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Kinetismus: 100 Years of Electricity in Art - Peter Weibel, Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás, Christelle Havranek

The kinetic century, from Takis to Kentridge Ever since electricity became ubiquitous artists have been fascinated by the manifold possibilities to create works with it. The catalogue Kinetismus: 100 Years of Electricity in Art, which accompanies the opening exhibition of Kunsthalle Praha, explores how electricity has transformed artistic practice from 1920 to the present day, including cinematography, sound, kinetic and mechanical sculptures, computer-based art and immersive installations. A historical perspective emphasizes the fact that electricity, with its various usages—from artificial light to computing—has become a defining element of our societies. Kinetismus: 100 Years of Electricity in Art includes an essay by Peter Weibel, the author of the exhibition concept, four thematic chapters written by the co-curator Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás as well as descriptions and reproductions of key artworks by artists, such as Mary Ellen Bute, William Kentridge, Christina Kubish, Zdeněk Pešánek, Anna Ridler, Nicolas Schöffer, Jeffrey Shaw, Takis, Steina, and Woody Vasulka.

Podívejte se také Cmorik Peter: Best Of... - CD (8588006725070)

cena 1423.0 Kč


Od chvíle, kdy se elektřina stala všudypřítomnou, jsou umělci fascinováni širokou škálou možností, jak ji využít ve své umělecké tvorbě. Katalog Kinetismus:100 let elektřiny v umění, který doprovází úvodní výstavu v Kunsthalle Praha, zkoumá, jak elektřina od roku 1920 do současnosti proměnila uměleckou praxi. Věnuje se kinematografii, zvuku, kinetickým mechanickým sochám, počítačovému umění i imerzivním instalacím. Historická perspektiva ještě podtrhuje skutečnost, že se elektřina se svými rozmanitými způsoby využití - od umělého osvětlení po výpočetní techniku - stala charakteristickým prvkem naší společnosti. Kinetismus: 100 let elektřiny v umění obsahuje esej Petera Weibela, autora koncepce výstavy, čtyři tematické kapitoly napsané spolu-kurátorkou Lívií Nolasco-Rózsás a také popisy a reprodukce klíčových uměleckých děl tvůrců, jako jsou Mary Ellen Bute, William Kentridge, Christina Kubish, Zdeněk Pešánek, Anna Ridler, Nicolas Schöffer, Jeffrey Shaw, Takis, Steina a Woody Vasulka. Koncepce / redakce: Peter Weibel a Christelle Havranek. Texty: Václav Hájek, Jiří Hájek, Judith Bihr, Anne-Laure Chamboissier, Dávid Fehér, George Fifield, Jeanpaul Goergen, Idis Hartmann, Christelle Havranek, Anett Holzheid, Daniel Irrgang, Toby Kamps, Paul Kenig, Clara Kim, Pelin Kivrak, Anna Kodl, Rosemary Lee, Sandra Naumann, Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás, Márton Orosz, Andres Pardey, Sylva Poláková, Adriana Prodeus, Guillaume Richard, Barbora Ropková, Clara Runge, Leila Topi?, Miloš Vojtěchovský, Peter Weibel, Siegfried Zielinski

Podívejte se také Sting: Best Of 25 Years (2011) - CD (2783504)

cena 1432.0 Kč

Living with Leonardo: Fifty years of sanity and insanity in the art world and beyond - Martin J. Kemp

Martin Kemp, described by The Times as ‘the world’s leading authority on Leonardo’, relates his fifty-year relationship with the most famous artist of all time In Living with Leonardo, world-renowned Leonardo da Vinci expert Martin Kemp relates his fifty-year relationship with the work of the most famous artist of all time. Through an engaging personal narrative inter-woven with historical research, we learn of Kemp’s encounters with the vast population that surrounds Leonardo: great and lesser academics, collectors and curators, devious dealers and unctuous auctioneers, major scholars and authors, pseudo-historians and fantasists. He shares how he has grappled with swelling legions of ‘Leonardo loonies’, walked on the eggshells of vested interests in academia and museums, and fended off fusillades of non-Leonardos, sometimes more than one a week. Examining the greatest masterpieces, from the Last Supper to Salvator Mundi, through the expert’s eye, we learn first-hand of the thorny questions that surround attribution, the scientific analyses that support the experts’ interpretations, and the continuing importance of connoisseurship. Throughout, from the most scholarly interpretations to the popularity of Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code, we are reminded of Leonardo’s unique genius and wonder at how an artist from 500 years ago continues to make such compelling posthumous demands on all those who engage with him. Contents List Preface and Acknowledgements Introduction: Art History in Action Prologue: a Sketch of Leonardo 1. The Last Supper and the First Steps 2. The “Original” Last Supper 3. Looking at Lisa 4. The Stolen Madonna 5. The Beautiful Princess 6. Ugly Arguments 7. The Saviour 8. Science and Seeing 9. Codices and Computers 10. Exhibitions 11. Codes and Codswallop Martin Kemp is professor emeritus of the history of art at Oxford University

Podívejte se také Running Wild: First Years Of Piracy - CD (4050538380880)

cena 609.0 Kč

Schilling Peter: Coming Home - 40 Years Of Major Tom (2xCD) - CD (5054197448584)

Hudební CD - Spektakulární kolekce největších hitů německého synthpopového hudebníka. Všechny byly zvukově nově ošetřeny, navíc se mezi nimi skrývají čtyři zcela nové skladby. Ve verzi na 2CD najdete čtyřicet nahrávek, dvacet jich je anglicky, dvacet v rodné němčině. Spektakulární kolekce největších hitů německého synthpopového hudebníka. Všechny byly zvukově nově ošetřeny, navíc se mezi nimi skrývají čtyři zcela nové skladby. Ve verzi na 2CD najdete čtyřicet nahrávek, dvacet jich je anglicky, dvacet v rodné němčině. Rozšířená 4CD varianta obsahuje jako bonus zremasterované debutové album Fehler Im System a sbírku různých rarit a remixů. Synthpopový hudebník Pierre Michael Schilling je znám jako Peter Schilling. Pochází z německého Stuttgartu a ve své tvorbě se často odkazuje na science-fiction. Debutové album Error In The System z roku 1983 obsahuje jeho jediný mezinárodní hit - píseň Major Tom (Coming Home) je převyprávěním Bowieho klasiky Space...

Objev podobné jako Schilling Peter: Coming Home - 40 Years Of Major Tom (2xCD) - CD (5054197448584)

cena 489.0 Kč

Schilling Peter: Coming Home - 40 Years Of Major Tom (4xCD) - CD (5054197448607)

Hudební CD - Spektakulární kolekce největších hitů německého synthpopového hudebníka. Všechny byly zvukově nově ošetřeny, navíc se mezi nimi skrývají čtyři zcela nové skladby. Ve verzi na 2CD najdete čtyřicet nahrávek, dvacet jich je anglicky, dvacet v rodné němčině. Spektakulární kolekce největších hitů německého synthpopového hudebníka. Všechny byly zvukově nově ošetřeny, navíc se mezi nimi skrývají čtyři zcela nové skladby. Ve verzi na 2CD najdete čtyřicet nahrávek, dvacet jich je anglicky, dvacet v rodné němčině. Rozšířená 4CD varianta obsahuje jako bonus zremasterované debutové album Fehler Im System a sbírku různých rarit a remixů. Synthpopový hudebník Pierre Michael Schilling je znám jako Peter Schilling. Pochází z německého Stuttgartu a ve své tvorbě se často odkazuje na science-fiction. Debutové album Error In The System z roku 1983 obsahuje jeho jediný mezinárodní hit - píseň Major Tom (Coming Home) je převyprávěním Bowieho klasiky Space...

Objev podobné jako Schilling Peter: Coming Home - 40 Years Of Major Tom (4xCD) - CD (5054197448607)

cena 719.0 Kč

Entertainment for Angels, Electricity in the Enlightenment

Electricity was the scientific fashion of the Enlightenment, 'an Entertainment for Angels, rather than for Men'. Lecturers attracted huge audiences to marvel at sparkling fountains, flaming drinks, pirouetting dancers and electrified boys. Enlightenment optimists predicted that this new-found power of nature would cure illnesses, improve crop production, even bring the dead back to life.Benjamin Franklin, better known as one of America's founding fathers, played a key role in developing the new instruments and theories of electricity during the eighteenth century. Celebrated for drawing lightning down from the sky with a kite, Franklin was an Enlightenment expert on electricity, developing one of the most successful explanations of this mysterious phenomenon.But Patricia Fara, Senior Tutor of Clare College Cambridge, reveals how the study of electricity became intertwined with Enlightenment politics. By demonstrating their control of the natural world, Enlightenment philosophers hoped to gain authority over society. And their stunning electrical performances provided dramatic evidence of their special powers.

Objev podobné jako Entertainment for Angels, Electricity in the Enlightenment

cena 169.0 Kč

Open Questions: Thirty Years of Writing about Art - Helen Molesworth, Donna Wingate

An illustrated reader featuring a collection of essays from trailblazing curator and writer Helen Molesworth – the first book of her collected writings Over the past three decades, Helen Molesworth’s singular voice and lively curatorial vision has established her as one of the most dynamic and influential voices in the art world. This generously illustrated reader – the first ever collection of her writings – presents 24 essays from the past 30 years, gathered from exhibition catalogs and art publications such as Artforum, Documents, frieze, and October. The volume opens with a new essay that lays out Molesworth’s belief in art’s unique capacity for merging knowledge and feeling. It also includes new critical and reflective commentary on her past writing, an innovative approach that will position Open Questions as an indispensable volume for viewing and thinking about contemporary art for generations to come.

Objev podobné jako Open Questions: Thirty Years of Writing about Art - Helen Molesworth, Donna Wingate

cena 931.0 Kč

King's Singers: When You Wish Upon A Star - 100 Years Of Disney Songs - CD (5054197367403)

Hudební CD Studio Disney oslaví letos v říjnu 100 let svojí existence, což je samozřejmě jedinečná příležitost k oslavám a bilancování. Studio Disney oslaví letos v říjnu 100 let svojí existence, což je samozřejmě jedinečná příležitost k oslavám a bilancování. Co se týká filmové hudby, nemá se Disney rozhodně za co stydět, jak se můžeme přesvědčit i na aktuální antologii legendárního britského vokálního souboru The King's Singers. Tento šestičlenný mužský a cappella ansámbl má už za sebou také pořádný kus vlastní bohaté historie, vždyť v průběžně obměňovaném složení existuje již od roku 1968. Kromě klasické hudby, na kterou se ve svých začátcích specializoval, přistoupil v pozdějších letech také k interpretaci vokálních transkripcí a aranží populární a filmové hudby. To je i případ jejich nejnovějšího alba, které v nápaditých úpravách mapuje téměř každou dekádu Disneyho filmové historie. Kromě The King's Singers na nahrávce participuje také řada významných...

Objev podobné jako King's Singers: When You Wish Upon A Star - 100 Years Of Disney Songs - CD (5054197367403)

cena 389.0 Kč

A Footnote to History - Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha

eBook: ‘A Footnote to History’ is an account of Colonial abuse in Samoa, the scramble by the US, Germany and Britain so swallow up land with little regard for the native Samoans. Stevenson became deeply ingrained in the local culture, siding squarely with the Samoans against the duplicitous colonials, so much so that he even fought alongside the Samoans to help keep their king in power. It is frontline journalism, Stevenson is in the midst of this conflict and gives incredible account of both the foreign and native discord. His account brings century old events to life and makes for incredible reading. Despite its age, the lessons in this book stand the test of time and deserve to be learned by all.

Objev podobné jako A Footnote to History - Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity - Peter Attia, Bill Gifford

- THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES AND NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER, AND OVER 2 MILLION COPIES SOLD GLOBALLY -This is the ultimate manual for living better and longer.For all its successes, mainstream medicine has failed to make much progress against the diseases of ageing that kill most people: heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer''s disease, and type 2 diabetes. Too often, it intervenes with treatments too late, prolonging lifespan at the expense of quality of life. Dr Peter Attia, the world''s top longevity expert who is featured on Chris Hemsworth''s National Geographic documentary LIMITLESS, believes we must replace this outdated framework with a personalised, proactive strategy for longevity.This isn''t ''biohacking,'' it''s science: a well-founded strategic approach to extending lifespan while improving our physical, cognitive and emotional health, making each decade better than the one before. With Outlive''s practical advice and roadmap, you can plot a different path for your life, one that lets you outlive your genes to make each decade better than the one before.In the Daily Mail''s ''TOP READS OF 2023: Books that will help you feel better for longer''''One of the most important books you''ll ever read.'' - Steven D. Levitt, New York Times bestselling author of Freakonomics''Highlighters at the ready. This is jam packed with things you will wish you had known before. I devoured the audiobook and instantly bought a hard copy to keep on my desk'' - Dr Julie Smith, bestselling author of Why Has Nobody Told Me This BeforeOutlive has sold over 1 million copies globally [Nielsen BookScan UK and Circana BookScan US, April 2024]Instant Sunday Times and New York Times bestseller, April 2023

Objev podobné jako Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity - Peter Attia, Bill Gifford

cena 690.0 Kč


Considered by many to be the 2022 Nobel Prize in Literature laureate’s defining work, The Years is a narrative of the period 1941 to 2006 told through the lens of memory, impressions past and present, cultural habits, language, photos, books, songs, radio, television, advertising and news headlines. Annie Ernaux invents a form that is subjective and impersonal, private and collective, and a new genre – the collective autobiography – in order to capture the passing of time. At the confluence of autofiction and sociology, The Years is ‘a Remembrance of Things Past for our age of media domination and consumerism’ (New York Times), a monumental account of twentieth-century French history as refracted through the life of one woman.

Objev podobné jako The Years – WINNER OF THE 2022 NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATURE - Annie Ernaux

cena 295.0 Kč

Women in Design (World of Art) - Anne Massey

A history of women designers and consumers from 1900 to the present day. The work of women designers has not traditionally been the focus of mainstream histories of design. By revealing the untold story of female design pioneers, this comprehensive introduction celebrates their crucial role in the history of modern processes of making. Arranged chronologically, this guide considers the structural barriers to professional success and how women overcame these hurdles, charting the success of designers including Anni Albers at the Bauhaus, the architect Eileen Grey, interior decorator Elsie de Wolfe and fashion icon Mary Quant, focusing on the key subjects of architecture, craft, fashion, furniture, graphics, interior, product and textile design. The link between early twentieth-century revolutionary design and lifestyle is explored, as well the ideas of shopping and consumerism as a liberating activity. The important contribution of designers during and after the Second World War is also discussed, along with design activism, design collectives and the current success of women working transnationally in architecture and design.

Objev podobné jako Women in Design (World of Art) - Anne Massey

cena 447.0 Kč

Zen in the Art of Writing - Ray Bradbury

In this exuberant book, the incomparable Ray Bradbury shares the wisdom, experience, and excitement of a lifetime of writing.The first thing a writer should be is – excitedAuthor of the iconic FAHRENHEIT 451, THE ILLUSTRATED MAN and THE MARTIAN CHRONICLES, Ray Bradbury is one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century.Part memoir, part masterclass, ZEN IN THE ART OF WRITING offers a vivid and exuberant insight into the craft of writing. Bradbury reveals how writers can each find their own unique path to developing their voice and style.ZEN IN THE ART OF WRITING offers a celebration of the act of writing that will delight, impassion, and inspire.

Objev podobné jako Zen in the Art of Writing - Ray Bradbury

cena 325.0 Kč

One Hundred Years of Solitude (0060883286)

Kniha - autor Gabriel Garcia Marquez, 418 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná One of the 20th century's enduring works, Marquez's masterpiece is the ultimate achievement in a Nobel Prize- winning career. Alternately reverential and comical, this novel weaves the political, personal, and spiritual to bring a new consciousness to storytelling.

Objev podobné jako One Hundred Years of Solitude (0060883286)

cena 367.0 Kč

Lattafa Art Of Wood - EDP 100 ml

Art Of Wood od značky Lattafa je dřevitá parfémovaná voda pro muže i ženy. Svrchní tóny vás okouzlí směsí bergamotu, růžového pepře a grapefruitu, čímž poskytuje osvěžující úvod. Srdce vůně odhaluje bohatou kombinaci růže, pačuli a cedrového dřeva, která přidává hloubku a komplexnost. V závěru se rozvine teplý základ z vetiveru, dubového mechu a vanilky, vytvářející smyslný a trvalý dojem. Tato vůně je dokonalou volbou pro každou příležitost.

Objev podobné jako Lattafa Art Of Wood - EDP 100 ml

cena 699.0 Kč

The Rise of Amphibians : 365 Million Years of Evolution - Carroll Robert

For nearly 100 million years, amphibians and their ancestors dominated the terrestrial and shallow water environments of the earth. Archaic animals with an amphibious way of life gave rise not only to modern frogs, salamanders, and caecilians but also to the ancestors of reptiles, birds, and mammals. In this landmark publication, one of the leading paleontologists of our time explores a pivotal moment in vertebrate evolution, the rise of amphibians. Synthesizing findings from the rich and highly diverse fossil record of amphibians, Robert Carroll traces their origin back 365 million years, when particular species of fish traveled down an evolutionary pathway of fin modification that gave rise to legs. This period of dramatic radiation was followed by a cataclysmic extinction 250 million years ago. After a long gap, modern amphibian groups gradually emerged. Now the number of amphibian species and individuals throughout the tropical and temperate regions of the earth exceeds that of mammals. The Rise of Amphibians is documented with more than two hundred illustrations of fossil amphibians and sixteen exquisite color plates depicting amphibians in their natural habitats throughout their long existence. The most comprehensive examination of amphibian evolution ever produced, The Rise of Amphibians is an essential resource for paleontologists, herpetologists, geologists, and evolutionary biologists.

Objev podobné jako The Rise of Amphibians : 365 Million Years of Evolution - Carroll Robert

cena 2058.0 Kč

Overkill: The Years Of Decay - LP (4050538677003)

LP vinyl - V reedici na vinylu vychází čtvrté studiové album „The Years Of Decay” z roku 1989. Overkill jsou thrashmetalová skupina z amerického New Jersey založená roku 1980, která se pojmenovala po jednom z alb legendárních Motörhead. V reedici na vinylu vychází čtvrté studiové album „The Years Of Decay” z roku 1989. Overkill jsou thrashmetalová skupina z amerického New Jersey založená roku 1980, která se pojmenovala po jednom z alb legendárních Motörhead. Jejich unikátní zvuk vychází z kombinace punk rocku a Nové vlny britského heavy metalu. Byli jednou z prvních kapel, která se upsala velkému labelu. V jejich případě se jednalo v roce 1986 o značku Atlantic. Seznam stop LP A1 Time to Kill / A2 Elimination / A3 I Hate / A4 Nothing to Die For / A5 Playing with Spiders / Skullkrusher / B1 Birth of Tension / B2 Who Tends the Fire / B3 The Years of Decay / B4 Evil Never Dies

Objev podobné jako Overkill: The Years Of Decay - LP (4050538677003)

cena 669.0 Kč

Patagonia Unexpected: 30 Years of Patagonia Photography

Patagonia Unexpected: 30 Years of Patagonia Photography - souhrn více než 100 nejzajímavějších fotografií ze života a překračování osobních hranic zákazníků i slavných fotografů značky Patagonia. Můžete tak nahlédnout do všedního života nevšedních lidí a cestovat s nimi po neznámých a nebezpečných místech.

Objev podobné jako Patagonia Unexpected: 30 Years of Patagonia Photography

cena 954.0 Kč

Lattafa Art Of Nature II - EDP 100 ml

Lattafa Art Of Nature II je elegantní unisex parfémovaná voda, která mistrně spojuje živé a sofistikované prvky. Začíná svěžími tóny bergamotu, olibanu, mandarinky a jablka, které vytvářejí ovocný úvod. Srdce odhaluje bohatou kombinaci pomerančového květu, růže a kardamomu, dodávající květinové a kořenité nuance. Vůně se završuje teplým základem vanilky, ambroxanu, guajakového a cedrového dřeva a pižma, čímž nabízí smyslný a hluboký závěr. Tato vůně je ideální volbou pro jakoukoli příležitost. Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 2024.

Objev podobné jako Lattafa Art Of Nature II - EDP 100 ml

cena 1799.0 Kč

Lattafa Art of Arabia II - EDP 100 ml

Art of Arabia II od značky Lattafa je podmanivá dřevitá parfémovaná voda inspirovaná půvabným kouzlem Arábie. Vůně je ztělesněním bohatství, sofistikovanosti a nebývalé krásy jedinečné země s bohatou kulturou a výjimečným odkazem. Bergamot se v úvodu snoubí s růžovým pepřem, vanilkovým nádechem heliotropu a kardamomem. Srdce je zasvěceno harmonickým akordům levandule, která se spojí s mandlemi a jasmínem, zatímco kouzlo základu spočívá v intenzivních akordech oudu, guajakového a santalového dřeva a vanilky. Dopřejte si i vy dokonalý prožitek díky komplexní a vzácné vůni Art of Arabia II, která je dalším z klenotů orientálních vonných esencí značky Lattafa.

Objev podobné jako Lattafa Art of Arabia II - EDP 100 ml

cena 1149.0 Kč

Lattafa Art of Arabia III - EDP 100 ml

Art of Arabia III od značky Lattafa je podmanivá orientální parfémovaná voda inspirovaná půvabným kouzlem Arábie. Vůně je ztělesněním bohatství, sofistikovanosti a nebývalé krásy jedinečné země s bohatou kulturou a výjimečným odkazem. Davan, olibanum a bergamot tvoří úvod, následovaný aromatickým pohlazením sladké tuberózy, která se snoubí se santalovým dřevem a gurmánskými akordy tabáku a datlí. Pryskyřičné tóny myrhy doprovází dřevitě-kouřová stopa labdana, zahalená do dlouhotrvajícího aroma vanilky, fazole tonky a pačuli. Dopřejte si i vy dokonalý prožitek díky komplexní a vzácné vůni Art of Arabia III, která je skutečným klenotem orientálních vonných esencí.

Objev podobné jako Lattafa Art of Arabia III - EDP 100 ml

cena 1149.0 Kč

Lattafa Art Of Nature I - EDP 100 ml

Art Of Nature I od značky Lattafa představuje univerzální unisex vůni, která hladce kombinuje intenzivní a jemné prvky. Úvodní tóny švestky, černého rybízu a fíků přinášejí šťavnatou ovocnou hloubku, zatímco srdce vůně odkrývá květinovou směs růže s jemnou drsností rebarbory a smyslností kůže. Závěr v tónech oudu, ambry a vanilky dodává hřejivý, smyslný dozvuk, vytvářející nezapomenutelnou harmonii ovocných, květinových a dřevitých akordů, což z vůně činí odvážnou a elegantní volbu pro každou příležitost.

Objev podobné jako Lattafa Art Of Nature I - EDP 100 ml

cena 1799.0 Kč

Running Wild: First Years Of Piracy - CD (4050538380880)

Hudební CD - Reedice kompilace z roku 1991, která obsahovala vybrané, znovu nahrané skladby z prvních tří alb skupiny. Reedice kompilace z roku 1991, která obsahovala vybrané, znovu nahrané skladby z prvních tří alb skupiny. Pocházejí z Hamburku, kde vznikli v roce 1976. Running Wild jsou jednou z nejpopulárnějších německých power metalových kapel. Zpočátku se v jejich textech objevovala satanská symbolika, později si osvojili historická témata a psali písně o pirátech. Ačkoli v roce 2009 oznámili ukončení činnosti, o tři roky později se vrátili a v roce 2016 vydali už šestnácté album Rapid Foray. Rok vydání : 1991 (kompilace) Rok reedice : 2022 Seznam stop CD (digipack) Under Jolly Roger / Branded and Exiled / Soldiers of Hell / Raise Your Fist / Walpurgis Night / Fight the Oppression / Marching to Die / Raw Ride / Diamonds of the Black Chest / Prisoner of Our Time

Objev podobné jako Running Wild: First Years Of Piracy - CD (4050538380880)

cena 269.0 Kč

Ex Deo: Thirteen Years Of Nero - CD (NPR963DP)

Hudební CD - Thirteen Years Of Nero je čtvrté album vydané kanadskou death metal kapely Ex Deo. Thirteen Years Of Nero je čtvrté album vydané kanadskou death metal kapely Ex Deo. Rok vydání : 2021 (4.album) Seznam stop CD The Fall of Claudius / Imperator / The Head of the Snake / Boudicca (Queen of the Iceni) [Feat. Brittney Slayes] / Britannia 9th at Comuldonum / Trial of the Gods (Intermezzo) / The Fiddle ; the Fire / Son of the Deified / What Artist Dies in Me / The Revolt of Galba

Objev podobné jako Ex Deo: Thirteen Years Of Nero - CD (NPR963DP)

cena 399.0 Kč

One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel García Márques

Blending political reality with magic realism, fantasy and comic invention, this book is one of the most daringly original works of the twentieth century.

Objev podobné jako One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel García Márques

cena 284.0 Kč

The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp - Leonie Swannová

It''s an eventful day at Sunset Hall, a house-share for the old and unruly, when the police arrive with news that a body has been discovered next door. Everyone, including Agnes, is secretly relieved that the body in question is not the one they''re currently hiding in the shed (sorry about that, Lillith). Now the answer to their little problem with Lillith may have fallen into their laps. All they have to do is find out who murdered their neighbour, so they can pin Lillith''s death on them, thus killing two old birds with one stone. To investigate, the senior sleuths (not forgetting Hettie the tortoise) will tangle with sinister bakers, broken stair lifts, inept criminals and their own dark secrets.

Objev podobné jako The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp - Leonie Swannová

cena 295.0 Kč

One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel García Márquez

Though little more than a settlement surrounded by mountains, Macondo has its wars and disasters, even its wonders and miracles. A microcosm of Columbian life, its secrets lie hidden, encoded in a book and only Aureliano Buendia can fathom its mysteries and reveal its shrouded destiny.

Objev podobné jako One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel García Márquez

cena 268.0 Kč

One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel García Márquez

One of the twentieth century's most beloved and acclaimed novels, One Hundred Years of Solitude tells the story of the rise and fall, birth and death of the mythical town of Macondo through the history of the Buendia family. Inventive, amusing, magnetic, sad, and alive with unforgettable men and women--brimming with truth, compassion, and a lyrical magic that strikes the soul--this novel is a masterpiece in the art of fiction.

Objev podobné jako One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel García Márquez

cena 447.0 Kč

Prague in Black and Gold: The History of a City - Peter Demetz

From the Velvet Revolution to the disturbing world of Franz Kafka, from the devestation of the Thirty Years War to the musical elegance of Mozart and Dvorak, Prague is steeped in a wealth of history and culture. PRAGUE IN BLACK AND GOLD is a first class history of this unique city, allowing us to unravel layer upon layer of startlingly symbolic sites and buidings to reveal the real Prague. "PRAGUE IN BLACK AND GOLD is an exceptional work - and exceptionally reliable ... I am sure that thiswill be an important and exciting guide for all who wish to learn more about the famous people and important events in the history of the Czech lands and their capital" Ivan Klima, The Times

Objev podobné jako Prague in Black and Gold: The History of a City - Peter Demetz

cena 357.0 Kč

Kinetismus - Zdeněk Pešánek

Reprint slavné knihy Kinetismus z roku 1941 s předmluvou teoretika umění Petera Weibela a s doslovem historika umění Tomáše Pospiszyla. Zdeněk Pešánek (1896-1965) byl průkopníkem kinetického umění. Sochař, malíř, architekt a člen avantgardní umělecké skupiny Devětsil, byl v meziválečném období autorem unikátních multimediálních objektů a nástrojů, ale také originálním teoretikem umění. Text Kinetismu vznikal původně ve 20. letech 20. století. Kromě Pešánkovy originální koncepce kinetického umění, která předznamenává umění nových médií a počítačů, nabízí kniha schémata ohňostrojů a světelných fontán a podrobný popis řešení Pešánkovy kineticko-světelné plastiky pro Edisonovu transformační stanici a plastik oslavujících 100 let elektřiny.

Objev podobné jako Kinetismus - Zdeněk Pešánek

cena 284.0 Kč

Wagnerism: Art and Politics in the Shadow of Music (000842294X)

Kniha - autor Alex Ross, 784 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Alex Ross, renowned New Yorker music critic and author of the international bestseller and Pulitzer Prize finalist The Rest Is Noise, reveals how Richard Wagner became the proving ground for modern art and politics?an aesthetic war zone where the Western world wrestled with its capacity for beauty and violence. For better or worse, Wagner is the most widely influential figure in the history of music. Around 1900, the phenomenon known as Wagnerism saturated European and American culture. Such colossal creations as The Ring of the Nibelung, Tristan und Isolde, and Parsifal were models of formal daring, mythmaking, erotic freedom, and mystical speculation. A mighty procession of artists, including Virginia Woolf, Thomas Mann, Paul Cézanne, Isadora Duncan, and Luis Bunuel, felt his impact. Anarchists, occultists, feminists, and gay-rights pioneers saw him as a kindred spirit. Then Adolf...

Objev podobné jako Wagnerism: Art and Politics in the Shadow of Music (000842294X)

cena 419.0 Kč

The Age of Collage 3. Contemporary Collage in Modern Art

Featuring dynamic works from the contemporary collage landscape, The Age of Collage Vol. 3 showcases a new crop of creative vanguards advancing the medium's possibilities, piece by piece, splice by splice. With its foundations in Surrealism and Dadaism, what was once a convention-defying practice has maintained a voice for generations. Equipped with a craft knife, paintbrush, stylus, or scissors, a collage artist's toolkit is as varied as their output and this title brings their work back to the paper page. Investigating the varied aesthetic cues and cultural tropes that inspire their interdisciplinary approach, this comprehensive volume details more than 70 artists discovering new ways of elevating the genre.

Objev podobné jako The Age of Collage 3. Contemporary Collage in Modern Art

cena 1155.0 Kč

Normal Women. 900 Years of Making History - Philippa Gregoryová

FROM THE MULTI-MILLION BESTSELLING HISTORICAL NOVELIST COMES THE CULMINATION OF HER LIFE’S WORK Did you know that there are more penises than women in the Bayeux Tapestry? That the Peasant’s Revolt was started and propelled by women, protesting a tax on women? Or that celebrated naturalist Charles Darwin believed not just that women were naturally inferior to men but that they’d evolve to become ever more inferior? These are just a few of the startling findings you will learn from reading Philippa Gregory’s Normal Women. In this ambitious and ground-breaking book, she tells the story of our nation over 900 years, but for the very first time women – some fifty per cent of the population – are no longer invisible in this history of England, but are at its beating heart. Using research skills honed in her work as one of our foremost historical novelists, Gregory trawled through court records to find highway women, beggars and shepherdesses, through newspapers and diaries to find murderers and brides, housewives and pirates, female husbands and hermits. The ‘normal women’ you will meet in her pages went to war, ploughed the fields, campaigned, wrote, and loved. They rode in jousts, flew Spitfires, issued their own currency and built ships, corn mills and houses as part of their everyday lives They committed crimes, or treason, worshipped many gods, cooked and nursed, invented things and rioted. A lot. They built our society to be as diverse and varied as the women themselves. They are there in the archives – if you look – and they made our history. ‘You’ll lose count of the number of things you learn about women and their skewed place in history as you read Philippa Gregory’s stunning Normal Women … the book reframes the past … an essential read’ Independent

Objev podobné jako Normal Women. 900 Years of Making History - Philippa Gregoryová

cena 402.0 Kč

The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot (1529176247)

Kniha - autor Marianne Cronin, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Life is short - no one knows that better than seventeen year-old Lenni Petterssen. On the Terminal Ward, the nurses are offering their condolences already, but Lenni still has plenty of living to do. When she meets 83-year-old Margot Macrae, a fellow patient offering new friendship and enviable artistic skills, Lenni's life begins to soar in ways she'd never imagined. As their bond deepens, a world of stories opens up: of wartime love and loss, of misunderstanding and reconciliation, of courage, kindness and joy. Stories that have led Lenni and Margot to the end of their days.

Objev podobné jako The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot (1529176247)

cena 269.0 Kč

75 Years of Capitol Records - Barney Hoskyns, Reuel Golden

From the Beatles to Beck, Sinatra to Sam Smith, a parade of era-defining artists have passed through the doors of the Capitol Records Tower, one of Hollywood’s most distinctive landmarks and home to one of the world’s most defining labels for the past 75 years. To commemorate this extraordinary history of recorded music, TASCHEN presents this official account of Capitol Records, from its founding year of 1942 to today. With a foreword by Beck, essays by cultural historians and music and architecture critics, as well as hundreds of images from Capitol’s extensive archives, we follow the label’s evolution and the making of some of the greatest music of the 20th and 21st centuries. Through pop, rock, country, classical, soul, and jazz, the photographic and musical history includes the label’s most sucessful, cool, hip, and creative stars, as well as the one-hit wonders who had their all-too-brief moments in the spotlight. Along the way, we encounter the likes of Miles Davis, Nat King Cole, the Kingston Trio, and Frank Sinatra in Capitol’s first 20 years; the Beach Boys, the Band, and the Beatles in the 1960s; global rock magnets Pink Floyd, Wings, Steve Miller Band, Bob Seger, and Linda Ronstadt in the 1970s; Beastie Boys, Duran Duran, Radiohead, and Bonnie Raitt in the 1980s and 1990s; and such contemporary stars as Coldplay, Katy Perry, and Sam Smith. An unmissable milestone for music lovers, 75 Years of Capitol Records is a live and kicking celebration of the mighty giant of the industry that created the soundtrack to generations past, present, and future. Contributors

Objev podobné jako 75 Years of Capitol Records - Barney Hoskyns, Reuel Golden

cena 3124.0 Kč

Fire & Blood (HBO Tie-in Edition) : 300 Years Before A Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin

Centuries before the events of A Game of Thrones, House Targaryen--the only family of dragonlords to survive the Doom of Valyria--took up residence on Dragonstone. Fire & Blood begins their tale with the legendary Aegon the Conqueror, creator of the Iron Throne, and goes on to recount the generations of Targaryens who fought to hold that iconic seat, all the way up to the civil war that nearly tore their dynasty apart.What really happened during the Dance of the Dragons? Why was it so deadly to visit Valyria after the Doom? What were Maegor the Cruel's worst crimes? What was it like in Westeros when dragons ruled the skies? These are but a few of the questions answered in this essential chronicle, as related by a learned maester of the Citadel. Readers have glimpsed small parts of this narrative in such volumes as The World of Ice & Fire, but now, for the first time, the full tapestry of Targaryen history is revealed.With all the scope and grandeur of Gibbon's The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Fire & Blood is the first volume of the definitive two-part history of the Targaryens, giving readers a whole new appreciation for the dynamic, often bloody, and always fascinating history of Westeros.

Objev podobné jako Fire & Blood (HBO Tie-in Edition) : 300 Years Before A Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin

cena 241.0 Kč

Lonely City: Adventures in the Art of Being Alone - Laing Olivia

Finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award in Criticism #1 Book of the Year from Brain Pickings Named a best book of the year by NPR, Newsweek, Slate, Pop Sugar, Marie Claire, Elle, Publishers Weekly, and Lit Hub A dazzling work of biography, memoir, and cultural criticism on the subject of loneliness, told through the lives of iconic artists, by the acclaimed author of The Trip to Echo Spring. When Olivia Laing moved to New York City in her midthirties, she found herself inhabiting loneliness on a daily basis. Increasingly fascinated by the most shameful of experiences, she began to explore the lonely city by way of art. Moving from Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks to Andy Warhol’s Time Capsules, from Henry Darger’s hoarding to David Wojnarowicz’s AIDS activism, Laing conducts an electric, dazzling investigation into what it means to be alone, illuminating not only the causes of loneliness but also how it might be resisted and redeemed. Humane, provocative, and moving, The Lonely City is a celebration of a strange and lovely state, adrift from the larger continent of human experience, but intrinsic to the very act of being alive.

Objev podobné jako Lonely City: Adventures in the Art of Being Alone - Laing Olivia

cena 325.0 Kč

Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage - Haruki Murakami

A mesmerising mystery story about friendship from the internationally bestselling author of Norwegian Wood and 1Q84Tsukuru Tazaki had four best friends at school. By chance all of their names contained a colour. The two boys were called Akamatsu, meaning ‘red pine’, and Oumi, ‘blue sea’, while the girls’ names were Shirane, ‘white root’, and Kurono, ‘black field’. Tazaki was the only last name with no colour in it.One day Tsukuru Tazaki’s friends announced that they didn't want to see him, or talk to him, ever again.Since that day Tsukuru has been floating through life, unable to form intimate connections with anyone. But then he meets Sara, who tells him that the time has come to find out what happened all those years ago.

Objev podobné jako Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage - Haruki Murakami

cena 268.0 Kč

The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot - Cronin Marianne

Life is short. No-one knows that better than seventeen-year-old Lenni living on the terminal ward. But as she is about to learn, it's not only what you make of life that matters, but who you share it with. Dodging doctor's orders, she joins an art class where she bumps into fellow patient Margot, a rebel-hearted eight-three-year-old from the next ward. Their bond is instant as they realize that together they have lived an astonishing one hundred years. To celebrate their shared century, they decide to paint their life stories: of growing old and staying young, of giving joy, of receiving kindness, of losing love, of finding the person who is everything. As their extraordinary friendship deepens, it becomes vividly clear that life is not done with Lenni and Margot yet. Fiercely alive, disarmingly funny and brimming with tenderness, THE ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF LENNI AND MARGOT unwraps the extraordinary gift of life even when it is about to be taken away, and revels in our infinite capacity for friendship and love when we need them most.

Objev podobné jako The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot - Cronin Marianne

cena 299.0 Kč

Fabio & Grooverider - 30 Years Of Rage (Part Two) (2 LP)

Typ: Album;LP deska Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: LP Varianta: 30 Years Of Rage (Part Two) (2 LP) Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Země interpreta: Spojené království Subžánr: Elektronický;House;Jungle;Techno Žánr: Elektronický;House Barva: Černá Země původu: Evropská unie Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 2 ks Rok nahrávky: 2019.0 Interpret / Téma: Grooverider;Fabio Vydavatelství: Above Board Projects Rok vydání: 2019.0 Barva podle výrobce: Black Datum vydání: 2019-05-13

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cena 829.0 Kč

Lattafa Art Of Nature I. parfémovaná voda unisex 100 ml

Lattafa Art Of Nature I., 100 ml, Parfémované vody unisex, Nový den, nová příležitost zdolávat výzvy. Unisex parfémovaná voda Lattafa Art Of Nature I. osvěží vaši mysl a vy tak můžete směle následovat svůj instinkt. Vydejte se vstříc každodennímu dobrodružství. orientální vůně ovocná vůně květinová vůně unisex vůně

Objev podobné jako Lattafa Art Of Nature I. parfémovaná voda unisex 100 ml

cena 1105.0 Kč

The Art of Danish Living: How to Find Happiness In and Out of Work - Meik Wiking

From the author of the million-copy bestseller, The Little Book of Hygge, comes a beautifully designed guide on how to get more out of work and live like the happiest people in the world: the Danish. We often look to the Danish lifestyle as a utopia: they enjoy long summer holidays and the cosiest, hyggelig winters, but their happiness isn’t just limited to their free time. Almost two thirds report high job satisfaction, and 58% say they would continue working even if they won the lottery.But what exactly are the ingredients of happiness at work? And how can we live more like that? Meik Wiking, the world’s favourite happiness expert, is back with more of his wise yet simple snippets of inspiration from Danish culture, and shows us that nurturing a sense of purpose, trust between you and your manager and freedom within your role can mean more than any job title. Based on stats from his own research and designed with his trademark style, this book is sure to improve your happiness levels. We will spend around a third of our lives at work, so why not feel happier while we do it?

Objev podobné jako The Art of Danish Living: How to Find Happiness In and Out of Work - Meik Wiking

cena 536.0 Kč

Lattafa Pride Art of Arabia III parfémovaná voda unisex 100 ml

Lattafa Pride Art of Arabia III, 100 ml, Parfémované vody unisex, Objevte vůni, která nezapadá do žádných škatulek, a přitom mistrně zdůrazní osobnost svého nositele. Unisex parfémovaná voda Lattafa Pride Art of Arabia III je ta pravá vůně, která umožní vyniknout vaší originalitě. dřevitá vůně květinová vůně originální vůně pro originální osobnost

Objev podobné jako Lattafa Pride Art of Arabia III parfémovaná voda unisex 100 ml

cena 1011.0 Kč

Lattafa Pride Art of Arabia II parfémovaná voda unisex 100 ml

Lattafa Pride Art of Arabia II, 100 ml, Parfémované vody unisex, Zapomeňte na pravidla, hranice a limity. Unisex parfémovaná voda Lattafa Pride Art of Arabia II se skvěle hodí pro každého, kdo se nebojí vystoupit z davu. gurmánská vůně sladká vůně originální vůně pro originální osobnost

Objev podobné jako Lattafa Pride Art of Arabia II parfémovaná voda unisex 100 ml

cena 986.0 Kč

Lattafa Pride Art of Arabia I parfémovaná voda unisex 100 ml

Lattafa Pride Art of Arabia I, 100 ml, Parfémované vody unisex, Objevte vůni, která nezapadá do žádných škatulek, a přitom mistrně zdůrazní osobnost svého nositele. Unisex parfémovaná voda Lattafa Pride Art of Arabia I je ta pravá vůně, která umožní vyniknout vaší originalitě. čistá svěží vůně aromatická vůně s bylinnými tóny originální vůně pro originální osobnost

Objev podobné jako Lattafa Pride Art of Arabia I parfémovaná voda unisex 100 ml

cena 1096.0 Kč

The House by the Lake: The Story of a Home and a Hundred Years of History - Thomas Harding

A beautiful picture-book adaptation of Thomas Harding's Costa-shortlisted biography for adults, exquisitely illustrated by Britta Teckentrup.On the outskirts of Berlin, a wooden cottage stands on the shore of a lake. Over the course of a century, this little house played host to a loving Jewish family, a renowned Nazi composer, wartime refugees and a Stasi informant; in that time, a world war came and went, and the Berlin Wall was built a stone's throw from the cottage's back door.Thomas Harding first shared this remarkable story in his Costa-shortlisted biography The House by the Lake - now he has rendered it into a deeply moving picture-book for young readers. With words that read like a haunting fairy-tale, and magnificent artwork by Britta Teckentrup, this is the astonishing true story of the house by the lake.

Objev podobné jako The House by the Lake: The Story of a Home and a Hundred Years of History - Thomas Harding

cena 357.0 Kč

Knížka Assouline Smiley: 50 Years of Good News by Liam Aldous, English

Kniha z kolekce Assouline. U příležitosti 50 let od svého vzniku představuje Smiley vzrušující sborník nejzajímavějších spoluprací a také ohlédnutí za okamžiky v historii, které byly důvodem k úsměvu, ale nejen k němu.

Objev podobné jako Knížka Assouline Smiley: 50 Years of Good News by Liam Aldous, English

cena 1499.0 Kč

Various Artists - Raised By Rap: 50 Years Of Hip Hop (2 LP)

Vydavatelství: Legacy Recordings Datum vydání: 2023-07-28 Žánr: Hip Hop;Rap Interpret / Téma: Various Artists Barva podle výrobce: Black Subžánr: Hip Hop;Rap Varianta: Raised By Rap: 50 Years Of Hip Hop (2 LP) Země původu: Německo Rok vydání: 2023.0 Barva: Černá Typ: Limitovaná edice;Kompilace;LP deska Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 2 ks

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cena 655.0 Kč

Junkers 100 Years Night Flight 958.03.13

Ke 100. výročí nočního letu z New Yorku do Chicaga byl představen speciální model hodinek Junkers 100 Years Night Flight 958.03.13 s plně fluorescenčním číselníkem. Limitovaná edice je striktně omezena na 999 kusů. Na podzim roku 1923 pilot Edward Stinson spolu s Charlesem Dickensonem, prezidentem Illinois Aero Clubu, absolvovali přelomový noční let z New Yorku do Chicaga v Junkers F13. Tento let znamenal první nepřerušovaný noční let mezi oběma městy, čímž byl stanoven milník ve vývoji letectví, které je…

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cena 16690.0 Kč

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