľne túto cestu nezvolil. Najmä keď ich jediná chyba môže stáť život. Napriek rozdielnym povahám sa počas zdokonaľovania v smrtonosom remesle postupne zbližujú. Ani dokonalý svet však nie je imúnny voči nevyspytateľnej ľudskej povahe, a tak ich zrada a intrigy z najvyšších kruhov čoskoro postavia proti sebe. Ten, čo v najťažšej skúške uspeje, prežije – a podpíše tým druhému rozsudok smrti.

Objev podobné jako Kosec - Neal Shusterman - audiokniha

cena 374.0 Kč

Game Changer - Neal Shusterman

An ambitious and magnetic novel from the New York Times bestselling Neal Shusterman, about a teenage American football player forced into a series of a parallel lives. As a star player on his high school American football team, Ash is used to taking some hard hits. But that one run in his last game must have knocked him a little loose, because suddenly his life doesn't look quite the way he remembers it. As Ash bounces into worlds that are almost-but-not-really his own, he starts to question everything, including his own perceptions and place in his own reality. But can he even work out how to get back there?

Objev podobné jako Game Changer - Neal Shusterman

cena 241.0 Kč

Smrtka - Neal Shusterman - audiokniha

Audiokniha: První část strhující nové knižní série od Neala Shustermana, autora čtenářského hitu Bez šance. Ve světě budoucnosti lidstvo zvítězilo nad nemoci, stárnutím a nakonec i nad smrtí. Nikdo neumírá a Zemi hrozí přelidnění. Jedinými, kdo může ukončit život, jsou tak „smrtky“. Dva mladí lidé, Citra a Rowan, jsou vybráni, aby se stali učedníky tohoto řemesla – což je role, po níž ani jeden z nich netouží. Musí si osvojit „umění“ brát život, a přitom mít na paměti, že když se jim to nepodaří, mohou vlastní život ztratit. Okolnosti je postaví proti sobě a brzy je jasné, že pokud jeden z nich vyhraje, druhý musí zemřít… Za dokonalý svět je třeba zaplatit vysokou cenu.

Objev podobné jako Smrtka - Neal Shusterman - audiokniha

cena 379.0 Kč

Bez citu - Neal Shusterman

Tři přátelé, jejichž cesty svedla náhoda sice unikli rozpojení, děsivé proceduře, která z nich měla učinit zdroje náhradních orgánů pro vyvolené, ale zdaleka nemají vyhráno. Connor, Risa a Lev ve zvráceném světě budoucnosti potkávají nečekané spojence i kruté a bezcitné protivníky a z těchto setkání vyvstávají otázky, kde život začíná a končí – a co vlastně znamená žít. Dlouho očekávané pokračování románu Bez šance přináší nejen napětí a akci, ale jak už to u Neala Shustermana bývá, také mnoho podnětů k zamyšlení, které není snadné vystrnadit z hlavy. Doporučený věk 13+

Objev podobné jako Bez citu - Neal Shusterman

cena 321.0 Kč

Kosení - Neal Shusterman - audiokniha

Audiokniha: VYPRÁVĚNÍ POKRAČUJÍ A NA SCÉNU PŘICHÁZEJÍ NOVÉ SMRTKY… Příběhů, jež by se daly o cechu smrtek vyprávět, je stále bezpočet. Od doby, kdy se Nimbus ujal péče o lidstvo, do chvíle, kdy se smrtka Goddard pokusil obrátit systém naruby, uběhly stovky let. Lidé žili dlouho ve světě bez hladu, nemocí a smrti, v němž jako živé nástroje regulace počtu obyvatel sloužily smrtky. PŘÍBĚHY, KTERÉ JEŠTĚ NEZNÁTE! „NA MARSU MUSÍ DOJÍT K UDÁLOSTI,“ ŘEKL XEN O KRATÉS. „UDÁSLOSTI, NA JAKOU LIDSTVO ANI NIMBUS NIKDY NEZAPOMENOU. POTŘEBUJI NĚKOHO, KDO TAKOBOU UDÁLOST VYTVOŘÍ.“ CARSON SE POMALU, ZHLUBOKA NADECHL. „ZVLÁDNU TO,“ SLÍBIL. NEAL SHUSTERMAN je autorem více než padesáti knih pro děti, mládež i dospělé. Byl nominován na desítky čtenářských cen – v roce 2015 získal National Book Award za literaturu pro děti a mládež a v roce 2017 obdržel za svůj bestsellerový román Smrtka, který je prvním dílem série ŽATVA SMRTI, prestižní The Michael L. Printz Award. Nakladatelství Yoli vydalo také obě pokračování tohoto románu – Nimbus (2019) a Zvon (2021). Neal je rovněž autorem veleúspěšné dystopické série UNWIND, z níž v češtině zatím vyšly dva díly – Bez šance (2020) a Bez citu (2022). Píše také scénáře k filmům a televizním programům, jako jsou Animorphs nebo Husí kůže (Goosebumps). Neal je otcem čtyř dětí a žije v jižní Kalifornii. Se svým synem Jarrodem napsal vynikající thriller Sucho, který reflektuje problematiku klimatických změn. JANA STRYKOVÁ po absolvování studia činoherního herectví na pražské DAMU v roce 2003 zůstala na jednu sezonu v Divadle F. X. Šaldy v Liberci a poté byla postupně členkou tří pražských divadel – Divadla Rokoko, v letech 2006 až 2010 Švandova divadla, kde patřila k nejobsazovanějším herečkám a následně tři roky stálou členkou souboru Divadla na Vinohradech. Od září 2013 byla na volné noze, spolupracovala s řadou pražských scén, než se v srpnu 2017 stala členkou souboru Činohry Národního divadla. Natočila několik televizních filmů a seriálů, pracuje v rozhlase i v dabingu a je rovněž oblíbenou interpretkou audioknih. VASIL FRIDRICH po absolvování DAMU získal angažmá ve Švandově divadle, v letech 2002–2005 působil ve Středočeském divadle Kladno. Po dvanácti letech angažmá v Městských divadlech pražských (ABC a ROKOKO) odešel v roce 2017 na volnou nohu. Na Dvojce Českého rozhlasu moderuje talk show Noční Mikrofórum a věnuje se také práci na poli rozhlasové činohry či natáčení audioknih. Zahrál si například ve dvoudílném televizním filmu Metanol a také ve snímcích Hodinový manžel, Teorie tygra či v seriálech Specialisté nebo Ulice. Audiokniha: Neal Shusterman: Kosení | Čte Jana Stryková, Vasil Fridrich | Režie Petr Mančal | Zvuk, střih a mastering Dominik Budil | Hudba Jonáš Rosůlek | Natočeno ve studiu S Pro Alfa CZ | Grafiku podle původní knižní obálky adaptovala Yvone Baalbaki | Produkce S Pro Alfa CZ | Supervize Alena Brožová | Vydala Euromedia Group, a. s. – Témbr, v květnu 2024. Nahrávka vznikla podle knižní předlohy: GLEANINGS Czech language copyright © 2023 by Euromedia Group, a. s. | Text © 2022 by Neal Shusterman | Jacket illustration © 2022 by Kevin Tong | Jacket design by Chloë Foglia © 2022 by Simon & Schuster, Inc. | Published by arrangement with Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division | All rights reserved. | Translation © Petr Kotrle, 2023 | Vydala Euromedia Group, a. s., v edici Yoli, 2023.

Objev podobné jako Kosení - Neal Shusterman - audiokniha

cena 379.0 Kč

Pravidla hry - Neal Shusterman

Stačil jeden úder na fotbalovém hřišti, aby se Ashtonův život dočista proměnil. Najednou nic nevypadá tak, jak si to pamatuje, protože ač se to zdá nemožné, Ash se ocitl v jiné dimenzi. Od té chvíle se pohybuje po světech, které jsou téměř jako ten jeho – ale ne tak docela. Začalo to drobnými změnami, které se ale rychle vymkly kontrole, a Ash sklouznul do vesmírů, kde může mít všechno, co si kdy přál... Do vesmírů, které ho pomalu učí dívat se na svůj život úplně jinýma očima. Pokud si však nedá pozor, mohl by mu jeho skutečný svět proklouznout mezi prsty a navždy zmizet...

Objev podobné jako Pravidla hry - Neal Shusterman

cena 357.0 Kč

Smrtka - Neal Shusterman - e-kniha

eBook: První část strhující nové knižní série od Neala Shustermana, autora čtenářského hitu Bez šance. Ve světě budoucnosti lidstvo zvítězilo nad nemoci, stárnutím a nakonec i nad smrtí. Nikdo neumírá a Zemi hrozí přelidnění. Jedinými, kdo může ukončit život, jsou tak „smrtky“. Dva mladí lidé, Citra a Rowan, jsou vybráni, aby se stali učedníky tohoto řemesla – což je role, po níž ani jeden z nich netouží. Musí si osvojit „umění“ brát život, a přitom mít na paměti, že když se jim to nepodaří, mohou vlastní život ztratit. Okolnosti je postaví proti sobě a brzy je jasné, že pokud jeden z nich vyhraje, druhý musí zemřít… Za dokonalý svět je třeba zaplatit vysokou cenu.

Objev podobné jako Smrtka - Neal Shusterman - e-kniha

cena 279.0 Kč

Nimbus - Neal Shusterman - e-kniha

eBook: Rowan se rozhodl, že na vlastní pěst napraví cech smrtek a podrobí jej zkoušce ohněm – a to doslova. Po zimním konkláve zmizel v ústraní a od té doby podniká útoky na zkažené smrtky — nejen ve StředoMerice, ale na celém kontinentu. Stal se z něj lidový hrdina – smrtka Lucifer – který v černé róbě odevzdává zkorumpované smrtky plamenům. Citra, z níž se pod dohledem smrtky Curieové stala mladší smrtka, zkaženost vidí a chce ji změnit zevnitř, ale na každém kroku nachází překážky, a dokonce se ocitá v ohrožení života. Rozkol mezi „starou gardou“ a „novým řádem“ se vyostřuje a vzájemné soupeření přechází od slov k činům. Nad tím vším bdí vševědoucí Nimbus – jediný, kdo má moc řešit závažné problémy dokonalého světa. Ale vloží se do toho, nebo bude jen přihlížet, jak se dokonalost mění v úpadek? Doporučený věk 15+

Objev podobné jako Nimbus - Neal Shusterman - e-kniha

cena 359.0 Kč

Kosení - Neal Shusterman - e-kniha

eBook: Příběhy Smrtek pokračují! Neal Shusterman se společně s autory a autorkami Davidem Yoonem, Jarrodem Shustermanem, Sofíou Lapuente, Michaelem H. Paynem, Michelle Knowlden a Joelle Shusterman vrací do populárního světa své nejslavnější série, aby společně navázali tam, kde Zvon skončil, ale ukázali i mnohem víc. Čekají na vás noví hrdinové i nepřátelé, ale i staří známí. Zbývá ještě mnoho příběhů, které je potřeba odvyprávět...Věk 13+

Objev podobné jako Kosení - Neal Shusterman - e-kniha

cena 339.0 Kč

Bez citu - Neal Shusterman - e-kniha

eBook: Tři přátelé, jejichž cesty svedla náhoda sice unikli rozpojení, děsivé proceduře, která z nich měla učinit zdroje náhradních orgánů pro vyvolené, ale zdaleka nemají vyhráno. Connor, Risa a Lev ve zvráceném světě budoucnosti potkávají nečekané spojence i kruté a bezcitné protivníky a z těchto setkání vyvstávají otázky, kde život začíná a končí – a co vlastně znamená žít. Dlouho očekávané pokračování románu Bez šance přináší nejen napětí a akci, ale jak už to u Neala Shustermana bývá, také mnoho podnětů k zamyšlení, které není snadné vystrnadit z hlavy. Doporučený věk 13+

Objev podobné jako Bez citu - Neal Shusterman - e-kniha

cena 319.0 Kč

Pravidla hry - Neal Shusterman - e-kniha

eBook: Stačil jeden úder na fotbalovém hřišti, aby se Ashtonův život dočista proměnil. Najednou nic nevypadá tak, jak si to pamatuje, protože ač se to zdá nemožné, Ash se ocitl v jiné dimenzi. Od té chvíle se pohybuje po světech, které jsou téměř jako ten jeho – ale ne tak docela. Začalo to drobnými změnami, které se ale rychle vymkly kontrole, a Ash sklouznul do vesmírů, kde může mít všechno, co si kdy přál... Do vesmírů, které ho pomalu učí dívat se na svůj život úplně jinýma očima. Pokud si však nedá pozor, mohl by mu jeho skutečný svět proklouznout mezi prsty a navždy zmizet... Doporučený věk 13+

Objev podobné jako Pravidla hry - Neal Shusterman - e-kniha

cena 319.0 Kč

Nicky & Vera : A Quiet Hero of the Holocaust and the Children He Rescued - Petr Sís

In 1938, twenty-nine-year-old Nicholas Winton saved the lives of almost 700 children trapped in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia-a story he never told and that remained unknown until an unforgettable TV appearance in the 1980s reunited him with some of the children he saved. Czech-American artist, MacArthur Fellow and Andersen Award winner Peter Sis dramatises Winton's story in this distinctive and deeply personal picture book. He intertwines Nicky's efforts with the story of one of the children he saved-a young girl named Vera, whose family enlisted Nicky's aid when the Germans occupied their country. As the war passes and Vera grows up, she must find balance in her dual identities-one her birthright, the other her choice. Nicky & Vera is a masterful tribute to a humble man's courageous efforts to protect Europe's most vulnerable, and a timely portrayal of the hopes and fears of those forced to leave their homes and create new lives.

Objev podobné jako Nicky & Vera : A Quiet Hero of the Holocaust and the Children He Rescued - Petr Sís

cena 447.0 Kč

Nicky & Vera : A Quiet Hero of the Holocaust and the Children He Rescued (Defekt) - Petr Sís

In 1938, twenty-nine-year-old Nicholas Winton saved the lives of almost 700 children trapped in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia-a story he never told and that remained unknown until an unforgettable TV appearance in the 1980s reunited him with some of the children he saved. Czech-American artist, MacArthur Fellow and Andersen Award winner Peter Sis dramatises Winton's story in this distinctive and deeply personal picture book. He intertwines Nicky's efforts with the story of one of the children he saved-a young girl named Vera, whose family enlisted Nicky's aid when the Germans occupied their country. As the war passes and Vera grows up, she must find balance in her dual identities-one her birthright, the other her choice. Nicky & Vera is a masterful tribute to a humble man's courageous efforts to protect Europe's most vulnerable, and a timely portrayal of the hopes and fears of those forced to leave their homes and create new lives.

Objev podobné jako Nicky & Vera : A Quiet Hero of the Holocaust and the Children He Rescued (Defekt) - Petr Sís

cena 199.0 Kč

In the Shadow of Edgar Allan Poe : Classic Tales of Horror, 1816-1914 - Edgar Allan Poe, Leslie S.

A masterful collection of horror fiction by widely acclaimed authors whose contributions to the genre have been lost in the shadow of Poe, by one of America's foremost anthologists.Edgar Allan Poe did not invent the tale of terror. There were American, English, and Continental writers who preceded Poe and influenced his work. Similarly, there were many who were in turn influenced by Poe’s genius and produced their own popular tales of supernatural literature. This collection features masterful tales of terror by authors who, by and large, are little-remembered for their writing in this genre. Even Bram Stoker, whose Dracula may be said to be the most popular horror novel of all time, is not known as a writer of short fiction. Distinguished editor Leslie S. Klinger is a world-renowned authority on those twin icons of the Victorian age, Sherlock Holmes, and Dracula. His studies into the forefathers of those giants led him to a broader fascination with writers of supernatural literature of the nineteenth century. The stories in this collection have been selected by him for their impact. Each is preceded by a brief biography of the author and an overview of his or her literary career and is annotated to explain obscure references. Read on, now, perhaps with a flickering candle or flashlight at hand . . . Stories by: Ambrose Bierce, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Theodor Gautier, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Arthur Conan Doyle, Lafcadio Hearn, M. R. James, Bram Stoker, and many others. Leslie S. Klinger is one of the world’s foremost authorities on Sherlock Holmes. He is the editor of the three-volume set The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes. The first two volumes, The Complete Short Stories, won the Edgar for “Best Critical/Biographical” work. He has just completed The New Annotated H. P. Lovecraft. Klinger is a member of the Baker Street Irregulars and lives in Malibu.

Objev podobné jako In the Shadow of Edgar Allan Poe : Classic Tales of Horror, 1816-1914 - Edgar Allan Poe, Leslie S.

cena 384.0 Kč

Man´s Search for Meaning: the Classic Tribute to Hope From the Holocaust - Viktor E. Frankl

9 MILLION COPIES SOLD'A book to read, to cherish, to debate, and one that will ultimately keep the memories of the victims alive' John Boyne, author of The Boy in the Striped PyjamasA prominent Viennese psychiatrist before the war, Viktor Frankl was uniquely able to observe the way that both he and others in Auschwitz coped (or didn't) with the experience. He noticed that it was the men who comforted others and who gave away their last piece of bread who survived the longest - and who offered proof that everything can be taken away from us except the ability to choose our attitude in any given set of circumstances. The sort of person the concentration camp prisoner became was the result of an inner decision and not of camp influences alone. Frankl came to believe man's deepest desire is to search for meaning and purpose. This outstanding work offers us all a way to transcend suffering and find significance in the art of living.

Objev podobné jako Man´s Search for Meaning: the Classic Tribute to Hope From the Holocaust - Viktor E. Frankl

cena 312.0 Kč

The Tales of Beedle the Bard (9781408883099)

Kniha - autor Joanne K. Rowlingová, 144 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The Tales of Beedle the Bard have been favourite bedtime reading in wizarding households for centuries. Full of magic and trickery, these classic tales both entertain and instruct, and remain as captivating to young wizards today as they were when Beedle first put quill to parchment in the fifteenth century. There are five tales in all: 'The Tale of the Three Brothers' Harry Potter fans will know from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; 'The Fountain of Fair Fortune', 'The Warlock's Hairy Heart', 'The Wizard and the Hopping Pot' and 'Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump' complete the collection. These narrative gems are accompanied by explanatory notes by Professor Albus Dumbledore (included by kind permission of the Hogwarts Headmaster's archive). His illuminating thoughts reveal the stories to be much more than just simple moral tales, and are sure to make Babbitty...

Objev podobné jako The Tales of Beedle the Bard (9781408883099)

cena 235.0 Kč

The Lost Music of the Holocaust - Francesco Lotoro

Scores sewn into coat linings, instruments hidden in suitcases, sheet music stashed among dirty laundry, concertos written on discarded food wrappers - these are just some of the ingenious ways prisoners in civilian, political and military captivity from 1933 to 1953 protected their music in the darkest of times.Italian pianist and composer Francesco Lotoro has been on a lifelong quest to find this remarkable music. He has painstakingly salvaged and performed symphonies, operas and songs written by the incarcerated musicians, many of whom died in the camps. He has travelled the globe to meet with families and survivors whose harrowing testimonies bear witness to the most devastating experiences in twentieth-century history.Movingly piecing together the human stories of those who wrote and performed whilst imprisoned, this compelling book takes readers on a journey into their extraordinary lives and music, shining a light on a unique beauty that somehow prevailed against all odds.

Objev podobné jako The Lost Music of the Holocaust - Francesco Lotoro

cena 738.0 Kč

The Tales of Balaban the Dragon - Jaroslav Perry

Jaroslav Perry's fairy tales about the good dragon Balaban are a great book to read to children before falling asleep in the crib. Every fairy tale has to be the right length. Not too long, not too short.And it takes a pleasant five minutes to read one fairy tale about the dragon Balaban. Children quickly learn the catchy beginning of each fairy tale by heart, so they then tell it with you and are very much looking forward to the next dragon adventure. Don't you believe me? So, try it yourself:Once upon a time, there was a dragon whose name was Balaban. Balaban the dragon was very kind. And he liked children. This warm-hearted dragon had seven heads. And these heads were called Abby, Bunny, Carry, Debby, Elly, Fizzy and Gabby. All the heads had their own mind though and their own ideas. Some of the heads behaved nicely; others had some bad manners – Abby sometimes ate snacks belonging to other heads. Bunny was very good at maths and reading, Carry was always kind and other heads liked her very much, Debby always forgot everything.Elly and Fizzy were twins, and nobody could tell them apart. Even the other heads often did not know which one was which. Gabby always liked to scare shopkeepers.When Balaban the dragon walked past a shop, Gabby stuck her head inside and hooted, ‘Hoo, I’m Balaban the dragon.’ And the shopkeeper got scared out of his wits and fainted.

Objev podobné jako The Tales of Balaban the Dragon - Jaroslav Perry

cena 246.0 Kč

Tales of the Peculiar - Ransom Riggs

*A new set of stories from the world of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children*In this collection of fairy tales, Ransom Riggs invites you to uncover hidden legends of the peculiar world. A fork-tongued princess, a girl who talks to ghosts, and wealthy cannibals who dine on the discarded limbs of peculiars are just a few of the characters whose stories will have you hooked.Featuring stunning illustrations from world-renowned artist Andrew Davidson, this compelling, rich and truly peculiar anthology is the perfect gift for fans - and for all lovers of great storytelling.

Objev podobné jako Tales of the Peculiar - Ransom Riggs

cena 439.0 Kč

The Red Badge of Courage - Stephen Crane

Following one soldier's journey from naive recruit to hardened survivor, The Red Badge of Courage is a vivid and powerfully psychological take on the American Civil War. Fighting for the Union army, Henry Fleming is thrown into a bloody war where the harsh realities and horrors of battle quickly become evident. Fearful, occasionally vain, but always viewing the war with honest eyes, Henry eventually comes to thrive as a soldier in combat, and it is with a a new conscience and outlook that he matures into manhood.

Objev podobné jako The Red Badge of Courage - Stephen Crane

cena 89.0 Kč

j-hope - Jack In The Box (Hope Edition) (CD)

Typ: Album;CD Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: CD Subžánr: K-Pop Vydavatelství: Universal Music Datum vydání: 2023-08-18 Rok vydání: 2023.0 Varianta: Jack In The Box (Hope Edition) (CD) Žánr: Pop Interpret / Téma: j-hope

Objev podobné jako j-hope - Jack In The Box (Hope Edition) (CD)

cena 785.0 Kč

The Tales of Beedle the Bard - Joanne K. Rowlingová

The Tales of Beedle the Bard have been favourite bedtime reading in wizarding households for centuries. Full of magic and trickery, these classic tales both entertain and instruct, and remain as captivating to young wizards today as they were when Beedle first put quill to parchment in the fifteenth century. There are five tales in all: 'The Tale of the Three Brothers' Harry Potter fans will know from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; 'The Fountain of Fair Fortune', 'The Warlock's Hairy Heart', 'The Wizard and the Hopping Pot' and 'Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump' complete the collection. These narrative gems are accompanied by explanatory notes by Professor Albus Dumbledore (included by kind permission of the Hogwarts Headmaster's archive). His illuminating thoughts reveal the stories to be much more than just simple moral tales, and are sure to make Babbitty Rabbitty and the slug-belching Hopping Pot as familiar to Muggles as Snow White and Cinderella. This brand new edition of these much loved fairy tales from the wizarding world pairs J.K. Rowling's original text with gorgeous jacket art by Jonny Duddle and line illustrations throughout by Tomislav Tomic.The Tales of Beedle the Bard is published in aid of the Lumos (link to wearelumos.org), an international children's charity (registered charity number 1112575) founded in 2005 by J.K Rowling. Lumos is dedicated ending the institutionalisation of children, a harmful practice that affects the lives of up to eight million disadvantaged children around the world who live in institutions and orphanages, many placed there as a result of poverty, disability, disease, discrimination and conflict; very few are orphans. Lumos works to reunite children with their families, promote family-based care alternatives and help authorities to reform their systems and close down institutions and orphanages.

Objev podobné jako The Tales of Beedle the Bard - Joanne K. Rowlingová

cena 232.0 Kč

The Tales of Beedle the Bard - Joanne K. Rowlingová

You've never heard of The Tales of Beedle the Bard?' said Ron incredulously. 'You're kidding, right?' (From Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) Published by the charity Lumos in association with Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, The Tales of Beedle the Bard is the first new book from J. K. Rowling since the publication of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The Tales of Beedle the Bard played a crucial role in assisting Harry, with his friends Ron and Hermione, to finally defeat Lord Voldemort. Fans will be thrilled to have this opportunity to read the tales in full. An exciting addition to the canon of Harry Potter, the tales reveal the wonderful versatility of the author, as she tackles with relish the structure and varying tones of a classic fairy tale. There are five tales: 'The Tale of the Three Brothers', recounted in Deathly Hallows, plus 'The Fountain of Fair Fortune', 'The Warlock's Hairy Heart', 'The Wizard and the Hopping Pot', and 'Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump'. Each has its own magical character and will bring delight, laughter and the thrill of mortal peril. Translated from the original runes by Hermione Granger, the tales are introduced and illustrated by J. K. Rowling. Also included are notes by Professor Albus Dumbledore, which appear by kind permission of the Hogwarts Headmasters' Archive. Lumos is a charity founded by J. K. Rowling which aims to make life better for disadvantaged children. Registered Charity Number: 1112575.

Objev podobné jako The Tales of Beedle the Bard - Joanne K. Rowlingová

cena 268.0 Kč

The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm - Noel Daniel

From Snow White to Cinderella, Rapunzel to Rumpelstiltskin, the Brothers Grimm bequeathed a canon of stories which have become literary and childhood classics. The most widely read story collection after the Bible, their magical tales are stalwarts of early learning and imagination, listed in UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register as a vital part of our history and culture. This new edition of The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm brings to life 14 of the most beloved Grimm stories, including classics such as Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Hansel and Gretel. In a unique design format, each featured tale is paired with a different illustrator, bringing special pictorial splendor to each story. Featured artists include such masters of pictorial invention as Kay Nielsen, Walter Crane, and Viktor Paul Mohn, as well as many new discoveries. Historic and contemporary silhouettes—many commissioned especially for this anthology—further animate the tales, dancing across the page like delicate black lace. The book also contains a foreword on the Grimms’ legacy and brief introductions to each fairy tale. For adults and children alike, this beautiful compilation brings the eternal magic of the Grimms’ stories to the heart of every home.The following fairy tales are featured in the book:The Frog Prince, Rapunzel, Hansel and Gretel, The Brave Little Tailor, Cinderella, Mother Holle, Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Rumpelstiltskin, The Star Coins, Puss ’n Boots, The Golden Goose, The Twelve Dancing Princesses. Contributors The editor Noel Daniel is a graduate of Princeton University and a former Fulbright Scholar to Berlin. She earned an MA in London and was director of a photography gallery before editing books. Her TASCHEN publications include East of the Sun and West of the Moon, The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm, The Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen, Wintertime Tales, Magic, and The Circus.

Objev podobné jako The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm - Noel Daniel

cena 449.0 Kč

The Tales of Ise (Defekt) - Macmillan Peter

One of the three seminal works of Japanese literature, this beautiful collection of poems and tales offers an unparalleled insight into ancient Japan.Along with the Tale of Genji and One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each, The Tales of Ise is considered one of the three most important works of Japanese literature. A poem-tale collection from the early Heian period, it contains many stories of amorous adventures, faithful friendship and travels in exile, framing the exquisite poems at the work's heart.The Tales of Ise has influenced waka, Noh, tales and diaries since the time it was written, and is still the source of endless inspiration in novels, poetry, manga and cartoons. This volume has been translated by Peter MacMillan and includes a preface by the renowned Japanologist Donald Keene.

Objev podobné jako The Tales of Ise (Defekt) - Macmillan Peter

cena 179.0 Kč

Tales of Mystery & the Macabre - Elizabeth Gaskellová

With an Introduction by David Stuart Davies. 'In the great mirror opposite I saw myself, and right behind, another wicked fearful self, so like me my soul seemed to quiver within me, as though not knowing to which similitude of body it belonged'. Elizabeth Gaskell is better known today for her pioneering social novels such as Mary Barton (1848) but she also wrote some fascinating tales of the supernatural and the macabre, which are collected here in this volume.The real charm of this dark anthology is its variety. Unlike so many writers of this kind of material, Gaskell allows the story to fit the style rather than the other way around and as result there is a charming freshness to each tale. This remarkable author uses different voices, tones and topics to engage her readers and as you turn from one story to the next you cannot be quite sure what to expect.

Objev podobné jako Tales of Mystery & the Macabre - Elizabeth Gaskellová

cena 178.0 Kč

The House of Hope - Joanne Clague

In the dead of night, a young woman is found on the doorstep of the House of Help for Friendless Girls…Winter 1887. Matron Hetty Barlow suspects Hope is lying when she claims to be suffering from amnesia. The girl is taken in, but it isn’t long before her pregnancy is discovered, which could put the future of the house – a new experiment in dealing with destitute women – in jeopardy. Hetty’s future depends on keeping her position as matron.They named her Hope, but Emma Hyde knows she can’t keep up her deception forever. She’s hundreds of miles away from home, but her well-to-do parents will be searching for her.Amelia yearns to break away from her overbearing sister, Hetty. She meets a man who offers an escape, but her ticket to freedom means revealing Emma’s secrets. Will she betray a friend for a chance at a new life?Gripping, emotional and inspiring, this Victorian saga is perfect for fans of Kitty Neale, Emma Hornby and Dilly Court.Praise for The House of Hope ''A moving and passionate story of three women; two who are keeping their secrets close to their hearts and one who is willing to give her heart away in exchange for love. They all arrive at this house that promises safety and free from harm, but are they brave enough, honest enough, to tell their compelling stories and reveal the truth or forever live a lie?'' Val Wood''I thoroughly enjoyed The House of Hope, it is well written and gives a vivid insight into the life of working class girls. Joanne brings her characters to life and I was hooked from the first page.'' Lyn Andrews''A beautiful intertwined story of three very different women, all hiding dark secrets from the past, and the healing and hope they find in one of Britain’s first women’s refuge. The House of Hope is an emotional and uplifting tribute to the power of female friendship'' Judy Summers‘I love historical books and this is one of the best ones I have read lately. I highly recommend it’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘Very moving. Well written, great characters, and the author has really managed to capture the era’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘The characters will capture your heart. I so look forward to the next in this new series’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘A heartwarming story about unfortunate girls who find themselves destitute, homeless and in need of a safe haven. Wonderful’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I definitely look forward to reading more in this series! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review

Objev podobné jako The House of Hope - Joanne Clague

cena 266.0 Kč

The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music (139850372X)

Kniha - 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The long-awaited autobiography of the legendary Nirvana and Foo Fighters rock star, Dave Grohl

Objev podobné jako The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music (139850372X)

cena 279.0 Kč

The Complete Tales of H. P. Lovecraft (1631066463)

Kniha - 1112 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá A must-have classic that every Lovecraft fan and collector will love. Another excellent edition in the Knickerbocker Classic series, The Complete Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft collects the author's novel, four novellas, and fifty-three short stories. Written between the years 1917 and 1935, this collection features Lovecraft's trademark fantastical creatures and supernatural thrills, as well as many horrific and cautionary science-fiction themes, that have influenced some of today's writers and filmmakers, including Stephen King, Alan Moore, F. Paul Wilson, Guillermo del Toro, and Neil Gaiman. Included in this volume are The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, The Call of Cthulhu, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, At the Mountains of Madness, The Shadow Over Innsmouth, The Colour Out of Space, The Dunwich Horror, and many more hair-raising tales. The Knickerbocker Classics bring together the works of classic...

Objev podobné jako The Complete Tales of H. P. Lovecraft (1631066463)

cena 619.0 Kč

Tales of the Jazz Age - Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Tales of the Jazz Age features eleven of F. Scott Fitzgerald's best-loved short stories and 'novelettes' including 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' and 'The Diamond as Big as the Ritz'. Set in the Jazz Age, Fitzgerald's own term for the Roaring Twenties of newly confident, post-war America, this collection shows a comic genius at work, fashioning every genre from low farce to shrewd social insight, along with fantasy of extraordinary invention. These stories illuminate the unique talent who went on to write The Great Gatsby, and to become one of the enduring icons of American literature.This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition features an afterword by Ned Halley.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.

Objev podobné jako Tales of the Jazz Age - Francis Scott Fitzgerald

cena 268.0 Kč

Tales of the Greek Heroes - Green Roger Lancelyn

Discover our collectable Puffin Clothbound Classic edition of Tales of the Greek Heroes. Puffin Clothbound Classics are stunning collectable gift editions of some of the best-loved classics in the world - including this striking edition of Tales of the Greek Heroes.Roger Lancelyn Green''s classic retelling of the adventures of the Greek Heroes features the mysterious and exciting legends of the gods and heroes in Ancient Greece. From the adventures of Perseus, the labours of Heracles, the voyage of Jason and the Argonauts, to Odysseus and the Trojan wars, this special collector''s edition features tales for readers young and old.Puffin Clothbound Classics is a series of much-loved stories from classic children''s literature, brought together by Puffin Books. These special hardback editions are bound in linen covers decorated with dazzling foil prints. The perfect keepsake gift for readers young and old, made to be passed down for generations to come.Collect our Puffin Clothbound Classics:9780241444313 The Little Prince9780241663554 The Jungle Book9780241568811 Charlotte''s Web9780241688243 Little Women9780241688250 Peter Pan9780241688267 The Railway Children9780241688236 Chinese Cinderella 9780241411216 Treasure Island9780241411209 The Wizard of Oz9780241655702 Watership Down9780241663578 The Worst Witch9780241663547 David Copperfield9780241663561 The Neverending Story 9780241623909 Stig of the Dump9780241623916 The Dark is Rising9780241411162 The Secret Garden9780241411148 Black Beauty9780241411155 Dracula9780241425121 Frankenstein9780241425138 Wuthering Heights9780241425114 Tales from Shakespeare9780241425107 Tales of the Greek Heroes9780241411193 A Christmas Carol9780241621196 Grimms'' Fairy Tales9780241425145 Hans Christian Andersen''s Fairy Tales

Objev podobné jako Tales of the Greek Heroes - Green Roger Lancelyn

cena 420.0 Kč

Tales of the Celestial Kingdom - Sue Lynn Tan

Return to the realm of gods and legends, magic and romance. Sue Lynn Tan’s highly acclaimed, bestselling Celestial Kingdom duology is expanded with this new compilation of stories from before, during, and after the events in Daughter of the Moon Goddess and Heart of the Sun Warrior, all from the perspectives of beloved characters. Tales of the Celestial Kingdom collects nine spellbinding stories – two previously published, seven original, including the epilogue to the duology – set in the enchanting world of Sue Lynn Tan’s stunning debut. Filled with magic and mythology, friendship and love, these stories intertwine through the past, present, and future of the two novels, told from the perspectives of multiple characters, including Chang’e, Shuxiao, Liwei, and Wenzhi. With beautiful illustrations from Kelly Chong throughout, these wondrous tales make the perfect complement to Sue Lynn Tan’s breathtaking series. Embark upon new adventures of valour, danger, and love, in a world where the celestial and mortal realms entwine.

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cena 402.0 Kč

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