Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Magpie Murders - Anthony Horowitz
'The finest crime novel of the year' Daily Mail***** Seven for a mystery that needs to be solved . . . Editor Susan Ryland has worked with bestselling crime writer Alan Conway for years. Readers love his detective, Atticus Pund, a celebrated solver of crimes in the sleepy English villages of the 1950s.But Conway's latest tale of murder at Pye Hall is not quite what it seems. Yes, there are dead bodies and a host of intriguing suspects, but hidden in the pages of the manuscript lies another story: a tale written between the very words on the page, telling of real-life jealousy, greed, ruthless ambition and murder.From the creator of Midsomer Murders comes a fiendish mystery perfect for fans of Agatha Christie's Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot.*****Praise for Magpie Murders - the gripping Sunday Times bestselling crime thriller:'Ingenious' Sunday Times'Thrilling and compelling with a stunning twist' Daily Mail 'A stylish thriller' Sunday Mirror 'A cunning reinvention of the thriller' Mail on Sunday
Objev podobné jako Magpie Murders - Anthony Horowitz
Moonflower Murders - Anthony Horowitz
*The follow-on from Magpie Murders, soon to be a major BBC series starring Lesley Manville* 'The Lord of television mystery' LA Times'Easily the greatest of our crime writers' Sunday Times'Absolutely loved it. So clever, just masterful stuff.' Richard Osman'Fiendishly clever and hugely entertaining. A masterpiece.' Lucy Foley‘Anthony Horowitz is an absolutely exceptional writer’ Daniel Mays'You have to hand it to Horowitz: the guy never fails to deliver a total page-turner. We LOVED it.' Richard & Judy ____________Retired publisher Susan Ryeland is running a small hotel on a Greek island with her long-term boyfriend. But life isn't as idyllic as it should be: exhausted by the responsibility of making everything work on an island where nothing ever does, Susan is beginning to miss her literary life in London - even though her publishing career once entangled her in a lethal literary murder plot. So when an English couple come to visit with tales of a murder that took place in a hotel the same day their daughter Cecily was married there, Susan can't help but find herself fascinated. And when they tell her that Cecily has gone missing a few short hours after reading Atticus Pund Takes The Case, a crime novel Susan edited some years previously, Susan knows she must return to London to find out what has happened. The clues to the murder and to Cecily's disappearance must lie within the pages of this novel. But to save Cecily, Susan must place her own life in mortal danger... ____________'I'm blown away. He's managed to come up with something even more amazing than the last one!' Hideo Kojima'Horowitz is a master of the cunning plot device, and brings zest and originality to the traditional murder mystery novel.' Sophie Hannah'A wonderfully enjoyable read' Ragnar Jonasson'So clever, a story within a story within a story. A triumph.' Kate Mosse____________Readers can't get enough of Magpie Murders . . . ***** 'Six hundred and eight pages? Really? Well they flew past.'***** ' Highly recommended to all crime fiction and thriller readers.'***** 'Even better than the first one - just very much my kind of mystery.'***** 'One of my top 10 books of the year.'***** 'This is one of the smartest and most entertaining whodunnits I’ve ever read.'Sunday Times bestseller, September 2024
Objev podobné jako Moonflower Murders - Anthony Horowitz
Stormbreaker - Anthony Horowitz
The first book in the number one bestselling Alex Rider series.In the first book in the number one bestselling Alex Rider series by Anthony Horowitz, fourteen-year-old Alex is forcibly recruited into MI6. Armed with secret gadgets, he is sent to investigate Herod Sayle, a man who is offering state-of-the-art Stormbreaker computers to every school in the country. But the teenage spy soon finds himself in mortal danger.
Objev podobné jako Stormbreaker - Anthony Horowitz
Nightshade - Anthony Horowitz
Get ready for action, adrenaline and adventure in the latest explosive Alex Rider mission by bestselling author Anthony Horowitz, now in paperback.In this adrenaline-fuelled adventure in the number one bestselling series, Alex Rider is sent by MI6 Special Operations to infiltrate a new and sinister organization known only as Nightshade. Alex is on his own, with the fate of thousands of people resting in his hands.
Objev podobné jako Nightshade - Anthony Horowitz
Stormbreaker - Anthony Horowitz
Autor vytvoril sériu napínavých špionážnych príbehov, ktoré spája postava 14-ročného Alexa Ridera. Po tragickej smrti rodičov a strýka sa dostáva do neuveriteľnej spleti záhadných a nebezpečných situácií a v tajnej službe bojuje proti zloduchovi, ktorý ohrozuje svet. Napínavá zápletka a rýchle plynúci dej vás bude držať v napätí až do konca. Kniha bola vo svete veľmi úspešná.
Objev podobné jako Stormbreaker - Anthony Horowitz
Modrý diamant - Anthony Horowitz
V tomto napínavém románu od úspěšného spisovatele Anthonyho Horowitze je literární legenda James Bond zpátky na vzestupu v padesátých letech minulého století. Píše se rok 1957 a James Bond (agent 007) jen tak tak přežil souboj s Auricem Goldfingerem v pevnosti Fort Knox. Po boku má až do konce Pussy Galorovou. Ani jeden z nich netuší, že se SSSR a Západ pouštějí do vražedného boje o technickou převahu. A ve hře je opět Směrš. Tyto zvláštní jednotky sovětské vojenské kontrarozvědky plánují sabotáž závodu formule 1 na Nürburgringu, nejnebezpečnějším okruhu v Evropě. Bond sedí v kokpitu, ale události nabírají nečekaný obrat, když je svědkem setkání člena Směrše s nečestným korejským milionářem Sin Čä-songem. Bond se záhy ocitá v úplně jiném závodě, jehož následky by mohly změnit svět. Osud ho svádí dohromady s Jeopardy Laneovou, americkou agentkou a vyšetřovatelkou finanční kriminality, a v situaci, kdy se úzkostí zastavuje srdce, odhaluje plán, který by mohl srazit Západ na kolena. Tímto brilantně napsaným poutavým dobrodružstvím věhlasný autor splňuje všechny nároky a oprašuje zlatou éru bondovek, plných rychlosti, nebezpečí, silných žen a ďábelských ničemů. Znovu se setkáváme se známými tvářemi, jako jsou M a slečna Moneypennyová. Jde o první bondovku s využitím dosud neznámých podkladů, které napsal Bondův stvořitel Ian Fleming. Agent 007 je zde takový, jak si ho představoval.
Objev podobné jako Modrý diamant - Anthony Horowitz
Nightshade Revenge - Anthony Horowitz
The world’s bestselling teenage spy takes on a new and daring mission.When his best friend Tom is abducted, Alex Rider is given an ultimatum by Nightshade – a sinister cult of assassins with a score to settle. But what twisted evil are they planning, and how is it connected to a revolutionary new gaming system?With no idea who to trust, Alex finds himself dragged into a nightmare world – where nothing is real but the game could kill you.The clock is ticking and Nightshade is closing in…This much-awaited new book in the bestselling Alex Rider series continues Alex’s fight against the deadly assassins encountered in the last book, Nightshade. Alex still has unfinished business with this sinister group made up of brainwashed children, not least trying to reunite MI6 chief Mrs Jones with her long-lost son. The adventure takes us deep into the life-changing world of augmented reality, where even Alex will struggle to succeed against the technology. A thrilling new challenge for the world’s best-loved teen superspy.Praise for Nightshade:"Pacy and ingenious." The Sunday Times"Anthony Horowitz is on cracking form here: the plot is gripping, the characters — both familiar and new — are fully fleshed, and it sparkles with his characteristic wit. We could do with Alex Rider now..." Daily Mail
Objev podobné jako Nightshade Revenge - Anthony Horowitz
Point Blanc - Anthony Horowitz
The second mission in the number one bestselling Alex Rider series.In the second book in the number one bestselling Alex Rider series by Anthony Horowitz, teenage spy Alex is sent by MI6 to infiltrate the exclusive Point Blanc Academy. But the academy hides a deadly secret. Can Alex alert the world to the truth before it’s too late?
Objev podobné jako Point Blanc - Anthony Horowitz
Nightshade Revenge - Anthony Horowitz
When his best friend Tom is abducted, Alex Rider is given an ultimatum by Nightshade – a sinister cult of assassins with a score to settle. But what twisted evil are they planning, and how is it connected to a revolutionary new gaming system?With no idea who to trust, Alex finds himself dragged into a nightmare world – where nothing is real but the game could kill you.The clock is ticking and Nightshade is closing in…The world’s bestselling teenage spy takes on a new and daring mission.This much-awaited new book in the bestselling Alex Rider series continues Alex’s fight against the deadly assassins encountered in the last book, Nightshade. Alex still has unfinished business with this sinister group made up of brainwashed children, not least trying to reunite MI6 chief Mrs Jones, along with her long lost son and daughter. The adventure takes us deep into the life-changing world of augmented reality, where even Alex will struggle to succeed against the technology. A thrilling new challenge for the world’s best-loved teen superspy.Praise for Nightshade:"Pacy and ingenious." The Sunday Times"Anthony Horowitz is on cracking form here: the plot is gripping, the characters — both familiar and new — are fully fleshed, and it sparkles with his characteristic wit. We could do with Alex Rider now..." Daily Mail
Objev podobné jako Nightshade Revenge - Anthony Horowitz
Point Blanc - Anthony Horowitz
Supertajný tínedžerský agent Alex Rider prichádza do exkluzívnej akadémie Point Blanc, v ktorej sa usilujú prevychovať vzdorovitých synov boháčov. Má zistiť, prečo ich otcovia začali náhle umierať. Stane sa žiakom školy a v tej chvíli sa rozpúta napínavý príbeh – Alex stojí sám proti mocným a jeho jedinou zbraňou je odvaha a dômyselné technické „hračky“. Podarí sa mu varovať svet pred nebezpečenstvom skôr, ako bude neskoro?
Objev podobné jako Point Blanc - Anthony Horowitz
Navždy a den - Anthony Horowitz
Příběh o zrození legendy v drsném podsvětí francouzské Riviéry v roce 1950. Bond vyšetřuje vraždu předešlého agenta 007 a plní úkol určit, co stojí za náhlým poklesem drogových aktivit v korsickém podsvětí.
Objev podobné jako Navždy a den - Anthony Horowitz
Vražda ve Večernici - Anthony Horowitz
Susan Ryelandová dala sbohem Londýnu i práci redaktorky a vede se svým přítelem útulný hotýlek na idylickém řeckém ostrově. Má tedy všechno, co si jen může přát - nebo snad ne? Inu, ne tak docela. Hotel jí přerůstá přes hlavu, finanční problémy klepou na dveře, personál je všechno, jen ne spolehlivý, s přítelem to poněkud skřípe, a navíc jí začíná chybět londýnský literární svět. Jednoho dne ji navštíví manželé Trehernovi, majitelé mnohem většího a luxusnějšího hotelu v Anglii. Jejich vyprávění o vraždě, která se tam před časem stala během svatebních oslav jejich dcery Cecily, je natolik podivné, že podnítí Susaninu zvědavost. A když vzápětí vyjde najevo, že Cecily zmizela jen pár hodin poté, co si přečetla detektivku Atticus Pünd se ujímá případu, kterou Susan kdysi redigovala, nezbývá než se vydat zpátky do Anglie a zjistit k tomu něco bližšího. Vše totiž nasvědčuje tomu, že by se na stránkách knihy mohly skrývat nejen stopy k několik let staré vraždě, ale i vodítko k nalezení Cecily. Susan by už ale měla vědět, že přílišná zvědavost může být nebezpečná. V rafinovaně napínavém detektivním thrilleru plném zvratů a ozvěn ze světa Agathy Christie se v hlavních rolích znovu setkáváme se Susan Ryelandovou a Atticusem Pündem, hlavními hrdiny románu Mnoho strak věští vraždu. Brilantní hold klasickým anglickým detektivkám od scenáristy seriálů Hercule Poirot a Vraždy v Midsomeru.
Objev podobné jako Vražda ve Večernici - Anthony Horowitz
Close to Death - Anthony Horowitz
* AVAILABLE ONLY WHILE STOCKS LAST – THE SPECIAL COLLECTOR''S EDITION: features a gold foiled design underneath the dust jacket and is exclusive to the first print run in the UK only *How do you solve a murder... when everyone has the same motive? From global bestselling Anthony Horowitz, a brilliantly entertaining new mystery in the Hawthorne and Horowitz series.‘Easily the greatest of our crime writers’ Sunday Times‘[Horowitz is] a master puppeteer’ The Times‘Incredible plotting, richly layered and wonderfully intricate. I inhaled it'' Liz Nugent''A clever murder mystery…playful and twisty. Nobody does this crime fiction better than Anthony Horowitz’ Crime Time FM‘Spectacularly good fun, wickedly clever, with a pinch of the macabre, this is everything you could wish for from one of our top crime writers.’ The Sun''Another delightful outing with Hawthorne and Horowitz. Each one is more inventive than the last. Keep them coming!'' Shari Lapena''Anthony Horowitz is a national treasure. Close to Death is his best book yet, a perfect combination of Agatha Christie and P.D. James’ Ragnar Jónasson _____________Richmond Upon Thames is one of the most desirable areas to live in London. And Riverview Close - a quiet, gated community – seems to offer its inhabitants the perfect life.At least it does until Giles Kenworthy moves in with his wife and noisy children, his four gas-guzzling cars, his loud parties and his plans for a new swimming pool in his garden.His neighbours all have a reason to hate him and are soon up in arms.When Kenworthy is shot dead with a crossbow bolt through his neck, all of them come under suspicion and his murder opens the door to lies, deception and further death.The police are baffled. Reluctantly, they call in former Detective Daniel Hawthorne. But even he is faced with a seemingly impossible puzzle.How do you solve a murder when everyone has the same motive?_____________Readers cannot get enough of Close to Death . . .***** ''All said and done, this book was yet another hole in one thanks to the virtuoso-like skill of Mr. Horowitz himself.''***** ''Wow, this has got to be my favourite detective series ever! It’s Agatha Christie on steroids!''***** ''I had so much fun reading this book.''***** ''Horowitz switches up the format, keeping this series fresh, and delivers yet another outstanding tale. I loved it.''***** ''Honestly, the best crime read in a long time.''_____________More love for Close to Death . . .''The mystery is inventive, elegant and smart'' The Telegraph‘Sheer genius … A joy from start to finish’ Independent‘Whodunnit heaven’ Financial Times''An absolutely engrossing tale ... Kudos to anyone who can figure this one out!’ Starred Booklist‘An exceedingly entertaining and inventive mixture of humour and suspense.’ Wall Street Journal''Gloriously artificial, improbable, and ingenious. Fans of both versions of Horowitz will rejoice.’ Kirkus Reviews''Turns the closed-circle mystery inside out’ New York Journal of Books''The master of the mystery'' Style''The king of the clever whodunnit'' Good Housekeeping''A delirious concoction that transplants a Christie-style mystery into the present'' Crime Time‘An excellent entertaining thriller’ The AfterwordSunday Times bestseller, April 2024
Objev podobné jako Close to Death - Anthony Horowitz
Groosham Grange Graphic Novel - Anthony Horowitz
Anthony Horowitz’s classic gothic page-turner is brought to life in full colour in this hilarious graphic novel adaptation.When David Elliot is expelled from his boring school, his parents send him to Groosham Grange to knock him into shape. But when he arrives at the gothic castle on remote Skrull Island, he discovers Groosham Grange is an unusual sort of school: from signing the register in blood, to the creepy teachers – pallid Mr Kilgraw, Mrs Pedicure bandaged head to toe, hairy Mr Leloup who disappears every full moon... David teams up with fellow pupils Jeffrey and Jill to plan his escape. But can anyone ever escape Groosham Grange? With puns and visual jokes on every page, this is gothic humour at its best.Praise for Groosham Grange:"One of the funniest books of the year." Young Telegraph"Hilarious… Speeds along at full tilt from page to page." Books for Keeps
Objev podobné jako Groosham Grange Graphic Novel - Anthony Horowitz
The Sentence is Death - Anthony Horowitz
Passion, deception, an unexplained death and a detective with quite a lot to hide lie at the heart of Anthony Horowitz''s brilliant murder mystery, the second in the bestselling series starring Private Investigator Daniel Hawthorne.''EASILY THE GREATEST OF OUR CRIME WRITERS'' Sunday Times''My favourite literary hero at the moment is Anthony Horowitz'' Shari Lapena''Sheer genius ... A joy from start to finish'' INDEPENDENT_____________________Secrets can kill.Smooth-tongued divorce lawyer Richard Price is bludgeoned to death at his London home.Scrawled on the wall beside the body: the number 182.What does it mean? And who was at his front door just minutes before he died and while he was still talking on the phone?Confronted with this most baffling of mysteries, the police are forced to turn to private investigator Daniel Hawthorne._____________________''Pure pleasure for readers ... A must-read delight'' WALL STREET JOURNAL''Anthony Horowitz gets away with murder in all sorts of ways and emerges triumphant'' The Times''This is crime fiction as dazzling entertainment, sustained by writing as skilfully light-footed as Fred Astaire'' Sunday Times Crime Club''A crime story that keeps you up into the small hours... a page-turning mystery'' Metro''Sheer genius ... A joy from start to finish'' Independent''Fans of traditional puzzle mysteries will be enthralled'' Publishers Weekly''Huge fun... It''s hard to know why anyone who loves a good mystery wouldn''t thoroughly enjoy the ride'' Irish Independent''Succeeds on all levels ... Horowitz has the Midas touch'' Booklist''No one currently working the field has anywhere near this much ingenuity to burn'' KIRKUS
Objev podobné jako The Sentence is Death - Anthony Horowitz
The Word Is Murder - Anthony Horowitz
She planned her own funeral. But did she arrange her own murder? Buried secrets, murder and a trail of bloody clues lie at the heart of Anthony Horowitz''s page-turning detective series.''EASILY THE GREATEST OF OUR CRIME WRITERS'' Sunday Times_________________A woman is strangled six hours after organising her own funeral.Did she know she was going to die? Did she recognise her killer?Enter Daniel Hawthorne, a detective with a genius for solving crimes and an ability to hold secrets very close.With him is his writing partner, Anthony Horowitz. Together they will set out to solve his most puzzling of mysteries.What neither of them know is that they are about to embark on a dark and dangerous journey whether the twists and turns are as unexpected as they are bloody._________________''Raises the game-playing to Olympic level'' Guardian Books of the Year''A real page-turner. I loved it!'' Aled Jones''Horowitz blurs the line between fact and fiction'' Financial Times''Splendidly entertaining, absorbing and difficult to put down. Hawthorne is an intriguing character'' Daily Express''Sharp-witted readers who think they''ve solved the puzzle early on can rest assured that they''ve opened only one of many dazzling Christmas packages Horowitz has left beautifully wrapped under the tree'' Kirkus Reviews''Deduction and wit are well-balanced, and fans of Peter Lovesey and other modern channelers of the spirit of the golden age of detection will clamor for more'' Publishers Weekly
Objev podobné jako The Word Is Murder - Anthony Horowitz
A Line to Kill - Anthony Horowitz
Private Investigator Daniel Hawthorne and the writer Anthony Horowitz have been invited to a literary festival on the island of Alderney to talk about their new book. Very soon they discover that dark forces are at work. Alderney is in turmoil over a planned power line that will cut through it, desecrating a war cemetery and turning neighbour against neighbour. And the visiting authors seem to be harbouring any number of unpleasant secrets. When the festival's wealthy sponsor is found brutally murdered, Alderney goes into lockdown and Hawthorne knows he doesn't have to look too far for suspects. There's no escape. The killer is still on the island. And there's about to be a second death . . .
Objev podobné jako A Line to Kill - Anthony Horowitz
Stormbreaker Graphic Novel - Anthony Horowitz, Antony Johnston
A bold and stylish reissue of the groundbreaking and hugely popular graphic adaptation of Alex Rider''s very first mission.Forcibly recruited into MI6 after the mysterious death of his guardian, fourteen-year-old Alex is sent to infiltrate the organization of a sinister billionaire. Within days he''s gone from schoolboy to superspy – and it looks like his first assignment may be his last...
Objev podobné jako Stormbreaker Graphic Novel - Anthony Horowitz, Antony Johnston
Point Blanc TV Tie-in - Anthony Horowitz
Point Blanc is the brand-new Alex Rider TV series, featuring Otto Farrant as Alex Rider, Brenock O?Connor as best friend Tom and Ronke Adekoluejo as Jack Starbright. Recruited by MI6 after the mysterious death of his uncle, teenage spy Alex Rider engages in a dangerous undercover mission to infiltrate the exclusive Point Blanc Academy. But the school hides a deadly secret. Can Alex alert the world to the truth before it?s too late? Point Blanc is part of Anthony Horowitz's bestselling 13-book series, with over 16 million copies sold worldwide.
Objev podobné jako Point Blanc TV Tie-in - Anthony Horowitz
The Twist of a Knife (Defekt) - Anthony Horowitz
In New York Times bestselling author Anthony Horowitz’s ingenious fourth literary whodunit following The Word is Murder, The Sentence is Death, and A Line to Kill, Horowitz becomes the prime suspect in a murder investigation—and only one man can prove his innocence: his newly estranged partner in solving crime, Detective Hawthorne. “I’m sorry but the answer’s no.” Reluctant author, Anthony Horowitz, has had enough. He tells ex-detective Daniel Hawthorne that after three books he’s splitting and their deal is over. The truth is that Anthony has other things on his mind. His new play, a thriller called Mindgame, is about to open at the Vaudeville Theater in London’s West End. Not surprisingly, Hawthorne declines a ticket to the opening night. The play is panned by the critics. In particular, Sunday Times critic Margaret Throsby gives it a savage review, focusing particularly on the writing. The next day, Throsby is stabbed in the heart with an ornamental dagger which turns out to belong to Anthony, and has his fingerprints all over it. Anthony is arrested by an old enemy . . . Detective Inspector Cara Grunshaw. She still carries a grudge from her failure to solve the case described in the second Hawthorne adventure, The Sentence is Death, and blames Anthony. Now she’s out for revenge. Thrown into prison and fearing for both his personal future and his writing career, Anthony is the prime suspect in Throsby’s murder and when a second theatre critic is found to have died in mysterious circumstances, the net closes in. Ever more desperate, he realizes that only one man can help him. But will Hawthorne take the call?
Objev podobné jako The Twist of a Knife (Defekt) - Anthony Horowitz
The Twist of a Knife: A gripping locked-room mystery from the bestselling crime writer - Anthony Horowitz
'Our deal is over.'This is what reluctant author Anthony Horowitz tells ex-detective Daniel Hawthorne in an awkward encounter. The truth is that Anthony has other things on his mind.His new play 'Mindgame' is about to open at London's Vaudeville theatre, and on opening night, Sunday Times critic Harriet Throsby gives the play a savage review.The next morning she is found dead, stabbed in the heart with an ornamental dagger that has only one set of finger prints on it. Anthony's.Anthony is arrested, charged with Throsby's murder, and thrown into prison.Alone and increasingly desperate, he realises only one man can help him.But will Hawthorne take his call?
Objev podobné jako The Twist of a Knife: A gripping locked-room mystery from the bestselling crime writer - Anthony Horowitz
Mnoho strak věští vraždu (9788025734667)
Elektronická kniha - Rafinovaně temný, inteligentní a nemilosrdně napínavý román Magpie Murders je mistrovským pojednáním detektivky ze starých dob. Tento brilantní, strhující thriller propojuje klasickou detektivku hodnou Agathy Christie se stejně geniální moderní zápletkou, díky níž se čtenář stává detektivem. - autor Anthony Horowitz, 452 stran, česky Rafinovaně temný, inteligentní a nemilosrdně napínavý román Magpie Murders je mistrovským pojednáním detektivky ze starých dobTento brilantní, strhující thriller od autora románů Moriarty, Dům hedvábí a bondovek Modrý diamant, Navždy a den propojuje klasickou detektivku hodnou Agathy Christie se stejně geniální moderní zápletkou, díky níž se čtenář stává detektivem.Alan Conway je úspěšný autor detektivních románů. Jeho redaktorka Susan Ryelandová s ním pracuje už řadu let a důvěrně zná jeho detektiva Atticuse Pünda, který řeší případy narušující život v ospalých anglických vesničkách. Alanovo tradiční vyprávění...
Objev podobné jako Mnoho strak věští vraždu (9788025734667)
Best Crime Stories of the Year Volume 4
Internationally bestselling author and acclaimed screenwriter Anthony Horowitz, creator of Magpie Murders, together with founder of Mysterious Press, Otto Penzler, selects the very best of the year''s crime and mystery tales in this latest collection perfect for crime fiction lovers. Featuring stories from Jeffery Deaver and L. Frank Baum among many others!These twenty tales represent the best of short form crime and mystery fiction from over the past twelve months. With a variety of fiendishly twisty plots, and featuring murder and mischief in evilly evocative settings, this collection is perfect for crime fiction lovers. Also includes a bonus short mystery story from the Golden Age of Crime Fiction, by the fabled L. Frank Baum.Featuring stories by:Ace AtkinsMichael BrackenFleur BradleyShelley CostaDoug CrandellJeffery DeaverJohn FloydNils GilbertsonPeter HayesShells LegoullonVictor MethosLeonardo PaduraDan PopeAnnie ReedCameron SandersAnna ScottiArcher SullivanAndrew Welsh-HugginsStacy Woodson
Objev podobné jako Best Crime Stories of the Year Volume 4
Moonflower Murders (1787464202)
Kniha - 608 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Moonflower Murders (1787464202)
Poštovní ocelová schránka Magpie, antracitová
Stylová poštovní schránka z kvalitního pozinkovaného plechu odolná vůči povětrnostním vlivům a UV záření. Schránka je vybavena kódovým zámkem s možností nastavení vlastní kombinace, díky které schránku otevřete pouze vy. Klíče tedy nejsou potřeba, takže schránku lze kdykoli otevřít, aniž by bylo nutné nejprve přinést klíč od domu. Na přední straně je také dobře viditelné okénko se jmenovkou. Příslušenství pro montáž není součástí balení.Nastavení vlastní kombinace kódu:Tovární kombinace zámku je 0-0-0. Chcete-li kombinaci změnit, otevřete skříňku zevnitř zámku přepněte přepínač z polohy A do polohy do polohy B, zadejte nový kód a poté přepněte přepínač z polohy B do polohy A. Novou kombinaci je třeba si zapamatovat, z bezpečnostních důvodů se doporučuje, abyste si kombinaci například vyfotili. Po uzamčení otočte číslice na kódu, abyste zajistili skříňku proti otevření.
Objev podobné jako Poštovní ocelová schránka Magpie, antracitová
MAGPIE FULL rukavice celokož. 11
Rukavice z hovězí štípenky, zesílená dvojitá vrstva v dlani na palci a ukazovák a s 7 cm manžetou.
Objev podobné jako MAGPIE FULL rukavice celokož. 11
The ABC Murders (0007527535)
Kniha - 332 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Agatha Christie s world-famous serial killer mystery, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers.There s a serial killer on the loose, bent on working his way through the alphabet. And as a macabre calling card he leaves beside each victim s corpe the ABC Railway Guide open at the name of the town where the murder has taken place.Having begun with Andover, Bexhill and then Churston, there seems little chance of the murderer being caught until he makes the crucial and vain mistake of challenging Hercule Poirot to frustrate his plans
Objev podobné jako The ABC Murders (0007527535)
The Apollo Murders - Chris Hadfield
1973: a final, top-secret mission to the Moon. Three astronauts in a tiny module, a quarter of a million miles from home. A quarter of a million miles from help. As Russian and American crews sprint for a secret bounty hidden away on the lunar surface, old rivalries blossom and the political stakes are stretched to breaking point back on Earth. Houston flight controller Kazimieras 'Kaz' Zemeckis must do all he can to keep the NASA crew together, while staying one step ahead of his Soviet rivals. But not everyone on board Apollo 18 is quite who they appear to be. Full of fascinating technical detail, twists and tension, The Apollo Murders puts you right there in the moment. Experience the dark majesty of space, the fierce G-forces of launch and the rush of holding on to the outside of a spacecraft travelling at 17,000 mph, as told by a former Commander of the International Space Station who has done all of those things in real life. Strap in and count down for the ride of a lifetime.
Objev podobné jako The Apollo Murders - Chris Hadfield
We Solve Murders - Richard Osman
FROM THE #1 BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF THE THURSDAY MURDER CLUBA brand new series. An iconic new detective team. And a thrilling new murder to solve . . . -----Steve Wheeler is enjoying retired life. He does the odd bit of investigation work, but he prefers his familiar habits and routines: the pub quiz, his favourite bench, his cat waiting for him when he comes home. His days of adventure are over: adrenaline is daughter-in-law Amy’s business now. Amy Wheeler thinks adrenaline is good for the soul. As a private security officer, she doesn’t stay still long enough for habits or routines. She’s currently on a remote island keeping world-famous author Rosie D’Antonio alive. Which was meant to be an easy job . . . Then a dead body, a bag of money and a killer with their sights on Amy have her sending an SOS to the only person she trusts. A breakneck race around the world begins, but can Amy and Steve stay one step ahead of a deadly enemy?-----PRAISE FOR RICHARD OSMAN‘Brilliantly suspenseful’ JEFFERY DEAVER‘Deplorably good’ IAN RANKIN‘Funny, clever, compelling’ HARLAN COBEN‘I smiled a million times’ MARIAN KEYES‘Warm, wise and witty’ VAL MCDERMID‘Osman just gets better’ SHARI LAPENA‘The rightful king of crime’ i‘The twistiest, turniest tale told with all of Richard Osman’s trademark wit and warmth’ RED'The entertainment value is sky-high' I PAPER'Thursday Murder Club fans, you are in for a treat' PRIMA'Much as with the earlier books, I read We Solve Murders in a few pleasured gulps' SUNDAY TIMES'Osman’s new series, which kicks off with this book, is written with just as light a touch and gently humorous tone' THE OBSERVER'The thing that shines through in Osman’s writing is that he really likes people and revels in all their foibles and eccentricities. All of which makes for a delightful read – and another little slice of warmth in time for autumn' THE OBSERVER'This is a sitcom-meets-Bond, and a fine murder mystery’ DAILY EXPRESSRichard Osman, Sunday Times bestseller, August 2024
Objev podobné jako We Solve Murders - Richard Osman
Smoke and Murders - Jenny Blackhurst
Members of the Lewes Bonfire Society would say afterwards that the event would have been a huge success that year, if it hadn’t been for the dead body… When the charred remains of MP Rupert Millington are found inside a burning effigy, no one knows how they got there, but there are plenty of rumours about whodunnit.The lead suspect wants Detective Tess Fox and her con-artist sister Sarah Jacobs to help clear her name. She says she's being framed, but surely there is no smoke without fire. The heat is on when a second victim is killed in a locked room while Tess and Sarah are in the building.Can the duo solve this puzzling mystery and find the real killer before they strike again?
Objev podobné jako Smoke and Murders - Jenny Blackhurst
We Solve Murders - Richard Osman
FROM THE #1 BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF THE THURSDAY MURDER CLUBA brand new series.An iconic new detective team.And a thrilling new murder to solve . . .-----Steve Wheeler is enjoying retired life. He does the odd bit of investigation work, but he prefers his familiar habits and routines: the pub quiz, his favourite bench, his cat waiting for him when he comes home. His days of adventure are over: adrenaline is daughter-in-law Amy's business now.Amy Wheeler thinks adrenaline is good for the soul. As a private security officer, she doesn't stay still long enough for habits or routines. She's currently on a remote island keeping world-famous author Rosie D'Antonio alive. Which was meant to be an easy job . . .Then a dead body, a bag of money and a killer with their sights on Amy have her sending an SOS to the only person she trusts. A breakneck race around the world begins, but can Amy and Steve stay one step ahead of a deadly enemy?-----PRAISE FOR RICHARD OSMAN'Brilliantly suspenseful' JEFFERY DEAVER'Deplorably good' IAN RANKIN'Funny, clever, compelling' HARLAN COBEN'I smiled a million times' MARIAN KEYES'Warm, wise and witty' VAL MCDERMID'Osman just gets better' SHARI LAPENA'The rightful king of crime' i'The twistiest, turniest tale told with all of Richard Osman's trademark wit and warmth' RED'The entertainment value is sky-high' I PAPER'Thursday Murder Club fans, you are in for a treat' PRIMA'Much as with the earlier books, I read We Solve Murders in a few pleasured gulps' SUNDAY TIMES'Osman's new series, which kicks off with this book, is written with just as light a touch and gently humorous tone' THE OBSERVER'The thing that shines through in Osman's writing is that he really likes people and revels in all their foibles and eccentricities. All of which makes for a delightful read - and another little slice of warmth in time for autumn' THE OBSERVER'This is a sitcom-meets-Bond, and a fine murder mystery' DAILY EXPRESSRichard Osman, Sunday Times bestseller, August 2024
Objev podobné jako We Solve Murders - Richard Osman
The Michaelmas Murders - Mandy Morton
As the Town's annual flower and produce show approaches, it's all doom and bloom up on the allotments. Prize vegetables are going missing and a dead body is found fertilizing Bonny Grub's onion patch.
Objev podobné jako The Michaelmas Murders - Mandy Morton
The Honjin Murders - Seishi Yokomizo
One of Japan''s greatest classic murder mysteries, introducing their best loved detective, translated into English for the first timeIn the winter of 1937, the village of Okamura is abuzz with excitement over the forthcoming wedding of a son of the grand Ichiyanagi family. But amid the gossip over the approaching festivities, there is also a worrying rumour - it seems a sinister masked man has been asking questions around the village.Then, on the night of the wedding, the Ichiyanagi household are woken by a terrible scream, followed by the sound of eerie music. Death has come to Okamura, leaving no trace but a bloody samurai sword, thrust into the pristine snow outside the house. Soon, amateur detective Kosuke Kindaichi is on the scene to investigate what will become a legendary murder case, but can this scruffy sleuth solve a seemingly impossible crime?
Objev podobné jako The Honjin Murders - Seishi Yokomizo
The ABC Murders - Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie's world-famous serial killer mystery, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers. There's a serial killer on the loose, bent on working his way through the alphabet. And as a macabre calling card he leaves beside each victim's corpe the ABC Railway Guide open at the name of the town where the murder has taken place. Having begun with Andover, Bexhill and then Churston, there seems little chance of the murderer being caught - until he makes the crucial and vain mistake of challenging Hercule Poirot to frustrate his plans...
Objev podobné jako The ABC Murders - Agatha Christie
The Medici Murders - David Hewson
Venice is a city full of secrets. For hundreds of years it has been the scene of scandal, intrigue and murderous rivalries. And it remains so today.1548, Lorenzino de Medici, himself a murderer and a man few will miss, is assassinated by two hired killers.Today, Marmaduke Godolphin, British TV historian and a man even fewer will miss, is stabbed by a stiletto blade on the exact same spot, his body dropping into the canal.Can the story of the first murder explain the attack on Godolphin? The Carabinieri certainly think so. They recruit retired archivist Arnold Clover to unpick the mystery and to help solve the case. But the conspiracy against Godolphin runs deeper than anyone imagined.
Objev podobné jako The Medici Murders - David Hewson
The Christmas Jigsaw Murders - Benedict Alexandra
THIS CHRISTMAS, A KILLER TAKES FAMILY GAMES TO A MURDEROUS NEW LEVEL. On 19th of December, renowned puzzle setter, loner and Christmas sceptic Edie O’Sullivan finds a hand-delivered present on her doorstep. Unwrapping it, she finds a jigsaw box and, inside, six jigsaw pieces. When fitted together, the pieces show part of a crime scene – blood-spattered black and white tiles and part of an outlined body. Included in the parcel is a message: ‘Four, maybe more, people will be dead by midnight on Christmas Eve, unless you can put all the pieces together and stop me.’ It’s signed, Rest In Pieces. Edie contacts her nephew, DI Sean Brand-O’Sullivan, and together they work to solve the clues. But when a man is found near death with a jigsaw piece in his hand, Sean fears that Edie might be in danger and shuts her out of the investigation. As the body count rises, however, Edie knows that only she has the knowledge to put together the killer’s murderous puzzle. Only by fitting all the pieces together will Edie be able to stop a killer – and finally lay her past to rest.Praise for Alexandra Benedict’s Christmas mysteries: 'The perfect gift for quizzers and mystery addicts . . .' Val McDermid ‘Whatever you unwrap for Christmas, you had better hope it’s this book This is 21st-century cosy Christmas crime that doesn’t shy away from the darkness’ Janice Hallett ‘A thrilling journey from start to finish. Highly recommended’ Elly Griffiths ‘It’s wonderful! A page-turning homage to the Golden Age, with a dash of Poirot and a dark, modern heart’ S J Bennett
Objev podobné jako The Christmas Jigsaw Murders - Benedict Alexandra
The Meiji Guillotine Murders - Futaro Yamada
'An audacious puzzle mystery, woven into an exquisitely crafted historical tale. One of the most original works in the history of Japanese mystery writing' Haruo Yuki, author of The Ark__________Tokyo, 1869. It is the dawn of the Meiji era in Japan, but the scars of the recent civil war are yet to heal. The new regime struggles to keep the peace as old scores are settled and dangerous new ideas flood into the country from the West.A new police force promises to bring order to this land of feuding samurai warlords, and chief inspectors Kazuki and Kawaji are two of its brightest stars. Together they investigate a spree of baffling murders across the capital, moving from dingy drinking dens to high-class hotels and the heart of the Imperial Palace. Can they solve these seemingly impossible crimes and save the country from slipping into chaos once more?
Objev podobné jako The Meiji Guillotine Murders - Futaro Yamada
The Tokyo Zodiac Murders - Soji Shimada
THE TWISTY AND INGENIOUS FOURTH INSTALLEMENT IN THE BIZARRE HOUSE MYSTERIES The famed mystery writer Miyagaki Yotaro lives a life of seclusion in the remote Labyrinth House. When Yotaro invites four young crime authors to his home for a birthday party, they are honoured to accept.But no sooner have they arrived than they are confronted with a shocking death, then lured into a bizarre, deadly competition... As the twisted contest gathers pace, murder follows murder. The ingenious sleuth Shimada Kiyoshi investigates, but can he solve the mystery of the house before all those trapped in its labyrinth are dead? And can you guess the solution before he does?
Objev podobné jako The Tokyo Zodiac Murders - Soji Shimada
The Little Sparrow Murders - Seishi Yokomizo
An old friend of Kosuke Kindaichi's invites the scruffy detective to visit the remote mountain village of Onikobe in order to look into a twenty-year-old murder case. But no sooner has Kindaichi arrived than a new series of murders strikes the village - several bodies are discovered staged in bizarre poses, and it soon becomes clear that the victims are being killed using methods that match the lyrics of an old local children's song... The legendary sleuth investigates, but soon realises that he must unravel the dark and tangled history of the village, as well as that of its rival families, to get to the truth.
Objev podobné jako The Little Sparrow Murders - Seishi Yokomizo
The Medici Murders (Defekt) - David Hewson
Venice is a city full of secrets. For hundreds of years it has been the scene of scandal, intrigue and murderous rivalries. And it remains so today.1548, Lorenzino de Medici, himself a murderer and a man few will miss, is assassinated by two hired killers.Today, Marmaduke Godolphin, British TV historian and a man even fewer will miss, is stabbed by a stiletto blade on the exact same spot, his body dropping into the canal.Can the story of the first murder explain the attack on Godolphin? The Carabinieri certainly think so. They recruit retired archivist Arnold Clover to unpick the mystery and to help solve the case. But the conspiracy against Godolphin runs deeper than anyone imagined.
Objev podobné jako The Medici Murders (Defekt) - David Hewson
The Magpie Society 02: Two for Joy (0241402387)
Kniha - autor Zoe Sugg; Amy McCulloch, 352 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Audrey and Ivy, determined to bring their fellow student Lola Radcliffe's killer to justice, find themselves in the middle of another mystery when a friend disappears in suspicious circumstances. Their only clue is a mysterious card left by the enigmatic Magpie Society. With time running out and the police baffled, Audrey and Ivy must delve deeper than ever into the dark secrets that their school is hiding. But someone is playing a deadly game. And to beat them, Audrey and Ivy have to start rewriting the rules...
Objev podobné jako The Magpie Society 02: Two for Joy (0241402387)
The Magpie Society 01: One for Sorrow (0241402352)
Kniha - autor Zoe Sugg; Amy McCulloch, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná "A nail-biting page turner written with cinematic sparkle" - Jennifer Niven, bestselling author of All The Bright Places "The perfect read for teens" - Glamour UK "Think Serial at Malory Towers" - Katie Lowe, author of The Furies A STUDENT FOUND DEAD ON THE BEACH. A WEB OF UNANSWERED QUESTIONS. SOMEONE POISED TO STRIKE AGAIN. Illumen Hall is a boarding school of tradition and achievement. But tragedy strikes when the body of a student is discovered on the beach - and on her back is an elaborate tattoo of a magpie. For new student Audrey, it is just another strange and unsettling thing about her new surroundings, along with the secrets the school seems to hide and its weird obsession with magpies. For her roommate Ivy, the death of her friend Lola is just one thing she desperately wants to get past - and having a new student asking questions and cluttering up her...
Objev podobné jako The Magpie Society 01: One for Sorrow (0241402352)
The Magpie Society: Two for Joy - Zoe Suggová
THE CHILLING CONCLUSION TO #1 BESTSELLING SERIES THE MAGPIE SOCIETYA DEADLY DISAPPEARANCEA RACE AGAINST TIMEAnd, at the eleventh hour . . .A SHOCKING REVELATIONAudrey and Ivy, determined to bring their fellow student Lola Radcliffe's killer to justice, find themselves in the middle of another mystery when a friend disappears in suspicious circumstances.Their only clue is a mysterious card left by the enigmatic Magpie Society. With time running out and the police baffled, Audrey and Ivy must delve deeper than ever into the dark secrets that their school is hiding.But someone is playing a deadly game. And to beat them, Audrey and Ivy have to start rewriting the rules...
Objev podobné jako The Magpie Society: Two for Joy - Zoe Suggová
The Murders at Fleat House - Lucinda Rileyová
The Murders at Fleat House is a suspenseful and utterly compelling crime novel from the author of the multimillion-selling The Seven Sisters series, Lucinda Riley.'A thrilling whodunit for crime fans. Another Lucinda Riley legacy to treasure' - Lancashire Post'A cleverly woven mystery to savour' - Sunday ExpressThe sudden death of a pupil in Fleat House at St Stephen’s – a small private boarding school in deepest Norfolk – is a shocking event that the headmaster is very keen to call a tragic accident.But the local police cannot rule out foul play and the case prompts the return of high-flying Detective Inspector Jazmine ‘Jazz’ Hunter to the force. Jazz has her own private reasons for stepping away from her police career in London, and reluctantly agrees to front the investigation as a favour to her old boss.Reunited with her loyal sergeant, she enters the closed world of the school, and as Jazz begins to probe the circumstances surrounding Charlie Cavendish’s tragic death, events are soon to take another troubling turn.Charlie is exposed as an arrogant bully, and those around him had both motive and opportunity to switch the drugs he took daily to control his epilepsy.As staff at the school close ranks, the disappearance of a young pupil and the death of an elderly classics master provide Jazz with important leads, but are destined to complicate the investigation further. As snow covers the landscape and another suspect goes missing, Jazz must also confront her personal demons . . .Then, a particularly grim discovery at the school makes this the most challenging murder investigation of her career. Because Fleat House hides secrets darker than even Jazz could ever have imagined . . .
Objev podobné jako The Murders at Fleat House - Lucinda Rileyová
The Murders at Fleat House - Lucinda Rileyová
The Murders at Fleat House is a suspenseful and utterly compelling crime novel from the author of the multimillion-selling The Seven Sisters series, Lucinda Riley.The sudden death of a pupil in Fleat House at St Stephen's - a small private boarding school in deepest Norfolk - is a shocking event that the headmaster is very keen to call a tragic accident.But the local police cannot rule out foul play and the case prompts the return of high-flying Detective Inspector Jazmine 'Jazz' Hunter to the force. Jazz has her own private reasons for stepping away from her police career in London, and reluctantly agrees to front the investigation as a favour to her old boss.Reunited with her loyal sergeant Alastair Miles, she enters the closed world of the school, and as Jazz begins to probe the circumstances surrounding Charlie Cavendish's tragic death, events are soon to take another troubling turn.Charlie is exposed as an arrogant bully, and those around him had both motive and opportunity to switch the drugs he took daily to control his epilepsy.As staff at the school close ranks, the disappearance of young pupil Rory Millar and the death of an elderly classics master provide Jazz with important leads, but are destined to complicate the investigation further. As snow covers the landscape and another suspect goes missing, Jazz must also confront her personal demons . . .Then, a particularly grim discovery at the school makes this the most challenging murder investigation of her career. Because Fleat House hides secrets darker than even Jazz could ever have imagined . . .
Objev podobné jako The Murders at Fleat House - Lucinda Rileyová
The Twelve Murders of Christmas - Sarah Dunnakey
The perfect Christmas gift for armchair detectives – Agatha Christie meets Murdle. 12 murderous mysteries to read. 20 perplexing puzzles to solve. 1 mystifying murder to unravel… Mastermind Puzzlemaster Sarah Dunnakeycordially invites you to crack the code of who killed Edward Luddenham. It’s the first anniversary of the mysterious death of Edward Luddenham, found dead at his home on the Yorkshire moors one frosty Christmas Eve. Now nine people gather at his manor house for the reading of the Will. Each has their own motivations for coming: curiosity, duty, unrequited love, desperation, greed. They have been instructed to bring a “festive mystery story” to share. But all you need is a pencil. Safe from the biting cold and the relentless snowfall outside, settle in with your favourite tipple in hand, as the storytelling begins. Though you’ll need to keep your wits about you – for among those present is Edward’s killer… Can you solve the puzzles and unmask the murderer before they strike again? Agatha Christie meets Murdle with these twelve puzzling whodunnits from renowned professional puzzler Sarah Dunnakey, that will test even the most seasoned of sleuths this Christmas.
Objev podobné jako The Twelve Murders of Christmas - Sarah Dunnakey
The Chinese Gold Murders - Robert Van Gulik
Judge Dee is about to step into the shoes of a dead man…Most people would refuse the job of Magistrate at the lonely port town of Peng-lai – especially as the last occupant of the post has been found poisoned in his library, his papers missing. But Judge Dee is not most men. He arrives ready to get to the truth, only to find his life complicated even further by a missing bride, a vanished artisan, a man-eating tiger and an evil conspiracy.
Objev podobné jako The Chinese Gold Murders - Robert Van Gulik
S potížemi je jedna potíž - Ben Horowitz - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Potíž není dávat si velké cíle Potíž je propouštět lidi, když se nedaří. Potíž není mít velké sny, ale probudit se uprostřed noci se studeným potem na zádech, když se náš sen promění v noční můru. S potížemi je potíž. Spousta lidí je nadšená, když vypráví o plánech na založení vlastní firmy, podnikání. Ale jenom Ben Horowitz je až brutálně upřímný v tom, jak vlastně neskutečně těžké to je. V audioknize S potížemi je jedna potíž autor odhaluje, jak opravdu těžké je vše spojené s podnikáním. A říká to pěkně na rovinu. Audiokniha vtipně a výstižně provází čtenáře fascinující kariérou autora. Dozvíte se to, co nám ve škole neřeknou. Poradí, co s problémy, na které nás opravdu nikde předem nepřipraví. Autor tvrdí, že ve školách se o problémech můžete bavit, ale vlastně nikdo neřekne jak na ně. Protože tyto problémy nemají univerzální řešení, jak je vyřešit. V knize najdete rady, jak si nastavit firemní kulturu. Co dělat, když se z chytrých lidí stanou špatní zaměstnanci. Jak zvládnout psychický tlak, pokud na vás spoléhá celá společnost. Znáte nejdůležitější pravidla podnikání? Žádná neexistují! Náš tip Pokud se tedy třeba chystáte založit svůj podnik a už jste slyšeli knihu Restart, tato audiokniha by mohla být dalším krokem k úspěchu a novým kouskem ve vaší virtuální poličce. O knize řekli: „Benova zkušenost a odbornost z něj dělají pro ty, co se zajímají o zakládání, růst nebo řízení velkých firem jednoho z nejdůležitějších lídrů. Tato kniha je neskutečně cenný zdroj informací, zároveň je napsaná velmi vtipně a bystře.“ — Mark Zuckerberg, zakladatel Facebooku „Benova kniha se skvěle čte. Je v ní spousta nepříjemných pravd z podnikání a rad jak vést firmu. Je to také inspirativní příběh obchodního znovuzrození díky čiré vůli autora.“ — Larry Page, spoluzakladatel Googlu
Objev podobné jako S potížemi je jedna potíž - Ben Horowitz - audiokniha
We Solve Murders: Limited Exclusive Edition - Richard Osman
Steve Wheeler is enjoying retired life. He does the odd bit of investigation work, but he prefers his familiar habits and routines: the pub quiz, his favourite bench, his cat waiting for him when he comes home. His days of adventure are over: adrenaline is daughter-in-law Amy's business now. Amy Wheeler thinks adrenaline is good for the soul.As a private security officer, she doesn't stay still long enough for habits or routines. She's currently on a remote island keeping world-famous author Rosie D'Antonio alive. Which was meant to be an easy job . . . Then a dead body, a bag of money and a killer with their sights on Amy have her sending an SOS to the only person she trusts. A breakneck race around the world begins, but can Amy and Steve stay one step ahead of a deadly enemy?
Objev podobné jako We Solve Murders: Limited Exclusive Edition - Richard Osman
The J. Alfred Prufrock Murders - Corinne Holt Sawyer
Angela Benbow and Caledonia Wingate take to the investigative trail when one of their own is found murdered on the beach.
Objev podobné jako The J. Alfred Prufrock Murders - Corinne Holt Sawyer
The Magpie Society: One for Sorrow - Amy McCullochová, Zoe Suggová
Welcome to the Magpie Society...Tragedy has struck Illumen Hall, a prestigious boarding school of tradition and achievement. The body of student Lola Radcliffe is discovered on the beach, and on her back someone has tattooed an elaborate magpie.For new student Audrey, it's just another strange and unsettling thing about her new surroundings. For her roommate Ivy, the death of her friend Lola is something she's desperate to get past - and Audrey's presence isn't helping. But the two girls are thrown together when a mysterious podcast airs, with a sinister headline: I KNOW WHO KILLED LOLA. AND ONE OF YOU IS NEXT.This edition includes the spine-chilling first chapter of THE MAGPIE SOCIETY: TWO FOR JOY. From the Back Cover Tragedy has struck Illumen Hall, a prestigious boarding school of tradition and achievement. The body of student Lola Radcliffe is discovered on the beach, and on her back someone has tattooed an elaborate magpie. For new student Audrey, it's just another strange and unsettling thing about her new surroundings. For her roommate Ivy, the death of her friend Lola is something she's desperate to get past - and Audrey's presence isn't helping.
Objev podobné jako The Magpie Society: One for Sorrow - Amy McCullochová, Zoe Suggová