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Amari and the Night Brothers - B. B. Alston

“AMARI IS MAGICAL!” ANGIE THOMASAn epic middle grade supernatural adventure series, soon to be a major movie starring Marsai Martin. Perfect for readers aged 8+ and fans of Percy Jackson, Skandar and the Unicorn Thief, Marvel and Onyeka.Amari Peters knows three things.Her big brother Quinton has gone missing.No one will talk about it.His mysterious job holds the secret…So when Amari gets an invitation to the Bureau of Supernatural Affairs, she’s certain this is her chance to find Quinton. But first she has to get her head around the new world of the Bureau, where mermaids, aliens and magicians are real, and her roommate is a weredragon.Amari must compete against kids who’ve known about the supernatural world their whole lives, and when each trainee is awarded a special supernatural talent, Amari is given an illegal talent – one that the Bureau views as dangerous.With an evil magician threatening the whole supernatural world, and her own classmates thinking she is the enemy, Amari has never felt more alone. But if she doesn’t pass the three tryouts, she may never find out what happened to Quinton …B. B. Alston lives in Lexington, SC. Amari and the Night Brothers is his debut middle grade novel. When not writing, he can be found eating too many sweets and exploring country roads to see where they lead.

Podívejte se také Night Trains: The Rise and Fall of the Sleeper (1781255598)

cena 232.0 Kč

Amari a Noční bratři - B. B. Alston

Epické dobrodružství vynalézavé hrdinky s nelegální magickou schopností. Vydejte se s Amari na stáž Úřadu pro nadpřirozené záležitosti pátrat po jejím bratrovi Quintonovi, nejlegendárnějším tajném agentovi všech dob... Objevte nadpřirozený svět plný kouzel, zkoušek, nebezpečí, dobrodružství, všelijakých tajemných udělátek a bytostí, které vás překvapí. Quinton Peters byl nejoblíbenější kluk na Rosewoodském sídlišti pro nízkopříjmové rodiny, který získal stipendium na dvě z nejlepších amerických univerzit. Jenže když záhadně zmizí, jeho dvanáctiletá sestra Amari Petersová nechápe, proč se jeho zmizením nikdo víc nezabývá? Proč se o něm nepíše ve všech novinách? Proč o něm nemluví v televizi? A proč si policie ihned myslí, že se musel zaplést do něčeho nezákonného? Ale pak Amari v bratrově skříni objeví tikající kufřík. Kufřík, který smí otevřít jen ona. Zdá se, že o Quintonovi toho opravdu hodně nevěděla. Zaslal jí nominaci na letní tábor na utajený Úřad pro nadpřirozené záležitosti. Amari si je jistá, že odpověď na to, co se s jejím bratrem stalo, musí být právě tam. Ale nejdřív se musí vypořádat s tím, že mořské panny, trpaslíci, sněžní muži a čarodějové doopravdy existují – a dostane k tomu příležitost hned, jakmile zjistí, že její spolubydlící je drakodlačice. Amari musí soupeřit s dětmi z nejbohatších rodin v zemi, které se v nadpřirozeném světě pohybují celý svůj život, a nedělá jim problém odpovědět na otázku, které dvě z Velkých stvůr přebývají v Atlantském oceánu nebo kolik let je Merlinovi. Už jenom dostat se na Úřadu z jednoho místa na druhé je dost oříšek, když Amari naráží na cedule jako „SMĚR: Odbor tajných míst – anebo ne?“. A jako by to všechno nestačilo, každý ze stážistů absolvuje rituál, při němž je jeho vrozený talent rozvinutý v nadpřirozenou schopnost, která jim má pomoci při práci na Úřadě – jenže Amari získá schopnost, která je zakázaná a postavená mimo zákon. Jako by už tak dost nevyčnívala. Když pak zlý čaroděj ohrožuje celý nadpřirozený svět a spolužáci Amari si myslí, že to ona je ten obávaný nepřítel, připadá si tak sama, jako ještě nikdy. Ale pokud neprojde třemi koly zkoušek, možná nikdy nezjistí, co se s Quintonem stalo.

Podívejte se také Orava DAB B (DAB B)

cena 356.0 Kč

Amari a Velká hra - B. B. Alston

Potom, co se Amari Petersové vloni povedlo najít svého ztraceného bratra a zachránit celý svět, doufá, že další rok na Úřadu pro nadpřirozené záležitosti bude hračka.Jenomže ani letos Amari neví, kam dřív skočit: nový ředitel razí přísnou protičarodějnou propagandu, ostatní mladší agenti se ji snaží ve všem trumfnout a kletba jejího staršího bratra Quintona se den ode dne zhoršuje. A když jí k tomu tajná Liga čarodějů nabídne, aby se postavila do čela a vedla všechny čaroděje v boji proti útlaku, Amari nezbývá než odmítnout. Už tak toho má až nad hlavu!Jenže ve chvíli, kdy se Amari rozhodne nabídku nepřijmout, dostane šanci další čaroděj, který má s Ligou nebezpečné plány. A to mladá čarodějka nemůže dopustit. A tak začíná Velká hra, soutěž, v níž se rozhodne, kdo se stane následníkem Nočních bratrů a kdo rozhodne o budoucnosti všech čarodějů.Velká hra je záhadná a také děsivě nebezpečná – ovšem spolu s výhrou by Amari mohla získat i naději na vysvobození Quintona ze spárů smrtící kletby. A jak by něco takového mohla odmítnout?

Podívejte se také Neutrik NC3MXX-B (NC3MXX-B)

cena 428.0 Kč

Amari and the Despicable Wonders - BB Alston

The highly anticipated third book in the #1 New York Times bestselling Supernatural Investigations series that began with Amari and the Night Brothers! Perfect for readers aged 8+ and fans of Skandar, Percy Jackson, Nevermoor and Men in Black.“Amari is magical!”— Angie Thomas, #1 New York Times bestselling author of THE HATE U GIVEWar has come to the supernatural world, and Amari’s two worst enemies are leading the charge.Elaine Harlowe has manipulated her way into becoming prime minister, using her mind control ability to force the Bureau to take up her vicious grudge against magiciankind. Meanwhile, Dylan Van Helsing, the newly crowned leader of the League of Magicians—and Amari’s former partner—is after a destructive new power that would not only ensure the magicians’ victory … it would make him invincible.With neither the Bureau nor the League safe for Amari, and her newly returned brother, Quinton, determined to keep her out of the fray, she and her friends decide to find a way to end the war on their own.So when they learn that the only way to stop Dylan is to find powerful magical inventions known as Wonders, they go after them. But wielding these items comes at a terrible cost, and Amari will have to decide just how much she’s willing to sacrifice … because the Despicable Wonders will demand everything

Objev podobné jako Amari and the Despicable Wonders - BB Alston

cena 384.0 Kč

Amari a Velká hra (Defekt) - B. B. Alston

Potom, co se Amari Petersové vloni povedlo najít svého ztraceného bratra a zachránit celý svět, doufá, že další rok na Úřadu pro nadpřirozené záležitosti bude hračka.Jenomže ani letos Amari neví, kam dřív skočit: nový ředitel razí přísnou protičarodějnou propagandu, ostatní mladší agenti se ji snaží ve všem trumfnout a kletba jejího staršího bratra Quintona se den ode dne zhoršuje. A když jí k tomu tajná Liga čarodějů nabídne, aby se postavila do čela a vedla všechny čaroděje v boji proti útlaku, Amari nezbývá než odmítnout. Už tak toho má až nad hlavu!Jenže ve chvíli, kdy se Amari rozhodne nabídku nepřijmout, dostane šanci další čaroděj, který má s Ligou nebezpečné plány. A to mladá čarodějka nemůže dopustit. A tak začíná Velká hra, soutěž, v níž se rozhodne, kdo se stane následníkem Nočních bratrů a kdo rozhodne o budoucnosti všech čarodějů.Velká hra je záhadná a také děsivě nebezpečná – ovšem spolu s výhrou by Amari mohla získat i naději na vysvobození Quintona ze spárů smrtící kletby. A jak by něco takového mohla odmítnout?

Objev podobné jako Amari a Velká hra (Defekt) - B. B. Alston

cena 189.0 Kč

Amari a Velká hra (Defekt) - B. B. Alston

Potom, co se Amari Petersové vloni povedlo najít svého ztraceného bratra a zachránit celý svět, doufá, že další rok na Úřadu pro nadpřirozené záležitosti bude hračka.Jenomže ani letos Amari neví, kam dřív skočit: nový ředitel razí přísnou protičarodějnou propagandu, ostatní mladší agenti se ji snaží ve všem trumfnout a kletba jejího staršího bratra Quintona se den ode dne zhoršuje. A když jí k tomu tajná Liga čarodějů nabídne, aby se postavila do čela a vedla všechny čaroděje v boji proti útlaku, Amari nezbývá než odmítnout. Už tak toho má až nad hlavu!Jenže ve chvíli, kdy se Amari rozhodne nabídku nepřijmout, dostane šanci další čaroděj, který má s Ligou nebezpečné plány. A to mladá čarodějka nemůže dopustit. A tak začíná Velká hra, soutěž, v níž se rozhodne, kdo se stane následníkem Nočních bratrů a kdo rozhodne o budoucnosti všech čarodějů.Velká hra je záhadná a také děsivě nebezpečná – ovšem spolu s výhrou by Amari mohla získat i naději na vysvobození Quintona ze spárů smrtící kletby. A jak by něco takového mohla odmítnout?

Objev podobné jako Amari a Velká hra (Defekt) - B. B. Alston

cena 189.0 Kč

Amari a Noční bratři - B. B. Alston - e-kniha

eBook: Napínavé dobrodružství vynalézavé hrdinky s nelegální magickou schopností. Vydejte se s Amari na stáž v Úřadu pro nadpřirozené záležitosti pátrat po jejím bratru Quintonovi, nejslavnějším tajném agentovi všech dob… Objevte nadpřirozený svět plný kouzel, zkoušek, nebezpečí, všelijakých tajemných udělátek a bytostí, které vás překvapí! Amari Petersová je obyčejná dvanáctiletá holka, která žije se svou maminkou v chudé čtvrti. Jenže poslední dobou to doma vůbec nemá lehké. Její bratr Quinton, ten nejchytřejší a nejstatečnější člověk, jakého zná, totiž před půl rokem beze stopy zmizel a nikdo neví, kde může být. Jenže potom Amari v bratrově skříni najde podivný kufřík a v něm pozvánku na letní tábor na jakémsi záhadném Úřadě pro nadpřirozené záležitosti, kam ji posílá právě její zmizelý bratr. Amari vůbec netuší, co je to za místo, ale je si jistá, že odpověď na to, co se s Quintonem stalo, se musí skrývat právě tam. A tak se Amari vydává do nadpřirozeného světa, kde ji čekají strašidla, sněžní muži, tajemní agenti a nová kamarádka drakodlačice, ale také náročné zkoušky, tajemné věštby a souboj s nejmocnějším čarodějem, jaký kdy žil… Dokáže Amari najít svého bratra a zachránit nadpřirozený svět?

Objev podobné jako Amari a Noční bratři - B. B. Alston - e-kniha

cena 258.0 Kč

Amari a Velká hra - B. B. Alston - e-kniha

eBook: Potom, co se Amari Petersové vloni povedlo najít svého ztraceného bratra a zachránit celý svět, doufá, že další rok na Úřadu pro ni bude hračka.Jenomže ani letos Amari neví, kam dřív skočit: nový guvernér razí přísnou protičarodějnou propagandu, ostatní mladší agenti se ji snaží ve všem trumfnout a kletba jejího staršího bratra Quintona se den ode dne zhoršuje. A když jí k tomu tajná Liga čarodějů nabídne, aby se postavila do jejich čela a vedla všechny čaroděje v boji proti útlaku, Amari nezbývá než odmítnout. Už tak toho má až nad hlavu!Jenže ve chvíli, kdy se Amari rozhodne nabídku nepřijmout, dostane šanci další čaroděj, který má s Ligou nebezpečné plány. A to mladá čarodějka nemůže dopustit. A tak začíná Velká hra, soutěž, v níž se rozhodne, kdo se stane následníkem Nočních bratrů a kdo rozhodne o budoucnosti všech čarodějů.Velká hra je záhadná a také děsivě nebezpečná – ovšem spolu s výhrou by Amari mohla získat i naději na vysvobození Quintona ze spárů smrtící kletby. A jak by něco takového mohla odmítnout?Kdybyste zkřížili sérii o Artemisi Fowlovi s filmem Muži v černém, dostanete tuto úžasnou novou sérii o mladé čarodějce Amari – ideální pro fanoušky Percyho Jacksona nebo Nikdyuš.Pro děti od 8 let.

Objev podobné jako Amari a Velká hra - B. B. Alston - e-kniha

cena 318.0 Kč

The Chemical Brothers - We Are the Night (2 LP)

Vydavatelství: Astralwerks Datum vydání: 2007-07-17 Rok vydání: 2007.0 Varianta: We Are the Night (2 LP) Barva: Černá Interpret / Téma: The Chemical Brothers Subžánr: Electro;House Žánr: House;Elektronický Balení obsahuje: LP Barva podle výrobce: Black Typ: Album;LP deska Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 2 ks

Objev podobné jako The Chemical Brothers - We Are the Night (2 LP)

cena 1204.0 Kč

Kalmann and the Sleeping Mountain - Joachim B. Schmidt

Kalmann is back! But he''s already in trouble; in an interrogation room at the FBI headquarters in Washington, no less. All he wanted to do was visit his American father, but the loveable sheriff of Raufarhofn got himself mixed up in the January 2021 Capitol riots. Thanks to sympathetic FBI agent Dakota Leen, he''s soon on a plane home. But not before she informs him that his grandfather was on a blacklist, suspected of spying for the Russians during the Cold War. Back in Iceland, there''s a murder and one heck of a mystery to unravel. And what role does a mysterious mountain play in all this? Somehow Kalmann never loses heart. There''s no need to worry; he has everything under control.

Objev podobné jako Kalmann and the Sleeping Mountain - Joachim B. Schmidt

cena 295.0 Kč

Fireborn: Twelve and the Frozen Forest - Aisling Fowlerová

'The perfect balance of high adventure, breathless action and eerie wonder' Jonathan Stroud, author of the Bartimaeus trilogy 'The best kind of children's fantasy story: thrilling and imaginative while packing an emotional punch!' B. B. Alston, author of Amari and the Night Brothers Set in the snowy northern forests of a prehistoric world, Fireborn is the middle-grade debut of the decade.By turns exciting, funny and heart wrenchingly sad, it marks the introduction of an unstoppable new voice in children's storytelling. A FIERCE HEROINE RISES Twelve has spoken the Pledge and now she is a Huntling. She has given up her name to train in the art of fighting monsters, and she won't choose a new one until she has earned it.But when her friend is taken, Twelve sets off on a dangerous journey to rescue her. Teaming up with Dog, the stone Guardian of the Hunting Lodge, Twelve ends up on an epic adventure that will change her life, her name - and her entire world.

Objev podobné jako Fireborn: Twelve and the Frozen Forest - Aisling Fowlerová

cena 232.0 Kč

BBQ grilovací omáčka Night of the Living Bar-B-Q 510g Cowtown

Cowtown Night of the Living Bar-B-Q je populární BBQ omáčka, která je vyrobena z kvalitních ingrediencí, které dodávají jídlu vynikající chuť. Cowtown Night of the Living Bar-B-Q je vyrobená z rajčat, octu, cibule, česneku a koření, které dodává omáčce výraznou chuť a aroma.Omáčka je vhodná jako doplněk k různým druhům masa, jako je například hovězí, vepřové, kuřecí nebo ryby. Je vhodná také jako marináda pro grilování nebo pečení. Omáčka Cowtown Night of the Living Bar-B-Q je balena v lahvi s

Objev podobné jako BBQ grilovací omáčka Night of the Living Bar-B-Q 510g Cowtown

cena 417.0 Kč

The Messthetics & J. B. Lewis - The Messthetics and James Brandon Lewis (LP)

Barva podle výrobce: Black Datum vydání: 2024-03-15 Typ: Album;LP deska Interpret / Téma: The Messthetics & J. B. Lewis Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Subžánr: Experimental Rock;Jazz Fusion Vydavatelství: Verve Records Rok vydání: 2024.0 Varianta: The Messthetics and James Brandon Lewis (LP) Žánr: Rock;Jazz Barva: Černá Složení setu: 1 ks

Objev podobné jako The Messthetics & J. B. Lewis - The Messthetics and James Brandon Lewis (LP)

cena 885.0 Kč

Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime (Defekt) - Sean B. Carroll

INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLEROne of Publishers Weekly’s “Most Anticipated Books of the Fall”As you read these words, copies of you are being created. Sean Carroll, theoretical physicist and one of this world’s most celebrated writers on science, rewrites the history of 20th century physics. Already hailed as a masterpiece, Something Deeply Hidden shows for the first time that facing up to the essential puzzle of quantum mechanics utterly transforms how we think about space and time. His reconciling of quantum mechanics with Einstein’s theory of relativity changes, well, everything.Most physicists haven’t even recognized the uncomfortable truth: physics has been in crisis since 1927. Quantum mechanics has always had obvious gaps—which have come to be simply ignored. Science popularizers keep telling us how weird it is, how impossible it is to understand. Academics discourage students from working on the "dead end" of quantum foundations. Putting his professional reputation on the line with this audacious yet entirely reasonable book, Carroll says that the crisis can now come to an end. We just have to accept that there is more than one of us in the universe. There are many, many Sean Carrolls. Many of every one of us. Copies of you are generated thousands of times per second. The Many Worlds Theory of quantum behavior says that every time there is a quantum event, a world splits off with everything in it the same, except in that other world the quantum event didn't happen. Step-by-step in Carroll's uniquely lucid way, he tackles the major objections to this otherworldly revelation until his case is inescapably established. Rarely does a book so fully reorganize how we think about our place in the universe. We are on the threshold of a new understanding—of where we are in the cosmos, and what we are made of.

Objev podobné jako Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime (Defekt) - Sean B. Carroll

cena 269.0 Kč

Wellness Fleece Glow in the dark Panda and friends design B

Výrobce: Evropský výrobce, Barva: barevná, Gramáž: 230 g/m2, Motív: Obloha a vesmír, Šířka: 165 cm, Složení: 100% PE, Ošetrování: 8

Objev podobné jako Wellness Fleece Glow in the dark Panda and friends design B

cena 225.0 Kč

The Serpent and the Wings of Night - Carissa Broadbent

The Hunger Games meets vampires in this heart-wrenching, epic fantasy romance of dark magic and bloodthirsty intrigue from bestselling author Carissa Broadbent. Human or vampire, the rules of survival are the same: never trust, never yield, and always - always - guard your heart. The adopted human daughter of the Nightborn vampire king, Oraya carved her place in a world designed to kill her.Her only chance to become something more than prey is entering the Kejari: a legendary tournament held by the goddess of death herself. But winning won't be easy against the most vicious warriors from all three vampire houses. To survive, Oraya is forced to make an alliance with a mysterious rival.Everything about Raihn is dangerous. He is a ruthless vampire, an efficient killer, an enemy to her father's crown... and her greatest competition.Yet, what terrifies Oraya most of all is that she finds herself oddly drawn to him. But there's no room for compassion in the Kejari - and nothing more deadly than love... The Serpent and the Wings of Night is the first book in the Crowns of Nyaxia series, the bestselling TikTok sensation by Carissa Broadbent.It is followed by The Ashes and the Star-Cursed King.

Objev podobné jako The Serpent and the Wings of Night - Carissa Broadbent

cena 294.0 Kč

The Blues Brothers: An Epic Friendship, the Rise of Improv, and the Making of an American Film Classic - de Visé Daniel

The Blues Brothers hit theatres on June 20, 1980. Their scripted mission was to save a local Chicago orphanage; but Aykroyd, who conceived and wrote much of the film, had a greater mission: to honour the then-seemingly forgotten tradition of rhythm and blues, some of whose greatest artists - Aretha Franklin, James Brown, John Lee Hooker, Cab Calloway, Ray Charles - made the film as unforgettable as its wild car chases. Much delayed and vastly over budget, beset by mercurial and oft drugged-out stars, The Blues Brothers opened to outraged reviews.However, in the 44 years since it has been acknowledged a classic: inducted into the National Film Registry for its cultural significance, even declared a 'Catholic classic' by the Church itself, and re-aired thousands of times on television to huge worldwide audiences. It is, undeniably, one of the most significant films of the 20th century.The saga behind The Blues Brothers, as Daniel de Vise reveals, is epic, encompassing the colourful childhoods of Belushi and Aykroyd; the comedic revolution sparked by Harvard's Lampoon and Chicago's Second City; the birth and anecdote-rich, drug-filled early years of Saturday Night Live, where the Blues Brothers were born as an act amidst turmoil and rivalry; and, of course, the indelible behind-the-scenes narrative of how the film was made, scene by memorable scene. Based on original research and dozens of interviews probing the memories of principals from director John Landis and producer Bob Weiss to Aykroyd himself, The Blues Brothers illuminates an American masterpiece while vividly portraying the creative geniuses behind modern comedy.

Objev podobné jako The Blues Brothers: An Epic Friendship, the Rise of Improv, and the Making of an American Film Classic - de Visé Daniel

cena 447.0 Kč

B. B. King: The Art Of Blues - LP (4260494435900)

LP vinyl - Kompilačni album bluesového krále B.B.Kinga Kompilačni album bluesového krále B.B.Kinga

Objev podobné jako B. B. King: The Art Of Blues - LP (4260494435900)

cena 579.0 Kč

The Barr Brothers - Barr Brothers (2 LP)

Rok vydání: 2011.0 Interpret / Téma: The Barr Brothers Subžánr: Folk Rock Datum vydání: 2011-09-27 Varianta: Barr Brothers (2 LP) Vydavatelství: Secret City Typ: Jednostranná deska;LP deska;Album Žánr: Rock;Folk Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země interpreta: Kanada Složení setu: 2 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Barva podle výrobce: Black Země původu: Německo Barva: Černá

Objev podobné jako The Barr Brothers - Barr Brothers (2 LP)

cena 299.5 Kč

The Doctor and I - 9 stories about forbidden desire - B. J. Hermansson - e-kniha

eBook: Liz works as a medical secretary at a clinic. She is both attracted to and fascinated by the striking and confident doctor. During the days, Liz listens to his voice and transcribes his dictations. Meanwhile, she fantasizes about everything she wants him to do to her. The doctor becomes like a drug to Liz. He calls her to his office after she has made several mistakes in the medical records. She finally sees her chance and decides to seduce him – for real this time.

Objev podobné jako The Doctor and I - 9 stories about forbidden desire - B. J. Hermansson - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Night Trains: The Rise and Fall of the Sleeper (1781255598)

Kniha - autor Andrew Martin, 248 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá In journeys to Istanbul, Lisbon, Venice and elsewhere, bestselling author of the Jim Stringer railway mysteries Andrew Martin recaptures the glamour and intrigue of the night train in this new book. Martin is also author of "Underground, Overground" and "Belles & Whistles".

Objev podobné jako Night Trains: The Rise and Fall of the Sleeper (1781255598)

cena 438.0 Kč

Rabbit and Bear: A Bite in the Night - Julian Gough

Gorgeously illustrated and with a classic feel, this is a brilliantly funny story of a rabbit and a bear who discover that things are always better when they''re shared with a friend. Ideal for readers moving on from picture books. ''A perfect animal double-act.'' (The Times, Book of the Week)Rabbit is surprised: some of the trees in the valley seem to be flying south for the winter. His friend Bear is sure that trees can''t fly.Then there''s a loud CRUNCH! from Very Near By. It sounds like the world''s largest rabbit, eating the world''s largest carrot. There''s a new creature in Rabbit and Bear''s valley, and he''s trying to Change Everything. From novelist and playwright Julian Gough, and the winner of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, Jim Field, this is a tale of friendship, Progess, and all kinds of getting muddy.''Rabbit''s Bad Habits is a breath of fresh air in children''s fiction, a laugh-out-loud story of rabbit and wolf and bear, of avalanches and snowmen. The sort of story that makes you want to send your children to bed early, so you can read it to them.'' Neil Gaiman

Objev podobné jako Rabbit and Bear: A Bite in the Night - Julian Gough

cena 207.0 Kč

The Widening of God's Mercy - Christopher B Hays, Richard B Hays

A fresh, deeply biblical account of God’s expanding grace and mercy, tracing how the Bible’s narrative points to the full inclusion of LGBTQ people in Christian communities

Objev podobné jako The Widening of God's Mercy - Christopher B Hays, Richard B Hays

cena 591.0 Kč

The Thief in the Night and Other Stories - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: Fast-paced and fun, ‘The Thief in the Night and Other Stories’ is a collection of six tales from the pen of one of the 20th Century’s most prolific writers. The title story follows Inspector Jack Danton as he investigates a proliferation of poison pen letters and thefts to and from wealthy young debutantes. Other novelettes, such as ‘Findings are Keepings’ and ‘The Compleat Criminal,’ are laced with Wallace’s trademark wit and critical appraisal of life in the upper echelons during the early 20th century. A superb read for fans of Wallace's body of work.

Objev podobné jako The Thief in the Night and Other Stories - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Brothers and Ghosts - Khue Pham

A young woman, torn between two cultures, belonging to neither. A family, torn apart by a war they had no choice about. Ki?u calls herself Kim because it’s easier for Europeans to pronounce.She knows little about her Vietnamese family’s history until she receives a Facebook message from her estranged uncle in America, telling her that her grandmother is dying. Her father and uncle haven’t spoken since the end of the Vietnam War. One brother supported the Vietcong, while the other sided with the Americans.When Ki?u and her parents travel to America to join the rest of the family in California to open her grandmother’s will, questions relating to their past — to what has been suppressed — resurface and demand to be addressed.

Objev podobné jako Brothers and Ghosts - Khue Pham

cena 330.0 Kč

The Brothers Lionheart (0192729047)

Kniha - autor Astrid Lindgren, 192 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Karl Lion admires his older brother Jonathan, who is brave and strong - things that Karl isn't. Karl is sick and knows he's going to die, so Jonathan tells him tales of the afterlife, Nangiyala, to comfort him. But then Jonathan is killed in a tragic accident. When Karl joins him in Nangiyala, they prepare for the battle that lies ahead. Ages: 9+.

Objev podobné jako The Brothers Lionheart (0192729047)

cena 202.0 Kč

The Brothers Karamazov (0140449248)

Kniha - autor Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski, 1014 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The murder of brutal landowner Fyodor Karamazov changes, the lives of his sons irrevocably: Mitya, the sensualist, whose bitter rivalry with his father immediately places him under suspicion for parricide; Ivan the intellectual, whose mental tortures drive him to breakdown; the spiritual Alyosha, who tries to heal the family's rifts; and the shadowy figures of their bastard half-brother Smerdyakov. As the ensuing investigation and trial reveal the true identity of the murderer, Dostoyevsky's dark masterwork evokes a world where the lines between innocence and corruption, good and evil blur, and everyone's faith in humanity is tested. This powerful translation of The Brothers Karamazov features an introduction highlighting Dostoyevsky's recurrent themes of guilt and salvation, with a new chronology and further reading.

Objev podobné jako The Brothers Karamazov (0140449248)

cena 269.0 Kč

The Brothers - Chambers Kimberley

''The gripping new page-turner from the Queen of Gangland Crime'' BellaMEET THE BOND BROTHERS. You don''t want to be on the wrong side of this family…Beau Bond hates fiercely and loves hard. He’ll do anything to protect his twin Brett, and his girlfriend Jolene.Brett is a survivor. He’s always followed his brother’s lead, even if it means he''s lived to regret it.As Beau and Jolene get hitched, their feuding families must put their differences aside.But the brothers have a dark secret that could cause a war between both sides … and what better place to reveal all than at a wedding…When their past sins resurface to threaten those closest to them, will the brothers still have each other’s backs?The No.1 bestselling Queen of Gangland crime is back with a pulse-pounding, gritty new thriller! Don’t miss Kimberley Chambers’s epic new novel. Available now!Readers LOVE Kimberley Chambers!''A cracking good read right to the end – I could have read on'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Another book by Kimberley Chambers that didn’t disappoint. Can’t wait for the Bond Family saga to continue'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''The characters are likable and vicious…She certainly knows how to tell a story and you will be gripped by this one'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Another great gangland story from this great author. Love the family''s portrayal'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''What can I say… It''s Kimberley Chambers. Just like I thought, it was gripping [and] kept me guessing on every page'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Absolutely brilliant gangland, Kimberley does it again! Loved it and highly recommend it'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Nitty-gritty tale, fast moving and powerful'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Just when you think her books could not get any better, she pulls it out of the bag once again'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Objev podobné jako The Brothers - Chambers Kimberley

cena 295.0 Kč

Froggiex FX-P4-C1-B PS4 Charge and Store Tower (FX-P4-C1-B)

Stojan Stojan Froggiex FX-P4-C1-B PS4 Charge and Store Tower je speciálně určený pro konzoli a ovladače PS4. Pojme dva ovladače, kterým zajistí spolehlivé nabití, stejně jako konzoli. Stojan nabízí také prostor pro uložení 12 her. Vyrobený je přitom z velmi kvalitního materiálu. Froggiex FX-P4-C1-B PS4 Charge and Store Tower představuje ideální doplněk na vaše herní příslušenství. Klíčové vlastnosti stojanu Froggiex FX-P4-C1-B PS4 Charge and Store TowerStojan určený pro konzoli a ovladače PS4Pojme 2 ovladače a konzoli, které nabijeFroggiex FX-P4-C1-B PS4 Charge and Store Tower nabízí také prostor pro uložení 12 herVyrobený z velmi kvalitního materiáluBarevné provedení: černé

Objev podobné jako Froggiex FX-P4-C1-B PS4 Charge and Store Tower (FX-P4-C1-B)

cena 379.0 Kč

Cambridge IGCSE and O Level History 3rd Edition: Option B: The 20th century - Ben Walsh, Benjamin Harrison

This title is endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education to support Option B for examination from 2024.New edition to match the revised Cambridge IGCSETM, IGCSE (9-1) and O Level syllabuses (0470/0977/2147)Rely on author Ben Walsh''s bestselling approach to navigate through the syllabus content and help students acquire the skills they need. The book covers all the Key Questions and Focus Points for Core Content Option B ''The 20th century: International Relations since 1919'' and selected depth studies: Germany, 1918-45; Russia, 1905-41; The USA, 1919-41.- Deepen understanding through clear and engaging text to build the content knowledge required by the course.- Develop analytical skills through carefully designed Focus Tasks on all the Focus Points or Key Questions from the syllabus.- Get a feel for the period and the issues through abundant source material that also ensures regular practice of source evaluation skills.- Remember historical facts better through memorable diagrams and timelines.- Consolidate learning with Focus on features suggesting how to tackle exam-style questions.

Objev podobné jako Cambridge IGCSE and O Level History 3rd Edition: Option B: The 20th century - Ben Walsh, Benjamin Harrison

cena 886.0 Kč

The Therapist - B. A. Paris

When Alice and Leo move into a newly renovated house in The Circle, an exclusive gated community, it is everything they've dreamed of. But appearances can be deceptive...As Alice is getting to know her neighbours, she discovers a devastating secret about her new home, and begins to feel a strong connection with the therapist who lived there before.Alice becomes obsessed with trying to piece together what happened. But no one wants to talk about it. And her neighbours are hiding something...The million-copy Sunday Times bestselling author B A Paris returns to her heartland of gripping psychological suspense in this powerful tale of a house that holds a shocking secret.

Objev podobné jako The Therapist - B. A. Paris

cena 241.0 Kč

The Dilemma - B. A. Paris

Knowing the truth will destroy her. Keeping it secret will destroy him. 'A powerful, beautifully crafted story that ratchets up the tension with every page and packs a huge emotional punch' TM Logan, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Holiday and The Catch It's Livia's 40th birthday and she's having the party of a lifetime to make up for the wedding she never had. Everyone she loves will be there except her daughter Marnie, who's studying abroad. But although Livia loves Marnie, she's secretly glad she won't be at the party. She needs to tell Adam something about their daughter but she's waiting until the party is over so they can have this last happy time together. Adam wants everything to be perfect for Livia so he's secretly arranged for Marnie to come home and surprise her on her birthday. During the day, he hears some terrible news. He needs to tell Livia, because how can the party go on? But she's so happy, so excited - and the guests are about to arrive. The Dilemma - how far would you go to give someone you love a last few hours of happiness? One day that will change a family forever, The Dilemma is the breathtaking, heartbreaking new novel from the international, million-copy-selling, Sunday Times bestseller, B A Paris.

Objev podobné jako The Dilemma - B. A. Paris

cena 269.0 Kč

Festina The Originals 20330/B

Ambasadorkou značky Festina je naše nejúspěšnější snowboardcrossařka a olympijská vítězka Eva Adamczyková.

Objev podobné jako Festina The Originals 20330/B

cena 4890.0 Kč

The Guest - B. A. Paris

THE TENSION-FILLED NEW NOVEL FROM THE AUTHOR OF NUMBER ONE DIGITAL BESTSELLER, AND RICHARD & JUDY BOOK CLUB PICK, THE PRISONER . Iris and Gabriel have just got home from a make-or-break holiday. But a shock awaits them. One of their dearest friends, Laure, is in their house - sleeping in their bed, wearing Iris'' clothes, even rearranging the furniture. She has walked out on her husband - and their good friend - Pierre over his confession of an affair. Iris and Gabriel want to be supportive. But as Laure''s mood becomes more unpredictable, her presence begins to unravel secrets in all their pasts - until things reach breaking point ...READERS ARE GRIPPED BY THE GUEST:''Seriously?! I just could not believe it!'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Couldn''t put it down. Loved it'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''A whopper of a twist that you don''t see coming'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Keeps you guessing and on tenterhooks until the end'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Super addictive . . . I read it in a day!'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''As the secrets unravel and the body count starts to mount, I really did not see the ending coming at all...'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''It was so hard to put down and adult instead!'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''A mesmeric, tense and twisting nightmare. Suffocating, controlled and hugely entertaining'' CHRIS WHITAKER''B.A. Paris is a mistress at weaving family with fear, suspense and subterfuge'' JANE CORRY ''Expertly plotted and compellingly told . . . I raced through it'' HARRIET TYCE''Packed with tension and nail-bitingly real, I couldn''t put it down!'' LAUREN NORTHPRAISE FOR B.A. PARIS'' NERVE-SHREDDING NOVELS: ''A rollercoaster ride, with plenty of twists'' OBSERVER ''Chilling, intense and frightening in places, you''ll be left wondering what is real and what isn''t'' WOMAN & HOME'' ''Claustrophobic, menacing and relentlessly tense, this is a fiendishly plotted thriller with a great central twist'' SARAH VAUGHAN ''Gripping'' DAILY MIRROR ''Elegant, taut, ingeniously plotted and extremely addictive. Superb!'' WILL DEAN ''Dark and compulsive ... B.A. Paris again conjures up the tense claustrophobia of BEHIND CLOSED DOORS and delivers yet another brilliant, unputdownable read'' GILLY MACMILLAN ''I loved the short chapters in part one, which really added to the rising tension'' PRIMA ''Wow! What a ride! A tantalising, taut, tense thriller'' JANE CORRY

Objev podobné jako The Guest - B. A. Paris

cena 295.0 Kč

The Guest - B. A. Paris

THE TENSION-FILLED NEW NOVEL FROM THE AUTHOR OF NUMBER ONE DIGITAL BESTSELLER THE PRISONER .''Expertly plotted and compellingly told - a cautionary tale that will put you off ever having anyone to stay with you again. I raced through it!'' HARRIET TYCE''A mesmeric, tense and twisting nightmare. Suffocating, controlled and hugely entertaining'' CHRIS WHITAKERIris and Gabriel have just got home from a make-or-break holiday. But a shock awaits them. One of their dearest friends, Laure, is in their house - sleeping in their bed, wearing Iris'' clothes, even rearranging the furniture. She has walked out on her husband - and their good friend - Pierre over his confession of an affair.Iris and Gabriel want to be supportive. But as Laure''s mood becomes more unpredictable, her presence begins to unravel secrets in all their pasts - until things reach breaking point ...''Deliciously creepy and gripping'' Woman''s Own''Addictive, gripping with a twist that will knock your socks off'' HEAT''A gripping plot which will make you think twice about having a guest - especially an uninvited one. B. A. Paris is a mistress at weaving family with fear, suspense and subterfuge'' JANE CORRY''The Guest is a tense and twisty thriller that builds layer upon layer until the chilling climax. B. A. Paris''s characters are so well written that I would recognise them instantly if they walked into a room'' NIKKI SMITH''Stylish, complex twisty'' JENNY BLACKHURST''I raced through this utterly addictive page-turner that kept me guessing right until the final shocking twist!'' ROZ WATKINSFURTHER PRAISE FOR B.A. PARIS'' NERVE-SHREDDING NOVELS:A rollercoaster ride, with plenty of twists'' OBSERVER ''The explosive start of this book sets up a compelling plot [...] written in well-executed super-edgy, short, sharp chapters and the description of her confinement is full of claustrophobic detail and menace'' DAILY MAIL ''Book of the Month: chilling, intense and frightening in places, you''ll be left wondering what is real and what isn''t'' WOMAN & HOME'' ''Paris skilfully stitches together domestic noir with a kidnap thriller and the result is a gripping read'' DAILY EXPRESS''Claustrophobic, menacing and relentlessly tense, this is a fiendishly plotted thriller with a great central twist'' SARAH VAUGHAN ''Gripping'' DAILY MIRROR ''Elegant, taut, ingeniously plotted and extremely addictive. Superb!'' WILL DEAN

Objev podobné jako The Guest - B. A. Paris

cena 502.0 Kč

The Prisoner - B. A. Paris

Secrets. Suspicion. Survival.No one writes relationships better than B.A. PARIS'A rollercoaster ride, with plenty of twists' OBSERVER'The explosive start of this book sets up a compelling plot [...] written in well-executed super-edgy, short, sharp chapters and the description of her confinement is full of claustrophobic detail and menace' DAILY MAIL'Book of the Month: chilling, intense and frightening in places, you'll be left wondering what is real and what isn't' WOMAN & HOMETHENAmelie has always been a survivor, from losing her parents as a child in Paris to making it on her own in London. As she builds a career for herself in the magazine industry, she meets, and agrees to marry, Ned Hawthorne.NOWAmelie wakes up in a pitch-black room, not knowing where she is. Why has she been taken? Who are her mysterious captors? And why does she soon feel safer here, imprisoned, than she had begun to feel with her husband Ned?In true B.A. Paris style, The Prisoner is a gripping survival story, a twisted tale of love and at its dark heart a thriller to keep you up all night.'Elegant, taut, ingeniously plotted and extremely addictive. Superb!' WILL DEAN'Dark and compulsive ... B.A.Paris again conjures up the tense claustrophobia of BEHIND CLOSED DOORS and delivers yet another brilliant, unputdownable read' GILLY MACMILLAN'I loved the short chapters in part one, which really added to the rising tension. You will be rooting for Amelie!' PRIMA'Dark, daring and irresistible. B.A.Paris takes a clever, sinister survival story and further elevates it with her trademark style and heart. Truly impossible to put down' CHRIS WHITAKER'Wow! What a ride! A tantalising, taut, tense thriller' JANE CORRY'Pacy, gripping from the get-go, and with so many twists! I felt so strongly for Amelie and was rooting for her the entire book. The Prisoner is a brilliant addition to BA Paris's stella stable of thrillers' L.V.MATTHEWS'Intense and gripping, The Prisoner is suffused with intrigue and menace' EMMA HAUGHTON'Clever, twisty and unusual' LOUISE BEECH'Taut, suspenseful, loaded with twists and surprises, and the true definition of a just-one-more-chapter page-turner. It's another B.A. Paris triumph -- complex, compelling and absolutely impossible to resist.C.M. EWAN'So utterly gripping I finished it in one heart-racing afternoon. Clobbered me from the first page and kept me hostage until I'd turned the last' EMMA BAMFORD'[T]his web of fear and lies is much more complex, satisfyingly so, than Room, involving many more characters, intricate plotting, and layers of subterfuge.Paris's fans won't be disappointed and readers new to the author will be hooked' FIRST CLUE

Objev podobné jako The Prisoner - B. A. Paris

cena 299.0 Kč

The Prisoner - B. A. Paris

'[T]his web of fear and lies is much more complex, satisfyingly so, than Room, involving many more characters, intricate plotting, and layers of subterfuge. Paris's fans won't be disappointed and readers new to the author will be hooked' FIRST CLUE'BA Paris takes readers on a thrill-ride in her latest novel, The Prisoner. Using a cleverly plotted split time frame, this is a propulsive page-turner written by a true master of suspense!' WENDY WALKERSecrets. Suspicion. Survival.No one writes relationships better than B.A. PARISTHENAmelie has always been a survivor, from losing her parents as a child in Paris to making it on her own in London. As she builds a career for herself in the magazine industry, she meets, and agrees to marry, Ned Hawthorne.NOWAmelie wakes up in a pitch-black room, not knowing where she is. Why has she been taken? Who are her mysterious captors? And why does she soon feel safer here, imprisoned, than she had begun to feel with her husband Ned?In true B.A. Paris style, The Prisoner is a gripping survival story, a twisted love story and at its dark heart a thriller to keep you up all night.

Objev podobné jako The Prisoner - B. A. Paris

cena 469.0 Kč

Influence, New and Expanded - Robert B. Cialdini

The foundational and wildly popular go-to resource for influence and persuasion—a renowned international bestseller, with over 5 million copies sold—now revised adding: new research, new insights, new examples, and online applications.In the new edition of this highly acclaimed bestseller, Robert Cialdini—New York Times bestselling author of Pre-Suasion and the seminal expert in the fields of influence and persuasion—explains the psychology of why people say yes and how to apply these insights ethically in business and everyday settings. Using memorable stories and relatable examples, Cialdini makes this crucially important subject surprisingly easy. With Cialdini as a guide, you don’t have to be a scientist to learn how to use this science.You’ll learn Cialdini’s Universal Principles of Influence, including new research and new uses so you can become an even more skilled persuader—and just as importantly, you’ll learn how to defend yourself against unethical influence attempts. You may think you know these principles, but without understanding their intricacies, you may be ceding their power to someone else.Cialdini’s Principles of Persuasion:ReciprocationCommitment and ConsistencySocial Proof Liking AuthorityScarcityUnity, the newest principle for this editionUnderstanding and applying the principles ethically is cost-free and deceptively easy. Backed by Dr. Cialdini’s 35 years of evidence-based, peer-reviewed scientific research—including a three-year field study on what leads people to change—Influence is a comprehensive guide to using these principles to move others in your direction.

Objev podobné jako Influence, New and Expanded - Robert B. Cialdini

cena 738.0 Kč

The Brothers Lionheart - Astrid Lindgrenová

There''s no one Karl Lion loves more than his older brother, Jonathan, who is brave, strong, and handsome - everything Karl believes he is not. Karl never wants to be parted from him. But Karl is sick, and knows he''s going to die. To comfort him, Jonathan tells him stories of Nangiyala, the wonderful place he''ll be going to when he dies, and where he will wait until Jonathan is ready to join him there.Then the unthinkable happens . . . Jonathan is killed in an accident. Heartbroken, Karl longs for the day he''ll be reunited with his brother. When the time comes, he finds Nangiyala just as wonderful as he''d imagined. However, Nangiyala is under threat. A cruel tyrant is determined to claim it as his own, and at his command is a terrible beast that is feared throughout the land.Karl must summon all of his courage to help his brother prepare for the battle that lies ahead . . .''I adored Astrid Lindgren as a child'' Francesca Simon, author of the ''Horrid Henry'' books.

Objev podobné jako The Brothers Lionheart - Astrid Lindgrenová

cena 236.0 Kč

The Doobie Brothers - Liberté (LP)

Typ: Album;LP deska;Stereo Země interpreta: USA Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;1980 - 1989 Žánr: Rock Subžánr: Rock Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Německo Barva: Černá Rok vydání: 2022.0 Vydavatelství: Island Records Varianta: Liberté (LP) Interpret / Téma: The Doobie Brothers Datum vydání: 2022-06-10

Objev podobné jako The Doobie Brothers - Liberté (LP)

cena 776.05 Kč

Plakát 61x91,5cm - The Blues Brothers

Plakát The Blues Brothers se hodí na každou zeď Tištěno na kvalitní papír, snadno sbalitelné do tubusu

Objev podobné jako Plakát 61x91,5cm - The Blues Brothers

cena 189.0 Kč

The Prisoner (Defekt) - B. A. Paris

'[T]his web of fear and lies is much more complex, satisfyingly so, than Room, involving many more characters, intricate plotting, and layers of subterfuge. Paris's fans won't be disappointed and readers new to the author will be hooked' FIRST CLUE'BA Paris takes readers on a thrill-ride in her latest novel, The Prisoner. Using a cleverly plotted split time frame, this is a propulsive page-turner written by a true master of suspense!' WENDY WALKERSecrets. Suspicion. Survival.No one writes relationships better than B.A. PARISTHENAmelie has always been a survivor, from losing her parents as a child in Paris to making it on her own in London. As she builds a career for herself in the magazine industry, she meets, and agrees to marry, Ned Hawthorne.NOWAmelie wakes up in a pitch-black room, not knowing where she is. Why has she been taken? Who are her mysterious captors? And why does she soon feel safer here, imprisoned, than she had begun to feel with her husband Ned?In true B.A. Paris style, The Prisoner is a gripping survival story, a twisted love story and at its dark heart a thriller to keep you up all night.

Objev podobné jako The Prisoner (Defekt) - B. A. Paris

cena 209.0 Kč

The Prisoner (Defekt) - B. A. Paris

'[T]his web of fear and lies is much more complex, satisfyingly so, than Room, involving many more characters, intricate plotting, and layers of subterfuge. Paris's fans won't be disappointed and readers new to the author will be hooked' FIRST CLUE'BA Paris takes readers on a thrill-ride in her latest novel, The Prisoner. Using a cleverly plotted split time frame, this is a propulsive page-turner written by a true master of suspense!' WENDY WALKERSecrets. Suspicion. Survival.No one writes relationships better than B.A. PARISTHENAmelie has always been a survivor, from losing her parents as a child in Paris to making it on her own in London. As she builds a career for herself in the magazine industry, she meets, and agrees to marry, Ned Hawthorne.NOWAmelie wakes up in a pitch-black room, not knowing where she is. Why has she been taken? Who are her mysterious captors? And why does she soon feel safer here, imprisoned, than she had begun to feel with her husband Ned?In true B.A. Paris style, The Prisoner is a gripping survival story, a twisted love story and at its dark heart a thriller to keep you up all night.

Objev podobné jako The Prisoner (Defekt) - B. A. Paris

cena 209.0 Kč

The Chemical Brothers - Push The Button (2 LP)

Země interpreta: Spojené království Vydavatelství: Universal Music;Virgin Records;Freestyle Dust Subžánr: Techno;Big Beat;Trip Hop;Breakbeat;House;Elektronický Rok vydání: 2016.0 Žánr: Trip Hop;Elektronický Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok nahrávky: 2005.0 Interpret / Téma: The Chemical Brothers Datum vydání: 2016-11-18 Typ: LP deska;Album;Nové vydání Složení setu: 2 ks Varianta: Push The Button (2 LP) Země původu: Evropská unie Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva: Černá

Objev podobné jako The Chemical Brothers - Push The Button (2 LP)

cena 940.0 Kč

Pirelli Night Dragon 150/80/16 B,TL,F 71 H (1815400)

Motopneu - cestovní, rychlostní index H (do 210 km/h), nosnostní index 71 (do 345 kg), bezdušová (TL), přední, DOT max. 2 roky stáří, 95% do jednoho roku Chcete si pořídit opravdu poctivé moto pneu s vynikajícím kilometrovým výkonem a dobrým gripem? Cestovní motopneu Pirelli Night Dragon 150/80/16 B,TL,F 71 H uspokojí i vysoké nároky zkušených motorkářů. Vyvážené propojení směsi a vzorku zabezpečuje výbornou odezvu a grip na suchém i mokrém povrchu. Co také jiného čekat od všech motopneu značky Pirelli. Bezdušová motopneu Pirelli se instaluje na přední ráfky cestovních i silničních mašin. O slušných jízdních kvalitách této motopneu svědčí také index rychlosti H (do 210 km/h) a hmotnostní index 71 (do 345 kg). Rozměry u této konkrétní varianty jsou 150 × 80 × 16 Užijte si pořádný výkon, ať už pojedete kamkoliv díky motopneu Pirelli Night Dragon 150/80/16 B,TL,F 71 H! Důležité parametry Motopneu Pirelli Night Dragon 150/80/16 B,TL,F 71 H Cestovní motocyklová...

Objev podobné jako Pirelli Night Dragon 150/80/16 B,TL,F 71 H (1815400)

cena 4746.0 Kč

The Alpha Male and Other Steamy Erotic Short Stories - Alexandra Södergran, Malva B., Vanessa Salt, Sofia Fritzon - e-kniha

eBook: \'The Alpha Male and Other Steamy Erotic Short Stories\' is a collection from LUST featuring stories from authors including Vanessa Salt, Alexandra Södergran, Sofia Fritzson, and Malva B. From alpha men and doctors to dangerous bad boys and fantasies with powerful prime ministers, there\'s something for every reader.

Objev podobné jako The Alpha Male and Other Steamy Erotic Short Stories - Alexandra Södergran, Malva B., Vanessa Salt, Sofia Fritzon - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Úplet Pingu and friends design B digital print

Výrobce: Evropský výrobce, Certifikace: OEKO-TEX Standard 100 class I., Barva: barevná, Gramáž: 200 g/m2, Motív: Zvířatá, Šířka: 150 cm, Složení: 95%CO + 5%EL, Ošetrování: 2

Objev podobné jako Úplet Pingu and friends design B digital print

cena 369.0 Kč

Viskóza Mandalas and more design B digital print

Výrobce: Evropský výrobce, Barva: barevná, Gramáž: 105 g/m2, Motív: Geo vzory, Šířka: 150 cm, Složení: 100%VI, Ošetrování: 20

Objev podobné jako Viskóza Mandalas and more design B digital print

cena 109.0 Kč

Teplákovina Planets and rockets design B digital print

Výrobce: Evropský výrobce, Certifikace: OEKO-TEX Standard 100 class I., Barva: barevná, Gramáž: 260 g/m2, Motív: Obloha a vesmír, Šířka: 150 cm, Složení: 95%CO + 5%EL, Ošetrování: 2

Objev podobné jako Teplákovina Planets and rockets design B digital print

cena 339.0 Kč

Úplet Olly and friends design B digital print

Výrobce: Evropský výrobce, Barva: barevná, Gramáž: 200 g/m2, Motív: Zvířatá, Šířka: 150 cm, Složení: 95%CO + 5%EL, Ošetrování: 2

Objev podobné jako Úplet Olly and friends design B digital print

cena 339.0 Kč

Úplet Bears and birds design B digital print

Výrobce: Evropský výrobce, Barva: barevná, Gramáž: 210 g/m2, Motív: Zvířatá, Šířka: 150 cm, Složení: 95%CO + 5%EL, Ošetrování: 2

Objev podobné jako Úplet Bears and birds design B digital print

cena 170.0 Kč

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