Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Borne (0008159181)

Kniha - autor Jeff VanderMeer, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá A novel that is simultaneously harrowing, dark, dangerous, funny and uplifting from the author of the Southern Reach trilogy.

Objev podobné jako Borne (0008159181)

cena 391.0 Kč

Borne (0008159211)

Kniha - autor Jeff VanderMeer, 352 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako Borne (0008159211)

cena 259.0 Kč

Borne (978-80-257-3028-7)

Kniha - autor Jeff VanderMeer, 340 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Strhující román z blízké budoucnosti od autora oceňované trilogie Jižní Zóna se odehrává v nebezpečných rozvalinách někdejšího města, v nichž obezřetně shání obživu mladá Rachel. Ruiny se jen hemží výsledky biotechnologických experimentů, kterých se před svým pádem zbavila tajuplná Společnost, avšak nejhorší hrozbu představují zuřivé a nepředvídatelné útoky gigantického medvěda jménem Mord. Do vylidněného obytného komplexu, kde žije spolu se svým partnerem Wickem, si Rachel z jedné ze svých výprav přinese malou zelenou hrudku, o které ani neví, zda je zárodkem rostliny, nebo živočicha. Přesto k ní od první chvíle cítí zvláštní náklonnost. Svého nového chráněnce pojmenuje Borne, postupně si k němu začne vytvářet stále silnější pouto a nechtěně tak uvede do pohybu události, které naruší – nebo spíše rozmetají – jemnou rovnováhu sil v celém nemilosrdném městě. Rachel tuší, kam události...

Objev podobné jako Borne (978-80-257-3028-7)

cena 275.0 Kč

Kožený pánský opasek Bugatti Borne - černá

Pánský kožený opasek německé značky Bugatti! Představujeme Vám kvalitní kožený opasek německé značky Bugatti se sponou stříbrné barvy. Uvedená dĺžka opasku je meraná od vonkajšieho okraja spony po prostrednú dierku.

Objev podobné jako Kožený pánský opasek Bugatti Borne - černá

cena 1199.0 Kč

Kožený pánský opasek Bugatti Borne - hnědá

Pánský kožený opasek německé značky Bugatti! Představujeme Vám kvalitní kožený opasek německé značky Bugatti se sponou stříbrné barvy. Uvedená délka opasku je měřena od vnější okraje spony po prostřední dírku.

Objev podobné jako Kožený pánský opasek Bugatti Borne - hnědá

cena 1199.0 Kč

Villette - Charlotte Brontë

With an Introduction and Notes by Dr Sally Minogue, Department of English, Canterbury Christ Church University College. Based on Charlotte Bronte's personal experience as a teacher in Brussels, Villette is a moving tale of repressed feelings and subjection to cruel circumstance and position, borne with heroic fortitude.Rising above the frustrations of confinement within a rigid social order, it is also the story of a woman's right to love and be loved.

Objev podobné jako Villette - Charlotte Brontë

cena 99.0 Kč

Lord of the Flies - William Golding

First published in 1954, Lord of the Flies is now recognised as a classic, one of the most celebrated and widely read of modern novels. This edition, which includes an introduction and notes by Ian Gregor and Mark Kinkead-Weekes, meets the demand for its use in schools and its prescription by numerous examining boards. In compiling the notes they have borne in mind the needs of younger readers not only in this country but overseas.

Objev podobné jako Lord of the Flies - William Golding

cena 295.0 Kč

Vaculová Kristina: Fantaisia - CD (8594030604885)

Hudební CD - Virtuózní flétnové fantazie pro flétnu a klavír v podání flétnistky Kristiny Vaculové a klavíristy Jiřího Hrubého Virtuózní flétnové fantazie pro flétnu a klavír v podání flétnistky Kristiny Vaculové a klavíristy Jiřího Hrubého Rok vydání 2022 Seznam stop CD Gabriel Fauré - Fantasie op.79 / Paul Taffanel - Grande Fantaisie sur Mignon / Philippe Gaubert - Fantaisie / Franz Doppier - Fantaisie pastorale hongroise, op.26 / Georges Hue - Fantaisie / Francois Borne- Fantaisie brillante sur Carmen

Objev podobné jako Vaculová Kristina: Fantaisia - CD (8594030604885)

cena 309.0 Kč

The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge With Computers - Ray Kurzweil

Since it was first published in 2005, Ray Kurzweil's The Singularity Is Near (Duckworth) and its vision of the future have been influential in spawning a worldwide movement with millions of followers, hundreds of books, and major films (Her, Lucy, Ex Machina). During the succeeding decade many of his predictions about tech advancements have been borne out. In this entirely new book Kurzweil takes a fresh perspective on advances in the singularity - assessing many of his predictions and examining the novel advancements to a revolution in knowledge and an expansion of human potential.

Objev podobné jako The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge With Computers - Ray Kurzweil

cena 447.0 Kč

Berserk Volume 12 - Kentaro Miura

The Band of the Hawks' rescue of their leader, Griffith, has brought them no ease. Broken beyond healing, a frail ghost of his former glory, Griffith is now more an object of pity than a man, and the Hawks, who've grimly hung together under duress and death during his absence, are now on the verge of splintering to the winds. But Griffith's dreams and ambitions, built on the bodies of his troops and the countless enemies they have slain, have not gone unnoticed in the spirit realm, and though Griffith has nowhere to go as a man, he may yet have a future . . . a future borne on jet-black wings in the company of the demon lords of the Godhand!

Objev podobné jako Berserk Volume 12 - Kentaro Miura

cena 499.0 Kč

Great Dialogues of Plato - Platón

Plato is philosophy, and philosophy, Plato.---Emerson The Republic and other great dialogues by the immortal Greek philosopher Plato are masterpieces that form part of the most important single body of writing in the history of philosophy. Beauty, love, immortality, knowledge, and justice are discussed in these dialogues, which magnificently express the glowing spirit of Platonic philosophy. Translated by W. H. D. Rouse, one of the world's most outstanding classical scholars and translator of Homer's The Odyssey and The Iliad, this volume features the complete texts of seven of Plato's most revered works. -In Rouse's pages Socrates' strength of mind, his dedication to philosophical truth, are borne in on the modern reader with something of the power that impressed and disturbed the ancient Greeks.---Time

Objev podobné jako Great Dialogues of Plato - Platón

cena 99.0 Kč

Mobil Solvent Cleaner Spray 400 ml (9600536)

Odmašťovač -odmašťovací přípravek,neobsahuje chlór, fluor, a aromatické látky jako je benzen, toluen, nebo styren. Solvent Cleaner Spray je vy´borné rozpouštědlo mastnot a olejů, které po odpaření nezanechává residua. Otestujte schopnosti sprejů z nové řady Mobil, které najdou své využití jak v průmyslu, tak i při domácím kutilství. Pokud potřebujete účinné rozpouštědlo, ze kterého vás při práci nebude bolet hlava, právě jste našli dokonalý produkt. Mobil Solvent Cleaner Spray je výborné odmašťovací rozpouštědlo s velmi rychlými odpařovacími vlastnostmi. Nezanechává žádná rezidua. Neobsahuje totiž chlór, fluor ani aromatické látky, jako je benzen, toluen nebo styren. Se sprejem odmastíte kovy a většinu plastů pro další povrchovou úpravu, lakování nebo lepení. Dokonale také vyčistíte brzdové destičky a kotouče. Rozpouštědlo Mobil Solvent Cleaner Spray můžete použít i na čištění elektrických zařízení. V praktickém balení o objemu 400 ml....

Objev podobné jako Mobil Solvent Cleaner Spray 400 ml (9600536)

cena 329.0 Kč

DAMPF: Arrival - CD (9029624501)

Hudební CD - Skladby na první album napsal Martin Eriksson společně s kamarádem, producentem Jonaem Tee. Skladby na první album napsal Martin Eriksson společně s kamarádem, producentem Jonaem Tee. Album kolektiv hudebních přátel ze spřízněných kapel - Pontus „P-maker” Norgren (Hammerfall), Thomas „Songoftheship” Bjerlo (Stormfrun), Johan „Big J” Hegg from Amon Amarth, Tommy „Lord Thorwald” Johansson (Sabaton), Johan Shellback (producent Maroon 5) a Frederick „Hanoi” Melander (Bathory). Dampf jsou metalovým fenoménem tohoto roku. Idea skupiny se zrodila v hlavě Martina Erikssona již před mnoha lety, ale teprve nyní dozrála ke svému prvnímu albu. Jedná se o kombinaci velkých melodíí, popové chytlavosti se temným metalem a skvělými skladbami v podání talentovaných muzikantů. Rok vydání : 2022 (1.album) Seznam stop CD Winterland / The Other Side / Goeie Mie / Who Am I? / Borne On The Wind / Twilight Eyes / Spread Your Wings O'er Me / Steinhaufen / Jerusalem...

Objev podobné jako DAMPF: Arrival - CD (9029624501)

cena 399.0 Kč

DAMPF: Arrival (Limited Edition) - LP (9029637728)

LP vinyl - Skladby na první album napsal Martin Eriksson společně s kamarádem, producentem Jonaem Tee. Skladby na první album napsal Martin Eriksson společně s kamarádem, producentem Jonaem Tee. Album kolektiv hudebních přátel ze spřízněných kapel - Pontus „P-maker” Norgren (Hammerfall), Thomas „Songoftheship” Bjerlo (Stormfrun), Johan „Big J” Hegg from Amon Amarth, Tommy „Lord Thorwald” Johansson (Sabaton), Johan Shellback (producent Maroon 5) a Frederick „Hanoi” Melander (Bathory). Dampf jsou metalovým fenoménem tohoto roku. Idea skupiny se zrodila v hlavě Martina Erikssona již před mnoha lety, ale teprve nyní dozrála ke svému prvnímu albu. Jedná se o kombinaci velkých melodíí, popové chytlavosti se temným metalem a skvělými skladbami v podání talentovaných muzikantů. Rok vydání : 2022 (1.album) Seznam stop LP (limitovaná edice 500 ks) A1 Winterland / A2 The Other Side / A3 Goeie Mie / A4 Who Am I? / A5 Borne On The Wind / A6 Twilight Eyes / B1 Spread Your...

Objev podobné jako DAMPF: Arrival (Limited Edition) - LP (9029637728)

cena 609.0 Kč

DAMPF: Arrival - LP (9029637729)

LP vinyl - Skladby na první album napsal Martin Eriksson společně s kamarádem, producentem Jonaem Tee. Skladby na první album napsal Martin Eriksson společně s kamarádem, producentem Jonaem Tee. Album kolektiv hudebních přátel ze spřízněných kapel - Pontus „P-maker” Norgren (Hammerfall), Thomas „Songoftheship” Bjerlo (Stormfrun), Johan „Big J” Hegg from Amon Amarth, Tommy „Lord Thorwald” Johansson (Sabaton), Johan Shellback (producent Maroon 5) a Frederick „Hanoi” Melander (Bathory). Dampf jsou metalovým fenoménem tohoto roku. Idea skupiny se zrodila v hlavě Martina Erikssona již před mnoha lety, ale teprve nyní dozrála ke svému prvnímu albu. Jedná se o kombinaci velkých melodíí, popové chytlavosti se temným metalem a skvělými skladbami v podání talentovaných muzikantů. Seznam stop LP A1 Winterland / A2 The Other Side / A3 Goeie Mie / A4 Who Am I? / A5 Borne On The Wind / A6 Twilight Eyes / B1 Spread Your Wings O'er Me / B2 Steinhaufen / B3 Jerusalem /...

Objev podobné jako DAMPF: Arrival - LP (9029637729)

cena 569.0 Kč

Rain Heron - Robbie Arnott

SHORTLISTED FOR THE MILES FRANKLIN LITERARY AWARD 2021 Ren lives alone on the remote frontier of a country devastated by a coup. High on the forested slopes, she survives by hunting and trading - and forgetting. But when a young soldier comes to the mountains in search of a legendary creature, Ren is inexorably drawn into an impossible mission. As their lives entwine, unravel and erupt - as myth merges with reality - both Ren and the soldier are forced to confront what they regret, what they love, and what they fear. A vibrant homage to the natural world, bursting with beautiful landscapes and memorable characters, The Rain Heron is a beautifully told eco-fable about our fragile and dysfunctional relationships with the planet and with each other, the havoc we wreak and the price we pay.'Astonishing... With the intensity of a perfect balance between the mythic and the real, The Rain Heron keeps turning and twisting, taking you to unexpected places. A deeply emotional and satisfying read. Beautifully written.' Jeff VanderMeer, author of Borne

Objev podobné jako Rain Heron - Robbie Arnott

cena 299.0 Kč

Kansas: Leftoverture Live & Beyond (2x CD) - CD (0194397801224)

Hudební CD - Kansas je rocková skupina založená v roce 1970 v Kansasu, její největší hity byly například „Carry On My Wayward Son” nebo „Dust in the Wind”. Legenda rocku ze srdce Ameriky, KANSAS, vydalo live album „Leftoverture Live & Beyond”. Na albu najdete klasické hity jako „Carry On Wayward Son” či „Dust in the Wind”, ale rovněž i progresivní kousky jako „Miracles Out of Nowhere”. „Leftoverture Live & Beyond” produkoval Jeff Glixman a bude na něm 19 písní vybraných z 12 koncertů během jarního turné KANSAS „Leftoverture 40th Anniversary Tour”. Set list obsahuje výše zmíněné klasiky, ale i nové písně z alba „The Prelude Implicit” a album „Leftoverture” zahrané v celé jeho délce. Seznam stop CD1:BEYOND Icarus II / Icarus (Borne On Wings Of Steel) / Point Of Know Return / Paradox / Lamplight Symphony / Dust In The Wind / Rhythm In The Spirit / The Voyage Of Eight Eighteen / Section 60 CD2:LEFTOVERTURE LIVE! Carry On Wayward Son / The Wall /...

Objev podobné jako Kansas: Leftoverture Live & Beyond (2x CD) - CD (0194397801224)

cena 239.0 Kč

Viral (1529059380)

Kniha - autor Robin Cook, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In Viral, an electrifying medical thriller from New York Times bestseller Robin Cook, a family's exposure to a rare yet deadly virus puts them at the centre of a terrifying new danger to mankind - and pulls back the curtain on a health care system powered by greed and corruption. Brian Murphy and his family are enjoying a relaxing summer vacation when his wife, Emma, comes down with mild flu-like symptoms. Their leisurely return home to New York City quickly turns into a race to the ER when her condition dramatically deteriorates. At the hospital, she is diagnosed with Eastern Equine Encephalitis, a rare and highly lethal mosquito-borne viral disease caught during one of their evening cookouts. Worse still, Brian and Emma's young daughter exhibits alarming signs of the same illness. An already harrowing hospital stay turns even more fraught when Brian receives a staggering hospital...

Objev podobné jako Viral (1529059380)

cena 441.0 Kč

The Balloonist - MacDonald Harris

In 1976 Farrar Strauss in the USA and Gollancz in the UK, published the 5th novel by an American writer who had been gathering momentum on both sides of the Atlantic. It was both an intense love story and a Jules Verne-type science fiction adventure, centred on an attempt by a Swedish scientist, an American journalist and a French speaking adventurer to become the first people to set foot on the North Pole. To arrive there and return, borne on the wind by a huge red and white hydrogen balloon. The book was a critical sensation, and was runner up for the National Book Awards in 1977. What was not known at the time of first publication, nor indeed when Galileo reissued this extraordinary book in 2011, was that the author had actually based this fiction on a real event: the 1897 attempt by S. A Andree to fly to the North Pole. This is a new edition, the first in a uniform presentation of selected Harris works.

Objev podobné jako The Balloonist - MacDonald Harris

cena 325.0 Kč

Children of Time - Adrian Tchaikovsky

Winner of the 30th anniversary Arthur C. Clarke Award for Best Novel.Adrian Tchaikovksy's critically acclaimed novel Children of Time, is the epic story of humanity's battle for survival on a terraformed planet.Who will inherit this new Earth? The last remnants of the human race left a dying Earth, desperate to find a new home among the stars. Following in the footsteps of their ancestors, they discover the greatest treasure of the past age - a world terraformed and prepared for human life.But all is not right in this new Eden. In the long years since the planet was abandoned, the work of its architects has borne disastrous fruit. The planet is not waiting for them, pristine and unoccupied. New masters have turned it from a refuge into mankind's worst nightmare.Now two civilizations are on a collision course, both testing the boundaries of what they will do to survive. As the fate of humanity hangs in the balance, who are the true heirs of this new Earth?

Objev podobné jako Children of Time - Adrian Tchaikovsky

cena 268.0 Kč

World of Warcraft: Sylvanas - Christie Golden

The epic, long-awaited definitive story of Sylvanas Windrunner, one of World of Warcraft's most enduring and iconic characters.Ranger-General. Banshee Queen. Warchief.Sylvanas Windrunner has borne many titles. To some, she is a hero . . . to others, a villain. But whether in pursuit of justice, vengeance, or something more, Sylvanas has always sought to control her own destiny.The power to achieve her goals has never been closer, as Sylvanas works alongside the Jailer to liberate all Azeroth from the prison of fate. Her final task? Secure the fealty of their prisoner-King Anduin Wrynn.To succeed, Sylvanas will be forced to reflect on the harrowing path that brought her to the Jailer's side, and reveal her truest self to her greatest rival. Here, Sylvanas' complete story is laid bare: from the breaking of the Windrunner family and her rise to Ranger-General; to her own death at the hands of Arthas and her renewed purpose in founding the Forsaken; to the moment she first beheld the Maw, and understood the true consequences of what lay beyond the veil of death. But as her moment of victory draws near, Sylvanas Windrunner will make a choice that may ultimately come to define her. A choice that's hers to make.

Objev podobné jako World of Warcraft: Sylvanas - Christie Golden

cena 329.0 Kč

Music in the Dark - Sally Magnusson

''Wonderful and moving'' Clare Chambers''Utterly absorbing'' Sunday PostSHORTLISTED FOR THE WINSTON GRAHAM HISTORICAL PRIZELONGLISTED FOR THE WALTER SCOTT PRIZEJamesina Ross is long finished with men. But one night a stranger seeking lodgings knocks on the door of her tenement flat. He doesn''t recognise her, but she remembers him at once. Not that she plans to mention it. She has no intention of trusting anyone enough to let herself be vulnerable again. A lifetime ago, growing up in a Highland glen, Jamesina Ross wrote songs about the land and the kin who had worked it for generations. But her music was no match for the violence her community faced in the Highland Clearances. Jamesina has borne the disfigurements of that day ever since, on her face and inside her head. Her lodger thinks that if she would only dare to open the past, she might have the chance of a future. This is a story about resilience, memory, resurrection - and those parts of who we are that nobody can take away. A beautiful exploration of unlooked-for love in later life, its contrariness and its awkward, surprising joys, this is a story about resilience, memory, resurrection - and those parts of who we are that nobody can take away.

Objev podobné jako Music in the Dark - Sally Magnusson

cena 295.0 Kč

The Intelligent Investor, 3rd Ed. - Benjamin Graham, Jason Zweig

75th Anniversary EditionThe classic work on investing, filled with sound and safe principles that are as reliable as ever, now revised with an introduction and appendix by financial legend Warren Buffett—one of the author’s most famous students—and newly updated commentaries on each chapter from distinguished Wall Street Journal writer Jason Zweig.“By far the best book about investing ever written.”—Warren BuffettSince its original publication in 1949, Benjamin Graham’s revered classic, The Intelligent Investor, has taught and inspired millions of people worldwide and remains the most respected guide to investing. Graham’s timeless philosophy of “value investing” helps protect investors against common mistakes and teaches them to develop sensible strategies that will serve them throughout their lifetime.Market developments over the past seven decades have borne out the wisdom of Graham’s basic policies, and in today’s volatile market, The Intelligent Investor remains essential. It is the most important book you will ever read on making the right decisions to protect your investments and make them grow.Featuring updated commentaries which accompany every chapter of Graham’s book—leaving his original text untouched—from noted financial journalist Jason Zweig, this newly revised edition offers readers an even clearer understanding of Graham’s wisdom and how it should be applied by investors today.

Objev podobné jako The Intelligent Investor, 3rd Ed. - Benjamin Graham, Jason Zweig

cena 886.0 Kč

Runelight - Joanne Harrisová

The squabbling Norse gods and goddesses of Runemarks are back! And there's a feisty new heroine on the scene: Maggie, a girl the same age as Maddy but brought up a world apart - literally, in World's End, the focus of the Order in which Maddy was raised. Now the Order is destroyed, Chaos is filling the vacuum left behind... and is breaching the everyday world.Six hundred miles apart, two girls each bear on their skin a runemark: a symbol of the Old Days when the known Worlds were ruled by the gods from their sky citadel, Asgard. Now Asgard lies in ruins, and the power of the gods has long since been destroyed. Or so everyone thinks. But nothing is lost for ever, and the gods haven't given up yet (nor stopped squabbling!) and they want the power of the runes borne by Maddy and Maggie - these new runes, which carry huge potential, their runelight shining out as a portent to the future. Soon both girls are swept into a maelstrom of cataclysmic events that are to draw them closer and closer to each other, and nearer and nearer to a horrific struggle where each must prove where their loyalty lies . . . Filled with inventive and humorous detail, trickery and treachery, carnage and lunacy, Runelight is the second title - following Runemarks - in a series of gloriously imaginative and dramatic tales about the Norse gods.

Objev podobné jako Runelight - Joanne Harrisová

cena 259.0 Kč

If My Words Had Wings - Jawando Danielle

A life affirming story of rehabilitation and hope after prison. The third novel from multi-award-winning Danielle Jawando, perfect for fans of Angie Thomas and Elizabeth Acevedo. ‘Jawando’s writing is incredibly raw and real; I felt completely immersed’ Alice Oseman, author of the Heartstopper series When fifteen-year-old Tyrell Forrester gets caught up in a high-profile armed robbery, he's sentenced to eighteen months in a young offenders’ prison. Now he’s getting out, and he’s determined to turn his life around. Despite his release, systemic discrimination makes it difficult for Ty to truly be free. Inspired by a visiting poet while inside, Ty discovers a whole new world through spoken word and is finally finding his voice. But will society ever see him as anything other than a criminal? Praise for And the Stars Were Burning Brightly: 'An outstanding and compassionate debut' Patrice Lawrence, author of Orangeboy 'One of the brightest up and coming stars of the YA world' Alex Wheatle, author of Crongton Knights ‘An utter page turner from a storming new talent. Passionate, committed and shines a ray of light into the darkest places - the YA novel of 2020!’ Melvin Burgess, author of Junk Praise for When Our Worlds Collided: 'A raw, unflinching and powerful story that will stay with me for a long time’ Manjeet Mann, author of The Crossing ‘A beautiful ode to found family, and a compassionate look at the power of connection borne from the ashes of tragedy and apathy’ Christina Hammonds Reed, author of The Black Kids ‘Hard-hitting yet still hopeful, this is an emotional powerhouse of a book’ Alexandra Sheppard, author of Oh My Gods Warning - this novel contains themes that some readers may find upsetting, including suicide and self harm.

Objev podobné jako If My Words Had Wings - Jawando Danielle

cena 266.0 Kč

Focusrite ISA 828 MKII Mikrofonní předzesilovač

ISA 828 MkII obsahuje osm klasických mikrofonních předzesilovačů Focusrite s transformátory Lundahl LL1538 na každém vstupu. Každý kanál má možnost mikrofonních nebo linkových vstupů, zatímco vstupy 1-4 obsahují také nástrojové vstupy na předním panelu. Každý mikrofonní předzesilovač má proměnlivou vstupní impedanci, která poskytuje celou řadu jemně odlišných zvukových možností při používání mikrofonů, včetně nastavení „ISA 110“, které replikuje impedanci původního mikrofonního předzesilovače Focusrite. K dispozici je až 60dB zesílení s dalšími +20dB plynule měnitelného trimování, což poskytuje obrovský rozsah zesílení 80dB. Hornopropustný filtr má pevnou 75Hz frekvenci a 18dB/oktávu roll-off pro minimalizaci dunění, "stand-borne" hluku a jiných nízkofrekvenčních zvuků. ISA 828 MkII také obsahuje LED měřiče se šesti segmenty pro jednotlivé kanály a přepínatelné insert points na zadním panelu, které umožňují použití inline procesorů, jako jsou kompresory nebo EQ. Speciální konektory pro mikrofonní a linkové vstupy umožňují současné připojení všech zdrojů, díky čemuž je ISA 828 MkII ideální pro trvalou instalaci do racku. Spínaný napájecí zdroj umožňuje efektivní a chladný provoz bez obětování kvality zvuku nebo výkonu a zvýšení spolehlivosti oproti svému předchůdci. Volitelná analogově-digitální rozšiřující karta ISA ADN8 poskytuje osm výstupů Dante, ADAT a AES3 při vzorkovací frekvenci až 24 bitů / 192 kHz. A jako u všech produktů Focusrite Pro, kdekoli na světě se nacházíte, můžete se spolehnout na tříletou záruku, pokud nějaký hardware Focusrite Pro potřebuje opravu nebo výměnu z důvodu výrobní vady. Provoz na baterie: Ne Mikrofonní vstup: Ano Přepínač: Ano MP3 / linkový vstup: Ano USB: Ne Kompresor: Ne Fantomové napájení: Ano Možná montáž do racku: Ano Balení obsahuje: Manuál;Napájecí kabel Ovládání: Trim;Gain Rozhraní: Jack 6,3 mm TRS;XLR Typ: Předzesilovač;A/D Converter Použití: Studio Napájení: 240V Země původu: Čína Vstupy: XLR;LINE IN;DB-25 Impedance: 600 Ohm;2400 Ohm;6800 Ohm Gain: 30 dB;60 dB Výstupy: DB-25 Hloubka (mm): 325.0 Hmotnost: 7 kg Délka (mm): 482.0 Frekvenční rozsah: 20 Hz - 20 kHz;10 Hz - 110 kHz Výška (mm): 88.0 Počet kanálů: 8 Vzorkovací frekvence: 192 kHz / 24 bit

Objev podobné jako Focusrite ISA 828 MKII Mikrofonní předzesilovač

cena 89690.0 Kč

The Family - Naomi Krupitsky

THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER 'A DAZZLING DEBUT' SARAH WINMAN 'FOR FANS OF ELENA FERRANTE...STUNNING' WOMAN'S WEEKLY 'VIVID AND AUTHENTIC' WASHINGTON POST 'NAOMI KRUPITSKY'S WORDS SING...I COULDN'T PUT IT DOWN' JOANNA GLEN 'GRIPPING...A TENSE, NUANCED DEBUT' PLATINUM 'VIVIDLY-DRAWN...BEAUTIFUL. I LOVED IT!' CHRISTINA SWEENEY-BAIRD *A TODAY Show Read with Jenna Book Club Pick* *Book of the Month club* *One of Cosmopolitan's Best Historical Fiction of 2021* *One of PopSugar's Best New Books of 2021* ________________________________________________________ A captivating debut novel about the tangled fates of two best friends and daughters of the Italian mafia, and a coming-of-age story of twentieth-century Brooklyn itself. Two daughters.Two families. One inescapable fate. Sofia Colicchio is a free spirit, loud and untamed.Antonia Russo is thoughtful, ever observing the world around her. Best friends since birth, they live in the shadow of their fathers' unspoken community: the Family. Sunday dinners gather them each week to feast, discuss business, and renew the intoxicating bond borne of blood and love.But the disappearance of Antonia's father drives a whisper-thin wedge between the girls as they grow into women, wives, mothers, and leaders. And as they push against the boundaries of society's expectations and fight to preserve their complex but life-sustaining friendship, one fateful night their loyalty to each other and the Family will be tested. Only one of them can pull the trigger before it's too late.For fans of Elena Ferrante and Maggie O'Farrell, The Family introduces a stunning new voice in literary fiction. 'A tense, engrossing novel'Booklist, starred review 'A riveting story powerful in its realism' Diane Chamberlain, author of Big Lies in a Small Town 'A tremendous debut' Fiona Davis, author of The Lions of Fifth Avenue 'Loyalty, love, loss and redemption take this well told tale to a searing conclusion' Adriana Trigiani 'Krupitsky beautifully captures Sofia and Antonia's day-to-day lives under never-ending tension' Publishers Weekly 'Fast-paced and readable' Kirkus Reviews 'A nuanced evocation of lifelong female friendship in all its shifting, messy, gorgeous complexity' Whitney Scharer, author of The Age of Light 'Lyrical, gripping, and richly evocative' Christina Schwarz, author of Drowning Ruth and Bonnie 'Sweeping and consuming' Susie Orman Schnall, author of We Came Here to Shine 'A powerful story of friendship and loyalty...exquisite' Jennifer S. Brown, author of Modern Girls

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cena 259.0 Kč

Spitfire : A Very British Love Story - John Nichol

THE SUNDAY TIMES NON FICTION BESTSELLER'The best book you will ever read about Britain's greatest warplane.' Patrick Bishop, bestselling author of Fighter Boys.'A rich and heartfelt tribute to this most iconic British machine. By focussing on the men (and women) who flew the Spitfire, John Nichol has brought a fresh and powerful perspective to the story. And by recording their bravery, humility, camaraderie, tragedy and sheer joy in flying their beloved Spits he has done them - and us - a valuable service' Rowland White, bestselling author of Vulcan 607'As the RAF marks its centenary, Nichol has created a thrilling and often moving tribute to some of its greatest heroes.' Jon Dennis, Mail on Sunday magazine.'A stirring portrait of a piece of aviation art in motion flown by the bravest of the brave. Nichol's Spitfire is still a sky-borne prima ballerina that kicks like Bruce Lee.' The Royal Air Force Times.'A superb and compelling book. Brilliantly written with some incredible and astonishing stories; it is gripping, moving, emotional and sometimes humorous - just perfect' Squadron Leader (Ret) Clive Rowley, former Officer Commanding RAF Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight'A superb journey through the remarkable tale of that British icon, the Spitfire. Brilliantly and engagingly written, this is the most readable story of the aircraft and her pilots that I have ever had the pleasure to read in a period spanning some forty-odd years of personal study and research. Truly stunning.' Andy Saunders, Editor, Britain at War Magazine.The perfect complementary narrative to the bestselling memoir by Geoffrey Wellum - First Light.Achtung, Spitfire!The iconic Spitfire found fame during the darkest early days of World War II. But what happened to the redoubtable fighter and its crews beyond the Battle of Britain, and why is it still so loved today?In late spring 1940, Nazi Germany's domination of Europe had looked unstoppable. With the British Isles in easy reach since the fall of France, Adolf Hitler was convinced that Great Britain would be defeated in the skies over her southern coast, confident his Messerschmitts and Heinkels would outclass anything the Royal Air Force threw at them. What Hitler hadn't planned for was the agility and resilience of a marvel of British engineering that would quickly pass into legend - the Spitfire.Bestselling author John Nichol's passionate portrait of this magnificent fighter aircraft, its many innovations and updates, and the people who flew and loved them, carries the reader beyond the dogfights over Kent and Sussex. Spanning the full global reach of the Spitfire's deployment during WWII, from Malta to North Africa and the Far East, then over the D-Day beaches, it is always accessible, effortlessly entertaining and full of extraordinary spirit.Here are edge-of-the-seat stories and heart-stopping first-hand accounts of battling pilots forced to bail out over occupied territory; of sacrifice and wartime love; of aristocratic female flyers, and of the mechanics who braved the Nazi onslaught to keep the aircraft in battle-ready condition. Nichol takes the reader on a hair-raising, nail-biting and moving wartime history of the iconic Spitfire populated by a cast of redoubtable, heroic characters that make you want to stand up and cheer.

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cena 325.0 Kč

Making Waves: Floating Homes and Life on the Water - Portland Mitchell

The ultimate inspirational guide for anyone dreaming of living on a boat of their own, featuring practical tips on everything from clever storage solutions to finding moorings and living off-grid. Every boat has a story. For thousands of years, water-borne vessels have provided livelihoods and catered to our spirit of adventure – as well as retreats from the pressures of modern life. It is little wonder that life on the water calls out to the creative and the curious – the mavericks, artists, architects, crafters and designers who have made their homes on barges, clippers and houseboats. Featuring an international range of vessels, Making Waves celebrates those outliers seeking a different way of life, exploring how living on a boat offers the chance to achieve a more satisfying life/work balance while holding much of the paraphernalia and constrictions of the modern world at bay. With stunning photography and packed with practical advice and inspiration, the book reveals how anyone can transform one-time working crafts into beautiful and unique places to live and work. Each home featured affords its dwellers a retreat. Some glide through extraordinary countryside; others bob companionably in city wharfs. Their interiors reflect the residents’ imaginations, styles, families and working lives, demonstrating how even seemingly challenging spaces can be transformed into unique and intriguing living quarters. The compelling personal stories behind each boat will encourage and inspire readers to consider a shift in their own lifestyles and embrace a life on the water.

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