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Daisy Jones & The Six - Taylor Jenkins Reid

Everybody knows Daisy Jones and the Six. From the moment Daisy walked barefoot on to the stage at the Whisky, she and the band were a sensation. Their sound defined an era. Their albums were on every turntable. They sold out arenas from coast to coast. This is the story of their incredible rise: the desire, the rivalry - and the music. Then, on 12 July 1979, Daisy Jones and the Six split up. Nobody knew why. Until now...

Podívejte se také Daisy Jones & The Six (978-80-764-2079-3)

cena 241.0 Kč

Daisy Jones & The Six - Taylor Jenkins Reid

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A gripping novel about the whirlwind rise of an iconic 1970s rock group and their beautiful lead singer, revealing the mystery behind their infamous breakup. "I devoured Daisy Jones & The Six in a day, falling head over heels for it. Daisy and the band captured my heart.”-Reese Witherspoon (Reese's Book Club x Hello Sunshine book pick) NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY NPR • The Washington Post • Esquire • Glamour • Real Simple • Good Housekeeping • Marie Claire • Parade • Paste • Shelf Awareness • BookRiot Everyone knows DAISY JONES & THE SIX, but nobody knows the reason behind their split at the absolute height of their popularity . . . until now. Daisy is a girl coming of age in L.A. in the late sixties, sneaking into clubs on the Sunset Strip, sleeping with rock stars, and dreaming of singing at the Whisky a Go Go. The sex and drugs are thrilling, but it's the rock 'n' roll she loves most. By the time she's twenty, her voice is getting noticed, and she has the kind of heedless beauty that makes people do crazy things. Also getting noticed is The Six, a band led by the brooding Billy Dunne. On the eve of their first tour, his girlfriend Camila finds out she's pregnant, and with the pressure of impending fatherhood and fame, Billy goes a little wild on the road. Daisy and Billy cross paths when a producer realizes that the key to supercharged success is to put the two together. What happens next will become the stuff of legend. The making of that legend is chronicled in this riveting and unforgettable novel, written as an oral history of one of the biggest bands of the seventies. Taylor Jenkins Reid is a talented writer who takes her work to a new level with Daisy Jones & The Six, brilliantly capturing a place and time in an utterly distinctive voice. Praise for Daisy Jones & The Six "Backstage intrigue is the engine of Daisy Jones & The Six. . . . [A] celebration of American mythmaking.”-Vogue "Each character is compelling but Daisy Jones is the star. She's a blazing talent who is unapologetic in her sexuality and lives life on her own terms. . . . Like a poignant song with lyrics that speak to your soul, Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid will transport you to another place and time.”-Associated Press "Reid's wit and gift for telling a perfectly paced story make this one of the most enjoyably readable books of the year.”-Nylon "Wildly delicious.” -Entertainment Weekly

Podívejte se také Jones Tom: The World of Tom Jones - LP (0831275)

cena 268.0 Kč

Forever, Interrupted - Taylor Jenkins Reid

Elsie Porter is an average twentysomething and yet what happens to her is anything but ordinary. On a rainy New Year's Day, she heads out to pick up a pizza for one. She isn't expecting to see anyone else in the shop, much less the adorable and charming Ben Ross. Their chemistry is instant and electric. Ben cannot even wait twenty-four hours before asking to see her again. Within weeks, the two are head over heels in love. By May, they've eloped. Only nine days later, Ben is out riding his bike when he is hit by a truck and killed on impact. Elsie hears the sirens outside her apartment, but by the time she gets downstairs, he has already been whisked off to the emergency room. At the hospital, she must face Susan, the mother-in-law she has never met-and who doesn't even know Elsie exists. Interweaving Elsie and Ben's charmed romance with Elsie and Susan's healing process, Forever, Interrupted will remind you that there's more than one way to find a happy ending.

Podívejte se také Six Feet Under: Nightmares Of The Decomposed - CD (0039841572100)

cena 89.0 Kč

Malibu Rising - Taylor Jenkins Reid

August,1983, it is the day of Nina Riva's annual end-of-summer party, and anticipation is at a fever pitch. Everyone who is anyone wants to be around the famous Rivas: surfer and supermodel Nina, brothers Jay and Hud, and their adored baby sister Kit. Together, the siblings are a source of fascination in Malibu and the world over - especially as the children of the legendary singer Mick Riva. By midnight the party will be completely out of control. By morning, the Riva mansion will have gone up in flames. But before that first spark in the early hours of dawn, the alcohol will flow, the music will play, and the loves and secrets that shaped this family will all come bubbling to the surface.

Objev podobné jako Malibu Rising - Taylor Jenkins Reid

cena 241.0 Kč

After I Do - Taylor Jenkins Reid

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, comes a breath taking novel about modern marriage, the depth of family ties, and the year that one remarkable heroine spends exploring both. When Lauren and Ryan's marriage reaches the breaking point, they come up with an unconventional plan. They decide to take a year off in the hopes of finding a way to fall in love again. One year apart, and only one rule: they cannot contact each other. Aside from that, anything goes. Lauren embarks on a journey of self-discovery, quickly finding that her friends and family have their own ideas about the meaning of marriage. These influences, as well as her own healing process and the challenges of living apart from Ryan, begin to change Lauren's ideas about monogamy and marriage. She starts to question: When you can have romance without loyalty and commitment without marriage, when love and lust are no longer tied together, what do you value? What are you willing to fight for? This is a love story about what happens when the love fades. It's about staying in love, seizing love, forsaking love, and committing to love with everything you've got. And above all, After I Do is the story of a couple caught up in an old game-and searching for a new road to happily ever after.

Objev podobné jako After I Do - Taylor Jenkins Reid

cena 259.0 Kč

Malibu v plamenech - Taylor Jenkins Reid

Malibu, srpen 1983. Den, kdy Nina Riva pořádá každoroční večírek na oslavu konce léta. Každý se chce dostat blízko ke čtyřem slavným sourozencům: Nině, talentované surfařce a supermodelce, Jayovi, surfingovému šampiónovi, Hudovi, slavnému fotografovi, a jejich milované sestřičce Kit. Všichni čtyři fascinují celé Malibu a dokonce i zbytek světa – zvlášť jakožto potomci legendárního zpěváka Micka Rivy. Jediný, kdo se na pařbu roku netěší, je samotná Nina, jež nikdy moc netoužila být v centru pozornosti, a kterou také právě veřejně opustil manžel, profesionální hráč tenisu. A možná ještě Hud – už se konečně chystá bratrovi, se kterým jsou od narození nerozluční, k něčemu důležitému přiznat. Jay ale na druhou stranu počítá minuty do soumraku, protože dívka, na kterou nemůže přestat myslet, slíbila, že tam bude. A sama Kit má také nějaká tajemství – včetně hosta, kterého si pozvala a nikomu o tom neřekla...Než padne půlnoc, party se naprosto vymkne kontrole. Ráno pohltí sídlo Rivových plameny. Ale než v brzkých ranních hodinách přeskočí ta první jiskra, alkohol poteče proudem, hudba bude vyhrávat, a city a tajemství, které zformovaly generace této rodiny, postupně vybublají na povrch.

Objev podobné jako Malibu v plamenech - Taylor Jenkins Reid

cena 199.0 Kč

One True Loves - Taylor Jenkins Reid

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo In her twenties, Emma Blair marries her high school sweetheart, Jesse. They build a life for themselves, far away from the expectations of their parents and the people of their hometown in Massachusetts. They travel the world together, living life to the fullest and seizing every opportunity for adventure. On their first wedding anniversary, Jesse is on a helicopter over the Pacific when it goes missing. Just like that, Jesse is gone forever. Emma quits her job and moves home in an effort to put her life back together. Years later, now in her thirties, Emma runs into an old friend, Sam, and finds herself falling in love again. When Emma and Sam get engaged, it feels like Emma's second chance at happiness. That is, until Jesse is found. He's alive, and he's been trying all these years to come home to her. With a husband and a fiance, Emma has to now figure out who she is and what she wants while trying to protect the ones she loves. But who is her one true love? What does it mean to love truly?

Objev podobné jako One True Loves - Taylor Jenkins Reid

cena 241.0 Kč

Bez tebe napořád - Taylor Jenkins Reid

Elsie Porterová je průměrná dvacátnice, které se přihodí něco, co do průměru rozhodně nepatří. Jednoho deštivého dne v New Yorku se vydá koupit pizzu pro jednoho. Nečeká, že by se v obchodě s někým setkala… a už vůbec ne s někým tak okouzlujícím a atraktivním jako Ben Ross. Chemie mezi nimi je okamžitá a elektrizující. Ben nevydrží počkat ani dalších čtyřiadvacet hodin, aby ji pozval na rande. Během pár týdnů se do sebe oba po uši zamilují a v brzy se potají vezmou.Jen devět dní poté srazí Bena na kole auto a on na místě umírá. Elsie slyší v bytě sirény, ale než se dostane dolů, Bena už odvážejí v sanitce. V nemocnici pak musí čelit své neznámé tchyni Susan, která vůbec netuší, že se její syn oženil a že Elsie existuje.Příběh Susanina uzdravování se proplétá s Elsiinou a Benovou tragickou romancí. Bez tebe napořád je dojemnou připomínkou toho, že existuje víc než jeden šťastný konec.

Objev podobné jako Bez tebe napořád - Taylor Jenkins Reid

cena 299.0 Kč

Daisy Jones & The Six (978-80-764-2079-3)

Elektronická kniha - Vydejte se na nejdivočejší jízdu vašeho života. Talentovaná spisovatelka Taylor Jenkins Reid vytvořila knihu, která ačkoli je fikcí, zachycuje naprosto neskutečně reálně příběh americké rockové legendy. Podařilo se jí brilantně zachytit nejen atmosféru doby, ale i všechny pocity, které se v lidech mohou odehrávat. - autor Taylor Jenkins Reidová, 368 stran, česky Vydejte se na nejdivočejší jízdu vašeho životaDaisy Jones vyrůstala na konci šedesátých let uprostřed L.A. v klubech na Sunset Strip, kde už jako dítě poznala alkohol a drogy. V náručí rockových hvězd sní o tom, že bude psát písně, které uslyší celý svět. Po její bezstarostné kráse a božskému hlasu muži šílí. A netrvá dlouho, než si jí všimne i producent Runner Records.Skupina The Six v té době slaví úspěch na prvním turné. Hlavní hvězda, zpěvák Billy, však na své cestě za slávou klopýtá. Utápí se v závislosti, drtí ho tíha narůstající popularity i odpovědnosti, která ho bude čekat...

Objev podobné jako Daisy Jones & The Six (978-80-764-2079-3)

cena 309.0 Kč

Carrie Soto Is Back - Taylor Jenkins Reid

From the Sunday Times bestselling author of MALIBU RISING, DAISY JONES AND THE SIX and the phenomenal TikTok sensation THE SEVEN HUSBANDS OF EVELYN HUGO'Thank you Taylor Jenkins Reid for the escapism we all need' PANDORA SYKESCarrie Soto is fierce, and her determination to win at any cost has not made her popular.By the time Carrie retires from tennis, she is the best player the world has ever seen. She has shattered every record and claimed twenty Slam titles. And if you ask her, she is entitled to every one. She sacrificed nearly everything to become the best, with her father as her coach.But six years after her retirement, Carrie finds herself sitting in the stands of the 1994 US Open, watching her record be taken from her by a brutal, stunning, British player named Nicki Chan.At thirty-seven years old, Carrie makes the monumental decision to come out of retirement and be coached by her father for one last year in an attempt to reclaim her record. Even if the sports media says that they never liked the 'Battle-Axe' anyway. Even if her body doesn't move as fast as it did. And even if it means swallowing her pride to train with a man she once almost opened her heart to: Bowe Huntley. Like her, he has something to prove before he gives up the game forever.In spite of it all: Carrie Soto is back, for one epic final season. In this riveting and unforgettable novel, Taylor Jenkins Reid tells a story about the cost of greatness and a legendary athlete attempting a comeback.

Objev podobné jako Carrie Soto Is Back - Taylor Jenkins Reid

cena 447.0 Kč

Maybe in Another Life - Taylor Jenkins Reid

From the acclaimed author of Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo comes a breathtaking novel about a young woman whose fate hinges on the choice she makes after bumping into an old flame; in alternating chapters, we see two possible scenarios unfold-with stunningly different results At the age of twenty-nine, Hannah Martin still has no idea what she wants to do with her life. She has lived in six different cities and held countless jobs since graduating college. On the heels of leaving another city, Hannah moves back to her hometown of Los Angeles and takes up residence with her best friend Gabby. Shortly after, Hannah goes out to a bar one night with Gabby and meets up with her high school boyfriend, Ethan. Just after midnight, Gabby asks Hannah if she's ready to go. A moment later, Ethan offers to give her a ride later if she wants to stay. Hannah hesitates. What happens if she leaves with Gabby? What happens if she leaves with Ethan? In concurrent story lines, Hannah lives out the effects of each decision. Quickly, these parallel universes develop into radically different stories with large-scale consequences for Hannah, as well as the people around her. As the two alternate realities run their course, Maybe in Another Life raises questions about fate and true love: Is anything meant to be? Is there such a thing as a soul mate? Hannah believes there is. And, in both worlds, she's found him.

Objev podobné jako Maybe in Another Life - Taylor Jenkins Reid

cena 241.0 Kč

Carrie Soto se vrací - Taylor Jenkins Reid

Carrie Soto je urputná tenistka, která se nechvalně proslavila svým rozhodnutím vždy vyhrát za každou cenu. Ale ve chvíli, kdy odchází do důchodu, je nejlepší tenistkou všech dob. Překonala všechny rekordy a vyhrála dvacet grandslamových titulů. Sama Carrie si myslí, že si zasloužila každý jeden z nich. Obětovala téměř vše, aby byla nejlepší, s velkou podporou otce. Javier – sám bývalý šampion – ji trénoval už od dvou let.Ale šest let po odchodu do sportovního důchodu, v roce 1994, Carrie najednou sedí na tribunách, sleduje US Open a vidí, jak si její rekord přivlastňuje brutální, ohromující britská hráčka jménem Nicki Chan.V sedmatřiceti letech Carrie učiní přelomové rozhodnutí vrátit se z důchodu a ještě jeden rok se nechat trénovat otcem ve snaze získat rekord zpět. I když sportovní novináři tvrdí, že ji stejně nikdy neměli rádi. I když se její tělo už nehýbe tak rychle jako dřív. A i když to znamená spolknout hrdost a trénovat s mužem, jemuž kdysi málem otevřela své srdce: s Bowem Huntleym. Stejně jako ona si i on ještě potřebuje něco dokázat, než vzdá hru definitivně.

Objev podobné jako Carrie Soto se vrací - Taylor Jenkins Reid

cena 219.0 Kč

Jediné pravé lásky - Taylor Jenkins Reid - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Emma Blairová si vezme svou lásku ze střední školy Jesseho. Daleko od rodičů i jejich představ o budoucnosti svých dětí, si spolu vybudují svůj vysněný život. Život plný cestování a adrenalinu ale skončí nehodou vrtulníku nad Tichým oceánem, ve kterém sedí Jesse. Emmě se zhroutí život. Rozhodne se odstěhovat zpátky do rodného města a začne žít úplně jiný život. Takový, jaký vždycky chtěli její rodiče. Znovu se zamiluje do Sama, který je do ní zamilovaný ještě od dob střední školy a zasnoubí se s ním. Je znova šťastná, ale jen do té doby, než se najde Jesse. Je naživu a celé roky se za ní snažil vrátit. Spolu ovšem zjistí, že po letech už nejde začít znova tam, kde přestali. Koho si Emmino srdce nakonec vybere? Taylor Jenkins Reidová Americká spisovatelka a televizní scénáristka pořadu Action, Massachusetts. Její první román Forever Interrupted, se stal předlohou pro stejnojmenný film v hlavní roli s Dakotou Johnson. Další kniha After I Do, byla prestižním literárním časopisem Kirkus Reviews za něco, co si nelze nechat ujít. O jejich dílech se píše mimo jiné také v časopisech People, US Weekly a Cosmopolitan. Taylor Jenkins Reidová žije a píše v Los Angeles. Klára Issová Vystudovala Pražskou konzervatoř a nastoupila do angažmá v pražském Divadle pod Palmovkou. Ve filmech a seriálech hraje už od roku 1995. Získala i Českého lva za nejlepší ženský výkon ve vedlejší roli ve filmu Nejasná zpráva o konci světa. Na cenu Českého lva byla nominována i později. Kromě herectví má na kontě i desítky filmů, které dabovala.

Objev podobné jako Jediné pravé lásky - Taylor Jenkins Reid - audiokniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Carrie Soto Is Back - Taylor Jenkins Reid

From the bestselling author of MALIBU RISING, DAISY JONES & THE SIX and THE SEVEN HUSBANDS OF EVELYN HUGO 'It made me cry twice, and when I finished reading, I had to sit for a minute with the hole it left in my chest . . . just order it' EMILY HENRY 'A crowd-pleaser. Taylor Jenkins Reid captures all the sweat, rivalry and glamour of elite sport' THE TIMES 'Jenkins Reid has written yet another page turner . . . [it] will have you hooked' INDEPENDENT Carrie Soto is the greatest player the world has ever seen. But six years after her last match, she watches a young British tennis player steal her world record - and Carrie knows she has to go back and reclaim her rightful place at the top. Even if the world doesn't believe in her. Even if it almost breaks her. This is a story about the cost of greatness and the burden of fame. The fight for a place in history is about to begin . . . 'It artfully combines the heady glamour of elite sport with questions about what happens when we find ourselves winning professionally, but losing personally' STYLIST 'A portrait of female ambition in all its raw and divine glory, Carrie Soto will stay with you long after the last page is turned' ERIN KELLY

Objev podobné jako Carrie Soto Is Back - Taylor Jenkins Reid

cena 268.0 Kč

Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid

From the author of Daisy Jones & The Six in which a legendary film actress reflects on her relentless rise to the top and the risks she took, the loves she lost, and the long-held secrets the public could never imagine.Aging and reclusive Hollywood movie icon Evelyn Hugo is finally ready to tell the truth about her glamorous and scandalous life. But when she chooses unknown magazine reporter Monique Grant for the job, no one is more astounded than Monique herself. Why her? Why now?Monique is not exactly on top of the world. Her husband has left her, and her professional life is going nowhere. Regardless of why Evelyn has selected her to write her biography, Monique is determined to use this opportunity to jumpstart her career.Summoned to Evelyn's luxurious apartment, Monique listens in fascination as the actress tells her story. From making her way to Los Angeles in the 1950s to her decision to leave show business in the '80s, and, of course, the seven husbands along the way, Evelyn unspools a tale of ruthless ambition, unexpected friendship, and a great forbidden love. Monique begins to feel a very real connection to the legendary star, but as Evelyn's story near its conclusion, it becomes clear that her life intersects with Monique's own in tragic and irreversible ways.The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is a mesmerizing journey through the splendour of old Hollywood into the harsh realities of the present day as two women struggle with what it means and what it costs to face the truth.

Objev podobné jako Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid

cena 229.0 Kč

Malibu v plamenech - Taylor Jenkins Reid - e-kniha

eBook: Malibu, srpen 1983. Den, kdy Nina Riva pořádá každoroční večírek na oslavu konce léta. Každý se chce dostat blízko ke čtyřem slavným sourozencům: Nině, talentované surfařce a supermodelce, Jayovi, surfingovému šampiónovi, Hudovi, slavnému fotografovi, a jejich milované sestřičce Kit. Všichni čtyři fascinují celé Malibu a dokonce i zbytek světa – zvlášť jakožto potomci legendárního zpěváka Micka Rivy. Jediný, kdo se na pařbu roku netěší, je samotná Nina, jež nikdy moc netoužila být v centru pozornosti, a kterou také právě veřejně opustil manžel, profesionální hráč tenisu. A možná ještě Hud – už se konečně chystá bratrovi, se kterým jsou od narození nerozluční, k něčemu důležitému přiznat. Jay ale na druhou stranu počítá minuty do soumraku, protože dívka, na kterou nemůže přestat myslet, slíbila, že tam bude. A sama Kit má také nějaká tajemství – včetně hosta, kterého si pozvala a nikomu o tom neřekla...Než padne půlnoc, party se naprosto vymkne kontrole. Ráno pohltí sídlo Rivových plameny. Ale než v brzkých ranních hodinách přeskočí ta první jiskra, alkohol poteče proudem, hudba bude vyhrávat, a city a tajemství, které zformovaly generace této rodiny, postupně vybublají na povrch.

Objev podobné jako Malibu v plamenech - Taylor Jenkins Reid - e-kniha

cena 289.0 Kč

Sedm manželů Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Znal ji celý svět, ale své tajemství si málem odnesla do hrobu… Mladou začínající novinářku Monique Grantovou zaskočí nabídka stárnoucí hollywoodské hvězdy, stranící se už celé roky veřejnosti a médií, aby napsala její knižní biografii. V životní cestě Evelyn Hugo, která byla plná skandálů i úspěchů a jejímiž milníky se stalo vedle několika oscarových nominací především sedmero hereččiných manželství, se odráží nejen proměna americké továrny na sny, ale do jisté míry též dějiny ženské emancipace ve Spojených státech. Což je trochu paradox, protože ona sama je nejlepším příkladem toho, že některé věci se zkrátka nemění – ženy stále těží ze své krásy, šoubyznys je pořád plný falše a obyčejné lidi nepřestává fascinovat svět bohatých a mocných. Není divu, že barvitý příběh filmové divy vzbuzuje v Monique plno otázek. Jedna ji ovšem trápí víc než ostatní: Proč právě ona? Nejúspěšnější z řady bestsellerů, které úspěšné americké spisovatelce získaly miliony fanoušků po celém světě. „Evelyn Hugo je okouzlující ikona, kterou budete obdivovat, ale také nezdolná bojovnice, jakou byste chtěli být. Její životní příběh vezme člověka za srdce a pohltí čtenáře až do poslední stránky.“ – Jamie Blynn, US Weekly. „Nejdřív sňatek, který uzavřela ještě jako neplnoletá a který skončil rozvodem v jejích osmnácti letech. Potom námluvy zosnované filmovým studiem a bouřlivé manželství s králem Hollywoodu Donem Adlerem. Zvěsti o tom, že ho opustila, protože ji bil. Její comeback ve snímku Francouzské nové vlny. Blesková svatba ve Vegas se zpěvákem Mickem Rivou. Oslnivé manželství s elegantním Rexem Northem, které zkrachovalo na mimomanželských avantýrách obou zúčastněných. Krásný milostný příběh jejího života s Harrym Cameronem a narození jejich dcery Connor. Srdcervoucí rozvod a Evelynina téměř okamžitá svatba s jejím dávným režisérem Maxem Girardem. Údajná aféra s o mnoho mladším kongresmanem Jackem Eastonem, která ukončila vztah s Girardem. A konečně manželství s finančníkem Robertem Jamisonem; o sňatku se šuškalo, že Evelyn k němu přinejmenším částečně ponoukla touha pomstít se své někdejší herecké kolegyni – a Robertově sestře – Celii St. James. Teď už jsou však všichni její manželé po smrti, a Evelyn je tudíž jediná, kdo má do výše zmíněných vztahů vhled.“ – ukázka z knihy.

Objev podobné jako Sedm manželů Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid - audiokniha

cena 449.0 Kč

Carrie Soto se vrací - Taylor Jenkins Reid - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Neřeší věk ani zranění. Jako gladiátorka je odhodlaná zvítězit. Pro její urputnost a tvrdou hru se jí urážlivě přezdívá Čubka nebo Válečná sekera, ale nikdo nemůže Carrie Soto upřít, že je nejlepší světovou tenistkou všech dob. Když odchází do sportovního důchodu, má na kontě rekordní počet grandslamových titulů. Jen o pár let později sedí na tribuně turnaje US Open ve Flushing Meadows a znepokojeně sleduje, jak mladá hráčka Nicki Chanová vyrovnává její životní rekord a bere jí všechno, na čem tolik dřela. A tak se v sedmatřiceti rozhodne vrátit na kurt a obhájit svoji nadvládu. Znovu se setkává s tenistou Bowem Huntleym, s nímž kdysi prožila románek, a uvědomí si, že by jí mohl pomoct nejen při tréninku. Tedy pokud si poprvé v životě dovolí být zranitelná. Autorka bestselleru Sedm manželů Evelyn Hugo přivádí na scénu další nezapomenutelnou hrdinku, tentokrát inspirovanou tenisovou legendou Serenou Williamsovou. I dcera argentinského přistěhovalce Carrie je pod fasádou ledové královny soustředěné na výhru v hloubi duše osamělá, zjitřená a nejistá, navíc nucená čelit sexismu a rasismu. Její odhodlání a vytrvalost vás chytnou za srdce. Budete jí fandit na kurtu i mimo něj. „Je fascinující sledovat duševní vývoj šampionky, jako je Soto. Tu knihu nedokážete odložit.“ – Hannah Yasharoff, USA Today. „Strhující příběh ženských ambicí.“ – Kirkus Reviews. „[Autorka] stvořila hrdinku, jejíž odhodlání a vášeň nemají obdoby.“ – Emily Nutbean, The Independent. „Vyrostla jsem na kurtu. Veřejné kurty po škole, kurty sportovního klubu v létě a o víkendu. Vyrostla jsem v tenisové sukni a s culíkem. Vyrostla jsem ve stínu u postranní čáry, kde jsem seděla a čekala, než táta skončí s lekcí.“ – ukázka z textu.

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cena 399.0 Kč

Sedm manželů Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid - e-kniha

eBook: Stárnoucí ikona Evelyn Hugo je konečně připravená povědět světu pravdu o svém životě. Když ale ke spolupráci na interview přizve zcela neznámou Monique Grantovou, překvapí tím naprosto všechny, a nejvíc samotnou Monique. Mladá novinářka pak v pracovně přepychového manhattanského bytu fascinované poslouchá Evelynin životní příběh, který začíná v padesátých letech příjezdem do Los Angeles a vrcholí koncem let osmdesátých rozhodnutím od filmu nadobro odejít. Během vyprávění o životě plném bezohledné ctižádosti a hereččiných sedmi manželstvích začíná postupně vycházet najevo, že životy obou žen jsou osudným způsobem propojeny.

Objev podobné jako Sedm manželů Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid - e-kniha

cena 289.0 Kč

Carrie Soto se vrací - Taylor Jenkins Reid - e-kniha

eBook: Carrie Soto je urputná tenistka, která se nechvalně proslavila svým rozhodnutím vždy vyhrát za každou cenu. Ale ve chvíli, kdy odchází do důchodu, je nejlepší tenistkou všech dob. Překonala všechny rekordy a vyhrála dvacet grandslamových titulů. Sama Carrie si myslí, že si zasloužila každý jeden z nich. Obětovala téměř vše, aby byla nejlepší, s velkou podporou otce. Javier – sám bývalý šampion – ji trénoval už od dvou let.Ale šest let po odchodu do sportovního důchodu, v roce 1994, Carrie najednou sedí na tribunách, sleduje US Open a vidí, jak si její rekord přivlastňuje brutální, ohromující britská hráčka jménem Nicki Chan.V sedmatřiceti letech Carrie učiní přelomové rozhodnutí vrátit se z důchodu a ještě jeden rok se nechat trénovat otcem ve snaze získat rekord zpět. I když sportovní novináři tvrdí, že ji stejně nikdy neměli rádi. I když se její tělo už nehýbe tak rychle jako dřív. A i když to znamená spolknout hrdost a trénovat s mužem, jemuž kdysi málem otevřela své srdce: s Bowem Huntleym. Stejně jako ona si i on ještě potřebuje něco dokázat, než vzdá hru definitivně.

Objev podobné jako Carrie Soto se vrací - Taylor Jenkins Reid - e-kniha

cena 289.0 Kč

Red, White & Royal Blue: Movie Tie-In Edition - Casey McQuistonová

* Instant New York Times and USA Today bestseller *What happens when America's First Son falls in love with the Prince of Wales?Alex Claremont-Diaz is handsome, charismatic, a genius - pure millennial-marketing gold for the White House ever since his mother first became President of the United States. There's only one problem. When the tabloids get hold of a photo involving an altercation between Alex and Prince Henry, U.S./British relations take a turn for the worse.Heads of family and state devise a plan for damage control: stage a truce. But what begins as a fake, Instagrammable friendship grows deeper, and more dangerous, than either Alex or Henry could have imagined. Soon they are hurtling into a secret romance that could derail the presidential campaign and upend two nations.'Red, White & Royal Blue is outrageously fun. It is romantic, sexy, witty, and thrilling. I loved every second.' - Taylor Jenkins Reid, New York Times bestselling author of Daisy Jones & The Six

Objev podobné jako Red, White & Royal Blue: Movie Tie-In Edition - Casey McQuistonová

cena 259.0 Kč

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo: A Novel (1501139231)

Kniha - autor Taylor Jenkins Reid, 400 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER “If you’re looking for a book to take on holiday this summer, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo has got all the glitz and glamour to make it a perfect beach read.” —Bustle From the New York Times bestselling author of Daisy Jones & the Six—an entrancing and “wildly addictive journey of a reclusive Hollywood starlet” (PopSugar) as she reflects on her relentless rise to the top and the risks she took, the loves she lost, and the long-held secrets the public could never imagine. Aging and reclusive Hollywood movie icon Evelyn Hugo is finally ready to tell the truth about her glamorous and scandalous life. But when she chooses unknown magazine reporter Monique Grant for the job, no one is more astounded than Monique herself. Why her? Why now? Monique is not exactly on top of the world. Her husband has left her, and her professional life is going nowhere....

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cena 701.0 Kč

Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo: Tiktok made me buy it! (1398515698)

Kniha - autor Taylor Jenkins Reid, 390 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From the author of Daisy Jones & The Six in which a legendary film actress reflects on her relentless rise to the top and the risks she took, the loves she lost, and the long-held secrets the public could never imagine. Aging and reclusive Hollywood movie icon Evelyn Hugo is finally ready to tell the truth about her glamorous and scandalous life. But when she chooses unknown magazine reporter Monique Grant for the job, no one is more astounded than Monique herself. Why her? Why now? Monique is not exactly on top of the world. Her husband has left her, and her professional life is going nowhere. Regardless of why Evelyn has selected her to write her biography, Monique is determined to use this opportunity to jumpstart her career. Summoned to Evelyn's luxurious apartment, Monique listens in fascination as the actress tells her story. From making her way to Los Angeles in the...

Objev podobné jako Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo: Tiktok made me buy it! (1398515698)

cena 259.0 Kč

Desert Echoes - Abdi Nazemian

From a Stonewall Honor–winning author comes a propulsive, moving story about human resilience and connection. Perfect for fans of Last Night at the Telegraph Club, The Great Godden and If You Still Recognise Me. Fifteen-year-old Kam is head over heels for Ash, the boy who swept him off his feet. But his family and best friend, Bodie, are worried. They struggle to understand Ash. He also has a habit of disappearing, at times for days. When Ash asks Kam to join him on a trip to Joshua Tree, the two of them walk off into the sunset ... but only Kam returns.Two years later, Kam is still left with a hole in his heart and too many unanswered questions. So it feels like fate when a school trip takes him back to Joshua Tree. On the trip, Kam wants to find closure about what happened to Ash, but instead finds himself in danger of facing a similar fate. In the desert, Kam must reckon with the truth of his past relationship – and the possibility of opening himself up to love once again.PRAISE FOR ONLY THIS BEAUTIFUL MOMENT:“A complex coming-of-age-story of these three boys who are inextricably linked, not only by family but in ways yet revealed. Abdi never fails to weave a powerful and moving story.” Taylor Jenkins Reid, author of Daisy Jones & The Six“A deeply human story fuelled by love, hope, and longing” Wibke Brueggemann, author of Love is for Losers“A stunning intergenerational coming-of-age story” Kirkus, Starred Review“The kind of story that YA literature was made for” Booklist, Starred Review“A queer epic, a defiant piece of art that transmutes the rallying cry of “we’re here, we’re queer, get used to it” into even more beautiful poetry that will almost certainly change the lives of those who read it” BookPage, Starred Review“This is a book everyone needs to read” Kasey S, educator

Objev podobné jako Desert Echoes - Abdi Nazemian

cena 266.0 Kč

Good Bad Girl - Alice Feeney

'An author you need to check out' - Harlan Coben'One of the best psychological thriller writers' - The SunSometimes bad things happen to good people, so good people have to do bad things . . .Twenty years after a baby is stolen from her push-chair, a woman is murdered in a care home. The two crimes are somehow linked, and a good bad girl may be the key to discovering the truth.Edith may have been tricked into a nursing home, but at eighty-years-young, she’s planning her escape. Patience works there, cleaning up mess and bonding with Edith, a kindred spirit. But Patience is lying to Edith about almost everything.Edith’s own daughter, Clio, won’t speak to her. And someone new is about to knock on Clio’s door . . . and their intentions aren’t good.With every reason to distrust each other, the women must solve a mystery with three suspects, two murders, and one victim. If they do, they might just find out what happened to the baby who disappeared, the mother who lost her, and the connections that bind them.The Queen of Twists, bestselling author of Daisy Darker and Rock Paper Scissors Alice Feeney, returns with another gripping mystery filled with drama and her trademark surprises in Good Bad Girl.***************PRAISE FOR ALICE FEENEY'I was totally hooked from the first sentence' – Peter James, author of the Roy Grace series.‘Compelling, confounding and absolutely delicious' – Lisa Jewell, bestselling author of The Family Upstairs'I was on the edge of my seat the whole time' – Taylor Jenkins Reid, author of Daisy Jones and the Six

Objev podobné jako Good Bad Girl - Alice Feeney

cena 295.0 Kč

Way of the Chosen - Amanda Jenkins

Discover what it means to belong to and be blessed by God. We all have to choose: the wide road that leads to destruction or the narrow path that leads to life. The third season of the groundbreaking television show, The Chosen, picks up with how Jesus’ followers apply His teaching to their lives. The Way of the Chosen is an eight-lesson interactive Bible study for individuals or small groups that works in tandem with each episode of the show. In modeling “the narrow road that leads to life” it includes: Forgiving the way Jesus does Going when and where He says to go Grieving what He grieves Standing firm on His words and character Delighting in the things that please Him Asking because He says to Welcoming those He welcomes Trusting His will and way Readers will be challenged to move from knowing who Jesus is to living out their faith by going the way of the Chosen.

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cena 473.0 Kč

Then Things Went Dark - Bea Fitzgerald

SIX PEOPLE LAND ON A DESERT ISLAND READY TO MAKE THEIR REALITY SHOW DEBUTFor fans of Lucy Foley''s The Hunting Party and Taylor Jenkins Reid''s Daisy Jones and the Six‘A delicious, murderous thriller that feels like you''re watching a live episode of reality TV unfold in your living room. Fast-paced and addicting , I was gripped from the first page until the jaw-dropping conclusion’ Lucinda Berry, bestselling author of If You Tell a Lie----NO MURDER HAS EVER HAD MORE WITNESSES . . . The contestants are hungry to prove themselves. The stakes are high and losing is not an option.But three weeks and eighteen episodes later, five of the six contestants sit in a Portuguese police station, and none of them are winners. Because twelve million people were watching when Rhys Sutton died on camera, and someone must pay for the crime. The best friend, the rival, the girlfriend, the lover, and the sworn enemy are left standing. And of course, no-one is talking. But how do you keep secrets when the world has been watching? Especially when, just a day before his murder, Rhys was the most hated man on television. ---- ‘Nothing is as it seems in this smartly plotted whodunnit, a complex game of scandals and scheming, alliances and betrayals that pops off the page’ Kimberly Belle, internationally bestselling author of The Paris Widow‘Fitzgerald plays a scathing, thrilling game of worst-case scenario, poking fun and critiquing dystopian reality TV tropes while also forcing the reader to take a look at themselves and ask, ‘Why am I still watching?’ Iman Hariri-Kia, author of A Hundred Other Girls and The Most Famous Girl in the World‘A page-turner that’s as addictive as the reality shows it satirizes. With her pitch-perfect commentary on fame, social media, and reality TV, Bea has written a novel that''s as thoughtful as it is entertaining'' Rebecca McKanna, author of Don’t Forget the Girl

Objev podobné jako Then Things Went Dark - Bea Fitzgerald

cena 502.0 Kč

Song of the Six Realms - Lin Judy I.

Uncover the dark past of the celestials in this melodic tale inspired by Chinese mythology and Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca. Filled with rich imagery and delicate poetry, the Song of the Six Realms will echo long after the tune has ended. Xue, a talented young musician, has no past and probably no future. Orphaned at a young age, her kindly poet uncle took her in and arranged for an apprenticeship at one of the most esteemed entertainment houses in the kingdom. She doesn't remember much from before entering the House of Flowing Water, and when her uncle is suddenly killed in a bandit attack, she is devastated to lose her last connection to a life outside of her indenture contract.

Objev podobné jako Song of the Six Realms - Lin Judy I.

cena 268.0 Kč

Only This Beautiful Moment - Abdi Nazemian

GUARDIAN YA BOOKS OF THE YEAR 2023WINNER OF THE 2024 STONEWALL YOUNG ADULT AWARDFrom a Stonewall Honor–winning author comes a sweeping story of three generations of boys in the same Iranian family. Perfect for fans of Last Night at the Telegraph Club, As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow and If You Still Recognise Me.2019 – Moud is an out gay teen living in Los Angeles with his distant father, Saeed. When Moud gets the news that his grandfather in Iran is dying, he accompanies his dad to Tehran, where the revelation of family secrets will force Moud into a new understanding of his history, his culture, and himself.1978 – Saeed is an engineering student with a promising future ahead of him in Tehran. But when his parents discover his involvement in the country’s burgeoning revolution, they send him to safety in America, a country Saeed despises. And even worse – he’s forced to live with the American grandmother he never knew existed.1939 – Bobby, the son of a calculating Hollywood stage mother, lands a coveted MGM studio contract. But the fairy-tale world of glamour he’s thrust into has a dark side…Set against the backdrop of Tehran and Los Angeles, this tale of intergenerational trauma and love is an ode to the fragile bonds of family, the hidden secrets of history and all the beautiful moments that make us who we are today.PRAISE FOR ONLY THIS BEAUTIFUL MOMENT:“A complex coming-of-a-story of these three boys who are inextricably linked, not only by family but in ways yet revealed. Abdi never fails to weave a powerful and moving story.” Taylor Jenkins Reid, author of Daisy Jones & The Six“A deeply human story fuelled by love, hope, and longing.” Wibke Brueggemann, author of Love is for Losers“The kind of story that YA literature was made for” Booklist, Starred Review“A queer epic, a defiant piece of art that transmutes the rallying cry of “we’re here, we’re queer, get used to it” into even more beautiful poetry that will almost certainly change the lives of those who read it” BookPage, Starred Review“This is a queer epic, a defiant tale weaving generations and cultures to create a fantastic story.” Children''s Book Ireland

Objev podobné jako Only This Beautiful Moment - Abdi Nazemian

cena 266.0 Kč

The Atlas Six - Olivie Blake

Secrets. Betrayal. Seduction. Welcome to the Alexandrian Society.When the world’s best magicians are offered an extraordinary opportunity, saying yes is easy. Each could join the secretive Alexandrian Society, whose custodians guard lost knowledge from ancient civilizations. Their members enjoy a lifetime of power and prestige.Yet each decade, only six practitioners are invited – to fill five places. Contenders Libby Rhodes and Nico de Varona are inseparable enemies, cosmologists who can control matter with their minds. Parisa Kamali is a telepath, who sees the mind’s deepest secrets.Reina Mori is a naturalist who can perceive and understand the flow of life itself. And Callum Nova is an empath, who can manipulate the desires of others. Finally there’s Tristan Caine, whose powers mystify even himself.Following recruitment by the mysterious Atlas Blakely, they travel to the Society’s London headquarters. Here, each must study and innovate within esoteric subject areas. And if they can prove themselves, over the course of a year, they’ll survive.Most of them.

Objev podobné jako The Atlas Six - Olivie Blake

cena 259.0 Kč

The Six Disciplines of Strategic Thinking - Watkins Michael

How did John F. Kennedy put a man on the moon in just under ten years?What can chess teach us about actionable insights?And why should you shake up a business at a time of great success?All of these questions have their answer in strategic thinking. But what is strategic thinking exactly? Are we born with it, or can we nurture it?As a distinct and important capability in leaders, strategic thinking is a remarkably poorly defined, little understood concept, confined to management courses and board meetings. But in The Six Disciplines of Strategic Thinking, world-renowned expert Michael Watkins shows leaders how they can benefit from it, as long as they have the tools to nurture it.Exploring the six specific mental disciplines that together constitute strategic thinking, each chapter shows how they can create value, and offers prescriptions on how to develop the strategic thinking mindset ourselves. Academically grounded but jargon-free, with real-world examples from all sectors and ages, The Six Disciplines of Strategic Thinking assesses our innate ability to think strategically, and helps us to cultivate it, leading to better decisions that get proven results.

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cena 502.0 Kč

The Red Red Dragon - Lynne Reid Banksová

From a multi-million-copy-selling author whose work spans seven decades comes a humorous and warm-hearted story about a family of dragons in a world where humans have always been a myth ... until now.Red is a rare red dragon who lives with his Mag and Dag in a world where dragons and Uprights are sworn enemies. Then Red meets his first Upright, a girl called Lou, who is nothing like he had imagined: she''s smart, and funny ... and kind! As the pair become friends, Red learns that not only can the two species live in harmony – but maybe it''s his destiny to bring them back together.

Objev podobné jako The Red Red Dragon - Lynne Reid Banksová

cena 236.0 Kč

Girls - Kirsty Capes

''Every word has the touch of a genius'' BENJAMIN ZEPHANIAH''Expect to see this on every sun lounger this summer!'' THE SHIFT''A pin-sharp, propulsive story'' KIRAN MILLWOOD HARGRAVE''Daisy Jones and the Six fans will love this!'' GRAZIA''I was bereft when I finished. A contender for my books of the year list'' PRIMA''Bold, brilliant, shocking and shattering'' CHRIS WHITAKEREveryone has heard of Girls.But what happened to the women they became?At the time of her death, the press wrote many things about Ingrid Olssen:She was a brilliant artist. She was a terrible mother to her girls, Mattie and Nora. And that her legacy would live on forever.Even so, it''s unlikely the world will ever see another Ingrid Olssen exhibition - her last request to her daughters was to throw her ashes in the canyon and her paintings in the sea.But as Mattie and Nora reluctantly embark on an all-or-nothing trip to fulfil her wishes, they start to unpick the painful scars of their past.And soon they begin to realise that the ties that bound them, might also break them...Perfect for fans of Sorrow and Bliss by Meg Mason and Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid. GIRLS is as devastating as it is hilarious, as tender and moving as it is shocking - this is a book that will stay with you long after you have turned the final pages.** PRAISE FOR GIRLS **''I knew I''d love GIRLS and I did, but I''m also utterly devastated by it. What a beautiful, rich, expansive novel. It''ll be a while before I stop crying. Thank you a million times over'' JENNIE GODFREY''I can''t think when I last encountered a story world of this depth and faultless plausibility. Everything about it was perfect: intricate; warm; uncluttered. Blimey, I wish I''d written it'' ANSTEY HARRIS''An extraordinary writer of lives rarely written about [...] in words that are wise, warm, painful and often witty'' DALJIT NAGRA''Raw, vivid, complex, painful and unexpectedly funny too - a brilliantly original novel that really gets under your skin'' JOANNA GLEN''Phenomenal. I loved it.'' KATE SAWYER''Surprising, heart-breaking and dryly funny, Kirsty Capes is such an exciting talent.'' CAROLINE HULSE''GIRLS puts a lens to the awful things sisters do to one another and the absolute life-changing necessity of a sister''s forgiveness.'' ABIGAIL BERGSTROM''Ambitious in form and scope, it covers childhood trauma, art and celebrity culture, the unfathomable bond between sisters, and much more'' ELISSA SOAVE''Unmissable, bold and moving. This is Capes'' best novel yet.'' SARA JAFARI''Thoughtful and deeply human, Girls is a masterful take on family at its most complicated'' PHOENICIA ROGERSON''Phenomenal. GIRLS made me laugh, cry, and gave me all the feels in between. I''ll be thinking about these characters for a very long time'' LISA HALL''Wonderful, wonderful storytelling and unforgettable characters'' SARA NISHA ADAMS

Objev podobné jako Girls - Kirsty Capes

cena 561.0 Kč

Budík Karlsson Six In The Mix

Budík z kolekce Karlsson. Model vyroben z umělohmotného materiálu.

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cena 1699.0 Kč

The Six Queens of Henry VIII - Honor Cargill-Martin

We all know Henry VIII had six wives. But these ladies are FAR too interesting to only be known as wives. Did you know that Catherine of Aragon rallied her troops in full armour while heavily pregnant? Or that Anne of Cleves met Henry VIII BEFORE they married - only she didn''t realise, because he was in disguise! Or that it was Catherine Parr who persuaded the king to return his daughters Mary and Elizabeth - two of British history''s most famous monarchs - to the line of succession?Get ready to lose your head as the six wonderful women behind the man take centre stage to overthrow her-story. From rumours of scandals and LOTS of lying, to political plays and fabulous frocks, The Six is a story filled with ambition, treason and strong women.

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cena 443.0 Kč

Jiří Bárta: Bach - The Six Cello Suites (2 CD)

Přední a oceňovaný český violoncellista Jiří Bárta přináší na svém novém albu komplet Bachových cellových suit. Jiří Bárta se vrací k k repertoáru, který nahrál již před 23 lety, obohacen o mnoho životních i interpretačních zkušeností, a to ve zcela novém pojetí - pro nahrávku tentokrát použil barokní violoncello se střevovými strunami, čímž celkové vyznění skladby přiblížil její pravděpodobné originální podobě - namísto expresivity přichází spíše meditace a zklidnění. Bárta ke kompletu přistupuje jako k šestivěté symfonii ("Vzpomínám na chvíli, kdy jsem před lety hrál komplet poprvé. Bylo to jako zjevení: jednotlivé suity se mi zpodobnily v dokonalém tvaru jako symfonie o šesti větách, jako příběh života o šesti kapitolách; naprosto logická a prokomponovaná skladba.") a nácviku nového provedení a přípravě studiové nahrávky věnoval mnoho času a interpretační i zvukové péče. Nahrávka aspiruje na vážno-hudební událost sezóny. Tracklist: CD 1 Johann Sebastian Bach – Suita pro violoncello č. 1 G dur BWV 1007 1. Suita pro violoncello č. 1 G dur : I. Prélude 03:31 2. Suita pro violoncello č. 1 G dur : II. Allemande 04:02 3. Suita pro violoncello č. 1 G dur : III. Courante 02:49 4. Suita pro violoncello č. 1 G dur : IV. Sarabande 02:47 5. Suita pro violoncello č. 1 G dur : V. Menuet I, II 03:17 6. Suita pro violoncello č. 1 G dur : VI. Gigue 01:58 Johann Sebastian Bach – Suita pro violoncello č. 2 d moll BWV 1008 7. Suita pro violoncello č. 2 d moll : I. Prélude 03:15 8. Suita pro violoncello č. 2 d moll : II. Allemande 03:33 9. Suita pro violoncello č. 2 d moll : III. Courante 01:48 10. Suita pro violoncello č. 2 d moll : IV. Sarabande 05:03 11. Suita pro violoncello č. 2 d moll : V. Menuet I, II 03:19 12. Suita pro violoncello č. 2 d moll : VI. Gigue 02:54 Johann Sebastian Bach – Suita pro violoncello č. 3 C dur BWV 1009 13. Suita pro violoncello č. 3 C dur : 1. Prélude 03:10 14. Suita pro violoncello č. 3 C dur : 2. Allemande 04:12 15. Suita pro violoncello č. 3 C dur : 3. Courante 02:50 16. Suita pro violoncello č. 3 C dur : 4. Sarabande 03:58 17. Suita pro violoncello č. 3 C dur : 5. Bourrée I, II 03:41 18. Suita pro violoncello č. 3 C dur : 6. Gigue 03:18 Johann Sebastian Bach – Suita pro violoncello č. 4 Es dur BWV 1010 19. Suita pro violoncello č. 4 Es dur : I. Prélude 05:24 20. Suita pro violoncello č. 4 Es dur : II. Allemande 04:03 CD 2 Johann Sebastian Bach – Suita pro violoncello č. 4 Es dur BWV 1010 1. Suita pro violoncello č. 4 Es dur : III. Courante 04:04 2. Suita pro violoncello č. 4 Es dur : IV. Sarabande 04:11 3. Suita pro violoncello č. 4 Es dur : V. Bourrée I,II 04:33 4. Suita pro violoncello č. 4 Es dur : VI. Gigue 02:44 Johann Sebastian Bach – Suita pro violoncello č. 5, "Discordant" c moll BWV 1011 5. Suita pro violoncello č. 5, "Discordant" c moll : I. Prélude 06:22 6. Suita pro violoncello č. 5, "Discordant" c moll : II. Allemande 07:09 7. Suita pro violoncello č. 5, "Discordant" c moll : III. Courante 02:08 8. Suita pro violoncello č. 5, "Discordant" c moll : IV. Sarabande 03:06 9. Suita pro violoncello č. 5, "Discordant" c moll : V. Gavotte I., II 04:50 10. Suita pro violoncello č. 5, "Discordant" c moll : VI. Gigue 03:04 Johann Sebastian Bach – Suita pro violoncello č. 6, "A cinq cordes" D dur BWV 1012 11. Suita pro violoncello č. 6, "A cinq cordes" D dur : I. Prélude 05:11 12. Suita pro violoncello č. 6, "A cinq cordes" D dur : II. Allemande 08:59 13. Suita pro violoncello č. 6, "A cinq cordes" D dur : III. Courante 03:51 14. Suita pro violoncello č. 6, "A cinq cordes" D dur : IV. Sarabande 05:08 15. Suita pro violoncello č. 6, "A cinq cordes" D dur : V. Gavotte I, II 04:21 16. Suita pro violoncello č. 6, "A cinq cordes" D dur : VI. Gigue 04:22

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cena 349.0 Kč

Pip and Posy: The Birthday Party - Camilla Reid

The much-acclaimed toddler book series by Camilla Reid and The Gruffalo illustrator, Axel Scheffler. Simple, engaging and funny stories which reflect the ups - and downs - of toddler life. Major new animation series launching on Milkshake and Sky in 2021Pip and Posy are best friends - they love to play, and make things, and have fun.But just occasionally they get cross or sad, and sometimes things go wrong that are beyond their control. And that's when kindness, sympathy - and resourcefulness - make everything better. In The Birthday Party, It's Posy's big day and she's delighted with Pip's present of a beautiful toy bus.The friends have fun with the bus, then play some energetic party games and, before long, it's time for the birthday tea. But just as Pip is carrying the magnificent birthday cake to the table, he trips over the bus and flies into the air - along with Posy's cake! All small children will enjoy finding out what happens next - and seeing how Pip and Posy make the best of a very, very sticky situation. A relatable story about navigating life's minor catastrophes!There are loads of titles to collect .. . The Friendly Snail, The Super Scooter, The Big Balloon, The Bedtime Frog - and many more!

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cena 214.0 Kč

Pip and Posy: The Little Puddle - Camilla Reid

Pip and Posy are typical toddlers: they're best friends and have fun but sometimes they get cross and sad, so it takes friendship, sharing and understanding to make things better. In this book Pip comes to play at Posy's house. They have such a lovely time that Pip forgets to go to the loo and soon there's a little puddle.

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cena 207.0 Kč

Pip and Posy: The Birthday Party - Camilla Reid

Join Pip and Posy for more toddler adventures:Pip and Posy: The Friendly SnailPip and Posy: The Super ScooterPip and Posy: The Big BalloonPip and Posy: The Bedtime Frog

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cena 207.0 Kč

Dámská kabelka David Jones Daisy - oranžovo-hnědá

Elegantní dámská kabelka značky David Jones. Představujeme Vám elegantní dámskou kabelku francouzské značky David Jones z její nejnovější kolekce. Kabelka má nejenom moderní tvar, ale je navíc i velmi praktická a nabídne Vám hned tři hlavní velké kapsy. Její vnitřní část je podšitá látkou. Dále uvnitř najdete dvě otevřené kapsičky na drobnosti a kapsu na zip. Další kapsičku najdete na její zadní straně.

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cena 1104.0 Kč

Adventures in Time: The Six Wives of Henry VIII - Dominic Sandbrook

Take a journey to a vanished world with the ADVENTURES IN TIME series - stories so exciting you won''t believe they''re all true''Winter has come; and in a far distant land, a warrior queen is expecting a child...''Step through these pages into the Tudor world: a dangerous place, where one miss-step could cost your life. Through the eyes of Henry VIII''s six very different queens, from a brave Spanish princess to a wise English widow, historian Dominic Sandbrook takes us on a thrilling journey through the twists and turns of a dramatic age. For no one is safe from the wheel of fortune: it can take you from a golden throne to the Tower of London...The Adventures in Time series brings the past alive for twenty-first century children. These stories are every bit as exciting as those of Harry Potter or Matilda Wormwood. The only difference is they actually happened...

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cena 266.0 Kč

Railways Remembered: The Western Region 1962-1972 - Jenkins Martin, Kevin McCormack

Blake Paterson was both a career railwayman and a railway enthusiast who worked for the Western Region, based at Paddington and Reading. He was also a passionate and very accomplished photographer. Aware of the great changes to the railway network which were underway, even before the publication of Dr Beeching''s notorious report, he resolved to record as much of the changing railway scene, as was possible. To do this, he set himself demanding schedules and would often travel great distances, sometimes using overnight trains, to reach the more remote corners of the network. During this intense period of photographic activity he took thousands of images, normally only taking a photo when the sun was shining and aiming to capture the trains in picturesque settings. He sought innovative angles and unlike many railway photographers of the era, he made a particular point of including people, particularly railway employees, in his photographs. It is believed that none of the images in this volume have been previously published.

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cena 665.0 Kč

The Hotel - Johnson Daisy

‘The British literary heir to Stephen King’ Sunday Times'Striking: it should be read at night, with the lights low, in one sitting' Observer'As splendidly written as it is haunting' i'The contemporary literary scene would be a poorer place without Daisy Johnson around' Financial TimesA triumph of contemporary horror from the Booker Prize-shortlisted author, this collection of short stories will haunt you long after you turn the final pageA place of myths, rumours and secrets, The Hotel looms over the dark Fens, tall and grey in its Gothic splendour. Built on cursed land, a history of violent death suffuses its very foundations –yet it has a magnetism that is impossible to ignore. On entering The Hotel, different people react in different ways. To some it is familiar, to others a stranger. Many come out refreshed, longing to return. But a few are changed forever, haunted by their time there. And almost all those affected are women... They are children and mothers, monsters, cult film-makers, thrill-seekers and workers on the night shift, all with their own tales of its strange power, of the horrors of Room 63, and of desperate but failed attempts to escape its seductive pull. *** PRAISE FOR SISTERS ***'[A] gothic masterpiece... You can't stop reading' i news'Daisy Johnson is one of the best writers in this country' Max Porter, author of Grief Is The Thing With Feathers'A short, sharp virtuoso tale of literary horror' BOOKSELLER'Deeply unnerving and unnervingly prescient.' VOGUE'Poetic, haunting prose to be savoured slowly' EVENING STANDARD'I LOVE THIS BOOK! Explosive, dark, weird and utterly compelling... After reading Sisters, I binged on Fen and Everything Under and am now obsessed - Elizabeth Macneal, author of The Doll Factory

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cena 443.0 Kč

PJ Harvey - The Hope Six Demolition Project - Demos (LP)

Žánr: Rock Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Černá Země interpreta: Spojené království Složení setu: 1 ks Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;1980 - 1989 Typ: LP deska Vydavatelství: Universal Music Datum vydání: 2022-03-11 Subžánr: Alternative Rock Interpret / Téma: PJ Harvey Rok vydání: 2022.0 Varianta: The Hope Six Demolition Project - Demos (LP)

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cena 931.95 Kč

PJ Harvey - The Hope Six Demolition Project (180gr) (LP)

Barva: Černá Země interpreta: Spojené království Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Německo Složení setu: 1 ks Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black Hmotnost: 180 g Interpret / Téma: PJ Harvey Datum vydání: 2016-04-15 Subžánr: Punk;Alternative Rock Rok vydání: 2016.0 Typ: LP deska Vydavatelství: Universal Music Varianta: The Hope Six Demolition Project (180 gr) (LP) Žánr: Rock

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cena 913.0 Kč

The Royal Librarian - Daisy Wood

A royal palace. A closed book. A betrayal that will echo through generations…Windsor, 1940: Secretly tasked with foiling a suspected plot, Sophie Klein is placed in the Royal Library at Windsor castle, where the princesses reside. But when she learns that Windsor is compromised, Sophie must sacrifice everything she knows to save the future queen of England…Philadelphia, Present day: Looking through her grandmother''s papers, Lacey Jones comes across a mysterious letter stamped with the Windsor Castle crest. But how did it come to be in her family''s possession?And so begins a journey that will take Lacey deep into the heart of the oldest inhabited castle in the world, and change her life forever…Readers can’t put down The Royal Librarian!‘Amazing! Delightful! Perfection!’ NetGalley reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘I couldn’t put it down… utterly enthralling from start to finish!’ NetGalley reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘This is the best historical fiction I’ve read,’ NetGalley reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘I cannot stop talking about how much I love this book,’ NetGalley reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘A genuine pleasure,’ NetGalley reviwer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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cena 295.0 Kč

Six Months at the Cape - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

eBook: A departure from his usual style, 'Six Months at the Cape' is an adventurous account by author R.M. Ballantyne of a traveller's experiences in South Africa. Through a series of letters to a lady known only as Periwinkle, we learn about our narrator's travels around the country; from his thoughts on dealing with powerful ostriches, to the ecstasy of feeling much longed-for rain, and even his wonder at seeing his first diamonds. This is a fascinating tale, rich with detail and description. -

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cena 194.0 Kč

Daisy Haites: The Great Undoing - Jessa Hastings

"It's the great undoing of my heart as I know it." Daisy Haites thought she'd left everything about her old life in the past: the crime, her family and the man she loves. But when her safety is threatened once again, she finds herself back under the watchful eyes of her gang-lord brother Julian and her ex-boyfriend Christian, both desperate to keep her safe. Everything gets more complicated when beautiful, broken-hearted socialite Magnolia Parks enters the scene and Julian finds himself entangled with her. Because for Julian, falling in love isn't just unwelcome - it could be deadly for everyone involved . . .

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cena 250.0 Kč

Babylon´s Ashes : Book Six of the Expanse - James S. A. Corey

A revolution brewing for generations has begun in fire. It will end in blood.The Free Navy - a violent group of Belters in black-market military ships - has crippled the Earth and begun a campaign of piracy and violence among the outer planets. The colony ships heading for the thousand new worlds on the far side of the alien ring gates are easy prey, and no single navy remains strong enough to protect them.James Holden and his crew know the strengths and weaknesses of this new force better than anyone. Outnumbered and outgunned, the embattled remnants of the old political powers call on the Rocinante for a desperate mission to reach Medina Station at the heart of the gate network. But the new alliances are as flawed as the old, and the struggle for power has only just begun. As the chaos grows, an alien mystery deepens. Pirate fleets, mutiny and betrayal may be the least of the Rocinante's problems. And in the uncanny spaces past the ring gates, the choices of a few damaged and desperate people may determine the fate of more than just humanity.

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cena 312.0 Kč

The Good, The Bad and The History - Jodi Taylor

BOOK 14 IN THE CHRONICLES OF ST MARY'S SERIES, FROM THE MILLION-COPY BESTSELLER JODI TAYLOR. 'Brilliant, hilarious, keeps you on your toes' Reader review 'The characters make me come back time and time again' Reader review 'I have not found another author who can tell a story involving time travel as well' Reader review St Mary's is under investigation. Their director has been shot and Max is Number One Suspect.Can things get any worse? We all know the answer to that one. Max needs to get away - fast - and a Brilliant Idea soon leads her to a full-scale uprising in twentieth-century China. If she can come by a historical treasure or two in the process, even better.That is, if she makes it out alive. Then there's the small matter of Insight - the sinister organisation from the future hell bent on changing History for their own dark ends. Having successfully infiltrated their ranks, Max is perfectly placed to stop them.But she knows her cover will soon be blown - because it's already happened. Can Max take down Insight before they come after her? The circle is closing, and only one can survive... For fans of Terry Pratchett, Jasper Fforde, Richard Osman's Thursday Murder Club series and Doctor Who.

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cena 268.0 Kč

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