Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Bittersweet (059344339X)

Kniha - autor Susan Cain, 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Each chapter helps us navigate an issue that define our lives, from love to death and from authenticity to creativity. Using examples ranging from music and cinema to parenting and business, as well as her own life and the latest academic research, she shows how understanding bittersweetness will allow us, in a flawed world, to accept the loss of past identities; to fully embrace the loves we have; and to weather life's transitions. Bittersweet reveals that vulnerability and even melancholy can be strengths, and that embracing our inevitable losses makes us more human and more whole. This is a book for those who have felt a piercing joy at the beauty of the world; who react intensely to art and nature; and in a culture that celebrates toughness, who yearn for a wiser and more meaningful world. For bittersweetness is the hidden source of our love stories, moonshots and masterpieces.

Objev podobné jako Bittersweet (059344339X)

cena 433.0 Kč

SOTUS 1 - BitterSweet

SOTUS is an educational system in which upperclassmen impose 'AEutrials'AEu upon underclassmen. Arthit, leader of the engineering seniors, plans to put his new juniors through a harsh training regimen to earn the symbol of their major'AEithe gear. However, a first-year named Kongpob causes new headaches for Arthit when he declares he'AEoll snatch the gear from him: 'AEuI'AEoll make you my wife!'AEu

Objev podobné jako SOTUS 1 - BitterSweet

cena 399.0 Kč

FLUX Audio BitterSweet Pro


Objev podobné jako FLUX Audio BitterSweet Pro

cena 2690.0 Kč

Flux BitterSweet Pro (Digitální produkt)

BitterSweet Pro je postaven na novém vylepšeném designu algoritmu objeveného ve Flux:: uznávaném freeware přechodném procesoru: BitterSweet. Jednou z hlavních vlastností BitterSweet Pro je jeho schopnost zpracovat pouze určitou část frekvenčního spektra, čímž poskytuje rozšířenou kontrolu nad zpracováním přechodných jevů a působí jako dynamický ekvalizér poháněný funkcemi Transients a/nebo Sustain. Transients(Přechodové jevy) a Sustain mohou být zesíleny nebo zeslabeny současně nebo jednotlivě a pomocí vestavěného M/S kodéru/dekodéru mohou být střední (středové) nebo boční (stereo) části zvuku zpracovány nezávisle.Geek Pane, možnost „pokročilých nastavení“, poskytuje rozšířenou kontrolu nad obálkou přechodného zpracování, jakož i různé možnosti monitorování signálu v rámci pluginu.Vestavěný správce předvoleb a preset morphing slider poskytují okamžité a intuitivní ovládání všech parametrů a ovládacích prvků. Ve vteřině, pouhým jedním kliknutím, se vše zkopíruje z jednoho ze dvou přednastavených slotů do druhého, a to i během přehrávání.Do dvou přednastavených/parametrových slotů, A a B, lze současně načíst dvě úplné sady parametrů a kromě toho, že pouze A/B porovnávají dvě sady parametrů, morphing slider umožní jejich mixování a nahrávání s automatizací hostitele.INFO:https://www.flux.audio/project/bittersweet-pro/DOWNLOAD:https://www.flux.audio/download Systémové požadavky: Win 7 <;macOS 64-bit;Mac OSX 10.11 <;Win (64-bit) Software: Effect Plugins Podporované formáty pluginů: AAX;VST2;AU;VST Licence: Plná verze Země původu: Francie Kompatibilní s: Všechny hlavní DAW Kompatibilita: Mac OS;Windows Typ: Transient Processor

Objev podobné jako Flux BitterSweet Pro (Digitální produkt)

cena 2254.0 Kč

Nutini Paolo: Last Night In The Bittersweet - CD (9029622469)

Hudební CD - Paolo Nutini se na albu nikterak neomezuje a křižuje napříč nejrůznějšími žánry. Paolo Nutini se na albu nikterak neomezuje a křižuje napříč nejrůznějšími žánry. Klasický rock, post-punk, Krautrock. Jednotný charakter jeho písním dává Paolův emotivní vokální výraz. Pokud vás v hudbě zajímají právě emoce, je tohle nahrávka přesně pro vás bez ohledu na žánr, který preferujete. Když v roce 2006 vydal skotský muzikant s italským jménem debut These Streets, stal se jedním z nejúspěšnějších nováčků následujících měsíců. Deska se vyšplhala až na třetí místo britského prodejního žebříčku a vydržela v něm dlouhých 196 týdnů! Prodává se dodnes a v Anglii je pětkrát platinová! Za druhé album Sunny Side Up z roku 2009 získal řadu ocenění včetně prestižní ceny magazínu Q v kategorii Nejlepší zpěvák. V roce 2012 zpíval spolu s Duran Duran, Snow Patrol a Stereophonics na speciálním koncertu v Hyde Parku pořádaném u příležitosti zahájení letní olympiády v...

Objev podobné jako Nutini Paolo: Last Night In The Bittersweet - CD (9029622469)

cena 399.0 Kč

Urban Decay Dlouhotrvající rtěnka Vice (Lipstick) 3,4 g Bittersweet

Luxusní rtěnka Vice je dostupná v celé škále odstínů od odvážných jasných barev, přes temné odstíny, až po univerzální neutrální tóny. Každý vysoce pigmentovaný odstín se snadno aplikuje, dokonale přilne ke rtům a poskytuje mimořádně komfortní pocit.

Objev podobné jako Urban Decay Dlouhotrvající rtěnka Vice (Lipstick) 3,4 g Bittersweet

cena 349.0 Kč

MAC Cosmetics Lesk na rty (Lipglass) 3,1 ml Bittersweet Me

Vyživující lesk na rty s jojobovým olejem podtrhne krásu vašich rtů. Dodá jim plnost a vaše rty budou lákat k polibku.

Objev podobné jako MAC Cosmetics Lesk na rty (Lipglass) 3,1 ml Bittersweet Me

cena 440.0 Kč

Nutini Paolo: Last Night In The Bittersweet (2x LP) - LP (9029622470)

LP vinyl - Paolo Nutini se na albu nikterak neomezuje a křižuje napříč nejrůznějšími žánry. Paolo Nutini se na albu nikterak neomezuje a křižuje napříč nejrůznějšími žánry. Klasický rock, post-punk, Krautrock. Jednotný charakter jeho písním dává Paolův emotivní vokální výraz. Pokud vás v hudbě zajímají právě emoce, je tohle nahrávka přesně pro vás bez ohledu na žánr, který preferujete. Když v roce 2006 vydal skotský muzikant s italským jménem debut These Streets, stal se jedním z nejúspěšnějších nováčků následujících měsíců. Deska se vyšplhala až na třetí místo britského prodejního žebříčku a vydržela v něm dlouhých 196 týdnů! Prodává se dodnes a v Anglii je pětkrát platinová! Za druhé album Sunny Side Up z roku 2009 získal řadu ocenění včetně prestižní ceny magazínu Q v kategorii Nejlepší zpěvák. V roce 2012 zpíval spolu s Duran Duran, Snow Patrol a Stereophonics na speciálním koncertu v Hyde Parku pořádaném u příležitosti zahájení letní olympiády v...

Objev podobné jako Nutini Paolo: Last Night In The Bittersweet (2x LP) - LP (9029622470)

cena 719.0 Kč

MAC Cosmetics Lipglass lesk na rty odstín Bittersweet Me 3,1 ml

MAC Cosmetics Lipglass, 3,1 ml, Lesky na rty pro ženy, Lesk na rty MAC Cosmetics Lipglass zajistí vašim rtům krásný vzhled. Vlastnosti: hydratuje a zvláčňuje rty dodává rtům sytou barvu Jak používat: Naneste na rty rovnoměrnou vrstvu pomocí aplikátoru.

Objev podobné jako MAC Cosmetics Lipglass lesk na rty odstín Bittersweet Me 3,1 ml

cena 480.0 Kč

Barry M Velvet Lip Paint sametová rtěnka s matným efektem odstín Bittersweet 3,5 g

Barry M Velvet Lip Paint, 3,5 g, Rtěnky pro ženy, Krásné zvýrazněné rty nikdy nevyjdou z módy. Rtěnka Barry M Velvet Lip Paint pokryje povrch vašich rtů souvislou vrstvou neodolatelné syté barvy, a perfektně tak podtrhne jakékoli líčení, ať už se chystáte do práce, na schůzku či třeba večírek. Umožní vám však rty nejen zvýraznit, ale také jim dodat žádoucí tvar, případně jim i dopomoci k plnějšímu vzhledu. Během chvilky vám zkrátka pomůže dosáhnout nádherně zbarvených a dokonale tvarovaných rtů, které doslova přitahují pohledy a svádí k polibkům. Vlastnosti: krémová textura matný efekt vysoká pigmentace dlouhotrvající výdrž Složení: veganský produkt Jak používat: Rtěnku naneste jemnými tahy na rty od středu ke koutkům.

Objev podobné jako Barry M Velvet Lip Paint sametová rtěnka s matným efektem odstín Bittersweet 3,5 g

cena 99.0 Kč

ARTDECO Mineral Eye Styler tužka na oči s minerály 60 Mineral Bittersweet 0,4 g

ARTDECO Mineral Eye Styler, 0,4 g, Tužky na oči pro ženy, Oční linky ARTDECO Mineral podtrhnou a zvýrazní každé líčení a zajistí vám svůdný pohled. Vlastnosti: ultra tenký aplikátor vykreslí přesnou linii sytá a intenzivní barva Jak používat: Nakreslete jemným tahem linku na víčko. Nechte zaschnout.

Objev podobné jako ARTDECO Mineral Eye Styler tužka na oči s minerály 60 Mineral Bittersweet 0,4 g

cena 166.0 Kč

Noughts & Crosses - Malorie Blackman

An electrifying, bittersweet love story with echoes of Romeo and Juliet, set in a society divided by racial bigotry and a world rocked by terrorism.

Objev podobné jako Noughts & Crosses - Malorie Blackman

cena 325.0 Kč

Slovník lásky (978-80-257-0805-7)

Kniha - autor David Levithan, 202 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Ideální kniha na Sv. Valentýna. Příběh jednoho vztahu ve slovníkových heslech. Krátké, stručné, minimalistické, dojemné. Bittersweet love story.

Objev podobné jako Slovník lásky (978-80-257-0805-7)

cena 167.0 Kč

Whatever Happened to Slade? - Daryl Easlea

Drawing on hours of new interviews and meticulous research, with a foreword by Bob Geldof and an afterword by Jim Moir, Whatever Happened To Slade? reassesses a band that won hearts and perforated eardrums across four incident-filled, bittersweet decades.

Objev podobné jako Whatever Happened to Slade? - Daryl Easlea

cena 384.0 Kč

Early Morning Riser - Katherine Heiny

The bittersweet, hilarious and feel-good new novel from the author of Standard Deviation Jane easily falls in love with Duncan: he's charming, good-natured, and handsome. He has also slept with nearly every woman in Boyne City, Michigan. Jane sees Duncan's old girlfriends everywhere – at restaurants, at the grocery store, even three towns away. While she may be able to come to terms with dating the world's most prolific seducer of women, she wishes she didn't have to share him quite so widely. His ex-wife, Aggie, still has Duncan mow her lawn. And his coworker Jimmy comes and goes from Duncan's apartment at the most inopportune times. Jane wonders how the relationship is supposed to work with all these people in it. But any notion Jane has of love and marriage changes with one tragic accident. Now her life is permanently intertwined with Duncan's, Aggie's, and Jimmy's, and she knows she will never have Duncan to herself. But is it possible that a deeper kind of happiness is right in front of her eyes? A novel that is alternately bittersweet and laugh-out-loud funny, Early Morning Riser is Katherine Heiny's most astonishingly wonderful work to date.

Objev podobné jako Early Morning Riser - Katherine Heiny

cena 279.0 Kč

The Waters of Eternal Youth (178475501X)

Kniha - autor Donna Leon, 392 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The bittersweet 25th instalment in the bestselling Brunetti crime series that takes our Commissario into the murky memories of a woman trapped in the past. Commissario Brunetti is investigating a cold case by request of the grand Contessa Lando-Continui. But once he starts to investigate, Brunetti finds a dark past and an unsettling story at its heart.

Objev podobné jako The Waters of Eternal Youth (178475501X)

cena 239.0 Kč

Tied to You 2 - Chelliace

His heart torn from the bittersweet pain of Jiseok's sweetness and affection, Wooseo has turned instead to his Ring Partner, Jigeon, unaware of the older's deep-rooted feelings for him. In a moment of drunken weakness, Wooseo seeks comfort from his "stand-in Jiseok"...and the two of them kiss?! But Jiseok isn't completely oblivious-and he's starting to catch onto the fact that something may be going on between his brother and his best friend...

Objev podobné jako Tied to You 2 - Chelliace

cena 447.0 Kč

Scolohofo, Scofield John: Oh! - LP (3814592)

LP vinyl - Brilantní jazzové album ze začátku tisíciletí na vinylu Brilantní jazzové album ze začátku tisíciletí na vinylu Oh je studiové album jazzové „super skupiny” ScoLoHoFo Součástí skupiny jsou: elektrický kytarista John Scofield , tenorsaxofonista Joe Lovano , baskytarista Dave Holland a bubeník Al Foster Album bylo vydané v roce 2002 Reedice na LP 2023 Seznam stop LP Oh! / Right About Now / Winding Way, The / Bittersweet / Shorter Form / New Amsterdam / In Your Arms / Dawn of Time, The / Brandyn / Faces / Oh I See

Objev podobné jako Scolohofo, Scofield John: Oh! - LP (3814592)

cena 1659.0 Kč

Absent in the Spring - Agatha Christie

A striking novel of truth and soul-searching.Returning from a visit to her daughter in Iraq, Joan Scudamore finds herself unexpectedly alone and stranded in an isolated rest house by flooding of the railway tracks.Looking back over the years, Joan painfully re-examines her attitudes, relationships and actions and becomes increasingly uneasy about the person who is revealed to her…Famous for her ingenious crime books and plays, Agatha Christie also wrote about crimes of the heart, six bittersweet and very personal novels, as compelling and memorable as the best of her work.

Objev podobné jako Absent in the Spring - Agatha Christie

cena 295.0 Kč

Flux Studio Session Pack (Digitální produkt)

Některé z nejlepších nástrojů pro nahrávání a mixování od Flux:: Essentials, v komplexním balíčku pro Project Studio.• Studio Session Pure Compressor• Pure Expander• Pure Limiter• Epure• Syrah• BitterSweet Pro• Verb Session• Pure AnalyzerINFO:https://www.flux.audio/project/studio-session-pack/STAŽENÍ:https://www.flux.audio/download Kompatibilita: Windows;Mac OS Podporované formáty pluginů: AU;VST2;AAX;VST Typ: Transient Processor;Reverb;Ekvalizér;Vocoder;Dynamics Processor;Virtuální efekt;Audio Meter Systémové požadavky: macOS 64-bit;Win 7 <;Win (64-bit);Mac OSX 10.11 < Země původu: Francie Software: Effect Plugins Kompatibilní s: Všechny hlavní DAW Set: Ano Licence: Plná verze

Objev podobné jako Flux Studio Session Pack (Digitální produkt)

cena 4021.0 Kč

R.E.M.: New Adventures in Hi-Fi (25th Anniversary Edition) (2x LP) - LP (7224545)

LP vinyl - New Adventures in Hi-Fi je desátým studiovým albem americké alternativní rockové skupiny REM z roku 1996. New Adventures in Hi-Fi je desátým studiovým albem americké alternativní rockové skupiny REM z roku 1996. Rok vydání : 1996 (10.album) Rok reedice : 2021 Seznam stop LP 1,2 How the West Was Won and Where It Got Us / The Wake-Up Bomb / New Test Leper / Undertow / E-Bow the Letter / Leave / Departure / Bittersweet Me / Be Mine / Binky the Doormat / Zither / So Fast, So Numb / Low Desert / Electrolite

Objev podobné jako R.E.M.: New Adventures in Hi-Fi (25th Anniversary Edition) (2x LP) - LP (7224545)

cena 1109.0 Kč

The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System: Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong, vol. 4 - Mo Xiang Tong Xiu

What happens after an epic tale ends? This collection of eleven bonus stories picks up days after the end of Volume 3, and follows adventures and relationships into the future...and back into the past. Readers also get a glimpse into another world, where Luo Binghe was never saved by his beloved teacher - unless he can claim this world's Shen Qingqiu for himself. Other tales recount the riotous history of fan favorites Shang Qinghua and Mobei-Jun, the bittersweet romance of Luo Binghe's parents, and the untold tragedy of the original scum villain himself.

Objev podobné jako The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System: Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong, vol. 4 - Mo Xiang Tong Xiu

cena 447.0 Kč

The Lady with the Dog - Chekhov Anton - e-kniha

eBook: "The Lady with the Dog" is one of Chekhov's most popular short stories, following the adulterous relationship between two married people. Dmitri is unhappy in his marriage and curses the monotony of his life. Anna's marriage does not offer her the happiness she seeks, and the two form a strange pair, held together by their misfortune. After the vacation, things go back to normal. Or do they really? A story of suppressed desires, hidden love, and anger, "The Lady with the Dog" is a bittersweet tale of charming adventures, unbearable life, and the pursuit of happiness. It is definitely well worth reading.

Objev podobné jako The Lady with the Dog - Chekhov Anton - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Climbers - Keith Gray

Heralding his outstanding return to young adult fiction, Keith Gray captures the subtle agonies of teen life in this compelling, bittersweet tale of rivalry and friendship.Longlisted for the Carnegie MedalSully is the best climber in the village. He can scale the Twisted Sister’s tangled branches and clamber up Double Trunker with ease. But when new kid Nottingham shows up and astonishes everyone with his climbing skills, Sully’s status is under threat and there’s only one way to prove who’s best. Sully and Nottingham must race to climb the last unnamed tree. Whoever makes it to the top will become a legend. But something spiteful and ugly has reared its head in Sully … Is it worth losing everything just to reach the top?

Objev podobné jako The Climbers - Keith Gray

cena 236.0 Kč

Elena: Největší vítězství (978-80-264-3217-3)

Elektronická kniha - ze série Elena, autor Nele Neuhausová, 360 stran, česky Co se to jen s Timem děje? Od Elenina návratu z Ameriky je jako vyměněný a ona už vůbec neví, na čem vlastně je. Když Elena na posledním turnaji v sezoně spadne z koně a těžce se zraní, není to Tim, kdo ji navštíví v nemocnici, nýbrž Farid. Ovšem proč by se měl tento krásný kluk, navíc vycházející fotbalová hvězda, zamilovat zrovna do ní? Elena o sobě začíná pochybovat – od pádu s Bittersweet si už vůbec není jistá, jestli ještě někdy bude schopná jezdit na koni tak lehce a bezstarostně jako předtím. Překoná svůj strach? Když jednoho večera zmizí Timova malá sestra, vydává se na cestu do nebezpečí…

Objev podobné jako Elena: Největší vítězství (978-80-264-3217-3)

cena 209.0 Kč

Us - David Nicholls

David Nicholls brings to bear all the wit and intelligence that graced ONE DAY in this brilliant, bittersweet novel about love and family, husbands and wives, parents and children. Longlisted for the Man Booker Prize for Fiction 2014. Douglas Petersen understands his wife's need to 'rediscover herself' now that their son is leaving home. He just thought they'd be doing their rediscovering together. So when Connie announces that she will be leaving, too, he resolves to make their last family holiday into the trip of a lifetime: one that will draw the three of them closer, and win the respect of his son. One that will make Connie fall in love with him all over again. The hotels are booked, the tickets bought, the itinerary planned and printed. What could possibly go wrong?

Objev podobné jako Us - David Nicholls

cena 295.0 Kč

Ashcroft Richard: Acoustic Hymns Vol. 1 (2x LP) - LP (4050538676167)

LP vinyl - Album obsahuje dvanáct nahraných akustických verzí klasických písní jak z Richardova sólového repertoáru, tak i z jeho působení v The Verve. Album Richard nahrál se svou stálou doprovodnou kapelou rozšířenou o některé zajímavé hosty a zároveň jej i produkoval se svým pravidelným spolupracovníke Album obsahuje dvanáct nahraných akustických verzí klasických písní jak z Richardova sólového repertoáru, tak i z jeho působení v The Verve. Album Richard nahrál se svou stálou doprovodnou kapelou rozšířenou o některé zajímavé hosty a zároveň jej i produkoval se svým pravidelným spolupracovníkem Chrisem Potterem. Skladba „C'mon People” je duetem s dlouholetým kamarádem z hudební branže Liamem Gallagherem. Richard Paul Ashcroft je anglický zpěvák, dříve známý jako frontman skupiny The Verve, jedné z legendárních britských skupin 90. let, který od roku 2000 působí na sólové dráze. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop 2LP (180g) LP1 A1 Bittersweet Symphony / A2 A...

Objev podobné jako Ashcroft Richard: Acoustic Hymns Vol. 1 (2x LP) - LP (4050538676167)

cena 719.0 Kč

Ashcroft Richard: Acoustic Hymns Vol. 1 - CD (4050538676136)

Hudební CD - Album obsahuje dvanáct nahraných akustických verzí klasických písní jak z Richardova sólového repertoáru, tak i z jeho působení v The Verve. Album Richard nahrál se svou stálou doprovodnou kapelou rozšířenou o některé zajímavé hosty a zároveň jej i produkoval se svým pravidelným spolupracovníke Album obsahuje dvanáct nahraných akustických verzí klasických písní jak z Richardova sólového repertoáru, tak i z jeho působení v The Verve. Album Richard nahrál se svou stálou doprovodnou kapelou rozšířenou o některé zajímavé hosty a zároveň jej i produkoval se svým pravidelným spolupracovníkem Chrisem Potterem. Skladba „C'mon People” je dutem s dlouholetým kamarádem z hudební branže Liamem Gallagherem. Richard Paul Ashcroft je anglický zpěvák, dříve známý jako frontman skupiny The Verve, jedné z legendárních britských skupin 90. let, který od roku 2000 působí na sólové dráze. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop CD Bittersweet Symphony / A Song for the Lovers...

Objev podobné jako Ashcroft Richard: Acoustic Hymns Vol. 1 - CD (4050538676136)

cena 359.0 Kč

Ashcroft Richard: Acoustic Hymns Vol. 1 (Coloured) (2x LP) - LP (4050538704518)

LP vinyl - Album obsahuje dvanáct nahraných akustických verzí klasických písní jak z Richardova sólového repertoáru, tak i z jeho působení v The Verve. Album Richard nahrál se svou stálou doprovodnou kapelou rozšířenou o některé zajímavé hosty a zároveň jej i produkoval se svým pravidelným spolupracovníke Album obsahuje dvanáct nahraných akustických verzí klasických písní jak z Richardova sólového repertoáru, tak i z jeho působení v The Verve. Album Richard nahrál se svou stálou doprovodnou kapelou rozšířenou o některé zajímavé hosty a zároveň jej i produkoval se svým pravidelným spolupracovníkem Chrisem Potterem. Skladba „C'mon People” je duetem s dlouholetým kamarádem z hudební branže Liamem Gallagherem. Richard Paul Ashcroft je anglický zpěvák, dříve známý jako frontman skupiny The Verve, jedné z legendárních britských skupin 90. let, který od roku 2000 působí na sólové dráze. Barva LP : Tyrkysová Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop LP1 A1 Bittersweet Symphony...

Objev podobné jako Ashcroft Richard: Acoustic Hymns Vol. 1 (Coloured) (2x LP) - LP (4050538704518)

cena 829.0 Kč

Fatherhood - Logelin Matt

'It will make you cry... for the beauty of love and its miraculous power to heal.' John Grogan, author of Marley & Me Matt and Liz Logelin had it all: a perfect marriage, a gorgeous new home in LA, and a baby girl on the way. Just twenty-seven hours after they welcomed a healthy Madeline into the world, Liz suffered a pulmonary embolism and died instantly, without ever holding the daughter whose arrival she had so eagerly awaited. Though confronted with devastating grief and the responsibilities of being a new and single father, Matt did not give in. He chose to keep moving forward - to make a life for Maddy. In his memoir, Matt shares bittersweet and often humorous anecdotes of his courtship and marriage to Liz, of relying on his newborn daughter for the support that she unknowingly provided, and of the extraordinary online community of strangers who have become his friends. In honouring Liz's legacy, heartache has become solace.

Objev podobné jako Fatherhood - Logelin Matt

cena 299.0 Kč

Fatherhood (Defekt) - Logelin Matt

'It will make you cry... for the beauty of love and its miraculous power to heal.' John Grogan, author of Marley & Me Matt and Liz Logelin had it all: a perfect marriage, a gorgeous new home in LA, and a baby girl on the way. Just twenty-seven hours after they welcomed a healthy Madeline into the world, Liz suffered a pulmonary embolism and died instantly, without ever holding the daughter whose arrival she had so eagerly awaited. Though confronted with devastating grief and the responsibilities of being a new and single father, Matt did not give in. He chose to keep moving forward - to make a life for Maddy. In his memoir, Matt shares bittersweet and often humorous anecdotes of his courtship and marriage to Liz, of relying on his newborn daughter for the support that she unknowingly provided, and of the extraordinary online community of strangers who have become his friends. In honouring Liz's legacy, heartache has become solace.

Objev podobné jako Fatherhood (Defekt) - Logelin Matt

cena 129.0 Kč

The Merchant of Venice (Collins Classics) - William Shakespeare

HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.'The quality of mercy is not strain'd,It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven'Bassiano, a noble Venetian, hopes to woo the beautiful heiress Portia. However, he requires financial assistance from his friend Antonio. Antonio agrees, but he, in turn, must borrow from the Jewish moneylender Shylock. As recourse for past ills, Shylock stipulates that the forfeit on the loan must be a pound of Antonio's flesh. In the most renowned onstage law scene of all time, Portia proves herself one of Shakespeare's most cunning heroines, disguising herself as a lawyer and vanquishing Shylock's claims; meanwhile, Shylock triumphs on a humanitarian level with his plea for tolerance: 'Hath not a Jew eyes?'Viewed paradoxically as anti-Semitic, while at the same time powerfully liberal for its time, The Merchant of Venice is at its core a bittersweet drama, exploring the noble themes of prejudice, justice and honour.

Objev podobné jako The Merchant of Venice (Collins Classics) - William Shakespeare

cena 79.0 Kč

Ballad of the Sad Café - Carson McCullersová

Introducing Little Clothbound Classics: irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world's greatest writers, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith. Celebrating the range and diversity of Penguin Classics, they take us from snowy Japan to springtime Vienna, from haunted New England to a sun-drenched Mediterranean island, and from a game of chess on the ocean to a love story on the moon. Beautifully designed and printed, these collectible editions are bound in colourful, tactile cloth and stamped with foil. Few writers have expressed loneliness, the need for human understanding and the search for love with such power and poetic sensibility as the American writer Carson McCullers. The Ballad of the Sad Café is her masterpiece: an unruly, bittersweet novella concerning the most unlikely of love triangles. 'The greatest prose writer that the South produced ... She has examined the heart of man with an understanding that no other writer can hope to surpass' - Tennessee Williams

Objev podobné jako Ballad of the Sad Café - Carson McCullersová

cena 268.0 Kč

What You Can See From Here (1526638541)

Kniha - autor Mariana Leky, 318 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná 'Manages something only a few books achieve: it makes you happy' Munich Mercury Voted the Independent Booksellers' Favorite Novel of the year in Germany On a beautiful spring day, a small village in Western Germany wakes up to an omen: Selma has dreamed of an okapi. Someone is about to die. But who?As the residents of the village begin acting strangely (despite protestations that they are not superstitious), Selma's granddaughter Luise looks on as the imminent threat brings long carried secrets to the surface. And when death comes, it comes in a way none of them could have predicted...A story about the absurdity of life and death, a bittersweet portrait of village life and the wider world that beckons beyond, What You Can See from Here is a story about the way loss and love shape not just a person, but a community.'Witty and optimistic' Guardian The international bestseller which sold...

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cena 259.0 Kč

Clap When You Land - Elizabeth Acevedo

The stunning new novel in verse from the 2019 Carnegie Medal winning and Waterstones Book Prize shortlisted author of THE POET XCamino Rios lives for the summers when her father visits her in the Dominican Republic. But this time, on the day when his plane is supposed to land, Camino arrives at the airport to see crowds of crying people...In New York City, Yahaira Rios is called to the principal's office, where her mother is waiting to tell her that her father, her hero, has died in a plane crash.Separated by distance - and Papi's secrets - the two girls are forced to face a new reality in which their father is dead and their lives are forever altered.And then, when it seems like they've lost everything of their father, they learn of each other.In a dual narrative novel in verse that brims with both grief and love, award-winning and bestselling author Elizabeth Acevedo writes about the devastation of loss, the difficulty of forgiveness, and the bittersweet bonds that shape our lives.

Objev podobné jako Clap When You Land - Elizabeth Acevedo

cena 223.0 Kč

The Man in the Moon - Andrew Barrow

Are all aspiring stand-up comics as tragic as Baby Reindeer? If William is anything to go by, the answer is possibly ‘yes’. Nostalgic, razor-sharp and deliciously peculiar, this is a weird but wonderful comedy of manners by the award-winning author of The Tap Dancer.William is a lonely young man on the loose in the late 1960s. A disastrous appearance as a stand-up comic in a pub called The Man In the Moon is only the start of his adventures, in which he consorts with theatrical types, frenzied advertising men and accident-prone lodgers.William’s exploits lead him eventually to the consulting rooms of a Harley Street psychiatrist, where his delusions that he is a comic genius can finally be laid bare.Andrew Barrow’s second – and so far last – novel, first published in 1996, is a hilariously bittersweet comedy that follows in the footsteps of last year’s sensational reissue of The Tap Dancer, which drew praise from Alan Bennett (‘my favourite novel’), Craig Brown (‘sublime comedy’) and India Knight (‘hilariously funny’).

Objev podobné jako The Man in the Moon - Andrew Barrow

cena 295.0 Kč

Happiness Falls - Kim Angie

THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLEROPRAH DAILY''S NO. 1 SUMMER PAPERBACK 2024A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERGOOD MORNING AMERICA BOOK CLUB PICKFINALIST FOR THE NEW AMERICAN VOICES AWARDAMAZON EDITOR’S CHOICE & TOP TWENTY NOVEL OF THE YEAR''A Brilliant, satisfying, compassionate mystery.'' GABRIELLE ZEVIN ''Bittersweet, sensitive and moving.''GUARDIAN''I can’t remember a book with more layers. . . I was riveted through the last page.''JODI PICOULTMia Parkson’s life is turned upside down when her stay-at-home dad, the family’s anchor, goes missing. The only witness? Eugene – her younger, nonspeaking teenage brother.As the Police struggle for leads, and her mother and twin brother struggle to keep things together at home, Mia gains access to key clues about her father’s disappearance. Headstrong, hyper analytical, and with secrets of her own, she decides to try and solve the case. But could Mia''s impulsive actions be putting her whole family in danger?‘Gorgeous … a layered and innovative exploration of family, love, happiness, and race.’JEAN KWOK''Stunning!’JO BROWNING WROE

Objev podobné jako Happiness Falls - Kim Angie

cena 268.0 Kč

All the Light We Cannot See (Collins Modern Classics) - Anthony Doerr

Introducing the Collins Modern Classics, a series featuring some of the most significant books of recent times, books that shed light on the human experience - classics which will endure for generations to come.Open your eyes, and see what you can with them before they close foreverFor Marie-Laure, blind since the age of six, the world is full of mazes: the miniature model of her Paris neighbourhood she traces with her fingers; the microscopic layers within the diamond in the Museum of Natural History; the unmapped future which brings her ever closer to Werner, a German orphan, whose talents draw the attention of the Hitler Youth.A deeply moving novel about the ways people try to be good to one another, All the Light We Cannot See has touched the hearts of millions of readers across the world, and was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.'Far more than a conventional war story, it's a tightly focused epic ... A bittersweet and moving novel that lingers in the mind' Daily Mail

Objev podobné jako All the Light We Cannot See (Collins Modern Classics) - Anthony Doerr

cena 299.0 Kč

This Is How It Always Is (1472241592)

Kniha - autor Laurie Frankelová, 328 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Laurie Frankel's THIS IS HOW IT ALWAYS IS is a warm, touching and bittersweet novel about a family that's just like any other - until it's not. For readers of WE ARE ALL COMPLETELY BESIDE OURSELVES and THE UNLIKELY PILGRIMAGE OF HAROLD FRY. 'A lively and fascinating story of a thoroughly modern family and the giant, multifaceted love that binds them... Sparkles with wit and wisdom' Maria Semple, bestselling author of WHERE'D YOU GO, BERNADETTE. Rosie and Penn always wanted a daughter. Four sons later, they decide to try one last time - and their beautiful little boy Claude is born. Life continues happily for this big, loving family until the day when Claude says that, when he grows up, he wants to be a girl. As far as Rosie and Penn are concerned, bright, funny and wonderful Claude can be whoever he or she wants. But as problems begin at school and in the community, the family...

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cena 479.0 Kč

R.E.M.: New Adventures in Hi-Fi (25th Anniversary Edition) (2x CD) - CD (7226401)

Hudební CD - New Adventures in Hi-Fi je desátým studiovým albem americké alternativní rockové skupiny REM z roku 1996. New Adventures in Hi-Fi je desátým studiovým albem americké alternativní rockové skupiny REM z roku 1996. Rok vydání : 1996 (10.album) Rok reedice : 2021 Seznam stop CD 1 How the West Was Won and Where It Got Us / The Wake-Up Bomb / New Test Leper / Undertow / E-Bow the Letter / Leave / Departure / Bittersweet Me / Be Mine / Binky the Doormat / Zither / So Fast, So Numb / Low Desert / Electrolite CD 2 Tricycle (Instrumental) / Departure (Live Rome Soundcheck / Rome, Italy / 2/22/1995) / Wall of Death / Undertow (Live / Atlanta, GA / 11/18/1995) / Wichita Lineman (Live / Houston, TX / 9/15/1995) / New Test Leper (Live Acoustic / Seattle, WA / 4/19/1996) / The Wake-Up Bomb (Live / Atlanta, GA / 10/4/1995) / Binky the Doormat (Live / Atlanta, GA / 11/18/1995) / King of Comedy (808 State Remix) / Be Mine (Mike on Bus Version) / Love Is All...

Objev podobné jako R.E.M.: New Adventures in Hi-Fi (25th Anniversary Edition) (2x CD) - CD (7226401)

cena 689.0 Kč

R.E.M.: New Adventures in Hi-Fi (25th Anniversary Edition) (2x CD + Blu-ray) - CD (7226397)

Hudební CD - New Adventures in Hi-Fi je desátým studiovým albem americké alternativní rockové skupiny REM z roku 1996. New Adventures in Hi-Fi je desátým studiovým albem americké alternativní rockové skupiny REM z roku 1996. Rok vydání : 1996 (10.album) Rok reedice : 2021 Seznam stop CD 1 How the West Was Won and Where It Got Us / The Wake-Up Bomb / New Test Leper / Undertow / E-Bow the Letter / Leave / Departure / Bittersweet Me / Be Mine / Binky the Doormat / Zither / So Fast, So Numb / Low Desert / Electrolite CD 2 Tricycle (Instrumental) / Departure (Live Rome Soundcheck / Rome, Italy / 2/22/1995) / Wall of Death / Undertow (Live / Atlanta, GA / 11/18/1995) / Wichita Lineman (Live / Houston, TX / 9/15/1995) / New Test Leper (Live Acoustic / Seattle, WA / 4/19/1996) / The Wake-Up Bomb (Live / Atlanta, GA / 10/4/1995) / Binky the Doormat (Live / Atlanta, GA / 11/18/1995) / King of Comedy (808 State Remix) / Be Mine (Mike on Bus Version) / Love Is All...

Objev podobné jako R.E.M.: New Adventures in Hi-Fi (25th Anniversary Edition) (2x CD + Blu-ray) - CD (7226397)

cena 1209.0 Kč

The Apartment - Danielle Steel

They come together by chance in the heart of New York City, four young women at turning points in their lives. Claire finds the spacious loft apartment. But the aspiring shoe designer needs at least one roommate to manage the rent. She meets Abby, a writer trying to make it on her own, far from her successful family in L.A. Then Morgan joins them. She's ambitious, with a serious finance job on Wall Street. Finally Sasha, a medical student. And so the sprawling space, with its exposed brick and rich natural light, becomes a home to friends about to embark on new exhilarating adventures. Their shared life in the apartment turns them into a family of beloved friends. But as unexpected opportunities and challenges alter the course of each of their lives, they face the bittersweet reality that in time, they will inevitably move away from the place where their dreams began...Danielle Steel is famous for her inspirational stories about family, love and life. Her novels will be enjoyed by readers of Penny Vincenzi, Jodi Picoult and Diane Chamberlain.

Objev podobné jako The Apartment - Danielle Steel

cena 199.0 Kč

The Diamond Eye - Kate Quinn

The brand-new historical novel based on a true story from the bestselling author of The Rose Code and The Alice NetworkIn the snowbound city of Kiev, aspiring historian Mila Pavlichenko's life revolves around her young son - until Hitler's invasion of Russia changes everything. Suddenly, she and her friends must take up arms to save their country from the Fuhrer's destruction.Handed a rifle, Mila discovers a gift - and months of blood, sweat and tears turn the young woman into a deadly sniper: the most lethal hunter of Nazis.Yet success is bittersweet. Mila is torn from the battlefields of the eastern front and sent to America while the war still rages. There, she finds an unexpected ally in First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, and an unexpected promise of a different future.But when an old enemy from Mila's past joins forces with a terrifying new foe, she finds herself in the deadliest duel of her life.The Diamond Eye is a haunting novel of heroism born of desperation, of a mother who became a soldier, of a woman who found her place in the world and changed the course of history forever.

Objev podobné jako The Diamond Eye - Kate Quinn

cena 299.0 Kč

And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer - Fredrik Backman

The tender and moving novella from the author of A Man Called Ove and Anxious PeopleGrandpa and Noah are sitting on a bench in a square that keeps getting smaller every day.As they wait together on the bench, they tell jokes and discuss their shared love of mathematics. Grandpa recalls what it was like to fall in love with his wife, what it was like to lose her. She's as real to him now as the first day he met her, but he dreads the day when he won't remember her.Sometimes Grandpa sits on the bench next to Ted, Noah's father - Ted who never liked maths, prefers writing and playing guitar, and has waited his entire life for his father to have time for him, to accept him. But in their love of Noah, they have found a common bond.Grandpa, Ted and Noah all meet here, in this peculiar space that is growing dimmer and more confusing all the time.And here is where they will learn to say goodbye, the scent of hyacinths in the air, nothing to fear._________ 'Winsome, bittersweet . . . Wise and heartbreaking, Backman's slim novella celebrates the joy of connecting even in the midst of letting go' People Magazine

Objev podobné jako And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer - Fredrik Backman

cena 319.0 Kč

The Way Home - Kay Brellend

A heartwarming saga about war, love and duty by the bestselling author of The Street and East End Angel.North London, 1916. When Olivia Bone and Lieutenant Lucas Black shared a passionate kiss one summer''s evening, it seemed as if their love might finally have a chance to bloom.But their brief happiness is cut short when Lucas is sent to fight on the front line, leaving Livvie uncertain if she''ll ever see him again. And after a chance encounter with one of Lucas''s old flames, Livvie is left doubting whether an ex-factory girl like her will ever fit into his world - and wondering if she would be better off protecting her heart.While her friends in London busy themselves with marriage plans and dreams of babies, Livvie returns to France, throwing herself into her work as a war nurse on the Western Front. But when two German prisoners are admitted at the hospital, the dangers of war suddenly feel much closer to home - and Livvie is forced to be braver than she has ever been before . . . Can Livvie and Lucas find their way to a brighter future before the war tears them apart?Perfect for fans of Rosie Goodwin, Maureen Lee and Nadine Dorries.''Vividly rendered'' Historical Novel Society''A fantastic cast of characters'' Goodreads''Thoroughly absorbing'' Goodreads________________________The Bittersweet Legacy SeriesBook 1: A Sister''s BondBook 2: A Lonely HeartBook 3: The Way Home

Objev podobné jako The Way Home - Kay Brellend

cena 295.0 Kč

France 1900. A Portrait in Color - Marc Walter, Sabine Arqué

The turn of the 20th century was a golden era in France. It was an age of peace, prosperity, and progress after a series of bruising wars and turmoil within the French Republic, culminating in the Franco-Prussian War, which had ended in 1871. From the ruins of conflict, the Belle Époque brought joie de vivre flourish, a boom in art, design, industry, technology, gastronomy, education, travel, entertainment, and nightlife.Through some 800 vintage photographs, postcards, posters, and photochromes from the extensive archives of Marc Walter and Photovintagefrance, France 1900 follows up on TASCHEN’s best-selling vintage photographic collections Italy 1900, The Grand Tour, and America 1900 to provide a precious record of France in all its turn-of-the-century glory. With the photochrome technique used in many of the images restoring the past to vivid color, we enjoy a bristling close, bittersweet, encounter with this hopeful age: the brave, stony splendor of the Mont Saint-Michel; the icy peaks of Chamonix; and the honey light of the Côte d’Azur. With an introduction, six essays, and detailed commentary by Sabine Arqué exploring the stories behind the pictures, this is an unrivalled portrait of a nation on the cusp of the century and of its poignant exuberance before the paroxysm of the First World War.While paying tribute to the precious Belle Époque, crushed by the traumas of history, it also celebrates the unwavering allure of La Belle France, its beauty, culture, traditions, and legendary romance.

Objev podobné jako France 1900. A Portrait in Color - Marc Walter, Sabine Arqué

cena 1781.0 Kč

The First to Die at the End - Adam Silvera

In this prequel to the NO. 1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING phenomenon of TIKTOK fame, They Both Die at the End, two new strangers spend a life-changing day together after Death-Cast make their first fateful calls. 'If They Both Die at the End broke your heart and put it back together again, be prepared for this novel to do the same. A tender, sad, hopeful and youthful story that deserves as much love as its predecessor.' Culturefly'[A] heart-pounding story [full] of emotion and suspense.' Kirkus'An extraordinary book with a riveting plot.' BooklistMeet Orion and Valentino.It's the night before Death-Cast goes live, and there's one question on everyone's mind: Can Death-Cast actually predict death, or is it an elaborate hoax? Orion Pagan has waited years for someone to tell him that he's going to die, given his serious heart condition. Valentino Prince has a long and promising future ahead of him and only registered for Death-Cast after his twin sister nearly died in a car accident.Orion and Valentino cross paths in Times Square and immediately feel a deep connection. But when the first End Day calls go out, their lives are changed for ever - one of them receives a call . . . the other doesn't.Told with acclaimed author Adam Silvera's signature bittersweet touch, this story celebrates the lasting impact that people have on each other and proves that life is always worth living to the fullest.

Objev podobné jako The First to Die at the End - Adam Silvera

cena 250.0 Kč

How to Be Queer: An Ancient Guide to Sexuality - Nooter Sarah

An irresistible anthology of ancient Greek writings that explore queer desire and loveEros, limb-loosening, whirls me about again,that bittersweet, implacable creature. —SapphoThe idea of sexual fluidity may seem new, but it is at least as old as the ancient Greeks, who wrote about queer experiences with remarkable frankness, wit, and insight. How to Be Queer is an infatuating collection of these writings about desire, love, and lust between men, between women, and between humans and gods, in lucid and lively new translations.Filled with enthralling stories, this anthology invites readers of all sexualities and identities to explore writings that describe many kinds of erotic encounters and feelings, and that envision a playful and passionate approach to sexuality as part of a rich and fulfilling life. How to Be Queer starts with Homer’s Iliad and moves through lyric poetry, tragedy, comedy, philosophy, and biography, drawing on a wide range of authors, including Sappho, Plato, Anacreon, Pindar, Theognis, Aristophanes, and Xenophon. It features both beautiful poetry and thought-provoking prose, emotional outpourings and humorous anecdotes.From Homer’s story of the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus, one of the most intense between men in world literature, to Sappho’s lyrics on the pleasures and pains of loving women, these writings show the many meanings of what the Greeks called eros. Complete with brief introductions to the selections, and with the original Greek on facing pages, How to Be Queer reveals what the Greeks knew long ago—that the erotic and queer are a source of life and a cause for celebration.

Objev podobné jako How to Be Queer: An Ancient Guide to Sexuality - Nooter Sarah

cena 402.0 Kč

All the Light We Cannot See - Anthony Doerr

SOON A MAJOR NETFLIX SERIES - from director Shawn Levy, starring Louis Hofmann, Lars Eidinger and Marion Bailey, with Hugh Laurie and Mark Ruffalo, and introducing Aria Mia Loberti. WINNER OF THE 2015 PULITZER PRIZE FOR FICTIONNATIONAL BOOK AWARD FINALISTNEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERWINNER OF THE CARNEGIE MEDAL FOR FICTION A beautiful, stunningly ambitious novel about a blind French girl and a German boy whose paths collide in occupied France as both try to survive the devastation of World War II. Marie-Laure has been blind since the age of six.Her father builds a perfect miniature of their Paris neighbourhood so she can memorize it by touch and navigate her way home. But when the Nazis invade, father and daughter flee with a dangerous secret. Werner is a German orphan, destined to labour in the same mine that claimed his father's life, until he discovers a knack for engineering.His talent wins him a place at a brutal military academy, but his way out of obscurity is built on suffering. At the same time, far away in a walled city by the sea, an old man discovers new worlds without ever setting foot outside his home. But all around him, impending danger closes in.Doerr's combination of soaring imagination and meticulous observation is electric. As Europe is engulfed by war and lives collide unpredictably, All The Light We Cannot See is a captivating and devastating elegy for innocence. 'Sublime' The Times 'Such a page-turner, entirely absorbing ...Magnificent' Guardian 'A masterpiece' Financial Times 'Epic ... A bittersweet and moving novel that lingers in the mind' Daily Mail 'A vastly entertaining feat of storytelling' New York Times

Objev podobné jako All the Light We Cannot See - Anthony Doerr

cena 499.0 Kč

Go Set a Watchman - Harper Leeová

From Harper Lee comes a landmark new novel set two decades after her beloved Pulitzer Prize-winning masterpiece, To Kill a Mockingbird.Maycomb, Alabama. Twenty-six-year-old Jean Louise Finch – ‘Scout’ – returns home from New York City to visit her ageing father, Atticus. Set against the backdrop of the civil rights tensions and political turmoil that were transforming the South, Jean Louise’s homecoming turns bittersweet when she learns disturbing truths about her close-knit family, the town and the people dearest to her. Memories from her childhood flood back, and her values and assumptions are thrown into doubt. Featuring many of the iconic characters from To Kill a Mockingbird, Go Set a Watchman perfectly captures a young woman, and a world, in painful yet necessary transition out of the illusions of the past – a journey that can be guided only by one’s own conscience. Written in the mid-1950s, Go Set a Watchman imparts a fuller, richer understanding and appreciation of Harper Lee. Here is an unforgettable novel of wisdom, humanity, passion, humour and effortless precision – a profoundly affecting work of art that is both wonderfully evocative of another era and relevant to our own times. It not only confirms the enduring brilliance of To Kill a Mockingbird, but also serves as its essential companion, adding depth, context and new meaning to a classic.Harper Lee was born in 1926 in Monroeville, Alabama. She attended Huntingdon College and studied law at the University of Alabama. She is the author of the acclaimed To Kill a Mockingbird, and was awarded the Pulitzer Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom and numerous other literary awards and honours. She died on 19 February 2016

Objev podobné jako Go Set a Watchman - Harper Leeová

cena 199.0 Kč

Mouthing - Orla Mackey

Sharp-eyed and sharp-tongued, a multigenerational portrait of small-town life in Ireland from a refreshing new talent in literary fiction''A bittersweet love letter to small-town Irish life over several generations, in the vein of Elizabeth Strout’s Olive Kitteridge'' Irish Times‘Full of disgrace, inherited trauma and family secrets. It will make you laugh - because if you didn''t, you''d surely cry’ Aingeala Flannery‘A caustically witty novel for anyone who ever wondered what the neighbours are really up to behind closed doors’ Jan CarsonWelcome to Ballyrowan.This sleepy corner of rural Ireland may seem tranquil, but scratch the surface and you''ll find a hotbed of gossip and intrigue - endless material for mouthing - and a town full of people only too happy to oblige in spreading the bad news.Narrated by several generations of villagers, Mouthing traces the fortunes of one small community from the mid-20th century to the early 21st, in a series of highly confessional and darkly hilarious monologues. The good people of Ballyrowan delight in twisting the knife, in tormenting one another, in perfecting the art of schadenfreude. And, it becomes clear, none of them are entirely reliable witnesses.As each character offers their version of ''the truth'', upending our assumptions at every turn, we see how feuds are passed down through the generations, how families are estranged or reunited and fortunes made or lost, how strict social expectations loosen over decades (and how some things remain stubbornly unchanged). And how secret hopes and private sorrows, triumph and humiliation, pleasure and grief are all absorbed into the merciless chorus of mouthing.Mouthing is an acerbic, unsentimental love letter to rural Irish life, where everyone knows everyone else''s business and everyone has an opinion on it - where ''community'' is both a lifeboat and a life sentence.

Objev podobné jako Mouthing - Orla Mackey

cena 443.0 Kč