Why is sex fun? (defekt) - jared diamond

Produkt Why is sex fun? (defekt) - jared diamond sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Why is sex fun? (defekt) - jared diamond upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

Why is Sex Fun? (Defekt) - Jared Diamond


A fascinating insight into how human sexuality came to be the way it is now - Jared Diamond explains why we are different from the animal kingdom. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Why is Sex Fun? (Defekt) - Jared Diamond , Educa vzdělávací hra learning is fun: čísla (18836)

Why is Sex Fun? - Jared Diamond


A fascinating insight into how human sexuality came to be the way it is now - Jared Diamond explains why we are different from the animal kingdom. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Why is Sex Fun? - Jared Diamond , Gallagher liam: why me? why not. - lp (9029540841)

Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive (Defekt) - Jared Diamond


What happened to the people who made the forlorn long-abandoned statues of Easter Island? What happened to the architects of the crumbling Maya pyramids? Will we go the same way, our skyscrapers one day standing derelict and overgrown like the temples at Angkor Wat? This book deals with these questions. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive (Defekt) - Jared Diamond , Educa vzdělávací hra learning is fun: vytvoř příběh (18840)

Rozvrat - Jared Diamond

Rozvrat - Jared Diamond

Proč se některé národy vyrovnávají s rozvratem lépe než jiné? Můžeme spletité národní krize pochopit díky paralelám s krizovou terapií jednotlivce? A leží právě tady klíč k úspěšnému řešení palčivých problémů dnešního světa? Polyhistor a držitel Pulitzerovy ceny Jared Diamond dokazuje, že ano. Jako příklady mu slouží moderní historie Japonska, Německa, Chile, Finska, USA, Indonésie a Austrálie, které prošly rozmanitými politickými i válečnými zvraty. Autor pak identifikuje dvanáct „terapeutických“ kroků a podmínek – od přijetí vlastní odpovědnosti až po opuštění dysfunkčních zásad a institucí – které těmto národům pomohly jejich existenční krize úspěšně překonat. Diamond knihu komponuje jako pestrou fresku složenou z líčení velkých dramat i z detailních postřehů o sedmi zemích, které měl možnost důkladně poznat. Nabízí přitom odpovědi na řadu komplikovaných otázek týkajících se historie i naší současnosti. Jakou lekci si mohou odnést malé státy z pohnutých dějin Finska, ohroženého rozpínavým ruským obrem? Dá se exaktně určit, nakolik se do dějin národů a států promítá vliv jejich vůdců? Jak zvládlo Japonsko během padesáti let dohnat západní svět? A jak naopak neochota učit se od jiných zemí škodí USA? Kam dokázal státy vehnat nedostatek přírodních zdrojů a jak se s tímto problémem vypořádat v globalizovaném světě? Proč se Němci, Indonésané či Japonci vyrovnávají s temnými kapitolami své minulosti tak rozdílně a jaký to má na ně dopad? Proč jsou i zdánlivě stabilní demokracie křehké a jejich konec může přijít stejně nenadále a brutálně jako v Pinochetově Chile? O autorovi Jared Diamond (* 1937) je americký vědec, spisovatel, antropolog, historik, lingvista a nositel mnoha ocenění včetně Pulitzerovy ceny za literaturu faktu. Mimo jiní je autorem mezinárodních bestsellerů Osudy lidských společností: Střelné zbraně, choroboplodné zárodky a ocel v historii, Kolaps: Proč společnosti zanikají a přežívají a Svět, který skončil včera. V současnosti působí jako profesor geografie a fyziologie na Kalifornské univerzitě v Los Angeles. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Rozvrat - Jared Diamond , Gallagher liam: why me? why not. (deluxe edition) - cd (9029540838)

Rozvrat - Jared Diamond - e-kniha

Rozvrat - Jared Diamond - e-kniha

eBook:,>>„Jared Diamond nám ukazuje, že cesta z krize existuje. Nám zbývá volba, zda se po ní vydáme.“ – Bill Gates (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Rozvrat - Jared Diamond - e-kniha , Tyreweld sprej na opravu defekt 500ml (ht4ya)

Svět, který skončil včera - Jared Diamond

Svět, který skončil včera - Jared Diamond

Co se můžeme naučit od tradičních společností? Nositel Pulitzerovy ceny předkládá jedinečné dílo, v němž se zamýšlí nad tím, jak by mohly určité prvky tradičního fungování obohatit a zlepšit náš moderní život. Většina z nás bere moderní realitu za samozřejmou. Letecká doprava, mobilní telefony, počítače, gramotnost, obezita. Ale po převážnou většinu z šesti milionů let své existence lidská společnost vypadala a fungovala docela jinak. Tradiční společnosti, jako například domorodé kmeny z novoguinejské Vysočiny, nám připomínají, že z hlediska lidské evoluce to bylo teprve „včera“, kdy se všechno změnilo. Naše těla jsou pořád ještě lépe adaptovaná na podmínky tradičního způsobu života než na podmínky toho moderního. V knize se dočtete: o přístupech k výchově dětí o způsobech řešení sporů o metodách vyhodnocování rizik o metodách uchovávání zdraví, tělesné i duševní kondice o přístupu ke starším lidem Jared Diamond tentokráte čtenářům předkládá vlastní zkušenosti, zážitky i nejzajímavejší poznatky z desítek let své práce na tichomořských ostrovech. Vše doplňuje fakty z prostředí dalších tradičních národu, jako jsou Inuité, Agtové, amazonští indiáni nebo třeba !Kungové z africké pouště Kalahari. Tradiční společnosti však rozhodně neromantizuje: některé z jejich zvyklostí jsou pro nás šokující a je nutno rozlišovat, co vede k lepšímu fungování lidstva a co nikoliv. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Svět, který skončil včera - Jared Diamond , Polštář 45x30 cm, pat&mat, defekt (99853a)

Guns, Germs and Steel - Jared Diamond

Guns, Germs and Steel - Jared Diamond

Why has human history unfolded so differently across the globe? The author puts the case that geography and biogeography, not race, moulded the contrasting fates of Europeans, Asians, Native Americans, sub-Saharan Africans, and aboriginal Australians. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Guns, Germs and Steel - Jared Diamond , Gallagher liam: why me? why not & as you were (2x cd) - cd (9029521939)

Rozvrat - Diamond Jared

Rozvrat - Diamond Jared

Vítejte v naší nové historické edici H!story. Začínáme světovou legendou – nejnovější knihou Jareda Diamonda, nositele Pulitzerovy ceny, kterého znáte například díky knize Svět, který skončil včera. Většina z nás projde alespoň jednou za život osobní krizí. Klíčové pro zvládnutí krize, která může vzniknout z vnějších i vnitřích tlaků, je analýza problému a přijetí selektivních změn. Národy, podobně jako lidé, procházejí krizemi. Existují mezi řešením krizí jednotlivců a států paralely? Mohou poznatky terapeutů pomoci při řešení národních krizí? Právě těmito otázkami se v knize Jared Diamond zabývá – kromě USA porovnává dalších šest zemí, které se v moderní historii vyrovnaly s otřesy: houževnatý odpor Finů ve válkách se Sovětským svazem, náhlý obrat Japonska od izolace k pozápadnění, Pinochetovo běsnění v Chile, puč v Indonésii, německé poválečné zázraky… Bere si pod lupu zlomové okamžiky jejich historie, sleduje, jak se jednotlivé země se svými výzvami popraly, a zjišťuje, co jim v překonávání krizí pomáhalo či bránilo. Nezůstává však jen v minulosti, diagnostikuje také palčivé problémy dnešního světa a zkoumá, zda faktory, které ovlivnily vyústění minulých krizí, mohou přispět k řešení těch dnešních. Diamond čerpá z hlubokého poznání obyvatel, dějin a kultury zkoumaných zemí založeného na bohatých osobních zkušenostech i schopnosti dorozumět se šesti jazyky. Jeho kniha je nejen přínosem pro pochopení moderní historie, ale i jeho nejosobnější knihou odhalující principy zvládání osobních krizí. Jared Diamond je americký antropolog a historik, profesor zeměpisu na Kalifornské univerzitě v Los Angeles, nositel řady ocenění a v neposlední řadě autor několika světových bestsellerů. (patro.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Rozvrat - Diamond Jared , Tell me why - xbox digital (7cn-00049)

Svět, který skončil včera - Jared Diamond - e-kniha


eBook: # O KNIZENositel Pulitzerovy ceny předkládá jedinečné dílo, v němž se zamýšlí nad tím, jak by mohly určité prvky tradičního fungování obohatit a zlepšit náš moderní život. Většina z nás bere moderní realitu za samozřejmou. Letecká doprava, mobilní telefony, počítače, gramotnost, obezita. Ale po převážnou většinu z šesti milionů let své existence lidská společnost vypadala a fungovala docela jinak. Tradiční společnosti, jako například domorodé kmeny z novoguinejské Vysočiny, nám připomínají, že z hlediska lidské evoluce to bylo teprve „včera“, kdy se všechno změnilo. Naše těla jsou pořád ještě lépe adaptovaná na podmínky tradičního způsobu života než na podmínky toho moderního.# V KNIZE SE DOČTETE:• o přístupech k výchově dětí• o způsobech řešení sporů• o metodách vyhodnocování rizik• o metodách uchovávání zdraví, tělesné i duševní kondice• o přístupu ke starším lidemJared Diamond tentokráte čtenářům předkládá vlastní zkušenosti, zážitky i nejzajímavejší poznatky z desítek let své práce na tichomořských ostrovech.Vše doplňuje fakty z prostředí dalších tradičních národu, jako jsou Inuité, Agtové, amazonští indiáni nebo třeba !Kungové z africké pouště Kalahari. Tradiční společnosti však rozhodně neromantizuje: některé z jejich zvyklostí jsou pro nás šokující a je nutno rozlišovat, co vede k lepšímu fungování lidstva a co nikoliv.# O AUTOROVI:Jared Mason Diamond (1937) je americký vědec, spisovatel, profesor geografie a fyziologie na Kalifornské univeritě. Šíře jeho záběru je však mnohem větší, na Nové Guineji působil i jako ornitolog, zabývá se ekologií, evoluční biologií... Kromě Pulitzerovy ceny je nositelem také dalších ocenění za literaturu faktu. Jeho předchozí knihy se vždy staly mezinárodními bestsellery, např. kniha „Osudy lidských společností: ocel, choroboplodné zárodky a střelné zbraně“ byla přeložena do 33 jazyků. Je ženatý a otcem dvou synů. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Svět, který skončil včera - Jared Diamond - e-kniha , Sex, disco, revoluce!

JoJo´s Bizarre Adventure: Part 4 Diamond Is Unbreakable 8 (Defekt) - Hirohiko Araki


A multigenerational tale of the heroic Joestar family and their never-ending battle against evil!The legendary Shonen Jump series is now available in deluxe hardcover editions featuring color pages! JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a groundbreaking manga famous for its outlandish characters, wild humor and frenetic battles.What kind of weirdo lives on a transmission tower?! An all-new enemy Stand attempts to trap, outwit and eliminate Josuke Higashikata and Okuyasu Nijimura, but Shining Diamond is a formidable foe! Then, the battle for Morioh turns personal when Koichi disappears. What else does this new enemy have in mind for the gang? Plus, Yoshikage Kira is still hiding, biding his time, eager to take another life... (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako JoJo´s Bizarre Adventure: Part 4 Diamond Is Unbreakable 8 (Defekt) - Hirohiko Araki , Cassie: why you lacking energy? (coloured) - lp (4050538775563)

JoJo´s Bizarre Adventure: Part 4 Diamond Is Unbreakable 6 (Defekt) - Hirohiko Araki


A multigenerational tale of the heroic Joestar family and their never-ending battle against evil!The legendary Shonen Jump series is now available in deluxe hardcover editions featuring color pages! JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a groundbreaking manga famous for its outlandish characters, wild humor and frenetic battles.Yukako Yamagishi still loves Koichi Hirose, despite how their last rendezvous turned out! She's so desperate for his love that she may make a drastic decision in order to win his heart-a decision that could have disastrous consequences when a new Stand appears! Is this an enemy Stand, or is it going to help her in her quest? (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako JoJo´s Bizarre Adventure: Part 4 Diamond Is Unbreakable 6 (Defekt) - Hirohiko Araki , Walther fun (1642_0204)

Why is the Negro Lynched? - Frederick Douglass - e-kniha


eBook: Written just a year before his death, ‘Why is the Negro Lynched?’ is one of Douglass’ most moving and passionate speeches. Still sadly-pertinent today, his skill as a wordsmith is captured in passages that discuss everything from law and respect for human life to religion and the necessity for belonging. An expert orator, Douglass presents his arguments as though they were part of a court case, deftly switching between the roles of prosecution and defence, before passing sentence against the white establishment of the time. An important book for anyone and everyone. Frederick Douglass (1818-1995) was an American abolitionist and author. Born into slavery in Maryland, he was of African, European, and Native American descent. He was separated from his mother at a young age and lived with his grandmother until he was moved to another plantation. Frederick was taught his alphabet by the wife of one of his owners, a knowledge he passed on to other slaves. In 1838, he successfully escaped slavery by jumping on a north-bound train. After less than 24 hours, he was in New York and free. The same year, he married the woman that had inspired his run for freedom and started working actively as a social reformer, orator, statesman, and women’s rights defender. He remains most known today for his 1845 autobiography \"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave.\" (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Why is the Negro Lynched? - Frederick Douglass - e-kniha , Myphone fun 9 černá (smartfon myphone fun 9 czarny)

Paramore: This Is Why - LP (7567863552)

Paramore: This Is Why - LP (7567863552)

LP vinyl - Loni album This Is Why předznamenal stejnojmenný singl. Píseň, ve které se zpěvačka Hayley Williams vyrovnává s výzvami, jimž čelí jako frontmanka světoznámé skupiny, mimo jiné stálým tlakem veřejnosti lačnící po detailech z jejího soukromí, znamenal konec čtyřleté pauzy, kterou si trojice udělala p Loni album This Is Why předznamenal stejnojmenný singl. Píseň, ve které se zpěvačka Hayley Williams vyrovnává s výzvami, jimž čelí jako frontmanka světoznámé skupiny, mimo jiné stálým tlakem veřejnosti lačnící po detailech z jejího soukromí, znamenal konec čtyřleté pauzy, kterou si trojice udělala po konci turné k desce After Laughter. Na šesté desce se soubor vrací ke kytarovějšímu zvuku a jistě není bez zajímavosti, že je to vůbec poprvé, co Paramore natočili nové album ve stejné sestavě, v jaké dělali to předchozí. This Is Why je k dispozici na CD a LP. Americká rocková kapela vznikla v městečku Frankliv ve státě Tennessee v roce 2004. Ústřední... (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Paramore: This Is Why - LP (7567863552) , Buddyphones pop fun, modrá (bt-bp-pop-fun-bl)

Paramore: This Is Why - CD (7567862759)

Paramore: This Is Why - CD (7567862759)

Hudební CD - Loni album This Is Why předznamenal stejnojmenný singl. Píseň, ve které se zpěvačka Hayley Williams vyrovnává s výzvami, jimž čelí jako frontmanka světoznámé skupiny, mimo jiné stálým tlakem veřejnosti lačnící po detailech z jejího soukromí, znamenal konec čtyřleté pauzy, kterou si trojice udělala p Loni album This Is Why předznamenal stejnojmenný singl. Píseň, ve které se zpěvačka Hayley Williams vyrovnává s výzvami, jimž čelí jako frontmanka světoznámé skupiny, mimo jiné stálým tlakem veřejnosti lačnící po detailech z jejího soukromí, znamenal konec čtyřleté pauzy, kterou si trojice udělala po konci turné k desce After Laughter. Na šesté desce se soubor vrací ke kytarovějšímu zvuku a jistě není bez zajímavosti, že je to vůbec poprvé, co Paramore natočili nové album ve stejné sestavě, v jaké dělali to předchozí. This Is Why je k dispozici na CD a LP. Americká rocková kapela vznikla v městečku Frankliv ve státě Tennessee v roce 2004. Ústřední... (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Paramore: This Is Why - CD (7567862759) , Sencor sex 002 (sex 002 vodní filtr k ses 4900ss)

Why Mummy Doesn't Give a ****! (Defekt) - Gill Sims


Family begins with a capital eff. I'm wondering how many more f*cking ‘phases' I have to endure before my children become civilised and functioning members of society? It seems like people have been telling me ‘it's just a phase!' for the last fifteen bloody years. Not sleeping through the night is ‘just a phase.' Potty training and the associated accidents ‘is just a phase'. The tantrums of the terrible twos are ‘just a phase'. The picky eating, the back chat, the obsessions. The toddler refusals to nap, the teenage inability to leave their beds before 1pm without a rocket being put up their arse. The endless singing of Frozen songs, the dabbing, the weeks where apparently making them wear pants was akin to child torture. All ‘just phases!' When do the ‘phases' end though? WHEN? (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Why Mummy Doesn't Give a ****! (Defekt) - Gill Sims , Láska, sex a lajky ()

Thirteen Reasons Why TV Tie-in (Defekt) - Jay Asher


Read this sensational mystery bestseller before you watch the 13-part Netflix series, executive produced by Selena Gomez. This special edition is complete with exclusive behind-the-scenes content including a 16-page full-colour photo insert featuring scenes from the show, and interviews with the cast and crew. You can't stop the future. You can't rewind the past. The only way to learn the secret . . . is to press play. Clay Jensen returns home from school one day to find a mysterious box with his name on it, outside his front door. Inside he discovers a series of cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker - his classmate and crush. Only, she committed suicide two weeks earlier. On the first tape, Hannah explains that there are 13 reasons why she did what she did - and Clay is one of them. If he listens, Clay will find out how he made the list - what he hears will change his life forever. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Thirteen Reasons Why TV Tie-in (Defekt) - Jay Asher , Fit pro sex: sex posiluje imunitu (978-80-86179-29-2)

Q and A Why it Rain (Defekt) - Katie Daynes

Q and A Why it Rain (Defekt) - Katie Daynes

What makes it rain? How do rainbows appear? How hot is the sun? Why does lightning flash? Where does wind come from? Young children can find out the answers to these questions and more by lifting the flaps in this friendly, illustrated introduction to the science of weather. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Q and A Why it Rain (Defekt) - Katie Daynes , The seven basic plots: why we tell stories (1472976185)

Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? (Defekt) - Julie Smith


Discover exactly how to navigate life's many ups and downs with the essential and empowering guidance of TikTok sensation, Dr. JulieDrawing on years of experience as a clinical psychologist, online sensation Dr Julie Smith shares all the skills you need to get through life's ups and downs.Filled with secrets from a therapist's toolkit, this is a must-have handbook for optimising your mental health. Dr Julie's simple but expert advice and powerful coping techniques will help you stay resilient no matter what life throws your way.Written in short, bite-sized entries, you can turn straight to the section you need depending on the challenge you're facing - and immediately find the appropriate tools to help with . . .- Managing anxiety- Dealing with criticism- Battling low mood- Building self-confidence- Finding motivation- Learning to forgive yourselfThis book tackles the everyday issues that affect us all and offers easy, practical solutions that might just change your life. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? (Defekt) - Julie Smith , Sex zero sex: aneb bohové nejsou online (978-80-87193-31-0)

The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less (0062449923)

The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less (0062449923)

Kniha - autor Barry Schwartz, 284 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A new, revised paperback edition of the business guide with author interviews, insights, features, suggested readings and a new preface from the author. First published in 2004, it argues that consumers want less choice, not more. (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less (0062449923) , Walther fun modré (1642_sk110l)

Do Design: Why Beauty is Key to Everything (1907974288)

Do Design: Why Beauty is Key to Everything (1907974288)

Kniha - autor Alan Moore, 128 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná So much passes us by, unnoticed. We multi-task, switch between screens, work faster. When was the last time you paused to consider a beautifully made object or stunning natural landscape? Yet this is when our spirits lift, our soul is restored. Designer Alan Moore invites us to rethink not only what we produce whether it s a website, a handmade chair, or a business but how and why. With examples including Pixar, Apple, Yeo Valley and Blitz Motorcycles, we are encouraged to ask: Is it useful and considered. Is it a thing of beauty? Do Design will inspire you to: Improve your creative process Raise the quality and craft of your work Consider the experience as much as the product Adopt simplicity, utility and honesty as guiding principles We are creative beings. We love to make things. This book will inspire you to create better things for better reasons. Things that people will love for a... (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Do Design: Why Beauty is Key to Everything (1907974288) , Wowme kids fun black

Stolen Focus : Why You Can´t Pay Attention (Defekt) - Johann Hari


In the United States, teenagers can focus on one task for only sixty-five seconds at a time, and office workers average only three minutes. Like so many of us, Johann Hari was finding that constantly switching from device to device and tab to tab was a diminishing and depressing way to live. He tried all sorts of self-help solutions—even abandoning his phone for three months—but nothing seemed to work. So Hari went on an epic journey across the world to interview the leading experts on human attention—and he discovered that everything we think we know about this crisis is wrong. We think our inability to focus is a personal failure to exert enough willpower over our devices. The truth is even more disturbing: our focus has been stolen by powerful external forces that have left us uniquely vulnerable to corporations determined to raid our attention for profit. Hari found that there are twelve deep causes of this crisis, from the decline of mind-wandering to rising pollution, all of which have robbed some of our attention. In Stolen Focus, he introduces readers to Silicon Valley dissidents who learned to hack human attention, and veterinarians who diagnose dogs with ADHD. He explores a favela in Rio de Janeiro where everyone lost their attention in a particularly surreal way, and an office in New Zealand that discovered a remarkable technique to restore workers’ productivity. Crucially, Hari learned how we can reclaim our focus—as individuals, and as a society—if we are determined to fight for it. Stolen Focus will transform the debate about attention and finally show us how to get it back. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Stolen Focus : Why You Can´t Pay Attention (Defekt) - Johann Hari , Walther fun šedé (1642_0198)

Faith Versus Fact: Why Science and Religion Are Incompatible (Defekt) - Coyne Jerry A


A superbly argued book.- --Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion The New York Times bestselling author of Why Evolution is True explains why any attempt to make religion compatible with science is doomed to fail In this provocative book, evolutionary biologist Jerry A. Coyne lays out in clear, dispassionate detail why the toolkit of science, based on reason and empirical study, is reliable, while that of religion--including faith, dogma, and revelation--leads to incorrect, untestable, or conflicting conclusions. Coyne is responding to a national climate in which more than half of Americans don't believe in evolution, members of Congress deny global warming, and long-conquered childhood diseases are reappearing because of religious objections to inoculation, and he warns that religious prejudices in politics, education, medicine, and social policy are on the rise. Extending the bestselling works of Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, and Christopher Hitchens, he demolishes the claims of religion to provide verifiable -truth- by subjecting those claims to the same tests we use to establish truth in science. Coyne irrefutably demonstrates the grave harm--to individuals and to our planet--in mistaking faith for fact in making the most important decisions about the world we live in. Praise for Faith Versus Fact -A profound and lovely book . . . showing that the honest doubts of science are better . . . than the false certainties of religion.- --Sam Harris, author of The End of Faith (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Faith Versus Fact: Why Science and Religion Are Incompatible (Defekt) - Coyne Jerry A , Walther fun černé (1642_sk110b)

Pain: What It Is, Why It Happens and How to Cope


Told through case studies and medical history, this is an enlightening, in-depth book on the fascinating science behind pain and the complexities of its treatment, by one of the leading doctors in this area. Pain is a universal human experience, but we understand very little about the mechanics behind it. We hurt ourselves, we feel pain, we seek help from a professional or learn to avoid certain behaviours that cause pain. But the story of what goes on in our body is far from simple. Even medical practitioners themselves often fail to grasp the complexities between our minds and bodies and how they interact when dealing with pain stimulus.Common conception still equates pain with tissue damage but that is only a very small part of the story - the organ which produces pain is the brain. Case studies show that a woman who has undergone a caesarean reports dramatically less pain than a patient who has had a comparably invasive operation. The soldier who drags themselves to safety after being shot deals with pain in a remarkably different way from someone suffering a similar injury on a street. The truth is that pain is a complex mix of nerve endings, psychological state, social preconceptions and situational awareness.Using case studies and medical history, Dr Lalkhen guides us through all aspects of pain, from chronic to acute, and the current landscape of pain treatments - from medication (including opioids) to electrical nerve stimulation. Whether it's a mild ache or severe discomfort, we all encounter pain in our lives and this important and illuminating book enables us to understand and cope with an experience that for so many can become all-consuming. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Pain: What It Is, Why It Happens and How to Cope , Speedminton fun set (260030780501)

This Is Why We Can´t Have Nice Things - Naomi Woodová


WINNER OF THE BBC NATIONAL SHORT STORY AWARDIn my life, I had always been a good woman; controlling what it was that I wanted. But recently, I had started to notice my bad energy, and I began to follow it, wondering where it would take me . . .A woman has an unexpected outburst at a corporate therapy session for working mothers. A couple find some long-overdue time to rekindle their relationship and make an ill-advised home movie. A pregnant film director plots revenge on the actress who betrayed her.An ex-wife deliberately causes conflict at her ex-husband's wedding.This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things illuminates the lives of malicious, subversive and untamed women. Exploring failed sisterhood, dubious parenting and the dark side of modern love, this powerful and funny collection exposes how society wants women to behave, and shows what happens when they refuse. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako This Is Why We Can´t Have Nice Things - Naomi Woodová , Wowme kids fun blue

Paramore: This Is Why (Clear Vinyl Album. Indie Exclusive) - LP (7567863549)

Paramore: This Is Why (Clear Vinyl Album. Indie Exclusive) - LP (7567863549)

LP vinyl - Loni album This Is Why předznamenal stejnojmenný singl. Píseň, ve které se zpěvačka Hayley Williams vyrovnává s výzvami, jimž čelí jako frontmanka světoznámé skupiny, mimo jiné stálým tlakem veřejnosti lačnící po detailech z jejího soukromí, znamenal konec čtyřleté pauzy, kterou si trojice udělala p Loni album This Is Why předznamenal stejnojmenný singl. Píseň, ve které se zpěvačka Hayley Williams vyrovnává s výzvami, jimž čelí jako frontmanka světoznámé skupiny, mimo jiné stálým tlakem veřejnosti lačnící po detailech z jejího soukromí, znamenal konec čtyřleté pauzy, kterou si trojice udělala po konci turné k desce After Laughter. Na šesté desce se soubor vrací ke kytarovějšímu zvuku a jistě není bez zajímavosti, že je to vůbec poprvé, co Paramore natočili nové album ve stejné sestavě, v jaké dělali to předchozí. This Is Why je k dispozici na CD a LP. Americká rocková kapela vznikla v městečku Frankliv ve státě Tennessee v roce 2004. Ústřední... (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Paramore: This Is Why (Clear Vinyl Album. Indie Exclusive) - LP (7567863549) , Kandao qoocam fun (qcm5507)

Good Strategy/Bad Strategy : The difference and why it matters (Defekt) - Rumelt Richard

Good Strategy/Bad Strategy : The difference and why it matters (Defekt) - Rumelt Richard

When Richard Rumelt's Good Strategy/Bad Strategy was published in 2011, it immediately struck a chord, calling out as bad strategy the mish-mash of pop culture, motivational slogans and business buzz speak so often and misleadingly masquerading as the real thing. Since then, his original and pragmatic ideas have won fans around the world and continue to help readers to recognise and avoid the elements of bad strategy and adopt good, action-oriented strategies that honestly acknowledge the challenges being faced and offer straightforward approaches to overcoming them. Strategy should not be equated with ambition, leadership, vision or planning; rather, it is coherent action backed by an argument. For Rumelt, the heart of good strategy is insight into the hidden power in any situation, and into an appropriate response - whether launching a new product, fighting a war or putting a man on the moon. Drawing on examples of the good and the bad from across all sectors and all ages, he shows how this insight can be cultivated with a wide variety of tools that lead to better thinking and better strategy, strategy that cuts through the hype and gets results. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Good Strategy/Bad Strategy : The difference and why it matters (Defekt) - Rumelt Richard , Wowme kids fun purple

Born for Love : Why Empathy Is Essential--and Endangered - Bruce D. Perry


Born for Love is the definitive book on empathy. Renowned psychiatrist Bruce Perry has appeared on Oprah, CNN, National Public Radio's All Things Considered, and other programs as an expert in this hot area of neuroscience, and has been cited as such in Newsweek, the New York Times, and The New Yorker (in a story written by Malcolm Gladwell). He and co-writer Maia Szalavitz explore empathy's startling importance in human evolution and its significance for our children and our society. The authors of The Boy Who was Raised as a Dog present a powerful case that love is essential...and endangered. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Born for Love : Why Empathy Is Essential--and Endangered - Bruce D. Perry , Wowme kids fun pink

The Cranberries - Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We (LP)

The Cranberries - Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We (LP)

Typ: LP deska;Album;Jubilejní edice;Limitovaná edice;Nové vydání;Remastered Žánr: Rock;Pop Vydavatelství: Universal Music Interpret / Téma: The Cranberries Složení setu: 1 ks Hmotnost: 180 g Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009 Rok nahrávky: 1993.0 Subžánr: Alternative Rock;Indie Rock;Ethereal;Dream Pop Rok vydání: 2018.0 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Datum vydání: 2018-10-19 Barva podle výrobce: Black Země původu: Evropská unie Barva: Černá Balení obsahuje: LP Země interpreta: Irsko Varianta: Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We (Vinyl LP) (muziker.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Cranberries - Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We (LP) , The diamond axe ()

The Diamond Eye (Defekt) - Kate Quinn


The brand-new historical novel based on a true story from the bestselling author of The Rose Code and The Alice NetworkIn the snowbound city of Kiev, aspiring historian Mila Pavlichenko's life revolves around her young son - until Hitler's invasion of Russia changes everything. Suddenly, she and her friends must take up arms to save their country from the Fuhrer's destruction.Handed a rifle, Mila discovers a gift - and months of blood, sweat and tears turn the young woman into a deadly sniper: the most lethal hunter of Nazis.Yet success is bittersweet. Mila is torn from the battlefields of the eastern front and sent to America while the war still rages. There, she finds an unexpected ally in First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, and an unexpected promise of a different future.But when an old enemy from Mila's past joins forces with a terrifying new foe, she finds herself in the deadliest duel of her life.The Diamond Eye is a haunting novel of heroism born of desperation, of a mother who became a soldier, of a woman who found her place in the world and changed the course of history forever. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Diamond Eye (Defekt) - Kate Quinn , Sex pistols: spunk - cd (5414939808128)

´It is what is is´ : The Little Guide to Love Island (Defekt) - Orange Hippo!


The perfect partner for lovers of the nation's favourite TV reality lovefest. Since day dot, Love Island has had its finger on the pulse of modern dating. Through the endearing chaos of infectious one-liners, fanny flutters and dramastic chats the reality show has well and truly turned our heads. An intriguing blend of catchy lingo, cringe-worthy clangers and hilarious trademark quips has established the villa as a melting pot for Britain's best banter. Collected here - like one huge, game-changing Love Island text - are the pearls of wisdom that has made the show an instant classic.A witty and amusing reminder of the words and phrases coined by the glamorous islanders over six series, this book allows the reader to crack on while reflecting on some of the most memorable, outrageous and entertaining moments from the show. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ´It is what is is´ : The Little Guide to Love Island (Defekt) - Orange Hippo! , Sex v pěti dílech světa

Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't (Defekt) - Simon Sinek


This is the highly anticipated follow up to Sinek's million copy bestseller Start With Why. Imagine a world where almost everyone wakes up inspired to go to work. This is not a crazy, idealised notion. In many successful organisations, great leaders are creating environments in which teams trust each other so deeply that they would put their lives on the line for each other. Yet other teams, no matter what incentives were offered, are doomed to infighting, fragmentation and failure. Why? Today's workplaces tend to be full of cynicism, paranoia and self-interest. But the best organisations foster trust and cooperation because their leaders build what Sinek calls a Circle of Safety. It separates the security inside the team from the challenges outside. Everyone feels they belong and all energies are devoted to facing the common enemy and seizing big opportunities. As in Start with Why, Sinek illustrates his ideas with fascinating true stories, from the military to manufacturing, from government to investment banking. He shows that leaders who are willing to eat last are rewarded with deeply loyal colleagues who will stop at nothing to advance their vision. It's amazing how well it works (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't (Defekt) - Simon Sinek

Love Is Blind (Defekt) - William Boyd

Love Is Blind (Defekt) - William Boyd

'Boyd on form is the ultimate in immersive fiction, and Love is Blind is Boyd at the top of his game . . . magnificent' Sunday Times This is William Boyd's sweeping, heart-stopping new novel. Set at the end of the 19th century, it follows the fortunes of Brodie Moncur, a young Scottish musician, about to embark on the story of his life. When Brodie is offered a job in Paris, he seizes the chance to flee Edinburgh and his tyrannical clergyman father, and begin a wildly different new chapter in his life. In Paris, a fateful encounter with a famous pianist irrevocably changes his future - and sparks an obsessive love affair with a beautiful Russian soprano, Lika Blum. Moving from Paris to St Petersburg to Edinburgh and back again, Brodie's love for Lika and its dangerous consequences pursue him around Europe and beyond, during an era of overwhelming change as the nineteenth century becomes the twentieth. Love is Blind is a tale of dizzying passion and brutal revenge; of artistic endeavour and the illusions it creates; of all the possibilities that life can offer, and how cruelly they can be snatched away. At once an intimate portrait of one man's life and an expansive exploration of the beginning of the twentieth century, Love is Blind is a masterly new novel from one of Britain's best loved storytellers. 'Boyd is back on a form few of his contemporaries can match. This fine, touching and clever book is the best thing he's written since [Any Human Heart] and deserves similar adulation' Guardian (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Love Is Blind (Defekt) - William Boyd

All That Is Left Is All That Matters : Stories (Defekt) - Mark Slouka

All That Is Left Is All That Matters : Stories (Defekt) - Mark Slouka

In fifteen beautifully wrought stories-ranging from occupied Czechoslovakia to California's Central Valley to the rainforests of the Pacific Northwest-Mark Slouka explores moments in life when our back is to the wall. One of the most forceful American writers of his generation, Slouka captures the depth and emotional range of an array of characters-from a young boy attempting to shield his father from painful memories in "The Hare's Mask" to a lonely man whose beloved dog inexplicably begins to sprout razor blades from her skin in "Dog."Whether battling the end of desire, the fact of injustice, or death itself, the men and women in these stories are doing everything possible to tighten their grip on life. In "Crossing," a father hoping to compensate for his failures finds himself facing his past while fording a river with his young son on his back; in "Conception," a young couple frozen by the possible end of their marriage is offered an unexpected way back; in "Half-Life," a proud, ag (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako All That Is Left Is All That Matters : Stories (Defekt) - Mark Slouka

Y is for Yesterday (Defekt) - Sue Graftonová

Y is for Yesterday (Defekt) - Sue Graftonová

Y is for Yesterday is the twenty-fifth in the Kinsey Millhone mystery series by Sue Grafton.The darkest and most disturbing case report from the files of Kinsey Millhone, Y begins in 1979, when four teenage boys from an elite private school sexually assault a fourteen-year-old classmate - and film the attack. Not long after, the tape goes missing and the suspected thief, a fellow classmate, is murdered. In the investigation that follows, one boy turns in evidence for the state and two of his peers are convicted. But the ringleader escapes without a trace.Now, it's 1989 and one of the perpetrators, Fritz McCabe, has been released from prison. Moody, unrepentant, and angry, he is a virtual prisoner of his ever-watchful parents - until a copy of the missing tape arrives with a ransom demand. That's when the McCabes call Kinsey Millhone for help. As she is drawn into their family drama, she keeps a watchful eye on Fritz. But he's not the only one being haunted by the past. A vicious sociopath with a grudge against Millhone may be leaving traces of himself for her to find... (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Y is for Yesterday (Defekt) - Sue Graftonová

Everyone Here is Lying (Defekt) - Shari Lapena


Welcome to Stanhope - a safe neighbourhood.A place for families.William Wooler is a family man, on the surface. But he's been having an affair, an affair that ended horribly this afternoon at a motel up the road. So when he returns to his house, devastated and angry, to find his difficult nine-year-old daughter Avery unexpectedly home from school, William loses his temper.Hours later, Avery's family declare her missing.Suddenly Stanhope doesn't feel so safe.And William isn't the only one on his street who's hiding a lie. As witnesses come forward with information that may or may not be true, Avery's neighbours become increasingly unhinged.Who took Avery Wooler?Nothing will prepare you for the truth. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Everyone Here is Lying (Defekt) - Shari Lapena

Everyone Here is Lying (Defekt) - Shari Lapena


Welcome to Stanhope - a safe neighbourhood.A place for families.William Wooler is a family man, on the surface. But he's been having an affair, an affair that ended horribly this afternoon at a motel up the road. So when he returns to his house, devastated and angry, to find his difficult nine-year-old daughter Avery unexpectedly home from school, William loses his temper.Hours later, Avery's family declare her missing.Suddenly Stanhope doesn't feel so safe.And William isn't the only one on his street who's hiding a lie. As witnesses come forward with information that may or may not be true, Avery's neighbours become increasingly unhinged.Who took Avery Wooler?Nothing will prepare you for the truth. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Everyone Here is Lying (Defekt) - Shari Lapena

Trauma is Really Strange (Defekt) - Steve Haines


What is trauma? How does it change the way our brains work? And how can we overcome it?When something traumatic happens to us, we dissociate and our bodies shut down their normal processes. This unique comic explains the strange nature of trauma and how it confuses the brain and affects the body. With wonderful artwork, cat and mouse metaphors, essential scientific facts, and a healthy dose of wit, the narrator reveals how trauma resolution involves changing the body's physiology and describes techniques that can achieve this, including Trauma Releasing Exercises that allow the body to shake away tension, safely releasing deep muscular patterns of stress and trauma. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Trauma is Really Strange (Defekt) - Steve Haines

Time is a Mother (Defekt) - Vuong Ocean


Discover the Sunday Times bestselling collection from the TikTok sensation and author of On Earth We're Briefly GorgeousIn this deeply intimate second poetry collection, Ocean Vuong searches for life among the aftershocks of his mother's death, embodying the paradox of sitting within grief while being determined to survive beyond it. Vivid, brave and propulsive, Vuong's poems contend with personal loss, the meaning of family, and the value of joy in a perennially fractured American spirit.The author of the critically acclaimed poetry collection Night Sky with Exit Wounds, winner of the 2016 Whiting Award, the 2017 T. S. Eliot Prize and a 2019 MacArthur fellow, Vuong writes directly to our humanity without losing sight of the current moment. Bold and prescient, and a testament to tenderness in the face of violence, Time is a Mother is a return and a forging-forth all at once. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Time is a Mother (Defekt) - Vuong Ocean

The Sky Is Everywhere (Defekt) - Jandy Nelsonová


For fans of John Green, David Levithan and Rainbow Rowell, a novel from Jandy Nelson, the bestselling and award-winning author of I'll Give You the Sun. Beautiful, funny and heartfelt, The Sky Is Everywhere is about love and forgiveness. Seventeen-year-old Lennie Walker spends her time tucked safely and happily in the shadow of her fiery older sister, Bailey. But when Bailey dies abruptly, Lennie is catapulted to centre stage of her own life ? and suddenly finds herself struggling to balance two boys. One boy takes Lennie out of her sorrow; the other comforts her in it. But the two can't collide without Lennie's world exploding... (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Sky Is Everywhere (Defekt) - Jandy Nelsonová

Ultra. Proč je noc černá. Why The Night is Black - Lukáš Rittstein, Barbora Šlapetová


Kniha skutečných příběhů "posledních" nejvýznamnějších kanibalských Papuánských náčelníků a autentický záznam komunikace při symbolickém "Posledním Prvním Kontaktu". Po tisíciletí byly takového příběhy předávány z generace na generaci pouze verbálně. Tato kniha /bohatě doplněných černobílými fotografiemi/ je první zaznamenaný materiál přepsaných autentických nahrávek rozhovorů s posledními přírodními lidmi doby kamenné předtím, než je navždy změní globalizace. Všichni mluví v první osobě a popisují své skutečné zážitky, neboť v džungli se nerozlišuje (západním úhlem pohledu) přirozené od nadpřirozeného. Všechno je reálné. Až dosud bývaly "první kontakty" věcí moci, násilí, zvětšování teritorií a území vlivu, /ale naše země nikdy nekolonizovala jiné/ a o dnes již zaniklých animistických kulturách se zachovala svědectví prospektorů, misionářů, vojáků a antropologů, aniž domorodci vyprávějí sami o sobě. První kontakt s posledními přírodními národy až dosud nikdy neučinili umělci, přestože jde o "Setkání kultur".... Jedná se rozšířenou verzi knihy Proč je noc černá, jejíž první vydání roku 2005 získalo cenu Magnesia Litera za objev roku. A book of true stories told by the ‘last' prominent cannibal Papuan tribal chiefs and the authentic record of communication during the symbolic ‘Final First Contact'. For thousands of years, stories like these have been part of the tribes' oral tradition, passed down from generation to generation. This book /richly supplemented with black and white photographs/ is the first ever transcription of authentic recorded interviews, conducted with the final indigenous tribespeople before their primeval culture is forever changed by globalisation. The first-person accounts describe the tribesmen's true stories, at least from their point of view: for them, there is no distinction between the natural and the supernatural - everything is equally real. Until now, ‘first contacts' have been a matter of power, violence, the expansion of territories and spheres of influence /but our country has never colonized others/ and there are testimonies of prospectors, missionaries, soldiers, and anthropologists about the now extinct animist cultures, without the natives telling their own stories. The first contact with the last natural nations had never previously been made by artists, despite the fact that it was a Meeting of Cultures… This is an expanded version of the book Why the Night is Black, the first edition of which won the 2005 Magnesia Litera Award for Discovery of the Year. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Ultra. Proč je noc černá. Why The Night is Black - Lukáš Rittstein, Barbora Šlapetová

Company of One: Why Staying Small is the Next Big Thing for Business (0241470463)

Company of One: Why Staying Small is the Next Big Thing for Business (0241470463)

Kniha - autor Paul Jarvis, 250 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A refreshing approach to entrepreneurship centered on staying small and avoiding growth - maximizing happiness, sustainability and profitability. Paul Jarvis left the corporate world when he realized that working in a high-pressure, high-profile world was not his idea of success. Instead, he now works for himself out of his home, and lives a much more rewarding and productive life. He no longer has to contend with an environment that constantly demands more productivity, more output and more growth. In Company of One, Jarvis explains how you can do the same, including: Planning to set up Determining desired revenues Keeping clients happy And, of course, doing all this on your own. (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Company of One: Why Staying Small is the Next Big Thing for Business (0241470463)

Crush It!: Why Now is the Time to Cash in on Your Passion (0062295020)

Crush It!: Why Now is the Time to Cash in on Your Passion (0062295020)

Kniha - autor Gary Vaynerchuk, 142 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá, doprava zdarma s AlzaPlus+ Shows readers how to harness the power of the internet to make their entrepreneurial dreams come true. (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Crush It!: Why Now is the Time to Cash in on Your Passion (0062295020)

Creativo - Fun card English There Is/There Are

Creativo - Fun card English There Is/There Are

This set focuses on the correct use of There Is There Are in questions, affirmative and negative sentences. The set consists of 50 cards with 50 pictures and 150 sentences to complete. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Creativo - Fun card English There Is/There Are

Creativo - Fun card English Is/Are/Was/Were

Creativo - Fun card English Is/Are/Was/Were

A few games with this set will make your students master the use of the verb To Be in the past tense. The set is also a great exercise to distinguish whether the sentence is in present or past tense. The blue color in the sentence means that this is a question, green means the affirmative sentence, while red tells us that we have to create a negative sentence. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Creativo - Fun card English Is/Are/Was/Were

EDUCA Vzdělávací hra Learning is Fun: Čísla (18836)

EDUCA Vzdělávací hra Learning is Fun: Čísla (18836)

Společenská hra - dětská, logická a vědomostní a naučné hra, pro 1 hráče, střední obtížnost, vhodné od 3 let Vzdělávací hra EDUCA Learning is Fun: Čísla, která seznamuje děti s čísly a počítáním obrázků. Klíčové vlastnosti společenské hry EDUCA Vzdělávací hra Learning is Fun: ČíslaDěti se naučí poznávat čísla a jejich posloupnostKaždému číslu odpovídají 4 dílky puzzleSkládání rozvíjí jemnou motoriku, logické myšlení a trpělivost100% recyklovatelné (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako EDUCA Vzdělávací hra Learning is Fun: Čísla (18836)

Sex ve městě II. (Defekt) - Candace Bushnell

Sex ve městě II. (Defekt) - Candace Bushnell

Dvacet let poté, co Candace Bushnellová vydala svou prvotinu Sex ve městě, která poskytla zcela nový pohled na kulturu seznamování a namlouvací rituály manhattanských vyšších vrstev, přichází tato průkopnice s novou knihou o kladech i záporech seznamování ve středním věku. Příběh se odehrává v manhattanských čtvrtích Upper East Side a The Village. Sledujeme, jak se skupina kamarádek - Sassy, Kitty, Queenie, Tilda Tia, Marilyn a Candace - vyrovnává s věčným tématem randění a vztahů ve středním věku: zkoušejí hledat partnera na seznamce Tinder, stávají se objektem milostného zájmu mnohem mladších mužů, probírají možnost plastických operací, prožívají nadšení z nového přítele nebo se noří do hlubin deprese. To všechno líčí Bushnellová s pochopením a humorem. Vychází z vlastních zkušeností a živě vykresluje satirický příběh o životě a lásce ze všech úhlů - manželství a děti, rozvod a truchlení, i tlak na ženy, aby si udržely mládí a byly úspěšné ve všech směrech. Určitě tento titul oceníte jako pokračování jedné z nejrevolučnějších knih o randění napsaných ve dvacátém století. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Sex ve městě II. (Defekt) - Candace Bushnell

Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism: And Other Arguments for Economic Independence (1529110572)

Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism: And Other Arguments for Economic Independence (1529110572)

Kniha - 218 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism: And Other Arguments for Economic Independence (1529110572)

Where the Grass Is Green (Defekt) - Lauren Weisberger

Where the Grass Is Green (Defekt) - Lauren Weisberger

Perfect lives. Perfect lies. The brand new novel from the global bestselling author of The Devil Wears Prada Peyton Marcus is the woman New York wakes up to, anchor of the most-watched morning show in the city. With a husband who adores her and a daughter who's headed to one of the best Ivy League schools, Peyton Marcus is that woman, and she's damn good at it... Skye, her sister, is a stay-at-home mom in Paradise, the idyllic NY suburb that's home to designer boutiques and people who fly private. She has a knack for helicopter-parenting with the best of them. But she's not like them. She's looking for something real and it's within touching distance... Max, Peyton's bright and quirky seventeen-year-old daughter, is poised to kiss the fancy private school she hates goodbye - and all of its spoiled rich kids - and head off to pursue her dreams in film. She's waited her entire life for this opportunity... But suddenly the grass isn't looking so green. One little lie. That was all it took. Will any of them survive the truth? (knihydobrovsky.cz)

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She Is a Haunting (Defekt) - Trang Thanh Tran


This deliciously spooky, yearningly romantic ghost story from a brilliant debut author will thrill fans of Kalynn Bayron and Wilder Girls by Rory Power.Jade Nguyen has always lied to fit in. She's straight enough, Vietnamese enough, American enough - at least for this summer with her estranged father in Vietnam. Just five weeks of ignoring the quietly decaying French colonial house he's fixing up, then college and freedom are hers.But soon Jade begins waking up every morning certain that something has clawed down her throat ... from the inside. Then the ghost of a beautiful bride visits her with a cryptic warning: DON'T EAT.When her father and little sister don't believe her, Jade decides to scare them into leaving by staging some haunting events of her own. She recruits Florence, the daughter of her dad's business associate (and more of a distraction than Jade bargained for) to help.But the house has other plans. It's hungry. A home, after all, is only as powerful as those who breathe new life into its bones. And this one is determined never to be abandoned again ... (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako She Is a Haunting (Defekt) - Trang Thanh Tran

Midnight is the Darkest Hour (Defekt) - Ashley Winstead


From TikTok sensation Ashley Winstead comes her newest thriller. For fans of Verity and A Flicker in the Dark, Midnight is the Darkest Hour is a twisted tale of murder, obsessive love, and the beastly urges that lie dormant within us all... In her small hometown, librarian Ruth Cornier has always felt like an outsider, even as her beloved father rains fire-and-brimstone warnings from the pulpit at Holy Fire Baptist.Unfortunately for Ruth, the only things the townspeople fear more than the God and the Devil are the myths that haunt the area, like the story of the Low Man, a vampiric figure said to steal into sinners' bedrooms and kill them on moonless nights. When a skull is found deep in the swamp next to mysterious carved symbols, Bottom Springs is thrown into uproar?and Ruth realizes only she and Everett, an old friend with a dark past, have the power to comb the town's secret underbelly in search of true evil. A dark and powerful novel like fans have come to expect from Ashley Winstead, Midnight is the Darkest Hour is an examination of the ways we've come to expect love, religion, and stories to save us, the lengths we have to go to in order to take back power, and the monstrous work of being a girl in this world.'Where The Crawdads Sing meets Twilight meets Thelma and Louise in this brilliantly realized, totally original thriller. Absolutely sensational! I couldn't put it down.' Clare Mackintosh, New York Times bestselling author (knihydobrovsky.cz)

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