Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Colditz: Prisoners of the Castle - Ben Macintyre
Colditz Castle: a forbidding Gothic tower on a hill in Nazi Germany. You may have heard about the prisoners and their daring and desperate attempts to escape, but that's only part of the real story. In Colditz: Prisoners of the Castle, bestselling historian Ben Macintyre takes us inside the walls of the most infamous prison in history to meet the real men behind the legends.Heroes and bullies, lovers and spies, captors and prisoners living cheek-by-jowl for years in a thrilling game of cat and mouse - and all determined to escape by any means necessary. Deeply researched and full of incredible stories, this is a tale of ordinary people facing extraordinary circumstances - and will change how you think about Colditz forever.
Podívejte se také Fanfare Orchestra of the Castle Guard: Trubači z Pražského hradu - CD (CQ0019-2)
The Siege: The Remarkable Story of the Greatest SAS Hostage Drama - Ben Macintyre
'The pre-eminent historian of the secret world . . .His books have set the gold standard for accurate historical reporting, but read like heart-pounding thrillers' Mick HerronFrom the author of Sunday Times #1 bestsellers COLDITZ, SAS: ROGUE HEROES and THE SPY AND THE TRAITOR . . .On April 30, 1980, six heavily armed gunmen burst into the Iranian embassy on Princes Gate, overlooking Hyde Park in London.There they took 26 hostages, including embassy staff, visitors, and three British citizens.A tense six-day siege ensued as millions gathered around screens across the country to witness the longest news flash in British television history, in which police negotiators and psychiatrists sought a bloodless end to the standoff, while the SAS - hitherto an organisation shrouded in secrecy - laid plans for a daring rescue mission: Operation Nimrod.Drawing on unpublished source material, exclusive interviews with the SAS, and testimony from witnesses including hostages, negotiators, intelligence officers and the on-site psychiatrist, bestselling historian Ben Macintyre takes readers on a gripping journey from the years and weeks of build-up on both sides, to the minute-by-minute account of the siege and rescue.Recreating the dramatic conversations between negotiators and hostages, the cutting-edge intelligence work happening behind-the-scenes, and the media frenzy around this moment of international significance, The Siege is the remarkable story of what really happened on those fateful six days, and the first full account of a moment that forever changed the way the nation thought about the SAS - and itself.'Masterly . . .it has never been recounted so pleasurably as it has been here' New York Times'Macintyre does true-life espionage better than anyone else' John Preston
Podívejte se také The turn of the Screw
The Spy and the Traitor : The Greatest Espionage Story of the Cold War - Ben Macintyre
A thrilling Cold War story about a KGB double agent, by one of Britain's greatest historians - now with a new afterword On a warm July evening in 1985, a middle-aged man stood on the pavement of a busy avenue in the heart of Moscow, holding a plastic carrier bag. In his grey suit and tie, he looked like any other Soviet citizen. The bag alone was mildly conspicuous, printed with the red logo of Safeway, the British supermarket. The man was a spy. A senior KGB officer, for more than a decade he had supplied his British spymasters with a stream of priceless secrets from deep within the Soviet intelligence machine. No spy had done more to damage the KGB. The Safeway bag was a signal: to activate his escape plan to be smuggled out of Soviet Russia. So began one of the boldest and most extraordinary episodes in the history of spying. Ben Macintyre reveals a tale of espionage, betrayal and raw courage that changed the course of the Cold War forever...
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The Siege - Ben Macintyre
‘Macintyre does true-life espionage better than anyone else’ John PrestonFrom the author of Sunday Times #1 bestsellers COLDITZ, SAS: ROGUE HEROES and THE SPY AND THE TRAITOR . . .On April 30, 1980, six heavily armed gunmen burst into the Iranian embassy on Princes Gate, overlooking Hyde Park in London. There they took 26 hostages, including embassy staff, visitors, and three British citizens.A tense six-day siege ensued as millions gathered around screens across the country to witness the longest news flash in British television history, in which police negotiators and psychiatrists sought a bloodless end to the standoff, while the SAS – hitherto an organisation shrouded in secrecy – laid plans for a daring rescue mission: Operation Nimrod.Drawing on unpublished source material, exclusive interviews with the SAS, and testimony from witnesses including hostages, negotiators, intelligence officers and the on-site psychiatrist, bestselling historian Ben Macintyre takes readers on a gripping journey from the years and weeks of build-up on both sides, to the minute-by-minute account of the siege and rescue.Recreating the dramatic conversations between negotiators and hostages, the cutting-edge intelligence work happening behind-the-scenes, and the media frenzy around this moment of international significance, The Siege is the remarkable story of what really happened on those fateful six days, and the first full account of a moment that forever changed the way the nation thought about the SAS – and itself.
Objev podobné jako The Siege - Ben Macintyre
The Prisoners of Time - Joe Dever
Archlord Gnaag has cast you into the twilight realm of the Daziarn, hoping to banish you forever while the armies of the Darklands continue their conquest of Magnamund! Your only hope is to seek out the remaining Lorestones deep within this penumbral void and find a way back to your world before all is lost. Strange lands, vicious enemies, and unexpected allies await you amid the shifting shadows of the endless void. Will you escape oblivion or remain trapped forever?The eleventh episode in a unique interactive series of 32 books.The DEFINITIVE EDITION series from Holmgard Press is the first time Joe Dever''s epic 32-book saga has been produced in one consistent format. Drawing on the best artwork from across the years, edited by dedicated Lone Wolf scholars at Scriptarium and Project Aon - and with new additional material compiled by Authors August Hahn, Vincent Lazzari, and Joe''s son Ben Devere - the DEFINITIVE EDITION series is the authoritative lasting testament to the world of Lone Wolf.
Objev podobné jako The Prisoners of Time - Joe Dever
Prisoners of Geography The Quiz Book - Tim Marshall
Just how good is your world knowledge? Challenge friends and family with this interactive quiz book and discover who is the ultimate armchair explorer. 'Like having a light shone on your understanding’ - Evening Standard on Prisoners of GeographyDo you know your continents from your countries, your landmarks from your latitudes, your mountain ranges from your rivers? Put your geographical and political knowledge to the test and discover your geography IQ with bestselling geopolitical author Tim Marshall. Covering every area of the globe, Prisoners of Geography: The Quiz Book tests your trivia with a variety of questions, puzzles, word games and maps, designed to challenge you whilst expanding your world knowledge.
Objev podobné jako Prisoners of Geography The Quiz Book - Tim Marshall
Špion. A zrádce! - Ben Macintyre
Oleg Gordijevskij, syn příslušníka a příslušnice KGB, produkt nejprestižnějších sovětských institucí, zároveň ovšem inteligentní a kultivovaný muž, byl v roce 1968 poprvé vyslán do ciziny a postupně se stal nejvyšším sovětským agentem v Londýně… jenže ve stejné době se propracoval k názoru, že komunismus je zločinný a nereformovatelný, a roku 1973 začal pracovat pro britskou službu MI6. Téměř deset let, prakticky až do konce studené války, pomáhal Gordievskij odhalovat sovětské špiony a mařit zpravodajské akce související se snahou sovětského vedení za každou cenu vyrovnat jaderný náskok Spojených států. MI6 tajila identitu svého nejkvalitnějšího zdroje s nesmírnou důkladností. Dokonce ani spojencům v CIA Angličané nikdy neprozradili nic, co by mohlo byť i jen vzdáleně naznačit Gordijevského jméno. Nakonec to paradoxně byla právě britská posedlost utajením svého agenta, jež zlákala CIA, aby k jeho určení nasadila celý tým vedený Aldrichem Amesem - jenž už delší dobu pracoval pro Sověty… Ben Macintyre rozehrává mezi Amerikou, Británií a Sovětským svazem sofistikovanou a napínavou špionážní hru, jež kulminuje filmovým útěkem Gordijevského z Moskvy v roce 1985. Stejně jako v nejlepších smyšlených špionážních románech zde čtenář proniká do hluboce utajeného světa, v němž vládnou jiná pravidla. Za chybu se platí krví a momentální rozhodnutí jediného člověka dokáže přehodit výhybku ke zcela odlišné budoucnosti celých národů a států. "Nejlepší špionážní příběh, jaký jsem kdy četl!" - John Le Carré.
Objev podobné jako Špion. A zrádce! - Ben Macintyre
Drsní hrdinové - Ben Macintyre - e-kniha
eBook: V létě 1941, na vrcholu války v Západní poušti, měl znuděný a excentrický mladý důstojník David Stirling vizi nového způsobu vedení války – útočení na nepřítele tam, kde to nejméně čeká; za jeho liniemi. Přes velký odpor britského vrchního velení dal osobně Winston Churchill Stirlingovi souhlas k náboru těch nejdrsnějších, nejchytřejších a nejnelítostnějších vojáků, které dokáže najít. A tak začíná nejoslavovanější a nejzáhadnější vojenská organizace na světě – SAS. Drsní hrdinové na základě nebývalého přístupu k tajným záznamům SAS, dosud neznámým filmovým záběrům a výhradním rozhovorům se zakládajícími příslušníky SAS líčí pozoruhodné příběhy v pozadí mimořádné bojové jednotky a obrovskou cenu za uvedení této vize do reality. Britská Special Air Force – SAS – byla dítětem Davida Stirlinga, mladého přelétavého aristokrata, jehož bezcílnost v počátečním životě byla v rozporu s jeho pozoruhodným strategickým uvažováním. Kde se většina jeho kolegů dívala na mapu bojiště v Africe a viděla vleklé střety s Rommelovými pouštními vojsky, Stirling viděl příležitost. Kdyby měl malý počet elitních dobře vycvičených mužů, mohl by je vysadit na padácích za nepřátelské linie a ničit jeho letouny a materiál. Stirling spolu se svým přirozeným protikladem, ukázněným pedantem Jockem Lewesem, shromáždil převratnou bojovou skupinu, která změní nejen rovnováhu ve válce, ale samotný způsob boje. Čelil značnému odporu od těch, kdo považovali jeho taktiku za negalantní nebo nepřijatelnou, ale v pozoruhodných činech SAS proti nacistům v Africe a pak v Evropě lze najít zárodky téměř všech speciálních jednotek, které budou následovat. Kniha je literární předlohou TV seriálu „Pluk mizerů“.
Objev podobné jako Drsní hrdinové - Ben Macintyre - e-kniha
I'm the King of the Castle - Hill Susan
I''m the King of the Castle by Susan Hill is a chilling novel that explores the extremes of childhood cruelty, now published as a Penguin Essential for the first time.''Some people are coming here today, now you will have a companion.''But young Edmund Hooper doesn''t want anyone else in Warings, the large and rambling Victorian house he shares with his widowed father. Nevertheless Charles Kingshaw and his mother are soon installed and Hooper sets about subtly persecuting the fearful new arrival.In the woods, Charles fights back but he knows that his rival will always win the affections of the adults - and that worse is still to come . . .
Objev podobné jako I'm the King of the Castle - Hill Susan
The Women of the Castle (Defekt) - Jessica Shattuck
In war they made impossible choices. Now can they live with them?'Moving . . . surprises and devastates' New York Times'Masterful' People'Mesmerising . . . reveals new truths about one of history's most tragic eras' USA TodayThe Third Reich has crumbled. The Russians are coming.Marianne von Lingenfels - widow of a resister murdered by the Nazi regime - finds refuge in the crumbling Bavarian castle where she once played host to German high society. There she fulfils her promise to find and protect the wives and children of her husband's brave conspirators, rescuing her dearest friend's widow, Benita, from sexual slavery to the Russian army, and Ania from a work camp for political prisoners. As Marianne assembles this makeshift family she is certain their shared pain will bind them together.But as Benita begins a clandestine relationship and Ania struggles to conceal her role in the Nazi regime, Marianne learns that her clear-cut, highly principled world view has no place in these new, frightening and emotionally-charged days.All three women must grapple with the realities they now face, and the consequences of decisions each made in the darkest of times . . . Deeply moving and compelling, The Women of the Castle is a heart-wrenching and hopeful novel of secrets and survival, a reckoning, and the astonishing power of forgiveness. Perfect for fans of All the Light You Cannot See, The Reader and The Light Between Oceans.
Objev podobné jako The Women of the Castle (Defekt) - Jessica Shattuck
Prisoners of Geography - Tim Marshall
A stunning abridged and illustrated edition of the international bestseller Prisoners of Geography, by acclaimed author Tim Marshall
Objev podobné jako Prisoners of Geography - Tim Marshall
Prisoners of Geography - Tim Marshall
A popular take on world events that puts the 'geo' back in geopolitics
Objev podobné jako Prisoners of Geography - Tim Marshall
Prisoners of Geography - Tim Marshall
Geography shapes not only our history, but where we're headed...All leaders are constrained by geography. Their choices are limited by mountains, rivers, seas and concrete. Yes, to follow world events you need to understand people, ideas and movements - but if you don't know geography, you'll never have the full picture. If you've ever wondered why Putin is so obsessed with Crimea, why the USA was destined to become a global superpower, or why China's power base continues to expand ever outwards, the answers are all here. In ten chapters and ten maps, Prisoners of Geography looks at the past, present and future to offer an essential insight into one of the major factors that determines world history. It's time to put the 'geo' back into geopolitics.
Objev podobné jako Prisoners of Geography - Tim Marshall
Castle of The Cursed - Romina Garber
I see his shadowy form taking shape. He could be a teen or in his early twenties; and yet, the starry galaxies of his eyes contain universes.After a mysterious attack kills both of her parents, Estela Bralaga is forced to accept an invitation to live with an estranged aunt at their ancestral Spanish castle, la Sombra. Beneath its gothic façade, la Sombra harbours a trove of family secrets, and Estela begins to suspect that the answer to her parents’ deaths may be found in the twisting corridors of the castle. When Estela crosses paths with a silver-eyed vampire called Sebastian, the pair soon realise they are bound by unknown forces, as well as an intense attraction, and must work together to discover the truth that lies at the dark heart of la Sombra.
Objev podobné jako Castle of The Cursed - Romina Garber
The Castle of Otranto - Horace Walpole
'Look, my lord! See heaven itself declares against your impious intentions!' The Castle of Otranto (1764) is the first supernatural English novel and one of the most influential works of Gothic fiction. It inaugurated a literary genre that will be forever associated with the effects that Walpole pioneered. Professing to be a translation of a mysterious Italian tale from the darkest Middle Ages, the novel tells of Manfred, prince of Otranto, whose fear of an ancient prophecy sets him on a course of destruction.After the grotesque death of his only son, Conrad,on his wedding day, Manfred determines to marry the bride-to-be. The virgin Isabella flees through a castle riddled with secret passages. Chilling coincidences, ghostly visitations, arcane revelations, and violent combat combine in a heady mix that terrified the novel's first readers.In this new edition Nick Groom examines the reasons for its extraordinary impact and the Gothic culture from which it sprang. The Castle of Otranto was a game-changer, and Walpole the writer who paved the way for modern horror exponents. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe.Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Objev podobné jako The Castle of Otranto - Horace Walpole
Fanfare Orchestra of the Castle Guard: Trubači z Pražského hradu - CD (CQ0019-2)
Hudební CD - Trubači z Pražského hradu v podání Fanfare Orchestra of the Castle Guard. Trubači z Pražského hradu v podání Fanfare Orchestra of the Castle Guard. Seznam stop St. Vitus's Bells / Fanfares from the opera Libuše / Flag of the President of the Republic / March of the Castle Guard / Christ's Flag from the opera Armida / Hospodine, pomiluj ny - Old Czech Chorale / Intrada Sancti Adalberti / Marche I. / Marche II. / Leggiero / Lento / Leggiero / Moderato / Canzon „La Malvezza” / Fanfare / Organ Improvisation / Intrada I. / Intrada II. / Sarabande / Intrada III. / Minuet Fanfares from Horní Sloupnice 1. Maestoso / 2. Tempo di polacca / 3. Presto / 4. Maestoso / Intrada Resurrectionis (Victimae paschali laudes) / Intrada in honour of the canonisation of St. Agnes of Bohemia / St. Wenceslas Chorale / Sonata No 5 / Fanfare of the Bohemian Estates / Tune of the Castle Guard / March of the Castle Guard / Praga (fragment) / Intrada...
Objev podobné jako Fanfare Orchestra of the Castle Guard: Trubači z Pražského hradu - CD (CQ0019-2)
Ben Webster - The Soul Of Ben Webster (LP)
Hmotnost: 200 g Typ: Album;Audiofilní kvalita;LP deska Balení obsahuje: LP Rok vydání: 2013.0 Interpret / Téma: Ben Webster Subžánr: Bop;Jazz Rok nahrávky: 1960.0 Barva podle výrobce: Black Vydavatelství: Analogue Productions Země interpreta: USA Složení setu: 2 ks Země původu: Evropská unie Rychlost: 45 RPM Varianta: The Soul Of Ben Webster (Vinyl LP) Žánr: Jazz Dekáda interpreta: 1970 - 1979;1940 - 1949;1960 - 1969;1950 - 1959 Barva: Černá
Objev podobné jako Ben Webster - The Soul Of Ben Webster (LP)
The Last Gift of the Master Artists - Ben Okri
By a riverbank in Africa, two lovers meet for the first time. They make a promise to meet again the next day, same time, same place, but only one of them shows up.This sounds like the beginning of a love story, but it's more than that, for this breathtaking tale takes the reader into the heart of a vibrant world, a complex and intriguing civilisation of warriors and kings, philosophers and artists, parents and lovers. A world and culture which is about to end for, glimpsed on the horizon, seen but unsuspected, beautiful ships with white sails are waiting...
Objev podobné jako The Last Gift of the Master Artists - Ben Okri
Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea! - Ben Clanton
''Hilarious and charming'' – Dav Pilkey, bestselling author of Dogman and Captain UnderpantsThe perfect first book for young 5 year-old, 6 year-old, 7 year old and 8 year-old readers looking for funny, high interest books that are an accessible read, where they''ll discover the joys of friendship, working together and the power of imagination. Featuring three short stories and a super fun ocean fact page – and joke page too!Narwhal is a happy-go-lucky narwhal. Jelly is a no-nonsense jellyfish. The two might not have a lot in common, but they do they love waffles, parties and adventures. Join Narwhal and Jelly as they discover the whole wide ocean together.PRAISE FOR Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea:''Undersea adventures have never been so darn cute …. The incessant charm and unabashed joy should make this an easy sell. Swimmingly delightful and a guaranteed smile-maker'' – Starred Review, Kirkus Reviews''An utterly enchanting start to a series that’s bound to be popular among young readers'' -Starred Review, School Library Journal''Geez, Narwhal and Jellyfish are adorable. There’s no other word as appropriate for this duo& readers will likely clamour for the next outing'' – Starred Review, Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books''Bantering dialogue entertains throughout, but the book’s best moment might belong to the third story, when Narwhal lends Jelly his “favourite book in the whole wide water, which is blank…“. "It’s an imagination book, Jelly!… Narwhal explains. Readers ready for underwater goofiness of the non-SpongeBob variety will be eager for more adventures from this duo'' – Publishers WeeklyBen Clanton is the author/illustrator of the NARWHAL AND JELLY early graphic novel series as well as IT CAME IN THE MAIL, VOTE FOR ME!, and REX WRECKS IT. When Ben isn''t doodling up stories (and often when he is) he likes to cook, explore outdoors, and play basketball. Ben lives in Tacoma, WA with his wife, son and goldendoodle pup. Find out more about Ben at www.benclanton.com. And visit Narwhal and Jelly at their o-fish-al page www.narwhalandjelly.com
Objev podobné jako Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea! - Ben Clanton
The 4000m Peaks of the Alps, Band 1: West - Ben Tibbetts
„The 4000m Peaks of the Alps – Volume 1: West“ je bohatě ilustrovaný průvodce pro alpské lezení a skialpinismus s podrobnými schématy a komplexními informacemi o každé trase. Ben vylezl téměř všechny cesty a přináší do tohoto topu bohaté osobní znalosti a zkušenosti.Kniha, první ze dvou svazků, pokrývá 4000 m vrcholy od Barre des Écrins, Grand Paradiso přes celý masiv Mont Blancu až po Weisshorn nad Zermattem. Je ilustrován více než 300 fotografiemi. Východní svazek bude následovat v pravý čas... (naším cílem je začátek roku 2025)!Kniha popisuje standardní trasy na každém vrcholu a také výběr těch nejprudších tratí.V tomto svazku horský vůdce IFMGA Ben Tibbetts představuje vybrané alpské výstupy a skialpinistické trasy na západních 4000 m vrcholcích Alp. Tato kniha popisuje více než 80 klasických itinerářů a poskytuje informace potřebné k přípravě a provedení každého výstupu.Na základě dvou dekád alpinismu a tvorby obrázků je každý záznam hory vybaven detailními fotografickými toposy, které vám pomohou při plánování a hledání trasy. Poté, co vylezl většinu popsaných linií, Ben zahrnul rozmanitý výběr akčních fotografií, které inspirují a ilustrují každou cestu.Tato kniha je plná podrobných informací o trasách, které jsou zaměřeny jak na zkušené horolezce, kteří hledají opravdové dobrodružství ve vysokých horách, tak na začínající alpinisty, kteří se vydávají na svůj první velký výstup.
Objev podobné jako The 4000m Peaks of the Alps, Band 1: West - Ben Tibbetts
The Masquerades of Spring - Ben Aaronovitch
New York City, New York. Meet Augustus Berrycloth-Young - fop, flaneur, and Englishman abroad - as he chronicles the Jazz Age from his perch atop the city that never sleeps. That is, until his old friend Thomas Nightingale arrives, pursuing a rather mysterious affair concerning an old saxophone - which will take Gussie from his warm bed, to the cold shores of Long Island, and down to the jazz clubs where music, magic, and madness haunt the shadows...
Objev podobné jako The Masquerades of Spring - Ben Aaronovitch
The Wonders of Nature - Ben Hoare
Uncover fascinating stories about the natural world with this nature book for kids aged 6-8.The world is filled with curious objects such as amazing rocks and minerals, microscopic life, plants, animals and more. The Wonders of Nature is a beautiful nature encyclopedia for young readers to explore, with pages packed with fascinating information showcasing a collection of 100 remarkable items from the natural world, from orchids to opals and lichens to lizards and so much more! Each plant, animal, and rock is shown both photographically and illustrated, and children will love poring over the detailed close-up images.Find out how the prowling jaguar uses spots to avoid being spotted, why a sticky sundew means big trouble for insects, and what a radiolarian is. The Wonders of Nature takes you on a tour of our planet through commonplace-but-incredible objects made by nature itself.This nature book for children features:- 100 minerals, plants, and animals through photographs and illustrations.- Fun facts that provide key information on the natural world.- A gold foil cover and metallic gold edges, making this a giftable book for nature enthusiasts.This nature anthology combines engaging storybook-style descriptions and simple text that sheds a light on the wonders of nature and wildlife. Ideal for inquisitive children aged 6-8 who love to spot things when exploring outside, this is the book for those who want to know more about the wonderful and mysterious natural world around them.More in the SeriesThe Wonders of Nature is part of the beautiful and informative Anthology series. Complete the series and nurture your child''s curiosity as they explore the natural world with Nature''s Treasures or let them walk with the dinosaurs who ruled the earth before them in Dinosaurs and other Prehistoric Life.
Objev podobné jako The Wonders of Nature - Ben Hoare
Mystery of Unicorn Castle: The Beastmaster (PC) DIGITAL (213340)
Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: logická, Vypnuto Starodávný hrad plný děsivých postav. Vypnuto Hravá a živá grafika. Vypnuto Hlavolamy Hra je plná logických úkolů a hádanek. O zavaření mozkových závitů tedy nebude nouze. Vypnuto Unesená SophiePán všech příšer a potvor unesl mladou dívenku jménem Sophie. Hrad je ovšem protkaný pastmi, hledání unesené dívky tedy nebude jednoduchá záležitost....
Objev podobné jako Mystery of Unicorn Castle: The Beastmaster (PC) DIGITAL (213340)
The Stories of Your Life - Ben Ambridge
"A fascinating, entertaining and deeply smart journey into the storytelling brain" - Will Storr, bestselling author of The Status Game and The Science of Storytelling"Life - and the quite appalling behaviour of everyone I know - finally makes sense. Read this remarkable book" - Andrew Gold, author of The Psychology of Secrets and host of Heretics--------------------------We understand the world through stories. All of our experiences, all of our insights – psychologically, we interpret them through specific lenses that have been curated, perfected and passed down throughout human history. Internationally bestselling author Professor Ben Ambridge has quantified those lenses into eight distinct masterplots that can apply to any experience.The mother who wakes up an hour early every day to prep her child's breakfast? She's playing out the Sacrifice plot. The amateur sports team who go on to win the big trophy against all the odds? They're part of the Underdog narrative.Ambridge uses examples from fiction, real life, and popular psychology research to demonstrate how we not only naturally gravitate towards the masterplot narratives, but how we actually use those narratives to manipulate the world around us – like the addict who uses the Monster plot to paint their illness as something to overcome, or the boxer who relies on the Revenge narrative to motivate themselves to fight their way back after an embarrassing defeat.These masterplots do more for us than to help us understand the world; they’re vehicles through which humans have survived. The Stories of Your Life shares fascinating lessons about the nature of humanity, the power of psychology and – most importantly – the way we see ourselves.--------------------------"Stories are essential for human beings - they allow us to learn, to connect, to empathize. The best stories follow structures that catalyze and amplify their power. Ambridge expertly decodes and deciphers these masterplots so we can all benefit and grow" - Matt Abrahams, author of Think Faster Talk Smarter and host of Think Fast, Talk Smart
Objev podobné jako The Stories of Your Life - Ben Ambridge
PER | Level 2: The Ghost of Genny Castle - John Escott
Original / British EnglishClaire is staying with her aunt Min. There is an old castle with a black tower in the village. It has a dangerous secret – accidents happen there, animals and people die. One day, Claire goes to the castle. She wants to know its secret.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 2: The Ghost of Genny Castle - John Escott
Cry of the Kalahari - Fogle Ben, Delia Owensová, Mark Owens
'A remarkable story beautifully told... Among such classics as Goodall's In the Shadow of Man and Fossey's Gorillas in the Mist' Chicago TribuneCarrying little more than a change of clothes and a pair of binoculars, two young Americans, Mark and Delia Owens, caught a plane to Africa, bought a thirdhand Land Rover, and drove deep into the Kalahari Desert. There they lived for seven years, in an unexplored area with no roads, no people, and no source of water for thousands of square miles. In this vast wilderness the Owenses began their zoology research, working along animals that had never before been exposed to humans.An international bestseller on original release, Cry of the Kalahari is the story of the Owenses's life with lions, brown hyenas, jackals, giraffes, and the many other creatures they came to know. It is also a gripping account of how they survived the dangers of living in one of the last and largest pristine areas on Earth.
Objev podobné jako Cry of the Kalahari - Fogle Ben, Delia Owensová, Mark Owens
The O'Conors of Castle Conor, County Mayo - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
eBook: I shall never forget my first introduction to country life in Ireland, my first day's hunting there, or the manner in which I passed the evening afterwards. Nor shall I ever cease to be grateful for the hospitality which I received from the O'Conors of Castle Conor. My acquaintance with the family was first made in the following manner. But before I begin my story, let me inform my reader that my name is Archibald Green. I had been for a fortnight in Dublin, and was about to proceed into county Mayo on business which would occupy me there for some weeks. My head-quarters would, I found, be at the town of Ballyglass; and I soon learned that Ballyglass was not a place in which I should find hotel accommodation of a luxurious kind, or much congenial society indigenous to the place itself.
Objev podobné jako The O'Conors of Castle Conor, County Mayo - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
The Castle (0241372577)
Kniha 320 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Castle (0241372577)
The October Man: A Rivers of London Novella - Ben Aaronovitch
Trier is famous for wine, Romans and for being Germany's oldest city. So when a man is found dead with, his body impossibly covered in a fungal rot, the local authorities know they are out of their depth. Fortunately this is Germany, where there are procedures for everything. Enter Investigator Tobias Winter, whose aim is to get in, deal with the problem, and get out with the minimum of fuss, personal danger and paperwork. With the help of frighteningly enthusiastic local cop, Vanessa Sommer, he's quick to link the first victim to a group of ordinary middle aged men - and to realise they may have accidentally reawakened a bloody conflict from a previous century. But the rot is still spreading, literally and with the suspect list extending to people born before Frederick the Great solving the case may mean unearthing the city's secret magical history.
Objev podobné jako The October Man: A Rivers of London Novella - Ben Aaronovitch
The Castle - Franz Kafka
Features K., the unwanted Land Surveyor who is never to be admitted to the Castle nor accepted in the village, and yet cannot go home. As he encounters dualities of certainty and doubt, hope and fear, and reason and nonsense, K.'s struggles in the labyrinthine world where he finds himself seem to reveals a truth about the nature of existence.
Objev podobné jako The Castle - Franz Kafka
The Castle - Franz Kafka
Kafka's novel is a study of relationships, particularly between the individual and society and between thought and action. K's isolation and perplexity and his begging for the approval of elusive and anonymous powers, epitomize Kafka's vision of 20th-century alienation and anxiety.
Objev podobné jako The Castle - Franz Kafka
The Castle - Franz Kafka
The Castle is the story of K., the unwanted Land Surveyor who is never to be admitted to the Castle nor accepted in the village, and yet cannot go home. As he encounters dualities of certainty and doubt, hope and fear, and reason and nonsense, K.'s struggles in the absurd, labyrinthine world where he finds himself seem to reveal an inexplicable truth about the nature of existence. Kafka began The Castle in 1922 and it was never finished, yet this, the last of his three great novels, draws fascinating conclusions that make it feel strangely complete.
Objev podobné jako The Castle - Franz Kafka
I Capture the Castle - Dodie Smithová
"I write this sitting in the kitchen sink" is the memorable first line of this enchanting coming-of-age story, told in the form of Cassandra Mortmain's journal. Cassandra wittily describes life growing up in a crumbling castle, with her father who suffers from crippling writer's block, her glamorous but ineffectual step-mother and her vain but beloved sister Rose. When two visiting Americans arrive, all of their lives are turned upside down, and Cassandra experiences her first love.This is a classic coming-of-age story, beloved of generations of teenage and adult readers, by Dodie Smith, who also wrote The Hundred and One Dalmatians.
Objev podobné jako I Capture the Castle - Dodie Smithová
Motörhead - We Take No Prisoners (The Singles 1995 - 2006) (2 CD)
Subžánr: Heavy Metal;Hard Rock Datum vydání: 2024-10-25 Varianta: We Take No Prisoners (The Singles 1995 - 2006) (2 CD) Interpret / Téma: Motörhead Žánr: Hard Rock;Heavy Metal Rok vydání: 2024.0 Vydavatelství: Bertelsmann Music Group Země původu: Německo Typ: CD Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999;2010 - 2019;1980 - 1989 Složení setu: 2 ks Země interpreta: Spojené království Balení obsahuje: CD
Objev podobné jako Motörhead - We Take No Prisoners (The Singles 1995 - 2006) (2 CD)
I Capture the Castle (Defekt) - Dodie Smithová
One of the 20th Century's most beloved novels is still winning hearts! I Capture the Castle tells the story of seventeen-year-old Cassandra and her family, who live in not-so-genteel poverty in a ramshackle old English castle. Here she strives, over six turbulent months, to hone her writing skills. She fills three notebooks with sharply funny yet poignant entries. Her journals candidly chronicle the great changes that take place within the castle's walls, and her own first descent into love. By the time she pens her final entry, she has "captured the castle"-- and the heart of the reader-- in one of literature's most enchanting entertainments. "This book has one of the most charismatic narrators I've ever met.” -- J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series Bonus: Reading Group Discussion Guide included in this edition
Objev podobné jako I Capture the Castle (Defekt) - Dodie Smithová
The Invitation - A. M. Castle
Thirteen guests. One killer. No escape. On an island on the coast of Cornwall, cut off from the mainland by the tides for most of the day, thirteen old friends meet at Tregowan Castle for a weekend of revelry. By the next evening only twelve are still alive. Amongst them is a killer - but who? As a storm traps them on the island and past betrayals and grievances are revealed, nerves fray and friendships begin to fracture. But with no escape and no way of calling for help it's only a matter of time before the killer strikes again. And when everyone is keeping secrets, anybody could be the next victim... Perfect for fans of Lucy Foley's The Guest List and Agatha Christie.
Objev podobné jako The Invitation - A. M. Castle
The Writers' Castle - Uwe Neumahr
A gripping new approach to the Nuremberg Trial, told through the stories of the many great writers who came to witness itNuremberg, 1945. As the trials of Nazi war criminals begin, some of the world's most famous writers and reporters gather in the ruined German city. Among them are Rebecca West, John Dos Passos, Martha Gellhorn, Erika Mann and Janet Flanner.Crammed together in the press camp at Schloss Faber-Castell, where reporters sleep ten to a room, complain about the food and argue in the lively bar, they each try to find words for the unprecedented events they are witnessing. Here, tensions simmer between Soviet and Western journalists, unlikely affairs begin, stories are falsified and fabricated - and each reporter is forever changed by what they experience.As Uwe Neumahr builds an engrossing group portrait of the literary luminaries at Nuremberg, we are taken to the heart of the political and cultural conflicts of the time - observing history at the very moment it was being written.
Objev podobné jako The Writers' Castle - Uwe Neumahr
The Blue Castle - L.M. Montgomery
“If it had not rained on a certain May morning, Valancy Stirling’s whole life would have been entirely different. . .” One day, Valancy Stirling, a quiet, shy old maid, decides to stop listening to her nosy, small-minded relatives and start doing exactly as she pleases. Over the next year, Valancy’s choices will transform her life, outrage her family, confuse the entire town of Deerwood—and bring her into close contact with the mischievous, mysterious, violet-eyed Barney Snaith. This is a heartwarming romance with a bold, contemporary message—a life spent appeasing other people is a wasted one—from the beloved author of the Anne of Green Gables series.
Objev podobné jako The Blue Castle - L.M. Montgomery
Emily Windsnap and the Castle in the Mist - Liz Kesslerová
Emily Windsnap, the mermaid next door, is back in this third book in the NEW YORK TIMES bestselling series, now in a new edition with a gorgeous cover look. The magic ring that Emily Windsnap - half mermaid, half ordinary girl - finds buried in the sand belongs to Neptune, and he wants it back. But the ring, once on, won't come off, and an angry Neptune sends Emily's boat spinning away across the sea. When it comes to rest, she and her best friend, Shona, can see a mysterious castle shimmering in the mist on the horizon... Another magical adventure full of fun and friendship!
Objev podobné jako Emily Windsnap and the Castle in the Mist - Liz Kesslerová
Prague Castle - Crossroads of History - Miloš Pokorný
Prague Castle is the oldest functioning residence of the head of state in Europe and as such has undergone profound changes during more than a thousand years of its existence. In addition to an outline of its architectural evolution the reader is offered fascinating glimpses of the turbulent history of Prague Castle. The book is packed with interesting information about the rulers, artists and politicians who entered its walls. Where it is necessary to provide a wider historical background, the book exceeds here and there the limits suggested by its title. Author Miloš Pokorny?(*1931) has profited from extensive experience gained during fifty years in the field of illustrated history publishing in London in assembling an unusual collection of images documenting the history of Prague Castle and the often fascinating events and personalities associated with it. Author has been working in British publishing since 1963 and gradually collected the extraordinary visual documentation offered in this attractive volume. “A really marvellous book: fair-minded with wonderfully clear text and captions, matched by beautiful, interesting and relevant photographs and illustrations (including wonderful maps).” Dr Mary Heimann University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
Objev podobné jako Prague Castle - Crossroads of History - Miloš Pokorný
The Glass Castle: A Memoir (1844081826)
Kniha - autor Jeannette Walls, 342 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná While Jeannette Walls was living on Park Avenue, covering the Academy Awards as a journalist, her parents were squatting in an abandoned building on the Lower East Side. An almost incredible story of a nomadic, impoverished childhood.
Objev podobné jako The Glass Castle: A Memoir (1844081826)
The Invitation (Defekt) - A. M. Castle
Thirteen guests. One killer. No escape. On an island on the coast of Cornwall, cut off from the mainland by the tides for most of the day, thirteen old friends meet at Tregowan Castle for a weekend of revelry. By the next evening only twelve are still alive. Amongst them is a killer - but who? As a storm traps them on the island and past betrayals and grievances are revealed, nerves fray and friendships begin to fracture. But with no escape and no way of calling for help it's only a matter of time before the killer strikes again. And when everyone is keeping secrets, anybody could be the next victim... Perfect for fans of Lucy Foley's The Guest List and Agatha Christie.
Objev podobné jako The Invitation (Defekt) - A. M. Castle
The Nightingale´s Castle - Sonia Velton
Erzsebet Bathory, whose infamous place in history characterises her as the 'Blood Countess', was accused of the murder of over 600 peasant girls in Hungary, 1610. The Nightingale's Castle tells the story of a woman fighting for her survival and the complicated, often cruel, household over which she presides.Praise for The Nightingale's Castle'Moving, fascinating and haunting..A mesmerising combination of gothic horror and elegant restraint' Francesca Haig, author of The Fire Sermon series'Gripping... a fascinating exploration of women's struggle to have their truth heard' Louise O'NeillIn 1573, Countess Erzsebet Bathory gave birth to an illegitimate child. The infant, a girl, was swiftly bundled up and handed to a local peasant family to be brought up in one of the hamlets surrounding the Castle.Many years later, 15-year-old Boroka reluctantly leaves the safety of the only home she has ever known in the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains. Trusted members of the countess's household have been sent out to gather new serving girls, and the kindly old man who has taken care of Boroka for almost all her life knows that it is too dangerous to turn them away.Boroka struggles to find her place at Cachtice Castle: she is frightened of the countess's reputation as an alleged murderer of young girls, and the women who run the castle are terrifyingly cruel. When plague comes into the heart of the castle, a tentative bond begins to form between Boroka and the Countess Bathory.But powerful forces are moving against a woman whose wealth poses such a threat to the king: can the countess really trust the women who are so close to her? And when the show trial begins against the infamous 'Blood Countess' where will Boroka's loyalties lie?
Objev podobné jako The Nightingale´s Castle - Sonia Velton
The Man in the High Castle: Penguin Essentials (0241968097)
Kniha - autor Philip K. Dick, 248 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In Dick's alternative history the Nazis have won WWII, and taken over New York. The Japanese control California. In a neutral buffer zone an underground author offers his own vision of reality that offers hope to the disenchanted.
Objev podobné jako The Man in the High Castle: Penguin Essentials (0241968097)
The Man in the High Castle - Philip K. Dick
A dazzling speculative novel of 'counterfactual history' from one of America's most highly-regarded science fiction authors, Philip K. Dick's The Man in the High Castle includes an introduction by Eric Brown in Penguin Modern Classics. Philip K. Dick's acclaimed cult novel gives us a horrifying glimpse of an alternative world - one where the Allies have lost the Second World War. In this nightmare dystopia the Nazis have taken over New York, the Japanese control California and the African continent is virtually wiped out. In a neutral buffer zone in America that divides the world's new rival superpowers, lives the author of an underground bestseller. His book offers a new vision of reality - an alternative theory of world history in which the Axis powers were defeated - giving hope to the disenchanted. Does 'reality' lie with him, or is his world just one among many others? Philip Kindred Dick (1928-82) was born in Chicago in 1928. His career as a science fiction writer comprised an early burst of short stories followed by a stream of novels, typically character studies incorporating androids, drugs, and hallucinations. His best works are generally agreed to be The Man in the High Castle and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, the inspiration for the movie Blade Runner. If you enjoyed The Man in the High Castle, you might like Yevgeny Zamyatin's We, also available in Penguin Classics.
Objev podobné jako The Man in the High Castle - Philip K. Dick
We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Shirley Jacksonová
Living in the Blackwood family home with only her sister Constance and her Uncle Julian for company, Merricat just wants to preserve their delicate way of life. But ever since Constance was acquitted of murdering the rest of the family, the world isn't leaving the Blackwoods alone. And when Cousin Charles arrives, armed with overtures of friendship and a desperate need to get into the safe, Merricat must do everything in her power to protect the remaining family.
Objev podobné jako We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Shirley Jacksonová
We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Shirley Jacksonová
Eighteen-year-old Merricat may, or may not be, a mass murdererSix years ago everyone in the Blackwood family was poisoned by sugar laced with arsenic – everyone, that is, apart from Merricat and her elder sister Constance. They live in peaceful, ordered isolation, away from prying eyes in the nearby village, until one day boorish cousin Charles arrives with designs on their father’s fortune. Whether by practical or magical means, Merricat will do whatever is necessary to protect their home.
Objev podobné jako We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Shirley Jacksonová
The Christmas Castle in Scotland - Julie Caplinová
Unwrap this gorgeous gift of a book for an escape to the snow-peaked caps of the Scottish Highlands and a romance that will melt your heart...Izzy McBride had never in a million years expected to inherit an actual castle from her great uncle Bill but here she was, in the run up to Christmas, Monarch of her own Glen - a very rundown glen in need of a lot of TLC if her dream of turning it into a boutique bed and breakfast was to come true.But when Izzy's eccentric mother rents a room to enigmatic thriller author Ross Adair and the Scottish snow starts to settle like the frosting on a Christmas cake, it's a race to get the castle ready before they're all snowed in for the holidays.
Objev podobné jako The Christmas Castle in Scotland - Julie Caplinová
Lonely Castle in the Mirror - Mizuki Tsujimura
For fans of BEFORE THE COFFEE GETS COLD, fairy tale and magic are weaved together in sparse language that belies a flooring emotional punch. Translated by Philip Gabriel, a translator of Murakami _______________________________ Would you share your deepest secrets to save a friend? In a tranquil neighbourhood of Tokyo, seven teenagers wake to find their bedroom mirrors are shining. At a single touch, they are pulled from their lonely lives to a wondrous castle filled with winding stairways, watchful portraits and twinkling chandeliers. In this new sanctuary, they are confronted with a set of clues leading to a hidden room where one of them will be granted a wish. But there's a catch: if they don't leave the castle by five o'clock, they will be punished. As time passes, a devastating truth emerges: only those brave enough to share their stories will be saved. Tender, playful, gripping, LONELY CASTLE IN THE MIRROR is a mesmerizing tale about the importance of reaching out, confronting anxiety and embracing human connection.
Objev podobné jako Lonely Castle in the Mirror - Mizuki Tsujimura
Castle in the Air - Diana Wynne Jonesová
A magical Arabian Nights tale from the captivating creator of fantasy, Diana Wynne Jones. The dazzling sequel to Howl's Moving Castle.Far to the south in the Land of Ingary, lives a young carpet merchant called Abdullah. In his dreams, he is the long-lost son of a great prince. This dream is a complete castle in the air... or is it?Abdullah's day-dreams suddenly start to come true when he meets the exquisite Flower-in-the-Night, daughter of the ferocious Sultan of Zanzib. Fate has destined them for each other, but a bad-tempered genie, a hideous djinn, and various villanous bandits have their own ideas. When Flower-in-the-Night is carried off, Abdullah is determined to rescue her - if he can find her.
Objev podobné jako Castle in the Air - Diana Wynne Jonesová
The Manor House Governess - C. A. Castle
A smart, eloquent ode to Jane Eyre with an irresistible queer hero at its heart. Orphaned young and raised with chilly indifference at an all-boys boarding school, Bronte Ellis has grown up stifled by rigid rules and social "norms", forbidden from expressing his genuine gender identity. His beloved novels lend an escape, until a position as a live-in tutor provides him with a chance to leave St.Mary's behind. Greenwood Manor is the kind of elegant country house Bron has only read about, and amid lavish parties and cricket matches the Edwards family welcomes him into the household with true warmth. Mr Edwards and the young Ada, his pupil, accept without question that Bron's gender presentation is not traditionally masculine.Only Darcy, the eldest son, seems uncomfortable with Bron - the two of them couldn't be more opposite. When a tragic fire blazes through the estate's idyllic peace, Bron begins to sense dark secrets smouldering beneath Greenwood Manor's surface. Channelling the heroines of Charlotte Bronte, Jane Austen and other period classics, he begins to sift through the wreckage.Soon, he's not sure what to believe, especially with his increasing attraction to Darcy clouding his vision. Deeply in conversation with the British classics, but with a warmth and wit uniquely its own, The Manor House Governess is a contemporary, queer homage to classic literature and the period drama; a joyous, uplifting contemporary story about finding yourself and a reminder that queer love can thrive in the present whilst embracing our literary past.
Objev podobné jako The Manor House Governess - C. A. Castle
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