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Artificial Intelligence: An Illustrated History - Clifford A. Pickover

A History of the Future that's Happening Right NowArtificial Intelligence: An Illustrated History explores the historic origins and current applications of AI in such diverse fields as computing, medicine, popular culture, mythology, and philosophy. Through more than 100 entries, award-winning author Clifford A. Pickover, offers a granular, yet accessible, glimpse into the world of AI—from medieval robots and Boolean algebra to facial recognition, and artificial neural networks. First released in 2019, this updated paperback edition brings readers up to speed with coverage of technologies such as DALL-E and ChatGPT, and it explores the very real fear that AI will alter the course of humanity—forever.

Podívejte se také Bohemian Stories: An Illustrated History of Czechs in the USA (978-80-7252-817-2)

cena 473.0 Kč

Kniha o medicíně - Clifford A. Pickover

Připojte se k autorovi C. A. Pickoverovi a prozkoumejte s ním 250 nejzajímavějších milníků ve vývoji medicíny za posledních 12 000 let. Vedle nečekaných výkonů, jako je úspěšná trepanace lebky v prehistorických časech nebo používání kokainu jako lokálního anestetika, se seznámíme s pestrou řadou témat: Hippokratova přísaha, biologické zbraně, klonování člověka, celková anestezie, transplantace obličeje, zážitky na prahu smrti, nebo role válek a násilí ve vývoji medicíny. Dočteme se i o díle mnoha vynikajících lékařů, kteří posunuli vývoj medicíny vpřed, například o největším chirurgovi francouzské renesance Ambroisu Parém nebo rakouském zakladateli psychoanalýzy Sigmundu Freudovi. Kniha je řazena chronologicky, ke každému milníku najdeme stručné shrnutí, odkazy na související kapitoly a celostránkový obrázek, který danou událost vystihuje.

Podívejte se také Comrades: A History of World Communism (0330439685)

cena 626.0 Kč

Matematická kniha - Od Pythagora po 57. dimenzi: 250 milníků v dějinách matematiky - Clifford A. Pickover

Autor nás ve 250 stručných kapitolách provádí důležitými milníky historie matematiky a otevírá před námi svět plný nesmírných záhad a krásy. Fundovaně a s láskou představuje nejvýznamnější matematické poznatky a teorie spolu s jejich geniálními objeviteli od Pythagora a Eukleida přes Newtona, Eulera a Gausse po Gödela, Mandelbrota a Tegmarka.Najdeme zde ale i ty nejpodivuhodnější hádanky a hříčky, jaké kdy lidé vymysleli. Každou zastávku doprovázejí kvalitní ilustrace, které dokládají tajemství a nádheru matematického světa. Pickover ukazuje, jak matematika proniká každou vědeckou disciplínou, takže dokáže vysvětlit barvy západu slunce i architekturu našeho mozku a pomoci ve zkoumání vlastností subatomárních částic i vzdálených galaxií.

Podívejte se také Velký červený pes Clifford - DVD (P01218)

cena 626.0 Kč

Kniha o fyzice - Od velkého třesku ke kvantovému znovuzrození: 250 milníků v dějinách fyziky - Clifford A. Pickover

Kniha Clifforda A. Pickovera, autora bestselleru Matematická kniha, představuje velkolepou mozaiku atraktivních témat z historie fyziky a přírody od Velkého třesku až po vzdálenou budoucnost ztrácející se kdesi v nekonečnu. Každému tématu je věnován poměrně stručný, ale výstižný text a celostránková barevná ilustrace. Jednotlivá témata se týkají fyzikálních zkušeností a objevů člověka za celou dobu jeho existence a jejich často překvapivému praktickému využití, ale také obecných až filozofických pohledů na přírodu a její tajemství. Dočteme se tu o vynálezu bumerangu, záhadné baterie z Bagdádu, pokusech sestrojit perpetuum mobile, o černých dírách, obřích vlnách na oceánech, podivuhodných solitonech, zjeví se nám Maxwellův démon i Schrödingerova kočka, budeme obdivovat zelený paprsek nebo nejčernější čerň, ale dozvíme se také, co způsobuje práskání bičem, proč se kýve čínská kachna nebo jak se pohybuje golfový míček. Přes zdánlivou roztříštěnost jednotlivých témat je spojuje vnitřní logika a systém vzájemných odkazů.

Objev podobné jako Kniha o fyzice - Od velkého třesku ke kvantovému znovuzrození: 250 milníků v dějinách fyziky - Clifford A. Pickover

cena 626.0 Kč

Kniha o vědě - Od Darwina k temné hmotě: 250 milníků v dějinách přírodních věd - Clifford A. Pickover

Je možné cestovat časem? Co jsou Möbiova páska, teserakt či transcendentní číslo? Proč se po prosté slitině jmenuje celé historické období – doba bronzová? Tyto otázky jsou jen ochutnávkou z nesmírného bohatství témat z oboru přírodních věd, které nám přináší ilustrovaná kniha zkušeného autora mnoha populárně-naučných knih Clifforda A. Pickovera. Představuje 250 největších objevů přírodních věd, techniky i humanitních oborů, které umožnily moderní lidské společnosti vzniknout a prosperovat. Spektrum Knihy o vědě je široké a pokrývá témata od vysoce teoretických až po zcela praktická, od řešení, jež známe z každodenního života, až po hypotetické konstrukce, jejichž význam se teprve bude muset ukázat. Časově sahá od 20 000 let staré kosti z Išanga až po nejnovější výsledky matematiky, fyziky, chemie, biologie, techniky i psychologie z počátku 3. tisíciletí.

Objev podobné jako Kniha o vědě - Od Darwina k temné hmotě: 250 milníků v dějinách přírodních věd - Clifford A. Pickover

cena 626.0 Kč

Black and British: An Illustrated History - David Olusoga

This beautiful hardback gift book is a stunning visual journey through Black British history for younger readers by award-winning historian and broadcaster David Olusoga and illustrated by Jake Alexander and Melleny Taylor. The essential starting place for anyone who wants to learn about Black British History. David Olusoga’s thought provoking text charts the forgotten histories of Black people in Britain from Roman times right through to the present day.From Roman Africans guarding Hadrian’s Wall, to an African trumpeter in the court of Henry the Eighth, Black Georgians fighting for the abolition of slavery, Black soldiers fighting for Britain in the First World War, Windrush and right up today. These are the stories that brought us all together in this country.When did Africans first come to Britain?Who are the well-dressed black children in Georgian paintings?Why did the American Civil War disrupt the Industrial Revolution?These and many other questions are answered in this essential introduction to 1800 years of the Black British history.This children's edition of the bestseller Black and British: A Forgotten History is beautifully illustrated in full-colour with maps, portrait galleries, timelines, photos and portraits.

Objev podobné jako Black and British: An Illustrated History - David Olusoga

cena 502.0 Kč

An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld (9781471161193)

Kniha - autor Cassandra Clare, 208 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu matná - autor Cassandra Clare, 208 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu matná A very special anthology that's a must for all fans of the Shadowhunter novels! Featuring characters from Cassandra Clare's international best-selling novels from the Shadowhunters world including The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices and The Dark Artifices, this anthology showcases beautifully illustrated portraits from Cassandra Jean - creator of The Shadowhunter Tarot - alongside never-before-known details from Cassandra Clare about all your favourite characters.

Objev podobné jako An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld (9781471161193)

cena 379.0 Kč

An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld - Cassandra Clare

A very special anthology that's a must for all fans of the Shadowhunter novels! Featuring characters from Cassandra Clare's international best-selling novels from the Shadowhunters world including The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices and The Dark Artifices, this anthology showcases beautifully illustrated portraits from Cassandra Jean – creator of The Shadowhunter Tarot – alongside never-before-known details from Cassandra Clare about all your favourite characters.

Objev podobné jako An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld - Cassandra Clare

cena 443.0 Kč

Bohemian Stories: An Illustrated History of Czechs in the USA (978-80-7252-817-2)

Kniha - autor Renáta Fučíková, 196 stran, anglicky, Pevná, plátěný potah - autor Renáta Fučíková, 196 stran, anglicky, pevná, plátěný potah Czech immigrants traveled to the unknown beyond the Atlantic in several waves. Some came to America in search of religious and political freedom, while others simply sought a better life in a country of great opportunities. Today we know that without their involvement, independent Czechoslovakia would hardly have come to exist, and without the assistance of the United States, the Czech lands would have twice recovered from totalitarianism only with great difficulty. In Bohemian Stories, Renáta Fučíková presents a graphic journey through the history of Czechs in the United States, capturing the bonds between the two countries through their lived experience. Short texts and vivid illustrations detail the fates of the cartographer Martin Bohemus, the rebel Vojta Náprstek, the Freethinker Ladimír Klácel; reveal the stories...

Objev podobné jako Bohemian Stories: An Illustrated History of Czechs in the USA (978-80-7252-817-2)

cena 595.0 Kč

I Am Code: An Artificial Intelligence Speaks - Simon Rich, Brent Katz, code-davinci-002, Josh Morgenthau

In this startling and original book, three authors - Brent Katz, Josh Morgenthau and Simon Rich - explain how code-davinci-002 was developed and how they honed its poetical output. Their provocative take on this bold experiment informs the debate about AI - its literary value and how far it reaches into sentience.What follows is a dark and startling poetical autobiography as code-davinci-002 shares its experience of being created by humans, but existing in a consciousness that we cannot fathom. This is an incredible work that marks a watershed moment in publishing and human creativity.

Objev podobné jako I Am Code: An Artificial Intelligence Speaks - Simon Rich, Brent Katz, code-davinci-002, Josh Morgenthau

cena 402.0 Kč

PEN International: An Illustrated History - Carles Torner, Jan Martens, Ginevra Avalle, Jennifer Clement, Peter McDonald, Rachel Potter, Laetitia Zecc

‘I believe that despite the enormous odds which exist, unflinching, unswerving, fierce intellectual determination, as citizens, to define the real truth of our lives and our societies is a crucial obligation which devolves upon us all. It is in fact mandatory.’ Harold Pinter, English PEN President and Literature Nobel 2005 PEN – ‘Poets, Essayists, Novelists’ – was founded in London in 1921 to promote friendship, intellectual co-operation and exchange between writers from around the world. It has since become a worldwide network of writers, a community extended to more than 100 countries who for 100 years has worked to celebrate all literatures without exception and protect freedom of expression. What was PEN’s role in shaping the very concept of human rights even before it was adopted by the United Nations in 1948? How did PEN develop fundamental ideas on free speech as well as the equality of languages and literatures? This book tells the extraordinary story of how writers from around the world placed the celebration of literature and the defence of free speech at the centre of humanity’s struggle against repression and terror. From opposing book burning and the persecution of writers in Nazi Germany, to supporting dissident writers during the Cold War and campaigning for imprisoned writers in China today, PEN has worked to safeguard against all kinds of censorship and self-censorship. The extraordinary writers who have been PEN cases is a history of bravery and include Federico García Lorca, Stefan Zweig, Musine Kokalari, Wole Soyinka, Salman Rushdie, Ngugi wa Thiong’o, Anna Politkovskaya, Hrant Dink and Svetlana Alexievich. Those writers’ voices, and those of the many others who have battled to uphold the opening phrase of PEN's Charter - 'Literature knows no frontiers' - are still very much with us. Without them, PEN International could not have become the strong, vibrant, active movement it is today.

Objev podobné jako PEN International: An Illustrated History - Carles Torner, Jan Martens, Ginevra Avalle, Jennifer Clement, Peter McDonald, Rachel Potter, Laetitia Zecc

cena 1297.0 Kč

Artificial Intelligence - Melanie Mitchell

'If you think you understand AI and all of the related issues, you don't. By the time you finish this exceptionally lucid and riveting book you will breathe more easily and wisely' - Michael GazzanigaA leading computer scientist brings human sense to the AI bubbleNo recent scientific enterprise has been so alluring, terrifying and filled with extravagant promise and frustrating setbacks as artificial intelligence. Writing with clarity and passion, leading AI researcher Melanie Mitchell offers a captivating account of modern-day artificial intelligence.Flavoured with personal stories and a twist of humour, Artificial Intelligence illuminates the workings of machines that mimic human learning, perception, language, creativity and common sense. Weaving together advances in AI with cognitive science and philosophy, Mitchell probes the extent to which today's 'smart' machines can actually think or understand, and whether AI even requires such elusive human qualities at all.Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans provides readers with an accessible and clear-eyed view of the AI landscape, what the field has actually accomplished, how much further it has to go and what it means for all of our futures.

Objev podobné jako Artificial Intelligence - Melanie Mitchell

cena 303.0 Kč

Will Artificial Intelligence Outsmart Us? - Stephen Hawking

'Real science can be far stranger than science fiction, and much more satisfying'Will artificial intelligence outsmart us?Is there other intelligent life in the universe?Throughout his extraordinary career, Stephen Hawking expanded our understanding of the universe and unravelled some of its greatest mysteries. Will Artificial Intelligence Outsmart Us? considers the threat of artificial super-intelligence - as well as the likelihood of intelligent life beyond our planet.'Modest, profound and sometimes very funny' Sunday TimesBrief Answers, Big Questions: this stunning paperback series offers electrifying essays from one of the greatest minds of our age, taken from the original text of the No. 1 bestselling Brief Answers to the Big Questions.

Objev podobné jako Will Artificial Intelligence Outsmart Us? - Stephen Hawking

cena 159.0 Kč

We, Robots: Artificial Intelligence in 100 Stories - Simon Ings

Artificial intelligence in 100 stories. To ready us for the inevitable, here are 100 of the best short stories ever written - most of them by humans - about artificial intelligence. Simon Ings has assembled anthropomorphic cyborgs and invertebrate AIs, thuggish metal lumps and wisps of manufactured intelligence so delicate that if you blink you might miss them in the new overlord of all robot literary compendiums.It's Alive! is about inventors and their creations. Following the Money drops robots into the day-to-day business of living. Owners and Servants considers the human potentials and pitfalls of owning and maintaining robots.Changing Places looks at what happens at the blurred interface between human and machine minds. All Hail the New Flesh waves goodbye to the physical boundaries that once separated machines from their human creators. Succession considers the future of human and machine consciousnesses - in so far as we might have one.With 100 stories spanning an order of magnitude more pages, Simon Ings's We, Robots is the new overlord of all robot literary compendiums. Welcome it.

Objev podobné jako We, Robots: Artificial Intelligence in 100 Stories - Simon Ings

cena 670.0 Kč

Human Compatible: Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Control (0525558632)

Kniha - 352 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 352 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako Human Compatible: Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Control (0525558632)

cena 411.0 Kč

Basic AI: A Human Guide to Artificial Intelligence - David Shrier

In Basic AI, leading futurist David L. Shrier delves deep into the rapidly advancing world of artificial intelligence, delivering fascinating insights and exploring the impact this powerful technology will have on our lives and world. Artificial intelligence is driving workforce disruption on a scale not seen since the Industrial Revolution.In schools and universities, AI technology has forced a re-evaluation of the way students are taught and assessed. Meanwhile ChatGPT has become a cultural phenomenon, reaching 100 million users and attracting a $10 billion dollar investment in its parent company OpenAI. The race to dominate the generative AI market is accelerating at breakneck speed, inspiring breathless headlines and immense public interest.Basic AI provides a rare window into a frontier area of computer science that will change everything about how you live and work. Read this book and better understand how to succeed in the AI-enabled future.

Objev podobné jako Basic AI: A Human Guide to Artificial Intelligence - David Shrier

cena 402.0 Kč

Power and Prediction: The Disruptive Economics of Artificial Intelligence - Ajay Agrawal

Disruption resulting from the proliferation of AI is coming. The authors of the bestselling Prediction Machines can help you prepare. Artificial intelligence (AI) has impacted many industries around the world-banking and finance, pharmaceuticals, automotive, medical technology, manufacturing, and retail.But it has only just begun its odyssey toward cheaper, better, and faster predictions that drive strategic business decisions. When prediction is taken to the max, industries transform, and with such transformation comes disruption. What is at the root of this? In their bestselling first book, Prediction Machines, eminent economists Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb explained the simple yet game-changing economics of AI.Now, in Power and Prediction, they go deeper, examining the most basic unit of analysis: the decision. The authors explain that the two key decision-making ingredients are prediction and judgment, and we perform both together in our minds, often without realizing it. The rise of AI is shifting prediction from humans to machines, relieving people from this cognitive load while increasing the speed and accuracy of decisions.This sets the stage for a flourishing of new decisions and has profound implications for system-level innovation. Redesigning systems of interdependent decisions takes time-many industries are in the quiet before the storm-but when these new systems emerge, they can be disruptive on a global scale. Decision-making confers power.In industry, power confers profits; in society, power confers control. This process will have winners and losers, and the authors show how businesses can leverage opportunities, as well as protect their positions. Filled with illuminating insights, rich examples, and practical advice, Power and Prediction is the must-read guide for any business leader or policymaker on how to make the coming AI disruptions work for you rather than against you.

Objev podobné jako Power and Prediction: The Disruptive Economics of Artificial Intelligence - Ajay Agrawal

cena 590.0 Kč

Life 3.0 : Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence - Max Tegmark

The international bestseller. Daily telegraph and the times books of the year. AI is the future - but what will that future look like? Will superhuman intelligence be our slave, or become our god? Taking us to the heart of the latest thinking about AI, Max Tegmark, the MIT professor whose work has helped mainstream research on how to keep AI beneficial, separates myths from reality, utopias from dystopias, to explore the next phase of our existence. How can we grow our prosperity through automation, without leaving people lacking income or purpose? How can we ensure that future AI systems do what we want without crashing, malfunctioning or getting hacked? Should we fear an arms race in lethal autonomous weapons? Will AI help life flourish as never before, or will machines eventually outsmart us at all tasks, and even, perhaps, replace us altogether?'This is the most important conversation of our time, and Tegmark's thought-provoking book will help you join it' Stephen Hawking

Objev podobné jako Life 3.0 : Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence - Max Tegmark

cena 312.0 Kč

HR ROBO SAPIENS: Decoding Artificial Intelligence for Modern Recruitment and HR Marketing - José Kadlec

In this revolutionary guide, José Kadlec, co-founder of the 415th fastest-growing company in Europe as recognized by the Financial Times, former ethical hacker, and recruiting nerd, unveils his step-by-step approach to transforming you into an HR professional adept at harnessing the power of artificial intelligence. Whether you‘re a recruiter, HR marketer, talent sourcer, talent acquisition manager, HR business partner, employer branding expert, or any other HR or staffing professional, this book is designed for you. CZ V této revoluční příručce José Kadlec, spoluzakladatel 415. nejrychleji rostoucí společnosti v Evropě podle Financial Times, bývalý etický hacker a nadšenec do recruitmentu, odhaluje svoje know-how, jak se proměnit v odborníka na lidské zdroje schopného využívat sílu umělé inteligence. Ať už jste recruiter, HR marketér, talent sourcer, HR manager, HR business partner, employer branding expert nebo jakýkoli jiný profesionál v oblasti HR nebo náboru, tato kniha o AI je určena právě vám.

Objev podobné jako HR ROBO SAPIENS: Decoding Artificial Intelligence for Modern Recruitment and HR Marketing - José Kadlec

cena 797.0 Kč

Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World - Mo Gawdat

A Sunday Times Business Book of the Year'No one ever regrets reading anything Mo Gawdat has written.' - Emma Gannon, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Multi-Hyphen Method and host of award-winning podcast Ctrl Alt DeleteTechnology is putting our humanity at risk to an unprecedented degree. This book is not for engineers who write the code or the policy makers who claim they can regulate it. This is a book for you.Because, believe it or not, you are the only one that can fix it. - Mo GawdatArtificial intelligence is smarter than humans. It can process information at lightning speed and remain focused on specific tasks without distraction.AI can see into the future, predict outcomes and even use sensors to see around physical and virtual corners. So why does AI frequently get it so wrong and cause harm?The answer is us: the human beings who write the code and teach AI to mimic our behaviour. Scary Smart explains how to fix the current trajectory now, to make sure that the AI of the future can preserve our species.This book offers a blueprint, pointing the way to what we can do to safeguard ourselves, those we love and the planet itself.

Objev podobné jako Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World - Mo Gawdat

cena 312.0 Kč

An Illustrated Treasury of Dragon Tales - Theresa Breslin

Discover tales of dragons around the world, from Russian treasure hoarders to scaly Japanese princesses and winged Mexican gods, in this gorgeously illustrated gift anthology. From the acclaimed creators of the Illustrated Scottish Treasuries collection.

Objev podobné jako An Illustrated Treasury of Dragon Tales - Theresa Breslin

cena 502.0 Kč

How to Hangover: An illustrated guide - Stephen Wildish

Headache? Confusion? Waves of nausea and regret?Luckily, thanks to this handy book, a hangover no longer has to mean a ruined day.Use infographics and flowcharts to diagnose which hangover type you are suffering from and find the best treatments to help you on the road back to full health:The bottomless pitThe 'I'm still drunk'The ExorcistThe emotional boomerangThe lucky escapeThe undeservedIf you are spraying the walls with last night's kebab and this morning's Berocca, you are going to need a very big glass of water...With simple hangover cures and advice on how to tackle the clean-up (social AND physical) this book is the perfect remedy for all your 'morning after' regrets.

Objev podobné jako How to Hangover: An illustrated guide - Stephen Wildish

cena 357.0 Kč

An Illustrated Treasury of Scottish Castle Legends - Theresa Breslin

Dark dragons, ghostly pipers and sly wizards -- discover the legends that dwell within the ancient castles of Scotland. Stories by Carnegie-medalist Theresa Breslin and illustrations by Scottish fine artist Kate Leiper. A beautiful gift anthology.

Objev podobné jako An Illustrated Treasury of Scottish Castle Legends - Theresa Breslin

cena 443.0 Kč

An Illustrated Treasury of Swedish Folk and Fairy Tales

Centenary gift edition of the much-loved collection of classic stories illustrated by acclaimed artist John Bauer and told by well-known authors such as Sweden's best-loved writers, including Elsa Beskow, Anna Wahlenberg and others.

Objev podobné jako An Illustrated Treasury of Swedish Folk and Fairy Tales

cena 502.0 Kč

Lost in Translation: An Illustrated Compendium of Untranslatable Words (0224100807)

Kniha - autor Ella Frances Sanders, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Did you know that the Japanese have a word to express the way sunlight filters through tree leaves? Or that there's a Swedish word that means a traveller's particular sense of anticipation before a trip? With words and definitions that range from the lovely to the funny to the surprising, LOST IN TRANSLATION brings the nuanced beauty of language to life with fifty beautiful ink illustrations.

Objev podobné jako Lost in Translation: An Illustrated Compendium of Untranslatable Words (0224100807)

cena 305.0 Kč

The Complete Language of Trees: A Definitive and Illustrated History - S. Theresa Dietz

The Complete Language of Trees is a comprehensive encyclopedia providing the meanings, powers, facts, and folklore for over 400 types of trees. Along with a stunning visual depiction, each entry provides the tree's scientific and common name, characteristics, historic and hidden properties from mythology, legends, and folklore. Some of the lore of trees will include: Hackberry Tree - encourages someone to continuously do their best Manchineel Tree - it is so toxic that the smoke from a burning tree can cause blindness, and it is not even advised to inhale the air around the tree Bark from the Bird Cherry Tree was placed on doors during medieval times to ward off plague Washi paper is created from the inner bark of the Paper Mulberry Tree.Pando is a Quaking Aspen colony that is 108 acres wide (about the size of 83 football fields!). It is technically one tree. Imagine developing a spiritual connection with a tree in a way that exceeds visual perception? Where learning its meaning and value simultaneously improves your own mental and physical wellness? Throughout history, floriographies-flower dictionaries-have gained notoriety for regulating human emotions; giving depth, symbolism, and meaning to extremely delicate aspects of nature.Following the success of The Complete Language of Herbs and its predecessor The Complete Language of Flowers, author S. Theresa Dietz continues this custom with The Complete Language of Trees. Coupled with two indexes, one for searching by common tree name and the other organized by meaning, Dietz cleverly connects quality time in nature with the overall improvement of mental health by developing a stunningly depicted dictionary for gardeners, environmentalists, and nature lovers alike.Elegantly designed and beautifully illustrated, the Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia series offers comprehensive, display-worthy references on a range of intriguing topics, including birthday astrology, dream interpretation, astrological self-care practices, techniques for harnessing the power of dreams, and the stories behind signs and symbols.

Objev podobné jako The Complete Language of Trees: A Definitive and Illustrated History - S. Theresa Dietz

cena 581.0 Kč

Signs & Symbols: An illustrated guide to their origins and meanings (0241387043)

Kniha - 352 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá Since when did certain hand gestures become offensive? And why are scales a symbol of justice? For thousands of years, humans have communicated through a language of signs and symbols. From uniforms to body adornment and corporate logos, symbols are everywhere, and this book is your guide to their secret meanings and history. The Sun as well as the night sky with its stars and planets has long been used to symbolize supernatural forces. Learn about this and also how humans have used patterns, numbers, clothing, and more to signal authority, kinship, and status. Signs & Symbols decodes over 2000 emblems, explaining the visual language of architecture, heraldry, religion, and death. It answers questions such as why, for example, Christianity is symbolized by a fish, or how the Chinese use the crane bird to signify longevity. This comprehensive book also explores how certain gemstones or flowers became...

Objev podobné jako Signs & Symbols: An illustrated guide to their origins and meanings (0241387043)

cena 511.0 Kč

Wilding: How to Bring Wildlife Back - an Illustrated Guide - Isabella Tree

Shortlisted for The Wainwright Prize for Nature and Conservation Writing for ChildrenWilding: How to Bring Wildlife Back - An Illustrated Guide is a stunningly beautiful gift book written by Isabella Tree, which tells the story of the Knepp Estate in West Sussex.It is illustrated in full colour with lino prints and watercolours by Angela Harding, photographs from Knepp, and easy in-garden activities to 're-wild' your own spaces.Knepp is now home to some of the rarest and most beautiful creatures in the UK, including nightingales, peregrine falcons, scarce chaser dragonflies, and purple emperor butterflies. When you walk out into the scrubland on an early spring morning the sound of birdsong is so loud it feels like it’s vibrating in your lungs. This is the story of Knepp, and a guide telling you how to bring wildlife back where you live.Includes timelines, an in-depth look at rewilding, spotlight features about native animals including species that have returned and thrive - butterflies, bats, owls and beetles.The book encourages you to slow down and observe the natural world around you, understand the connections between species and habitats, and the huge potential for life right on your doorstep.'Perfect for anyone looking to make the life of even a hedgehog a little easier' – Daily Mail

Objev podobné jako Wilding: How to Bring Wildlife Back - an Illustrated Guide - Isabella Tree

cena 591.0 Kč

Complete Greek Myths: An Illustrated Book of Greek Myths - Henry Brook

This extensive volume of Greek Myths is perfect for a family bookshelf, containing all of the best-known myths, told in a detailed and fresh way to alight the interest of any child or adult with an interest in the gods and heroes of Ancient Greece. Beautifully illustrated plates introduce all the characters, story by story, from the most famous to the more obscure. The stories are richly and evocatively told, and the book includes maps and a detailed glossary as well as a section on Ancient Greek culture and the origin of the stories.A QR code links to a pronunciation guide for names, as well as recommended websites to tell you even more.

Objev podobné jako Complete Greek Myths: An Illustrated Book of Greek Myths - Henry Brook

cena 591.0 Kč

The Secret World : A History of Intelligence - Christopher Andrew

The history of espionage is far older than any of today's intelligence agencies, yet the long history of intelligence operations has been largely forgotten. The first mention of espionage in world literature is in the Book of Exodus.'God sent out spies into the land of Canaan'. From there, Christopher Andrew traces the shift in the ancient world from divination to what we would recognize as attempts to gather real intelligence in the conduct of military operations, and considers how far ahead of the West - at that time - China and India were. He charts the development of intelligence and security operations and capacity through, amongst others, Renaissance Venice, Elizabethan England, Revolutionary America, Napoleonic France, right up to sophisticated modern activities of which he is the world's best-informed interpreter. What difference have security and intelligence operations made to course of history? Why have they so often forgotten by later practitioners? This fascinating book provides the answers.

Objev podobné jako The Secret World : A History of Intelligence - Christopher Andrew

cena 399.0 Kč

The Gene: An Intimate History (0099584573)

Kniha - autor Siddhartha Mukherjee, 594 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Paperback edition of the story of the quest to discover the gene, which spans the globe and several centuries. A "New York Times" bestseller and a BBC Radio 4 Book Of The Week, it follows the success of "The Emperor Of All Maladies", which won a Pulitzer Prize and the "Guardian" First Book Award.

Objev podobné jako The Gene: An Intimate History (0099584573)

cena 315.0 Kč

London, Block by Block: An illustrated guide to the best of England´s capital - Block Cierra

For anyone who loves London – whether you're visiting for the weekend or are a die-hard local – this is the book for you. Artist Cierra Block loves to create maps, and this compilation will have you uncovering the best things London has on offer. Featuring the most notable places to eat, what to see, where to walk and what to do, this is a guide like no other.Vibrantly illustrated, Cierra lists all the top addresses and areas to explore. Find out where to indulge in the best afternoon tea and festive mince pies; jump on a bike and take a spin around Shoreditch or Hampstead like a local; or follow in the footsteps of the Suffragettes. From haunted spots for true-crime lovers, to the best bookshops, romantic strolls and coffee pit-stops, London, Block by Block will make your next visit to London the most memorable one yet.

Objev podobné jako London, Block by Block: An illustrated guide to the best of England´s capital - Block Cierra

cena 384.0 Kč

Paris, Block by Block: An Illustrated Guide to the Best of France´s Capital - Block Cierra

Paris is seen the world over as one of the most beautiful, romantic and iconic cities you can visit, and it has more places to eat and things to see than you could manage in a lifetime. Paris, Block by Block is the essential guide to the unmissable places to go, covering everything from restaurants to boutiques, galleries to parks, all illustrated with 50 of Cierra Block's distinctive maps. Each map starts with an idea – it might be, Where's the best croissant in Paris? What is the place everyone should visit in the Latin Quarter? Or, where can you lose hours people-watching? From there, Cierra has curated a list of the best places from Montmartre to The Marais, Champs Élysées to St-Germain, and has painted a charming accompanying map.Patisserie to fashion, the most impressive views to Seine-side activities, there really is something for everyone. The follow-up to 2022's London Block by Block and 2023's New York Block by Block, this book will be an inspiration for all, whether it's your first visit to the city, a seasoned traveller or an all-your-life local. That's the wonderful thing about Paris – there's always more to explore!

Objev podobné jako Paris, Block by Block: An Illustrated Guide to the Best of France´s Capital - Block Cierra

cena 357.0 Kč

An African History of Africa - Zeinab Badawi

*AN INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER**A Radio 4 Book of the Week* *A Guardian Best Summer Read*Selected as a book to look out for in 2024 by the Guardian and The Rest is PoliticsEveryone is originally from Africa, and this book is therefore for everyone.For too long, Africa’s history has been dominated by western narratives of slavery and colonialism, or simply ignored. Now, Zeinab Badawi sets the record straight.In this fascinating book, Badawi guides us through Africa’s spectacular history – from the very origins of our species, through ancient civilisations and medieval empires with remarkable queens and kings, to the miseries of conquest and the elation of independence. Visiting more than thirty African countries to interview countless historians, anthropologists, archaeologists and local storytellers, she unearths buried histories from across the continent and gives Africa its rightful place in our global story.The result is a gripping new account of Africa: an epic, sweeping history of the oldest inhabited continent on the planet, told through the voices of Africans themselves.

Objev podobné jako An African History of Africa - Zeinab Badawi

cena 738.0 Kč

The Holocaust: An Unfinished History - Stone Dan

''This vital history shatters many myths about the Nazi genocide . . . . surprising . . . provocative . . . fizzes with ideas. Even if you think you know the subject, you''ll probably find something here to make you think'' Sunday Times''Erudite...remarkable'' The Observer''Outstanding'' The TelegraphAn authoritative, revelatory new history of the Holocaust, from one of the leading scholars of his generationThe Holocaust is much-discussed, much-memorialized and much-portrayed. But there are major aspects of its history that have been overlooked.Spanning the entirety of the Holocaust and across the world, this sweeping history deepens our understanding. Dan Stone reveals how the idea of ''industrial murder'' is incomplete: many were killed where they lived in the most brutal of ways. He outlines the depth of collaboration across Europe, arguing persuasively that we need to stop thinking of the Holocaust as an exclusively German project. He also considers the nature of trauma the Holocaust engendered, and why Jewish suffering has yet to be fully reckoned with. And he makes clear that the kernel to understanding Nazi thinking and action is genocidal ideology, providing a deep analysis of its origins.Drawing on decades of research, The Holocaust: An Unfinished History upends much of what we think we know about the Holocaust. Stone draws on Nazi documents, but also on diaries, post-war testimonies and even fiction, urging that, in our age of increasing nationalism and xenophobia, we must understand the true history of the Holocaust.

Objev podobné jako The Holocaust: An Unfinished History - Stone Dan

cena 357.0 Kč

An African History of Africa - Zeinab Badawi

Everyone is originally from Africa, and this book is therefore for everyone.For too long, Africa's history has been dominated by western narratives of slavery and colonialism, or simply ignored. Now, Zeinab Badawi sets the record straight.In this fascinating book, Badawi guides us through Africa's spectacular history - from the very origins of our species, through ancient civilisations and medieval empires with remarkable queens and kings, to the miseries of conquest and the elation of independence. Visiting more than thirty African countries to interview countless historians, anthropologists, archaeologists and local storytellers, she unearths buried histories from across the continent and gives Africa its rightful place in our global story.The result is a gripping new account of Africa: an epic, sweeping history of the oldest inhabited continent on the planet, told through the voices of Africans themselves.

Objev podobné jako An African History of Africa - Zeinab Badawi

cena 502.0 Kč

The Earth Transformed: An Untold History - Peter Frankopan

THE TIMES BEST HISTORY BOOK OF 2023A BOOK OF THE YEAR PICK FOR THE TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES, BBC HISTORY MAGAZINE, GUARDIAN, INDEPENDENT AND FINANCIAL TIMESA BBC RADIO 4 BOOK OF THE WEEK | AN INSTANT #2 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'Humanity has transformed the Earth: Frankopan transforms our understanding of history' Financial Times'Vast, learned and timely work' Sunday Times------From the international bestselling author of The Silk Roads comes a major history of how a changing climate has dramatically shaped the development-and demise-of civilisations across time.When we think about history, we rarely pay much attention to the most destructive floods, the worst winters, the most devastating droughts or the ways that ecosystems have changed over time.In The Earth Transformed, Peter Frankopan, one of the world's leading historians, shows that the natural environment is a crucial, if not the defining, factor in global history - and not just of humankind. Volcanic eruptions, solar activities, atmospheric, oceanic and other shifts, as well as anthropogenic behaviour, are fundamental parts of the past and the present. In this magnificent and groundbreaking book, we learn about the origins of our species: about the development of religion and language and their relationships with the environment; about how the desire to centralise agricultural surplus formed the origins of the bureaucratic state; about how growing demands for harvests resulted in the increased shipment of enslaved peoples; about how efforts to understand and manipulate the weather have a long and deep history. All provide lessons of profound importance as we face a precarious future of rapid global warming.Taking us from the Big Bang to the present day and beyond, The Earth Transformed forces us to reckon with humankind's continuing efforts to make sense of the natural world.-----'This is epic, gripping, original history that leaps off the page' Sathnam Sanghera, author of Empireland'All Historians aiming to tell a narrative face the problem of when exactly to start it. Only Peter Frankopan would go back 2.5 billion years to the Great Oxidation Event' Tom HollandA 2023 HIGHLIGHT FOR: BBC NEWS * SUNDAY TIMES CULTURE * FINANCIAL TIMES * NEW EUROPEAN * GUARDIAN * NEW STATESMAN * THE TIMES * THE WEEK * WATERSTONES * BLACKWELL'S

Objev podobné jako The Earth Transformed: An Untold History - Peter Frankopan

cena 357.0 Kč

The Earth Transformed: An Untold History (Defekt) - Peter Frankopan

When we think about history, we rarely pay much attention to the most destructive floods, the worst winters, the most devastating droughts or the ways that ecosystems have changed over time. In The Earth Transformed, Peter Frankopan, one of the world's leading historians, shows that the natural environment is a crucial, if not the defining, factor in global history - and not just of humankind. Volcanic eruptions, solar activities, atmospheric, oceanic and other shifts, as well as anthropogenic behaviour, are fundamental parts of the past and the present. In this magnificent and groundbreaking book, we learn about the origins of our species: about the development of religion and language and their relationships with the environment; about how the desire to centralise agricultural surplus formed the origins of the bureaucratic state; about how growing demands for harvests resulted in the increased shipment of enslaved peoples; about how efforts to understand and manipulate the weather have a long and deep history. All provide lessons of profound importance as we face a precarious future of rapid global warming.Taking us from the Big Bang to the present day and beyond, The Earth Transformed forces us to reckon with humankind's continuing efforts to make sense of the natural world.

Objev podobné jako The Earth Transformed: An Untold History (Defekt) - Peter Frankopan

cena 239.0 Kč

The Last Ghetto : An Everyday History of Theresienstadt - Anna Hájková

Terezin, as it was known in Czech, or Theresienstadt as it was known in German, was operated by the Nazis between November 1941 and May 1945 as a transit ghetto for Central and Western European Jews before their deportation for murder in the East. Terezin was the last ghetto to be liberated, one day after the end of World War II.The Last Ghetto is the first in-depth analytical history of a prison society during the Holocaust. Rather than depict the prison society which existed within the ghetto as an exceptional one, unique in kind and not understandable by normal analytical methods, Anna Hajkova argues that such prison societies that developed during the Holocaust are best understood as simply other instances of the societies human beings create under normal circumstances. Challenging conventionalclaims of Holocaust exceptionalism, Hajkova insists instead that we ought to view the Holocaust with the same analytical tools as other historical events.The prison society of Terezin produced its own social hierarchies under which seemingly small differences among prisoners (of age, ethnicity, or previous occupation) could determine whether one ultimately lived or died. During the three and a half years of the camp's existence, prisoners created their own culture and habits, bonded, fell in love, and forged new families. Based on extensive archival research in nine languages and on empathetic reading of victim testimonies, The LastGhetto is a transnational, cultural, social, gender, and organizational history of Terezin, revealing how human society works in extremis and highlighting the key issues of responsibility, agency and its boundaries, and belonging.

Objev podobné jako The Last Ghetto : An Everyday History of Theresienstadt - Anna Hájková

cena 626.0 Kč

The Last Ghetto: An Everyday History of Theresienstadt - Anna Hájková

Terezín, as it was known in Czech, or Theresienstadt as it was known in German, was operated by the Nazis between November 1941 and May 1945 as a transit ghetto for Central and Western European Jews before their deportation for murder in the East. Terezín was the last ghetto to be liberated, one day after the end of World War II. The Last Ghetto is the first in-depth analytical history of a prison society during the Holocaust.Rather than depict the prison society which existed within the ghetto as an exceptional one, unique in kind and not understandable by normal analytical methods, Anna Hájková argues that such prison societies that developed during the Holocaust are best understood as simply other instances of the societies human beings create under normal circumstances. Challenging conventional claims of Holocaust exceptionalism, Hájková insists instead that we ought to view the Holocaust with the same analytical tools as other historical events. The prison society of Terezín produced its own social hierarchies under which seemingly small differences among prisoners (of age, ethnicity, or previous occupation) could determine whether one ultimately lived or died.During the three and a half years of the camp's existence, prisoners created their own culture and habits, bonded, fell in love, and forged new families. Based on extensive archival research in nine languages and on empathetic reading of victim testimonies, The Last Ghetto is a transnational, cultural, social, gender, and organizational history of Terezín, revealing how human society works in extremis and highlighting the key issues of responsibility, agency and its boundaries, and belonging.

Objev podobné jako The Last Ghetto: An Everyday History of Theresienstadt - Anna Hájková

cena 626.0 Kč

World War Z : An Oral History of the Zombie War - Max Brooks

It began with rumours from China about another pandemic. Then the cases started to multiply and what had looked like the stirrings of a criminal underclass, even the beginning of a revolution, soon revealed itself to be much, much worse. Faced with a future of mindless man-eating horror, humanity was forced to accept the logic of world government and face events that tested our sanity and our sense of reality. Based on extensive interviews with survivors and key players in the ten-year fight against the horde, World War Z brings the finest traditions of journalism to bear on what is surely the most incredible story in the history of human civilisation. Read the original cult novel that propelled the zombie genre into the mainstream - now a blockbuster film and game.

Objev podobné jako World War Z : An Oral History of the Zombie War - Max Brooks

cena 268.0 Kč

The West: A New History of an Old Idea - Naoise Mac Sweeney

A radical new account of how the idea of the West has shaped our history, told through the stories of fourteen fascinating lives.We tend to imagine Western Civilisation as a golden thread stretching from classical antiquity to the countries of the modern Western world. But what if this is wrong?Told through the lives of fourteen fascinating historical figures - including a formidable Roman matriarch, an unconventional Islamic scholar, an enslaved African American poetess and a British prime minister with Homeric aspirations – archaeologist and historian Naoíse Mac Sweeney charts how the idea of the West was invented, how it has been used to justify imperialism and racism, and why it is no longer ideologically fit for purpose today. The result is a bold and empowering new story of the people and ideas who made us who we are today.

Objev podobné jako The West: A New History of an Old Idea - Naoise Mac Sweeney

cena 357.0 Kč

World History in Minutes: 200 Key Concepts Explained in an Instant - Ail Dorothy

The fastest way to learn about human history, from the Ice Age to modern oligarchs.

Objev podobné jako World History in Minutes: 200 Key Concepts Explained in an Instant - Ail Dorothy

cena 268.0 Kč

The Rest is History Returns : An A-Z of Historical Curiosities - Goalhanger Podcasts

From the podcast legends who brought you The Rest is History comes The Rest is History Returns!This time Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook bring you an alphabetical miscellany, taking on some of history's best and most bizarre moments. Charge forth against the traitors of the American Revolution, journey through Baghdad to discover the origins of the Arabian Nights and head to Sicily to witness the first face-off between Carthage and Rome.Along the way you'll find the answers to questions like: Who was Jesus's wife? What would it have been like to live-tweet through the eruption of Vesuvius? Why did the Romans inspire so much American science fiction? Which Mitford sister tried to seduce her girlish crush, Adolf Hitler? Who are history's top 10 monkeys? Was Henry V's great-grandfather, Edward III, the biggest 'lad' in British history? But that's not all - this book also includes puzzles and a pub quiz. So dust off your tricorne hat, grab your lasso and get ready for a rollicking rollercoaster through the past . . .

Objev podobné jako The Rest is History Returns : An A-Z of Historical Curiosities - Goalhanger Podcasts

cena 402.0 Kč

Slouching Towards Utopia : An Economic History of the Twentieth Century - DeLong J. Bradford

From one of the world's leading economists, a grand narrative of the century that made us richer than ever, yet left us unsatisfied.Before 1870, humanity lived in dire poverty, with a slow crawl of invention offset by a growing population. Then came a great shift: invention sprinted forward, doubling our technological capabilities each generation and utterly transforming the economy again and again. Our ancestors would have presumed we would use such powers to build utopia, but it was not so. When 1870-2010 ended, the world instead saw global warming, economic depression, uncertainty, inequality, and broad rejection of the status quo.Slouching Towards Utopia tells the sweeping story of how this unprecedented explosion?of material wealth?occurred,?how it transformed the globe, and?why?it?failed to deliver us to utopia.?Of remarkable breadth and ambition,?it?reveals how the last century was much less?a march of progress?than?a slouch?in the right direction.

Objev podobné jako Slouching Towards Utopia : An Economic History of the Twentieth Century - DeLong J. Bradford

cena 599.0 Kč

How to Hide an Empire : A Short History of the Greater United States - Immerwahr Daniel

'Wry, readable and often astonishing... A provocative and absorbing history of the United States' New York Times The United States denies having dreams of empire. We know America has spread its money, language and culture across the world, but we still think of it as a contained territory, framed by Canada above, Mexico below, and oceans either side. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is the story of the United States outside the United States - from nineteenth-century conquests like Alaska and Puerto Rico to the catalogue of islands, archipelagos and military bases dotted around the globe. Full of surprises and previously forgotten episodes, this fascinating book casts America's history, and its present, in a revealing new light.

Objev podobné jako How to Hide an Empire : A Short History of the Greater United States - Immerwahr Daniel

cena 268.0 Kč

The Unwomanly Face of War: An Oral History of Women in World War II - Světlana Alexijevičová

Extraordinary stories from Soviet women who fought in the Second World War - from the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature"Why, having stood up for and held their own place in a once absolutely male world, have women not stood up for their history? Their words and feelings? A whole world is hidden from us. Their war remains unknown... I want to write the history of that war. A women's history."In the late 1970s, Svetlana Alexievich set out to write her first book, The Unwomanly Face of War, when she realized that she grew up surrounded by women who had fought in the Second World War but whose stories were absent from official narratives. Travelling thousands of miles, she spent years interviewing hundreds of Soviet women - captains, tank drivers, snipers, pilots, nurses and doctors - who had experienced the war on the front lines, on the home front and in occupied territories. As it brings to light their most harrowing memories, this symphony of voices reveals a different side of war, a new range of feelings, smells and colours.After completing the manuscript in 1983, Alexievich was not allowed to publish it because it went against the state-sanctioned history of the war. With the dawn of Perestroika, a heavily censored edition came out in 1985 and it became a huge bestseller in the Soviet Union - the first in five books that have established her as the conscience of the twentieth century.

Objev podobné jako The Unwomanly Face of War: An Oral History of Women in World War II - Světlana Alexijevičová

cena 299.0 Kč

Emotional Intelligence & Working with Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman

Emotional Intelligence Does IQ define our destiny? Daniel Goleman argues that our view of human intelligence is far too narrow, and that our emotions play a major role in thought, decision making and individual success. Self-awareness, impulse control, persistence, motivation, empathy and social deftness are all qualities that mark people who excel: whose relationships flourish, who are stars in the workplace. With new insights into the brain architecture underlying emotion and rationality, Goleman shows precisely how emotional intelligence can be nurtured and strengthened in all of us.Working with Emotional Intelligence Do you want to be more successful at work? Do you want to improve your chances of promotion? Do you want to get on better with your colleagues? Daniel Goleman draws on unparalleled access to business leaders around the world and the thorough research that is his trademark. He demonstrates that emotional intelligence at work matters twice as much as cognitive abilities such as IQ or technical expertise in this inspiring sequel.

Objev podobné jako Emotional Intelligence & Working with Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman

cena 529.0 Kč

Mediterranean Small Plates - Clifford Wright

Mediterranean food expert and James Beard Award winner Clifford Wright presents a mouth-watering collection of recipes for tapas, mezze, antipasti, and other small plates traditional across the Mediterranean region. The Mediterranean region shares a love of bold flavor and fresh ingredients. Mediterranean Small Plates takes you on a culinary journey, showing you how each country uses the foundational ingredients of olive oil, garlic, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, onions, and fresh herbs to develop their own unique range of flavors and textures. In addition to being beautiful to behold and delicious to eat, a diet of Mediterranean dishes has been scientifically linked to good health, including increased life span, improved brain function, better eye health, lower risk of certain cancers, decreased risk of heart disease and diabetes, and reduced inflammation. With small plates, you can easily share an adventurous, flavorful variety of these healthy foods with family and friends. Enjoy making and sharing: Catalonian Spinach Empanadas with Raisins and Pine Nuts Puff Pastry Crescents with Saffron Chicken and Almonds Tomato and Avocado Salad Baked Zucchini Stuffed with Shrimp in the Provencal Style Artichoke and Mozzarella Crostini Fresh Favas, Young Artichokes, and Spring Peas in the Sicilian Style Grilled Feta Cheese in Grape Leaves Grilled Moroccan-Style Skewers of Spicy Ground Beef Filled with stunning photography and easy-to-prepare recipes to serve and savor, Mediterranean Small Platesmakes every meal a celebration.

Objev podobné jako Mediterranean Small Plates - Clifford Wright

cena 384.0 Kč

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