Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Interactive Level 2 Workbook - Meredith Levy
Interactive is an exciting four-level course for teenage learners from elementary to upper-intermediate levels (CEF A2-B2).
Podívejte se také OTL Batman Interactive (DC0818)
Interactive Level 1 Workbook with Downloadable Audio - Meredith Levy
Interactive is an exciting four-level course for teenage learners from elementary to upper-intermediate levels (CEF A2-B2).
Podívejte se také SPACERAIL: LEVEL 2 - KULIČKOVÁ DRÁHA (201)
English World Level 2: Workbook - Mary Bowen
Nádherně ilustrovaný desetidílný kurz angličtiny pro základní školy s tištěnými i elektronickými komponenty - pracovní sešit k učebnici English World 2 Popis:English Worldje vůbec první integrovaný desetidílný kurz angličtiny s tištěnými i elektronickými komponenty. Nádherně ilustrovaná učebnice je určena dětem od 3. třídy a to jak těm, které se již angličtinu učily v 1. a 2. třídě, tak těm, které s angličtinou začínají úplně od začátku. Cílem kurzu je výborné zvládnutí psané i mluvené angličtiny. 1. - 4. díl má doložku MŠMT Učebnice V úvodu je zařazena lekce na uvítanou, kde se žáci naučí první slovíčka a obraty. Učebnice má celkem dvanáct lekcí, jedna lekce vystačí na přibližně 8 vyučovacích hodin. Každá vyučovací hodina má jasné téma a cíl. Výborně graficky zpracované příběhy, rozhovory, písničky a básničky mají za úkol děti přitáhnout a motivovat. Jednotlivými lekcemi žáky provází legrační Mr Jolly v obleku klauna. Vždy po třech lekcích jsou zařazeny opakování a projekty. Gramatika a slovní zásoba se učí v pravidelném tempu a pak se systematicky procvičují. I když žáci nemají každodenní kontakt s jazykem, učebnice jim poskytne nejenom důkladnou znalost tvarů a významů slov a frází, ale i schopnost jazyk již od počátku aktivně používat. CD s poslechy Disk obsahuje nahrávky rozhovorů, textů, písniček a básniček z učebnice. Obrázkové karty - Flashcards Při výuce slovní zásoby, hrách a dalších aktivitách je vhodné používat těchto 158 barevných karet velikosti A4. Obrázky na kartách zobrazují osoby, věci i činnosti. Metodika Přepis všech nahrávek najde učitel v metodické příručce (Teacher's Book) Detailní poznámky pro učitele jsou na stránkách průvodce umístěny kolem černobílé kopie stránky z učebnice. Učitel tedy nemusí učebnici nosit na hodinu. Průvodce rovněž obsahuje úvodní aktivty, aktivity na začátky hodin, klíč ke cvičením a hry. DVD s materiály pro učiteleNa tomto DVD učitelé naleznou další materiály jak k vytištění, tak pro interaktivní tabule. DVD také obsahuje software pro přípravu testů.
Podívejte se také Osamělá Meredith (978-80-249-4880-5)
Podívejte se také
- OTL Harry Potter Hogwarts Interactive (HP0816)
- Spony Smart Level, 2 mm, 100 ks (KU1893)
- Business Basic New Edition Workbook (978-0-945734-1-2)
- Lifelines Pre-intermediate Workbook with Key (978-0-943380-2-8)
- Šlabikár multi level marketingu
- cestovní zavazadla luxusní level 8
- Super Mario - Level - pokladnička (5055964738440)
- Level Suburban vel. S (8053808986368)
- 86" Triumph Board Interactive Flat Panel (TB IFP 8621)
- 75" Triumph Board Interactive Flat Panel (TB IFP 7521)
- English Plus 4 Workbook with MultiRom (9780194749039)
- Horizons 3 Workbook (01-943889-0-5)
- Spony Smart Level, 2 mm, 800 ks + kbelík 20 l, Kubala (KU1886)
- Lexibook Mluvící robot Powerman Interactive se světelnými efekty, dálkové ovládání (ROB50EN)
- Space Rail Kuličková dráha Level 1 (3152)
- Frankenstein: Usborne English Readers Level 3 (9781474927857)
- Kleště aplikační PROFI Smart Level, kovové (KU1899)
- Maturita Solutions 3rd Edition Intermediate Workbook Czech Edition (9780194504539)
Eyes Open Level 2 Workbook with Online Practice - Vicki Anderson
Captivating Discovery Education(TM) video and stimulating global topics spark curiosity and engage teenage learners. Developed in partnership with Discovery Education (TM), Eyes Open features captivating Discovery Education(TM) video and stimulating global topics to motivate students and spark their curiosity. This version of the Workbook includes access to the online learning management platform with extra resources, games and interactive video activities. Teachers can use the platform to track students' progress and ensure more effective learning. A Student's Book and Online Workbook pack with link to the learning management platform is also available.
Objev podobné jako Eyes Open Level 2 Workbook with Online Practice - Vicki Anderson
Messages 3 Workbook with Audio CD/CD-ROM - Meredith Levy
Messages is a motivating lower-secondary course. Teachers and students are rewarded with immediate results at every 'Step' of each unit. Students can use their English to explore a complete set of online 'Infoquest' websites. Reading skills are developed through continuous stories and regular 'Life and culture' sections. KET- and PET-style exercises help develop exam skills. Exercises where students can work to their level make the course ideal for mixed-ability classes. Fast finishers can complete the 'Try this!' sections and extension exercises in the Workbook. Messages has been correlated against the CEF. The 'Coursework' activities at the end of each module provide students with examples of work to add to it. Regular 'Learning diary', 'How's it going?' and 'Study skills' sections create independent learners who take responsibility for their own progress. Level 1 assumes students have studied English at primary school, but gives full coverage of all basic language areas. Key features 'Use what you know' sections at the end of each step activate the language students have learnt and provide them with immediate results. 'Life and culture' sections and continuous stories provide rich reading resources about the outside world to stimulate students' interest. Coursework activities in each review section on a connected theme at each level (for example, Level 1 My Everyday Life) mean students build up a portfolio of work for each year. A variety of exercises such as the 'Try this!' sections and extension exercises in the Workbook mean students can work to their own level. Teacher's Resource Pack provides photocopiable tests, extra communication and grammar activities and pattern drills. KET and PET-style exercises train students in the skills they need for these exams. Workbook description In addition to extra practice of the language covered in the Student's Book, there are extension exercises for fast finishers in the Workbook. A 'Learning diary' helps students assess their progress and take ownership of their own learning.The accompanying Audio CD/CD-ROM includes the workbook audio recordings and a wealth of fun interactive CD-ROM exercises so students can practise what they've learnt at their own pace.
Objev podobné jako Messages 3 Workbook with Audio CD/CD-ROM - Meredith Levy
Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 2 Workbook with eBook and Online Resources DISNEY) - Sandy Zervas
With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy.There is one workbook for each level of the Pearson Disney Kids Readers, with 64 pages per workbook. These workbooks contain:Opener: To develop visual literacy by referring students back to the story in a fun wayVocabulary: To consolidate learning of key words from the storyStory: To learn reading strategies; to build analytical skills related to reading fictionLanguage: To introduce and practice a language structure or function within a new contextPhonics: To practice reading and spelling the target letters and soundsValues: To enable learners to identify the value and also connect it to their own livesFind Out: To deepen the understanding of the CLIL content; to build writing skillsGame & Self Assessment: To review the story, vocabulary, language, phonics, values and CLIL; develop self assessment skillsQuiz: to test elements of the story, vocabulary, and language from the Reader and the Workbook.Reading RecordHandwriting Practice (Level 1) / Spelling Practice (Level 2 and above)Word List List of key words from all 6 readers in this level
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 2 Workbook with eBook and Online Resources DISNEY) - Sandy Zervas
International Express Interactive Ed Intermediate Workbook + Student´s Workbook CD Pack - Mike Macfarlane
International Express combines general English with business situations, giving students the social and functional English they need to work, travel, and socialize.
Objev podobné jako International Express Interactive Ed Intermediate Workbook + Student´s Workbook CD Pack - Mike Macfarlane
Interactive Level 1 Students Book with Web Zone Access - Helen Hadkins
Interactive is an exciting four-level course for teenage learners from elementary to upper-intermediate levels (CEF A2-B2).
Objev podobné jako Interactive Level 1 Students Book with Web Zone Access - Helen Hadkins
The Girlboss Workbook : An Interactive Journal for Winning at Life - Sophia Amoruso
Hot on the heels of the Netflix show based on #GIRLBOSS comes Sophia Amoruso's new workbook of tips, doodles and fill-in-the-blanks that will help women become their best Girlboss yet. A graphic and whimsical guide filled with exercises, illustrations and plenty of scribble room, The Girlboss Workbook is designed for both dreamers and doers. It invites you (hell, implores you) to get in there and mess it up. Revisit #GIRLBOSS's career wisdom and use it to draft your ideal cover letter, answer practice interview questions and reflect on, or even draw, your mistakes and accomplishments.#GIRLBOSS started as Sophia Amoruso's story, but The Girlboss Workbook is your story. Use this book as a diary, a mood board, a stress ball and a tool for organizing and launching your wildest dreams.
Objev podobné jako The Girlboss Workbook : An Interactive Journal for Winning at Life - Sophia Amoruso
The Girlboss Workbook : An Interactive Journal for Winning at Life (Defekt) - Sophia Amoruso
Hot on the heels of the Netflix show based on #GIRLBOSS comes Sophia Amoruso's new workbook of tips, doodles and fill-in-the-blanks that will help women become their best Girlboss yet. A graphic and whimsical guide filled with exercises, illustrations and plenty of scribble room, The Girlboss Workbook is designed for both dreamers and doers. It invites you (hell, implores you) to get in there and mess it up. Revisit #GIRLBOSS's career wisdom and use it to draft your ideal cover letter, answer practice interview questions and reflect on, or even draw, your mistakes and accomplishments.#GIRLBOSS started as Sophia Amoruso's story, but The Girlboss Workbook is your story. Use this book as a diary, a mood board, a stress ball and a tool for organizing and launching your wildest dreams.
Objev podobné jako The Girlboss Workbook : An Interactive Journal for Winning at Life (Defekt) - Sophia Amoruso
English World Level 4: Workbook - Liz Hocking
Nádherně ilustrovaný desetidílný kurz angličtiny pro základní školy s tištěnými i elektronickými komponenty - pracovní sešit k učebnici English World 4 Popis:English Worldje vůbec první integrovaný desetidílný kurz angličtiny s tištěnými i elektronickými komponenty. Nádherně ilustrovaná učebnice je určena dětem od 3. třídy a to jak těm, které se již angličtinu učily v 1. a 2. třídě, tak těm, které s angličtinou začínají úplně od začátku. Cílem kurzu je výborné zvládnutí psané i mluvené angličtiny. 1. - 4. díl má doložku MŠMT Učebnice V úvodu je zařazena lekce na uvítanou, kde se žáci naučí první slovíčka a obraty. Učebnice má celkem dvanáct lekcí, jedna lekce vystačí na přibližně 8 vyučovacích hodin. Každá vyučovací hodina má jasné téma a cíl. Výborně graficky zpracované příběhy, rozhovory, písničky a básničky mají za úkol děti přitáhnout a motivovat. Jednotlivými lekcemi žáky provází legrační Mr Jolly v obleku klauna. Vždy po třech lekcích jsou zařazeny opakování a projekty. Gramatika a slovní zásoba se učí v pravidelném tempu a pak se systematicky procvičují. I když žáci nemají každodenní kontakt s jazykem, učebnice jim poskytne nejenom důkladnou znalost tvarů a významů slov a frází, ale i schopnost jazyk již od počátku aktivně používat. CD s poslechy Disk obsahuje nahrávky rozhovorů, textů, písniček a básniček z učebnice. Obrázkové karty - Flashcards Při výuce slovní zásoby, hrách a dalších aktivitách je vhodné používat těchto 158 barevných karet velikosti A4. Obrázky na kartách zobrazují osoby, věci i činnosti. Metodika Přepis všech nahrávek najde učitel v metodické příručce (Teacher's Book) Detailní poznámky pro učitele jsou na stránkách průvodce umístěny kolem černobílé kopie stránky z učebnice. Učitel tedy nemusí učebnici nosit na hodinu. Průvodce rovněž obsahuje úvodní aktivty, aktivity na začátky hodin, klíč ke cvičením a hry. DVD s materiály pro učiteleNa tomto DVD učitelé naleznou další materiály jak k vytištění, tak pro interaktivní tabule. DVD také obsahuje software pro přípravu testů.
Objev podobné jako English World Level 4: Workbook - Liz Hocking
English World Level 1: Workbook - Mary Bowen
Objev podobné jako English World Level 1: Workbook - Mary Bowen
English in Mind Level 3 Workbook - Herbert Puchta
This second edition updates a course which has proven to be a perfect fit for classes the world over.
Objev podobné jako English in Mind Level 3 Workbook - Herbert Puchta
English in Mind Level 5 Workbook - Herbert Puchta
This second edition updates a course which has proven to be a perfect fit for classes the world over. Engaging content and a strong focus on grammar and vocabulary combine to make this course a hit with both teachers and students. This Level 5 Workbook provides extra language and skills practice for use both in the classroom or at home. It also includes extra vocabulary exercises corresponding to the expanded lexical sets in the Student's Book 'Vocabulary bank'. 'Study Help' and 'Skills Tips' sections give learners extra support and guidance. The audio content to accompany the Workbook is available separately on the Student's Book DVD-ROM and on the Class Audio CDs.
Objev podobné jako English in Mind Level 5 Workbook - Herbert Puchta
A Level and AS French Grammar & Translation Workbook - Steve Harrison
Written for students transitioning from GCSE to AS, taking the Edexcel, WJEC and Eduqas exams, this AS and A Level French Grammar & Translation Workbook can be used for homework, revision and independent study. It includes thorough revision of key grammar points and embedded translation practice, giving students confidence in language manipulation skills to meet the demands of the 2016 specifications.Please note: If you''re taking the AQA exam, please search for AQA AS and A Level French Grammar and Translation Workbook for the AQA edition of this workbook.
Objev podobné jako A Level and AS French Grammar & Translation Workbook - Steve Harrison
English in Mind Starter Level Workbook - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks
This second edition updates a course which has proven to be a perfect fit for classes the world over.
Objev podobné jako English in Mind Starter Level Workbook - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks
Eyes Open Level 3 Workbook with Online Practice - Vicki Anderson
Captivating Discovery Education(TM) video and stimulating global topics spark curiosity and engage teenage learners. Developed in partnership with Discovery Education (TM), Eyes Open features captivating Discovery Education(TM) video and stimulating global topics to motivate students and spark their curiosity. This version of the Workbook includes access to the online learning management platform with extra resources, games and interactive video activities. Teachers can use the platform to track students' progress and ensure more effective learning. A Student's Book and Online Workbook pack with a link to the learning management platform is also available.
Objev podobné jako Eyes Open Level 3 Workbook with Online Practice - Vicki Anderson
AQA Spanish A Level and AS Grammar & Translation Workbook - Vincent Everett
Written especially for students transitioning from GCSE to AS and those working towards the AQA A Level exams, the AQA AS and A Level Spanish Grammar & Translation Workbook can be used for homework, revision and independent study. It includes thorough revision of key grammar points and embedded translation practice, giving students confidence in language manipulation skills when meeting the rigorous demands of the 2016 specification.Please note: If you''re taking the Edexcel, WJEC or Eduqas exam, please search for AS and A Level French Grammar and Translation Workbook edition of this workbook.
Objev podobné jako AQA Spanish A Level and AS Grammar & Translation Workbook - Vincent Everett
Super Minds Workbook with Digital Pack Level 1, 2nd Edition - Herbert Puchta
Super Minds is back and is super charged! From the same renowned author team, the second edition is thoroughly updated, enhanced and ready to teach your students so much more than English. Aligned to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, the course has a particular focus on developing critical and creative thinking skills, as well as three key cognitive control functions for young learners. Students enjoy exciting adventures with the intrepid characters, with creative projects, authentic CLIL projects and extensive skills practice along the way to B1. The second edition is supported by a comprehensive and enriching digital package in Cambridge One, including big screen style animations and Practice Extra for home use. Herbert Puchta and his team possess a deep understanding of the learning needs of Primary students, as well as profound knowledge of classroom practice and the challenges faced by teachers. Watch Herbert Puchta giving us a glimpse behind the scenes of the creation of Super Minds Second Edition. The Cambridge Life Competencies Framework underpins the creative and critical thinking strands of Super Minds Second Edition. The framework examines social, emotional and cognitive skills at different stages of the learning journey. Super Minds is much loved by millions of learners in over 70 countries. Since its publication, we have carried out extensive research to find out what teachers and learners love about the course, and what could be updated and made even better. Power your students' learning all the way towards B1 with the wealth of audio digital content, including exciting adventure stories worthy of the big screen! Children will love learning grammar with the Language Focus sections and videos featuring the hilarious characters Penny the Penguin, Greg the Gecko and Leo the Leopard. Brand new CLIL content throughout the course is designed to mirror topics students will be studying in their first language. Documentary-style videos help to bring this content to life. All the teaching and learning materials are easily accessible, on any device, on our digital platform. The Teacher's Pack gives you Presentation Plus, test generator and a range of resources. Students have Practice Extra - a motivational learning path with bite-sized original activities, games and brain breaks along the way. Workbook with Digital Pack The Workbook, now full colour for the second edition, correlates page by page with the Student’s Book, making it easy to use both books in class. The Workbook also includes a code for students to access the Digital Pack, including Practice Extra. Digital Pack Practice Extra includes: Online activities which consolidate the classroom learning, as well as animations and interactive games to engage students. Brain Break activities designed to aid motivation and help recharge the brain.
Objev podobné jako Super Minds Workbook with Digital Pack Level 1, 2nd Edition - Herbert Puchta
Academy Stars Second Edition 2 Workbook with Digital Workbook - Andrea Harries
Academy Stars Second Edition builds on the enormous success of the first edition and has even more resources to foster brilliance in the primary English classroom. With the aid of Graphic Grammar animations, Grammar Booster, Extra Stars communicative activities, New Cambridge Young Learner exams activities and enriched readings and listenings, students become exceptional language learners. In addition, activities centered around Education for Sustainable Development & Citizenship and Social & Emotional Learning foster learner autonomy, and help pupils to become responsible citizens. WORKBOOK WITH DIGITAL WORKBOOK: With this blended solution of the print and digital version of the Workbook consolidating the language and concepts introduced in the Pupil’s Book, learners can practise online or in the classroom.
Objev podobné jako Academy Stars Second Edition 2 Workbook with Digital Workbook - Andrea Harries
English in Mind Starter Level: Workbook with Audio CD/CD-ROM - Herbert Puchta
English in Mind je čtyřdílný kurz pro teenagery. Každý díl obsahuje 16 oddílů začleněných do 4 modulů (80 – 90 vyučovacích hodin). Popis: English in Mind is a four-level course for teenagers. Each level contains 16 units grouped into four modules. Clear learning objectives at the beginning of each module, plus 'Check your Progress' sections at the end, help students and teachers plan learning more effectively.Each level of the course provides 80-90 hours of class work with extra photocopiable activities and tests in the Teacher’s Resource Pack. The Workbook comes with a free CD combining interactive CD-ROM and audio material.The course can be used with mixed-ability classes. The Starter level is for complete beginners. Level 1 is for elementary students and contains a 16-page starter section to revise key language. Levels 2 and 3 take students from pre-intermediate to intermediate level.
Objev podobné jako English in Mind Starter Level: Workbook with Audio CD/CD-ROM - Herbert Puchta
Kabelka Aldo MEREDITH stříbrná barva, MEREDITH.042
Malá kabelka z kolekce Aldo. Model se zapínáním, vyroben z krystalů.
Objev podobné jako Kabelka Aldo MEREDITH stříbrná barva, MEREDITH.042
Project Explore 2 Workbook CZ (9780194256407)
Kniha - anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako Project Explore 2 Workbook CZ (9780194256407)
Oxford Heroes is an exciting three-level course that takes students from high-starter to intermediate level. Every unit of Oxford Heroes is divided into three complete lessons, providing a clear progression from new language to skills work. Further language and skills practice is available on the Student's MultiROM, which is linked to topics in the Student's Book.
Objev podobné jako OXFORD HEROES 2 WORKBOOK - Tamzin Thompson
Own it! 2 Workbook - Annie Cornford
We live in a rapidly changing world. With Own It!, teens develop the confidence and competencies they need to forge their own path in this ever-evolving global landscape. From developing critical and creative thinking skills and social/emotional aptitudes to working effectively in a group, Own it! helps create confident, future-ready learners. The Workbook offers extra practice of the language covered in the main Student's Book unit, and is perfect for homework. It includes extra vocabulary and grammar practice, as well as reading, writing, listening and speaking, plus a special exam-preparation feature.
Objev podobné jako Own it! 2 Workbook - Annie Cornford
Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 6 Workbook with eBook and Online Resources (DISNEY) - Kathryn Harper
With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy.There is one workbook for each level of the Pearson Disney Kids Readers, with 64 pages per workbook. These workbooks contain:Opener: To develop visual literacy by referring students back to the story in a fun wayVocabulary: To consolidate learning of key words from the storyStory: To learn reading strategies; to build analytical skills related to reading fictionLanguage: To introduce and practice a language structure or function within a new contextPhonics: To practice reading and spelling the target letters and soundsValues: To enable learners to identify the value and also connect it to their own livesFind Out: To deepen the understanding of the CLIL content; to build writing skillsGame & Self Assessment: To review the story, vocabulary, language, phonics, values and CLIL; develop self assessment skillsQuiz: to test elements of the story, vocabulary, and language from the Reader and the Workbook.Reading RecordHandwriting Practice (Level 1) / Spelling Practice (Level 2 and above)Word List List of key words from all 6 readers in this level
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 6 Workbook with eBook and Online Resources (DISNEY) - Kathryn Harper
Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 4 Workbook with eBook and Online Resources (DISNEY) - Sandy Zervas
With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy.There is one workbook for each level of the Pearson Disney Kids Readers, with 64 pages per workbook. These workbooks contain:Opener: To develop visual literacy by referring students back to the story in a fun wayVocabulary: To consolidate learning of key words from the storyStory: To learn reading strategies; to build analytical skills related to reading fictionLanguage: To introduce and practice a language structure or function within a new contextPhonics: To practice reading and spelling the target letters and soundsValues: To enable learners to identify the value and also connect it to their own livesFind Out: To deepen the understanding of the CLIL content; to build writing skillsGame & Self Assessment: To review the story, vocabulary, language, phonics, values and CLIL; develop self assessment skillsQuiz: to test elements of the story, vocabulary, and language from the Reader and the Workbook.Reading RecordHandwriting Practice (Level 1) / Spelling Practice (Level 2 and above)Word List List of key words from all 6 readers in this level
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 4 Workbook with eBook and Online Resources (DISNEY) - Sandy Zervas
Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 1 Workbook with eBook and Online Resources (DISNEY) - Sandy Zervas
There is one workbook for each level of the Pearson Disney Kids Readers, with 64 pages per workbook. These workbooks contain:Opener: To develop visual literacy by referring students back to the story in a fun wayVocabulary: To consolidate learning of key words from the storyStory: To learn reading strategies; to build analytical skills related to reading fictionLanguage: To introduce and practice a language structure or function within a new contextPhonics: To practice reading and spelling the target letters and soundsValues: To enable learners to identify the value and also connect it to their own livesFind Out: To deepen the understanding of the CLIL content; to build writing skillsGame & Self Assessment: To review the story, vocabulary, language, phonics, values and CLIL; develop self assessment skillsQuiz: to test elements of the story, vocabulary, and language from the Reader and the Workbook.Reading RecordHandwriting Practice (Level 1) / Spelling Practice (Level 2 and above)Word List List of key words from all 6 readers in this level
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 1 Workbook with eBook and Online Resources (DISNEY) - Sandy Zervas
Maturita Focus Czech 2 Workbook - Daniel Brayshaw
Maturita Focus je zcela nová a unikátní učebnice pro studenty středních škol a gymnázií, koncipovaná jako komplexní příprava na jazykové zkoušky - českou státní maturitu, Cambridge English, PTE a jiné.Věková úroveň: 15 - 20 let, studenti středních školÚrovně:
Objev podobné jako Maturita Focus Czech 2 Workbook - Daniel Brayshaw
Abacus Year 2 Workbook 1 - Ruth Merttens
Abacus is a popular Maths scheme used by thousands of schools all over the world. It fully aligns to the UK National Curriculum. Written by a team of experts, led by Series Editor, Professor Ruth Merttens. For children who are following a UK National Curriculum-based maths scheme the Workbooks provide: easy instructions to explain to children ‘Action'' to make the activity more practical ‘Think'' to provide extra challenge a self-assessment opportunity on every page.
Objev podobné jako Abacus Year 2 Workbook 1 - Ruth Merttens
Tryska level 2 - úzká
Tryska značky Montana Cans, vhodná především pro jemnou práci a stínování. Šířka 0,6-2,5cm. Nenalezli jste zde odpověď na to co Vás k tomuto produktu zajímá? Neváhejte nás kontaktovat a my Váš dotaz rádi zodpovíme.
Objev podobné jako Tryska level 2 - úzká
Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics Practical Workbook - Jones Graham, Chris Hewlett, Steve Field, David Styles
For first examination from 2022, these resources meet the real needs of the physics classroom. This practical write-in workbook is the perfect companion for the coursebook. It contains step-by-step guided investigations and practice questions for Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics teachers and students. Through practical investigation, it provides opportunities to develop skills– planning, identifying equipment, creating hypotheses, recording results, analysing data, and evaluating. The workbook is ideal for teachers who find running practical experiments difficult due to lack of time, resources or support. Sample data– if students can''t do the experiments themselves – and answers to the questions are in the teacher''s resource.
Objev podobné jako Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics Practical Workbook - Jones Graham, Chris Hewlett, Steve Field, David Styles
Discovering Music Theory, The ABRSM Grade 2 Workbook
Discovering Music Theory is a suite of workbooks and corresponding answer books that offers all-round preparation for the updated ABRSM Music Theory exams from 2020, including the new online papers. This full-colour workbook will equip students of all ages with the skills, knowledge and understanding required for the ABRSM Grade 2 Music Theory exam. Written to make theory engaging and relevant to developing musicians of all ages, it offers:- straightforward explanations of all new concepts- progressive exercises to build skills and understanding, step by step- challenge questions to extend learning and develop music-writing skills- helpful tips for how to approach specific exercises- ideas for linking theory to music listening, performing and instrumental/singing lessons- clear signposting and progress reviews throughout- a sample practice exam paper showing you what to expect in the new style of exams from 2020As well as fully supporting the ABRSM theory syllabus, Discovering Music Theory provides an excellent resource for anyone wishing to develop their music literacy skills, including GCSE and A-Level candidates, and adult learners.
Objev podobné jako Discovering Music Theory, The ABRSM Grade 2 Workbook
Own it! 2 Workbook with eBook - Annie Cornford
The Learn to Learn feature of Own it! is designed to introduce students to vital learning strategies and techniques which will help them become more independent learners, all aligned to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework. These competencies are developed in the Learn to Learn feature which appears throughout the unit and in the Learn to Learn page at the end of each unit. This page from Level 1 Unit 1 helps students organise their notebook by encouraging them to look at an example of a notebook, compare it with their own, and finally, reflect on how theirs could be improved. The Workbook offers extra practice of the language covered in the main Student's Book unit and is perfect for homework. It includes extra vocabulary and grammar practice, as well as reading, writing, listening, and speaking, plus a special exam-preparation feature.
Objev podobné jako Own it! 2 Workbook with eBook - Annie Cornford
High Note 2 Workbook (Global Edition) - Bob Hastings
Nová řada učebnic High Note nabízí intenzivní jazykový kurz určený dnešním dospívajícím studentům. Učebnicemotivuje studenty k hlubokému rozvoji nejen jazykových dovedností, ale také dovedností pro budoucí kariérua vysokoškolská studia (diskuze, prezentace, projekty). Kniha věnuje prostor také literatuře, kulturním a sociálnímtématům. Nechybí ani velké množství autentických článků a video materiálů (4 typy videí: dokumenty, gramatika,komunikace, life skills).
Objev podobné jako High Note 2 Workbook (Global Edition) - Bob Hastings
New Horizons 2 Workbook (International Edition) - Paul Radley
New Horizons includes 100% new content and updated exam training to prepare students for the B1 school-leaving exam. A wide range of topics engage teenagers' interest and provide essential vocabulary. Practical grammar exercises then build students' confidence in communication.
Objev podobné jako New Horizons 2 Workbook (International Edition) - Paul Radley
Think 2nd Edition 2 Student’s Book with Interactive eBook - Herbert Puchta
This six-level English course develops your students as learners and challenges them to consider global issues such as climate change and important scientific discoveries. With inspirational topics and texts from around the world, pages dedicated to life competencies and focused Cambridge English exam practice, this course encourages students to think big – in English. Challenge and inspire your students with thought-provoking global topics. Give language a context with entertaining vlogs, grammar animations and documentary videos throughout. Develop students’ vital skills for the future, all mapped to the Cambridge Framework for Life Competencies. Build students’ confidence for Cambridge English Qualifications with exam practice checked by Cambridge Assessment English. Flexible digital tools all in one place on Cambridge One including Presentation Plus, Practice Extra, Collaboration Plus, interactive eBooks and more.
Objev podobné jako Think 2nd Edition 2 Student’s Book with Interactive eBook - Herbert Puchta
Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 5 Workbook with eBook and Online Resources (DISNEY) - Kathryn Harper, Sandy Zervas
With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy.There is one workbook for each level of the Pearson Disney Kids Readers, with 64 pages per workbook. These workbooks contain:Opener: To develop visual literacy by referring students back to the story in a fun wayVocabulary: To consolidate learning of key words from the storyStory: To learn reading strategies; to build analytical skills related to reading fictionLanguage: To introduce and practice a language structure or function within a new contextPhonics: To practice reading and spelling the target letters and soundsValues: To enable learners to identify the value and also connect it to their own livesFind Out: To deepen the understanding of the CLIL content; to build writing skillsGame & Self Assessment: To review the story, vocabulary, language, phonics, values and CLIL; develop self assessment skillsQuiz: to test elements of the story, vocabulary, and language from the Reader and the Workbook.Reading RecordHandwriting Practice (Level 1) / Spelling Practice (Level 2 and above)Word List List of key words from all 6 readers in this level
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 5 Workbook with eBook and Online Resources (DISNEY) - Kathryn Harper, Sandy Zervas
Chránič páteře SAS-TEC SCA-400-2 Level 2
Přizpůsobivý 3D chránič páteře na motorku, vhodný pro postavy mezi 135-165 cm nebo pro bundy s menší kapsou pro chránič.. Chránič páteře SAS-TEC SCA-400-2 je protektor z unikátní viskoelastické pěny, který se přizpůsobí vašemu tělu a zároveň výborně pohltí případné nárazy. Je vhodný pro postavu mezi 135-165 cm, případně bundy s menší kapsou pro chránič, a je a certifikovaný dle EN 1621-2. Pěna je flexibilní, takže ji lze tvarovat přesně podle vašich zad, pří nárazu ale ztvrdne a spolehlivě vás ochrání. A pokud při dopadu nedojde k poškození chrániče, můžete ho bez problému používat dál. V případě potřeby lze chránič také ručně omýt.Technický popis: flexibilní chránič z měkké pěny výborná absorpce nárazů vícenásobné použití (pokud nevykazuje známky poškození) perfektní anatomické tvarování omyvatelný doporučená výška uživatele: 135-165 cm, případně pro bundy s menší kapsou na chránič materiál: viskoelastická pěna rozměry: v 40 x š 21,2 x h 1,6 cm hmotnost: cca 295 g certifikace: EN 1621-2
Objev podobné jako Chránič páteře SAS-TEC SCA-400-2 Level 2
PER | Level 2: Gandhi - Jane Rollason
Original / American EnglishMahatma Gandhi died in 1948, but his name is famous around the world. He fought for change in South Africa and then at home in India. But he lived a simple life and he protested without violence. People watched him and they loved him. Many follow his ideas today.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 2: Gandhi - Jane Rollason
The City & Guilds Textbook: Plumbing Book 1, Second Edition: For the Level 3 Apprenticeship (9189), Level 2 Technical Certificate (8202), Level 2 Dipl
Equip learners with the tools for success in a career as a plumber with this comprehensive and updated edition of our bestselling textbook, published in association with City & Guilds.The new edition will help learners to: - Study with confidence, covering all core content for the 6035, 9189 and 8202 specifications, as well as the 355 and 356 plumbing and heating T Level occupational specialisms.- Target learning with detailed qualification mapping grids.- Get to grips with technical content presented in accessible language.- Enhance their understanding of plumbing practice with clear and accurate illustrations and diagrams demonstrating the technical skills you need to master.- Practise maths and English in context, with embedded ''Improve your maths'' and ''Improve your English'' activities.- Test their knowledge with end-of-chapter practice questions, synoptic assessments and practical tasks.- Prepare for the workplace with up-to-date information on relevant key regulations and industry standards.- Keep their knowledge current, with clear coverage of major modern cold water, hot water, central heating, sanitation, rainwater systems and environmental technologies.
Objev podobné jako The City & Guilds Textbook: Plumbing Book 1, Second Edition: For the Level 3 Apprenticeship (9189), Level 2 Technical Certificate (8202), Level 2 Dipl
Challenges 2 Workbook w/ CD-ROM Pack - Liz Kilbey
Challenges provides * Coursebooks that can be completed in one year, giving students a clear sense of progress * Informative and engaging topics that involve teenagers in their learning * Unique features on word building and sentence patterns * Characters that promote positive values and use real spoken language. * Activities for building learner strategies for independent learning * Magazine at the back of the Students Book to support mixed ability classes * Strong grammar and skills sections give students confidence in using the language * A picture dictionary in Levels 1 and 2 that is easy and fun to use * A unique teacher's package gives total support and maximum flexibility
Objev podobné jako Challenges 2 Workbook w/ CD-ROM Pack - Liz Kilbey
Hardweird - Meredith Wild
Determined to overcome a difficult past, Erica Hathaway learns early on to make it on her own. Days after her college graduation, she finds herself face to face with a panel of investors who will make or break her fledgling start-up. The only thing she didn't prepare for was going weak in the knees over an arrogant and gorgeous investor.
Objev podobné jako Hardweird - Meredith Wild
Černý korzet Meredith
Vášnivá noc ve vášnivém oblečení. Hříšný design korzetu jemně obepne ženské křivky a průhledný materiál mu rozvíří myšlenky v hlavě. Balení obsahuje korzet a tanga. - nastavitelná ramínka / neodnímatelné - košíky bez výztuže - nastavitelné popruhy na podvazky - součástí balení NEJSOU podvazkové punčošky.
Objev podobné jako Černý korzet Meredith
More! 2 2nd Edition Workbook - Herbert Puchta
MORE! Second edition is a four-level English course from recognised authors for lower secondary students. This new edition is bursting with added features and an even more user-friendly design to capture young teenagers' imagination and help improve their learning. The course encourages reading for pleasure with new adventure photostories and engaging texts. Both CLIL sections, now an integral part of each lesson, and mini-projects inspire teenagers' natural curiosity. In addition to dedicated grammar, vocabulary and skills sections, MORE! also helps improve your students' exam results with new exam skills sections and learning tips in the Workbook. Each level of MORE! offers 80-90 hours of teaching material and a rich choice of digital components for you and your students. Cyber Homework and web resources make homework and language practice enjoyable for students, while the Presentation Plus DVD-ROM, Testbuilder CD-ROM and DVD provide additional support with teaching and monitoring your students' progress.
Objev podobné jako More! 2 2nd Edition Workbook - Herbert Puchta
Level 2: Rango (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers)
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reding material for younger learners. Rango is based on the hit 2011 animation movie starring Johnny Depp.
Objev podobné jako Level 2: Rango (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers)
PER | Level 2: The Wave - Rhue Morton
Contemporary / British EnglishMr Ross wants to teach his history class about Hitler and the Nazis. He starts a class team. He calls it The Wave. His students love it. Other students want to be in it. But some people don’t like it. And then it starts to feel dangerous. Can anybody stop it?
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 2: The Wave - Rhue Morton
PER | Level 2: Simply Suspense - Stockton Frank
Classic / British EnglishThere are three exciting short stories in this book. They are all about … fear! Three people are in dangerous places. What can they do? Will anybody help them?
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 2: Simply Suspense - Stockton Frank
PEKR | Level 2: Pirate Patch - Helen Parker
Young Pirate Patch finds a treasure map in a bottle in the ocean. Patch and his friends read the map and look for treasure - but bad Captain Blackbeard is following them, and sharks are near their boat! Can they find the treasure?
Objev podobné jako PEKR | Level 2: Pirate Patch - Helen Parker
PER | Level 2: Moby Dick - Herman Melville
Classic / British EnglishMoby Dick is the most dangerous whale in the oceans. Captain Ahab fought him and lost a leg. Now he hates Moby Dick. He wants to kill him. But can Captain Ahab and his men find the great white whale? A young sailor, Ishmael, tells the story of their exciting and dangerous trip.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 2: Moby Dick - Herman Melville
PER | Level 2: Project Omega - Elaine O'Reilly
Original / British EnglishCharles Hatfield Baker III, one of the richest men in New York City, suddenly disappears. His daughter, Julia, wants to find him. The directors of his company want power and money. Do they know where he is? And what is Project Omega? Can Julia find her father and save his company?
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 2: Project Omega - Elaine O'Reilly
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