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Vtáčia búdka - Libby Walden, Clover Robin
Pri vode, v tŕstí, na strome... vieš, kde všade môžu hniezdiť vtáky? Poď sa viac dozvedieť o vtáčích búdkach umelo vytvorených príbytkoch, ktoré sú prispôsobené potrebám jednotlivých druhov vtákov. Kačací domček, hniezdo, holubník či sovia búdka nám odkryjú svoje tajomstvá. Dozviete sa základné „vtáčie“ fakty, čo určitým vtákom chutí, čo im prospieva alebo čo je vlastne migrácia. Toto krásne ilustrované leporelo pre menšie deti s odklápacími okienkami pomáha rozvíjať prirodzenú detskú zvedavosť a pevný papier zaručí, že kniha vydrží aj napríklad menší prieskum do prírody.
Podívejte se také Robin Hood
Vtáčia búdka (978-80-567-0494-3)
Kniha - autor Libby Walden; Clover Robin, 16 stran, slovensky, prostorové pohádky, leporela Odklápaj okienka a objavuj tajuplný svet vtáčej ríše. Zisti, kde všade vtáky bývajú a ako sa ich rôzne príbytky nazývajúPri vode, v tŕstí, na strome... vieš, kde všade môžu hniezdiť vtáky?Poď sa viac dozvedieť o vtáčích búdkach umelo vytvorených príbytkoch, ktoré sú prispôsobené potrebám jednotlivých druhov vtákov.Kačací domček, hniezdo, holubník či sovia búdka nám odkryjú svoje tajomstvá. Dozviete sa základné „vtáčie“ fakty, čo určitým vtákom chutí, čo im prospieva alebo čo je vlastne migrácia.Toto krásne ilustrované leporelo pre menšie deti s odklápacími okienkami pomáha rozvíjať prirodzenú detskú zvedavosť a pevný papier zaručí, že kniha vydrží aj napríklad menší prieskum do prírody.
Podívejte se také ptačí budka lidl
Hmyzí hotel Libby Walden, Clover Robin - Libby Walden, Clover Robin
V čem se liší včela samotářka od čmeláka? Co je to opylení? Jaká vývojová stádia má motýl? Jak se pohybuje hlemýžď? Na tyto a další otázky naleznete odpověď v této krásně ilustrované knížce s odklápěcími okénky. Současný fenomén hmyzích domečků ukazuje, jak krásný a neskutečně zajímavý je svět hmyzí říše. Pavouci, motýli, roháči… pojď se o jejich životě více dozvědět a schválně, jak dlouho dokážeš odolávat, než si nějaký ten hmyzí hotel sám postavíš.
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Hmyzí hotel - Libby Walden, Clover Robin
V čom sa líši včela samotárka od čmeliaka? Čo je to opelenie? Aké vývojové štádiá má motýľ? Ako sa pohybuje slimák? Na tieto a ďalšie otázky nájdete odpoveď v tejto krásne ilustrovanej knižke s odklápacími okienkami. Súčasný fenomén hmyzích domčekov ukazuje, aký krásny a neskutočne zaujímavý je svet hmyzej ríše. Pavúky, motýle roháče... poď sa o ich živote viac dozvedieť, a skús ako dlho dokážeš odolávať, než si nejaký hmyzí hotel sám postavíš.
Objev podobné jako Hmyzí hotel - Libby Walden, Clover Robin
JHS Pedals The Clover
Kytarový efekt Japonská značka Boss nabídnula v roce 1984 muzikantům v rámci řady „Pocket Series“ dva zvláštní produkty. Jedním z nich byl FA-1 FET Preamp, který rychle vešel ve známost, když jej The Edge (U2) použil při nahrávání "Unforgettable Fire" a poté na turné v rámci rigu. Preamp/booster pro elektrickou kytaru, akustickou kytaru či baskytaru JHS Clover je povedenou interpretací FA-1. Třípásmový ekvalizér krabičky doplňuje třípolohový přepínač se třemi režimy efektu – Full EQ s kompletně aktivním třípásmovým EQ, No Mid (replika FA-1) s fixními středy a No EQ, kdy je třípásmový EQ bypassován a krabička tak funguje čistě jako FET booster. Preamp Clover využijete ve spolupráci s kreslícími krabičkami (drive, distortion, fuzz) i jako nakopávač kytarových zesilovačů. Krabička je zapojena jako true bypass, Veškerá elektronika je zasazena v odolném kovovém šasi. K napájení je zapotřebí 9V adaptér (není součástí balení), napájení bateriemi není k dispozici. Odběr krabičky odpovídá 46mA. JHS Pedals je poměrně nová americká značka se sídlem v Kansas City. Nabízí širokou škálu kytarových a baskytarových pedálových efektů vyrobených v USA.
Objev podobné jako JHS Pedals The Clover
Black Clover 32 - Yuki Tabata
In a world of magic, Asta, a boy with anti-magic powers, will do whatever it takes to become the Wizard King!Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up!To save Yami, the Black Bulls storm their way into enemy territory. And with a powered-up Asta joining the fight, the battle may be going their way. But when the most powerful devil in the underworld finally makes his appeareance, the entire world may be on the verge of destruction!
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Black Clover 8 - Yuki Tabata
Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up!
Objev podobné jako Black Clover 8 - Yuki Tabata
Black Clover 15 - Yuki Tabata
In a world of magic, Asta, a boy with anti-magic powers, will do whatever it takes to become the Wizard King! Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up! As the Royal Knights selection test enters its final stage, a surprising team is still in contention! Can Asta or Yuno take the crown? And after the test is over, the real battle begins when the members of the Royal Knights are decided! What will be their first mission...?
Objev podobné jako Black Clover 15 - Yuki Tabata
Black Clover 6 - Yuki Tabata
Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up! Asta's vacation is anything but rest and relaxation when children start disappearing all around him. But in order to take down the kidnappers, Asta will have to team up with Gauche, a mage who hates his guts!
Objev podobné jako Black Clover 6 - Yuki Tabata
Black Clover 9 - Yuki Tabata
In a world of magic, Asta, a boy with anti-magic powers, will do whatever it takes to become the Wizard King! Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up! With the battle for the water temple finally over, the Black Bulls return home to the Clover Kingdom as heroes.But more trouble is on the horizon as the Diamond Kingdom launches an invasion! Can Yuno and the Golden Dawn repel the invading mages? * Shonen Jump's breakaway hit of 2015, a fantasy action-adventure about mastering magical powers. * Releases 4 times a year for 9+ volumes. Series is ongoing.* Weekly simultaneous serialization in VIZ Media's Weekly Shonen Jump digital magazine. * Will appeal to fans of mainstream Shonen Jump series like Naruto and One Piece. * Comparable setting to popular role-playing video games like Final Fantasy.* "Black Clover stands on the shoulders of Bleach and Naruto with its fantastical setting, large sprawling casts, and mix of lengthy battles and comedy." -ComicAlliance.com
Objev podobné jako Black Clover 9 - Yuki Tabata
Black Clover 13 - Yuki Tabata
In a world of magic, Asta, a boy with anti-magic powers, will do whatever it takes to become the Wizard King! Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up! In order to form a new powerful team to take down the nefarious Eye of the Midnight Sun, the Clover Kingdom commences the Royal Knights exam.But mages will need to compete as teams and Asta's been assigned a teammate who seems impossible to work with!
Objev podobné jako Black Clover 13 - Yuki Tabata
Black Clover 25 - Yuki Tabata
In a world of magic, Asta, a boy with anti-magic powers, will do whatever it takes to become the Wizard King!Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up!The Spade Kingdom's Dark Triad has launched an all-out attack on the Heart Kingdom and the Black Bulls.While Asta and company have gotten stronger, can they stand up to these new devil-possessed mages? This might be the perfect time for Yami to save the day!
Objev podobné jako Black Clover 25 - Yuki Tabata
Black Clover 23 - Yuki Tabata
In a world of magic, Asta, a boy with anti-magic powers, will do whatever it takes to become the Wizard King!Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up!With the devil finally defeated, the Magic Knights are working hard to rebuild the damage done to the Clover Kingdom.Unfortunately for Asta, all the blame is being pinned on him and he's set to be executed. He's in the most trouble he's ever been in, but you never count out a Black Bull!
Objev podobné jako Black Clover 23 - Yuki Tabata
Black Clover 12 - Yuki Tabata
In a world of magic, Asta, a boy with anti-magic powers, will do whatever it takes to become the Wizard King! Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up! Asta and friends are finally able to save the Forest of Witches and claim the magic stone.A brand-new challenge is awaiting them back home, but first-it's time for a party!Shonen Jump's breakaway hit of 2015, a fantasy action-adventure about mastering magical powers.
Objev podobné jako Black Clover 12 - Yuki Tabata
Black Clover 2 - Yuki Tabata
Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up!On the orders of the Wizard King, Asta and his allies head to a mysterious dungeon to retrieve a powerful relic. However, when mages from a rival country show up, this mission turns into an all-out battle. Can Asta lead his team to victory?
Objev podobné jako Black Clover 2 - Yuki Tabata
Black Clover 1 - Yuki Tabata
Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up!Young Asta was born with no magic ability in a world where magic is everything. In order to prove his strength and keep a promise with his friend, Asta dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the land, the Wizard King!
Objev podobné jako Black Clover 1 - Yuki Tabata
Black Clover 26 - Yuki Tabata
In a world of magic, Asta, a boy with anti-magic powers, will do whatever it takes to become the Wizard King! Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up! As Noelle and others are training in the Heart Kingdom, Dark Triad member Vanica launches an attack! The Clover magic knights will need to work as a team if they hope to take down Vanica and her devil, Megicula. Can Noelle protect the Heart Kingdom and take down the devil who killed her mother?!
Objev podobné jako Black Clover 26 - Yuki Tabata
Black Clover 16 - Yuki Tabata
In a world of magic, Asta, a boy with anti-magic powers, will do whatever it takes to become the Wizard King! Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up! With the Black Bulls hideout under attack, it'll be up to some of the lesser-known members of the brigade to protect their home.Meanwhile, the leader of the Midnight Sun battles against the Wizard King!
Objev podobné jako Black Clover 16 - Yuki Tabata
Black Clover 7 - Yuki Tabata
Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem - he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure - Asta will never give up! After the battle with the Eye of the Midnight Sun, the Wizard King suspects that there might be a traitor among the Magic Knights. But who is it, and how can Asta help expose the crooked knight?
Objev podobné jako Black Clover 7 - Yuki Tabata
Black Clover 4 - Yuki Tabata
Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up! The Clover Kingdom is under attack by a mysterious mage who can control zombies! The greatest Magic Knights have come together to protect the kingdom and Asta's caught in the middle of the ferocious battle!
Objev podobné jako Black Clover 4 - Yuki Tabata
Black Clover 17 - Yuki Tabata
In a world of magic, Asta, a boy with anti-magic powers, will do whatever it takes to become the Wizard King! Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up! Just as the Royal Knights locate the Eye of the Midnight Sun's base, the elves unleash a powerful spell that steals the bodies of some of the Clover Kingdom's finest mages.Even Yuno may have been turned to the dark side. Can Asta knock some sense into his greatest rival?!
Objev podobné jako Black Clover 17 - Yuki Tabata
Black Clover 31 - Yuki Tabata
In a world of magic, Asta, a boy with anti-magic powers, will do whatever it takes to become the Wizard King!Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up!Noelle and her family have finally taken revenge against the devil who killed their mother, but they can't celebrate just yet.One member of the Dark Triad remains and it'll be up to Yuno to put an end to this battle once and for all!
Objev podobné jako Black Clover 31 - Yuki Tabata
Black Clover 24 - Yuki Tabata
In a world of magic, Asta, a boy with anti-magic powers, will do whatever it takes to become the Wizard King!Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up!After six months of training in the Heart Kingdom, Asta and his fellow magic knights are ready to show off their improvements.Will Asta's muscles be enough when the devil-powered Spade Kingdom begins their invasion, or will he need some new tricks?
Objev podobné jako Black Clover 24 - Yuki Tabata
Black Clover 21 - Yuki Tabata
In a world of magic, Asta, a boy with anti-magic powers, will do whatever it takes to become the Wizard King!Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up!With Asta and Yuno now in the Shadow Palace, the time has finally come to settle the grudge with the elves that has lasted hundreds of years.However, when the true dark force behind everything makes his appearance, the entire direction of the battle will shift dramatically!
Objev podobné jako Black Clover 21 - Yuki Tabata
Black Clover 22 - Yuki Tabata
In a world of magic, Asta, a boy with anti-magic powers, will do whatever it takes to become the Wizard King! Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up! With the help of the first Wizard King and the leader of the elves, Asta and Yuno now might have a chance against the Devil's unlimited power.But in order to put an end to this long battle, the two young mages will have to show strength that they've never shown before!
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Pepe Jeans Clover Triko Šedá
Clover Triko - Pepe Jeans - Šedá.
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Pepe Jeans Clover Triko Bílá
Clover Triko - Pepe Jeans - Bílá.
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Pepe Jeans Clover Triko Šedá
Clover Triko - Pepe Jeans - Šedá.
Objev podobné jako Pepe Jeans Clover Triko Šedá
Pepe Jeans Clover Triko Bílá
Clover Triko - Pepe Jeans - Bílá.
Objev podobné jako Pepe Jeans Clover Triko Bílá
Black Clover 11 - Yuki Tabata
In a world of magic, Asta, a boy with anti-magic powers, will do whatever it takes to become the Wizard King! Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up!Shonen Jump's breakaway hit of 2015, a fantasy action-adventure about mastering magical powers.
Objev podobné jako Black Clover 11 - Yuki Tabata
Black Clover 18 - Yuki Tabata
In a world of magic, Asta, a boy with anti-magic powers, will do whatever it takes to become the Wizard King! Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up! With their friend and teammate turned into an elf, the other members of the Black Bulls will risk their lives to return Luck back to normal.But is their only hope Asta and his new sword?
Objev podobné jako Black Clover 18 - Yuki Tabata
Black Clover 3 - Yuki Tabata
Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up! Asta and his teammates head deep into a magical dungeon in search of treasure. However, waiting below are mages from a rival kingdom! Can Asta summon the power to defeat an enemy even Yuno couldn't take down?!
Objev podobné jako Black Clover 3 - Yuki Tabata
Black Clover 10 - Yuki Tabata
In a world of magic, Asta, a boy with anti-magic powers, will do whatever it takes to become the Wizard King! Asta is a young boy who dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the kingdom. Only one problem-he can't use any magic! Luckily for Asta, he receives the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the power of anti-magic. Can someone who can't use magic really become the Wizard King? One thing's for sure-Asta will never give up! In order to heal his badly injured arms, Asta and his friends head to Vanessa's homeland, the Forest of Witches. The Witch Queen who lives there may have the power to fix Asta's arm, but can he pay the price she demands...? Shonen Jump's breakaway hit of 2015, a fantasy action-adventure about mastering magical powers.
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Ptačí budka Present Time
Ptačí budka z kolekce Present Time. Model vyroben z keramiky.
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Present Time Ptačí budka
Ptačí budka z kolekce Present Time. Model vyroben z keramiky.
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Ptačí budka home & lifestyle
Ptačí budka z kolekce home & lifestyle. Model vyroben z přírodního materiálu.
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Ptačí budka J-Line
Ptačí budka z kolekce J-Line. Model vyroben z keramiky.
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Sestav si ptačí budku
Připravte si s celou rodinou skvělé odpoledne a sestavte si vlastní ptačí budku. Při sestavování budky si děti, společně dědečkem či tatínkem, užijí spoustu zábavy a naučí se práci se dřevem. A pak už jen můžete čekat na to, až se vaše ptačí rodina zahnízdí. Přípravu ptačího bydlení je ideální stihnout do konce února. Potom máte velkou šanci, že bude budka osídlená.
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GOBA plastové Budky (1000606)
Prostírání - materiál plast, omyvatelné, vícebarevné Hlavní vlastnosti produktu GOBA plastové Budky Prostírání Goba vylepší vzhled každého jídelního stolu Omyvatelné prostírání se snadno udržuje V balení se nachází jeden kus Sluší mu vícebarevná barva
Objev podobné jako GOBA plastové Budky (1000606)
Sestav si ptačí budku
Kreativní zábavy není nikdy dost. Což takhle pořídit dárek pro dědečka nebo tatínka, který ho nejen zabaví, ale z výsledku bude nadšena celá rodina? Sestav si ptačí budku, a to doslova. Účastnit se můžete všichni a vězte, že to zvládne skutečně každý. Podle jednoduchého návodu to půjde jako po másle a práce se dřevem je navíc velice uklidňující. Jakmile bude budka hotová, najděte společně místo, kam ji zavěsit. Pak už jen stačí nasypat zrní a počkat na první návštěvníky. Tento originální dárek zaručeně vykouzlí úsměv na rtech každému kutilovi.
Objev podobné jako Sestav si ptačí budku
Boudo, budko! - Ester Stará
Leporelo pro nejmenší Boudo, budko! je inspirované lidovou pohádkou, kterou každý zná, i když každý nejspíš trochu jinak. Myška, žabka, veverka, ježek, zajíc a kozlík se zabydlují v lesní boudě. Po spolubydlení ovšem zatouží i medvěd hromotluk a svým objemným tělem boudu zboří. Autorka Ester Stará z mnoha závěrečných happy endů zvolila variantu všude dobře, doma nejlíp, a poslala zvířátka zpět do jejich přirozených příbytků. Ač by se mohlo zdát, že děj pohádky je poněkud jednotvárný, ilustrátorka Marie Urbánková rozehrála uvnitř i vně boudy řadu napínavých mikropříběhů. Rozplést a popsat jednotlivé dějové linky bude pro malé čtenáře jistě výzvou. Knihu můžete s dětmi prostě jen číst, anebo čtení propojit s řadou dalších aktivit. Prostřednictvím QR kódu totiž navíc získáte tipy na práci s knihou, divadelní scénář a barevné či černobílé masky volně ke stažení.
Objev podobné jako Boudo, budko! - Ester Stará
Vyrob si ptačí budku
Vyrob si ptačí budku z kategorie Akční ceny, od značky Lowlands, máme skladem. Do 3 dnů u Vás.
Objev podobné jako Vyrob si ptačí budku
IMMAX CLOVER s PIR čidlem (08481L)
Nástěnná lampa - LED, světelný tok 430 lm, studené světlo (6000 K), výška 140 cm, šířka 90 cm, materiál: plast, IP65 VypnutoNení vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii!Vypnuto světlo pro každéhoReflektor s PIR čidlem Immax CLOVERSolární bezpečnostní reflektor Immax CLOVER využívá pro své nabíjení sluneční energii, čímž šetří své náklady na provoz. Immax CLOVER je primárně určen k instalaci na fasády budov pomocí praktického držáku. Díky vysokému krytí IP65 se můžete spolehnout na plnou voděodolnost, a proto se nemusíte obávat rozmarů počasí. Immax CLOVER má tři pohyblivá ramena a dokáže tak nasvítit prostor před sebe, do stran i dolů a nebo v 360° úhlu. Boční ramena i spodní rameno jsou otočné i sklápěcí o 160°. Reflektor pracuje ve třech volitelných režimech. VypnutoVypnutoVypnutoVypnutoVypnutoVypnutoVypnutoProč Immax CLOVERDíky solárnímu panelu má osvětlení nulové náklady na provozPlné nabití 6-8 hodin za jasného slunečního světlaImmax CLOVER...
Objev podobné jako IMMAX CLOVER s PIR čidlem (08481L)
Náramek Tory Burch Kira Clover "153713.720"
Nárámek z kolekce Tory Burch. Model s dekorativními prvky, vyroben z mosazi.
Objev podobné jako Náramek Tory Burch Kira Clover "153713.720"
Náhrdelník Tory Burch Kira Clover "153710.720"
Náhrdelník z kolekce Tory Burch. Model s dekorativními prvky vyroben z kovu.
Objev podobné jako Náhrdelník Tory Burch Kira Clover "153710.720"
Náramek Tory Burch Kira Clover 154278.700
Nárámek z kolekce Tory Burch. Model s dekorativním prvkem, vyroben z mosazi.
Objev podobné jako Náramek Tory Burch Kira Clover 154278.700
Náhrdelník Tory Burch Kira Clover 157218.700
Náhrdelník z kolekce Tory Burch. Model s perleťovým přívěskem, vyroben z kovu.
Objev podobné jako Náhrdelník Tory Burch Kira Clover 157218.700
Náramek Tory Burch Kira Clover 153717.720
Nárámek z kolekce Tory Burch. Model s dekorativním prvkem, vyroben z kovu.
Objev podobné jako Náramek Tory Burch Kira Clover 153717.720
Náhrdelník Tory Burch Kira Clover 156255.720
Náhrdelník z kolekce Tory Burch. Model s dekorativním prvkem, vyroben z mosazi.
Objev podobné jako Náhrdelník Tory Burch Kira Clover 156255.720
Dámský svetr s potiskem CLOVER černý
Dámský svetr s potiskem CLOVER černý
Objev podobné jako Dámský svetr s potiskem CLOVER černý
Dámský svetr s potiskem CLOVER bílý
Dámský svetr s potiskem CLOVER bílý
Objev podobné jako Dámský svetr s potiskem CLOVER bílý
Podívejte se také
- Robin (099-92-5646-820-0)
- Batman & Robin (2x LP) - LP (9362489540)
- Kiki Dřevěná budka horizontální pro ptáky (13382)
- Ptačí budka (978-80-256-2716-7)
- Zolux Budka hnízdící pro ptáky 250x250x350mm (Z126423)
- Zolux Budka hnízdící pro ptáky 100x100x125mm (Z126400)
- Vitalbaits Dip Robin Red & Plum 250ml (5155279518420)
- Batman Figurka Robin 30 cm V2 (778988406564)
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- TOPMARK Robin Jídelní židle ekokůže sand (8717154586701)
- BabyJogger SUMMIT X3 ROBIN ARZON gold (47406185689)
- Kiki Dřevěná budka pro korely a agapornisy (13384)
- KRETZER Solingen ROBIN 24 cm černé/stříbrné (124900)
- Panlux PN15300017 Stolní lampička s dotykovým vypínačem Robin
- Beztroska fusak kojenecký Robin 0-15m black (5905274860174)
- Various: Robin Hood (2x CD) - CD (SU6431-2)
- Beztroska fusak kojenecký Robin 0-15m gray (5905274860143)
- Dřevěná ptačí budka, 10,4 x 10,4 x 15,5 cm
- H&L Ptačí budka, růžová střecha (A514-0C-00)
- Dřevěná ptačí budka, 12,5 x 10,5 x 17,7 cm
- Blumfeldt Ptačí budka, závěsná, asfaltová střecha, červené cedrové dřevo
- H&L Ptačí budka, šedá střecha (A514-0B-00)