Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Lady MacBethad: The electrifying story of love, ambition, revenge and murder behind a real life Scottish queen - Isabelle Schuler

Power. History. Love.Hate. Vengeance. She will be Queen.Whatever it takes... Daughter of an ousted king. Descendant of powerful druids.Destined to take her place in history. As a child, Gruoch's grandmother prophesies that she will one day be Queen of Alba and reclaim the lands of her Pictish kin. When, many years later, she is betrothed to Duncan, the heir-elect, the prophecy appears to come true.Determined to never to be as powerless as her parents, Gruoch leaves behind her home, her family and her friend MacBethad, and travels to the royal seat at Scone to seal her fate. But when a deadly turn of events forces Gruoch to flee Duncan and the capital, Gruoch finds herself at the mercy of an old enemy. Her hope of becoming Queen all but lost, Gruoch does what she must to survive, until she is given a choice: live a long, peaceful life but fall into obscurity, or seize her chance for vengeance and a path back to the throne.

Podívejte se také Real Thing: The Best of The Real Thing (2x CD) - CD (4050538539455)

cena 268.0 Kč

Já, lady MacBethad - Isabelle Schuler

Dceři vyhoštěného krále Gruoch bylo v dětství předpovězeno, že se stane královnou Alby. Její zaslíbení Duncanovi, dědici trůnu, toto proroctví zdánlivě potvrzuje. Opouští svůj domov, rodinu a blízkého přítele MacBethada, aby odcestovala na královský dvůr Scone a přijala své nové postavení.Nic však není tak, jak Gruoch očekává. Duncanův dvůr je plný intrik a nepřátelských tváří, žen, které se touží dostat na její místo, a dalších, jejichž záměry jsou zahaleny tajemstvím. S blížící se korunovací přichází smrtící zvrat, který přinutí Gruoch opustit Duncana i hlavní město. Ocitá se sama v rukou dávného nepřítele. Její naděje na to, že se stane královnou, se zdají být ztraceny a Gruoch dělá vše pro své přežití. Zapřisáhne se však, že naplní proroctví a vybojuje osud, který jí byl předurčen. Ať už to stojí cokoliv.Isabelle Schuler přináší oslnivé převyprávění ságy o síle a intrikách, zasazenou do současnosti. Já, lady MacBethad odkrývá ženskou sílu a touhu po moci hlavní postavy, jež neohroženě prochází labyrintem vlastních ambicí. V tomto románu se klasické mytologické příběhy setkávají s moderní ženskou perspektivou, připomínající Kirke či Achilleovu píseň autorky Madeline Miller. Připravte se na okouzlující cestu, která změní váš pohled na pověsti dávno minulé.Vychází v překladu Alžběty Komrskové.

Podívejte se také Young Neil, Promise Of The Real: Noise And Flowers - CD (9362488313)

cena 420.0 Kč

Já, lady MacBethad - Isabelle Schuler - e-kniha

eBook: Dceři vyhoštěného krále Gruoch bylo v dětství předpovězeno, že se stane královnou Alby. Její zaslíbení Duncanovi, dědici trůnu, toto proroctví zdánlivě potvrzuje. Opouští svůj domov, rodinu a blízkého přítele MacBethada, aby odcestovala na královský dvůr Scone a přijala své nové postavení. Nic však není tak, jak Gruoch očekává. Duncanův dvůr je plný intrik a nepřátelských tváří, žen, které se touží dostat na její místo, a dalších, jejichž záměry jsou zahaleny tajemstvím. S blížící se korunovací přichází smrtící zvrat, který přinutí Gruoch opustit Duncana i hlavní město. Ocitá se sama v rukou dávného nepřítele. Její naděje na to, že se stane královnou, se zdají být ztraceny a Gruoch dělá vše pro své přežití. Zapřisáhne se však, že naplní proroctví a vybojuje osud, který jí byl předurčen. Ať už to stojí cokoliv. Isabelle Schuler přináší oslnivé převyprávění ságy o síle a intrikách, zasazenou do současnosti. Já, lady MacBethad odkrývá ženskou sílu a touhu po moci hlavní postavy, jež neohroženě prochází labyrintem vlastních ambicí. V tomto románu se klasické mytologické příběhy setkávají s moderní ženskou perspektivou, připomínající Kirke či Achilleovu píseň autorky Madeline Miller. Připravte se na okouzlující cestu, která změní váš pohled na pověsti dávno minulé. Vychází v překladu Alžběty Komrskové.

Podívejte se také Priest-King of the Warriors and Witch-Queen of the Others (978-80-210-9341-6)

cena 399.0 Kč

Meghan and Harry: The Real Story - Lady Colin Campbell

Meghan and Harry The Real Story: Persecutors or Victims provides the reader with genuine insight into the consequences of the couple's choices through her recognition of what it has taken them to get there, including infuriating the late Queen and jettisoning close family as well as friends and colleagues.

Objev podobné jako Meghan and Harry: The Real Story - Lady Colin Campbell

cena 886.0 Kč

The House of Gucci : A Sensational Story of Murder, Madness, Glamour, and Greed - Sara Gay Fordenová

Did Patrizia Reggiani murder her ex-husband, Maurizio Gucci, in 1995 because his spending was wildly out of control? Did she do it because her glamorous ex was preparing to marry his mistress, Paola Franchi? Or is there a possibility she didn't do it at all? In this gripping account of the ascent, eventual collapse, and resurrection of the Gucci dynasty, Sara Gay Forden takes us behind the scenes of the trial and exposes the passions, the power, and the vulnerabilities of the greatest fashion family of our times.

Objev podobné jako The House of Gucci : A Sensational Story of Murder, Madness, Glamour, and Greed - Sara Gay Fordenová

cena 299.0 Kč

Shadowplay: Behind the Lines and Under Fire : The Inside Story of Europe´s Last War - Tim Marshall

The last of the devastating series of conflicts resulting from the breakup of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s, the Kosovo War saw more than 13,500 fatalities, with reports of atrocities, amid controversial intervention and bombing by NATO. Twenty years have passed since the war’s end on 11 June 1999, yet Kosovo’s status remains uncertain and questions remain about the possibility of future conflict on European soil. Tim Marshall, then diplomatic editor at Sky News, was on the ground covering the war. This is his captivating account of how events unfolded, exploring the inside story of the way MI6 and the CIA helped the Serbian people to overthrow Slobodan Milosevic, the president of Yugoslavia. It is also a thrilling journalistic memoir, revealing key strategic insights that went on to shape the ideas behind the million-copy international and no.1 Sunday Times bestseller Prisoners of Geography. Drawing on personal experience, eyewitness accounts, and interviews with intelligence officials from five countries, this is the definitive account of one of the major events in recent geopolitical history, the repercussions of which continue to be felt today.

Objev podobné jako Shadowplay: Behind the Lines and Under Fire : The Inside Story of Europe´s Last War - Tim Marshall

cena 321.0 Kč

The Life and Times of The Queen Elizabeth II - Alex Raynham

Elizabeth II became queen when she was only twenty-five. During her seventy years as monarch, she travelled to many countries, met the world’s most famous people and saw great changes and events. But what was it really like to be a queen, and why was she so popular? Dossier:The House of WindsorHorses and dogsThe CommonwealthRoyal housesRoyal ceremonies

Objev podobné jako The Life and Times of The Queen Elizabeth II - Alex Raynham

cena 219.0 Kč

The Great Alone: A Story of Love, Heartbreak and Survival From the Worldwide Bestselling Author of The Four Winds - Kristin Hannahová

Thirteen-year-old Leni is coming of age in a tumultuous time. Caught in the riptide of her parents’ passionate, stormy relationship, she dares to hope that Alaska will lead to a better future for her family, and a place to belong. Her mother, Cora, will do anything and go anywhere for the man she loves, even if it means following him into the unknown.As Leni grows up in the shadow of her parents’ increasingly volatile marriage, she meets Matthew. And Matthew – thoughtful, kind, and brave – makes her believe in the possibility of a better life. With her trademark combination of elegant prose and deeply drawn characters, Kristin Hannah celebrates the remarkable and enduring strength of women.

Objev podobné jako The Great Alone: A Story of Love, Heartbreak and Survival From the Worldwide Bestselling Author of The Four Winds - Kristin Hannahová

cena 295.0 Kč

The Song of the Cell: The Story of Life - Siddhartha Mukherjee

From the dawn of life itself, every being that has ever lived owes its existence to the cell.The discovery of this vital form led to a transformation in medicine but also in our understanding of ourselves - not as bodies or machines but as ecosystems. It has also given us the power to treat a vast array of mortal maladies...and even to create new kinds of human altogether.Rich with stories of scientists, doctors and the patients whose lives may be saved by their work, The Song of the Cell is a stunning ode to the building blocks of life and the cutting-edge science harnessing their power for the better.

Objev podobné jako The Song of the Cell: The Story of Life - Siddhartha Mukherjee

cena 357.0 Kč

Seventy Times Seven: A True Story of Murder and Mercy - Mar Alex

On a spring afternoon in 1985 in Gary, Indiana, a fifteen-year-old black girl kills a white elderly bible teacher in a violent home invasion. In a city with a history of racial tension the press swoops in.When Paula is sentenced to death, no one decries the impending execution of a tenth grader. But the tide begins to shift when the victim’s grandson Bill forgives the girl, against the wishes of his family, and campaigns to spare her life. This tragedy in a midwestern steel town soon reverberates across the United States and around the world — reaching as far away as the Vatican — as newspapers cover the story on their front pages and millions sign petitions in support of Paula.As Paula waits on death row, her fate sparks a debate that not only animates legal circles but raises vital questions about the value of human life. This story asks us to consider the nature of justice, and what radical acts of empathy we might be capable of.

Objev podobné jako Seventy Times Seven: A True Story of Murder and Mercy - Mar Alex

cena 312.0 Kč

Penhaligon´s The Revenge Of Lady Blanche - EDP 75 ml

The Revenge Of Lady Blanche je květinová parfémová voda pro ženy. Nebezpečně okouzlující vůně stvořená pro všechny ženy, které svou krásu používají jako zbraň. Svěží, květinová, pikantní a jemně dřevitá vůně, v jejíž kompozici objevíte kouzlo narcisu, hyacintu, kosatce a santalového dřeva. Vůně oslavuje svou nositelku, výjimečnou ženu, která zůstává tajemná a nevyzpytatelná. Vůně odráží sílu a sebedůvěru této ženy, ale zároveň odhaluje její křehkost, která je obvykle skryta. Penhaligon's London je britský parfumérský dům založený v roce 1870 Williamem Penhaligonem. Dům Penhaligon's, který vznikl původně jako holičství, nabídl svou první vůni v roce 1872, Hammam Bouquet. Vůně byly pravidelně vydávány z původního obchodu na Jermyn Street, dokud nebyl zničen v roce 1941. Obchod zmizel, ale vůně společnosti vydržely a v roce 1956 byla Penhaligon's udělena cena Royal Warrant od vévody z Edinburghu. Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 2016 a její tvůrkyní je Daphné Bugey.

Objev podobné jako Penhaligon´s The Revenge Of Lady Blanche - EDP 75 ml

cena 4899.0 Kč

The Story of a Life - Aharon Appelfeld

An astonishing memoir of the Holocaust through the eyes of a child, and an exquisite meditation on memory and trauma Aharon Appelfeld was the beloved only child of middle-class Jewish parents living in what is now Ukraine at the outbreak of World War Two. Their peaceful life is upended when soldiers invade their town. His mother is shot dead in her own garden. The then-seven-year-old Aharon does not witness her murder, but he does hear her scream.Aharon and his father are sent to a concentration camp and separated. Memory and trauma combine to create a patchwork of reminiscences. Aharon is ten years old when he escapes from the camp into the forests of Ukraine, and is overwhelmed by the sight of an apple tree laden with fruit.Living off the land for two years before making the long journey south to Italy and eventually Israel and freedom, Appelfeld finally found a home in which he could make a life for himself, eventually becoming one of Israel’s most acclaimed writers. This is the extraordinary and painful memoir of his childhood and youth and a compelling account of a boy coming of age in a hostile world.

Objev podobné jako The Story of a Life - Aharon Appelfeld

cena 295.0 Kč

The Story of My Life - Helen Keller

When she was 19 months old, Helen Keller (1880-1968) suffered a severe illness that left her blind and deaf. Not long after, she also became mute. Her tenacious struggle to overcome these handicaps -- with the help of her inspired teacher, Anne Sullivan -- is one of the great stories of human courage and dedication. In this classic autobiography, first published in 1903, Miss Keller recounts the first 22 years of her life, including the magical moment at the water pump when, recognizing the connection between the word "water" and the cold liquid flowing over her hand, she realized that objects had names. Subsequent experiences were equally noteworthy: her joy at eventually learning to speak, her friendships with Oliver Wendell Holmes, Edward Everett Hale and other notables, her education at Radcliffe (from which she graduated cum laude), and-underlying all-her extraordinary relationship with Miss Sullivan, who showed a remarkable genius for communicating with her eager and quick-to-learn pupil. These and many other aspects of Helen Keller's life are presented here in clear, straightforward prose full of wonderful descriptions and imagery that would do credit to a sighted writer. Completely devoid of self-pity, yet full of love and compassion for others, this deeply moving memoir offers an unforgettable portrait of one of the outstanding women of the twentieth century.

Objev podobné jako The Story of My Life - Helen Keller

cena 99.0 Kč

Persepolis I and II: The Story of a Childhood and The Story of a Return (009952399X)

Kniha - autor Marjane Satrapi, 344 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Wise, often funny, sometimes heartbreaking, "Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood" tells the story of Marjane Satrapi's life in Tehran from the ages of six to fourteen, years that saw the overthrow of the Shah's regime, the triumph of the Islamic Revolution and the devastating effects of war with Iraq. The intelligent and outspoken child of radical Marxists, and the great-grandaughter of Iran's last emperor, Satrapi bears witness to a childhood uniquely entwined with the history of her country. Persepolis paints an unforgettable portrait of daily life in Iran and of the bewildering contradictions between home life and public life. Amidst the tragedy, Marjane's child's eye view adds immediacy and humour, and her story of a childhood at once outrageous and ordinary, beset by the unthinkable and yet buffered by an extraordinary and loving family, is immensely moving. It is also very...

Objev podobné jako Persepolis I and II: The Story of a Childhood and The Story of a Return (009952399X)

cena 299.0 Kč

Mary Queen of Scots : And the Murder of Lord Darnley - Alison Weirová

'Weir is excellent on the little details that bring a world to life' Guardian Anne Boleyn: A King's Obsession by bestselling historian Alison Weir, author of Katherine of Aragon: The True Queen, is the second captivating novel in the Six Tudor Queens series. An unforgettable portrait of the ambitious woman whose fate we know all too well, but whose true motivations may surprise you. Essential reading for fans of Philippa Gregory and Elizabeth Chadwick. 'Offers a spellbinding solution to the mystery of Anne's true nature . . . Enthralling' Sarah Gristwood The young woman who changed the course of history. Fresh from the palaces of Burgundy and France, Anne draws attention at the English court, embracing the play of courtly love. But when the King commands, nothing is ever a game. Anne has a spirit worthy of a crown - and the crown is what she seeks. At any price. ANNE BOLEYN. The second of Henry's Queens. Her story. History tells us why she died. This powerful novel shows her as she lived. SIX TUDOR QUEENS. SIX NOVELS. SIX YEARS.

Objev podobné jako Mary Queen of Scots : And the Murder of Lord Darnley - Alison Weirová

cena 357.0 Kč

The Big Five for Life: 'A Story of one Man and Leadership''s Greatest Secret' (0749929588)

Kniha - autor John P. Strelecky, 226 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Thomas Derale, a mild-mannered businessman from Chicago, embodies leadership's greatest secret: his companies make fortunes, and his people and customers love him. At age 55, though, Derale is dying, and through a series of final encounters with key people in his life, we learn about the true impact the man and his work have had on the people around him. A business parable with a difference, THE BIG FIVE FOR LIFE is a story of great leadership and a powerful reminder that successful leaders are not just in the business of business - they are in the business of life.

Objev podobné jako The Big Five for Life: 'A Story of one Man and Leadership''s Greatest Secret' (0749929588)

cena 279.0 Kč

A Delayed Life: The true story of the Librarian of Auschwitz - Dita Krausová

The powerful, heart-breaking memoir of Dita Kraus, the real-life Librarian of AuschwitzBorn in Prague to a Jewish family in 1929, Dita Kraus has lived through the most turbulent decades of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Here, Dita writes with startling clarity on the horrors and joys of a life delayed by the Holocaust. From her earliest memories and childhood friendships in Prague before the war, to the Nazi-occupation that saw her and her family sent to the Jewish ghetto at Terezin, to the unimaginable fear and bravery of her imprisonment in Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen, and life after liberation.Dita writes unflinchingly about the harsh conditions of the camps and her role as librarian of the precious books that her fellow prisoners managed to smuggle past the guards. But she also looks beyond the Holocaust - to the life she rebuilt after the war: her marriage to fellow survivor Otto B Kraus, a new life in Israel and the happiness and heartbreaks of motherhood.Part of Dita's story was told in fictional form in the Sunday Times bestseller The Librarian of Auschwitz by Antonio Iturbe. Her memoir tells the full story in her own words.

Objev podobné jako A Delayed Life: The true story of the Librarian of Auschwitz - Dita Krausová

cena 357.0 Kč

Real-life Dragons and their Stories of Survival - Anita Ganeriová

Find out the fascinating stories of ten real-life dragons, the myths and legends surrounding them, their discoveries and how they survive today.For centuries, dragons have captured our imaginations, guarding troves of treasure and breathing out fire. They appear in many myths and legends from around the world, some soaring through the air on scaly wings; some lurking in caves underground and some diving the depths of the seas and oceans.While there is, sadly, no such thing as a fire-breathing dragon, there are still dragons alive today in the animal kingdom. One of them can even fly. This book brings together the stories of ten real-life dragons, with fascinating facts mixed with some folklore. There are also tales of how these extraordinary creatures were discovered and about their adaptations for surviving in the wild.Are you ready for the wildlife safari of a lifetime?This high-interest approach to the natural world shows the diversity of nature, evolution and adaptation and can be used to support the science curriculum study of living things at key stage two.Full-colour photographs combined with illustrations make this a beautiful and fascinating introduction to real-life dragons around the world.

Objev podobné jako Real-life Dragons and their Stories of Survival - Anita Ganeriová

cena 399.0 Kč

Midwinter Murder: Fireside Tales from the Queen of Mystery - Agatha Christie

An all-new collection of winter-themed mysteries from the master of the genre, just in time for the festive period. There's a chill in the air and the days are growing shorter… It's the perfect time to curl up in front of a crackling fireplace with this winter-themed collection from legendary mystery writer Agatha Christie. But beware of deadly snowdrifts and dangerous gifts, poisoned meals and mysterious guests.This compendium of short stories, some featuring beloved detectives Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, is an essential omnibus for Christie fans and the perfect gift for mystery lovers. INCLUDES THE STORIES: The Chocolate Box A Christmas Tragedy The Coming of Mr Quin The Mystery of the Baghdad Chest The Clergyman's Daughter The Plymouth Express Problem at Pollensa Bay Sanctuary The Mystery of Hunter's Lodge The World's End The Manhood of Edward Robinson Christmas Adventure

Objev podobné jako Midwinter Murder: Fireside Tales from the Queen of Mystery - Agatha Christie

cena 443.0 Kč

Des Rocs - A Real Good Person in a Real Bad Place (LP)

Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black Subžánr: Rock Žánr: Rock Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Černá Země původu: Německo Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Složení setu: 1 ks Země interpreta: USA Interpret / Téma: Des Rocs Varianta: A Real Good Person in a Real Bad Place (LP) Rok vydání: 2022.0 Vydavatelství: 300 Entertainment Typ: LP deska Datum vydání: 2022-02-25

Objev podobné jako Des Rocs - A Real Good Person in a Real Bad Place (LP)

cena 698.0 Kč

The Story of Tutankhamun: An Intimate Life of the Boy who Became King - Garry J. Shaw

A lively new biography of Tutankhamun―published for the hundredth anniversary of his tomb’s modern discovery The discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922 sparked imaginations across the globe. While Howard Carter emptied its treasures, Tut-mania gripped the world―and in many ways, never left. But who was the “boy king,” and what was his life really like? Garry J. Shaw tells the full story of Tutankhamun’s reign and his modern rediscovery. As pharaoh, Tutankhamun had to manage an empire, navigate influential courtiers, and suffer the pain of losing at least two children―all before his nineteenth birthday. Shaw explores the boy king’s treasures and possessions, from a lock of his grandmother’s hair to a reed cut with his own hands. He looks too at Ankhesenamun, Tutankhamun’s wife, and the power queens held. This is a compelling new biography that weaves together intriguing details about ancient Egyptian culture, its beliefs, and its place in the wider world.

Objev podobné jako The Story of Tutankhamun: An Intimate Life of the Boy who Became King - Garry J. Shaw

cena 581.0 Kč

Green: The Story of Plant Life on Our Planet - Nicola Davies

A magnificent look at the science of plants from the internationally bestselling and multi award-winning team behind Tiny, Lots and Grow.This tree doesn’t look like it’s doing very much: it just stands there in the sunlight, big and GREEN. But this tree is busy... Starting with the secret workings of a tree, this book transports readers billions of years into the past; back to the moment when plant life first appeared on our planet. Covering its evolution, the steady emergence of fossil fuels and the extraordinary communities of plants around the world today, Nicola Davies and Emily Sutton combine essential biology with a powerful message – a call to protect the most precious colour on Earth ... GREEN.“Reveals the miraculous-ness of science with sheer sharp edge precision and decorative charm.”The Sunday Times on Tiny.“Clear, direct, involving text, coupled with vivid, delicate illustrations make for a truly special work of non-fiction.” Guardian on Lots“This beautiful volume uses simple, crystal-clear text and exquisite illustrations… A remarkable and very special work of non-fiction.” Independent on Grow.

Objev podobné jako Green: The Story of Plant Life on Our Planet - Nicola Davies

cena 384.0 Kč

Francis Bacon - The Story of his Life. Graphic Novel - Cristina Portolano

Told for the first time in graphic novel form, the story of Francis Bacon's life is as complex, colorful, and highly charged as his paintings. Drawn in shades of mauve, red, yellow, and blue that distinguished his palette, these illustrations weave together a troubling but compassionate narrative, one that draws on the tragic events of Bacon's childhood and youth, as well as reflecting the profoundly passionate yearnings of the artist he became.Separated into thematic and chronological sections the novel highlights the prevailing influences of Bacon's life and times: his early autodidacticism and estrangement from his family; his struggles to make his way as a surrealist painter and his destruction of his early work. It traces his gradual success in postwar Europe, his powerful and often violent romantic relationships, his foray into portraiture, and his never-ending search for subject matter and meaning in his work. Alternating between full-page illustrations and smaller, captioned works, Portolano imagines not only the known details of Bacon's biography, but also his inner life-the dreams, fears, and obsessions that were equally formidable underpinnings of his oeuvre. Woven to gether with historical facts and figures, this graphic novel reconstructs a life as only a cartoonist could-image led, thoughtfully composed, and deeply evocative of its subject matter.

Objev podobné jako Francis Bacon - The Story of his Life. Graphic Novel - Cristina Portolano

cena 536.0 Kč

Persepolis:The Story of a Childhood and The Story of a Return - Marjane Satrapiová, Satrapi Marjane

The intelligent and outspoken child of radical Marxists, and the great-grandaughter of Iran's last emperor, Satrapi bears witness to a childhood uniquely entwined with the history of her country. In this book, she paints an unforgettable portrait of daily life in Iran and of the bewildering contradictions between home life and public life.

Objev podobné jako Persepolis:The Story of a Childhood and The Story of a Return - Marjane Satrapiová, Satrapi Marjane

cena 268.0 Kč

The Story of the Duchess of Cicogne and of Monsieur de Boulingrin - Anatole France - e-kniha

eBook: In ‘The Story of the Duchess of Cicogne and of Monsieur de Boulingrin’ (1920), Anatole France presents a fantastic reimagining of the classic fairy-tale ‘Sleeping Beauty’. However, rather than concerning himself with Sleeping Beauty herself, France focuses on the turmoil of her parents as they wait for their daughter to wake. France’s short story, ‘The Story of the Duchess of Cicogne and of Monsieur de Boulingrin’, offers a nuanced take on the classic tale and presents a sophisticated account that will enthral all. A must-read for anyone familiar with ‘Sleeping Beauty’ or a fan of any of Anatole France’s works, this imaginative reinterpretation is a fresh take on an already incredible story.

Objev podobné jako The Story of the Duchess of Cicogne and of Monsieur de Boulingrin - Anatole France - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Miss Dior: The Story of Courage and Couture (0571356524)

Kniha - autor Justine Picardie, 352 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Miss Dior is a story of freedom and fascism, beauty and betrayal, roses and repression, and how the polished surface of fashion conceals hidden depths. It paints a portrait of the enigmatic woman behind the designer Christian Dior: his beloved younger sister Catherine, who inspired his most famous perfume and shaped his vision of femininity. Justine Picardie's journey takes her to Occupied Paris, where Christian honed his couture skills while Catherine dedicated herself to the French Resistance, until she was captured by the Gestapo and deported to the German concentration camp of Ravensbrück. With unparalleled access to the Dior family homes and archives, Picardie's research into Catherine's courageous life shines a new light on Christian Dior's legendary work, and reveals how his enchanting 'New Look' emerged out of the shadows of his sister's suffering. Tracing the wartime paths...

Objev podobné jako Miss Dior: The Story of Courage and Couture (0571356524)

cena 579.0 Kč

Unbound: My Story of Liberation and the Birth of the Me Too Movement - Burke Tarana

From the founder and activist behind one of the largest movements of the twenty-first century, the me too movement, Tarana Burke debuts a powerful memoir about her own journey to saying those two simple yet infinitely powerful words and how she brought empathy back to an entire generation'Searing. Powerful. Needed.' Oprah'I will never stop thinking about this book.' Glennon DoyleTarana didn't always have the courage to say me too. As a child, she reeled from her sexual assault, believing she was responsible. Unable to confess what she thought of as her own sins for fear of shattering her family, her soul split in two. One side was the bright, intellectually curious third generation Bronxite steeped in Black literature and power, and the other was the bad, shame ridden girl who thought of herself as a vile rule breaker, not of a victim. She tucked one away, hidden behind a wall of pain and anger, which seemed to work... until it didn't. Tarana fought to reunite her fractured soul, through organizing, pursuing justice, and finding community. In her debut memoir she shares her extensive work supporting and empowering Black and brown girls, and the devastating realisation that to truly help these girls she needed to help that scared, ashamed child still in her soul. Tarana has found that we can only offer empathy to others if we first offer it to ourselves. Unbound is the story of an inimitable woman's inner strength and perseverance, all in pursuit of bringing healing to her community and the world around her, but it is also a story of possibility, of empathy, of power, and of the leader we all have inside ourselves. In sharing her path toward healing and saying me too, Tarana reaches out a hand to help us all on our own journeys.

Objev podobné jako Unbound: My Story of Liberation and the Birth of the Me Too Movement - Burke Tarana

cena 294.0 Kč

Puzzle 3D The Queen Anne's Revenge

Puzzle 3D The Queen Anne's Revenge.

Objev podobné jako Puzzle 3D The Queen Anne's Revenge

cena 609.0 Kč

Warrior: The epic story of Caratacus, warrior Briton and enemy of the Roman Empire… - Simon Scarrow

*Now available as a full-length novel! Originally published in five ebook parts*AD 18, Britannia.The Roman Empire rules much of the known world. Beyond the northern frontier lies Britannia, where ceaseless feuding amongst the Celts leaves the island vulnerable to Rome''s ambitions.Caratacus, son of a powerful king, has no premonition of destiny when he is dispatched to train with the Druids. A brutal regime transforms the young prince into a warrior with unparalleled military skills - and the strategic cunning essential to outwit a stronger enemy.Nothing can prepare a man for the vicious reality of war. When Caratacus''s father takes a stand against aggressive neighbouring tribes, the combat exercises are over; this is a fight to the death. Only the most ruthless of tactics offer any hope of victory. But Caratacus, and the loyal comrades willing to ride with him into hostile terrain, are ready to do whatever it takes - and endure any hardship - to defeat those set on destroying their kingdom . . .As mayhem and carnage spread across the land, everywhere can be felt the malign influence of Rome. Even if the battle is won, conflict with the Empire lies ahead.Warrior: first in the brand new Warlord of Britannia series from the Sunday Times bestselling authors of Invader and Pirata - the story of Britannia''s barbarian warlord Caratacus.Originally published in 5 ebook novellas

Objev podobné jako Warrior: The epic story of Caratacus, warrior Briton and enemy of the Roman Empire… - Simon Scarrow

cena 295.0 Kč

The Story of King Arthur and His Knights - Howard Pyle

When the young age Arthur pulls from the stone an embedded sword that none of the knights of the kingdom can budge, his future as the King of England is foretold. This imaginative retelling of the classic Arthurian legends recounts the story of Arthur's formation of the Knights of the Round Table, his securing of the enchanted sword Excalibur, and his wooing of the Lady Guinevere. Included as well are the legends of Sir Pelleas, the story of Sir Gawaine's pursuit of the White Hart, and tales of Merlin the magician, Morgana Le Fay, the Lady of the Lake, and many others. About the Author Howard Pyle (1853 - 1911) was an American illustrator and author, primarily of books for young people. A native of Wilmington, Delaware, he spent the last year of his life in Florence, Italy.

Objev podobné jako The Story of King Arthur and His Knights - Howard Pyle

cena 670.0 Kč

The Island at the Centre of the World: The Epic Story of Dutch Manhattan and the Forgotten Colony Th (0349140200)

Kniha - autor Russell Shorto, 416 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Russell Shorto, 416 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A new edition of Shorto's history of Dutch Manhattan, New York (formerly New Amsterdam). Reissued to tie in with the paperback edition of "Amsterdam".

Objev podobné jako The Island at the Centre of the World: The Epic Story of Dutch Manhattan and the Forgotten Colony Th (0349140200)

cena 318.0 Kč

The Spy and the Traitor : The Greatest Espionage Story of the Cold War - Ben Macintyre

A thrilling Cold War story about a KGB double agent, by one of Britain's greatest historians - now with a new afterword On a warm July evening in 1985, a middle-aged man stood on the pavement of a busy avenue in the heart of Moscow, holding a plastic carrier bag. In his grey suit and tie, he looked like any other Soviet citizen. The bag alone was mildly conspicuous, printed with the red logo of Safeway, the British supermarket. The man was a spy. A senior KGB officer, for more than a decade he had supplied his British spymasters with a stream of priceless secrets from deep within the Soviet intelligence machine. No spy had done more to damage the KGB. The Safeway bag was a signal: to activate his escape plan to be smuggled out of Soviet Russia. So began one of the boldest and most extraordinary episodes in the history of spying. Ben Macintyre reveals a tale of espionage, betrayal and raw courage that changed the course of the Cold War forever...

Objev podobné jako The Spy and the Traitor : The Greatest Espionage Story of the Cold War - Ben Macintyre

cena 241.0 Kč

The Story of China: A portrait of a civilisation and its people (1471175987)

Kniha - autor Michael Wood, 624 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná China's story is extraordinarily rich and dramatic. Now Michael Wood, one of the UK's pre-eminent historians, brings it all together in a major new one-volume history of China that is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand its burgeoning role in our world today. China is the oldest living civilisation on earth, but its history is still surprisingly little known in the wider world. Michael Wood's sparkling narrative, which mingles the grand sweep with local and personal stories, woven together with the author's own travel journals, is an enthralling account of China's 4000-year-old tradition, taking in life stationed on the Great Wall or inside the Forbidden City. The story is enriched with the latest archaeological and documentary discoveries; correspondence and court cases going back to the Qin and Han dynasties; family letters from soldiers in the real-life Terracotta...

Objev podobné jako The Story of China: A portrait of a civilisation and its people (1471175987)

cena 329.0 Kč

The House by the Lake: The Story of a Home and a Hundred Years of History - Thomas Harding

A beautiful picture-book adaptation of Thomas Harding's Costa-shortlisted biography for adults, exquisitely illustrated by Britta Teckentrup.On the outskirts of Berlin, a wooden cottage stands on the shore of a lake. Over the course of a century, this little house played host to a loving Jewish family, a renowned Nazi composer, wartime refugees and a Stasi informant; in that time, a world war came and went, and the Berlin Wall was built a stone's throw from the cottage's back door.Thomas Harding first shared this remarkable story in his Costa-shortlisted biography The House by the Lake - now he has rendered it into a deeply moving picture-book for young readers. With words that read like a haunting fairy-tale, and magnificent artwork by Britta Teckentrup, this is the astonishing true story of the house by the lake.

Objev podobné jako The House by the Lake: The Story of a Home and a Hundred Years of History - Thomas Harding

cena 357.0 Kč

Knížka The School of Life Press How to Find Love, The School of Life

Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Kniha poskytuje klíčový soubor tipů, které vám pomohou učinit bezpečnější, kreativnější a úspěšnější milostná rozhodnutí.

Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press How to Find Love, The School of Life

cena 339.0 Kč

Fotoalbum Printworks A Story of Love

Fotoalbum z kolekce Printworks.

Objev podobné jako Fotoalbum Printworks A Story of Love

cena 1199.0 Kč

Helgoland : The Strange and Beautiful Story of Quantum Physics - Carlo Rovelli

The instant Sunday Times bestseller -- a beautiful story of rebellion and science''A triumph. . . We are left in a world that is not disenchanted by science, but even more magical'' Financial TimesIn June 1925, twenty-three-year-old Werner Heisenberg, suffering from hay fever, had retreated to the treeless, wind-battered island of Helgoland in the North Sea in order to think. Walking all night, by dawn he had wrestled with an idea that would transform the whole of science and our very conception of the world.In Helgoland Carlo Rovelli tells the story of the birth of quantum physics and its bright young founders who were to become some of the most famous Nobel winners in science. It is a celebration of youthful rebellion and intellectual revolution. An invitation to a magical place.Here Rovelli illuminates competing interpretations of this science and offers his own original view, describing the world we touch as a fabric woven by relations. Where we, as every other thing around us, exist in our interactions with one another, in a never-ending game of mirrors.A dazzling work from a celebrated scientist and master storyteller, Helgoland transports us to dizzying heights, reminding us of the many pleasures of the life of the mind.Translated by Erica Segre and Simon CarnellChosen as a Book of the Year by The Times, Financial Times, Sunday Times, Guardian and ProspectShortlisted for the Nayef Al-Rodhan Prize

Objev podobné jako Helgoland : The Strange and Beautiful Story of Quantum Physics - Carlo Rovelli

cena 312.0 Kč

Priest - King of the Warriors and Witch - Queen of the Others - Michal Cigán

Kniha přináší interpretaci dvojice indoevropských mytologických témat s důrazem na jejich komplexní historický a sociálně-kognitivní kontext. Zvolený přístup umožňuje jak přehodnotit tradiční interpretaci všeobecně známého mytologického cyklu, tak i zároveň uvést mytologické téma dosud neuchopené. V první časti knihy je diskutována látka indoevropského stvořitelského mýtu. Závěrem je tvrzení, že protoindoevropský kulturní prostor pravděpodobně vznikl jako důsledek předhistorického kargo kultu. Předprotoindoevropští lovci-sběrači reagovali na příchod afroasijských farmářů způsobem připomínajícím chování moderních domorodých populací, náhle konfrontovaných s přítomností západního industriálního světa. Z toho důvodu jsou stěžejní témata a motivy indoevropského stvořitelského mýtu interpretovány jako možné relikty ideologie předprotoindoevropského kargo kultu. Druhá část knihy je věnována vymezení nové indoevropské mytologické struktury, takzvaného mýtu o honu na čarodějnice. Prostřednictvím analýzy rozličných lokálních podob příběhu o konfliktu elity s démonickým vojskem vedeným čarodějnicí je identifikován základní vzorec tohoto narativu. Jeho sémantika je následně interpretována jako produkt sociálních a rodových nastavení archaických indoevropských společností.

Objev podobné jako Priest - King of the Warriors and Witch - Queen of the Others - Michal Cigán

cena 285.0 Kč

The Diet Myth: The Real Science Behind What We Eat (1474619304)

Kniha - autor Tim Spector, 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From the author of Identically Different comes a new look at nutritional health, showing us that breakthrough research on microbiomes - the microbes in our stomachs - could hold the key to healthy, balanced diets. What should we eat? It's a simple and fundamental question that still bewilders us despite a seemingly infinite amount of available information on which foods are best for our bodies. Scientists, dieticians, and even governments regularly publish research on the dangers of too much fat and sugar as well as on the benefits of exercise, and yet the global obesity crisis is only worsening. Most diet plans prove to be only short-term solutions, and few strategies work for everyone. Why can one person eat a certain meal and gain weight while another eating the same meal drops pounds? Part of the truth lies in genetics, but more and more scientists are finding that the answer isn't...

Objev podobné jako The Diet Myth: The Real Science Behind What We Eat (1474619304)

cena 265.0 Kč

Wicked : The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West

The stunning novel that casts a spell over every reader and inspired a phenomenally successful musical

Objev podobné jako Wicked : The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West

cena 325.0 Kč

Abba: All The Songs: The Story Behind Every Track - Benoit Clerc

THE DEFINITIVE RECORDING HISTORY OF SWEDISH SUPERSTARS, ABBA, TOLD ALBUM-BY-ALBUM AND SONG-BY-SONG. Filled with fascinating photography (some rarely seen) and sensational behind-the-scenes details. Discover the untold stories behind ABBA's greatest hits, including the iconic 'Waterloo', 'Mamma Mia' and 'Dancing Queen' in this loving and thorough dissection of every album and song released by the pop megastars.From their first single in 1972, all the way up to their Grammy-nominated studio album, Voyage, and their revolutionary virtual tour, this definitive tome uncovers the full story behind every track that ABBA released. In over 500 pages, no stone is left unturned. Drawing upon decades of research, expert author Benoît Clerc recounts the circumstances that led to the composition of every song - detailing the inspiration behind the lyrics, the recording process and the instruments that shaped ABBA's distinctive sound.Featuring hundreds of photographs, including rare publicity stills, images of the instruments used by the band, and shots of the musicians on-stage and in-studio, Abba: All the Songs is the perfect gift for any fan of pop.

Objev podobné jako Abba: All The Songs: The Story Behind Every Track - Benoit Clerc

cena 1477.0 Kč

The Love of My Life - Rosie Walsh

I have held you every night for ten years and I didn't even know your name. We have a child together. A dog, a house.Who are you?Emma loves her husband Leo and their young daughter Ruby: she'd do anything for them. But almost everything she's told them about herself is a lie. And she might just have got away with it, if it weren't for her husband's job.Leo is an obituary writer and Emma is a well-known marine biologist, so, when she suffers a serious illness, Leo copes by doing what he knows best - reading and writing about her life. But as he starts to unravel her past, he discovers the woman he loves doesn't really exist. Even her name is fictitious.When the very darkest moments of Emma's past life finally emerge, she must somehow prove to Leo that she really is the woman he always thought she was . . .But first, she must tell him about the love of her other life.

Objev podobné jako The Love of My Life - Rosie Walsh

cena 269.0 Kč

Ada Lovelace: The Fantastically Feminist (and Totally True) Story of the Mathematician Extraordinaire - Anna Doherty

An inspiring, empowering, fantastically feminist and totally true story, perfect for fans of Little People, Big Dreams and Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls!Meet the remarkable Ada Lovelace: rebellious rule-breaker and maths whizz-kid. Growing up in the shadow of her eccentric superstar father, the poet Lord Byron, and under the eye of her strict mother, Ada spends her time inventing and designing flying machines and studying her favourite subject - maths. In Ada's time, girls aren't encouraged to pursue maths, physics or engineering as they're considered not clever enough but Ada doesn't let this stop her. Once she grows up, Ada meets the famous inventor and engineer Charles Babbage, who introduces her to a truly extraordinary machine ... one that will test Ada's powers of logic and imagination, and establish her as the world'd very first computer programmer!This is the absolutely astonishing, fantastically feminist and, best of all, totally true story of one amazingly determined young lady!

Objev podobné jako Ada Lovelace: The Fantastically Feminist (and Totally True) Story of the Mathematician Extraordinaire - Anna Doherty

cena 239.0 Kč

Queen Zixi of Ix or The Story or the Magic Cloak - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha

eBook: First published in 1905, author L. Frank Baum considered ‘Queen Zixi of Ix or The Story of the Magic Cloak’ to be one of his greatest works. Closer in style to a traditional fairy tale than many of his other children’s stories, the plot centres around a magic wishing cloak created by Queen Lulea and her fairy subjects. The cloak will grant a single wish to each wearer of the cloak – unless they have come into possession of it by dishonest means. A captivating story, full of magic, morals, mystery, and wonder. A must-read for all Oz fans.

Objev podobné jako Queen Zixi of Ix or The Story or the Magic Cloak - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West (0061350966)

Kniha - autor Gregory Maguire, 560 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Gregory Maguire, 560 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná This "New York Times" bestseller--the basis of the Tony Award)-winning musical "Wicked"--introduces Elphaba, a smart, prickly, and misunderstood creature who will grow up to become the infamous Wicked Witch of the West in Oz. Now, her side of the story is told.

Objev podobné jako Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West (0061350966)

cena 198.0 Kč

Svatební fotoalbum A STORY OF LOVE Printworks bílé

Hlavní výhody: krásné fotoalbum na svatební fotografie na každou stránku se vejdou dvě fotografie 10 x 15 cm s dostatečným prostorem pro poznámku kvalitní fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin fotografie je možno připevnit pomocí fotorůžků nebo samolepek (nejsou součástí balení) možnost přidání dalších až 10 stránek Dodatečné informace: rozměry: 27 x 5 x 33 cm rozměry fotopapíru: 21 x 28 cm materiály: potah 100% bavlna + recyklovaná šedá deska, stránky FSC cert. bílý fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin počet stran: 30

Objev podobné jako Svatební fotoalbum A STORY OF LOVE Printworks bílé

cena 902.0 Kč

Svatební fotoalbum A STORY OF LOVE Printworks bílé

Hlavní výhody: krásné fotoalbum na svatební fotografie na každou stránku se vejdou dvě fotografie 10 x 15 cm s dostatečným prostorem pro poznámku kvalitní fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin fotografie je možno připevnit pomocí fotorůžků nebo samolepek (nejsou součástí balení) možnost přidání dalších až 10 stránek Dodatečné informace: rozměry: 27 x 5 x 33 cm rozměry fotopapíru: 21 x 28 cm materiály: potah 100% bavlna + recyklovaná šedá deska, stránky FSC cert. bílý fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin počet stran: 30

Objev podobné jako Svatební fotoalbum A STORY OF LOVE Printworks bílé

cena 902.0 Kč

Svatební fotoalbum A STORY OF LOVE Printworks bílé

Hlavní výhody: krásné fotoalbum na svatební fotografie na každou stránku se vejdou dvě fotografie 10 x 15 cm s dostatečným prostorem pro poznámku kvalitní fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin fotografie je možno připevnit pomocí fotorůžků nebo samolepek (nejsou součástí balení) možnost přidání dalších až 10 stránek Dodatečné informace: rozměry: 27 x 5 x 33 cm rozměry fotopapíru: 21 x 28 cm materiály: potah 100% bavlna + recyklovaná šedá deska, stránky FSC cert. bílý fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin počet stran: 30

Objev podobné jako Svatební fotoalbum A STORY OF LOVE Printworks bílé

cena 902.0 Kč

The Diet Myth: The Real Science Behind What We Eat - Tim Spector

Fully updated throughout and with a new foreword for this edition. Why do most diets fail? Why does one person eat a certain meal and gain weight, while another eating the same meal loses pounds? Why, despite all the advice about what to eat, are we all still getting fatter?The answers are much more surprising - and fascinating - than we've been led to believe. The key to health and weight loss lies not in the latest fad diet, nor even in the simple mantra of 'eat less, exercise more', but in the microbes already inside us.Drawing on the latest science and his own pioneering research, Professor Tim Spector demystifies the common misconceptions about fat, calories, vitamins and nutrients. Only by understanding what makes our own personal microbes tick can we overcome the confusion of modern nutrition, and achieve a healthy gut and a healthy body.

Objev podobné jako The Diet Myth: The Real Science Behind What We Eat - Tim Spector

cena 294.0 Kč

The Other Side of the Coin: The Queen, the Dresser and the Wardrobe (0062982559)

Kniha - 304 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Angela Kelly, 304 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá When Angela Kelly and The Queen are together, laughter echoes through the corridors of Buckingham Palace. Angela has worked with The Queen and walked the corridors of the Royal Household for twenty-five years, initially as Her Majesty’s Senior Dresser and then latterly as Her Majesty’s Personal Advisor, Curator, Wardrobe and In-house Designer. As the first person in history to hold this title, she shares a uniquely close working relationship with The Queen. In The Other Side of the Coin, The Queen has personally given Angela her blessing to share their extraordinary bond with the world. Whether it’s preparing for a formal occasion or brightening Her Majesty’s day with a playful joke, Angela’s priority is to serve and support. Sharing never-before-seen photographs – many from Angela’s own private collection – and charming anecdotes of their...

Objev podobné jako The Other Side of the Coin: The Queen, the Dresser and the Wardrobe (0062982559)

cena 749.0 Kč

Smell of Life Smell of Life Lady Million - vůně do auta 10 ml

Vůně do auta inspirovaná vůní Lady Million je charismatická a oslnivá vůně, která promění Vaše auto v luxusní místo. Zakuste pocit obdivu a elegance s touto jedinečnou vůní. Nechte se unášet vůní luxusu, která se otevírá svěžími tóny citronu a neroli, které jsou doplněny sladkým polibkem maliny. V srdci rozkvétá jasmín, pomerančový květ a gardénie, zatímco v základu vůně vás oslní sladká vůně medu a pačuli. Tento vonný doplněk, který vás bude doprovázet na všech cestách, si zamilujete nejen díky citrusové sladké vůni, ale i díky jedinečnému designu. Malá lahvička s dřevěným víčkem funguje jako difuzér, který uvolňuje vůni postupně. Výdrž vůně je 2 - 3 měsíce. Dodáváno zabalené v černé krabičce s etiketou. Návod k použití: Odšroubujte dřevěné víčko. Dbejte zvýšené opatrnosti, abyste nestrhli závit dřevěného víčka. Opatrně odstraňte plastovou zátku z hrdla nádoby. Dřevěné víčko našroubujte zpět – dbejte na to, aby bylo vždy řádně dotaženo. Lahvičku zavěste na Vámi zvolené místo. Vyvarujte se kontaktu s jakýmikoli povrchy! Např. zavěste pod zpětné zrcátko, minimálně však 5 cm od něj. Upozornění: Vůni do auta udržujte vždy ve vzpřímené poloze. Při kontaktu s pokožkou dané místo umyjte vodou. Vyvarujte se kontaktu s očima. Při rozlití obsahu lahvičky neprodleně politý povrch otřete. Vůni do auta udržujte mimo dosah dětí a domácích mazlíčků.

Objev podobné jako Smell of Life Smell of Life Lady Million - vůně do auta 10 ml

cena 297.0 Kč

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