Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

PER | Level 4: Seven - Bruno Anthony

Contemporary / American English Detective Somerset has seven days before he can retire from work and escape from the city. Detective Mills is starting his first week on the job. This story is about seven days and seven shocking murders. The serial killer has one thing on his mind -- seven deadly sins.

Podívejte se také SPACERAIL: LEVEL 4 - KULIČKOVÁ DRÁHA GLOW (1976)

cena 234.0 Kč

English World Level 4: Workbook - Liz Hocking

Nádherně ilustrovaný desetidílný kurz angličtiny pro základní školy s tištěnými i elektronickými komponenty - pracovní sešit k učebnici English World 4 Popis:English Worldje vůbec první integrovaný desetidílný kurz angličtiny s tištěnými i elektronickými komponenty. Nádherně ilustrovaná učebnice je určena dětem od 3. třídy a to jak těm, které se již angličtinu učily v 1. a 2. třídě, tak těm, které s angličtinou začínají úplně od začátku. Cílem kurzu je výborné zvládnutí psané i mluvené angličtiny. 1. - 4. díl má doložku MŠMT Učebnice V úvodu je zařazena lekce na uvítanou, kde se žáci naučí první slovíčka a obraty. Učebnice má celkem dvanáct lekcí, jedna lekce vystačí na přibližně 8 vyučovacích hodin. Každá vyučovací hodina má jasné téma a cíl. Výborně graficky zpracované příběhy, rozhovory, písničky a básničky mají za úkol děti přitáhnout a motivovat. Jednotlivými lekcemi žáky provází legrační Mr Jolly v obleku klauna. Vždy po třech lekcích jsou zařazeny opakování a projekty. Gramatika a slovní zásoba se učí v pravidelném tempu a pak se systematicky procvičují. I když žáci nemají každodenní kontakt s jazykem, učebnice jim poskytne nejenom důkladnou znalost tvarů a významů slov a frází, ale i schopnost jazyk již od počátku aktivně používat. CD s poslechy Disk obsahuje nahrávky rozhovorů, textů, písniček a básniček z učebnice. Obrázkové karty - Flashcards Při výuce slovní zásoby, hrách a dalších aktivitách je vhodné používat těchto 158 barevných karet velikosti A4. Obrázky na kartách zobrazují osoby, věci i činnosti. Metodika Přepis všech nahrávek najde učitel v metodické příručce (Teacher's Book) Detailní poznámky pro učitele jsou na stránkách průvodce umístěny kolem černobílé kopie stránky z učebnice. Učitel tedy nemusí učebnici nosit na hodinu. Průvodce rovněž obsahuje úvodní aktivty, aktivity na začátky hodin, klíč ke cvičením a hry. DVD s materiály pro učiteleNa tomto DVD učitelé naleznou další materiály jak k vytištění, tak pro interaktivní tabule. DVD také obsahuje software pro přípravu testů.

Podívejte se také Šlabikár multi level marketingu

cena 280.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: The Client - John Grisham

Contemporary / British EnglishMark Sway is eleven and he knows a terrible secret. He knows where a body is hidden. Some secrets are so dangerous that its better not to tell. But its just as dangerous if you dont. So Mark needs help fast... because there isnt much time.

Podívejte se také Space Rail Kuličková dráha Level 4 26m (202)

cena 234.0 Kč

PEKR | Level 4: Storm! CLIL - Marie Crook

There is going to be a big storm and Jenny's son John loves storms. John counts the seconds between the thunder and the lightning. This tells him how far away the lightning is. Their dog, Patty, is scared because thunder is louder for dogs! Do you know how hailstones form? How to stay safe in a tornado? Why sandstorms are so dangerous? Or how big a hurricane can be? John does and now you can too!

Objev podobné jako PEKR | Level 4: Storm! CLIL - Marie Crook

cena 167.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: Teacher Man - Frank McCourt

Contemporary / American English When Frank McCourt becomes a teacher in New York, he finds himself standing in front of bored, confused, angry students. Will he fail as a teacher? Or can he use his miserable Irish childhood to help his students? This is the true story of one man's surprising, upsetting, but sometimes very funny experiences in the classroom.

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: Teacher Man - Frank McCourt

cena 234.0 Kč

PEKR | Level 4: Pollyanna - Coleen Degnan-Veness

Orphan Pollyanna Whittier goes to live with her cold, unhappy Aunt Polly. She plays the glad game - it helps her find things to be glad about. Before long, Pollyanna is helping people in the town play the glad game, and they feel happier. Then, one day, a terrible accident happens! Can it stop Pollyanna's smile?

Objev podobné jako PEKR | Level 4: Pollyanna - Coleen Degnan-Veness

cena 167.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: Dr Faustus - Christopher Marlowe

Classic / British EnglishDoctor Faustus is a clever man who is greedy for knowledge and power. After he signs an agreement with the Devil, in his own blood, his new skills are admired around the world. But there are two sides to an agreement with the Devil. There is a price to pay...

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: Dr Faustus - Christopher Marlowe

cena 196.0 Kč

Level 253 - Level - e-kniha

eBook: Nové číslo herního časopisu LEVEL se z velké části věnuje aktuálnímu hitu Zaklínač 3. Vedle recenze jsme pro vás připravili i řadu doplňkových tematických článků. Dalším tahákem 253. čísla je rozhovor s legendárním Richardem Garriotem - člověkem, který stál za vznikem série Ultima a tím i RPG žánru, jak jej známe dnes.

Objev podobné jako Level 253 - Level - e-kniha

cena 89.0 Kč

Level 254 - Level - e-kniha

eBook: LEVEL 254 přináší informace o nejnovějších hrách z americké výstavy E3 v čele s exkluzivními dojmy z hraní očekávané akce ze světa Hvězdných válek Star Wars Battlefront.

Objev podobné jako Level 254 - Level - e-kniha

cena 89.0 Kč

Penguin Readers Level 4: Pride and Prejudice (0241375274)

Kniha - autor Jane Austen, 80 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Jane Austen, 80 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Mrs Bennet is seeking a husband for each of her five daughters in order to secure their future. But as the Bennet's soon discover, love is rarely straightforward and their world is turned upside down in this tale of love, marriage and society in Georgian England. Penguin Readers is a series of the best new fiction, essential non-fiction and popular classics written for learners of English as a foreign language.Beautifully illustrated and carefully adapted, the series introduces language learners around the world to the bestselling authors and most compelling content from Penguin Random House. The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework and include language activities that help readers to develop key skills. Pride and Prejudice, a Level 4 Reader, is A2+ in the CEFR framework. The text is made...

Objev podobné jako Penguin Readers Level 4: Pride and Prejudice (0241375274)

cena 211.0 Kč

Penguin Readers Level 4: Me Before You (024139791X)

Kniha - autor Jojo Moyes, 80 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná When Lou Clark loses her job at a cafe, she is given a job caring for Will Traynor. Will was disabled in a motorbike accident. Lou knows she needs the money. Will knows that his accident took away his love of life. Neither of them know that they're going to change each other's lives forever. Penguin Readers is a series of popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction written for learners of English as a foreign language. Beautifully illustrated and carefully adapted, the series introduces language learners around the world to the bestselling authors and most compelling content from Penguin Random House.The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework and include language activities that help readers to develop key skills.

Objev podobné jako Penguin Readers Level 4: Me Before You (024139791X)

cena 209.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: Alexander the Great - Fiona Beddall

Original / British EnglishAlexander the Great has fascinated people since his death more than 2300 years ago. By the age of thirty he ruled the biggest Empire the world had ever known. This remarkable leader brought civilization to millions and shaped our world.

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: Alexander the Great - Fiona Beddall

cena 234.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: On The Beach - Nevil Shute

Contemporary / British English Nuclear war has destroyed all life in thenorthern countries of the world. Now the deadly radiation is travelling south. In Australia, where people are still alive, Peter and Mary Holmes are trying to live their lives as normally as possible as the radiation comes closer and closer. What can they do? Is this the end of life on earth?

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: On The Beach - Nevil Shute

cena 234.0 Kč

PEKR | Level 4: Sherlock Holmes Stories - Andrew Hopkins

Enjoy two great stories about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes and his good friend Mr. Watson ...The League of Redheads. Mr. Wilson starts a very strange new job, copying a dictionary at “The League of Redheads”. But what is this strange “league”? And can Holmes stop the bank thief?The Three Students. When Mr. Soames goes to his room at the college, he finds an important exam paper on the floor. Did a student try to copy the paper? But who was it? And what does the servant know about it?

Objev podobné jako PEKR | Level 4: Sherlock Holmes Stories - Andrew Hopkins

cena 167.0 Kč

Give Me Five! Level 4. Pupil´s Book Pack

Give Me Five! je nová šestidílná učebnice pro základní školy, která klade velký důraz na zapojení žáků a rozvoj dovedností 21. století. Dynamický a zábavný obsah zlepšuje a udržuje motivaci žáků a zvyšuje jejich úspěch ve zkouškách. Učebnice formuje sebevědomí žáků při výuce komunikačních dovedností a zvyšuje jejich zapojení. Give Me Five poskytuje jedinečné možnosti pro nácvik volné i řízené konverzace v rozličných kontextech. Důraz na aktivitu žáků, jejich autonomii a sociální kompetenci jim pomáhá dosáhnout jejich skutečného potenciálu. Projekty, které jsou připraveny k použití, podporují týmovou práci, spolupráci žáků, jejich kreativitu a rozvíjejí jejich myšlení. Integrované zkouškové materiály a a dodatečné materiály včetně videí, které ukazují postup při Trinity and Cambridge exams, pomáhají žákům seznámit se se zkouškovými technikami. Dobře zapamatovatelné písničky, dobrodružné příběhy a hry dělají výuku zábavnější. Lekce rozvíjejí schopnosti nezbytné v 21. století, každá z nich je navíc představena ve videu. Příběhy a kulturní kontext v lekcích pomáhají poznávat hodnoty a rozvíjejí kritické myšlení dětí. Živé animace, které děti od začátku zaujmou. Příprava na cambridgeské zkoušky dle úrovně. Snadno zapamatovatelné písničky, dobrodružné příběhy a hry přispívají k zábavnější výuce. Pupil's Book poskytuje nástroje k zapojení dětí do způsobu výuky, který je klíčový v 21. století. Balíček obsahuje Pupil's Book (papírovou a digitální) a přístupový kód k aplikaci Navio. Toto kombinované řešení umožňuje učitelům kurz snadno využívat ve výuce prezenční i dálkové.

Objev podobné jako Give Me Five! Level 4. Pupil´s Book Pack

cena 379.0 Kč

PEKR | Level 4: Brain Gym CLIL AmE - Laura Miller

You use your brain all the time. It is like a very intelligent computer inside your head. What does your brain look like? What does it do? Come on, let's exercise your brain!

Objev podobné jako PEKR | Level 4: Brain Gym CLIL AmE - Laura Miller

cena 149.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: Checkmate Bk/MP3 Pack - Malorie Blackman

It is Callie Rose's sixteenth birthday and she has a bomb in her bag. Callie Rose is mixed race in a country where people are judged by their colour. Her father is dead and she hates her mother. Her Uncle Jude seems to offer her friendship and comfort - but Jude wants to punish Callie Rose's mother and use his niece in his war against society ...

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: Checkmate Bk/MP3 Pack - Malorie Blackman

cena 259.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: Seven Bk/MP3 Pack - Bruno Anthony

Detective Somerset has seven days before he can retire from work and escape from the city. Detective Mills is starting his first week on the job. This story is about seven days and seven shocking murders. The serial killer has one thing on his mind - seven deadly sins.

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: Seven Bk/MP3 Pack - Bruno Anthony

cena 234.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: Strangers on a Train - Patricia Highsmithová

Contemporary / American EnglishGuy Haines is travelling through Texas on a train when a stranger invites him to share a meal. But the stranger has a terrible plan. You murder my father, and Ill murder your wife, he suggests. So begins Guys journey into a world of madness, lies and death.

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: Strangers on a Train - Patricia Highsmithová

cena 234.0 Kč

Penguin Readers Level 4: Women Who Changed the World

These are the stories of some of the women who changed our world. Read about the women who fought to be equal to men, and learn about the things that women have done in education, science, sport and politics.Penguin Readers is a series of popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction written for learners of English as a foreign language. Beautifully illustrated and carefully adapted, the series introduces language learners around the world to the bestselling authors and most compelling content from Penguin Random House. The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework and include language activities that help readers to develop key skills.Women Who Changed the World, a Level 4 Reader, is A2+ in the CEFR framework. The text is made up of sentences with up to three clauses, introducing more complex uses of present perfect simple, passives, phrasal verbs and simple relative clauses. It is well supported by illustrations, which appear regularly.

Objev podobné jako Penguin Readers Level 4: Women Who Changed the World

cena 246.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: The Go-Between - Leslie P. Hartley

Classic / British EnglishIt is the summer of 1900 and Leo is staying with his friend Marcus. Leo likes Marcus’s beautiful older sister very much. To make her happy, he becomes a secret messenger for her and a local farmer. But then he realises what their messages are about, and his whole life begins to change. The Go-Between is a set text for the Cambridge English: First for Schools exam in 2014.

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: The Go-Between - Leslie P. Hartley

cena 234.0 Kč

Wft multiplikátor offshore level wind level dark 30

Konstrukce spočívá v silném, odolném jednodílném nylonovém rámu. Chod cívky zajišťují 2 pevná v pouzdru uložená kuličková ložiska. Nová páková brzda umožňuje dobrou manipulaci rukou a ve spojení se dvěma uhlíkovými brzdovými destičkami vysoké nastavení brzdové síly. Doporučuje se pro pevné pletené šnůry ( WFT Strong nebo Hemingway ). Vybavení: převody z bronzu a oceli, automatické vedení šňůry, řadič z tvrzené oceli,eloxovana hliníková cívka, všechny vnější součásti z pochromované mosaze nebo oceli, jednodílný kompozicový rám se zesílenými oky z tvrzené oceli, 2 oboustranně zakrytá kuličková ložiska. Nyní všechny kovové díly pro docílení maximální ochrany proti korozi ošetřeny titanem a zlatě anodovány.

Objev podobné jako Wft multiplikátor offshore level wind level dark 30

cena 3432.0 Kč

Wft multiplikátor offshore level wind level dark 20

Konstrukce spočívá v silném, odolném jednodílném nylonovém rámu. Chod cívky zajišťují 2 pevná v pouzdru uložená kuličková ložiska. Nová hvězdicová brzda umožňuje dobrou manipulaci rukou a ve spojení se dvěma uhlíkovými brzdovými destičkami vysoké nastavení brzdové síly. Doporučuje se pro pevné pletené šnůry WFT Strong nebo Hemingway. Vybavení: převody z bronzu a oceli, automatické vedení šňůry, řadič z tvrzené oceli,eloxovana hliníková cívka, všechny vnější součásti z pochromované mosaze nebo oceli, jednodílný kompozicový rám se zesílenými oky z tvrzené oceli, 2 oboustranně zakrytá kuličková ložiska. Nyní všechny kovové díly pro docílení maximální ochrany proti korozi ošetřeny titanem a zlatě anodovány.

Objev podobné jako Wft multiplikátor offshore level wind level dark 20

cena 3192.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: Love Actually Bk/MP3 Pack - Richard Curtis

Contemporary / British EnglishIn London, Christmas is coming and the people in this story have love on their minds. Some have found love some have lost it. Some accept their loneliness others live in hope. Even the new British prime minister’s thoughts are not always on his job – because love, actually, is all around us.This Pack contains a Book and MP3

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: Love Actually Bk/MP3 Pack - Richard Curtis

cena 259.0 Kč

Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 4 / Brave (DISNEY) - Marie Crook

Discover the magic of stories: Read and learn with Disney friends With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy. * Created to be used both at school and at home * Helps young learners expand their reading in a fun and motivating way * Audobook, extra learning content and activities included* * Aligned to the Global Scale of English and Common European Framework * Lexile text measure 510 Princess Merida doesn't want to be a 'good' princess and she doesn't want to listen to her mother. But things change when she asks a witch to put a spell on her mother.

Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 4 / Brave (DISNEY) - Marie Crook

cena 178.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: Tears of the Giraffe - Alexander McCall Smith

Contemporary / British EnglishThe second exciting story from The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency series. Precious Ramotswe is now known as Botswanas first and only lady detective and has many cases. Shes looking for a young American who disappeared ten years ago. Will she finally marry Mr JLB Matekoni?

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: Tears of the Giraffe - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 234.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: Detective Work Bk/MP3 Pack - John Escott

Original / British EnglishA diamond necklace is stolen from a museum. Everyone who works at the museum could be guilty. But who really took the necklace, and why? The police suspect Paul, a young student. So Paul must find the real thief.This Pack contains a Book and MP3

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: Detective Work Bk/MP3 Pack - John Escott

cena 259.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: Shakespeare-His Life and Plays - Will Fowler

Original / British EnglishShakespeares plays are famous all over the world in the theatre, in film and in the classroom. What do we know about the man? What kind of life did he have? Who were his friends? Why can we still laugh and suffer with his characters 400 years after his death?

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: Shakespeare-His Life and Plays - Will Fowler

cena 234.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: Evening Class Bk/MP3 Pack - Maeve Binchy

It was the quiet ones you had to watch. That's where the real passion was lurking. They came together at Mountainview College, a down-at-the-heels secondary school on the seamy side of Dublin, to take a course in Italian. It was Latin teacher Aidan Dunne's last chance to revive a failing marriage and a dead-end career. But Aidan's dream was headed for disaster until the mysterious Signora appeared, transforming a shared passion for Italy into a life-altering adventure for them all...bank clerk Bill and his dizzy fiance Lizzie: a couple headed for trouble...Kathy, a hardworking innocent propelled into adulthood in a shocking moment of truth...Connie, the gorgeous rich lady with a scandal ready to explode...glowering Lou, who joined the class as a cover for crime. And Signora, whose passionate past remained a secret as she changed all their lives forever.... From the New York Times bestselling author of "This Year It Will Be Different, The Glass Lake, " and "Circle of Friends, " comes a novel filled with Maeve Binchy's signature warmth, wit, and sheer storytelling genius--a spellbinding tale of men and women whose quiet lives hide the most unexpected things.... "From the Paperback edition."

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: Evening Class Bk/MP3 Pack - Maeve Binchy

cena 259.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde

Classic / British EnglishAn artist paints a picture of the young and handsome Dorian Gray. When he sees it, Dorian makes a wish that changes his life. As he grows older, his face stays young and handsome. But the picture changes. Why can’t Dorian show it to anybody? What is its terrible secret?

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde

cena 234.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: Knife Edge Bk/MP3 Pack - Malorie Blackman

Penguin Readers are simplified texts which provide a step-by-step approach to the joys of reading for pleasure. Sephy is a dark-skinned Cross in a society where people are judged by their colour and Crosses have the power. But after terrible disagreements with her family , Sephy is alone with her mixed-race baby. The baby's nought father is dead - and his brother wants to kill her. Can she protect herself and her child?

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: Knife Edge Bk/MP3 Pack - Malorie Blackman

cena 259.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: Inventions that Changed the World - David Maule

Original / American English Inventors are special people. They see everyday objects and imagine something better. They solve old problems with new ideas. Their inventions can help people or destroy them, but only the greatest ideas will change the world. This book will tell you about many of the most interesting and important inventions, from 2,500 years ago to the present day.

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: Inventions that Changed the World - David Maule

cena 234.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: Dr Faustus Bk/MP3 Pack - Christopher Marlowe

Doctor Faustus is a clever man who is greedy for knowledge and power. After he signs an agreement with the Devil, in his own blood, his new skills are admired around the world. But there are two sides to an agreement with the Devil. There is a price to pay.

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: Dr Faustus Bk/MP3 Pack - Christopher Marlowe

cena 259.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: Teacher Man Bk/MP3 Pack - Frank McCourt

Contemporary / American EnglishWhen Frank McCourt becomes a teacher in New York, he finds himself standing in front of bored, confused, angry students. Will he fail as a teacher? Or can he use his miserable Irish childhood to help his students? This is the true story of one man’s surprising, upsetting, but sometimes very funny experiences in the classroom.This Pack contains a Book and MP3

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: Teacher Man Bk/MP3 Pack - Frank McCourt

cena 259.0 Kč

PEKR | Level 4: The Wind in the Willows - Melanie Williams

Mole is happy in his little house - so happy, he plays and sings outside. Then he meets Water Rat, and his new friend shows him many things - horses, the river, boats, a village, and a gypsy caravan! That year, Mole and Rat make more new friends

Objev podobné jako PEKR | Level 4: The Wind in the Willows - Melanie Williams

cena 167.0 Kč

Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 4 / Moana (DISNEY) - Kathryn Harper

Discover the magic of stories: Read and learn with Disney friends With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy. * Created to be used both at school and at home * Helps young learners expand their reading in a fun and motivating way * Audobook, extra learning content and activities included* * Aligned to the Global Scale of English and Common European Framework * Lexile text measure 460 As a little girl, Moana loved her grandmother's stories about her island's past. Years later, the island is in trouble and Gramma tells Moana she must sail to Te Fiti to save it...

Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 4 / Moana (DISNEY) - Kathryn Harper

cena 178.0 Kč

Kine-MAX Pro-Resistance Band - Level 4 – Modrá (Extra Těžká) (8592822000709)

Guma na cvičení - na pilates, odpor od 29 do 45 kg, materiál guma, modrá barva Posilovací guma od českého výrobce značky Kine-MAX v modré barvě s extra těžkou variantou odporu. Různé barvy Kine-MAX Pro-Resistance Band slouží pro snadné rozlišení síly odporu (žlutá - lehká, červená - střední, zelená - těžká, modrá - extra těžká). Tento expandér je ideální jak pro rehabilitační cvičení, tak pro kondiční trénink. S posilovací gumou snadno a bezpečně procvičíte téměř všechny části těla, přičemž vám doma zabere pouze minimum místa. Klíčové vlastnosti expandéru Kine-MAX - Level 4Posilovací guma s extra těžkou variantou odporuPro snadné rozlišení jsou posilovací gumy barevně odlišenéPosilovací guma je ideální pro rehabilitaci i posilováníExpandér slouží k bezpečnému a přirozenému způsobu cvičeníRozměr expandéru:200 × 15 cm

Objev podobné jako Kine-MAX Pro-Resistance Band - Level 4 – Modrá (Extra Těžká) (8592822000709)

cena 149.0 Kč

iD Pants For Men Level 4 Large inkontinenční kalhotky 10 ks

iD Pants For Men Level 4 Large jsou diskrétní natahovací absorpční kalhotky určené pro muže se střední a těžkou inkontinencí. Zajistí pocit bezpečí a maximální pohodlí.

Objev podobné jako iD Pants For Men Level 4 Large inkontinenční kalhotky 10 ks

cena 239.0 Kč

iD Pants For Men Level 4 Medium inkontinenční kalhotky 12 ks

iD Pants For Men Level 4 Medium jsou diskrétní natahovací absorpční kalhotky určené pro muže se střední a těžkou inkontinencí. Zajistí pocit bezpečí a maximální pohodlí.

Objev podobné jako iD Pants For Men Level 4 Medium inkontinenční kalhotky 12 ks

cena 279.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories - Oscar Wilde

Classic / British EnglishThe famous Canterville Ghost haunts an old house, but the ghost becomes unhappy when the new owners play tricks on him! In the other stories, we meet Lord Arthur Savile, who has to murder someone before he can get married, and we discover the secret life of beautiful Lady Alroy.

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories - Oscar Wilde

cena 234.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: On The Beach Bk/MP3 Pack - Nevil Shute

Contemporary / British EnglishNuclear war has destroyed all life in thenorthern countries of the world. Now the deadly radiation is travelling south. In Australia, where people are still alive, Peter and Mary Holmes are trying to live their lives as normally as possible as the radiation comes closer and closer. What can they do? Is this the end of life on earth?Book and MP3 pack.

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: On The Beach Bk/MP3 Pack - Nevil Shute

cena 259.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: Gone with the Wind Part 1 - Mitchell Margaret

Classic / British EnglishGone with the Wind is a story of love and war and one of the best-selling books of all time. Part 1 follows the popular but selfish Scarlett OHara, the gentlemanly Ashley Wilkes, and dangerous but charming Rhett Butler as their world is destroyed in the terrible American Civil War.

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: Gone with the Wind Part 1 - Mitchell Margaret

cena 234.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: Gone with the Wind Part 2 - Mitchell Margaret

Classic / British EnglishGone with the Wind is a great romantic story of love and war and one of the best-selling books of all time. In Part 2, the American Civil War has destroyed Scarlett OHaras comfortable world. Will she lose her home too? Or can she save it and rebuild her life?

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: Gone with the Wind Part 2 - Mitchell Margaret

cena 234.0 Kč

PEKR | Level 4: Poptropica English Movie Studio Island Adventure - Morgan Hawys

One day, Max and Clara meet Zack, who is making a pirate movie on the beach. But Zach is worried because he can't find Captain Crab's pirate costume! "Can we help you find it?" ask the children. They look in the castle, the jungle and the pirate ship. They see a monkey wearing a pirate's boot, a parrot wearing a pirate's hat, and a dolphin wearing a pirate's mustache! How funny!

Objev podobné jako PEKR | Level 4: Poptropica English Movie Studio Island Adventure - Morgan Hawys

cena 167.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: The Diary of a Young Girl - Franková Anna

It is 1942 in Holland and the Germans have invaded. All Jewish people are frightened for their lives, so the Frank family hide. Life is dangerous but they hope for the best, until they are finally discovered. Anne Frank was a real person, and this is her diary.

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: The Diary of a Young Girl - Franková Anna

cena 218.0 Kč

Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 4 / Inside Out (DISNEY) - Nicola Schofield

Discover the magic of stories: Read and learn with Disney friends With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy. * Created to be used both at school and at home * Helps young learners expand their reading in a fun and motivating way * Audobook, extra learning content and activities included* * Aligned to the Global Scale of English and Common European Framework * Lexile text measure 520 Riley's emotions-Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness-live in Riley's mind. They all want to help Riley, but they have different ideas.

Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 4 / Inside Out (DISNEY) - Nicola Schofield

cena 178.0 Kč

Angličtina pro každého Cvičebnice: Level 3, Intermediate (978-80-242-6301-4)

Kniha - autor Barbara MacKay; Tim Bowen; Susan Barduhn, 264 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Tento díl cvičebnice vás provede inovativními technikami výuky angličtiny. Praktická část tohoto kurzu vám pomůže vyzkoušet si gramatické jevy v učebnici a pozvedne vaši úroveň angličtiny tak, že se budete schopni aktivně vyjadřovat jak ústní tak písemnou formou. Naučíte se zde pravidla vyprávění příběhů, popisování svých zkušeností nebo řešení různých typů problémů. Audio ke konkrétním cvičením si zadarmo a jednoduše stáhnete na přidružených internetových stránkách.

Objev podobné jako Angličtina pro každého Cvičebnice: Level 3, Intermediate (978-80-242-6301-4)

cena 329.0 Kč

Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 4 The Incredibles 2 (DISNEY) - Jacquie Bloese

With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy.Supers are illegal and Mr Incredible and Elastigirl don’t have jobs. Then Winston Deavor and his sister Evelyn call with an exciting job for Elastigirl. Elastigirl works hard in the city and Bob works hard at home... But can they work together to save the day?

Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 4 The Incredibles 2 (DISNEY) - Jacquie Bloese

cena 178.0 Kč

Super Minds Student’s Book with eBook Level 4, 2nd Edition - Herbert Puchta

Super Minds 2nd Edition is a thoroughly updated and enhanced new edition of a much-loved English course from this renowned author team. It combines a rich learning experience with the latest pedagogical research. Accompany your students on exciting adventures with the intrepid characters, as they enjoy creative projects, authentic CLIL content, and the flexibility of the extensive skills practice, whilst working towards B1 level. Aligned to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, Super Minds 2nd Edition has a particular focus on developing critical and creative thinking skills, helping to create curious and successful lifelong learners.

Objev podobné jako Super Minds Student’s Book with eBook Level 4, 2nd Edition - Herbert Puchta

cena 442.0 Kč

Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 5 Toy Story 4 (DISNEY) - Sanders Mo

With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy.Woody used to be Andy’s favourite toy, but he’s Bonnie’s toy now. Her favourite toy is Forky. Woody wants Bonnie to be happy, so when he Forky runs away, Woody tries to bring him back. Can Woody get back to Bonnie and his friends? Will he want to? Or will he choose a different life?

Objev podobné jako Pearson English Kids Readers: Level 5 Toy Story 4 (DISNEY) - Sanders Mo

cena 189.0 Kč

Angličtina pro každého Cvičebnice: Level 4, Advanced (978-80-242-6302-1)

Kniha - autor Claire Hart; Tim Bowen; Susan Barduhn; Lucie Byronová, 264 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Tento díl cvičebnice vás provede inovativními technikami výuky angličtiny. Praktická část tohoto kurzu vám pomůže vyzkoušet si gramatické jevy v učebnici a pozvedne vaši úroveň angličtiny tak, že se budete schopni aktivně vyjadřovat jak ústní tak písemnou formou. Po zvládnutí těchto cvičení byste měli aktivně a sebevědomě ovládat složitější aspekty anglické gramatiky a bez problémů se vyjadřovat v jakékoli situaci. Audio ke konkrétním cvičením si zadarmo a jednoduše stáhnete na přidružených internetových stránkách.

Objev podobné jako Angličtina pro každého Cvičebnice: Level 4, Advanced (978-80-242-6302-1)

cena 329.0 Kč

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