Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Cold Blood 1 - The Missing Children - Jørn Jensen - e-kniha
eBook: Kids are being kidnapped from left and right – and nobody knows who’s behind the crime… or who’s next. Siblings Simone and Tobias know about the missing children. They’ve seen the pictures in the paper, and their parents won’t let them go out after dark. But neither of them spends much time worrying. They are more concerned for their new neighbour, the blind Johan Beck. Johan needs help reading the newspaper and walking his dog, Nero, so Simone and Tobias are more than happy to help out. But something is strange about Johan, and he might not be who he claims to be... The Cold Blood series is filled with thrilling adventures and spine-chilling stories. Keeping the reader on the edge of their seat, it is perfect for fans of the Goosebumps series or Scooby Doo. 'Cold Blood' is a series of children's horror books with suspense and gore for experienced readers from 10 years and up. The main characters of the books, Tobias and Simone, have a number of hair-raising adventures. Former teacher turned prolific author, Jørn Jensen (1946-), spotted a gap in reading materials for new young readers. Inspired to fill this void, he wrote hundreds of engaging children's books, with a strong focus on mystery and horror, nurturing a love of reading in the young and the young at heart.
Podívejte se také All the Missing Girls (1786491966)
Cold Blood 2 - The Mad Professor - Jørn Jensen - e-kniha
eBook: Do you have nerves of steel? Then ready yourself for the second spine-tingling instalment in the Cold Blood series! Plagued by relentless stomach pains, Tobias must go to the hospital to have a few blood samples taken. There, amidst sterile hallways and hushed whispers, he stumbles upon a chilling secret - patients are mysteriously dying, and the cause is far from natural... Can Tobias unveil the hospital\'s dark mystery before it\'s too late? The Cold Blood series is filled with thrilling adventures and spine-chilling stories. Keeping the reader on the edge of their seat, it is perfect for fans of the Goosebumps series or Scooby Doo. \'Cold Blood\' is a series of children\'s horror books with suspense and gore for experienced readers from 10 years and up. The main characters of the books, Tobias and Simone, have a number of hair-raising adventures. Former teacher turned prolific author, Jørn Jensen (1946-), spotted a gap in reading materials for new young readers. Inspired to fill this void, he wrote hundreds of engaging children\'s books, with a strong focus on mystery and horror, nurturing a love of reading in the young and the young at heart.
Podívejte se také The Blood Miracles (1444798901)
Mostní království 1: Princezna klamu - Danielle L. Jensen - e-kniha
eBook: Dvě věci ví princezna Lara naprosto jistě. Zaprvé, že král Aren je její úhlavní nepřítel. A zadruhé, že to bude ona, kdo ho srazí na kolena. Proto ochotně přistoupí na dohodnutý sňatek, který má znepřáteleným královstvím přinést mír. Lara ale mír na srdci nemá. Naopak je odhodlaná udělat cokoli, aby Arenovo království oslabila zevnitř a spolu s ním přinesla zkázu i samotnému králi. Čím víc se však dozvídá o svém novém domově a o válce o most, jež v bouřemi zmítaném světě zuří, tím víc začíná pochybovat o tom, jestli sama stojí na straně dobra, nebo patří k těm zlým. A když se její city k Arenovi promění z ledové nenávisti v prudkou vášeň, ocitne se Lara před nelehkou volbou. Které království zachrání… a které zničí?
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The Case of the Missing Water - Shalini Srinivasan, Upamanyu Bhattacharyya - e-kniha
eBook: There is a drought in Ranj\'s village. The water is running out and the villagers are praying for rain to come. The water reservoir, which is usually overflowing, is now empty and Ranj wonders where all the water has gone. She\'s going to get to the bottom of the mystery! She brings her notebook and her friend Sapna. If only it would rain soon, all the problems would be solved! \"The Case of the Missing Water\" is an educational book about how the water industry works. \"The Case of the Missing Water\" was originally published by Pratham Books on the online platform StoryWeaver. Several of the stories are written by Indian authors and are set on the other side of the world. In particular, the stories explore exciting topics such as scientific discoveries and how we can care for each other and our planet.
Objev podobné jako The Case of the Missing Water - Shalini Srinivasan, Upamanyu Bhattacharyya - e-kniha
The King's Children - Peter Gotthardt - e-kniha
eBook: The King's Children, Signy, Regin and Buri, are forced to flee from their home when their father is killed by the marauding chieftain Harwolf and his men. Behind the high mountains, somewhere to the East, there is a strange kingdom where they hope to find help avenging their father and winning back their homeland. Along the way, they discover a world inhabited by witches, elves, the undead, giants and many more strange and wonderful creatures. The royal children will need all their courage and determination to make it – and most importantly, they must learn to trust one another and stick together.
Objev podobné jako The King's Children - Peter Gotthardt - e-kniha
The Duke's Children - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
eBook: The sixth and final novel in Trollope’s “Palliser” series, this 1879 work begins after the unexpected death of Plantagenet Palliser’s beloved wife, Lady Glencora. Though wracked by grief over his loss, this Duke of Omnium and former Prime Minister must now become more involved in the lives of his three grown children. He soon discovers that this will be quite the challenge, for his son and heir Lord Silverbridge has been sent down from Oxford, his second son Lord Gerald is not doing well at Cambridge, and his daughter Lady Mary wishes to make an ‘unsuitable’ marriage. The widower is concerned for the principles of lineage they should represent, but seem reluctant to uphold. Through a series of circumstances, the Duke learns of the difficulties of weighing natural inclination and duty, progress against tradition, and especially of the strength of love in the face of wealth and pride. “The Duke’s Children” gives, as all the best Trollope novels do, an amazing view of British life at the height of the country’s prominence. This edition includes a biographical afterword.
Objev podobné jako The Duke's Children - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
The Cold Snap - Edward Bellamy - e-kniha
eBook: \'The Cold Snap\' (1898) is a short story by the American author, Edward Bellamy, most famous for his socialist and utopian novel \'Looking 2000-1887\' (1888)This tale eloquently describes a bitterly cold night that befalls a family living in New England, as they huddle together for survival and await the safety of sunrise. It is a tender, romantic depiction of family life and the power of the weather.This heartwarming short story is perfect for fans of Bellamy\'s other short stories, such as \'Hooking Watermelons\', \'Lost\' and \'A Love Story Reversed\'.
Objev podobné jako The Cold Snap - Edward Bellamy - e-kniha
Zvířata nejsou bez citu - Per Jensen - e-kniha
eBook: Jen málokdo se zabývá tím, co cítí tvorové, kteří jsou součástí naší stravy. Autor, švédský profesor etologie, vysvětluje emoční fungování u nejběžnějších druhů hospodářských zvířat – slepic, ovcí, prasat, krav a ryb, aniž by ovšem hodnotil počínání lidí či moralizoval. Tím motivuje k úvahám o tom, zda je dnešní způsob zacházení s hospodářskými zvířaty adekvátní. Píše o rozdílech mezi smyslovým vnímáním u člověka a u zvířat, o zvířecích stresorech, o komunikaci se zvířaty, o tom, co ve zvířatech vzbuzuje příjemné emoce, o široké paletě zvuků, které vydávají, o zvířecí řeči těla, jejich zvířecí identitě i o poměrech ve skupině zvířat. Zamýšlí se také nad odlidštěním našeho vztahu k hospodářským zvířatům či nad problematikou levného masa
Objev podobné jako Zvířata nejsou bez citu - Per Jensen - e-kniha
Zaslepení - Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
eBook: Detektivka psaná detektivem. Další díl série s komisařem Williamem Wistingem Sofie Lundová se s roční dcerkou nastěhuje do domu, který zdědila po svém nechvalně proslulém dědečkovi, o němž se proslýchá, že byl kápem místního podsvětí. Ve sklepě po něm zůstal trezor, jehož šokující obsah rozpoutá lavinu událostí. Vrchní komisař William Wisting má najednou plno práce nejen s nevyřešeným případem nezvěstného taxikáře, ale musí se také tvrdě postavit proti svým zcela zaslepeným kolegům přehlížejícím fakta, která se jim nehodí.
Objev podobné jako Zaslepení - Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
Poustevník - Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
eBook: Poustevník je zločinec na útěku. Vyhlédne si osamělého člověka, jehož nebude nikdo postrádat, ukradne mu identitu a dál žije jeho život. Ani Viggo Hansen, Wistingův soused, nikomu nechybí, a tak už čtyři měsíce sedí mrtvý před televizí. Vzápětí policie najde další tělo. Zatímco Hansenova smrt zaujme jen novinářku Line, Wistingovu dceru, nález druhé oběti spustí největší pátrací akci v dějinách norské kriminalistiky, při které musí pomoci i FBI.
Objev podobné jako Poustevník - Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
Zlovůle - Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
eBook: Vězeň odsouzený na doživotí za vraždu dvou dívek se rozhodne policii ukázat, kam skryl nikdy nenalezené tělo třetí oběti. Připravená prověrka na místě se však zvrtne a vrah za dramatických okolností uprchne. Wisting i jeho kolega Stiller z oddělení dlouhodobě nevyřešených případů jsou přesvědčení, že mu pomáhal tajemný Komplic, jehož se dosud nepodařilo dopadnout. Stop je ale málo a času ještě méně. Když někdo unese mladou policistku, jde už o vteřiny.
Objev podobné jako Zlovůle - Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
Na dně - Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
eBook: Během letního týdne vyplaví moře na pláž poblíž Stavern čtyři levá chodidla. Místní policie čelí záhadě: Kde jsou těla, k nimž nohy patřily? Kdo je znetvořil a proč? Wisting si neví rady a situaci mu nijak neulehčí ani jeho dcera, která píše reportáž o lidech odsouzených k dlouholetému vězení. Policejní i novinářská práce se opět nečekaně protnou a najevo vyjdou dlouho utajované skutečnosti, které ze dna na povrch vůbec vyplout neměly.
Objev podobné jako Na dně - Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
Zadní pokoj - Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
eBook: Na chatě bývalého ministra zdravotnictví a zahraničí Bernharda Clausena se našla pozůstalost neslučitelná s obrazem bezúhonného politika. V sázce mohou být i národní zájmy. Během utajeného pátrání se vynoří stopy vedoucí k případu zmizelého rybáře u jezera Gjersjo, který vyšetřuje Adrian Stiller, kriminalista z oddělení dlouhodobě nevyřešených případů. William Wisting s ním chtě nechtě musí opět spolupracovat.
Objev podobné jako Zadní pokoj - Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
Katharinina šifra - Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
eBook: William Wisting jako každý rok přijíždí k domu Martina Haugena, odkud před čtyřiadvaceti lety beze stopy zmizela Haugenova manželka Katharina. Zůstal po ní jen papírek se záhadnými číslicemi a sbalený kufr. Případ se nikdy nepodařilo vyřešit – Katharina se nenašla živá ani mrtvá, Martin Haugen měl solidní alibi a ani jiné stopy nikam nevedly. Vztah mezi Wistingem a Haugenem se během dlouhého vyšetřování vyvinul v přátelství, a tak Wisting Haugena v den Katharinina zmizení vždycky navštěvuje. Jenže tentokrát nikdo neotevírá, dům je zamčený a Haugenův telefon mlčí. Téhož dne navštíví Wistinga na stanici mladší kolega, kriminalista Adrian Stiller z Kriposu, který má na starosti vyšetřování policejních pomníčků a přichází proto, že případ Kathariny Haugenové souvisí s jiným podivným zmizením. Přestože si oba vyšetřovatelé příliš nepadnou do oka, nezbývá jim než spolupracovat a pokusit se obě záhady vyřešit.
Objev podobné jako Katharinina šifra - Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
Otázka viny - Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
eBook: William Wisting si od zločinu neodpočine ani během dovolené. Když mu přijde anonym odkazující na dávno vyřešenou vraždu sedmnáctileté dívky, rozhodne se případ přezkoumat. Zdá se, že něco nesedí… a další dopisy to potvrdí. Vrchního komisaře se zmocňuje nepříjemný pocit, že s ním tajemný pisatel manipuluje jako s loutkou. Podaří se mu odhalit jeho identitu a motiv? A co když vše souvisí i se současným zmizením další mladé ženy? Pravda je zahalená v mlze iluzí – Wisting ji však hodlá najít za každou cenu.
Objev podobné jako Otázka viny - Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
Bez hranic - Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
eBook: Po vraždě australské batůžkářky ve Španělsku vznikne na internetu fórum, jehož členové začnou po pachateli pátrat na vlastní pěst. Patří k nim i mladá Norka, která se zabývá analýzou fotografií. Ve chvíli, kdy natrefí na cosi překvapivého, se ale odmlčí. Zakladatelka fóra se obrátí na norskou policii, protože se obává o dívčin život. Její podnět dostává na stůl Wisting. Vyšetřování se věnuje zprvu vlažně, k ráznému jednání ho přiměje až nález zmrzlého ženského těla.
Objev podobné jako Bez hranic - Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
Honicí psi - Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
eBook: William Wisting honil po celou svou policejní kariéru zločince, teď se však stává štvanou zvěří sám. Dokáže očistit své jméno a najít skutečného vraha? Mnoha cenami ověnčený bestsellerový detektivní román, který vyniká znalostí policejní práce a technickými detaily vyšetřovaní.
Objev podobné jako Honicí psi - Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
Mimo těžiště - Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
eBook: V poklidném pátečním odpoledni je na prahu svého bytu zavražděna Blixova blízká kolegyně Sofie Kovicová. Vše nasvědčuje tomu, že šlo o promyšlenou likvidaci. Vrah si odnesl i její notebook a spisovou složku s neznámým případem. Celé oddělení se vmžiku pouští do práce a vzápětí přichází další rána – dva muži unesou Blixovu dceru, která se náhodou ocitla ve vrahově blízkosti. Blix je vyloučen z vyšetřování, a tak se rozhodne jednat na vlastní pěst. Emma Rammová je mu však tentokrát spíš přítěží.
Objev podobné jako Mimo těžiště - Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
Vyvolení - Thomas Enger, Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
eBook: Vrchního komisaře Alexe Blixe pojí s bulvární novinářkou Emmou Rammovou tragické pouto, o kterém ona sama zprvu netuší. Proto je ochoten poskytovat jí informace o případu pohřešované vrcholové atletky, která nedorazila na křest své kontroverzní autobiografie Věčná jednička. Zdá se, že to nebude jediná celebrita, jíž půjde o život... Zvládnou Alex a Emma dopadnout extrémně rafinovaného sériového vraha, nebo se v záři reflektorů ocitne další mrtvé tělo?
Objev podobné jako Vyvolení - Thomas Enger, Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
Enola Holmes 1: The Case of the Missing Marquess - Nancy Springerová
Now a Netflix original movie starring Millie Bobby Brown, Henry Cavill, and Helena Bonham Carter!Meet Enola Holmes, teenage girl turned detective and the younger sister to Sherlock Holmes.When Enola Holmes, sister to the detective Sherlock Holmes, discovers her mother has disappeared, she quickly embarks on a journey to London in search of her. But nothing can prepare her for what awaits. Because when she arrives, she finds herself involved in the kidnapping of a young marquess, fleeing murderous villains, and trying to elude her shrewd older brothers--all while attempting to piece together clues to her mother's strange disappearance. Amid all the mayhem, will Enola be able to decode the necessary clues and find her mother?From acclaimed author Nancy Springer comes the Edgar Award nominated Enola Holmes: The Case of the Missing Marquess. Perfect for those who love mysteries and detective stories!
Objev podobné jako Enola Holmes 1: The Case of the Missing Marquess - Nancy Springerová
Enola Holmes 1: The Case of the Missing Marquess - Nancy Springerová
Introducing London's newest and greatest detective: Enola Holmes - the book that inspired the film, starring Millie Bobby Brown. Read the series before the next film lands!When Enola Holmes, sister to the detective Sherlock Holmes, discovers her mother has disappeared, she quickly embarks on a journey to London in search of her. But nothing can prepare her for what awaits. Because when she arrives, she finds herself involved in the kidnapping of a young marquess, fleeing murderous villains, and trying to elude her shrewd older brothers - all while attempting to piece together clues to her mother's strange disappearance. Amid all the mayhem, will Enola be able to decode the necessary clues and find her mother?'A story of a young girl who is empowered, capable, and smart . . . the Enola Holmes book series conveys an impactful message to kids and teenagers all over the world that you can do anything if you set your mind to it, and it does so in an exciting and adventurous way.' - MILLIE BOBBY BROWN
Objev podobné jako Enola Holmes 1: The Case of the Missing Marquess - Nancy Springerová
Ice Cold Killers - The Rituals of Murderers - World History - e-kniha
eBook: From singling out victims at bus stops, targeting women with long, blonde hair, saving trophies, or dismembering and even eating their victims, each serial killer set a unique ritual for their murder, and these rituals are what betrays them in the end. Serial killers often begin with a few unplanned murders, where they experiment with which actions give them the greatest release.Moving on they start to carefully select their victims, either by stalking them or staking out special locations where their victim – such as prostitute or child – can be found alone.But after a while the killer's hunt for satisfaction makes him overconfident.Follow on the heels of the police in their hunt for four relentless serial killers. These stories contain gruesome details and are not suitable for children.-
Objev podobné jako Ice Cold Killers - The Rituals of Murderers - World History - e-kniha
Kouřová clona - Thomas Enger, Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
eBook: Během silvestrovských oslav dojde v Oslu k nečekanému výbuchu. Mezi zraněnými je někdo, koho Alexander Blix dobře zná – Ruth-Kristine, matka dvouleté Patricie, kterou před deseti lety unesli a dodnes je nezvěstná. Blix její zmizení dlouhé roky vyšetřoval, ale bezvýsledně. Nyní se k případu obrací pozornost veřejnosti, která je fascinovaná nevyřešeným tajemstvím. Blix spolu s Rammovou musí najít cestu kouřovou clonou, do níž je únos Patricie zahalen.
Objev podobné jako Kouřová clona - Thomas Enger, Jørn Lier Horst - e-kniha
Missing: A Detective Ravn thriller - Michael Katz Krefeld - e-kniha
eBook: One missing person. Endless buried secrets... When a man vanishes after embezzling funds for a secret rendezvous in Berlin, Ravn is drawn into a chilling investigation by the man\'s sister, Louise. The mystery deepens as Ravn discovers a pattern of lonely men disappearing under mysterious circumstances, a trail leading back to the dark days of Stasi-Germany. As he gets closer to the truth, Ravn finds himself caught in the crosshairs, stirring up horrors better left buried... The gripping second book of Michael Katz Krefeld\'s acclaimed “Ravn” series, “Missing” is a pulse-pounding thriller from the Danish crime master that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Fans of Jo Nesbø and Peter Høeg will love this gritty, Nordic Noir series. Detective Ravn Thrillers In the thrilling Nordic noir series, ”Detective Ravn”, Thomas \"Raven\" Ravnsholdt, a tenacious private detective, navigates the dark underbelly of society. Ravn\'s investigations take him through a chilling labyrinth of crime, encountering trafficking rings, rampant corruption, doomsday cults, and haunting relics from the GDR era. Fans of Scandinavian crime thrillers, will love this Danish detective series in English for the first time. Perfect for readers of Jo Nesbø, Stieg Larsson, and Peter Høeg. Best-selling Danish crime author Michael Katz Krefeld is renowned for his Nordic Noir series featuring Detective Ravn. His gripping, fast-paced crime thrillers explore personal sacrifice and the fight against evil, all set against the atmospheric backdrop of Scandinavia.
Objev podobné jako Missing: A Detective Ravn thriller - Michael Katz Krefeld - e-kniha
Bitva o Dark Dagalur – 1. mise Cold Blood Coopera - Thilo, Juul Adam Petry
Gamebook pro fanoušky hry Fortnite. Užívej si atmosféru své oblíbené hry, i když nejsi online! Raduj se! Patříš mezi 2 % lidstva, která přežila globální katastrofu. Jediná zbraň, kterou máš, je obyčejný krumpáč. Všude číhají nepřátelští válečníci a jdou po tobě. Dokážeš projít Dagalurem a přežít? Co budeš dělat? Rozhodni se sám, vol ale moudře! Během cesty sbírej materiál, který tě ochrání před nepřáteli. Hledej užitečné předměty, vylepšuj statistiky a vybav se zbraněmi určenými pro konkrétní typy boje. Jen správná rozhodnutí a dobrá výbava tě dovedou k epickému vítězství. Přežiješ?
Objev podobné jako Bitva o Dark Dagalur – 1. mise Cold Blood Coopera - Thilo, Juul Adam Petry
Bitva o Dark Dagalur: 1. mise Cold Blood Coopera (978-80-253-4328-9)
Kniha - autor Juul Adam Petry, 136 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Gamebook pro fanoušky hry Fortnite. Patříš mezi 2 % lidstva, která přežila globální katastrofu. Jediná zbraň, kterou máš, je krumpáč. Všude číhají nepřátelští válečníci a jdou po tobě. Dokážeš projít Dagalurem a přežít? Sbírej materiál, který tě ochrání před nepřáteli. Hledej užitečné předměty, vylepšuj statistiky a vybav se zbraněmi určenými pro konkrétní typy boje. Jen správná rozhodnutí a dobrá výbava tě dovedou k epickému vítězství. Přežiješ?
Objev podobné jako Bitva o Dark Dagalur: 1. mise Cold Blood Coopera (978-80-253-4328-9)
In Cold Blood - Truman Capote
Considered by many to be the first work of the true crime genre, this ground-breaking book reconstructs the murder of the Clutter family from information provided by newspaper articles and interviews. ''Dick became convinced that Perry was that rarity, "a natural killer" - absolutely sane, but conscienceless, and capable of dealing, with or without motive, the coldest-blooded deathblows''On 15 November 1959, the small town of Holcomb, Kansas, a wealthy farmer, his wife and their two young children were found brutally murdered. Blood all over the walls, the telephone lines cut, and only a few dollars stolen. Heading up the investigation is Agent Al Dewey, but all he has are two footprints, four bodies, and a whole lot of questions. Truman Capote''s detailed reconstruction of the events and consequences of that fateful night, In Cold Blood is a chilling, gripping mix of journalistic skill and imaginative power. ''The American dream turning into the American nightmare. A remarkable book'' Spectator''One of the most stupendous books of the decade'' Sunday Express
Objev podobné jako In Cold Blood - Truman Capote
In Cold Blood - Truman Capote
The most famous true crime novel of all time and one of the first non-fiction novels ever written; In Cold Blood is the bestseller that haunted its author long after he finished writing it. On November 15, 1959, in the small town of Holcomb, Kansas, four members of the Clutter family were savagely murdered by blasts from a shotgun held a few inches from their faces. There was no apparent motive for the crime, and there were almost no clues. As Truman Capote reconstructs the murder and the investigation that led to the capture, trial, and execution of the killers, he generates both mesmerizing suspense and astonishing empathy. In Cold Blood is a work that transcends its moment, yielding poignant insights into the nature of American violence.
Objev podobné jako In Cold Blood - Truman Capote
Concerning Children - Charlotte Perkins Gilman - e-kniha
eBook: Novelist, poet, and social analyst Gilman (1860-1935), known for her vivid analysis and portrayal of the disadvantages society places on women, argued that the prevailing model of child rearing was selfish, concerned with what was believed to be better for parents than with what was known to be better for children. The basis for raising children, she said, should be encouraging them to think, rather than obedience and discipline. There is no index. The 1900 edition was published by Small, Maynard in Boston. Annotation c. Book News, Inc.,Portland, OR
Objev podobné jako Concerning Children - Charlotte Perkins Gilman - e-kniha
Captain Blood - Rafael Sabatini - e-kniha
eBook: Dr Peter Blood has put his soldiering past behind him. He is happy tending his geraniums and his patients in a quiet English town. But a moment of mercy sees him sent to be a slave in Barbados - and puts him on the path to becoming a fearsome pirate captain. In this swashbuckling, globe-spanning adventure, Blood is caught up in the Duke of Monmouth\\\'s rebellion and saves the life of one of the rebels. Notorious \\\"hanging judge\\\" Jeffreys sentences him to 10 years as a slave. There, he falls in love with the daughter of the man who owns him. But he risks it all by stealing a Spanish ship that attacked the town and then sailing off to form a band of pirates. The glory of the high seas and the sound of clashing swords thrills Captain Blood. All of the time, he yearns to be with the woman he loves - who refuses to be with a thief and a pirate. It looks hopeless. But there may just be a chance... \\\'Captain Blood\\\' was made into a 1935 film starring Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland, and Basil Rathbone, who later played \\\'Sherlock Holmes\\\'. For fans of \\\'King Solomon\\\'s Mines\\\' by H. Rider Haggard and \\\'The Black Arrow\\\' by Robert Louis Stevenson. Rafael Sabatini (1875-1950) was an Italian-English writer, known for his romance and adventure novels. He wrote 34 novels, eight short story collections, six non-fiction books and several plays. He wrote short stories at first, before publishing his first novel in 1902. However, literary success did not arrive until the publication of \\\'Scaramouche\\\' in 1921. His other most famous works were the novels \\\'The Sea Hawk\\\', \\\'Captain Blood\\\' and \\\'Bellarion the Fortunate\\\'. Sabatini spoke six languages, but chose to write in English because \\\"all the best stories are written in English\\\".
Objev podobné jako Captain Blood - Rafael Sabatini - e-kniha
The Blood Gift (The Blood Gift Duology, Book 2) - N. E. Davenport
Ikenna is now a fugitive with a colossal bounty on her head. Yet, somehow that's the least for her worries. Her grandfather's long time allies refuse to help, and the Blood Emperor's Warlord is tracking her. She's also struggling to control the enormous power she was granted by the Goddess of Blood Rites ... and come to terms with the promises she made to get such power.Amidst all of this, the Blood Emperor leaves decimated cities, war crimes, and untold death in his wake. As the horrors increase, Ikenna and her team realize they must assassinate the Blood Emperor and quickly end the war. His killing may have planet-shattering consequences. But to do nothing means annihilation.
Objev podobné jako The Blood Gift (The Blood Gift Duology, Book 2) - N. E. Davenport
Charles Dickens’ Children Stories - Charles Dickens - e-kniha
eBook: Charles Dickens\' ‘Children Stories’ is a collection of tales for kids from one of history’s finest storytellers. In this wonderful anthology, children are introduced to characters who also appear in Dickens’ adult fiction including; Tiny Tim from ‘A Christmas Carol’, Trotty Veck and his daughter Meg from ‘The Chimes’, Oliver Twist and Little David Copperfield among other entertaining characters that we already know and love. These stories are the perfect bedtime reading, with wonderful tales to read out loud. Children and adults alike will delight in hearing them. Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in \'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and \'A Christmas Carol\' which is well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.
Objev podobné jako Charles Dickens’ Children Stories - Charles Dickens - e-kniha
Ronin 1 - The Sword - Jesper Nicolaj Christiansen - e-kniha
eBook: A boy wakes up in the middle of the forest. He has no idea who he is or how he got there. With the help of various people and animals, as well as a sword that has special powers, this ronin finds his way through multiple adventures. When a village needs his protrection, he must learn to fight with honor for the peasants he is saving, and for himself.A boy wakes up in the forest with no memory of who he is or where he came from. Through the course of this series, Ronin undertakes many adventures that push him to his limit. Along the way, he meets people who help him grow and learn what is important. With the aid of his magic sword and the powers it brings him, Ronin fights for good. On every adventure, Ronin comes closer and closer to understanding who he truly is.
Objev podobné jako Ronin 1 - The Sword - Jesper Nicolaj Christiansen - e-kniha
Jensen a lilie / Modrá slečna / Kráska - Josef Kocourek - e-kniha
eBook: Souborným vydáním tří novel Josefa Kocourka (1909–1933) z let 1926 a 1927, které byly dostupné jen v podobě bibliofilie, nebo vyšly pouze časopisecky, se víceméně završuje dlouholeté bádání a vydávání Kocourkova díla. Všechny tři texty spadají do autorovy tvorby „před“ jeho známějšími – a dodejme, že již vydanými – novelami a romány (mj. Srdce, Žena, Zapadlí vlastenci 1932) a doplňují tak Kocourkovy deníkové záznamy a povídkovou tvorbu z druhé poloviny dvacátých let. Najdeme zde pro autora typické rysy i obsese s prvky často ještě chlapecky naivními. Je ale nutné si vždy uvědomovat, že v době vzniku všech tří próz bylo Kocourkovi sedmnáct let. Nesmírně nadaný spisovatel, umírající na tuberkulózu ve „wolkerovských“ 24 letech, absorboval velmi rychle avantgardní poetiku a doslova vychrlil řadu textů jdoucích ruku v ruce s dobovým nejmodernějším uměním. Evidentní jsou vlivy expresionismu a poetismu, jako je okouzlení městem, často bizarní erotika, podivuhodný exotismus, ale také výrazné motivy sociální a s nimi spojená místy až podivně vyšinutá brutalita a výstřednost jedinců. Kocourkovou smůlou a prokletím bylo dlouhodobé opomíjení a regionalismus, takže jeho dílo bylo známé jen málo. K objevování Kocourka dochází od šedesátých let a trvá vlastně dodnes. Trojice textů je tištěna z dochovaných strojopisů (ed. Michal Jareš) a doplněna studií Jaromíra Typlta.
Objev podobné jako Jensen a lilie / Modrá slečna / Kráska - Josef Kocourek - e-kniha
All the Missing Girls (1786491966)
Kniha - autor Megan Miranda, 370 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A nail-biting, breath-taking story about the disappearances of two young women - a decade apart - told in reverse. A brilliant debut from an amazing new voice in thriller writing. It's been ten years since Nicolette left her hometown after her best friend, Corinne, went missing. Then, another young woman goes missing. And like ten years ago, the whole town is a suspect.
Objev podobné jako All the Missing Girls (1786491966)
The Missing Sister - Lucinda Rileyová
From the Sunday Times number one bestselling author Lucinda Riley, The Missing Sister is the seventh instalment in the multimillion selling epic series.They’ll search the world to find her.The six D’Aplièse sisters have each been on their own incredible journey to discover their heritage, but they still have one question left unanswered: who and where is the seventh sister?They only have one clue – an image of a star-shaped emerald ring. The search to find the missing sister will take them across the globe; from New Zealand to Canada, England, France and Ireland, uniting them all in their mission to at last complete their family.In doing so, they will slowly unearth a story of love, strength and sacrifice that began almost one hundred years ago, as other brave young women risk everything to change the world around them.Praise for the Seven Sisters series:'The Seven Sisters series is heart-wrenching, uplifting and utterly enthralling' - Lucy Foley'Well researched and compelling … on an epic scale' - Sunday Express'There’s something magical about these stories' - Prima'Addictive storytelling' - Woman & Home'A masterclass in beautiful writing' - The Sun
Objev podobné jako The Missing Sister - Lucinda Rileyová
The Missing Family - Tim Weaver
IT WAS THE PERFECT DAY OUT . . .UNTIL THEY NEVER CAME BACK.READ THE EDGE-OF-YOUR-SEAT NEW DAVID RAKER THRILLER FROM THE MILLION-COPY BESTSELLING MASTER OF THE MISSING PERSON MYSTERY, TIM WEAVER‘Fiendishly serpentine and utterly compulsive’ Louise Candlish ‘These books are unputdownable. If you haven''t yet met Raker, you''re in for a treat’ Mick Herron---One family . . . On a beautiful summer''s day, at a remote lake in the middle of Dartmoor, three members of the Fowler family take a dinghy out onto the water, leaving mother Sarah at the shore.Less than sixty seconds later, she checks to see where they are.The boat is drifting in the middle of the lake. It''s empty.Sarah''s family have completely vanished.One killer . . .At the Skyline Casino in London, the security team have just made a headline-grabbing arrest: they''ve spotted and detained a man suspected of murdering a high roller.After locking him in one of their holding cells, the team station themselves outside and wait for the police. But when the cops arrive, they find something impossible.The killer is no longer inside the cell.Two detectives . . .David Raker is an expert at solving missing persons puzzles – but these mysteries are unlike anything he''s ever seen.As he digs into the Fowler''s, his long-time ally – ex-detective, Colm Healy – tries to get to the bottom of what happened at the casino.But the men are in danger. Because, buried in the shadows of both cases, is a deadly secret that was never meant to come out . . .---READERS CAN''T PUT IT DOWN:‘So cleverly plotted’ ***** Reader review‘A fabulous high octane thriller full of secrets and with a shocking climax’ ***** Reader review‘One of the best books I have ever read’ ***** Reader review‘There aren''t enough superlatives to describe how good it is’ ***** Reader review‘Kept me guessing right up to its perfectly executed final chapter’ ***** Reader review‘Fiendishly well plotted’ ***** Reader reviewPRAISE FOR TIM WEAVER''Impossibly clever. Impossible to put down'' CHRIS WHITAKER''Corkscrew twists. Impossible to read without breaking into a sweat'' THE TIMES''The master of clever, unpredictable plots'' CLAIRE DOUGLASTim Weaver, Sunday Times bestseller, May 2024
Objev podobné jako The Missing Family - Tim Weaver
The Missing Bunny - Holly Webb
Can Annie find her missing bunny before it’s caught by the neighbourhood fox? A gentle and heartwarming animal story from worldwide bestseller Holly Webb.Annie is really excited about her new pet rabbits and can’t wait to welcome them into the amazing new home her dad has built for them.But when Annie is in a rush to get to school the next morning, she doesn’t check that the door to the hutch is shut properly, and one of the rabbits, Humbug, escapes.Can Annie find Humbug in time to save her from the neighbourhood fox …?
Objev podobné jako The Missing Bunny - Holly Webb
A Fate Inked in Blood - Danielle L. Jensen
A shield maiden blessed by the gods battles to unite a nation under a power-hungry king - while also fighting her growing desire for his fiery son - in this Norse-inspired fantasy romance from the bestselling author of The Bridge Kingdom series.Bound in an unwanted marriage, Freya spends her days gutting fish, but dreams of becoming a warrior. And of putting an axe in her boorish husband's back.Freya's dreams abruptly become reality when her husband betrays her to the region's jarl, landing her in a fight to the death against his son. To survive, Freya is forced to reveal her deepest secret: she possesses a drop of a goddess's blood, which gives her magic capable of repelling any attack.A magic that was foretold would unite the fractured nation of Skaland beneath a king-the one who controls the shield maiden's fate.Believing he's destined to rule Skaland, the fanatical jarl binds Freya with a blood oath and orders his son, Bjorn, to protect Freya from their enemies. Desperate to prove her strength, Freya must train to fight and learn to control her magic, all while facing perilous tests set by the gods. Except the greatest test of all may be resisting her forbidden attraction to Bjorn.If Freya succumbs to her lust for the charming and fierce warrior, she risks not only her own destiny but the fate of all the people she swore to protect.
Objev podobné jako A Fate Inked in Blood - Danielle L. Jensen
A Fate Inked in Blood - Danielle L. Jensen
THE NUMBER ONE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A shield maiden blessed by the gods battles to unite a nation under a power-hungry king - while also fighting her growing desire for his fiery son - in this Norse-inspired fantasy romance from the bestselling author of The Bridge Kingdom series. Bound in an unwanted marriage, Freya spends her days gutting fish, but dreams of becoming a warrior. And of putting an axe in her boorish husband's back.Freya's dreams abruptly become reality when her husband betrays her to the region's jarl, landing her in a fight to the death against his son. To survive, Freya is forced to reveal her deepest secret: she possesses a drop of a goddess's blood, which gives her magic capable of repelling any attack. Amagic that was foretold would unite the fractured nation of Skaland beneath a king-the one who controls the shield maiden's fate.Believing he's destined to rule Skaland, the fanatical jarl binds Freya with a blood oath and orders his son, Bjorn, to protect Freya from their enemies. Desperate to prove her strength, Freya must train to fight and learn to control her magic, all while facing perilous tests set by the gods. Except the greatest test of all may be resisting her forbidden attraction to Bjorn.If Freya succumbs to her lust for the charming and fierce warrior, she risks not only her own destiny but the fate of all the people she swore to protect. No. 1 Sunday Times bestseller in March 2024
Objev podobné jako A Fate Inked in Blood - Danielle L. Jensen
Children of Blood and Bone - Tomi Adeyemiová
Zélie Adebola remembers when the soil of Orisha hummed with magic. Burners ignited flames, Tiders beckoned waves, and Zelie’s Reaper mother summoned forth souls. But everything changed the night magic disappeared. Under the orders of a ruthless king, maji were targeted and killed, leaving Zélie without a mother and her people without hope. Now, Zélie has one chance to bring back magic and strike against the monarchy. With the help of a rogue princess, Zélie must outwit and outrun the crown prince, who is hell-bent on eradicating magic for good. Danger lurks in Orisha, where snow leoponaires prowl and vengeful spirits wait in the waters. Yet the greatest danger may be Zélie herself as she struggles to control her powers—and her growing feelings for the enemy.
Objev podobné jako Children of Blood and Bone - Tomi Adeyemiová
The Missing Ones (Defekt) - Patricia Gibneyová
There's nothing more dangerous than a familiar face... As funeral mourners stand in silence at Ragmullin cemetery, a deafening cry cuts through the air. Lying crumpled at the bottom of an open grave is the bloodied body of a young woman, and Detective Lottie Parker is called in to investigate. Knowing the body can't have been there long, Lottie wonders if it could be Elizabeth Bryne, a young woman who vanished without trace just days earlier. And with a new boss who seems to have it in for her, Lottie is under pressure to solve both cases quickly. As two more women go missing from Ragmullin, Lottie and her team fear there is a serial killer on the loose. And the disappearances are strikingly similar to a cold case from ten years earlier. Could history be repeating itself? As journalists begin to interfere with Lottie's investigation, she fears the killer is about to strike again. Lottie is in a race against time to find the missing women, but the killer is closer than she thinks. Could Lottie be his next target? If you love Angela Marsons, Robert Bryndza and Rachel Abbott, you'll love the latest pulse-pounding thriller from Patricia Gibney. No Safe Place will keep you guessing until the very last page.
Objev podobné jako The Missing Ones (Defekt) - Patricia Gibneyová
The Missing Sister (Defekt) - Lucinda Rileyová
They'll search the world to find her. From the Sunday Times number one bestselling author Lucinda Riley, The Missing Sister is the seventh instalment in the multimillion-copy epic series The Seven Sisters. The six D'Apliese sisters have each been on their own incredible journey to discover their heritage, but they still have one question left unanswered: who and where is the seventh sister? They only have one clue - an image of a star-shaped emerald ring. The search to find the missing sister will take them across the globe - from New Zealand to Canada, England, France and Ireland - uniting them all in their mission to complete their family at last. In doing so, they will slowly unearth a story of love, strength and sacrifice that began almost one hundred years ago, as other brave young women risk everything to change the world around them.
Objev podobné jako The Missing Sister (Defekt) - Lucinda Rileyová
The Missing Sister (Defekt) - Lucinda Rileyová
From the Sunday Times number one bestselling author Lucinda Riley, The Missing Sister is the seventh instalment in the multimillion selling epic series.They’ll search the world to find her.The six D’Aplièse sisters have each been on their own incredible journey to discover their heritage, but they still have one question left unanswered: who and where is the seventh sister?They only have one clue – an image of a star-shaped emerald ring. The search to find the missing sister will take them across the globe; from New Zealand to Canada, England, France and Ireland, uniting them all in their mission to at last complete their family.In doing so, they will slowly unearth a story of love, strength and sacrifice that began almost one hundred years ago, as other brave young women risk everything to change the world around them.Praise for the Seven Sisters series:'The Seven Sisters series is heart-wrenching, uplifting and utterly enthralling' - Lucy Foley'Well researched and compelling … on an epic scale' - Sunday Express'There’s something magical about these stories' - Prima'Addictive storytelling' - Woman & Home'A masterclass in beautiful writing' - The Sun
Objev podobné jako The Missing Sister (Defekt) - Lucinda Rileyová
The Pillars of the House Volume 1 - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha
eBook: \'The Pillars of the House Volume 1\' - or ´Under Wode, Under Rode´ - is the first instalment of English writer Charlotte Mary Yonge\'s story about the Underwood children. Three years after the birth of her twins, Mrs Underwood dies, leaving her thirteen children orphaned. Felix, the oldest child at 16 years of age, and his eldest sister, Wilmet, are determined their family will stay together. Set in the industrial town of Bexley, this Victorian family saga tells the story of the children as they struggle to survive and find their way in the world against all odds. This is a story of hope, love, sacrifice, and family, and it is ideal for anyone looking for a great, heartwarming family saga.
Objev podobné jako The Pillars of the House Volume 1 - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha
Blood and Blood Components, Hematopoiesis, Selected Methods Used in Cytology, Histology and Hematology - Křížková Věra - e-kniha
eBook: Na téma krev a hematopoéza je možné se dívat z různých úhlů pohledu. Publikace obsahuje popisnou část i bohatou obrazovou dokumentaci jak mikrofotografií jednotlivých vývojových stadií krevních elementů a samotných krevních elementů, tak i jejich vybraných patologických odchylek. Krevní elementy jsou zachyceny v periferní krvi a v kostní dřeni. Zahrnuty jsou také elektronogramy a originální schémata vzniklá na jejich podkladě. Začleněn je popis krevních skupin a jejich vývoje. V neposlední řadě je publikace doplněna o vybrané metody zkoumání krve. Věříme, že se tak pre- i postgraduálním studentům medicíny a souvisejících disciplín dostane důležitá pomůcka nejen pro studium preklinických, ale i klinických oborů.
Objev podobné jako Blood and Blood Components, Hematopoiesis, Selected Methods Used in Cytology, Histology and Hematology - Křížková Věra - e-kniha
The Enchanted Castle 1 - Black Magic - Peter Gotthardt - e-kniha
eBook: When Stick, Pop and Mane explore the old house called the Castle, they find a lot of animals. There is also an evil wizard. Can the girls stop him, before he uses the animals for his black magic? The Enchanted Castle is a series about three girls, who find an enchanted castle, where the most incredible things can happen. Every time the girls Stick, Pop and Mane visit it, they end up in a new exciting world.
Objev podobné jako The Enchanted Castle 1 - Black Magic - Peter Gotthardt - e-kniha
Never Again - The Feisty Ladies 1 - Kim Jackson - e-kniha
eBook: Never Again is Kim Jackson's romance novel about Julie, who's ready to do anything for the dominating Jay, who has her spellbound. In 'Never Again' we meet the strong-willed Julie, who's stubborn but possesses a heart of gold. When she sets a goal, she doesn't turn back until she's accomplished it. When she meets the mysterious and withholding Jay, she finds herself having feelings she's never had before. Her need for him is indescribable, but he won't bite. Julie spends a lot of time in confusion, trying to figure out how to win him over. And there is a way, but Julie is hesitant. Because Jay's offer is highly unusual. Then again... What has she got to lose? Soon, Julie finds herself in the middle of a highly-strung love triangle, and she starts to question her decision. Is Julie even capable of doing what Jay is asking of her? 'Never Again' is the first book in Kim Jackson's spellbinding 'Feisty Ladies' series. Kim Jackson is an author of primarily erotica, romance and adult fantasy. She's the author behind several erotic series.
Objev podobné jako Never Again - The Feisty Ladies 1 - Kim Jackson - e-kniha
The Case of the Missing Tarts - Christee Curran-Bauer
The Pigeon Detectives are looking forward to devouring a delectable platter of jam tarts—until the tasty treats are stolen from right under their beaks! With tummies grumbling, the PPD are on the hunt for clues, but can the detectives recover the tarts in time before they are all eaten—or worse—stale? As the list of suspects grows longer, our heroes wonder if they’ll ever catch the thief jam-handed. Pigeon Private Detectives: The Case of the Missing Tarts, Christee Curran-Bauer’s author-illustrator debut, pokes fun at detective procedurals with kid-friendly humor!
Objev podobné jako The Case of the Missing Tarts - Christee Curran-Bauer
The Cabin - Jørn Lier Horst
It's been fifteen years since Simon Meier walked out of his house, never to be seen again.And just one day since politician Bernard Clausen was found dead at his cabin on the Norwegian coast.When Chief Inspector William Wisting is asked to investigate, he soon discovers he may have found the key to solving Meier's disappearance.But doing so means he must work with an old adversary to piece together what really happened all those years ago.It's a puzzle that leads them into a dark underworld on the trail of Clausen's interests and vices. A shady place from which they may never emerge - especially when he finds it leads closer to home than he ever could have imagined.Fans of Jo Nesbo and Stieg Larsson will be captivated by The Cabin, a thrilling and atmospheric read from award-winning Nordic crime writer Jorn Lier Horst.
Objev podobné jako The Cabin - Jørn Lier Horst
Ice Cold Killers - Addicted to Death - World History - e-kniha
eBook: What makes a serial killer? There is a huge difference between killers who kill once in the heat of the moment, mass murderers who slaughter many people at once, and serial killers who follow a specific pattern to kill carefully selected victims. A serial killer is an ice-cold predator who enjoys the hunt, is driven by ritual or a particular impulse, and who becomes increasingly dependent on the release that the murder provides. A serial killer's brain demands multiple victims.German killer Volker Eckert was morbidly obsessed with women's long hair. Jeffrey Dahmer achieved sexual release by dismembering people and eating selected pieces. Alexander Pichushkin was preoccupied with chess and decided to murder 64 people, one per square on a chessboard. Finally, David Berkowitz believed that demons ordered him to kill. The stories told here reveal what drives serial killers and how they carry out their murders. The content is violent and gruesome and certainly not for children.-
Objev podobné jako Ice Cold Killers - Addicted to Death - World History - e-kniha
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