The versatile and extensive range of products - from 0.05 mm² to 300 mm² - means that you have diverse options for your applications at your disposal. Hardened steel for mechanical strength and high-quality tinned copper for optimum conductivity. All materials comply with RoHS requirements and have been tested to current environment guidelines. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller STB 21.6/45 GR 1936280000, 50 ks , Laney mini-stb-lion (mini-stb-lion)Weidmüller DEK 5 FWZ 21-30 523060021-50, 50 ks od výrobce Weidmüller v kategorii Příslušenství pro řadové svorkovnice Weidmüller za skvělou cenu u Conrada. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller DEK 5 FWZ 21-30 523060021-50, 50 ks , Gravity ms stb 01 pro (ms stb 01 pro)Special instruments are required for measuring electrical energy. One wrong connection during maintenance work is enough to ruin a current transformer! Disconnect test terminals represent a reliable way of solving this problem. As a leading supplier of line connectors, Weidmüller has developed special disconnect test terminals in close cooperation with users. These modular terminals ensure optimum realisation of all important circuits for the measurement of current, voltage and energy. Different current transformer circuits, e.g. for replacing measuring instruments or electricity meters, can be implemented. Besides disconnect test terminals with screw or tension clamp connections, Weidmüller also has a comprehensive range of accessories, including test adapters, cross-connections and markers for the testing of 3-phase and AC circuits as well as voltages. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTL 6/1 EN STB GR, 1019690000, 50 ks , Laceto benjamin green (lt-k94517-45-gr)The SAKR disconnect terminals are available already fitted with sockets (see disconnect terminals). The sockets are equipped with a slit so that they can be actuated with a screwdriver. Weidmüller can supply special screwdrivers with a shoulder for this purpose. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller STB 30.5 IH/GR 0341100000, 50 ks , Connex příchytka rostlin, 50 gr (flor78815)The SAKR disconnect terminals are available already fitted with sockets (see disconnect terminals). The sockets are equipped with a slit so that they can be actuated with a screwdriver. Weidmüller can supply special screwdrivers with a shoulder for this purpose. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller STB 25 IH/GR 0271400000, 50 ks , Stagg stb-1 c (25016336)The SAKR disconnect terminals are available already fitted with sockets (see disconnect terminals). The sockets are equipped with a slit so that they can be actuated with a screwdriver. Weidmüller can supply special screwdrivers with a shoulder for this purpose. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller STB 35 IH/GR 0388600000, 50 ks , Stagg stb-10 c (25016519)Sluneční brýle - oválné, dětské, ochrana UVA, plastové obroučky, kouřová barva skel, zelená barva obrouček Je pro vás důležitá ochrana očí vašich dětí před silným slunečním světlem? Sluneční brýle Laceto vás určitě nezklamou a také budou vašim dětem slušet. V této variantě oválných obrouček jsou k dispozici sklíčka s UV ochranou UVA. Obroučky jsou vytvořeny z plastu, ten se může pochlubit svou lehkostí a výbornou kvalitou. Dětské sluneční brýle jsou po stránce velikosti označovány jako univerzální. Jejich samozřejmostí je rovněž sluneční filtr, neboli zatmavení S4. Brýle s označením S4 využijete při extrémních podmínkách, jakožto výlet do pouště či k ledovcům. Pořídíte-li si takové brýle, měli byste vědět, že s nimi nesmíte řídit auto. O finální design obrouček se postará zelená barva a sklíčku pak vévodí kouřová barva. Zajímavé vlastnosti slunečních brýlí Laceto BENJAMIN Green Sluneční brýle jsou vybaveny ochranou UVA Udělají radost všem dětem Sluneční brýle... (
Podobné produkty ako Laceto BENJAMIN Green (LT-K94517-45-GR) , Casio sport stb 1000 1The versatile and extensive range of products - from 0.05 mm² to 300 mm² - means that you have diverse options for your applications at your disposal. Hardened steel for mechanical strength and high-quality tinned copper for optimum conductivity. All materials comply with RoHS requirements and have been tested to current environment guidelines. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller STB 21.6/45 DB 1938790000, 50 ks , Eurosupplies a4 45 mm bílý - balení 50 ks (lamre21do45bl)The versatile and extensive range of products - from 0.05 mm² to 300 mm² - means that you have diverse options for your applications at your disposal. Hardened steel for mechanical strength and high-quality tinned copper for optimum conductivity. All materials comply with RoHS requirements and have been tested to current environment guidelines. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller STB 21.6/45 BL 1936290000, 50 ks , Eurosupplies a4 45 mm modrý - balení 50 ks (lamre21do45b)The versatile and extensive range of products - from 0.05 mm² to 300 mm² - means that you have diverse options for your applications at your disposal. Hardened steel for mechanical strength and high-quality tinned copper for optimum conductivity. All materials comply with RoHS requirements and have been tested to current environment guidelines. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller STB 21.6/45 RT 1936300000, 50 ks , Eurosupplies a4 45 mm černý - balení 50 ks (lamre21do45n)The versatile and extensive range of products - from 0.05 mm² to 300 mm² - means that you have diverse options for your applications at your disposal. Hardened steel for mechanical strength and high-quality tinned copper for optimum conductivity. All materials comply with RoHS requirements and have been tested to current environment guidelines. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller STB 21.6/45 SW 1936270000, 50 ks , Stagg sgc6vt gr (sgc6vt gr)The versatile and extensive range of products - from 0.05 mm² to 300 mm² - means that you have diverse options for your applications at your disposal. Hardened steel for mechanical strength and high-quality tinned copper for optimum conductivity. All materials comply with RoHS requirements and have been tested to current environment guidelines. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller STB 21.6/45 VI 1936260000, 50 ks , Miele turboteq stb 305-3 (10455360)The versatile and extensive range of products - from 0.05 mm² to 300 mm² - means that you have diverse options for your applications at your disposal. Hardened steel for mechanical strength and high-quality tinned copper for optimum conductivity. All materials comply with RoHS requirements and have been tested to current environment guidelines. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller STB 21.6/45 GE 1936240000, 50 ks , Trevi xp 72bt/gr (xp 72bt/gr)The versatile and extensive range of products - from 0.05 mm² to 300 mm² - means that you have diverse options for your applications at your disposal. Hardened steel for mechanical strength and high-quality tinned copper for optimum conductivity. All materials comply with RoHS requirements and have been tested to current environment guidelines. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller STB 21.6/45 GN 1936250000, 50 ks , Nobo stolní skleněný na poznámky 21.6 x 29.7 cm, bílý (1905173)Latexové balónky - zlaté číslo 21 Balónky se hodí na jakoukoliv oslavu či párty. Dají se nafoukat heliem či vzduchem. Pomocí těchto balónků si můžete vytvořit pěknou balónovou výzdobu podle vašich představ. obsah: 6 ks rozměr: 30 cm vhodný na foukání vzduchem i heliem (
Podobné produkty ako PartyDeco Latexové balónky - zlaté číslo 21 6 ks , Abus rl50/60 gr (eco rl50/60 gr)Při správném nastražení vydrží spoustu záběrů bez poškození. Díky tvaru se nástraha pohybuje přirozeně a už při testování prokázala svou funkčnost. Pro ryby je velmi atraktivní. obsah: 6 ks délka cca 2,5 cm (
Podobné produkty ako Saenger iron trout nástraha turno 6 ks 2,5 cm-barva gr , Shumee černý 50 × 50 × 45 cm, dřevotříska (806383)Kuchyňská váha digitální, do 5kg, přesnost na 1g, nádoba, dotykové ovládání a volba jednotek, vícebarevná barva Při vaření přesně pode receptů je velikým pomocníkem digitální váha Roadstar KS-250/GR. Maximálně dokáže zvážit suroviny o hmotnosti 5 kg a váží na 1 g. Velkou předností je vlastní mísa, která se snadno udržuje. Nesmírně praktickou funkcí, která rozšiřuje využití, je možnost výběru měrných jednotek. Obsluha váhy probíhá skrze ovládání dotykem. Rozměry této kuchyňské váhy Roadstar nabývají hodnot 24,8 × 9 × 21 cm. Klíčové parametry digitální kuchyňské váhy Roadstar KS-250/GR Údaje vyčtete z přehledného displeje Barva kuchyňské váhy Roadstar: vícebarevná Nosnost celkem 5 kg, počítá od 1 g Suroviny váží v přiložené nádobě Používá i jiné měrné jednotky, než gramy Ovládá se pohodlně dotykem Digitální váha Roadstar KS-250/GR má rozměry 24,8 × 9 × 21 cm (
Podobné produkty ako Roadstar KS-250/GR (KS-250/GR) , 4home napínací potah na židli slate 45 - 50 cm, sada 2 ksWeidmüller offers users of modular terminals of the Z-Series a comprehensive range of accessories that render possible appropriate solutions for all - even non-standard - tasks. The accessories must comply with the same quality standards as the modular terminals themselves. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller ZAP/TW7 1706110000-50, 50 ks , 4home napínací potah na židli nature, 45 - 50 cm, sada 2 ksOdolný materiál vydrží i několik záběrů bez poškození. obsah: 6 ks délka cca 4 cm (
Podobné produkty ako Saenger iron trout gumová nástraha baco 6 ks 4 cm-barva gr , 4home napínací potah na židli retro, 45 - 50 cm, sada 2 ksZkušební oddělovací řadová svorka Weidmüller WTR 4/ZZ STB GR, 1364720000, šedá, 50 ks od výrobce Weidmüller v kategorii Řadové svorky Weidmüller za skvělou cenu u Conrada. (
Podobné produkty ako Zkušební oddělovací řadová svorka Weidmüller WTR 4/ZZ STB GR, 1364720000, šedá, 50 ks , 4home napínací potah na židli marble 45 - 50 cm, sada 2 ksSpecial instruments are required for measuring electrical energy. One wrong connection during maintenance work is enough to ruin a current transformer! Disconnect test terminals represent a reliable way of solving this problem. As a leading supplier of line connectors, Weidmüller has developed special disconnect test terminals in close cooperation with users. These modular terminals ensure optimum realisation of all important circuits for the measurement of current, voltage and energy. Different current transformer circuits, e.g. for replacing measuring instruments or electricity meters, can be implemented. Besides disconnect test terminals with screw or tension clamp connections, Weidmüller also has a comprehensive range of accessories, including test adapters, cross-connections and markers for the testing of 3-phase and AC circuits as well as voltages. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTL 6/3/STB, 1018600000, 50 ks , 4home napínací potah na židli wave 45 - 50 cm, sada 2 ksSpecial instruments are required for measuring electrical energy. One wrong connection during maintenance work is enough to ruin a current transformer! Disconnect test terminals represent a reliable way of solving this problem. As a leading supplier of line connectors, Weidmüller has developed special disconnect test terminals in close cooperation with users. These modular terminals ensure optimum realisation of all important circuits for the measurement of current, voltage and energy. Different current transformer circuits, e.g. for replacing measuring instruments or electricity meters, can be implemented. Besides disconnect test terminals with screw or tension clamp connections, Weidmüller also has a comprehensive range of accessories, including test adapters, cross-connections and markers for the testing of 3-phase and AC circuits as well as voltages. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTQ 6/1/STB, 1018100000, 50 ks , 4home napínací potah na židli noir, 45 - 50 cm, sada 2 ksSpecial instruments are required for measuring electrical energy. One wrong connection during maintenance work is enough to ruin a current transformer! Disconnect test terminals represent a reliable way of solving this problem. As a leading supplier of line connectors, Weidmüller has developed special disconnect test terminals in close cooperation with users. These modular terminals ensure optimum realisation of all important circuits for the measurement of current, voltage and energy. Different current transformer circuits, e.g. for replacing measuring instruments or electricity meters, can be implemented. Besides disconnect test terminals with screw or tension clamp connections, Weidmüller also has a comprehensive range of accessories, including test adapters, cross-connections and markers for the testing of 3-phase and AC circuits as well as voltages. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTL 6/1/STB, 1016900000, 50 ks , 4home napínací potah na židli style, 45 - 50 cm, sada 2 ksSpecial instruments are required for measuring electrical energy. One wrong connection during maintenance work is enough to ruin a current transformer! Disconnect test terminals represent a reliable way of solving this problem. As a leading supplier of line connectors, Weidmüller has developed special disconnect test terminals in close cooperation with users. These modular terminals ensure optimum realisation of all important circuits for the measurement of current, voltage and energy. Different current transformer circuits, e.g. for replacing measuring instruments or electricity meters, can be implemented. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller PTL 6/10/STB, 1084780000, 50 ks , 4home napínací potah na židli elegant, 45 - 50 cm, sada 2 ksWeidmüller offers users of modular terminals of the Z-Series a comprehensive range of accessories that render possible appropriate solutions for all - even non-standard - tasks. The accessories must comply with the same quality standards as the modular terminals themselves. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller ZAP/TW 1 1608740000-50, 50 ks , 4home napínací potah na židli stone 45 - 50 cm, sada 2 ksThe versatile and extensive range of products - from 0.05 mm² to 300 mm² - means that you have diverse options for your applications at your disposal. Hardened steel for mechanical strength and high-quality tinned copper for optimum conductivity. All materials comply with RoHS requirements and have been tested to current environment guidelines. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WAP 2.5-10 1050000000-50, 50 ks , 4home napínací potah na židli flora 45 - 50 cm, sada 2 ksNetkaná textilie s vysokou savostí, pevností, hygienickou nezávadností používaná jako podložka, ubrousek nebo utěrka. (
Podobné produkty ako Perlan 45 g 21 x 24 cm přířezy 200 ks , 4home napínací potah na židli sand 45 - 50 cm, sada 2 ksSněhové řetězy - pro dodávku, SUV, rychloupínací, křížová stopa, průměr oka 16 mm, 2 ks v balení Sněhové řetězy SNOWdrive pro vozidla jako je SUV a dodávka se určitě vyplatí na nesjízdných cestách plných sněhu. Mají křížový tvar stopy a zabírají skvěle na kluzkém povrchu. Velikost jednotlivých ok je 16 mm. Sněhové řetězy SNOWdrive jsou vyrobeny z tvrdé oceli, a proto dosahují nejlepších výsledků a velmi dlouhé životnosti. Rychloupínací mechanismus vám zjednoduší jejich nasazování, a nebudete tak muset stát na mrazu dlouhou dobu. Balení obsahuje 2 ks řetězů. Hlavní přednosti produktu SnowDrive sněhové řetězy S-16 VAN & SUV Gr.21 Sněhové řetězy SNOWdrive užijete pro dodávku i Offroad/SUV Křížový tvar stopy Oka řetězů dosahují průměru 16 mm Ocel garantuje pořádný záběr a dlouholetou životnost Nákupem získáte rychloupínací řetězy V balení najdete 2 ks řetězů Šířka pneumatiky: 175, 185, 195, 205 a 215 (
Podobné produkty ako SnowDrive sněhové řetězy S-16 VAN & SUV Gr.21 (N16103) , Toshiba gr-rf610we-pgs(22) (gr-rf610we-pgs(22))The EM 8/30 end bracket marker is suitable for labelling the WEW 35/2 and ZEW 35/2 end brackets and can also be used as a group tag carrier for W-series terminals. The EM 8/30 can hold ESO 7/ESO 7P inlay tags. The pocket reliably protects the printing against environmental influences. Inlay tags can be found under "Accessories". (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller EM 8/30 1806120000, 50 ks , Toshiba gr-rf692we-pgj(22) (gr-rf692we-pgj(22))Special instruments are required for measuring electrical energy. One wrong connection during maintenance work is enough to ruin a current transformer! Disconnect test terminals represent a reliable way of solving this problem. As a leading supplier of line connectors, Weidmüller has developed special disconnect test terminals in close cooperation with users. These modular terminals ensure optimum realisation of all important circuits for the measurement of current, voltage and energy. Different current transformer circuits, e.g. for replacing measuring instruments or electricity meters, can be implemented. Besides disconnect test terminals with screw or tension clamp connections, Weidmüller also has a comprehensive range of accessories, including test adapters, cross-connections and markers for the testing of 3-phase and AC circuits as well as voltages. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTL 6/3/STB SW, 1060370000, 50 ks , Toshiba gr-rf610we-pms(06) (gr-rf610we-pms(06))Special instruments are required for measuring electrical energy. One wrong connection during maintenance work is enough to ruin a current transformer! Disconnect test terminals represent a reliable way of solving this problem. As a leading supplier of line connectors, Weidmüller has developed special disconnect test terminals in close cooperation with users. These modular terminals ensure optimum realisation of all important circuits for the measurement of current, voltage and energy. Different current transformer circuits, e.g. for replacing measuring instruments or electricity meters, can be implemented. Besides disconnect test terminals with screw or tension clamp connections, Weidmüller also has a comprehensive range of accessories, including test adapters, cross-connections and markers for the testing of 3-phase and AC circuits as well as voltages. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTL 6/3/STB BL, 1062120000, 50 ksSpecial instruments are required for measuring electrical energy. One wrong connection during maintenance work is enough to ruin a current transformer! Disconnect test terminals represent a reliable way of solving this problem. As a leading supplier of line connectors, Weidmüller has developed special disconnect test terminals in close cooperation with users. These modular terminals ensure optimum realisation of all important circuits for the measurement of current, voltage and energy. Different current transformer circuits, e.g. for replacing measuring instruments or electricity meters, can be implemented. Besides disconnect test terminals with screw or tension clamp connections, Weidmüller also has a comprehensive range of accessories, including test adapters, cross-connections and markers for the testing of 3-phase and AC circuits as well as voltages. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTL 6/3/STB GE, 1062130000, 50 ksSpecial instruments are required for measuring electrical energy. One wrong connection during maintenance work is enough to ruin a current transformer! Disconnect test terminals represent a reliable way of solving this problem. As a leading supplier of line connectors, Weidmüller has developed special disconnect test terminals in close cooperation with users. These modular terminals ensure optimum realisation of all important circuits for the measurement of current, voltage and energy. Different current transformer circuits, e.g. for replacing measuring instruments or electricity meters, can be implemented. Besides disconnect test terminals with screw or tension clamp connections, Weidmüller also has a comprehensive range of accessories, including test adapters, cross-connections and markers for the testing of 3-phase and AC circuits as well as voltages. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTL 6/1/STB/32, 1017000000, 50 ksSpecial instruments are required for measuring electrical energy. One wrong connection during maintenance work is enough to ruin a current transformer! Disconnect test terminals represent a reliable way of solving this problem. As a leading supplier of line connectors, Weidmüller has developed special disconnect test terminals in close cooperation with users. These modular terminals ensure optimum realisation of all important circuits for the measurement of current, voltage and energy. Different current transformer circuits, e.g. for replacing measuring instruments or electricity meters, can be implemented. Besides disconnect test terminals with screw or tension clamp connections, Weidmüller also has a comprehensive range of accessories, including test adapters, cross-connections and markers for the testing of 3-phase and AC circuits as well as voltages. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTQ 6/1 EN STB, 1934800000, 50 ksSpecial instruments are required for measuring electrical energy. One wrong connection during maintenance work is enough to ruin a current transformer! Disconnect test terminals represent a reliable way of solving this problem. As a leading supplier of line connectors, Weidmüller has developed special disconnect test terminals in close cooperation with users. These modular terminals ensure optimum realisation of all important circuits for the measurement of current, voltage and energy. Different current transformer circuits, e.g. for replacing measuring instruments or electricity meters, can be implemented. Besides disconnect test terminals with screw or tension clamp connections, Weidmüller also has a comprehensive range of accessories, including test adapters, cross-connections and markers for the testing of 3-phase and AC circuits as well as voltages. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTL 6/1 EN STB, 1934820000, 50 ksWeidmüller DEK 5 FWZ 41-50 523060041-50, 50 ks od výrobce Weidmüller v kategorii Příslušenství pro řadové svorkovnice Weidmüller za skvělou cenu u Conrada. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller DEK 5 FWZ 41-50 523060041-50, 50 ksSensillo Rukávník na kočárek grapghite 45 x 21 cm 2 ks Rukávníky na kočárek Sensillo, vhodné i na golfové kočárky. (
Podobné produkty ako Sensillo Rukávník na kočárek grapghite 45 x 21 cm 2 ksHákový klíč Gedore 40 Z 45-50, 45 - 50 mm, 1 ks 6336900 od výrobce Gedore v kategorii Speciální ploché a očkové klíče za skvělou cenu u Conrada. (
Podobné produkty ako Hákový klíč Gedore 40 Z 45-50, 45 - 50 mm, 1 ks 6336900Cenově výhodný černý knoflík (
Podobné produkty ako Otočný knoflík TRU COMPONENTS 21/6, (Ø x v) 21 mm x 15 mm, černá, 1 ksbalení obsahuje 6 ks vhodné do myčky nádobí vhodné do mikrovlnné trouby Novinkou v sérii SUMATRA jsou impozantní talíře v tradičním, lehce plastickém dekoru v setu po 6 ks. Každý kus je ručně malovaný, působivě lesklá glazura v exotických barvách (místy mírně matná) podtrhuje drahý vzhled. Jako jemný kontrast k ostře kořeněným pokrmům, které se tradičně podávají v oblasti Padang a Sumatry. Balení obsahuje 6 ks. (
Podobné produkty ako SUMATRA Sada talířů 21 cm 6 ks - šedábalení obsahuje 6 ks vhodné do myčky nádobí vhodné do mikrovlnné trouby Novinkou v sérii SUMATRA jsou impozantní talíře v tradičním, lehce plastickém dekoru v setu po 6 ks. Každý kus je ručně malovaný, působivě lesklá glazura v exotických barvách (místy mírně matná) podtrhuje drahý vzhled. Jako jemný kontrast k ostře kořeněným pokrmům, které se tradičně podávají v oblasti Padang a Sumatry. Balení obsahuje 6 ks. (
Podobné produkty ako SUMATRA Sada talířů 21 cm 6 ks - fialováWeidmüller DEK 5 FWZ L1-PE 354361187-50, 50 ks od výrobce Weidmüller v kategorii Příslušenství pro řadové svorkovnice Weidmüller za skvělou cenu u Conrada. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller DEK 5 FWZ L1-PE 354361187-50, 50 ksWeidmüller DEK 5 FWZ 1-10 523060001-50, 50 ks od výrobce Weidmüller v kategorii Příslušenství pro řadové svorkovnice Weidmüller za skvělou cenu u Conrada. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller DEK 5 FWZ 1-10 523060001-50, 50 ksWeidmüller DEK 5 FWZ 11-20 523060011-50, 50 ks od výrobce Weidmüller v kategorii Příslušenství pro řadové svorkovnice Weidmüller za skvělou cenu u Conrada. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller DEK 5 FWZ 11-20 523060011-50, 50 ksWeidmüller DEK 5 FWZ 31-40 523060031-50, 50 ks od výrobce Weidmüller v kategorii Příslušenství pro řadové svorkovnice Weidmüller za skvělou cenu u Conrada. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller DEK 5 FWZ 31-40 523060031-50, 50 ksSpecial instruments are required for measuring electrical energy. One wrong connection during maintenance work is enough to ruin a current transformer! Disconnect test terminals represent a reliable way of solving this problem. As a leading supplier of line connectors, Weidmüller has developed special disconnect test terminals in close cooperation with users. These modular terminals ensure optimum realisation of all important circuits for the measurement of current, voltage and energy. Different current transformer circuits, e.g. for replacing measuring instruments or electricity meters, can be implemented. Besides disconnect test terminals with screw or tension clamp connections, Weidmüller also has a comprehensive range of accessories, including test adapters, cross-connections and markers for the testing of 3-phase and AC circuits as well as voltages. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTL 6/1/STB/TNSC/EN, 1938820000, 50 ksSpecial instruments are required for measuring electrical energy. One wrong connection during maintenance work is enough to ruin a current transformer! Disconnect test terminals represent a reliable way of solving this problem. As a leading supplier of line connectors, Weidmüller has developed special disconnect test terminals in close cooperation with users. These modular terminals ensure optimum realisation of all important circuits for the measurement of current, voltage and energy. Different current transformer circuits, e.g. for replacing measuring instruments or electricity meters, can be implemented. Besides disconnect test terminals with screw or tension clamp connections, Weidmüller also has a comprehensive range of accessories, including test adapters, cross-connections and markers for the testing of 3-phase and AC circuits as well as voltages. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTL 6/1 EN STB BL, 1019680000, 50 ksSpecial instruments are required for measuring electrical energy. One wrong connection during maintenance work is enough to ruin a current transformer! Disconnect test terminals represent a reliable way of solving this problem. As a leading supplier of line connectors, Weidmüller has developed special disconnect test terminals in close cooperation with users. These modular terminals ensure optimum realisation of all important circuits for the measurement of current, voltage and energy. Different current transformer circuits, e.g. for replacing measuring instruments or electricity meters, can be implemented. Besides disconnect test terminals with screw or tension clamp connections, Weidmüller also has a comprehensive range of accessories, including test adapters, cross-connections and markers for the testing of 3-phase and AC circuits as well as voltages. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTL 6/1 EN STB RT, 1019710000, 50 ksWeidmüller WTL 6/1 EN STB SW, 1062520000, 50 ks od výrobce Weidmüller v kategorii Řadové svorky Weidmüller za skvělou cenu u Conrada. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTL 6/1 EN STB SW, 1062520000, 50 ksHlavní výhody: montážní lepidlo k připevnění koupelnových doplňků Zack na stěnu lze samozřejmě použít i pro doplňky jiných značek ideální pro připevnění koupelnových doplňků bez vrtání vhodné na mnoho povrchů - dlaždice, sklo, beton, dřevo, omítka, kov, plasty atd. perfektní pro doplňky Zack řady ATORE, CARVO, LINEA nebo SCALA k dostání ve dvou velikostech - 6 g a 12 g Dodatečné informace: hmotnost: 6 g (
Podobné produkty ako Montážní lepidlo ZACK 6 gr, Zack