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The Furthest Station - Ben Aaronovitch

A stunning PC Peter Grant novella continues this bestselling series with commuting ghosts, a kidnapping, and a superb new London mystery! There's something going bump on the Metropolitan line and Sergeant Jaget Kumar knows exactly who to call. It's PC Peter Grant's speciality . . . Only it's more than going 'bump'. Traumatised travellers have been reporting strange encounters on their morning commute, with strangely dressed people trying to deliver an urgent message. Stranger still, despite calling the police themselves, within a few minutes the commuters have already forgotten the encounter - making the follow up interviews rather difficult. So with a little help from Abigail and Toby the ghost hunting dog, Peter and Jaget are heading out on a ghost hunting expedition. Because finding the ghost and deciphering their urgent message might just be a matter of life and death. Biographical Notes Ben Aaronovitch grew up as part of a famously engaged and lively North London family. He has written for many TV series including Doctor Who and been a bookseller. His Peter Grant novels have been hugely successful and he now writes full time. He still lives in London, the city he likes to refer to as 'the capital of the world'.

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cena 241.0 Kč

The Furthest Station (9781473222434)

Kniha - 144 stran There's something going bump on the Metropolitan line and Sergeant Jaget Kumar knows exactly who to call. It's PC Peter Grant's speciality . . . Only it's more than going 'bump'. Traumatised travellers have been reporting strange encounters on their morning commute, with strangely dressed people trying to deliver an urgent message. Stranger still, despite calling the police themselves, within a few minutes the commuters have already forgotten the encounter - making the follow up interviews rather difficult. So with a little help from Abigail and Toby the ghost hunting dog, Peter and Jaget are heading out on a ghost hunting expedition. Because finding the ghost and deciphering their urgent message might just be a matter of life and death.

Podívejte se také King Ben E.: When The Night Has Come (Coloured) - LP (4260494436280)

cena 252.0 Kč

The Masquerades of Spring - Ben Aaronovitch

New York City, New York. Meet Augustus Berrycloth-Young - fop, flaneur, and Englishman abroad - as he chronicles the Jazz Age from his perch atop the city that never sleeps. That is, until his old friend Thomas Nightingale arrives, pursuing a rather mysterious affair concerning an old saxophone - which will take Gussie from his warm bed, to the cold shores of Long Island, and down to the jazz clubs where music, magic, and madness haunt the shadows...

Podívejte se také konferencni stolek ben

cena 447.0 Kč

The October Man: A Rivers of London Novella - Ben Aaronovitch

Trier is famous for wine, Romans and for being Germany's oldest city. So when a man is found dead with, his body impossibly covered in a fungal rot, the local authorities know they are out of their depth. Fortunately this is Germany, where there are procedures for everything. Enter Investigator Tobias Winter, whose aim is to get in, deal with the problem, and get out with the minimum of fuss, personal danger and paperwork. With the help of frighteningly enthusiastic local cop, Vanessa Sommer, he's quick to link the first victim to a group of ordinary middle aged men - and to realise they may have accidentally reawakened a bloody conflict from a previous century. But the rot is still spreading, literally and with the suspect list extending to people born before Frederick the Great solving the case may mean unearthing the city's secret magical history.

Objev podobné jako The October Man: A Rivers of London Novella - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 299.0 Kč

Zvony Londýna - Ben Aaronovitch

Muž bez tváře, pachatel mnoha vražd, podvodů a zločinů proti lidskosti, byl demaskován a je na útěku. Peter Grant, londýnský detektiv a čarodějnický učeň, nyní hraje klíčovou roli v bezprecedentní operaci bezpečnostních sil, která má Muže bez tváře dostat před soud. Peter mezitím zjišťuje, že Muž bez tváře není ještě ani zdaleka vyřízený a uskutečňuje poslední kroky jistého dlouhodobého plánu. Plánu, který má kořeny v dvoutisícileté londýnské historii a který může město na Temži doslova srazit na kolena. Aby svou milovanou metropoli zachránil, bude Peter potřebovat pomoc své bývalé nejlepší kamarádky a kolegyně Leslie Mayové, která ho však už jednou zradila. A mnohem horší je, že se snad dokonce bude muset spojit se zlovolným nadpřirozeným zabijákem a agentem chaosu známým pod jménem Punch…

Objev podobné jako Zvony Londýna - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 267.0 Kč

False Value - Ben Aaronovitch

Now in paperback, the eighth book of the bestselling Rivers of London series returns to the adventures of Peter Grant, detective and apprentice wizard, as he solves magical crimes in the city of London. Peter Grant is facing fatherhood, and an uncertain future, with equal amounts of panic and enthusiasm. Rather than sit around, he takes a job with émigré Silicon Valley tech genius Terrence Skinner's brand new London start up-the Serious Cybernetics Company. Drawn into the orbit of Old Street's famous 'silicon roundabout', Peter must learn how to blend in with people who are both civilians and geekier than he is. Compared to his last job, Peter thinks it should be a doddle. But magic is not finished with Mama Grant's favourite son. Because Terrence Skinner has a secret hidden in the bowels of the SCC. A technology that stretches back to Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage, and forward to the future of artificial intelligence. A secret that is just as magical as it technological-and just as dangerous.

Objev podobné jako False Value - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 402.0 Kč

Nejodlehlejší stanice - Ben Aaronovitch

Na lince Metropolitan se začínají dít divné věci. Vyděšení cestující volají na tísňovou linku, že byli v tlačenici napadeni zvláštně oděnými lidmi, kteří se jim pokoušeli předat naléhavý vzkaz... Oběti útoků však při dalším dotazování nejsou schopny policii vysvětlit, o co přesně šlo, a během chvíle se jim střet vykouří z hlavy. Seržant Jaget Kumar, příslušník dopravní policie známý ze Šepotu v podzemí, se promptně obrací na Petera Granta, protože případy vykazují neklamné znaky působení nadpřirozených sil. Zjistit, co jsou oni duchové zač a proč zasévají takový zmatek mezi nevinné Londýňany, se Peterovi pokusí jeho mladičká a magicky nadaná sestřenice Abigail, věrný pes Toby a samozřejmě inspektor Nightingale coby klidná síla v pozadí. Vyšetřování se z metra záhy přenese na zdánlivě idylická londýnská předměstí, která se opět ukážou být semeništěm podivností, nad nimiž zůstává rozum stát a při nichž tuhne krev v žilách.

Objev podobné jako Nejodlehlejší stanice - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 160.0 Kč

Šepot podzemí - Ben Aaronovitch

Tentokrát to začne mrtvým tělem na konci stanice metra Baker Street, vším, co zůstalo po americkém studentovi Jamesi Gallagherovi. Jeho zámožná a politicky vlivná rodina se chce pochopitelně dostat této hrůzné vraždě na kloub, potíž však tkví v tom, že Jamesova smrt představuje ještě větší a nepřirozenější záhadu, než kdo vůbec tuší… tedy kromě londýnského konstábla a čarodějova učně Petera Granta. Jelikož je inspektor Nightingale, poslední oficiální čaroděj v Anglii, zaneprázdněn pátráním po nevyzpytatelném kouzelníkovi známém také jako Muž bez tváře, je pouze na Peterovi, aby začal zkoumat strašidelné hlubiny nejstarší, největší a nyní i nejvražednější podzemní dráhy na světě. Ovšem nebude na to sám. Kdepak, FBI mu posílá pomocnici. Mladou, ctižádostivou, krásnou křesťanku, která má sklony vnímat veškerá kouzla jako dílo ďáblovo. No, to tedy bude…

Objev podobné jako Šepot podzemí - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 259.0 Kč

Záludné léto - Ben Aaronovitch

Když se ve vesnici Rushpool v západní Anglii začnou pohřešovat dvě jedenáctileté dívky, konstábl Peter Grant musí vytáhnout paty z Londýna, aby zjistil, jestli se na jejich zmizení nepodílelo něco nadpřirozeného. Jde o rutinní opatření a Nightingale je přesvědčený, že Peter bude mít v případu do večera jasno. Jenže Peter lidi v nesnázích nikdy neopouští, takže i když neobjeví žádné zjevné stopy po magických aktivitách, nabídne místnímu policejnímu sboru své služby, neboť ví, že při pátrání po nezvěstných je potřeba každé volné ruky. Netrvá však dlouho a ocitá se ve zběsilém závodě s časem, ve světě, kde hranice mezi realitou a světem skřítků a víl nikdy nebyly prostupnější... Britský scénárista a spisovatel. V osmdesátých letech se prosadil jako scénárista slavného britského seriálu televize BBC Doctor Who nebo levné space opery Jupiter Moon. V devadesátých letech začal publikovat také romány z řady Doctor Who: Remembrance of the Daleks (1990), Transit (1992), The Also People (1995) a So Vile a Sin (1997). Poté začala jeho literární kariéra upadat, proto nastoupil do sítě britských knihkupectví Waterstones. Tento krok se později ukázal jako ideální příležitost pro psaní vlastních příběhů a tak vznikla již zmiňovaná úspěšná knižní série.

Objev podobné jako Záludné léto - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 298.0 Kč

October Man - Ben Aaronovitch

Trier is famous for wine, Romans and for being Germany's oldest city. So when a man is found dead with, his body impossibly covered in a fungal rot, the local authorities know they are out of their depth.Fortunately this is Germany, where there are procedures for everything.Enter Investigator Tobias Winter, whose aim is to get in, deal with the problem, and get out with the minimum of fuss, personal danger and paperwork. With the help of frighteningly enthusiastic local cop, Vanessa Sommer, he's quick to link the first victim to a group of ordinary middle aged men - and to realise they may have accidentally reawakened a bloody conflict from a previous century. But the rot is still spreading, literally and with the suspect list extending to people born before Frederick the Great solving the case may mean unearthing the city's secret magical history.. . . so long as that history doesn't kill them first.

Objev podobné jako October Man - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 279.0 Kč

Broken Homes - Ben Aaronovitch

From the author of RIVERS OF LONDON - the SUNDAY TIMES bestselling PC Peter Grant series returns with something dark south of the river...Ben Aaronovitch has stormed the bestseller list with his superb London crime series. A unique blend of police procedural, loving detail about the greatest character of all, London, and a dash of the supernatural.A mutilated body in Crawley. Another killer on the loose. The prime suspect is one Robert Weil - an associate of the twisted magician known as the Faceless Man? Or just a common garden serial killer?Before PC Peter Grant can get his head round the case, a town planner going under a tube train and a stolen grimoire are adding to his case-load. So far so London.But then Peter gets word of something very odd happening in Elephant and Castle, on an housing estate designed by a nutter, built by charlatans and inhabited by the truly desperate. Is there a connection?And if there is, why oh why did it have to be South of the River? Full of warmth, sly humour and a rich cornucopia of things you never knew about London, Aaronovitch's series has swiftly added Grant's magical London to Rebus' Edinburgh and Morse's Oxford as a destination of choice for those who love their crime with something a little extra.Ben Aaronovitch was born and raised in London and all his work has reflected his abiding fascination and love for what he modestly likes to refer to as the Capital of the World. He worked as a bookseller before writing tie-in novels and TV scripts. He used to write for DOCTOR WHO.

Objev podobné jako Broken Homes - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 223.0 Kč

Foxglove Summer - Ben Aaronovitch

The fifth of the Sunday Times Bestselling series sees PC Grant looking for missing children. And missing London.In the fifth of his bestselling series Ben Aaronovitch takes Peter Grant out of whatever comfort zone he might have found and takes him out of London - to a small village in Herefordshire where the local police are reluctant to admit that there might be a supernatural element to the disappearance of some local children. But while you can take the London copper out of London you can't take the London out of the copper.Travelling west with Beverley Brook, Peter soon finds himself caught up in a deep mystery and having to tackle local cops and local gods. And what's more all the shops are closed by 4pm ...Biographical Notes Ben Aaronovitch was born and raised in London and all his work has reflected his abiding fascination and love for what he modestly likes to refer to as the Capital of the World. He worked as a bookseller before writing tie-in novels and TV scripts. He used to write for DOCTOR WHO.

Objev podobné jako Foxglove Summer - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 241.0 Kč

Strom viselců - Ben Aaronovitch

Policejní konstábl Peter Grant se po prazvláštním dobrodružství na anglickém venkově vrací do Londýna. Netrvá dlouho a v hlavním městě se opět začnou dít věci. Byť zpočátku jen nenápadně... Prostá podezřelá úmrtí obvykle nebývají doménou Rozmaru. Ani když k jednomu takovému dojde na divokém večírku v jednom z nejdražších obytných domů v londýnském centru. Jenže téhle party se účastnila i dcera lady Tyburn, jíž Peter dluží laskavost za jistou dřívější výpomoc. Během chvilky se tak ocitne v neznámém světě superboháčů a zlaté mládeže, v rezidencích s obrovskými suterény a exkluzivními bazény, na místech, kde se čile obchoduje s nebezpečnými a esoterickými materiály. Rozumný mladý policista by se držel zpátky a nevystrkoval hlavu, ale nebyl by to Peter, aby se při vyšetřování nedostal někam hodně daleko. Naskýtá se mu tak jedinečná příležitost ztratit sympatie starých přátel a vytvořit si nové nepřátele ve sféře, kde se mísí svět magie a výsostných práv. Zároveň objevuje nové spojence a dostává se závratně blízko jednomu z velkých hráčů... Nejčerstvější z dobrodružství Petera Granta, kterých se prodalo už přes milion výtisků, je zde.

Objev podobné jako Strom viselců - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 267.0 Kč

Řeky Londýna - Ben Aaronovitch

Jmenuji se Peter Grant. Ještě nedávno jsem byl obyčejný četnický zelenáč v řadách londýnské Metropolitní policie. Jedné noci jsem se ale při vyšetřování jisté vraždy pokusil získat svědeckou výpověď od muže, který byl sice mrtvý, ale jinak znepokojivě výřečný, což mi zajistilo pozornost vrchního inspektora Nightingalea, posledního čaroděje Anglie. A právě tehdy začal můj příběh. Nyní jsem policejní detektiv a čarodějův učeň, první učedník za padesát let, a můj svět už není zdaleka tak jednoduchý, jak býval. "Vynikající městská fantasy, kterou byste si měli přečíst." - Patrick Rothfuss "Zábavné, nápadité a skvělé čtení." - Charlaine Harrisová "Na Aaronovitche si dejte dobrý pozor." - Peter F. Hamilton

Objev podobné jako Řeky Londýna - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 259.0 Kč

Rodinné stříbro - Ben Aaronovitch

Pod londýnskou Chancery Lane se už přes století nachází zvláštní svět specializovaných obchodů se stříbrem. Vítejte v Silver Vaults, kde mají víc zámků než v centrální bance, na místě, kde je prakticky nemyslitelné někoho zabít a poté beze stopy zmizet. Jenže právě k tomu nyní došlo! Záhadný zločin si vyžádá plné nasazení Petera Granta a jeho oddaných spolupracovníků, známých z předchozích vyšetřování. Jednotka vyšetřovatelů musí přijít na kloub tajemství, v němž hrají velkou roli spletité dějiny Londýna, cizí země a také… Manchester. A do toho všeho se má Peter každým dnem stát otcem; s Beverley čekají dvojčata a realita života tak úporně tlačí ze všech stran. A to Peter zatím netuší, že se setká s něčím, co nikdo nikdy nečeká… Další případ Petera Granta a jeho útvaru pro rozkrývání nadpřirozených nekalostí

Objev podobné jako Rodinné stříbro - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 356.0 Kč

Winter's Gifts - Ben Aaronovitch

When ex-FBI Agent Patrick Henderson calls in an 'X-Ray Sierra India' incident, the operator doesn't understand.He tells them to pass it up the chain till someone does. That person is FBI Special Agent Kimberley Reynolds. Arriving snowbound Northern Wisconsin, she finds that a tornado has flattened half the town - and there's no sign of Henderson.Things soon go from weird to worse, as neighbours report unsettling sightings, key evidence goes missing, and the snow keeps rising - cutting off the town, with no way in or out... As the clues lead to the coldest of cold cases - a cursed expedition into the frozen wilderness - Reynolds follows a trail from the start of the American nightmare, to the horror that still lives on today...

Objev podobné jako Winter's Gifts - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 295.0 Kč

False Value - Ben Aaronovitch

Peter Grant is facing fatherhood, and an uncertain future, with equal amounts of panic and enthusiasm. Rather than sit around, he takes a job with emigre Silicon Valley tech genius Terrence Skinner's brand new London start up - the Serious Cybernetics Company.Drawn into the orbit of Old Street's famous 'silicon roundabout', Peter must learn how to blend in with people who are both civilians and geekier than he is. Compared to his last job, Peter thinks it should be a doddle. But magic is not finished with Mama Grant's favourite son.Because Terrence Skinner has a secret hidden in the bowels of the SCC. A technology that stretches back to Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage, and forward to the future of artificial intelligence. A secret that is just as magical as it technological - and just as dangerous.

Objev podobné jako False Value - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 299.0 Kč

False Value - Ben Aaronovitch

Now in paperback, the eighth book of the bestselling Rivers of London series returns to the adventures of Peter Grant, detective and apprentice wizard, as he solves magical crimes in the city of London. Peter Grant is facing fatherhood, and an uncertain future, with equal amounts of panic and enthusiasm. Rather than sit around, he takes a job with émigré Silicon Valley tech genius Terrence Skinner's brand new London start up-the Serious Cybernetics Company. Drawn into the orbit of Old Street's famous 'silicon roundabout', Peter must learn how to blend in with people who are both civilians and geekier than he is. Compared to his last job, Peter thinks it should be a doddle. But magic is not finished with Mama Grant's favourite son. Because Terrence Skinner has a secret hidden in the bowels of the SCC. A technology that stretches back to Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage, and forward to the future of artificial intelligence. A secret that is just as magical as it technological-and just as dangerous.

Objev podobné jako False Value - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 249.0 Kč

Winters Gifts - Ben Aaronovitch

The brand new novella in the Sunday Times #1 bestselling Rivers of London series. THEY DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY ACROSS THE POND... When retired FBI Agent Patrick Henderson calls in an 'X-Ray Sierra India' incident, the operator doesn't understand.He tells them to pass it up the chain till someone does. That person is FBI Special Agent Kimberley Reynolds. Leaving Quantico for snowbound Northern Wisconsin, she finds that a tornado has flattened half the town - and there's no sign of Henderson.Things soon go from weird to worse, as neighbours report unsettling sightings, key evidence goes missing, and the snow keeps rising - cutting off the town, with no way in or out... Something terrible is awakening. As the clues lead to the coldest of cold cases - a cursed expedition into the frozen wilderness - Reynolds follows a trail from the start of the American nightmare, to the horror that still lives on today...

Objev podobné jako Winters Gifts - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 402.0 Kč

Amongst Our Weapons - Ben Aaronovitch

There is a world hidden underneath this great city...The London Silver Vaults - for well over a century, the largest collection of silver for sale in the world. It has more locks than the Bank of England and more cameras than a celebrity punch-up. Not somewhere you can murder someone and vanish without a trace - only that's what happened. The disappearing act, the reports of a blinding flash of light and memory loss amongst the witnesses all make this a case for Detective Constable Peter Grant and the Special Assessment Unit. Alongside their boss DCI Thomas Nightingale, the SAU find themselves embroiled in a mystery that encompasses London's tangled history, foreign lands and, most terrifying of all, the North! And Peter must solve this case soon because back home his partner Beverley is expecting twins any day now. But what he doesn't know is that he's about to encounter something - and somebody - that nobody ever expects...Effortlessly original, endlessly inventive and hugely entertaining - step into the world of the much-loved, Number One bestselling Rivers of London series.

Objev podobné jako Amongst Our Weapons - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 299.0 Kč

Rivers of London - Ben Aaronovitch

The first of the Sunday Times Bestselling Peter Grant seriesMy name is Peter Grant and until January I was just probationary constable in that mighty army for justice known to all right-thinking people as the Metropolitan Police Service (and as the Filth to everybody else). My only concerns in life were how to avoid a transfer to the Case Progression Unit - we do paperwork so real coppers don't have to - and finding a way to climb into the panties of the outrageously perky WPC Leslie May. Then one night, in pursuance of a murder inquiry, I tried to take a witness statement from someone who was dead but disturbingly voluable, and that brought me to the attention of Inspector Nightingale, the last wizard in England. Now I'm a Detective Constable and a trainee wizard, the first apprentice in fifty years, and my world has become somewhat more complicated: nests of vampires in Purley, negotiating a truce between the warring god and goddess of the Thames, and digging up graves in Covent Garden ... and there's something festering at the heart of the city I love, a malicious vengeful spirit that takes ordinary Londoners and twists them into grotesque mannequins to act out its drama of violence and despair.The spirit of riot and rebellion has awakened in the city, and it's falling to me to bring order out of chaos - or die trying.

Objev podobné jako Rivers of London - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 268.0 Kč

Whispers Under Ground - Ben Aaronovitch

A gripping new outing in London for PC Grant in the SUNDAY TIMES bestselling series from Ben Aaronovitch.Doctor Who Screenwriter Ben Aaronovitch's superbly entertaining supernatural crime series has, with its witty one-liners and wonderfully erudite take on London, won a legion of fans in double quick time.Peter Grant is learning magic fast. And it's just as well - he's already had run-ins with the deadly supernatural children of the Thames and a terrifying killer in Soho. Progression in the Police Force is less easy. Especially when you work in a department of two. A department that doesn't even officially exist. A department that if you did describe it to most people would get you laughed at. And then there's his love life. The last person he fell for ended up seriously dead. It wasn't his fault, but still.Now something horrible is happening in the labyrinth of tunnels that make up the tube system that honeycombs the ancient foundations of London. And delays on the Northern line is the very least of it. Time to call in the Met's Economic and Specialist Crime Unit 9, aka 'The Folly'. Time to call in PC Peter Grant, Britain's Last Wizard.

Objev podobné jako Whispers Under Ground - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 269.0 Kč

Moon Over Soho - Ben Aaronovitch

eter Grant is not just a lowly Detective Constable, he's also apprenticed to the last wizard in Britain: policing will never be the same again!I was my dad's vinyl-wallah: I changed his records while he lounged around drinking tea, and that's how I know my Argo from my Tempo. And it's why, when Dr Walid called me to the morgue to listen to a corpse, I recognised the tune it was playing. Something violently supernatural had happened to the victim, strong enough to leave its imprint like a wax cylinder recording. Cyrus Wilkinson, part-time jazz saxophonist and full-time accountant, had apparently dropped dead of a heart attack just after finishing a gig in a Soho jazz club. He wasn't the first. No one was going to let me exhume corpses to see if they were playing my tune, so it was back to old-fashioned legwork, starting in Soho, the heart of the scene. I didn't trust the lovely Simone, Cyrus' ex-lover, professional jazz kitten and as inviting as a Rubens' portrait, but I needed her help: there were monsters stalking Soho, creatures feeding off that special gift that separates the great musician from someone who can raise a decent tune. What they take is beauty. What they leave behind is sickness, failure and broken lives.

Objev podobné jako Moon Over Soho - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 268.0 Kč

Stín nad Trevírem - Ben Aaronovitch

První případ, který se neodehrává v Londýně a který neřeší Peter Grant. Svižné dobrodružství, které si v ničem nezadá s eskapádami slavné partičky z Rozmaru a anglických říčních božstev. Tajnosti tentokrát obestírají řeku Moselu a jihoněmecké město Trevír, proslavené vínem a starověkými Římany. Právě zde je na vinici nalezena mrtvola muže pokrytého plísní. Místní policie s něčím takovým nemá zkušenosti, kolem případu se navíc vznáší aura nadpřirozena, a proto je na scénu pozván vyšetřovatel Tobias Winter, německá obdoba Petera Granta, který s pomocí trevírské policistky Vanessy Sommerové záhy odhalí propojení oběti se skupinkou místních mužů a čímsi, co město a jeho okolí prorůstá už pěkně dlouhou dobu. Případ se větví a nejde v něm pouze o plíseň a vraždu, nýbrž i o vlákna minulosti, sahající do dávné historie Trevíru. Knižní řada Řeky Londýna se vydává do Německa!

Objev podobné jako Stín nad Trevírem - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 222.0 Kč

Strom viselců (Defekt) - Ben Aaronovitch

Policejní konstábl Peter Grant se po prazvláštním dobrodružství na anglickém venkově vrací do Londýna. Netrvá dlouho a v hlavním městě se opět začnou dít věci. Byť zpočátku jen nenápadně... Prostá podezřelá úmrtí obvykle nebývají doménou Rozmaru. Ani když k jednomu takovému dojde na divokém večírku v jednom z nejdražších obytných domů v londýnském centru. Jenže téhle party se účastnila i dcera lady Tyburn, jíž Peter dluží laskavost za jistou dřívější výpomoc. Během chvilky se tak ocitne v neznámém světě superboháčů a zlaté mládeže, v rezidencích s obrovskými suterény a exkluzivními bazény, na místech, kde se čile obchoduje s nebezpečnými a esoterickými materiály. Rozumný mladý policista by se držel zpátky a nevystrkoval hlavu, ale nebyl by to Peter, aby se při vyšetřování nedostal někam hodně daleko. Naskýtá se mu tak jedinečná příležitost ztratit sympatie starých přátel a vytvořit si nové nepřátele ve sféře, kde se mísí svět magie a výsostných práv. Zároveň objevuje nové spojence a dostává se závratně blízko jednomu z velkých hráčů... Nejčerstvější z dobrodružství Petera Granta, kterých se prodalo už přes milion výtisků, je zde.

Objev podobné jako Strom viselců (Defekt) - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 119.0 Kč

Co dělala Abigail v létě - Ben Aaronovitch

Je léto roku 2013 a Abigail, sestřenice Petera Granta, neví, co s volným časem. Ti, kdo ji znají, už tuší, že to nevěstí nic dobrého. Zatímco Peter někde na venkově řeší záludný kriminální případ s jednorožci, Abigail se dopracuje k vlastní záhadě - začne řešit případ teenagerů mizejících v londýnském parku Hampstead Heath. Zvláštní je, že mladí lidé se stačí vracet domů dřív, než se jejich zmizení začne plně věnovat policie. Po návratu jsou sice víceméně v pořádku, ale tajemstvím zůstává opředené místo, kam se poděli. Abigail, studentka magie, kterou vnímá jako nedílnou součást reality, se případem začne zabývat ve spolupráci se svým novým kamarádem Simonem a také už s dobře známými mluvícími liškami. V divočině Hampsteadu si vytkne za cíl zjistit, kdo za děsivými nekalostmi stojí a proč se jich dopouští.

Objev podobné jako Co dělala Abigail v létě - Ben Aaronovitch

cena 267.0 Kč

Noční kouzelnice - Ben Aaronovitch, Cartmel Andrew, Luis Guerrero, Lee Sullivan

Druhý komiksový příběh ze světa Bena Aaronovitche Řeky Londýna staví do popředí ruskou čarodějku Varvaru Sidorovnu, kterou známe už z Prokletých domovů. To ona je noční kouzelnice. Tedy alespoň jí byla během svojí služby Sovětskému svazu. Ale to je dávno. Teď má Peterovi pomoci vyšetřit únos dcery ruského emigranta, který nechal za zády Putinovo Rusko, sbalil prachy a vypadnul… Jenže když vám unese dceru lešij, pán lesů, jsou peníze k ničemu. Proto musí nastoupit odborníci: Peter Grant a Thomas Nightingale. A pochopitelně Toby. Jak se ukáže, je celý případ daleko komplikovanější, takže se můžete těšit nejen na svoje oblíbené hrdiny, ale také na jejich arcinepřítele - Muže bez tváře.

Objev podobné jako Noční kouzelnice - Ben Aaronovitch, Cartmel Andrew, Luis Guerrero, Lee Sullivan

cena 267.0 Kč

Rivers of London Volume 5: Cry Fox - Ben Aaronovitch, Cartmel Andrew

CSI meets Harry Potter in this fantastic new graphic novel from Ben Aaronovitch, writer of the bestselling Rivers of London supernatural police procedural crime novel series! Vengeful Russian mobsters are looking to hire members of London's own more-then-natural underworld to bring bloody retribution down on the witch Varvara. However, the ex-Soviet sorcerer is under the protective wing of London's own wizarding cop, Peter Grant (now a proper detective and everything), and to get the attention of Grant and his colleagues, the the daughter of a prominent Russian oligarch is kidnapped by parties unknown but possibly fox-like. What makes it worse is that Peter is going to have to leave his beloved London and *gasp* go out into the countryside! And when there's trees and fields and wildlife involved, things never end well...

Objev podobné jako Rivers of London Volume 5: Cry Fox - Ben Aaronovitch, Cartmel Andrew

cena 449.0 Kč

Rivers of London. Volume 4: Detective Stories (Graphic Novel) - Ben Aaronovitch, Cartmel Andrew

Ben Aaronovitch’s ‘Rivers of London’ Set For Adaptation By See-Saw, Pure Fiction Television CSI meets Harry Potter in this fantastic new graphic novel from Ben Aaronovitch, writer of the bestselling Rivers of London supernatural police procedural crime novel series! An anthology series of stories featuring Police Constable Peter Grant, his partner, Sahra Guleed, and their associates, as they tackle supernatural crime on the streets of London! An all-new adventure for Ben Aaronvitch's laconic, way-past-cool but slightly geeky trainee wizard and budding detective, Peter Grant! Tying directly into the Rivers of London continuity. Aaronovitch is joined by Doctor Who writer Andrew Cartmel for this gripping new series.

Objev podobné jako Rivers of London. Volume 4: Detective Stories (Graphic Novel) - Ben Aaronovitch, Cartmel Andrew

cena 449.0 Kč

Ben Webster - The Soul Of Ben Webster (LP)

Hmotnost: 200 g Typ: Album;Audiofilní kvalita;LP deska Balení obsahuje: LP Rok vydání: 2013.0 Interpret / Téma: Ben Webster Subžánr: Bop;Jazz Rok nahrávky: 1960.0 Barva podle výrobce: Black Vydavatelství: Analogue Productions Země interpreta: USA Složení setu: 2 ks Země původu: Evropská unie Rychlost: 45 RPM Varianta: The Soul Of Ben Webster (Vinyl LP) Žánr: Jazz Dekáda interpreta: 1970 - 1979;1940 - 1949;1960 - 1969;1950 - 1959 Barva: Černá

Objev podobné jako Ben Webster - The Soul Of Ben Webster (LP)

cena 1842.0 Kč

The Siege - Ben Macintyre

‘Macintyre does true-life espionage better than anyone else’ John PrestonFrom the author of Sunday Times #1 bestsellers COLDITZ, SAS: ROGUE HEROES and THE SPY AND THE TRAITOR . . .On April 30, 1980, six heavily armed gunmen burst into the Iranian embassy on Princes Gate, overlooking Hyde Park in London. There they took 26 hostages, including embassy staff, visitors, and three British citizens.A tense six-day siege ensued as millions gathered around screens across the country to witness the longest news flash in British television history, in which police negotiators and psychiatrists sought a bloodless end to the standoff, while the SAS – hitherto an organisation shrouded in secrecy – laid plans for a daring rescue mission: Operation Nimrod.Drawing on unpublished source material, exclusive interviews with the SAS, and testimony from witnesses including hostages, negotiators, intelligence officers and the on-site psychiatrist, bestselling historian Ben Macintyre takes readers on a gripping journey from the years and weeks of build-up on both sides, to the minute-by-minute account of the siege and rescue.Recreating the dramatic conversations between negotiators and hostages, the cutting-edge intelligence work happening behind-the-scenes, and the media frenzy around this moment of international significance, The Siege is the remarkable story of what really happened on those fateful six days, and the first full account of a moment that forever changed the way the nation thought about the SAS – and itself.

Objev podobné jako The Siege - Ben Macintyre

cena 738.0 Kč

The Piano at the Station - Helen Rutter

Constantly in trouble at school with little encouragement at home, Lacey’s future looks bleak until she discovers a love of music in this compelling tale by bestseller Helen Rutter.Lacey''s smart tongue and quick temper are constantly getting her confined to isolation at school. But there’s a lot more to her that most people never see, and when Lacey gets sent to lunch-time music lessons to keep her out of trouble, she discovers a love and talent for the piano that opens up a whole new world for her.Just as she’s really beginning to make progress, her music teacher has to leave, which throws Lacey back into turmoil. Will she go back to her self-destructive ways or will music offer her a way to save her from herself?

Objev podobné jako The Piano at the Station - Helen Rutter

cena 236.0 Kč

The Soup Movement - Ben Davis

To aid his recovery from a life-threatening illness Jordan and his family move out of the city for a healthy new start. Jordan''s getting enough funny looks as the new boy at school as it is, without his Mum giving him homemade soup every day for lunch! But when Jordan meets a homeless man called Harry, and gives him the soup, it is the start of an unlikely friendship. Soon the two of them begin giving soup to the other homeless people around town and when his sister shares their antics on Instagram the #SOUPMOVEMENT begins-they even make it on the news!

Objev podobné jako The Soup Movement - Ben Davis

cena 236.0 Kč

The Last Gift of the Master Artists - Ben Okri

By a riverbank in Africa, two lovers meet for the first time. They make a promise to meet again the next day, same time, same place, but only one of them shows up.This sounds like the beginning of a love story, but it's more than that, for this breathtaking tale takes the reader into the heart of a vibrant world, a complex and intriguing civilisation of warriors and kings, philosophers and artists, parents and lovers. A world and culture which is about to end for, glimpsed on the horizon, seen but unsuspected, beautiful ships with white sails are waiting...

Objev podobné jako The Last Gift of the Master Artists - Ben Okri

cena 268.0 Kč

The Boy Who Made the World Disappear - Ben Miller

Turn the page, share the adventure in an out-of-this world story from bestselling author, Ben Miller. ‘A sheer delight for all kids both big AND small’ Ruth Jones 'Bubbles with warmth and mischievous humour . . . irresistible' Alexander Armstrong 'Wonderful, funny, magical' Chris Evans*BRAND NEW ADVENTURE ROBIN HOOD AGED 10 3/4 AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER NOW* Harrison tries his best to be good. He doesn’t steal, he always shares with his sister and he never cheats at board games, but Harrison also has a BIG flaw . . . He can't control his temper! So when he’s given a black hole instead of a balloon at a party, Harrison jumps at the chance to get rid of everything that makes him cross. But when it’s not just things he hates that are disappearing into the black hole but things he loves, too, Harrison starts to realize that sometimes you should be careful what you wish for...An epic time-travel story of twists and trouble, from master storyteller Ben Miller, with beautiful illustrations from Daniela Jaglenka Terrazzini. Praise for Ben Miller:'A magical adventure' Sunday Express on The Day I Fell Into a Fairytale'Great for reading aloud' The Week Junior on The Day I Fell Into a Fairytale'A fire-side gem of a story' Abi Elphinstone on The Night I Met Father Christmas'Fabulous' Sunday Express on The Boy Who Made the World Disappear'Enchanting, funny and intriguing in equal measure' Philip Ardagh on The Night I Met Father Christmas'Each of [Ben’s] five books is joyous and thoughtful' Red Magazine

Objev podobné jako The Boy Who Made the World Disappear - Ben Miller

cena 236.0 Kč

Fender The Arch Work Station

Podložka pod kytaru Údržba a opravy nástrojů jsou vždy výzvou, pokud nemáte po ruce plně vybavenou dílnu. Fender The Arch Guitar Work Station je ideálním řešením, jak mít veškeré nezbytnosti stále při sobě. Stabilní podložka krku je vyrobena z pevné gumy, která zamezí nežádoucímu pohybu kytary nebo baskytary, zároveň je šetrná i k nitrocelulózovým lakům. Gumovou základnu lze použít jako podložku pod tělo nástroje, případně jako odkládací prostor pro nářadí a součástky během opravy. Součástí podložky je také koženkové pouzdro s dostatkem prostoru pro uložení potřebného nářadí. Fender The Arch Work Station je kompaktní a praktická, skvěle tedy poslouží jako mobilní servisní stanice.

Objev podobné jako Fender The Arch Work Station

cena 539.0 Kč

The Trillion Dollar Conman - Ben Robinson

Based on the hit BBC 5Live podcast series, The Trillion Dollar Conman is a tale of audacious international fraud that is stranger than fiction. In 2009, Notts County FC were struggling to survive in League Two when they were taken over by a mysterious company supposedly backed by the Bahrain royal family. The club was promised millions of pounds worth of investment and marquee players, including Sol Campbell and Kasper Schmeichel, were signed by former England manager Sven-Göran Eriksson, who had been appointed to take the club all the way to the Premier League. However, within months, the dream turned into a nightmare as it transpired that the club, the players and the fans had been duped by a convicted fraudster called Russell King. The world's oldest professional football club found itself at the centre of one of the most outlandish frauds in sporting history, which spanned the globe from Nottingham to North Korea, involving fake sheikhs, fast cars, broken promises and a trail of destruction.

Objev podobné jako The Trillion Dollar Conman - Ben Robinson

cena 591.0 Kč

Here Comes the Fun - Ben Aitken

''What Aitken writes about fun is worth reading'' Mail on Sunday''Irresistible'' Christopher Somerville, author of The January Man and Walking the Bones of Britain''A great book'' Simon Rimmer, Sunday Brunch''Aitken''s writing is always a delight'' Madeleine Bunting, author of The SeasideAre you getting enough? Bestselling travel writer Ben Aitken wasn''t. Increasingly flat and decreasingly zen, Ben gave boredom the boot and stress the cold shoulder by embarking on a whimsical journey into the serious business of having a laugh. He did a pilgrimage in Spain, a summer camp in Kent, and a cruise of the Baltic with 2,000 grannies. And when he wasn''t on the road, he searched for merriment at home: by giving bridge a go, volunteering a chance, and gardening a crack of the whip. By incorporating the thoughts of key thinkers and boffins, Here Comes the Fun offers a satisfying balance of the playful and the profound, the serious and the silly, the daft and the deep.

Objev podobné jako Here Comes the Fun - Ben Aitken

cena 325.0 Kč

The Wonders of Nature - Ben Hoare

Uncover fascinating stories about the natural world with this nature book for kids aged 6-8.The world is filled with curious objects such as amazing rocks and minerals, microscopic life, plants, animals and more. The Wonders of Nature is a beautiful nature encyclopedia for young readers to explore, with pages packed with fascinating information showcasing a collection of 100 remarkable items from the natural world, from orchids to opals and lichens to lizards and so much more! Each plant, animal, and rock is shown both photographically and illustrated, and children will love poring over the detailed close-up images.Find out how the prowling jaguar uses spots to avoid being spotted, why a sticky sundew means big trouble for insects, and what a radiolarian is. The Wonders of Nature takes you on a tour of our planet through commonplace-but-incredible objects made by nature itself.This nature book for children features:- 100 minerals, plants, and animals through photographs and illustrations.- Fun facts that provide key information on the natural world.- A gold foil cover and metallic gold edges, making this a giftable book for nature enthusiasts.This nature anthology combines engaging storybook-style descriptions and simple text that sheds a light on the wonders of nature and wildlife. Ideal for inquisitive children aged 6-8 who love to spot things when exploring outside, this is the book for those who want to know more about the wonderful and mysterious natural world around them.More in the SeriesThe Wonders of Nature is part of the beautiful and informative Anthology series. Complete the series and nurture your child''s curiosity as they explore the natural world with Nature''s Treasures or let them walk with the dinosaurs who ruled the earth before them in Dinosaurs and other Prehistoric Life.

Objev podobné jako The Wonders of Nature - Ben Hoare

cena 591.0 Kč

Escape to the Country: Living on the Farm - Ben Ashby

• Reflections on the charm of farmhouse living from the co-founder and editor-in-chief of Folk Magazine • Discover the magical qualities this lifestyle has to offer • Learn how to maintain a garden seasonally, how to prepare typical farmer's dishes and why farm life may not be for everyone, but is undoubtedly appealing to many • Folk Magazine has more than half a million followers on Instagram A slower pace of life, outdoor space and tight-knit communities come hand-in-hand with village living – something many have come to appreciate in recent months. Many city-dwellers are looking for an alternative way of life and are preparing to move, making the dream reality. In this beautifully photographed book, Ben Ashby, the editor-in-chief of Folk Magazine, reflects on the authenticity and charm of life on the farm. Having made the move several years ago from New York to Kentucky, he shares his thoughts on fitting into a small town, living on the farm, learning to celebrate the slow life, and being self-sufficient. For each season, he pilots us to the most inspiring farmhouses and pays tribute to the architecture and interiors of these unique spaces, as well as to the lifestyle and sense of community that goes along with country life. Now might be a perfect time for you to give farming life a try!

Objev podobné jako Escape to the Country: Living on the Farm - Ben Ashby

cena 1155.0 Kč

Throwing the Book - Ben Dirs, Wayne Barnes

Wayne Barnes - one of the most-experienced international referees in history and criminal barrister to boot - uniquely lifts the lid on a lifetime of trying to keep the biggest names in the sport on best behaviour.There aren''t many people who can say they''ve been the thirty-first man on the pitch during a World Cup humdinger, Grand Slam decider or Premiership and European Cup final; listened to the sobs of a 20-stone prop as he tries to belt out his national anthem; heard the crunch of bones after some of the mightiest hits known to the game; or been yards away from the greatest players of the last twenty years, doing almost impossible things with a rugby ball - especially when you''re a working-class lad from the Forest of Dean, wondering how you ever got there in the first place.Candid, humble and warmly told, Throwing the Book is a definitive account of what it means to be a rugby referee and a love letter to the sport that has provided Wayne with so much. Covering his childhood days, family life, career highs and lows, side-step into law, as well as what''s next in store for Wayne both on and off the pitch, this book reveals the man behind the referee for the very first time.Serious when it needs to be, but also rich in good humour and humanity, Throwing the Book is a memoir to remember.

Objev podobné jako Throwing the Book - Ben Dirs, Wayne Barnes

cena 738.0 Kč

Throwing the Book - Ben Dirs, Wayne Barnes

Wayne Barnes - one of the most-experienced international referees in history and criminal barrister to boot - uniquely lifts the lid on a lifetime of trying to keep the biggest names in the sport on best behaviour.There aren''t many people who can say they''ve been the thirty-first man on the pitch during a World Cup humdinger, Grand Slam decider or Premiership and European Cup final; listened to the sobs of a 20-stone prop as he tries to belt out his national anthem; heard the crunch of bones after some of the mightiest hits known to the game; or been yards away from the greatest players of the last twenty years, doing almost impossible things with a rugby ball - especially when you''re a working-class lad from the Forest of Dean, wondering how you ever got there in the first place.Candid, humble and warmly told, Throwing the Book is a definitive account of what it means to be a rugby referee and a love letter to the sport that has provided Wayne with so much. Covering his childhood days, family life, career highs and lows, side-step into law, as well as what''s next in store for Wayne both on and off the pitch, this book reveals the man behind the referee for the very first time.Serious when it needs to be, but also rich in good humour and humanity, Throwing the Book is a memoir to remember.

Objev podobné jako Throwing the Book - Ben Dirs, Wayne Barnes

cena 384.0 Kč

The Stories of Your Life - Ben Ambridge

"A fascinating, entertaining and deeply smart journey into the storytelling brain" - Will Storr, bestselling author of The Status Game and The Science of Storytelling"Life - and the quite appalling behaviour of everyone I know - finally makes sense. Read this remarkable book" - Andrew Gold, author of The Psychology of Secrets and host of Heretics--------------------------We understand the world through stories. All of our experiences, all of our insights – psychologically, we interpret them through specific lenses that have been curated, perfected and passed down throughout human history. Internationally bestselling author Professor Ben Ambridge has quantified those lenses into eight distinct masterplots that can apply to any experience.The mother who wakes up an hour early every day to prep her child's breakfast? She's playing out the Sacrifice plot. The amateur sports team who go on to win the big trophy against all the odds? They're part of the Underdog narrative.Ambridge uses examples from fiction, real life, and popular psychology research to demonstrate how we not only naturally gravitate towards the masterplot narratives, but how we actually use those narratives to manipulate the world around us – like the addict who uses the Monster plot to paint their illness as something to overcome, or the boxer who relies on the Revenge narrative to motivate themselves to fight their way back after an embarrassing defeat.These masterplots do more for us than to help us understand the world; they’re vehicles through which humans have survived. The Stories of Your Life shares fascinating lessons about the nature of humanity, the power of psychology and – most importantly – the way we see ourselves.--------------------------"Stories are essential for human beings - they allow us to learn, to connect, to empathize. The best stories follow structures that catalyze and amplify their power. Ambridge expertly decodes and deciphers these masterplots so we can all benefit and grow" - Matt Abrahams, author of Think Faster Talk Smarter and host of Think Fast, Talk Smart

Objev podobné jako The Stories of Your Life - Ben Ambridge

cena 650.0 Kč

Colditz: Prisoners of the Castle - Ben Macintyre

Colditz Castle: a forbidding Gothic tower on a hill in Nazi Germany. You may have heard about the prisoners and their daring and desperate attempts to escape, but that's only part of the real story. In Colditz: Prisoners of the Castle, bestselling historian Ben Macintyre takes us inside the walls of the most infamous prison in history to meet the real men behind the legends.Heroes and bullies, lovers and spies, captors and prisoners living cheek-by-jowl for years in a thrilling game of cat and mouse - and all determined to escape by any means necessary. Deeply researched and full of incredible stories, this is a tale of ordinary people facing extraordinary circumstances - and will change how you think about Colditz forever.

Objev podobné jako Colditz: Prisoners of the Castle - Ben Macintyre

cena 325.0 Kč

Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea! - Ben Clanton

''Hilarious and charming'' – Dav Pilkey, bestselling author of Dogman and Captain UnderpantsThe perfect first book for young 5 year-old, 6 year-old, 7 year old and 8 year-old readers looking for funny, high interest books that are an accessible read, where they''ll discover the joys of friendship, working together and the power of imagination. Featuring three short stories and a super fun ocean fact page – and joke page too!Narwhal is a happy-go-lucky narwhal. Jelly is a no-nonsense jellyfish. The two might not have a lot in common, but they do they love waffles, parties and adventures. Join Narwhal and Jelly as they discover the whole wide ocean together.PRAISE FOR Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea:''Undersea adventures have never been so darn cute …. The incessant charm and unabashed joy should make this an easy sell. Swimmingly delightful and a guaranteed smile-maker'' – Starred Review, Kirkus Reviews''An utterly enchanting start to a series that’s bound to be popular among young readers'' -Starred Review, School Library Journal''Geez, Narwhal and Jellyfish are adorable. There’s no other word as appropriate for this duo& readers will likely clamour for the next outing'' – Starred Review, Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books''Bantering dialogue entertains throughout, but the book’s best moment might belong to the third story, when Narwhal lends Jelly his “favourite book in the whole wide water, which is blank…“. "It’s an imagination book, Jelly!… Narwhal explains. Readers ready for underwater goofiness of the non-SpongeBob variety will be eager for more adventures from this duo'' – Publishers WeeklyBen Clanton is the author/illustrator of the NARWHAL AND JELLY early graphic novel series as well as IT CAME IN THE MAIL, VOTE FOR ME!, and REX WRECKS IT. When Ben isn''t doodling up stories (and often when he is) he likes to cook, explore outdoors, and play basketball. Ben lives in Tacoma, WA with his wife, son and goldendoodle pup. Find out more about Ben at www.benclanton.com. And visit Narwhal and Jelly at their o-fish-al page www.narwhalandjelly.com

Objev podobné jako Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea! - Ben Clanton

cena 207.0 Kč

The Siege: The Remarkable Story of the Greatest SAS Hostage Drama - Ben Macintyre

'The pre-eminent historian of the secret world . . .His books have set the gold standard for accurate historical reporting, but read like heart-pounding thrillers' Mick HerronFrom the author of Sunday Times #1 bestsellers COLDITZ, SAS: ROGUE HEROES and THE SPY AND THE TRAITOR . . .On April 30, 1980, six heavily armed gunmen burst into the Iranian embassy on Princes Gate, overlooking Hyde Park in London.There they took 26 hostages, including embassy staff, visitors, and three British citizens.A tense six-day siege ensued as millions gathered around screens across the country to witness the longest news flash in British television history, in which police negotiators and psychiatrists sought a bloodless end to the standoff, while the SAS - hitherto an organisation shrouded in secrecy - laid plans for a daring rescue mission: Operation Nimrod.Drawing on unpublished source material, exclusive interviews with the SAS, and testimony from witnesses including hostages, negotiators, intelligence officers and the on-site psychiatrist, bestselling historian Ben Macintyre takes readers on a gripping journey from the years and weeks of build-up on both sides, to the minute-by-minute account of the siege and rescue.Recreating the dramatic conversations between negotiators and hostages, the cutting-edge intelligence work happening behind-the-scenes, and the media frenzy around this moment of international significance, The Siege is the remarkable story of what really happened on those fateful six days, and the first full account of a moment that forever changed the way the nation thought about the SAS - and itself.'Masterly . . .it has never been recounted so pleasurably as it has been here' New York Times'Macintyre does true-life espionage better than anyone else' John Preston

Objev podobné jako The Siege: The Remarkable Story of the Greatest SAS Hostage Drama - Ben Macintyre

cena 447.0 Kč

The 4000m Peaks of the Alps, Band 1: West - Ben Tibbetts

„The 4000m Peaks of the Alps – Volume 1: West“ je bohatě ilustrovaný průvodce pro alpské lezení a skialpinismus s podrobnými schématy a komplexními informacemi o každé trase. Ben vylezl téměř všechny cesty a přináší do tohoto topu bohaté osobní znalosti a zkušenosti.Kniha, první ze dvou svazků, pokrývá 4000 m vrcholy od Barre des Écrins, Grand Paradiso přes celý masiv Mont Blancu až po Weisshorn nad Zermattem. Je ilustrován více než 300 fotografiemi. Východní svazek bude následovat v pravý čas... (naším cílem je začátek roku 2025)!Kniha popisuje standardní trasy na každém vrcholu a také výběr těch nejprudších tratí.V tomto svazku horský vůdce IFMGA Ben Tibbetts představuje vybrané alpské výstupy a skialpinistické trasy na západních 4000 m vrcholcích Alp. Tato kniha popisuje více než 80 klasických itinerářů a poskytuje informace potřebné k přípravě a provedení každého výstupu.Na základě dvou dekád alpinismu a tvorby obrázků je každý záznam hory vybaven detailními fotografickými toposy, které vám pomohou při plánování a hledání trasy. Poté, co vylezl většinu popsaných linií, Ben zahrnul rozmanitý výběr akčních fotografií, které inspirují a ilustrují každou cestu.Tato kniha je plná podrobných informací o trasách, které jsou zaměřeny jak na zkušené horolezce, kteří hledají opravdové dobrodružství ve vysokých horách, tak na začínající alpinisty, kteří se vydávají na svůj první velký výstup.

Objev podobné jako The 4000m Peaks of the Alps, Band 1: West - Ben Tibbetts

cena 1163.0 Kč

The Forgotten Legion : (The Forgotten Legion Chronicles No. 1) - Ben Kane

The Forgotten Legion - fighting for honour, freedom and revengeRomulus and Fabiola are twins, born into slavery after their mother is raped by a drunken nobleman. At thirteen years old they are sold - Romulus to gladiator school, Fabiola into prostitution, where she will catch the eye of one of the most powerful men in Rome. Tarquinius is an Etruscan, a warrior and soothsayer, born enemy of Rome, but doomed to fight for the Republic in the Forgotten Legion. Brennus is a Gaul, his entire family killed by the Romans, and he rises to become one of the most famous and feared gladiators of his day.The lives of these characters are bound and interwoven in an odyssey which begins in a Rome riven by political corruption and violence, but ends far away, at the very border of the known world, where the tattered remnants of a once-huge Roman army - the Forgotten Legion - will fight against overwhelming odds, and the three men will meet their destiny.Ben Kane was born in Kenya and raised there and in Ireland. He studied veterinary medicine at University College Dublin but after that he travelled the world extensively, indulging his passion for ancient history. Now he lives in North Somerset, where he researches, writes and practices as a small animal vet. The Forgotten Legion, born of a lifelong fascination with military history in general, and Roman history in particular, is his first novel.For more information please visit www.benkane.net

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cena 268.0 Kč

The Spy and the Traitor : The Greatest Espionage Story of the Cold War - Ben Macintyre

A thrilling Cold War story about a KGB double agent, by one of Britain's greatest historians - now with a new afterword On a warm July evening in 1985, a middle-aged man stood on the pavement of a busy avenue in the heart of Moscow, holding a plastic carrier bag. In his grey suit and tie, he looked like any other Soviet citizen. The bag alone was mildly conspicuous, printed with the red logo of Safeway, the British supermarket. The man was a spy. A senior KGB officer, for more than a decade he had supplied his British spymasters with a stream of priceless secrets from deep within the Soviet intelligence machine. No spy had done more to damage the KGB. The Safeway bag was a signal: to activate his escape plan to be smuggled out of Soviet Russia. So began one of the boldest and most extraordinary episodes in the history of spying. Ben Macintyre reveals a tale of espionage, betrayal and raw courage that changed the course of the Cold War forever...

Objev podobné jako The Spy and the Traitor : The Greatest Espionage Story of the Cold War - Ben Macintyre

cena 241.0 Kč

Howard Ben: Collections From The Whiteout - CD (0746831)

Hudební CD - Collections From The Whiteout je čtvrté album britského písničkáře Bena Howarda z roku 2021. Collections From The Whiteout je čtvrté album britského písničkáře Bena Howarda z roku 2021. Rok vydání : 2021 (4.Album) Seznam stop Follies Fixture / What A Day / Crowhurst's Meme / Finders Keepers / Far Out / Rookery / You Have Your Way / Sage That She Was Burning / Sorry Kid / Unfurling / Metaphysical Cantations / Make Arrangements / The Strange Last Flight Of Richard Russell / Buzzard

Objev podobné jako Howard Ben: Collections From The Whiteout - CD (0746831)

cena 359.0 Kč

Mr Dog and the Seal Deal - Fogle Ben

A brand new young fiction series by TV broadcaster and intrepid explorer Ben Fogle, inspired by his real-life animal experiences… Co-written with best-selling children’s author Steve Cole and illustrated throughout with beautiful black and white illustrations by Nikolas Ilic. You can always count on Mr Dog to help an animal in trouble… Mr Dog is spending some time out at sea, riding the waves with the fishermen. But when a local seal goes missing, he has to spring into action – fast… Anchors aweigh!

Objev podobné jako Mr Dog and the Seal Deal - Fogle Ben

cena 178.0 Kč

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