Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Knížka The History Press Ltd The Art of Film, Terry Ackland-Snow
Kniha z kolekce The History Press Ltd. Filmové umění na scénách následujících filmů: James Bond, Vetřelec nebo Batman.
Podívejte se také Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078)
Knížka The History Press Ltd The Queen, Ian Lloyd
Kniha z kolekce The History Press Ltd. Na základě rozhovorů s příbuznými, přáteli a dvořany královny Alžběty II. autor provede čtenáře sedmi generacemi královské rodiny.
Podívejte se také The Art of Mafia Trilogy (9788090796416)
Knížka The History Press Ltd The Titanic Expeditions, Eugene Nesmeyanov
Kniha z kolekce The History Press Ltd. Materiály z oficiálních archivů hlavních expedic Titanicu – vydejte se na cestu s vědci, operátory a dalšími specialisty, kteří navštívili legendární vrak v Atlantském oceánu.
Podívejte se také Soundtrack: Willis Christopher - The Personal History Of David - CD (9029686087)
Podívejte se také
- The Sense of an Ending. Film Tie-In (1784705632)
- The turn of the Screw
- The Hound of the Baskervilles
- Freedom in the Mirror of University History (978-80-210-9743-8)
- The Heart of the Matter (0099478420)
- Blakey Art: Meet You At The Jazz Corner Of The World (Volume 2) - LP (0807387)
- The Ocean at the End of the Lane (1472283368)
- The Wisdom of Crowds: The Riotous Conclusion to The Age of Madness (0575095989)
- The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217)
- Empire of the Vampire: Empire of the Vampire (1) (0008350442)
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Nintendo Switch (045496420055)
- Morning Of The Earth , Soundtrack: Morning Of The Earth - LP (5054197111921)
- Bohemian Stories: An Illustrated History of Czechs in the USA (978-80-7252-817-2)
- Yardbirds: The Best Of The Yardbirds - CD (CHARLY604CD)
- The Lord of the Rings - Elven - hrnek (3665361048251)
- House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko
- The Story of the Trapp Family Singers (0060005777)
- The Witcher - Signs of the Witcher - tričko (thewitchsgnnad)
- Lord of the Rings - Swordman Orc - BDS Art Scale 1/10 (609963127825)
- Trivium: In The Court Of The Dragon - CD (7567864122)
Knížka The School of Life Press The School of Life, The School of Life
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Sbírka nejlepších a nejpronikavějších citátů ze série Škola života o vztazích, smutku, úzkosti, práci, přátelích, rodině, cestování a smyslu života.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press The School of Life, The School of Life
Knížka The School of Life Press
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Okouzlující, naivně ilustrovaná kniha, která sleduje dobrodružství Bunnyho - verze nás všech -, když naráží na řadu překážek, které tak nějak známe z našich vlastních životů.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press
Knížka The School of Life Press
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Kniha The Book of Me, spojující psychologii, filozofii a čistou zábavu, je úvodem do umění sebepoznání v životě – jak se stát klidným, moudrým a mnohostranným.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press
Knížka The School of Life Press
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Duševní cvičení pro tělesnou pohodu a fyzické cvičení pro duševní pohodu.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press
Knížka The School of Life Press
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Kniha věnovaná kráse, pohodlí a jedinečnosti umění, ale také psychologii a léčitelství – pravé arteterapii.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press
Knížka The School of Life Press
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Tato kniha nám připomíná naši lepší povahu a mobilizuje nás k boji za lepší, láskyplnější svět, který nám opravdu chybí.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press
Knížka The School of Life Press
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Kniha receptů, která zkoumá, jak mohou potraviny uchovávat, připomínat a sdělovat nejdůležitější myšlenky našeho života.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press
Knížka The School of Life Press Insomnia, The School of Life
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Úvahy o nespavosti.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press Insomnia, The School of Life
Knížka The School of Life Press Calm, The School of Life
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Procvičování schopnosti zachovat klid a jasnou mysl ve stresových situacích.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press Calm, The School of Life
Knížka The School of Life Press Varieties of Melancholy, The School of Life
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Kniha, která oslavuje tu nejvíce opomíjenou, a přesto drahocennou emoci, kterou můžeme cítit – melancholii, přechodný stav mezi zoufalstvím a naivním optimismem.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press Varieties of Melancholy, The School of Life
Knížka The School of Life Press The Good Enough Parent, The School of Life
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Kompendium znalostí o tom, jak funguje dětská mysl.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press The Good Enough Parent, The School of Life
Knížka The School of Life Press Bold Truths, The School of Life
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Sbírka moudrosti v podobě ilustrací, které jsou dokonalou kombinací krásy a užitečnosti, kterou můžete používat každý den.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press Bold Truths, The School of Life
Knížka The School of Life Press Screen-Free Fun, The School of Life
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. 80 návrhů her pro děti, které stimulují rozvoj a kreativitu.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press Screen-Free Fun, The School of Life
Knížka The School of Life Press How to Get Married, The School of Life
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Odvážné myšlenky o jednom z nejdůležitějších a nejoblíbenějších rituálů lidstva.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press How to Get Married, The School of Life
Knížka The School of Life Press How to Find Love, The School of Life
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Kniha poskytuje klíčový soubor tipů, které vám pomohou učinit bezpečnější, kreativnější a úspěšnější milostná rozhodnutí.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press How to Find Love, The School of Life
The History of African Art - Suzanne Preston Blier
A concise, accessible and up-to-date overview of the arts of Africa from prehistoric times to the present day. This indispensable introductory guide explores the art of the African continent from its early origins over 150,000 years ago to the contemporary, set in the context of post-colonial debates, the restitution of cultural objects and artefacts, and the challenges of the present. This enormous and complex field of study, once under-appreciated by the Western art world, is now of global importance and an essential subject of education in art history. For ease of reference and analysis, this indispensable guide is structured chronologically into manageable and meaningful chapters covering ancient art, the Middle Ages, travel and trade, encounters with Europe in the age of exploration, the colonial era, the rebuilding of the continent in recent times, and contemporary art. It addresses core, continent-wide themes in African visual and cultural expression, from the life-cycle (motherhood, children, initiation, religion) to the body and representations of power dynamics. Important regional artistic expressions are also explored, such as the cultures of Mali (the Western Sudan), Nigeria (the lower Niger and Benue area), the Congo Basin and various nomadic populations across the continent. Written from an inclusive modern perspective, focusing not only on royal traditions but also the broader global history of the continent and its artistic practices, this is an excellent introduction for students, museum visitors and anyone with an interest in fine art, African history and cultural studies.
Objev podobné jako The History of African Art - Suzanne Preston Blier
Knížka Assouline Frida Kahlo: Fashion as the Art of Being
Kniha z kolekce Assouline. Ikonická umělkyně, odvážná kráska a avantgardní módní návrhářka, jejíž nadčasový smysl pro styl stále inspiruje a ovlivňuje svět módy, médií a umění.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Assouline Frida Kahlo: Fashion as the Art of Being
The Truly Terrible History of the Toilet-Flush with Facts - Terry Deary
The Truly Terrible History of the Toilet is full of horrible factsabout the loo. Read all about how the ancient Romans used spongeson sticks to wipe each other down, and who invented the firstflushing toilet. This book is the bog standard guide to loos, flushwith facts!
Objev podobné jako The Truly Terrible History of the Toilet-Flush with Facts - Terry Deary
Knížka Quadrille Publishing Ltd The Little Book of Mindfulness, Tiddy Rowan
Kniha z kolekce Quadrille Publishing Ltd. Dokonalý malý dárek, který přinese trvalé štěstí a klid do každého domova, kde se objeví.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Quadrille Publishing Ltd The Little Book of Mindfulness, Tiddy Rowan
Knížka Phaidon Press Ltd
Kniha z kolekce Phaidon Press Ltd. Vlivná fotografka Annie Leibovitz v této knize představuje své mimořádné portréty po znovuuvedení její uznávané a nejprodávanější kolekce.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Phaidon Press Ltd
Knížka Legend Press Ltd
Kniha z kolekce Legend Press Ltd. Kdo byly ve skutečnosti prehistorické ženy? To se dozvíte v této knize zbavené stereotypních úvah o roli něžného pohlaví ve světě.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Legend Press Ltd
Books That Changed History : From the Art of War to Anne Frank's Diary - James Naughtie
Featuring a foreword by James Naughtie. Turn the pages of the most famous books of all time and marvel at the stories behind them. Over 75 of the world's most celebrated, rare, and seminal books are examined and explained in this stunning treasury. Books That Changed History is a unique encyclopedia spanning the history of the written word, from 3000 BCE to the modern day. Chronological chapters show the evolution of human knowledge and the changing ways in which books are made. Discover incredible coverage of history's most influential books including the Mahabharata, Shakespeare's First Folio, The Diary of Anne Frank, and Penguin's first ever paperbacks. From Darwin's groundbreaking On the Origin of Species to Louis Braille's conception of the Braille system that we still use today, these are world famous books that have had the biggest impact on history. Every book is presented with breathtaking photography and fascinating biographies of those who created them. Books That Changed History gathers dictionaries, diaries, plays, poems, treaties, and religious texts into one stunning celebration of the undisputed power of books.
Objev podobné jako Books That Changed History : From the Art of War to Anne Frank's Diary - James Naughtie
Knížka The Ivy Press The Planet's Most Spiritual Places, Malcolm Croft
Kniha z kolekce The Ivy Press. Majestátně ilustrovaný a hluboce pronikavý průvodce po 100 duchovně nejvýznamnějších místech po celém světě.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The Ivy Press The Planet's Most Spiritual Places, Malcolm Croft
Knížka Taschen GmbH A History of Photography. From 1839 to the Present, TASCHEN
Kniha z kolekce Taschen GmbH. Kniha ukazuje nejpůsobivější snímky z kolekce. V chronologickém pořadí nabízí jedinečný přehled o historii fotografie.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Taschen GmbH A History of Photography. From 1839 to the Present, TASCHEN
Burlesque and the Art of the Teese / Fetish and the Art of Teese (0060591676)
Kniha - autor Dita von Teese, 256 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Dita von Teese, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The "Queen of the New Burlesque" reinvents the world of pin-ups, stripteases, and sexual role play in this beautifully designed double-sided look at modernAmerican burlesque and fetish. Color photos.
Objev podobné jako Burlesque and the Art of the Teese / Fetish and the Art of Teese (0060591676)
Knížka Legend Press Ltd White Thinking, Lilian Thuram
Kniha z kolekce Legend Press Ltd. Úvahy o rasové identitě vytvořené bílým člověkem z pohledu autorových zkušeností, historie a literatury.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Legend Press Ltd White Thinking, Lilian Thuram
The History of the Brave Czech Nation
Rodinná knížka Dějiny udatného českého národa je určena nejen těm, co nedávali ve škole pozor (dozvědí se překvapivé informace z naší historie), ale i šprtům, ty zase pobaví (pro tyto vzdělanější čtenáře jsou připraveny zadní strany s podrobnějšími informacemi a zajímavostmi). Když rozložíme knihu jako harmonikovité leporelo, otevře se před námi 9 metrů dlouhá krajina v níž se odehrávají drobné děje od pravěkých lovců po současnost. Fakta, informace, chronologické tabulky ke všem obdobím nechybí a komiksové textíky a kreslené postavičky umožní hledět na minulost a naše předky s humorem, nadsázkou a ironií. Petr Prchal
Objev podobné jako The History of the Brave Czech Nation
Knížka ACC Art Books Harry Styles: and the clothes he wears, Terry Newman
Kniha z kolekce ACC Art Books. Kniha poskytuje fakta o Harryho výběru, nastiňuje jeho nejkontroverznější rozhodnutí, spolu s fotografiemi, které vypovídají o vzniku každého návrhu.
Objev podobné jako Knížka ACC Art Books Harry Styles: and the clothes he wears, Terry Newman
Make It Modern: A History of Art in the 20th Century - Taylor Brandon
A fascinating journey through Western art from the 1910s to the 1960s, charting how artists wrestled with the headlong changes of a turbulent and conflict-ridden world From the chaos of the First World War to the ravages of the Second, from the Great Depression to the rise of consumer culture, artists we call “modern” faced the challenge of responding imaginatively to utterly new circumstances of life. Original thought, startling artistic techniques, and new attitudes to experimentation were required to produce exceptional and timely work.Make It Modern guides the reader through the art of the modern world. Works of celebrated artists, from Pablo Picasso and Wassily Kandinsky to Frida Kahlo, Jackson Pollock, and Yayoi Kusama, alongside a panoply of undervalued or less-known figures, populate this decade-by-decade narrative. Make It Modern tells an unforgettable story of how art was changed forever.
Objev podobné jako Make It Modern: A History of Art in the 20th Century - Taylor Brandon
The History of Bees (147116277X)
Kniha - autor Maja Lunde, 338 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In the spirit of Station Eleven and Never Let Me Go, this dazzling and ambitious literary debut follows three generations of beekeepers from the past, present, and future, weaving a spellbinding story of their relationship to the bees - and to their children and one another - against the backdrop of an urgent, global crisis. England, 1851. William is a biologist and seed merchant, who sets out to build a new type of beehive-one that will give both him and his children honour and fame. United States, 2007. George is a beekeeper and fights an uphill battle against modern farming, but hopes that his son can be their salvation. China, 2098. Tao hand paints pollen onto the fruit trees now that the bees have long since disappeared. When Tao's young son is taken away by the authorities after a tragic accident-and is kept in the dark about his whereabouts and condition-she sets out on a...
Objev podobné jako The History of Bees (147116277X)
Knížka QeeBoo The subtle art of not giving a F*ck, Mark Manson, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Jemné umění ignorovat pozitivitu ve prospěch neintuitivního přístupu k životu.
Objev podobné jako Knížka QeeBoo The subtle art of not giving a F*ck, Mark Manson, English
The Art of the Last of Us 02 (1506713769)
Kniha - 200 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako The Art of the Last of Us 02 (1506713769)
The History of the Hobbit - John D. Rateliff
In one volume for the first time, this revised and updated examination of how J.R.R.Tolkien came to write his original masterpiece The Hobbit includes his complete unpublished draft version of the story, together with notes and illustrations by Tolkien himself. The Hobbit was first published on 21 September 1937. Like its sequel, The Lord of the Rings, it is a story that ‘grew in the telling', and many characters and plot threads in the published text are quite different from the story J.R.R. Tolkien first wrote to read aloud to his young sons as one of their ‘fireside reads'. Together in one volume, The History of the Hobbit presents the complete text of the unpublished manuscript of The Hobbit, accompanied by John Rateliff's lively and informative account of how the book came to be written and published. Recording the numerous changes made to the story both before and after publication, he examines - chapter by chapter - why those changes were made and how they reflect Tolkien's ever-growing concept of Middle-earth. As well as reproducing the original version of one of the world's most popular novels - both on its own merits and as the foundation for The Lord of the Rings- this book includes many little-known illustrations and draft maps for The Hobbit by Tolkien himself. Also featured are extensive commentaries on the dates of composition, how Tolkien's professional and early mythological writings influenced the story, the imaginary geography he created, and how Tolkien came to revise the book years after publication to accommodate events in The Lord of the Rings. Endorsed by Christopher Tolkien as a companion to his essential 12-volume The History of Middle-earth, this thoughtful and exhaustive examination of one of the most treasured stories in English literature offers fascinating new insights for those who have grown up with this enchanting tale, and will delight any who are about to enter Bilbo's round door for the first time.
Objev podobné jako The History of the Hobbit - John D. Rateliff
Knížka Legend Press Ltd Happiness Studies Tal Ben-Shahar
Kniha z kolekce Spiral. V této knize Tal Ben-Shahar představuje novou interdisciplinární oblast výzkumu, která se věnuje studiu štěstí.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Legend Press Ltd Happiness Studies Tal Ben-Shahar
The Book of The Boss - Pop Press
''I think I just wanted to be great''Born in the USA ... but loved around the world, Bruce Springsteen has been a musical icon for the last 50 years and continues to rock stadiums with his legendary shows.An outspoken ally for social justice, this collection of quotes showcases The Boss''s wisdom on equality, performing and friendships and will inspire everyone to live a creative and confident life.
Objev podobné jako The Book of The Boss - Pop Press
A New History of Western Art: From Antiquity to the Present Day - Koenraad Jonckheere
A radical re-examination of 2,500 years of European art, deconstructing and demystifying its long history from ancient to presentHow has art evolved from the pursuit of the ‘ideal’ human form to a black square on a white canvas? Why is a banana duct-taped to a wall worth more on the art market than a beautiful seventeenth-century landscape?By taking art for what it actually is — a piece of stone or wood, a sheet of paper with some lines drawn on it, a painted canvas — this lively and accessible account shows how seemingly meaningless objects can be transformed into celebrated works of art. Breaking with conventional notions of artistic genius, Koenraad Jonckheere explores how stories and emotions give meaning to objects, and why changing historical circumstances result in such shifting opinions over time. Tracing its story from ancient times to present,A New History of Western Art reframes the evolution of European art and radically reshapes our understanding of art history.Published in association with Hannibal Books
Objev podobné jako A New History of Western Art: From Antiquity to the Present Day - Koenraad Jonckheere
The Art of Losing
Naïma has always known that her family came from Algeria – but up until now, that meant very little to her. Born and raised in France, her knowledge of that foreign country is limited to what she’s learned from her grandparents’ tiny flat in a crumbling French sink estate: the food cooked for her, the few precious things they brought with them when they fled.On the past, her family is silent. Why was her grandfather Ali forced to leave? Was he a harki – an Algerian who worked for and supported the French during the Algerian War of Independence? Once a wealthy landowner, how did he become an immigrant scratching a living in France?Naïma’s father, Hamid, says he remembers nothing. A child when the family left, in France he re-made himself: education was his ticket out of the family home, the key to acceptance into French society.But now, for the first time since they left, one of Ali’s family is going back. Naïma will see Algeria for herself, will ask the questions about her family’s history that, till now, have had no answers.Spanning three generations across seventy years, Alice Zeniter’s The Art of Losing tells the story of how people carry on in the face of loss: the loss of a country, an identity, a way to speak to your children. It’s a story of colonization and immigration, and how in some ways, we are a product of the things we’ve left behind.Translated from the French by Frank Wynne
Objev podobné jako The Art of Losing
Knížka Simon & Schuster Ltd The Motherhood Penalty, Joeli Brearley
Kniha z kolekce Simon & Schuster Ltd. Oči otevírající úvahy o mateřství v dnešním světě plné praktických tipů, jak se vypořádat s diskriminací žen na pracovišti.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Simon & Schuster Ltd The Motherhood Penalty, Joeli Brearley
The End of the History and the Last Man (0743284550)
Kniha - autor Francis Fukuyama, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Francis Fukuyama, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Fukuyama's profound inquiry leads the reader to the question of whether humanity will eventually reach a stable state in which it is at last completely satisfied, or whether there is something about the condition of humans that will always lead them to smash this ultimate equilibrium and plunge the world back into chaos.
Objev podobné jako The End of the History and the Last Man (0743284550)
MS The Art Of The King's Singers
Noty pro zpěv Seznam čtrnácti vokáních skladeb upravených a realizovaných slavným britským a cappella uskupením The King’s Singers. Seznam Skladeb: • Sing Joyfully - William Byrd • Sicut cervus – Palestrina • In manus tuas – Tallis • Musica Dei Donum – Lassus • Abendlied – Rheinberger • Das ist je gewislich wahr – Schultz • Dessus le Marche d´Arras – Di Lasso • Alle meine Harzgedanken – Brahms • Die Nacht – Schubert • Baisez-Moi – Des Prez • Rest – Vaughan Williams • Das Glaut zu Soeterm - Senfl
Objev podobné jako MS The Art Of The King's Singers
The Art of the Novel - Milan Kundera
In seven independent, but closely related chapters, the author presents his personal conception of the European novel, which he describes as 'an art born of the laughter of God'.
Objev podobné jako The Art of the Novel - Milan Kundera
The History of Espionage - Ernest Volkman
The History of Espionage recounts the fascinating story of spies and spying from the cloak-and-dagger machinations of the Ancient Greeks and Romans to the high-tech surveillance operations of the post-9/11, post-truth world. It is a tale of clandestine agents, military scouts, captured documents, dead-letter drops, intercepted mail, decoded telegrams, secret codes and ciphers, bugging devices, desperate plots and honey traps. Featuring case studies on the most fascinating spies and plots through history and illustrated with rare photographs throughout, The History of Espionage decodes the sinister world of surveillance like never before.
Objev podobné jako The History of Espionage - Ernest Volkman
The History of England - Jane Austenová
Billed a history 'from the reign of Henry IV to Charles I by a partial, prejudiced and ignorant historian', The History of England pokes fun at the overly verbose and grand histories of Austen's day. Written when she was just fifteen, this is a comic tour de force that shows Austen's wit developing into the satirical prowess she is remembered for.
Objev podobné jako The History of England - Jane Austenová
The History of Ideas - David Runciman
''A splendid book: economical, invigorating and surprising'' The Times''He has that gift, both as a podcaster and as a writer, to illuminate abstruse and abstract ideas with human charm'' ObserverIn this bold new follow-up to Confronting Leviathan, David Runciman unmasks modern politics and reveals the great men and women of ideas behind it.What can Samuel Butler''s ideas teach us about the oddity of how we choose to organise our societies? How did Frederick Douglass not only expose the horrors of slavery, but champion a new approach to abolishing it? Why should we tolerate snobbery, betrayal and hypocrisy, as Judith Shklar suggested? And what does Friedrich Nietzsche predict for our future?From Rousseau to Rawls, fascism to feminism and pleasure to anarchy, this is a mind-bending tour through the history of ideas which will forever change your view of politics today.
Objev podobné jako The History of Ideas - David Runciman
The Art of Ghost of Tsushima (1506713556)
Kniha - 208 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako The Art of Ghost of Tsushima (1506713556)
Knížka The Art Museum by Phaidon Editors i English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Phaidon Art Museum v klasickém formátu s nejlepší sbírkou uměleckých děl, jaká kdy byla shromážděna.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The Art Museum by Phaidon Editors i English
The Art of War (1847497462)
Kniha - autor Sun Tzu, 96 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise attributed to Sun Tzu, a high-ranking military general, strategist and tactician. The text is composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare. It is commonly known to be the definitive work on military strategy and tactics of its time. It has been the most famous and influential of China's Seven Military Classics, and "for the last two thousand years it remained the most important military treatise in Asia, where even the common people knew it by name." It has had an influence on Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond.The book was first translated into the French language in 1772 by French Jesuit Jean Joseph Marie Amiot and a partial translation into English was attempted by British officer Everard Ferguson Calthrop in 1905. The first annotated English language...
Objev podobné jako The Art of War (1847497462)
The Art of Living (1846045096)
Kniha - autor Thich Nhat Hanh, 192 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Master the art of living from one of the world's most revered spiritual leaders. Thich Nhat Hanh, the world's most renowned Zen master, turns his mindful attention to the most important subject of all - the art of living. The bestselling author of The Miracle of Mindfulness presents, for the first time, seven transformative meditations that open up new perspectives on our lives, our relationships and our interconnectedness with the world around us. He reveals an art of living in mindfulness that helps us answer life's deepest questions, experience the happiness and freedom we desire and face ageing and dying with curiosity and joy instead of fear. Stimulating and inspiring, this book teaches us the importance of looking inside ourselves and developing compassion, before we can turn to our relationships at home and in the wider world. Full of remarkable stories from Thich Nhat...
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