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Knížka home & lifestyle The Big Book of Bread by James Morton, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Kniha představuje svět úžasného pečení chleba - kompendium znalostí a poznatků o pečení.
Podívejte se také The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217)
The Big Book of Bread - James Morton
Flour, water, salt.The Big Book of Bread explores bread in its myriad forms, and offers delicious recipes for recreating loaves from across the globe. With basic ingredients and equipment, and step-by-step explanations, Dr James Morton guides you through classic key bakes, many offered and selected by bakers from their countries of origin. Covering savoury favourites including Soda Bread, Sourdough and Shokupan, as well as sweet treats such as Babka, Buns and Brioche, this book showcases a world of awesome loaves. Illustrated throughout with stunning photography, The Big Book of Bread is a compendium of baking knowledge and insight, and a vital book for every bread enthusiast.
Podívejte se také The Big Book of PRAGUE for Little Storytellers (978-80-87034-43-9)
Knížka home & lifestyle The Little Book of Tarot by Katalin Patnaik, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Příručka ukazuje zajímavé způsoby využití tarotových karet, včetně umělecké a básnické inspirace, magie a spirituality, a učí čtenáře jinému pohledu na karty.
Podívejte se také The Little Book of Feminism (1849538441)
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Knížka home & lifestyle The Little Book of Fathers & Sons by Orange Hippo!, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Malá kniha o otcích a synech je plná faktů, citátů a zajímavostí a je skvělým vhledem do tohoto jedinečného vztahu, ať už se jedná o rodiče nebo děti. Je plná vtipu a moudrosti.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle The Little Book of Fathers & Sons by Orange Hippo!, English
Knížka home & lifestyle The Complete Book of Cheese by Anne-Laure Pham, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Odborné tipy, jak si vybrat sýr, jak ho podávat a skladovat a jak nejlépe ocenit jeho chuťové a aromatické nuance.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle The Complete Book of Cheese by Anne-Laure Pham, English
Knížka home & lifestyle The Little Book of Pride: Quotes to live by by Orange Hippo!, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Příběhy, na kterých záleží - sbírka citátů, které vyjadřují názory těch, kteří sehráli klíčovou roli na dlouhé cestě k symbolickému cíli Pride.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle The Little Book of Pride: Quotes to live by by Orange Hippo!, English
Knížka Assouline The Big Book of Chic by Miles Redd, English
Kniha z kolekce Assouline. Bohatě ilustrovaný svazek nadchne každého, kdo se zajímá o vzrušující eklektický design Milese Redda.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Assouline The Big Book of Chic by Miles Redd, English
Knížka Taschen GmbH The Big Book of Legs by Dian Hanson, English
Kniha z kolekce Taschen GmbH. Půvab ženských nohou, po staletí skrytý a považovaný za tabu, se stal předmětem intenzivní sexuální posedlosti - jejich půvab přetrvává dodnes, ale za jiných podmínek.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Taschen GmbH The Big Book of Legs by Dian Hanson, English
Knížka home & lifestyle The Short Story of Modern Art by Susie Hodge, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Stručné dějiny současného umění: kapesní průvodce klíčovými směry, díly, motivy a technikami.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle The Short Story of Modern Art by Susie Hodge, English
Kniha samolepek home & lifestyle In A Mood Sticker Book by Brass Monkey, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Kniha s více než 280 samolepkami zobrazujícími různé emoční stavy, které vám pomohou sdělit, co skutečně cítíte.
Objev podobné jako Kniha samolepek home & lifestyle In A Mood Sticker Book by Brass Monkey, English
Knížka home & lifestyle Gucci: The Making Of by Frida Giannini, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. The Making Of je dynamický záznam velmi žádané značky, který bude v této sezóně povinnou výbavou každého, kdo miluje módu a zajímá se o současnou kulturu.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle Gucci: The Making Of by Frida Giannini, English
Big Book Of English Words - Mairi Mackinnon
An essential vocabulary builder for young children, with around a thousand everyday words and pictures, arranged thematically. There are lots of things to spot and talk about in this large format board book, that is perfect for poring over together. With characterful and slightly nostalgic illustrations by Kate Hindley.
Objev podobné jako Big Book Of English Words - Mairi Mackinnon
Knížka home & lifestyle The New Mindful Home by Joanna Thornhill, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Kniha odhaluje tajemství souvislostí mezi tělem, myslí a duší a vysvětluje, jak lze využít sílu všímavosti k tomu, aby domovy podporovaly uvědomělejší životní styl.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle The New Mindful Home by Joanna Thornhill, English
Knížka home & lifestyle A Great Gay Book by Ryan Fitzgibbon, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Nádherně zpracovaná sbírka umění, esejů, povídek, poezie, rozhovorů, profilů a fotografií z archivu oblíbeného queer časopisu Hello Mr.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle A Great Gay Book by Ryan Fitzgibbon, English
Balíček karet home & lifestyle Erotic Tarot: Intimate Intuition by The Fickle Finger of Fate, English
Balíček karet z kolekce home & lifestyle. Krásný tarotový balíček s erotickými ilustracemi od Sofie Birkin.
Objev podobné jako Balíček karet home & lifestyle Erotic Tarot: Intimate Intuition by The Fickle Finger of Fate, English
The Big Book of Peeing - Jakub Plachý
Anglická verze úspěšného bestselleru Velká kniha čůrání. Encyklopedie čůrání pro malé i velké. Unikátní, hravá a naučná knížka kapesního formátu představuje čůrání ze všech stran. Od vysvětlení základních principů močení přes jeho historii až k současným stylům a technikám. Jakub Plachý (1989) je studentem Ateliéru ilustrace a grafiky na VŠUP v Praze.
Objev podobné jako The Big Book of Peeing - Jakub Plachý
The Big Book of the Dark - Helena Haraštová
Do you think that the streets of your town and the countryside around it are completely silent and deserted at night? This book will open your eyes! You will find out that there are nocturnal animals that are active while you sleep, plants that glow in the dark, and even people who work at night and go to sleep when you get up! The highly-detailed gatefold illustrations and informative descriptions on the pull-out flaps will give readers the opportunity to see what happens at nighttime in a forest, in a town, in a village, at an airport, and also deep in the oceans and underground where some creatures live in permanent darkness. In printed laminated case format.
Objev podobné jako The Big Book of the Dark - Helena Haraštová
The Big Book of the Blue - Yuval Zommer
Why do octopuses have eight arms? Why do crabs run sideways? Are jellyfish made of jelly? Yuval Zommer's beautiful new book provides the answers to these and many more fishy questions. His wonderfully quirky illustrations show off all kinds of slippery, shimmery and surprising sea creatures, including sea turtles, whales, sharks, rays and seahorses. Chatty, funny and full of amazing facts, it will be devoured by children eager to find out about the most exciting creatures from the deep blue.
Objev podobné jako The Big Book of the Blue - Yuval Zommer
Balíček karet home & lifestyle The Healing Yoga Deck by Olivia H. Miller, English
Balíček karet z kolekce home & lifestyle. Tipy na cvičení a meditační pozice, které zmírňují bolest a podporují pohodu.
Objev podobné jako Balíček karet home & lifestyle The Healing Yoga Deck by Olivia H. Miller, English
Knížka home & lifestyle The Americans - Beautiful Machine by Gestalten, Blake Z Rong, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Kniha vypráví o nejznámějších vozech, jejich tvůrcích a době, ve které vznikly.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle The Americans - Beautiful Machine by Gestalten, Blake Z Rong, English
Knížka home & lifestyle The Little Guide to Harry Styles by Orange Hippo! English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Růžový a kapesní příběh o novém králi popu.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle The Little Guide to Harry Styles by Orange Hippo! English
Knížka home & lifestyle Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Úchvatný svazek, který odhaluje to nejdůležitější z velké výstavy ve V&A a mapuje vývoj domu Dior od jeho založení v roce 1947 až po současnost.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams, English
The Big Book of PRAGUE for Little Storytellers
Knihy, ve kterých se to obrázky jen hemží - ukrývají spousty příběhů! Oblíbený a osvědčený základní "stavební kámen" každé dětské knihovničky. Ještě neumíte číst písmenka? Obrázky však umíte "číst" určitě!
Objev podobné jako The Big Book of PRAGUE for Little Storytellers
The Big Book of the UK - Williams Imogen Russell
Welcome...Failte...Croeso...Fair faa ye...to the United Kingdom!The Big Book of the UK introduces readers to customs and culture of the United Kingdom.In this BIG book you can:- Learn about the sport of "dwile flonking"- Find out where black diamonds come from- Meet the supernatural animal that haunts the Scottish Highlands- Discover the British sweets that helped Hillary and Tenzing scale Everest.Filled with facts about wildlife, food, sports, geography, language and some very silly place names, this book will help you uncover national secrets and unearth local legends from England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Objev podobné jako The Big Book of the UK - Williams Imogen Russell
Knížka home & lifestyle Body of Art by Phaidon Editors, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Oslava krásy a provokativních způsobů, jakými umělci v průběhu staletí zobrazovali, zkoumali a používali objekt těla.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle Body of Art by Phaidon Editors, English
Kalendář home & lifestyle The Art of Soul Covers Calendar
Kalendář z kolekce home & lifestyle. Model vyroben z papíru.
Objev podobné jako Kalendář home & lifestyle The Art of Soul Covers Calendar
Knížka home & lifestyle A World of Yoga by Leo Lourdes, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Svět jógy: 700 ásan pro vědomí a pohodu.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle A World of Yoga by Leo Lourdes, English
The Week Junior Big Book of Knowledge - The Week Junior
Let your imagination run wild with The Week Junior Big Book of Knowledge! Packed to the brim with brain-expanding facts and mind-blowing information, this book from multi-award-winning children’s magazine The Week Junior is the perfect gift for curious children.How much would someone pay for a painting done by a pig? Why did a Japanese company send a hamster to space? What do Star Wars and King Charles III have in common? And how can poo save your life?!This fun-packed book is stuffed with facts – everything from the unbelievable to the essential! Whether you want to know about science or sport, inventions or art, amazing life on earth or what’s up there in space, this is the book for you. With incredible true stories, and the world’s most astonishing facts, The Week Junior Big Book of Knowledge has everything children love about the UK’s most popular children’s magazine The Week Junior – in book form. With brilliant photos, easy explanations and colourful design throughout, this book will boost your brain and help you astonish your friends!Ideal as a Christmas or birthday gift or just as a way to inspire young minds, this large-format, full-colour hardback is a must-have for every child''s bookshelf.It''s time to answer all the questions you never knew you had!
Objev podobné jako The Week Junior Big Book of Knowledge - The Week Junior
The Great Big Book of Families - Mary Hoffman
The Great Big Book of Families introduces children to the fact that not all families look the same. Featuring funny artwork and wonderfully accessible text this book celebrates each family in its own unique and wonderful way. What is a family? Once, it was said to be a father, mother, boy, girl, cat and dog living in a house with a garden. But as times have changed, families have changed too, and now there are almost as many kinds of families as colours of the rainbow. From a mum and dad or single parent to two mums or two dads, from a mixed-race family to children with different mums and dads, to families with a disabled member. This is a fresh, optimistic look through children's eyes at today's wide variety of family life: from homes, food, ways of celebrating, schools and holidays to getting around, jobs and housework, from extended families, languages and hobbies to pets and family trees.The Great Big Book of Families is a brilliant introduction for children to all family types great and small.
Objev podobné jako The Great Big Book of Families - Mary Hoffman
The Usborne Big Book of ABC - Felicity Brooks
Take a whistle-stop tour through the alphabet from amazing aardvarks, big brown bears and crazy cats to dancing ducks, naughty narwhals and sleeping sloths. With gorgeous illustrations by Sophia Touliatou, simple facts and capital and little letters on every page, this is a lovely book to share with a young child.
Objev podobné jako The Usborne Big Book of ABC - Felicity Brooks
The Little Big Book of Legs - Dian Hanson
Over 150 of the best photos from the original volume are now in this compact book. From Betty Grable to Bettie Page, the greatest legs of the 20th Century are here, shot by Irving Klaw, Bunny Yeager and Elmer Batters.Silk stockings, high heels, curvy calves, taut thighs, playful toes – and no troublesome text – could leg love get any sweeter? Legs, legs, and more legs for a song Many loved The Big Book of Legs but some found it just too darn big, weighing in at nearly seven pounds. True, it was packed with shapely legs spanning six decades, from the first shy emergence of the ankle in the 1910s, through the rolled stockings and rouged knees of the 1920s, to the Betty Grable ’40s, the stockinged and stilettoed ’50s, on into the sexually liberated ’60s and ’70s, but it could still put a dent in your own thighs if you sat reading for too long. Fortunately here at TASCHEN we listen to your groans of agony as well as your moans of ecstasy; thus, this light and portable new edition, packing over 100 of the choicest photos from the original volume, as well as 38 new photos, into a compact (and frankly adorable) package. From Betty Grable to Bettie Page, the greatest legs of the 20th Century can be found within, shot by Irving Klaw, Bunny Yeager, and the incomparable Elmer Batters, father of leg art. There are silk and nylon stockings, high heels in abundance, curvy calves, taut thighs, playful toes and towering arches—with no bothersome text to get in the way. Could leg love get any sweeter? The editor and author Dian Hanson produced a variety of men’s magazines from 1976 to 2001, including Juggs, Outlaw Biker, and Leg Show, before becoming TASCHEN’s Sexy Book Editor. Her titles include the “body part” series, The Art of Pin-up, Psychedelic Sex, and Ren Hang. The Little Big Book of Legs Dian Hanson Hardcover, 14 x 19.5 cm, 192 pages ISBN 978-3-8365-8036-6Multilingual Edition: English, French, German
Objev podobné jako The Little Big Book of Legs - Dian Hanson
Kalendář home & lifestyle The Art of Hip-Hop Covers Vol 2
Kalendář z kolekce home & lifestyle. Model vyroben z papíru.
Objev podobné jako Kalendář home & lifestyle The Art of Hip-Hop Covers Vol 2
The Usborne Big Book Of Big Animals - Hazel Maskell
A fabulous book of enormous animals, including huge elephants, gigantic squids, hefty hippopotamuses and the colossal blue whale. Huge fold-out pages reveal the tallest, heaviest, and most dangerous animals in the world.
Objev podobné jako The Usborne Big Book Of Big Animals - Hazel Maskell
Knížka home & lifestyle Style on the Street by Rei Shito, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Rei Shito - průkopnice pouličního stylu Harajuku - představuje sborník pouliční módy a návod, jak si vytvořit vlastní osobitý styl.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle Style on the Street by Rei Shito, English
Big Book of Things to Know: A Fact Book for Kids - James Maclaine
You'll never guess how your body fights germs or how dinosaurs fought each other, what kind of animal is named after Sir David Attenborough and what sunsets look like on Mars. All is revealed in this delightful collection of four books. A brilliant addition to any family bookshop, the Big Book of Things to Know contains amazing facts from Lots of things to know about Your Body, Space, Animals and Dinosaurs in a single volume bursting with vibrant illustrations and packed with quirky and surprising things to know. Clear, approachable text will spark young readers' curiosity and is perfect for fact-hungry children to share with family or impress their friends with.
Objev podobné jako Big Book of Things to Know: A Fact Book for Kids - James Maclaine
Big Sticker Book of Sharks - Alice James
From hungry hammerheads to super-massive megalodons, this sticker book is bursting with the planet's most famous predators: sharks. With hundreds of stickers to put in exciting scenes, this book will provide hours of entertainment, and lots of information too.
Objev podobné jako Big Sticker Book of Sharks - Alice James
The Big Book of PRAGUE for Little Storytellers (978-80-87034-43-9)
Kniha - 10 stran, anglicky, leporela Knihy, ve kterých se to obrázky jen hemží - ukrývají spousty příběhů! Oblíbený a osvědčený základní "stavební kámen" každé dětské knihovničky. Ještě neumíte číst písmenka? Obrázky však umíte "číst" určitě!
Objev podobné jako The Big Book of PRAGUE for Little Storytellers (978-80-87034-43-9)
The Watkins Book of English Folktales - Neil Philip
With a foreword by Neil Gaiman, this comprehensive, entertaining and authentic collection of English folktales is perfect for fans of Madeline Miller, Philip Pullman and the Brothers Grimm.This is a golden treasury of over one hundred English folktales captured in the form they were first collected in past centuries. Read these classic tales as they would have been told when storytelling was a living art – when the audience believed in boggarts and hobgoblins, local witches and will-o’-the-wisps, ghosts and giants, cunning foxes and royal frogs. Find “Jack the Giantkiller”, “Tom Tit Tot” and other quintessentially English favourites, alongside interesting borrowings, such as an English version of the Grimms’ “Little Snow White” – as well as bedtime frighteners, including “Captain Murderer”, as told to Charles Dickens by his childhood nurse.Neil Philip has provided a full introduction and source notes on each story that illustrate each tale’s journey from mouth to page, and what has happened to them on the way. These tales rank among the finest English short stories of all time in their richness of metaphor and plot and their great verbal dash and daring.
Objev podobné jako The Watkins Book of English Folktales - Neil Philip
Knížka home & lifestyle Don't eat the yellow snow by Marcus Kraft, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Ze série mouder pop music "Nejezte žlutý sníh" - čili když je potřeba životní rada.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle Don't eat the yellow snow by Marcus Kraft, English
Knížka Assouline Manolo Valdes: Broadway by James T. Murray, English
Kniha z kolekce Assouline. Fotografie zachycující jednu z nejzajímavějších otevřených výstav, kterou New York zažil.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Assouline Manolo Valdes: Broadway by James T. Murray, English
Lonely Planet Kids The Big Book of Train Activities - Baker Laura, Lonely Planet Kids
All aboard! Keep transport-loving kids on track with this awesome activity book that''s packed with more than 80 train-themed word and picture games. The perfect accompaniment for a train trip, long-distance getaway, or a rainy day spent indoors, kids can while away the hours exploring word searches, roaming mazes, and discovering fun train facts.How were trains invented? Which is the fastest train on Earth? Where is the longest railroad? All will be revealed in The Big Book of Train Activities, which is brimming with engine-ious train trivia alongside engaging games. Pack this on-the-go-companion for your next excursion and keep curious kids entertained throughout their journey.Inside The Big Book of Train Activities:More than 80 fantastically fun train-themed activities to banish boredom including word searches, crossword puzzles, mazes, hidden pictures, connect-the dots, color-by-numbers, and morePacked with train facts for kids to impress their friends with, which can be read as they enjoy the word and picture gamesThe perfect in-hand activity book for your hand luggage or backpack that can be taken everywhere and anywhereA must-buy for entertaining train-loving children and transport enthusiasts during your next travel adventureMake The Big Book of Train Activities a must-bring addition for your travels and discover pages of entertaining word games and picture challenges that are sure to delight kids who love everything about trains!
Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet Kids The Big Book of Train Activities - Baker Laura, Lonely Planet Kids
Knížka home & lifestyle Little People, Big Dreams 87 Queen Elizabeth by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Bestsellerová série dětských životopisů, která se zabývá životem pozoruhodných lidí - od návrhářů a umělců po vědce a aktivisty. Všichni dosáhli úžasných úspěchů, ale každý z nich začal svůj život jako dítě s malým snem.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle Little People, Big Dreams 87 Queen Elizabeth by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara, English
Knížka home & lifestyle Peaky Blinders: The Official Visual Companion by Jamie Glazebrook, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Vizuální oslava 10. Výročí televizní senzace, která vzala svět útokem.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle Peaky Blinders: The Official Visual Companion by Jamie Glazebrook, English
Knížka home & lifestyle Game Changers: The Video Game Revolution by Phaidon Editors, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Vizuální historie videoher, která čtenáři poskytne podrobný přehled o tomto odvětví - 300 záznamů představujících nejvlivnější a nejuznávanější hry, konzole, vydavatele a mnoho dalšího.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle Game Changers: The Video Game Revolution by Phaidon Editors, English
Knížka QeeBoo The Monocle Book of Photography, Tyler Brule English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Záběry reportérů časopisu Monocle z málo známých míst.
Objev podobné jako Knížka QeeBoo The Monocle Book of Photography, Tyler Brule English
Knížka QeeBoo The Little Book of Champagne, Orange Hippo!, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Vše o šampaňském v kompaktním vydání.
Objev podobné jako Knížka QeeBoo The Little Book of Champagne, Orange Hippo!, English
The Book of Truths - James Mooney
The Wandering Paddy, aka James Mooney, has more than 530,000 followers on social media, a following that's growing at the rate of 20,000 a month, with 6 million account interactions and views a month. His unique perspective on life has resonated with people both in his native Ireland and around the world, as The Wandering Paddy shares his thoughts and experiences, his challenges in overcoming cancer, his mental health struggles and the invaluable life lessons he has learned and can now pass on. The Book of Truths captures the essence of what The Wandering Paddy has learned about life, and this collection will inspire you towards new ways to appreciate the beauty and fragility of life, show you how to embrace your own unique journey and make the most of every precious moment. It's all about living and loving with gratitude and compassion and cherishing the time we have together rather than taking it for granted.With a hugely engaged following, including celebrity endorsers from Sharon Stone and Pierce Brosnan to Dawn French and Maia Dunphy, in The Book of Truths, The Wandering Paddy explores Life & Death, Love & Relationships, Identity & Belonging, Nature & Spirituality, Resilience & Hope, sharing his own thoughts on the power of words and the importance of seeking truth in our lives.
Objev podobné jako The Book of Truths - James Mooney
Knížka home & lifestyle Rihanna by Rihanna, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Autobiografie Rihanny.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle Rihanna by Rihanna, English
Knížka home & lifestyle Rapper's Deluxe: How Hip Hop Made The World by Todd Boyd, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Triumfální cesta hip hopu zkoumající jeho dědictví a vliv na kulturu i budoucnost.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle Rapper's Deluxe: How Hip Hop Made The World by Todd Boyd, English
Knížka home & lifestyle What the Band Wore: Fashion & Music by Alice Harris, Christian John Wikane, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Nádherná a nezapomenutelná kompilace módy a hudby na jednom místě.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle What the Band Wore: Fashion & Music by Alice Harris, Christian John Wikane, English
Knížka home & lifestyle Silo by Douglas McMaster, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Inspirativní a praktické znalosti z kuchyně se špetkou filozofie - nádherně zpracovaná kniha, která bude osvěžujícím přírůstkem do vaší kuchařské knihovny.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle Silo by Douglas McMaster, English
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