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Antony and Cleopatra - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: Following the death of Julius Caesar, the Roman Empire is ruled by Antony, Octavius Caesar and Lepidus. Antony resides in Egypt and it completely captivated by its Queen, Cleopatra. But circumstances beyond his control force him to return to Rome and marry Caesar's sister, Octavia. When Antony abandons his new wife and travels back Egypt, Caesar declares war on the star-crossed lovers.Anthony and Cleopatra is Shakespeare at his best. With a mix of politics and romance, this play is wonderfully complex and intellectually stimulating. The Royal Shakespeare Company has seen many productions of the play, starring Michael Gambon and Helen Mirren in 1982 and Patrick Stewart and Harriet Walter in 2006.
Podívejte se také Antonius a Kleopatra/Antony and Cleopatra (978-80-86573-12-0)
Oxford School Shakespeare: Antony and Cleopatra - William Shakespeare
Oxford School Shakespeare is an acclaimed edition especially designed for students, with accessible on-page notes and explanatory illustrations, clear background information, and rigorous but accessible scholarly credentials. Antony and Cleopatra is a popular text for study by secondary students the world over. This edition includes illustrations, preliminary notes, reading lists and classroom notes.This title is suitable for all exam boards and for the most recent AS/A level specifications.
Podívejte se také Divadlo, divadlo, divadlo /William Shakespeare ()
Antony And Cleopatra - William Shakespeare
Edited, introduced and annotated by Cedric Watts, Research Professor of English, University of Sussex. Antony and Cleopatra is one of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies: a spectacular, widely-ranging drama of love and war, passion and politics. Antony is divided between the responsibilities of imperial power and the intensities of his sexual relationship with Cleopatra. She, variously generous and ruthless, loving and jealous, petulant and majestic, emerges as Shakespeare's most complex depiction of a woman: 'Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale Her infinite variety.' Unsurpassed in sumptous eloquence and powerful characterisation, Anthony and Cleopatra deservedly retains its popularity in the theatre. Its insights into the corruptions of power and the ambiguities of desire remain timely. This volume is part of the Wordsworth Classics' Shakespeare Series, in which each volume has been edited by Cedric Watts. Readers wishing to know more of Cedric Watts' work should buy his 'Shakespeare Puzzles', published by PublishNation (ISBN 978-1-291-66410-2), available from Amazon (both in printed and Kindle editions) and through all good bookshops.
Podívejte se také No Fear Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet (1586638459)
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Antonius a Kleopatra/Antony and Cleopatra - William Shakespeare
Tragický milostný příběh dvou velikánů světových dějin, římského vojevůdce a egyptské královny, pojal Shakespeare jako komorní drama cizoložné lásky v kulisách velkého světa. Stárnoucí milenci, jejichž osobní touhy se střetávají s nadosobními povinnostmi vladařů, se při pohledu do soukromí jeví poněkud směšní a nedokonalí, ale o to lidštějsí a věrohodnější. V této de facto poslední Shakespearově tragédii stojí proti sobě Orient a Západ, rozum a vášeň, rytířsky pošetilé stáří a dravé, nelítostné mládí.
Objev podobné jako Antonius a Kleopatra/Antony and Cleopatra - William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare creates a world of violence and generational conflict in which two young people fall in love and die because of that love. The story is rather extraordinary in that the normal problems faced by young lovers are here so very large. It is not simply that the families of Romeo and Juliet disapprove of the lover's affection for each other; rather, the Montagues and the Capulets are on opposite sides in a blood feud and are trying to kill each other on the streets of Verona. Every time a member of one of the two families dies in the fight, his relatives demand the blood of his killer. Because of the feud, if Romeo is discovered with Juliet by her family, he will be killed. Once Romeo is banished, the only way that Juliet can avoid being married to someone else is to take a potion that apparently kills her, so that she is burried with the bodies of her slain relatives. In this violent, death-filled world, the movement of the story from love at first sight to the union of the lovers in death seems almost inevitable. What is so striking about this play is that despite its extraordinary setting (one perhaps reflecting Elizabethan attitudes about hot-blooded Italians), it has become the quintessential story of young love. Because most young lovers feel that they have to overcome giant obstacles in order to be together, because they feel that they would rather die than be kept apart, and especially because the language Shakespeare gives his young lovers is so exquisite, allowing them to say to each other just what we would all say to a lover if we only knew how, it is easy to respond to this play as if it were about all young lovers rather than about a particular couple in a very unusual world. (When the play was rewritten in the eighteen century as The History and Fall of Caius Marius, the violent setting became that of a particularly discordant period in classical Rome; when Leonard Berstein rewrote the play as West Side Story, he chose the violent world of New York street gangs.)
Objev podobné jako Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Romeo a Julie / Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: Nejslavnější milostný příběh všech dob.
Objev podobné jako Romeo a Julie / Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Othello - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: Othello je generálem ve službách benátské republiky. Tajně se ožení s Desdemonou. Jeho pobočník Jago jej podezřívá z pletek s jeho ženou Emilií, proto jeho sňatek prozradí. Jago vzbudí pomocí intrik u Othella žárlivost, když mu namluví, že je mu Desdemona nevěrná s mladým pobočníkem Cassiem. Othello šílený žárlivostí zaškrtí Desdemonu. Emilii dojdou všechny souvislosti a obviní Jaga. Ten se dává na útěk, je však chycen a přiznává se. V poslední chvíli probodne Emilii. Othello nakonec zraní Jaga a sám spáchá sebevraždu.
Objev podobné jako Othello - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Hamlet - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: "To be, or not to be, that is the question."If you'll only ever read one Shakespeare play, let it be Hamlet. It tells the story of the young Prince of Denmark whose father visits him in ghost form to reveal that it was Hamlet's uncle who murdered him. Hamlet appears to succumb to madness. Being thoughtful by nature, he tests what the ghost has told him by setting up a play that portrays the circumstances around his father's death to see if his uncle will give himself away.Hamlet is widely regarded as one of, if not the, greatest piece of literature ever written in the English language. No wonder actors such as Ethan Hawke, Jude Law and Jonathan Pryce have all lined of to play him. Read it for its beautiful language and angsty monologues.
Objev podobné jako Hamlet - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Macbeth - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: Power and despair are at their uppermost suspense between witchcraft, bloody severed heads and darkness loom over this magnificent play by William Shakespeare. Set in medieval Scotland, we encounter riddles, prophecies and bloody murders in this historical fiction play. Returning home from battle, Macbeth rises in the ranks of Scottish noblemen, murder after murder. Is it worth it getting the final crown at the price of a soul? Manslaughter, lies and betrayal drives Macbeth's desire for ultimate control. Furthermore, Lady Macbeth stands as one of Shakespeare's strongest female characters, forceful and aggressive she is blinded by ambition. Will she realise the consequences of her actions before it is too late?"Macbeth" is known to be filled with action and mystery, perfect for fans of Kate Rhodes and Richard Osman.
Objev podobné jako Macbeth - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Othello - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: Beginning in the streets of Venice, Roderigo and Iago are introduced in the heart of an argument. Iago is frantic as he has been disregarded for promotion and plots to take revenge against his General, Othello. Thus, the manipulation commends as Iago makes Othello believe his wife, Desdemona is disloyal. Othello is a courageous fighter, but he is presented as an idealist when it comes to both his love of Desdemona and his friendship with Iago. This ultimately blinds him to Iago's betrayal, stirring the themes of jealousy, justice and appearances vs reality. From this excellent play, there have been many differing views on the character of Othello over the years but this is your chance to pick up the book and decide for yourself, is Othello the greatest hero or the most egotistical?Othello is still widely performed and has inspired numerous adaptations. It has been reimagined in the film 'O' and the book 'New Boy' by Tracy Chevalier amongst others.
Objev podobné jako Othello - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Cymbeline - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: This historical fiction is set in ancient Britain when it belonged to the Roman Empire. Cymbeline, a Celtic king who has lost both his sons, opposes his only child, princess Imogen's marriage to the lowborn gentleman, Posthumus. In anger Cymbeline sends Posthumus to exile in Italy, where he falls into the company of the sleek Iachimo.Imogen's stepmother and Iachimo forge sinister plans against the poor king's daughter. She soon decides to flee from her father's court keen to find her beloved Posthumus.This bestseller contains plenty of surprising twists and turns, bloody confrontations and fatal encounters. But can the drama come to an end?'Cymbeline' is one of William Shakespeare's strongest plays, intertwined with themes of envy and forgiveness. As one of Shakespeare's lesser-known romances, this historical romance mixes some of his most stunning verse with an interesting blend of history, legend and fairy tale. For fans of Meg Mason, Jennifer Weiner and Sally Thorne.
Objev podobné jako Cymbeline - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Hamlet - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: Děj se odehrává převážně na královském hradě Elsinor v Dánsku kolem 14.–15. století. Hamletovi, korunnímu dánskému princi, se zjeví duch jeho zesnulého otce. Dozvídá se od něj, že ho zavraždil Hamletův strýc Claudius, když Hamletův otec (dánský král) spal, a to tak, že mu nalil jed do ucha. Po králově smrti si Claudius vzal Hamletovu matku Gertrudu a stal se králem. Hamlet prahne po pomstě. Předstírá, že je šílený a že má vidiny. Není si zcela jist Claudiovou vinou, předstírání šílenství mu pomůže snáze odhalit smýšlení lidí v jeho okolí...
Objev podobné jako Hamlet - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Coriolanus - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: After the exotic eroticism of Antony and Cleopatra, Shakespeare returned to Rome for one of his final tragedies, and the change could not have been more dramatic. Coriolanus is one of Shakespeare's harshest and most challenging studies of power, politics and masculinity, based around the life of Caius Marcius. Based on the Roman chronicles of Plutarch's Lives and Livy's History of Rome, the play is set in the early years of the Roman Republic. Its famous opening scene, particularly admired by Bertolt Brecht, portrays its citizens as starving and rebellious, and horrified by the arrogant and dismissive attitude of Caius Marcius, one of Rome's most valiant but also political naive soldiers. Spurred on by his ambitious mother Volumnia, Caius takes the city of Corioles, is renamed Coriolanus in honour of his victory, and is encouraged to run for senate. However, his contempt for the citizens, who he calls "scabs" and "musty superfluity" ultimately leads to his exile and destructive alliance with his deadly foe, Aufidius. Despite its relative unpopularity, Coriolanus is a fascinating study of both public and personal life. Its language is dense and complex, as its representation of the tensions built into the fabric of Roman political life. Yet it also contains extraordinarily intimate scenes between Coriolanus and both his mother, who ultimately proves "most mortal" to her own son, and his enemy Aufidius, whose "rapt heart" is happier to see Coriolanus than his own wife. One of Shakespeare's darker and more disturbing plays. --Jerry Brotton
Objev podobné jako Coriolanus - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Kupec benátský - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: Kupec benátský je divadelní hra - komedie Williama Shakespeara, napsaná mezi lety 1596–1598. Mladý kupec Bassanio prohýřil veškerý svůj majetek a jeho jedinou nadějí, jak se dostat ze složité životní situace, je uzavřít sňatek s bohatou a krásnou Porcií. Na to, aby se mohl ucházet o její ruku, potřebuje ovšem peníze. Jeho přítel, vážený kupec Antonio, se za něj zaručí u starého lichváře Shylocka a patřičný obnos pro Bassania získá. Sám se tím ovšem dostane do velkých obtíží, když nemůže půjčku včas vrátit. Lakotný a zlý Shylock totiž důsledně trvá na dodržení podmínek smlouvy a cena, kterou mu má Antonio zaplatit, je skutečně bolestná…
Objev podobné jako Kupec benátský - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
King John - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: John, King of England's rule is challenged by an ambassador for King Phillip of France. Claiming that Arthur, the nephew of John should be crowned king instead, John declares war against France. Although John orders his nephew's death and turns the nobles against himself, the questions remain... who is the rightful heir to the throne of England? 'King John' is a brilliant historical fiction with its underlying theme of sources of power and authority it is both tragically poetic and satiric in equal measure. Perfect for fans of The Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries by Elly Griffiths.
Objev podobné jako King John - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Richard III - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: In this magnificent historical adventure, William Shakespeare presents a story on the rise to power and subsequent short reign of King Richard III of England. Malicious, power-hungry, and bitter, Richard aspires to the throne. The trail of cold-blooded murder starts in the midst of deception and political manipulation, but will Richard be able to stay in control in his ruthless strategies for ultimate power? This historical fiction set in England truly display the power of language, as for Richard, it is a vital weapon he uses to manipulate, confuse, and control those around him."Richard III" stages an important turning point in English the end of the Wars of the Roses and the rise to power of the Tudor dynasty in the figure of Henry VII.For fans of 'House of Cards' & 'Designated Survivor'.
Objev podobné jako Richard III - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
King Lear - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: Based on the mythological Leir of Britain, the main character of King Lear decides to retire from the throne and hands over the kingdom his daughters. The premonition of the division of the kingdom will solely be based on the girls' strength of flattery. His two oldest daughters flatter him greatly, but the youngest one, Cordelia, refuses to play this game. King Lear is furious and chooses to banish her despite her love for him. Soon, however, the old king finds himself overruled by his oldest daughters and is driven to madness. Who will now fix the kingdom and resolve the civil wars to come? King Lear is a classic book for adults, one of Shakespeare's most tragic and heart-breaking plays as it searches the depths of human suffering and despair. Great for fans of Gayle Forman and John Green.
Objev podobné jako King Lear - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Richard II - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: This is the historical play on King Richard's life and how he died, tracing his fall from power. As a young man, Richard rises to the throne, although quickly proven to make poor decisions. Instead of spending his time being a worthy monarch of England, he spends his time chasing the latest Italian fashion and increases taxes to fund his wars in Ireland and elsewhere. As Henry returns to England to reclaim his land, will Richard descend the throne or keep fighting till his dying breath? For all historical lovers, this play provides a pertinent perspective on the British monarchy and its magnificent history. Amongst William Shakespeare's many must-reads, this is the classic worth reading next! If you watched and loved a series such as 'the Crown' or a film as 'Mary, Queen of Scots' this book should be on your to-be-read list.
Objev podobné jako Richard II - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: You might be familiar with modern-day tragedies such as "The Atonement" by Ian McEwan, "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding or "Thirteen Reasons Why" by Jay Asher. If so, then William Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" should be your next must-read. This historical play will take you through all the complicated friendship dynamics and political conspiracies your heart desires. You will be drawn into the ultimate battle for power at hand, enthralling and topical, this is a play for today.First performed around 1599, as the successor of the British monarchy was on uncertain grounds, Julius Caesar is confronted by the dangers of political turmoil. Will Caesar achieve his desire to become an unassailable dictator, or will his aspirations only be in vain? This play stands, not only at the turn of a century but at the point in which Shakespeare emerged as the leading English language writer.
Objev podobné jako Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
The Sonnets - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: Enjoy the Beauty of Shakespeare's Sonnets "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: " ― William Shakespeare, Shakespeare's Sonnets While William Shakespeare might be most well-known for his plays, his poetry is rich and not to be missed.
Objev podobné jako The Sonnets - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Hamlet / Hamlet - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: Filozofické dílo, detektivka, horor? Největší divadelní hra světového písemnictví je sondou do lidské duše, v níž rozum a cit, pravda a zdání bojují o život každého z nás. Překlad Jiřího Joska získal Cenu Josefa Jungmanna za nejlepší překlad roku 1999.
Objev podobné jako Hamlet / Hamlet - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Zkrocení zlé ženy - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: První Shakespearova komedie, a také jedna z nejčastěji uváděných a vydávaných, se originálním způsobem vyrovnává s věčným tématem dramat a literatury vůbec, tedy s láskou a vztahy mezi mužem a ženou. Jde o příběh dvou sester protichůdných povah - něžné, křehké a romantické Bianky, která si může vybírat mezi dvornými nápadníky, a temperamentní a nezkrotné Kateřiny, o kterou se uchází mužný a prostořeký hrubián Petruccio. Komedie je bohatá na zápletky i slovní humor.
Objev podobné jako Zkrocení zlé ženy - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Measure for Measure - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: In this brilliant play by William Shakespeare, meet Vincentio, the Duke of Vienna. Setting out for a diplomatic mission, he must leave the city and puts Angelo, the strict judge in charge in the meantime. Little does Angelo know that Vincentio simply pretends to leave the city and really only dresses up as a friar in order to observe the city in his absence. Angelo decides in his strict and moralistic ruling that Vienna is filled with too much freedom and take sit upon himself to rid the city of unlawful activities. Unfortunately for the character Claudio, he is the one Angelo uses to enforce the law. Claudio is immediately arrested for impregnating his lover Juliet outside of marriage. Sentenced to death, will Claudio be pardoned or. Will he be facing death under the ruling of Angelo? This classic play is a must-read forany historical fiction lover. For lovers of the movie 'A Thousdand Miles Behind' and 'The Last Kingdom' book series by Bernard Cornwell.
Objev podobné jako Measure for Measure - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Romeo a Julie - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: Divadelní hra Romeo a Julie, světoznámá tragédie o dvou mladých milencích, kterým v lásce brání soupeření jejich rodů.
Objev podobné jako Romeo a Julie - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Sen noci svatojánské - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: Divadelní hříčka známého alžbětinského dramatika Williama Shakespeara přivede čtenáře do kouzelného lesa, obývaného elfy a skřítky, kde se rozvíjí zamotaný příběh čtyř milenců a jedné herecké společnosti. Autor vtipně proplétá jejich osudy za pomoci čar a kouzel vládců lesa, aby na konci uvedl vše na pravou míru a hru tak dovedl do šťastného konce.
Objev podobné jako Sen noci svatojánské - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Jak se vám líbí? - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: Rosalinda potkává mladého Orlanda a vzplane mezi nimi láska na první pohled - ale osud jim není nakloněn. Vévoda Rosalindu vyžene ode dvora; I Orlando musí utéct, když mu starší bratr začne usilovat o život... Hra Jak se vám líbí patří k vrcholným komediím Williama Shakespeara, kterým se často říká komedie sváteční. Kromě mileneckých párů a nezapomenutelné Rosalindy v ní vystupuje Šasek a melancholický Žak v ní pronáší jeden z nejslavnějších Shakespearových monologů vůbec, začínající slovy „Celý svět je jeviště a všichni lidé na něm jenom herci“.
Objev podobné jako Jak se vám líbí? - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
The Merchant of Venice - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: Meet Antonio, an antisemitic merchant who treats his own flesh as property to secure a loan. Throughout the play, tangible objects symbolize immaterial ideas about love and loyalty, and the plot is crafted with existential lines throughout the story. This play is made on the contrast between realistic and idealistic beliefs of society and relationships. In its simplicity, this play captures the bewilderment inseparable to human life, yet the purpose of making the Merchant of Venice is still the biggest unknown till date. Nevertheless, it contains beautifully depicted love scenes, magnificent monologues and as always with Shakespeare's, unique portrayal of diversity.If books like "Shylock Is My Name" or "The Weird Sisters" are on your must-read list, "The Merchant of Venice" should be next in line! This bestseller play is William Shakespeare's reading of religious difference and it remains provocative, even today.
Objev podobné jako The Merchant of Venice - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Henry IV, Part 1 - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: King Henry’s military plans are interrupted by the news that his army has been defeated in the South. The supposedly loyal Hotspur is refusing to send the soldiers he has captured in the north, forcing Henry to summon Hotspur back to the royal court in order to explain his actions.In the midst of a kingdom filled with rebellion, betrayal and shifting alliances, king Henry is also dealing with a great disappointment in his son, Harry (Hal). Although often overshadowed by his son, King Henry still wishes him to be more like the fearless Hotspur. It is common knowledge that Harry, the heir to the throne, conducts himself in a way unbefitting to royalty. However, when the king faces a rebellion gathered by his former ally, Hal comes to his father’s aid.But can he still redeem himself?This play focuses particularly on the development of Prince Hal as he grows to become the man later known as Henry V.Since it was first performed, this play has been extremely popular with both critics and the public. It reflects on the realities of wielding power, making this a brilliant classic worth reading. A perfect read for fans of the series ‘House of Cards’ and ‘Designated Survivor’. Reimagined in the Netflix film ‘the King’.
Objev podobné jako Henry IV, Part 1 - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
A Midsummer Night's Dream - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: A retelling of one of Shakespeare's most popular comedies in storybook form, this collection aims to make the best of Shakespearean theatre accessible to a younger audience. It presents a lively tale about love and what happens when the fairy world and the mortal world collide.
Objev podobné jako A Midsummer Night's Dream - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
The Taming of the Shrew - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: We all know what it's like to be in love, but when love is placed within the context of anxieties, desires and beliefs, will it survive?The sisters Bianca and Katherine might be as opposite as chalk and cheese, yet marriage finds its way into both their lives. Prompted by the notion of a love free of idealism, Petruchio is ready to marry Katherine with or without her will. Can she learn to love him? Or will marriage without love always be filled with terror and deception?Although believed to be written in the late 1500s, this classic romance is still very relevant today. Whether you will perceive Katherina and Petruchio's relationship as romantic and energetic or violent and oppressive, this play unmistakably offers us a perpetual take on the major theme: the battle of the sexes. But unlike most modern day romances emotional desires are put second in this play's exploration of love, marriage and courtship.If you saw and loved director Gil Junger's "10 Things I Hate About You", this is the best-seller behind the film.
Objev podobné jako The Taming of the Shrew - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
The Merry Wives of Windsor - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: Like any true ladies man, Sir John Falstaff, the fat king, attempts to seduce two wealthy women at the same time. To make things easy he decides to send ends Mistress Page and Mistress Ford identical love letters.But little does Falstaff know that women tend to talk to one another, only causing him a great deal of trouble..As Frank Ford hears of Falstaff's plan, he decides to test his wife's loyalty. By dressing up, Frank pretends to be someone else and pays Falstaff off to seduce his wife on his behalf. The men in Windsor desperately try to control the situation, however, it is the women of Windsor who pull the strings in this play. This hilarious comedy by Shakespeare is a classic worth reading! First published in 1602, this play presents themes of marriage, wealth, jealousy and lies. Complete with clumsy men and strong women, this appeals to all ages. For fans of Clare McHugh, Thomas Middleton and Julia Quinn.
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All's Well That Ends Well - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: Helena is an orphaned daughter who has fallen madly in love with the arrogant Bertram. Helena is allowed to go to court and try her hand at curing the King's illness. Although others have failed, she succeeds and is granted permission to marry Bertram. To her sorrows however, he rejects her, turning out to be the beginning of a series of trials and tribulations Will Helena's efforts to corral her unwilling lover provide her with joyful fulfilment? This is the romantic comedy play of all time, providing an incredible dance across gender, sex, morality, duty and honour, without taking a stance, but as everything is ultimately alright, all's well that ends well after all! Perfect for fans of 'Notting Hill' and Bridget Jones's Diary'.
Objev podobné jako All's Well That Ends Well - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Mnoho povyku pro nic / Much Ado About Nothing - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: Vrcholná Shakespearova komedie o lásce, proradném lidském citu, který člověku bere svobodu a žene ho do houfu, ale jemuž nakonec i ti nejchytřejší podlehnou, protože "Svět se musí rozmnožovat".
Objev podobné jako Mnoho povyku pro nic / Much Ado About Nothing - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Dva kavalíři z Verony / Two Gentlemen of Verona - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: Komedie plná zvratů o souboji mezi přátelstvím a láskou. Do pošetilého jednání kavalírských milenců pozoruhodně vstupují i dva sluhové a jeden pes. Ženy tu sice hrají prim, ale svému údělu se nevyhnou. Druhé, přepracované vydání.
Objev podobné jako Dva kavalíři z Verony / Two Gentlemen of Verona - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Zkrocení zlé ženy / The Taming of the Shrew - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: Komedie na věčné a vděčné téma boje mezi mužem a ženou.
Objev podobné jako Zkrocení zlé ženy / The Taming of the Shrew - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Sonety - William Shakespeare, Martin Hilský - e-kniha
eBook: Tento soubor vybral, přeložil a doslovem opatřil překladatel a znalec Shakespearova díla Martin Hilský. Ve svém doslovu píše: „Každý ze Shakespearových sonetů lze chápat jako rozhovor či jako dopis ve verších, celou jeho sonetovou sbírku pak jako básnickou korespondenci. Žádné Velké Umění, v němž promlouvá Bard či Klasik. Spíš příležitostná poezie, dopisy pro všední den. Shakespearovy Sonety jsou především knihou lásky, a možná právě proto vycházejí od roku 1609, kdy vyšly prvně, neustále.“
Objev podobné jako Sonety - William Shakespeare, Martin Hilský - e-kniha
Antonius a Kleopatra/Antony and Cleopatra (978-80-86573-12-0)
Kniha - česky Tragický milostný příběh dvou velikánů světových dějin, římského vojevůdce a egyptské královny, pojal Shakespeare jako komorní drama cizoložné lásky v kulisách velkého světa. Stárnoucí milenci, jejichž osobní touhy se střetávají s nadosobními povinnostmi vladařů, se při pohledu do soukromí jeví poněkud směšní a nedokonalí, ale o to lidštějsí a věrohodnější. V této de facto poslední Shakespearově tragédii stojí proti sobě Orient a Západ, rozum a vášeň, rytířsky pošetilé stáří a dravé, nelítostné mládí.
Objev podobné jako Antonius a Kleopatra/Antony and Cleopatra (978-80-86573-12-0)
In Our Own Image: Fictional Representations of William Shakespeare - David Livingstone - e-kniha
eBook: This publication looks at fictional portrayals of William Shakespeare with a focus on novels, short stories, plays, occasional poems, films, television series and even comics. In terms of time span, the analysis covers the entire twentieth century and ends in the present-day. The authors included range from well-known figures (G.B. Shaw, Kipling, Joyce) to more obscure writers. The depictions of Shakespeare are varied to say the least, with even interpretations giving credence to the Oxfordian theory and feminist readings involving a Shakespearian sister of sorts. The main argument is that readings of Shakespeare almost always inform us more about the particular author writing the specific work than about the historical personage.
Objev podobné jako In Our Own Image: Fictional Representations of William Shakespeare - David Livingstone - e-kniha
Oxford School Shakespeare: Oxford School Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
Oxford School Shakespeare is an acclaimed series offering full, unabridged versions of popular Shakespeare plays designed specifically for students.This edition of Oxford School Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet is presented in an accessible two-column format to make reference-checking and explanations easy and more immediate. Clear notes and commentaries provide detailed explanations of difficult words and passages and a range of photographs from theatre productions offer alternative interpretations and staging ideas,Oxford School Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet outlines common themes explored when studying Romeo and Juliet''s characters, including Romeo and Juliet''s unrequited love, Romeo and Juliet as youthful protagonists, Romeo and Juliet''s divided loyalties and the powerful force of fate and fortune.This title is for students aged 11+ and is suitable for all exam boards.
Objev podobné jako Oxford School Shakespeare: Oxford School Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
Undoubtedly the greatest love story ever written, Romeo and Juliet has spawned a host of imitators on stage and screen and been adapted countless times. A young man and woman meet by chance and instantly fall in love. But their families are bitter enemies, and in order to be together the two lovers must be prepared to risk everything. Set in a city torn apart by feuds and gang warfare, Romeo and Juliet is a dazzling combination of passion and hatred, bawdy comedy and high tragedy. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition is illustrated throughout by renowned artist Sir John Gilbert (1817-1897), and includes an introduction by Ned Halley.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
Objev podobné jako Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?"Romeo Montague is desperate to win the heart of the elusive Rosaline when he encounters a beautiful girl and immediately falls in love. Juliet Capulet is still reeling from the news that she is to marry Count Paris when she encounters a beautiful boy and immediately falls in love. Neither of them knows that they are sworn enemies.Upon learning the truth of each other's identities, they are determined to save their love and arrange to marry in secret, encouraged by the Friar who aspires to end their families' long and bloody rivalry. But when Romeo runs into Juliet's hot-headed cousin, a fight erupts that leaves both Montagues and Capulets dead, and Romeo banished from Verona. A distraught Juliet bids Romeo a tearful goodbye, but when her family insist that she marry Count Paris and threaten to disown her, Juliet is forced to take drastic measures.She plans with the Friar to fake her own death, but a tragic series of events ends in a scene that will bring both families to their knees. Romeo and Juliet is the classic tale of love, loss and the origin of the star-crossed lovers trope. STAGED is a beautifully designed, six-part collection of Shakespeare's most beloved works and the archetypes that they popularised, celebrating the genius of the Bard and the tropes that remain present in best-selling YA titles to this day.
Objev podobné jako Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
An improved, larger-format edition of the Cambridge School Shakespeare plays, extensively rewritten, expanded and produced in an attractive new design. An active approach to classroom Shakespeare enables students to inhabit Shakespeare''s imaginative world in accessible and creative ways. Students are encouraged to share Shakespeare''s love of language, interest in character and sense of theatre. Substantially revised and extended in full colour, classroom activities are thematically organised in distinctive ''Stagecraft'', ''Write about it'', ''Language in the play'', ''Characters'' and ''Themes'' features. Extended glossaries are aligned with the play text for easy reference. Expanded endnotes include extensive essay-writing guidance for ''Romeo and Juliet'' and Shakespeare. Includes rich, exciting colour photos of performances of ''Romeo and Juliet'' from around the world.
Objev podobné jako Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
Exam board: AQA, Edexcel, OCR, Eduqas; Cambridge Assessment International EducationLevel & Subject: GCSE 9-1 English Literature; IGCSE Literature in EnglishFirst teaching: September 2015; September 2018Next exam: June 2025This edition of Romeo and Juliet is perfect for GCSE-level students, with the complete play in an accessible format, on-page notes, introduction setting the context, timeline, character and theme indexes.Affordable high quality complete play for Romeo and Juliet, ideal for GCSE 9-1 and IGCSEDemystify vocabulary with notes on the page and concise commentarySet the scene with perfectly pitched introductions that introduce key contexts, concerns and stylistic features, and examine different performances and interpretationsRecall plot summaries at the beginning of each sceneSupport GCSE revision and essay writing with theme and character indexesHelp students with social, historical and literary context with the bespoke timeline of Shakespeare’s life and times
Objev podobné jako Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet is the world''s most famous drama of tragic young love. Defying the feud which divides their families, Romeo and Juliet enjoy the fleeting rapture of courtship, marriage and sexual fulfilment; but a combination of old animosities and new coincidences brings them to suicidal deaths.This play offers a rich mixture of romantic lyricism, bawdy comedy, intimate harmony and sudden violence. Long successful in the theatre, it has also generated numerous operas, ballets and films; and these have helped to make Romeo and Juliet perennially topical.
Objev podobné jako Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.'Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.'Arguably the greatest love story ever told, Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet continues to touch modern audiences with its passionate depiction of the tragic romance between two young lovers. With a bitter feud between their respective families, Romeo and Juliet's love is troubled from the start, and through their relationship, Shakespeare shows the fine line between love, hatred, comedy and tragedy.
Objev podobné jako Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
Citlivě zkrácený příběh v Angličtině - úroveň A2 Flyers Tato kniha podporuje výuku angličtiny pro školní mládež. V atraktivním a zábavném čtení se děti setkají s klasickým textem světové literatury připraveným pro výuku. Text je učí nové slovní zásobě a procvičuje ji. Nová slovíčka jsou jsou zvýrazněna. Kniha je zaměřena na děti, které začínají samostatně číst anglicky. Obsahuje celý příběh, 13 řádek textu na stránku, složitější syntaktické konstrukce. Obsahuje slovník a závěrečnou kontrolu toho co se děti naučily. Hlavními postavami je chlapec Romeo a dívka Julie, kteří jsou do sebe bláznivě zamilovaní. A to i přes nepřízeň svých rodin.
Objev podobné jako Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
Edited, introduced and annotated by Cedric Watts, Research Professor of English Literature, University of Sussex. The Wordsworth Classics' Shakespeare Series presents a newly-edited sequence of William Shakespeare's works. The textual editing takes account of recent scholarship while giving the material a careful reappraisal. Romeo and Juliet is the world's most famous drama of tragic young love. Defying the feud which divides their families, Romeo and Juliet enjoy the fleeting rapture of courtship, marriage and sexual fulfilment; but a combination of old animosities and new coincidences brings them to suicidal deaths. This play offers a rich mixture of romantic lyricism, bawdy comedy, intimate harmony and sudden violence. Long successful in the theatre, it has also generated numerous operas, ballets and films; and these have helped to make Romeo and Juliet perennially topical.
Objev podobné jako Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Audiokniha Romeo and Juliet namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň A2 pro mírně pokročilé posluchače. The story of Romeo and Juliet is probably the most famous love story of all time. It is set in mediaeval Verona and follows Romeo, son of the house of Montague as he falls in love with Juliet, daughter of the rival house of Capulet. The story moves quickly towards its conclusion as bitter hate and ancient rivalry lead to tragedy. William Shakespeare’s play is retold here as an exciting story, making it accessible to learners of English.
Objev podobné jako Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare - audiokniha
Troilus a Kressida / Toilus and Cressida - William Shakespeare
Tragikomická groteska na téma lásky a války. Osudy legendárních reků trójské války nahlíží autor skeptickým pohledem člověka, který pod maskou přikrášlené historie nachází holou, nelichotivou pravdu.
Objev podobné jako Troilus a Kressida / Toilus and Cressida - William Shakespeare
Romeo a Julie / Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
Romeo a Julie je vedle Hamleta snad nejslavnější a nejznámější divadelní hrou všech dob. Příběh dvou veronských milenců se už přes čtyři sta let hraje současně ve stovkách divadel po celém světě, byl mnohokrát zfilmován, stal se námětem baletů, oper, symfonických básní i muzikálu West Side Story.
Objev podobné jako Romeo a Julie / Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
The Sonnets and a Lover´s Complaint - William Shakespeare
When this volume of Shakespeare's poems first appeared in 1609, he had already written most of the great plays that made him famous. The 154 sonnets - all but two of which are addressed to a beautiful young man or a treacherous 'dark lady' - contain some of the most exquisite and haunting poetry ever written, and deal with eternal subjects such as love and infidelity, memory and mortality, and the destruction wreaked by Time. Also included is "A Lover's Complaint", originally published with the sonnets, in which a young woman is overheard lamenting her betrayal by a heartless seducer.
Objev podobné jako The Sonnets and a Lover´s Complaint - William Shakespeare
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