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Heart of the Sun Warrior - Sue Lynn Tan

The stunning sequel to Daughter of the Moon Goddess delves deeper into beloved Chinese mythology, concluding the epic story of Xingyin—the daughter of Chang’e and the mortal archer, Houyi—as she battles a grave new threat to the realm, in this powerful tale of love, sacrifice, and hope. After winning her mother’s freedom from the Celestial Emperor, Xingyin thrives in the enchanting tranquility of her home. But her fragile peace is threatened by the discovery of a strange magic on the moon and the unsettling changes in the Celestial Kingdom as the emperor tightens his grip on power. While Xingyin is determined to keep clear of the rising danger, the discovery of a shocking truth spurs her into a perilous confrontation. Forced to flee her home once more, Xingyin and her companions venture to unexplored lands of the Immortal Realm, encountering legendary creatures and shrewd monarchs, beloved friends and bitter adversaries. With alliances shifting quicker than the tides, Xingyin has to overcome past grudges and enmities to forge a new path forward, seeking aid where she never imagined she would. As an unspeakable terror sweeps across the realm, Xingyin must uncover the truth of her heart and claw her way through devastation—to rise against this evil before it destroys everything she holds dear, and the worlds she has grown to love . . . even if doing so demands the greatest price of all.

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cena 268.0 Kč

Heart of the Sun Warrior - Sue Lynn Tan

The stunning conclusion to the Celestial Kingdom Duology An unspeakable terror is sweeping across the realm as the Celestial Emperor tightens his grip on power. The fragile peace Xingyin fought so hard for when freeing her mother is under threat. Forced to flee her home, Xingyin ventures into the unexplored lands of the Immortal Realm to seek aid in her fight, but, with alliances shifting quicker than the tides, she has to overcome past grudges and enmities to forge a new path forward, seeking aid where she never imagined. Xingyin must uncover the truth of her heart and claw her way through devastation – to rise against evil before it destroys everything she holds dear, and the worlds she has grown to love … even if doing so demands the greatest price of all. The stunning sequel to the Sunday Times bestselling Daughter of the Moon Goddess delves deeper into beloved Chinese mythology, concluding the epic story of Xingyin – the daughter of Chang’e and the mortal archer Houyi – as she battles a grave new threat to the realm, in this powerful tale of love, sacrifice, and hope.

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cena 429.0 Kč

Daughter of the Moon Goddess - Sue Lynn Tan

The bestselling debut fantasy inspired by the legend of the Chinese moon goddess. A young woman's quest to free her mother pits her against the most powerful immortal in the realm, setting her on a dangerous path where those she loves are not the only ones at risk THERE ARE MANY LEGENDS ABOUT MY MOTHER… Raised far away on the moon, Xingyin was unaware she was being hidden from the Celestial Emperor - who exiled her mother for stealing the elixir of immortality. But when her magic flares and reveals her, Xingyin is forced to flee her home, leaving her mother behind. Alone, powerless, and afraid, Xingyin makes her way to the Celestial Kingdom, a land of wonder and secrets. In disguise, she trains alongside the Emperor's son, mastering archery and magic, despite the passion which flames between them. Vowing to rescue her mother, Xingyin embarks on a quest, confronting legendary creatures and vicious enemies. But when forbidden magic threatens the kingdom, Xingyin must challenge the ruthless Emperor, leaving her torn between losing all she loves or plunging the realm into chaos… Inspired by the legend of Chang'e the Moon Goddess, this captivating debut weaves Chinese mythology into a sweeping adventure of love and family, immortals and magic.

Podívejte se také The Last Piece of My Heart (1471163024)

cena 268.0 Kč

Tales of the Celestial Kingdom - Sue Lynn Tan

Return to the realm of gods and legends, magic and romance. Sue Lynn Tan’s highly acclaimed, bestselling Celestial Kingdom duology is expanded with this new compilation of stories from before, during, and after the events in Daughter of the Moon Goddess and Heart of the Sun Warrior, all from the perspectives of beloved characters. Tales of the Celestial Kingdom collects nine spellbinding stories – two previously published, seven original, including the epilogue to the duology – set in the enchanting world of Sue Lynn Tan’s stunning debut. Filled with magic and mythology, friendship and love, these stories intertwine through the past, present, and future of the two novels, told from the perspectives of multiple characters, including Chang’e, Shuxiao, Liwei, and Wenzhi. With beautiful illustrations from Kelly Chong throughout, these wondrous tales make the perfect complement to Sue Lynn Tan’s breathtaking series. Embark upon new adventures of valour, danger, and love, in a world where the celestial and mortal realms entwine.

Objev podobné jako Tales of the Celestial Kingdom - Sue Lynn Tan

cena 402.0 Kč

Dcéra bohyne mesiaca - Sue Lynn Tan

Čarovný fantasy román inšpirovaný legendou o čínskej bohyni mesiaca Čchange, v ktorom sa hlavná hrdinka v snahe zachrániť svoju matku postaví zoči-voči najmocnejšiemu nesmrteľnému cisárovi v kráľovstve a vydá sa na nebezpečnú cestu.Singjin vyrastala na mesiaci a je zvyknutá na osamelý život. Netuší, že ju tam ukrývajú pred mocným nebeským cisárom, ktorý odsúdil jej mamu na život vo vyhnanstve za to, že ukradla elixír nesmrteľnosti. Keď sa však u Singjin prejavia magické schopnosti, pritiahne pozornosť nebeskejarmády. Musí opustiť nielen svoj domov, ale aj mamu, aby ju armádanenašla.Sama prichádza do Nebeského kráľovstva, krajiny zázrakov a tajomstiev. Zatají svoju pravú identitu a využije príležitosť učiť sa po boku korunného princa, pri ktorom sa zdokonaľuje v lukostreľbe a mágii. Veci sa začnú komplikovať, keď medzi ňou a princom vzplanie vzájomná vášeň. Singjin totiž vie, že sa čoskoro bude musieť postaviť zoči-voči jeho otcovi, nebeskému cisárovi, aby vybojovala slobodu pre svoju mamu.Dcéra bohyne mesiaca predstavuje okúzľujúcu dvojdielnu romantickú sériu, v ktorej sa snúbi staroveká čínska mytológia s podmanivým svetom nesmrteľnosti a mágie, so stratou a s obetou – kde láska súperí so cťou, sny prinášajú sklamanie a nádej víťazí.

Objev podobné jako Dcéra bohyne mesiaca - Sue Lynn Tan

cena 538.0 Kč

Srdce slnečnej bojovníčky - Sue Lynn Tan

Úchvatné pokračovanie románu Dcéra bohyne mesiaca sa ponára hlbšie do obľúbenej čínskej mytológie a uzatvára epický príbeh hrdinky Singjin, dcéry Čchange a smrteľného lukostrelca Chouiho, ktorá je nútená čeliť novému a závažnému nebezpečenstvu ohrozujúcemu ríšu v silnom príbehu o láske, obete a nádeji.Po tom, ako Singjin získala maminu slobodu od nebeského cisára, užíva si okúzľujúce ticho domova. Jej krehký pokoj však naruší objavenie zvláštnej mágie na mesiaci a znepokojujúce zmeny v Nebeskom kráľovstve, zatiaľ čo nebeský cisár sa pevne chopí svojej moci. Hoci je Singjin rozhodnutá držať sa v úzadí pred narastajúcim nebezpečenstvom, odhalenie prekvapujúcej pravdy ju uvrhne do hrozivej konfrontácie.Singjin je opäť nútená opustiť svoj domov a spolu so svojimi priateľmi sa odvážne vydáva do neprebádaných kútov Ríše nesmrteľníkov. Tam sa stretne s legendárnymi tvormi a prefíkanými panovníkmi, vernými priateľmi aj nepríjemnými súpermi. V čase, keď sa spojenectvá menia rýchlejšie ako príliv a odliv, musí Singjin prekonať staré spory a nepriateľstvá, aby si vyšliapala novú cestu vpred, hľadajúc pomoc tam, kde by to nikdy nečakala. Keď sa ríšou preženie neopísateľná hrozba, Singjin musí odhaliť pravdu ukrytú vo svojom srdci a nájsť cestu von zo skazy, aby sa opäť postavila zlu, než stihne zničiť všetko, čo je jej drahé, a svety, ktoré si zamilovala... aj keď za to zaplatí najvyššiu cenu.

Objev podobné jako Srdce slnečnej bojovníčky - Sue Lynn Tan

cena 538.0 Kč

Warrior: The epic story of Caratacus, warrior Briton and enemy of the Roman Empire… - Simon Scarrow

*Now available as a full-length novel! Originally published in five ebook parts*AD 18, Britannia.The Roman Empire rules much of the known world. Beyond the northern frontier lies Britannia, where ceaseless feuding amongst the Celts leaves the island vulnerable to Rome''s ambitions.Caratacus, son of a powerful king, has no premonition of destiny when he is dispatched to train with the Druids. A brutal regime transforms the young prince into a warrior with unparalleled military skills - and the strategic cunning essential to outwit a stronger enemy.Nothing can prepare a man for the vicious reality of war. When Caratacus''s father takes a stand against aggressive neighbouring tribes, the combat exercises are over; this is a fight to the death. Only the most ruthless of tactics offer any hope of victory. But Caratacus, and the loyal comrades willing to ride with him into hostile terrain, are ready to do whatever it takes - and endure any hardship - to defeat those set on destroying their kingdom . . .As mayhem and carnage spread across the land, everywhere can be felt the malign influence of Rome. Even if the battle is won, conflict with the Empire lies ahead.Warrior: first in the brand new Warlord of Britannia series from the Sunday Times bestselling authors of Invader and Pirata - the story of Britannia''s barbarian warlord Caratacus.Originally published in 5 ebook novellas

Objev podobné jako Warrior: The epic story of Caratacus, warrior Briton and enemy of the Roman Empire… - Simon Scarrow

cena 295.0 Kč

The Heart of the Matter (0099478420)

Kniha - autor Graham Greene, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Heart of the Matter (0099478420)

cena 259.0 Kč

The Heart of the World - Amie Kaufman

The epic finale to bestselling author Amie Kaufman's solo YA romantasy debut

Objev podobné jako The Heart of the World - Amie Kaufman

cena 502.0 Kč

The Heart of the Woods - Wyl Menmuir

Just as a parent leaves a legacy to their child, a tree leaves a legacy to its surroundings. A deep and explorative companion piece to the Roger Deakin Award-winning The Draw of The Sea.Throughout history, trees have determined the tools we use, the boats we build, the stories we tell about the world and ourselves, the songs we sing, and some of our most important rituals. As such, our lives are intertwined with those of the trees and woodlands around us.In this journey deep into the woods, Wyl Menmuir travels the length and breadth of Britain and Ireland to meet the people who plant trees, the ecologists who study them, those who shape beautiful objects and tools from wood, and those who use them to help others.Wyl also explores how our relationship with trees is enduring, now and in the future – what we get out of spending time around trees, the ways in which our relationship with them has changed over time, and the ways in which our future is interconnected with theirs.Written in close collaboration with makers, crafters, bodgers, and woodsmen and women in order to better understand the woods they know so well, the joys and frustrations of working with a living material, and the stories of their craft and skills, The Heart of The Woods will delight anyone who enjoys walking among the trees, and anyone who, when lost, has found themselves in the woods.Chapters include:WOODLAND PLANTER: A woodland in becoming and an ancient yew grove on the border of North Wales and EnglandRITUAL WEAVER: Willow coffin making in CornwallWOODLORE GATHERER: Science among the trees at Wytham Woods, OxfordshireHEARTWOOD CARVER: Among the bodgers in a field outside CambridgeBOAT BUILDER: A woodland community in the heart of Glasgow’s former docklandsLANDSCAPE SHAPER: Re-wilding the Scottish Highlands and an organised trespass in DevonWISH WEARER: The clootie well at Munlochy on The Black Isle, Scottish Highlands, a family tree on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall, and the tree at Sycamore Gap, NorthumbriaFOREST BATHER: Swimming at Swallowship Pool, Devil’s Water, and Letah Woods NorthumberlandMYTH WALKER: Walks in the fictional woods at Wenlock Edge, ShropshireWAY FOLLOWER: Traditional carpentry in Takayama, JapanFIRE LIGHTER: The stories we find among the flames and embers, Ennistymon, Ireland SOUND CREATOR: A pub on Ireland’s west coast and a guitar-builder in North Wales APPLE WAILER: Wassailing in CornwallTREE WORSHIPPER: An ancient yew grove in North Wales

Objev podobné jako The Heart of the Woods - Wyl Menmuir

cena 502.0 Kč

Obrázek SAIYAN: The Power of the Warrior | Akrylové detaily

Kolekce obrazů Rebel and Heroes je vytvořena na italském plátně s malovanou akrylovou texturou. Který hrdina odráží vaši osobnost? Vyberte >>

Objev podobné jako Obrázek SAIYAN: The Power of the Warrior | Akrylové detaily

cena 1611.0 Kč

The Children of the Anthropocene: Stories from the Young People at the Heart of the Climate Crisis

Across the planet, the futures of young people hang in the balance as they face the harsh realities of the environmental crisis. Isn't it time we made their voices heard?The Children of the Anthropocene, by conservationist and activist Bella Lack, chronicles the lives of the diverse young people on the frontlines of the environmental crisis around the world, amplifying the voices of those living at the heart of the crisis.Advocating for the protection of both people and the planet, Bella restores the beating heart to global environmental issues, from air pollution to deforestation and overconsumption, by telling the stories of those most directly affected. Transporting us from the humming bounty of Ecuador's Choco Rainforest and the graceful arcs of the Himalayan Mountains, to the windswept plains and vibrant vistas of life in Altiplano, Bella speaks to young activists from around the world including Dara McAnulty, Afroz Shah and Artemisa Xakriabá, and brings the crisis vividly to life.It's time we passed the mic and listened to different perspectives. Bella's manifestos for change will inspire and mobilize you to rediscover the wonders and wilds of nature and, ultimately, change the way you think about our planet in crisis. This is your chance to hear the urgent stories of an endangered species too often overlooked: the children of the Anthropocene. ____________________________'Extraordinarily moving, wild and engaging - the book of the moment' Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland and author of Climate Justice'A visionary statement for the future [...] Pragmatic, positive & beautifully written' Ben Macdonald, Award-Winning Conservation Writer, Wildlife TV Producer and Naturalist

Objev podobné jako The Children of the Anthropocene: Stories from the Young People at the Heart of the Climate Crisis

cena 299.0 Kč

The Daughters of Olympus - Hannah Lynn

A daughter pulled between two worlds and a mother willing to destroy both to protect her... Demeter: a goddess of life, living half of one. Demeter did not always live in fear.Once, she loved the world and the humans who inhabited it. But after an act of devastating violence, she hides herself away among the grasses and wildflowers. Her only solace is her daughter…Before she was Persephone, she was Core.Core is as bright as summer and devoted to her mother, even during their millennia in exile from Olympus. But she craves freedom. Naïve and determined, she secretly builds a life of her own and as she does so, she catches the eye of a powerful god…The daughters of Olympus will have the last word…Hades kidnaps Core and renames her as Queen of the Underworld.In the land without sun, she realises she may have a chance to regain what she thought she’d lost forever. But Demeter will destroy anything, even the humans she holds dear, to bring her daughter back. A mother who has lost everything and a daughter with more to gain than she ever realised will irrevocably shape the world: all in the name of something as human as love.Gods and men wage their petty wars, but the women of spring will have the last word.

Objev podobné jako The Daughters of Olympus - Hannah Lynn

cena 241.0 Kč

Bride of the Shadow King 3: Heart of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia

A KING DESPERATE TO SAVE HIS BRIDE. A QUEEN DISCOVERING THE DARK POTENTIAL OF HER POWER. After nearly losing one another in a savage attack on the city, Vor and Faraine return to Mythanar fully committed to their marriage.But the situation in the Under Realm remains dire. With the world poised on the brink of collapse, Vor struggles to protect his kingdom. Though Faraine longs to support him as queen, she fights the weakness in her body at every turn .. . not to mention the strange changes warping her gods-gift.When war drags them apart, Vor and Faraine face the consequences of their choices. How can Vor lead those who have lost faith in him? Torn between honor and desire, he must decide where his heart truly lies: with his kingdom or his queen. Meanwhile, as Faraine explores the new dimensions of her power, she starts to believe the coming cataclysm may be prevented.But in doing so, will she unleash a darkness in herself far more disastrous?Breathtaking stakes. Ultimate reveals. This is the epic finale you've been waiting for!

Objev podobné jako Bride of the Shadow King 3: Heart of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia

cena 299.0 Kč

Cypria: A Journey to the Heart of the Mediterranean - Christofi Alex

An evocative and lyrical history of Cyprus and the Mediterranean. Think of a place where can you stand at the intersection of Christian and Arab cultures, at the crossroads of the British, Ottoman, Byzantine, Roman and Egyptian empires; a place marked by the struggle between fascism and communism and where the capital city is divided in half as a result of bloody conflict; where the ancient olive trees of Homer's time exist alongside the undersea cables which link up the world's internet. In Cypria, named after a lost Cypriot epic which was the prequel to The Odyssey, British Cypriot writer Alex Christofi writes a deeply personal, lyrical history of the island of Cyprus, from the era of goddesses and mythical beasts to the present day. This sprawling, evocative and poetic book begins with the legend of the cyclops and the storytelling at the heart of the Mediterranean culture. Christofi travels to salt lakes, crusader castles, mosques and the eerie town deserted at the start of the 1974 war. He retells the particularly bloody history of Cyprus during the twentieth century and considers his own identity as traveler and returner, as Odysseus was. Written in the same sensitive, witty and beautifully rendered prose as his last book Dostoevsky in Love, with a novelist's flair and eye for detail, Cypria combines the political, cultural and geographical history of Cyprus with reflections on time, place and belonging.

Objev podobné jako Cypria: A Journey to the Heart of the Mediterranean - Christofi Alex

cena 402.0 Kč

Heart of the West - O. Henry - e-kniha

eBook: This collection of nineteen short stories from O.Henry beautifully captures the spirit of the American West, crystallising the era of gunslingers and cowboys in a extremely poignant manner. There are captivating moments of happiness, joy, love and sorrow throughout this tumultuous tour of brilliant characters. Nothing in the West is easy, and it becomes apparent that love is above all else the most important thing we can possess. This importance of love is the overarching theme present in this collection and its prevalence in even the most dire of places. These tales possess O. Henry's signature unexpected twists, and, in all, turn this collection into a compelling, and humorous read. Some of the stories included are "Hearts and Crosses", "The Caballero's Way", and "Christmas by Injunction". For those with the Wild West spirit, from lovers of the 'Magnificent Seven' to 'Red Dead Redemption' this book is for you.

Objev podobné jako Heart of the West - O. Henry - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Deadly Little Scandals: From the bestselling author of The Inheritance Games - Jennifer Lynn Barnesová

Reluctant debutante Sawyer Taft joined Southern high society for one reason and one reason alone: to identify and locate her biological father.But the answers Sawyer found during her debutante year only left her with more questions and one potentially life-ruining secret. When her cousin Lily ropes her into joining a mysterious and elite secret society called the White Gloves, Sawyer soon discovers that someone in the group's ranks may have the answers she's looking for. Things are looking up .. . until Sawyer and the White Gloves make a disturbing discovery near the family's summer home - and uncover a twisted secret, decades in the making.

Objev podobné jako Deadly Little Scandals: From the bestselling author of The Inheritance Games - Jennifer Lynn Barnesová

cena 241.0 Kč

Little White Lies: From the bestselling author of The Inheritance Games - Jennifer Lynn Barnesová

Welcome to the page-turning, twisty, gasp-inducing world of the Debutantes - an addictive YA mystery duology from the author of #1 bestselling, TikTok sensation INHERITANCE GAMES series. 'A plot twist every twenty pages . .. Barnes is at her page-turning best.' E. Lockhart, author of We Were Liars A six-figure offer.A family mystery to solve. A town of buried secrets. When Auto mechanic Sawyer Taft's estranged grandmother offers her a six-figure contract to participate in debutante season, Sawyer's first instinct is to run a mile.But then she realizes her grandmother's offer might mean solving the biggest mystery of her life - her father's identity. So she signs on the dotted line and braces herself for a year of makeovers, big dresses and even bigger egos. .. However, Sawyer doesn't expect to find a group of fellow debutantes with scandalous, dangerous secrets of their own and soon it's clear that the truth about her father is just one of the shocking secrets buried deep in this high-society world . .. And no one wants Sawyer poking her nose into the past. Shocking twists, family secrets, a fish-out-of water protagonist and a page-turning mystery combine in Little White Lies and Deadly Little Scandals (The Debutantes Duology) - perfect for fans coming from THE INHERITANCE GAMES series looking for their next addictive read from the Master of YA Mysteries, Jennifer Lynn Barnes.

Objev podobné jako Little White Lies: From the bestselling author of The Inheritance Games - Jennifer Lynn Barnesová

cena 241.0 Kč

Diabaté Toumami, Toure Ali Farka: In The Heart Of The Moon - CD (WCD072)

Hudební CD - Toumani Diabaté je malijský hráč kora Toumani Diabaté je malijský hráč kora . Kromě hraní tradiční hudby Mali se také zapojil do mezikulturní spolupráce s flamencem , blues , jazzem a dalšími mezinárodními styly. Aii Farka Touré byl malijský kytarista a zpěvák, jeden z nejznámějších afrických hudebníků své doby. Jeho hudba je často uváděna jako příklad společných kořenů tradiční hudby Mali a blues. Album z roku 2005 Seznam stop Debe / Kala / Mamadou Boutiquier / Monsieur Le Maire De Niafunké / Kaira / Simbo / Ai Ga Bani / Soumbou Ya Ya / Naweye Toro / Kadi Kadi / Gomni / Hawa Dolo

Objev podobné jako Diabaté Toumami, Toure Ali Farka: In The Heart Of The Moon - CD (WCD072)

cena 399.0 Kč

A Waiter in Paris: Adventures in the Dark Heart of the City - Edward Chisholm

A waiter's job is to deceive you. They want you to believe in a luxurious calm because on the other side of that door...is hell.Edward Chisholm's spellbinding memoir of his time as a Parisian waiter is the perfect summer read. It takes you below the surface of one of the most iconic cities in the world and right into its glorious underbelly.He inhabits a world of inhuman hours, snatched sleep and dive bars; scraping by on coffee, bread and cigarettes, often under sadistic managers, with a wage so low you're fighting your colleagues for tips. Colleagues - including thieves, narcissists, ex-Legionnaires, paperless immigrants, wannabe actors and drug dealers - who are the closest thing to family that you've got.It's physically demanding, frequently humiliating and incredibly competitive. But it doesn't matter because you're in Paris, the centre of the universe, and there's nowhere else you'd rather be in the world.

Objev podobné jako A Waiter in Paris: Adventures in the Dark Heart of the City - Edward Chisholm

cena 312.0 Kč

The Book of Longings - Sue Monk Kiddová

Ana is born in Galilee at a time when women are seen as possessions, only leaving their fathers' homes to marry.Ana longs to control her destiny. Taught to read despite her mother's misgivings, she wants to be a writer and to find her own voice. A voice that will speak for the silenced women around her.Betrothed to an elderly widower, Ana almost despairs. But an encounter with a charismatic young carpenter in Nazareth awakens new longings in her, and a different future opens up.Yet this is not a simple love story. Ana's journey will bring both joy and tragedy, but it will also be enriched by the female friendships she makes along the way.The Book of Longings is an exquisite tale of dreams and desire, and of the power of women to change the world.

Objev podobné jako The Book of Longings - Sue Monk Kiddová

cena 241.0 Kč

Supertato Night of the Living Veg - Sue Hendra, Paul Linnet

Join Supertato and the gang for more hilarious supermarket silliness in the bestselling, blockbuster series from picture book superstars, Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet! It’s fright-time in the supermarket, and the veggies are seriously spooked! Strange shapes, weird noises and eerie shuffling – whatever can be behind these ghostly goings-on? Join Supertato and the gang to find out in this unmissable adventure!The perfect book to calm bedtime fears and snuggle up with all year round.READERS LOVE SUPERTATO 'A modern classic.' Amazon reviewer 'My granddaughter (aged 5) loves the stories about Supertato and his friends.' Amazon reviewer 'Great story for the little ones!' Amazon reviewer 'A light-hearted, funny, and enjoyable read for little ones who enjoy superhero and good vs. evil stories!' Amazon reviewer 'This book has become a firm favourite in our house.' Amazon reviewerOther titles in the Supertato series by Sue Hendra & Paul Linnet:Supertato Supertato: Veggies Assemble Supertato: Run, Veggies, Run! Supertato: Evil Pea Rules Supertato: Veggies in the Valley of Doom Supertato: Carnival Catastro-pea! Supertato: Bubbly Troubly! Supertato: Night of the Living Veg Supertato: The Great Eggscape! Supertato: Presents Jack and the Beanstalk Supertato: Mean Green Time MachineAlso by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet:Barry the Fish with Fingers Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell No-Bot the Robot with No Bottom I Spy Island I Spy Island: Book vs. Shark

Objev podobné jako Supertato Night of the Living Veg - Sue Hendra, Paul Linnet

cena 236.0 Kč

The Colour of the Sun - David Almond

This is a moving, funny and inspirational novel from the bestselling author of Skellig. *Shortlisted for the 2018 Costa Book Awards.* "The day is long, the world is wide, you're young and free." One hot summer morning, Davie steps boldly out of his front door. The world he enters is very familiar - the little Tyneside town that has always been his home - but as the day passes, it becomes ever more mysterious. A boy has been killed, and Davie thinks he might know who is responsible. He turns away from the gossip and excitement and sets off roaming towards the sunlit hills above the town. As the day goes on, the real and the imaginary start to merge, and Davie knows that neither he nor his world will ever be the same again. This an outstanding novel full of warmth and light, from a multi-award-winning author. David Almond says: 'I guess it embodies my constant astonishment at being alive in this beautiful, weird, extraordinary world.'

Objev podobné jako The Colour of the Sun - David Almond

cena 241.0 Kč

Di Meola Al: World Sinfonia - Heart Of The Immigrants - CD (4029759153207)

Hudební CD - World Sinfonia / Heart Of The Immigrants je album jazzového kytaristy Al Di Meola, které vyšlo v roce 1993. World Sinfonia - Heart Of The Immigrants je album jazzového kytaristy Al Di Meola, které vyšlo v roce 1993. Jedná se o druhý díl alba z roku 1991 - World Of Sinfonia Rok vydání : 1993 Rok reedice : 2023 Seznam stop CD Nightclub / Vistaero / Carousel Requiem / Tango Il / Under a Dark Moon / Bordel 1900 / Indigo / Heru Mertar / Don't Go So Far Away / Parranda / Someday My Prince Will Come / Cafe 1930 / They Love Me From Fifeteen Feet Away / Milonga Del Angel

Objev podobné jako Di Meola Al: World Sinfonia - Heart Of The Immigrants - CD (4029759153207)

cena 299.0 Kč

South of the Border, West of the Sun (0099448572)

Kniha - autor Haruki Murakami, 186 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Haruki Murakami, 186 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná New edition.

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cena 275.0 Kč

Sword of the Sun - Sinead O’Hart

From the award-winning author of The Silver Road comes a new tale of contemporary Ireland and ancient myth . . .'Sword of the Sun completely swept me away! O'Hart's writing is rich, evocative and mysterious, but above all, total magic!' Jennifer Bell, author of Magicalia'Rich in Irish mythology, this is a wonderful, pacey book with an unlikely trio of heroes. It kept me hooked throughout to its action-packed end.' Nizrana Farook, author of The Girl Who Stole an ElephantWhen Ben and his family have to leave Dublin and move into the remote house where his mother grew up, he's not optimistic about what lies ahead. For him and his brother Fin, it'll mean fitting in to life with his aunts and a cousin he doesn't even know.But what Ben doesn't expect is that he will be drawn into the mysteries of the wild mystical landscape. He can sense its power, and he can see a light shining from the mountain on the horizon. Even stranger, crows are gathering, watching him and haunting his dreams.As Ben uncovers the stories of Ireland's mythical heroes and warriors that obsessed his grandfather right up until he died, Ben begins to wonder if there is more to the tales than pure fantasy. It seems like trouble is stirring - and will he have the power to face it?A powerful new book for children aged 9 and up, drawing on Celtic folklore. Perfect for fans of Catherine Doyle and Ross Montgomery.

Objev podobné jako Sword of the Sun - Sinead O’Hart

cena 236.0 Kč

Pulling the Chariot of the Sun - Shane McCrae

VULTURE''S BEST MEMOIR OF THE YEAR A NEW STATESMAN BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR Shane McCrae was born to a white mother and a Black father. At eighteen months old, he was kidnapped from his parents'' house. His maternal grandparents transported him to suburban Texas, wishing to hide his Blackness from him. In the years that followed, they manipulated and controlled him, believing they were doing what was best for Shane. While in their house, Blackness would always be the worst thing about him.Pulling the Chariot of the Sun is a revelatory account of what it means to be Black in America, written with virtuosity and heart by one of the finest poets writing today. It illuminates how we all might be made whole again, through a tireless search for the truth and the joyful pursuit of what we love.

Objev podobné jako Pulling the Chariot of the Sun - Shane McCrae

cena 325.0 Kč

South of the Border, West of the Sun - Haruki Murakami

Growing up in the suburbs in post-war Japan, Hajime and Shimamoto had been childhood sweethearts. The two eventually lost touch but now, in their thirties, they meet up again. Hajime, now a father and husband, finds himself catapulted into the past, risking all that he has in the present.

Objev podobné jako South of the Border, West of the Sun - Haruki Murakami

cena 266.0 Kč

The Songbird and the Heart of Stone - Carissa Broadbent

The Hunger Games meets vampires in the third book of the bestselling Crowns of Nyaxia series by Carissa Broadbent, a heart-wrenching, epic fantasy romance of love and treachery between mortals and gods. Mische lost everything when she was forcibly Turned into a vampire – her home, her humanity, and most devastating of all, the love of the sun god to whom she had devoted her life. Now, sentenced to death for murdering the vampire prince who Turned her, redemption feels impossible. But when Mische is saved by Asar, the bastard prince of the House of Shadow with a past as brutal as his scars, she’s forced into a mission worse than execution: a journey to the underworld to resurrect the god of death himself. Yet, Mische’s punishment may be the key to her salvation. In a secret meeting, her sun god commands her to help Asar in his mission, only to betray him . . . by killing the god of death. Mische and Asar must travel the treacherous path to the underworld, facing trials, beasts, and the vengeful ghosts of their pasts. Yet, most dangerous of all is the alluring call of the darkness – and her forbidden attraction to Asar, a burgeoning bond that risks invoking the wrath of gods. As her betrayal looms, the underworld closes in and angry gods are growing restless. Mische will be forced to choose between the redemption of the sun or the damnation of the darkness.

Objev podobné jako The Songbird and the Heart of Stone - Carissa Broadbent

cena 650.0 Kč

The Songbird and the Heart of Stone - Carissa Broadbent

The Hunger Games meets vampires in the third book of the bestselling Crowns of Nyaxia series by Carissa Broadbent, a heart-wrenching, epic fantasy romance of love and treachery between mortals and gods. Mische lost everything when she was forcibly Turned into a vampire - her home, her humanity, and most devastating of all, the love of the sun god to whom she had devoted her life. Now, sentenced to death for murdering the vampire prince who Turned her, redemption feels impossible.But when Mische is saved by Asar, the bastard prince of the House of Shadow with a past as brutal as his scars, she's forced into a mission worse than execution: a journey to the underworld to resurrect the god of death himself.Yet, Mische's punishment may be the key to her salvation. In a secret meeting, her sun god commands her to help Asar in his mission, only to betray him . . . by killing the god of death.Mische and Asar must travel the treacherous path to the underworld, facing trials, beasts, and the vengeful ghosts of their pasts. Yet, most dangerous of all is the alluring call of the darkness - and her forbidden attraction to Asar, a burgeoning bond that risks invoking the wrath of gods.As her betrayal looms, the underworld closes in and angry gods are growing restless. Mische will be forced to choose between the redemption of the sun or the damnation of the darkness. From the TikTok phenomenon and New York Times bestselling author Carissa Broadbent, The Songbird and the Heart of Stone is a brand new book in the Crowns of Nyaxia series, and the first book in a stunning new duology. Reading order for The Crowns of Nyaxia Series: The Serpent and the Wings of Night The Ashes and the Star-Cursed King The Songbird and the Heart of Stone

Objev podobné jako The Songbird and the Heart of Stone - Carissa Broadbent

cena 502.0 Kč

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream (0007204493)

Kniha - autor Hunter S. Thompson, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Stylish reissue of this classic first published in the 1970s. A savage journey to the heart of the American Dream.

Objev podobné jako Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream (0007204493)

cena 282.0 Kč

Obraz na stěnu Taste of the Sun

Obraz na plátně s realistický zobrazeným motivem ve vysoké kvalitě dostupný v různých rozměrech. Moderní obrazy pro moderní bydlení a moderní interiér. Motiv v digitální kvalitě vytištěn na kvalitním plátně, které je natažené na dřevěném rámu. Plátno natažené i po stranách rámu vytváří na stěně neopakovatelný 3D efekt. Ekologický výrobek bez zápachu. Obrazy na stěnu, které Vás prostě inspirují.

Objev podobné jako Obraz na stěnu Taste of the Sun

cena 437.0 Kč

Onyeka and the Academy of the Sun - Tola Okogwu

Black Panther meets Percy Jackson in this action-packed superhero series about a British-Nigerian girl who learns that her Afro hair has psychokinetic powers. Soon to be a feature film with a major streamer! Check out the complete series – Onyeka and the Rise of the Rebels is out now and Onyeka and the Heroes of the Dawn is out March 2024. And don't miss Onyeka and the Secret Superhero, the special World Book Day story coming February 2024! ‘Onyeka is the superhero you’ve been waiting for.’ Kiran Millwood Hargrave, author of The Girl of Ink and Stars Onyeka has a lot of hair – the kind that makes strangers stop in the street. When she makes the important discovery that she can control her hair with her mind, she's whisked off to the Academy of the Sun, a school in Nigeria where Solari – children with superpowers – are trained But Onyeka and her new friends at the Academy soon have to put their powers to the test as they find themselves caught up in an epic battle . . . one that puts the future of all Solari at risk.Praise for Onyeka and the Academy of the Sun: ‘Brilliant characters, action-packed plot, heartfelt themes of identity, family and friendship. A DAZZLING story about finding your power.’ Sophie Anderson, author of The House with Chicken Legs ‘An incredible story that reinvents the concept of a school for magical kids. So inspiring and creatively original.’ L. D. Lapinski, author of The Strangeworlds Travel Agency ‘Fast-paced, action-packed and empowering. Tọlá Okogwu’s storytelling shines so bright you’ll want the next instalment immediately.’ A. F. Steadman, author of Skandar and the Unicorn Thief ‘An inspiring, original and exciting roller coaster of a book.’ Katie Tsang, co-author of Dragon Mountain ‘A rich and gripping story of discovering that your greatest power can come from within. I loved it!’ Lisa Thompson, author of The Goldfish Boy ‘Brilliant, witty writing and spot-on characterisation.’ Louie Stowell, author of Loki: A Bad God’s Guide to Being Good ‘A thrilling, magical page-turner. Children will fall in love with this story.’ Jenny McLachlan, author of The Land of Roar 'Wildly fun and a huge breath of invigorating fresh air.’ Sam Copeland, author of Charlie Changes Into a Chicken ‘A thrilling, action-packed adventure full of heart. Onyeka is sure to be everyone's new favourite superhero.’ Hannah Gold, author of The Last Bear

Objev podobné jako Onyeka and the Academy of the Sun - Tola Okogwu

cena 236.0 Kč

Atlas of the Heart - Brené Brown

In her latest book, five-time #1 New York Times bestselling author Dr Brené Brown, writes, "If we want to find the way back to ourselves and each other, we need language and the grounded confidence to both tell our stories, and to be stewards of the stories that we hear. This is the framework for meaningful connection."In Atlas of the Heart, Brown takes us on a journey through 87 of the emotions and experiences that define what it means to be human. As she maps the necessary skills and lays out an actionable framework for meaningful connection, she gives us the language and tools to access a universe of new choices and second chances - a universe where we can share and steward the stories of our bravest and most heart-breaking moments with one another in a way that builds connection.Over the past two decades, Brown''s extensive research into the experiences that make us who we are has shaped the cultural conversation and helped define what it means to be courageous with our lives. Atlas of the Heart draws on this research, as well as Brown''s singular skills as a researcher/storyteller, to lay out an invaluable, research-based framework that shows us that naming an experience doesn''t give the experience more power, it gives us the power of understanding, meaning and choice.Brown shares, "I want this to be an atlas for all of us, because I believe that, with an adventurous heart and the right maps, we can travel anywhere and never fear losing ourselves. Even when we have no idea where we are."

Objev podobné jako Atlas of the Heart - Brené Brown

cena 670.0 Kč

The House of Doors - Tan Twan Eng

It is 1921 and at Cassowary House in the Straits Settlements of Penang, Robert Hamlyn is a well-to-do lawyer and his steely wife Lesley a society hostess. Their lives are invigorated when Willie, an old friend of Robert's, comes to stay.Willie Somerset Maugham is one of the greatest writers of his day. But he is beleaguered by an unhappy marriage, ill-health and business interests that have gone badly awry. He is also struggling to write. The more Lesley's friendship with Willie grows, the more clearly she see him as he is - a man who has no choice but to mask his true self.As Willie prepares to leave and face his demons, Lesley confides secrets of her own, including how she came to know the charismatic Dr Sun Yat Sen, a revolutionary fighting to overthrow the imperial dynasty of China. And more scandalous still, she reveals her connection to the case of an Englishwoman charged with murder in the Kuala Lumpur courts - a tragedy drawn from fact, and worthy of fiction.From Man Booker Prize-shortlisted Tan Twan Eng, The House of Doors is a masterful novel of public morality and private truth a century ago. Based on real events it is a drama of love and betrayal under the shadow of Empire.

Objev podobné jako The House of Doors - Tan Twan Eng

cena 499.0 Kč

The House of Doors - Tan Twan Eng

LONGLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE 2023A SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERA FINANCIAL TIMES BOOK OF THE YEARA NEW STATESMAN BOOK OF THE YEARA NEW YORKER BOOK OF THE YEARA WASHINGTON POST BOOK OF THE YEARWillie Somerset Maugham is one of the greatest writers of the early twentieth century. But in 1921 he is beleaguered by an unhappy marriage, ill-health and business interests that have gone badly awry. He is also struggling to write.His friend Robert Hamlyn offers an escape in the Straits Settlements of Penang, where Robert's steely wife Lesley learns to see Willie as he is - a man who has no choice but to mask his true self. As Willie prepares to leave, Lesley confides in him secrets of her own, including how she came to know the charismatic revolutionary Dr Sun Yat Sen. And more scandalous still, her connection to an Englishwoman charged with murder in the Kuala Lumpur courts - a tragedy drawn from fact, and worthy of fiction.

Objev podobné jako The House of Doors - Tan Twan Eng

cena 294.0 Kč

The Heart of Betrayal: The Remnant Chronicles: Book 02 (1250080029)

Kniha - autor Mary E. Pearson, 470 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Mary E. Pearson, 470 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Held captive in the barbarian kingdom of Venda, Lia and Rafe have little chance of escape. Desperate to save her life, Lia's erstwhile assassin, Kaden, has told the Vendan Komizar that she has the gift, and the Komizar's interest in Lia is greater than anyone could have foreseen.Meanwhile, nothing is straightforward: there's Rafe, who lied to Lia but sacrificed his freedom to protect her; Kaden, who meant to assassinate her but has now saved her life; and the Vendans, whom Lia always believed to be barbarians. Now that she lives among them she realizes that may be far from the truth. Lia must make powerful choices that will affect her country. . . . and her own destiny. Filled with intrigue and suspense, book 2 in the Remnant Chronicles is followed by the third and final book, The Reign of Evermore.

Objev podobné jako The Heart of Betrayal: The Remnant Chronicles: Book 02 (1250080029)

cena 272.0 Kč

The Naturals: All In: Book 3 in this unputdownable mystery series from the author of The Inheritance Games - Jennifer Lynn Barnesová

Cold cases get hot in this unputdownable mystery from Jennifer Lynn Barnes, no.1 New York Times bestselling author of The Inheritance Games series. Perfect for fans of A Good Girl's Guide to Murder. Three casinos.Three bodies. Three days. After a string of brutal murders in Las Vegas, Cassie Hobbes and the Naturals are called in to investigate.But even with the team's unique profiling talents, these murders seem baffling: unlike many serial killers, this one uses different methods every time. All of the victims were killed in public, yet the killer does not show up on any security feed. And each victim has a string of numbers tattooed on their wrist.Hidden in the numbers is a code - and the closer the Naturals come to unraveling the mystery, the more perilous the case becomes. Meanwhile, Cassie is dealing with an equally dangerous and much more painful mystery. For the first time in years, there's been a break in her mother's case.As personal issues and tensions between the team mount, Cassie and the Naturals will be faced with impossible odds - and impossible choices. Born smart. Born tough.Born FBI.

Objev podobné jako The Naturals: All In: Book 3 in this unputdownable mystery series from the author of The Inheritance Games - Jennifer Lynn Barnesová

cena 268.0 Kč

The Naturals: Bad Blood: Book 4 in this unputdownable mystery series from the author of The Inheritance Games - Jennifer Lynn Barnesová

Cold cases get hot in this unputdownable mystery from Jennifer Lynn Barnes, no.1 New York Times bestselling author of The Inheritance Games series. Perfect for fans of A Good Girl's Guide to Murder. All of your burning questions are answered in this shocking conclusion to the Naturals series - now with a bonus Naturals novella, Twelve, in print for the first time!When Cassie Hobbes joined the FBI's Naturals program, she had one goal: uncover the truth about her mother's murder.But now, everything Cassie thought she knew about what happened that night has been called into question. Her mother is alive, and the people holding her captive are more powerful - and dangerous - than anything the Naturals have faced so far. As Cassie and the team work to uncover the secrets of a group that has been killing in secret for generations, they find themselves racing a ticking clock.When the bodies begin piling up, it soon becomes apparent that this time, the Naturals aren't just hunting serial killers. They're being hunted. Born smart.Born tough. Born FBI.

Objev podobné jako The Naturals: Bad Blood: Book 4 in this unputdownable mystery series from the author of The Inheritance Games - Jennifer Lynn Barnesová

cena 299.0 Kč

Grateful Dead: Anthem Of The Sun - LP (0349784661)

LP vinyl - Reedice druhého studiového alba skupiny. Nahrávka byla v roce 2018 nově zremasterována, nyní je k dispozici na CD nebo LP. Legendární rocková skupina ze San Francisca vznikla v roce 1965 a patří k zásadním reprezentantům zlatého věku rockové hudby. Reedice druhého studiového alba skupiny. Nahrávka byla v roce 2018 nově zremasterována, nyní je k dispozici na CD nebo LP. Legendární rocková skupina ze San Francisca vznikla v roce 1965 a patří k zásadním reprezentantům zlatého věku rockové hudby. Na přelomu šedesátých a sedmdesátých let se proslavila dlouhými a divokými improvizacemi během koncertních vystoupení. V tvorbě pracovala s vlivy nejrůznějších hudebních stylů od rocku a psychedelie, přes folk a bluegrass, až třeba ke gospelu, jazzu nebo reggae. Rozpadla se v roce 1995, kdy zemřela vůdčí osobnost skupiny, kytarista a zpěvák Jerry Garcia. V roce 2007 skupina obdržela Grammy za celoživotní přínos. Obsah: That's It for the Other One: Cryptical...

Objev podobné jako Grateful Dead: Anthem Of The Sun - LP (0349784661)

cena 539.0 Kč

Fate of the Sun King - Nisha J. Tuli

''Magical, action-packed, steamy. . . laden with heart-wrenching moments and heart-pounding twists'' Thea Guanzon, on Trial of the Sun QueenThey tried to cage me. Now they''ll fear me. Lor is a survivor. She survived imprisonment, the Trials, and everyone else who''s tried to kill her. Now - armed with just enough information to make her dangerous - she''s on the run . . . with the Heart Crown in her possession and a prince at her side who is awakening her locked-up heart and her magic.Caught in a maelstrom of lies and betrayal, Lor is determined to uncover the truth about the Artefacts and their role in shaping her destiny - bringing her closer than ever to getting everything she''s ever wanted . . . or losing it all forever.Fate of the Sun King is the third book in Nisha J. Tuli''s spicy romantasy series, Artefacts of Ouranos, perfect for fans of Fourth Wing, Sarah J. Maas and Serpent and the Wings of Night.Praise for the series:''Utterly enthralling!'' Rebecca Yarros, New York Times bestselling author of Fourth Wing ''Trial of the Sun Queen was truly a breath of fresh air and had me white knuckling the book until the very last page. I''m on pins and needles to see what happens next!'' Hannah Nicole Maehrer, author of Assistant to the Villain ''Magical, action-packed, steamy, intricately plotted, laden with heart-wrenching moments and heart-pounding twists -- Trial of the Sun Queen is nothing short of a dark, fantastical thrill ride'' Thea Guanzon, author of The Hurricane Wars ''I picked up Trial of the Sun Queen and was hooked from the very first sentence. This world is gripping, the plot exciting, and I loved the main character so much that I was rooting for her from the start. Nisha created a series that is addicting and visceral, with the perfect amount of spicy romance. One of my all time favourite fantasy romance reads'' Raven Kennedy, author of GildThe Artefacts of Ouranos series:Trial of the Sun QueenRule of the Aurora KingFate of the Sun KingTale of the Heart Queen

Objev podobné jako Fate of the Sun King - Nisha J. Tuli

cena 295.0 Kč

Trial of the Sun Queen - Nisha J. Tuli

Ten women. A deadly contest. Only one can win the Sun King's heart.Lor has endured twelve long years of torment under the Aurora King's rule. Her only desire is to get free and pay him back for every moment of misery she's endured. When a surprise release finds her in the hands of the Sun King, Lor is thrust into the spotlight as she competes against nine other Tributes for the role of queen.If she wins his heart, she'll earn her freedom and finally get her revenge. But Lor doesn't belong in the Sun Queen Trials. Not only does she not understand why she was freed, she isn't a citizen of the Sun King's court.The other Tributes resent her presence and will stop at nothing to ensure Lor is wiped off the gameboard, permanently. Now Lor must win, because if she loses, she dies. Or worse, she'll be sent back into the hands of the Aurora King.This glittering fae romance is perfect for fans of Sarah J. Maas, Fourth Wing, Raven Kennedy and Jennifer Armentrout. Trial of the Sun Queen is the first book in a series with an eventual happy ever after.The Artefacts of Ouranos series:Trial of the Sun QueenRule of the Aurora KingFate of the Sun KingTale of the Heart Queen

Objev podobné jako Trial of the Sun Queen - Nisha J. Tuli

cena 268.0 Kč

The Fox Tan Hydration Sun Tan Sealer hloubkově hydratační krém na tělo 220 ml

The Fox Tan Hydration Sun Tan Sealer, 220 ml, Přípravky po opalování pro ženy, Aby pokožka vašeho těla netrpěla kvůli pobytu na slunci, je důležité o ni pečovat nejen před sluněním, ale i po něm. Přípravek po opalování The Fox Tan Hydration Sun Tan Sealer se postará o celkové zklidnění a doplnění ztracené vlhkosti, pomůže pokožce regenerovat se a přispěje k redukci zarudnutí. Vlastnosti: zintenzivňuje a prodlužuje opálení intenzivně hydratuje snadno se roztírá a rychle vstřebává vyživuje pokožku namáhanou sluncem dodává pocit svěžesti Složení: veganský produkt Jak používat: Po pobytu na slunci naneste rovnoměrně na čistou pokožku celého těla. Opakujte několikrát denně dle potřeby.

Objev podobné jako The Fox Tan Hydration Sun Tan Sealer hloubkově hydratační krém na tělo 220 ml

cena 417.0 Kč

Kulaté malby akrylem The Guardian of the Heart | different dimensions

Kulaté obrazy malované akrylem a zakončené plátkovým zlatem. 100+ výjimečných děl. Prohlédněte si naši originální kolekci a proces tvorby ve Studiu LIPA. >>

Objev podobné jako Kulaté malby akrylem The Guardian of the Heart | different dimensions

cena 1156.0 Kč

Noah And The Whale - Heart Of Nowhere (LP)

Složení setu: 1 ks Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009 Typ: Album;LP deska;Stereo Balení obsahuje: LP Barva podle výrobce: Black Země původu: Německo Žánr: Rock;Indie Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země interpreta: Spojené království Subžánr: Pop Rock;Indie Rock Datum vydání: 2022-09-30 Barva: Černá Varianta: Heart Of Nowhere (LP) Rok vydání: 2022.0 Interpret / Téma: Noah And The Whale Vydavatelství: Mercury

Objev podobné jako Noah And The Whale - Heart Of Nowhere (LP)

cena 560.7 Kč

The Heart of Midlothian - Walter Scott - e-kniha

eBook: Against the backdrop of the Porteous Riots, one woman must give everything to save her sister. It's 1763, and there's pandemonium on the streets of Edinburgh. Innocent protesters have been gunned down, and an angry mob is baying for the blood. Jeanie Deans is hoping for another form of justice. Her sister, Effie, has been wrongly sentenced to death. And the one thing that can save her is a royal pardon. So Jeanie sets out an epic journey to London to plead Effie's case to the queen. A classic work of historical fiction, "The Heart of Midlothian" is an incisive commentary on the malleable nature of justice. And at its center is one of literature's most appealing and courageous heroines.

Objev podobné jako The Heart of Midlothian - Walter Scott - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Grateful Dead: Anthem Of The Sun (picture) - LP (0349786485)

LP vinyl - Anthem of the Sun je druhé album rockové skupiny Grateful Dead vydané v roce 1968. Anthem of the Sun je druhé album rockové skupiny Grateful Dead vydané v roce 1968. Rok vydání : 1968 (2.album) Rok reedice : 2018 Seznam stop LP That's It For The Other One (Cryptical Envelopment / Quadlibet For Tender Feet / The Faster We Go, The Rounder We Get / We Leave The Castle) [1971 Remix] [Remastered] / New Potato Caboose (1971 Remix) [Remastered] / Born Cross-eyed (1971 Remix) [Remastered] / Alligator (1971 Remix) [Remastered] / Caution (Do Not Stop On Tracks) [1971 Remix] [Remastered]

Objev podobné jako Grateful Dead: Anthem Of The Sun (picture) - LP (0349786485)

cena 749.0 Kč

The Garden of Evening Mists - Tan Twan Eng

A BBC TWO BETWEEN THE COVERS BOOK CLUB PICKAN INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLERSHORTLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZEWINNER OF THE MAN ASIAN LITERARY PRIZE AND THE WALTER SCOTT PRIZETeoh Yun Ling was seventeen years old when she first heard about Aritomo and the garden. But a war would come to Malaya, and a decade pass before she would travel to see him. A man of extraordinary skill and reputation, Aritomo was once the gardener for the Emperor of Japan, and now Yun Ling needs him. She needs him to help her build a memorial to her beloved sister, killed at the hands of the Japanese. She wants to learn everything Aritomo can teach her, and do her sister proud, but to do so she must also begin a journey into her own past, a past inextricably linked with the secrets of her troubled country.A story of art, war, love and memory, The Garden of Evening Mists captures a dark moment in history with richness, power and incredible beauty.

Objev podobné jako The Garden of Evening Mists - Tan Twan Eng

cena 295.0 Kč

Empire Of The Sun - Ice On The Dune (Blue Coloured) (LP)

Subžánr: New Wave;Dance Rock;Synth-pop;Electropop Vydavatelství: Universal Music Typ: LP deska;Barevná Datum vydání: 2024-06-28 Žánr: Pop;Elektronický;Rock Interpret / Téma: Empire Of The Sun Varianta: Ice On The Dune (Blue Coloured) (LP) Rok vydání: 2024.0 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Německo Barva: Modrá Barva podle výrobce: Blue

Objev podobné jako Empire Of The Sun - Ice On The Dune (Blue Coloured) (LP)

cena 1042.0 Kč

The Making of Pride and Prejudice - Sue Birtwistle, Susie Conklin

The BBC’s lavish adaptation of ‘Pride and Prejudice’, starring Colin Firth, was eighteen months in the making and continues to captivate audiences today. This indispensable companion to the series is packed with colour photographs, interviews and lavish illustrations.Follow a typical day''s filming, including the wholesale transformation of Lacock village into Jane Austen''s Meryton. Discover how Colin Firth approaches the part of Darcy, how actors'' costumes and wigs are designed and how Carl Davis recreates the period music and composes an original score. Piece together the roles of behind-the-scenes contributors from researchers to fencing masters.

Objev podobné jako The Making of Pride and Prejudice - Sue Birtwistle, Susie Conklin

cena 384.0 Kč

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