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End of the Roadie - Elizabeth Flynn - e-kniha

eBook: A killer riff that hits a deadly note.When a member of rock star Brendan Phelan's road crew turns up dead, all fingers point to the colourful cast of characters on stage - including front man Phelan. With guns, whips, and a trail of suspects, DI Angela Costello and her team must race against time to catch the killer before the show's over for good. But with a web of secrets to unravel, the truth may be harder to find than a backstage pass...

Podívejte se také The Ocean at the End of the Lane (1472283368)

cena 250.0 Kč

Dead Gorgeous - Elizabeth Flynn - e-kniha

eBook: In the cutthroat world of fashion, beauty comes at a deadly price...As the top model for the Ivano King fashion house and girlfriend of the label's founder, Ian King, Kirsty was destined for stardom. But when she is found dead in her flat, D.I. Angela Costello is called to the scene.D.I. Costello's investigation leads her to the local gym, and as she delves deeper, she discovers a seedy underworld of theft, addiction, and prostitution lurking behind the glamorous façade of the fashion worldAnd then, it seems her own life could be in danger...

Podívejte se také Various: Until the End of the World - LP (9362490386)

cena 250.0 Kč

Season to Kill - Elizabeth Flynn - e-kniha

eBook: Brendan Phelan, rock star, is playing the Apollo, Hammersmith. The stage show includes guns and whips: as it reaches its climax a shot rings out. The body of Oliver Joplin, one of the road crew, lies lifeless outside the stage door. DI Angela Costello and her team investigate, but they quickly discover that several stage hands, and Phelan himself, are adept with firearms – and that Joplin was widely disliked and distrusted. So why had Phelan kept him on, despite the reservations of his crew? Joplin’s emails reveal the presence of a shadowy figure stalking the dead man. Who might profit from Joplin’s death? Little by little Angela unpicks the web of lies. But unless one person opens up, she can’t crack the case. And that is not going to happen.

Podívejte se také NieR: Automata The End of YoRHa Edition - Nintendo Switch (5021290094475)

cena 250.0 Kč

Game, Set and Murder - Elizabeth Flynn - e-kniha

eBook: It's the first day of the tennis tournament at Wimbledon. And something wicked has happened on court eighteen...When a double grand slam winner is found dead, newly promoted Detective Inspector Angela Costello finds herself uncovering a trail through the complicated life of the beloved victim. While she has no way of proving her many suspicions, she gets closer to the truth when a prime suspect overlooks a vital detail...

Objev podobné jako Game, Set and Murder - Elizabeth Flynn - e-kniha

cena 250.0 Kč

The Doom of the Griffiths - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha

eBook: 'The Doom of the Griffiths' is a haunting short story by the acclaimed Victorian author Elizabeth Gaskell. A long-forgotten curse was placed upon the Griffiths family by the last native Prince of Wales, Owain Glyndŵr, following a betrayal by a member of the Griffiths family. The curse foretells that the Griffiths family line will end 'with the murder of the eighth generation Griffiths by the ninth'. Many years later, will the ominous prophecy upon the condemned family come true? A dark tale of revenge, jealousy, and treachery.

Objev podobné jako The Doom of the Griffiths - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Adventures of Elizabeth in Rügen - Elizabeth von Arnim - e-kniha

eBook: In 1901, the author – the real Elizabeth – went on a trip to the Baltic island of Rügen with her maid, a chauffeur, a friend, and a carriage piled high with their luggage. From this, she weaves a captivating tale of her encounters in this semi-autobiographical novel. A snobbish bishop’s wife and her handsome son, a dressmaker, and a long-lost cousin Charlotte form the basis of this story, as Charlotte tries to evade the pursuit of her husband. Elizabeth von Arnim\'s humorous novel ‘The Adventures of Elizabeth in Rügen’ will be enjoyed by fans of Thomas Hardy’s ‘Far From the Madding Crowd’. Elizabeth von Arnim was an English novelist – a cousin of the New Zealand-born writer Katherine Mansfield – born as Mary Annette Beauchamp in Australia in 1866. She married a German aristocrat and her earliest written works are set in Germany. Von Arnim launched her career as a writer with her satirical and semi-autobiographical work ‘Elizabeth and Her German Garden’, published anonymously in 1898. Although she was known by the name May in her early life, when she began writing, her success as ‘Elizabeth’ meant that her writings were ascribed to the name Elizabeth von Arnim.

Objev podobné jako The Adventures of Elizabeth in Rügen - Elizabeth von Arnim - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Life of Charlotte Brontë - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha

eBook: Intertwining fact and story, The Life of Charlotte Brontë takes the reader by one hand and Charlotte Brontë by the other to run rampant through the making of one of the greatest authoresses of all time. Follow Charlotte from her birthplace of Thornton as she sets off for school and later returns to teach her sisters, and come to know the “characteristic kindness of the Brontës.” This unsentimental biography, written by friend and sometimes critic Elizabeth Gaskell, helped launch Charlotte Brontë’s fame and takes you on a journey to see the making of the author of Jane Eyre.

Objev podobné jako The Life of Charlotte Brontë - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha

cena 389.0 Kč

7 tajomstiev Eucharistie - Vinny Flynn - e-kniha

eBook: 7 tajomstiev Eucharistie sa opiera o Sväté písmo, spisy svätých a učenie pápežov. Oboznámi nás so skrytými pravdami o Eucharistii – pravdami, ktoré prijímali teológovia, svätci a mystici, ale zriedka ich pochopil bežný človek. Autorovi Vinnymu Flynnovi sa podarilo urobiť to, čo sa nedarí mnohým teológom: písať o tých najhlbších tajomstvách viery jednoducho a zrozumiteľne pre všetkých. Hoci sme v učení Cirkvi dostali všetky potrebné informácie, nedokázali sme nájsť potrebné súvislosti. Neuvedomujeme si v plnej miere, koho vlastne prijímame v Eucharistii, prečo nám Boh dal túto jedinečnú sviatosť, alebo akú odpoveď od nás očakáva. Každý jeden katolík je pozvaný skúmať tajomstvo Eucharistie a rozumieť mu stále viac a viac. Táto kniha všetko zmení! Po jej prečítaní si úplne nanovo uvedomíme, že Eucharistia je nielen sväté prijímanie – je to reálna premena nášho každodenného života. Kniha je cirkevne schválená.

Objev podobné jako 7 tajomstiev Eucharistie - Vinny Flynn - e-kniha

cena 199.0 Kč

21 spôsobov adorácie - Vinny Flynn - e-kniha

eBook: Každý z nás už aspoň raz kľačal pred Najsvätejšou oltárnou sviatosťou s modlitbou na perách a hlavou v oblakoch. Ak nie v oblakoch, tak v práci, pri deťoch, pri rôznych starostiach či nevypnutej žehličke. Niektorí sme si možno po tejto skúsenosti povedali, že adorácia za ten obetovaný čas ani nestojí. Veď modliť sa a rozmýšľať nad pálčivými otázkami vesmíru môžeme aj doma. A presne takéhoto prístupu k adorácii by sme sa mali zbaviť. Ako? Vinny Flynn nám jednoduchým a osobným štýlom predostiera dvadsaťjeden spôsobov, ako zlepšiť čas strávený pred Eucharistiou; ako byť bližšie Kristovi, prítomnému v Oltárnej sviatosti. Niektoré spôsoby sú obyčajné, niektoré výnimočné, iné nás donútia zamyslieť sa a vystúpiť zo svojej komfortnej zóny; takže v knihe 21 spôsobov adorácie si každý môže nájsť niečo pre seba. Netreba ich vyskúšať všetky. Ak nás privedie bližšie k Ježišovi jeden, stačí. Autor nás jedinečným a inšpiratívnym spôsobom privedie k eucharistickému Kristovi, aby sa náš čas v jeho prítomnosti stal plodnejším, osobnejším a priniesol nám radosť a uzdravenie. Kniha je cirkevne schválená.

Objev podobné jako 21 spôsobov adorácie - Vinny Flynn - e-kniha

cena 199.0 Kč

7 tajomstiev Božieho milosrdenstva - Vinny Flynn - e-kniha

eBook: „Dôvera v Boha je podstata posolstva o milosrdenstve.“ Prostredníctvom knihy 7 tajomstiev Božieho milosrdenstva nám autor ukazuje, že uctievanie Božieho milosrdenstva nie je len ďalšou súkromnou pobožnosťou. Pochopiť ho a vstúpiť do jeho hĺbky je kľúčovým okamihom duchovného života každého človeka. Autor nám dáva pozvanie na cestu, aby milosrdenstvo mohlo premeniť aj náš život. Všetko sa môže stať zmysluplnejším, silnejším a vitálnejším, keď skutočne prijmeme dar Božieho milosrdenstva – pretekajúcu lásku Najsvätejšej Trojice. V roku 2000 pápež Ján Pavol II. kanonizoval veľkú vizionárku 20. storočia sestru Faustínu Kowalskú a ustanovil, že prvá nedeľa po Veľkej noci sa bude každoročne sláviť ako Nedeľa Božieho milosrdenstva. V roku 2006 pápež Benedikt XVI. zdôraznil, že „úcta k Božiemu milosrdenstvu nie je len sekundárnou pobožnosťou, ale neoddeliteľnou súčasťou kresťanskej viery a modlitby“. Pápež František vyhlásil mimoriadny Jubilejný rok Božieho milosrdenstva, ktorý sa začal sláviť 8. decembra 2015. Všetci traja pápeži jasne vyjadrili, že Božie milosrdenstvo patrí k podstate kresťanskej viery, a táto kniha odhaľuje prečo. Kniha je cirkevne schválená.

Objev podobné jako 7 tajomstiev Božieho milosrdenstva - Vinny Flynn - e-kniha

cena 229.0 Kč

7 tajomstiev svätej spovede - Vinny Flynn - e-kniha

eBook: „Strach je zbytočný. Potrebná je dôvera.“ Autor v tejto knihe predstavuje nový prístup k sviatosti zmierenia prostredníctvom 7 kľúčových tajomstiev spovede. Sú to pravdy o veľkej duchovnej kráse, moci a hĺbke tejto sviatosti. Chápanie spovede u mnohých katolíkov je tak úzko zamerané, že im bráni v objavovaní jej skutočnej krásy a hodnoty. Pre mnohých je spoveď len prostriedok, ako si dať veci do poriadku, ako byť očistený od hriechu a opäť plne začlenený do spoločenstva veriacich. No pápež František hovorí, že spoveď je oveľa viac, ako len „ísť do čistiarne“. Je to „stretnutie s Ježišom, ktorý na nás čaká“. Ak ste ešte nezažili vyznanie ako nádherné osobné stretnutie s Ježišom, ak nepoznáte ten pocit ísť na svätú spoveď s rovnakou radosťou a horlivosťou ako na sväté prijímanie, potom je táto kniha presne pre vás. Otvorí vám nové obzory a pozve vás k tomu, aby ste zažili podmanivú cestu osobného uzdravenia a svätosti. Zmení váš život. Kniha je cirkevne schválená.

Objev podobné jako 7 tajomstiev svätej spovede - Vinny Flynn - e-kniha

cena 229.0 Kč

Ježko Sonic 4 - Nákaza - Ian Flynn - e-kniha

eBook: Dvaja gauneri, Rough a Tumble, sú späť a chcú sa pomstiť Sonicovi a jeho priateľom. A nie sú jediní – vrátili sa aj niektorí z najväčších Sonicových nepriateľov a s pomocou nových zákerných spojencov plánujú rozšíriť nákazu do celého sveta. Dokonca ani Sonic nedokáže uniknúť pred vírusom.

Objev podobné jako Ježko Sonic 4 - Nákaza - Ian Flynn - e-kniha

cena 163.0 Kč

Ježek Sonic 4 - Nákaza - Ian Flynn - e-kniha

eBook: Sonic by si po všech nedávných dobrodružstvích už rád trochu odpočinul… ale kdepak! Zákeřná dvojka Rough a Tumble jsou zpět a touží se pomstít Sonicovi. A nejsou sami! Jeden ze Sonicových úhlavních nepřátel se vrátil a se svými děsivými spojenci stvořil hrozbu, která má ovládnout svět! Dokáže jí Sonic odolat? To se dočtete ve čtvrtém svazku komiksové série!

Objev podobné jako Ježek Sonic 4 - Nákaza - Ian Flynn - e-kniha

cena 199.0 Kč

Ježko Sonic 1 - Prvé dobrodružstvo - Ian Flynn - e-kniha

eBook: Najrýchlejšie dobrodružstvo vášho života sa práve začína! Modrý ježko Sonic uháňa, aby zachránil svet pred starými i novými zloduchmi. Vinou ničomného Dr. Eggmana sa po svete voľne pohybujú hanební roboti a ďalší nepriatelia. Kam zmizol darebný doktor a aké tajomstvá Sonic odhalí pri svojom pátraní?. Či už ste malí alebo veľkí fanúšikovia elektronických hier, čaká vás epický príbeh, ktorý si nemôžete nechať ujsť!

Objev podobné jako Ježko Sonic 1 - Prvé dobrodružstvo - Ian Flynn - e-kniha

cena 163.0 Kč

Ježek Sonic 1 - První dobrodružství - Ian Flynn - e-kniha

eBook: Nejrychlejší dobrodružství vašeho života právě začíná! Modrý ježek Sonic uhání chránit svět před starými i novými padouchy. Vinou zločineckého Dr. Eggmana se nyní na svobodě pohybují zlotřilí roboti a na vzestupu jsou i další nepřátelé. Kde se ničemný doktor nachází a jaká tajemství Sonic během svého pátrání odhalí? S pomocí svých přátel si určitě poradí s každým zádrhelem. Ať už patříte mezi malé, nebo velké fanoušky elektronických her, čeká na vás epický příběh, který si nemůžete nechat ujít!

Objev podobné jako Ježek Sonic 1 - První dobrodružství - Ian Flynn - e-kniha

cena 179.0 Kč

The End of the Ocean - Maja Lunde

From the author of the number one international bestseller The History of Bees, a captivating new novel about the threat of a worldwide water shortage as seen through the eyes of a father and daughter. 'The story of a present-day Norwegian eco-campaigner alternates with that of a French family in the overheated future. They are in a camp for refugees from eco-disaster - but it's not all doom and gloom. They find friendship, love and an unexpected gift from the past' Wendy Holden, Daily Mail 2019: seventy-year-old Signe sets out on a hazardous voyage to cross an entire ocean in only a sailboat. She is haunted by the loss of the love of her life, and is driven by a singular and all-consuming mission to make it back to him. 2041: David flees with his young daughter, Lou, from a war-torn Southern Europe plagued by drought. They are on a desperate search to reunite with their family when they find Signe's abandoned sailboat in a parched French garden, miles away from the nearest shore. As David and Lou discover personal effects from Signe's travels, their journey of survival and hope weaves together with Signe's, forming a heartbreaking, inspiring story about the power of nature and the human spirit.

Objev podobné jako The End of the Ocean - Maja Lunde

cena 241.0 Kč

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (0345391810)

Kniha - autor Douglas Adams, 256 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Douglas Adams, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná "DOUGLAS ADAMS IS A TERRIFIC SATIRIST."--The Washington Post Book WorldFacing annihilation at the hands of the warlike Vogons is a curious time to have a craving for tea. It could only happen to the cosmically displaced Arthur Dent and his curious comrades in arms as they hurtle across space powered by pure improbability--and desperately in search of a place to eat.Among Arthur's motley shipmates are Ford Prefect, a longtime friend and expert contributor to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; Zaphod Beeblebrox, the three-armed, two-headed ex-president of the galaxy; Tricia McMillan, a fellow Earth refugee who's gone native (her name is Trillian now); and Marvin, the moody android who suffers nothing and no one very gladly. Their destination? The ultimate hot spot for an evening of apocalyptic entertainment and...

Objev podobné jako The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (0345391810)

cena 203.0 Kč

The Short End of the Sonnenallee - Thomas Brussig

‘A kind of miracle … Not only made me laugh (again and again) but brought tears to my eyes’ Jonathan Franzen‘One of the most brilliant satirical novels about life in East Berlin’ New York TimesThomas Brussig’s classic German satire, translated into English for the first time and introduced by Jonathan Franzen, is a comedic, moving account of life in East Berlin before the Fall of the Berlin WallThe Short End of the Sonnenallee, is a satire set, literally, on the Sonnenallee, the famed "boulevard of the sun" in East Berlin.Within this boulevard lives Michael, an adolescent who faces daily ridicule whenever he steps out of his apartment building and comes into view of the observation platform on the West side. "Look, a real Zonie. Can we take your picture?" Hopelessly in love with the most beautiful girl on the street, Michael is batted away in favour of the Western boys who are free to cross the border. What chance does Michael have, and how much trouble will he get into by pursuing her?Laugh-out-loud funny and unabashedly silly, Brussig''s novel follows the bizarre, grotesque quotidian details of life in the German Democratic Republic. As this new translation shows, the ideas at its heart – freedom, democracy and life’s fundamental hilarity – hold great relevance for today.‘Gentle comedy … Funny, rueful’ Telegraph

Objev podobné jako The Short End of the Sonnenallee - Thomas Brussig

cena 295.0 Kč

Not the End of the World - Hannah Ritchie

We are bombarded by doomsday headlines that tell us the soil won't be able to support crops, fish will vanish from our oceans, that we should reconsider having children. But in this bold, radically hopeful book, data scientist Hannah Ritchie argues that if we zoom out, a very different picture emerges.The data shows we've made so much progress on these problems, and so fast, that we could be on track to achieve true sustainability for the first time in history. Packed with the latest research, practical guidance and enlightening graphics, this book will make you rethink almost everything you've been told about the environment, from the virtues of eating locally and living in the countryside, to the evils of overpopulation, plastic straws and palm oil. It will give you the tools to understand what works, what doesn't and what we urgently need to focus on so we can leave a sustainable planet for future generations.These problems are big. But they are solvable. We are not doomed.We can build a better future for everyone. Let's turn that opportunity into reality.

Objev podobné jako Not the End of the World - Hannah Ritchie

cena 325.0 Kč

Ježko Sonic 2 - Osud Dr. Eggmana - Ian Flynn - e-kniha

eBook: Dr. Eggman sa po poslednej bitke záhadne vytratil zo Sonicovho života. Sonic odhalí šokujúce tajomstvo, keď sa dozvie, kde sa doktor nachádza. Okrem Sonica pátra po Eggmanovi ešte niekto – jeho starý rival, Ježko Shadow! Čaká ho strhujúce dobrodružstvo plné zvratov, akčných bojov a záhad! Sonic však vďaka nemalej pomoci priateľov – vrátane nového spojenca – veľmi rýchlo prekoná všetky prekážky!

Objev podobné jako Ježko Sonic 2 - Osud Dr. Eggmana - Ian Flynn - e-kniha

cena 163.0 Kč

The End of the History and the Last Man (0743284550)

Kniha - autor Francis Fukuyama, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Francis Fukuyama, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Fukuyama's profound inquiry leads the reader to the question of whether humanity will eventually reach a stable state in which it is at last completely satisfied, or whether there is something about the condition of humans that will always lead them to smash this ultimate equilibrium and plunge the world back into chaos.

Objev podobné jako The End of the History and the Last Man (0743284550)

cena 461.0 Kč

The House at the End of the World - Dean Koontz

Soon no one on Earth will have a place to hide in this novel about fears known and unknown by #1 New York Times bestselling master of suspense Dean Koontz.In retreat from a devastating loss and crushing injustice, Katie lives alone in a fortresslike stone house on Jacob’s Ladder island. Once a rising star in the art world, she finds refuge in her painting.The neighboring island of Ringrock houses a secret: a government research facility. And now two agents have arrived on Jacob’s Ladder in search of someone—or something—they refuse to identify. Although an air of menace hangs over these men, an infinitely greater threat has arrived, one so strange even the island animals are in a state of high alarm.Katie soon finds herself in an epic and terrifying battle with a mysterious enemy. But Katie’s not alone after all: a brave young girl appears out of the violent squall. As Katie and her companion struggle across a dark and eerie landscape, against them is an omnipresent terror that could bring about the end of the world.

Objev podobné jako The House at the End of the World - Dean Koontz

cena 266.0 Kč

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe - Douglas Adams

Following the smash-hit sci-fi comedy The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe is the second part in Douglas Adams' multi-media phenomenon and cult classic series. This edition includes exclusive bonus material from the Douglas Adams archives, and an introduction by Monty Python star, Terry Jones.If you've done six impossible things this morning, why not round it off with breakfast at Milliways, the Restaurant at the end of the Universe?Which is exactly what Arthur Dent and the crew of the Heart of Gold plan to do. There's just the small matter of escaping the Vogons, avoiding being taken to the most totally evil world in the Galaxy and teaching a space ship how to make a proper cup of tea.And did anyone actually make a reservation?Follow Arthur Dent's galactic (mis)adventures in the rest of the trilogy with five parts: Life, the Universe and Everything, So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish, and Mostly Harmless.

Objev podobné jako The Restaurant at the End of the Universe - Douglas Adams

cena 295.0 Kč

The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman

A special illustrated edition of The Ocean at the End of the Lane, the bestselling magical novel from master storyteller Neil Gaiman. Breathtaking black-and-white illustrations throughout by fine artist and illustrator, Elise Hurst. ''Both a pitch-perfect fantasy and a moving examination of childhood memories and their effects on our adult selves ... superb'' The Times''Some books you read. Some books you enjoy. But some books just swallow you up, heart and soul'' Joanne HarrisThis is what he remembers, as he sits by the ocean at the end of the lane:A dead man on the back seat of the car, and warm milk at the farmhouse.An ancient little girl, and an old woman who saw the moon being made.A beautiful housekeeper with a monstrous smile.And dark forces woken that were best left undisturbed.They are memories hard to believe, waiting at the edge of things. The recollections of a man who thought he was lost but is now, perhaps, remembering a time when he was saved...

Objev podobné jako The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman

cena 325.0 Kč

The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman

It began for our narrator forty years ago when the family lodger stole their car and committed suicide in it, stirring up ancient powers best left undisturbed. Dark creatures from beyond the world are on the loose, and it will take everything our narrator has just to stay alive: there is primal horror here, and menace unleashed - within his family and from the forces that have gathered to destroy it. His only defense is three women, on a farm at the end of the lane. The youngest of them claims that her duckpond is ocean. The oldest can remember the Big Bang. THE OCEAN AT THE END OF THE LANE is a fable that reshapes modern fantasy: moving, terrifying and elegiac - as pure as a dream, as delicate as a butterfly's wing, as dangerous as a knife in the dark.

Objev podobné jako The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman

cena 241.0 Kč

The Quiet at the End of the World - Lauren Jamesová

A hugely rewarding read." SFX Magazine "James is one to watch." Kirkus Reviews How far would you go to save those you love? Lowrie and Shen are the youngest people on the planet after a virus caused global infertility. Closeted in a pocket of London and doted upon by a small, ageing community, the pair spend their days mudlarking and looking for treasure - until a secret is uncovered that threatens not only their family but humanity's entire existence. Now Lowrie and Shen face an impossible choice: in the quiet at the end of the world, they must decide what to sacrifice to save the whole human race...

Objev podobné jako The Quiet at the End of the World - Lauren Jamesová

cena 268.0 Kč

The Fall: The End of the Murdoch Empire - Michael Wolff

Meet the Murdochs and the disastrously dysfunctional family of Fox News. Until recently, they formed the most powerful media and political force in America. Now their empire is cracking up and crashing down. In his irresistible trilogy on the chaotic Trump presidency - Fire and Fury, Siege, and Landslide - the journalist Michael Wolff led readers deep into the twisted corridors of the White House. Drawing on years of unprecedented access to the Murdoch family and key players, he plunges us behind the scenes of another empire of influence, and the result is astonishing and unforgettable. Here is Rupert Murdoch, the ninety-two-year-old billionaire - concerned about his legacy, but more concerned about profits. Here are his contentious children, jockeying to take over when the old man is gone. Here is star anchor Tucker C arlson considering a run for the presidency while his bosses have other plans for him. Sean Hannity, the richest man in television, has his own plans: to put Trump back in office. While presenter Laura Ingraham is just trying to survive in a man's world. As the fallout from the 2020 election and the Dominion lawsuit pummels the reputation of the network, the battling Murdoch heirs position themselves for the final act in this riveting drama.

Objev podobné jako The Fall: The End of the Murdoch Empire - Michael Wolff

cena 447.0 Kč

A Brief Atlas of the Lighthouses at the End of the World - Macías González

There is something beautiful and wild in the impossible architecture of lighthouses. They have been the homes and workplaces of men and women whose romantic guardianship has saved countless lives from cruel seas. Yet while that way of life fades away, as the lights go out and the buildings crumble, we still have their stories.From a blind lighthouse keeper tending a light in the Arctic Circle, to an intrepid young girl saving ships from wreck at the foot of her father's lighthouse, and the plight of the lighthouse crew cut off from society for forty days, this is a glorious book full of illuminating stories that will transport the reader to the world's most isolated and inspiring lighthouses.With over thirty tales that explore the depths to which we can sink and the heights to which we can soar as human beings, and accompanied by beautiful illustrations, nautical charts, maps, architectural plans and curious facts, A Brief Atlas of the Lighthouses at the End of the World is as full of wonder as the far flung lighthouses themselves.Translated from Spanish by Daniel Hahn

Objev podobné jako A Brief Atlas of the Lighthouses at the End of the World - Macías González

cena 536.0 Kč

Various: Until the End of the World - LP (9362490386)

LP vinyl - Vinylová reedice sountracku k filmu Do konce světa z roku 1991 od režiséra Wima Wenderse s Williamem Hurtem v hlavní roli. Skladba stejného jména, tedy Until The End Of The World od U2, vyšla už dříve na albu Achtung Baby, ale v jiné verzi. Vinylová reedice sountracku k filmu Do konce světa z roku 1991 od režiséra Wima Wenderse s Williamem Hurtem v hlavní roli. Skladba stejného jména, tedy Until The End Of The World od U2, vyšla už dříve na albu Achtung Baby, ale v jiné verzi. Všechny další skladby na soundtracku jsou původní písně složené a natočené výhradně pro tento film. Mezi autory a interprety písní jsou Talking Heads, Neneh Cherry, Depeche Mode, Lou Reed, Crime and the City Solution či R.E.M. Seznam stop Graeme Revell - Opening Title / Talking Heads - Sax and Violins / Julee Cruise - Summer Kisses, Winter Tears / Neneh Cherry - Move with Me (Dub) / Crime And The City Solution - The Adversary / Lou Reed - What's Good / Can - Last Night...

Objev podobné jako Various: Until the End of the World - LP (9362490386)

cena 1009.0 Kč

Kissin' Dynamite - Not The End Of The Road (LP)

Varianta: Not The End Of The Road (LP) Subžánr: Heavy Metal;Hard Rock Vydavatelství: Napalm Records Datum vydání: 2022-01-21 Rok vydání: 2022.0 Interpret / Téma: Kissin' Dynamite Typ: LP deska Žánr: Rock Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva: Černá Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: LP Země interpreta: Německo Složení setu: 1 ks Barva podle výrobce: Black

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cena 634.2 Kč

How to Stop the End of the World - Mitchell Tom

Colin Coleridge is facing a long, boring summer holiday with NOTHING to do. But when he notices some weird markings outside his house, and some strangers acting VERY suspiciously in his neighbour’s garden, he decides to investigate. And before too long, Colin and his new friend Lucy have found themselves caught up in a mission involving an ancient sword, a mysterious curse, and a plan to SAVE THE WORLD…Hilarious, fast-paced, and action-packed, How to Stop the End of the World is an apocalyptically funny adventure for readers aged 9+, from the highly-acclaimed author of Escape from Camp Boring and When Things Went Wild.

Objev podobné jako How to Stop the End of the World - Mitchell Tom

cena 236.0 Kč

Vet at the End of the Earth - Jonathan Hollins

Hugely entertaining and affectionate, Jonathan Hollins’s tales are full of wonderful creatures and steeped in the unique local history, cultures and peoples of the South Atlantic islands, far removed from the hustle of continental life.

Objev podobné jako Vet at the End of the Earth - Jonathan Hollins

cena 325.0 Kč

The End of the Moment We Had - Toshiki Okada

Two brilliant, multi-layered stories from the winner of the Kenzaburo Oe Prize: the best contemporary Japanese writing

Objev podobné jako The End of the Moment We Had - Toshiki Okada

cena 295.0 Kč

Witches at the End of the World - Chelsea Iversen

Rage burns brighter than any spellfire... Deep in the birchwoods of Norway, magic courses through the veins of two sisters. For years they've been alone, but sweet-tempered Kaija is tired of living in shadows and longs for a life filled with community, even if it means stifling her magic. But Minna is a witch through and through, with wrath always simmering just below the surface. Different as they may be, both will never forget the day they were driven from their village. The day their mother burned. When Kaija leaves to pursue a new life, Minna is left alone in the darkness of the forest. Devastated and outraged at the betrayal, Minna casts a curse to punish those who took everything from her. What she doesn't realize is that this act will incite a deadly chain of events. Soon it will destroy everything, including the life Kaija has lovingly built. But once a witch's rage boils, regret means nothing-she can't take back what's already done. Someone will have to burn.

Objev podobné jako Witches at the End of the World - Chelsea Iversen

cena 268.0 Kč

Ježko Sonic 3 - Bitka o Angel Island - Ian Flynn - e-kniha

eBook: Keď Neo Metal Sonic – zlý robot s rýchlosťou Sonica, s rozumom Dr. Eggmana a s nezničiteľným mechanickým telom – dobýva ostrov, aby získal ešte viac sily, Sonic a jeho priatelia sa musia spojiť a bojovať proti nemu. Dokáže však Sonic s celým odbojom poraziť Neo Metal Sonica raz a navždy?

Objev podobné jako Ježko Sonic 3 - Bitka o Angel Island - Ian Flynn - e-kniha

cena 163.0 Kč

Ježek Sonic 3 - Bitva o Angel Island - Ian Flynn - e-kniha

eBook: Nový mocný nepřítel zaměřil svou pozornost na Angel Island a Sonic se svými přáteli musí ostrov za každou cenu ubránit!

Objev podobné jako Ježek Sonic 3 - Bitva o Angel Island - Ian Flynn - e-kniha

cena 199.0 Kč

The Ocean at the End of the Lane. Christmas Edition (1472228421)

Kniha - 272 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 272 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A festive, Christmas edition of the award-winning novel about memory, magic, and survival. *Also appeared in October Buyer's Notes*

Objev podobné jako The Ocean at the End of the Lane. Christmas Edition (1472228421)

cena 305.0 Kč

The Cabin at the End of the World (Defekt) - Paul Tremblay

The Stoker Award-winning, taut and propulsive twist on home invasion horror, packed psychological suspense. Soon to be a major film, Knock At the Cabin, directed by M. Night Shyamalan.Seven-year-old Wen and her parents, Eric and Andrew, are vacationing at a remote cabin on a quiet New Hampshire lake, with their closest neighbours more than two miles in either direction.As Wen catches grasshoppers in the front yard, a stranger unexpectedly appears in the driveway. Leonard is the largest man Wen has ever seen but he is young and friendly. Leonard and Wen talk and play until Leonard abruptly apologises and tells Wen, "None of what's going to happen is your fault". Three more strangers arrive at the cabin carrying unidentifiable, menacing objects. As Wen sprints inside to warn her parents, Leonard calls out, "Your dads won't want to let us in, Wen. But they have to. We need your help to save the world."So begins an unbearably tense, gripping tale of paranoia, sacrifice, apocalypse, and survival that escalates to a shattering conclusion, one in which the fate of a loving family and quite possibly all of humanity are intertwined.

Objev podobné jako The Cabin at the End of the World (Defekt) - Paul Tremblay

cena 99.0 Kč

The Last Murder at the End of the World - Stuart Turton

SOLVE THE MURDER TO SAVE WHAT''S LEFT OF THE WORLD THE NUMBER ONE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER''A mind-bending, genre-blending, boy-that-ending mystery unlike any I''ve ever read'' A. J. FINN ''I loved it'' C. J. TUDOR ''An absolute blast'' BENJAMIN STEVENSON''Wildly inventive'' M. W. CRAVEN ''Believe the hype'' ALICE BELL ''Extraordinary'' WILL DEAN An Observer Thriller of the MonthOutside the island there is nothing: the world destroyed by a fog that swept the planet, killing anyone it touched. On the island: it is idyllic. 122 villagers and 3 scientists, living in peaceful harmony. The villagers are content to fish, farm and feast, to obey their nightly curfew, to do what they’re told by the scientists.Until, to the horror of the islanders, one of their beloved scientists is found brutally stabbed to death. And they learn the murder has triggered a lowering of the security system around the island, the only thing that was keeping the fog at bay. If the murder isn’t solved within 107 hours, the fog will smother the island – and everyone on it.But the security system has also wiped everyone’s memories of exactly what happened the night before, which means that someone on the island is a murderer – and they don’t even know it…Readers love The Last Murder at the End of the World: ''Mind-bending''''Absolutely loved it''''Captivating'' ''Thrillingly fast-paced'' ''New favourite book'' ''Another masterpiece'' ''Unique'' ''Explosive'' ''Absolutely unforgettable'' ''Unlike anything I''ve ever read before'' ''Still shocked by the ending'' ''Wonderfully imaginative''The Last Murder at the End of the World was No. 1 in the Sunday Times Hardback Fiction chart w/e 30th March 2024

Objev podobné jako The Last Murder at the End of the World - Stuart Turton

cena 591.0 Kč

The Last Murder at the End of the World - Stuart Turton

Solve the murder to save what's left of the world. Outside the island there is nothing: the world destroyed by a fog that swept the planet, killing anyone it touched. On the island: it is idyllic.122 villagers and 3 scientists, living in peaceful harmony. The villagers are content to fish, farm and feast, to obey their nightly curfew, to do what they re told by the scientists. Until, to the horror of the islanders, one of their beloved scientists is found brutally stabbed to death.And they learn the murder has triggered a lowering of the security system around the island, the only thing that was keeping the fog at bay. If the murder isn t solved within 92 hours, the fog will smother the island and everyone on it. But the security system has also wiped everyone s memories of exactly what happened the night before, which means that someone on the island is a murderer and they don t even know it The outstanding new high concept murder mystery from the Sunday Times bestselling and Costa Book Award winning author of The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle.

Objev podobné jako The Last Murder at the End of the World - Stuart Turton

cena 357.0 Kč

The Mushroom at the End of the World - Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing

"A poetic and remarkably fertile exploration of the relationship between human beings and the natural environment."—Pankaj Mishra, The Guardian"I'm very grateful to have this book."—Ursula K. Le GuinThe acclaimed and award-winning book about what a rare mushroom can teach us about sustaining life on a fragile planetA Flavorwire and Times Higher Education Book of the YearMatsutake is the most valuable mushroom in the world—and a weed that grows in human-disturbed forests across the northern hemisphere. Through its ability to nurture trees, matsutake helps forests to grow in daunting places. It is also an edible delicacy in Japan, where it sometimes commands astronomical prices. In all its contradictions, matsutake offers insights into areas far beyond just mushrooms and addresses a crucial question: what manages to live in the ruins we have made? A tale of diversity within our damaged landscapes, The Mushroom at the End of the World follows one of the strangest commodity chains of our times to explore the unexpected corners of capitalism. Here, we witness the varied and peculiar worlds of matsutake commerce: the worlds of Japanese gourmets, capitalist traders, Hmong jungle fighters, industrial forests, Yi Chinese goat herders, Finnish nature guides, and more. These companions also lead us into fungal ecologies and forest histories to better understand the promise of cohabitation in a time of massive human destruction. By investigating one of the world's most sought-after fungi, The Mushroom at the End of the World presents an original examination into the relation between capitalist destruction and collaborative survival within multispecies landscapes, the prerequisite for continuing life on earth.

Objev podobné jako The Mushroom at the End of the World - Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing

cena 473.0 Kč

Round the Sofa - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha

eBook: Miss Greatorex is invited to join a group of friends who meet weekly at Mrs Dawson's house. When Miss Greatorex asks to hear more about Mrs Dawson's cousin Lady Ludlow, the friends begin to swap stories, starting with 'My Lady Ludlow'. What follows is a collection of five short stories from the hugely popular Victorian author Elizabeth Gaskell, including works such as 'The Doom of the Griffiths' about a cursed family; a tale of selfless love in 'The Half-Brothers'; and 'The Poor Clare' in which the lonely Bridget Fitzgerald sets out to avenge the death of her only companion.

Objev podobné jako Round the Sofa - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Lois the Witch - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha

eBook: Set against the backdrop of the Salem witch hunts, Elizabeth Gaskell’s somber novella reveals much about the complicity of mankind. Recently orphaned, Lois is forced to leave the English parsonage that had been her home and sail to America. A God-fearing and honest girl, she has little to concern her in this new life. Yet as she joins her distant family, she finds jealousy and dissension are rife, and her cousins quick to point the finger at the “imposter.” With the whole of Salem gripped by a fear of the supernatural, it seems her new home is where she is in most danger. Lonely and afraid, the words of an old curse return to haunt her. Collaborator and friend of Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins, Elizabeth Gaskell is a leading figure in Victorian literature.

Objev podobné jako Lois the Witch - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The Benefactress - Elizabeth von Arnim - e-kniha

eBook: Orphan Anna’s life is changed for the better when she inherits an estate from her maternal uncle. Kind and intelligent, Anna decides to pass on some of her wealth by setting up a home for twelve women who have been mistreated throughout their life. These twelve women will be freed from financial worries, and will therefore not need to marry. Instead, they will be able to live in a place of natural beauty, forming a group of friends. Her goal is to make the women happy but achieving that may be harder than imagined... ‘The Benefactress’ by Elizabeth von Arnim is a humorous historical fiction classic that will be enjoyed by fans of ‘Great Expectations’. Elizabeth von Arnim was an English novelist – a cousin of the New Zealand-born writer Katherine Mansfield – born as Mary Annette Beauchamp in Australia in 1866. She married a German aristocrat and her earliest written works are set in Germany. Von Arnim launched her career as a writer with her satirical and semi-autobiographical work ‘Elizabeth and Her German Garden’, published anonymously in 1898. Although she was known by the name May in her early life, when she began writing, her success as ‘Elizabeth’ meant that her writings were ascribed to the name Elizabeth von Arnim.

Objev podobné jako The Benefactress - Elizabeth von Arnim - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

The Poor Clare - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha

eBook: Set in Victorian England, Gaskell's gothic masterpiece weaves the tale of a lonely old woman whose curse upon the murderer of her cherished dog unleashes unintended consequences. The impulse of revenge is turned to contrition after the discovery of an unexpected connection between her and the accursed. Through Ireland to Yorkshire and finally London, a young lawyer discovers a beautiful young woman mysteriously followed by her own demonic doppelganger, and sets out to learn if the curse can be broken.

Objev podobné jako The Poor Clare - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Half-Brothers - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha

eBook: A tragic short story from much-loved Victorian author Elizabeth Gaskell, 'The Half-Brothers' is a tale of love and rejection. Unloved and spurned by his stepfather, Gregory is treated very differently from his half-brother. When the favoured brother is caught in a dangerous and violent snowstorm as night is falling, Gregory must prove that his brotherly love is great enough to overcome the harsh treatment he has received - but will he be too late?

Objev podobné jako The Half-Brothers - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Behind the Scenes - Elizabeth Keckley - e-kniha

eBook: \'Behind the Scenes\' (1868) was written by American civil activist and author, Elizabeth Keckley, who is best known as the confidante of the First Lady, Mary Todd Lincoln. Her astonishing life story is told in this autobiographical book which traces her eventful life, from enslavement in Virginia and thirty years as a slave to her eventual freedom and time working in the White House. This enthralling, poignant book is an extraordinary piece of American history that will delight anyone interested in slave narratives, such as Frederick Douglass\' ´Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass´. -

Objev podobné jako Behind the Scenes - Elizabeth Keckley - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World (0099448785)

Kniha - 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná New edition.

Objev podobné jako Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World (0099448785)

cena 279.0 Kč

Peanut Jones and the End of the Rainbow - Rob Biddulph

'Another absolute smasher from Rob Biddulph!' - Louie Stowell, bestselling author of Loki: A Bad God's Guide to Being GoodSuperstar author and illustrator Rob Biddulph dazzles in Peanut Jones and the End of the Rainbow. This third and final title in the hilarious adventure series for boys and girls aged 8 to 12. Fully illustrated in black and white throughout by Rob, the creative genius behind #DrawWithRob.Some legends are born, some are drawn . . .Notorious villain Mr White will stop at nothing to wipe out colour and creativity everywhere. But he’s gone too far! This time he’s lured Peanut’s mum into terrible danger and only Peanut and her friends can save her. An action-packed mission to the heart of the magical Illustrated City tests friendships and leads to a final showdown that makes Peanut question everything she thought she knew . . .Praise for the Peanut Jones series:'A fun & vibrant action-packed adventure with a warm heart. This is Rob Biddulph’s creative universe & it’s an utter joy to step through the pages & be part of it.' – Hannah Gold, bestselling author of The Last Bear'A thrilling journey into a magical world packed with Rob’s brilliant humour.' – David Walliams'Peanut Jones is AWESOME. . . the story is packed with twists and turns, and Rob's illustrations are full of wit and warmth' - Nadia Shireen, author of Grimwood'Look at this utter beauty. . . This book is EPIC' - Laura Ellen Anderson, author of the Amelia Fang and Rainbow Grey series'A wildly imaginative, big-hearted celebration of creativity' - Anna James, author of the Pages & Co series

Objev podobné jako Peanut Jones and the End of the Rainbow - Rob Biddulph

cena 236.0 Kč

Motionless In White: Scoring The End Of The World - CD (7567863653)

Hudební CD - Šesté studiové album kapely produkovali Drew Fulk aka WZRD BLD (např. Bullet For My Valentine, A Day To Remember, Lil Deep, Lil Wayne apod) a Justin Deblieck. Šesté studiové album kapely produkovali Drew Fulk aka WZRD BLD (např. Bullet For My Valentine, A Day To Remember, Lil Deep, Lil Wayne apod) a Justin Deblieck. Motionless In White pocházejí z Pennsylvánie, kde se zformovali v roce 2005. Jejich styl je nejčastěji řazen někam mezi metalcore, industrial a gothic metal. Rok vydání : 2022 (6.album) Seznam stop CD Meltdown / Sign of Life / Werewolf / Porcelain / Slaughterhouse (featuring Bryan Garris of Knocked Loose) / Masterpiece / Cause of Death / We Become the Night / Burned at Both Ends II / B.F.B.T.G.: Corpse Nation (featuring Lindsay Schoolcraft) / Cyberhex (featuring Lindsay Schoolcraft) / Red, White & Boom (featuring Caleb Shomo) / Scoring the End of the World (featuring Mick Gordon)

Objev podobné jako Motionless In White: Scoring The End Of The World - CD (7567863653)

cena 399.0 Kč

Wiegedood - There’s Always Blood At The End Of The Road (CD)

Země původu: Německo Složení setu: 1 ks Subžánr: Black Metal Balení obsahuje: CD Typ: Album;CD Žánr: Black Metal Interpret / Téma: Wiegedood Datum vydání: 2022-01-14 Varianta: There’s Always Blood At The End Of The Road (CD) Rok vydání: 2022.0 Vydavatelství: Century Media

Objev podobné jako Wiegedood - There’s Always Blood At The End Of The Road (CD)

cena 404.0 Kč

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